#I think I might be Demi tho bc it takes a lot for me to be attracted to someone
erythristicbones · 1 year
while i do love that i decided to write the EOTA trilogy w/ different POVs for each book, bc yea it's just the same 6 ppl working together regardless but it's important to see all of their POVs, it does also leave a lot unexplored for the previous POVs each time. like these things still happen and i DO get to explore them, its just different when it's no longer the POV
#this is namely me thinking about kirsens ptsd + depression and recovery#like book one puts her on the path to recovery and you get to see from her POV as she gets to that point#then she's still a hugely integral character in books 2 & 3 you just arent seeing her thoughts/POV#and her recovery is still taking steps forward AND back over those two books#which the reader will see bc obvs she's still a part of the main trio saving the world#its just. it does make me lowkey sad that the reader wont see her thoughts as she makes those steps#like I'LL know and i Could do short stories on some of the scenes in particular i know will be going on in the background#but its not quite the same for the reader#i dont think i'll ever consider changing my POV plans tho#bc each book has 2 POVs of ppl taking different paths to reach the same theme/moral#its as important to see jashe/novas and isaac/demis POVs as it is to see kirs/luces#its just a shame i wont have the time/ability to write each characters ENTIRE journey thru these morals/themes#lowkey tho i might start a kirsen short story tonight if this mood continues to plague me#i have Thoughts about kirsen. and also kind of myself bc boy howdy does she have a lot of me in her#and i want to explore at least two scenes in particular that happen in the few month interim between book 1 and 2#ones that get mentioned/remembered by jashe but also i just really want to ACTUALLY write kirsens POV of those moments#its one thing to have jashe worrying over her cousin while theyre forced to save the world#its another to see kirsen having those struggles herself and trying to hide them or work thru them w luce
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terror-of-the-seas · 2 years
When you and your crush are really good friends and you babysit for her regularly and hang out multiple times a week and you have a key to her house and you text daily and encourages you to get out of your comfort zone and you’ve met so much of her huge family and her niece and nephew like you and people ask you for updates on her bc you’re so close and it all leads to her sibling-zoning you
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frabbitx · 2 years
My interpretation and theorys about tommys season 1 dsmp final!
After tommy was revived, he finally made sense of the core of dreams desire for the server, he cannot understand why dream had to do the things he did to make that happen, why simplier times had to be the way he wanted them to be or why he hurt everyone in an attempt to achieve it, but he gets the core desire of his views, just showing how compassionate tommy is despite dream having tortured and abused and killed him for the past 2 years.
Dreams sees that and imidiently tries to use it into manipulating tommy to join their side, pretending to be all simple and just wanting to be friends. Of course that is untill he realizes that he is gonna die and that it was a trap.
Tommy saying "I'm sorry" wasnt him apologizing to dream for what he did but more for that he had to kill him, bc in the end, tommy never wanted to kill anyone, but to save the server he had to.
The nuke only hit the prison, like it intended to do.
However somehow the 5 people that were in the prison woke up somewhere else. Prehaps it was still the same server, just far away from everything or maybe it was a completly new world. They all had their memory wiped, but prehaps memory can be recovered?
(Also a lil theory im case that the whole server was nuked and everything was reset)
What cdream and ccwilbur said about the server got me thinking
Cdream said "how do people just apear on the server?" And ccwilbur said "prehaps ctommy and cwilbur met on another world, parted ways but met again on the dream smp."
It makes it seem like the server just started existing at one point and one after another, people joined. That doesn't make sense tho considering certain people have memorys from befor them officially joining the server that played on the server tho? (Like ranboo, puffy, eret) or that karl can go back in time to stuff existing on the smp and also the egg existing for a long time on the server. It makes no sense!
But what if the server is a loop? What if this isnt the first time that the server existed? What if dreamXD just resets the server everytime things go bad?
It would mean everyone has amnesia, but only some are aware that they have a past they forgotten. And that would mean that while the server gets reset, its possible to regain the memories of the past loop.
I would also like to think that there is people who were/are not part of the loop bc they came from somewhere else. Techno came from somewhere, so he would have no memories of a past life he forgotten. Same goes for phil and wilbur. However, phil might be part of the cycle now considering he was on the server when it was reset. Or prehaps he is not. I'd like to belief that wilbur isn't effected by the loop since he is not on the server, so if he ever returns he would be the only one who can remember the old dream smp. Maybe also foolish keepe his memories considering he is a demi god. He just didn't interact with anyone befor beside eret so he would not know that the server gets reset. Maybe also connor bc it would be funny.
Even if I am wrong about all this, a saw a lot of takes on the ending that kinda saved it for me? Considering that tommy raged about cdream defenders in his offline chat before I think it wasn't intentional made to sympathize with cdream. Was it well executed? Not at all but again, the people on the dream smp are not writers in any way and I can see how it was hard to convey the message they wanted to give. I am already happy with alot of stuff that happened and the way ctommys character was handled. Because after all, ctommy is a compassinate person who always tries to see the best in people(we have seen that many times in people like techno or wilbur) who tries to belief there is good in everyone and that even small speeks of good are worth fighting for. No matter how much cdream hurt ctommy, he wanted to do all he could to not have to kill him in the end. Unfortunatly it was too late the moment tommy stepped into that prison.
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tangyyposting · 2 years
log day 5
ok maybe i lied a little n said not only would i post a nahobino headshot, i would do it yesterday but i uhhhhh ended up playing more smt ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ anyways i did a demi-fiend headshot instead, post-conception and freedom ending but only bc i draw super small and couldnt figure out how to do his tattoos on that scale lol. anyways nothing has happened as of late, like at all tbhtbh,,,, other than playing smt of course but i do have a lot to rant abt that anyways so here goes
tbh there’s alot of stuff that’s super cool and also maybe mixed that i wanna bring attention to,,, and one of it’s the press turn system. like they overhauled it to heck and back and it’s so genuinely good, dismissing/summoning demons only takes half a press turn now and like awooga that’s a big plus, something that was a staple of the nocturne hardtype mod. another thing that the hardtype mod did that smtv did is having demons be able to dismiss/switch out themselves, and buffs now stack up to +2/-2 (but now they also only last for 3 turns which is smth persona started whoopsie). buffs have been a surefire way to break the game ever since nocturne (although dds2 did fix that somewhat with buffs only going up to +3/-3 and having a significantly reduced effect) and honestly this change makes buffs a heckuva lot more balanced which is rlly cool,,,,, the affinity system is also rlly cool tbh, never played 4 and don’t plan to (that last part’s a lie actually) but it was introduced there n like it’s so good,,,,,,,, it drastically widens the pool of used demons bc certain demons are actually intrinsically better at certain things than other demons, instead of their only difference being the occasional unique move and their innate resistances. oh, and before i get into a mixed bag, selectable skills being passed onto ur fused demon is also rlly cool. anyways i think that making physical skills cost mp instead of hp is good but personally i’m just not used to it, used to be able to whip out a physical skill in a time of low mp to deal w/ random encounters, but now u have to manage mp even on ur physical demons. however, now i only have to manage hp when i take damage instead of every time i wanna attack bc physical skills are goaded at endgame (and murakumo only proves my point, never change atlus). the charge/concentrate nerf is also kinda weird :// like instead of 2.5x damage post charge/concentrate it’s now 1.8x :// like zamn i honestly might as well just use crit aura instead w/ murakumo (which gets +crit dmg for some reason) for an extra press turn. ehh i guess it’s more balanced but this is just one of those changes that i don’t understand personally,, i can’t think of anything else other than the game in general being more user-friendly than other titles,,,,, like the essence system is a nice way to learn skills and teach them to newly recruited demons, being able to use glory to upgrade stuffs is pretty cool and demons being able to use items is SO freaking cool,,,, but uhhhh anyways every boss has a weakness now (except demi-fiend bc he’s our special boy :33 [but then again his demons have weaknesses soooo]) which, yeah, does make the game easier but also once again more user friendly, so it is strictly a positive thing. idk i guess i’m just used to bosses like nocturne’s metatron tbhtbh, the only thing that guy has that even resembles a weakness is a neutrality to ice, and he’s a monster on hardtype. still a good thing tho, like i said,,,, guess i’m just old fashioned when it comes to my brutal JRPGs lmao,,,, glad i can be accepting of these new changes tho unlike some ppl in the fandom i know (like srsly some smt fans sound so old uggghhhh like “oh yeah back in my day smt games were harder wah wah wah shut up u geezer it was like that in my day too but u don’t see me whining abt it, just mulling it over bc i like ranting on the internet). anyways if u read this far thank u 💙💙 promise more drawings in the future, most likely hellrabbit bc he’s easy
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gra-sonas · 3 years
I love you but please PLEASE stop shipping Tyler and Michael irl, whenever you say something people take it as godspeak and we all know Michael is straight and, last we knew Tyler was in a committed relationship. You stopped identifying as bisexual but you shouldn't throw us all under the bus
Okay, my first reaction upon reading your ask was IGNORE IT, my second was MOCK IT (at least the part about Vlamburn). But it's been a couple of hours since you sent it, and I'm going to answer in earnest bc it really irks and upsets me.
First of all: I couldn't possibly ship them any harder than they ship themselves. If asked, I'm sure they'd very much agree with me describing what they are doing as flirting (or something similar). And there's nothing wrong with that? It's all harmless fun and feeds into our excitement for Malex. Big fucking deal.
However, I'm under no illusion that they could possibly be a couple irl. Apart from identifying as straight, Vlamis is clearly very happy in his relationship with Aurora (and vice versa), and I have the utmost respect for that (they are cute af together, and I wish them nothing but eternal happiness, if anything, I'm shipping their love!).
Tyler's personal life/relationship status on the other hand is exactly that: personal. I appreciate everything he's sharing, but I'm not going to speculate about intimate details (I get tons of asks about that regularly, and they all remain unanswered bc it's none of my fucking business 🤷‍♀️).
So, am I going to stop doing what I do regarding Vlamburn on social media or the way I post about them? Hell no, why would I? It's all harmless fun and very much on par with what they are doing. There's nothing "inappropriate" or "disrespecting" about my posts, and honestly, if there are people who can't differentiate between the harmless flirty fun they are providing, and assuming they are fucking irl, that's on them, not me.
I'm not responsible for how people read their relationship - which imo is that of two colleagues (who also happen to be good friends) who are clearly very fond of each other, adore each other, and have zero issues with intimacy, innuendo, or riling each other up in the comment sections. Do I believe they are a couple or fuck irl? No, I don't. Do I imply any of that in my posts? Also no.
They are (willingly and fully aware) playing into a fantasy, where sometimes the lines between the fictional couple they play on screen, and their rl friendship can get a bit blurry, but never in a way that would make me think there's actually more.
If anyone else does that, that's their thing (and I'm not shaming here, just keep it away from the actors), but I'm certainly not running an RPF blog here, where I promote the illusion that they are secretly a couple.
whenever you say something people take it as godspeak
Uhm... WHAT??? I'm fairly certain that's not the case. I have zero authority (least of all any kind of godly authority) over anyone. We're all just fans here. I happen to have an active blog, yes, but I'm only stating my personal opinion here, and I'm trying to provide information and facts, and that's it.
I'm not here telling anyone what to ship, how to ship it, or what not to ship. And really, for all I care, as long as no harm is done to any real persons (especially the actors themselves), if people want to ship Vlamburn "for real", go forth and do whatever floats your boat. RPF is first and foremost a fantasy, a what-if. And lbr, these two make it REALLY easy to imagine things.
I understand that it's not for everyone, and the concept of RPF/RP shipping makes a lot of people feel uncomfortable. And that's perfectly valid. No one has to like it.
But again, unless the actors are being roped into anything, are made feeling uncomfortable, or people do shit like attack Aurora for being with Vlam (to my knowledge none of this has happened, and I hope to god that it never will!), and as long as it's strictly kept in fandom circles, I have no issues with it.
You stopped identifying as bisexual but you shouldn't throw us all under the bus
And this is the part of your ask where I got angry and irritated and then really upset. What the everloving fuck are you talking about???
Last time I checked (THIS VERY SECOND), I'm as bisexual as ever. I've fought fucking hard to claim that label for myself, and just bc I also happen to identify as demi/gray-A, that doesn't make me any less bisexual.
Demi for me is just an additional identifier that describes a little more closely how I feel. I don't identify as asexual tho. I love and cherish the ace community, and I feel very close to them, but I am 100% bisexual, and no one gets to tell me I'm not. Fucking hell. How dare you!
Srsly, I'm so pissed about this. Do you have any idea how hard it is to come to terms with how you feel, how fucking hard it is to find labels that might fit, and then claim any of them for yourself, always doubting, always worrying you're not "bi enough"?
And then some holier-than-thou queer police asshole on the internet comes along and tells you you're not what you know is your truth? Don't ever do that to anyone else, it fucking sucks.
Thanks for making me angry and upset, I really didn't need that today (or any other day).
And really, where and how am I "throwing anyone under the bus"??? The way I identify has nothing to do with this blog, the way I post, and least of all with whether anyone thinks Vlamburn are more than friends/colleagues.
Man, next time you consider sending an ask like this to someone you claim you "love", think again. And then don't type any of this BS into a tiny box and send it to a real person.
Thanks for making an otherwise happy day unnecessarily more shitty.
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tonyglowheart · 3 years
Hi, if it's alright with you there's a translation bit I want to ask about. From what I'm seeing on social media and on various translations of MDZS, 氏 always seems to be translated either to "clan" or "sect", and there are the rare instances where two parties get into a disagreement over it. What would you say is the more accurate meaning? And can both clan and sect can be used as translations of "氏" without any conflict of meaning?
Hi! Okay so. Let’s unpack this lmao.
氏 more technically translates to “clan,” “family,” or like as a term used to refer to “kinship” relations. It doesn’t.. really translate to “sect”? if you looked it up in a dictionary that’s not what it would say at all. *however.* It’s also not without precedent for there to be cultivation sects within what I’d say is, like, “wuxia classical canon” in which the sect name IS the [location][family name]氏, like what you see in MDZS. Look at the sects listed until “Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils” in this EN Wikipedia lists page.
But 氏 itself does not mean sect, I wouldn’t say, and the usages I’ve encountered before in, like, harem dramas or such, use the term to indicate family, clan, kinship relationships, etc. In harem dramas for example (I’m specifically referencing harem dramas bc that’s the specific examples I have off the top of my head lol,,), you’ll see female characters referred to by [Family name]氏 if they’re not being referred to by their titles or whatnot, and it means something like... clanswoman of [Family name] in this usage. like.. referring to her by her maiden name. (which has its own complicated politics involved and I’m not getting into that here, just as a like... related aside to this example)
I haven’t read much as far as the “classics” of the genre to say what’s typical or not, which also means I don’t know if the cited precedents in earlier wuxia novels treat their 氏 as more of a sect or a clan, or a mix the way mdzs does. But I do think that MDZS, at least, does somewhat conflate clan & sect in how the sects are treated compared to the handful of other danmei cultivation novels I’ve read. MDZS’s “sect” situation is a bit more feudal in the sense of having a founding families who are in charge of certain city-states/regions, and have followers who are part of their city-state and so are members of the “clan” but who aren’t actually a part of the clan in the sense of bloodline or familial kinship goes. Non-blood members of the “clan” are not literally adopted into the family in order to be part of the respective cohort, which is what makes it more like your typical cultivation sect within a wuxia or xianxia setting go. At the same time, you still have your differentiation of the ruling/founding family within the “sect” (which goes by the clan name). If it were just translated as Clan, I can see this becoming more and more confusing for an Anglophone, especially if they don’t have experience with the genre, genre conventions, or cultural conventions. But again I can’t speak for if this is “typical” in the genre or even how the specific texts that might be considered a sort of “wuxia classical canon” treat the 氏 there, and how that’s “typically” been treated in translation (like whether the English translations of these other novels tl as clan or sect, for example). I could look into that more, and like as far as due diligence goes I probably should, but I feel like I can answer your questions without reaaallly delving into all of that at this moment, so I’m gonna  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If someone does know better and wants to correct me, please feel free.
Regarding MDZS specifically: I believe the choice to translate 氏 in MDZS as Sect was a specific choice that ExR made (who like. c’mon we all know they did in fact set a lot of translation precedent with their tl). If I remember correctly, I believe that ExR actually translated 氏 to Clan or sth like that at first, but then decided to change it to Sect to go along more with “typical” cultivation novels terms (isn’t there an A/N somewhere to this effect?). I actually don’t have an issue with this translation choice, lmao, I think it helps clarify some of the issues an Anglophone unfamiliar with the genre might have, or like help combat some of the connotations of using “clan” that might confuse an Anglophone. I think in English, “clan” tends to have strong kinship meanings, and like a cursory look at the look-up for clan mentions something about “common ancestor” and how in some societies clans would be exogamous, which means their members cannot marry each other. That is not the case with cultivation sects more generally, and not even the case with MDZS sects even tho it acts as a sort of deconstruction of the genre or as a sort of “proto-xianxia” society evolving out of more feudal structures. Anyway, cultivation sects don’t really follow this kind of organizational idea, and MDZS also does have discussions of the significance of bloodline within each respective Sect, which imo would warrant the distinction in translation choice. It also makes it easier to indicate who you’re talking about when you’re talking about, like.. “inner disciples” or “outer disciples” like Gusu Lan has, slash is extra helpful when the other Sects don’t already have this kind of in-built distinction in terminology.
I also kind of like this particular translation choice ExR made because I think the “Gusu Lan Sect” or “Yunmeng Jiang Sect” format lends it a formality to the naming that something like “Lan Clan/family of Gusu” or “Jiang Family of Yunmeng” kind of lacks.
(Rando note: some more “common” terms that “translate” to sect are 派, and 寨 and you’ll see some others like 帮, 教, or 门 and so forth. Each of these don’t... exactly translate to “sect” on their own but Chinese characters don’t always act as individual “words” with one-for-one translations; they sometimes are morphemes which need to be put together with other characters for form words, but can still lend the meaning of common word-constructions even when used individually, depending on context. If you looked up “sect” in an EN>CN dictionary you’d get results like 教派, 宗派, 门派, and more, which take on the meaning of “sect” depending on context and usage)
tl;dr: no 氏 does not translate to sect, per se; if you just asked me out of the blue I’d say it’s “clan” or “family” and/or referring to other kinship relations, including like a “maiden name” for women, as with the harem drama example above. *however*: there’s precedent for the MDZS-style “sect” naming structure within wuxia classical canon as far as referring to established organizations in a given novel go (caveat of I don’t know that much about those or how it’s treated in the text or in translation), and within MDZS usage I can also see why ExR made the decision to translate it to “Sect” when referring to the overall collectives, bc the members of the “sects” include not just the bloodline family members but also non-bloodline disciples who are followers of the sects, and I actually don’t think it’s a bad translation decision. It helps formalize the English translations of the “sect” names, and makes it clear(er) to an EN audience we’re talking about cultivation sects, and also helps to create a distinction for when we need to discuss the main “clan” (i.e. ppl of the bloodline of the founding families of each respective sect) within each respective “sect,” especially where other sects don’t make the distinction between “inner” disciples and “outer” disciples the way Gusu Lan does (a distinction which imo also is helped by calling the greater organization a “sect” and not a “clan,” bc otherwise we’d. probably get even more wank from anglophones arguing that “oh disciples are literally adopted into the family!!!!!!!!” and honestly there’s only so much bs I can take lmao. we already get enough “wwx is LITERALLY adopted” wank as is).
Kind of a last note and also a more context-dependent on the target-language-side approach to translation: I think the treatment of translating 氏 to “sect” as far as MDZS usage goes is, like, considering more certain “canonized” translations of certain terms & concepts from Chinese to English; with here the idea of using “sect” is because that’s the more “canonized” translation for a collective of ppl following a certain school of learning/thought in a cultivation setting.
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Could I ask what your sexuality headcanons are? I love comparing mine with other peoples’!
Ok second half of this; this is just like. non-students who i Actually have thought about HJBAFV not at all a comprehensive list. Again disclaimer i write all these chars as bi in my fics, also i am bi myself so the vast majority are also bi, and also leaving a lot of these vague so u can imagine ur favorite ship or urself or w/ever
ok lets start this off with Aizawa. I think....... hes another one who's rlly unlabelled, doesnt super care to think it through and define it, but calls himself gay bc his interest in women is very, very rare and it's just way easier to say than explain all that. Definitely do buy into the idea that he had a crush on Oboro in hs but i do NOT buy into the easermic agenda sorry. Definitely not someone who goes looking for dates, but doesn't say no if someone asks him and hes interested (also im not gonna give her a whole section but i saw a hc a while back that the Ms. Joke stuff is literally that shes a lesbian and hes gay and shes fucking with him and i love that so much i just wanted to put it out there)
on the topic of the erasermic agenda: Hizashi's pan and knew it before HS, had a sudden & intense crush on Aizawa for the first month they knew each other and then immediately got over it in favor of a similar sudden, intense, and then immediately fading crush on Midnight. Hizashi and Aizawa r just rlly good friends imo; maybe they messed around for a bit in their twenties but it never went anywhere serious. He dates around a lot, not even necessarily to settle down just to have some fun
Midnight is aro/ace but does get in qprs & gravitates towards women wrt that. Most people dont read vigilantes but theres a woman in that, Kazuho, who i imagine she's been in a long-term qpr with; her relationship with aizawa and hizashi leans a little more towards a qpr than a normal friendship, too, but it's not rlly defined that way
All Might is married to justice queer but v much not interested in relationships. He and that one guy from the first movie are ABSOLUTELY exes and i won't hear otherwise; it's the only relationship he's ever had, and they broke up bc he had to go back to japan. He was heartbroken but did eventually get over him; his lack of romance afterwards is from genuine disinterest and not being hung up on his past. I can see him finding someone else in his later years, after he's retired. Definitely feels like he's not worthy of it tho
Hawks is bi but unfortunately didn't get to figure that out until like Now in the timeline...... if youll let my dabihawks history shine through i think dabi was the reason JHBASFGJHB he was basically brainwashed by the commission to become a hero so he didnt have time to Figure That Shit Out; he knew he was into women bc that was easy & what the commission expected from him but then he started this undercover assignment and met dabi and realized Oh...... Fuck. Hawks is hard tbh, bc i think between the control that the commission has over him and his own convictions as a hero he doesn't pursue any romance (tho he does get crushes or find people attractive) and most of his flings are done to keep up his prettyboy act, not out of genuine interest in being a fuckboy. Can't imagine him having a relationship until well after canon but I do see him being interested eventually
Onto the villains, Shigaraki is unlabelled but probably would call himself queer if asked. Definitely admires women more but isn't very interested in romance; AFO actively encourages him to pursue the things interested in so imo if he were he'd talk abt it more lmfao. I kinda see him as demi as well, not the type to fall immediately but requiring a friendship beforehand; tho unlike Bakugo as i said in my last post I dont think it happens suddenly but rather slowly. Y'all know im a big fan of shigaraki being absolutely whipped for his s/o so i do thing hes a big piner, tho he's also pretty bold and unashamed of his affections. I'm a big fan of him falling for a member of the league or a civilian; definitely can't see him falling for a hero unless the hero was already halfway to turning sides already. I think he's also attracted to intelligence and someone who pushes him to think more abt his ideology...... maybe im just projecting at this point JSHDFBVAJKSHD but my point is that the gender of his partner is definitely the least of what he considers/notices
Dabi is bi and, here's my bold take, demisexual; not interested in sex unless its with someone he loves. Absolutely doesn't even think abt romance for most of the years where he's on his own. He's got revenge to plan. By the time he joins the league that hasn't changed much, and he's demi so he's not interested in sleeping around, plus he rlly denies any attachment to people at all. As I said in that other ask tho I do rlly like the idea of him with Magne, so I think they have a fling for a bit before her death :( it's one of the things that leads him to isolate himself further, unfortunately, even from Jin and the other League members with whom his relationships aren't romantic. I can see him dating someone post-canon bc i think hes gonna be redeemed lol. It could be someone he knew before but they probably didnt date again bc he was v guarded; i think magne was rlly the only person he dated
Magne is pan and heres the kicker: I think shes t4t, which led to a little moment just before she and dabi got together where he was like "she wouldnt be into me :/" but she was into him anyway so all was good. She got around in her circles, mostly casual stuff tho she yearned for something more serious.
Spinner's bi & trends towards women but does occasionally get things for men and they're almost always intense. He thought he was straight for a while even once he joined the league and then suddenly got a crush on Shigaraki (around the time of MVA) and realized otherwise LMFAO he's definitely a hopeless romantic type, the whole mutant prejudice thing makes it rlly hard for him and i can see him being rlly happy with another mutant-type; i feel like as he matures he starts to gravitate towards them
Toga is canonically pan to my understanding, iirc her interest in Uraraka and Deku is the same (and romantic) in canon tho i might be wrong. Poor girl just needs therapy. I like the idea of the two of them becoming her friends over her being involved with them but i totally can get behind her having a thing with Uraraka (and maybe Tsu) at some point post-canon (presuming she gets redeemed), tho I think a qpr between the two/three of them would be longer lasting. And again presuming she gets therapy i can see her settling down with someone, gender irrelevant
Jin is unlabelled bc he hasn't much thought abt it, definitely had a thing for dabi and for hawks which does make me sad on both counts. I think he likes women slightly more abstractly/aesthetically and gets crushes more on men,. The dabi thing fades as they get closer and start to view each other as brothers. In his later years he doesn't rlly care about romance, I think he enjoys the experience of crushing but doesnt like dating people; his found family in the League is far more important to him. But i can see him falling head-over-heels for someone quite suddenly and having a bit of a whirlwind romance. Also someone for whom gender isn't much of a factor
Mr Compress is also queer and also hasn't rlly thought abt it. Definitely leans more towards women; he's like 30 but i like to think he also goes for older partners, 10 or 15 years his senior KJBADSJFHB idk he just has that Vibe with the way he calls himself an old man etc. A lot of the league i cant see sleeping or dating around much, i feel like they prioritize each other, but I do think mr compress gets around more than the others. i can see him having a bit of a fuckbuddy who he catches feelings for
Kurogiri is fun; as Oboro I do think Aizawa's crush was reciprocated, tho he wasn't around long enough for them to act on it :( he's bi, tho kurogiri isn't supposed to have personal interests. I like to imagine the brainwashing isnt as good as AFO wants it to be tho so I like the idea of him falling for someone anyway. I also like the idea of the heroes managing to undo the nomufication and I 100% can see him, aizawa, and someone else (someone he was involved with as Kurogiri) ending up in a triad as a result of aizawa and the third partner helping him through the aftermath of all that shit
Lady Nagant is a manga-only minor character but im in love with her so imma talk abt it. Shes bi and leans VERY heavily towards women, probably spent years questioning whether she was rlly bi or a lesbian before finally having a fling with a guy that she genuinely enjoyed. Has only ever been in long-term relationships with women and I v much think she has a gf at home who stayed even when she was arrested 🥺
Finally imma talk abt Natsuo bc i love that boy. He's one of the few unmarried chars with a love interest and he canonically has a gf. I do see him as IDing straight in canon ngl, but the kind of straight where he might actually be bi but his preference leans so heavily towards women and he grew up in a bad home so he just doesnt rlly think abt it bc hes v happy with women anyway. In shiganatsu thoughts shigaraki is the first man he has a thing for; i rlly can see the two of them in a triad with a woman specifically, who helps the two of them find each other and is the one who initiates bc its definitely a weird situation for natsuo
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sh4k-thing · 2 years
Woah intro post
Totally forgot to do this & was going through my friends profile and remembered this is a thing :)
General info on my acc -
>I curse. A lot.
>I shitpost a lot
>random thoughts
>drawings?? Sometimes????
>also I can be aggressive, never take it to heart pls , if this messes with you or triggers you pls don’t interact !! I’ll typically add a tw tho !!!
>some stuff is serious some isn’t (obviously)
My name is Jasper/Elliot/Bones/Cofer/Alec/ Oli. You can call me one , or switch between the few, whatever works. I use He/Them/Their rn and will update my bio accordingly. might update this post sometimes, so keep in check !! <3
Am I a guy? No. Am I a girl? No. what am I ? A fuckin goblin, no I will not elaborate. My mind is made of moss and mushrooms are my friends :)
I tend to describe my ‘aesthetic’ as GoblinCore, but its simply just because it’s the thing that seems to match me the most, based on my personality & interests !!
-Please dont assume things about me!!
-feel free to ask questions !!!!
am I gay? Yessir. I’m pansexual & demisexual (and poly-) :]
”so?? your?? bi??”
no , I’m pan. I like people regardless of their gender. As for the Demi part, it means I have to have a strong emotional bond with someone (slightly different from demiromantic)
&poly just means I can like/date/feel romantic feelings towards multiple people :)
Any creepy/nsfw content will be blocked !! Not a personal attack!! Be into what ur into but I don’t want to see it <3
ALSO!!! You post something triggering w/o a trigger warning? Even though it doesn’t trigger me specifically? I . Will. B l o c k . unless it’s directly stated in a pinned post/bio/somewhere that ur acc is generally triggering w/o warning, or certain accusations.
If you think something I say is controversial? Tell me! I don’t mind!! Tell me ur opinions and why you agree or disagree with me!! However. Certain things aren’t opinions. You have to respect pronouns, you have to respect gender identity, women / afab / PEOPLE don’t owe men/amab/OTHER PEOPLE their bodies, etc. no I won’t fight on it. Thank you.
i will !! Often !! Sign off my posts!! With!! Emojis or my name!! NO I am not a system! And I apologize if you feel only systems should do that! But it helps me feel grounded and real when I have a physical presence, or a name, or a symbol, etc. So if I am doing that, please, it doesn’t matter, you can ignore it. It’s for me to feel good about myself.
common things I’ll prob use
-❣️ -👻
(Other nicknames I may use, or jokes related to the post :] )
go through my recents posts before interacting !! sometimes i’ll update on a name/pronoun thing in a small post, and not directly in my bio yet, bc I’ll try out names!! thank you :)
sometimes I get really tired and my typ1ng st@rt$ l00k1ng l1k3 th1$
if I don’t translate it, I will try to in the morning, as usually it’s either on accident or a form of coping for me if I’m feeling paniky. I apologize in advance !! <3
T H A N K Y O U <3
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halfrest · 3 years
Tumblr media
* emilija baranac, demi woman + she/her  | you know siobhan ivers, right? they’re twenty-three, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, a couple days? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to manta rays chloe moriondo like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole tears lit under grocery store fluorescents, existing in your mind as a hollowed space, and manicured hands riddled in pen marks thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is september 27th, so they’re a libra, which is unsurprising, all things considered. 
background wise, she’s the daughter of former child actors that fell in love and had her quite young. then they grew into early-2000s reality tv star fame where they played the part of the young hip cool parents, toting siobhan around in the midst of drama amongst other washed-out former child stars. the show only lasted for a few years, but it made up most of siobhan’s toddler life. from then on, her parents got involved in different facets of media. her mom jumped on family vlogs, kept up a huge social media presence as instagram and the sort rolled around. her dad got involved in a company like buzzfeed as a producer? it might as well just be actual buzzfeed? sue me. but anyway, they had money and a pretty great lifestyle just based on their past fame, but i wouldn’t say their family is notoriously famous by any means. there’s probably a small fanbase from their heyday and now they’re basically a Family of the Internet. moms that like to wear knee high suede boots are obsessed with them!
siobhan grew up in this sort of flashy, always on the move, los angeles socialite-esque lifestyle tho! so yes, she’s insufferable! that being said after her time in the limelight as a 3 year-old baby...she was probably forced into the usual things like gap baby campaigns <3 n other miscellaneous stuff that kept her face out there as the lovechild of america’s sweethearts <3 in a way every single aspect of her life was sort of on show for everyone!
as she grew older, she began to resent her upbringing. she didn’t like that people felt like they knew her just bc of her parents. she didn’t like that she was a sort of trophy on display (altho this is quite a dramatic way of her to look at it...her parents were doting altho i’ll also admit that at times it was an extremely suffocating amount). but either way siobhan ended up with a warped view of the world. a constant struggle between figuring out who she really was vs. how people viewed her.
siobhan’s tried on many hats (metaphorically) thru her life just to help her grasp onto something more substantial in her life. writing quickly became her One True Love. in a way it was for her to get her thoughts out there in a safe way where she was the only one in charge of her words. it’s admittedly gotten out of hand! like aaron eckhart once said in a batman movie “u either die a hero or u live long enough to see urself become the villain.” i’m kidding but going back to siobhan’s warped view of the world/social media... in a move she thought was So Powerful she decided to take the narrative back into her own hands. and by that, she meant building up a substantial social media following. she has two twitters and two instagrams. one twitter and instagram is her public self curated n all under the username @siobhanivers (saved by her parents immediately). the second is sort of her sad girl twitter/finsta where she tries 2 keep things secretive and on the DL but everyone knows it’s her? the username for that is @yrworstgirl (edgy!!!!!!!). she goes on long rants about stuff. posts ab everything w long-winded captions ( parallels to having her own life all over the internet but still continuing the trend in a different way ). very weird relationship with social media as a whole. but i guess the way she was raised On The Internet does that to u sometimes.
as a person...siobhan’s quite intense.....for a lot of reasons. she has a lot of feelings about a lot of things that are expressed in different ways, not all the healthiest but it’s to cope. <3 figuring herself out is still an issue so u can catch her slipping into different selves and starting new regimens which she may drop or continue with. the stuff she’s doing this week is probably drastically different from the stuff she’s doing last week.....she likes to consider herself cultured n is always listening, reading, watching something Grand (i can’t relate so i can’t rp this out?). has good intentions despite all of the intensity. always willing to speak up for someone if she thinks they r being wronged in some way. big on social justice. very loud! likes to b social. has a problem where she can get fixated on a person for a bit but wants to be loved :pensive: but also doesn’t :pensive: no she does....does she? yes she does.
anxiety / she does have problems w anxiety and occasional panic attacks just from the pressure she puts on herself n just always being under scrutiny. sometimes she has it handled. sometimes she doesn’t. leaves it vague x / end tw
she’s into journalism n thats what she went to college for. this is real writing unlike her dad’s buzzfeed gig. spits. pretentious fuck. she has her own blog on top of things where she writes articles n sometimes she’s been able to get into magazines. she’s trying to develop her own small online publication but that’s pending. she likes to write about people in her life, her feelings, n she’s very candid about things to an extreme at times. she has a series where she writes about her sexcapades? no names mention but u know who it’s about, she knows who it’s about. it can b good or bad. it’s just a lot. probably involved in the school paper to an extent. probably involved in other stuff too.
at irving for A Lot of reasons. she’s writing a book. i won’t say anymore. bt also….she has to deal with some ghosts of her pasts (ambiguous). she lives at a beach house w cecilia n [insert anna muse].
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lukeshemmings · 3 years
Hey Vicki!!
Number one, I just wanna say I adore your blog and your content sm!!! Thank you so much for making such wonderful gifs for this fandom. Your work is genuinely so appreciated.
Number two, you definitely do not have to answer this question if you don’t want to, but I was wondering if you could expand on your relationship with nsfw content?? I understand certain things are triggering for you but I’m wondering what the line is and where your comfort level falls, considering how you sometimes caption your own gifs. Like, how do you determine what is and what isn’t nsfw, y’know?
Again, I can’t thank you enough for making your content!! And you don’t have to answer my question, I was just curious because I’ve been a little confused.
So much love to you!!! 💙
i am very scared to talk on this subject cause it's just my personal thoughts/feelings and i hope no one takes it a bad or personal way D: but you're very nice so i will be brave 🥺 thank you for complimenting my art 🥰🤧
it's a complicated question with a nuanced answer if i'm honest. i've tried to be black and white about it before but it's really not that simple so it's hard to express 😭
first things first i'm demisexual (we both are actually) which obv affects my relationship with sex. and my personal relationship with it is complicated for a lot of reasons (religious upbringing, eating disorder, etc) so it causes feelings of panic/distress for me. but also i write smut with my wife all the time. i'm comfy talking about it/expressing that side with her but very little with ppl outside her. i'm most comfortable with sex when i am not personally involved which is why i write about it a lot. i have no problem trying out new kinks and being really graphic about fictional characters.
^^ that said, reader insert fics make me so uncomfy bc it personally involves you. i have no interest in that LOL and it breaks the fourth wall so to speak and that makes me SO..... uncomfortable, alarmed, anxious, whatever u wanna call it. esp when you add on some are kink heavy. it's much too intense and distressing. i also just think doing that with real people without their consent is wrong but i get it.
there's grey area there cause i don't mind slash fic as much? it can still be exploitative and fetishizing for sure but there's also more of a clearly defined character? the author is gonna have their own headcanon on how the relationship works in the fic and what the people are like vs a second person fantasy porn. the perspective is diff and the goals of the writing. i actually read slash sometimes and enjoy it.
in general i don't think talking about real people sexually/graphically is right? it's one thing to say "luke looks so sexy" and another to say "i want to ride his dick" you know? and bc i'm demi, porn without plot makes me feel uncomfortable too, or i had mentioned a few days ago the warning list on fics of what sexual acts occur in the fic,,, fuck reading those has caused breakdowns/anxiety attacks before.
as you mentioned tho i listen to rap/rnb a lot and love when women are sex positive and i think it's great! also i love women LOL so i'm about that. i don't personally have a problem with ppl being that way even tho i'm ace. i do think it's hard to voice your discomfort when you're asexual tho if you're overly saturated with sexual content. it makes us look judgey/preachy when it's literally not about that at all. i would not speak on it or care if it wasn't so difficult to insulate yourself from in this fandom, unfortunately. idc if people do it as long as i can avoid it JALKDF
edit: sorry to make u read more, if you do return to read this ramble or talk to me about this (which i don’t mind!) but i also thought it was important to add that the primary thing i feel for the boys is loving/caring/affectionate. it’s very emotional and then finding them attractive is secondary or unimportant sometimes when other ppl might be focusing more on that. it’s not really my first instinct most of the time? it always surprises me actually, when others jump there and i’m so far from it. 
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1-800-i-ship-it · 4 years
*All Might voice* I AM HERE! for dad!jinsung and son!bam fluff and content.
I am so paranoid tumblr is gonna delete this and lo and behold it won’t appear on my pc browser as a draft what’d ya know surprise surprise so here we go mobile copy paste it is listen tumblr I’m so done I can see the drafts increase from 42 to 43 but the gosh darned POST DOESNT APPEAR.
Hello anon!
Apologies for the super long wait for me answering this :’) In hindsight maybe I should have just answered it with a short answer but since I dragged it out this long, might as well write some headcanons amirite; i have some modern day setting + ToG stuff hope u don’t mind + varying ages of Bam
Modern Day:
Jinsung taking smol bam to a small ice cream stand and just chilling in the park walking around, smol Bam asks Jinsung a lot of questions and Jinsung just kinda doesn’t know what to tell Bam xD
Jinsung taking teen Bam back to school shopping and while doing so buys Bam matching clothes with him (that black dress shirt and khakis yes) and Bam likes to wear it to remind him of his dad when he can’t see him
Jinsung taking care of baby Bam who wakes him up in the middle of the night and leaves him with eyebags all the time but has the cutest baby smile ever that even Jinsung cannot resist it
But other than that Bam is a great baby who rarely misbehaves and is a favorite at FUG gatherings during the holidays which Jinsung is forced to go to sometimes
Jinsung trying to figure out what to say to Bam the first time smol Bam has a boo boo and needs comforting
Jinsung meeting Wangnan at the park once, a random teenager, who offers him lollipops instead of cigarettes and looks pointedly at smol Bam, to which Jinsung reluctantly accepts
The next time Wangnan spots Jinsung and his son at the park again he smiles seeing that Jinsung is chewing on a lollipop instead of smoking
Jinsung’s favorite lollipop flavor is lemon no I do not take criticism (I’m just kidding, I just think he might like it)
I’d imagine Jinsung is some high ranking officer at a big company but hates dealing with paperwork so his assistants always deal with that stuff, and technically isn’t the highest ranking officer but they go to him for problems they don’t know what to do about cause he’s extremely knowledgeable
Has a lot of influence therefore can do almost anything he wants so he has flexible hours in order to take care of smol Bam
When Bam comes home one day saying he has met Khun Jinsung frowns every so slightly for a split second before Bam can see but Jinsung lets it slide...for now because he can see how excited smol Bam is talking about his school day and meeting Khun who gave him a super cool shiny stone; Jinsung notices that it’s suspendium and in his head is like damn, they sure are close
Of course, Jinsung still tells his people to do an extensive background check on Khun AA to make sure he was clean and wasn’t just trying to sabotage his company like the 10 Great Famillies did before
Bam gets older, Khun and Bam are as close as ever and Jinsung realizes that Bam is gay before Bam realizes
Jinsung sits down to have the talk with Bam and dear god poor middle school Bam is just confused and is like, what are you talking about, I only like Khun, I think I love him? But it’s just Khun? Then Jinsung sighs deeply and realizes he’s dug himself a hole and just keeps talking to Bam about being demi and all that, Bam kind of understands but not really, Jinsung kinda gives up at the end but asks some questions about what Khun means to Bam who in turn rambles a bunch and Jinsung is like yup head-over-heels
Fast forward to high school; Khun is Bam’s prom date as “friends” Khun comes to pick Bam up and while Bam dashes upstairs, Jinsung gives Khun The Dad Talk about not hurting Bam and Khun is actualllly kind of intimidated for once, but once Jinsung sees the look in Khun’s eyes he’s like alright this boi also head-over-heels we should be good
Jinsung never cries but he cries at their wedding (just a few tears obviously, the full on crying comes after)
Tower of God universe:
I like to think that Jinsung reminds Bam that he’s there for him and they have silent acknowledgments or agreements with each other about that especially after a tough training day
Bam might not know but Jinsung breaks a lot of rules for him from FUG but he gets away with it bc he’s powerful and also so is Bam
Classic thing that’s like already canon but Jinsung buying clothes for Bam and always beng able to send them to him no matter where he is
Bam has an attachment to the first shirt that Jinsung gave Bam and even though its torn and ripped he keeps it (even tho Khun says not to)
When training with FUG, Jinsung pushes Bam to his limit but never too much, which was sparked by Hwaryun in the beginning telling Jinsung what Bam is really capable of (beginning of Bam growing on Jinsung)
Bam always coughs whenever Jinsung smokes near him so Jinsung makes sure he doesn’t smoke close to Bam
Jinsung sometimes opens up and tells Bam stories about his past to which Bam listens earnestly but also sometimes doesn’t say anything, the pressure FUG putting on him almost breaking him, and sometimes Jinsung will give him a pat on the shoulder, and on really bad days, a hug even though Jinsung feels awkward doing it he knows it helps Bam
Jinsung gives Bam headpats no I will not take criticism
Still does it even when Bam grows almost to his height (I did not check the wiki pls don’t attack me)
Jinsung ends up caring a lot for Bam, and Bam for Jinsung eventually even though he was quite angry and frustrated at first
Bam fills the void in Jinsung’s heart, quenches some of his never-ending thirst for revenge against the 10 great families and jahad and what they have done to him, and Jinsung is kind of like the real parent that Bam never really had with Rachel
Jinsung tells Bam to be happy, and Bam’s just, never really thought about that much; in his mind it was always Rachel as the endgame, but eventually he comes to realize what happiness really means to him, and he’s grateful for Jinsung’s support
Bam gives Jinsung hope, something he thought he would never have ever again, and Jinsung gives Bam the notion of happiness and healthy parenting (i acknowledge it might not have been healthy in the beginning), someone who he can rely on
They both help each other grow and I think that’s beautiful
Aight I might have gone overboard but to be fair I did already warn ya’ll in my blog description that my default is rambling xD anyways anon I hope this answers your ask! So sorry I took legit FOREVER to answer but I hope this lived up to your expectations.
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aro-aizawa · 4 years
Uncle Aizawa au??!?! I gotta know
okay here are some random ass headcanons bc THANK YOU FOR INDULGING ME!!! I LOVE TALKING ABT MY AUS!!!!
aro aizawa
(that’s my standard for all my aus but like Extra Aro here bc inko is demi and reassures her little brother he’s not broken)
inko is eight years older than aizawa, they’re half siblings. inko’s parents had divorced when she was only four, and her father met shouta’s mother when she’s six.
midoriya is inko’s mother’s name and the name she goes by. shouta goes by their father’s name aizawa. inko’s mother has joint custody of inko so unfortunately for shouta she’s not always around at home
this isn’t the best thing for shouta bc their parents are kiiiind of neglectful, so inko ends up looking after shouta much more than she should but it means they’re much much closer.
inko is the one who inspires shouta to be a hero, mostly because he wants to protect his sister like she’s protected him.
bc shouta’s parents suck, inko ends up taking him back to her mother’s house a lot to the point where mrs midoriya is more of a mother than his own. in shouta’s last year of middle school mrs midoriya threatens legal action against shouta’s neglectful parents unless shouta can be adopted by mrs midoriya. he moves in p much the same day.
when shouta is thirteen inko marries her boyfriend of several years, hisashi. shouta is the one who walks her down the aisle, and instead of having a maid of honor, shouta’s her best man.
inko’s mother dies when shouta is seventeen, so shouta ends up having to move into inko’s place. this doesn’t really end all that well considering it’s a small two bedroom flat that has a two year old, and shouta and hisashi haven’t always gotten along. shouta ends up having to sleep in the living room on the couch, or on a futon in izuku’s room.
this....makes things tense. shouta doesn’t hide his distaste of hisashi, considering the man isn’t the best husband. he leaves the housework and raising izuku to inko even though she also works just the same as him. shouta thinks that inko deserves better and inko thinks hisashi’s behavior doesn’t justify a divorce.
that means when shouta graduates and turns eighteen he moves out so he doesn’t actively destroy inko’s marriage and create a bad home environment for izuku to live in. he still babysits as much as needed and takes izuku for days out, although contact between him and inko have become a lot less frequent than it once was
hisashi gets a promotion with a relocation to america, he wants inko and izuku to come with. but inko doesn’t want to uproot their entire life for someone who doesn’t do anything to help the family, so she stays in japan.
inko and hisashi officially get a divorce only a year later when izuku is deemed quirkless. the last straw is when hisashi says smth cruel about izuku’s quirklessness and inko realises that things just won’t work out.
things don’t immediately get fixed between inko and shouta, they were never bad just...terse. but shouta is just relieved that the situation is over, so after a long talk things relax and they start talking more often.
at one point, shouta moves into an apartment in the same block as the midoriyas. they’re not on the same floor but with how close they are they might as well be living with each other for how often they’re at each others places. even though they’re in the same building, izuku has a room in shouta’s apartment that he sleeps at occasionally when he’s too tired to go like three floors up.
izuku has a bad habit of leaving his homework at shouta’s place, enough so that at one point shouta accidentally ends up taking one of izuku’s essays with him to ua because it managed to get in shouta’s marking
at some point shouta convinces inko to let izuku to start martial arts, thinking it would be good for him (izuku is immediately enthusiastic bc even though he’s too young for Hero Training this is the next best thing)
when izuku is in his first year of middle school bakugou pushes izuku too far in his bullying and izuku begs shouta to train him to be a hero.
shouta is understandably concerned bc he doesn’t understand where the sudden desperation is coming from but doesn’t push too hard to find out. he starts the training slowly, but one on one training does start.
izuku tries the hero exam quirkless. he doesn’t get many villain points (7 total actually) but he manages to pass with the additional 36 rescue points for a total of 43. he gets put into 1-a immediately.
and m*neta is replaced by shinsou because shinsou is a Good Boy who also has the hero rescue urge. but he only just manages to get in by the skin of teeth with the lowest score in the hero course. this is a v sore subject w him because he thinks the exam is super biased
(it’s a point where izuku, shinsou and aizawa bond over as they complain at length the bias that ua have for flashy quirks)
at first they don’t really broadcast their relation. it’s not exactly a secret it’s just izuku doesn’t want his hard work to be ignored and shouta doesn’t want to give izuku special treatment. so they’re just sensei and problem child, unless they’re outside ua.
but!!! with izuku and bakugou in the same class with shouta as their teacher....things are gonna come out.
shouta finds out bakugou bullied izuku for years after a disasterous exercise in which bakugou goes too far. he’s almost expelled but instead is transferred to 1-b after a month of suspension.
anyways when p much everyone in 1-a knows their relation, they still call each other sensei and problem child but they’re a lot more open with affection. the class think it’s cute as fuck.
and consider: in the dorms inko gets a job at ua in administration so she ends up on campus a lot, so the students start to see a lot more of the domestic side of the midoriya-aizawa family and they think it’s adorable
also izuku grows up wanting to be an underground hero bc even tho he fucking LOVES all might, his ultimate favourite hero is eraserhead because of how much he loves his uncle 💛💛💛
so like. consider a universe where like. no one knows izuku is quirkless outside of his class so the league are like: “fuck that midoriya kid’s annoying, what the hell is his quirk?” “idk man” “hey brat what’s your quirk?” “its called vibe check” “what’s it do—” “VIBE CHECK!!” *sucker punch*
& izuku maybs has some kind of capture weapon inspired by eraserhead but uniquely his own. like idk bracers that behave like his scarf so izuku can still pull and wrap around others, but he’s also proficient in other weaponry like bo staffs and escrima sticks
knowing me i’d even toss in some shinsou bonding where izuku shows him all the good things about underground heroes. shouta pretty much adopts shinsou, so now he’s izuku’s cousin. they’re the underground duo in 1-a and are almost undefeated at stealth and strategy (a team that’s only rivaled by hagakure and yaoyorozu).
just,,,,, uncle shouta,,,,,
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bitegore · 5 years
i. worry sometimes that my normal way of interacting with people is creepy and i dont know WHEN i started worrying about that but i definitely did
mostly because i iwent to go compliment someone and like six internal voices ive never fuckin heard before cropped up and went HEY ACTUALLY YOU CANT SAY THAT. THATS CREEPY. YOU CANNOT TELL THIS PERSON THAT THEY DID A GOOD JOB
and i mean. i did it anyway bc good work deserves praise, lol, and people deserve to be complimented instead of just thrown a like and ignored. but i dont like that what is literally my main form of interaction (giving compliments) is suddenly causing me to worry that im going to make the other person uncomfortable. this feels like step one into becoming one of the people who can only talk about things they hate, and i do NOT want to be like that. 
oh also additional explanation under the cut because i know this is gonna read as��“justification” but it is very much just me kinda rambling 
ok so i have NEVER ever in my LIFE been good at reading or understanding social cues. i have ADHD, and while thats usually thought of as Zoomy Cant Sit Still Disorder it comes packaged with a lot of things and i mean, fir a few years i thought i might have been autistic and im still not 100% sure i’m not lol. i still really do not like eye contact, i dont pick up on social cues i havent learned, and i ‘mask’ a lot in a way that i havent heard many other adhd peeps talk about but some of my autistic friends do. different faces for different places and all that. 
i can mimic people fine. I’m great at that, actually! I am very good at copying. Monkey see, monkey do, yadda yadda yadda. But that isnt helpful if im trying to act independently, and its also not helpful if everyone’s apparent standards seem different AND its not helpful if this, or that, or WHATEVER but my point is that in situations without a clearly laid out way that other people take an action, I dont know what the fuck im doing
like it took me until i was around 14 to finally go to my dad and go “you keep saying i need to be more respectful so i stop doing [x behavior] but you KEEP SAYING IT so wtf do you mean” and actually got like a codified explanation of what, apparently, every other person on the planet learned at age like 5. I am not fantastic at figuring out what topics im “not allowed” to talk about where, or what makes certain people more “safe” to talk to than others. i am extremely chatty in not good times to be chatty, to the degree that my dad took me aside one day and told me that i was going to get hurt if i keep talking to random strangers, and my mom liked to tell me i was gonna get kidnapped and murdered any time we went into the city and i literally could never figure out why the fuck she was telling me that until my dad had a convo with me years later lol 
i dont know shit
im not asking for allowances tho
if i make you uncomfortable you’re entirely allowed to be uncomfortable
i just kind of want to say... its from a place of oblivious goodwill, i guess? 
(i mean, this probably isnt really your business because im already in a committed relationship, but i’m also extremely demi. i don’t hit on people because i dont have the capacity to be attracted to people until i’ve known them for like. years. if i call you really pretty and you’re uncomfortable because you think its a come on like feel free to call me out on that but please know that its not i just think people should be complimented and that if someone should do something then i have to ALSO do something, because ‘someone’ doesnt exist, theres only people and im one of those)
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teawiththegods · 5 years
TW menstruation/periods ?? Hey Jessie, Cassandro here! Well, I'm a trans non-binary demi-man, and my periods are very intense, heavy and they hurt a lot. I usually cant get out of my bed unless I take around six advils, which still make me feel kinda shitty. My doctor advised me to take four, but it's never enough. I'm a Persephone, Dionysus and Hypnos devotee. Do you think theres anything they can do to help, or anything I can ask them to do to help me? Ily!
Hello, Cassandro!! Now when you say doctor do you mean a regular doctor or a gyno? Bc if you haven’t talked to a gyno about this I strongly recommend you do! 
You can absolutely pray to any of the gods to help you, tho it is important you find practical methods to help you out. You could pray to them to help guide you towards remedies that might be able to give you some relief. 
Here’s a post where a few people gave some suggestions to help with period pain!
I wish you all the best, love!
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docbe · 6 years
Hey so I jus got out of a relationship and the way she was just able to let it go so fast (I’m talking a literal day)... it makes me sad but also just, confused? Floored? Bc i didn’t realize it before her but I’m demi and it takes sO much mentally to even get into the ‘I’m interested in you physically now” stage and we had that. And... idk do you find it to be similar? That non-Demi ppl just fucking floor you with their thank u, next mentality?? I’m envious of her I rlly am
Hey anon, sorry to hear that about your relationship :( I think like...idk it’s a little hard to say...
First off, I think there’s def a lot of ppl who latch on strongly and can relate to that who aren’t demi. I think like, one of the things that trip ppl up with demi vs non-demi is the difference between lack of attraction vs hesitance to act on attraction...like I don’t think demi is directly equivalent to the drive to get into relationships or the pacing once someone has one. There’s a lot of ppl who prefer serious relationships and take a lot of care to cultivate relationships before moving into emotionally/physically intimate areas, and that might be because of their principles or anxieties or values or misgivings, and not presence/lack of attraction or attachment...and I think it’s worth noting that ppl who are very quick to move on or are quickly attracted to many new people are in some ways on the opposite end of a spectrum and not so much a representation of a norm, even tho I feel like popular media tends to paint it that way
That being said, I have kind of found that like...break-ups or a breach in the commitment of a relationship can sometimes affect me longer or more deeply than others? And not even romantic/sexual ones sometimes--I’ve had disturbances in friendships that have kickstarted some v deep hurts, at times without other parties even really noticing. 
And I think like, one part that I really notice is that any time a relationship of any type has a break off, I have to kind of resign myself to at least a year (much longer in terms of romantic/sexual) before I’d be able to find a relationship to replace it, just on the basis of how I attach to people. There’s all this advice about meeting people, finding people with similar interest, etc. and I’ve tried all that, but I’ve kind of found that that advice is generally geared towards overcoming social anxieties or finding similarly minded people...but the emotional closeness doesn’t come for me, even if I’m comfortable. I’ve done a hell of a lot in terms of traditional meeting-people stuff, but it just doesn’t address the issue. I like people, and I don’t feel any sort of apathy or ill-will towards them, I just...don’t feel attraction or intimacy for a very long period after first meeting someone, and that part is something I’m envious of in other people. Frankly, it kind of sucks haha esp when you’re already feeling pretty low from a break and you can’t help but feel like you’re replaceable, but have nothing but isolation to look forward to yourself for probably a year or two 
so tl;dr -- it could be a demi thing, but also some ppl just move on quicker...there are plenty of non-demi ppl who would feel similarly devastated in your position! It’s a bit complicated bc attraction, relationships/commitment, attachment, and emotional/physical vulnerability interplay a lot, and you can’t always tease them apart cleanly
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jeanmoreaux · 3 years
Hi, this is one of the anons that brought the discourse to your blog (sent the link to the og post and specific quote) I just wanted to say sorry I brought it here, just seeing it all over my dash has been exhausting and I can't imaging people bringing it to my inbox.
I'm not personally emotionally invested in all of this is it canon debate because to me, as a demi person, I can see myself in neil and whether he "canonically" has the label or not doesn't change that. I absolutely understand that's important to other people, and why everyone might be up in arms about it, but that's just my perspective. I mostly just want people to be kind to each other, which I'm not seeing a lot of throughout this whole thing.
Thanks for being so respectful and not hostile in all your posts re:discourse, and I hope you enjoyed your time with your family. Best wishes!
heyy sorry it took me a while to answer this but i was quite busy the last week! (i also just realized i accidentally deactivated asks so in case you or someone else wanted to drop in my inbox they couldn’t. i didn’t deactivate asks bc of the discourse or anything tho. Ajust to let you all know. they should be on again now!)
you’re actually the second person to apologize to me for bringing this discourse to my inbox and that’s so sweet of you!! it’s really thoughtful and kind of you to check in with me! thanks! i am doing great though, and i had a wonderful time with my family, thanks <3
i mean tbh i answered the questions and engaged in the conversation so i think that additionally encouraged people to keep sending ask which is by no means your fault! so i don’t have any hard feelings towards anyone who sent a message. it’s all good :) i have to admit thought that the discourse was a little exhausting just bc it felt like some people did not wanna talk about it in a productive manner. but some did and that kind of balanced the more annoying people out. i think that if you discuss media you have to be willing to listen to other interpretations, even if you disagree with them. it’s what gives life to art and fandoms! hostility has no place in these discussions since it only ever leads to more harm. you can disagree and still treat each other with respect.
i am personally not that invested in whether people read neil as demi or not either (to each their own and all that jazz), but i have an issue with people taking ‘this specific word is not in the text so the entire concept that is represented in the text is not canon’ to it’s extremes as if critical thinking skills and inference are not the biggest part of literary analysis. it’s one thing for people to personally not subscribe to a certain idea about neil’s characterization , but it’s a completely different thing for people to erase it for everyone by claiming it’s non-existence just bc one (1) word isn’t in the text. some harmful statements were made and i was happy to weight in and tell people that a random person on tumblr is not the authority on the definition of canon. it also kind of reminded me of the good old days of aftg discourse.
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