#I'm having some real struggles with my faith right now. and I can't bring myself to admit it to anyone here at school.
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windvexer · 1 year
hi! so i'm a beginner witch, but i'm struggling to start my practice because i can't seem to look past my skepticism. how did you first start to believe in your practice? if you have any advice i would greatly appreciate it – perhaps a simple spell that can 'prove', at least psychologically, that i'm not doing nothing?
Hmm. The desire for verification is very valid. Nothing wrong with it; it's good to experience the validation that yes, your magic works.
Let me ask you this.
Are you interested in witchcraft as a skill, or even a hobby (nothing wrong with that), because gaining the ability to influence the world around you with magic is cool?
Or, are you interested in witchcraft as a framework of spiritual belief that improves your lived experience on this world, and helps you navigate the "big questions" about yourself and your life?
Of course, there can be plenty of overlap between the two.
If you're in it for the sorcerous skills, divination is a quick fix that can start producing immediate results - for most. I was horrible with divination the first couple of years I tried it. But lots of people have great success right off the bat.
Beyond that, just try casting spells. Keep decent records. Different kinds of magic work better or worse for different people. Some people can do really amazing things with energy work, but I can't really do that because it exhausts me. I work very well with spirit petitions, but some witches out there don't believe in spirits at all, so of course they would have a lot of trouble working with that style. So experiment around.
Try small quality of life spells - getting work or school closed for the day, quick cash, open parking spots, etc etc. Keep in mind that some people will never excel at certain types of magic - for example, a person may never be good at love or romance magic even if they excel in other areas - so if a spell type doesn't work for you (like money, or finance) try other types.
I don't recall being very successful with magic for a while after I started practicing (like, years!) so unfortunately not all of us are blessed with quick results.
Now, on the other hand, if you are interested in witchcraft as a spiritual framework, "I know I can trust this because I've seen it work" might be a lousy way to go about things.
Witches who have practiced for decades still get crises of faith and question their experiences, their reality, and their beliefs. Many of us live in a world where these beliefs are actively shut down - either as being fake, foolish, and delusional; or, as being evil and demonic.
It can be hard to keep the torch of faith lit in the face of such a storm. And unfortunately, pulling off a few slick spells isn't going to provide perfect armor against doubts.
And what about the all too common phenomenon of someone's magic failing to work for a period of time? It is unfortunately normal for techniques witches have personally relied on for years to simply stop working for them, stalling their practice out for months or longer while they try to rebuild.
If you're looking for a spirituality to call home, you should consider seeking more stable bedrock than "my spells really do work" to build it on.
Does your practice provide you with liberation, excitement, hope? Does it grant you feelings of peace and security? When you think about the world through the lens of witchcraft, does your life become easier to navigate? Do the painful little cracks in life get smoothed over, or become easier to avoid? Does the mindset of a witch help you learn, grow, and prosper?
In the long term, I believe these are the things that keep us going - not whether or not a spell can be made manifest. If this mindset brings you peace, hope, and empowerment, then you are never just doing nothing.
To answer your question about myself, I was raised in a religious household that acknowledged the reality of spirits and witchcraft, except that they were just "evil." So, believing that it was real was never an issue for me - it was believing that I could do it which was the problem.
The answer for me is just experience, time and time again. Years of experiences stamped onto the soft clay of my life. When you look at them one at a time it seems like nothing but little divots, but after a few years you can zoom out and say, ah-
they are not random little pock marks after all.
That is a carving of a chicken.
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paula-of-christ · 3 months
I'm just so exhausted. I hate the meanness of online culture that isn't even online anymore, it's spread everywhere. I hate the celebration of crass vulgarity, the awful words people use to refer to themselves and their bodies, I hate how apathy is rewarded and how denigrating things and poking holes in other people's joy is considered funny, how far the world has fallen. I hate how rotten everything is and how powerless I am, and no matter who I try to have faith in it doesn't actually change anything in the world. I hate this website and the shallowness and irreverence it promotes, I hate how in real life attempts at profundity are met with coarseness. I hate how religion isn't taken seriously anymore - I'm not even really a Catholic (it's weird. I'm not really and atheist and not really a Catholic and sometimes all I want is God's comfort and other times I just can't make myself believe in Him), but I can't stand the ignorant invective with which people assail Christianity - and other religions. I can't stand how it's impossible to exist as a woman without being sexualised just for existing and how I'm meant to take it as a compliment. I can't stand how sorrow isn't seen as something necessary and beautiful to dwell in and that seeing value in it is a weakness. I can't stand how loving beauty is elitist. I'm nineteen, and all I want is to crawl away and hide, and I hate myself for feeling all of this. I feel as though my only options are a convent or a psych ward and I don't particularly want either. I'm so so sorry for disgorging all of this in your inbox. I suppose it's selfish of me, and I'm sorry for it. I think I've fallen low enough not to even want to repent, and although it's monstrously selfish I think I'm trying to absolve myself by asking for the ear and comfort of someone whose faith is more resilient than mine. I suppose all that makes us human in the end is faith, and I don't know if I'm human anymore.
I let this sit for a day or two, because I'm struggling to find the words that don't make it sound like I'm belittling your feelings. Because they are very valid feelings to feel! I know it will seem from my blog currently that I have such a resilient faith, but right now I'm in more of an up-swing of loving God. But a lot of your feelings are definitely things I've felt before, even if I never posted about them. I find that my faith is much stronger when I focus on posting positive things, even when I'm hurt about particular topics.
However, I also want to point out that what you're feeling is decently average for a 19 year old to feel in our current culture. Even those on the opposite political or religious isle, will feel the same way you're feeling, just about different things. Think about from this point of view, how naive and small-minded you likely saw the world at 16. Part of having 'faith more resilient' and just growing and maturing into adulthood, is that in five years, you have to work to not feel that way. I am lucky to have a husband that has so easily and willingly accepted the Catholic view of things, in order to strengthen my own faith, I don't know that I would necessarily have been quite so faithful if I didn't.
I can understand when you say that you feel like both an atheist and a theist at the same time. A lot of what I used to feel from God has gone away; whether because it was never actually from God or because of some other reasons, I don't know. But, it certainly makes faith a struggle and brings on a feeling that I'm 'just pretending'. A lot of having faith in my experience (though this is not everyone's, and certainly people can pick out flaws in doing this) is to just simply choose to think it's God. Without any logical reasoning or 'proof'. And when the doubts come up, to just clear your mind and ignore them. Someone truly atheist of course will say 'see that just proves God isn't real' or some other extensive yet exhausting argument. The thing is, faith isn't based in logic, and it ought not be based in what other's say or do, insofar as other people's sins or deviation from God (ie wickedness) cause doubts. Faith is meant to be blind, having faith in something does not have its basis in logical conclusions or scientific data. If I get to the end of my life, and I was wrong about God, I can at least say "I did what I could to be a kind and merciful person, and that made the world a better place in spite of the horribleness of some people".
I can't say that I see the culture you describe anywhere other than online, however, I don't have many in-person friends, and the ones I do have are my husband's, who are a bit older than us, so it may be an age/generational thing. Outside of them, most of the people I personally interact with are Catholic or at the very least Christian, which I think is a leading cause to the difference in experience. Definitely there are Christians that do not live up to the standard, we see that on this website (myself included), but it's so so so important to pursue.
Lent is coming up, and while I don't have very good advice for this in general, I think taking some time to read the book of Job, maybe with an explanation/exegesis of it would be good. Also, if you live somewhere cold and without much sunlight, like me, get some vitamin D supplements. When you find yourself getting frustrated with people either online or in person, it is absolutely ok, and I strongly encourage you to walk away physically, and just pray. Download the iBreviary app and do Night Prayer (Compline) every night. It may be awkward at first, but I found the best way of showing who really cares about me, is by putting my foot down and saying 'no, you can't act that way around me, and if you do, I'll simply remove myself."
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devitalise · 1 year
💗 IMO 💗 in addition to the usual reading round-up + next month's itinerary, would you also care to share your Succession thoughts as a longtime/big time fan witnessing it come to an end🎤
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oh this is sooo perfectly timed i just watched episode 6, but first let's get into the
april book wrap up
let it come down by paul bowles
this kick started a themed reading moment of exploring Tangier through several different books, namely during and post the formation and dissolution of the International Zone. this reminded me of the man who watched the trains go by by georges simenon, the slow unravelling of a persons psyche as they grow more and more paranoid. i found some of the perspectives a bit lacking, sentences a touch too long to lose momentum, but i will pick up another book by Bowles. also discovered this book from reading checkout 19 in january (that book is rife with recommendations the author and the main character are obsessed with reading (and i like looking into books that are mentioned in others))
links in march wrap up
in tangier by mohamed choukri
i think my goodreads review still stands up on how i feel about this book. really glad that my research led me to this book, and Choukri as an invidual. teaching yourself how to read and write in your 20s and then getting to meet and befriend authors you revere could only really happen in the late 60s. the writing landscape felt so small and interconnected in this book, and the juicy gossip like nature was so frank and i think lended a real humanity to people who can sometimes just be names now that everyone involved is dead. similar to let it come down, Tangier is a main character in its own right, and i appreciated Choukri discussing his struggles with the white men around him yearning for a time that's long gone instead of appreciating what the city offered at what was present day. super engaging read.
music: in tangier
naked lunch by william burroughs
was expecting this to round out and also complete my Tangier setting reading. first dnf of the year! i was so, so confused, to the point i thought i'd picked up sci-fi that wasn't going to build the world at all. now that i'm reading older books, it's so interesting to see the threads of what has inspired authors that came after. has brett easton ellis read this book? i can't be entirely sure, but the disjointed, surreal and out of this world ramblings of heroin hallucinations is something i can see influencing the prose of american psycho. only made it around 60 pages in, put down purely because there's no overarching plot, and all the sexual violence was gory for the sake of it i felt. william burroughs as an individual is interesting (mentioned in in tangier, though briefly)
music: naked lunch soundtrack (i might watch the movie, though!)
good intentions by kasim ali
this book inspired an 8 minute voicenote to jaye. sometimes disliking a book can feel so freeing to me personally, i love loving books but getting jolted back to something that i don't like can definitely bring out more eloquent thoughts or critiques of the book for myself i've found. went into this in the best faith, and wasn't rewarded at all. such a missed opportunity for the book to just to refuse to acknowledge antiblack racism amongst nonblack communities, and i'm sure it's done in a way to mirror the naivety of the main character, but to be so close to making a point and then continue to circle around it is lazy. the big aha! moment of this is the love interest having to admit that her being a Black woman is actually a problem and the reason the relationship isn't working. just disappointing, really. interesting threads on faith and Islam, and conforming to parental expectations, but still quite surface level. trying to be too many things, not good in any of them.
music: groovy mix (man, the niche mixes on spotify are good)
may reading
i'm currently reading in cold blood by truman capote. he was mentioned quite a bit in In Tangier, and after reading swan song by kelleigh greenburg-jephcott in 2021, he came to the forefront of my mind. after that i'll probably pick up the third in elena ferrante's neapolitan quartet: those who leave and those who stay.
now... succession thoughts
i'm really enjoying the season so far. i think we're seeing all of the kids at the rise before the fall, and maybe (kendall and rome, especially) are just about to start falling. still unsure how i feel about shiv pregnancy i think if it wasn't leading to tomshiv resolution i'd be able to appreciate it more for what it represents to shiv as someone who has rejected motherhood and other ideas expected of her as a woman. but i hate tom, so i just think it's a bit lazy. greg has outstayed his welcome to me, he serves absolutely no purpose
kendall roy is still my babygirl :)
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aolmer · 3 years
This is a short story about a person who is in a mental struggle with betrayal of friendship. It is up for how you want to interpret it. It is meant to express complex emotions that I think many people have but never claim or admit. I hope that by reading this it makes you think. I apologize for the weird format spacing but I'm not retyping all that on my phone and for whatever reason it won't let me put the paragraphs where they should be I did try. This is my first post and first short story I have ever wrote. Ok let's give it a go!!!
The Story's Tale
How funny it is, yet so heartbreaking to know. I wish I knew the whole story in advance. I did so very well, I tried, but I ignored it. My perception had blinded me; lost, I was wholly withdrawn and vulnerable, forever ignorant to its separate plot and focused solely on me.
My story tells a new but old, familiar tale. My own accord, it's always been just about me. I'm living each day by dawn and dusk, somehow always failing to see the plot in it all. I think you see it all so clearly - and you always have, silently blending in the shadows - but everything is just a blur to me. The vision of a perfect ending that I've longed for, my reflection in the mirror has since turned black.
Is this why you are so familiar to me? How did I not see it? Why was I so
foolish over who you are? How could I ever be anything that would show you something different? You saw it all along, so why did my novel bring you to read past chapter 1? You followed others when you knew the truth and saw the light; I could offer you nothing, yet you still remained by my side. I guess our curiosity will never end and we always have to know, but knowledge is half the battle when you can't answer things about yourself. Did you find your answer in the footprints of another’s steps? You had to know, silently standing in the distance, watching my mistakes unfold as I fell. You were the perfect ending, but you doubted it too long to truly see it.
Finding that sense of self-worth is a battle we all fight every day. You knew where it all went wrong, but at least now you can hum that old hymn your grandpa would sing every morning – the one that assured you that you were home, safe, and loved. A great feeling to experience once again, one you had
felt was gone forever. It's a good feeling to finally be where you belong; it brings a real smile to my face, the type I haven't had in a long while. A smile that I don't have to fake. This is why I call you the perfect ending. You were the answer I never found, as I never asked the right questions to end up where you are now. I can always tell a story - and some I'm more familiar with than my own - but like most, these tales still have a few pages missing. I know the book itself is at its most crucial part, just reaching its peak for that big moment, yet I still somehow miss it all.
Nevertheless, this moment of anger between us invariably buries itself into my peripatetic subconsciousness as an involuntary vicissitude that we carve our days around – which, in turn, unwillingly standardizes our lives as if we were meant to anticipate this occurrence and oblige. You saw it coming all along. Your vision couldn't be any clearer and I was too far away for my story to be heard the way it was meant.
My story tells itself with my time and pain, possessing me and portraying itself as a living entity, out on its own, ready to play the role of my life. Knowing all of my passions, all of my ambitions, and all of my wisdom, just to be used against me and viciously taken in haste, with no remorse or place for reconcile.
Still, the void in my heart, the purest form of malice cutting through flesh and straight to bone. I reach to take it all back with the very scourge of the story I never told. The things I've buried far too deeply that even it could never grasp. The words and agony were bitter and cursed, stabbing the heart like a thousand daggers with a twist, ensuring my pain was felt.
I will never know if I succeeded; I had retreated from the battle with myself and saw that I had lost myself for such a long time. I'm now so far beyond the years of sorrow and the attenuation of my soul. I've drowned myself in tears of contrition and reconciled myself to a sleepless reverie that means, even now on the
very still and tranquil new moon nights that tell this story so well, I lie awake.
All I wanted was for someone to care. I blamed anyone but myself for my mistakes. No mind so perfect could be this flawed. Now, somehow, I'm expected to know the stories I've never had the chance to hear coming from the people standing before me today, claiming they were told from long before. I could finally see the truth in you clearly, your value as a person; I see that I bid far too low. Why couldn't I see that I could have been a better friend and listened to you? You were the only one that never led me wrong, yet I still made it about me. I displayed a role of a teacher to a student, when in fact it was I who was being taught. I never meant for it to be that way and my intentions were pure of heart - in my head. It all felt right, but even when you think you’ve got it all figured out, life will put you in your place and show you just how wrong you are.
The years pass by and I see many people come and go. This repeating
cycle of memories, old and new, is the last honest, profound thought I had before losing myself within the empty strands of time itself.
I am so lost in my dreams as time moves forward. This very moment takes its shape as if that cycle never began. The cycle you created to help me get where I need to be, but I was too lost in my own creation and failing to put faith in anything but me. I have no reason to complain now at being completely alone; I had pushed them away, one by one. You were always there and I was selfish, so I thank you now too late, my dearest friend.
We stand now eye to eye, inhale to exhale, trading the same old stories we thought we knew so well - when, in fact, we never knew any of them at all. I should have listened closer. It was never about me. I wanted to be different and I was sure in thought, as if it was calculated precisely. I should have followed when you called, but instead I tried to lead, blinded by my
arrogance. With a last look upon each other, our eyes stared deeply into the very core of our souls.
The stories are way too real and yet so vastly different between us. We see that our blessings, once so virtuous, are now concealed in jagged and shattered glass, consumed with detest. The anticipation of a joyous ending has long departed, hence I blindly wrote my name into the ending with every letter nearly perfect, as if it were an oil painting. The story’s end had now laid its path before me. The one I should have taken was the one you showed me, so now this path I walk alone.
Our vastly different tales in this cycle shared the very same fate - yet different from another’s eyes, as if it was only my blood that shed. We both took our departing breath and this became a story in itself, as we all fear facing death. The blink of an eye; the only thing we ever acknowledged as real in our lives lasted only a matter of minutes. I had missed my only chance. It was then, at
last, that our stories finally read the same. Peacefully, we drifted into an endless sea of thought, with nowhere to be and our minds laid to rest. Even that perfect ending truly wasn't as you thought it would be. A place we always end up as every road we take leads to the same place. A place where the words never mattered in the stories and our tales were left untold. These stories can't be put into words – we can’t tell the tale we don’t know how to read and explain.
The scream of a thousand words is all that we hear and as we speak, our utterance is breathless, drowned out in the sound of it all. It is pointless to speak at all, as those words were never said with your wasted breath. You were silent long before, just playing with the words you had left unsaid. Perhaps those words would have made a difference now. You always knew when it served to speak, a skill I should now learn. That’s why everyone listens when you do - of course, everyone but me. It pains me and
sorry can't be said, so it just becomes another word added to the thousand-word scream I hear every day in my head. I had missed it all and you showed me where to go, but the words you chose to speak left me to drown alone.
The novel slowly closes as it flips through the last few pages, left blank; as I drift into an eternal slumber, where I don't have to stay awake. Now is the moment I've sought so long, drifting apart from within as the epilogue gives closure. We know, at last, that the book was read.
It's such a shame I was too late. The silence is now so loud it's deafening. I wish for a moment where the thousand words would scream, as this silence has stripped away the last part of what I knew as me. At last we could see it as one. The first time to open my eyes - and perhaps the last, but at least we can see it honestly, one time, for all that it is. We can hear the most beautiful song ever written as the sounds of the silence breaks and
dissipates, returning the thousand word screams we could hear in our head. You now have joined me as we fade away into a void of black.
From my perspective, at least once, we may both see the light in all its glory. That feeling, the release, the peaceful hymns we heard as children that woke us every day - that we hated so much. Now those songs lead our way as the black fades away. A wonderful life we have yet to create, as we all missed something this crucial along the way. It was far from our time, but can't you see that you need me as much as I need you? We have to see the same light, even when it's different, as no one can see very well in the dark.
Being alive is the only thing that I'll never understand, but it feels so good to be back home. I haven’t seen that smile from you, my friend, for forever and a day. Can we take a walk together, one last time, but you lead the way this time? It's not a surprise for me to see you shake your head to answer no. We begin to walk along side by side. I had almost missed it all again and can't ever seem to get
it right. Now I see that you continue to shake your head to answer no, still never saying words unless necessary. I fall silent as well and continue to walk by your side, thinking about the days that lie ahead and all the life I had left to live. It feels good to walk by my friend once again.
Where does this feeling come from? But maybe it’s only a moment we had forgotten. Is this why you are so famiiar to me? What led you to read past chapter one with me? I finally knew the answer to the questions where it all began - and when it occurred, I could finally see that it's not hard to understand. I had it right all along, but I never had the pen to write it down. I focused on the things that made life hard, then on these moments when I would be sure to have a pen to write it down. As I take this walk with my friend, the days are all familiar; the good and the bad create the same old stories our parents read before us. You had to compromise and learn as
well, taking the lead when your bell rang and speaking more so I never got left behind. It was never hard to understand, but we had both missed so much. You can't live life thinking that your story is something new - that was my biggest flaw. The drowning of my being shy at your helping hand.
Everyone's story is a chapter in a book, but even when that story is different, it still reads and ends the same way. Without sharing our stories, the book can never be read. The story to know is the easiest one to get and our life writes it down as we go, adding another chapter to its pages. Now we make the perfect beginning and end.
I walk now with my friend by my side, a moment to be cherished. It's good to know that, regardless of what happens, no one’s story is different - it all begins and ends the same. The best stories always come from those that are heard and those we create. It truly is a great day to hear your voice again, to hear our voices together at
last. We both know where the road leads now, so which direction shall we go? Like a river we flowed, letting our will guide where we went as we walked along the way, sharing all of the stories we had left unsaid from the beginning to the end of all our days. That familiar feeling, the wonderul feeling you get at the start of a new chaper. We have read this once before, my friend, and it’s a great day to start again. The same old stories we would always tell, but we never wrote in ink.
The End
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Thirty-Four
Table of Content or Part Thirty-Three
Word Count: 4.4k
Warning(s): Explicit language, Mentions of drug abuse, Explicit sexual situations
A/N: To the anon that asked about the pictures before chapters, I gave it a shot. Let me know what you guys think. Cintia Dicker is who I've always imagined as Viv (only difference is Viv has green eyes and Cintia has blue). Have a good night guys!!
Tag List: @unknownoblivion @sinningsixx @edwardtriggerhandzz @lemmyjelly @haileynicoleseavey17 @cierrasixx19 @oskea93 @mgkobsessed @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphorbriansblog @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry @loveofmyloif @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @xpoisonousrosesx @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor @triplehaitches @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg
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"...We're about to go on in a couple minutes, we're already late." Duff tells me, frustrated, after explaining everything he, Izzy, Axl, Slash, and Steven have endured ever since they left L.A. to embark on their first little tour as a band, along the west coast.
The first stop was his home town, and everything from losing equipment, losing their only form of transportation, hitch hiking in suffocating heat, spending all the money shared between them for a ride, and anything else that could go wrong, happened all under 24 hours.
After getting the full run down on what all had happened once they got back home, I decided the devil works hard, but Guns N' Roses work harder.
"Well, I wish I could have gone but I'm trying to get Nikki to acknowledge Vince before they start touring." I tell him, scrubbing at a soapy dish, the kitchen phone caught between my ear and my shoulder.
"He offered Vince blow the other day, after Vince just got out of jail, and is supposed to be sober. It wasn't blow. It was smack." I explain.
"Oh my God, that's fucked." Duff tells me.
"Him and Tommy thought it was the funniest thing ever so I replaced all their blow with unscented baby powder and flushed the real thing." I explain and he laughs. "They've been wondering why their blow is 'broken'."
"Now, is that what Jesus would do?" He asks jokingly.
"God gave me the idea. I did it. I am a good and faithful servant." I state and he laughs again.
"Oh, I gotta go, Viv." He tells me.
"Alright, good luck." I say, hearing Steven say "Hey, Viv!"
"Steven says 'hey'." Duff lets me know and I smile to myself.
"Tell him I said, 'hey'."
"I will. I'll talk to you again whenever I can." He assures me. "Love you."
"Love you, too."
We both hang up and I rinse the dish I've been working on and place it in the dish wrack.
Glancing at the clock to see it's 8:00pm, Nikki should be back from the studio soon.
I finish up on the dishes and go take a shower since I've been stress cleaning and sweating a little.
By the time I get out and get lounging clothes on, Nikki and Tommy are in the kitchen talking, and go silent when I come in
"Hey, babe." Nikki tells me innocently, he and Tommy exchanging mischevious looks.
"What?" I ask them, glancing between the two of them.
"So...I was thinking..." Nikki starts. "...You know how you told me not to buy the vette last year, right? Because it only had two seats and we might have kids down the line and it's not really a family car."
"Yeah." I reply, narrowing my eyes at him.
"Well, because I'm a responsible husband and a happy wife equals a happy life, I made an investment." He tells me and I cross my arms.
"What kind of investment, Mr. Sixx?" I roll my jaw.
"Well..." Nikki trails off, and I'm darting for the front door before he or Tommy can grab me.
I swing the front door open to see a brand new jeep in the driveway.
"Nikki Sixx!" I spin around and he and Tommy wince a little. "You bought a car?! Another one?!"
"The vette's are the town cars, baby, the jeep is for more practical use."
"Like the motorcycle in our garage is for 'nights out with the guys'?"
"Exactly!" Tommy pipes in.
In a matter of seconds, I'm chasing Nikki back into the house.
"I'm going to kill you!" I threaten him.
"Tommy, grab her!" Nikki laughs out, which only makes me even more upset that my frustration is amusing to him.
Tommy misses me buy a few seconds before I'm jumping over the couch and tackling Nikki, straddling him and pinning him by his forearms.
"We don't have the money for a new car, Nikki!" I tell him, seriously.
"The album releases in two weeks, Viv. We've got more money than you think." He chuckles, assuring me, and I let out a breath as his eyes drift over my body, raising a brow at our position. "But I can pretend we're dirt broke if you promise to keep man handling me."
"Do I need to get you guys the video camera and leave you to it?" Tommy reminds us he's still here.
"Yeah, it's about time to add Volume Three to the collection, anyway." Nikki states, the corner of his mouth pulling up in his signature smirk.
Before your imagination runs wild, none of our sex tapes are still in existence. When Tommy and Vince's got out, I knew damn well I wasn't about to be best known for a sex tape(s)...
So they were all run over in the driveway and lit on fire.
"Speaking of the release," Nikki starts, nudging at me. "Our anniversary's the next week, but what're you wanting to do for a anniversary present—"
"—Your anniversary present is in the garage. And the driveway. And require insurance. And gas. And maintenance." I correct him and he rolls his eyes.
"I meant your present." He tells me. "What do think you might want?"
"I don't know." I shrug, then I remember what day our anniversary falls on, and slowly look at Nikki, my lips pulling into a smug smile.
I'm still not sorry for what I asked for, for our anniversary. But you know what? Hungover, slightly doped up from the night before, and exhausted, my trooper of a husband got himself together long enough to endure his own personal hell.
Nikki glares at me from behind his sunglasses as the preacher leads us into prayer and I nudge him with my elbow a little so he'll at least bow his head and pretend to care.
"Father in Heaven we pray, forgive us of our sins, Lord. God, we ask that you bless this message and prepare the hearts of those that need to hear it. I pray that you continue to watch over us, keep your hand upon us, and help us to be better. In Jesus' name I pray, amen."
"Amen." We all say, and Nikki scoffs out a mocking little snicker, making me elbow him and he raises his brows.
His smug look immediately falls.
I can't see his eyes but I know he's saying, "elbow me again and see what happens."
"If you turn in your Bibles to the book of Hosea, chapter three, verse one..." Brother Harting starts, and I take pick my jacket up from my lap to get my Bible from underneath it.
I flip to Hosea 3:1, and read along in my mind as he reads aloud:
"Then the Lord said unto me, Go yet, love a woman beloved of her friend, yet an adulteress, according to the love of the Lord toward the children of Israel, who look to other gods, and love flagons of wine." He says, before looking up from the book. "To put it simply, for those of you not quite sure what that means, God is telling Hosea to marry a prostitute. The children of Israel at this time were beginning to stray from God and worship other gods and idols. They were not faithful to God. Like Gomer, Hosea's wife. I'm sure when he married her, he hoped she would stop selling herself and giving herself to other people." He explains. "Isn't it strange that so many of us assume marriage, or a child, will keep their significant other from giving parts of themselves to other people and other things when they were selling themselves to someone or something long before you even came along?" He chuckles out and I rub my lips together, a chord being struck within me. "God told Hosea to marry Gomer, and he did. But she didn't stay faithful. In fact, Hosea had to repeatedly go find her with other men and bring her back home. Now, God didn't tell Hosea to marry a woman that seemed like she could not, for the life of her, stay committed in the right path, to hurt him. God wanted to demonstrate how Israel was repeatedly unfaithful towards him. How we are all unfaithful to him at times, even when we don't realize it. Some of us even worship idols, and don't realize it. Obsession over money. Obsession over lust. Obsession over alcohol. If you are a workaholic..." He names a few examples.
"Cute, can we go now?" Nikki's grumbling under his breath to me and I don't even look at him, lacing my fingers through his, hoping to keep him quite like giving a baby a pacifier.
"I'm not saying wanting money, or having a drink with your dinner, or enjoying your work or really enjoying sex, is idolatry. It is when those things become addictive habits that consume your thoughts constantly, so much so, that you wake up one day and realize you haven't even acknowledged God in weeks. Some of us, months. For others, it's years. And when I say 'acknowledge God' I don't mean a little 'thank God' when something goes your way. I mean, getting in that comfortable space we all have when we can humbly approach God with all of our worries, concerns, hopes, dreams, and tell him about everything going on in our lives. When we take the time to talk to him like we would a friend. God wants to hear everything from us, whether it's something good that's happened, or something we need him to heal within us or help us with something we are struggling to do. He is never too busy." He smiles. "Hosea constantly chased and went after Gomer because he loved her. He made vows to God to marry her and he grew to love her. God loved the children of Israel, and he loves us. He used Hosea as a demonstration of how he always pursues and goes after his church when each of us stray, and let me tell you something, ladies and gentlemen, when Gomer got herself into a mess for the last time, she was about to be sold, like cattle. And Hosea went looking for her thinking she was up to her typical no good. But he came up on the auction she was being sold at. Keep in mind this woman had put him through years of hurt, and pain. He was exhausted, he was angry, he was broken...but he saw his wife about to be sold to men who would most definitely put her through hell, and Hosea suddenly couldn't see his wife's wrong doings. He just saw the woman he loved, the mother of his children, scared and in trouble. And he threw his hand up, and placed a bid for thirty pieces of silver on this woman. Six months worth of wages on a woman that seemed to do everything in her power to not be faithful to him."
"I think fucking not." Nikki doesn't even try to be quiet, causing a few people in front of us to quickly glance back at us.
I elbow him, harder this time, and he's grabbing at my wrist, harshly, pulling me to my feet.
Anger and frustration goes through me when he leads me through the double doors of the very small lobby.
"You're being a jackass." I hiss out the second he's pushed me into the ladies' room that consists of one toilet and a small sink.
"You're being a brat. You should be happy I even came to this bullshit." He snaps.
"One time isn't gonna kill you, Nikki. I'm surprised you're actually able to walk into a church and not burst into flames."
"Okay, fuck you!" He raises his voice and my hand is popping him in the chest before I can stop myself, "Shh!" flying past my lips.
His teeth grind together, and my thighs tense.
His hand is grabbing a fist full of my red locks, yanking my head back as he looks me in the eyes.
It's a slap in the face to him, but I can't help but let out a mocking chuckle, smiling up at him.
I completely disregard the fact we're in church, and my hands slide under his shirt, feeling his warm skin, my nails scratching down his sides.
He's letting go of my hair, reaching between us, and unbuckling his belt and tugging it out of his belt loops.
I squeeze my thighs together as anticipation starts building within my core, creating a slip between my thighs.
He's grabbing my arm and spinning me around to face the wall, shoving me forward.
My hands brace on the chipped, faint yellow paint, and he's yanking my hips back and spreading my legs while yanking my dress up and my panties down to rest around my ankles.
He gives me a moment of mercy, his hand reaching around to rub my clit while his leather restrained prick grinds against my ass, causing me to let out a quiet moan to avoid being heard.
Just as I start moving with his fingers, he pulls away.
"Bad girls don't get rewarded." He tells me smartly in my ear before I'm feeling heat radiate through my body after the sharp sting of leather hits my skin.
I take in a breath, arching my back, biting back another moan. 
By the time he's finished with lick number ten, my ass is bright red and aching, and there's a mess of wetness rolling down my legs and dripping on the floor.
I hear his belt hit the floor and he unties the laces of his pants, causing me to hum with excitement as he reaches for my hair again and turns me around to pull me to my knees.
I lick my lips as my mouth begins to water at the sight of engorged veins, aching for release as he strokes himself a couple of times, his precum beading out of his tip.
I open my mouth and stick my tongue out eagerly, looking up at him with begging, green eyes, wanting to taste him.
He looks down at me with a little grin, like he's proud he's been able to screw the submission into his innocent little "my body's a temple" Saint Vivian and corrupt her in every way that she would allow.
He gives me what I want, swiping the tip of himself across my tongue. I don't think he's expected me to wrap my tongue and lips around him just yet because when I do, he's gripping onto the side of the sink with white knuckles.
I hungrily swallow down the liquid leaking from him, thriving under his praise as he says:
"God, you're so fuckin' hot."
I press teasing kisses to his tip, down the underside of his shaft, and his balls, and he damn near collapses when I run my tongue over them before tracing my tongue back up him and taking him in my mouth.
He grabs at my hair, creating a punishing pace that's got tears running from the corners of my eyes with each thrust that has him brushing against the back of my throat.
When he finally lets me catch my breath, a line of my spit holds from my lips to his cock, so I catch it with my fingers and use it to keep jerking him off.
My pussy is beginning to throb, needing something, anything to relieve the pressure.
The fingers of my free hand fall to my clit, but it isn't quite enough.
I believe I take "bitch in heat" to a whole other level when I pull my dress up and strategically arch my back and rest my legs on either side of Nikki's right foot.
He looks at me, a little confused before I spread my thighs a little more, causing my clit to rest against the curve of Nikki's boot where his ankle meets his leg.
My eyes roll back as I begin to move back and forth, slowly against him, while still keeping my hand moving up and down on his dick.
I don't open my eyes until I feel him lift the toe of his shoe a little bit, angling the part I'm straddling to rest against my soaked sex perfectly.
My eyes stare up at him, the nails of my free hand bite into the back of his lower thigh as I use him for leverage while beginning to move feverishly against him.
He takes over on himself, allowing me to hold onto his leg with both hands as he watches me like I'm the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.
Tears stream down my face as my orgasm builds, the only thing able to come out of my mouth is "Oh, fuck" and "Nikki" in the form of breathy whimpers.
When I come, my eyes screw shut, my body shutters and I completely soak Nikki's boot.
"Face, mouth, or tits?" Nikki asks me in regards to where I want his cum.
I swallow every last drop.
After making sure my crucifix wasn't crooked, my floral Sunday dress and matching heels were perfectly put back on and my hair looked like it had never been touched, Nikki and I pretended we hadn't had a little anniversary gathering in the bathroom and returned to service in time to hear that last tid bit.
In which Nikki was pissed about having to sit through, but I suppose he did anyway without any more complaints because he knew it was important to me.
"Hosea bought his wife back, like Christ bought all of us with his bloodshed on the cross. That being said, let's throw out the idea that God only chases after perfect Christians and everyone else is no good and going to hell anyway so it's the perfect Christians' job to tell everyone else they're going to burn forever." Harting states as Nikki and I slip back inside, and I scoff, thinking of my mother. "We are all sinners, people. I've known Christians that condemn just about everyone and then go home and do the equivelant of what they were condemning others for. You can't tell homosexuals they are going to hell and there is no hope for them, and then go out and have sex outside of marriage. Or say tattoos are a show of paganism and a sin and then go home and call up your friends to gossip about other people. You don't get to decide what is and isn't a sin to better suit your lifestyle. And just because someone isn't like you or doesn't think like you, does not mean they are any less worthy of God's love and a lot of Christians need to be careful who they damn to hell because God doesn't think like human's do. Our bodies, our flesh, and our mind's are imperfect and I'm affraid many of these holier-than-thou types are going to be shocked when they end up in a place they don't want to be when they die because they spent too much time alive being too hateful and worried about how other people are living, they never looked at themselves and worked on their own relationship with God and their salvation before minding other people's. Any born again Christian who truly has God in their hearts should never, ever, feel comfortable telling someone else they are going to hell. We can disagree with someone's choices and decisions or relationships and friendships or addictions and habits or view points and opinions, and love them. And respect them. And be kind to them. And treat them like human beings and if you're worried for someone's soul, pray for them as much as you want. We are here to love and uplift others. That is the way we as Christians are meant to be because that is the way God is with us. We do things all the time he doesn't like. But he loves us enough to continously chase after us and bring us back to him, and never give up on us. And that love is open to anyone willing to accept it."
He closes out his sermon and we sing one last hymn before closing out in prayer, and head back to the car.
"Well?" I ask him and he takes his sunglasses off and rubs his eyes.
"I don't know what was more adorable: seeing you all enthused over someone that doesn't exist, or seeing you have my dick in your throat during church." He pipes, laughing. "Oh, that would be cool game to play. I could be the Pervy Priest and you could be the Naughty Nun." He suggest, his hand squeezing at my thigh in a tickling motion and I squeal, fighting to get him to stop tickling me and he finally stops."It was a good message, though. He had a very nice way of saying, 'just mind your own fucking business, cunt face'."
"Shh, Nikki!" I cringe at him saying 'cunt' in the parkinglot of a church.
"Oh, sorry, didn't mean to swear in the Lord's driveway." He sarcastically apologizes and I shake my head a little and crank the car.
Later that night, Nikki heads to Robbin's place to score some smack and blow from his dealer, before we go out to dinner, and I'm stopping by to see Duff and the guys at their rehearsal.
The clicks of my heels sound against the bare concrete where stained up carpet as been ripped up.
I see two masses of teased, blonde hair in the corner by a drum kit, a fluff ball of black, curly hair laying in the floor wear sunglasses, and teased red hair.
"Duff." Izzy states, and I turn to see him on a holed up couch in the corner, cigarette hanging from his lips.
"Izzy." I acknowledge him.
"Viv." He replies in the same tone, not bothering to look up from his guitar.
"Yeah?" Duff asks, glancing over at him to see me. "Hey!" He immediately stops what he's doing to come over, the other three boys looking up at me as well. "What're you doing here?" He asks, hugging me, and I look up at him after seeing Steven coming over here.
"Nikki and I were about to go out for our anniversary and I decided to come by since I haven't talked to you in a couple weeks. But, um, I know you've been busy I just thought I would stop by." I explain, smiling when Steven's energetic vibe spills over to me when he squeezes me to him.
"Well, we were just taking a break if you wanna hangout for a little bit." Duff offers.
I glance at Axl over Duff's shoulder, seeing he's irritated, and I let out a breath.
My relationship with Axl was about how my relationship with Vince was.
We loved to hate each other.
But not because Axl was a pig like Vince was. But because he and I were the same exact person.
I don't know if it was the overzealous religious up bringing forced upon us, or our struggles with similar mental disorders, but we both had the same nearly uncontrollable temper.
We got along most of the time, our issue, though, was that we saw things differently, and would get into heated arguments.
The longer the band stayed together, the worse Axl got.
It became more and more about him, and not so much the band.
When Steven was fired for getting too deep into heroin (as if he was the only one in the band with addiction issues) Axl had the honor Robbin, Vince, and Doc, all had been given: my fist to his face.
He was trying his hardest not to punch me back as I yelled:
"I'm not in your fucking band, I'm not on your fucking payroll, so I have no problem telling you, you're a fucking piece of shit and you need a hell of a lot more help than what you're getting right now! You're acting like a trigger happy crazy person, you have got your band members paranoid about who's gonna go next and for the love of God, Axl, of all the ways you could have handled the man that has saved your wife's life not once, but twice, you fire him for doing something you idiots were glorifying three years ago?! Get your shit together, Rose, because you're getting fucking messy!"
I had quoted him, from when he said, "get your shit together, Sixx, because you're getting fucking messy" after Duff and I had nearly been caught by Nikki.
The entire time they were on tour with us, Axl was paranoid Nikki would find out Duff and I were friendly with each other, kick Guns off the tour, and blacklist them through the label...
He got even more uptight when Steven and Slash accidentally gave me weed brownies a few days into the tour, and I was stoned out of my mind for six hours straight, and Steven, Slash, Duff, and were chasing me around and trying to make sure I didn't make it obvious to anyone on Mötley's team or Nikki, Tommy, Vince and Mick, that the supporting band got Nikki's stone cold sober wife high as a kite. Izzy just found it amusing.
One thing about Axl, though. He taught Tansy how to stick up for herself, which gave her the courage to publicly out her abusers in her agency and industry. I guess that's why I didn't kill him despite the many times I heavily considered it.
"I would hang around, but, I've really gotta get going." I tell Duff. "But I'll call you tomorrow or Tuesday and we can figure out when a good time to hangout before I go to Japan, alright?"
"Okay." He nods.
"Okay, I gotta go, Steven." I squeeze him equally as tight as he is me, ruffling his hair a little.
"Boo! Buzzkill." He protests my leaving and I roll my eyes as he steps back to his drums.
"I'll talk to you later." I tell Duff, standing on my tip toes to kiss his cheek innocently.
"Yeah. Have fun tonight." He tells me. "And happy anniversary."
"Thank you, sweetie." I say as I wipe my lipstick from his cheek. "Love you, be good." I tell them before turning to go.
"Love you." Steven and Duff say back.
"Viv." Izzy tells me as I head for the door, as his way of saying 'bye'.
"Izzy." I reply, before stepping out.
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ettadunham · 5 years
A Buffy rewatch 3x17 Enemies
aka bad break-ups
Welcome to this dailyish text post series where I will rewatch an episode of Buffy and rant about it in 10-3k words. What you can expect: long run-on sentences and disjointed observations, often focused on one tiny detail about the episode. What you shouldn’t be expecting: actual reviews that make sense.
And today’s episode finally brings Buffy and Faith’s relationship to a breaking point, in all of its subtextual glory. Meanwhile, I kept rewinding as I tried remembering where the layers of deception started, and the “they don’t know that we know that she doesn’t know that we know” games ended.
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And I guess the honest answer is that I still don’t know. The episode doesn’t really end with a flashback answering at what point did the characters realize that something was off… But that’s also part of the fun, as one tries to look for the small signs they could’ve noted as well.
First of all, let’s just all acknowledge this delightful outfit:
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We’re entering the stage of truly iconic Willow looks, folks.
Anywho, back to the Fath/Buffy/Angel mind games
Not to toot my own horn and say I told you so (like some characters), but by the end of the episode, I once again got stuck on the deliberate parallel drawn between Angel and Faith as Buffy’s love interests. It’s no coincidence that Buffy asks for a break between her and Angel just when her relationship with Faith has completely fallen apart.
During this rewatch I definitely got the impression that Buffy’s decision there was more of a result of where the whole thing with Faith left her emotionally, than Angel pretending to be bad for the episode. His betrayal was fake and pre-agreed upon. Faith’s was real and devastating.
I guess there’s also a weird BDSM theme here with the comments they make around the chains… So if we roll with that, the comparison is that Buffy and Angel had their safe words there. With Faith… not so much.
To drive the point home that Buffy’s conflict here is with Faith, and this is all about that broken trust, let’s also look at the scene between her and Willow, where she’s talking about seeing Faith and Angel together the night before.
Willow: No way. I know what you're thinking and no way! Buffy: You're right. Faith would never do that. Willow: Faith would totally do that.
We again see here Willow’s clear dislike of Faith, which I find especially fun as we also have Xander voicing some of his classic anti-Angel sentiments in the same episode. I do hope that I’ll have the energy to delve a bit more into that a few episodes from now.
But more importantly, look at Buffy’s line. Her response to the idea of Angel and Faith getting it on isn’t that Angel wouldn’t do that. (Remember, Angel, her boyfriend, the one who’d be cheating on her?)
It’s Faith wouldn’t do that. Faith wouldn’t do that to her.
The conclusion one can draw from that is that either she doesn’t trust Angel to begin with, or that her trust and faith in… well, Faith, is much more important to her right now. Personally? I’m leaning towards the latter.
There’s once again a lot of innuendos as well. (That we’re calling subtext for some reason, even though the sexual and romantic undertones are essentially textual at this point…) Like after Buffy and Angel come out of the movie theater, all full of pent up sexual frustration, and Faith shows up to steal Buffy away literally saying “Don’t worry big guy, just keeping her warm for you”.
Faith: *does or says something that defines her relationship with Buffy in an undeniably sexual / romantic way*
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And then when they meet up at the library afterwards, and Faith does her usual routine of calling Buffy “girlfriend”, and is all touchy with her… Buffy shies away from her touch, and the rest of the Scoobies note how chilly the atmosphere suddenly became.
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All that is to say that while Angel plays a prominent role in how this episode unfolds, and the parallel raised between him and Faith aren’t just serving the theme of Buffy’s relationships with them, but both of their characters as well… The real conflict itself plays out between Buffy and Faith, with all of its subtextual and romantic undertones that the show is once again leaning into.
It’s a break-up. It’s Buffy and Faith breaking up. That’s what’s happening here.
Something that I was struggling with however, is pinpointing where Buffy or even Angel and Giles started suspecting that there was something else going on with Faith. When Faith goes to Angel first, I was still unsure on where he was coming from, so I kept looking for signs that he was already reading her intentions. In retrospect though, I assume that Angel’s reactions there were actually genuine, despite Faith laying it on all pretty thick.
On the other hand, she also appeared with bloody hands after killing sympathetic demon guy who tried to help against the Mayor. So that was probably a dead giveaway once Buffy and Angel started putting two and two together.
With Buffy herself, there’s a pretty great little detail that happens when she and Faith discover dead demon guy in his apartment. (Which I wish I noticed myself, but was pointed out to me by someone else.)
Faith reaches into the other room for the light switch, not even looking, and Buffy sees her doing it. She completely gives away herself and the fact that she was in this apartment before, and the show smartly doesn’t draw our attention to it.
So when Buffy afterwards comments about how the way the demon guy was killed was ‘somebody’s idea of a party’, I couldn’t help wondering if that was a pointed jab at Faith. To get a reaction out of her and confirm whether or not she was involved.
Still, I remained unsure as we actually get the scene between Buffy and Willow after this happens. It’s also implied that Buffy hasn’t actually talked to Angel about what she saw between him and Faith the other night at that point, so they haven’t yet had the chance to cook up their Faith reveal plan.
On the other hand, she’s talking to Willow here, and we find out later that Buffy, Angel and Giles were all keeping their suspicions and the plan a secret from the rest of the Scoobies. So she wouldn’t have told that Willow quite yet either way.
Willow also comments about Buffy being “on edge”, which once again points to her probably thinking about Faith going rogue already here.
I do believe that Buffy’s “Faith wouldn’t do that” line is genuine though, even in that case. Buffy still wants to believe in Faith, even if they’re preparing for the worst.
So when Angel and Faith show up in her room, part of her must be devastated as the confirmation of Faith’s betrayal sinks in. As well as just being on edge, knowing what’s coming.
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And what’s coming is a whole lot of classic posturing and sexual innuendo from Faith’s part, as she’s tempting Buffy with making out with Angel in front of her just to spite her (we already established which of their betrayals sting for Buffy more…), and being very up-close and personal with a supposedly chained up Buffy.
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There’s a lot more going on in this scene of course, with Faith somewhat sarcastically rambling about her horrible childhood, and Buffy delivering some pointed jabs about being better than Faith, or Faith only being able to turn Angel to her side with a magic. We once again see proof of just how low and fragile Faith’s self-esteem actually is, and how easy it is to hurt her, despite what she claims.
I guess Faith’s speech about how she constantly felt inferior to Buffy is especially worth repeating:
Faith: You know, I come to Sunnydale. I'm the Slayer. I do my job kicking ass better than anyone. What do I hear about everywhere I go? Buffy. So I slay, I behave, I do the good little girl routine. And who's everybody thank? Buffy. Buffy: It's not my fault. Faith: Everybody always asks, why can't you be more like Buffy? But did anyone ever ask if you could be more like me? Angel: I know I didn't. Faith: You get the Watcher. You get the mom. You get the little Scooby gang. What do I get? Jack squat. This is supposed to be my town!
It’s one of those lines, where you’re not exactly sure how much the character actually believes of what they’re saying. Faith putting on Buffy the fact that she was unable to connect especially rings false, when you think about just how hard Buffy worked to have that connection with Faith.
But there’s also no denying in that Faith feels like the world let her down. And that includes Buffy. Because despite Buffy’s best efforts, she could never take Faith’s side unconditionally. She could never be just like her.
Buffy doesn’t have the luxury of losing herself in someone else, or to choose them over her responsibilities. (Well, I guess we’ll have to re-examine that in a few seasons from now though…) She needed Faith to meet her halfway, but Faith was already too far gone to turn around for that.
But hey, at least Faith’s got a new apartment out of the deal as of last episode. Evil does take MasterCard I guess.
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My MatchaBlossom playlist
Here's the link to the playlist on Spotify-
Song meanings and POVs elaborated on down under.
Call it what you want- Taylor Swift
(Let's start with a TS song cause why tf not. I am and always will be a total slut for her 💜)
Okay, just the general vibe of this song is that of a person who's been through a bit and has now found a love so beautiful it's helping them heal and I feel like that ties in so well with Cherry and Joe's entire arc. I hear this song in Cherry's POV when Joe's affection is starting to restore his faith in love and life after Adam's done fucked it all up. Or even when his anxiety gets really fucking bad or whatever. It's just got big comfort vibes and I am a total whore for Cherry acknowledging and appreciating everything that Joe does for him.
All my flowers grew back as thorns,
Windows boarded up after the storm,
He built a fire just to keep me warm.
Explosion- Zolita
*ahem* let me be more articulate.
Don't call me about him I don't wanna hear
Put him out of your mind just make him disappear
Stop pretending you got nothing left to hide
My memory is slipping and it's killing me alive
Reached the bitter end
Can't pretend I'm not in love with my best friend, my best friend
Hate that you know me- BLEACHERS
Okay I think this song fits Cherry very well, especially when he is still trying to understand his dynamic with Joe. My personal headcanon is that Cherry is prone to bouts of self-hatred because of his anxiety and consequently, doesn't always consider himself deserving of Joe's love, and so, he tends to dislike it at times when Joe seems to understand him better than others and anticipate his needs so well, and I feel like this song depicts that beautifully.
Sometimes I hate that you know me so well (so well)
Sometimes I, I hate that you know me so well (and I hate ya)
Some days I, I wish that I wasn't myself (No)
No luck! (No)
And I hate that you know me so well
Heart attack- Demi Lovato
Okay, I can not be the only person who thinks of teenaged Cherry every time this song comes on. Imagine a Cherry who's flabbergasted by the strength of his feelings for Joe, and can never figure out what to do with himself.
Never break a sweat for the other guys
When you come around, I get paralyzed
And every time I try to be myself
It comes out wrong like a cry for help
It's just not fair; pain's more trouble than love is worth
I gasp for air; it feels so good, but you know it hurts
Lover- Taylor Swift
I have a very specific scene in mind when it comes to this song and that is MatchaBlossom slow-dancing in the first house they get together.
We could let our friends crash in the living room
This is our place, we make the call
And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
Make you mine- PUBLIC
You knew this song was going to end up on here lol.
Strangely enough, aware as I am of the fact that most of the fandom believes Joe was the one chasing Cherry (and I agree) this song just hits me as all Cherry's. It has all of his characteristic dogged determination and refusal to admit defeat lol
Well, I have called you darlin' and I'll say it again, again
So kiss me 'til I'm sorry, babe, that you are gone and I'm a mess
And I'll hurt you and you'll hurt me and we'll say things we can't repeat
Mess is Mine- Vance Joy
Slightly older, mellowed out MatchaBlossom, starting to realise they're in this together for the long run, that they always have been.
Further I feel like verse 1 and 2 respectively follow Joe and Cherry's POVs
First we have Joe, who is just brimming with the realisation that Cherry is his for good.
Talking like we used to do
It was always me and you
Shaken up and shipping out
Check me in and check me out
Hold on my darling
This mess was yours, now your mess is mine
Secondly, we have Cherry, who considers himself unbelievably lucky to have been considered worthy of Joe's love and keeps wondering if he is half as good a partner to the other man as he is to him.
See you in the market place
Walking around at 8 AM
Got two hours before my flight
Luck be on my side tonight
You're the reason that I feel so strong
The reason that I'm hanging on
You know you gave me all that time
Did I give enough of mine
More than Friends- BEKA HONNE
Baby MatchaBlossom pining. Really sweet, soft vibes. I keep thinking of shy, unsure junior high school Kaoru and Kojiro suddenly becoming blushing, stuttering messes around each other for a period of time as they both hit the realisation that they'd very much like to be kissing each other and it's very much not a Friend™ thing.
It happens after Joe has freshly realised that he is bi after all and Kaoru is exactly what he needs. Again, verse one reminds me of Joe, verse two of Cherry. They are down under respectively.
Driving home and those cats eyes got me seeing you
I'm always seeing you
I don't know how to tell you that I was wrong before
I thought I needed more
I was wondering if we could talk
I think about you every day
And the mixtape you made
Is all I ever to play
And every song reminds me that
You and I
Should be more than friends
I never thought I would see your face at my door again
Not at 3 AM
And I don't know just why I wasn't enough before
I thought you needed more
I know you came here to talk
Can't listen to the tape I made
It brings me too much pain
Cause every song reminds me that
You and I
Should be more than friends
This song can also work if you reverse the POV orders and then see it post Adam, but the vibe is a lil too soft for that.
Night go slow- Catey Shaw
MatchaBlossom but in a chill, lo-fi aesthetic.
The cars all stop where they are
When you take my hand, there is no time
Every moment that passes by with you
I wish I could rewind
Let go of your ways
And forget today
Just follow me tonight
Do you understand why I put all my plans on hold?
Not Afraid Anymore- Halsey
Okay, this one goes a lil heavy but imagine a traumatised Cherry, ya know after Ad*m, finally learning to let himself go and feel things again, emotionally and sexually, with Kojiro.
I also feel like they are two kinky bastards so really if you only wanna interpret it like that be my guest.
I am not ashamed anymore
I want something so impure
You better impress now, watching my dress now fall to the floor
Crawling underneath my skin, sweet talk with a hint of sin
Begging you to take me
Devil underneath your grin, sweet thing
But she play to win, heaven gonna hate me
People Crying Every Night- A R I Z O N A
I hear this song as Joe trying to get through to a hesitant Cherry, trying to make him see that while they don't get a say in so many other things, things that have happened and things that will happen, they get to choose the life they have together. They get to pick out their happy ending, build one out of scratch with each other and even if they have nothing else, at least they have this.
Oh and as the day
Turns into night
The things that we can't say
The things we try to hide
Like everyone else
We can't choose the way we die
Oh but we can choose
The way we live tonight
Oh I wish I had the answers
I wish I had the time
To give you all the reasons
Why it's worth it down the line
Ready to go- NEFFEX
This song is an ✨ aesthetic ✨
Okay but imagine, young, punk! MatchaBlossom, maybe around the time when they're travelling the world together?
It's all hot and heady, and Joe is thrilled by the wild, wild force of nature Kaoru is. He can't do anything but give in.
She said stay for a minute
Play with my limits
Drink till we're sinnin'
Baby I'm ready to go
She said she's finally alive
When she starts losing control
I said I know what to do
Just let our bodies go
Shine a Light- BANNERS
Another Kojiro song. This one reflects his inner struggle as he feels torn between wanting to comfort and protect Cherry after Adam, and the fact that he is hopelessly in love with Cherry who inadvertently keeps hurting him with how he is lost in the huge web of feelings he can't parse through, not completely blind to how much Kojiro loves him but not fully realising it either. This song reminds me of a confused and helpless Kojiro. Loving Kaoru is such an integral part of him that it makes him, him and it is his constant in the rapidly changing world around him as he stands on the brink of adulthood. He is very nearly ready to beg for mercy and yet knows he, himself is saved by the love he has for Kaoru.
And when the night falls, oh, call on me
Just don't forget to show me some mercy
Ooh, say you're mine
Ooh, take me higher
Sleepover- Hayley Kiyoko
You wanna be friends forever?
I can think of something better
I'm just feeling low, feeling low
Sleeping here right next to me
But will you ever mess with me?
Thank you, my twilight- the pillows
Listen, this has been my fav classic Japanese love anthem for so long and to think it is PERFECT for Matchablossom just makes my heart go 💞
The lyrics are heart-wrenchingly raw and real, which is great reflection of Joe and Cherry's relationship. I include a translation of a few verses below, the first one seems something snatched straight out of Joe's internal monologues and the second one depicts the breathless intensity and loyalty so typical of Kaoru:
If you think it looks like I'm waiting for someone
Then you're right
I've been waiting for you
Sometimes people will ask me
"How far will you go for her?"
BABY as far as it takes
Another song depicting Cherry healing from Adam and learning to accept Joe's love, but a fluffier and sweeter way to go about it.
In which, Cherry decides to separate all of the sweeter moments of his and Joe's days with Adam from all of the bitterness, and carry that in his heart after they part ways and he finally moves on.
I will never let you go
I know you want it, know you want it
Learning love means not to know
I'll learn to take it,
Would you mind- PRETTYMUCH
Ending this post with a fluffy, flirty rec that could be Joe's anthem. See for yourselves.
Say you don't catch feelings, you say you ain't the love type
I'ma have to work, then, uh the whole night
Nothing like your ex, no, this ain't what you used to
Just give me that chance, girl, uh, won't lose you
See it? ;) Also, I feel like Joe had typical frat boy taste in music at some point so
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spreadplaylist · 7 years
Hi SPREAD listeners! For those of u that don't know, the SPREAD blog will feature a monthly Artist Spotlight, an interview I have with an up and coming artist featured in that month's playlist. A core value of SPREAD is sharing music that u may not have heard, hopefully increasing artists' exposure and fanbase. The SPF 30 featured artist, LeyeT, is a dear friend of mine, and I can't wait for u to get a closer look into her music and her artistry. HERE WE GO!
LeyeT: Hi! I’m LeyeT, pronounced "light." (: I’m from Orange County, California – reside in LA, and LOVE all things music. I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember and songwriting since I first picked up the guitar about 12 years ago. I recently began my new artist project as LeyeT and released my first single on 2.28. Can’t wait to bring you more music in the coming months
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