#I'm not having a good mental health time rn ngl
damiemontclair · 4 months
Is it ridiculous to think maybe this whole hospital thing and related business has mildly traumatised me? Is it ridiculous that I want to write about it in excruciating detail, just get the experience out on paper, on my blog, somewhere? It feels dumb but I want to write fic about it. I think it'd fix me.
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I'm Elliot, the depressed teen behind this blog :3 I'm transmasc and use he/they prns, please respect that
(It also takes me a hella long time to respond to dms I'm sorrrry😭😭😭)
My old blogs both got t worded (rip oscillating-fan-whore and oscillating-fan-whore2) (next time I'll be oscillating-fan-whore4!!)
This is a triggering blog, BLOCK DONT REPORT. Reporting makes my mental health worse and doesn't do jack shit, you can't report everyone, we always come back
(Note: nsfw adjacent posts are mentioned below cut, if you are an adult on this blog please read that section <3)
ed sh blog but also I post vents and abt my life outside ed and sh too :D
(More under cut)
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Anyways now that we've hopefully weeded everyone who doesn't like it out, hi guys ^^
☆I've had my ed since July of last year (23) but sh since 5th grade
☆I have (somewhat?) Diagnosed depression and anxiety and very possible autism (AKA I've been told by many people that I'm autistic, have like every trait, scored high on every pre screening test, but my mom refuses to believe it whenever someone tells her [which has happened multiple times but yk] ANYWAY-)
☆tics (probably tourettes but never dx)
☆no one irl knows
☆prone to typos
☆EMOTICON USER :3 :D ^^ :) :]
☆active red bracelet wearer
☆American :( [help us]
☆nebularomantic and sexual but no idea abt who I'm attracted to 💀 just attracted to my partner (? It's complicated) so somewhere around androsexual
☆suuuuuper Hannibal (nbc) fixated rn so like of you see a reference in my blog don't be surprised
☆sweetsp0>>>>meansp0 (unless it's good)
☆Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal NY is THE ED song trust
☆I'll make a tag list for recipes, lemme know if you want in :D
☆I won't send bcs coaches fuck off
☆open to an4 buddies tho :3
☆ngl a lot of posts about the state of my stomach (she hasn't been okay in years <3)
☆asks are welcome and encouraged (just don't be a bitch)
☆DMs are open but so is my right to block <3<3
☆I do occasionally post something NSFW adjacent abt my experiences in life (becuz I'm a horny teen with a partner get it together people) please keep in mind that I am still a MINOR and all of those posts have an 18+ DNI. 18+ are welcome to interact with every other post, but it's weird and uncomfortable on those kinds of posts. Me posting NSFW adjacent stuff is NOT an excuse to sexually harass me, especially if you are an adult.
Height: 5'5"
SW: >175 lbs
HW: >175 lbs
LW: 128 lbs (probs less let's be honest)
CW: 134 lbs (kill me)
UGW: 90 lbs (40 kg)
Bodyfat Percentage: 23.4% (fitness)
BMI: 22.3 (Healthy)
[Current goals]
☆<115 lbs by the 25th of April (Musical trip <3)
☆UGW by summer (obvi)
☆^ if not, then ugw by the time the county fair rolls around
☆111 lbs by May (officially underweight for my BMI [18])
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[I AM SILLY!!!!!!!!!!!]
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tinywitchgoblin · 23 days
Hi! If you're still doing ship requests!
I'm working on getting into either a trade school for culinary arts or a uni for English literature.
I have really long hair, naturally it's dark brown all though it's dyed red rn. I'm 5'2" and stocky. I have anxiety, ADHD and C-PTSD. ngl I mainly wear sweatpants and tank tops because I spend most of my time working in a commercial kitchen
I was a competitive swimmer for years and now I coach pre-competitive kids! I also read a lot (published books and fanfic). I'm a D&D playing theatre kid who loves writing and music (pop, alternative, indie and some rock).
I come across as pretty bitchy and pissed off at first, I have a horrible rbf lol. Really, I just have kinda bad social anxiety. I'm sarcastic and teasing with my friends and I tend to become the mom friend because I take care of everyone. I'm a typical perfectionist eldest daughter and I tend to overthink things a lot. I'm an INTJ-T, Slytherin and an Aquarius. I also have a habit of being willing to square up to just about anyone, even guys twice my size
thank you so much, I love your writing so so so much!!!!
Awww thank you 🥺
I ship you with...
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Others may find you intimidating upon first meeting you, but not Tech. Sure, you have rbf, but that (and your unending sarcasm) just remind him of Crosshair, so he doesn't care. He desires to know you on a deeper level, so once he finds out what some of your interests are, he'll do some background research on them.
One thing he's really interested in is D&D. He finds it very intriguing, and sets about reading all of the basic materials- dm's manual, player's manual, monster manual, etc (but he totally doesn't go buy a metric fuck ton of dice, because that would be totally unnecessary when one set is good enough. Totally. We totally believe you, Tech... fucking dice gremlin (but who am I to judge?)). He wants to get his brothers involved and start a campaign, but none of them are really interested, so he eventually drops it.
Speaking of reading, Tech loves it when you fill him in on what you're reading, and may even ask if he could read it when you're done. Once he finds out you read fanfic, though, everything changes. He must read every piece of fanfic written about him across the entirety of the unholy trinity (tumblr, ao3, wattpad), and sometimes you have to pull him and his newly inflated ego down to earth a bit, but you enjoy it nonetheless because it's time the two of you get to spend together.
If you're having a bad day mental health-wise, Tech will do everything in his power to help you through it. He'll make sure you take your meds (if applicable), get enough to eat, make you drink adequate amounts of water, and provide whatever other means of support he can. He may not be able to empathize with your symptoms and experiences, but the longer you and he are together, the more he understands your needs, especially in times like these. He makes it his #1 priority to not only make sure his cyare is cared for, but to also make sure you know he cares for you and loved you more than he knows how to express.
Thanks for reading! If you want a ship request like this one, drop it in my ask box, and don't forget to reblog 💚
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freakshowrefugee · 2 years
Spoilers for Bayo 3 ahead!!!
Aight I'm playing Bayonetta 3 rn and I have some thoughts that I HAVE to share for the sake of my mental health. In no particular order:
LUKAON??? Bro the entire Luka plot in this game is almost impressively cringy. Who the fuck plays Bayonetta 1 & 2 and thinks—hmm, this Luka fellow should DEFINITELY become central to the plot for this game to REALLY work. Also, they somehow managed to write out any sort of endearing characteristics of the Luka from previous games?? New Luka's entire personality until now seems to be "uhhhh, me man find woman pretty". I won't even get into the masterclass in bad writing (and bad design tbh) that is "Lukaon" (henceforth named Whiter Luka in this rant). If they were going for a "mysterious stranger" kind of vibe, personally I think they fucking failed miserably. B3Luka is only Luka in name and (arguably) appearance. He has the depth of a blank piece of paper.
I fucking HATE playing as Viola, and this colors my opinion of the character too. No shade to the voice actress, I'm sure she did her best with what she was given, but I have audibly groaned almost every time she appeared on screen. I was okay with the idea of her being an edgy, cringy teen, but she eats up SO much fucking screentime that it becomes jarring. Her gameplay is painfully monotonous, even though I find Cheshire adorable, and her controls are stiffer and very limiting in comparison to Bayonetta herself. Gameplay-wise, Viola is everything a Bayonetta game should NOT be (in my opinion)—LIMITING.
Speaking of limiting, the Jeanne levels. Now, anyone who knows me knows that Jeanne is my queen, but HOLY FUCK those levels. Again, controls do not feel right, level design is atrocious and it all feels like a slog to go through. Why did they think we needed more gimmick levels for the love of fuck?? Why can't I just play Bayonetta in my Bayonetta fucking game? They did my queen dirty, on God...
Why the FUCK are we not exploring the Bayonetta alternative selves more??? There is so much fucking potential, the Egyptian version seems genuinely fascinating to explore, but NOPE!! Why should the Bayonetta game be about Bayonetta when it can be about new character we don't give a shit about and comic-relief-side-character that the writers PROMISE is srs bsns bro, I swear. Ask yourself this, if you were given the choice, would you follow the Viola storyline? I'm genuinely fucking curious.
Ngl, I'm not crazy about the gameplay. It's too much, too fast, nothing seems to matter and nothing is special. They constantly throw enemies at us with no sense of pacing or progression. Same for weapons. Remember the Grace & Glory entrance cutscene from the first game? Remember how memorable that was? Well, hope you DIDN'T like that, cause Bayo 3 will likely never give you that feeling. It's the DEFINITION of too much, too quickly. When everything is meant to be special, nothing is really special. Bayonetta 3 is flashy, for sure, but it feels shallow, at least on the first playthrough. I fucking hate saying this, but I'm genuinely disappointed. I think there are some good bones. I would love to be able to use the new weapons and techniques in a better designed, petter paced game (like Bayonetta 1), but as it stands, playing 3 feels cheap. When I got hit in Bayo 1 I never felt frustration, because most enemies and arenas were designed to allow you to experiment and figure out your own play style. With Bayo 3 I have literally dropped my controller out of frustration (usually when playing Viola). Listen, if be okay with Viola if she was an optional character, like King Zero from the first game or Rosa from the second. As she is, she makes me NOT want to fucking play the game, which is insanely frustrating.
The Crow and Cat umbran tears illustrate the weaknesses of Bayonetta 3's controls VERY fucking well. Why so many fucking gimmicks?? Who plays Bayonetta for the Route 666 and beginning of Isla del Sol, WHO??? Because they would probably love Bayonetta 3.
The world is sadly also quite poorly designed. Everything which shares an aesthetic blends together and orientation without a map of some sorts is a logistical nightmare. Again, it seems like they took the worst parts of Bayo 1 and filled 3 to the brim with them. Gimmicks, backtracking, the fact that you can MISS verses because of the poor map design.
It bears repeating, but this is very personal thing and less of a critique. I don't care about Viola. I don't care about Luka or Whiter Luka. I don't care about the Singularity or Sigurd. I'm. Or even curious about them at this point. Why was Bayonetta relegated to a side character in a game that is NAMED AFTER HER?? I care more about Ed and Edna than I do all previous individuals mentioned. The story of Bayonetta was never great, even in 1, but it was held together by memorable characters. You can't TELL me that a character is memorable, you have to show me. Even the character of Bayo herself has suffered as a result of the poor writing. The depth of her personality is nowhere to be found in 3. And no, it's not the voice change, I love Hale's work and she is doing a great job. We overlooked faults in the story in Bayo 1 (and arguably 2) because the gameplay loop was satisfying. Bayo 3 doesn't have that. And it makes me really fucking sad...
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daisys-reality · 27 days
hello there daisy I hope that you are having a gooday so far today & is staying safe
I am giving you this little ask of mine because I wanted to ask of you to see if you could possbily show me in a lovely tarot reading of yours when & how I will enter the void state
bc I am currently trying to manifest myself to just randomly wake up in the void state & I am ngl I am having quite the trouble manifesting my desired scenario to come to fruition within the 3d
I just really want to enter it already & manifest my dream life & than after that just respawn to my wr & forever leave this disgusting universe
I am kinda getting sick & tired of dealing with these struggles rn & I would really prefer if I didn't have to deal with them at all
like the struggles that I am currently dealing with atm is just lack of trust, belief, faith, fear & doubts ect
I have many more problems that I'm dealing with that's just a few of them that I have pointed out
its just making things way more harder for me than it needs to be & I hate that so sm
i just wanna get things over with & just completely end my suffering
but I can't do that if I am dealing with this
so please tell me there is actually something good at the end of the tunnel for me bc I don't want to deal with these problems of mine anymore
also if you can you please add any random messages within the reading if there are any about me & my void state journey plz & thank you
btw I saw the angel number 1212 while I was making this ask for you
thought that I would tell you
Oh dear... I know its been already some time since I received this asked, so perhaps you already realized your plans. Even if not, I hope you're doing fine.
Regarding your tarot reading request, I will gladly do a reading for you. Perhaps it's not necessary anymore but I'll do it just in case. ^^
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Is there something good at the end of the tunnel for you? How and when will you enter the void state? + Advice from beings who love you dearly :
. I see that your health, especially your mental health, will drastically improve. You will gain peace of mind through mental clarity. You will be able to give yourself the guidance you so desperately seek. You will set boundaries for yourself about what you allow to reach you. You decide what you believe and what doesn't serve you. You will be strict about it and it will keep you on your throne, unbothered and confident. You will be the sole ruler of your earthly experience.
. To be honest, I don't think you will necessarily enter 'the void state'. I feel like there is something else you will do.
. If your first reaction while reading this was to get extremely worried, don't. There is no need to worry. This message is coming in strongly. Someone is trying to assure you about that. What you need to do is to release the parts of your past that feel like heavy baggage that you still keep carrying. Your mind desperately needs release. That's where all the worries and confusion and desperation is stemming from. Forgive your past self and accept what lies in the past to move on to a new life free from (emotional) burdens.
. This might be a bit random but I had this vision of a girl who has a little bird who is still learning to fly but is seemingly too scared to try. The girl is stuck in a life threatening situation and only the bird can help her out but only if it flies. She doesn't want to let the bird know about here worries because she doesn't want to unnecessarily pressure the little one more than it already does itself. So, instead the girl tries to be strong and patient and puts on a smile despite her burdens; she gives the bird all the love and assurance that it needs so that it becomes stronger and stronger, day by day. Nurtured by this love and trust the bird starts believing in itself, feeling assured enough to leave its comfort space and successfully tries to fly. "Finally", the girl thinks while tears of joy and relief stream down her face. The girl has put her trust in the bird and kept going no matter how long it would take, no matter how dark her current situation was. In the end, the girl was so glad she did. Nothing could ever compare to the joy she felt in that moment. Finally freedom.
. You are the girl and the bird is your inner self. Learn to trust yourself and give yourself the love and time to be able to freely "to try to fly" regardless of fears and doubts. Pressure won't do you good, it will only paralyse you. Take care of yourself as you would with a baby bird. 🧡🌷
. Also, there is strong emphasis on how you have to choose your connections wisely. Only spend time with people that uplift you and bring you joy. Spending happy moments with others and spoiling yourself/fulfilling your needs is a key element in reaching your goal. Things are going in the right direction when you feel like the path you're on is making you happy. If it doesn't, you might have to rethink your decision/path. There are many options for you to be successful. Trust your instinct. You want to be happy, right? Like truly truly happy? Then, I'm sure you know exactly what to do to reach this state of bliss. 🐦🪹☀️
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symptoms-syndrome · 2 months
(tw brief mention of suicide attempt) I had a friend for a few years (since Jan 2020). They started telling me I was being a neglectful friend this past September. I had just flown across the country to see them a few weeks prior... they said for the last few months I had been short and canned responses and stuff and I was like idk I felt like we grew closer than ever this summer? I remember basically confessing my (platonic-ish-it's-weird-I'm-very-queer) love for them in July. we talked every day pretty much. I guess I was also incredibly sick and also moving house at the time, so maybe I was reaching out to them less? Anyway they disabled their account after leaving very long messages about a bunch of confusing stuff and saying they had to leave or they'd abuse me, but they also had issues abandoning people, so they would be back. That was like 5 months ago. Now they've popped up in my inbox again asking to reopen the conversation. A few weeks before they left, I told them the door would always be open and I'd still be their friend, which is true, I still feel that way. but I've been really struggling with my own mental health the last couple months. A ton of self-hatred/repressed stuff that's been festering since childhood. A few weeks ago my sibling tried to kill themself. so I am like... sure, I want to talk to my friend and hear them out. but if they just start laying blame on me again, I don't think I'll be able to handle it on top of everything else that I'm dealing with right now. I responded briefly to their message and basically said things are really rough for me right now and I'd reach out to them in a few days. IDK. I'm already tired from thinking about what they could say. That's it from me, you wanted tea, this is the newest development for me. say whatever or delete this ask. just???? ugh when it rains it pours
Nah NGL I would give them like. Very little grace at that point. But that's just me. Like. Put ur foot down, say that you have very little tolerance for Bull Shittery RN (in a nicer way, probs. Smth like "I'm very fragile RN") and if they're gonna pull stupid shit that you're gonna block them or w/e. It sounds to me like they don't appreciate the lengths ur going for them and that's smth they might have to learn the hard way.
Plus like. U can totes be their friend if u want and still say "hey if u pull bullshit w me I'm not gonna wanna talk to u. I wanna be ur friend but ur gonna have to act a friend bc this isn't a one way street."
Like I can understand where they're coming from, sometimes ur brain is a shithead and tells u ur friends hate u or whatever, but that's their problem not urs. Don't bend over backwards for someone who won't appreciate it. Plus IDK, sometimes showing that u rly mean it when u say u don't wanna hang w someone who's a dick to you actually makes smth click in their brain like "oh shit they're for real about this, I gotta change the way I act if I wanna keep this person around." And if they don't change. IDK man maybe they think of u as a particularly nice dartboard more than a good friend.
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dollie-so-divine · 10 months
tw:small mentions of abuse/sh/abuse/eds
i can't explain it but rn my life feels like tiny dancer by elton john, had me a real good time by faces and led zeppelin
i'm enjoying this sm
i love my life, i've genuinely cried over how much i love my life i'm ngl 💀
i deserve this life.
but it wasn't always like this!! i have been abused, i have suffered with ed's, mental health, sh, etcetc, i never believed i would get out.
now i'm here, i'm out!
life gets better.
i am living proof of it and someday you will be too.
there is no "calm before the storm" either, you need to get out of that mindset!! not everything that is built up will come crashing down.
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onlyjaeyun · 3 months
hi zadie love!! wanted to start off this ask by saying that i hope you are taking breaks for your health baby!! :(( i saw you said how work and uni are catching up to you especially since it’s exam season so pls pls pls make sure to take it easy my love🥺🥺 your overall health is the most important thing so pls don’t be too hard on yourself, you’re doing amazing and i’m so proud of you🩷✨
now onto the recent chap!!! omg yn breaking things off w/ fuma rlly shows that she truly cares for riki and is willing to give anything up if it meant to protect her brother from being in the middle of these weird ass students talking shit about his sister. i love the nishimuras in this smau so much🥺����
THE WAY YN AND HOON HAVE BEEN FUCKING ALMOST EVERYDAY OH THEY’RE DOWN BAD YOUR HONOR‼️‼️ but the fact that yn cried when hoon hit it from the back made me feel for her poor baby :(( i could definitely tell where her mental state is at the moment bc it’s like she’s just going through the motions after the previous events that happened to riki, i hope our girl is ok🥺 AND IM SORRY BUT HOON’S 0 FOLLOWER TUMBLR ERA IS SO FUNNY LIKE HE’S JUST LIKE ME FR😭
thank you for your constant hard work and dedication zadie!! pls pls take it easy on yourself baby sending you a big kiss💞💞🫶🏻🫶🏻
- 💌
MY ANGEL BABY!!! I missed you sm :(
thank you so so so much for being so sweet baby, I love and appreciate just how much you guys care about me, it means the world to me :( ngl work and uni have been a little difficult lately bc studying is just so exhausting me and everyone always wants something from me like can I live ??? but yeah, only two more weeks of exams left and then im done, so read for it to be over tbh </3
I'm honestly so glad you guys are all enjoying these past few chaps and I kNOWWWW my baby y/n being so sad and stressed and overwhelmed hurts me the most..like fuck hoon (not literally) but rn she's my main concern, I just want her to be happy :((
thank you for this baby, I hope youre feeling better and are having a good time with packing your stuff!! pls take care of yourself, ilysm!!!!
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kkami-writes · 3 months
ngl i am having the WORST time rn with my mental health rapidly deteriorating but you’re back and you’re posting and i’m finally feeling good enough to SAY THINGS
i love love love the series so much (as you can probably tell by now) but i’ve not been able to properly enjoy it recently but it’s sparking joy once more and i am so happy
HELLLLLO!!!! I'VE MISSED YOU TOO!!! Honestly??? I feel that SO hard right now but I'm glad you're feeling good right now!!! I'm glad wfu can bring you some joy when you feel otherwise <3333
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catboyrichardkarinsky · 4 months
favourite book
book i most recently read
favourite song/album
song/album im listening to rn
favourite tv show/movie
tv show/movie i most recently watched
favourite video game
video game i most recently played
video game i wish i could experience for the first time again
tv show/movie i wish i could experience for the first time again
song/album i wish i could experience for the first time again
book i wish i could experience for the first time again
musical artist i wish had more of a fandom
game i wish had more of a fandom
tv show/movie i wish had more of a fandom
book i wish had more of a fandom
go-to comfort album
go-to comfort book
go-to comfort tv show/movie
go-to chill game
tell me literally everything actually
bro that's literally everything
1. favorite book: ngl I've only really read fanfiction lately and i doubt that counts so I might just skip some of these questions sorry
2. book you most recently read: Uncle of the year by Andrew Rannells but I keep procrastinating on finishing it even though it's really good
3. favorite song/album: for song Our time from Merrily we roll along for album The journey home by Malcolm Gets
4. song/album im listening to rn: well right now I'm not listening to music but generally I listen to literally any merrily we roll along from 1994 and 2023 cast recordings all the time
5. favorite tv show/movie: for tv show without a doubt Caroline in the city and for movie it's a tie between Tick tick boom and Howard the duck which is a sentence no one other than me would say
6. tv show/movie you most recently watched: well technically if you count a merrily we roll along bootleg it's that but if you don't count it for tv show last i watched was Community and for movie i think last one I actively watched was West side story
7. favorite video game: I'm not much of a gamer but uhh i guess The sims 4? that's a game I actually have on my laptop that i haven't touched in months
8. video game most recently played: idk if mobile games count, if they do then. brick shooter game i have on my phone. if not then yeah ts4 several months ago i really don't touch my laptop too often lately
9. video game i wish i could experience for the first time again: Monkey island 🥺 it was such a big part of my childhood I miss it so much
10. tv show/movie i wish i could experience for the first time again: for tv show Caroline in the city but specifically I want to experience it watching it one episode at a time instead of getting addicted to it, and in movie uhh literally any musical pro shot/bootleg i literally need to experience musicals for the first time again. especially Falsettos and Into the woods
11. song/album i wish i could experience for the first time again: Unlikely lovers from Falsettos and Our time from Merrily. Songs that changed my life honestly
12. book i wish i could experience for the first time again: Felix does not read much, shocking information. i have no memory of any book i ever read and it's a problem
13. musical artist i wish had more of a fandom: does Malcolm Gets count? yes he does
14. game i wish had more of a fandom: once again, monkey island, my beloved
15. tv show/movie i wish had more of a fandom: CAROLINE IN THE CITY. PLEASE.
17. go-to comfort album: merrily we roll along cast recordings, what does this say about my mental health that i consider that comfort
19. go-to comfort tv show/movie: Caroline in the city and Howard the duck still. though with Caroline in the city I have to choose my episodes wisely because some of them do the opposite of comfort for me
20. go-to chill game: still not much of a gamer, still gonna say ts4 for the third time, it's all i have
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linawritesocs · 7 months
Here is my writing for you <3
Aka reasons why I KNOW Lilia x Lina x Rollo is canon frfr
First of all, the vibes and the aesthetics are there. Trust
The :D x :( x :| dynamic is so fun. So so fun
Lilia is scooping you and Rollo up in his arms and giving you both forehead kisses <3
You and Rollo have things in common and I think you'd be able to help each other get through a lot of stuff!
Plus Lilia is there to always support you and he's very understanding!! No judgment from him at all, absolutely 0
Again, LILIA AND ROLLO WOULD FIND YOUR SMILE AND LITERALLY EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU STUNNING!!! GORGEOUS!!! They wouldn't want to change a single thing about you!
They'd take such good care of you, no cap. Seriously. They'd be absurdly good at it. And they're incredibly careful and ask if you're comfortable :)
Why did they fall for you? Not sure with them but in my head, they saw a failgirl meow meow (affectionate) and went "OMG I LOVE THEMMM" and "...Okay so I love them"
Also that one Halloween drawing you did is like. Stuck in my head permanently. The vampire x witch x priest one.
Ngl I think y'all should have a pet cat. Idk why but it seems right
So the fireworks during masquerade, right? Or whatever they were if they weren't fireworks, I'm not sure jsndkfs
I think Rollo would take you both to a place that's kinda far and the sounds aren't very audible, but the view of the town is great! And you get a clear view of the fireworks so that you don't have to miss how pretty they are!
I'm trying to think of date ideas but I'm kind of blanking rn? I know it'd be something more low-key... OHHH what if cat cafe??? (I feel like I keep mentioning cats but that's literally your and Rollo's energies, I can't just forget cats)
Whenever you're sick, Rollo would definitely take some time away from NBC, like a few hours, so he can see you and make sure you're doing all right! Maybe he brings you some food or medicines he heard is good for you!
I'm sure Lilia does a really good job too, plus he'd make sure you aren't lonely and in low spirits!
Random thought: If Silver is basically the son of Lilia and Lina, what's Rollo's role? I feel like he doesn't dislike Silver, that's all, but if you have thoughts... 👁️👁️
Cottagecore house cottagecore house cottagecore house
Once y'all graduate I can see you having a cottagecore house. Yes just like Seth and Rollo
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and you're right. rollo x lina are just cat x cat. both of them are so cat-coded.
everything about the vampire x priest x witch au is perfect. lina and lilia already dating and lilia going "hey dude wanna form a polycule". rollo naming one of the bells john and making cole and sebastian worry for his mental health. rollo being So Scared that someone is gonna find out about his relationship with those two but when cole and sebastian do find out they just go "OMG SO YOU DO HAVE BITCHES SLAYYYYY- ahem, we mean. wow.. you're not maidenless.." lina secretly being a catgirl and hiding her cat ears under her witch hat and fully turning into a cat when she's comfortable around rollo. honestly priest!rollo is a very popular au concept especially with a vampire/witch/other "monster" s/o but like. come on. we all know this is the best one /lh
. I GUESS SILVER CAN ALSO BE ROLLO'S SON THOUGH THAT'D BE SO FUNNY IT'S LIKE ".. so. uh. y-you're dating my father." ".. yes" "and you're also dating my mother" "also yes" ".. uh. does that make you-" "i am literally one year older than you" "okay father number two" NO BUT THEY EVEN LOOK KINDA SIMILAR. KNIGHT OF DAWN WHO. i'm actually obsessed with the way how silver actually looks and acts like a mix of them. he can appear very suddenly, scaring others in the process, just like lilia, he's eepy like lina and also tends to blame himself a lot just like them and he looks a lot like rollo and is very serious and responsible, just like him. he is literally their son. i'm gonna sob
here are some of my fav lina x lilia x rollo concepts if you don't mind me sharing!
lilia is 700 years old and he's been through so much and it took a lot of time for him to change and become the gremlin that he is today. lina is MUCH younger than him, but she also had to go through a lot of horrors. lilia never says that their trauma isn't valid and never says stuff like "well at least you didn't have to fight in a war". he just hopes they can feel a bit lighter when he's around.
i've mentioned before that i imagine lina's unique magic hurting them a lot in exchange for them to do things as good (or better than) as others so yeah, maybe rollo would find lina suspicious at first but then imagine him finding out about what her magic is doing to her and he's like. "SEE. I AM RIGHT. WE HAVE TO SAVE YOU WE HAVE TO GET RID OF MAGIC WE HAVE TO-" and lina is standing there like "sir.. why do you want to save me.."
*sobs* rollo putting a flower in lina's hair while she's sitting lost in thought and comparing her to that flower *CRIES*
rollo being confused why lilia is 100% okay with a poly relationship and lilia is like "well. uh. well. you see. i have EXPERIENCE" mallenoa and her husband (possibly crowley)
ACTUALLY IT'S SO FUNNY bc if you think about it lina x lilia x rollo is like a reverse version of that relationship. it's not the "actual queen" and a "trash man" it's "the nbc student council president and the most talented student from that school" and "a wet cat i found on the street and said "i just think it's neat"".
*SOBBING* LINA HAS NOTICEABLE FANGS.. DO YOU KNOW WHO ALSO HAS THOSE.. which means linalilia can just bite rollo whenever they want.
lina and lilia dye each other's hair all the time and try to make rollo join them. they fail but it's okay
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cocoartistwrites · 7 months
Ghosted friend anon here. I have an update for you. So, I messaged her. She told me what she did before, that she's going through some rough challenges and has very low bandwidth. I asked her if she could let me know how she's doing off and on so that I'm not worrying that the worst happened. She said she'd try. Ngl, dunno how I feel about that. I feel like if you care about your friends, shooting out a text to let them know you're alive should be easy. Maybe I'm just too in my head rn.
Firstly well done for texting I know it’s daunting and you were very brave to do it.
So your heart is in the right place but I do think maybe don’t ask more of her if she’s overwhelmed. Just tell you care and you’re there if she needs anything. I’m afraid, and I don’t know all the circumstances or history here, that you may be being a bit unfair, and requiring your needs to be prioritised over hers when she is in a bad place. She doesn’t owe anyone an update.
A bit of unconditional love and support go a long way. But asking for updates is something that seems minor and isn’t necessarily. If you’ve ever had mental health issues or a serious loss or something you’ll know that text can seem like an exhausting mountain of a task. You don’t know what to say, you’re not fine and you don’t want to say that but you don’t want to complain again, and you just find yourself incapable of writing anything.
That said, I don’t know if she’s otherwise a good friend outside this. I have a friend people are very demanding of and even when she’s run down and insanely busy people will still get upset if she doesn’t reply to their messages or offer them emotional support. She rarely doesn’t reply to me because I don’t ask anything more of her when she’s overwhelmed, so I think it’s an effective tactic.
I have another friend who will ghost for months at a time and I used to get upset but she has so much shit going on that I’ve learned as long as I don’t require steady supportive friendship from her it doesn’t bother me. I’ll text her in those periods to say I still love her and I’m not mad at her (sometimes guilt will keep her quiet longer) and then I just get on with my life in between. It’s getting harder to bother to do that when it doesn’t get better so now it’s more a birthday text thing if she’s vanished, and obviously I have made much closer friends now.
Hope this is helpful and not too harsh - I know you just want to make sure she’s alright but if you want to keep a friendship sometimes you have to have a really selfless period. It might not work and she might not be grateful but my advice is be loving, be supportive, let her know there’s space to talk if she wants but she doesn’t have to, and make sure it doesn’t feel like a task.
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*Brings over some biscuits as well* Ah!! Sorry for being late hun! Just went to buy something to go with the delicious tea :3 Haha, that is very cute ngl (and I actually am having tea rn :'D) I'm so sorry for leaving so much TT I am not in the best mental state rn but everything will be fine soon :)) I might only interact via anon on tumblr for a few months but I still really want to talk to you guys (you're all so nice, I really got lucky to know you all so <3 TT) And thank you for the tea! How's your day been, hun?? *sips tea serenely* *chokes* -🌸
Ah, Sakura-chan! I love biscuits! *pulls out butter, honey, and homemade strawberry jam*. Please help yourself 🥰 Right??? I'm a sucker for a good tea party 😁 Tea and water is all I ever drink! (I'm drinking tea right now too! It's a white darjeeling. What tea are you drinking?) And it's okay 😘 We all need breaks now and then! Mental health is sooooo important and I'm so proud of you for putting yourself first 👏🏻 I was just reading Suzy's and your conversations last night and I just wanted to be a part of it too 🥺 I know it's selfish of me but y'all were just acting too cute with your cute little gang 😭 *sips tea* My day is going well so far! It's only just begun really. I'm taking my morning break right now, but I got a lot done in the last two hours. It's also Friday, so yay for the weekend 🥳 I really wanted to do some writing this weekend, but I have to go grocery shopping and then meal prep 😔 It's not a bad thing, I just don't have as much time as I wish I did for writing. I'm not a quick writer and it can take me a couple hours just to get "in the zone", you know? It's also supposed to -5 °F tomorrow morning and I really don't want to go out 🥶 But I digress. *sips more tea* How is your day going? (other than choking on tea 😂)
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indrawneel · 2 years
been going through some of your posts and tweets (from vincentvanugh) and may I ask: how have you been doing these past few weeks? like not to be rude but it seems like you've been having a tough time with stuff
hey! i'm doing okay. i'm not gonna lie, things have been pretty exhausting this year, but i'm in a fair place rn. i've gotten better at managing my chronic pain and general mental health issues, but recently seeing notifs from vvu has sort of been... uncomfortable? it's safe to say i'm a pretty different person than from when i started that blog out, aha.
connecting with people through art is possibly the most important thing there is to me, but with the content i was putting out (and, ngl, the kind of reception it got, and the sort of algorithmic light you start seeing your work in that's inevitable if you make stuff for the internet) i didn't feel like i really got through to anyone. especially bc i haven't been interested in bnha, she-ra etc. in a while! oh well. i'm not upset about it, or at least i'm not anymore, and now i'm making art that's more purposeful, which actually makes me happy and the people i love happy. it's unlikely that i'll post more art on here again, but if i do it will be associated w this blog (oleum). sorry, vincentvanugh.
i know this all sounds shady as shit and is probably a longer answer than you wanted lol! but regardless. thank you for taking the time to check up on me! i'm sorry this response is so late, too, i check tumblr very scarcely.
i hope you have a good month ahead! take care of yourself, lots of love.
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CONGRATS AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL CLAIRE!!! I hope Ran always come to your dreams every single night 😌💖 We should discussing our fantasy about him again soon 😌
And here is me! (I edited this so I can give you a complete description about me)
I'm 8w9 INTP sp/sx sun: Leo moon: gemini, my height is 153cm and I have a petite body. Mentally ill? Yes, I am bipolar and having anorexia (more like relapsing again after surgery). When I am at my manic episode, I almost kill my family at the car-crash because I got too irritated that I pulled my sister's hair while she was driving—luckily she's a good driver or I am gonna be in jail rn 😩 When I was a kid, I used to get into some fights with boys (I won ofc) but since my father died, I tried not to get into fight ( I don't want to deal with my mother's dramatic and victim-mentality ass ) and I (gladly) never fight again after that 😌 That's why I really good at sport ( as a female I always got the highest point—even when compared to the male, I still on the top 5 on sport ) I really good on art ngl that's the reason I am at uni rn because I got scholarship (I won several art competition)! Also, I did english debate competition back then, but we were this 🤏 close to get into semi-final but bruh we defeated by 0.20 point! 🥲 I can do all those things by self-taught!
When I feel sad or miserable, I punish myself by starving myself lmao. Or I will usually get quiet and cut people around me. 
My social skills? Fine I think. I weirdly get along with a lot of people (everyone kinda knows me) but I never talk to them first. Even though I have a lot of friends, I only have one close friend ( tragic right:") )
My personality is rude—blunt in the rude way(?), I do whatever I want to because I seek freedom of expression, LOVE debating about certain issues, and surprisingly I'm quite a wise person. But, I have no jam. Right, I couldn't make any jokes since I usually use the wrong tone in my voice :( I prefer to keep my joke inside my imagination or write it down somewhere. I always try to dominate my man, but I want my man to dominate me too ( do you get what I mean here? 😭 ) I love to be alone too. I HATE loud voices, reptiles, and crowds. I'm not the type of person who easily shows my love to anyone. I think because I have a really high pride *sigh. I felt like my kin actually is Rindou Haitani. But when I took the quiz I got Kazutora, Getou, Mori, Eren, and Dio Brando (that's the funny one)
I'm working as a graphic designer. Which somehow makes me currently don't have any interest. But I love listening to music (pop-rock and r&b ) . I love watching wwe/mma and hate romance anime/movies.
I'd like JJK and Haikyuu match up, please🥺  NSFW and I want male!
—Sorry for long ask :(
Hey my sweet plum, I read your request thousand times, let me say that I got worried and a bit sad hearing what you had to face in your life. I hope your mental health, despite your bipolarism, it isn't too messed up, lot of genius such as Michelangelo suffered bipolar disorder and see what he was capable to create! Ran woke me up this weekend, he wanted company 😁
Anyway, here your escort for my birthday party:
Jujutsu Kaisen - Megumi Fushiguro
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Babe it was him or Nanamin, I opted that Megumi could be better since he has more patience than Nanami for your bratty attitude.
Megumi has the sharp mind to get through your facade, to understand your struggles and cope without problems with your rythm.
When you're manic episodes appear, he knows how to support every idea you get, even the strangest one. The first times he was worried to see you this active and in the mood to do things but now he got used to it.
Talking about these episodes, he enjoys when you're in the mood to debate with him or others.
He often suggest to watch some educative documentaries or biopic movies especially the ones that involves human rights. You get in a fiery mood when you watch it and try to explain why the things that the characthers had to endure are atrocious and illegally and how we should fight to eradicate them from the society.
Going to the other facade of the your personality, the depressive episodes are quite difficult to handle, you stay a lot in bed, you don't want to do anything.
He always brings you a cup of tea and cuddles you for hour, sometimes he gives you a paper to let you draw.
He hates when he needs to get you up for work, he knows you struggle and sometimes even cry but in the end when you get a grip you feel a little bit better.
In these cases, he brings you out for a jog or just a walk with his divine dogs or the little bunnies ready to pet.
Overall Megumi has a lot of patience with you but he's repaid when he sees the portrait and the things you cook for him, the struggle worths the prize in the end!
Haikyuu - Daichi Sawamura
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I decided you definitely need a calm but strict man in your life and Daichi is perfect for this!
In Haikyuu universe you definitely play in the female team and you met Daichi during a combined training! You're a middle blocker in your team and you can't get me think otherwise!
You are strong and Daichi is astonished to see this, but when Nekoma came for the second time in Miyagi and Kuroo got on you, to give you some advices for a better tecnique, that's where Daichi got really jealous! He saw you for first and he definitely doesn't want, that roosterhead to hit on you!
"Marv go out with me!" it wasn't a question, it was a statement "I guess asking isn't in your knowledge, but Daichi there are proper times when to ask me out. Not when I'm sweaty and in a middle of a training!" you say with sharp eyes, Kuroo laughed at your bluntness and went away, but Daichi reply "Yep, sorry I got carried away and I felt to say it know" you smirk and say "Jelous are we? Ne Daichi don't blush!".
Your relationship is pretty natural, your dates consist in training and homemade dinner
You're pretty active and energetic in Daichi's mind, that's why when you went in one of your depressive episodes he got really worried.
As Megumi he took a lot of care of you, but the difference is that he prefers that you recover from yourself, also, if you have a therapy it's really difficult for you to take it in these moments and he obliges you to eat something and help you bring down the pill.
Normally you would hate these moments, but Daichi knows really well how to handle them, comfort foods such as pizza, tacos, ice cream, sushi are there for you to help you improve your mood and somehow it helps.
When you get a bit better, you can't go out training but you definitely draw or play sports with the Wii at home, this is definitely quality time for him.
Overall it could sound strange but Daichi doesn't hate these episodes, because he can see that you can do chores or just have fun, and this is definitely a proof of strenght for him!
He definitely loves Marv the warrior girl!
I finished! Babe hope this wasn't too sad for you, but I figured out that seeing you needed fluff and comfort, thanks for opening up and join the event, if you want to help me with a little gift here this is my Ko-Fi!
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askfallenroyalty · 3 years
I'm so glad you're in a better space mentally!! I can't get enough of this comic but yeah, sometimes when you uploaded like 20 fully drawn posts in a day I would worry a bit about you ngl. I hope from now on you can enjoy working on this blog as much as I enjoy reading it
Also, it's funny how Bo Burnham's Inside had a similar effect on me and how I relate to social media. The part where he talks about processing anything that happens in the real world as just something to bring into the "much more real and meaningful" digital world hit me REALLY hard and had me doing quite heavy introspection for many days. You're definitely not alone in your struggles!!!
i got a few asks with the same sentiment! lots of people were secretly concerned haah! sorry for worrying ya'll
it was a bit irresponsible and i honestly can't believe i drew that much looking back. like, i barely believe i'm the artist and made this. but then i remember details that are hard to figure out/miss and i'm like, oh yeah! i made this. (like when i'm reading the comic as i am rn)
and gosh yeah i honestly only knew Burnham's work from Stucci-Movie's video essays and listening to a few of his songs. so i was really excited to watch it, and when i did it was more than i could of hoped for. i think the movie low-key set me up to a panic attack that night -but it was a good thing? i addressed some underlining feelings i've been suppressing and it got me to actually delete the tumblr/twitter apps from my phone.
like. this time in quarantine is a massive blur but like, so is all my life. i have a really hard time remembering things or exist outside the moment. it makes it hard to keep track of things or who i've talked to -i think its adhd but i'm not diagnosed just yet. (side note: just found out i'm on my dad's new insurance tonight so i'm going to try scheduling for appointments! THANK GOD.)
but yeah i'm 25 and i barely have a sense of time but i've been feeling god-awful turning this old and having "accomplished nothing in my life" but you know what? most people don't. i can at least make art rn, and it's meaningful and fun for me. that's all that matters.
like, yeah, ideally i hope Angel's Lullaby is a massive viral hit or something and I can get noticed and job offers in some creative form and have creative control -but that's the IDEAL situation and who knows how likely that'd happen. (Its low) but ya know, even if it doesn't go anywhere, i spent my time on earth telling a story that mattered to me.
i'm not sure if i can feel the same with AFR -rereading it i get so embarassed I did the dark arc at this point, the Knight's arc is so rushed and I feel Asriel's mental health saga was mishandled a fair amount but whatever whatever -i'm learning and i'm getting better. that's what matters.
anyway i recommend INSIDE to anyone who can handle that dark subject matter (and is of the right age range, mind the movie ratings and such!) it helped me quite a lot
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