leighwhannellsbf666 · 2 months
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this freaky man is one of my favorites
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wasabi-gumdrop · 2 months
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Kabru has a secret admirer in the castle!
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drumlincountry · 3 months
Kabru/Mithrun is funny because it's: guy who lives to pull people's strings/guy who doesn't have any strings to pull.
Kabru/Laios is funny because it's: guy who lives to pull people's strings/guy who has one very obvious string to pull but the other guy doesn't want to pull it because its GROSS.
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xo-vinnie · 2 months
i love how dungeon meshi draws poc people
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pacificsaury · 4 months
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[crossover] ☆ delicious space nine ☆
i started reading (and watching) delicious in dungeon/dungeon meshi and thought the cast would actually fit in ds9 pretty well!
↓more under the break↓
laios would want to study and eat aliens, but i gave him command red because he's the 'party leader'. and also because he has many red flags... i guess aliens can be his side hobby?
falin also gets command red, she seems like she'd handle diplomacy stuff well. she gets taken by the wormhole aliens in exchange for saving the rest of the party lol.
marcille would have a hard time with the food on ds9, especially the klingon restaurant. i think she'd stick with replimat food most of the time. she's probably in sciences, and is studying wormholes/other dimensions.
chilchuck is already engineer-coded. his wife and kids probably lived on the station, but have since left. i don't know if his neck warmer thing is allowed, but he pins his rank pips on them.
senshi is totally friends with a bunch of klingons, to the surprise of no one (see: orc episode). they respect him and his willingness to eat klingon food, also he's a pretty honourable guy anyway.
and kabru... my beautiful boy... if he teamed up with julian, their prettyboy powers and shiny eyes would be unstoppable. maybe i have a favourite type of guy? i want to see him get sent on missions with laios (for the chaos) and marcille (i think they'd be good friends).
i'll probably draw more characters if i don't lose interest anytime soon, because boy do i have thoughts about the others too.
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owlphibiansprite · 30 days
the moment i started shipping kabumisu (spoilers ahead for chapters 45-62)
okay. this is gonna be a long one.
you'd think i'd be reasonable and start shipping these two characters from the moment they spend time alone in the dungeon, right? wrong. like the unreasonable guy i am, i saw them both placed a certain way and my brain went "shipped." let me explain.
chapter 45. this is the first time they interact. i wasn't thinking much at this point, but i just wanted to point out this frame because it looks damn cool (and i wanna maybe trace it on paper)
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chapter 54 mithrun notices kabru has skill for the first time. at this point i didn't think much more than "oh he's looking at him."
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kabru notices mithrun (or maybe he's just shocked about the water; i decided nonetheless to add this.) not much to report yet either on my personal feelings at this point.
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and then this happens. first off i was thinking about kabru saving others without thinking but that's another subject. then i saw mithrun was LEANING BACK on kabru whilst between his legs and the gentle way he held his wrist for support i was like huh??! am i supposed to be getting homoerotic subtext from this? i was... intrigued. a little ship bell went off in my head, but there was no ripeness to it yet. not ready to be plucked.
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like look at this in closeup please
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then can we get this whole ass frame. where we clearly see how close they are physically. from that point on i thought "lol if this goes on i might crackship them haha blush" i mean their body position makes them look like they could be on a casual date (hands on thighs hands on thighs hands-)
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and then THIS pat pat head yes good boy smart boy i see how you have excellent perception skills, let us work together to fight this monster do what i say now also just situationally i was kinda awed because not a moment ago they were kinda distrustful on edge but here immediately mithrun makes a plan involving kabru (no, not the other elves, but kabru) to take down the monster together & puts trust in him & idk i think two characters fighting together always feels intimate to me in a way (not necessarily romantic or anything); like characters are familiar with each other
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chapter 55 nothing special but i like the way they look at each other here even if there is no romantic or erotic tension or anything. maybe i just like the art of this.
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i mean i know they're on a pillar but look at how close they are
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just look at the way mithrun is being held and tell me that if taken out of context these images don't scream homoeroticism. and yes, this is the moment i decided to ship them.
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(again, taken out of context) mithrun looks like the husband silently threatening whoever kabru is arguing with
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and now this. this. look at this beautiful piece of art. look at how falin holds sissel(thistle). there is tenderness in that grip; protection. then above them you see kabru's self-protection in holding mithrun hostage yet the picture as a whole immediately made me think of "the lovers" archetype. duality. being held. idk. but seeing this was powerful.
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mithrun tries to free himself from kabru's grip, the way he is held is constricing. yet if you changed the way you look at it, it could be perceived as holding on to a lover for dear life as you both tumble to your death. is that what the mangaka intended?? i am not one to usually read much into symbolism or stuff if i'm just casually reading - and i certainly don't know anything about art or literary symbolism - but all these thoughts immediately sprung out to me. these panels made me feel something so intense. (exquisite art, really!!)
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so this is how i started shipping kabumisu. once i got to chapter 61 and realised "oh DAMN they will actually be spending one-on-one time together?" i was pleasantly surprised and knew i would not be alone in shipping them.
that is all :3 thank you for reading if you got this far!
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You guys had a ton of funny things to say in response to the polls in the Best Chapter Cover in the Manga Tournament. So much so, that my initial list of funny comments was three full pages long. But after a lot of revising, and some delays for personal reasons, here's the post with the funniest comments of the last tournament, sorted by the poll they were commented on:
Chapter 2 vs Chapter 3 (2ound 1 part 1) slugfest between the allure of seeing a characters full pack and belongings laid out neatly versus Laios, Doomed, Eats Sandwich
Chapter 4 vs Chapter 5 (round 1 part 1) i love the go white boy go image, but yuri is always the answer
Chapter 21 vs Chapter 22 (round 1 part 1) whats his name again. chester? CHESTER SWEEP
Chapter 57 vs Chapter 58 (round 1 part 3) we are all simple. we see funny catgirl, we click the button Sorry Marcille I'm giving it to Ominous Catgirl 😔
Chapter 72 vs Chapter 73 (round 1 part 3) Chapter 73 aka future finalist for "Horniest Chapter Cover" tournament i hauve covid ryoko kui horny is the best kind of horny
Chapter 8 vs Chapter 10 (round 2 part 1) these early round Close-Ish ones are really fascinating to me. What will win: dynamic group shot, or Senshi Wear Hat
Chapter 47 vs Chapter 49 (round 2 part 2) i don't know this series or the significance of these images but one of these has a massive hairy man being slutty so i felt qualified to judge this one senshi thighs sweep HOT SENSHI HOT SENSHI HOT SENSHI
Chapter 50 vs Chapter 51 (round 2 part 3) chilchuck being one raceswap away from a five o'clock shadow is important to me
Chapter 56 vs Chapter 58 (round 2 part 3) chilchuk forever haunted by the looming ever-present spector of romance. please show him your support in these trying times Look me in the eyes and tell me you wouldn't click to pet her!! divorced dad AND potential bi king???
Chapter 68 vs Chapter 69 (round 2 part 3) THISTLE VS THISTLE WHO WILL WIN
Chapter 71 vs Chapter 3 (round 2 part 3) justice for dragon dinner but I Understand i dont go here i just need to support my bestie vore and cannibalism. ESPECIALLY vore and cannibalism sexualised. CHAPER 73 SWEEP!!!!!!!!! CUT THAT TONGUE OFF
Chapter 46 vs Chapter 47 (round 3 part 1) the senshi fanservice chapter cover is just dungeon meshi heritage
Chapter 68 vs Chapter 73 (round 3 part 2) Thistle giving head to the Winged Lion >>>>>>>>>
Chapter 80 vs Chapter 85 (round 3 part 2) my brain neuron activate when i see her eyes bags
Chapter 88 vs Chapter 89 (round 3 part 2) EAT THIS MOTHERFUCKING LION. EAT HIM. EAT HIM. EAT HIM.
Chapter 76 vs Chapter 85 (round 4) sorry kabru but i have to support womens wrongs im sorry pepe silvia kabru but marcile looks hot in her tired renaisance faire goth era
Chapter 28 vs Chapter 47 (quarter finals) everyone LOOK AWAY im abt to do some cocomelon shit to that man ryoko kui's unstoppable lust for her own character has spread to the audience
Chapter 85 vs Chapter 97 (quarter finals) prev is right but unfortunately i saw a woman so beautiful i blacked out and voted for her before i could muster any logic 😵‍💫
Chapter 47 vs Chapter 97 (semi-finals) i read dungeon meshi for the food sorry naked senshi
Chapter 47 vs Chapter 73 (finale) battle of the horny covers THE S IN SENSHI STANDS FOR SWEEP VOTE CANNIBALISM PLEASEEEEEE senshi IS sexé but is he as sexy as laios getting his tongue [REDACTED]
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thesituation · 3 months
kabru is also just such an exceptionally well done and likable character, he’s morally gray in the opposite way from laios’ moral grayness, he’s the foil to laios which makes him fascinating in his own right. he’s so fun and saucy and quirky, he’s a mommas boy he’s a disturbed beauty he’s a playboy he’s a highly trained specialized mankiller he’s my babygirl
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wormlette · 3 months
hey just checking but is anyone else a mikbell tomas enjoyer. i'm really looking forward to the anime part where it's revealed that
she's just fucking stupid and thinks chilchuck is robocalling him to join a half-foot mlm. she's from an unfathomably poor area of the city and his ass has NO idea what a union is. she probably has had zero good experiences with anybody (no family but a cut off sister btw) except kuro and then kabru's party. also she/him mikbell in my heart btw any pronouns whatever makes him better at running scams isn't she cute 🥺👉👈
and the adventurers bible stuff with him and kuro ....... both of them have been thru so much shit and yet care so earnestly for each other even when they have no idea how to express it [mikbell's paying kuro in food because she wants to buy a mcmansion for them both to live in. kuro's hiding his Common language lessons because he wants mik to not take on anymore worries than she's already had to in life.]
like they are THE fucked up found family representation ........ they probably have an internal world that nobody in the manga would ever know about because they're just. most trusting of each other. they aren't interested in defending their relationship. i just like when characters are unpleasant and/or inscrutable and nobody knows what the fuck is going on with them internally (applies to kuro and mik) ... their coda pendency journey ...
in my beautiful post canon heaven kuro and mik are living in the rich boy house of their dreams and kuro is teaching Kobold to laios. if u even care
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doumekiss · 10 months
doumekiss 2023 fanfic masterlist
A Song of Ice and Fire
When You Were Young - 3/9 - (Lyanna/Howland)
Beyond Duty - 2/2 (Stannis/Catelyn)
Switched Fates - 4/? (Multiple ships and characters)
I am ash from your fire - oneshot (Elia/Rhaegar)
runs in the family - oneshot (Daenerys)
but I'll see you in my holiest dreams - oneshot (Sansa/Mya)
Be more like the man you were made to be - oneshot (Ned/Ashara)
I Can See You - oneshot (Cersei/Lyanna)
Four Girls Sansa Stark Could Have Loved - oneshot (Multiple pairings)
Adventure Time
ten more minutes - oneshot (Marceline/Bonnibel)
Anne with an E
one single thread of gold tied me to you - oneshot (Diana/Anne)
Boy Meets World
Jump Rope Gazers - oneshot (Eric/Jack)
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
2 A.M. - oneshot (Buffy/Faith)
Holding Hands at Disneyland - oneshot (Annie/Jeff)
The Art of Saying Goodbye - oneshot (Conrad/Christopher)
A Missed Oportunity - oneshot (Vimes/Vetinari)
Doctor Who
Placebo - 2/2 (Rory/11th Doctor)
Baby It's You - oneshot (Barbara/Ian)
Dungeon Meshi
Oh...oh no - oneshot (Laios/Kabru)
Fairy Tales
I’m not a queen, I am a woman take my hand - oneshot (Aurora/Snow White)
Father Ted
Priests Do Not Feel Jealousy - oneshot (Ted/Dougal)
Gilmore Girls
I no longer feel I have to be James Dean - oneshot (Rory/Jess)
Good Omens
Practicing Gratitude (Aziraphale/Crowley)
Gossip Girl
after all that we've been through I know we're cool - oneshot (Nate & Blair)
Greek Mythology
he is not midas (you have always been golden) - oneshot (Ariadne/Dyonisus)
Most Beloved - oneshot (Penelope/Odysseus)
I Know love is mean - oneshot (Aphrodite/Helen)
I look up at the gaps of sunlight (I miss you more than anything) - 2/2 (Clint/Kate)
How I Met Your Mother
The Canine Excuse - oneshot (Robin/Barney)
Invader Zim
Hot Chocolate - oneshot (Dib & Zim)
just like heaven - oneshot (Richie/Eddie)
He is with You - oneshot (Bill & Mike)
Kobayashi-san Chi No Dragon Maid
Lingerie - oneshot (Tohru/Kobayashi)
Managing Expectations - oneshot (Fafnir/Takiya)
Just a Cold - oneshot (Tohru/Kobayashi)
The Beauty of Shadows - oneshot (Maleficent/Aurora)
Mob Psycho 100
I could even learn how to love like you - oneshot (Mob & Reigen)
Mean Girls
Come as you are - oneshot (Janis & Regina)
Are we out of the woods yet? - oneshot (Morgana/Gwen)
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Inside your head - 33/? (Dokja/Joonghyuk)
Private Message - oneshot (Maina/Eripiyo)
Princess Tutu
Fairytale Logic - oneshot (Ahiru/Fakir)
Ranma 1/2
When a Curse Stops Being a Curse - oneshot (Ranma/Akane)
Red Dwarf
comfortable thoughts - oneshot (Rimmer/Lister)
frankenstein - oneshot (Rimmer/Lister + Frankie)
mutual benefit - oneshot (Rimmer/Lister)
Positive Reinforcement - oneshot (Seraphina/Glisselda)
Stardew Valley
Happy Wife, Happy Life - oneshot (Haley/F!Farmer)
Stargate Atlantis
The Kirk Routine - oneshot (John/Rodney)
Star Trek : Lower Decks
hits different 'cause it's you - oneshot (Mariner/Boimler)
Star Trek: Voyager
James T. Kirk is Not Trying to Steal Your Boyfriend - oneshot (Icheb/Q Junior)
love is a losing game - oneshot (Roman/Gerri)
girl in the war - oneshot (Charlie/Jo)
the altar is my hips - oneshot (Dean/Castiel)
Dean Winchester’s Amazing Transparent Closet - oneshot (Sam & Dean, Castiel/Dean)
The Breakfast Club
Pretty in Black - oneshot (Allison/Andrew)
The Goldfinch
loving him was red - oneshot (Boris/Theo)
The Locked Tomb
About Last Night... -1/? (Gideon/Harrow)
The Mighty Boosh
Colour my life with the chaos of trouble - oneshot (Vince/Howard)
Let's Buy a Zoo - oneshot (Vince/Howard)
The Office
I know who I want to take me home - oneshot (Oscar/Andy)
love is natural and real (but not for such as you and I, my love) - oneshot (Doumeki/Watanuki, Doumeki/Kohane)
A Kinder Life - 4/? (Watanuki & Sakura & Syaoran & Touya, Doumeki/Watanuki)
For Good Luck - oneshot (Doumeki/Watanuki)
first love/late spring - oneshot (Taissa/Van)
Lady Lazarus - oneshot (Lottie/Laura)
I was only gonna post this at the end of the year but I think it might be best to just keep it pinned and updating as I post
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kaynes-secret-blog · 1 month
I'm not watching dunmeshi but I think Kabru is just like me fr bc all I got from osmosis is that he is:
Autistic interested in understanding people
Horrified/Incredibly attracted to that blonde dude (same)
Smart but dumb
A cunt
Masking 24/7
Wanting to kill everyone but not doing it
Also lovely eyes beautiful boy cute boy wanna draw him but I know nothing about the show
Also I like his name bc its a fun name to speak, it reminds me of playing as a child and trying to scare my friends, lovely 10/10
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