#July birthday
beanbagbuddies4life · 11 months
Weenie the Dog
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Born July 20, 1995
Weenie the dog is quite a sight Long of body and short of height He perches himself high on a log and considers himself to be top dog!
Weenie has a trading card and a Beanie Buddy version!
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blurryfangirlansuke · 11 months
Don't wanna forget to add this today is Missi's Birthday 7/7 very Happy Birthday to the lovely Vampairess. Decided to draw her in her season 2 attire sitting on a throne cuz she is absolute queen.
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Thank you all and have a great day or night 💜🥳
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omanatascha · 1 year
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zombetty666 · 2 months
Tarot: Oh Cancer, it's alright, enjoy the plight of being the most expressive sign. It's your gift (somehow)
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sixminutestoriesblog · 11 months
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It's July and, depending on which hemisphere you're in, summer has definitely arrived for some of us. Heat, long days, afternoon thunderstorms if we're lucky and the growing season is in full swing, with fields and gardens in full growing swing. Canada and the US both celebrate their birthdays this month. So, let's talk about this month's birth flower.
July has two birth flowers, as it should. The first July flower is the waterlily. Associated with water nymphs in ancient Greece, the waterlily doesn't seem to have much more when it comes to folklore. Lotus are from a different flower family than waterlilies so it doesn't feel proper to bring their stories into this one.
Instead let's talk about the larkspur.
Larkspur grows throughout the Northern Hemisphere and in some of the higher mountains in Africa. The flower is so widespread that there are close to 300 different versions of it. And all three hundred of those flowers types is highly toxic to humans. How highly toxic? For a great deal of the population even coming into skin contact with the plants can lead to rashes, swelling, itching and blisters on the skin. Swallowing any part of the plant can cause muscle twitching or weakness, vomiting, an irregular pulse, paralysis and even, in extreme cases, death.
Hey, happy birthday.
On the upside, or another upside if you want to look at it that way, bumblebees and other pollinators love larkspur and rabbits and deer won't be bothering that part of your garden if you grow it. Larkspur is poisonous to cows but apparently sheep and goats find it delicious. The larkspur is actually part of the buttercup family. It's flowers can also be crushed and mixed with alum to create a beautiful blue ink, for the next time your pen runs out in the middle of poetry writing. Also some Native American tribes used larkspur to make dye (wear gloves if you're bent on mixing this. Or better yet, watch an instructional video first).
When it comes to the language of flowers, larkspur represents youthfulness, sincerity, an open heart and strong bonds of love and dedication. Pink larkspur is for fickleness or young love, blue is for grace and respectability, white for joy, innocence and new beginnings and purple is for first love, ambition and royalty.
According to legend, when Ajax the Greater killed himself during the Trojan war, a red flower sprang up where his blood had fallen with letters on it that represented the sound of grieving cries 'ai'. Some legends list the hyacinth as that flower but others list the larkspur as the flower mourning the hero's fall. The Romans and Greeks associated the flowers with Neptune/Poseidon because it resembles the nose of a dolphin. The Native American Pawnee said that when Dream Woman cut holes in the sky to look down at them, some of the clippings fell down and became larkspur. In medieval Italy, larkspur were created by the mingled blue blood and venom of a slain dragon. Victorian England thought the larkspur could ward off ghosts and vengeful spirits and often planted it by their doors to keep evil away. The flower is also supposed to be able to ward against both lightning and witches. Larkspur was once a folk remedy against lice.
So there you go. Beautiful July. Look - but don't touch.
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deweydell25 · 1 year
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letoena · 11 months
Thank you soupygarbagejuice for another banger.
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pidgeofthepigeons · 11 months
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July 8th is Bobet's birthday!
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Today’s my birthday
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sunshiine69 · 2 years
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Hello July ☀️🌴🌊😎
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beanbagbuddies4life · 10 months
Blackie the Black Bear
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Born July 15, 1994
Living in a national park He only played after dark Then he met his friend Cubbie Now they play when it's sunny!
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blurryfangirlansuke · 11 months
Watch "Missi's Birthday Gift! (Animatic)/ I Knead You" on YouTube
✨️🥹💜Here's the video that Daria made for Missi's B-Day very whosome and sweet ✨️💜
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omanatascha · 1 year
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I want to do a gift exchange for my birthday, with other people that have birthdays in July 🤔
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alacenakart · 8 months
Check out this awesome 'July born women' design on @TeePublic!
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rewcana · 11 months
so many ppl i follow were also born in july wth!! july 23rd for me.
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