#I watched like many hours and hours of riverdale yesterday
freackthejester · 9 months
Loving the thinking and riverposting about how the Town Won. It makes a lot of sense, and feeds into my feeling like the Riverdale finale was the kind of ending I was picturing for the Supernatural finale, and how people came out of that saying that #ChuckWon.
It's been said before, but let's reiterate. The characters realize that they are only the part of a larger narrative, and that they are not in control of their lives, of their place on a chessboard larger than they are. Whatever choices they make are in a maze set up by something else. And then. Somehow, they break free and turn god into a mortal guy or become gay and move to califfornia.
But not matter what, you are going to end up driving a classic car that is too clean around on the same highway in Canada. There's an emptiness in that life that is inherent to the medium, and it's a hell of a place to be. In the end, you were a product too be consumed, just workers fighting against being what people want you to be, but you are fake people, lacking that thing, an ability to be disliked uncensored and boring that only a real people can have.
It is a good thing for the people inside Riverdale that Riverdale ended, I think. But it did win, first.
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notworkingenough · 11 months
june 30 2023
Today I start this blog.
After many failed attempts at journaling, writing, and trying to keep track of my life, I am here in an attempt to give myself a record. A place for me to record my days - the good, the bad, the ugly, and the slightly better. A way for me to track my progress or review my regression. To set goals and hold myself accountable. Maybe, if I think other people will see this, I'll stick to it.
Today, I did not wake up for Fajr. I was up until 2am last night spontaneously watching content on this colleen ballinger drama - it's definitely not funny, but it was a nostalgic reminder of the internet culture I have missed out on in the past few years.
My time on the internet ended rather abruptly around age 14, I want to say? I'm 20 now. So many years have passed; so much development on the internet that I am blissfully unaware of. I think I must prefer it like that; I don't see the point in being invested in other people's drama. I feel it would distract me too much from my own. It was like tuning in to the fifth season of Riverdale after you stopped watching at season 2. Everything has gotten so much worse, the plot lines are incomprehensible, and the chaos makes you appreciate that you got out early.
I told myself yesterday that I would spend today working to catch up on my work assignments, even though today is my day off. It is currenlty 6:42 pm and I have not yet started working. I will do so after this post, maybe. I woke up with greasy hair after sleeping restlessly for 9-10 hours; the first proper night's sleep I've had in weeks.
My goals for this blog are to write something, literally anything, about my day, every day. Even if it's nothing but the date and "I feel like shit".
Mood: after showering, 4/10. Anxious about work emails I didn't respond to. Anxious about work presentations. Anxious about the future and my incompetence. Hopeful that I can get my shit together this weekend. Hopeful that this blog won't fizzle out like the rest of my efforts.
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tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Got tagged by @ambeauty @undertheknightwing & @escapism-through-imagination THANKS DARLINGS!
Favourite colour: Hmm, tough choice. Never really had one before. But I'd say definitely those 4 speak to me the most right now 🖤💙💜💚
Currently reading: First book in The Witcher series: The Last Wish. But 95% of the time fics are more important to read, especially when legends like @wonderbatwayne or @escapism-through-imagination drop something
Last song: Scream My Name by Tove Lo form The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 Soundtrack. It's the song I got a quote from for the title of my most recent fic "When I'm Dead And Gone, Will They Sing About Me?"
Last series: Just finished watching the newest ep of a Star Wars show The Book of Boba Fett but I'm here ONLY for my boy Din Djarin and his son baby Yoda Grogu and only started watching when they appeared, otherwise didn't really give a shit. Other shows currently on my tv schedule: Euphoria, Superman & Lois, Batwoman, Legends of Tomorrow and Walker.
Last movie: just yesterday I finished 4-part documentary about Janet Jackson. I recently did a Harry Potter + Fantastic Beasts marathon and that prompted me to continue this and binge all YA sci-fi/fantasy adaptations of the golden era of last decade, aka books and movies I grew up on. Now on my list is The Maze Runner trilogy. Then Hunger Games. All 3 Hobbits and Narnia. Maybe I'll add Divergent to the mix, idk
Sweet/ savory/ spicy: All of the above, I guess. Depends on the dish
Currently working on: I just dropped a fic so I'm taking a tiny break from creating content so I can catch up on consuming it. But I have two ideas I'm going to start working on soon, I just need to decide which one do first. Also, there are drawings I want to make, but my digital pen feels heavy in my hand these days. The right time need to come and it will, it always does.
Three ships:
Dickkory obviously, forever my number 1. My beloved parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sexy.
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Barchie from Riverdale (although I finally gave up on this shitshow altogether so I'm only checking online what's happening with my favs instead of suffering through whole episodes. They're together now but I decided it's not worth it to sit for an hour wondering what the fuck am I even doing, watching this parody of a teen drama) because of childhood best friends to lovers excellence and look how soft and romantic they are!!!
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Lyra and Will from His Dark Materials. My babies, I miss you, come back to me soon. I know you will break my heart, but come back anyway.
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First ever ship: I think Robin and Starfire from Teen Titans (heh, coincidences don't exist okay?) - that was the first ship I was fully invested in, that's how I discovered fanfiction, through them. Also, I'd say it would be Cornelia and Caleb from W.I.T.C.H. I had no idea what shipping even was back then, I was like what, 7? I think even the term didn't exist yet. But I felt a really strong pull to them.
Currently consuming: Mint tea
Currently craving: my mom's homemade pizza
Tagging: not many of you left since everyone around is doing this game but here we go - @legendsofentity @wonderbatwayne @nooowestayandgetcaught @mycaptainjones
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heytherejulietx · 3 years
Precious ~ Bughead
Requests are OPEN (Bughead only)
Read on AO3 here.
Notes - Ahh I really love this one and I think it’s super cute so please let me know what you think! This is inspired by something me and @kpopgirlbtssvt were talking about yesterday so thank you so much for the idea love, I love you so much and I hope you like it!!!!
Warnings - None.
Word count - 1.7k.
Riverdale tag list - @bucky-j-barnes @adorably-sweet-hufflepuff @kpopgirlbtssvt @booksmusicteaandanimals @happy-puff @teenloves
To join my tag list fill out this form
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If someone had asked Jughead during high school on his thoughts about being a father, he would have completely sworn off of the idea. After his childhood trauma with his own father, Jughead was scared. He was scared he would end up as a horrible father just like his own dad was. It seemed like the Jones curse, almost. His grandfather had treated his father badly, and his father hadn't treated him well either. Even after his dad was back home and they were getting along, it was still something that scared him. Jughead aimed to be a lot of things when he was older, but a father was not one of them. 
But nothing could even compare to the feeling of holding his little girl in his arms for the first time.
Juliet Elizabeth Jones had been born at quarter to eleven in the evening on the tenth of February. And since that moment she had Jughead wrapped around his little finger. He would do anything for his little girl; she had him entranced just as much as Betty did. Maybe even more so, being as small and vulnerable as she was. He had worried all through Betty's pregnancy about being a father, if he would do it right and give his child a good childhood - a much better one than he had went through. But almost a year after Juliet was born, Jughead couldn't wish for a better life. He was happy and proud to be a father.
On a usual day, Betty would be up and out of bed before Jughead was, making breakfast or taking care of Juliet to give him an extra few minutes of sleep in peace. Though on a rare day, Jughead would get up before her and take over on what she would usually do. Guilt often rested in his chest for Betty doing things in the morning, and although she assured him it was fine and she wanted him to sleep more, it still felt wrong to him. They were married and had a baby together, so he really didn't mind letting Betty get some more well needed rest.
His urge to be up and doing things before Betty could lead to him being stood in the kitchen with Juliet balanced on his hip, one arm supporting her body against him as he used his free hand to flip the bacon that was sizzling in the frying pan on the stove in front of him. One thing that he both adored and stressed over was that Juliet was extremely clingy. Of course, it was adorable at first. Jughead loved any time he got with his daughter, and the fact that she wanted to cuddle all of the time was just so precious to him. But when he was trying to do things like cook breakfast or work on his writing, it was harder to do so when having to hold his daughter. He had already tried putting her in her high-chair once before so he could have both hands free, but at the mere sight of his daughter's bottom lip quivering as her big round eyes filled with tears he lifted her up again and rocked her until she was content again. 
One thing Jughead liked to do was constantly be entertaining Juliet in some way, even whilst he was holding her. When he had her with him when he was writing he would jog his leg every so often and make her giggle at the movement, when he was sat with her doing nothing of any particular importance he would tell her stories. But when he was trying to juggle cooking and holding her, which happened much more often than you would think, Jughead hummed to her. He couldn't sing well like Betty could (it melted his heart every time he watched his beautiful wife sing their daughter to sleep) but he could hum as good of a tune as anyone else could.
Juliet giggled into the crook of Jughead's neck as he moved around the kitchen, humming the tune of Green Day's Boulevard of Broken Dreams as he moved around. He couldn't have said he was too big of a fan of theirs, but JB's everchanging taste in music ended up in many different records that she had gifted Jughead and Betty for Christmases and birthdays. The most recent album, American Idiot, was one he had actually enjoyed; in comparison to the album before that (a Taylor Swift one that Betty seemed to enjoy quite a lot) it was a lot better in his opinion.
A slightly louder laugh left his daughter as he gently pretended to drop her for a moment, a squeal of giggles filling the kitchen as she clutched onto the collar of his shirt tightly. His own lips curved into a fond smile as he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head, her raven curls tickling his cheek for that moment.
"Please don't drop our daughter."
Jughead looked up and smiled a little more when he caught sight of his wife shuffling into the kitchen, visibly still half asleep. The upper half of her body was engulfed in one of his softer flannels that she ended up wearing more than him, and besides that the only other thing she was wearing was a pair of white fuzzy socks on her feet. Even though she still looked tired and her hair was a little messy, she was still beautiful to him. There had never been a moment where she wasn't. But she was more beautiful to him simply at knowing that she was his wife and the mother of his child.
Jughead kept supporting Juliet on his hip as he put the spatula down on the counter, holding out his arm for Betty to move into as she shuffled closer to him. Her arms moved around him to hold herself close as she mumbled a muffled "morning" into his shoulder, a kiss pressed to his exposed collarbone once she had spoken.
"Sleep okay?" Jughead smiled softly as he leaned down to drop a kiss to her hairline, watching as she reached up her hand to brush through Juliet's curly hair, the same colour as his own. Although she had his hair, he believed that the rest of her beauty was entirely Betty; from her wide green eyes and her rounder features. It was all her. Only she could make something so beautiful.
"Mhm." Betty hummed and nodded, leaning up on her tiptoes to gently press a kiss to his cheek before she pulled away from him to move across the kitchen to where the kettle was, grabbing two mugs for both herself and Jughead. 
"I can do that." Jughead offered as he picked the spatula up again, though Betty just shook her head. Once she was doing something it was hard to get her to stop, being probably more stubborn than he was, though after years of being together Jughead still tried. 
"It's fine, love. You have Julie." Betty smiled as she shook her head as she poured out a mug of coffee for Jughead, making herself a cup of tea instead.
"I think it's going to be a struggle to give her to Jellybean later." Jughead chuckled as he pressed a gentle kiss to the side of his daughter's head, who was still gently clutching the collar of his shirt in tiny fists, her head resting into the crook of his neck again.
"What time is she getting here, again?" Betty's voice came from behind him, and before he could protest she had taken the spatula out of his hand and took over on dishing up the bacon and eggs. Deciding to just let her take over he gently touched her lower back and moved past her to grab his coffee instead.
"In about an hour. Gives us enough time to get munchin ready." He lightly poked Juliet in her side and caused her to giggle as she squirmed a little in his grip, though didn't let go.
Jughead took a seat at their kitchen table just as Betty walked over with the plates and sat them down on the surface. Once he was seated he shifted Juliet to be sat in his lap facing the table, smiling softly as Betty placed a small plate of sliced banana in front of her; he'd been so occupied with Juliet he hadn't even seen her cut it.
"Are we still meeting your dad for lunch?" Betty asked as she sat down beside him, smiling fondly as she watched Juliet munch happily on her banana slices. It was something she had always said to Jughead ever since Juliet was born, that she had his appetite. 
"Yeah, but I mean we don't have to tell him if you want to wait." Jughead smiled at her softly, reaching a hand out to place it on her thigh, gently squeezing as he moved his free hand to shovel some eggs into his mouth.
"No, I want to. We'll have the scan picture. Plus it'd be nice if he's the first to know." Betty smiled softly and nodded, placing her hand over her husband's as she took a sip of her tea, the cold band of her wedding ring resting over his knuckle.
"At least it'll distract him from his favourite not being there." Jughead chuckled and gestured towards Juliet.
Ever since Juliet was born, she had meant the world to everyone close to their small family, but she was the world to FP. He had been so excited to be a grandfather throughout all of Betty's pregnancy, maybe even more so than Alice was to be a grandmother. Every time FP was with Juliet it was hard to separate the two. It was like they both were each other's favourites.
"It is quite a big distraction." Betty giggled quietly and nodded her head.
Jughead gently moved her hand up from her thigh to her stomach, flattening the material of his flannel against it to reveal the small bump forming there. He lightly ran his thumb along it softly, before leaning over to press a gentle but loving kiss to Betty's lips, warmth pooling inside him when he felt her smile into it.
"I love you so much."
"I love you too, Juggie."
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tricksters-captain · 4 years
FP Jones/Andrew’s Family/Riverdale imagines - Oh Dear Part 35 - Final Chapter - A Sore Goodbye
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A/N: This is based on the memorial episode for Luke Perry. Watching and writing this was very hard and I miss him as do many fans and everyone who ever knew him. My characters pain here is almost real as it pained me to write about Fred’s death knowing that we didn’t just lose Fred Andrews, we lost Luke Perry. I hope you enjoy this final chapter of ‘Oh Dear’. It’s been a wild ride and I thank every single reader, liker, etc. I love you all.
Overall Summary: You’re Archie’s older sister and you have a thing for a certain Serpent.
This chapter: Based on Season 4 Episode 1 - (Y/N) has been living away from Riverdale for two years now. Only keeping touch with her family every now and then but (Y/n)’s brother, Archie, and herself never allowed any Riverdale drama to pull her back to the town which held the man she loved but couldn't have. But the sudden death of her father meant she had to finally return...
Pairing: Reader x FP Jones, Sister!Reader x Archie Andrews, Daughter!Reader x Fred Andrews, 
Word count: 8,864
Warnings: Very emotional. Loss of a father. Some strong language. Some smut. 
“(Y/N).” His voice was like velvet as his arms snaked around you. 
You slowly moved in his arms to face him. Your smile widened as you met his eyes. 
“You’ve been gone ages–” Fp’s mouth cut your words short as he kissed you deeply and with a hunger you could feel in the pit of your own stomach. 
Your fingers tangled themselves in the older man’s hair within seconds, your hips pressing against his as he held you tightly. 
You dragged the man backwards to the bed behind you and allowed yourselves to fall down onto it. FP’s hands rushed to rip the clothes from you. 
You let your eyes roll backwards at the feeling of his hot tongue against your neck. 
His hands left your body for a moment which made you pout and whine in desperation. The empty feeling didn’t last long as hands placed themselves back against your soft skin; but the feeling was different... Not completely foreign but not him. 
Your eyes fluttered open to see Malachai’s face. The air flooded your lungs in a sharp gasp but before you could make another sound, Malachai’s hand trapped your lips beneath it. 
You screamed into his hand and tried to fight underneath him but his body felt like a deadweight. 
You watched him with wide eyes as he moved closer to your face; his lips and eyes blood red. 
You squeezed your eyes shut, feeling his fevered breath against your cheeks, trying your best to mentally escape this. 
You finally felt the weight lift from you when you snapped your eyes open and thrashed forward, sending your bedsheets across the floor. 
Sweat drenched you.
It took you a minute to realise you were alone in your apartment, not in Riverdale. 
You shifted your legs off the side of the bed and rested your elbows against your knees with your head low whilst you tried to slow your breathing. 
It'd been months since you dreamt of Riverdale; of FP; of Malachai and that night. 
You lifted your mobile from the bedside table and a glaring 4:43am flashed back at you. 
It was July so the sun was already rising outside. 
You pushed back your curtains and opened your window to let some air into the stifling room. 
It wasn’t likely you’d be able to sleep against after a dream like that so you just headed to the shower and put some coffee on for yourself. 
You kicked some of the dirty clothes from the night before towards your clothes hamper as you entered the bathroom to cool off and clean the nightmare from your body. 
Your apartment was small and you hadn’t been there very long but it was perfect for you. No one had been inside it but you since you moved in so you felt like you truly had a place just for yourself. 
You let the water cascade down your body and through the tangle that is your hair. 
You thought after all this time why would the dreams be coming back?
The dreams plagued you for weeks when you first left Riverdale but after your first short relationship with some barista that you met in your first town, they’d completely disappeared. They’d only ever come back if you had been heavily drinking but you hadn’t gone out drinking for weeks so why would it happen now?
You managed to waste some time in the shower, clearing your head before you slipped into some clothes and went to get your coffee. 
You checked your phone again to see that only 40 minutes had passed so you decided to go through your unopened messages. 
Archie had texted you last night asking how you were but you must've been asleep when he did. 
You had to admit you missed your little brother, you had always been there for each other even when you disagreed with each other. It was hard for you to stay away from Riverdale when he was arrested so soon after you left but Archie had convinced you to stay away. He always convinced you any problem in Riverdale was smaller than it was in order to stop you from leaving your current life to return to one you didn’t really want. 
You contemplated calling him but you knew that he'd be asleep. That boy always tended to sleeping if he wasn’t with Veronica or facing whatever problem Riverdale currently had. 
You put down your phone and walked over to your small portable radio to switch it on. Your footsteps pattered around the apartment whilst the quiet music began to fill the space. 
You had work today but it wasn't until 8, it was a small bookshop a few blocks down so there was no need for your bike. Still you eyed your helmet and keys and wondered where to go. 
You downed your coffee as the idea came to mind then grabbed your keys, heading down to the apartment blocks private garage. 
The wind challenged you as you rode towards the smell of the ocean. You inhaled deeply as you pulled up to the sand, slowing down to eventually switch off your engine. 
You had travelled all over the U.S. and some of Europe too but you always ended up somewhere near the sea. It was calming and even during these hotter months where the beaches became overcrowded and noisy, you somehow always found the most peaceful area or time to just come and sit. 
You fought the urge to go swimming over the couple of hours you sat there due to the fact you knew you'd have to head to work shortly. 
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“Morning (Y/n).” The son of the owners of the book store was sat behind the counter with an open book on his lap. He was about Archie’s age and was very polite and nice enough but you knew that he held a small crush on you which made it a little difficult to converse sometimes. 
“Morning Jeffrey.” You smiled as you passed him to walk into the small staff room to place your bag inside. 
“That book for your dad arrived yesterday afternoon while you were off.” Jeffrey hopped off his stool to collect the novel for you. 
“Perfect. I wanted to write a note inside it before I sent it to him.” You explained to the boy about why you didn't just order it to your old home. It was that and the fact it was way more expensive to order the book to the house rather than the bookstore. 
“Well if you need me to run it down to the mail for you, I’m heading there at lunch?” Jeffrey offered as he leant against the counter, close to your side. 
“Thank you, Jeff, but I’ll probably write in it tonight and send it off before work tomorrow.” You passed on the offer which made the boy look a little disheartened but you brushed it off and asked what other orders came in yesterday so that you could start on calling the customers to inform them. 
A couple hours into your shift you kept feeling your phone vibrating in your pocket. You excused yourself to use the bathroom and checked it to see it had 1 missed call from your Dad, 3 from your Mom, 2 from Archie and 3 from Jughead. 
You called Jughead since his was the most recent number and he answered within two rings. 
“Jughead? What the hell is going on? I’m at work and my phone’s been exploding with missed calls from you, my mom and Archie?” You didn’t bother with a hello since the calls seemed so urgent.
“(Y/n)...” Jughead swallowed. “(Y/n), you need to come back to Riverdale. It’s your dad...” 
“My dad? What’s happened? Is he okay?” You felt your chest tighten. 
“(Y/n), he... He died.” 
The words spun around in your head like a marble in a bowl. 
“Jughead... Whatever you’re playing at...” You started, trying, hoping, that this was some stupid game or prank. 
“(Y/n), it’s true. Archie got the call from the hospital. He was in an accident. The details aren't clear at the moment but––” You hung up as Betty took Jughead’s phone and spoke the truth. 
You threw your phone across the bathroom which resulted in your screen cracking but it didn't matter. All that matter was that your dad, Fred Andrews, was dead.
The events that followed were a blur. 
Jeffrey sent his mother into the bathroom, an elderly woman with kind eyes and red hair. She found you collapsed on the floor with tears streaming down your cheeks and tried to help you as you gathered the words together to tell her what happened. 
The next thing you knew was that you were at your apartment, packing a small rucksack full of essentials with your bike keys in your hand. 
The only moment that became clear in your memory of that moment was when you pulled open your closet door to find your old Serpent jacket. 
You held the rough leather material in between your fingers as you reminisced your old life. You ran the tips of your index and middle finger over the embroidered snake but only Fp’s face flashed before your eyes. 
You pushed down the memories of the Serpents and continued to pack.
You didn’t know how long it took you to travel home. You knew you didn’t follow the speed limits but you didn’t care. You needed to be home. You needed to know if it were all true. Really true. 
You passed the old sign at the border of the town and what felt like a hundred different emotions all seemed to hit you like once. 
You hadn’t stepped foot into the town in a couple years now. It felt like a whole new place now. 
That is until you hit the top of your road where your old home resided. 
You pulled up in front of the house and stared up at the front door with tears in your eyes. 
Your dad's truck wasn't here. 
“(Y/n)?” The door opened whilst you were lost in your head. Archie must've seen you from the window after hearing your bike pull up. 
“Arch?” Your eyes met his with the question you didn’t want answered. 
A tear fell from Archie’s eye. You immediately rush up the stairs and took him in your arms. 
“(Y/n)?” Your mothers voice crept up behind Archie. It was almost a disbelief in her voice.
“Hi Mom.” You wiped your nose and faced her. In that moment, all hatred and betrayal washed away and you just wanted to be a family again. 
The three of you held each other in the doorway, sharing the same pain, crying the same tears. 
When you finally parted, Archie was the one to notice his friends had gathered outside. 
“It’s good to see you, (Y/n).” Betty was the first to greet you. “It’s been too long. I’m sorry this is why you had to come home.” 
You could see the pain in Betty’s eyes, the sadness, the sympathy. 
“Me too.” You whispered, returning her hug. 
Veronica then hugged you and so did Jughead but when Reggie made some comment about how good you looked you decided to leave them be.  
You tiptoed up the stairs to your old room. It was just the same as you left it, not that you stayed in it much towards your final few months in Riverdale. 
As you sat down on your bed, you looked towards the door, half expecting to see your dad’s head poke around it to check on you. 
You heard commotion in the garden. Archie and his friends were all putting seats around in a circle and chatting. 
“When things started getting bad with my dad and drinking, my mom would call up Fred... for help.” Jughead’s voice caught your attention as you sat by the window. “And he would drive to the bar, and he would pick up my dad and he'd lay him on the couch. And he'd always stay a little while... just to talk to me... to see how I was doing in school, and... if I'd eaten dinner. He just wanted to know if I was hungry. I always was.” The group chuckled lightly at Jughead’s comment but the story just reminded you of FP. How you looked after FP when Fred could no longer do it...
You wondered what he was doing. How was he handling this? 
You mentally scolded yourself for thinking about him when you were Fred’s daughter. You should be thinking about you and the pain you feel.
You heard a knock at your door. It was your Mom. 
“I thought you’d want to know about the accident.” She sniffled as she entered. 
You nodded your head. You wanted to know if he died in pain, if it was his fault or someone else's, something else’s...
“FP spoke to the Sheriff at Cherry Creek. He knows all the details. I don’t know if I can––” Your mother broke down in tears once again and you found yourself comforting her with a short embrace. 
“FP? Why would FP know the details?” You pulled away, a little confused. 
“FP is Riverdale’s Sheriff.” She managed to string together. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You were almost convinced this was all some crazy nightmare. 
“Okay. I’ll be back soon.” You hurried past your mom and down to your bike. 
You were at the station within minutes. 
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It took every ounce of energy you had left to walk through those doors at the station. Your feet felt like rocks being dragged through the mud at Sweetwater River. 
The station was busy, people rushing around and talking to one another. 
You found yourself outside the sheriff’s office, peering through the small glass window at a man you knew you recognised despite the khaki disguise. 
He was on the phone, wrinkles frowned on his face and his eyes were glassy but focused. 
You watched him put the phone down and pinch the bridge of his nose. He slid off the corner of his desk and moved around to his chair where he finally became horizontal to you. 
His eyes finally lifted from his desk and upon seeing you, the colour seemed to drain from his face. It was as if he’d seen a ghost. 
Suddenly, your flight mode kicked in and you turned to leave. 
“(Y/n)!” FP’s voice seemed to freeze every joint in your body even though your mind was screaming at you to walk away. 
“I only came to know what happened. What happened to my dad.” You couldn't stop the tears rising to your eyes but you refused to let them fall. 
“Come... Come inside.” FP held his door open for you and you forced your feet to move in that direction. 
“It’s, uh, good, good to see you.” FP seemed almost as nervous as you felt. 
“It’s been–– Please tell me what happened.” You couldn’t do small talk right now. You were desperate. You wanted to know if it really were an accident. 
“Fred was driving home to Riverdale when he pulled over to help someone's car that was stalled on the side of the road, and, uh... Another vehicle... came upon them way too fast and... He was struck by it.” FP could barely get the words out himself. 
You buried your face into the palm of your hands as you broke down once again. He just wouldn’t ever say no to helping someone. And now he's dead because of it. 
“I’m so sorry, (Y/N).” FP placed his hand on your back and the electricity almost made you jump backwards but you managed to stay sat.
“I kept dodging his calls. I hadn’t spoken to him in three weeks. I was sending him this stupid collectable book to apologise for my distance and now, now he’s... he’s...” You couldn’t help but let the words fall from your lips. 
“Hey. Hey, now.” Fp pulled you towards him and you let yourself engulf in the man. His arms felt familiar, safe and warm. His scent flooded your nose which brought you some peace. “It’s alright.” He tried to assure you but seeing you in this much pain only made his pain worse. 
You were even more beautiful than ever. His heart almost stopped when he saw your (y/e/c) eyes shining through the window. Sad but still bright. 
“Sheriff?” The door swung open which made you pull away from the man out of habit. “Sorry to interrupt but there's a call waiting for you, sir.” The young deputy recognised you as Fred’s daughter and sent an apologetic look your way. 
“I should be going. I shouldn’t be bothering the ex-Southside Serpent sheriff anyway.” You laughed a little trying to lighten the mood but nothing could lighten the darkness inside your chest. 
You returned home and found yourself in your fathers closet. 
You pulled out one of his favourite shirts and pressed it against your face. You hadn’t even gotten the chance to hug him since you last left Riverdale. 
You pulled it on and retired for the evening to your bedroom. 
Dreaming of you as a little girl in Pickins park with Betty as you took turns on the father/daughter potato sack race with your dad. 
You woke in the morning to your mothers stern voice downstairs. She was clearly on the phone with someone who’d upset her. 
You pulled yourself from bed and trudged down the stairs. You held on to the banister as you swung around to see your mom at the end of the hall in the kitchen on the house phone. 
Your mother hung up before turning to face you. The irritation she once felt from the call had disappeared when she saw you stood at the bottom of the staircase with your father’s shirt on. You look almost as innocent and sweet as when you were a child, a picture image of you 8 years old in your dad's shirt to go play ball in the garden with your father and Archie came into her mind. 
But today you were different to that little girl; dark circles clung to your eyes and  your skin seemed to dull in colour. You weren’t a little girl anymore, you were a woman, but it seemed that both of you were desperately wishing times were different in this moment. 
“Who was that?” You asked, you didn’t realise how hoarse your voice was until you spoke, it must've been from the crying during the night. 
“Your brother. He went all the way up to Cherry Creek to fetch your fathers body.” Your Mom sounded almost as shocked as you felt by the news. 
With that, you darted back upstairs and grabbed your cell. 
“Archie?” You were fuming as Archie answered your call. 
“(Y/n)?” Archie responded. 
“Why did you go to Cherry Creek? Why didn’t you say anything? Why have I travelled all the way back to Riverdale just to be alone?” The questions seem to leave your mouth like a flood. “He’s my dad too, Archie. You didn’t think I’d come with you to bring him home? I waited so long to see him and now it’s too late.” 
“(Y/n), I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d want––”
“––want to travel hours away to bring dad home? Want to see him as soon as possible?” Your voice broke as tears flowed from your eyes. 
“I’m sorry, okay?! I had this nightmare and I left as soon as I woke up. I just couldn’t leave him here. I didn’t want you or Mom questioning or dictating to me about this journey. I’m sorry, (Y/n).” Archie sounded emotional himself. You wondered if he had seen your dad yet. 
“What if I get on my bike and come up now? I’ll leave within minutes.” You suggested. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, (Y/n). It’ll take you a few hours to get here and by the time you arrive, we’ll be allowed to take dad and leave. You might as well stay there and make sure Mom’s alright. We’ll be back as soon as possible.” Archie discouraged your idea and as much as you hated it you knew it was best if you stayed and waited with your mother. 
You heard the doorbell go off downstairs by the time you hung up the phone and got dressed for the day. You knew you had slept in your dad’s shirt but his scent clung to it so strongly you didn’t want to take it off. 
The sound of high heels downstairs gave you an idea of who might have arrived so you weren’t surprised to see Cheryl and Toni in the hallway, embracing your mother. 
“(Y/n)! Oh my god! Wait ‘till the Serpents hear your back!” Toni almost ran towards you when she saw you. You hugged the girl back and smiled at how grown and beautiful she’d gotten since you left. 
“I’m terribly sorry for your loss, (Y/n), but I must admit seeing your face has made it a happier time for Riverdale.” Cheryl hugged you once Toni finally let you and all you could do was force a smile onto your face as you tucked your hands into your back pockets. 
“The girls say they’ve come to ask us something.” Your mother chimed in. 
“Actually I’m going to head out and look around town. It feels too heavy in this house without dad.” You admit, sending an apologetic look towards Toni. 
“It’s alright. Maybe you can stop by Pop’s later and we can get some food and catch up?” Toni asked,
You just nodded before taking hold of the front door handle and escaping. 
Just as you looked up from the concrete floor, leaning against the house door whilst letting out a deep breath of relief, there stood at the bottom of the steps on the sidewalk was FP.
You watched him remove his hat before stepping towards you. 
“Are you alright?” He asked, his face full of concern. 
“Just feeling a little claustrophobic.” You admitted you felt a little closed in with the visitors this morning. 
“I see you kept your bike.” FP gestured to your motorbike on the side of the road. 
“She took me all around the country. Broke my heart to leave her here for a while when I travelled Europe. I plan to take her to Italy in the future. I rode a bike there but it just wasn’t the same.” You found yourself talking about his gift to you with ease. It was the first conversation you had that wasn’t about your father. 
“Wow, Europe? That’s further than most people from Riverdale get.” FP saw how you gushed over your bike and it made his heart squeeze knowing he was the one who got it for you. 
He still couldn't believe you were stood in front of him. When you rode off and out of Riverdale he figured he wouldn’t be seeing you for a long time. Perhaps ever again. 
You had grown in more ways than one. He could see the travel helped you find yourself or at least figure out yourself a bit better than Riverdale could ever do. 
Even though you looked worn from the news of your father passing, he could see that you were comfortable in your skin, any insecurity you had previously shown was gone or hidden. He admired you from afar. 
“How are you? How did you even become Sheriff? Are you seeing anyone?” You couldn’t help but let the last question be spoken aloud. 
“Uh, it’s complicated.” His response seemed to answer every question. You noticed his eyes flicker to the Coopers household. 
“Do you, uh, do you want to get out of here?” You pointed your thumb down the direction of the street as you looked around. 
“Um, (Y/n), I––” FP started, tugging on his belt loops with his thumbs as he too looked around but his answer only began to panic you. 
“––No, it’s fine. I shouldn’t have asked. Things have changed, I get it.” You rambled on, hugging your arms around yourself as you retreated. 
“I’d love to.” FP cut any more rambles from your mouth off. 
“Your ride or mine?” You asked, nodding towards the sheriff wagon across the street. 
FP chuckled and shook his head, 
“Mine.” He made his way to the car, and opened the door for you. 
The gesture was so small yet so large. Who was this man now? Has he changed much? His smile hasn’t changed. It never has. 
He had his radio on quietly, probably so he wouldn't miss any calls on the police satellite. You tend to be busy as the sheriff of the town called Riverdale. This crazy, surreal like town. 
“How’s Red handling it?” Fp asked,
“He, um, he went up to Cherry Creek last night. Arrived this morning to collect my dad. He didn't tell me or our mom. He just went with Jughead, Betty and Veronica and left. Called Mom this morning asking her to sign some paperwork so that dad could be released to Archie.” You stared out of the window as you spoke. The town floated by as if it hadn’t been bothered by Fred’s death. 
“He what?” FP furrowed his brow as he looked over at you for a moment. “That boy...” FP started but you finished it with a light chuckle and a ‘I know’. 
FP pulled off the main streets of Riverdale and toward the river. 
“So, what happened the last time you spoke to your old man? You said you didn’t speak to him for three weeks after that.” FP was careful to poke due to the sensitive topic but for some reason, you felt calm enough with him beside you. 
“Nothing. The usual, asking questions where I'm living, if I’m eating, have I met anyone? Have I got a job? But he kept talking about me coming to visit Riverdale now I was a little closer. He kept on about how much my Mom wants to see me and how happy it’d make Archie but... But I just didn’t know how to say that I didn’t want to come back yet.” You admitted honestly. 
FP’s car wheels came to a squeaky stop as he pulled into Sweetwater River. 
“I know it’s stupid and selfish and I should have come back when he asked. I mean he only wanted me to visit and now it’s too late. Now I can’t... He can’t... He’s not here.” You felt yourself crumble throughout the sentence and FP watched with tears in his own eyes. 
“Hey.” He pulled you towards him, hugging you tightly. “It’s not your fault. You had only just got the hell out of here.” FP tried to comfort you. 
You gripped onto his shirt as you buried your face into him. 
“We all should have spent more time with him. Life likes to play these dirty games with us.” FP could feel the pain radiating from your body. 
You seemed so small and fragile in his arms. You felt like the person you used to be right at the beginning of your relationship, when all you wanted to do was look after him and make sure he was alright. Now, he just wanted to make you feel alright. 
“I remember when Fred found out that he was having a baby girl. He couldn’t have been more excited and terrified at the same time.” FP laughed softly, “Little did he know that little girl would grow up to be one of the kindest, strongest and damn-near smartest women in this town. Fred knew you were beautiful in and out, (Y/n). He believed you could do anything you wanted to.” FP explained, trying his best to bring some happiness to the memory of your father. 
You pulled away slowly to look the man in the face. He took hold of your cheeks and tried to smile but you could see the sadness in his eyes. 
“And I can’t believe that little girl grew up to change my life. She used all of her kindness and strength on a hopeless drunk who couldn’t hold down a job.” There seemed to be a hint of regret in FP’s eyes. Not regret for the relationship but perhaps regret that he had dragged you alongside him for so long.
“That man has turned out to be the sheriff today. Ex-king of the Southside serpents and sober. He helped me find a backbone and gave me something to fight for.” You argued with his negative outlook. “My dad must've been so proud to see you as big dog in Riverdale.” 
FP lowered his eyes and shook his head with a smile. 
“He wouldn’t have been proud much longer if he found out that his best friend had been in love with his only daughter.” FP’s words seemed to fall from his lips in slow motions as you processed what he had said. 
You had no control over your body when you found your mouth meeting his, lifting his head back up. 
FP didn’t expect the gesture but welcomed it as one hand found the back of your neck and the other squeezed your waist. 
Your tongues danced together like two lost lovers had finally found each other again. 
You tried to lean forward to press your chest against his but the position of the car seats wouldn’t allow it. 
It was the police radio that interrupted you both, a deputy calling for ‘Sheriff Jones’ to return as there was new information on the Fred Andrews case. 
You fell apart as quickly as you came together. 
You shot your eyes down to your feet as you tried to catch your breath. 
Fp stayed silent as he panted beside you. 
The car came alive as he cleared his throat, pulling out of the famous riverside and back onto the main road. 
You both remained silent until you pulled into the station. 
Your skin felt like it was on fire from the passionate kiss but the news about the case overtook your thoughts.
You both rushed into the station and to the sheriff’s office where FP picked up the phone, dialling the Cherry Creek police. 
You sat in the rigid uncomfortable chair opposite FP’s desk and bit down on your thumb nail as you waited anxiously. 
You sat up in anticipation as FP hung up the phone. 
“So?” You asked, your voice was soft, almost a whisper. 
“The guy that hit Fred. He turned himself in this morning.” FP informed you, dialling a number on his cellphone. 
“So they’ve got him? He’s off the roads?” 
“He, uh, he made bail. He’s been released. It’s just how these things go sometimes.” FP could see the anger on your face when he said that the guy was released. 
“But he killed my dad.” You felt sick knowing the man who killed your father was out walking around. 
“And he’ll get justice for it.” FP said it in a way that you immediately it was a promise than a statement. 
“I’m gonna call Red. Go ahead and inform your mother.” FP instructs you and you do as you’re told. Telling her only what you know. 
When you returned to the office from taking the call outside, you could see the worry on FP’s face. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked, 
“Your brother. I think he’s gonna try and take justice into his own hands. I’m trying to get through to Jughead now.” FP held up his phone. 
When Jughead finally answered, FP told him everything and Jughead said he’d take care of it. 
“Jug will get to him. Archie might be mad but if they get to him first then no one should get hurt.” You tried to be optimistic. You didn’t want Archie starting a fight he might not win. Who knows who this guy is! 
FP leant back in his chair and ran a hand over his face the way he usually does when he’s stressed. 
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“For some reason, it doesn’t feel real.” You murmured as you folded your arms across your chest and moved yourself in front of FP. Leaning back against his desk, standing between his legs. 
“I keep thinking that I’ll go home and his truck will be there. He’ll be stood in the kitchen, buried in some paperwork with a beer bottle in his hand. He’ll moan at me for staying out so late and we’ll argue about how I’m an adult. But at the end of the night, he’ll still be leaning in bedroom doorway to say goodnight.” You didn’t realise you were crying against until the salty tears found your lips. 
“This town’s not gonna be the same without him.” FP met your eyes with his own glassy ones. 
“I didn’t tell him I loved him in three weeks.” You broke. 
Fp rose to his feet and his hands squeezed your upper arms as he tried to get you to look at him. 
“You didn’t need to say it. He already knew.” FP embraced you once again and you relaxed once more. 
“Look, while you were on the phone to your mom, I got a call from Cheryl. She has this whole parade planned for when Archie returns with Fred. A special way to honour him and I gotta be the one to stop Archie from going straight into town. We’re gonna give him a police escort and let the town say goodbye.” FP thought the idea would give you something to look forward to. Something to be apart of. 
“This town really loved him, huh?” You wiped at your nose and smiled sadly. 
“Yes, they did. Now, if you’ll have me, I’d like for you to ride in the wagon with me out front.” FP knew it was a risky move but he knew you’d appreciate it. 
You nodded your head, letting another tear slip from your eye. 
FP caught it with his thumb. 
The next thing you knew your lips were gently pressing against his. 
Fp nor you could fight these feelings. Fp knew that if Alice or Jughead’s mom found out.... His thoughts seemed to disappear when your hands caressed his arms, leading up to your neck. 
He deepened the kiss, closing the small space between you by lifting you up onto his desk. He fitted nicely between your legs and you arched your back against him as he kissed down your neck. 
You internally rejoiced when you noticed the blinds on the office door were shut. Hopefully prompting anyone who needed to enter to knock. 
You straightened back up to reclaim his lips as his hands moved up your shirt to your chest. 
“FP.” You whispered, your hands were on his belt buckle but you didn’t make any movements to loosen it yet. 
The pain of the past couple days seemed to melt away at the touch of one another. You were like each others morphine. 
FP took the hint and yanked at your jeans, pulling them down your thighs to your ankles. You clawed at his belt, hissing when he brought you forward and sank his teeth into your shoulder. 
You threw off your top and fixated your arms around the older man. 
He could feel your want on the outside of your panties. 
A moan escaped as his fingers brushed your sex as he moved your panties to one side. 
“You have no idea how much I’ve needed this. You.” FP spoke against your skin as he pressed himself inside you. 
You threw your head back for a moment before resting your forehead on the man’s shirt.
Fp lifted you slightly to get a better angle as he thrusted in and out of you. 
He felt so good that the world around you seemed to become white. 
“Fuck.” FP snarled as you rolled your hips against his. 
His name left your lips as you both picked up the pace. You could feel yourself drawing close to climax already. 
His hand buried itself in your hair and tugged as you bit down on your lip to stay quiet. Your cheek burned against his with the friction of his beard and the heat from you both.
With your bodies moulded together, the desperation of a release built. 
You bit down on his shoulder as you unravelled, throbbing around him which only brought his release closer. 
You let go of his shoulder and silently cursed at the wet teeth mark you left on his khaki shirt but you quickly forgot as he pulled his length from you and emptied his seed over your thigh. 
He rested his forehead against you as you both caught your breath. You were glad you tore off your shirt as you were coated in a thin layer of sweat. 
FP reached over to the box of tissues in the office and began cleaning up his mess.
He looked up from your thighs to catch something he had forgotten about on your shoulder. 
A very obvious ‘M’ was scarred in your beautiful skin. 
You watched him stare at you with a twisted look of pain. His thumb ran over the mark which made you flinch away slightly. 
It was just a horrid reminder of what nearly happened that night. However, you refused to cover it with a tattoo as it also reminded you that you survived it. 
You slid off the desk to tug up your jeans and scoop up your t-shirt. 
You cringed slightly as you realised what you had done. You had thrown away your dad’s shirt to fuck his life long best friend on the sheriff’s desk. 
FP must've noticed your face pale as he asked if you were okay. 
You could hear his belt being done up and you muttered a swift apology about his shirt before turning the handle on the door. 
“Hey! Wait!” FP called after you but you tried to escape the building as fast as you could. 
As soon as you were out the station doors and the warm summer air hit you, you started sprinting. 
You ran until your legs ached and when you finally stopped. 
You were at the play park. 
It wasn’t too busy considering what the day was. 
You sat down on an empty swing and took a moment to catch your breath. 
“I’m sorry, Dad.” You looked up at the sky as you spoke. You didn’t know whether you were happy he never found out about the affair or sad because all you did was lie to him for years.
The internal conflict you had only worsened the pain you felt. 
“I didn’t expect to see you here.” The voice was enough to almost make you groan audibly. 
“Don’t think anyone did.” You pressed your lips into a thin line as Alice approached you. 
“No. I mean in the park. Of course, you’d come home for your fathers funeral.” Alice looked like she had been crying but her words were stable enough. 
You didn't respond. 
“I’m sorry for your loss, (y/n). Fred Andrews was one of the best men this town ever knew.” Alice stated.
“Yeah, thanks.” You pushed yourself off the swing and started to stride away from the woman when she caught your wrist. 
“Hey, you need anything you let me know? You and Archie are as much family to me as my own.” Alice sent you a sympathetic smile and you couldn’t help but remember all the times you’d play with Polly and Betty at their house. 
“Thank you, Alice.” You softened your words before turning to leave again. 
“(Y/n)! (Y/n)!” Not long after you left the park you heard a man calling your name. 
You faced the direction of the call to see FP shutting his car door to come towards you. 
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere. Archie’s almost back.” FP announced. 
“We better head to the edge of town then.” You brushed past his shoulder to enter the car. 
“Hey.” FP took hold of your wrist and made you look at him. “What happened?” 
“I just... I’m wearing my dad’s shirt today. It smells like him. I threw to the side to be close with you and when I picked it up... I couldn’t help but think about how much I’ve lied to him. How many lies I told and how many secrets I kept.”
“Sometimes we have to keep things from others to keep them from getting hurt.” FP’s eyes darkened at the mention of your secret relationship. 
“There’s just so much I never said.” You sighed, closing your eyes to prevent any more tears. 
“Fred knew all of the important stuff you needed to say. We all kept a few secrets and lied to your old man, that’s the way it is in this town. We can forgive ourselves for it or we can let it turn you into a sour old drunk that can’t even feed his kids.” Fp’s eyes flashed with regret and sadness from his past mistakes. 
Your throat was locked shut so you just nodded your head. 
“Let’s go get your old man.” Fp opened the car door and you followed. 
You didn’t have to wait long on the side of the road before Archie emerged in a hearse with your dad’s truck, driven by Betty and Jughead, behind him. 
Fp pushed himself off the front of the car where you both had sat to wait, you lifted your head from his shoulder to watch him stand and raise his hand to slow Archie down. 
“Everything all right, Mr. Jones?”
“Everything's good, Red. I, uh, heard what you, and Jug, and the girls were up to, and I wanted to be a part of it. I'd like to give your dad a police escort the rest of the way home, if you're okay with that. He deserves it.”
“Yes, sir.” Archie looked past Fp to you. You smiled as much as you could manage and quickly wiped away any water escaping your eyes. 
“All right. Follow me then.” Fp leaving Archie’s side gave you the signal to climb into the wagon. 
As you drove towards town, you couldn’t help but hold FP’s hand. He held onto you tightly and gave your hand a tight squeeze here and there when he caught you getting emotional again. 
“He’d be so happy to see you home.” Fp told you. 
“I know.” You agreed. 
That's when the parade became clear ahead. 
You smiled as you cried silently to the cheers and appraisal your father was getting. 
You couldn’t help but laugh as the Serpents all cheered loudly as you passed. You blew them all a kiss as a thank you. 
You didn’t stop crying until you pulled up in front of the house. 
All the signs and familiar faces tore at your heart and made you think about how well known Fred actually was. 
He changed a lot of people’s lives and you were so thankful he was always apart of yours; as your father. 
As Archie exited the hearse, you opened your own door. 
You rushed to his side and wrapped an arm around his waist as he approached your mother. 
“I couldn't leave him there, Mom.” Archie confessed, taking both you and your mom into a tight embrace
“I know.” Your mom said as she snivelled repeatedly. 
“I brought Dad home.” Archie looked between you and your mother. You only smiled and tucked yourself under his arm. 
“You did. You sure did. I'm so proud of you. I know he would be, too.” Your mom gushed, Archie pulled her back into the group hug and you all just stayed there for a minute. 
Fp watched from a distance as you hugged your family and he knew that things would never be the same in Riverdale ever again. He once thought that when he saw you leaving but now, now he knew that he truly meant it.
“Hey, I found something in Dad’s truck.” Archie parted from the hug and dug into his pocket. 
What he pulled out was a photo of you, Archie and your dad. All together. Happy. 
You laughed weakly as you stepped towards your bike, pulling up the seat to get into the under compartment. 
You put your hand into a small bag inside and out came the exact photo but more crinkled and torn. It has travelled with you always. 
“I can’t believe he’s gone, Arch.” 
“I know. Me either.” Your brother buried you in his chest and it wasn't the first time you felt like the younger sibling between the two of you. 
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The funeral didn’t take too long to put together and before you knew it, the casket was being walked towards you and your mother at the graveyard. 
You watched your mother press a kiss against the closed casket as she lay her rose on top. 
You were shaking when you found the courage to step forward yourself. 
You wrapped your arms around the casket and pressed your cheek against the cold wood, letting your tears hit it below. 
“I love you, Dad.” You were heartbroken. Here lay Fred Andrews, never to be seen again. Not outside of pictures or videos. 
Archie had to be the one to come forward and move you along as the crowd watched with agony in their hearts. 
“And now... Fred's son, Archie, would like to say a few words.” 
You watched Archie take the podium with more strength than you could even muster that day.
“‘Uh, earlier I was thinking... on the drive over here... how much of Riverdale my dad built... or just fixed up. Houses, office buildings... A bit of everything. He helped build this town. And one day if I'm lucky enough to have a son or a daughter of my own... I'll be able to point to a building or even just a brick in the building, and say, "Your grandpa made that... with his hands."” Archie paused, you smiled at the idea of a little Archie running around Riverdale.
“It's the 4th of July. I remember this one th... it was raining. The fireworks show was canceled, and, uh, I was so bummed, I remember sitting in the backyard just bawling... Until my dad came home with all these fireworks. I mean, enough to burn our house down, you remember that, (Y/n)? Mom?” 
You and your mother nodded with a smile as she took your hand. 
“And, uh... we lit them in the backyard, it was just... it was the best night. My dad was here for every high and every low. He's the greatest man I've ever known. It hurts me that I never got to say goodbye. That I won't get to see him again or talk to him. But his spirit and his memory lives on... in this town, and in everyone he's met. Fred Andrews will always be a part of Riverdale. I love you so much, Dad.” Archie finished his speech and you felt like you couldn't even move. 
You felt horrible that you couldn’t say anything but you could barely get a word out without breaking down completely. 
Once the funeral was over and you had returned to your childhood home, you went upstairs and draped one of your dad’s flannels over your shoulders and your dress.
“I miss you, Daddy.” You curled up on his side of the bed and buried your face into the sleeves of the flannel. 
Archie could see you from the hall and he considered comforting you but the sight of you so broken was too much for him to bare at that moment. 
You knew you couldn’t stay in Riverdale without Fred being there. 
You knew you couldn't even stay a week just to stay with Archie. 
You had spent so much time in the past fighting to stay in the town but now all it held was memories of your pain. 
You returned to your room after what felt like hours, you must’ve fallen asleep at some point as you felt groggy when you finally lifted yourself up to gather your things together. 
“You’re not staying for the fireworks?” Your mom appeared at your door. 
“I can’t.” You tried to keep yourself composed. “I can’t, Mom. I can’t be here without him. He was always there. Always. When you left, when I'd fight against him, when I left. He was always right here.” 
“I understand.” Your mom surprised you with her answer and even more with her hug. She kissed you on the cheek and pressed a smile onto her lips. 
“I love you so much. Please don’t be a stranger in the future.” She begged, 
You kissed her forehead as she lowered her head. 
“I promise I won’t.” 
As you moved away, you noticed she had changed and redone her makeup. 
Archie was downstairs from what you could see from the top of the stairs and he too was dressed up. 
You descended with your mothers hand in yours and your bag in the other. 
“We’re about to start...” Archie’s words trailed off when he saw you were holding your bag. 
“I’ve got to go. I’ll visit you real soon little brother.” You placed your bag down as Archie watched. 
“Already?” Archie pouted, 
“I have too. We all have our ways of coping. I can’t move past this if I stay here. I can’t stay here without him.” You were honest with your little brother. 
You awaited an explosion but Archie followed in your moms footsteps and simply hugged you. 
“Promise me this isn’t the last time I’m going to see you.” Archie whispered against my ear. 
“I promise.” You kissed his cheek and pulled away. “Tell the others it was good t see them.” You didn’t want to deal with any more goodbyes. 
“I will. You ready?” He turned back to his mom and she said she was. 
You didn’t stay to watch them head out to the garden to watch the fireworks.
You put on your helmet and mounted your bike. 
As you drove away, you smiled as you saw the fireworks in your wing mirror. 
At the end of the road you noticed FP’s sheriff car parked and FP dressed in his usual get up of jeans and a flannel. 
“Didn't think you could skip town again without a goodbye.” FP smirked as you stopped your bike. 
“How’d you know I’d leave tonight?” You rose your voice enough to be heard over the fireworks. 
“’Cause...”  He shrugged and swaggered towards you. 
“You think you can just smile at me and everything will be alright?” You removed your helmet as you spoke. 
“I wanted to tell you something. Something I should have said a long time ago.” Fp only grew closer to you. 
“I’m all ears, Sheriff Jones.” 
“I loved you, (Y/n). I always loved you. You were this unexpected gift that came into my life and kicked the crap out of the old me. You taught me what it was like to feel again. You were better than any drink I had ever had.” FP began to confess to you. “I know I didn’t deserve you and I know we can never be together in the way I wanted to but those many months of my life with you by my side. My Serpent Queen. They were some of the best days of––”
You kissed the man after hearing the words you had always wanted to hear. 
You knew he loved you that time ago but he never said. Never told you. 
“I loved you too, FP Jones.” You let your lips part from his slowly as you breathed out the words. 
“Keep on fighting. You’re stronger than you know.” FP pressed his forehead against yours as he looked into your eyes. 
Those eyes. Those hypnotic eyes. 
“Stay out of trouble. Don’t make me come back and kick your ass back into shape.” You half-kidded. 
FP sighed and kissed you once more. 
“I’m forever yours, FP Jones.” You let the man know as you backed away from him back towards your bike. 
He watched you climb back on but before you replaced your helmet he remembered something...
“Wait.” FP pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and as he got closer with a slow jog, you realised it was the polaroid. “It’s your turn to keep it.” 
You took the photo without any fight and tucked it into your jacket. 
“Look after yourself, Jones.”  You brushed your lips against his as you held his cheeks between your fingers. 
“Don’t break too many hearts, (Y/n) Andrews.” FP took a step back. 
“Can't make that promise.” You winked. The only heart that ever mattered to you was his. 
You revved your engine as you finally rode away. 
Watching the man only disappear in your mirror as the fireworks only continued. 
The End. 
AN: That’s a wrap folks. I hope you enjoyed this story and I hope this ending wasn’t too awful for you all. I want to say that I hope all of you are safe and doing well. I hope those who are rioting are staying safe and protecting themselves. This chapter is dedicated to Luke Perry may he rest in peace. Goodnight my lovely readers and thank you once again for reading. 
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n0-eyedtaissa · 4 years
Your Love Song (Fangs Fogarty x OC)
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Summary: Fangs kisses Ari’s palm and that’s the end of it. They sit comfortably in the car for a little while, side by side as they basked in the warmth that felt a lot like love. 
A/N: Many thanks to my friends for encouraging me to post, special thanks to my editor/beta reader/graphic maker/script-supervision, @thebetterjonesboy​
Word Count: 4,383
I want to be awake / I want to stay awake with you / I want to say your name / I want to hear you say mine too
“Are you still awake?” It’s a 1am whisper into the phone receiver, with heads ducked under sheets just to make things a little quieter. Ari yawns and turns over in her bed, hugging her pillow just a bit tighter to her chest. She had been on the phone with Fangs since after her mom went to bed (much earlier that evening). There’s a rustling on the other end and she thinks that Fangs might have fallen asleep on her. 
“Still awake…” Fangs mumbles, low and sleepy, the sound enough to make Ari’s stomach erupt in a flight of butterflies. “But barely”
“You can go to sleep, Fangs, I’ll literally see you in a couple of hours.”
“That’s so long, though,” He pleads. “Talk to me”
“What do you want to talk about, mon trésor?” Ari asks with a quiet laugh. The two of them had been on the phone for so long that she couldn’t help but run out of things to talk about. There’s a beat of silence as Fangs thinks for a moment. 
“How was your day?” He asks, plain and simple, like it was reflexive. Ari liked that he checked in with her; he always asked how her day was going, or how it went; if she was okay, what was on her mind. 
“I already told you about my day” She replies with an eye roll, though Fangs can’t see it.  She cradles her phone between her shoulder and her ear as she picks up a tightly rolled joint from the crevice in the windowsill. Ari lights it and drapes her arm out of the crack in the window, letting the smoke billow and twist around her ring-covered fingers. She’s overcome by a wave of warmth and she knows it’s Fangs, not the steady stream of THC running through her system. It’s the quiet part of the night, when everyone and everything had startled to settle down. Ari can hear her younger brother Gus snoring through the wall, loud and even. There’s a certain kind of stillness about the Katz household that was welcoming and sort of uneasy. It felt like time was suspend in molasses, moving slower than it should. Usually this feeling would creep up over Ari’s shoulder and lay cold at the pit of her stomach, but for now she was okay with being suspended in time with Fangs.
“No, you didn’t. You told me about your day yesterday. It’s officially—“ Fangs trails off and Ari can only assume he’s checking the time, “—it’s officially 1:23 in the morning. It’s a new day.” He’s so matter-of-fact about the whole thing, Ari’s holding her hand over her mouth to muffle her giggles.
“So,” Fangs starts again, “Cariño, how’s your day?” He hums as he sits back with a squeak of his mattress, tucking himself back under his flannel sheets. Fangs lays his phone next to him on the pillow and listens intently until his eyes flutter closed and his breathing evens out. It takes Ari a moment to realize that Fangs really had fallen asleep this time. She was too busy narrating the events of a dream she had the night before, and usually Fangs would laugh and comment about how impressed he was that Ari could remember her dreams a day after she had them, let alone remember them at all. 
“Fangs?” She whispers his name and is only greeted with a small snore. The clock on Ari’s bedside table reads 2:05 a.m. in it’s harsh, red-lit numbers. She squints in the harshness of the light  and can feel the fatigue enveloping her. Knowing that she didn’t have the heart to wake the boy after he had just fallen asleep, Ari rolls over and lets herself be lulled to sleep by the static sound of Fangs’ breathing.
forget everything / forget everything but you 
When Fangs meets up with Ari at her locker after school, it doesn’t take much to realize that something’s wrong. She’s too quiet, quieter than usual at least, and when he asks her about it she brushes it off. But he knows Ari better than she thinks he does; Fangs can see through her hollow smile and he knows what her real, true laugh sounds like. He doesn’t push on the subject for too long, just offers to carry Ari’s physics textbook and locks his fingers with hers as they bound down the front steps of Riverdale High. They don’t say much as they weave their way through the students getting on their bikes or into their cars. Ari always parks her car in the staff parking lot (no matter how many times she had gotten in trouble for it), she tugs Fangs by the hand and the two of them throw their backpacks into the backseat before getting into her junky old car. He can tell that Ari’s hands are shaking as she fumbles with her tape deck.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Fangs keeps his eyes trained out the window, watching the grid-work of neighborhoods and local businesses give way into the sparseness of Midtown. 
“Not really” Ari reveals. Fangs can’t help but be shocked at the sound of her voice and how much he seemed to miss it in her silence. 
“Well, if you want to, you know…I’m here” He shrugs and reaches for Ari’s hand over the gearshift. 
“I know” She answers, her thumb rubbing small circles over the back of Fangs’ hand. When she was ready to talk about what was weighing so heavy on both her heart and her mind, he would be the first person to know. He was the only one who seemed to understand her these days. 
Ari turns her car into the cul-de-sac of houses that seemed so far away from the parts of town that really mattered. When she pulls up in front of the Katz household, she puts the car in park but doesn’t get out. She looks at Fangs and then looks away, wringing her hands nervously around the steering wheel. "What are you supposed to do when you’re so painfully aware that no one is listening to you?”
Fangs doesn’t need an explanation to know what she’s talking about, it had been a point of contention between Ari and her best friend Nadya for a while now. Ari understood that her best friend had been through a lot recently, and that the road to healing was full of bumps and detours, but Nadya wasn’t the only person who was going through a rough time. She tried her best to take things in stride, to not get upset when the conversation fell flat, when Nadya’s mind was someplace ugly and far, far away:
“How’re you?” Ari would ask, hoping that today would be better for her friend and that slowly but surely things could have the ability to feel normal some time again soon. 
“Oh…you know” Nadya answers, her voice soft and guarded as she stared out the window, giving her friend a broad, half-hearted gesture. 
Ari feels foolish for hoping that the conversation could turn to her now, because there were times when a girl needed her best friend to check in and make sure her head was on right. She wanted Nadya to ask her how she was doing, how her day was going or how it went; if she was okay, or what was on her mind. When Ari realizes that this was as far as their conversation was going, she picked up her backpack from the desk next to her and slings it over her shoulder, walking out of the French classroom without bothering to say goodbye. 
“Forget her” Fangs says, tethering Ari back to reality. She looks over at him with a quirk in her eyebrows, squinting her eyes from the rays of late afternoon sun that glowed bright against Fangs’ silhouette. “Forget everyone! Who needs ‘em?” 
“Forget everyone” Ari responds in tandem, though lacking the same enthusiasm. She tries her best to laugh but it’s a feeling that’s too dry in her throat. She gives Fangs a convincing enough smile that he’s appeased for the moment and the two get out of the car.
If I could only preach what I practice, I'd be on the other side / Hoping when you hear it, you lap this up, you laugh at every line / After all, it's your love song, not mine
After school on Fridays, Ari and Fangs made it a habit to go to Pop’s for a milkshake and some fries. They would pay with sweaty, crumpled pocket-change and smile at the waitresses who told them to have a nice weekend. Ari would pull a joint out of her glasses case and would pass it back and forth between Fangs and herself as they walked through the brush that led over into Midtown. It was light and easy, usually. Ari would walk on her toes, balanced carefully on the train tracks that led shipments from the Blossom Family Maple Farm in and out of town. They’d talk about everything and nothing at all: weekend plans, funny anecdotes about their friends and family, but today things were different. 
“Are you really going to be mad at me right now?” Fangs looked over at Ari incredulously as she walked a few paces ahead of him. He sighs, tightening his grip on his messenger bag and speeding up to match her stride. 
“Actually yes, I am” Ari scoffs, tossing the comment over her shoulder. The two had been walking through the brush-line to go hang out by the train tracks, a makeshift clubhouse and safe space for Ari and the small population of people who were in the know. Ari holds back a wiry tree branch as she ducks under it, letting go of it as she passes under instead of holding it back for Fangs. 
“Now that’s just wrong…” Fangs mumbles, swatting the leaves away from his face and scrambling to keep up with her. His footfalls kick up little clouds of brown dust that make Fangs cough as he catches back up to Ari. “You know I didn’t mean anything by it, right?” He pleads, stopping dead in his tracks. 
“If you didn’t mean anything by it, then you would’ve waited for me to talk to her like I planned to…” Ari rolls her eyes, still refusing to look back at Fangs as she continued her walk down to the tracks. 
Things got tense at lunch that day.
It was the first time in a long time that things seemed somewhat normal, until they weren’t anymore. Nadya seemed livelier then usual, her feet kicked up on the desk next to her as she whispered something to Sweet Pea. The Serpent boys looked out of place in the French classroom, with Fangs keeping one eye out the door for Ari, who was usually tasked with watching over her mother’s class during the lunch period. 
“Might as well make yourself comfortable, she’ll be awhile.” Nadya smirked knowingly as she unwrapped herself from Sweet Pea. 
Fangs raised his eyebrow at Nadya, unsure of what she meant. The two of them weren’t friends, but they weren’t not friends either. It was a slippery slope, trying to navigate a sort of relationship with their best friend’s significant other. 
“Thursdays she has ballet class” Nadya tried to explain, her manicured brows knitting together as she watched a smirk form on the corner of Fangs’ mouth, like he knew something she didn’t. “She probably did so many plies that her legs are broken” Nadya laughed uneasily, looking from Fangs, to the still-closed classroom door, back to Fangs again. Nadya was accosted with the feeling of white hot sickness that came with not being in on the joke; she knew something is wrong but she doesn’t know what exactly. 
Fangs shook his head. Nadya stiffened up like she was bracing herself for impact, her outer shell becoming as hard as she could make it to prepare her defenses against whatever was coming next. 
“She quit dance, like, a while ago.” Fangs remarked, with enough bite that Nadya couldn’t help but recoil. “But I guess you wouldn’t know that, would you?” 
Sweet Pea frowned at the comment, his large hand coming to rest protectively on Nadya’s shoulder. “What the hell’s that supposed to mean, man?” 
Just as Fangs was prepared to sink his teeth into Nadya, just as Nadya found herself wishing to be anywhere but in her own body, the door to the French classroom was opened abruptly by none other than a very winded-looking Ari Katz. She bursted into the classroom on a wave of swear words, cursing her English teacher for making her late and apologizing profusely. The energy in the classroom was so tense that Ari could feel the hairs on her arms standing up as she looked between her best friend and her boyfriend, confused as to what had happened mere moments before. She looked over at Nadya, who suddenly seemed so small and fragile under the washed-out lights.
“What’s wro—“ Ari started to ask (something that was second nature to her at that point) but was only met with Nadya’s raised hand, stopping her from continuing.
“How long ago did you quit?” Nadya asked the question so matter of factly that Ari knew that there was no getting out of this one. 
To anyone else, this might have seemed like an overreaction, but Ari knew it was an origin story coming to an end. It was their origin story. The Riverdale Recreational Center was a place of solace for a freckle-faced girl in a house full of little boys; in the ballet for beginners class, she made a friend in the small blonde in the front row, liked that the girl didn’t sound like anyone else that Ari knew. They would sit in butterfly position for hours and Nadya would re-tell all the old stories from her homeland, holding Ari’s chubby fingers as she applied a too-thick coat of pink glitter nail polish. The two girls grew up and Nadya eventually lost interest in dance, but it was Ari who really had the grace and skill for ballet. Sure, Ari would complain about going to class, or the tape that was constantly around her bloodied toes, but she loved it, right? Nadya couldn’t believe that she had become so far removed from her own best friend’s life that Ari had made such a serious decision without even mentioning it to her. 
Ari gulped, staring down at a scuff mark on the tile floor. “Three weeks”
With that, all of the color drains from Nadya’s face and she scrambles for her schoolbag before storming past Ari out of the classroom with Sweet Pea hot on her heels. If Ari could quit ballet so easily, without a second thought, what could that possibly mean for the fate of two of them? 
“I was going to talk to her, you knew that!” Ari voice gets a bit higher, her throat constricting with emotion. She hadn’t wanted Fangs to be involved in the process. He was supposed to be her salvation from the bad things but this time, he was the one bringing trouble.
Fangs chuckles haughtily, low and venomous and humorless. “You were gonna talk to her, really? Do you know how many times I’ve heard you say that? Nadya’s been making you feel like shit for a long time now, all you do is rant and rave about the fact that you’re the one putting in all of the work lately!” 
The two of them stop in a clearing that’s free of trees and tall grass, not too far away from where the old train car had derailed all those years ago before the Midtown kids could make it their second home. That was supposed to be their Friday evening plans: a late lunch at Pop’s, a smoke and a walk through the woods, where they would proceed to hang out in the tin-can train car, smoking weed and making out until it got dark. Fighting wasn’t on the radar today, or ever, really. 
“But that’s not your job to tell her! It’s mine. Things are, they’re complicated, Fangs… More than you really get. I should have been the one to bring up how I was feeling, and I was going to!” Ari tries her best to defend herself, though she can feel the tears threatening to spill over. Her first instinct is to wrap herself tight around Fangs, let herself melt into the comforts that he usually gave. But this time was different. He was so quick to preach about Nadya not being mindful of Ari’s feelings, that he was completely unable to realize that he was doing the exact same thing.
“Whether it be on my own time or what, I was going to talk to her about how she was making me feel, and you took that away from me! And to make things worse, you made her feel like shit about it too”
“You couldn’t do it, so I did. I’m sorry that your friend got upset in the process, but I won’t apologize for defending you.” Fangs shrugs off his actions arrogantly and stomps out what was left of the soggy joint they had been sharing. 
Ari lets out a frustrated sigh and can feel hot tears starting to stream down her cheeks. She’s frustrated because he’s right, but he’s also oh so wrong. “Just…” She takes a breath, trying to compose herself more. 
“Just go home, Fangs” 
I woke up today / In a twin-sized without you / I guess I'll go away / If that's what you want me to do / I’ll just disappear, just disappear
Fangs was always a firm believer that Sundays were the worst days of the week. If it wasn’t because of the fact that he had to get up early, put on his starchiest dress shirt, and sit at mass with his Abuela, it was because Sunday led into Monday, beginning the vicious cycle of days all over again. Fangs had been thinking a lot about time recently. He didn’t have to wonder who influenced him in that. He noticed how slow time seemed to go by when the world around him felt stagnant. Most of his weekend was spent in his bed, sick with worry that he had just fucked up one of the only good things that had happened to him in quite some time. When Fangs checks his phone, he hopes that there would be a text from Ari, but he knows that there isn’t. But it’s been almost three days of the full silent treatment and he was starting to go crazy. He sits back on his bed with a deep sigh, running a hang through his already-tousled hair. 
‘Read 5:48 PM’ 
Fangs pops up from his bed suddenly, feeling the need to occupy himself and distract himself from the worry of the waiting game. All of his homework due Monday was done earlier that weekend. His brother smacked him upside the head, calling him a nerd under his breath as he walked out of the house, actually having plans that weekend and not sulking around at hime like Fangs was. He has the first page of his midterm essay on the Salem Witch Trials done and was waiting on the library book he needed to pick up at school tomorrow in order to finish it. He was running out of ways to distract himself. He ducks his head out of his bedroom door and looks out into the hallway, seeing if anyone was in the kitchen because his assistance was always needed there. 
“You need me to do anything?” He asks timidly, looking at his mother as she clutched at her sore lower back. She had been feeling okay lately, the medications were working but flare-ups were inevitable and Fangs always could tell when Jaimina was hurting more than she was letting on. 
“What, you lookin’ for things to do around the house? Cause I got a whole list I can get for you right now, mijito” Jaimina pokes at Fangs’ side as she walks past him, flicking the dishtowel over her shoulder. Her intuition knew that something was wrong. She knew her sons like the back of her hand and could recognize that something was weighing heavy on Fangs’ heart, but she didn’t want to pry. The boy smiles in jest and its enough of a response that she knows he’ll be all right in time. He takes the dishtowel from her, pushing up his sleeves and standing at the sink as he tackles the pile of plates and forks. 
It’s almost 10PM on Sunday when Fangs finally had enough. It was late enough in the evening that all of the members of the Fogarty family had retired to their respective bedrooms, leaving Fangs to be alone with his thoughts (which was what he had been avoiding this whole time). Time seemed to move too slow, like he was the one controlling the speed at which it moved. Fangs tried to go to bed early; he tossed and turned until he got the bright idea to listen to some music, but all of his favorite songs were Ari’s favorite songs and that made him sad because there was a part of him that didn’t know if things between them would be salvageable. Stupid, stupid, stupid. He digs the backs of his hands into the his eye-sockets until he’s seeing stars. It wasn’t his place to intervene between two friends and he knew it, and his sense of loyalty came off as both condescending and controlling, which wasn’t what he meant at all. He tucks his hands behind his head and gazes absent-mindedly at the ceiling, counting the cracks. Not wanting to lose any more time that he already had, Fangs sits up with a huff and unlocks his phone, beginning to compose a text. 
In a different part of town, Ari Katz wasn’t doing too much better. She spent most of her weekend in bed, worried that she lost her best friend and her boyfriend in the span of a few hours. Her pink-lit bedroom was cold with the breeze of outside air that slipped through the gauzy curtains and Ari finds herself pulling up the hood of the puffy sweatshirt she had stolen from Fangs ages ago. It still smells like him and it feels like him and Ari is accosted by a melancholy wave of missing Fangs and everything about him. She bites at her thumbnail and thinks for a minute before unlocking her phone and opening up their text thread. 
And that’s when she notices it. Three little grey dots. He was typing. With a soft gasp, she tosses her phone to the other end of her bed where she can ignore it until she hears it buzz with the promise of an incoming text notification. Ari’s pink-polished fingers are shaky as she reaches for her phone and unlocks it (her passcode was Nadya’s birthday, but she tried not to think about that in the moment). 
[10:08 PM]: I’m sorry that we fought… that was so stupid of me
[10:10 PM]: I care about you a lot, you know that right?
Ari watches the little grey dots disappear and for a minute she thinks that Fangs has given up. 
[10:15 PM]: Can I see you?
Without a second doubt, Ari taps the ‘call’ button and lifts her phone to her ear, letting it ring as she grabs her keys and puts on her shoes. Fangs answers on the third ring and doesn’t say anything but that’s okay. “Will you come pick me up? I’ll sneak out my window.” It’s less of a question and more of a demand, but Fangs gives in easily, relieved that she even wanted to see him. The two make a quick plan and Ari throws the rest of her things in her backpack, stepping up onto her windowsill clad in her pajama shorts and her boots, body engulfed by Fangs’s old sweatshirt. It’s a calculated maneuver that Ari had mastered over the time, how to duck out her window, where she needed to catch her leg in order to push herself onto the garden trellis. She knows where her brother kicked a hole through the old wood, uses that to her advantage as she climbs down low enough to jump, landing gracefully on the grass. Ari sits on the curb as she waits for him, sweatshirt tented and pulled over her bare legs. She hears his car coming; he cuts the lights and the engine. 
“What’re you doing, it’s cold outside” Fangs points out, noticing Ari’s bare legs. It’s instinctual, how easily he finds himself caring for her. He opens the car door for her and turns the heater on full blast. An awkward silence settles over the car and Fangs is hit with a pang of anxiety because usually a silence like this was nonexistent. 
“Do you hate me?��� He asks in earnest.
It takes Ari a second to formulate a response. “I could never hate you, Fangs” She looks over at him, sliding her hand towards his over the gearshift. “I just wish that things didn’t go down the way that they did.” Honesty is a bitter pill to swallow and Ari knows that there's plenty of damage control that will need to be done, but it was better to address things sooner rather than later. 
Fangs shakes his head softly. “I’m sorry that I made things worse.”
“You were standing up for me when I wasn’t” Ari tries to shrug, knowing that he his intentions were pure.
“I’m still sorry”
“I know you are”
Fangs kisses Ari’s palm and that’s the end of it. They sit comfortably in the car for a little while, side by side as they basked in the warmth that felt a lot like love. 
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Show Me Your Moves/Fangs Fogarty
You sat in the lounge of your new school. You looked around in disgust at all the Northsiders, the same kids that had judged you, taunted you growing up simply because you had been born on the wrong side of the tracks. You watched with disdain as Jughead Jones locked lips with the Northsider, Betty. You heard a snort to your right.
“Typical Jones, might’ve been born on the Southside, but even with a serpent on his back he still tries to fit in with the preps.” You and Fangs snickered in unison at Sweet Pea’s comment, glancing at him sideways as he nudged you in the side. Toni gave you all a look.
“Come on guys, show a little respect. We’re all here aren’t we?” She turned to you, “Didn’t you just try out for cheer squad with me yesterday?” Your cheeks burned as jaws dropped around you. You reluctantly met the eyes of Fangs and Sweet Pea. They both had wide eyes.
“Cheer squad.” They both deadpanned at once. Toni smirked.
“Yep, her moves are even better than mine. I’m sorry, girl, was that a secret?”
You grimaced, “I only tried out cuz you made me, Topaz, and don’t lie to these poor souls, the only reason I made the squad was cuz you’re banging the captain.”
“Eu contraire, serpent sister of my beloved, if Toni wasn’t here, I’d definitely back up her statement,” the red-haired cheer captain waltzed in, wrapping a manicured hand around the shoulder of your friend. “You were the best of all the new girls.” You shook your head.
“Why didn’t anyone tell us she could dance! Why didn’t anyone tell us you could dance?” Sweet Pea turned to you with a serious look. You laughed.
“So what guys, we all knew Toni had moves, what’s the big deal if I have some too?” Your cheeks were still red as you continued to avoid a certain pair of eyes you knew were still peering into you.
“The big deal is,” a deep voice all but whispered next to you, drawing closer, “Now we’ve got to see them. That is if Toni can force you out of your jacket and into that little cheerleader outfit like she did to get you to try out.”
“Fat chance, Fangs. You’ll just have to wait til the next pep rally like the rest of the school,” you said with a wink.
 You and Toni had been dancing together since you were in diapers. From dancing on your tippy toes in elementary, to buying your first ballet shoes together after pick-pocketing a Northsider. When you got to Southside High as Freshman, you watched Toni make varsity. You had never been one to dance in front of others, especially a particularly handsome serpent. Ever since 8th grade, you’d had a top-secret crush on Fangs Fogarty. One of the Northside boys had made fun of your old, beat up shoes, and Fangs had taken care of it, and the northsider, for you. You never saw him as just a friend after that, but you knew Fangs only saw you as his childhood best friend, the girl whose pony tails he pulled in first grade, the girl whose eyes he covered for the scary parts of the movie at their first sleepover in fourth, the girl who knew all his deepest secrets and he hers.
Now, you were here, front and center at your first Riverdale High Football game. You pulled down your uncomfortably short skirt again, honestly not even aware you were doing it at this point. You ran your fingers through your hair, sweeping your eyes across the stands, hoping, but also a little nervous, to find familiar eyes looking back. You were met with Sweet Pea, and a smile pulled at the corners of your lips as he dropped an eye in a wink. You returned it, once again meeting with a familiar, if not menacing, pair. You felt a heat in the pit of your stomach, and your teeth pulled at your bottom lip as you maintained eye contact with Fangs. He looked… hungry. You liked it.
As the music started, your hips swayed. You ignored the immediate pang of panic, imagining you were back in the gym, just practicing with the girls. Even as your solo approached, you didn’t allow yourself the luxury of giving into the nerves. Even then, though, you couldn’t ignore the looks you received from your male peers. You couldn’t deny the allure of your body as it moved to the beat. You watched as Reggie couldn’t peel his eyes off you, suppressed a giggle at Sweet Pea’s wide ones, and quickly looked away upon seeing Fangs again, the hungry look still present, if not magnified. You bit your lip, finishing the dance as applause polluted your ears. You smirked, the praise giving you the confidence you needed to meet Fangs’ gaze once more. You watched his eyebrows raise at your change in demeanor, his lips mirroring the smirk that adorned yours.
 You burst through the doors of Pop’s, laughing with the girls as you all sauntered to the doors that led downstairs. Veronica had organized an after party for the game at her very own speakeasy, and you grinned at Toni at the thought of getting drunk and letting loose with your friends tonight. As you descended down the stairs you once again met eyes with the boy you couldn’t seem to shake. You grinned as he walked up to you, double fisting shots. He handed one to you and you threw it back effortlessly, smiling gratefully.
“My favorite.”
“You didn’t think I’d forget your drink, did you babygirl?” he asked, hand grazing your hip. You giggled softly at the pet name, you were such a lightweight.
“Well why don’t you go get me another and we’ll see?” He sauntered away to grab you another drink. As the night drew on, you felt the stress leave your body. The music filled your ears, the songs blurred together, and all the while, Fangs was close by, dancing with you, whispering sweet nothings in your ear. You were too drunk to wonder why the change in behavior, hours ago you had been best friends. Now, it was like he was seeing you for the first time. You weren’t complaining.
It was getting late, you’d probably leave soon. Or at least that was the plan until your favorite song, your song, blasted through the speakers. You turned and locked eyes with Toni, grinning devilishly. You grabbed her hands as you climbed the bar stools, stepping your heel clad foot onto the bar as Toni followed suit, your cheerleading costume still clinging to your hips, the same ones that started swaying. Your hands flew to your hair as your eyes dropped closed. You turned and swayed and when your eyes opened again they were glued to the boy who hadn’t left your side tonight. His eyes no longer held hunger, only lust. Your arms crossed across your body and your fingers gripped the fabric. You began peeling the top of your uniform above your head, never losing eye contact with Fangs. His eyebrows furrowed together as you threw the garment to him. He held it tightly, but then you lost your footing, falling directly into his arms.
“I think you’ve had one too many princess, let’s get you home.” You smiled lovingly, rubbing your thumb over his cheek. You kissed his nose and giggled. He let out a chuckle. “Maybe a few too many.”
“You know I like you?” you asked him. You’d regret that in the morning. He looked at you with eyebrows raised.
“You’re drunk babe, you won’t even remember this in the morning.”
“But I’ll remember dancing with you, the way you called me babygirl. Do you like me too, Fangs? Or am I just craazy?” your words slurred but your sentiment was sincere. He gave you a long look.
“I’ve liked you for a long time babygirl, just thought you wouldn’t feel the same. Didn’t want to ruin the friendship and all the other clichés.” You smiled up at him, and he captured your lips in a kiss, the type that stops time, just for a moment. It felt like forever. Eventually, you pulled away, flashing another small smile.
“How could I resist your charms, Fogarty?”
“It was your charms, princess, that were impossible to resist. That little skirt? Those moves? I didn’t stand a chance.”
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madchenlover · 4 years
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There are so many things you can say about Mädchen Amick. Actress, director, producer, free spirit, artist, muse and that just describes her career over the last 3 decades. Mädchen has a true artistic view as a creator. Having just celebrated her 49th birthday we talk; body, work ethic and of course one of her hit shows, RIVERDALE.
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Mädchen started her career with Elite Models at 14 years old. Along with modeling, she was also a dancer and never had issues with her body. When she is working she is a free spirit, she says, “ just cut around my bits.”
“I have always just thought that clothing was optional, especially now as I am getting older I want to embrace my body, celebrate it. I am proud of my age and I love all of my wrinkles.”
- Mädchen Amick
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As a woman comfortable in her skin, she’s been open to many creative opportunities, but it hasn’t always ended well. Mädchen was filming a movie with the incredible James Spader directed by the legendary Nicholas Kazan. She and Nicholas had a very comfortable relationship even though there was a lot of nudity and although everything was professional during the filming process, some of the content that was released was anything but professionally handled. When the film was released the directors cut was beautiful and sensual and comfortable. But much to her surprise the producers did their own release and didn’t edit any of the original nudity. She felt violated. “ I don’t have inhibitions, but I didn’t feel good about that”. When asked about her feelings in the #TIMESUP movement, the actress says you just have to speak up. “ I always talk about everything and I always tell everyone on set what I am making, that’s how you even out the playing field”. Aside from the creative process, Mädchen shares her experiences with the financial aspects of being an actress. She learned about money in the entertainment business early from her mentor, David Lynch, the creator of one of televisions most memorable tv shows, TWIN PEAKS. “David always told me actors are unemployed 99% of the time, make your money last”. When talking about her career and TWIN PEAKS, Mädchen lights up. “To be on a hit tv show like TWIN PEAKS at the beginning of my career was unbelievable and now to be on 2 hit shows in my career is just amazing. I feel so lucky that lightning has struck twice.” Of course, she is talking about her newest CW hit show, RIVERDALE.
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Mädchen’s tone changed when we started talking about RIVERDALE. Number 1 because she feels so blessed that it has become such a huge hit, with their highest-rated episode beginning in season 3. But also because of the loss of her dear friend, Luke Perry. I could feel her hurt. “Luke and I were real friends. I still reach for my phone every time I land back in Vancouver to go to dinner. He was my first phone call every time”. As many know legendary actor Luke Perry played Archies’ dad, Fred Andrews on the hit show. Perry at the age of 52 died suddenly from a stroke. “Luke was an old soul, and not only was he a father to his own children he was the father to our cast of kids. Luke would text me all the time and say, hey, you need to talk to the girls, they need advice”. Mädchen and Luke had a lot of career milestones in common, they both hit young. With the actress becoming an overnight success with her role in TWIN PEAKS and Perry’s role in BEVERLY HILLS 90210. Then they both decided that they wanted more normal lives. Mädchen adds, “it’s difficult to achieve a hit once in your career and then both Luke and I achieved 2.” She remembers that dreadful night of his sudden death like it was yesterday. KJ Apa, Archie Andrews, and Luke Perrys’ son on the show were on set and the entire cast and crew congregated to Mark Consuelos (Hiram Lodge, Veronica’s dad on the show) house. “ We cried and hugged for hours. We were devastated. He and I were Ma and Pa kettle to all these kids. We were all in shock. He is desperately missed”.
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Despite the heartbreak of the beloved Luke Perry earlier this year, everyone has put on a brave face and is moving forward. Amick is becoming more involved with the RIVERDALE family but on the other side of the camera. “ I am thrilled to announce that I will be directing episode 19 of season 4 of RIVERDALE. I’m so thrilled to be working with the amazing creator of the show Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa.” Mädchen has directed documentaries and music videos before but this is her first stab at RIVERDALE.
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When I asked her what her goals are going into her FAB FIFTIES she just laughed. ”I never want to take no for an answer. Watch out world I am here to conquer! I just want to keep working, loving my fabulous husband I have been married to for 32 years and continue to grow in my life and career, I gotta keep it sexy!” Now you can see why I titled her story BADASS.
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PS readers…
I wanted to have fun with Mädchen. I asked her to play a game of word association with her cast from RIVERDALE. This is what we came up with….
KJ Apa: fiery Lily Reinhart: delicious Skeet Ulrich: playful Charles Melton: oooooh, mischievous Camilla Mendes: sassy Madelaine Petsch: a force Vanessa Morgan: an old soul Luke Perry: otherworldly
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Be sure to watch RIVERDALE on the CW, check your local listings.
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phantasticworks · 4 years
If You Don’t Love Me, Pretend - Chapter Two
Hi! Here’s today’s update! I hope you enjoy it and I’ll be back with chapter three next week!
read on ao3
Words: 9.5k 
Summary: Dan and Phil begin to work out some of the finer details of their pretend relationship.
When Dan gets up for work the next morning, he’s unsurprised to find Phil already awake and fumbling around in the kitchen, probably making coffee. He smiles at the thought since he hates waiting for the stupid coffee machine to actually heat up in the mornings. After a quick shower, he throws on a pair of nice black trousers and a grey button down, muttering to himself about stupid professional dress code, which was truly one of the only things he actively hated about his job. No matter how many times he complained about it, nothing changed, however they did allow them to start having casual Fridays every week, which he was thankful for.
“Good morning!” Phil chirps from beside the coffee maker when Dan makes it into the kitchen. Neither of them are morning people, but Phil was just generally in a good mood, regardless of the time of day.
“Ugh,” Dan mumbles, smiling slightly despite the early hour when Phil hands him a One Direction mug full of coffee. “Thanks.”
They both sit down at the table after getting some cereal, and Dan realizes how early it truly is when he goes to look at his phone. “Do they have you going in early now or something?” He asks Phil, watching his best friend take a long sip of coffee before shrugging.
“Nah, but I figured since I was here you shouldn’t have to get up for work alone.” He begins shoveling cereal in his mouth, but Dan’s face is frozen in surprise as he hears this. Sure, Phil typically got up around the same time as him, but not usually on mornings when Dan had to be up early for work. But he doesn’t work himself up into a crisis over this. He smiles into his coffee, instead.
“I’d have slept in if it was me, to be honest with you.” Dan smirks as he begins eating his own cereal, yelping when he feels a sharp kick to his ankle under the table. “Hey!”
“Yeah, because I’m the older, more mature half of this relationship,” Phil smiles cheekily, his tongue poking out between his teeth even as Dan delivers a kick of his own. “Excuse you, Daniel! I didn’t kick you that hard.”
Dan only rolls his eyes at Phil’s proclamation. He’d managed not to fixate on the whole fake relationship thing too much, but now that Phil’s mentioned it, it’s back to the forefront of his mind. “Well, karma comes back tenfold, or something.” He shrugs before remembering something they still needed to talk about. “Hey, speaking of our wonderful, passionate, and totally real relationship,” He pauses, smirking when Phil just shoots him an unimpressed look. “We need to figure out logistics, like who proposed to who and all that. I can find us some rings on e-bay for realism, but we need to sort out a story.”
Phil nods along at this. “I think it would’ve been me. Like, the proposal thing.” He says casually. The way he says it causes Dan to shift, his cheeks heating up as he gives himself a moment to think about it. But then he’s imagining it happening and- nope, he derails this train of thought immediately. No. Bad.
Clearing his throat, he shoots Phil a look. “Why do you think it would’ve been you?”
Phil shrugs as if it should be obvious before replying, “You’re terrible at planning things, and I feel like you’d want to be on the receiving end.” As soon as the words leave his mouth, his face pales, seemingly having realized the double meaning his words could have.
“Oh really?” Dan mocks, unable to control himself when the opportunity to be a smartass has presented itself so conveniently.
“I meant a proposal! I just meant the proposal, god, Dan.” He tries to glare, cheeks turning pink as he brings his hands up to cover his face. “I just… I think I generally happen to be the type to make big romantic gestures.” He tries to turn the conversation back to that, and surprisingly, it works, as Dan is again imagining a proposal. Damn.
“I guess,” he finally concedes, finishing his coffee and standing to take the dishes to the sink, taking Phil’s bowl with him as he goes. “So, you proposed to me, say like four months ago?” He counts back in his head and realizes that puts their fake proposal in October, which is kind of perfect since it’s his favorite month, as well as their sort of friendiversary of when they met, which could make it more believable.
“Sure,” Phil shrugs, turning in his seat to watch Dan move around the kitchen, gathering the things he needs to take to work. “So, what do we have to do next with this whole fostering process? I know there’s interviews and stuff like that.” Phil hands Dan an apple from the fruit basket on the table for him to put with his lunch, and Dan nods.
“Uh, well I’ve got an email with some options for when we can go in for an information meeting; that’s the next step. And then I think it’s paperwork and interviews. Oh, and we have to go through training.” He says distractedly as he looks over some of the papers he had been looking at after work yesterday, mainly just volunteer opportunities to tell some students about.
“Alright. Just pick a date and time and tell me so I can put it on my calendar.” Phil finishes his coffee then, carrying the mug to the sink before running water over all the dishes and opening the dishwasher, filling it up as if he already lives there.
“Okay.” Dan shoves the papers in his bag before glancing over at Phil. “Do you want to start moving in soon or did you want to keep staying in your apartment until the lease is out?” He leans against the counter as he watches Phil, who shrugs.
“I figured I can start moving my stuff in here in a couple weeks. I don’t want to move everything at once, but in three months hopefully we’ll be closer to getting approved. And we’ll need to be pretty comfortable living together by the time we are.” He shrugs again before turning to meet Dan’s gaze.
Dan smirks at this, gesturing to what Phil is in the middle of doing. “I think we kind of already have that covered, Phil.”
Phil blushes at this, shaking his head. “You know what I mean. We’ll need to start sharing a room and stuff, just like you said. The sooner we get used to that, the better.” He hesitates before speaking again. “I think we should also probably look into changing up the guest room a bit, since that’s basically my room right now, and probably isn’t suited for a child.”
Dan nods, glancing at the digital clock on the stove. “Yeah, probably. We should get rid of that bed and maybe get a twin size instead. Maybe change the office into a proper bedroom in case we end up having more than one kid at a time?” He shrugs at his own suggestion, searching for his keys.
“Here,” Phil grabs them from the table and tosses them to him, rolling his eyes. “I swear you’d be lost without me here, Howell.”
Dan ignores the jab in favor of searching the fridge for his reusable water bottle, frustrated when he doesn’t see it immediately. “Do you know where-”
“I put it in your bag already, Dan,” Phil interrupts, nodding over to the messenger bag on the table.
“Oh,” Dan stops his search, staring mindlessly into the fridge for a moment. “We’re going to have to start buying more healthy groceries, Phil. We eat like children who shop in a candy shop.” The containers of mostly junk food mock him from their spots on the shelves.
Phil makes some sort of noncommittal hum to this, nudging Dan slightly to shut the door to the fridge. “Sure, we’ll do that. Now you need to go, or you’ll seriously be late, Dan.” He’s gently pushing him along, glancing at the clock over the oven nervously.
Dan allows this for a moment before he gasps, his hands flying down to his pockets. “Wait, my phone, I don’t have my phone.” He pats his jeans, his eyes searching around the counter frantically for his iPhone.
There’s a sigh behind him before he feels the strap of his bag being thrown over his shoulder. “You also forgot your bag, mate. Phone’s in the front pocket.” Phil pats his shoulder then before going back to finish filling up the dishwasher. “Text me when you get to work so I know you’re safe,” he calls casually over his shoulder.
“Yeah, yeah,” Dan rolls his eyes as he goes to tug his shoes on. “Are you coming back here after work?” He asks from the hall.
Phil closes the dishwasher after a moment before walking to the kitchen doorway, leaning against it as he watches Dan hop around trying to get his shoes on. “No, I’ll probably be at work later than usual, so I’ll probably just head back to mine. I’ll lock up here and everything when I leave though.”
Dan finally gets both shoes on his feet and sighs, nodding at Phil. “Okay. Come over tomorrow then? We’ve got to finish the new season of Riverdale at some point.” Dan almost feels like he’s being clingy, but he knows that Phil won’t take it that way.
As expected, Phil nods. “Yeah, I’ll be here. Now, go, you’re gonna be late if you don’t leave, and we both know Louise will make you buy her lunch if she has to cover for you.” He follows Dan as he walks to the front door, making shooing motions with his hands the whole time.
“I’m going, I’m going! Bye, Phil.” He laughs as he steps outside his flat, hearing Phil respond the same way.
He’s just made it to his car when his phone beeps with a text. He rolls his eyes as he sees that it’s Phil.
Phil: U need milk btw go to the shop after work
Dan: thx mum
Phil: Don’t sass me
Dan: I’ll do what i want
Phil: That’s it I want a divorce
Dan: no quit texting me im driving
That ends their conversation, but Dan still smiles as he puts his phone away and focuses on driving.
When he gets to work, remarkably on time for once, he immediately goes to check his email for the dates for the information meeting. He checks his own calendar, which luckily is pretty bare, save for a few school events he had to work around. He pulls his phone out to text Phil what he thinks would be the best day, but his phone begins ringing almost immediately.
He’s surprised to see that it’s his mum, as he’d been sort of expecting it to be Phil. “Hey, mum.” He says as cheerfully as possible. It wasn’t entirely strange for her to be calling him, but he couldn’t think of any specific reasons why she would be.
“Hello, dear. How’re you?” She asks pleasantly.
“I’m well.” He realizes then that he and Phil hadn’t considered a very important aspect in all of their decision making. They’ll have to tell their parents something, especially Phil, since he was much closer to his family than Dan was to his own. They’d have to tell them they were fostering together, which would probably lead to a lot of questions on both sides. But, if they were going to do this, then Dan didn’t see any reason not to be honest from the start, at least with his own mum. “I was actually meaning to call you.”
There’s a pause, and his mother is clearly surprised when she speaks. “You were?”
He swallows his nervousness down, nodding to himself. He checks that his door is shut before leaning back in his seat to tell her what’s going on. “Yeah. I have some… news, I guess. It’s a little strange, but I was going to go ahead and tell you about it.”
“Alright.” She says hesitantly. “You’re making me nervous, Daniel, it’s nothing too bad, is it?”
“No, no. I mean, not exactly bad. Erm, well.” He takes a deep breath before just letting it out. “You know how I’ve always wanted to foster kids? Well, I’ve looked into it… and it turns out you have a better chance of doing it if you’re in a relationship.” He pauses, giving his mother a moment to process this, and hopefully get on the same page as him.
“Daniel is this your way of saying you have a girlfriend?” She chuckles, but he can tell she’s still confused.
He laughs nervously. He hadn’t considered that his mum might be disapproving of this because he’s pretending to be in a relationship with a man, but now he’s starting to wonder if he’s made a mistake even bringing it up. His parents knew he swung both ways, as he’d told them that way back when he was sixteen, but maybe it hadn’t stuck since he hasn’t really dated since he was eighteen.
“No, not exactly. But, like I said, there’s a better chance at getting approved if you’re in a relationship. So… Remember Phil?” He chews at his lip as he waits for a response.
“Yes, obviously.” His mother answers hesitantly.
“Well… This is going to sound really weird, and probably dumb, but basically, Phil and I are going to do that. Together.” He holds his breath as he waits for a response.
There’s silence, then a short laugh. “Are you joking?”
His stomach sinks as he realizes this was likely a mistake. He’s never been particularly close to his mother, but he can’t bear the idea of her being seriously upset with him over this. “No. I’m not.” He sighs, running a hand through his messy curls as he speaks again. “Obviously we aren’t actually together, but I really want to do this, mum, and he’s always wanted to do it as well. We figured we’d both have a better chance at getting approved if we did it together, and we’d be doing a great thing for these kids, mum-“
She cuts him off there, and his stomach churns. “Daniel be quiet for a moment. Do you really think this is a good idea?” Her voice is less hesitant than before, and she almost sounds bored.
“Well,” He stutters out, trying to think of a response that would satisfy her. “I mean, I think we’d be doing a good thing. So, yeah, I don’t see why it would be a bad idea. We’ve lived together before and we’re-“ He pauses. He’d almost said, “we’re basically already together.” But that definitely wasn’t true, and he couldn’t just say that. Clearing his throat, he continues. “I just wanted to tell you we were doing this so that it doesn’t come as a surprise when we start actually fostering.”
His mum sighs, and he chews on his lip. “Okay, that’s not entirely what I meant, Dan. But if you can’t honestly see why this might be a bad idea, I’m not going to bother explaining it.” She pauses, and he’s relieved when her voice is softer than before. “I do think you’re doing a good thing, Dan. Any child would be lucky to have you in their lives, even if it’s not for very long.”
He lets out a breath he didn’t even realize he’d been holding, a smile gracing his lips. “Thanks, mum.” He glances at his monitor, realizing he’d been on the phone for around ten minutes already. “I’m at work, but I can call later, unless you needed something?”
“Oh, right. I just wanted to tell you that your grandmother’s phone number has changed, dear.” After reciting the new number and giving him a minute to put it in his phone, she clears her throat. “I’ll let you get back to work, then. Let me know how the fostering process goes and tell Phil that I said hi. I love you.”
Dan nearly rolls his eyes at the mention of Phil, but he knows that his mum just genuinely likes him, and probably isn’t fully sold on the idea that they’re just faking their relationship for the sake of fostering. “I will, mum. Love you too. Bye.” He hangs up and immediately groans, tossing his phone onto the desk. The conversation could have gone worse, sure, but now that he’s done it, he feels as if he probably should have consulted with Phil before telling his mum at all. Oh well. His best friend is probably more than used to Dan’s fuck ups by now.
Speak of the devil, Dan thinks as his phone beeps, a text from the man himself popping up.
Phil: Did u die
Dan: no, sorry, mum called when i got in
Phil: K glad you aren’t dead
Dan: yeah u wouldn’t get any life insurance money if I was
Phil: There goes my plan to murder you
Dan: soz
Dan: does Feb 14 work
Phil: What
Dan: for the meeting
Phil: Oh I thought that was your way of asking me out
Dan: no you spoon we’re engaged romance is dead
Dan: but for real we need to go to the meeting is Wednesday ok
Phil: Yeah lol that’s fine
Dan: k it’s at 7
Phil: Ok you’re driving
Dan sends him a rolling eye emoji before telling him he’s got to confirm with the agency and then actually work. He smiles when Phil responds with nothing but a spoon emoji, shaking his head. They really were strange sometimes.
After emailing Hazel and confirming the date and time of their meeting, he gets a response with some paperwork attached that he needs to print out and fill in to bring to the meeting to officially get the process started. He prints it off almost immediately, his excitement getting the best of him.
Unfortunately, he does have actual work to do in regard to his real job, and he’s actually surprised at how motivated he is to be productive now that he’s got something to look forward to. Maybe this is how he’d feel if he was dating someone all these years or had a real family. He shakes his head at the thought, as it’s entirely ridiculous. He knows that he’s been perfectly content single all these years, and plus he had Phil, so what was even the point? This was just a new thing to be excited about and give him motivation. He wasn’t really lonely.
A phone call and a scheduled appointment to see his therapist later, he puts all of his personal life aside and begins calling students in for advising and things like that, his thoughts quickly being taken over with the things he’s dealing with in the present.
The day goes by fairly quickly when he’s in a motivated sort of mood, and he even takes the time to rearrange some of the things in his office, cleaning as he goes. At one point, Louise pops in to see if he wants to join her for lunch, and she’s surprised to see everything he’s changed. He’s slightly miffed at how shocked she is that he can actually clean, but when she questions him, he just shrugs. “Early spring cleaning, I guess.” Is his only response.
He feels exhausted by the time he gets home, and he’s almost relieved that Phil said he’d be working late, until he gets bored after a few episodes of The Office. Rather than be completely pathetic and text Phil to bother him while he’s at work, Dan decides to be productive, and goes online to order their rings. Phil may have thought it was a joke, but Dan fully intended on wearing them from now on, for realism, of course.
As he shops for the rings, he realizes he’s got no idea what his or Phil’s ring sizes even are. That may put a kink in his plans, and not even the good kind. Thinking it’s kind of inevitable to avoid bothering Phil at this point, Dan pulls out his phone to text him.
Dan: what’s your ring size
Phil: Idk
Phil: Why would I know that lol
Dan: fuck idk but i need to know to order these rings
Phil: I’m surprised you’re really doing that
Phil: Why don’t we just go to goldsmiths and find cheap ones there
Dan: idk because we aren’t actually getting engaged??
Phil: Obviously I know that but wouldn’t it be easier to just get sized and get the rings that we know fit instead of trying to order them online and just hope for the best
Dan considers this for a moment. He’d been willing to spend quite a bit on these rings on e-bay, considering they needed to look as realistic as possible, but he guessed there really wasn’t any harm in going to an actual jewelry store to get them. Besides, Dan liked nice things, so this would give him an excuse to have a nice piece of jewelry that he wouldn’t be able to justify otherwise.
Dan: ok actually that’s smart we should do that
Phil: Wanna do that tomorrow?
Dan: sure
Dan: are you still at work
Phil: yes
Dan: im bored
Phil: not my problem danny
Dan: ok ew i hate that bye have fun at work
Phil: have fun being bored danny
Dan promptly tosses his phone away and then closes out of the tabs he had open, instead pulling up a new one to look at furniture for a kid’s room. He supposed that it didn’t make a whole lot of sense to really plan a whole bedroom without knowing the child’s preferences, but he still liked looking at all of it. He did need to order a new twin bed, and probably find out where to get rid of the guest bed, which he could probably wait and do in a couple weeks, after Phil had moved in.
The thought that he would soon be sharing a room with Phil made him inexplicably nervous. They’d shared a bed plenty of times before, and within the last few months, too. Now it just felt different.
He’s feeling too restless to sit and watch tv, so he decides to clean his room, which takes more time than he initially thought. Sorting through clothes that were thrown around the room leads to him going through his closet and pulling things out to donate, since he didn’t honestly need them. After feeling satisfied with that, he takes the sheets off his bed and starts a load of laundry before putting his spare sheets on the mattress. He’s feeling pretty tired at that point, but since he’s made it this far, he decides to go ahead and sweep the floor and then rearrange his shoes on their rack.
When he eventually feels accomplished enough with his work, he collapses on his bed with every intention of sitting there for a moment before going to switch the laundry. At some point he closes his eyes, just to take a moment to rest them, but the next thing he knows, he’s fast asleep, still wearing the same clothes he wore to work.
Waking up is generally not a pleasant experience, and it’s even less pleasant when you wake up wearing dress clothes. Dan groans, rolling over and slinging an arm over his eyes. He shifts when he realizes that he’s pressed up against something, which doesn’t make sense, given his bed isn’t against the wall and last he checked, he had gone to sleep in an otherwise empty bed.
“I was wondering when you’d wake up. It’s already half eleven, mate.”
Dan nearly jumps when he hears the voice, an embarrassingly girlish scream ripping its way out of his throat as his arm flies away from his face in order to locate the source. Then he groans when he sees that it’s just Phil. “Why are you in my bed?” He grumbles, rolling over again so that half of him is basically laying in Phil’s lap as he glares up at his friend.
Phil, who is sat with his back against the headboard, legs spread out on the bed, rolls his eyes. “That’s no way to talk to your fiancé,” he snaps, his bitter tone surprising Dan slightly.
He studies Phil’s face for a moment, watching as blue eyes dart up to glare at the ceiling before eventually dropping back to meet Dan’s gaze. Dan quirks an eyebrow questioningly, tilting his head to the side so that his cheek is resting against Phil’s thigh. “Are you okay?” He asks, knowing that Phil rarely got ill with him unless he was either seriously mad, or just stressed about other things.
Phil stares at Dan for a moment before nodding slowly. “I’m fine, just tired. Are you going to get up? I figured we’d go ahead and get the rings, so we can get it out of the way.” His tone isn’t as harsh as it was before, but he’s still clearly bothered about something, and it’s obvious in the way he shifts his legs under the weight of Dan.
Dan shrugs, unmoving. “Are you sure you’re alright? You’re acting pissy.” He observes, watching as Phil’s jaw clenches, eyes flitting away from Dan.
“I’m fine. Get up, your elbow’s digging into my leg.” At this, he nudges Dan away from him, throwing his own legs off the side of the bed to stand. “I’ll go wait for you in the kitchen.” He barely glances at Dan on his way out, and the younger man sighs loudly. If it was going to be like this all day, he was pretty sure he’d rather be asleep.
After a shower, Dan changes into a pair of black skinny jeans and a jumper he knows Phil hates. Part of him just wants to see if Phil will be a dick about it just because he’s in a bad mood today, but the bigger part of him just wants to wear it because it’s genuinely comfy.
When he walks into the kitchen, Phil is sitting at the table, staring out the sliding glass door onto the balcony where there are a couple of pigeons are hopping around. He must hear Dan walk in, because he glances over, his eyes scanning Dan’s outfit. “It’s cold out.” Is all he says.
Dan stares at him, a frown on his face. What was going on with him? Phil always teased him about his potato sack jumper. Trying to act unaffected by the mood Phil seems to be in, he shrugs, walking to the sink to pour himself a glass of water. “Yeah?”
“You’ll get cold in that.” Phil comments, his eyes following Dan’s movements around the kitchen.
“I can handle myself, you know,” he tries to say it lightly, but it seems Phil’s bad mood has rubbed off on him, and it comes out a little harsher than he’d intended. He glances over to find a frown on Phil’s lips. “Is that just your subtle way of telling me to wear something else so you don’t have to be seen with me in this jumper?” He tries again, adding a smile when he says it.
Phil shrugs, looking away. “I don’t want you to get cold.” Is all he gets in return.
This makes him pause. “Are you sure you’re okay? You’re being really short.” He crosses his arms, his gaze tracing over Phil’s perfect quiff and his stupid, adorable glasses. He’s wearing black jeans and a stupidly cozy looking jumper with a colorful bird on it, and Dan almost swears, because naturally Phil looks effortlessly warm and cozy, which does nothing to quell Dan’s sudden annoyance with him.
Phil sighs deeply, shaking his head slowly. He pushes his glasses into his hair and rubs his hands down his face. Dan suddenly gets a bad feeling, as Phil looks so exhausted. He doesn’t even look annoyed anymore, just so, so tired. When he speaks, Dan immediately wishes he’d been a little less harsh. “I’m fine, I promise. I’m just tired, Dan. I’m sorry I was a dick earlier. Can we just go and get this done? I honestly just want to watch Riverdale and eat Domino’s, not sit here and fight with you.” Phil looks up at Dan, squinting before he realizes he’s pushed his glasses up.
Dan swallows around the lump in his throat, glancing away for a moment. When his eyes travel back to Phil, he’s sat watching him, a sad look on his face. “I’m sorry,” Dan whispers, shame flooding him. He had no idea why Phil was so obviously upset, but that gave him no right to be a dick just because he felt like Phil was being one.
“Not your fault.” Phil answers softly, standing from the table. “Just… I’ve had a long week.” He tries to smile, but it falters, and he looks away from Dan, clearing his throat before nodding to the door, indicating they should leave.
Dan feels guilt creeping in, as it is his fault that Phil’s had a long week. Part of it was most definitely the whole fake relationship situation that they’re in right now, and that is definitely Dan’s fault. Instead of arguing some more, he just nods, grabbing his keys and wallet as he follows Phil out the door. He locks it behind them and they walk down to his car in silence. Phil didn’t drive, instead choosing to just order a cab everywhere, which Dan supposed in the long run was about the same price as owning a car, so generally they took Dan’s if they were going somewhere together.
The ride to the shopping center where the jewelry store is at is short and quiet, and Dan finds himself looking over at Phil much more than usual. Phil doesn’t return the looks, and the only words exchanged is Phil pointing out a dog in the window of a car that passes them.
When they get to Goldsmiths, Dan can tell that Phil is nervous. He’s not sure if it’s because of what they’re about to do or if it’s because of how convincing they’ll have to act to pass as a couple. Dan takes a risk and reaches for Phil’s hand as they walk to the door, trying not to be too offended when Phil’s first reaction is to pull away. “Hey.” Dan says gently, waiting until Phil’s focused on him before speaking again. “We don’t have to explain anything to these people. We don’t even know them, remember? And they don’t know us, and we’ll likely never see them again.”
When Phil nods, Dan goes to drop his hand, but suddenly Phil tightens his grip. Glancing at Dan, his cheeks grow slightly pink, but he doesn’t release his hand. “It needs to look real, remember?”
Dan is mentally cursing himself for thinking Phil just wanted to hold his hand. Of course, he didn’t, he’s your best friend, why the hell would he think like that? Some people aren’t that weird, Dan. He shakes his head lightly, trying to clear his stupid thoughts as he holds the door for Phil, their hands staying clasped as they walk into the shop.
They’re immediately greeted by a sales lady, a woman who’s probably around the same age as them, maybe older. “Hello, welcome to Goldsmiths, I’m Lauren. Is there anything I can help you two find today?” She glances at their hands, and her smile doesn’t waver in the slightest. Dan lets out a breath, glad that they weren’t going to be treated differently as a gay couple. A fake gay couple, his consciousness reminds him helpfully.
“Actually yes,” Dan smiles, knowing that Phil always gets awkward in situations like this. Just as he thinks this, Phil’s left hand comes up and grips Dan’s forearm, clearly nervous. Dan casually begins stroking his thumb over Phil’s hand still clasped in his, his right hand tucking into his pocket. “We recently got engaged, but it was so spontaneous that we didn’t have rings, so that’s what we’re here for.” He smiles charmingly at the girl, letting his dimples show.
Lauren coos, gesturing for them to follow her. “Oh, that’s lovely! Well, we have a variety of selections right over here. What is your budget?” She asks, pausing as she goes around behind the cases of jewelry.
Dan glances at Phil, who shrugs, a small, unsure smile on his face. Turning back to the saleswoman, Dan smiles apologetically. “Well, we’re trying to save as much money as possible for the wedding and our honeymoon, so it would be great if you could show us some of your simplest choices. We’re not looking for extravagant, just simple.”
Apparently, the girl doesn’t find this shrewd or cheap, she just smiles broadly, as if that’s the sweetest thing she’s ever heard. “Of course! Let me go fetch the keys to this case and I’ll show you a few of our popular simpler rings.”
As she disappears behind a doorway, Phil snickers. Dan quirks an eyebrow at him in confusion. Phil rolls his eyes, running a hand through his hair. “We just want something simple,” he mocks.
Dan’s jaw drops, and he huffs indignantly. “What? We’re not here to spend a fortune.”
Phil laughs again, nudging him gently. “Says the king of nice things. I think if you were picking out a ring for real, you’d pick out the most expensive one you could find.”
Dan goes to cross his arms, but can’t, as their hands are still linked. Instead, he huffs impatiently. “You have absolutely nothing to back that up with.”
Eyes widening in surprise, Phil reaches over, his fingers slipping under the collar of Dan’s shirt, rubbing the material between his fingers. “Yeah? What about this?”
Dan shivers as the motion of Phil’s fingers causes them to rub against his collarbone. He’d always had a weird thing about his neck area. Smacking Phil’s hand away, he pouts. “That’s not fair. You like nice things too.”
Phil smiles, his first real smile of the day, his tongue poking out between his teeth. Dan smiles as he sees this, and he feels his dimples reappearing. “Sure, but not like you do, Danny.” He pokes Dan’s dimple, laughing when Dan turns away, his finger following.
His face reddens when he sees the shop clerk standing there smiling at them both. Clearing his throat, he glances at Phil, who has just noticed her. His face flushes, and he ducks his head in embarrassment, dropping his hand away from Dan’s face.
“You are both too adorable.” Lauren gushes, going to open a case. Dan smiles at her, but as soon as her attention is elsewhere, he rolls his eyes at Phil, who only bats his eyelashes as if to prove her point. “So, here’s the simplest ring we offer, and the least expensive in our store. It’s two tone and comes in two different varieties. The most popular is the yellow and white gold.” She shows them a couple of rings, which in Dan’s opinion are kind of hideous. They’re two toned, sure, but he thinks that’s kind of tasteless. He glances at Phil for his reaction, which is sort of the same as his. A similar look of disinterest is on his face.
“They’re nice,” Dan offers before gesturing to the case again. “Not crazy about two toned, are we?” He glances at Phil again, who agrees. His eyes drop to Phil’s hand that’s still clutching his forearm, and he smiles when he realizes he’s absently tracing circles on the fabric of Dan’s jumper with his thumb.
“Not unless we don’t see something else we like more,” he allows, his left hand leaving Dan’s forearm for a second to point to something he sees in the case. “How about those?” He asks.
“Oh, absolutely. These are about fifty pound more, but they’re lovely.” She pulls out the rings Phil had gestured to, and Dan raises an eyebrow. They’re actually not bad. Simple, but elegant. There’s no diamonds imbedded, so it would look rather unremarkable if it weren’t for the engravings etched around the band. “This comes in white, yellow, or rose gold, nine carats. The engraving is done by hand. The most popular is the yellow gold, but we’ve actually sold our last one this week, but we can order your size if you decide on this.” Lauren explains.
Dan glances at Phil again, who’s already looking at him, an eyebrow raised. “We don’t know our sizes, but I think this might be perfect.” He tells Lauren.
The clerk nods, settling the little display box on top of the case before reaching into a drawer behind her. “We can get your sizes right now, and if you see a color you like I can see if we’ve got any in storage.” She hands them each a set of what looks like keys, but upon further inspection they find to be little metal things that have bands at the end. “Just slip the one you think might fit on your ring finger, and just try a few out to see which feels the best.”
They have to pull their hands apart to do this, and after a few tries, they each find the one that fits. Dan’s is a size bigger than Phil’s, but when they figure it out, they hand them back to her before she writes their sizes on a piece of paper. “Alright, do you have a metal you like the best?” She pushes the box towards them, probably to allow them to pull the rings out and inspect them a little more closely.
They both reach for the silver one, and Dan smirks. “Are we going to get the same metal?” He asks him, pulling the white gold ring out of the casing.
Phil grins. “I think we should. We need to match.” He ducks his head to look at the ring, while Dan just shakes his head.
“You’re a dork,” Dan mutters, glancing at the store clerk, who smiles.
They decide that they like the white gold the most, as Dan declares, “It’s the classiest of golds.” She disappears into the back room to check if they have their sizes in the white gold and tells them to feel free to look around until she returns.
Phil doesn’t move, but Dan tugs him towards the more expensive rings in curiosity. Laughing, Phil shakes his head. “I knew it! You and your expensive taste, Daniel.” He shakes his head as if he’s disappointed.
Dan rolls his eyes. “I just want to see what they think is like super fancy.” They hover over the case, and Dan wrinkles his nose. “These aren’t that nice,” he whispers loudly. Phil elbows him for this. “Hey! I’m just saying. They’ve just got a few simple bands with like one diamond in the center. I think ours look way better.” He nods obnoxiously, and it’s Phil’s turn to roll his eyes.
“Right.” He tugs Dan back over to where the girl is coming out of the storage room, two boxes in her hands. Dan’s stomach flips involuntarily as he eyes the little ring boxes.
“You two are in luck! We had your sizes, and in the right metal. Shall I ring you up while you try them on?” She asks, holding the small velvet boxes out to them.
Dan goes very still, suddenly unwilling to touch these very real rings, as if they’re symbolic of the very big mess he’s made. Luckily, Phil must not be having the same crisis, because he’s able to answer the saleswoman. “Sure, thanks.” He takes both of the boxes, turning to give Dan a concerned glance as they walk to the back of the store where the till is. He stops as they reach the counter, opening one box while Lauren goes to get their price book and the paperwork that has the information about the rings.
When Phil realizes that the box he’s opened contains Dan’s ring, he tugs Dan’s left hand up, gently sliding the ring on his fourth finger. Dan’s throat constricts as he studies his best friend’s face. His focus is on the ring, and he watches as those blue eyes study the ring, before a small smile breaks out on his face. Dan’s almost certain he’s going to throw up at the way Phil’s eyes shift to meet his, that fond smile not falling away. “How’s it feel?” He asks, dropping Dan’s hand and opening the other box, pulling his own ring on without much fuss.
Dan flexes his fingers, feeling the weight of the metal against his ring finger. It’s new and different, but not uncomfortable. The metal is light, so he doesn’t really notice it that much. “It’s nice. Yours?” He asks, his eyes finding the ring on Phil’s left hand.
Phil nods, glancing down at it. “It’s weird.” He frowns, a look of pain crossing his face.
“Is it too tight?” Dan asks, concerned. Phil shakes his head slowly, his eyes coming to meet Dan’s again. There’s something sad in his expression, but Dan’s not entirely sure why.
“It’s perfect.” Phil says quietly, turning to face the counter just as the clerk walks back out with a few papers. Dan’s stomach is somersaulting. It’s uncomfortable, and he wishes it would stop.
“Okay, so we have a sale going on with engagement rings right now, and since you’re buying them in a set, you’ll get them forty percent off.” Lauren announces, smiling. Dan tunes out as she goes over the information about returns and exchanges and how they have warranty on them for five years. He just nods along, and when the total comes up to three hundred pounds, he doesn’t even blink as he pulls out his credit card, handing it over.
Phil looks slightly surprised, but Dan purposely doesn’t meet his gaze. Lauren hands him his receipt, a smile on her face. “Thank you, and I hope you two have a great day, and a wonderful wedding. I wish you all the best in your marriage.” She smiles before waving, disappearing into the back again as they head out of the shop in silence.
Dan’s head is spinning with thoughts about the rings and the fake engagement, and he’s finding it very hard to not freak out. “I need a second,” he mutters to Phil when they make it outside. “Here, give me like five minutes, please.” He hands over the keys to his car, and Phil looks confused.
“Are you alright?” He asks, his eyebrows knitted together.
“Yeah, yeah, just not feeling well all of a sudden,” he mutters, going to step away. Phil’s hand catches his, keeping him in place.
“If you aren’t feeling well, shouldn’t you head home and get some rest?” He prods, raising his eyebrows, a frown on his lips.
Dan shakes his head adamantly. “I just need to take a walk for a second. I’m fine, I’ll be back in a few minutes, I swear.” He tries to smile, but he’s sure it looks more like a grimace.
Phil hesitates before letting go, holding the keys in his hand before nodding slowly and turning to go to the car. “If you aren’t back in five minutes, I’m coming to look for you,” he warns. Dan nods, turning away.
If someone had told him just last week that we would be buying engagement rings with his best friend today, he would have called them crazy, and probably call a mental institution to see if they had any open spots. Now that it’s actually happening, however, Dan is having a crisis. The problem isn’t even that it feels weird, or wrong, even. The problem is that it doesn’t; if anything, he can’t really imagine doing something like this with anyone else. He shakes his head vigorously.
No, he would absolutely not go there. It had been years, literal years, since he’s had those kinds of thoughts about his best friend, and he’d gotten over it. They were silly whims born out of loneliness and the fact that Phil is who he spent the majority of his time with. That’s it.
He’s being stupid.
After taking a few minutes to catch his breath and clear his head, Dan slowly makes his way back to his car. Phil is leaning against the driver’s side, a frown on his face. Dan’s thankful that he doesn’t question him as he hands him the keys, instead climbing in the car in silence.
They don’t speak about it on the way back to Dan’s flat. After they’ve taken their shoes off and go upstairs to turn on a movie, Phil looks at Dan with a frown on his lips. “Are you okay?” He asks quietly, sitting on the sofa and looking up at Dan as he stands by the sofa, looking for the show they’re going to watch on Netflix.
He nods, glancing at his best friend with a shrug, trying to be as casual as possible about his little moment earlier. “It’s just been a busy day. Do you still want Domino’s?” He asks, finally selecting the show and joining Phil on the sofa.
“Sure. Want me to order?” Phil asks. When Dan nods, he rises, going to grab his laptop off the armchair. Dan hadn’t noticed it sitting there, and his brows furrow. That hadn’t been there last night, had it? And Phil didn’t have anything with them when they got back… Come to think of it, Phil didn’t even go upstairs this morning at all.
“When did you get here?” He asks suddenly, his lips set in a confused frown. Phil glances up, confusion flitting across his face momentarily before he shrugs, glancing back at his laptop.
“Last night.” He responds, clicking away on his laptop, presumably typing in Dan’s address to get the pizza delivered.
“What?” Dan asks dumbly. Phil hadn’t been over last night. Dan had gone to sleep after his cleaning spree, probably around ten o’clock, and Phil hadn’t been there. “What time did you get here?” He isn’t mad, just really confused.
Phil’s cheeks are tinged pink when he looks up. “Er- I think around eleven or so? You said you were bored, so I stopped by mine after work to grab some clothes, and then got a cab over here because I figured you’d be up watching a movie or something.” He shrugs again before smiling softly. “But when I let myself in, you were already asleep.”
Dan considers this for a moment, then shrugs. “I guess I’m just a deep sleeper and didn’t hear you come in. Sorry I wasn’t awake, though.” He feels almost bad for making Phil entertain himself, but he was pretty sure he survived just fine on his own.
“It’s fine. Not your fault I just barged in without even bothering to check if you were up,” he shrugs, setting the laptop aside and coming back over to the sofa.
Dan snorts, shifting to throw half the fuzzy blanket over Phil’s lap. “Might as well get used to it, I guess. Soon you’ll be barging into my bed every time you come in late.” He rolls his eyes, throwing his feet over Phil’s lap as he normally does when they’re watching something together.
Phil hesitates, licking his lips before speaking. “Speaking of that, actually,” he glances at the tv, finding the episode playing was one they’d already seen, so they weren’t missing anything by talking instead of watching. “When do you think we should start doing that?”
Dan shrugs as if he couldn’t care less. He’s always been a good actor. “Whenever you want to, I guess. The sooner we get used to it, the better, I reckon.”
Nodding, Phil shifts so that Dan’s legs are almost slipping off his lap. Phil catches them, shifting until he’s comfortable before pulling Dan’s legs back into his lap, propping his arms over them. “Alright. Want to do it tonight? I can sleep in the guest room if you don’t want to, I just figured, you know, since I’m here.” Phil doesn’t meet his gaze, keeping his eyes trained on the tv as Dan stares at him.
“Sure. I just washed my sheets, actually, so you’ve picked a good night.” He smiles when Phil glances at him, and whatever awkwardness that had surrounded that conversation evaporates.
“Oh, goody!” Phil says sarcastically. Dan pulls one leg up and pinches Phil’s thigh with his toes, causing him to scream. “Dan!” His expression is one of surprise, but his eyes are bright with happiness.
Dan just laughs, shifting to lay on his side and watch the show. Their pizza gets there a few minutes later, causing their position to be ruined, but it’s fine since they have pizza to make up for the lack of comfy seating. A few episodes of Riverdale (Phil’s choice) and an empty pizza box later, Dan is back in his favorite tv-watching position, his head buried into one end of the sofa, while his legs are spread over Phil’s lap, feet on the other side. Phil decided to start hogging the blanket, so Dan was pouting at his end of the sofa.
Getting an idea, he tilts his head over to look at his best friend. “Since we’re sleeping together tonight anyway, can we watch a scary movie?” He asks, watching as Phil’s gaze slowly leaves the tv to meet his own. Dan nearly rolls his eyes; Phil’s crush on basically any shirtless male in this show is honestly pathetic.
Phil looks slightly shocked, but Dan figures dancing around the decisions they’ve made doesn’t make it easier for either of them, so instead he was taking full advantage of them. “What?” Phil asks, like he didn’t hear him.
Dan does roll his eyes then. Of course, KJ Apa was currently the sole recipient of Phil’s short attention span. “I wanna watch a scary movie. If I’m not going to be sleeping on my own anyway, then I want to watch something scary, like The Conjuring or something.”
Phil shrugs. “Sure, if you wanna. Do you want to finish this episode first?” He asks, his eyes already back on the screen.
“Not really, but you’ll be grumpy if I don’t let you stare at KJ Apa, so sure.” He saw the appeal, sure, but he preferred Cole Sprouse. His dark hair and attitude in this show were just too good to resist.
They decide to watch Hush when they’ve finished the Riverdale episode, since Dan hadn’t seen it yet. Not long into the movie, he fully understands just why he’d avoided watching it on his own. He’s taken the entire blanket from Phil, wadding the majority of it up to cling to, shoving his face in the fluff every time the music starts playing as the killer creeps around the deaf girl’s house.
“Dan!” Phil whines, tugging at the blanket. “I’m cold, give me the blanket.”
“Fuck off,” Dan responds through his teeth, his nerves out of control as the girl realizes she’s not alone. Just as he goes to hide in the blanket again, it’s tugged away completely. “Hey!” He shouts, shooting up indignantly to glare at his thief of a best friend.
Phil giggles, his tongue poking out. “I told you I was cold.” Dan crosses his arms, pouting as he pulls his legs off Phil’s lap, glaring at the tv. Phil sighs dramatically before holding out one end of the blanket. Dan goes to grab it, but Phil clicks his tongue, shaking his head. “No, come here. I’m not giving you the blanket just because you’re a baby and can’t handle a few jump scares, but you’re welcome to come over here to hide.”
Dan grumbles to himself as he scoots closer to Phil, who tucks the end of the blanket around Dan, settling back and tucking the other end around himself. “I hate you,” Dan mutters, pulling his legs up and wrapping his arms around them under the blanket.
“Aw, hun,” Phil says obnoxiously. Dan elbows him in the ribs sharply, causing him to yelp.
“Ew. I hate that, don’t ever say that again.” He crinkles his nose, causing Phil to just laugh again. Their attention is taken back to the screen when an alarm starts going off in the movie, Dan jumping comically as he sees the face of the killer through the glass. “Fuck this film.” He mutters, shoving his face into the blanket, around where his hands are.
“Aww,” Phil coos, and Dan suddenly feels a hand rubbing circles on his back. “Poor thing.” He mocks.
Dan grumbles, but the contact is nice, and he finds himself shifting even closer to Phil. Glancing up at his best friend, he raises his eyebrows to question if this is alright. The older man regards him for a moment before nodding, holding his arm out and allowing Dan to cuddle up to his side, Phil’s left arm coming around Dan’s shoulders. His hand gently brushes against the side of his head, guiding him to lean it against Phil’s shoulder.
The position they’re in is decidedly not platonic, as Dan is tucked up under Phil’s arm, shivering when he feels Phil tracing his fingertips up and down Dan’s arm gently. Although, with how much has changed between them this week, this doesn’t even feel weird to him. It feels safe and comforting, and maybe he shouldn’t feel so content in the arms of his best friend, but Dan doesn’t feel even slightly weird about it. It just feels so right, deep down in his bones, and he doesn’t even think to question why.
For the rest of the movie they stay just like that, and Phil teases Dan every time he freaks out. But when they go downstairs to go to bed after the movie, Phil’s the one who feels the need to double check the sliding door to the balcony and the front door several times before he feels okay about going to bed. He fetches his bag from the guest room and Dan finds him sitting on his bed when he gets back from brushing his teeth and changing into his pajamas.
“Do you still sleep on the right side?” Dan asks as he throws the duvet back, flicking the lamp on his bedside table on.
Phil glances at him in surprise before nodding. “Er- yeah.” He stands with his toothbrush, having already changed into his awful emoji pajamas while Dan was in the bathroom. “Be right back. Don’t disappear and try to prank me, because I’m expecting it and it won’t work,” he warns before disappearing into the bathroom.
Dan rolls his eyes before crawling under the sheets. He’d been planning on doing it, but he was too tired and didn’t particularly care enough to bother with pranking him now. He begins to get nervous again, thinking about sharing a bed with Phil, but luckily, he doesn’t have long to panic before Phil’s walking back in and flipping the light off, so that the only light is coming from Dan’s lamp.
It’s quiet as Phil sets his glasses on the bedside table on the right side of the bed before climbing in next to Dan. They’re closer than he expected, which is clear as Phil rolls over to face Dan and they’re nearly nose-to-nose. Dan blushes and shuffles back slightly. “Sorry,” he whispers. “Might take me a bit to get used to sharing my space.”
Dan notices as Phil swallows hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing, Dan’s eyes inexplicably drawn to the movement. “It’s fine, as long as you don’t kick me or steal all the covers.” Phil shrugs, and Dan jokingly goes to kick him, but Phil must be expecting that, because instead his foot is trapped between Phil’s legs.
Smirking, Phil tugs on Dan’s foot, causing him to whine. “Give me my- leg!” He fusses quietly, trying to pull his foot away. Phil snickers before letting him go.
“I don’t have to play fair, I’m the oldest.” He says proudly.
Dan rolls his eyes at this, rolling over onto his back. “I’m sure you’ve been hearing Martyn say that your whole life, huh?” He asks. Phil nods sheepishly. “Night, Phil.” He turns over again to face the other way, as he normally does, trying to steady the wild beating of his heart. He’s clearly still nervous from the movie, that’s all.
“Night, Dan.” Is the response he gets. He feels the bed shift a little before Phil must finally get comfortable, and soon he hears his breathing begin to even out. Dan tries not to be bitter than Phil found rest so easily, while it takes him a while to ease the weight on his chest and sleep.
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xserpentlife · 5 years
Wrong Turn
Requested: @cokecola4211 : Riverdale imagine being from the Northside and from an uptight family that hates the southside and stuff way of life strict upbringing and the only time she can let loose is when she party's at the Wyrm in secret and dresses in black unless she gets home on time before curfew and stuff like that and she has a major crush on Fangs who she walks home w/ every night.
A/N: I am so sorry I have been gone I will hopefully be back completely now but I do go on vacation next week so we will see. I hope you guys like this story I absolutely love it. Thanks to my beta @wayward-river
Warnings: None that I can think of. Cursing?
Word Count: About 2688
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Your parents kept the southside hidden your entire life, only ever going through town on the Northside and never once crossing the line. The Northside was all you ever knew, well at least for a while until the day you went for a run around the whole town. That was the day you met your best friends.
That one day you did was the day you met some of your best friends in the entire world. You were never one to hang out with many of the Northsiders you only really ever got along with Jughead who you soon learned was actually from the Southside. From the beginning, you connected with everyone so much more than anyone you have ever met. The Southside was like a second home for you maybe even the home that meant the most.
Your morning run was the one thing that could keep your mind off of everything, you decided to take a different route than you were used to. When you started running your dad would always go with you, following behind keeping an eye out. You remembered back to the time that he told you not to make a turn because it leads to Sweetwater river which was dangerous. You followed his rule every morning never making that turn even when he didn’t go with you, but something was different this time you wanted an adventure, so you took the turn.
You never saw water wherever you were, your dad must’ve lied it looked like you were in a town much like the Northside, just less prissy. You continued your run looking around at where you were taking in the new sights you were seeing. Until a guy stopped you. You were deep into what you soon learned was the Southside.
“What are you doing running around here alone”
“I uh I just took a wrong turn thought Sweetwater river was down here”
“No, Sweetwater is up around the other edge of the Northside”
“I’m sorry my dad must’ve gotten it wrong”
“What do you mean”
“He told me never to take the turn and run down here. He told me that Sweetwater was dangerous, but I wanted an adventure so I took the turn. I didn’t expect a whole other town.”
“Wait you’ve never seen this side of town”
“What do you mean this side?”
“You're from Riverdale right?”
“This is the Southside”
“What’s the Southside?”
“Well you’ve probably heard your side of town being called the Northside, well this is the Southside”
“Why would my dad lie?” “Eh, Northsiders tend to hate us. They don’t understand us”
“Oh well I’m sorry for intruding”
“It’s not a problem”
“Then why did you stop me?”
“Well most people wouldn’t run around the Southside with headphones in and no protection”
“Yeah… you know what nevermind”
“No, tell me I have nothing better to do”
“Alright well why don’t you come to the Whyte Wyrm with me”
“The Whyte Wyrm?”
“It’s a bar”
“You want me to go to a bar I’m not even…” “What? Old enough? Don’t worry about it no one is”
“But my parents”
“Tell them you're at a study group or you took a trip to Greendale or something”
“Really?” “Yeah why not”
“You trust me just like that”
“Eh you seem cool plus if you wanted to kill me you would’ve taken me down the alley right there… so unless that’s your plan I’d say I'm pretty safe”
“You alright Princess?”
“First of all, I am not a Princess. Second I just wanna know what your name is?”
“Oh it’s Fogarty but you can call me Fangs”
“Wow and just when I thought you weren’t cringy…”
“Hey… if we play our cards right we could be endgame”
“Oh my god let’s go Fangs” You started walking away realizing that you didn’t know where you were going before he forcefully pulled you back. “Hey! What was that for!”
“Uh, it was nothing just uh… you're going the wrong way is all”
“Oh well, then you lead the way” It was the end of the afternoon at this point. You talked as you slowly made your way to the Whyte Wyrm. You eventually walked up to a building with a bunch of bikes parked outside, and guys wearing black with beards and leather jackets. You felt out of place… at least your outfit was a black sweatshirt and leggings though.
You spent a few hours at the Wyrm losing track of time during the whole thing. You talked to Fangs, and he stayed with you through it all. He even introduced you to his friends Toni and Sweet Pea. You looked at your phone hearing it ring a few times. You saw 10 missed calls from your mother and father so you stepped outside. You called them back and as soon as they picked up the yelling ensued. You apologized saying you fell asleep after watching the movie after you finished studying and lost track of the time, and you promised to be home soon. You didn’t want to leave Fangs or his friends. You got along with them so well and you hadn’t had that for a while. But you knew you had to leave, it was too good to be true. Fangs came out as you were about to start walking home.
“Hey… wait!”
“Where are you going?”
“I’m sorry Fangs, I need to go home”
“Let me walk you”
“I can’t what if I get caught”
“Say I was from the study group… at least let me walk you to the end of your street, please. I can’t let you walk home alone”
“What Fangs I gotta go”
“Your name…  you never told me”
“It’s Y/N”
“Eh I think I’ll stick with princess”
“I’m not a princess Fogarty”
“Whatever you say, Princess”
“You are impossible… now let’s go I gotta get home”
*End Flashback*
It had been three weeks since that first day that you met Fangs Fogarty, and your life had changed so much. You finally felt like you had friends who actually cared about your friends you could hang out with a feel normal. The Southside became your home. You knew the people there… you held conversations walked with them places. You were as much a part of the Southside as they were a part of you. At first, it was hard you felt like you didn’t belong. Hell, you didn’t think you would be invited that night a few days later but Fangs had surprised you. You learned he watched all day from afar till your parents left just so he could invite you to go dancing and hang out at the Wyrm. Of course, you said yes. Now a few days a week you would hang out with Fangs, Toni, and Sweet Pea whether it be at the Wyrm or the quarry it didn’t matter. Every Friday the Wyrm is where you were dancing in your tight black outfit and heeled boots. You remember that first night you went dancing like it was yesterday… because that is when it all started.
A knock on your bedroom window scared the shit out of you making you stop the dancing you had been doing. You looked over to see Fangs knocking. You ran over opening it and letting him climb in.
“Fangs what the fuck!”
“Well hi to you too”
“You scared the living shit out of me Fogarty!” You smacked him on the arm before crossing your arms over your chest.
“Stop, Y/N…” “Why are you here”
“What not happy to see me?”
“Look I just… I wanted to talk to you again I tried asking around seeing if anyone had your number cause ya know I didn’t wanna be a weirdo and come here but of course no one knew you, and Jughead didn’t have your number so I just decided to come here”
“Okay but that doesn’t explain to me why you’re here”
“Well everyone wants to hang again I just wanted to see if you wanted to come dancing at the Wyrm tonight. Friday the Wyrm turns more into a club then a bar figured maybe you'd like to join”
“I don’t dance”
“Really because I saw you dancing in here about 5 minutes ago and I’d say you can dance Princess”
“You… you saw that”
“I did which means you can dance, and you are coming with me tonight”
“Oh am I”
“Fine Fogarty I’ll come. Wait downstairs while I get dressed”
“Okay” You went into your closet grabbing out the things you never god to wear. Being from the Northside it was constant color. You never wanted to be the weird girl so you wore as much color as you could stand, but at the Wyrm you knew you could be yourself. So you chose to throw on an old large ripped Metallica t-shirt and some maroon thigh high boots. You walked downstairs and looked for Fangs seeing the back door open in your kitchen. You walked through and saw Fangs standing looking out and watching a bird in a tree.
“Hey, you ready Fogarty?”
“Yeah I’m... “ He turned around slowly pausing in the middle of his sentence just staring at you.
“You alright”
“Yeah, yeah I’m good sorry uh I’m ready yeah follow me” “To where aren't we walking we can just go out the gate”
“Not this time” You followed Fangs out the front door of your house locking it up behind you. You watched Fangs walk down to a bike.
“Your kidding”
“Great well I’m gonna die tonight”
“Princess you aren't gonna die”
“Fangs! Again with the Princess shit”
“What! You can’t yell at me when you literally look like a fucking princess tonight”
“Get on the fucking bike Fogarty… now, before I change my mind alright”  He quickly mounted the bike and you followed swiftly behind. He turned the bike on the engine revving.
“Hold on tight Y/N” You did as you were told no complaints coming from you. You realized how nice it was holding onto Fangs, how much you enjoyed it
*End Flashback*
Your phone buzzed as you finished getting dressed for the Wyrm.
I’m here get your ass out here. I don’t got time to wait, Princess, let’s go we’re already late
You walked outside to see Fangs sitting on his bike waiting for you.
“You’re late not me Fangs”
“Okay I was just trying to get you out of the house faster, also all this doesn’t get done very quickly” he motioned to himself.
“You are so cringy, Fogarty”
“You know it…. Now get your ass on this bike”
“I’m coming, calm your ass down” You slowly made your way to the Wyrm the night already started considering you guys were a few hours later than usual. You walked in the music already blaring and Toni handing a drink to you. After a few drinks and talking with everyone you started feeling a buzz. You wanted to dance so you went to the floor when Fangs went to the bathroom. The music taking over your head as you danced. Fangs slowly joined you grabbing you from around the back. You often danced together but you were both slightly tipsy on a night you wouldn’t usually drink. You both got closer and closer as each song came. You hadn’t realized your foreheads were pressed together until you opened your eyes and stared straight back into Fangs’. The feelings hit hard. You didn’t wanna be without him after that first night. You liked Fangs, and you liked him more every second you were with him. You tried for weeks to push them away but nothing was working. You liked him and the off chance of him not liking you back killed you. You knew he cared about you as a friend, but you knew that was most likely the only way he did. So you ripped away from him running out of the Wyrm for air. You had to get home.
You didn’t care that he was the one to always walk you, all you cared about was getting away from the Wyrm and the feelings that crowded your mind and your heart. You started your walk home and soon heard steps and screams from behind you.
“I thought we were over you just leaving after that first night”
“I just… I had to go. I need to get home”
“Again with this… So you were just gonna leave, not say goodbye”
“I’m sorry Fangs. I didn’t wanna say goodbye”
“You didn’t have to you know I like walking you home”
“I can’t Fangs I’m sorry to get your bike or go back to the party I am going home I don’t need you to walk me”
“What is going on with you. I am not leaving”
“Why can’t you just let me fucking walk home on my own I am not a fucking damsel in distress, that is gonna get captured and need saving or some shit!”
“ I fucking know that Y/N. But I care about you too much to just let you leave. I fucking love you and if I wasn’t there and something happened to you that I could’ve prevented I couldn’t live with myself. That is why I walk you home. I walk you home cause I fucking care okay!”
“Wait… You said…”
“That I care, yeah cause I do”
“No, you said you loved me”
“I… I, uh I’m sorry just call me when you get home” He started walking away but you had to know if it was true.
“Fogarty wait”
“Is it… are you… do you… I mean, do you love me… nevermind there's no way” He turned around and ran towards you his hands cupping your face and before you realized his lips were connected with your own the heat running through his hands and through your body. The warmth you felt every time he would hold your hand, or when you wrap your arms around his body while on the bike. Everything with him felt warm… this was your warmth, he was your warmth. He pulled away slowly his forehead laying flat against your own.
“Do you believe me now?”
“Eh kind of” He kissed you again his lips passionately almost harshly pressing against your own.
“Can I walk you home now?”
“Of course” You walked to your house hand in hand. It felt right with him. Everything was always right with him and you knew that. Not before long you are stood in front of your front gate. He looked at you and you looked up into his eyes his hand coming and resting on your cheek before he pulled you in while landing a chaste kiss to your lips.
“So maybe we really are endgame Fogarty”
“We definitely are Princess and you know it”
After a quick passionate kiss on your lips, he looked into your eyes and told you he would pick you up tomorrow for your first date. You were stoked. Fangs was the one person you could be your complete self around. You are so grateful you felt adventurous and kept running that one day cause if you didn’t you never would’ve met him.
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waterlilyvioletfog · 5 years
Top 3 Supernatural Episodes Per Season
Warning: Spoilers below the cut. I am SUPER biased. Take everything I say with a HEALTHY grain of salt. 
Season 1: omg they look like INFANTS
1. “Home” 1x09. This episode is amaaaaaaaaaaaaazing AND it’s super important to the mytharch AND we get Winchester family drama. One of those early instances of “Wow we need to give Jensen Ackles an emmy like yesterday”. Mary turns up and foreshadows like??? so much??
2. “Scarecrow” 1x11. Super creepy, major “The Lottery” vibes, fuck I just. I love it. 
3. “Hell House” 1x17. Close call between this one and “Something Wicked” but in the end, Harry and Ed and all the hilarity that ensues just. *chef’s kiss* 
Honorable Mentions: “Something Wicked”
Season 2:  ugh so many good episodes season 2 is SO good
1. “The Usual Suspects” 2x07. SAM GETS TO BE SO SNARKY IN THIS EPISODE AND I LOOOOVE IT. Also Diana is a bamf. 
2. “Croatoan” 1x09. UGH YASSSSSSS. Close call between this and “In My Time Of Dying”, though
3. “What is And What Should Never Be” 2x20. Look man, I don’t know what to tell you. I’m cheap as all get out. Dean angst? Gimme gimme. Also it has WYNONNA EARP IN IT.  
Honorable Mentions: “In My Time of Dying”, “Nightshifter” 
Season 3:  half of these episodes suck, the other half are perfect heeeelllppp
1. “Bad Day At Black Rock” 3x03. This episode it just hilarious from start to finish. Also, Bela vs. Dean. 
2. “Mystery Spot” 3x11. A double whammy of HILARIOUS and OH FUCK THIS IS DEPRESSING. 
3. “Jus In Bello” 3x12. It was real hard to decide between this and Ghostfacers but ultimately, Nancy Fitzgerald (aka Ella Lopez) and Victor Henrikson are the actual best and deserve all the love ever.  
Honorable Mentions: “Ghostfacers”, “The Kids Are Alright” 
Season 4: Somehow there is only one episode that is not stunningly amazing?? 
1: “On the Head of A Pin” 4x16. Cas becomes a main character and it is AMAZING and oh my god give Jensen ALL the emmys oh and ALSO we finally learn exactly what Sam and Ruby’s “extracurricular activities” entail. Feels like a movie. We get the reveal that the angels are working to break the seals. Anna is also amazing. Why is this episode so beautiful. I’m fucking crying and so is Dean. I could gush for hours. 
2. “It’s a Terrible Life” 4x17. This episode is just a fucking delight. (Am I giving it such a high score on the basis of The Kink’s “Well Respected Man” alone? Maybe. Honestly I SHOULD be putting Rapture here but oh well. I’m biased.) 
3. “Monster Movie” 4x05. It was hard to decide between this “In the Beginning” “Lazarus Rising” “The Rapture” and “Lucifer Rising” (which all deserve all the praise ever) but ugh ugh ugh this episode is ALSO perfect AND I love it a bajillion. It’s in black and white and the guest actress is SO pretty and also I think I’ve already gone into detail about how the MoTW is a Lucifer Parallel. Also Dean says he’s been rehymenated so TRANS!DEAN RIGHTS! 
Honorable Mentions: “In The Beginning” “Lazarus Rising” “Lucifer Rising” “The Rapture” 
Season 5: You want to be sad? You also want to watch really good TV? SEASON FIVE IS WHERE IT’S AT! 
1. “Two Minutes To Midnight” 5x21. I know, I know. I should be putting “Swan Song” here but look,, I am easily bought with the promise of Julian Richings as Death. 
2. “Free To Be You And Me” 5x03. Funny Destiel buddy cop film, Sam gets to be filtered through the eyes of an audience-stand-in in universe, also contains Castiel’s ICONIC line “but today you’re MY little bitch”. 
3. “Dark Side of The Moon” 5x16. Narrowly beats out “My Bloody Valentine”, “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid”, and “The Song Remains The Same”. I am trash for any pieces of Sam and Dean’s childhoods and also this episode gives me SO MUCH material for beating up John with a baseball bat. 
Honorable Mentions: “Swan Song” “My Bloody Valentine” “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid” “The Song Remains The Same” “The End” 
Season 6: We Don’t Talk About Season Six. 
1. “The Man Who Would Be King” 6x20. Cas. Destiel. Ow. 
2. “Mommy Dearest” 6x19. Eve! Sam Smith! idk, I just really like it.
3. “Appointment In Samarra” 6x11. As I said, I am easily bought with Julian Richings. Tessa the Reaper!!! Sam stop trying to murder your father. 
Honorable Mentions: “You Can’t Handle The Truth” “My Heart Will Go On” “Weekend At Bobby’s”
Season 7:  Terrible reputation given the fact that it has SO many great episodes. Sera Gamble? You’re mean. 
1. “Slash Fiction” 7x06. Why is this episode so hilarious???? Robbie Thompson starting out with a BANG!
2. “Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie” 7x14. In the total goop of “thick. black. ooze.” of this season, 7x14 is a light in the darkness. Every inkling of joy, of spark, of color, of childishness, all of it, poured out into this one episode, wherein Sam totally loses his cool and I love it. Sam looks so pretty at the end. Dean is simultaneously an actual child and an actual Dad and I love it. 
3. “Out With The Old” 7x16. I love me some levis, man, don’t know what to tell you. It’s just so fun!!
Honorable Mentions: All of Robbie’s episodes, “Hello, Cruel World” “Repo Man” “Reading Is Fundamental” “How To Win Friends And Influence Monsters” 
(The ONLY reason I’m not including TBAI is bc @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs is slowly converting me to hating Megstiel enough to not watch Destiel episodes) 
Season 8: That one season where we admitted that Crowley’s a DICK. 
1. “Hunteri Heroici” 8x08. CAAAAS!!! Also the only episode where anyone watching actually gives a shit about the Sam x Amelia flashbacks. 
2. “LARP And The Real Girl” 8x11. Super fun! CHARLIE RETURNS. Dean is a FUCKING NERD. Sam gets flirted with :) Real close tie between this one and Pac-Man Fever
3. “The Great Escapist” 8x20. Edlund really gave it his all for this last episode. Cas kicks SO much ass. Sam needs to be protected at ALL costs. Kevin ALSO kicks SO much ass. The actor who plays Sweet Pea on Riverdale is here??? Wow.  
Honorable Mentions: “Pac-Man Fever” “As Time Goes By” “Everyone Hates Hitler” “Trial And Error” 
(See note on The Born-Again Identity for why Goodbye Stranger is not on this list. Again, blame @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs )
Season 9: Sam is mad at Dean for not letting him go
1. “First Born” 9x11. No, I will not elaborate. Tim Omundson speaks for himself. There is nothing wrong with this entire episode and if you try to tell me there is I can and will gut you like a fish. 
2. “Heaven Can’t Wait” 9x06. DESTIELLLLLLLLLLLL. 
3. “Do You Believe In Miracles?” 9x23. Wow it’s the first Season Finale to make it to my top 3!! Metatron gets what’s coming, DEAN BECOMES A FUCKING DEMON. 
Honorable Mentions: “Bad Boys” “Mother’s Little Helper” “Alex Annie Alexis Ann” “Meta Fiction”
Season 10:  Dean is mad at Sam for not letting him go
1. “The Executioner’s Song” 10x14. See my comments on “First Born”. 
3. “The Werther Project” 10x18. SAMWITCH RISE!!!!!!!!!!! 
Honorable Mentions: “Hibbing 911″ “The Prisoner” “The Things We Left Behind” 
Season 11: Ahh, yes. You. Lucifer. Get fucked. 
1. “Don’t Call Me Shurley” 11x20. *slow clap* Robbie Thompson, you have served your country well. 
2. “Red Meat” 11x17. This is gonna sound strange, but this episode is sorta my comfort food?? I’ve watched it literally so many times. I love it. So much. 
3. “The Chitters” 11x19. Nancy Won wrote three episodes for SPN, all in season 11, they are all stellar. Chitters is GAY. She also wrote “Don’t You Forget About Me” and “Thin Lizzie” I’m putting them here so as not to crowd up the Honorable Mentions.
Honorable Mentions: “The Vessel” “Devil In the Details” “We Happy Few” “Baby” “Form And Void” “Into the Mystic” honestly just watch every non-bucklemming episode they are pretty much all amazing. 
1. “The Future” 12x19. DESTIEL. I would die for Kelly. Fetus!Jack. GOODBYE DAGON!! THE MIXTAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. “Stuck In the Middle (With You)” 12x12. Destiel love confession!!!!!! Drowley!! Mary will fight everyone willingly!! SAM GETS THE ORANGE JACKET
Honorable Mentions: Every. Single. Non-BL. Episode. Watch. Them. Now. 
Season 13: JAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!! 
2. “Beat the Devil” 13x21. DICK JOKES GALORE. Also, we must protect Sam at all costs. Gabena is perfect. Samwitch is also perfect. Sabriel is also good. Lucifer can go fuck himself. 
3. “Breakdown” 13x11. It physically pains me not to put “Funeralia” here but alas, I must not show Steve Yockey too much favoritism. Anyways. DONNA!!! DOUG!! CREEPY!!! SAM’S HEART IS WORTH SO MUCH MONEY!! GIVE SAMMY A HUG!!
Honorable Mentions: “The Scorpion And The Frog” “Funeralia” “The Thing” “The Bad Place” “The Big Empty” “Lost And Found” 
Season 14: 
 1. “Moriah” 14x20. Proof that Supernatural will go down in history as ALMIGHTY. GOD IS THE ULTIMATE VILLAIN.
2. “Peace of Mind” 14x15. I still haven’t recovered. Jared must have had literally all the fun in the world. 
3. “Mint Condition” 14x04. Yay!! Very fun!!! (I wanted to put Optimism here, but again, I can’t show Yockey so much favoritism. It’s not my fault! he’s too good!!) 
Honorable Mentions: “Optimism” “Ouroboros” “Unhuman Nature” “Byzantium” “Damaged Goods”
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
1. What do you like to do in your free time? So what do I do everyday? Tumblr, surveys, watch TV, watch YouTube, eat, sleep... sometimes read and color.  2. Are you more of an indoors or outdoors person? I am an indoors person all the way. The only exception is if I’m at the beach. 3. Who is the most fascinating person you’ve met? Hmm. 4. What was the last book you really got into? Burying the Honeysuckle Girls by Emily Carpenter.
5. What are some movies you really enjoyed? There’s several. 
6. What amazing adventures have you been on? I haven’t really been on any. 7. What pets have you had? Dogs, fishes, hamsters. 8. What’s your favorite alcoholic and non-alcoholic drink? I don’t drink alcohol anymore, so none, but my favorite non-alcoholic drink is coffee.  9. What are you kind of obsessed with these days? My food obsessions come to mind at the moment. My appetite is all over the place and I’m either an endless pit or hardly eating anything at all. Each week is different in terms of that and what I’m into. This past week it’s been breakfast burritos, deli sandwiches, deli pasta salads, and ramen. I also had a really good pizza last week that I’m craving again. 10. Where have you traveled? To beaches, mountainous areas, Disneyland, Arizona, Idaho, Georgia, Mexico. 11. What’s your favorite international food? Italian. 12. Are you a morning person or a night owl? I’m barely a person. 13. What’s your favorite restaurant? Applebees. 14. How many siblings do you have? 2. 15. What would be your dream job? I don’t have one. :/  16. What would you do if had enough money to not need a job? Travel.  17. Who is your favorite author? I have a few. 18. What was the last show you binge-watched? Orange is the New Black.  19. What TV series do you keep coming back to and re-watching? I’ve seen The Golden Girls, Roseanne, and I Love Lucy countless times in syndication.  20. What hobbies would you like to get into if you had the time and money? Hm. I don’t know. 21. If there was an Olympics for everyday activities, what activity would you have a good chance at winning a medal in? Taking surveys. 22. What would your perfect vacation look like? Somewhere involving a beach house and private beach area. 23. Among your friends, what are you best known for? I don’t know. 24. What music artist do you never get tired of? There’s a lot. Well, at least their music itself I never tire of. I may not necessarily keep up with the artist.  25. What are some accomplishments that you are really proud of? I honestly don’t feel proud of myself for much of anything in my current state. It used to be getting my BA, but now not even that because I’m doing anything with it and I really don’t have any plans to. I feel like it was a waste and I’m a total failure and disappointment. 26. What are some obscure things that you are or were really into? *shrug* 27. What are some things everyone should try at least once? I don’t knowww. 28. What fad did you never really understand? There’s been many where I was just like, wtf, why??
29. What’s the best thing that has happened to you this month? Going to the beach last week was great and very much needed. 30. What would your perfect morning be like? I’d be in a house with a beautiful ocean view and I’d be out sipping my coffee on the balcony overlooking said view.   31. Is there any art or artist you are really into? No. 32. What are you always game for? Coffee. 33. What do you do to unwind? Listen to ASMR. 34. What’s your favorite app on your phone? I use YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Kindle app the most. 35. Cutest animal? Ugliest animal? Awwww I think majority of animals are cute.  36. Who is the kindest person you know? One of my nurses. 37. What’s your favorite piece of furniture you’ve ever owned? My bed. 38. Who are your kind of people? People with a good sense of humor. 39. Where’s the strangest place you’ve ever been? Uhhh. 40. What’s the silliest fear you have? I have a lot. Like for one, sometimes when I’m in the shower I get this scary thought about the pipes just bursting. That’s just one of many. 41. What would be the best city to live in? I don’t know. 42. What household chore is just the worst? I’m not a fan of any chore. 43. If you could give yourself a nickname, what nickname would you want people to call you? *shrug* Steph is fine. How original, I know. 44. What odd talent do you have? I don’t feel I have any. 45. If you could give everyone just one piece of advice, what would it be? Just try and be kind and understanding. 46. What would you like to know more about, but haven’t had the time to look into it? Hmm. 47. What country do you never want to visit? Any country where it would be dangerous for me to be in? <<< Yeah, I agree. 48. What wrong assumptions do people make about you? People think I’m “strong” and “brave” and give me way more credit than I deserve. I’m none of those things. 49. Do you prefer to work in a team or alone? Alone. 50. What has been the best period of your life so far? Childhood. 51. How have you changed from when you were in high school? That was over 10 years ago and a LOT has changed. Not for the better, either. 52. How techie are you? Uhh techie enough? I don’t know. I mean, I like the latest phones and laptops and stuff like that.  53. Where is the most fun place around where you live? Nowhere in my city, that’s for sure. You gotta travel out of town to do anything fun. 54. Have you ever joined any meetup groups? No. 55. Where would your friends or family be most surprised to find you? They’d be surprised to find me out at all at this point, ha. 56. What’s the most relaxing situation you could imagine? Lying out on the beach. 57. What is the most beautiful view you’ve seen? Ocean and mountainous views. 58. What’s expensive but totally worth it? For me, it’s my MacBook. 59. When do you feel most out of place? I often feel that way. 60. What’s the most recent thing you’ve done for the first time? I can’t think of something at the moment. My days are very routine and I do the same the things. 61. How did you come to love your one of your favorite musicians? Probably first seeing their music videos on MTV back when they actually played music videos. 62. How did you meet your best friend? She gave birth to me. 63. What small seemingly insignificant decision had a massive impact on your life? I don’t know. 64. Where would you move if you could move anywhere in the world and still find a job and maintain a reasonable standard of living? I’m not sure, but somewhere where it doesn’t get unbearably hot and has actual fall and winters.  65. Would you like to be famous? (If yes, what would you want to be famous for? If no, why not?) No. I don’t want that attention and focus on me. I couldn’t handle it. I hole up at home and have avoided people in my personal life, why would I want people all over all up in my business and judging my every move? No thank you. 66. What did you do last summer? Complain about how hot it was and was dying, mostly. What I do every summer. 67. If you lived to 100, would you rather keep the body or the mind of yourself at 30 until you were 100? What. 68. Before you make a call, do you rehearse what you are going to say? Oh god, yes. I HATE having to make calls.  69. What are you most grateful for? My family. 70. What’s the most essential part of a friendship? Being able to trust them and talk to them about things and enjoying common interests. 71. When was the last time you sang to yourself or to someone else? Yesterday. 72. If you knew you were going to die in a year, what would you change about how you live? I don’t like questions like this. 73. When was the last time you walked for more than an hour? Yearssss ago.  74. What did you do for (last holiday)? Or What will you do for (next closest holiday)? We didn’t do anything for Memorial Day. Next holiday is Father’s Day, and we’ll probably go to lunch and/or see a movie.  75. Best and worst flavor ice cream? What would make for an excellent new ice cream flavor? Strawberry or mint chocolate chip.  76. Who’s your favorite actor or actress? Alexander Skarsgard. 77. All modesty aside, what are you better at than 90% of people? It doesn’t have to be useful or serious, it can be something ridiculous. I don’t feel I’m great at anything. 78. What’s the strangest phone conversation you’ve ever had? I don’t know. 79. How much personal space do you need to be comfortable? I don’t want someone all hugged up on me. 80. What’s the most interesting fact you know? I couldn’t choose just one. 81. What fad or trend have you never been able to understand? A lot of them, honestly. 82. Who’s your favorite character from a TV show, movie, or book? I’ll just pick one of the many shows I watch, Riverdale: The main crew, Betty, Veronica, Judghead, and Archie. 83. What TV shows did you watch when you were a kid? Stuff on Nickelodeon, Disney, PBS, and WB Kids. Oh, and the Saturday morning cartoons that came on ABC like Recess and Pepperann. 84. What do you like but are kind of embarrassed to admit? I don’t feel embarrassed about anything I like. 85. What’s your favorite smell? When an attractive guy smells good, oh my. <<< That really is nice. And the ocean/beachy air, rain, patchouli, sandalwood, fruity scents, minty scents, cinnamon, coffee, freshly baked goods and the smells of my favorite foods... 86. What skill or ability have you always wanted to learn? I wish I took piano more seriously back when I used to practice. 87. What’s the best meal you’ve ever had? Recently, it was the pizza I had last week.  88. Where was your favorite place to go when you were a kid? Anywhere with my cousins. 89. What’s the most amount of people you had to present something in front of? Like 30+. Presenting in front of anyone is a nightmare. 90. If you could go back in time as an observer, no one could see you, and you couldn’t interact with anything, when would you want to go back to? Ooh. I’d have to really think about that. 91. What’s something that most people haven’t done, but you have? Hmm. 92. What says the most about a person? How they present themselves. 93. What machine or appliance in your house aggravates you the most? None, really. Unless it’s not working for some reason. 94. What places have you visited that exceeded your expectations? Certain vacation spots and restaurants. 95. If you opened a business, what type of business would you start? I wouldn’t. 96. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a really bad movie. 97. What’s the best road trip you’ve been on? Trip to Idaho back in the summer of 2010. A lot of my family on my mom’s side went and it was really fun. We had no idea it would be the last time we’d see my grandpa before he died the end of that year. It happened really fast. He wasn’t even sick like that when we visited him that summer. At least, he didn’t appear to be. That trip ended up being even more special. 98. If you found a briefcase filled with 1 million in 100$ bills in front of your door, what would you do with it? Check for ID or if anyone has reported it missing. Otherwise, I’d keep it. 99. What’s the worst advice someone has given you? I don’t know. 100. Besides your home and your work, where do you spend most of your time? I’m always at home.  101. If you could have the answer to any one question, what question would you want the answer to? Hmm.  102. What are your top 3 favorite things to talk about? Common interests, celebrity/entertainment gossip, some current event type stuff. 103. What do you care least about? It would seem like myself. 104. Where would you like to retire? I’m not even thinking about that right now. I’m not even working. :X 105. Who is the most bizarre person you’ve met? Uhh. 106. What are people often surprised to learn about you? What happened to me that made me a paraplegic. 107. Would you rather live full time in an RV or full time on a sailboat? RV. 108. What would you do with the extra time if you never had to sleep? I really wouldn’t want that. I want my sleep. I need that escape. 109. When you were a kid, what seemed like the best thing about being a grown up? You think you can do whatever you want. 110. What’s the strangest way you’ve become friends with someone? I can’t think of any strange ways. 111. What’s your go-to series or movie when you want to watch something but can’t find anything to watch? If I can’t find something to watch on TV then I tend to just put it on the ID channel. 112. What were some of the turning points in your life? My accident, surgeries, graduating, health related things. 113. What companies made you so mad that you would rather suffer bodily harm than give them any more of your money? I’ve never been that upset with a company.  114. What small things brighten up your day when they happen? When what happens? 115. What sports would be funniest if the athletes had to be drunk while playing? I still wouldn’t care to watch sports. 116. What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve done because you were bored? Just sleep. 117. If you could send one letter to yourself in the past without the goal of making yourself rich (no lotto numbers, stock picks, etc.), what age would you choose and what would the letter say? I’d go back to like...high school days and warn myself of some things and tell myself to take better care of myself. 118. How many other countries have you visited? Just one. 119. What’s your favorite band NAME (not necessarily your favorite band)? Panic! At the Disco. I just like the “Panic!” part, ha. And why at the disco? What happened? 120. What do you miss about life 10 or 20 years ago? My life wasn’t ran by my health. 121. What’s your favorite holiday? Christmas.  122. What’s getting worse and worse as you get older? What’s getting better and better as you get older? Worse: health and life. Better: .... 123. Where’s the best place in (your town or city) to have a picnic? I guess a park. 124. What’s your favorite thing to do outdoors? Go to the beach.  125. How often do you dance? Silly/ironic dancing counts. I may bob my head while listening to music. 126. What do you never get tired of? Coffee. 127. What habit do you wish you could start? Better self-care things. 128. What’s the best way to get to know who someone really is? Just spending time getting to know them. Oh, and seeing how they act in public situations.  129. What’s the last new thing you tried? A new type of pizza last week. 130. Who besides your parents taught you the most about life? I’d say experiences have. 131. When are you the most “you” that you can be? In other words, when do you feel most like yourself? At home in my comfort zone. 132. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done? *shrug* I’m not very spontaneous. 133. What’s happening now, that in 20 years people will look back on and laugh about? A lot of things, I’m sure. Like how easily people get all up in an uproar about literally everything. 134. How much social interaction is too much? I can’t handle much. 135. How different do you act when you are with acquaintances vs. people you are comfortable with? I’m just more guarded and aware, I guess.  136. On a weekend or holiday, what’s the best time of day and the best time of night? All the days are the same to me.  137. What are you looking forward to that’s happening soon? Beach trip. 138. What really cheesy song do you love? There’s plenty of those. 139. What’s the worst or best job you’ve had? I’ve never had one. 140. What’s been the most significant plot twist in your own life? I never saw this downward spiral coming after I graduated in 2015. It really went downhill after that. 141. Where did you take family vacations to when you were younger? Disneyland and beachy, touristy places. 142. What’s your go-to funny story? I don’t know. 143. If the company you work for / the college you go to had an honest slogan, what would it be? I don’t work and I’m done with school. 144. If you could instantly receive a Ph.D. in any discipline including all the knowledge and experience that goes along with it, what would your Ph.D. be in? I don’t want one, though. I’m not even doing anything with my BA. 145. How well do you cope when you don’t have your phone with you for an extended period of time? I’m fine. 146. What were some of the happiest times of your life so far? Various times in my life with family, childhood, vacations. 147. Would you rather have an incredibly fast car or incredibly fast internet speed? Incredibly fast internet speed. 148. What are the top three social situations you try to avoid most? Any social situation? ha. 149. What friendship you’ve had has impacted you the most? The friendship Ty and I had. 150. What’s something you’re interested in that most people wouldn’t expect? I don’t know. 151. What’s your favourite quote or saying?
152. If you had the power to change one law, what law would you change? Uhhhh. 153. What’s the hardest you’ve worked for something? My BA degree. Ha. What a waste now. 154. What took you way too long to figure out? My stubbornness caused me a lot of problems. I didn’t think things could get the way they are, but they sure did.  155. What nicknames have you had throughout your life? Steph and Sis. 156. What do you do differently than most people? A lot of things, probably. 157. Where’s the last place you’d ever go? Space. 158. What fact floored you when you heard it? I can’t think, man. 159. If you unexpectedly won 10,000$, what would you spend it on? I’d want to travel for sure. Take me awayyyy. 160. Who is the best role model a person could have? That depends on you and what you’re aspiring to be.
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benjikarofsky · 5 years
Once Upon a Dream || Para
WHO: Benji Karofsky (@benjikarofsky) and Topher Pierce (@topherxpierce​). Mentions Franco Del Rio ( @southsidefranco )
WHERE: “Benji’s Apartment”
WHEN: 15th May 2019
NOTES: Still hiding at Sebastian’s, Benji finds himself thinking about Topher in a fairly unusual way.
BOLD: Benji
ITALIC: Topher
Benji closed his eyes, still trying to get used to the feeling of sleeping in a bedroom other than his own. He had gotten so used to his apartment--the feeling of Franco in his arms, the sounds of Cortana sleeping in the hallway, the presence of knowing Topher was asleep just one room over... he had grown to love it. And the longer he was away from it, desperately trying to think, the longer he realized he missed it. 
He faded off quickly and within seconds was transported back into his apartment, waking up on the couch. "...Guys?" he called lightly, slowly walking from the couch to the hallway between his room and Topher's, "...Cort? Toph? Franc? ...Anyone here?"
Topher felt as though he was experiencing every emotion at the same time with the most prominent of them being fear. There was no relief that came with laying on his bed, no waves of happiness at Cortana's presence, just shockwaves of worry that struck constantly in the form of shivering. Mercy seemed to be quite the foreign concept, so the former Serpent set off towards the living room in the hopes that a game or show might provide some sort of distraction. 
He settled in his favorite chair after he'd loaded up Gears of War 2 and couldn't help a small smile when he noticed that Cortana had followed him then decided to rest by his feet. Topher hoped that he could push past all the memories of various gaming marathons with Benji, that he could just focus on the task at hand. He'd restarted the campaign the night before then paused right before he got to the so called 'impossible' level, only because his neverending concern made him sleepy.
Benji saw Topher pass him and turned, "Toph!" he called, following him and Cortana back to the living room. "Toph, I'm home," he stated, sitting on the sofa next to Topher and his chair. 
"Hey, Cort. Toph gave you your insulin while I was gone, right? You look good." He put his hand out for Cortana to lick, but paused when she didn't seem to notice, choosing to cuddle closer to Topher's feet instead. "Uh... okay. 3 days was a long time. I get it. Kinda cold though, Cort..." 
He pulled his hand back awkwardly, then turned to the TV, not realizing his best friend wasn't acknowledging him in any way. "Wait, you're replaying 2 without me? No way, Dude. I want in. Change it to split screen." He looked around for the second controller, confused that he didn't see it anywhere. "Dude, where's the controllers? I want in," he said, finally turning to look at Topher.
Topher just tried to maintain his concentration on the game, but it didn't take long for him to screw up. "Son of a -," he trailed off as he watched Marcus get annihilated by Locust all because his mind wandered for just a moment. Cort glanced up at him as if she wanted an explanation for the outburst. "It's nothing, go back to sleep honey," the former Serpent cooed, even though it couldn't have been further from the truth. 
 He remembered the repeated playthroughs of each game as if they happened yesterday. Topher knew that he could handle himself playing any game from Gears to Mario Kart, but there was still something about teaming up with Benji that made every puzzle piece fall into place. They were an army of two, an unstoppable duo. And yet the radio silence continues, he thought to himself as he removed his phone from a sweatshirt pocket. 
 "I know you can't answer me, but let's pretend you can. Cort, what's wrong with me?" Topher paused the game in order to look down at her. She just let out a sigh that was interpreted as an 'I don't know' of sorts. "Were any of those anons on to something and Benji's not coming back? Or am I just letting paranoia get the best of me?"
"What? Toph, I'm right here." He waved his hands in front of Topher's face, "I know you're pissed I left, but the silent treatment's pretty harsh as-is. It's another thing to somehow get Cort in on it." 
He bit his lip, processing the rest of what Topher said. "...I didn't mean to freak you out. I just needed to think, and I... I didn't want you to tempt me. I know he already cheated on me, but I couldn't cheat on Franc. I love him too much." 
He swallowed. "I... I don't wanna be married to Franco. Not right now, anyway. Not while he doesn't acknowledge the sacrifices I've made for him. But I do love him. And I don't mind the long engagement as much as I thought I did. B... But I love you just as much." He sighed. "And I... looked at that 'poly' stuff. Like you said. And it's still a lot to get used to... and Franco'll probably try to kill us for suggesting it, but I think it's the right solution," he rattled off--obviously the time alone had helped him think more than he first realized. 
"...Because I love you. And I want to be with you." When Topher didn't respond, he sighed louder, throwing his hands up in defeat. "...Toph, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you why I left. I didn't want Franc to find out and try to fight you or something! Just... please forgive me. It's been 4 days and 5 hours since you told me you loved me back. I wanna get this fixed so I can think about kissing you without feeling guilty. Please."
Topher continued to play Gears and as a result, failed spectacularly plenty more times in the span of a few minutes. He eventually placed the controller on an armrest as he picked up his phone again then looked down at Cortana once again. "It's nearing midnight and here I am waiting when normal people would be asleep by now. Hell, Ben's probably asleep." 
It was one thing to lack the company of your best friend. It was another thing to lack the company of someone you loved. Perhaps that was what pushed his anxieties back to the forefront of his mind and oh, how Topher hated it. He couldn't dwell on any of these negative emotions for too long or else he risked opening the door again for the storm cloud that occupied his mind after that car crash. 
"But that's what you do for loved ones, isn't it?" The former Serpent asked himself as he tapped his phone screen back to life. A picture of himself with Benji greeted him once again, one of many reminders of brighter days and the potential for many more in the future. "You worry about them like there's no tomorrow and then when they come back, you make them promise to never make you worry like that again. But I still love him, don't think there's anyway I could stop."
With a quick glance over at the door, his gaze flicked back to the paused game and then to his phone. Guess it wouldn't hurt to try texting him. So, Topher opened up his messages in order to get to typing. "I know it's late and that I should be in bed, but I wanted you to know that I still have your back and will always have it. Regardless of whatever option you take, I will follow your lead and you to the ends of the Earth," he read aloud then pressed the arrow to send it. With that, the former Serpent picked up his controller once again and hoped for the best.
"I love you too," he whispered back. He moved his hand to take Topher's, then blinked when he picked up the controller and start to play again, their two hands intertwined from Benji point-of-view, but Topher not seeming to notice. 
"You... you can't see me, can you? Or... or feel me? Or hear me?" he realized, his voice quiet. He blinked hard and realized he couldn't remember leaving Sebastian's house to come home; he didn't remember falling asleep on the couch. At the very least, this was a dream--at the most, it was a premonition. 
He swallowed hard. "...Is this what you're doing right now? Just... worrying yourself sick and trying to distract yourself? Toph, I told you to think about yourself first for a change. I didn't think you'd just..." he trailed off, letting his head drop in disappointment. He'd gotten so angry at Franco for doing it, but here he was doing the same thing with Topher. He knew how loyal his best friend was--had he thought for even a second, he would've realized that he wasn't going to just take time for himself and await his return. He was gonna worry. And knowing Topher, worry endlessly. 
"...I've been gone 3, almost 4 days... When's the last time you slept?" He knew he couldn't hear him, but he turned to Topher anyway, hoping he could trigger the question to come to him somehow. "Topher, when's the last time you slept?" he begged.
The sixth time turned out to truly be the charm and Topher finally got past the level. He gave a quiet cheer that was soon interrupted by a yawn. "Lord, what time is it?" A quick glance told him that it was past midnight, 12:34 to be exact. He couldn't remember the last time he felt so tired and that counted every single all nighter that he pulled during his high school days. 
He needed to get some rest, caffeine and rapidly multiplying concerns just weren't cutting it as an energy source anymore. But there was the chance that Benji might come home and want to talk, plus Topher generally wanted to be awake in case something else demanded his attention. Cortana's needs were taken care of though, the same went for the grand majority of his own with sleep the glaring exception. He didn't know of any other drama that was currently taking place in 'fair' Riverdale.
With those thoughts at the forefront of his mind now, the 18 year old pushed himself up in order to retrieve one of the many blankets in his room as well as a pillow. When he returned, the blanket was draped over him while the pillow went behind his back. "If I fall asleep while playing Gears, so be it," Topher remarked to himself as he resumed the game. Sleepiness already had a decent grip on him, so there was quite the grand chance he would end up asleep in this chair. His worries just needed to shut themselves up for the night and there was no better way than playing a hint more.
Benji shook his head. "I need to come home..." he whispered to himself. Knowing that Topher was doing this--staying up in the hopes that he'd be coming home--he couldn't handle it. How could he really continue putting someone he loved through this much torture? It wasn't fair.
He bit his lip and stood up, walking over so he was between Topher and the TV. He knew he couldn't see him or feel him, but that didn't change what he wanted to do. "...I'm coming home, okay? And I'm sorry that I've put you through this hell. I'll never do it again." he whispered, giving a sad smile.
"I... I can't do this until we work things out with Franco, but... this is a dream. And I'm impatient," he explained, giving a chuckle dripping with emotional exhaustion. He leaned down and cupped Topher's face, then pulled him into a soft kiss, shutting his eyes until he eventually pulled back. "...I love you, Toph. I'll be home soon."
One by one, each worry faded to the back of his mind as he navigated Marcus through treacherous territory. The desire to sleep continued to wrap itself around Topher as the moments stretched into seconds then minutes. He'd gotten bits and pieces these past few days, but that wasn't enough, even with the aid of caffeine alongside concerned energy. 
All the scenarios that had turned his brain into a movie theater slowly shut themselves off for the night, yet they left a few thousand reassurances on the tip of his tongue for no particular reason. Perhaps for later use or maybe it was just the desire to start speaking out loud again. Regardless, Topher pulled the pillow up to where it was behind his head and allowed the warmth of his blanket to pull him just a bit closer to dreamland.
"Sweet dreams Cort and Ben, wherever you are," he muttered. "I love you both with all of my heart, in ways that even I can't express properly with words. Or maybe it's just because I'm tired as hell." Topher managed to make Marcus take a few more steps, but then the game was sleepily paused and the controller fell into his lap as sleep finally won out.
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sunagakures · 6 years
i was tagged by @narutoslittlefox and @sunagakubae !!! thank u guys :’)
Rules: Answer all questions and tag 20 people
Star Sign: aquarius
Height: 4′11
Gender: female
Birthday: february 6
Relationship status: its,,,, complicated
Who is your crush: :-)
Song that is stuck in your head: for some reason i feel it coming by the weeknd
Last movie: girl who the fuck knows!
Last TV show: riverdale maybe??
Why did you create this blog: bc naruto addiction came back up
What do you post / reblog: naruto,,,
Last thing you googled: idk how to check that lmao.... doesnt come up on ur history
Favorite song lyric:  ok i don’t listen to korean music much, but rm dropped a new mixtape and his song “seoul” has a part where it says 
“if love and hate are the same thing, i love you seoul
if love and hate are the same thing, i hate you seoul” and this has become my fave thing ever rn bc i relate so hard..... the way i interpret it for myself, i never want to leave this place and i fuckin hate that i have to ;/
What are you wearing: sweatpants and a shirt from my home university
Dream job: like an ambassador or smthn
Currently reading: reading? LMAOOOO
Top 3 universes: uhhhhhhhh idk the milky way???
Last time I cried and why: yesterday at the coffee shop THREE times for the first time in over 2 months because my friend and i were listening to some music and we got emotional since its about friendship and we’re all gonna leave in 2 months yikes
A picture of me: uuhhh fuck idk! go follow on on instagram and u will see lmao @ heysude
Ideas of a perfect date: cry together idk wsedrftgyh
A fact about my life: uhhhh idk i’m a vegetarian
What’s one thing you regret: i regret coming here bc i dont wanna leave ufihdsfahdskfj
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: i dont find many attractive... beyonce ig
Have you ever taken a picture naked: no
Have you ever had a crush: yea lmao never ended up well
Have you ever been in a fist fight: no
Have you ever snuck out of your house: my parents would beat my ass
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back: i mean i’m sure?!
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun: yea in high school like a gotdamn fool
Have you ever been on a plane: yessss
Have you ever kissed a picture: i dont think so/?!?!!!
Have you ever touched a snake: yea
Have you ever felt like dying: no
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t: yea
Phobia: uh??!?!?! i have no idea if i have one
Middle name: kaya
Are you a virgin: yea
What’s your sexual orientation: straight
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs: i’m a social drinker 
Someone you miss: someone? i miss my cats LMAO
Favorite ice cream: cookie dough
One insecurity: my nose
What my last text message says: on kakao i wrote “good morningggg”
Have you ever painted your room: well yea
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex: no
Have you ever slept naked: no
Have you ever been dumped: no
Have you ever stole money from a friend: no
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met: yea
Have you ever been arrested: no
Have you ever made out with a stranger: close to but no LMAOOO
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere: huh??? yes i guess???? like to hang out??? what kind of question is this am i understanding wrong
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents: yea
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor: no
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex: yea
Have you ever seen someone die: no
Favorite Harry Potter spell: dont watch dont care
Have you ever hated the way you look: who hasn’t sduifhuidg
Have you ever witnessed a crime: yesssssss
Have you ever pole danced: AHAHHAHAHAHA no no
Have you ever been lost: in what context....... im sure i have but i always found my way back
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country: yea :’)
okay now i’m supposed to tags 20 ppl.... but uh.. ya girl has a midterm in less than 2 hours so i’m gonna just tag a few ppl and go study fsafuhisdf...
so i tag @slumshit @minhyshadowjutsu @bleedingrose152 @kazekage-libra @kirigakuree @thotkara @jojotaros @tsukichou @yuukomizore @will-je-suis andddd anyone else who wants to do this!!!!!!!!
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phoenix-inthe-fire · 6 years
my heart is like a package with a fragile label on it (be careful with me)
The one where Cheryl and Toni move to National City and fight over a motorcycle because of Alex Danvers. 
When they move to National City, Cheryl thinks its gone. It being the loud death trap that Toni insists on riding around on just about everyday. It was her baby, she’d said, and Cheryl can admit that she’d been jealous of the attention Toni gave it. That was until Toni said she’d much rather ride Cheryl all day. So Cheryl had grown to tolerate the jet black Ducati, after all, it was kind of hot to see Toni on it. To watch her whip her hair out of the helmet, the way she often wore leather pants while riding it. It was part of the reason Cheryl had fallen in love with her. It was part of her badass persona that Cheryl definitely thought was hot.
What she did not love about it was the accidents. And there were many of them even though Toni insisted she road safely all the time. But Cheryl still remembers the first one like it was yesterday.
Cheryl’s out to lunch with Veronica when it happens. They’re laughing at something stupid, Cheryl has already forgotten what it was as soon as her phone vibrates on the table in front of them. She’s partly annoyed, because her and Veronica have a rule that whoever’s phone goes off first has to pay the tab, and partly confused because the number flashing on her screen isn’t saved.
Veronica furrows her brow as Cheryl shows it to her in question. “Don’t know,” She says, slurping her milkshake, “You should answer it.”
Cheryl picks it up and feels her face go pale at the voice that answers.
“Hi this is Margaret from St. Joseph's, we’re calling because we have you listed as Antoinette Topaz’s emergency contact.”
“What happened?” Cheryl barely manages to get out. Her voice is rough and tears gloss her eyes. Veronica looks incredibly alarmed and Cheryl latches on to the hand Ronnie offers her with a vice like grip.
“We’re not allowed to disclose too much over phone, I’m afraid. I can only tell you there was an accident and Ms. Topaz was brought in with non life threatening injuries.”
“So she’s okay?” Cheryl demands, a grip on her chest releasing and its then that she realizes she hasn’t breathed since she picked up the phone. The sudden rush of air makes her head hurt.
“Yes,” The woman says slowly, “Will you be coming to the hospital?”
“Yes,” Cheryl says immediately standing, “Yes I’m on my way.”
Veronica drives her because she’s too catatonic to do anything but stare straight ahead. Even though the woman had said Toni’s injuries were non life threatening, worry still ceases  her heart. She’d never been good with loss, especially after Jason. Losing her twin was something she could never get over, it was like losing a piece of herself. A piece she’d definitely gotten some semblance back with Toni and now Cheryl was close to losing her too.
When they pull up to the hospital, Cheryl’s almost ready to go into a full on panic attack. It’s too much too fast and it’s only Veronica’s gentle voice that brings Cheryl back. It’s a blur after that because Cheryl’s too busy trying to remember to breathe but she latches onto Veronica’s hand and when she blinks again, they’re in Toni’s room.
She’s hooked up to several machines seemingly sleeping but she’s alive and Cheryl’s sobbing before they’re even completely in the room. She’s at Toni’s side in an instant, grabbing her hand and crying into her lap. Veronica pats her on the back in solidarity but doesn’t offer any words. When Cheryl looks up again, Veronica is also crying.
“I never realized how small she is,” Veronica whispers, “She’s so small. So-”
“Not invincible.” Cheryl hisses, angry now that Toni almost left her for something so avoidable because her eyes narrow in on the bag of personal items sitting on the counter across the bed. The dented motorcycle helmet with a broken visor only makes Cheryl that much more angry. “I’m setting that stupid fucking bike on fire.”
Toni groans, shifts her head back and forth like she’s fighting to wake up, “Please don’t,” She whimpers, “S’my favorite.”
“Toni Topaz I will fucking kill you,” Cheryl gasps out in a sob, “If you ever scare me like this again.”
Toni opens her eyes slowly, looks like she wants to cry herself with Cheryl sobbing into her arm. “Mm sorry baby. Didn’t mean to.” She kind of sighs like she’s barely awake.
“You can make it up to me when you’re better,” Cheryl says with a sniffle. She pulls it together quickly though because Toni looks like she’s fading fast. “Just go to sleep, sweetheart. You hit your head pretty hard.” She brushes a lock of Toni’s hair from her face, tries very hard not to focus on the obvious blood that’s caked into her hair.
Toni sighs again, nuzzles into her hand. “Kay, love you cherry.”
Cheryl’s lip wobbles as she says, “Love you too, TT.”
It isn’t the last time Toni gets into a motorcycle accident but it’s never worse than this one.
So all in all, Cheryl’s glad that when they move the Ducati gets parked in Sweet Pea’s garage and doesn’t follow them. They go almost 4 blissful months without Toni mentioning her beloved motorcycle or attempting to purchase a new one and it’s probably because she doesn’t have the time to think about it.
Neither of them really do. Cheryl absolutely loves the new hospital she works at and the first few weeks she talks Toni’s ear clean off about all the kids she gets to spend time with. Toni does well with adjusting too. The new magazine she works at, CatCo, gives her pretty much free creative reign but Toni is ambitious so Cheryl is not surprised when Toni decides she wants to get up close and personal with Supergirl, the city’s very own superhero.
It was still weird to think that National City still had such an alien presence but Cheryl loved the weather and the house they’d bought so the occasional alien fight that went on downtown wasn’t really a deal breaker. Sure the house insurance was outrageous, but Cheryl was still a trust fund baby and the sole heir to a fortune so they barely batted an eye. It’s also fun to do all of their exploring together. Back in riverdale, there was only so many places to take each other and they were often so tainted by other memories that it never really felt like them. So Cheryl is glad they get to find new memories together. In fact, Toni tells her about a hole in the wall alien bar that she’d heard about from some of her clients and Cheryl actually wants to go. So they make plans, have to rearrange them twice, but eventually they make it out the the door. Or attempt to anyway.
“You look really hot,” Toni says when Cheryl comes out of the bathroom. Her eyes roam freely at the skin tight jeans Cheryl is wearing, paired with a top that laces in the back and shows off her shoulders and neck.
“Thanks baby,” Cheryl says with a slight blush. It’d been awhile since Cheryl had been in anything but scrubs or pajamas and if her old high school class could see her now they’d probably stroke out. But Cheryl didn’t really need to care about appearances anymore because she was well and truly happy and there was no one following her around to judge and Toni would love her even if all she wore were plastic bags. But it did feel nice to have an occasion to dress for again. “We should go out more.” She says pointedly.
Toni rolls her eyes good naturedly. “Oh please, you cancel on me just as much.” And it was true. They both loved their jobs so much that picking up extra shifts and being on call wasn’t uncommon. Not to say they didn’t have time for each other, they were both just extremely driven and eager to make names for themselves in a new city.
“True,” Cheryl smirks exaggeratedly in the mirror as she applies lip stick, fully aware of Toni’s eyes glued to her ass as she leans closer to inspect herself, “But it wouldn’t kill you to show me off every once in a while.” She’s teasing of course because as long as she was with Toni she didn’t care what they did. High school had been crazy for the both of them and Cheryl loved their quiet domesticity more than anything. It was a nice change of pace.
“No,” Toni says, voice a touch hoarse now, “They’ll stare and try and steal you and I left all the bodies and gang banging back in Riverdale. Promises and all that.” She says like she’s put off.
Cheryl expects nothing less from her little serpent. “Hey You made that promise to me.”
Toni doesn’t respond. She gets up from their bed and covers Cheryl’s body like a second skin. Cheryl barely gets to voice her confusion before Toni’s kissing her senseless.
They wind up two hours late to the bar because Toni can’t keep her hands to herself. Cheryl certainly isn’t complaining.
Those 4 blissful months of Toni’s death trap days behind her goes up in smoke the second Alex fucking Danvers rolls up to their favorite alien bar. Apparently Toni has this thing where she needs to find the toughest person in the room and try and assert her dominance. This person happens to be Alex.
Cheryl’s making polite conversation with the bartender because her scarf is givenchy and Cheryl wants to know just where in the hell she got it from when she hears a sort of scuffle going on behind her. It’s Toni because of course it is and she’s got an auburn haired woman almost toe to toe with her as they play pool, only they’re glaring at each other more than playing. For a moment Cheryl sees red, is halfway out of her seat, but then Toni laughs, loud and genuine and their little standoff breaks. Cheryl relaxes.
“She yours?” The bartender asks with a knowing smile as she wipes out glasses.
“Yeah,” Cheryl sighs dreamily, peeking over her shoulder at Toni’s ass as she bends over the pool table. “She’s trouble.”
The bartender, Mgnn she’d said her name was, laughs. “She’s very pretty.” She says dutifully, “But the girl she’s playing with? That’s Alex Danvers and she’s definitely a cop.”
Cheryl feels her eyes widen. “Of course she is. Goddamnit, Toni.” She downs the rest of her drink and walks right over to the pool table. She snags Toni by her belt loop, drapes her arms across Toni’s neck from behind and gets close to her ear.
“Bartender says she’s a cop.” Cheryl whispers warningly, playing it off like she’s flirting. Toni only stiffens a little bit but Cheryl knows how she is with cops, knows that even though the Southside Serpents are just a Riverdale gang, doesn’t mean that cops don’t make Toni any less uncomfortable. Especially when they blend so well in public.
“Hey baby,” Toni says aloud, squeezing Cheryl’s hip affectionately. “Alex this is my lady. Cheryl this is Alex. She’s bad at pool.”
For a moment Alex Danvers looks a little crestfallen and Cheryl’s eyes narrow into a dangerous glare. But Alex recovers quickly and offers Cheryl a friendly wave.
“I think your girlfriend might be a pool shark.” Alex says seriously.
Cheryl can almost feel Toni’s wolffish grin. “She’s pretty talented.”
Alex is nice and Cheryl hangs out with them for awhile just to make sure there are no problems after Toni’s just probably threatened law enforcement for god even knows what. She watches Toni, mainly, because there used to be a time when Toni could sniff out a cop in a blink but Alex slipped right under her nose and Cheryl’s worried about what that will do to her.
But her girlfriend seems just fine, happy even that she’s made a friend, so Cheryl tries not to watch her too intently. They all decide to leave at the same time, Alex and Toni swapping numbers as they rib each other about rematches.
It’s when Alex walks over to a jet black Ducati, almost identical to Toni’s old death trap, that Cheryl feels those blissful four accident free months go up in smoke.
“This yours?” Toni asks almost in awe, her hand reaching out on almost it’s on accord to touch the smooth leather of the seat.
“Yep.” Alex says proudly, pulling a helmet out of Cheryl doesn’t even know where. “Just bought her actually. I got her shipped straight here. It’s custom engine and specs.”
Toni’s eyes almost go as wide as saucer plates and Cheryl busies herself with calling a Lyft because she knows this is gunna take a while. Eventually Toni puts her motorcycle boner away and Alex takes off with a loud roar that hurts Cheryl’s ears but Toni absolutely loves.
Cheryl can almost feel Toni’s eyes burning through her all the way home. “No.” She says firmly once they’re safely out of their lyft and walking up the pebbled steps to their front door.
“But Cheryl,” Toni all but whines as Cheryl’s rummaging for her keys in her larger than necessary purse, molding herself against Cheryl’s back in some kind of ploy to get her way but all Cheryl can see is hospital ERs and unsaved numbers calling her at random, Toni hooked up to machines and IVs. “Please baby.”
“Toni do you know how many accidents you’ve gotten into on that thing?” Cheryl snaps, finally working the door open and kicking off her shoes and purse in the foyer.
Toni rolls her eyes like Cheryl’s being ridiculous. “Like 2 tops.”
“6 times, Toni.” Cheryl deadpans, “4 of which I had to pick you up from the hospital for.”
“Only as a precaution!” Toni defends.
“Bull shit,” Cheryl growls, “That first time you almost died. You were in the hospital for 3 days! I was scared I was going to lose you!”
Toni softens immediately, places her hands slowly on Cheryl’s hips so Cheryl can’t storm away. “I’ll be careful, cherry. I promise. It’s no different than me driving a car. I can’t control everyone around me.”
“TT cars are enclosed! Motorcycles are just death traps!”
Toni sighs roughly, disengages from Cheryl and the look on her face is stubborn and angry and it grates at Cheryl’s temper. “Look, ultimately, I don’t need your permission. I’m getting my motorcycle back. This isn’t up for discussion.”
And then she walks away and Cheryl sees red.
“Like hell it isn’t! Toni if you bring that fucking motorcycle then don’t even bother coming home!”
Toni’s glare is angry and hurt but she picks up her keys defiantly and slams the front door when she goes.
Cheryl’s crying before it even clicks shut.
Toni doesn’t come home that night at all and Cheryl blows up her phone with texts ranging from worried sad girlfriend to downright crazy psycho. Honestly Cheryl doesn’t hold it back, she’s pretty sure there was a death threat or two mixed in somewhere with apologies and rants on how Toni had better realize Cheryl was a fucking catch and wouldn’t have trouble finding a replacement if Toni never came home.
It’s grossly untrue, of course, because Cheryl would never leave Toni for any reason and Cheryl takes it back in the next text but Toni doesn’t reply other than to say she’s safe and will be back tomorrow and that’s the only reason Cheryl is able to fall asleep.
“Rough night?”
Cheryl sighs harshly, tries to keep her temper from flaring because she’s been so good about it at this new job. It’s been easier, of course, because she was happy and her coworkers all genuinely wanted to help their patients but she’d woken up cold and alone and barely got any sleep so it was a lot harder to keep it together than normal.
“You can say that.” Cheryl says vaguely as she scribbles away at one of the charts in her very large stack.
The coworker talking to her is one of the more tolerable ones, a trauma surgeon by the name of Clarke Griffin who spends the majority of her time in the ER downstairs or the ORs two floors up. Why she’s on the Peds floor everyday has everything to do with the steaming cup of coffee she nurses in her hands. She claimed it was way better than the cafeteria or the break rooms on the first floor.
But Cheryl doesn’t mind because she likes her. Clarke didn’t treat her like a subordinate because she was a nurse and on the few patients they had together, she’d actually listened to Cheryl’s input. So it’s not so much that it’s Clarke that's asking about her rough night that spikes her temper, so much as it is the reminder that something is in fact wrong.
“I got into a fight with my partner last night.” Cheryl mutters begrudgingly. She figures it’s a good idea to have at least someone to talk to because Veronica was still on her honeymoon and Josie was away on tour being famous and Toni was out for obvious reasons.
Clarke hums, sips at her coffee, “About what?”
Cheryl scowls, writes a little harder, grips her pen a little tighter. “Her stupid fucking obsession with motorcycles.” She says it lowly, so it’s unheard by tiny ears and some of the more gossipy staff. She’d worked hard to make an image for herself here. She was Cheryl Blossom, RN, an outstanding nurse who loved her patients but took absolutely zero shit from anyone no matter who they were. The two doctors, 4 CNAs and even a surgeon who’d tried her had all walked away inches smaller and with their tails tucked between their legs. Nurse Blossom was a name taken serious but she only got away with all of that because she was so good at her job and her kids loved her as much as she loved them. The last thing she needed was one of her little ones telling on her cursing.
“I hate motorcycles,” Clarke says, “Like I get it, it’s hot at first, a nice thrill, but you know how many accidents I’ve seen with motorcycle victims?” She doesn’t wait for Cheryl’s response before she’s plowing on, “A lot. And they’re never pretty, half of them don’t make it off my table. Or Shepherds for that matter.” She says with a shrug, referencing the on call neurosurgeon.
Cheryl swallows thickly, “Well thanks for that, Dr. Griffin. If I hated them before, I’m sure the next time I see one I’ll just go right into a panic attack at the thought of my girlfriend on one of your OR tables.” She snaps as she practically tosses the now finished report away from her.
Clarke grimaces, “Yikes. Sorry. I’ve been told my bedside manner could be worked on.”
“Yes,” Cheryl says firmly, “It can be.”
The smile Clarke gives her is everything she hears about. It’s soft and cheeky and just the faintest bit charming and Cheryl suddenly gets how Clarke’s bedded half the hospital and still has a job. If Cheryl wasn’t so wholly in love with Toni it might have worked. “Sorry,” Clarke says sheepishly, “Anyway I’m sure your girlfriend will be fine. You’ll get past it it’s just a motorcycle.”
“Just a-“ Cheryl stops herself abruptly, counts to ten in her head with her eyes closed before she’s plastering on a vicious smile and looking at Clarke again. “It is not just a motorcycle. It’s the difference between me being a widow or me not being a widow. Understand?”
Clarke’s eyes are wide, a touch fearful, “Yes ma’am.”
“Good,” Cheryl says, sniffing dismissively. “Nice chat, Dr. Griffin. I have patients as I’m sure you do as well.” She says pointedly.
Clarke laughs softly, “You are something else Cheryl Blossom.” And then she walks away but not before looking at Cheryl over her shoulder with a twinkle in her eyes.
Cheryl wishes it was just as simple as it being a motorcycle. But Cheryl had seen too much death before she’d even made it to 18 and so she didn’t understand how Toni was so willing to leap onto something that would surely take her right to it. Her pager beeps and Cheryl decides to push all thoughts of it away for now.
When Cheryl gets home later that night, it’s well past 8 o’clock. She’s tired and angry now too because as she’d pulled in she’d seen the giant black monstrosity that she’d thought she’d seen the last of all those months ago.
Toni is sitting on the couch when she gets in. Her hairs up in a loose bun and the tv is on but she doesn’t look like she’s really watching it. Her eyes find Cheryl and don’t leave her until Cheryl is plopping onto the adjacent couch still holding her purse and wearing her shoes.
“You really went all the way back to Riverdale just to get your motorcycle?” Cheryl questions. Her voice is still soft, it’s still a genuine question, it’s not accusing just yet. She isn’t sure if she’s ready for another round of screaming at each other, especially not after a 12 hour shift.
“Yep,” Toni chirps, popping the p with enough attitude to let Cheryl know she’s still pissed as she looks away. “Wanna know why? Because I’m an adult who can do whatever the fuck she wants.” Her eyes don’t come away from the TV and Cheryl crosses her arms and leans back against the couch as she stares at her.
“This isn’t about your adulthood Toni don’t be ridiculous. We own a house together. We’re both adults. This is about you and that stupid motorcycle you don’t even need!”
Toni’s jaw tenses but she doesn’t respond. Won’t look in Cheryl’s direction and it hurts because Cheryl had spent years not being seen and the least Toni could do is look at her while they were fucking fighting.
“Toni I’m talking to you.” Cheryl grinds out, feels anger welling in her chest now.
“No you're ordering me around.” Toni finally snaps, looking at Cheryl finally with anger blazing in her eyes and annoyance curling her lips. “You think that you can just demand I not do something and I just have to follow what you say. This is a partnership not a dictatorship Cheryl.”
“How dare you...” Cheryl starts slowly, rising from the couch, fully prepared to storm out. “You clearly don’t care about this partnership if you’re so willing to get yourself killed!”
“Oh please,” Toni scoffs, “I’ve done a lot of things that could have killed me Cheryl. I’m still fucking alive.”
“You know what, fuck you toni,” Cheryl spits, storming for their bedroom with tears welling in her eyes because she doesn’t get how Toni can just be so okay with the thought of dying, how she isn’t even bothered in the least by the idea of leaving Cheryl alone. Especially when the very thought of it makes Cheryl feel like she can’t breathe.
Cheryl stops just before she makes it to the hallway, tears falling in earnest now, “You promised me,” She starts slowly and that seems to grab Toni’s full attention because she stands from the couch to face Cheryl and the beginnings of guilt are all over her face. “You promised that everything would be okay once we left. That we’d start our lives together and nothing and no one would keep us apart. You dying keeps us apart Toni! You just- you want to get on that stupid bike and I can’t handle losing you Toni. I’ve lost so much I can’t-“ She breaks into sobs after that, just barely catching the absolute anguish on Toni’s face as she vaults the couch and wraps Cheryl in her arms.
“I’m sorry,” Toni whispers frantically, “I’m so sorry cherry I didn’t think- please forgive me baby. I’m sorry.”
Cheryl wakes up to Toni’s eyes. They’re wide and fixated on her and Cheryl blinks a few times to get the image more clearly. This was by far her favorite way to wake up, well her ultimate favorite was with Toni’s head between her thighs, but this was a very close second.
“Morning,” Toni says softly almost hesitantly, her voice a whisper between the two of them. She’s laying on her side, hands clasped under her chin and looks like she’s been awake for a while.
Cheryl mimics her position. “What time is it?” She murmurs sleepily, blinking against the sharp rays of sunlight filtering in from the curtains. It does little to help so she leans forward and buries her face into Toni’s chest instead.
Toni’s arms wrap around her so tight, like she’s afraid to let her go and Cheryl suddenly remembers the night before, their fight and the breakdown afterward. The way Toni held her as she cried and how they’d called a temporary truce and finally fell asleep together after almost two nights apart.
Cheryl swallows thickly, pushes even further into Toni’s chest like she can nestle herself there forever. “TT,” Cheryl murmurs quietly. “I hate fighting with you.”
Toni sighs, a sound of relief, “I hate it too Cherry. I hate it too.”
“Can we stop now?” Cheryl asks softly.
Toni presses a kiss to her hair, lingers a while and Cheryl can almost feel her hesitate her next words, “Yeah baby. But I’m not getting rid of my bike.”
Cheryl tries to pull away but Toni keeps her locked up tight.
“No listen to me please.” Toni so rarely asks anything of her that Cheryl stills instantly. She sighs sharply and it’s the only indication Toni gets that she’s listening.
“That bike is the only thing that has ever made me feel free.” Toni starts, “It was the only thing I ever bought myself. When I needed to get away, that got me where I needed to go and fast. I know you don’t get it, but Cheryl I can’t live without my bike. It’s much more than just a bike and I know you think I have a death wish and I don’t. I want to spend my life with you Cheryl Blossom and I would never throw that away for something small, something I could live without.”
Cheryl listens because she loves Toni. She listens because whenever she’s had her moments Toni always made her feel heard. She listens because she’s tired of fighting. She listens because Toni makes sense so she breathes in deep, holds it for a second and says, “Okay.”
Cheryl pulls back, kisses Toni on the mouth much to her girlfriends surprise. “I said okay. As in you can keep the stupid bike not like you need my permission, yes I know you made that abundantly clear,” She says with a fond roll of her eyes at Toni’s pointed glare. “Just- promise me you won’t leave me.” She demands very seriously.
Toni’s face softens and she drags Cheryl back down to kiss her again. “I promise you I’m not going anywhere Cheryl. I want you forever.”
Cheryl chooses to believe her.
Cheryl still hates the bike. Loathes it, detests it but she manages to tolerate it. Especially when she pays attention to how happy it does in fact make Toni.
Even more so when Toni insists on meeting Alex at the bar and comparing notes and specs like a bunch of losers. But she remembers how important it is and she’d never want to push Toni to leave her so she just ignores it.
“What a bunch of losers,” Cheryl finds herself mumbling into her drink. The majority of the time they’re at the bar, Toni plays pool with Alex and sometimes Cheryl joins but mainly Cheryl stays at the bar and chats with Mgnn.
She’s extremely kind and patient with all of Cheryl’s questions and she often finds Cheryl’s extreme lack of knowledge on aliens amusing. Cheryl’s just glad she doesn’t think she’s being offensive.
“They’re adorable,” Mgnn says with a smile, always cleaning out glasses, Cheryl thinks she’ll get arthritis in her wrists from repetitive motion. “It’s nice to see Alex smiling again.”
Cheryl’s ears prick at the possibility of gossip. She leans, just a touch sloppily because she’s probably drunk now, closer to Mgnn. “Oh?”
Mgnn looks at her in amusement. “You, Cheryl Blossom, are a terrible influence!” But she’s smiling and Cheryl thinks they’re friends and it’s nice to have people who like her and it not be because of Toni.
Cheryl’s joy comes out in a boisterous laugh that just makes Mgnn smile harder. She doesn’t even notice the way everyone looks at her briefly, smiling at the infectiousness of it. “Oh come on,” Cheryl says brightly, “I tell you all my hospital gossip.”
Mgnn was extremely easy to talk to. She listened and she asked questions that kept the ball rolling and she was a wonderful audience. It catered to Cheryl’s more attention loving side.
“Okay fine,” Mgnn says, leaning forward against the bar, “Alex just had a really bad break up. Like, they were engaged and then,” She mimes an explosion with her hands.
Cheryl gasps, “Oh my god they died in an explosion?”
Mgnn frowns, “What no,” She says with a small laugh, “No no. Alex wanted kids, maggie didn’t.”
“Oh,” Cheryl says sadly, “oh that’s terrible.” She almost whispers, peeking over her shoulder at Alex and Toni who are laughing and leaning on their pool sticks more than they’re shooting. Toni’s doing something stupid with her hips, probably mimicking someone in that full body way she does to make Cheryl laugh on her bad days, and predictably laugh Alex does, almost toppling into the table.
Cheryl is suddenly so in love with Toni. Here her girlfriend was, finding the broken tattered hearts in the crowd and mending them without even trying. Her presence alone was just so healing. Cheryl knew first hand it’s benefits.
She decides then that she will help Alex Danvers the same way Toni helped her. Well not the same way, but she was already concocting a list of potential suitors because if Toni saw the good in Alex then Cheryl is sure Alex Danvers deserved the fucking world.
Just not from Toni. Because then Cheryl would have to kill her.
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tag game
i was tagged by @i-am-steve-rogerss -- thanks babe ❤️❤️❤️❤️
drink: coffee
phone call: my mum
text message: to @mrvelunvrse “fetus” ksdjfksjdf
song you listened to: iris // goo goo dolls is playing atm 
time you cried: other than right now because iris makes me emo?? uhh yesterday. because i went a whole 24 hours with no sleep and i was just a fucking wreck lmao.
dated someone twice: i haven’t dated someone once
kissed someone and regretted it: nope
been cheated on: no. but uh. i think i was technically “the other woman” once but. that was a) online and b) the most fucked up situation i’ve ever been in so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
lost someone special: yeah
been depressed: depressed is my constant state yo i don’t remember what it was like to not be depressed
gotten drunk and thrown up: i mean, i drink a lot so i’ve been drunk, yeah, but i haven’t thrown up.
favourite colours: black, grey, green, blue, red, pink.
made new friends: yess!!! @ragnarokbarnes @shegavehersunflowers @transmaschawkeye and i love them bunches
fallen out of love: nah
laughed until you cried: lmao yeah a few times
found out someone was talking about you: nope
met someone who changed you: nope
found out who your friends are: yeah
kissed someone on your facebook friends list: nope
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: all of them, except one guy who i’ve been bffs with for a couple years and met him through WoW but we’re talking about hanging out irl one of these days
do you have any pets: i have an italian greyhound called texas who is very cute and cuddly and energetic as fuckity and i love him a lot
Tumblr media
do you want to change your name: nah, i fucking love my name.
what did you do for your last birthday: mum and i went and bought me some jewellery and then we went out and had pizza for dinner. then with my dad i pulled the “it’s my birthday i get to choose the movie” card and made him watch a marvel movie. we got tipsy. it was great.
what were you doing at midnight last night: getting some much need sleep after being awake for 24 hours.
what is something you can’t wait for: avengers 4 skdfjskdf
what are you listening to right now: rule the world // take that ((one of my favourite songs))
have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah--my uncle, a family friend, and one of the boys in my weekend acting class
something that gets on your nerves: my dad being pissed that i’m listing sebastian stan as an inspiration on my acting school application because “you’re applying for acting school!! they’re going to be movie snobs!! they won’t know who he is!! pick someone who can act!!” it’s my application and i’ll name whoever i please as an acting inspiration thanks.
most visited website: tumblr 
hair colour: brown
long or short hair: long
do you have a crush on someone: nope
what do you like about yourself: i guess i like my eyes and my hair. maybe my humour?? skdfkdsf idk
want any piercings: no thanks
blood type: i...have no idea
nicknames: my name is saskia so i get called: sass/sassy, super sassy, sassy sausage, sassmatass, saskia violent, sassykins...and then my gaming buddies call me twinsie/twinsay and specialfred ksdjfksdjfksd
relationship status: forever alone
zodiac: cancer
pronouns: she/her
favourite tv shows: daredevil, outlander, game of thrones, buffy the vampire slayer, angel, gossip girl, skam norway, riverdale
tattoos: nope but i’d like to have one 
right or left handed: right
ever had surgery: nope
piercings: nope
sports: i played hockey at a club for a year, did swimming for 3 years, and did a little bit of football, soccer and volleyball at school.
vacation: idk if this is asking for dream vacation?? the last vacation i went on??? so uh. dream vacation would be new york ((thanks romcoms!!)) and last vacation was to my family’s holiday house in metung with my dad for a week back in january.
eating: just ate last night’s leftovers which were chicken wings
drinking: coffee
about to watch: nothing. if i was, it’d probably be “push” or “gifted” because i want to watch more of chris’ movies.
waiting for: 2019 because avengers 4
want: ...to get into acting school
get married: i kinda do but also no thanks
career: student
hugs or kisses: hugs. definitely. i’d kill for a nice hug rn
lips or eyes: eyes
shorter or taller: eh either’s good
older or younger: older
nice arms or stomach: nice arms for those cuddles please
hookup or relationship: uh. i have no experience with either so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
troublemaker or hesitant: hmm. troublemaker
kissed a stranger: nope
drunk hard liquor: yes
lost glasses: yes
turned someone down: nope
sex on the first date: nope
broken someone’s heart: nah
had your heart broken: yeah but not in a romantic way
been arrested: nope
cried when someone died: yes
fallen for a friend: yepp
yourself: yeah, i guess. 
miracles: nah
love at first sight: sure
santa claus: lmao no
kiss on a first date: why not
angels: uhh no
best friend’s name: @brooklynbabybucky i love you best pal 😘😘😘
eye colour: hazel
favourite movie: before we go, captain america: the winter soldier, stardust, terminator 2, interview with the vampire, the mummy, it (2017)
favourite actors: sebastian stan, chris evans, robert downey jr, noah schnapp, millie bobby brown, sam heughan, catriona balfe, charlie cox, sigourney weaver, winona ryder, david harbour, david boreanaz 
tagging: @brooklynbabybucky @shegavehersunflowers @ragnarokbarnes @transmaschawkeye @thegirlnooneknows5 @mrvelunvrse @bizexualrosadiaz
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