#I’m so worried for him please gege let him catch a break next chapter
aliteama · 3 years
Oh I stumbled on this theory on twitter and I want to share with you
You should read it it's soo good
Also yeah I want yuta to come back when all this is over :( he deserves better.
Awh thank you for sharing!! I skimmed through it and It really does make sense!! I especially like the bewitching part because I’ve been seeing a lot of “Yuji with another ability” theories popping up and now I’m starting to think it’s true with how people are molding him into their memories. And I want Yuuta back when this is all over too!! But someone **a certain Aki Hayakawa blog** gave me a spoonful of harsh reality so now I’m sitting here crossing my fingers Gege saves his appearance for a better time!! ू(ʚ̴̶̷́ .̠ ʚ̴̶̷̥̀ ू)
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violettelueur · 3 years
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↳ featuring : fushiguro megumi  kugisaki nobara (mention of zenin maki) from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : mention of violence + EXTREME grammar issues
↳ form : story
↳ published : 15 march
↳ pronouns : she/her
↳ word count : 1.9k
↳ synopsis : within the jujutsu world, there were three famous clans to be aware of, the Kamo clan, Zenin clan and the Gojo clan. However, unknown to many sorcerers there was one last family that was known to be apart of the three, only for them to disappear after the golden era leading some to speculate that they had died in battle after the sealing of ryomen sukuna, but....
↳ previous episode : narrow-minded
↳ next episode : tomorrow
↳ barista’s notes : let me admit, i can’t wait to get to the kyoto exchange arc in this series because i am on the low, losing ideas with theses episodes - this is what happens when you don’t plan in advance guys ʕ ᵒ ᴥ ᵒʔ moving on from that, i hope you enjoy today’s episode and enjoy the friendship between Y/N, Fushiguro and Kugisaki ╲ʕ·ᴥ· ╲ʔ
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1. the whole story belongs to Gege Akutami and the credits go to them and them only.
2. the spell curses used belong to Tite Kubo due to them being the ‘Kidos’ being used on the manga and anime ‘Bleach’ - but none is mentioned in this chapter.
2.5 for the ‘cursed spells’/kidos (bleach) i will link this video here and tell you the time stamp to check out what i am intending to show - remember i add a few twist here and there by adding the katana to link with Y/N’s cursed technique
no cursed spells used this episode..
3. if you are confused on anything, please don’t hesitate to message me since i know this whole thing is so confusing.
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In one’s own good time, your eyes begin to open only for you to suddenly cover them with the back of your hand due to the bright lighting that concealed your sight for a second before you separated your fingers to let some of the light pass through the gaps to let you adjust.
From what you could observe between your fingers, the sky from above seemed to display itself as if it was the reflection of the ocean that was down below on Earth since it was just a solid clear blue as if a painter decided that one colour was enough for their masterpiece while there was weirdly not a single cloud in sight.
It seemed too artificial for you.
However, for some odd reason, you felt weirdly strange. Even though you had just woken up from a nap, your body wasn’t as stiff as how it usually was when you would wake up, Fushiguro and Kugisaki could back you up on that fact since they always see you stretching for some time before proceeding to train again when Zenin called for you.
“Wait, where are they?” you muttered before you quickly sat up from your previous position to discover that your classmates were not right beside you under the tree where you three usually sat while taking a break from training, causing you to slowly look up to unexpectedly widening your eyes once you noticed the scenery around you.
At this moment in time, you seemed to be in a whole different location from what you remembered being at as you frantically turned your body around side to side to observe everything around you right now. Surrounding you was a vast field of purple hyacinths leading you to become completely perplexed on where you were and how you managed to get here while being asleep.
Steadily, you got up on your feet as you continued to examine your current surroundings only to discover that the only thing you could see was the blooming flowers that were surrounding you. Quickly, you looked up to finally notice there was no sun that was brightening up the sky and the area you were in, causing you to become more frantic as each second goes by.
“Where am I?” you questioned yourself in a whisper before finally turning back to face forward only to widen your eyes once again as your body began to lightly shake at the sight in front of you.
“Mother?” you quietly called out in utter disbelief at the display in front of you.
Although, it seemed like she wasn’t going to answer you at all. She was just standing there, letting the wind brush against the both of you while a few purple petals danced around you both leading you to become more puzzled than you originally were.
“Mother, it’s me,” you stated out slightly louder, thinking that you were maybe too quiet for her to hear you, only to receive the exact response that you had in the beginning. On the other hand, it seemed like the person in front of you had other ideas as the woman you assumed to be your mother started to take a step forward, yet you decided to take one step back slowly.
However, your mother continued to slowly and leisurely keep walking towards you as your footing was unexplainably now fixed onto the ground, as if vines grow out to hold them still, not knowing what to do since you weren’t even sure where to even go. There was nothing around you but purple hyacinths softening the situation that was happening, but that didn’t ease your nervousness that was sprouting within your stomach.
Without warning, your mother now stood in front of you with a deadpan expression painted on her face (void of all emotions) as her hand steadily reached down to grab a handful of the violet flowers that was enclosing you both causing you to reciprocate the same action before you both rapidly swang your arm around before suddenly pausing once you shockingly realised that your katana was now in your hand rather than the flowers your pulled out, leading your breath to halt in shock before shivering, once again, at a tiny cold feeling slyly being placed on your neck leading your eyes to shift slightly to the other side to discover a blade being pressed upon your flesh, leading you to look at your mother once again with a mix of doubt and bewilderment.
“What’s going on?” you asked with a hint of pleading within your shaken voice, only to unexpectedly spot a lone tear falling down upon her cheek catching you by surprise while a soft smile gradually appeared on your mother’s face.
“I’m so sorry…” your mother muttered with a hint of regret, leading you to become more puzzled only for that emotion to suddenly disintegrate the moment your mother violently slashed down upon your neck.
Suddenly, your eyes widen in fear as your body immediately shoots up in pure shock as you attempt to catch your breath while frantically placing your hand on the side of your neck where your mother assumingly slashed with her blade if it was a real situation.
“Gojo!” someone called out, causing you to look up to see Fushiguro and Kugisako running towards you with worried expressions on their faces to which lead you to begin looking around the area to recognise your now familiar surroundings as the massive field purple hyacinths were nowhere to be seen.
“What’s wrong?” Kugisaki asked in a panic as she crouched down to your level, leading you to look at her before exhaling really slowly to calm your rapid heart as well as your linger shock at what just occurred in your dream.
“Sorry, I just had a really bad dream, that’s all,” you answered with a small smile, hoping that would ease her anxious face to which it slightly did. However, you knew it wasn’t enough to fully remove the feeling that your classmate had within her stomach.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Fushiguro asked, only for you to turn to look at him before shaking your head as you then steadily processed to lay back down on to the grass as your head landed on your track top that you were using as a pillow.
“Does your neck hurt?” Fushiguro questioned you once again, as he placed a hand on top of the one that was currently pressing against it leading you to shake your head once again, before placing the same hand back down onto your stomach.
Fushiguro and Kugisaki eyed you suspiciously before taking the decision to sit beside you keeping you company since it seemed like you really needed it right now, even if you didn’t mention it to them. 
When they saw you sprung up from your sleeping position, they assumed that you had woken up and was ready to train with them again since Zenin gave you a break due to you fighting all of them consecutively with the individual as well as team combat fights since they really needed to replicate the situations that would likely happen in the Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event. However, the second they noticed the pure shock and horror that was painted upon your face, Fushiguro and Kugisaki instantly knew something was wrong.
Although, what they had learnt from being with you for the past few weeks to nearly two months was that you were quite the reserved person and never really wanted to display any vulnerability to anyone - even those you considered teammates/comrades - and to be honest, you were an expert on hiding every emotion that showcased any kind of emotion that made you feel unprotected. 
It was just that this one time you lowered your guard.
To them right now, that was what you were doing. You were just peering at the green leaves above you with an emotionless expression as it seems you were in a trance. 
What were you thinking? Were you okay? What was the dream about? How can we help?
That was what they wanted to ask you, yet they knew you were never going to give them the answers that they wanted, you were the type that would help others but didn’t allow them to help you. It was as if you didn’t want to rely on them...but why?
As she continued to think about the possibilities of what seemed to be your trust issues, Kugisaki couldn’t help but shift her body forward before gradually lowering herself to lay next to you as if she was going to take a nap, causing Fushiguro to look at her in confusion.
“Gojo, you know...being with you is quite amazing and it’s so much fun since we’re the only girls in our year, I feel a bit bad for Maki-san,” Kugisaki rambled before turning her head to face your direction, only to see you still looking at the same direction. “I wanted to thank you for training me since I know I have gotten so much better with your guidance, but I want you to rely on me as well,” Kugisaki mentioned with a bright smile as she turned back to look at the leaves above the both of you.
‘Rely on...’ you thought, as you continued to stare upwards.
“Oh! We should get some bubble tea tomorrow since we have an off day tomorrow, right? You know the one we saw when we went shopping last week, I wonder how it tastes,” Kugisaki suggested, leading you to give a side glance before slowly letting the corners of your lips lift up slightly to form a small smile.
‘Talking away to make me forget huh?’
“Sure, I don’t mind,” you quietly answered as you processed to close your eyes once again, surprising Fushiguro and Kugisaki as they didn’t expect you to talk at all. However, before they could even get another word in, they noticed that your eyes were shut causing them to wonder if you were going to back sleep or were just closing them for the sake of closing them.
During this time, Fushiguro decided that he would do the same as he steadily moved his body forward before laying down once he ensured that he had enough space for his back, joining you and Kugisaki in your relaxing session.
However, as your classmates were resting with the gentle winds breezing by with the sunlight giving some warmth from the cold, they didn’t notice how your hand was gradually going back to your neck as internal dread slowly crept its way up to your whole body.
‘To you, what am I now mother?’ you asked internally as you casually opened your eyes again, only to notice that you were still at the Jujutsu Tech track field - slowly coming to the fact that this wasn’t another dream and you were really back.
‘Someday...will I never get that answer?’ you questioned yourself once again as your finger brushed along the skin of where the slash would have been leading to slight shivers to travel down your back as if your body remembered the feeling of her blade slicing down your neck.
Steadily, you processed to close your eyes again, enclosing yourself into the darkness that you were somewhat fearful of going back into again. However, there was no other way you could get away from the real world right now.
Yet, a single tear welled up in your eyes as it then proceeded to drop down to the side, just like how your mother was in that dream.
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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rosethornewrites · 3 years
Fic: and sings the tune without the words, ch. 2
Relationship: Jiāng Yànlí & Jīn Zǐxuān, Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī & Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn
Characters: Jiang Yanli, Jin Zixuan, Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian
Additional Tags: Epistolary, Food, Music
Summary: An epistolary follow-up to “the thing with feathers.” Exchanged letters.
Notes: I’ve talked about yuanfen before, but it’s basically the chance or binding force that brings people or people and objects together, good and bad chances and potential relationships. It’s different than fate, which implies there’s a higher power of sorts involved. It doesn’t mean the people are meant to stay together. Lan Wangji feels it was yuanfen to meet Wei Wuxian again, particularly since he was calling his name despite the fact that he shouldn’t have known it, and he’s drawn to him in a way that makes him feel they will stick together in this lifetime. I love referencing Boya, whose friendship with Ziqi inspired the term “zhiyin,” or “to know the tone,” which has come to mean a close and sympathetic friend. According to the stories, when Ziqi died, Boya broke his guqin and refused to play it anymore. He’s well known for playing “High Mountains and Flowing Waters,” and so it is associated with Boya and zhiyin. They’re still 10 here, so despite what may appear to be romantic undertones, there’s no romance to these letters.
Previous fic in the series: “the thing with feathers”
Chapters: 1
AO3 link
Dear A-Zhan,
I’m sorry it took me a little while to write to you. Something happened that was scary, but I promise I’m okay. Please don’t worry. 
I went to the training ground to watch a-niang and A-Cheng with their whips, and I had a bad episode—I guess that’s what a-niang and a-die call them? I don’t know if I ever saw a-niang use Zidian before, but in my episode she was whipping me with it and yelling terrible things, like that I would bring ruin on the Jiang sect.
A-Cheng said I fell and was moving like I was being whipped, and after they were afraid I wouldn’t wake up because it took two whole days for me to. Plus when I fell I hurt my wrist, which is another reason this letter took so long. I’m still not allowed out of the healing pavilion without an adult with me, so it’s super boring. 
When I told a-niang what I saw, she cried and promised she never raised Zidian at me and never would, but she told me before I was hurt she was angry with me because she misunderstood why a-die brought me home, and that she was really sorry. 
She’s been so kind to me that it’s hard to believe. But we had a long talk, and she said I’m an asset to the sect and could only bring the Jiang pride. She said she thought a-die loved my mama and wanted her as his wife instead, but learned he was grieving my baba and rescued me to raise me for him since they were sworn brothers. 
I don’t think it matters what happened before. I don’t remember it, and she’s my a-niang. She comforted me when I was scared, and she believed me about the yao. She said she would work to be worthy of my forgiveness even if I already forgive her. 
A-Die and a-niang have been telling me about my mama and baba. I guess a-niang and mama didn’t like each other a lot, which is kind of sad. But she said now she wishes she had tried to be friends with her, so she’ll do the next best thing and be good to me so mama can rest well. A-Die tells me a lot of stories about baba and it’s fun to hear them because some of them are when they were kids. He told me mama once shaved Lan-xiansheng’s beard while he was sleeping!
A-Jie keeps cooking me soup and A-Cheng made the servants move my bed and all my stuff back into his quarters. He said when Healer Kang lets me leave the infirmary, I shouldn’t be alone. A-Lian was so upset by what happened that she’s started sleeping in here. She says her gege shouldn’t be alone. She’s a bit of a blanket hog, not like you at all. 
It’s weird without you at Lotus Cove, I guess since I don’t remember a time without you here. So it’s like you’ve been here my whole life! I’ll have to get used to it. 
At least we’ll see each other in three months when I come to visit the Cloud Recesses for musical cultivation training. 
When I miss you I wind up playing “High Mountain and Flowing Water,” like you were when I woke up, and since I miss you a lot I play it a lot. There’s a song in my head sometimes, too, in bits and too soft to fully hear. 
I hope your trip back to Gusu went well, and that the bag of treats I packed was enough for the journey. A-Jie helped me put it together because she cooks the best. 
I hope this letter finds you well,
Jiang Ying
Dear A-Ying,
While it is nice to be back in Gusu, I wish I was there with you, that I could play music for you and help you. If you need me, I will ask shufu to let me return to Lotus Pier. 
Your episode sounds terrifying, but I am glad it has allowed you to talk with your mother more. She seemed to have trouble at first, like when she sometimes compared you and your brother. It seemed like a habit she was trying to break. 
But it is clear she loves you. That is important. Yu-furen was the one to insist on your adoption. I don’t know if you knew that. She is letting go of the past as well, but perhaps it’s harder to let go of guilt. 
I am glad you are learning more about your parents. I wish to learn about mine as well. My mother died when I was six, shortly before I met you in Yiling. The rattle drum had been a gift from her, and I gave it to you because your smile reminded me of her. My father has been in seclusion my whole life, so I also know nothing of him. I hesitate to ask shufu, because these things may be upsetting for him to discuss. 
Perhaps if I asked him, he would paint my mother, as Yu-furen did for you. I remember her still, but I worry her features will grow fuzzy in my mind. I know you understand, given what you have experienced, but it’s difficult to try to explain to shufu. 
Your sister’s soup is delicious, and I’m sure it helps you feel better. It is very kind for your brother to share his quarters with you, and I quite agree that you shouldn’t be alone. Your occasional nightmares were often very upsetting for you, and I’m sure your brother knows that and wants to help you however he can. I know I will rest easier knowing you have him with you at night. A-Lian may continue to find her way into your room even after you move from the infirmary. She loves you dearly and worries for your health. Perhaps keep a second blanket at the foot of the bed for these nights, so you won’t catch a chill when she steals the first. 
I miss you, as well. I keep expecting to hear your voice, even in the Cloud Recesses. I, too, have found myself playing Boya; I wonder if we play it at the same time. I feel that you calling for me, that my meeting you again, was yuanfen. I have felt thus since you first woke while I was playing “Gao Shan Liu Shui.” 
It is strange to be apart from you now. Three months seems like so long a time before your visit. I have been making a list of places you may enjoy when you come. 
The trip back was uneventful, but pleasant. It was nice to travel by boat in a more leisurely way, and I believe you would enjoy the trip as well. There was much to see on the river, in terms of the beauty of nature. I imagine you would be inspired to paint. 
Thank you for packing us snacks. I enjoyed them, as did xiongzhang and shufu. Please thank Jiang Yanli for us as well. I also was happy to see the small painting of bunnies you snuck into one of my qiankun pouches. It reminded me of eating spun sugar bunnies with you in the Yunping market. 
We made so many good memories, and when you come to Gusu we will make many more. 
I wish you good health and look forward to your next letter,
Lan Zhan
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