#Language Matters
liberalsarecool · 1 year
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Men withhold rights to give themselves advantages. That is why equality feels like injustice to the privileged man.
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magnetothemagnificent · 11 months
Queer isn’t a slur?
It is. You can't reclaim a slur if it isn't a slur. I reclaim the word queer, but that doesn't mean it's not a slur. It is a slur, and I proudly call myself a slur. But that doesn't mean I'll call other people "queer" if they don't want to be called that, because it *is* a slur at the end of the day and lots of people have trauma attached to it.
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ophelia-dk · 7 months
Supporting and Empowering Survivors within Erotic Hypnosis Communities
Sharing the handout from this brilliantly articulate class given by Kat and Lilith last night. There's so much I could comment on; better to just let them say it. :)
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Your language matters
People subconsciously mimic accents, mannerisms, and even vernacular when they're around people they like.
It's part of the chameleon effect, which causes people to subconsciously copy the mannerisms of the people they like to "fit in" and it's so well known that self-help books will suggest you consciously not change your mannerisms if you want to seem more powerful because it looks like you're leading the group.
And I've gotten people to mispronounce shit in RIDICULOUS ways, use completely wrong words for things, and even use sounds instead of object names because I won't give up my way of speaking.
Why is this important?
Because if you consciously use different terminology from someone and refuse to give in or compromise, you actually have a greater than zero chance to change the way they speak.
That sounds hella manipulative
I mean, if you're out there repeatedly calling the Romani people a slur, and I can get you to stop using that word without you even noticing, I'm taking it.
Okay, but like... what if they notice?
I mean, if they catch on because they're consciously or intentionally using that language to be harmful, another tactic is just become even more stubborn. Act like you don't know what they're talking about when they use that word. Eventually they'll either get fed up and leave, or they'll get fed up and use the language you acknowledge to get you to "understand".
And you know that meme where people start acting "cringe" ironically, and eventually you're not doing it ironically anymore that's just how you act? Yeah. If you force someone to use language you'll acknowledgment repeatedly, it'll eventually just become part of their vernacular. It's great.
So like... what's the point of this post?
Consciously and intentionally use language around others that you want them to be using. That's why I consciously change my vernacular into what I want to be seeing from others. It also impacts what I talk about a lot of the time because if I keep bringing up a topic like "Fun fact. Did you know Romani period are believed to be from Northern India?" I really get to set the word "Romani" into your head.
That... sounds like gaslighting
Whether they acknowledge it or not, people that use terms like "handicapable" or "differently abled" are utilizing the same tactics subconsciously. They're choosing language they want others to use in hopes it'll "catch on". Is that so different?
(I know way too many psychological tricks. But this one is a really fun one that you can use to better society.)
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nerdygaymormon · 2 years
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elisaenglish · 1 year
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Verb me—as for all their labels, do not care...
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coochiequeens · 3 months
Dear CNN, VP Kamala Harris didn't visit an abortion clinic, she visited a clinic that provides healthcare services including abortion care.
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healingwgabs · 7 months
ppl dont refer to their inner monologue as auditory hallucinations. so I dont understand why the same logic can't be applied when ppl misuse the word delusion psychotic ppl really go through it, and thats not to say ppl cant have painful n dysfunctional inner monologues, they can.. however, there are differences and distinctions and severity matters. it's really not the same! plz use the right words
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audhdnight · 6 months
Here are some language swaps I’ve been making/ words to use instead of “that’s crazy!” or “that’s insane!” when you don’t actually mean them, so as not to be ableist, that I think you should consider adopting as well:
I have also used “wild” and “mindless” in the past but I’m actually not sure about the history/context of those words so absolutely feel free to call me on them.
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liminalflares · 2 years
What if there were a place where you could listen to haunting tales bedecked in unearthly music without ever smacking into language that breaks the spell of the story by pretending that people outside the gender binary don’t exist?⁣ ⁣ You’ve found that place. And I’m so glad you’re here.⁣
Join me, Maika, your queer, trans, nonbinary narrator, as I read pieces of eldritch literature drawn from the public domain and amended to be gender-inclusive. ⁣ Story time begins Thursday, November 3rd.⁣ Subscribe on your favorite podcast platform and please share LiminalFlares with your friends.⁣ ⁣ Audio Engineering by @thereminaa Music by The Parlour Trick
More info at liminalflares.com⁣
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liberalsarecool · 2 years
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Language has meaning. 💫 #ToxicMasculinity
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Alright, a little lesson in what terms mean and what they don't mean.
Internalized hatred is hating yourself because of internalized attitudes about a specific identity you posses.
Internalized hatred is not expressing hatred towards other people because of internalized attitudes about their identity, even if you are also of that identity.
For example:
A trans person that hates themself for being trans has internalized transphobia.
A trans person that hates other people for being trans is just transphobic. They may also have internalized transphobia, but once that transphobia is expressed extrenally, it stops being internalized transphobia but rather externalized transphobia.
Another example:
When I was younger, I dealt with a lot of internalized antisemitism. I hated my own Jewish features and was extremely insecure about them. That's internalized antisemitism.
But, if I had expressed that antisemitism towards other Jews, I would have just been antisemitic, even if I'm also Jewish. Because "internalized" is feelings towards oneself, "externalized" is feelings towards others.
Now, not every person dealing with internalized hatred expresses it externally. Many people dealing with externalized hatred only hate their own identity, but are fine with others having it. That's how insecurity works.
There's nothing wrong with having internalized hatred. Most people struggle with internalized hatred and insecurity about some aspect of themselves at some point or another, whether it's their appearence, their weight, their race, their gender, their sexuality, etc etc. It's something every person has to work on and hopefully come to peace with, but it's not evil to have these thoughts.
What becomes a problem is when that hatred is expressed about other people. Because internalized hatred and insecurity isn't an excuse to be prejudiced and discriminatory.
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cavillanche · 1 year
The term “stan” IS NOT interchangeable with “fan.” I am begging you to stop using this term in a casual, positive way.
Stanning any person is not healthy, and should not be celebrated.
The word “fan” has its own negative connotations, to the point that I typically don’t even use the word for myself. You’ll usually find me saying “I love his work” or “I love their music” instead of “I’m a huge fan.”
But the term “stan” is even worse.
Think about how you’re presenting yourself and others.
I really hope you would never walk up to a celebrity and say “I stan you so hard!”
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andeverden · 2 years
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nerdygaymormon · 1 year
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ginnyjyng · 1 year
The lyrics “Greanin Saidin, Shaiaal Tar Valon” are annoying AF, it should be “Greanin Saidar” cause the song specifically refers to the women of Tar Valon. I could make a point on how using Saidin, the male side of the One Power as the “neutral” word for “power” is reinforcing male-centrism in language in a fantasy world that tries really hard to avoid that
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