#Jebus the Savior
biancatronic · 1 year
Hey, I know there are already AU's of human reader x madcom character but I'm also on the project that I intend to write to do concepts next year the name is "An ordinary world" where my character (Bianca) who is an ordinary girl meets a stranger greenish creature halfway back to his house they don't get along at first the creature was noisy and his words in static made the girl have a headache and nausea both end up with time being understood and the creature named Tricky understands that your sanity can be restored. In the same town a gray creature with a beard and white clothes doesn't understand where he is he takes shelter in a church and convent of women nuns he hides from them to unnoticed and wanders around the convent, the nuns think there is something bad wandering through the convent until one one day a black nun crosses his path, both are scared to be found she thinks he was a creature from another world and he thinks she is someone he can trust and that started a friendship between a creature named Jebus and a black human nun teaching him how his sins can be forgiven.
(I have a drawing I think I posted here of a black nun hugging Jebus)
What inspired me to write this months ago is the mini series in AO3 of A Human and A Grunt made by an Anonymous user, I intend to do some concepts at the beginning of the year and make comics related to it, it's almost a Sonic X style only a serious and sad tone but with nice and happy moments
I will reveal the names of the human characters in this AU
Bianca (normal)
Adriele - Black Nun
Gabriela - who will be a character guided by the main 4 in a spin off
Anatasia - Bianca's friend
Glória - Adriele's tutor
Daisy - Adriele's friend
Jeff - friend of Gabriela
Zaire - Adriele's father
Ayana - Adriele's mother
Vergílio - Bianca's love interest
Leyam - Bianca's rival
Alex - Gabriela's rival
Susie - Adriele's rival
Secondary Characters:
Darien - Gabriela's brother (mentioned)
Bianca's Grandparents (Mentioned several times)
Valentine - Gabriela's neighbor
Francis - Adriela's childhood friend
Rafaela - Bianca's childhood friend
Mina - Bianca's neighbor
Tommy - Mina's brother
Mary - Mina's sister
Nuns of the Rebanho de Jesus convent
Citizen of Boa Nova (city where the main characters live)
My ask box is open for questions about AU.
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carbonateddelusion · 2 years
Ok random art request? But i really am curious to see what a characyer from the madness combat series would look like in ur style :o!
Sorry if ur not taking rqs rn btw-
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Now, this? THIS is the kind of Jesus I'd follow.
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zepumpkineater · 29 days
I want to talk about my personal favorite fanon interpretation of Hank.
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It all begins with Hank driving through a ruined Nevada, not an uncommon scene at all in Madness Combat. This cartoon begins with the typical expectation, in classic Hank fashion he's on his way to cause untold violence unto those who wish him harm.
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And in no time flat, Hank does exactly that. One by one, the bodies of AAHW begin to rack up, incorrectly colored blood Engineers and all. All in all, it's a pretty good action scene. Not the smoothest animation the Madness animation scene has provided, but pretty impressive for 12 years ago.
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But here's where this cartoon changes pace, and begins to divert from your traditional Madness animation. We see Jeb and Sheriff, characters that we're used to seeing in an antagonistic role, promising a better Nevada with their brand new Factory. Kind of wild how this parallels Jeb's misguided attempts at saving Nevada in the main series, when this one aired in 2011, before we even had Nexus Classic to give us Jeb's backstory. It's clear this factory is doing Nevada no good, and the story changes from here.
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Here we see a looming, massive tower, not at all unfamiliar to the sight of the Nexus Tower looming in the distance, a symbol of Nevada's destruction. This tower is no different, Hank looks over it and his goals are immediately recontextualized. Hank's violence suddenly seems a lot less meaningless, less fueled by the pure desire to cause chaos and to kill. Instead, the goal is clear. Get to the top. Destroy the factory. Save Nevada.
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A familiar foe stands in his way. Is he up to his old tricks, to play with his old pal Hank, or is there something darker hiding beneath that metal mask? I always got the vibe that Tricky wasn't fighting for himself here, but rather because he had to.
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After a prolonged battle with the Clown, we are greeted with a most unique sight in a Madness cartoon. Blue skies, green grass, flowing water. Serene music as the birds fly through the air. Hank looks alien here, like he doesn't belong, a product of a ruined world in a small bastion of perfection.
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This is one of my favorite shots in the whole cartoon. Hank, this bloodthirsty killer we've come to know and love, doing something so very vulnerable and human. Reaching for the sun, basking in its warmth. Something he probably hasn't felt in a very long time. Something worth killing for, something worth dying for.
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And die he does. With the last of his conscious self, Hank fruitlessly reaches for a flower next to him as he dies. Hank doesn't look any less like a foreign invader here, an entity from a world that doesn't belong here, and I really appreciate that contrast. This small gesture of him reaching for the flower speaks volumes on the kind of Hank this is, one who has some love for the world he so effortlessly murders his way through. Someone who, somewhere deep inside, wants that killing to stop. One who wants to appreciate life, instead of living in death.
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Jeb doesn't look any less alien here, a savior twisted and corrupted by the doomed world he promised to save. Again I'm extremely impressed in how Pegosho managed to capture Jeb's moral ambiguity here, in spite of it being somewhat nonexistent in the cartoons at the time. I think it also says something that his halo appears to be more in line stylistically to the world around him, as he sticks out like a sore thumb.
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Jeb's last moments are spent looking in awe at the corpse of his fallen adversary, with his own factory's slogan taped onto the bomb that's about to spell his doom. Say what you want about Mr. Wimbleton, but you can't say he doesn't have a flair for irony. Maybe it's spite, one last spit in the face of Jebus, or maybe it's because he really does believe in that slogan. He wants the world to be alive, and maybe he has to die to accomplish that.
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My personal favorite shot in the entire cartoon. A massive tree, perfectly contrasting the intimidating tower producing a cloud of suffocating smog, now breathing life into this ruined world. Hank's sacrifice was not in vain, and though he didn't live to see it, he bought back a piece of life into the cruel and merciless Nevada. It's hopeful, it's beautiful, it's everything Madness normally isn't.
As we all know, Hank is acting very out of character in this cartoon outside of his murderous pursuits, but I enjoy and love it all the same. Again, this is a favorite fanon interpretation. This Hank has so many layers of depth to his morality, his goals, his violence, and he never speaks a single word in the entire cartoon. He simply acts. Through small gestures and actions we can glean his personality and how it contradicts his canon counterpart. It's really great.
I love this cartoon. It's called Madness: Ascend. Please consider watching it, in spite of its age, it's one of my favorites.
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headlessjest · 8 months
kisses for jebus? for lovely doctor christoff? for beautiful savior jebediah?
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JEBUS ENJOYERS UNITE!!!! (Also, some bonus illegal hand holding.)
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sonicasura · 9 months
Madness Combat: Analog Horror
I just realized that Madness Combat also has potential in the analog horror category. Like on the surface, it's a web series consisting of simplistic looking creatures being violently chaotic to the point reality breaks. The graphics alone makes it even more comical. Until you realize the potential context.
A post apocalypse realm where reality itself is slowly destabilizing, non-stop violence in every flavor that buying a hot dog could get someone killed, scarce resources where cannibalism becomes necessity, the dead roam the earth and not even purgatory is safe. Either you adapt or die in the madness driven Nevada. Now imagine something like that breaking into our world.
Project: Madness
An advanced survival simulator game meant to craft various scenarios for learning purposes. These situations take place in a digital construct based on U.S's Nevada and are based on the user's input. It was originally meant to be a simple game for public consumption. What Project: Madness became would wrought a horror unlike no other... And this was just the start.
In Osceola, Michigan there's a mysterious stop sign that only appears at night. An odd thing where crimson paint meant to embolden it's warning is instead replaced with dead grey. It never stays in one place as the sign will disappear the next night and emerge halfway across the county.
Should you see this particular sight, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY. Do not stop, keep running but never look away. You aren't alone as the sign's owner is always there. Those who invite Tricky the Clown into their homes have a welcome party of blood and horror.
Yalobusha, Mississippi is considered the most religious place in the United States. Churches that worship various forms of Christianity can be found everywhere. Rumors have it there been sightings which revolve the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
A figure who walks the dead of night with a halo that shines brighter than the sun. Many fanatics often sought out their savior in hopes for salvation. The ones who don't find him should be grateful. What they really seek is merely a monster that believes he's a savior. Jebus brings disaster to those who get too close.
In the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, disappearances involving hikers and campers has skyrocketed. Any investigator who gone searching for these lost souls soon follow the same fate. No leads have been as time went by.
That is until an broken VHS camcorder was found in a pool of bloody gore with a intact tape still inside. Officials call off the search immediately and lockdown the area. Now they know the terror that comes when one runs afoul of MAG Agent Torture.
A string of grisly murders ransacks West Virginia's country side. The Mothman Killer Crimson rightfully earn their legendary name. Piercing blood red eyes are the only warning you have to run from absolute disaster.
Very few survivors cannot even describe their assailant lest they die of sheet fright. A reaper who rules over the dark and heart tainted black maddening bloodlust. The moment you enter the sight of Hank J Wimbleton, it is too late.
And these incidents are beginning to spread...
That's it for now! Until next time folks, continue to thrive in the madness.
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saltymongoose · 1 year
I know its hard to believe it but think about it, Jeb was confirmed to have a bigger ego than Phobos himself, his goal of Being Nevada's Savior is more important than emotional attachments, he seems like the type of guy to not get attached because he thinks attachments will only make him weaker and easier to take advantage of, he likely developed a god complex after killing Phobos because, fuck man he killed Phobos of all people, by himself. he may not have come off as not considering Hofnarr a friend because him calling Hof 'old friend' in the game because he was manipulating, he needed to pull on Hofnarr's strings to have Hofnarr by his side so the plan would succeed, Hofnarr was just naive enough Christoff managed to pull it off. even Sheriff was victim of this, after the plan succeeded he even left Hofnarr behind to go do god knows what outside, then Hank came along and he was so focused on his job as Sheriff's bodyguard he left his "friend" for dead by the hands of Hank
he is no better than Phobos, only Phobos didnt make any connections in emotional senses and they had different goals
and to explain why would he help Sheriff in mc2-3 if he didn't think of the cowboy as his friend?- lets be real Sheriff probably ran begging Jeb to help him, which inflated Jeb's ego because of course Sheriff needed his help, if there's anyone who can stop Hank is him, Nevada's Savior, of course he'll help if it means his precious Nevada will be saved. Chritoff is an egotistical scumbag but its okay I kiss him on the head then put him in Hanks's bigass blender, will he blend?
of course we dont need to follow the canon, I myself have just nitpicked the canon and then gave Jeb a redemption arc, still, it makes sense why he wouldn't consider Hofnarr a friend and just use him for his goals.
-Plague Anon [|87
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Huh. You know, Plague Anon, this actually makes a lot of sense. I feel like Jeb would definitely laud his self-imposed isolation as something that is entirely necessary to be the best Savior for Nevada. People who have this one goal as their fixation can tend to ignore everything around them anyway depending on how driven they are to reach it/how important it is to them (personal experience), and perhaps he also used this as a potential excuse as to why he'd willingly treat others as being so expendable. If he can convince himself that it was his only option and for the greater good, then he also absolves himself of all sins or wrongdoings.
[More under the cut :)]
I also took another look at the game because of this ask, and I realized that the way Christoff treats Tricky actually lends a lot to this as well. For one, the fact that Christoff still thought Hofnarr would be the exact same way at this time shows that he didn't bother checking in on him in the thirty year time skip between the Fall and the events of M:PN, so that shows from the beginning that they weren't as close as I'd assumed. (Outside of the stuff in the animations, which wasn't friendly either, let's be honest.)
Secondly, he doesn't really seem that concerned about Tricky in general. I mean, you'd think that if someone had a good friend and they turned into a zombie/Zed, they'd attempt to find some way to reverse that. Yet Jeb doesn't seem to really care, and still keeps that single-minded focus on shutting down Project Nexus. From the way it appears, Jebus couldn't care less about what happens/happened to Hofnarr so long as he was around to use for ending the Project, which fits in line with your theory (and Krinkels' words) about how their dynamic is. Tricky is harder to deal with than Hofnarr, but he has the same knowledge, so Jeb doesn't consider aiding him to be worth his time.
I also agree that the only sensible reason why Christoff would be so willing to help the Sheriff in the earlier animations is because of his savior complex (or that he just really hated Hank, which is another possibility). If we want to go into the flashbacks of M:PN as well, one could also argue that the Sheriff was another resource for Jeb to use, since he planned on having Sheriff and his Mercs help out while he handled things in the Nexus. It's another instance of Jebus using others for his personal gain.
So in conclusion, I've changed my mind. :)
Not only does this characterization fit more within canon at a second glance, but it also provides me with a lot more to work with when writing Jeb (especially angst, gotta love it). I already feel like this is going to get interesting, thanks for sending in this analysis, Plague Anon! :D ♡♡♡♡
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Justification for the Crusades
Justification for the Crusades
“Exo 6:2  And God spoke unto Moses, and said unto him, I am Jehovah: 
Exo 6:3  and I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, as God Almighty; but by my name Jehovah I was not known to them. 
Exo 6:4  And I have also established my covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, the land of their sojourning’s, wherein they sojourned.”
I believe I needed to start here. God, Yahweh reveals himself to Moses in a different manner than Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. He reminds Moses of the covenant he made with them, and he reveals for the first time His Lordship and the Authority of His name. Christians now know the power in the name of Jesus. God is setting the stage to deliver His people out of slavery, and into this “Promised Land.”
Soon after God delivered them out of slavery Amalek attacked them in the wilderness. Exodus 17:8-16 gives us the account of this pivotal event because that ends with the LORD swearing to have War with Amalek from generation to generation.
If we back up to Exodus 15 we read about “The Song of Moses” where Israel sings the words “The Lord (Yahweh) is a man of War: the Lord (Yahweh) is his name” The Old Testament, from this point forward is full of great battles, from Jericho to Gideon's campaign, to The siege of Jebus, which essentially was David leading the Israelites to take Jerusalem. We know, without a doubt that Israel is called to war by God, the question then is, are Christians under the new covenant called to War?
When people say that Christians are just as violent as Islam, and then use the Crusades as the main example, they make a great point. I am sure the Crusaders were ruthless and savage, nothing even resembling our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but anyone who has been in war will tell you “War is Hell”
So where does the Christian Justification come in? The Kingdom of Heaven is not exclusive to Jerusalem. “We know we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but principalities and dark forces” (Eph 6:12) We know that defending our families and loved ones with our lives is justified, but should Christians be “Militarized” if so, for what? This is the real question. Islam organized a military after centuries of battling the Roman Empire, eventually becoming the Eastern Holy Roman Empire.
Rome never conquered the peninsula of Arabia. They seized enough land in modern Kuwait to establish trade routes, but the regions hosting Mecca and modern-day Riyadh were never conquered.
When Muhammed began his teachings in 613 A.D. it was not in a region conquered by the Roman Empire. It was 300 years after Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. Though Rome had footholds, it had never truly conquered the lands and its people.
The Arabian Peninsula was also home to the descendants of the tribes and nations fighting against Israel for well over millennia. Jericho was conquered in 1400 B.C. which would indicate two full MILLENIA'S before Muhammed. The roots of animosity and justification had to run so deep.
I have not studied the Quran so I do not know Muhammed's justification for Islam to lay siege to Jerusalem (636-637), nor do I know what the catalyst for their conquest of North Africa and eventually into Europe was. One thing was made clear...Islam had declared war on not just the descendants of Moses, and not just the Byzantine Empire, but on all of Christianity.
Once Christianity brought the Crusades the pride in the hearts of man had justified their means. Nobody was innocent anymore, nobody was right.
Even though I acknowledge any Christian excuse for War as hypocritical, I do believe that war is inevitable in the preparation of the Bride. Christians have been tasked with spreading the good news, the Apostles died as Martyrs for this Good news, the early church was persecuted for this good news and Christianity thrived.
Is this what it means? For us to all be Martyrs? To not be lovers of violence? That if we live by the sword, we will die by the sword? Are followers of Christ destined to be slaughtered as the Lamb himself? Is this the depths of laying down one's life? Did Christ die that we might die, or that we may have Life? Is Life worth fighting for?
Christ does not want His Men to be weak, nor allow crimes perpetrated upon their families! To allow our mothers and daughters to be conquered and raped? Enslaved? Jesus would never stand by and allow this.
Since I do believe that violence is to be met with violence, to defend against violence perpetrated upon my family, I believe one must Establish boundaries and borders. Borders that infer "This is where I draw the line" “This is mine, and I will defend this to my last breath to protect it.”
If you do not, dark forces will try to stamp you out. Hitler tried very very hard to exterminate all that was Jewish. The world will always create an enemy of God's people. Socialism, Communism, Nazism, Islam, Satanism, Witchcraft. The enemy has even turned Christianity against Christianity. From the great schism to the protestant reformation. Protestant Americans in southern U.S. states killed Jewish students from the northern states because they hated them. Northern and Southern Ireland had a Civil War with Protestants backing the Queen's rule in the North and Catholics fighting for independence in the South.
As I establish My boundaries in life, perhaps I seek out others to collectively protect our beliefs and families. To keep them safe from wolves, and roaring lions that look around seeking to devour. Perhaps this fellowship of creating borders, and boundaries causes us to form a community, or perhaps a tribe. Perhaps we reach out to other tribes to collectively further our boundaries because of strength in numbers, perhaps we create a nation or Kingdom. If the American media has taught us anything in the last four years, it's that not having borders will allow chaos and enemies inside your homes.
Now, applying this reasoning to our Christian morality, we will eventually come full circle to "Where" exactly we believe we should establish our boundaries. Is Christianity exclusive to Europe and The U.S.A.? Is Catholicism exclusive only to Italy? Is the Orthodox church exclusive only to Russia? Are all the different denominations simply trying to establish their foothold in regions? If so, then so is Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.
Do I believe in Israel or Christianity maintaining the boundary and authority over Jerusalem?
I unapologetically confirm that I stand with Israel, especially since I was raised by a long line of American veterans to never forget the past. I was shown the footage of Auschwitz, and Dachau. I remember the black-and-white footage of Jews standing in lines being marched into showers, and ovens. I will never stand before my God and say I did nothing to prevent that from happening...again.
“God hates a Coward.” "Rak Chazak Amats"
Israel's God is my Lord and savior's Father, but I believe in the Trinity, so their God is my God even if they look down on us for believing that Jesus is the Christ. Even if they are not saved due to their denial of Jesus, I will support them.
I believe the Crusades are justified... because I believe Israel should always have a home.
 Mat 10:34  “Think not that I have come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword”. 
Ecclesiastes 3:8  “A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.”
Until Christ comes again, I believe we are stuck in this age of Warfare. The only way to world peace is in Christ.  
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hey apparently if you go through the ending credits + after-credits cutscene, have jebus pick up the binary shard, quit to the main menu, and then go back to story mode (via continue), it’ll pop you right back to the start of the after-credits scene and respawn another binary shard in the place of the last one. except it doesnt get rid of the one you already picked up. meaning you can just make infinite swords
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and also if you didnt notice already from the first pic the sheriff will keep them too if you give them to him. you can have like nine total binary shards in one spot (possibly more but i havent tried anything beyond this)
maybe christoff IS the savior in nevada and instead of turning water to wine or whatever he just makes swords
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Yandere! Madness Combat Masterlist
(Probably featuring Canon and Non-Canon? If you do not see a character you want here, let me know. These are just examples.)
Danger ratings here
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Hank J. Wimbleton
- Yandere! Hank J. Wimbleton with A.A.H.W! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Cat-Hybrid! Hank J. Wimbleton Concept - (Hybrid AU) (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Hank J. Wimbleton - Prompt 22 (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Hank J. Wimbleton Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Hank J. Wimbleton with G03LM! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Hank J. Wimbleton Prompt 1 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Hank J. Wimbleton with Hofnarr's Daughter! Darling (Romantic) [FEMALE]
- Relations - Yandere! Hank J. Wimbleton Short (Romantic) [FEMALE]
- Yandere! Hank J. Wimbleton Prompt P-3 (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Before Your Madness... - Yandere! Hank J. Wimbleton Scenario (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Tricky The Clown Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Tricky The Clown Prompts 15 + 44 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Tricky The Clown Prompt 10 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Tricky with Darling getting Hank for help (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Tricky Masking His True Behavior From Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Distortion - Yandere! Platonic! Hofnarr/Tricky Scenario (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Tricky trying to impress Darling (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Dr. Hofnarr
- Yandere! Dr. Hofnarr Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere Alphabet - Dr. Hofnarr (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Dr. Hofnarr Prompts 12, 34, 61 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Deimos Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- There you are...! - Yandere! Deimos Short (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Deimos Prompt 22 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Cat Hybrid! Deimos Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Deimos Prompts 36 + 16 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Deimos with Little Sibling! Darling (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Dedmos Prompts 23 + 29 (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere Alphabet - Deimos (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Deimos Prompts 29 + 71 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Deimos with Kidnapped! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Sanford - Prompt 65 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Sanford Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Sanford Prompts 16 + 47 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Cat Hybrid! Sanford Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Sanford Prompts 45 + 9 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Sanford with Big Sibling! Darling (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere Sanford Prompts 1 + 9 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere Alphabet - Sanford (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! 2BDamned Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! 2BDamned with Darling who's his kid (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! 2BDamned Prompts 5 and 6 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! 2BDamned Prompts Escape, Chances, Cellar (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Dr. Jebediah Christoff/Jebus
- Yandere! Jebus - Prompt 73 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Savior - Yandere! Jebus Scenario (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Jebus Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Jebus with Darling who's his kid (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Dr. Crackpot
- Yandere! Dr Crackpot Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Auditor Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Auditor Prompt 26 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Sheriff Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Sheriff Prompt O-3 and R-1 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Sheriff with Bandit! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Burger Gil
- Yandere! Burger Gil Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Burger Gil with Defiant! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Skinner M.D
- Yandere! Skinner M.D. Prompt 23 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Skinner M.D. Prompt 12 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Skinner M.D. Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Skinner M.D. Prompt N-3 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere Alphabet - Skinner M.D (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Chopper Pilot Dave
- Yandere! Chopper Dave Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Transference - Yandere! Chopper Dave Short (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere Alphabet - Chopper Dave (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Chopper Dave Prompts 6, 22, 38 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Garrett Goyle
- Yandere! Garrett Goyle Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Garrett Goyle Prompt 17 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Garrett Goyle Prompts M-1 + Q-3 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Director Phobos Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Worship - Yandere! Director Phobos Scenario (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Director Phobos Prompt 2 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Phobos - Valentines Day (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Director Phobos with Sick! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere Alphabet - Director Phobos (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Phobos Prompt 37 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Phobos with Tall! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Phobos with Progeny! Darling (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Maker
- Yandere! The Maker Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
General (Multiple Characters, Grunts, Mag Agents)
- Yandere! Platonic! Hank vs Yandere! Platonic! Sanford - (Being petty towards each other) (Platonic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Hank vs Yandere! Tricky Concept (Romantic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Fan Club - Yandere! Hirelings Short (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Sanford + Deimos with Sheriff's Sister/Bodyguard! Darling (Romantic - Poly/Rivalry) [FEMALE]
- Yandere! Hybrid! Hank vs Hybrid! Tricky (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Hank J. Wimbleton vs 2BDamned (Romantic - Rivalry/Poly) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Sheriff vs Yandere! Phobos (Romantic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! 2BDamned vs Yandere! Hank (Platonic (2B)/Romantic (Hank) - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Tricky vs Platonic/Romantic! Phobos (Platonic (Tricky)/Romantic/Platonic (Phobos)) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Orderly Prompt R-3 (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Generic G03LM Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Non-Canon (?)
- Yandere! White Hank with Grunt! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Fem! White Hank with Fem! 2BDamned Clone! Darling (Romantic) [FEMALE]
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lixnininotnay · 3 years
Hello! You got some yandere Jeb + yan Tricky headcanons (separate) you could throw my way? Thanks in advance :) —👽🥭 anon
Hello and welcome to the secret society, 👽🥭 anon!
After this one I'm going to be in hiatus for more or less two weeks, I'm having a writer's block, school is trying to kill me and I have to bomb-like(or like-bomb?) some blogs, the last time I stopped to read some fanfiction was day 19th. And for anyone who requested me something, don't worry, a lot of them are half done and I will finish them soon. And I won't be writing for Jebus a lot because sometimes it makes uncomfortable.
Yandere!Jebus + Yandere!Tricky headcanons.
□ Jebus
Warnings: unhealthy behavior, obsession, violence, stalking, mentions of death and slightly mention of religious stuff(?).
■ Congratulations, you've got yourself your own and only savior. Jebus is someone who sees himself as the light to this mad world and those who are too must perish, so imagine his surprise at finding you.
■ In his mind, even if you are not, you are someone pure, different from everyone else. He didn't understand why you were sent to earth. If you do something bad or have a questionable reputation, he will always blame someone else for your actions, that they have manipulated and deceived you, and will punish them himself, then leave you some sort of message that they are gone and you are safe now.
■ At first, he keeps his distance, but makes sure you know he's always around. The figure you see in the corner of your eye, the messages and small gifts you find in certain places, the strange feeling of being watched and not find anyone around. He felt like it was his duty to protect you, like a guardian angel, always close yet at the same time far from you.
■ After a while, just keeping you safe won't satisfy him anymore, he wants more than that. Then he will make his first appearance before you, after finding you in a dangerous situation and saving you. Despite being grateful for the help, even introducing himself in a gracious manner and being extremely friendly every time you met, there was something about him that bothered you. Something didn't feel right.
■ You noticed that he had a certain look of disdain for some of your friends and family, and said that you should stay away from them, but you thought he was just worrying about you and you didn't blame Jebus, after all Nevada wasn't a safe place, the truth to be told is that he saw them as parasites in your life, wanting to take advantage of your kindness, but he never said to you with those words. But the situation got worse when you realized they disappeared without a trace, and when you asked Jebus for help, even he couldn't find them. He let you tell your sorrows, insecurities and secrets to him and consoled you, bringing you to hugs saying sweet nothings. It was a shame you didn't know the truth.
■ If one day Jebus made a mistake and you found out, he would have no choice but to kidnap you on the spot. The reason he didn't want you to know is that he feared you wouldn't understand it was for your best and get angry or afraid of him, which happened and left him with no other choice.
■ The hiding place you are left locked in has been planned since he first saw you. It's disturbing to find some things you thought you lost and even clothes, books, flowers of your favorite colors (where did he get them? Flowers still grew in Nevada?) and other objects of your taste in this place, a sign that he watched you a long time. Even when you thought you were alone.
■ He doesn't force himself on you, preferring to leave you alone for a few days to get used to the new environment he hopes to call home one day. After a while he will be more present, but if you want some form of affection, you should be the one to initiate it. If you give in, after the first simple kiss, he'll be overjoyed that you've finally let him take care of you. Expect the tenderness he feels for you from then on to multiply by ten and sink deeper into his obsession.
"I am here, you have nothing to worry about now."
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□ Tricky
Warnings: unhealthy behavior, obsession, violence, mentions of dead and forced affection.
■ Tricky is one, if not the most dangerous. Initially, he doesn't pose as a threat to you, even if you're startled by a zombie clown appearing in front of you. Beforehand, he seems intrigued by you. Why? Nor does he know. As you quiet his heart, you also stir it, and that feeling quickly becomes addictive to him.
■ This feeling soon turns into a desire to be always close to you, which you found lovely, especially how happy he was, seems like an extremely sickly sweet puppy. Always wanting to have your full attention and be in your presence, hugging you like you've been gone for years even though they've only been apart for a few minutes.
■ You began to notice that it was unnatural when you tried to leave Tricky for a long period of time. Why do you want to leave clown? Don't you like clown? He became erratic, holding you tightly, even trying to explain to him that you would be for soon, didn't change the situation.
■ It actually got worse when you encountered a friend on the path, when you interacted with them, Tricky became jealous, shaking more than usual at the thought that they were trying to steal you from him and he killed the person immediately, not caring if you were seeing. From that point on, it's too late, there's no escape.
■ Anyone you try to interact with he will kill them, and he'll be confused by your sadness. He will try to console you without understanding directly, holding your hand, giving you a hug, put some music on and even doing some clown trick in an attempt to make you laugh. He wants you happy all the time, and he feels sad when you're not.
■ Because he doesn't have a home, you're nomads, always visiting new places, he always insisting on holding hands, but at the same time you avoided talking to people to not be the cause of death for anyone else. In case you ever found Hank, or any member of the anti-A.A.H.W., he would go crazy, and try to kill them, even Hank noticed how much more violent the clown was. Tricky would give his all to protect you at the moment, even his life.
■ Other than that, he's always extremely affectionate, in a stifling way. He'll give you gifts he thinks you would enjoy, like something he stole from somewhere or a rock he thought that looked cool. Not to mention the surprise hugs, always complimenting you and his clumsy kisses. His world revolves around you.
■ Tricky is one of the Yanderes who, despite not wanting to, accidentally hurt his significant other. Every time he sees you hurt he panics. You will always have to reassure him that you love him and you will never leave him, this is your life now. With your consent or not, you will always be by his side, and you are happy, aren't you?
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vinnival · 3 years
Hi I like your blog a lot! May I ask some headcanons with jebus with a monster crush? (Info: it acts like a symbiote and it can heal wounds but it needs to devour other people to survive.)
TW for gore !!
Mama I'm in Love With
A Cannibal
Poor guy
He just wants to live his confusing, wild, countless lives but of course You exist
He met you when you were just coming into town, and you seemed nice enough
So he struck up a conversation with you, somehow
I mean he's a savior after all, of course he's gonna have a nice side
So you two talk, and you eventually get to the "i have powers!" section of your everyday friendly conversation
You mention that you can heal people, and he is immediately interested
As much as anyone'd think otherwise(/s), there's a difference between Healing Someone and Turning Someone Into A Zombie
So he of course takes note of that
You two walk to the nearest livable building talking, and you bid your goodbyes
Hes occasionally seen you after that, either on accident or on purpose
He really wasn't complaining
You were on his mind 25/8
In the back of his head, he was aware of these feelings and what they could be, but he didn't want to screw things up between you two
... such is the life of this mf
He recalled one time you looked very nervous and antsy
He asked if something was up and you twiddled your thumbs and avoided his gaze, "Nothing, just hungry. It's been a while since I ate... Could I go?"
He was sad to see you leave, but he let you
He didn't miss how you immediately darted away
A couple of weeks after that, he actually caught you healing someone
"So this is the power you were talking about?"
You jumped, not noticing him, "Oh! Yeah, yeah this is it!"
It was a mystical glow, a calming mix of blue and green, bubbles surrounding your healing hand. It looked ethereal :]
The person you were healing- a simple everyday John Smith, looked to be attacked by a street thug- said a very stuttery and nervous, "thank you"
"Now why would he be nervous?? They just healed him" -internal thoughts jeb
"It was my pleasure!" You beamed, and then helped the person up
They ran away lol
You only looked back at Jeb before waving and telling him you had to go, and ducking quickly around the corner
He once again seen that same urgent nervousness from a couple weeks before
He followed, and was blown off of his feet with what he seen you do
You were standing over someone, holding your head- almost as if regretting your life decisions- before diving down and tearing them apart, ripping off limbs and chewing organs
Jeb watched, and then connected the dots
Oh, that person... that person you healed must have witnessed you kill whomever was attacking them
You must've done smth pretty graphic for them to be so nervous
He quietly left before you noticed him
He still hasn't commented on your secret, wondering if you'll ever tell him upfront
But honestly? He doesn't care for you any less for it.... tbh he thinks you're even cooler now
And when he confesses his love to you, you accept it and FINALLY tell him your cannibalistic tendencies
Ofc hes chill with it as i said
You were bamboozled when he said he Knew about your secret already
"Guess I didn't keep it too well, huh?"
"I can tell you tried your best, if that helps."
I dont usually write for Jeb so this was a nice practice, sorry if it seemed ooc!
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vsrobotjulie · 3 years
(tw blood/pixelated gore/religious imagery)
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i dont think ive posted my madcom oc here before but uhhh this is Christian!!
they're a kid raised in a mega religious household that was left on their own once the madness hit. they end up following around Jebus, firmly believing that he is the one true savior and that if they protect him and become a martyr he'll bring their family back in return.
Jebus ends up basically adopting this kid (he doesnt have much of a choice, they wont leave) and Christian does indeed do their best to protect him in battle despite their size and lack of strength.
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shyflameweasel · 3 years
Hank stood atop the roof of their newest hideout. 2BDamned, Sanford and Deimos were lower in the abandoned building getting things set up for their stay. For once the moment of peace didn’t grate on Hank’s nerves. While the thrill of a fight would always be something he enjoyed, a moment of silence every now and again was needed. But with that calm... thoughts roared to be heard. Looking across the wastes of Nevada bathed in crimson light, Hank fell back into memory.
Memory fogged in dreamlike feeling. Where sky’s were blue and the world was alive. A boombox sings, filling the  air with music. A question forgotten, a punch, a fight. Dancing with fists and guns and knives, my heart beating to its own tune. Adrenalin pumping through my veins. 1 then 2 then 3 falling beneath me from the holy to the undead. And when its done, when I am alone, I revel in my carnage.
A blink
A hunt for the Sheriff’s head. By garrote and by gun the job starts in silence. Anticipation running under my skin. Then, the fun really starts in this dance of death. The thrill of fighting, the smell of iron and gunpowder fills the air. One by one they fall as the hunt continues on. A clown falls as the savior raises the dead. Room by room is filled with corpses as I draw ever closer. And then the coward is in my sights -
A bang
Another chance. This time I’ll have that cowards head on a platter even if Jebus protects him. With each room the smell of blood thickens. Swapping tools at a moment’s notice. Then reality seems to...bend. The clown is back and I’m kicked to somewhere else. Whales rain from the sky as sugary sweetness joins iron and gunpowder. The sky dies as the sun falls. Like a roach the clown’s back, let’s see if a pole through the chest is enough. Falling walls, a stream of blood and back again is the clown. They certainly have more lives than a cat. More undead and more rooms. Finally insight. Sharp pains but I push through. The Sheriff’s dead and hopefully his guard dog’s been put down.
A gasp
A club, a faint beat in the air accompanied by the faintest smell of smoke. Another job to do and I’ll do it happily. Like always each room is painted red. A new face to the slaughter, but no more of a challenge. Sword gliding through the air as it cuts flesh as easily as paper. I think I’ll keep this one. Blaring music and a hoard of bodies, brings me back to that sunny day. Dancing to the beat of blood rushing through my veins. Surprise surprise Jebus is back this his zombie trick. This is starting to get old. But just like in life, in death they fall just as easily. Pain through my cheek, a sliced skull in retaliation, 1 2 3 shots -
A boom
Another chance at this old song and dance. The familiar thrill coursing through my veins. Blood flying as bullets rain. Like any old routine, the old members come out to play. Jebus and his zombie trick. Fists thrown and guns spraying. Sharp pain from a lucky slash. A retreat, a new crowd, and more arrive at deaths door. Clown’s back. Definitely faster than before, stronger too if my ribs have to say anything. Some assistance form some familiar faces. The fight resume. I get a sign to the chest in some ironic fashion but I slice his head off. Only he doesn’t stay-
A rip
There’s a new heaviness, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. ‘Just do what comes natural’? Guess that means the slaughter begins again. Like before, death didn’t change my effectiveness. Rooms filled with bodies as their torn to shreds. Just need the right one with the drive. That damn clown! A train fight? Now that’s a new one. Was that a click? Fuck the car’s separating. I refuse to get taken down by something like this. Could have been better with that free fall though, think I lost a tooth. Another fight. Can’t breathe as the world goes dark. Fists flying when the darkness leaves. The fight continues before yet another building comes crashing down from nowhere filled with targets. This is getting frustrating. Found the clown, this time he better stay down. God damn it!
A exclamation
The world feels blurry. All I remember is fear and exhaustion. I refuse to be revived and killed over and over. Running. Fighting. Trying to stay one step ahead of the flaming clown. Unfocused enough to make mistakes. A bigger target than usual but I should be able to take him down. Did not expect to get clubbed. Ripping and tearing anyone that gets in my way. A chainsaw, now this will be cathartic. Thrown through another wall while fighting that clown. Lifted by  a sword in the gut, I was sure Jebus was dea-
A concerned “Hank?” 
Jerked them out of thought. Looking back towards the roof door Hank saw Sanford standing there. His injuries from the latest fight were bandaged, eye still leaking black. “Doc wanted me to get you for a check up. You, uh doing okay there?” Hank paused a moment before nodding. They moved to follow Sanford, stopping for a moment to look back to the sky. Turning back to the doorway, Hank pushed those thought to the back of their head. The past could stay where it was. Right now the present and the future were all that mattered.
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pineishere64 · 2 years
Apologize now
WARNING: This contains tickling and mild swearing. If you use/think tickling as a fetish, I will block you. 
Lee!Crackpot and Ler!Jebus 
After years of being called a coward, Jebus decided to take a little visit to an old former friend of his.
At the Nexus Science Tower that was abandoned, Jeb decided to look around for anything suspicious, especially finding Crackpot. Just then, something ran out of the halls. "Whoever's out there, show yourself!" the savior exclaimed as he wielded his sword. Then, a scientist in a cloak and a plague doctor mask came out of the shadows and tried to charge at Jebus, but he failed. "Crackpot, I should've known." he said to the scientist that is also leader of his own cult. "Hello, Christoff. Seems like it's been forever." the cult leader said as the savior was disapproved. "I bet you're still holding that damn cult to this day after Phobos abandoned this hellish place." he said as Crackpot walked around him. "Yes, but that's not what I'm going to talk about." he said as the savior looked behind him. Suddenly, Jeb jumped back as Crackpot threw a potion towards him and laughed. "I can't believe that you're still a coward till this day!" the cult leader exclaimed as the savior looked unimpressed. But...
Something struck his mind. 
"Coward you say?" he questioned his former friend and walked towards Crackpot. "Hehe, you may be thinking you can defeat me or anyone that is higher than you, but that's not going to happen." he said. "I know that, but I got a request for you bud." Jebus said. As Crackpot began to throw a punch, the savior grabbed his hand and wrapped his right arm around his upper body. "Let me go!" Crackpot demanded as he tried to escape by kicking and moving. "I'll let you go if... you apologize for calling me a coward." Jeb said as the cult leader squirmed. "I'll never apologize to you!" he said to the savior. "Then you leave me no choice." Jebus said as he wiggles his fingers on Crackpot's left side. "Ahaha! Wahahait! Nohohohoho!" he cried out of laughter, making the savior chuckled. "How can you say that I'm a coward when you act like one?" he questioned the cult leader. "HAHAHAHAHAHA! LEHEHEHEHEHT GOHOHOHOHO OHOHOHOF MEHEHEHEHE!" he laughed. "Heh, I'll let you go." Jebus said as he dropped Crackpot and let out a evil snicker, then sat behind his back. "Do you think that I will actually let you go?" he asked as he skitters his fingers on Crackpot's ribs, earning a loud laughter and several banging on the floor. "NOHOHOHOHO MOHOHOHOHORE! I HAD ENOUGH!" the former scientist laughed. "Apologize and I'll leave you alone." Jebus said as he glided his fingertips up and down on Crackpot's back and ribs. "NEHEHEHEHEHEVER! I WOHOHOHON'T!" Crackpot screamed of laughter. "Like I said, apologize now." the savior said as he dug his fingers on his ribs. "I REFUSE!" he yelled as the former scientist held him. "Then face the consequences sinner." he said and flipped Crackpot over and lifted his coat up, then he chuckled for a bit and turned to the leader of the cult. "Hey Crackpot, guess what’s my favorite fruit?" he asked the cult leader. "W-what?" he questioned the savior as the former scientist began to squirm, knowing what's going to happen. "Raspberries." he said as he inhaled and blew onto his stomach. "BWAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHOHO PLEHEHEHEHEASE!" he cried as he slapped his hand onto the ground and struggled to move Jebus away. "Apologize Crackpot, then I'll let you go. This is your final chance." Jeb said as the cult leader squealed as he felt his ribs being attacked again. "I WILL! I WILL!" he yelled as the savior stopped and allowed Crackpot to breathe. "I'm sorry... for attacking you... and for calling you a coward..." he said as Jeb cleared his throat. "Very well, I'll make sure that this will be a warning to you Crackpot." he said as he walked away from the cult leader. 
Till this day, Crackpot will always remember that calling Jebus a coward can only bring karma towards him.
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saltymongoose · 2 years
🍎 anon
imagine if instead of the glitch sending the Batter, the glitch sent the Judge with the player instead, possibly due to siding with the Judge in their latest playthrough of the game. Accompanying the Player due to wanting to return to what little is left of its own world.
Just imaging the boys getting called out whenever they try to do anything behind the players back by an odd talking cat that is a lot stronger than it looks is funny to me. I could also see the judge being rather distrustful of Jeb due to his similarities with the Batter.
God, honestly I think the level of hatred they'd have for the Judge would be just as high as the Batter. While the Judge isn't seen as a "romantic threat" since he's a cat and all, he meddles enough in their affairs to raise some serious ire. Given the fact that they're pretty much the only person that remains "from" his world, and you've worked with him to repent for your mutual sins regarding the destruction of it, he has his own reasons to be kind of protective of you. You're powerful, but he's afraid that you might get taken advantage of again, might fall prey to someone's nefarious plot like what happened with the Batter.
So whenever the boys do something that might seem suspicious, he's quick to call them out, sternly asking them why they're doing something or reprimanding them for going behind your back. They would disregard this if it weren't for the fact that it usually happens in front of you. Because the Judge knows how to target what seems to matter most to them, his world's Puppeteer. Or should he be calling you the "Player" now? But in any case, unfortunately for your boys they can't actually do much against the Judge. He'd formidable in combat, judging by what they saw in their missions (because of course the cat insisted on accompanying you). And he, like the Batter in the other scenario, doesn't care at all about what they think anyway. His priority is going home and ensuring your safety.
This is another reason why he's so suspicious of Jebus. As the self-proclaimed "Savior" of Nevada with a mission to "cleanse" his world, Jeb reminds the Judge of the Batter in the worst of ways. How far would this grunt go for his goals? Did he even recognize the ruin that could stem from his "purification"? What did it even entail? And how would you be dragged into it?
The Judge refuses to let others make you a part of their mess, especially where anything having to do with "purification" is involved. If he's such a competent "Savior", then he can handle his business on his own, insofar as the Judge is concerned. Although he's certainly not above utilizing the other vessel's possessiveness if it gets you away from Jeb, even if he'd rather not deal with their obsession with you. Just know that as soon as you're back at the base, he's going to try and steal you away for some pets (so the others don't try anything, of course). It shouldn't be too difficult, everybody loves cats, right?
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zepumpkineater · 3 years
Madness Headcanons
I made a headcanon post the other day but realized I could add more to it. I have headcanons about the characters as well as the general story and how I think it’s a lot more linear than it seems.
Character Headcanons
Hank: Total sociopath, unfeeling, cold and calculated killer. Doesn’t  feel much at all emotions wise but very receptive to things like pain.  Slim, but not without muscle. Doesn’t form attachments or relationships   because he simply doesn’t care for them. Killing is what makes him feel a  lot of the time, which is his primary motivation for doing so. Runs on  adrenaline like 80% of the time. Has very little regard for his own well ��being as well as everyone else’s.
Sanford: Stoic, doesn’t outwardly express himself much. Is absolutely JACKED, this man is buff. Can be intimidating if he wants to be, but otherwise outwardly he’s rather uninteresting. Has a lot of repressed emotions. Deals with his internal struggles by not dealing with them. Is generally very handy with general machinery as well as vehicles. Has an affinity for cars, so much so he can name the make and model of most American made cars just by looking at them. He never gets attached to the car he and Deimos use on mission though, due to how reckless Deimos can be. Actively discourages Deimos from smoking because he cares about him.
Deimos: Cocky, reckless, full of himself. The shortest of the group and definitely the twinkiest. Enjoys taunting his enemies as well as playing pranks and cracking one liners. Is generally just a jokester. Believes himself to be invincible due to how many times he’s walked out of extremely dangerous situations relatively unharmed. Deals with stress/emotions by smoking, he can easily clear through a couple packs a day on a bad day. Also a bit of a stress eater. Enjoys teasing Sanford and annoying him because that’s how he shows love.
Jeb/Jesus/Jebus: Distinguished and intelligent. The tallest of the group, is also on the slimmer side but definitely not without some tone on his body. Also the oldest, probably in his late 40′s to mid 50′s. Has a few gray hairs if you know where to look. Has a decently strong moral compass, willing to do things if he deems then right and just. Doesn’t like to admit that he enjoys killing. Has a bit of a messiah complex, doesn’t see himself as the literal second coming of Christ, but he does view himself as a savior. Has a very high opinion of himself.
2bdamned/Doc: A conniver and a plotter, prefers working in the background rather than direct confrontation. Very little can be gained from his personality, but he seems to be a no nonsense type. Rather skinny and a bit bony, but this doesn’t inhibit his combat ability much. Has probably performed very questionable medical experiments in the past. Has technology that allows him to manipulate events in certain realms, to an extent. Doesn’t like dealing with enemies directly, prefers tricks and traps and taking them out from a distance if at all possible. Is probably Sanford and Deimos’ boss. Rival to the Auditor.
Auditor: Cold, calculating, manipulative. A megalomaniac, he’s willing to do just about anything to ensure that he has power and control. Being a non corporeal creature of smoke and fire, he can take any shape he so chooses, but he prefers a taller, more humanoid form. Has dreams of conquest and reshaping the world in his image. Desires to bring order to Nevada, whatever the cost. Does not value the lives of his own men. Very intimidating, all eyes look to him whenever he enters a room. His own men are very much scared of him. Does not accept signs of weakness, will gladly execute his own soldiers if they show any signs. Sometimes spies on his own troops by shapeshifting to blend in. Rules by fear.
Tricky: Completely insane, enjoys causing as much chaos as possible as well as toying with his enemies. The whole world is just a game to him.
The Story
I actually think MC is much more linear than it presents itself to be, and this is how.
Hank goes on a killing spree, which causes the Sheriff to place a bounty on him. Hank decides to go after the Sheriff but is stopped by Jeb, who is working as a bodyguard at this time. The Sheriff at this time as acting as a puppet ruler to a much more capable and dangerous foe, aka the Auditor. The Auditor supplies the Sheriff with the improbability drive and advises him to use it as a last ditch effort.
The Sheriff, in his cowardice, activates the drive in an effort to stop Hank, and failed. With the Sheriff dead and reality collapsing, the Auditor decides to take over his operations and converts it into the AAHW. He hires Jeb as an attack dog, tasking him with killing Hank at all costs. Tricky proceeds to muddle in the affairs.
While Hank, Jeb, and Tricky are battling, Sanford and Deimos show up, sent by 2bdamned for an unknown purpose, assumedly to mess with the Auditor’s plans. After being killed by Tricky, Jeb decides to temporarily retire. Sanford and Deimos proceed to lead several missions against the AAHW, destroying one of their ATP cloning facilities.
Eventually Jeb comes out of retirement and kills Hank and Tricky, as well as destroying Tricky’s portable improbability drive. Jeb then takes it upon himself to destroy the Auditor, believing him to be the source of the chaos that’s happening to Nevada. Jeb fails in killing the Auditor, dying in the process, but he activates a reality restoration protocol on the Auditor’s improbability drive, leaving him no way to reverse it.
2bdamned tries to extract Hank from hell, but the Auditor is making efforts to keep Hank contained. Fed up with fighting the Auditor, 2bdamned decides to order Sanford and Deimos to revive Hank manually. Deimos successfully revives Hank, but dies in the process. Sanford and the newly formed MAG Hank battle the Auditor and the AAHW.
Deimos is sent to hell upon his death, where he is tortured mentally and physically. During his trip to hell, Tricky is absorbed by the Auditor. Tricky then forces Sanford and Hank into the AuditorHell dimension, which exists inside of the Auditor. Auditor strikes a deal with Sanford and Hank, that if they kill the clown, he may let them live. Sanford and Hank succeed in killing Tricky. Deimos is eventually extracted from Hell by 2bdamned.
And that’s the story so far, or at least my interpretation of it.
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