#Israel Occupation Forces
Tamara Qiblawi at CNN:
At a military base that now doubles as a detention center in Israel’s Negev desert, an Israeli working at the facility snapped two photographs of a scene that he says continues to haunt him. Rows of men in gray tracksuits are seen sitting on paper-thin mattresses, ringfenced by barbed wire. All appear blindfolded, their heads hanging heavy under the glare of floodlights. A putrid stench filled the air and the room hummed with the men’s murmurs, the Israeli who was at the facility told CNN. Forbidden from speaking to each other, the detainees mumbled to themselves. “We were told they were not allowed to move. They should sit upright. They’re not allowed to talk. Not allowed to peek under their blindfold.” Guards were instructed “to scream uskot” – shut up in Arabic – and told to “pick people out that were problematic and punish them,” the source added.
CNN spoke to three Israeli whistleblowers who worked at the Sde Teiman desert camp, which holds Palestinians detained during Israel’s invasion of Gaza. All spoke out at risk of legal repercussions and reprisals from groups supportive of Israel’s hardline policies in Gaza. They paint a picture of a facility where doctors sometimes amputated prisoners’ limbs due to injuries sustained from constant handcuffing; of medical procedures sometimes performed by underqualified medics earning it a reputation for being “a paradise for interns”; and where the air is filled with the smell of neglected wounds left to rot.
According to the accounts, the facility some 18 miles from the Gaza frontier is split into two parts: enclosures where around 70 Palestinian detainees from Gaza are placed under extreme physical restraint, and a field hospital where wounded detainees are strapped to their beds, wearing diapers and fed through straws. “They stripped them down of anything that resembles human beings,” said one whistleblower, who worked as a medic at the facility’s field hospital. “(The beatings) were not done to gather intelligence. They were done out of revenge,” said another whistleblower. “It was punishment for what they (the Palestinians) did on October 7 and punishment for behavior in the camp.”
Responding to CNN’s request for comment on all the allegations made in this report, the Israeli military, known as the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), said in a statement: “The IDF ensures proper conduct towards the detainees in custody. Any allegation of misconduct by IDF soldiers is examined and dealt with accordingly. In appropriate cases, MPCID (Military Police Criminal Investigation’s Division) investigations are opened when there is suspicion of misconduct justifying such action.”
“Detainees are handcuffed based on their risk level and health status. Incidents of unlawful handcuffing are not known to the authorities.” The IDF did not directly deny accounts of people being stripped of their clothing or held in diapers. Instead, the Israeli military said that the detainees are given back their clothing once the IDF has determined that they pose no security risk. Reports of abuse at Sde Teiman have already surfaced in Israeli and Arab media after an outcry from Israeli and Palestinian rights groups over conditions there. But this rare testimony from Israelis working at the facility sheds further light on Israel’s conduct as it wages war in Gaza, with fresh allegations of mistreatment. It also casts more doubt on the Israeli government’s repeated assertions that it acts in accordance with accepted international practices and law.
Detained in the desert
The Israeli military has acknowledged partially converting three different military facilities into detention camps for Palestinian detainees from Gaza since the Hamas-led October 7 attack on Israel, in which Israeli authorities say about 1,200 were killed and over 250 were abducted, and the subsequent Israeli offensive in Gaza, killing nearly 35,000 people according to the strip’s health ministry. These facilities are Sde Teiman in the Negev desert, as well as Anatot and Ofer military bases in the occupied West Bank. The camps are part of the infrastructure of Israel’s Unlawful Combatants Law, an amended legislation passed by the Knesset last December that expanded the military’s authority to detain suspected militants.
The law permits the military to detain people for 45 days without an arrest warrant, after which they must be transferred to Israel’s formal prison system (IPS), where over 9,000 Palestinians are being held in conditions that rights groups say have drastically deteriorated since October 7. Two Palestinian prisoners associations said last week that 18 Palestinians – including leading Gaza surgeon Dr. Adnan al-Bursh – had died in Israeli custody over the course of the war. The military detention camps – where the number of inmates is unknown – serve as a filtration point during the arrest period mandated by the Unlawful Combatants Law. After their detention in the camps, those with suspected Hamas links are transferred to the IPS, while those whose militant ties have been ruled out are released back to Gaza.
Al-Ran’s account of the forms of punishment he saw were corroborated by the whistleblowers who spoke with CNN. A prisoner who committed an offense such as speaking to another would be ordered to raise his arms above his head for up to an hour. The prisoner’s hands would sometimes be zip-tied to a fence to ensure that he did not come out of the stress position.
For those who repeatedly breached the prohibition on speaking and moving, the punishment became more severe. Israeli guards would sometimes take a prisoner to an area outside the enclosure and beat him aggressively, according to two whistleblowers and al-Ran. A whistleblower who worked as a guard said he saw a man emerge from a beating with his teeth, and some bones, apparently broken. That whistleblower and al-Ran also described a routine search when the guards would unleash large dogs on sleeping detainees, lobbing a sound grenade at the enclosure as troops barged in. Al-Ran called this “the nightly torture.” “While we were cabled, they unleashed the dogs that would move between us, and trample over us,” said al-Ran. “You’d be lying on your belly, your face pressed against the ground. You can’t move, and they’re moving above you.” [...]
Strapped to beds in a field hospital
Whistleblower accounts portrayed a different kind of horror at the Sde Teiman field hospital. “What I felt when I was dealing with those patients is an idea of total vulnerability,” said one medic who worked at Sde Teiman. “If you imagine yourself being unable to move, being unable to see what’s going on, and being completely naked, that leaves you completely exposed,” the source said.  “I think that’s something that borders on, if not crosses to, psychological torture.” Another whistleblower said he was ordered to perform medical procedures on the Palestinian detainees for which he was not qualified. “I was asked to learn how to do things on the patients, performing minor medical procedures that are totally outside my expertise,” he said, adding that this was frequently done without anesthesia.
“If they complained about pain, they would be given paracetamol,” he said, using another name for acetaminophen. “Just being there felt like being complicit in abuse.” The same whistleblower also said he witnessed an amputation performed on a man who had sustained injuries caused by the constant zip-tying of his wrists. The account tallied with details of a letter authored by a doctor working at Sde Teiman published by Ha’aretz in April. “From the first days of the medical facility’s operation until today, I have faced serious ethical dilemmas,” said the letter addressed to Israel’s attorney general, and its health and defense ministries, according to Ha’aretz. “More than that, I am writing (this letter) to warn you that the facilities’ operations do not comply with a single section among those dealing with health in the Incarceration of Unlawful Combatants Law.” [...]
Concealed from the outside world
Sde Teiman and other military detention camps have been shrouded in secrecy since their inception. Israel has repeatedly refused requests to disclose the number of detainees held at the facilities, or to reveal the whereabouts of Gazan prisoners. Last Wednesday, the Israeli Supreme Court held a hearing in response to a petition brought forward by Israeli rights group, HaMoked, to reveal the location of a Palestinian X-Ray technician detained from Nasser Hospital in southern Gaza in February. It was the first court session of its kind since October 7. Israel’s highest court had previously rejected writs of habeas corpus filed on behalf of dozens of Palestinians from Gaza held in unknown locations.
The Israel Occupation Forces (IOF) run the Sde Teiman concentration camp, and CNN interviewed three whistleblowers in which they described the barbaric and inhumane conditions that detainees are subjected to.
This is further proof that the US should not be sending aid to the Israel Apartheid State and the IOF are a terrorist organization.
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kitspeech · 4 months
Politics and Human Rights symbols: IOF/IDF and Fuck the IOF/IDF
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[ ID: Four emojis of a soldier with a helmet, shirt and vest, all in green tones. First is plain. Second has Israel flag next to them. Third is same as first but with red cancel symbol over it. Fourth is the same as second but with red cancel symbol over it. /End ID ]
emoji/aac symbol for Israeli Defense Forces (IDF)/Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) and the phrase "Fuck the IDF/IOF". added flag to look different. will make version with middle finger too later.
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workersolidarity · 7 months
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🇮🇱🇵🇸 🚨
According to Al-Quds News Agency, Israeli Occupation Forces took the picture of an occupation soldier with an old Palestinian man on his arm.
Occupation Forces killed the old Palestinian man soon after the photo was taken according to the man's granddaughter and Al-Quds News.
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tomi4i · 2 months
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The land is ours
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kaapstadgirly · 4 months
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I'm so speechless. To think there are so much more trapped underneath the rubble just like this, but they are not found 💔
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transrevolutions · 1 year
if your "military operation" results in civilian deaths over three times the number of "militants" killed, including children, your military is a fucking immoral failure. no wonder the palestinians aren't "peacefully protesting". you're fucking slaughtering their kids.
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chaiaurchaandni · 6 months
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Alessandra Sanguinetti, "Portrait of Modern Palestinian Childhood," 2004.
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kakashis-kunoichi · 7 months
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“Do you condemn Hamas?”
Hamas is a resistance movement, and the notion that they are an existential terrorist threat is propaganda to justify the genocide of Palestinians.
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Peter Beaumont at The Guardian:
The Biden administration paused the supply of thousands of large bombs to Israel last week in opposition to apparent moves by the Israelis to invade the Gaza city of Rafah. Confirming the move on Wednesday, Lloyd Austin, the US defence secretary, said: “We’ve been very clear … from the very beginning that Israel shouldn’t launch a major attack into Rafah without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in that battle space.
“And again, as we have assessed the situation, we have paused one shipment of high payload munitions,” he told a Senate hearing, adding: “We’ve not made a final determination on how to proceed with with that shipment.” The US president, Joe Biden, has been trying to head off a full-scale assault by Israel against the southern city, where battles raged on the outskirts on Wednesday, once again displacing Palestinians. Rafah’s mayor, Ahmed al-Sofi, warned it is “on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe of unprecedented proportions” in an appeal to the international community on Wednesday. “The streets of the city echo with the cries of innocent lives lost, families torn apart, and homes reduced to rubble,” he said. The highly significant US move on arms supplies comes amid mounting international pressure on Israel to pull back from a full-scale attack after its seizure on Tuesday of the city’s border crossing with Egypt, and criticism of Israel’s use of large aerial munitions in areas packed with civilians. The weapons – 1,800 2,000lb bombs and 1,700 500lb bombs – had long been seen by experts as the most likely to be targeted for any potential restrictions on arms supplies to Israel given how destructive they are in urban settings.
The Guardian understands that conversations in recent months had focused on how the Israeli military’s use of certain munitions diverged from the Pentagon’s rules on the use of such weapons in heavily populated urban settings. The Biden administration is also reviewing other planned shipments to Israel, including 6,500 joint direct attack munitions (JDAM), which convert freefall “dumb bombs” into precision-guided weapons, people familiar with the matter said.
With an invasion of Rafah by the IOF imminent, US paused weapons shipments to Israel.
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hereswhere · 9 days
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I will personally make sure rishi sunak and kier starmer see the hague.
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news4dzhozhar · 2 months
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This is for those people who try to pretend that October 7th was the start of it all (or that the events of that day exist in a vacuum). People need to be reminded of the history.
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workersolidarity · 1 month
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🇳🇮⚔️🇩🇪🇮🇱 🚨
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) at the Hague has ruled against Nicaragua in its case asking the Court to stop German arms exports to the Israeli occupation in support for its genocide in Gaza.
"The circumstances are not such as to require the exercise of its power under Article 41 of the statute to indicate provisional measures," stated presiding Judge Nawaf Salam.
Nicaragua previously argued before the Court that Germany was in violation of the 1948 Genocide Conventions by supplying arms to the Israeli occupation at a time when it would be plausibly used to commit acts of genocide in Gaza.
Germany continues to be one of the largest suppliers of weaponry to the Israeli occupation army, providing $353.7 million in equipment and munitions in 2023.
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tomi4i · 2 months
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Israel is a pure Evil
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kaapstadgirly · 4 months
How evil must you be to be able to lie and chase 1.5+ million people into such a small "safe" space and drop bombs on them?!
These are kids!!! Was 12 000 not enough for them?
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casavanse · 4 months
The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.
Reblog for bigger sample size.
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