#Joseph Seed x Junior Deputy
aceghosts · 1 year
Chin lift to make you look directly at their eyes that just make you follow aimlessly and without much force really. (bonus if they kiss afterward) - Blue and Joseph
Thank you for sending this one as well! Sorry, it took a little longer. (Also, shout out to @derelictheretic for the banner.)
[Prompt List]
Summary: Deputy Blue Murphy really needs to leave, especially before Joseph Seed gets to them.
Words: 887 words.
Content Warnings: Despite the ominous summary, this is mainly fluff. Just a brief reference to pregnancy and canon-typical violence.
Blue lifts their navy-blue baseball cap, running a hand through their brownish-blonde hair. They let out a relieved sigh, glad to see the couple disappear into the room with the nurse. When they stumbled upon the pregnant wife and her husband earlier, Blue couldn’t leave them on the side of the road by their broken-down truck, even if they were part of Eden’s Gate. That seemed to be a running theme in their life lately. Someone, Peggie or Resistance, needed help, and Blue was unable to stand by, drawn by the urge to help. It’s what anyone else would have done, they reassure themself. But Blue knows of certain Resistance members who would have left them there or worse.
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However, that notion to help left Blue in an odd position with the Peggies. They were confused by the idea that Blue could help a kid with a broken leg but go back to blowing up silos within the same day. Yet, some of them, namely a certain father figure, believed that it meant Blue could be redeemed, become a full-fledged Peggie. They snort as they place their cap back on their head. Blue’s loyalty was with the Resistance, which they needed to get back to. If they were smart about it, Blue could disappear before the Peggies realized they had left. Since Sharky and Hurk weren’t with Blue, it would mean fewer explosions. Hopefully.    
“The Deputy is here?” Oh no.
“Yes, Father. Just this way.”
Well, shit. Tucking their baseball cap down further, Blue heads for the nearest door away from the voices. They step out into the warm Montana sunlight, keeping their face down. A traitorous part of Blue wants to go back inside, let Joseph find them. The responsible part of Blue, for once, wins out as they steadily continue towards the truck. Blue’s loyalty is to the Resistance.
And it almost works. They reach the dark green truck, opening the slightly scratched driver’s door. Freedom is so close that Blue can almost taste it. “I thought I might have missed you; I’m glad that God allowed our paths to cross.” They freeze, like a deer in headlights, torn between two choices. Scramble into the truck and get the hell out of dodge. Or turn around and face Joseph. “Blue.”
Unable to resist the siren call, Blue turns toward him, keeping their gaze down towards their brown, slightly scuffed working boots. They can’t look at him, or it’ll break their resolve. “Hey Joseph,” They greet, a little too friendly and nervous at the same time, “Love to stay and chat, but I have stuff to do.” Blue winces at their lame excuse, kicking themself for not coming up with anything better.
“Stuff?” Joseph asks, sounding vaguely amused. “And what would ‘stuff’ be?”
“Oh, ya know, stuff,” Blue awkwardly rubs the back of their neck with their left hand, “Anyway, I should head-.”
“Blue.” Joseph calls their name so softly, Blue melting a little at the sound. They really need to leave now before they do something they regret. His hand comes up to their face, calloused fingers softly tracing the edge of their jaw. Blue swallows nervously as Joseph gently takes their chin in their hand. He tilts their face upward as Blue offers no resistance, just going along with the ride. Eventually, their own eyes, behind dark grey aviators, meet his soft baby blues hidden behind yellow aviators. Unable to resist, Blue allows a goofy grin to slip onto their face, their cheeks heating up slightly. “I missed you; I hoped God would allow us to see each other again.”
“Missed you too.” Thoughtlessly, those words slip out of Blue’s mouth. Joseph smiles kindly, a shine of happiness in his eyes.
“It heartens me to know that you have thought of me just as much as I have thought of you.” He leans down towards Blue slowly, giving them one last out. Instead, Blue hooks their fingers into his belt loops, pulling Joseph closer. Despite the talk of responsibility, they’ve always been one to throw caution to the wind, to think with their heart rather than their head. Joseph presses his lips to theirs, the scruff of his beard slightly ticklish against Blue’s skin. His other hand finds their hip, gently holding onto them. In the kiss, Blue senses Joseph’s longing for them, a mutual feeling. When he pulls away, Joseph softly states, “I would like for you to stay. Please, even for a little while.”
Damnit, they really need to grow a stronger spine. “Why not,” Blue gives in with a casual shrug, “Can’t stay too long. I really do have stuff to do.”
“Oh?” He asks curiously, raising an eyebrow. “Does this involve Sharky and Hurk?”
Blue pauses, perhaps a little too long. “Nnnoooo…” Joseph shakes his head, always having been baffled by Blue’s friendship with Sharky and Hurk. What could Blue say? Sharky just got Blue; trouble and chaos seemed to find him just as it always found Blue. “Alright, I have plans with Sharky and Hurk later, but-,” They emphasize the Joseph releases them as Blue unhooks their fingers from his belt loops. “I did,” He says, taking their hand in his, “I missed you very much.”
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derputy · 1 year
Far Cry 5 as Community (with terrible closed captions) Because I'm Running Out of Ideas & I Thought It Kinda Fit || @racheljo47 @ms-rampage @i-am-the-balancing-point
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flare-queen · 11 months
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My attempt at Joseph Seed and my deputy, Riley Colt. My hubby had inspired me to name and design her
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seedofjoseph · 1 year
patroclus' funeral pyre
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Fandom: Far Cry 5
Relationship: Jacob Seed x M!Reader
Rating: E (explicit)
Words: 1000
@necrodancing666: I was just wondering if you were willing to do a Jacob/male reader who gets unalived somehow by the deputy (maybe saving him/taking a bullet for him) and Jacob just goes full-on feral and slowly stops listening to Joseph
"The Lord giveth, and the Lord t–"
"Nah," Jacob Seed shook his wearied head. "I don't wanna hear nothing from God tonight," he swallowed the sob threatening to spill out. "I wanna hear from you, Joseph."
He sniffed and swapped his sleeve – your jacket's sleeve – under his nose. Another lump was launched into his throat at the thought of your scent fading from your uniform and his mind. And that day could be the very next, the full moon already outshining the dying embers of your funeral pyre. 
"Then listen to me when I say this," Joseph Seed sought out his eyes, but found them closed. "I know your pain," he sighed, an almost human sound coming out of God's mouthpiece. "I know it intimately," he stroked the fading face of his late wife. "And I know it was all part of His plan–"
Jacob's jaw squeezed shut, suppressing another sob before he unhinged it to bark at his brother: "That's not what you said when he was alive," his voice was as vicious as that of a wounded beast. "That's not what you said to his face," he closed his eyes around the memory of your smile – the most beautiful he's ever seen – on the night of your wedding. 
Joseph had come up the mountain to preside over the small but no less sacred ceremony himself, and even shut up God to welcome you into his family as a brother-in-law, and not his child. On that night, and every night after, you were Jacob's Chosen One, not just another soldier. 
On that night, your husband carried you off to bed in his arms. You reminded him that you weren't a child, despite the decades between the two of you. You also drew his attention to his bad back, and how the heavy weight of your body was a strain on it. But he simply stretched it, cracked it, and bowed it before you. His knees snapped as he did so, but that didn't stop him from taking off your boots before slowly stripping you. From that position, he laid praise, pressing kisses on your thick thighs and your soft stomach. 
Nothing made you weaker than his coarse fingers fondling you, but nothing made you stronger than his words of praise. And nothing was more sinful than preparing himself with your precum, but nothing was more sacred than him stretching your insides.
That night, you watched him cry for the first time as you worshiped his wounds, old and new. That night, you saw through his scarred skin and into his welled-up eyes. And you knew Jacob Seed beyond the brutality he bandaged himself with. 
Since that night, you were his Chosen One. Wherever Jacob Seed went, you followed like a shadow. Whenever he had to swing his sword, you'd do his will like a red right hand. And when the junior deputy came to drag him to Hell with her, you shielded him from his faith with your own body. 
Jacob Seed was fully sobbing now, slamming the balcony doors shut, and sealing himself from the smell of your burning corpse. "You said the Gates of Eden were open to him, that he'd walk through them with or without me."
He fully faced him now, in the dim light of his desk lamp. "I was meant to be your sacrifice, not him. It was never meant to be him. It was only ever me. The deputy," he was laughing now, as bitter as the epiphany he was experiencing. "Your chosen one? Yeah, your Chosen One was meant to sacrifice me."
"You are not my sacrifice," Joseph raised his voice, rousing from the chair. "You never were my sacrifice. I've already made mine," he looked up towards the ceiling, crying out. "My Faith–"
"She's rollin' in her goddamn grave," Jacob spit out. 
"What?" Joseph's voice cracked, his eyes now returning from the heavens back to earth. "What did you–"
"You heard me," his own voice was as steady as ever. "And she hears you goin' 'round callin' other women by her name."
His trigger hand was fidgeting. "Brother–"
"Oh, so I'm your brother now? I wasn't your brother when I asked for the deputy. You made me ask God for forgiveness for that one."
"Jacob," he gritted his teeth and grabbed his trigger hand with the other. "Brother, I can't give her to you. She is not yours to take."
"And why's that? God change his mind 'bout her faith, too?"
"You’re mourning," he answered, solemnly. "Your pain has blinded you," he unclenched his fist, and relaxed. "When you open your eyes in the morning, you’ll see things as clearly as I do."
“Nah," the widower shook his wearied head again. "I see 'em right now," he sniffed the collar of your jacket and grounded himself in his grief. "Clear as day," He opened the balcony doors, then, the office doors: "Good night, sleep tight and get the fuck off my mountain."
"Good night, Jacob," his brother retained his composure even as he got the door slammed behind him.
That night, he let himself be weak. He let himself sink into your jacket, into your pillow. He let himself inhale the smoke from your funeral pyre and choke on his own cries. And, that night, celebrated your life by playing the memory of you back in his mind, behind his wet eyes. 
His memory of your eyes looking up into his, and they pooled with tears of joy instead of misery. While he was weak in the knees, you were strong as you got down on yours, choking on his cock. And you didn’t give up until your drool and his cum foamed around the rim of your mouth. That night, his spit-slick hand couldn’t even come close to the tightness of your throat. 
And on that night, he had a vision of his own. He saw you looking down on him from the heavens as he burned through the Bliss fields in search of your murderer. He saw you lighting his way through Holland Valley like the sun, leading him to her. And he saw you smiling at the sight of Joseph howling over her corpse, as he had over yours.
The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away.
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Shiptober Day 9
Prompt: Masturbating + Thigh Fucking
Ship: John Seed x Deputy James Rook x Deputy Dean Sinclaire
Warning(s): Explicit sexual content, explicit language, oral
Words: 1, 707
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It wasn't the first time Dean had found himself stuck in the middle of a John and James sandwich, it was quite a common occurrence for the junior deputy in fact but tonight was slightly different. He was tired, not the 'long day fighting a cult' tired but a 'bone deep, soul crushing, ready for a million years of sleep' tired. Dealing with John's siblings usually had that effect—dealing with Jacob especially. Joseph and Faith were almost pleasant compared to the ex soldier who never seemed to give him a break.
So when he crawled into bed not thirty minutes ago he was relieved and ready to close his eyes and drift off to sleep. Fate was never on his side however and when his lovers had laid down to join him they had two very noticable, very inconvenient problems poking into him as they cuddled closer than necessary. He knew the moment James' strong arm wrapped around his waist and his soft lips trailed up his neck, followed by John sneaking his leg between Dean's thighs and his own lips pressed against the corner of his mouth, that he was in for a longer night than he had planned.
"We missed you," John coos, trailing kisses along his jaw as his tattooed hand kneads into his thigh.
He whines as the two men grind against him, James' hard on dragging along the curve of his ass and John's rutting against his thigh. His whine is cut off as John presses a sloppy kiss to his lips, tongue invading his mouth and dragging over his own needily. This wasn't the welcome home Dean was expecting but feeling his lovers hands grope him as they humped him like hormy teenagers made it hard for him to complain. Dean moans into John's mouth as he feels James shimmy his boxers down, his cock sliding across Dean's skin and smearing the back of his thighs with his precum.
James whimpers into his shoulder, his hold on his waist tightening as he slips between Dean's thighs. John draws his own leg back and pulls his boxers down far enough to free his own erection. He moans into Dean's mouth as he palms the head of his cock, running his hand down the shaft and squeezing as he begins to pump it. Dean's mind, once foggy from sleep, is now clouded by a wave of want. Heat pools between his thighs, only further ignited as James' cock drags along his boxers, causing slight friction and making Dean rock his hips lazily.
James gasps as Dean squeezes his thighs, one hand reaching down so the head of his dick hits Dean's palm with each thrust. John nips at Dean's bottom lip before trailing open mouth kisses down his neck, stopping to suck on and nip at the junction where his neck and shoulder met. If he were in his right mind Dean might have been able to prepare himself for John biting down on his soft skin, but he yelps in surprise at the sting of pain; whimpering as John drags his tongue over the fresh mark. 
John moans as Dean's blood coats his tongue, his hand pumping his length more vigorously as he feels his stomach twist deliciously. Dean struggles to focus on any one thing, his palm now covered in beads of cum as James picks up his own pace, arm slipping away to grab hold of his thigh and press it down further. He groans and peppers hungry kisses to Dean's shoulder, hips slapping against his ass with each thrust and rocking him into John's chest as he fucked his thighs.
Dean lets his head fall against John's collarbone, his fatigue still weighing his body down as his far more energetic lovers take care of themselves. He presses a lazy kiss to John's skin, earning an appreciative moan as John presses himself closer. Dean felt the tip of his cock hit his thigh and he continued to jerk himself off, his breathing getting heavier as his body slid against Deans.
"You are wearing far too many clothes for going to bed love," He huffs, ironically seeing as Dean was only wearing his flannel and boxers. James takes this as an incentive to reach around and undo the buttons of Dean's shirt, pulling it back and revealing his heaving chest to John. The baptist doesn't hesitate to lean down and run his tongue across Dean's skin, delighting in every whimper and moan that escaped the junior deputy.
James hooks his thumb under the waistband of Dean's boxers, slipping them halfway down his thighs and repositioning himself so his cock dragged along his pussy. Dean gasps as his shaft rubs along his clit, returning to his original pace and rutting his hips against him. Wet sounds fill the air as Dean's arousal covers James, each thrust resulting in a loud smacking noise that almost drowns out the three mens moaning.
John sucks on Dean's hard nipple, teeth scraping the soft flesh before swirling his tongue around it. Even in his hazy state Dean really wished his tongue was somewhere else in that moment, his stomach churning at the thought. 
"Fuck i'm close," James breathes out, more of a warning for John as he lost himself to the soft wet feeling of Dean's thighs. Dean tries to wrap his hand around the tip of his dick, pumping the length that would poke out from between his thighs, but his hand is clumsy and he can barely keep his eyes open. His other hand rests against John's bare chest, feeling his molten skin and feeling him shiver under his touch. 
John uses his free hand to grab the back of Dean's neck, kissing him like a drowning man sucking in his first gulp of air. It's bruising and feels like he's trying to meld their jaws together and it's enough to tell Dean he was close too, the tense muscles moving under his hand winding up and readying to snap.
James groans Dean's name, fingers digging into his hip as his movements become erratic, giving a few more thrusts before his body tenses against Dean's back and he can feel his cock twitch between his thighs. That familiar thick, sticky substance coats Dean's hand, his thighs and some of it lands on John's thigh as well. His breaths are ragged as he slows his hips, grinding against Dean's ass as he rides out his orgasm.
John isn't far behind, curses slipping from his lips as he buries his face away in Dean's shoulder, a moan getting stuck in his throat as his hips stutter. His own cum coats the front of Dean's thighs, sliding down and mixing with James'. Dean whines half-heartedly, rubbing his thighs together and feeling the sweat and cum drip down his skin and onto the bed beneath him. 
John spreads the sticky substances up his thighs with his slender fingers, stopping to rub Dean's throbbing clit that had been begging for attention during their escapades. James kisses along his shoulder, large hand rubbing up his side as he shimmied himself down, trailing those kisses down his back as he went.
"You did so good for us baby boy," James murmurs, running his palms over Dean's bare ass and squeezing the soft flesh. Despite the fact Dean had just been all but used he couldn't bring himself to say he didn't enjoy it, especially not now with John's nimble fingers dipping inside of him while he trailed hot kisses down his sternum.
Before he knows it James is hoisting him up and rolling over, his hard chest pressed against his back as John positioned himself between their legs. James' hands caress his hips and Dean rests his hands over his, not having enough energy to do much more with them as John lowers himself down. Even with his blurry vision Dean can appreciate the sight of John licking the mix of his and James cum from his thigh, trailing his mouth up the sticky surface until his lips wrapped around the sensitive bundle of nerves.
Dean jolts at the contact, a moan ripping out of his throat as John's hot, wet tongue swirls around his clit the same way he'd done to his nipple. He was right—It felt even better. Dean was already sensitive, his body having reacted far more to the boys getting off on him more than he had. He was already dripping wet and when John dips his tongue inside of him his head falls back and he whines uselessly into the air.
"He liked that," James coos teasingly, kissing the shell of Dean's ear and wrapping his arms around his waist to keep him in place. John hums, the vibrations sending Dean closer to the edge and causing a shiver to run up his spine.
"Please," His voice is broken and shaky as he whines weakly into the air, hips rutting forward as he tries to grind against John's mouth. 
John reciprocates enthusiastically burying his face closer and flicking his tongue expertly, holding Dean's thighs as he begins to squirm and writhe under him. Dean gasps and whines and John's name tumbles from his lips as he feels a flood of pleasure rush to the ends of his tired limbs, his chest heaving as his thighs shake. John moans, not stopping his assault as Dean's hand weakly digs into his messy hair.
Dean falls back against James with a shaky exhale, eyes fluttering closed as he swallows thickly. James peppers kisses along his neck, cooing sweet encouragement against his searing skin. John trails kisses up his body as he crawls on top of him, leaning down to press a messy kiss to his lips. The taste on his tongue is a delicious mix of their cum and Dean moans weakly into his mouth. James pushes himself up behind him, smiling as Dean whines and nuzzles into his chest. 
"Are you tired baby?" James asks playfully as John brushes his hair out of his face.
"I'd apologise for the interruption but you seemed to enjoy yourself," John muses, smirking gently as he pushes himself up onto his knees.
"Let's clean you up so you can get some sleep,"
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deputyash · 1 year
OC Info Tag Game
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Full name: Dove “Dovie” Marie Ash
Gender: Woman
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Family: Lizbeth Ash (Mother), Michael Ash (Father), Matthew Ash (Brother)
Birthplace: San Marcos, Texas
Job: Junior Deputy at Hope County Sheriff’s Department
Phobias/Fears: Losing her loved ones, Death, Scorpions
Guilty Pleasures: Sleeping in, Relax Days, Texas BBQ, Tex-Mex Food
Hobbies: Photography, Journaling, Sketching, Swimming, Hiking
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
Sins: Sloth, Pride, Envy, Wrath (kinda/depends on universe)
Virtues: Kindness, Diligence, Charity, Patience
introvert / extrovert / ambivert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / depends
patient / impatient / depends
outspoken / reserved / depends
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in-between
hard-working / lazy / in-between
OTP: Dove Ash x John Seed
Acceptable ships: Dove Ash x Grace Seed, Dove Ash x Cooper McCoy, Dove Ash x Anya Cherkov (I put these here but tbh they’re all OTPs haha)
OT3: N/A (for now)
BroTP: Dove Ash & Rovanna West (OC)
NOTP: Dove Ash x Joseph Seed (Sorry Joseph!)
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josephslittledeputy · 3 years
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Willa Rook x Joseph Seed
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nma-nekro · 4 years
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Two first versions are here!  🦋 I will do one more version of that art. Hope you’ll like it. ♡
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mdyaoi · 4 years
Peaches & Cream 2...
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Yes, I’m trying to do it but I really, really need someone’s help...
I love to RP and I need someone to play Jacob, Joseph or John with me. I would play either Staci or my rook Dale @rookdale
I lost 2 tumblr Jacobs and a Joseph this past week. One of them I’m so worried about and hope they will see this post and contact me.
Anyway, please, anyone over 18 that wants to play a Seed bro on either tumblr or Discord, DM me. Please don’t be shy! I need your motivation to continue or I’m gonna wither up and die 😢
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And I KNOW THERE ARE A LOT OF ANTI JAKESTACE but like I said, my rook is available and he’s pretty cute, right?
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deputyrhiannonhale · 4 years
Tagged by @returnofthepd3 thanks hun this was hella fun!!
Interview with Deputy Rhiannon Hale
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Name: Rhiannon Hale, but pretty much everyone calls me Rhi....not sure who called me Rhiannon last *chuckles*
Are you single: No...it's, um, definitely complicated.
Are you happy: *chuckles nervously* On the surface......sure.
Are you angry: At this very moment? No. Do I get triggered easily...yeah. I do hold a lot of resentment from my childhood...of people who had a nice childhood....
Are your parents still married: *scoffs* My "parents" are dead...if you wanna call them parents. I miss my biological father though....
Nine Facts
Birthplace: Billings, Montana
Hair color: Light Brunette
Eye color: Hazel
Birth date: October 30, 1988
Mood: For the most part, I'm pessimistic. But I do still have that naivete of maybe if i make everyone happy, they'll love me...
Morning or afternoon: Afternoon, right as the sun is beginning to set. Also....I HATE mornings, so there's that *laughs*
Summer or winter: Neither, to be honest, I'm an autumn person, I love that crisp air!! And all the colors!
Gender: Last time I checked, I'm female, yo!
Eight things about your love life
Are you in love: Sure, but I won't admit it out loud to him *laughs hard*
Do you believe in love at first sight: HELL NO, I'm not even sure if I believe in true love to be honest, verdict is still out on that one!
Who ended your last relationship: I definitely did. He started getting way to serious and I panicked and ran.
Have you ever broken someones heart: Possibly....since, you know, the commitment thing
Are you afraid of commitment: I'm afraid of losing myself in that commitment is more like it. After watching the way my mother obsessed over my step-douche and how she went from a loving mother to not giving a shit about her own daughter? If that's love, that's much too high a cost for me.
Have you hugged someone in the last week: My uncle, Earl Whitehorse, and Addie!
Have you ever broken your own heart: Numerous times....
Six Choices
Love or Lust: *chuckles* Probably lust...still new to the thought of actual "love:
Lemonade or Iced Tea: Hmmmm....probably sweet tea, have you tried the stuff? It's the bomb if done right!!
Cats or Dogs: *taps chin with index finger* Bears, I fucking LOVE Cheeseburger! *whispers* but really, I love all animals!
A few Best friends or Regular Friends: Definitely a few best friends, only people I trust with my life!
Wild night out or romantic night in: I'd much rather stay in, I get too uncomfortable around too many people, especially if they're being boisterous.
Day or night: Night. It's much more calm!
Five Have You Evers
Been caught sneaking out: *snorts* my mother nor step ass cared enough about me to even check if I was still in the house.
Fallen Down/Up the Stairs: Yes, I'm clumsy as shit
Wanted someone/something so badly it hurt: That seems like a very human thing, so yes I have wanted someone or soemthing that badly
Wanted to disappear: Yes...but only to see if anyone would care...damn sorry that got deep...
Four preferences
Smile or eyes: Definitely eyes...they'll let you know if someone is lying to you....
Shorter or taller: Everyone is taller than me I think *laughs* I'm 5'1 on a good day
Intelligence or Attraction: I want someone who I can have fun with? So I guess I'm more of a personality type person...
Hook up or Relationship: *blushes slightly* I'm currently having...two hook ups, so...yeah *laughs*
Do you and your family get along: Me and Whitehorse, definitely! My chosen family of Addie and Hurk Jr, hell yeah!
Would you say you have a messed up life: Hell yeah...I was neglected...my biological father was killed in a robbery gone wrong...my step brother ended up killing our parents and then himself...yeah pretty fucked up in my opinion...
Have you ever ran away from home: I wanted too, but I couldnt leave my step brother Deeter alone with his abusive father. We always had each others backs...I miss him.
Have you ever got kicked out: Yeah, I suppose, but not for misbehaving....just my fucking mother didnt wanna deal with me in the summer, so when I got my license to drive. She started making me visit my uncle in Hope County. I hated it at first, but now I would never have changed it! It's how I met Johanna, Addie, Hurk Jr and eventually Sharky!
Do you secretly hate one of your friends: *laughs and considers it* Hate is a strong word...I guess I dislike how upbeat Hurk Jr is first thing in the morning. Sorry Hurk...
Do you consider all of your friends good friends: No, only a handful know the deepest things about me...
Who is your best friend: Hmmmm...that's a tough one. It's a tie between Johanna and Addie!
Who knows everything about you: Adelaide definitely *laughs*
Tagging: @thosetwistedtales @yancy-trash @f0xyboxes @ramadiiiisme and anyone else who wants to join!!
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jacobs-judge · 5 years
"So Joseph, what would dating you involve?"
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aceghosts · 2 years
Oh, The Reckoning Begins Chapter 5
Series Summary: Five years ago, Junior Deputy Blue Murphy disappeared with Joseph Seed at the final standoff, only to be found a year later in Dutch's bunker. Now, five years later from that final standoff, Blue Murphy and Hope County have moved on with their lives. However, new sinister forces threaten Blue's life, and they will have to rely on the man who started this all to survive: Joseph Seed.
Ch. 1| Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6
Rating: Mature
Warnings: I need to give a serious warning for trauma and guilt in this chapter. This also heavily and explicitly references events from FC5, including mentions of murder and torture. On the safe side, I'm also going to give a warning for manipulation and toxic relationships. This should cover everything, but please let me know if I should tag for anything else.
Words: 5,351 words.
Ships: Mentions of previous Junior Deputy/Joseph Seed, but this is a Junior Deputy/Joseph Seed Fic.
Author's Note: IT'S FINALLY HERE!!!!!! Blue and Joseph are finally interacting with each other, and Blue gets to let loose on him! I'm excited for this chapter, and I really hope everyone enjoys it! A huge thank you to @sstewyhosseini for taking a look over this chapter! I really appreciate your comments/reactions, and I can't thank you enough. (Also, if you're not following Mika, you should! Seriously, she is awesome!) Lastly, I don't make listening recommendations for chapters, but if you're interested, PVRIS' Thank You (Feat. Raye) is what I've had in the background on repeat while writing this chapter.
               Sharky clears his throat, disco music playing over the car stereo as Blue tears their gaze away from the window. Sitting in the front passenger seat, Blue finds Sharky focused on the road as he drives his Jeep towards the prison. When they called Special Agent Hawthorne, Blue could only think of one person they wanted beside them when they faced Joseph: Sharky Boshaw. Naturally, that also meant that Hurk joined them for the ride. Not that Blue minded. “You sure you, uh, don’t wanna turn around, Blue Jay? You don’t have to talk to Daddy Seed.”
              Blue smiles warmly at him, touched by Sharky’s concern. “I have to do this, Sharky. I promised Special Agent Hawthorne that I would talk to Joseph, and I intend to keep my promise.” They know Sharky is worried for a good reason. Sharky, along with a few others, saw firsthand how much being in the Bunker messed with Blue. He spent a lot of nights at Blue’s place, making sure they were going to be alright. On the first anniversary of their freedom, Sharky spent the whole week with Blue, distracting them from the memories of the Bunker. Like Boomer, Grace, and so many others, Blue owed Sharky a debt they could never repay.
              Sensing that the conversation needed a change, Hurk leans forward from the backseat, sagely glancing between Sharky and Blue. “We’re gonna be fine, y’all. This prison ain’t nuthin’; you should’ve seen some of the other prisons I’ve been in. Just follow my lead!” Blue frowns, raising an eyebrow. Well, that was concerning.
              Sharky shakes his head. “Just cuz you traveled all over the world doesn’t mean you know what’s gonna happen, cuz! What if we get shanked by some dude who made a knife out of a plastic spork?!”
              “You’ve been watchin too many of them scared straight reality TV prison shows, Sharky! If you gotta worry about anythin’, its prison riots…” As Hurk rambles on the dangers of prison, Blue tunes him and Sharky out, thinking of Joseph. What would Joseph’s reaction be to seeing Blue? He obviously wanted to see them, but Blue wondered why he wanted to see them. Why couldn’t Joseph just move along with his life the same way Blue was? Why did he want to drag them back to the past? “What do you think, Broba Fett?”
              Blue blinks, focusing back on the conversation. “Sorry, Hurk. What was that?”
              Hurk and Sharky share worried glances between each other before Hurk repeats his question. “Prison Riot or Shanking?”
              “Prison Riot, obviously. I mean, haven’t you watched movies or TV? Everything goes to shit! It makes me think of those Purge movies you forced me to watch.” They really hope Joseph isn’t about to start a prison riot while they’re talking with him.
              “Told ya!” Hurk punches Sharky’s shoulder playfully, continuing his ramble about prison riots. Sharky looks over at them with concern again. Blue knows they shouldn’t do this, but they can’t live with the blood on their hands. There’s too much blood on their hands already. They just had to help the FBI, and then, Joseph would be out of their life for good.
              An hour later, the trio arrives at the prison, making their way through security. As they walk through the metal detectors in the visitor center, a news report plays over the radio at the guard station, “The American Government is anticipating a drought in several states, adding to an already difficult crop season.” Besides the sound of the radio, everything is quiet and calm. Too calm for Blue’s liking.
              BEEP! The metal detector goes off, and Blue grins sheepishly at the Corrections Officer. They fish their lucky pocket knife out of their olive-green cargo pants, handing it to him. “Please keep that safe. It’s important to me.”
              “We’ll take care of it. You can retrieve it on the way out.” Blue nods, feeling naked without their lucky pocket knife. That knife has saved their life more times than they can count; they feel defenseless without it. Eventually, they make their way through security with Sharky and Hurk, thankfully getting into no major trouble.
              “Ranger Murphy.” Blue turns to find Special Agent Hawthorne approaching them. He holds out his hand for Blue to shake. “I can’t thank you enough for taking time to speak to Joseph Seed. You’re doing a great service for your country.”
              “No problem,” Blue takes his hand, shaking it, “You can just call me Blue by the way. My friends, Sharky and Hurk came with me.” They release his hand, motioning to Sharky and Hurk standing behind them. Blue feels odd to be in a prison, especially when it wasn’t a Resistance stronghold, housing their boss and allies.
              Special Agent Hawthorne turns to Sharky and Hurk, shaking hands with them both. “I am Special Agent Dylan Hawthorne. Thank you for accompanying Blue.”
              “Charlemagne Victor Boshaw IV,” Sharky introduces himself, puffing out his chest. If he notices Sharky’s attempt at intimidation, Special Agent Hawthorne doesn’t acknowledge it.  
              “You can call him, Sharky,” Blue adds.
              Hurk looks around the prison, taking in the sights around him. “Told you this would be a nicer prison, cuz. Most of the prisons I’ve been in smell like ass.”
              Special Agent Hawthorne raises an eyebrow, deeply concerned by Hurk’s statement. “You’ve been in prison before?”
              He nods. “Yeah, man, I’ve been in some real bad prisons,” Hurk shudders, haunted by what he saw, “some of the worst places I’ve ever been, and that includes bein’ at home when Daddy and Mom were gettin’ divorced.”
              Special Agent Hawthorne blinks, speechless at Hurk’s revelation. “We should prepare you to talk to Joseph Seed.” He motions for the trio to follow him, turning on his heel.
              The walk to see Joseph is a quiet, solemn affair. Blue shoves their hands in the pockets of their Bomber Jacket, the same one they were infamous for wearing while fighting Eden’s Gate. It was too late to turn around, right? Definitely. Or maybe, they could-. Sharky bumps their shoulder playfully, and Blue smiles at him warmly. He smiles back, a feeling of confidence rushing through Blue. They could do this; they could face Joseph.
              Special Agent Hawthorne opens the door, leading the three into another room. The other FBI Agent, already in the room, stands up from his metal folding chair, placing his Styrofoam coffee cup on the metal table. He approaches the group, holding out his hand for Blue to shake. “Special Agent Jack Mitchell.”
              “Jay Murphy, but you can just call me, Blue.” They take his hand, shaking it. Special Agent Mitchell is older than Hawthorne, but he radiates an easygoing confidence, partially setting Blue at ease. He’s certainly more laidback than Special Agent Hawthorne, who seems to be on alert 24/7.
              As he releases Blue’s hand, Special Agent Hawthorne introduces Sharky and Hurk. “These are Blue’s friends, Sharky and Hurk, who are here with them for moral support.”
              “You ready to talk to him,” Special Agent Mitchell asks, jerking his thumb back towards Joseph, “That guy is a real loose bag of screws.”
              Blue shifts uncomfortably at Special Agent Mitchell’s assessment of Joseph. It always felt wrong to call Joseph crazy, almost as if it was a way to let the system off the hook for failing him. Meanwhile, Sharky and Hurk laugh in agreement as Special Agent Hawthorne glares at his fellow agent. “Mitchell, we need to be professional. We don’t want to influence their views one way or the other.”
              He rolls his eyes. “Relax Hawthorne. They’ve already dealt with Seed.”
              “Yeah,” Sharky confirms, “We know how crazy Daddy Seed and his siblings were.”
              Special Agent Mitchell laughs as Special Agent Hawthorne pinches the bridge of his nose with a sigh. “We should start briefing Blue on the proper protocol while talking with Mr. Seed.”
              They nod. “Right. What do I need to know?”
              “You’ll be talking to Mr. Seed alone.” The words are barely out of Special Agent Hawthorne’s mouth before Sharky and Hurk cut in.
              “No way!”
              Blue knows Sharky and Hurk are just looking out for them, but they feel frustrated, knowing that they have to do this alone. “I have to go in there alone. I’m going to be fine; please trust me.”
              “We do trust you-,” Sharky starts.
              “But we don’t trust him,” Hurk finishes.
              They smile comfortingly at Sharky and Hurk. “I know you don’t, but you can trust me. After all, they’re going to have safeguards to protect me, right?” Blue looks over at Special Agent Hawthorne, who nods.
              “The Correction Officers already searched Mr. Seed before taking him into the private visitation room. He should not have anything on his person to hurt you with. Although, we do recommend not touching him.”
              A shudder runs over Blue. “Definitely not touching him.”   
              “We are setting a time limit of 15 minutes, but if you have a good rapport with him, we may have you continue to talk to Mr. Seed past the 15 minute limit. You can also leave before those 15 minutes end if it gets too traumatic.” Special Agent Hawthorne explains.
              “Feel free to sit there silently, Blue. You don’t have to actually speak to him,” Special Agent Mitchell chimes in helpfully, “After your time is up, you and your friends are free to leave.”
              Special Agent Hawthorne looks at them seriously. “If Mr. Seed threatens you in any way, Mitchell and I will be there to protect you. We will be watching through the one-way window,” He points towards the large window, next to the door, “We will also be listening to your conversation. Mr. Seed will be cuffed to the table, which means he shouldn’t be able to touch you.”
              Blue doesn’t think Joseph will hurt them, or at least, he won’t hurt them intentionally. Love and Punishment always went hand in hand for Joseph. “Okay,” they take a deep breath, “I’m ready to go in.”
              “WAIT!” Sharky grabs their wrist tightly as Blue heads towards the solid metal door. “Please, don’t do this, Blue Jay. You don’t owe him anything.”
              Blue pulls their wrist out of Sharky’s hand. “Yeah, I do have to face him, Sharky. I have to face him, put an end to this.” Somehow, they feel a sense of finality, the sense that Blue is at a crossroads, and they won’t be able to undo their choice. Hell, it kinda felt like the final battle, the showdown at the small Church where all this started.
              Blue opens the door, shivering as they step into the cold, sterile room. The door closes behind them with a solid thunk, and Joseph’s head snaps up, cold blue eyes settling on Blue. Their chest tightens, Blue struggling to breathe. Long dormant emotions bubble up to the surface. Panic. Wrath. Guilt. Love. Their feelings towards Joseph were a complicated web, with too many strings that could not be untangled. A part of Blue longs to turn toward the door, bang, and scream to be let out. But they know what they’re here for. Eli. Virgil. Marshal Burke. John. Jacob. Faith. Abigail. Arthur. Phil. Repeating the names of the dead in their head over like a mantra, Blue heads towards the metallic chair, their eyes never leaving Joseph.
              Prison had not been kind to Joseph Seed; Blue doubts it was kind to anyone. They feel fucking miserable in this room with its sickly pale, yellow walls, thick concrete floor, and ice-cold table. Joseph’s hair is pulled back in his usual bun, sporting more gray hairs than the last time they saw him. His beard also conveys more gray hairs, slightly shorter than the last time. Dark circles under his eyes give him the appearance of two black eyes, and there are more lines on his face, looking wearier than ever. Pulling out the chair, Blue takes a seat, shoving their hands in their jacket pockets. Joseph watches them expectantly as if he thinks Blue will talk first. No fucking way.
              After what seems like an eternity, Joseph speaks, “Blue Jay-.”
              “DON’T CALL ME THAT!” Blue snaps harshly, lips pulled back in a snarl. “You don’t get to call me that. Not after the goddamn shit you put me through.”
              A brief flash of hurt appears on his face, but Joseph quickly composes himself. “I see, Blue,” He pauses, waiting to see if Blue will even allow him to call them that, “I did not think you would come. For so long, you had no interest in seeing me. Even now, in front of me, I scarcely believe you are real.” Joseph lets out a disbelieving laugh, reaching for Blue. His hands are stopped by the cuffs, frowning at the hindrance.
              God, what a miserable fucking place. They know Joseph wants them to talk about why they didn’t visit them, and plant doubts in their head about those just trying to help them. Blue won’t let themself be manipulated by Joseph. Instead, they focus on a safer topic. “How’s prison?”
              Joseph looks disappointed but seizes the chance to speak anyway. He always did love the sound of his voice. “Prison is…,” Joseph trails off momentarily, searching for the right words, “difficult. Prison is not a place that uplifts sinners and helps them achieve redemption. It is a place meant to break them, to set them in their wicked ways. I am able to help some of the lost children within these walls, but many will not listen. I continue to write, but it is difficult to get writing supplies.” He reaches for them again, the handcuffs stopping him once more. Blue flinches, out of instinct more than fear. He looks disappointed by their reaction as if Blue should know better. “I have no intention of hurting you. I miss you, Blue. I truly do. It hurt that you never came to see me. It hurts even more to know that you only came to see me out of obligation.”
              “And what obligation would that be Joseph?” They feel wrath starting to simmer under their skin, the scar on their chest itching faintly.
              His blue eyes stare into Blue, looking right into their soul. Joseph had a gift for manipulating people, always seeing past the façade. Their muscles tense, screaming for Blue to run, to get the hell away. Instead, they stare back, refusing to let Joseph win. “Tell me about them.”
              They raise an eyebrow. “About whom?”
              “The victims. I know you, Blue. Special Agent Hawthorne would not have been able to get you to come here without putting a face to the suffering.”
              Wrath swells within, clawing to break free. Swallowing their wrath, Blue glares at him. “At least, I’m trying to help people. You’re just rotting in a jail cell.” They sound bitter as they lash out at Joseph. “Besides, what would you know about why I wanna help people?”
              He smiles softly, and Blue realizes they might have fucked up. It’s too late to take back those words, no matter how much they want to. “Oh, Blue. I knew it from the moment I met you, from the moment you arrested me in my Church. I knew you could not see the suffering of others and turn a blind eye. You saw the suffering of Hope County, and you knew you had to help in your own misguided way. You and I are alike in that regard; we always felt the pain of others too deeply.” Joseph pauses, his face turning pensive. “Yet, we have different ways of helping. I tried to show Hope County the light, the love of the Father’s embrace. You played their hero, Hope County’s Knight in Shining Armor. You wanted to save them, the same way you wish someone would have saved you and your mother,” He smiles at them tenderly again, “I know you are only trying to help. Please Blue, tell me about them. Let me shoulder part of that burden.”
              What kind of monster could look away after seeing all the shit that Eden’s Gate put Hope County through? What did Joseph expect from them? For Blue to run? It was only after being in the Bunker with him that they realized what Joseph wanted them to do. He wanted Blue to play their part, to bring the reckoning he saw come to life. Of course, he probably didn’t see the deaths of his siblings in that plan. Fuck that. If Joseph wanted to know why Blue was here, Blue would tell him. They would tell him all the goddamn gory details. “You wanna know about them, Joseph? Fine, we can do that.”
              “I do want to know about them, Blue. As I said, you do not have to bear this pain alone.”
              Blue lets out a bitter laugh. “Famous last words, Joseph. Fine, let’s talk about Abigail Carter. She was an investigative journalist, trying to expose your followers. Instead, she ends up at the bottom of a fucking cave. And you wanna know the best part, Joseph?” He raises an eyebrow, sensing where they might be going. “She looked like fucking Faith,” they continue, their words sharp and biting, “Guess your followers learned a fucking thing or two. Ain’t the first time that you left a Faith at the bottom of a cave?”
              “Blue.” They hear the edge to his tone, the disapproving Father tone. Too bad for Joseph he can’t do anything about it.
              They charge ahead. “What? Your followers picking up the wrong message? Too bad, Joseph. You should’ve stopped that a long time ago. You know, I still feel guilt for killing Faith. Do you feel guilty about leading her like a lamb to the slaughter?”
              Joseph regards them coldly, his eyes narrowed. “I see you’ve given into Wrath again. Besides, you should not talk about things that you know nothing of. I loved Faith; She was the most perfect of all my Faiths. I did not kill her. Perhaps, you should take a look at the blood on your own hands.”
              “I’m perfectly fucking aware of what I’m guilty of, Joseph. I just don’t think that you understand your role in her death either.” They swallow, getting back on track. “The next person your followers killed is a kid named Phil Santiago. He was the kind of guy who always did right by the people in his life. Couldn’t stop himself from helping others. Well, he just had to pick up a pair of hitchhikers, who just happen to be your followers, and…”
              They trail off, remembering the vibrant way Phil smiled in his photos, so full of life and happiness. Yet, he was the one missing, probably six feet beneath the ground. “Phil sounds like a good man. The world is a darker place for his loss,” Joseph tilts his head, still watching them carefully, “Phil and Abigail are not the only reason you are here.”
              Blue nods. “The final one is a farmer named Arthur Wilson. He was killed by some of your followers in a cornfield. Can’t imagine why they would want to hurt some farmer.”
              His eyes narrow, speaking softly. “Does Arthur Wilson remind you of your Grandfather, Blue? I remember you telling me in the Bunker that your Grandfather was a rancher.”
              Closing their eyes, Blue thinks of their Grandpa. He died several years before Blue moved to Hope County, but he had been their hero, the kind of person Blue aspired to be. Kind, determined, and honest, Grandpa had shown them that the world wasn’t a cruel place. He showed Blue that despite the terrible shit you go through, you can always choose to be a better person, to be a kinder person. They didn’t know Arthur Wilson, but something about him reminded Blue of their Grandpa. Blue nods, admitting the truth. “Yeah. Yeah, he does.”
              Joseph seizes on this, finally finding a real crack in their armor. “Do you think your Grandfather is proud of you, Blue? Do you think he would be proud of you being here with me?”
              Glaring at Joseph, Blue responds, “I know Grandpa would be proud of me trying to help these people. You have the chance to help them too, Joseph. I know you care for your people. This new guy is going to get them hurt. By helping the FBI, you can avoid your followers getting hurt.”
              “And for what? For my children to be arrested?”
              “I don’t know. I’d rather have the people I love alive rather than dead.”
              The room quiets, the two staring at each other silently. After a few moments, Joseph’s face softens, letting out a sigh. Blue feels themself relax, sliding their hands out of their jacket pockets. “I did not mean for our reunion to go this way. I only wanted to understand why you are here.”
              “It’s fine.” It isn’t. It will never be fine again.
              “I hope that when I get out of prison, you and I will be able to see each other again.” Blue snorts in derision; Hurk Drubman Sr. had a better chance of getting elected than Joseph did getting out of prison. “I am telling you the truth, Blue. We are family. The Voice has told me that you and I will walk through the Gates of Eden together. You know this to be true.”
              Blue snaps, their wrath fully kicking in. “WE ARE NOT A FAMILY!” They holler, standing up and slamming their hands down on the metal table. Blue’s heart beats loudly in their ears, the world narrowing around them. It scares Blue how good it feels to be absolutely fucking wrathful again. Meanwhile, Joseph shrinks back in his chair, hands still chained to the table. His blue eyes are wide, absolutely fucking terrified. Blue only remembers Joseph being that scared of them once.
              Joseph is on the ground before them, trembling hands raised in self-defense. Around the pair, the bliss storm swirls, nausea rising in Blue’s stomach. Blue holds their shotgun up, the butt of it pointed towards Joseph. Wrath overwhelms Blue as they stare down at Joseph, panting heavily. They want to bring down the butt of the shotgun on his face, bashing it in till Joseph’s face is nothing more than a bloody pulp. They want to tear him from limb to limb, bathing in his blood. It’s what he deserves after all the hell that he put Hope County through, for all the hell he put Blue through. 
              Sniveling, Joseph cries, “Please Blue! Don’t do this!” His blue eyes are wide with fear, tears streaming down his cheeks. His yellow aviators are broken, the right lens missing, and the left lens cracked. Both his eyes are already starting to turn black and blue along with other bruises forming on his face. Joseph looks frightened of Blue, absolutely fucking terrified. Somewhere, deep inside Blue, a tiny voice tells them they don’t have to kill him, that this isn’t Blue. For a second, they start to lower the shotgun, listening to the tiny voice. But the Wrath wins. It quiets the tiny voice, coursing through Blue’s veins. They raise the shotgun again, preparing to slam it down in his face.
              They never do.
              Joseph looks behind Blue, obviously towards the windows. Blue hopes Special Agents Hawthorne and Mitchell don’t intervene. Now that they are pissed off, Blue is itching to give Joseph a goddamn piece of their mind. Joseph’s gaze returns to them, swallowing nervously. “You and I are a family, Blue. Our time in the Bunker has shown us-.”
           Blue cuts him off, fury blazing in their eyes. “FAMILY?! After everything you did to me, you still want to insist we’re family?! After what you did to my friends? After murdering people I cared about? After torturing people I loved? After torturing me? After brainwashing me? After making me think that you loved me,” Tears burn at the corner of their eyes, running down Blue’s cheeks as they draw a shaky breath, “After you trapped me in that Bunker for a year? After letting me fall in love with you? What kind of fucked up family does that to each other? Why would you do that to me, Joseph? I thought…I thought…” Blue can’t bring themself to say those words, wiping at their eyes with the cuff of their jacket sleeve.
              His mouth hangs slightly open, the full weight of Blue’s words bearing down on him. “Blue, I wanted to save you like everyone else. I wanted to show you the path, the Father’s loving embrace. My feelings for you were never an act. I have always loved you; I still do. Everything I did, I did because I cared.”
              They laugh bitterly, shaking their head. “No, you don’t get to say that. What you did to me didn’t fucking save me, Joseph; it fucked me up. I can’t sleep without having nightmares. Eli, Vigil, and Marshal Burke haunt me in my nightmares. Jacob, John, and Faith haunt me in my nightmares. You haunt me in my nightmares. I’m paranoid, always looking over my shoulder like I’m in a fucking warzone. I’m terrified that your followers might come back for me and finish the job. I struggle to trust people because I’m afraid that they’re going to be like you. I’m scared that Jacob’s programming will kick back in one day, and I’ll just go berserk and kill all the people I love,” Blue chokes back a sob, wiping at their eyes again, “You know, the worst part isn’t what you did to me, but it’s what you did to all the people I cared about. My friends treat me like I’m fragile, like they’re scared I’m gonna break. Some days, I wonder if they expect me to finally lose it and run back to you. My mom wonders what the hell happened to her baby, and it kills her that she can’t make this all better.” They think of their mom, remembering how she reacted to the sight of Blue’s scars.
              “Blue Jay, I wanted to check-.” Their mom opens the door to their room, stopping before Blue can pull on an oversized T-shirt over their tank top. After getting out of the Bunker a few weeks ago, Blue moved back with their mom and stepdad in Colorado. It was just temporary until Blue could function again. Until Blue could pretend that Joseph didn’t haunt their every waking second. 
              “Sorry mom, I was just changing shirts…” They trail off, as their mom’s eyes widen, hands coming up to cover her mouth. The WRATH scar is a nasty sight, red, angry letters scrawled deep and messily into their skin. Their mom steps forward with tears in her eyes. She never looks away from the WRATH scar, guilt bright in her warm, blue eyes. “Mom, it isn’t….”
           She uncovers her mouth. “Did he do that to you? That…That…” Their mom can’t say Joseph’s name. She just refers to him as that man, the words sounding like a curse. 
              Blue shakes their head. “No, mom. He didn’t do that to me; His brother is the one who did it.” Blue and their mom stand in silence as Blue watches tears roll down their mom’s cheeks. They fall into an old habit, shrugging off the pain and hurt like it’s nothing. “I’m okay, mom,” They lie, grabbing the t-shirt and pulling it on, “Go downstairs. I’ll join you in a few.”   
              Their mom frowns, her eyes finally meeting Blue’s. “Blue Jay, you don’t have to pretend-.”
              “I’m okay, mom. Really!” They plaster a smile on their face. Blue can do this, pretend that they’re still normal and not fucked up. Their mom’s shoulders drop as she realizes they won’t change their mind. She nods, leaving Blue alone in the silence of their room. Blue takes a deep breath, only realizing now that they’re shaking. Grabbing their hoodie, Blue pulls it on, heading out of their room. They walk down the familiar brown carpeted hall of the house that used to belong to their Grandpa but now belonged to their mom. As Blue reaches the top of the staircase, they hear the soft sounds of sobbing. Kneeling by the top of the staircase, out of sight, Blue looks down to find their mom on the couch with their stepdad. 
              “Shh..Shh..It’s alright, honey,” Blue’s stepdad drawls, rubbing their mom’s back as she sobs into his chest. 
              “You didn’t-You didn’t see it," She cries, an echoing sound of grief, “He carved up my Blue Jay, and now, they’re trying to pretend as if nothing happened. Why did he do it to my Blue Jay?” Another keening wail rings out, and Blue stands up. They hear their mom continue to cry. “Why did he do that to my Blue Jay? Why?”
              Wrath burns within them, and Blue turns, itching to give Joseph a piece of their mind. Their hands reach out, aiming to grab him by the shoulders and shake Joseph. “YOU-,” Blue snarls quietly, turning to berate Joseph. All they find is an empty hallway, no Joseph to be seen. It’s not the first time they’ve turned to say something to Joseph after emerging from the Bunker. They’re just used to seeing him there, always in the corner of their eye. He was a constant in their life, and now, he was gone.
              Guilt weighs heavily on Blue’s shoulders, a tired, empty feeling washing over them. They want to run down to their mom and tell her that this wasn’t her fault, that this wasn’t anyone’s fault. Instead, they walk back to their room, closing the door silently behind them. Blue gets into their bed, burying themself beneath the blankets. Looking at their nightstand, Blue catches sight of a framed photo, one of their Grandpa. It was the first time they managed to drag him hiking, their Grandpa smiling with Blue as the pair enjoyed the nature around them. Grabbing the photo, Blue pulls it close against their chest, muffling their cries into their pillow. “I wish you here, Grandpa,” they cry quietly into their pillow, “You would know what to do; You would know how to make this right.”
               Wiping their eyes, Blue stares at Joseph, determined to put him behind them once and for all. “I should hate you for all you’ve done to me, Joseph, but I can’t. You will always have a part of my heart. But I’m not going to take all the shit you throw at me under the guise of love and caring,” giving him a small, relieved smile, Blue continues, “I hope you have a good life, Joseph, just know that I want no part of it.”
              The door opens behind the pair, and Blue looks over their shoulder to see Special Agent Hawthorne in the doorway. He looks concerned for Blue as he clears his throat. “The fifteen minutes are up. If you would like, you can leave now, Blue.”
              They don’t look at Joseph as they turn away from the table. Heading towards the door, Blue takes a deep breath. Behind them, Joseph screams. “BLUE! DON’T WALK AWAY FROM ME!” They hear him sob, calling their name. “PLEASE COME BACK, BLUE! DON’T GO!”
              Special Agent Hawthorne allows them to step through the door, closing it afterward. The closed door muffles the sounds of Joseph’s desperate screaming. Glaring at Special Agent Hawthorne, Blue states firmly, “Don’t call me if you need him to talk.”
              “Hey, Blue Jay, are you-?” Sharky doesn’t finish as Blue crashes into him for a hug. They wrap their arms tightly around him, burying their face in Sharky’s sweatshirt. He smells like gasoline and smoke, familiar and comforting which is what they need. He instinctively wraps his arm around Blue, rubbing their back. Hurk joins the hug, sandwiching Blue between the two men. “It’s gonna be okay, Blue Jay.”
              “You’re gonna do all right, Amigo,” Hurk echoes.
              “I know,” Blue replies, a sudden weariness, and emptiness taking over them, “I just wanna get out of here.”  
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derputy · 1 year
Far Cry 5 as Parks & Rec* - Part 4 (Pt. 1/2/3) || As usual, tagging some awesome inspirations @racheljo47 @ms-rampage @i-am-the-balancing-point @yeetslovescheese - they never once asked to be tagged but they (so far) still let me for some reason <3
(commercial voice) **beware probable inconsistencies & spelling errors. the following meme video may not accurately depict op's feelings towards certain characters. canon accuracies may vary.
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hollypepper · 5 years
John: I guess the attitude that I've tried to create here is that I'm a friend first and a Herald second and probably an entertainer third.
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lexieheron · 5 years
Tumblr media
*scratches beard*
So @outranks Lily commissioned me to draw some fluffy and soft Joe and her deputy, Lydia. Here they are, sweet saints indeed. I really loved working on them, this pose was a great choice, Lily! Prepare for more kisses coming in the future! It was a pleasure working with you on this ❤️❤️
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bunnymoss · 5 years
How Sweet The Sound
[Joseph Seed x Rook]
//Oh look it's me again posting more of this fic! I've posted half of it. The rest is a little too juicy NSFW for Tumblr, but is available to read in its entirety on AO3! Link is below the ficlet!//
Call the Father one thing, call him a hypocrite. Call him a man who preaches of sin to the masses, and urges atonement on every other breath. Who turns inside himself in the shadows of the night and leaps headfirst into the very thing he preaches against.
Touting piety, practicing vice.
But how can he swallow his pride and temper his gluttony when it's him she chooses to come to? When it is by his hand that she seeks her bliss, her nirvana, her salvation?
Her boots thud heavily across the chapel floor, hard rubber and steel toes treading their way across the boards.
She only ever comes to him when he stays above his church, in the loft above his heart of hearts. A place of God, a sanctum of worship, his home of all homes. Even after the reaping, when his flock has all but scattered to play their part in this righteous march to the Gates, his place is here.
His flock converges in the early morning and late into the evening. They pour into the chapel with love in their hearts and songs in their souls and they praise.
The lot of them clustered there with him, crowding to lay hands on their Father, their shepherd, their messiah. And he joins in this rising fervor with them day after day, night after night. A crescendo of passionate cries, and praises to God, and sermons of sin and baptism and atonement and still-
Still he caves.
Asks God for forgiveness, or for some sort of guidance.
And then worships at her altar from midnight to daybreak.
When she comes, she's in white, always white. As pure as the lilies that blanket his land.
When she comes, she is silent, reverent, and chaste. She takes her boots off at the foot of the tiny staircase, leaves the mud and muck behind. She makes a strange picture, wearing what should really be her wedding dress, her christening, her purity. But on those feet, her muddy boots, ever utilitarian, mucking through the woods to sneak around the compound’s fence.
But when she comes and climbs those stairs with purpose in her step, she is made of nothing but angel wings and pounding hearts, gasping breaths.
His hands always shake, when he first comes to hold her. Tonight is no different, she bears his shame with grace.
Her name from his lips, and his from hers. Father. Joseph. Please.
She comes into his church and praises God in her own language. In kisses, bites, and little gasps.
He lays his hand tenderly as he can on her pale shoulder, drawing her in as she spreads those palms on his bare chest. She's feeling for his heartbeat, making sure he's still breathing. This has never been a dream, not once, and the reality still staggers him. This is his reality, lived and breathed in shadows and secrecy under God's watchful eye.
The glide of her lips across his is a blessing each time. A silent and assured promise, their communion together. Her love, in the form of wet little smooches she drags down his throat and over his collarbones. Lingering and lapping at the sparrows inked into his flesh. She lets him whisper a quiet prayer into the wild curls of her hair as he runs his hands up and down the long lines of her back. A prayer of blessing, of dedication. For the Lord to bless this, their union tonight.
She's known this was coming since the first time they met. God made her for him, and he made him for her. In a way it's symbolic, that she wears this white gown. She'd known from beginning she'd be the Mother to his Father. Yin to his Yang. He hadn’t been shy about telling her, either, though he had been quite staggered that she'd agreed so quickly.
Their courtship has been a blessing itself, made of secrets and shadows and whispered adorations. When the morning light shines in the windows of the chapel tomorrow, there will be no more barrier between the deputy and his flock. There will be no more atonement for his sins of lust. There will simply be a man and his wife, a king and his queen. Joseph and Rook. Sanctioned by God, together at last.
Amazing Grace.
Tonight, Joseph worships. He gives her a ring, carved of apple wood, made by his hands. She gives him his own, her grandfather’s, from a chain around her neck. She's never taken it off. He’s never tried to remove it, only watched it hang from her neck and glint in the lamplight when there’s nothing but skin and sweat and that ring between them. Now it is his, and he wears it with pride. Dangled like a carrot on a stick for so long, now eagerly snatched and cherished, serving its true purpose.
Their rings exchanged, their quiet vows whispered, with God above them bearing witness to their consummation, he takes her.
She lays herself out so beautifully on his bed, his sheets, this special place that has slowly come to smell just as much of her on his pillows as him. Her eyes pierce his, burning with that fire he fell in love with the first moment he saw it.
“Joseph,” she whispers, pawing out to the air in his direction, still wearing that white dress.
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