buddysblogs123 · 21 hours
Zoo Trauma
(This is kinda agnsty i guess, lowkey a plot twist and kinda unrealistic but oh well)
(we're just going to pretend the whole arsenal team went to australia okay)
Safe to say you were very nervous when you were told you and your teammates were visiting melbourne zoo once you landed in Australia.
The whole bus ride you sat close to the front. Which caused some confused glances your way as normally you would sit at the back, causing trouble and singing horribly. What really had your teammates concerned was the way you started acting once you landed in melbourne. The whole bus ride you sat by yourself, trying to distract yourself by listening to music but it wouldn't stop your leg from continuously shaking.
"You alright kid?" Steph asks once you all step off the bus, walking towards the zoo entrance.
"yeah, just feels weird being back, i haven't been to this zoo in a while" you say nervously, Steph looked at you curiously.
"you used to come here often?" caitlin buts in, overhearing the conversation from where she walked behind you with katie.
"you could say that" you murmured as you were lead towards a zoo keeper you knew all to well.
Hiding behind the back of the group you listened as they introduced themselves and explained what sections of the zoo they were going to take you all to and what animals there were.
"Do my eyes deceive me or is that you y/n" The zoo keeper, Doug called out, noticing you at the back of the group. Slowly you walked through the group of girls and towards the front, earning a few confused glances from them.
"Hey Duggy" you say with a bright smile as you tuck your self under his arm. He hugs you back tightly with a laugh.
"Running back for your old job or what?" he asks teasingly, ruffling your hair. You hit his hand away with a huff.
"you wish" you poke him in the guts gently, causing him to wince with a smile. The girls around you stood there stunned, watching the interaction play out with confused looks.
Before you joined arsenal, when you were living in melbourne, you worked here at melbourne zoo. At first you just helped clean up enclosures part time, but overtime the people you worked with noticed how good you were with the animals and visitors which lead to you being one of their top zoo keepers. You had worked with Doug most of your time here, him only being 2 years older than you, you started looking up to him as an older brother.
"You used to work here y/n?" Leah asks curiously, eyeing of Doug with an overprotective glance. You nod at her with a small smile before Doug catches your attention again.
"you know, i think Alex missed you" Doug nudges your shoulder playfully causing you to gasp.
"omg he's still here?!" you nearly shout, now jumping with excitement as you grab onto Doug's arm.
"who's Alex?" Kyra asks with a small smile, your sudden excitement making your teammates look at you with a fond expression.
"y/ns best friend, we'll go see him first" Doug says as he starts leading the group towards a large enclosure, with you practically dragging him as you start to skip.
"Your bestfriends a lion?!" Beth shrieks as you all stand in front of an open enclosure.
"Yeah! isn't he cute" you beam as you lean onto the rail, looking lower towards the ground.
"cute?! more like deadly" Katie almost yells, you side eye her quickly before looking towards doug with a hopeful expression.
"Go on kid" he says with a smile, nodding towards the lion that layed lazily on a rock in the sun.
You lift yourself up so now you're sitting on the edge of the railing, causing your teammates to gasp.
"Y/n what are you doing?!" Alessia panics, you ignore her as you whistle loudly, getting Alex's attention.
"don't worry she knows what she's doing" Doug says as he leans on the rail casually, not noticing your teammates angry expressions.
"She's 21! you can't let her go in there with a wild animal!" Caitlin yells sternly.
"just watch" Doug says, keeping his eyes on the lion.
Jumping off the railing you land on the floor with a thud. Dusting off your clothes you walk towards the big lion, it noticing you as it looks at you wearily. Your teammates watch in panic as the lion walks up to you slowly, just like they do in the movies before they attack.
"Hey Alex, you miss me?" you say softly, a look of recognition crosses the lions face as it pounces on you. You could hear a mix of the girls screaming and doug laughing as you lay on the floor under the lion. Just like a normal cat would, alex was all over you licking your face and nuzzling into you. Taking a moment to stand up Alex pounces on you again, nearly knocking you over as his giant paws wrap around you, in some sort of hug.
The girls watch now amazed at the scene infront of them. Never in thier life did they think they would witness something like this.
"what the fuck" Katie murmurs, watching as you start play fighting with the lion.
"Why isn't it attacking her?" Leah asks Doug, still panicking.
"Y/n was the one to tame Alex, the only person able to actually. They have some sort of special bond" Doug reply's proudly. Still keeping his eyes on you.
"y/n let's go! I have a tour to continue!" Doug yells out to you, you look up to him quickly, nodding at him before tuning your attention back to Alex. (get it, Alex the lion #Madagascar)
"I'll see you soon" you say to him softly, rubbing his head quickly before the leaving the enclosure.
You rejoin the group quickly, walking back up to Doug.  Before you could do anything you were wrapped into a suffocating hug.
"If you jump into another animal enclosure today i swear to god kid" leah says sternly.
"no promises" you say cheekily before wriggling out of her grip.
The tour continued like it normally would, you stood side by side with Doug the whole time making the girls suspicious about your relationship with him.
"They're oddly close" Steph whispers to caitlin as they watch you and Doug tease each other.
"Maybe they're together?" caitlin says unsurely, looking towards kyra who was watching you with a hurt expression. Nudging Steph to focus her attention towards kyra they both look at each other with a questioning look. They knew you had a small crush on kyra, it was obvious. The way you would get shy around her and have a slight blush on your cheeks as you both interacted. You and kyra were both labeled the pests of the team, always causing trouble and mucking around when you shouldn't be. The girls knew you were close with each other, but the look on kyra's face told them that thier was more to your friendship.
You stood there laughing at something Doug had said before you glanced over at kyra. Taking notice to her facial expression and the way she quickly looked away after you both made eye contact. Doug seemed to notice as-well as he looked at you with a knowing look causing you to look down confused by kyra's actions.
"We'll be back in two seconds" Doug said quickly, grabbing your arm and pulling you away from the group. The girls watched with overprotective glances as you two stood quietly talking away from the group. Kyra looked down at her shoes, not wanting to watch you flirt with some random boy that you had apparently known before joining arsenal.
"you alright Ky?" Alessia asks, nudging kyra's shoulder causing her to look up.
"oh yeah just tired" Kyra replied quickly. I mean it was true, jet lag was really getting to her right now but she wanted to enjoy the zoo as much as she could. Looking up kyra watched as you hugged Doug and kissed him quickly on the cheek. All your teammates seemed to notice as they glared at the poor boy.
"Thanks Duggy" you yelled before skipping over towards the group again. You stood infront of kyra beaming.
"come with me? I want to show you something" you ask with a wide smile, your teammates looked at you hesitantly. Knowing that when you and kyra were alone together you always caused some sort of trouble. A blush spread across kyra's cheeks as she nodded at you with a small smile.
"Where are you guys going?" Kim called out.
"We'll meet up with you guys in a bit!" you shout as you link arms with kyra and drag her away from the group. Once you were out of site you unlinked your arm, you noticed the hurt look on kyra's face. Carefully you took her hand in yours and intertwined your fingers, Kyra tried to hide her smile but you noticed.
"where are we going?" kyra asked you softly, swinging both of your hands a bit.
"you'll see" you replied with a cheeky grin.
Approaching a large building you quickly put in a pin before unlocking the door. Pulling kyra inside with you, you made sure the door was shut properly before moving further inside the room.
"This is where i used to come on my breaks" You say gently walking up to one of the indoor enclosures. Kyra followed behind you closely before gasping in awe at what she saw infront of her.
"That's Silky, SK, JoJo and Nev" you say softly, pointing at each of the baby tigers as you lean on the rail, clicking your fingers to get their attention. The 4 young tigers bounded over towards you two, kyra took a step back cautiously as they came closer.
"It's okay they won't hurt you, they're still young" you say gently, pulling kyra closer towards you. Kyra gripped your arm tightly as the tigers started jumping against the rail.
"Do you want to go in?" You ask curiously, smiling slightly as you reached your free arm over the rail to pat the giant cats softly.
"n-no thanks, they might eat me" kyra says hesitantly, gripping your arm tighter as she watched them bight your hand playfully. You laugh to yourself before pulling your arm away from the enclosure.
"I mean they haven't been fed yet" you say seriously turning towards kyra. She looks at you scared before stepping away from you slightly.
"I'm joking Ky" you laugh softly before pulling her into a hug.
Kyra wraps her arms around your neck as she melts into your touch. You stood there in each others embrace for a few minutes until something caught kyra's attention.
"y-y/n, is that tiger supposed to be out?" Kyra whispers scared. You turn around confused, your eyes widen at the sight of an adult tiger watching you from down the hall. Moving so kyra's behind you, you slowly click a button on the wall, sending an alert to the workers.
"Kyra i need you to listen to me" you say seriously. You feel her grip on you tighten, noticing your sudden change in attitude.
"Everything's going to be okay" you say calmly as the tiger stalks slowly towards you both. You push kyra behind you softly as you both back up slowly towards the door. Once you reach it you swiftly type in the code to unlock it, not taking your eyes off the tiger as it comes closer towards you.
All of the sudden the tiger pounces towards you with a growl, swiftly pushing kyra through the door so she's safe you dodge the attack.
"y/n!" kyra cries, banging on the door as it shut behind her, leaving you alone in the room with the tiger.
It pounces toward you again, this time you had no time to dodge as you were on the floor. You grit your teeth as its claws dig into your shoulders pinning you onto the floor. Using all your strength you push the tiger away far enough that its teeth wouldn't make contact with you as it tries its hardest to snap at your face. All of the sudden you hear multiple footsteps coming towards you and the sound of a gun being shot. The tigers ripped off of you as it reacts drowsily, trying to fight back but passes out after being shot with a tranquilizer.
"jesus christ" you gasp out, still lying on the floor you feel a sudden sharp pain in both your shoulders, looking down you notice the amount of blood on your shirt.
"fuck sakes this was my favorite shirt" you grumble annoyed as you sit up. All of the sudden Doug appears next to you, helping you stand up with a worried expression.
"What the fuck happened?!" he asks worriedly.
"Someone obviously didn't lock that thing up properly" you murmur, all of the sudden remembering kyra was still behind the door safe. You quickly stumble towards the door, unlocking it quickly, kyra sat on the ground with tears streaming down her face. She flinches as the door opens and looks up to you shaking. She sobs louder as you kneel next to her, pulling her into your lap.
"It's okay, Your okay" you say softly wrapping your arms around her.
"y-y/n what the fuck are you okay?! your bleeding" she sobs, pulling away from you and looking at your ripped shirt and blood covered shoulders.
"I'm fine okay, let's get you out of here" you dismiss her worries, pulling her up with a wince. You grab her shaky hands as you lead her out of the room, making sure she's behind you and blocking her view of the Tiger. The workers escort you outside where your met with your worried teammates. They all gasp at the sight of you, you couldn't blame them. You knew you would have some pretty bad scars after this.
"Are you guys okay?!" steph runs up to you both with tears in her eyes. You push Kyra into her softly, Steph holds her shaky body in her arms as she hugs her tight.
"Look after her okay, i need to go to the hospital" you say stumbling backwards, luckily Doug was there to catch you, suddenly feeling drowsy after loosing so much blood.
"Quick shes loosing a lot of blood!" Doug says scared.
"I'm coming with you, we'll meet you back at the hotel!" Leah says quickly towards the girls, rushing over towards you.
You woke up to blinding bright lights, groaning slightly as you tried to sit up. You can't remember what happened after you made sure Kyra was with Steph but you know you're in the hospital right now. Adjusting your eyes you notice Leah asleep on the chair next to your bed, holding your hand tightly.
"Lee" you whisper softly, nudging her hand. She wakes up instantly, letting out a sigh of relief as she notices your awake.
"oh thank god your okay" she says shakily, standing up to call a nurse into your room.
"Is Kyra okay?" you ask instantly, causing Leah to look down slightly.
"Steph called and said she's really shaken up, she needs you right now kid" leah says sadly, causing you to look down.
"when can i be discharged?" you ask quickly, sitting up and slinging your legs over the edge of the bed.
"The nurse said you can leave once you wake up, here" leah says, handing you a hoodie. It's only now that you realize you're wearing one of those ugly uncomfortable hospital gowns. Ripping out your IV you carefully put the hoodie on, noticing how the top half of your body was patched up and wrapped in medical tape.
"okay let's dip" you say casually as if you weren't just attacked by a wild animal.
"your something else kid" leah sighs with a small smile as she follows you out the room.
After signing out you start the drive back to the hotel, explaining to leah what had happened.
"wait okay rewind, you pushed kyra so she was safely in a different room, then continued to fight off a fucken Tiger?!" she asks in shock, keeping her eyes on the road.
"I couldn't let her get hurt" you whisper quietly, leaning back into the seat.
"You did good y/n, she's okay" leah says back sadly.
"Yeah but it was bloody scary, she didn't need to witness that" you say ashamed.
"you did what you could, she just needs you right now, to know your okay" leah says softly as she parks in the hotel parking lot.
Getting out the car you walk behind leah slowly, before you knew it you were surrounded by all your teammates. They all fussed over you making sure you were okay, you were wrapped carefully in their arms one by one.
"Where's Ky?" you say vulnerably.
"she's in her room with Steph, come on" Caitlin says softly, grabbing your hand and guiding you to kyras room. She knocks on the door softly before it creaks open slightly. Steph peaks her head out, noticing you standing there. You were pulled into her arms as she held you tightly.
"Thank god you're okay" Steph lets out a sigh of relief before pulling away and wiping her tears.
"sorry to scare you steffy, is kyra okay?" you whisper softly, causing steph to look at you sadly.
"You go check on her, we'll give you some time alone" she whispers, kissing your cheek softly before pulling caitlin away and back towards the rest of the girls.
You take a breath before entering the room, shutting the door behind you softly. Your heart breaks at the sight of kyra leaning against the headboard of her bed in tears. slowly you make your ways towards her.
"Hey Ky" you say gently, causing her to flinch and look up to you teary eyed. After realizing it was you she jumps out of bed and into your arms, you hold her protectively as she cried into the crook of your neck. You guide her onto the bed so she's now sitting on your lap, hugging her softly you begin to rub circles on her back.
"i'm so sorry kyra" you say as your voice breaks. She pulls away from you slightly.
"It's not your fault y/n" she whispers back, you can still feel her shaking.
"no it is, and i'm so sorry you had to see that" you say vulnerably as you wipe away her tears.
"you literally risked your life to save me" kyra whispers sadly.
"i couldn't let the person i love get hurt ky" you say without realizing.
"you love me?" kyra asks vulnerably, now sitting up in your lap. You tense slightly, this isn't how you imagined your confession to play out.
"so much kyra" you say quietly, leaning your forehead on her shoulder. You squeeze your eyes shut, not knowing how she was going to react.
"i love you too" kyra whispers gently, cupping your face so you were looking at her.
"really?" you ask in disbelief, leaning into her touch. She nods her head with a small smile and before you knew it her lips were on yours. You kiss back softly, leaning your forehead against hers as you both catch your breath. Kyra pushes you down softly on the bed so your laying down, gently lying down next to you as you wrap your arms around her protectively.
"we'll talk more about everything in the morning, go to sleep" you say softly as you begin playing with her hair. Kyra snuggles closer into you and before you know it you both fell asleep in each others arms.
When Steph comes to check on you her heart melts at the sight of her two Aussie sister like figures peacefully asleep together. Snapping a quick photo she sends it to both the Matilda's and Arsenal group-chat to let them know that they're okay.
'found them both asleep together so they should be okay, i'll let yous know if  anything happens'
Is what she captioned the photo when she sent it to the matilda's groupchat. Having explained what had happened to them earlier. Instantly she got replies from the girls telling her to keep them updated on the team babies.
All of your teammates knew that they would have to keep an eye on you both after this traumatic experience. No one knew what effect it was going to have on the both of you when you wake up in the morning but one things for sure thier not letting yous out of their sights.
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ladykailitha · 23 hours
Paper Hearts Part 6
The sequel is coming along great I just have one more part to do and it'll be done. Sweet Home Indiana is nearing its end too.
Heads up! I will be going on vacation on Tuesday and won't be back until next week. So no WIP Wednesday this week as that is the day of my niece's graduation and I will be away from laptop all day.
I will still be uploading chapters and should be able to do WIP Wednesday next week. But if not I'll let you know.
In this we have the Corroded Coffin boys being silly and a wild Dustin appears.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Eddie rolled up to band practice fashionably late as always. The other three boys were doing a sound check and making sure everything was in order.
Gareth looked up first. “Did you bring the hearts?” he asked excitedly.
Eddie held up his bag and the other boys cheered.
“So how are we going to do this?” Eddie asked flopping on the sofa after gently setting his sweetheart to the side. “Do we want to do the hearts first or practice first?”
They all look around at each for a moment.
“Let’s get the heart thing out of the way,” Jeff suggested, “get it out of the way so we can focus on practicing.”
“Sounds good to me, man,” Gareth said. “In case practice runs over or some shit.”
Eddie pulled his backpack closer and began digging through it. He pulled out the hearts that he’d put in a plastic baggie so they wouldn’t get bent in the maw that was his bag.
He tossed the bag onto the table in front of them and then dug around for his notebook. He pulled it out with a bunch of pens.
“You don’t have to,” he murmured, “but I’d recommend changing up your handwriting a couple of times so he doesn’t realize they’re from the same four people.”
“We were doing anonymous and initials, right?” Brian asked, picking up the bag and opening it up.
Eddie lit up, a huge smile on his face. “I actually had an idea about that. I was thinking of famous groups with four dudes in it and I thought it would be hilarious if we mixed it up a bit with some of those to avoid the whole repetition thing.”
Jeff licked his top lip. “Show us what you’ve got,” he said jutting out his chin.
He opened up his notebook and flipped to the right page. “Alright, so I was thinking the Three Musketeers plus D’Artagnan.”
“Who would be who?” Gareth asked, wrinkling his nose.
“Gareth is absolutely D’Artagnan,” Brian said without hesitation. “No question.”
Jeff straightened up and looked over at him in confusion. “Why’s that?”
“Because my dearest Jeffy,” Eddie said with a grin, “because he’s the youngest and not an original member. Therefore D’Artagnan.”
Gareth and Brian glanced at each. Brian shrugged and Gareth blinked a moment or two before he shrugged, too.
“Yeah, that tracks.”
“I’ll take Aramis,” Eddie said with a grin. “The smooth talker with religious trauma.”
The other boys just cackled.
“I’ll be Porthos,” Brian said. “The compulsive liar with a flare for the dramatic.”
“Why am I left with the dude with serious romantic wo–” Jeff stopped. “Right, scratch that. I’m Athos.”
They cackled again. Eddie had had some wild crushes, but it was nothing on Jeff. He even had a slightly tragic love story. He’d actually dated Vicki Carmichael before she became a popular kid and hanging out with Steve’s crowd. They had both loved metal music, but Jeff was pretty sure she stopped listening to it once she joined the cool kids.
“And I have a list of other ones too,” Eddie said breaking into the resulting silence. “The four winds from Greek mythology. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...um...let’s see...” he looked at the notebook again. “The members of Metallica. The four horsemen of the apocalypse–”
Jeff winced. “Probably not that one, man. It’s for Valentine’s day and that kinda screams the opposite.”
Eddie blinked at him for a moment and then scratched out that idea. “Fair enough.”
“The four hobbits from Lord of the Rings?” Gareth suggested.
“Yes!” Brian cried. “I get to be Samwise!”
Jeff cackled. “Gareth and Eddie are sooo Merry and Pippin!”
“Oh god! Yes! Which one is which, though?” Brian said joining in the laughter.
“I’m Merry, of course,” Eddie said proudly. “I’m the instigator and Gareth goes where I lead.”
Gareth grumped in the corner, crossing his arms and glaring at all of them. “But that makes Jeff Frodo though.”
Jeff straightened up, smug. “I could handle that.”
Eddie shook his head at his friends. “All right, also on my list are the Ghostbusters and The A-Team.”
The other boys shook their heads at either suggestion but they had a pretty good list anyway. Plus their D&D names sprinkled in here and there and they’ve got in the bag.
They spent the next half hour coming up with nice things about Steve. Eddie did have nix a couple of their ideas because they came off as stalker-esque. Which was not the look they were going for.
To say that Eddie got a kick out of seeing Steve light up every time he opened his locker and more pink hearts fluttered out of it was an understatement.
The goofy smile the former jock got on his face was worth every second of the time they’d spent on the project.
And it was working, too. That was the really impressive part.
Even Tommy H. was baffled.
“How the hell are you getting so many pink hearts, Harrington?” he said on Friday, just four days into Eddie’s plan.
Steve shrugged in that dorky way that made Eddie’s heart stop. “I guess people are deciding to hell with social constructs and stupid cliques and are telling me even if they don’t dare to be open about that they still like me.”
Tommy’s mouth open and closed like a goldfish then he turned around and stormed off.
Eddie lean against the lock above Steve. “Back to being king again, huh, Stevie?”
“Not really,” he said, closing his locker and standing up. “Most of them are anonymous or fake names. But there are a few that real names.”
“You think someone is stuffing the ballot box as it were?” Eddie asked, worried the jig was up.
Steve shook his head. “At least I don’t think so. But it’s sad that they think they have to hide who they are to tell me that they still think I’m a cool dude or whatever.”
“For what it’s worth,” Eddie said, pushing off from the locker, “I think you’re a pretty cool dude.”
Steve blushed and mumbled his thanks.
God, did Eddie just want to bite those flushed cheeks. They were just too cute.
“It’s worth a lot, actually,” Steve whispered. He stood up and shouldered his backpack. “Catch you later, Eds.”
Shit that little nickname had Eddie’s heart doing overtime.
Steve was outside the middle school waiting for Dustin to come out. His mom had asked Steve to pick him because she had to stay after hours at work for a meeting.
He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he hummed to the music in his head. He could have turned on the radio but Dustin hated his music didn’t like him blaring it for the whole school to hear.
His eyes kept flicking to the rearview mirror to see his backpack on the backseat. He wanted to go over the ones he got today. There had been some really good ones. Ones that melted his insides and turned them to goo.
He bit his lip and checked the mirror again. He looked at his watch and he still had a couple minutes until the bell rang.
Steve whirled around and grabbed the bag. He ripped it open and pulled out his trapper keeper. Tucked in the front pocket were the hearts. He ran his fingers over the outline the hearts made on the plastic pocket.
He pulled out the hearts and read over each one. Tracing the names of the givers, thinking about each name and wondering where they were from.
There was a thump on his window startling him. He looked up to see Dustin making faces at him through the glass.
Steve shook his head and unlocked the passenger door to let the twerp in.
“Looking at pink hearts, Steve?” Dustin asked with the shake of his head. “So pathetic.”
Steve rolled his eyes and tried to put the hearts back in the folder, but Dustin snatched them from him and wouldn’t let him take them back.
“Come on, man!” Steve whined. “They’re none of your business.”
“I want to see which girls are giving the Steve Harrington Valentine’s hearts,” Dustin said, wagging his eyebrows.
“Dude, give it up,” he growled. “The pink hearts are friendship hearts, the red ones are the romantic ones. So give it back.”
The younger teen cocked his head to the side and said, “No.”
Steve folded his arms and glared at him.
“Aren’t you going to take me home?” Dustin asked after they sat in silence for a minute or two.
“Not until you give them back.”
Dustin just shrugged. “It’s your funeral if we get home after my mom does.”
Steve threw his arms in the air, but turned the engine and started the car toward the Hendersons.
“These are actually really sweet, Steve,” Dustin said after a couple of minutes. “I like the idea of friendship hearts. That way you don’t accidentally send the wrong message.”
Steve just shrugged.
“You do know that some of these are fake names, right?”
Steve rolled his eyes and dared to look over at him. “Yes, of course I do. I am familiar with D’Artagnan after you named a fucking demodog after him, thanks.”
Dustin cocked his head to the side and then shrugged. “That’s fair. What you probably don’t know is that Aramis, Porthos, and Athos are the names of the Three Musketeers.”
Steve pursed his lips and nodded. “That’s cool.” They hit a stop sign and Steve looked over and pulled out one. “What about this one? Tommy H. thinks it’s short for Kassie, but none of the girls at our school spell it like that.”
Dustin took the heart and looked at it. “Kas. Kas. Yeah, okay. That does sound familiar. Can I get back to you on that one?”
“Sure thing, bud.”
Steve pulled up to curb to let Dustin out. “You got your key? If you don’t, you can hang out with me until your mom gets home.”
Dustin began rummaging around in his bag and Steve snatched the hearts away before he could bend them.
The kid pulled out his keys with a triumphant, “Eureka!”
Steve shook his head. “You are such a dweeb. Go on, get.”
“Bye, Steve!”
“Next time say thank you, asshole!” Steve called out the window.
Dustin turned around and gave him the double middle finger.
Steve shook his head and drove off. Why he loved that kid, he had no idea.
When he got home he pulled out the little notebook and placed the pink hearts in with the rest. All but the one from Kas. Those he kept in his wallet. He really couldn’t place why. There was just something about what they said that made him feel warm and not in the fuzzy friendship way that the others did.
There was the first one:
-Stevie I like the way you’re kind even when it doesn’t benefit you. Kas
Which Steve loved but the others were just as sweet.
-Stevie You have a great laugh, you don’t have to hide it. Kas
-Stevie That shirt today really brings out the color in your eyes. Kas
And Steve’s personal favorite:
-Stevie Each day is brighter because you’re in it. Kas
There was one for each day he got hearts in his locker so he assumed it was all the same person.
He slid it next to the other three hearts in the billfold portion of his wallet and put the wallet next to his keys on his desk. Then he put the little notebook back, careful to make sure it was well hidden.
He wasn’t sure what his dad would do about the mementos but Steve really didn’t want to find out.
He was really going to miss getting the hearts over the weekend. They really had become the highlight of his day.
He sighed and buckled down to work on his homework. It wasn’t as though he had anything better to do with his time. He wasn’t invited to any parties, he didn’t have friends to hang out with, and the people who would hang with him were fourteen year olds and they all had bedtimes.
He briefly thought about calling Eddie, but the guy had friends, unlike Steve and was probably doing something with them. Probably that nerd game that Eddie had a club for.
He buried his head in his hands.
Steve sighed. Fuck his life was depressing as shit.
With another sigh, he resigned himself to another lonely weekend.
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@ravenfrog @dauntlessdiva @thelittleclare @steddieyourself @dam28lh
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Pls More general sfw headcanons of cooper and reader? Ghoul or pre war whichever you prefer honestly.
General SFW Prewar!Cooper Howard Headcanons 2
(I'll do some Ghoul SFW in a follow-up; this got away from me a little.)
Clearly he enjoys film and theatre, but he has a fairly secret soft spot for musicals. Pretty much any musical will pique his interest, and you'll spend a fair few date nights out seeing shows. You find it very endearing that he wants to share his interests with you. He's got an especially soft spot for some of the older, cheesier musicals though; hope you're ready to see "Brigadoon" like a half dozen times! He's got that one on tape.
"Old Yeller" is banned media in the Howard household (as are most things about dogs who die), as well as books like "The Velveteen Rabbit", which he read to Janey when she was four and never truly recovered from. Coop cries like a baby every time and gets so embarrassed. You once asked Janey if she'd ever seen it, and she tells you, rather conspiratorially, that she once watched it at a friend's house.
The old man actually cries quite easily when he's moved by something. He'll try to hide it away, but every once in a while he fully loses it (tbh it's the 'child death' type stuff that really upsets him; to this day, he's still a little mad at Barb for showing him "Bridge to Terabithia" on family movie night and thinking he would like it). You think it's the sweetest thing and you always reassure him that it's nothing to be ashamed of.
I imagine that, like a good, engaged father, he takes a particular interest in Janey's likes and hobbies; if you ask him what she likes, he can give you an entire list of things you can engage with her on, every single one of them accurate and up-to-date. If Janey really likes a book series, he'll read it (or maybe listen to it if he's short on time). If she really likes a band, y'all have fun at the concert! Every group comes through LA so you may be going to several concerts a year eventually. He even knows who her favorite member is! He only falls in love with you more when you do the same with her.
He's a true romantic at heart; despite being really torn up about the divorce and thinking he'll never fall in love again, he does, and hard. It's not long before he (unbelievably, to him especially) finds himself wanting to propose. He waits a while, though, wanting to feel out the dynamic between you and Janey, worrying about how Barb will feel when she ultimately finds out. He doesn't want to be married to her anymore, but he still cares for her, and he doesn't want to hurt her.
I'd like to think that he and Barb had a pretty nice, large wedding (as I've said before, likely at an older age than many of their peers, even if, canonically, it seems they were already dating during Cooper's military service; they both strike me as the type to want to wait until they were better established to actually marry). Not anything too crazy, but since Cooper's career was really starting to take off, she did want to use the wedding as an opportunity to rub elbows, so there were quite a few people in attendance that he flat-out didn't know. It didn't bother him much at the time; Barb always loved an opportunity to network and Coop could never deny her anything. But, given a chance to do it over, I think he'd do things differently.
With you, he'd wanna go to the courthouse. He'd be happy to have a nice, private ceremony eventually, maybe a little vow renewal for your one-year down on the beach in Mexico or something. But when you get legally married it'll be at the courthouse, just the two of you and Janey. You wouldn't have it any other way.
You try your best to keep it under wraps, but, well...marriage licenses are a matter of public record, and there are people whose whole job is to unearth things like that. The fallout (ha) from it may be stronger than you anticipated, but, at the end of the day, you have one another, and you're happy with that.
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mayajadewrites · 20 hours
agora hills - levi ackerman
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✦ synopsis: its erwin's birthday, so that means levi gets dragged to the strip club.
✦ content warnings: levi ackerman x fem! str*pper reader, unprotected sex, creampie, modern aot au
Music blared through the speakers in the club. Shiny, freshly cleaned poles are glistening in the neon lights - bodies touching and watching dancers in awe.
"Your new outfit looks so cute!!" One of the girls grazed her hand on your arm as you put on body glitter.
"Thank you!" You look down at your outfit, or lack there of. You're wearing a black off the shoulder mesh crop top with a black stringy bikini underneath. A gold waist chain, and a black skirt that connects to a garter thats squeezing your thick thigh. You paired the outfit with platform, thigh high black boots. Your hair is long and wavy, almost down to your ass.
You watch the glitter turn different colors on your tan skin as you moved your body, warming up for your turn on stage.
The air in the club smells... expensive. Colognes and liquors that only CEOs can afford.
"We got some big spenders here tonight!" Another dancer gushed. "Table 4 ordered the highest shelf liquor!"
You take a breath and stride out of the dressing room. The heels of your boots click against the floor as you start to hear the song you'll be dancing to tonight.
Agora Hills by Doja Cat.
You thought of a new dance routine that goes perfectly with the lyrics, melody, and beat.
As you wait backstage, you take a peek at the crowd. Every seat is filled with potential customers.
"Table 1... 2..." Your eyes scan the tables until you land on Table 4. A group of about 5 people are sitting at the table, 4 of them smiling and laughing amongst each other.
The last one, a lone raven-haired man is sitting with an arm laid on the table, the other one holding a glass of what looks like whiskey. He's wearing a crisp white dress shirt, top 2 buttons undone. His legs are covered with black slacks and expensive looking shoes.
He seemed uninterested.
Your new goal for tonight is to make that man look at you like you're fresh water in a drought.
"Happy birthday Erwin!!" Falco raised his glass. "Tonight is for you, big guy."
"Erwin I think you're gonna like this gal. I heard she's the best dancer here!" Hange turned her attention toward the stage.
"How many times have you been here, four eyes?" Levi raised an eyebrow.
"Never when she's here."
Levi's interest was slightly heightened. Slightly.
He doesn't go to clubs, ever. But it's Erwin's birthday and he begged him to come out with them for the night.
The lights dimmed as the music began, a song Levi's heard once or twice but never really listened to. He swirled his whiskey in his glass as he watched you emerge onto the stage.
His eyes wandered along your body - your face, your chest, your hips, thighs and legs.
Kissing, I hope they caught us Whether they like or not I wanna show you off, I wanna show you off
You reached your hand to the pole, doing a simple spin around the pole to show off your figure. The crowd cheered.
Levi's eyes swallowed you as you turned around, leaning down so the crowd gets a good view of your ass. You spread your legs, shaking your ass in a subtle way that makes customers want to see more in a private dance.
I wanna brag about it I wanna tie the knot I wanna show you off, I wanna show you off
You wrapped your leg around the pole, using your other hand to help you spin faster.
You swayed your hips to the beat as you felt the heat of everyones eyes on you.
Through your half lidded eyes, you spot the raven haired man from Table Four.
His eyes never left you.
You smirked as you danced around the stage, giving the audience a view of your chest through the mesh top. Your tits were supple from the lotion you lathered on as you subtly brought your body towards his on the stage.
His legs spread a bit as you danced, his eyes look almost intoxicated with you. You dragged your hands along your curves, your manicured hands tightening the garter on your thick thigh.
Somethin' different about you Love it when he hit and smack too Baby, lemme lick on your tattoos That's true that I like PDA Take it to a seedy place
Suck a little dick in the bathroom Who that man with the big strong hands On her ass in the club with the paps? Baby, that's you Front seat chillin' with the window down
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Once your dance was over you went to the floor to speak to customers. You chatted with various people but had your mind on one steel eyed man.
"Heard we have a birthday boy over here." Your voice was smooth as you approached Table 4. The blonde man with the piercing blue eyes sat in between the others. Your fingertips grazed his shoulders as you passed by. "What did you wish for for your birthday?"
"For my friend Levi to not act like he has a stick up his ass." Erwin chucked, that rich man laugh.
"Tch." The blue-grey eyed man finally spoke. The one you've been eyeing all night. His undercut looked fresh - must've just got it done before he came here.
You felt shy for some reason. This man intimidated you.
But you couldn't let him know that. It was time to play up your character.
"Levi, hm?" You walked towards his seat - his legs spread out as he sips on his glass. "You're way too cute to be angry."
"I'm not angry." He refused to look at you as he adjusted his posture.
"It's his first time at a strip club!" The one with the glasses said. "He's not used to having all these beautiful women around. He works with mostly men."
"Hange, shut up." Levi crossed his arms over his chest.
You placed your hands on Levi's broad shoulders, feeling the muscles underneath his shirt. You leaned down to his ear, letting your breath dance along his earlobe. "You're cute when you're angry." You pulled away quickly as you walked toward the bar.
Always leave them wanting more.
"Can I get a shot of tequila, Connie?" You spun on the barestool to face one of your best friends, who also happens to be the bartender here.
"Sure thing!" He enthusiastically poured your shot. You took it quickly for liquid courage. You wanted to make sure Levi remembered this night.
"Birthday boy," You smiled at the blonde. Your friends paid for a dance for you with my friend, she's the best dancer here." You pulled your coworker aside - she was tall with curves for days. Her skin was like chocolate - milky brown and smooth. "She'll take good care of you." You grabbed his hand gently and handed him off.
"And you." You stood in front of Levi, his gaze stopping at your thighs for a moment before he found your eyes. "Glasses got you a private dance from me."
"Hange." Levi sucked his teeth. Reluctantly, he stood up. His cheeks flushed a shade of red as he let you grab his hand to lead him to the private room for dances.
You both sat down on the loveseat as the music blared. The lights were dim, but you can still see each other fine.
"What's your name, baby?"
"Levi." His eyes darted to the floor - avoiding eye contact.
"If you don't want me to do anything, that's okay. She already paid." You looked at Levi who was staring at the corner of the room.
He was surprised at how clean this place was, he was looking for a reason to leave.
But he couldn't find one.
"I'm not gonna stop you from doing your job."
You stood up slowly and placed your hands on his knees, moving your hips with the beat of the current song. He had the perfect view of your tits, his mouth salivating at the thought of sucking on your supple skin.
You took your hands off his knees as you turned around, bending down to let Levi stare at your ass. He watched the fat of your ass move as you danced, his hand running through his fringe.
You could almost hear his scattered breaths as he watched you in amazement.
As you turned around, you touched his chin gently with your index finger, bringing his eyes to yours.
"I'm sure you get this all the time, but you're very handsome." Your face was so close to his now. He could smell your perfume - vanilla with a hint of coconut.
"Thank you." His adam's apple bobbed as he spoke.
"This thing is so tight on me, can you take it off for me?" You brought his hand to your garter that was squishing your thigh.
"I-I don't want to break any rules." He gulped.
"Ah, you always follow the rules?" You tilted your head to the side. "It's not against the rules to help your dancer loosen her garter."
His large, heavy hand landed on your thigh as he un-did the buckle for you. A sigh of relief leaving your lips as the pressure evaporated.
"Thank you." You lowered yourself to straddle his lap, feeling his erection against your inner thigh as you sat. Your skirt laid over his thighs so nicely, no one could see what was going on underneath. You rolled your hips on top of him and watched his face, his teeth digging into his bottom lip as he felt the pressure of your body on him. He ran his fingers through his hair again as he took a deep breath.
You had to fight back the urge to kiss him right there.
You don't sleep with clients, but fuck - he didn't pay you.
"I want to touch you." Levi kept his hands on the sides of his legs.
"Not here." You pressed your hands to his chest. You leaned in to his ear, your plump lips grazing his lobe. "Your place?"
You were feeling brave.
"Will I make you lose money?" He had to fight the urge to grab your hand and run out of the building.
"I made triple than what I usually make on a Saturday."
"Grab your stuff."
The outfit you arrived to Levi's place in is the exact opposite of what you wear in the club. You had an oversized crewneck on with biker shorts and sneakers.
He didn't waste any time getting his lips on yours when he locked the door behind him.
He grabbed you by your hips, throwing your legs around his waist as he kissed you. His hands planted on the fat of your ass, squeezing gently in between kisses.
"You do this with all your clients?" He whispered as he pushed your body against the wall.
"Just the incredibly sexy ones who don't talk much." You smirked as you felt the heat of your core raise.
His mouth attached to your neck as he left bites and kisses down your skin, his mouth hungry for more.
"I've never met someone as sexy as you in my life." He growled.
"Mm, Levi." You pressed your hand to the back of his head. His greedy hands lifted your sweater to touch your skin and you swore you could feel burn marks from his hot touch. "Bedroom, please."
His attitude completely changed from how he was at the club. He's in his own element now, fully confident in himself. He threw you on your back onto the bed - your hair spread out along his blanket.
His eyes looked almost primal as he crawled over your body, kissing your swollen lips again roughly. His hand slid over your tits, stomach, then to your aching core.
He rubbed gentle circles on the fabric as he watched you wince.
"Be patient or you get nothing." His other hand stretched the elastic of your shorts. "Understand?"
"Yes." You bit down on your lip impatiently.
Sliding down your shorts and throwing them to the side, Levi took his thumb and gently rubbed your clit. You moan at the contact, like you've been waiting years for this.
"So wet already, this all for me?" He smiled behind his half lidded eyes.
"Y-yes." He inserted mis middle finger inside your gummy, hot walls as he rubbed circles on your sensitive nub. "Baby I need you, please." You whine.
"Tch. What a brat." Levi slide his index finger inside of you. "What did I say about patience?"
"I want to feel you."
"I've wanted to touch you since the moment I saw you, so I'm going to savor this moment." He growled. He watched your eyes roll back as he finger fucked you, curling his digits at just the right spot that made you want to unravel right there.
You buck your hips as he went to work on your heat, feeling your walls pulsate around his fingers.
"I'm gonna come Levi." You moan as you grip the crisp white sheets.
"Come for me, baby." He moved his fingers faster as your walls tightened around him - euphoria hitting your body as you reached your high. He kept thrusting his fingers as you came down from your mind-blowing orgasm, watching your eyes roll back.
Levi wasted no time in taking off the rest of your clothes and his. The usually organized clean room now looked like chaos.
Much like how your mind was.
You gawked at his length, he's big and girthy.
"You want this, baby?" Levi used the pet name you used on him earlier.
"Yes." You nod.
"Yes what?"
"Yes please."
Levi aligned himself with your entrance, pushing his fat tip inside of you. You had to fight back how loud you actually wanted to moan as his cock disappeared inside of you.
He found his rhythm, gripping your thick thighs tightly as you heard his balls slap against your ass. Your pussy fluttered around him - you're already close again.
The lewd squelches filled the room as he fucked you senseless. Your walls had to accommodate to his large size, but never getting fully used to it.
He was giving you everything.
All of him.
"Levi, I'm close." You whimpered as you held on to whatever skin of his you could touch.
Your world was melting around you as he quickened his pace even more. "Fuck. Levi-" You moaned loudly, so loudly that his neighbors had to have heard you.
"Look at me." He grabbed your chin with his thumb and index finger, pulling your gaze to him. "I want to watch you come on my cock."
Your tight, hot pussy gripped his cock as you reached your high, Levi sinking his entire cock into you to press into your g-spot.
"Levi!" Your mouth formed into an 'o' as your orgasm started to slow. His hips started to stutter as he watched you, his mouth hanging open.
"F-fuck." He pressed his entire length into you one more time, filling your walls with his milky juices. You didn't even have the energy to stop him, and you didn't want to.
"You couldn't pull out, hm?" Your breath was still shaky as he laid down next to you, both of your bodies refusing to leave the bed.
"I wanted to, but your pussy felt too good." Levi lazily looked at you. "Do you want me to call you a Uber?" He tucked one of your hairs behind your ear. "I would offer you to stay, but I have to meet my cousin early in the morning for breakfast."
"That's okay, I got it." You smile meekly as you stand up.
"Here, wear this." He hands you one of his hoodies with a pair of matching sweatpants. The fabric radiates his scent. "Don't worry about giving it back to me, I'll be seeing you again."
He added your number to his phone as you walked to your Uber. He kissed you on the cheek before opening the door for you, telling the driver to keep you safe.
Your next shift came quickly and you couldn't help but feel disappointed that you couldn't relive Saturday night.
That is until your near regular came in.
"Hi." You smiled meekly. He was more confident now, his strides showing it. "Couldn't stay away?"
"From you? Never." He handed you three crisp hundred dollar bills. "Dance?"
"You can get it for free." You leaned into his space, sneaking a kiss on his cheek as you whispered in his ear.
Looks like you found a new regular.
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emptymilk-bottle · 2 months
hello there milk!! i know you have already gotten one of these but still thought i'd put it in you mail box :)
✨when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers🎶✨
hello hello!! tysm for the ask! i will gladly do this again bc i love sharing music 🫶
for todays 5 picks we shall have:
‘39 - queen
pretty isn’t pretty - olivia rodrigo
the bug collector - haley heynderickx
drop cherries - billie marten
little tooth - joel potter
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spacebar2 · 3 months
I'm back!
I'm glad I took that small step away from posting (I may of peeked back in just to see what was happening), it let me think over some things and process some emotions. Plus I wanted to wait until more info came out and I'm glad I did.
I'm glad that Shubble was able to speak out about what she experienced and I'm glad her abuser is being held accountable. In the end it shows how we know nothing about these people and anything could be happening behind the scenes.
I won't be deleting anything since I don't want to erase something I put time and effort into, it's not my fault the content creator turned out to be a bad person nor is it anyone elses. We didn't know.
I'm going to keep drawing the characters but with a few name changes, with the way the smp was dropped we can take it for ourselves and do what we want with it. Kind of how people make fan games for Off (obscure (?) RPG game). And they intentionally distanced themselves from it too, abandoned it. At this point the lore is up for grabs.
Go support Shubble and Lexie!
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bmpmp3 · 1 month
and since im in a musicposting mood you should listen to jellyfish right NOW
#the 5yncri5e songs have been going OFF they are unreal how good theyve all been so far#i was originally a little annoyed at the 5 member subunit situation i kinda wanted like.#i dunno three groups of three and one of 2? or maybe two of 3 one of 4 and one duet?#and i was particularly annoyed because they put who i consider like some of the strongest singers in such a big group#(chisato and especially shiki's seiyuu. chisato's a bit of dark horse in that people dont notice how beautiful her vocal expressions are)#(at first until they listen closer. but shiki's seiyuu came out swinging man her voice is fantastic)#(rich and powerful but also so expressive. one of my absolute fav voices in liella)#i was worried they would shaft them and not give them enough lines or something but MAN i did not have to worry at ALL#their voices are SHINING along with tomari and kinako. natsumi's been a little shafted tho#i hope later songs will have more natsumi.... but man jellyfish. tomari's like. thin but melodic voice has been FANTASTIC#in their previous song a little love her and kinako kind of own that song. both high and thin voices but kinako is a little flatter but mak#makes up for it in expression and again tomari's is beautifully melodic so their parts around the synth breaks#where they say 'a little love...' SO GOOD so good. and of course everyone sounds great in jellyfish#this one is fully a tomari joint and she OWNS the upward lilts. the lilts. do you hear me? do you hear the lilts#so so good. i like some catchu songs (kage asobi is great) and im really liking the newest kaleidoscore single#but 5ynchi5e has been OWNING the subunit game rn for me. maybe i just like glossy dance pop HJFKDSLHJDKs#i do NOT like their subunit name tho STOP putting numbers in the names#i liked it with qu4rtz but i did NOT like it with r3birth and i really dont like it with 5yncri5e. TWO NUMBERS thats so hard to type#honestly a lot of the subunit name options were....unfortunate but i woulda preferred bampy dancy LOL#at least it would have been something different! i voted for cinquatre (typed numbers are fine LOL) which prob woulda clashed with catchu#but i also voted backwards r meteort for catchu LOL i do like kaleidoscore tho. i voted for that one iirc#love live fans are wild. we will have deep conversations about cartoon music group names. i wanted r3birth to be called l:sm;#so maybe you shouldnt listen to my opinions about this (I ALSO WOULDA ACCEPTED kira killer and tri jokers)#Youtube
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whenthegoldrays · 1 day
#getting Taylor fatigue perhaps#thinking about.. a lot of stuff on ttpd#today Florida was playing in the store and the “weed or little babies” line slapped me in the face and then I couldn’t stop thinking about#how cringey it was for the rest of the afternoon#and then I kind of mentally went down a spiral of other Choices I don’t love#and like!! idk I did like a lot of songs on ttpd#some of the Silly was fun#fell into the anti ttpd tag and people do love to dunk on so high school and imgonnagetyouback but I don’t really have anything against thos#like! let her have fun! Aristotle/grand theft auto!#but there’s also a lot of other choices (specifically lyrically) that I just…. hm.#the reason I stopped listening to the title track too#there’s *some* good lines in there. a couple good lines. but there’s too much cringe the whole I can’t listen to that song#and I don’t really know what I’m trying to say. I’m not trying to say anything specific.#I’m not mad about everything and especially compared to the actual antis I definitely enjoy the album more than many of them do#but also. not like the Crowd of Swifties does#and yeah just in general. things about her behavior recently are Very Disappointing#*gestures vaguely*#so idkkk#ik i have talked about this before on the other side of the argument like. if you hate Taylor why are you still here you hater???#and I don’t hate Taylor but I don’t really like her very much either. idk and I continue to like A Lot of her music#and idk idk#I’ve been thinking this on and off since ttpd release#and some days I like her less than other days#but maybe I’m thinking it’s just time for me to take a step back.#I don’t want to become a hater so if I have anything to rant about I’ll try to keep in it some tags like this or just in my group chat#but yeah. if I am less interested in or inclined to talk about Taylor and my swiftie mutuals wonder. that’s why#I’m still 100% down to talk about the music though!!! but maybe I’m going to become one of those people who are asked if they like TS and#they’ll be like “mmm I like her older stuff”#maybe that’s where I’m headed
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the-alan-price-combo · 2 months
On this day in 1965 - the New Musical Express Poll Winners' Concert!!
Featured here is Animals' performance of "Boom Boom", the first song of their set! 🐾✨️
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mechieonu · 10 months
just finished good omens s2. i'm in so much fucking pain and agony
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whiskeyswifty · 1 year
#i swear i'm not being a pretentious asshole about it i genuinely enjoy it#but it's extremely funny to me today to see all these swifties listen to the national for the first time for the most part#and the resounding thought is oh! it's like folklore!#and i just heheheheheheheheheh i laugh! i chuckle!#cuz it's like..... everyone KNOWS that folklore is a lot of taylor just writing to instrumentals aaron already made and sent her#and she had little to do with the melody of half the album at least#but i don't think people actually reckoned with that information irl before now like folklore is yes a new direction for taylor#but it's par for the course for the national! they're QUITE LITERALLY reject tracks!!#i don't mean this to demean folklore nor to be reductive towards taylor i'm being totally serious i love watching#swifties slowly come to the realization and connect the dots like#oh...... this is the sound of the national.... THEY sound like that#folklore is mainly a national album with taylor writing and singing.....#and i'm like DING DING DING DING AND THATS WHY IT FUCKS SO SEVERELY#SAD BOY SUPREME MEETS SAD GIRL SUPREME AND THEIR ALBUM OBVIOUSLY IS INCREDIBLE#i try not to like indie-splain my pretentious indie music to the pop girlies or the kiddos so im just really thrilled that#taylor introduced a new group of people to the sound of the national but through slow drip and wrapped in taylorisms#and that they're getting a new audience of fans who aren't 40 year olds#cuz they're excellent but they're debilitatingly sad so you really do need to slowly wade in. you can't just dive into Boxer#you'll suffer so severely#i'm so happy for them and i'm happy for everyone discovering them and i hope you enjoy middle aged existential gloom!!#its a good time!!!!
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melit0n · 5 months
Just wanna put this out here; please do not listen to music on full blast. I understand the want to feel music in your bones, but the more you do that, the higher chance you have of losing your hearing to some extent, which means, by default, you slowly loose the prospect of being able to listen and enjoy music in the future.
This goes for both listening to music in general, and going to live shows (especially looking at you, metal heads). Simple earplugs or headphones won't do you any harm. If the security guards at the barrier can wear them and still hear everything going on at the show, so can you! Take this from someone who's got bad tinnitus.
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hirazuki · 7 months
Naruto brainrot is at the helm these days, so just for fun, here are my personal favorite/best themes in the series (in no particular order):
Ashura & Indra
Honorable mention to Yondaime Hokage, it never fails to amp me up and make me smile XD
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vcrnons · 5 months
thoughts on TWS, the new pledis boy group that's debuting in january?
i mean. the only thing i know about them is their name, so i was probably the worst person to ask this to im sorry 😭
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a9saga · 6 months
super junior - mamacita // been a LONG time since i've pulled this one out!
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weirdfishy · 7 months
and suddenly i find myself on an unquenchable quest for knowledge (guy who’s been spending hours reading k-idol info pages)
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