feline17ff · 11 months
LanguageTool warning
So i made the post a while ago where i talked about how i liked language tool as an alternative to grammarly
but this week they added a paraphrase option that made me remove it. not that it broke the app/extension or something but because:
i couldn't find out how to opt out of it
to paraphrase it sends to OpenAI
OpenAI has the right to store your data as per LanguageTool's privacy policy
i've contacted LanguageTool and Firefox but haven't received a reply yet
but i've deleted it from my computer and browser because i use it to correct my language for fiction writing and I don't feel comfortable giving it to AI
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I downloaded yWriter and have been using it for this proper book idea I have.
It's desktop only. I started using it because I'm too addicted to my phone and want something structured and Google Docs keeps crashing.
And I found a solution for one of the problems I had!
The 2 problems I had were:
It's desktop only. Which I keep feeling sad about but then that just shows my addiction.
And I'm listening to Brandon Sanderson's creative writing playlist and he emphasizes consistency and setting a time to write. And yWriter will help me with that, I hope, because I need to utilize the time I'm on desktop because now.
So, that's not really a problem for me, per se because I'm looking forward to this (feature not a bug lol).
It has a spellchecker which turns all my incorrect spellings red, that's fine. The problem is: it doesn't show me the right spelling that I can just click and be done with — I have to manually retype it (like olden times).
But I found a solution! :D
I've moved to Firefox and absolutely enjoying all the extensions 🤗 (and the ad-less YouTube I get from one of them is fire 🔥💅)
And I downloaded a spellchecker extension because it had the "recommended" badge, instead of going for generic Grammarly
It's called LanguageTool
Edit: As per last week (today's 10th July 2023) LanguageTool introduced a new feature call rephrasing that uses OpenAI which, according to LanguageTool's privacy policy, reserves the right to store your data. and I couldn't find out how to opt out. I have deleted it and contacted LanguageTool and Firefox.
Made a post about it here.
I checked it out on Google Docs while proofreading a doc for work, and I liked “picky reader” option.
I went to their website and they had a desktop version! AND, while it doesn't work with yWriter directly, I can still use it for it! I just need to:
Select my text in yWriter (Ctrl+A)
Use the shortcut that opens that text in LanguageTool (I set it to Ctrl+Q)
Use the tool
And then copy-paste back in yWriter!
This is awesome! And LanguageTool is private and doesn't track (it was recommended by Firefox/Mozilla so it better be lol) which is a plus because I'm big on internet privacy now :)
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lavender-long-stories · 2 months
Uh... no???
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sunnysam-my · 5 months
Nah, I don't think that’s what I meant TwT
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vimbry · 1 year
always genuinely interesting to see a new phrase or concept emerge and then watch its meaning shift over a short period of time. reaping all the rewards of an historical anthropologist in the space of a month. like when kiki/bouba effect discussion got big on here, which is about applying sounds to certain shapes, now usually refers to the dichotomy of contrasting shapes in character designs. the hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby, in its original context, were equals in volume, but is now a response to polls with match-ups perceived as unbalanced.
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magz · 1 year
"Who want to be Magz GF"
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prorisetraining · 2 months
Unlocking the secrets to expanding your English vocabulary! Master the art of repetition, dive into contextual learning, and organize your word bank efficiently. Plus, don't forget the grammar essentials like 'there' vs. 'their'!
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nimata-beroya · 2 years
Star Wars Writing Resources
Note: None of the resources below are mine. I just assembled them in one place for your and my convenience. Feel free to use and reblog. If you know of any other useful site missing from the list, let me know and I'll gladly add it.
NOTE (05/17/23): There's a new, much more comprehensive version HERE.
Interactive Galaxy Map by Henry Bernberg
Map of the Galaxy
List of planets and moons [Wikipedia /needs expanding]
Planet Name Generator 1 [SciFi Ideas]
Planetary System Generator [Donjon]
Character Development
Star Wars Name Generator 1 [Donjon]
Star Wars OC flow chart by @thefoodwiththedood
Star Wars Name Generator 2 [FantasyNames]
Star Wars Name Generator 3 [FantasyNames]
The character creator
Droid Name Generator
Star Wars Randomizer by @aureutr
Clone Trooper face/helmet template pack by @fox-trot
Clone Picrew by @batdad
Character Picrew [Twi-leks, Zabraks, Torgutas and Nautolans] @/megaramikaeli
Star Wars Character Templates by SmacksArt [the ULTIMATE battery of template for any human/humanoid original character in any era. From troopers to droids, from Jedi to Sith, from KOTOR to the sequel Trilogy. 100% RECOMMENDED]
Standard Calendar and Holidays [including month names!]
Galactic Standard Calendar [wookiepedia // including week day names]
Date converter according to SWTOR [Google sheet]
Hyperspace Travel Times (to calculate how much time would take to go from point A to point B within the GFFA)
Materials (fabrics, leathers, silks, plastics, construction, metal composites, etc.)
List of TCW Opening Quotes
Ship Generator 3D
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Republic Military Hierarchy Flowcharts by @cacodaemonia
Languages; Phrases and Slang; Vocabulary
Coruscant Translator (from/to Basic from/to Old Corellian, Proto-Basic, and Smuggler's Cant; Catharese and High Cathar; Cheunh and Minnisiat; Echani and Thyrsian; Mirialan; Flora Colossi, Ortolan, and -everyone's favorite- Mando'a)
In-Universe phrases and slang [Google sheet]
List of phrases and slang [wookiepedia]
List of equivalents to real-world objects [wookiepidia]
Star Wars Menu Generator
Helpful blogs
The amazing @fox-trot, who not only makes astonishing art and write an amazing fic, she also responds to medical questions and gives all kinds of references for writing medic characters.
@writebetterstarwars, which seems to be inactive, but there are a bunch of references there.
@howtofightwrite The place to find out how to write a good fight scene.
@scriptmedic no longer active, but it has a great deal of useful information.
@scripttorture for your whump needs. Major trigger warning for all its content.
Writing in General (For those who don't want to die like Stormtroopers)
SlickWrite: Completely free; online. Checks grammar, punctuation, flow, and writing style according to different settings (including fiction writing).
ProWritingAid: [RECOMMENDED] One of the most thorough online proofreader I've ever used. Although when using a free account gives extremely thorough feedback, it gives +20 different in-depth reports for only the first 500 words for free. However, you can earn a premium account license (for a year or for life) if you get 10 or 20 new users signing up for free; (if you wouldn't mind doing so using the link above and help me earn mine, please). The settings allow you to check your writing according to your needs, from general to formal to creative. It has a bonus that you can check depending on the genre you're writing. For example, in creative, you can choose romance or sci-fiction (there are 14 sub-genre in total). And just like google docs, you can share a document, and people can view, comment or edit.
LanguageTool: [RECOMMENDED] Another excellent proofreader. It also has a word limit in free accounts, but if you use the add-on for Google Docs, it counts each page as a new document, so hitting the limit is nearly impossible. It helps you to rewrite a sentence, even if it doesn't raise any flags; it's very useful for when your sentence is grammatically correct, but it doesn't feel quite right.
Grammarly, Hemingway Editor: No so great, but they do the basic job.
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x-v4mp3y3lin3r-x · 11 months
Yesterday I finished moving to Firefox so here's some extensions. First, the serious ones:
AdBlocker Ultimate: Your run-of-the-mill adblock. I chose this one instead of uBlock since I'm fairly sure uBlock was giving me problems on Chrome and I don't wanna repeat the experience. You can use the "Block Element" feature to get rid of all the new annoying Tumblr features, it's easy.
ClearURLS: Removes tracking from URLs.
Decentraleyes: Protects from tracking & targeted ads.
DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials: More tracking, cookies, etc etc protection.
Privacy Badger: More tracking protection.
Shinigami Eyes: Marks transphobic blogs/accounts/profiles red.
Alright now some less serious, more fun ones:
Enhancer For Youtube: Gives you a highly customizable utility bar with features like simple screenshotting, pop-up players, volume enhancement, & other things. Also has the ability to alter your YouTube theme and toggle settings that'll stop pesky YouTube tabs from automatically starting.
Firefox Color: Custom themes for dummies! It doesn't customize everything but it gets pretty close. I think this would be a good tool for folks who need high contrast themes and can't find pre-made ones suited to their needs. Also comes with a few pre-made themes you can either use or use as bases.
LanguageTool: A spelling and grammar checking program that works in many languages and on all websites!
OneTab: Turns tabs into lists. Fantastic for when you're knee-deep in hyperfixation/special interest territory, or even for research.
Turbo Download Manager: Helps with frustrating downloads.
Video DownloadHelper: Gives you options to download any video from your tabs in multiple formats. Also has the option to download and convert to another format. [Update: This one requires a paid subscription AND externally downloaded program for these features. Nevermind.]
XKit Rewritten: Most Tumblr users already know of xKit but I'm including the link nonetheless! This kit makes Tumblr on PC enjoyable.
Custom Scrollbars: Makes your scrollbar pretty :)
Also, Firefox has their own page of useful add-ons, like Facebook containers and note-taking extensions. There's also a ton of themes. I don't think any of these are advertised on the main add-ons page? So I might as well mention it.
cheers :)
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
I caved and got Scrivener.
Gotta say, I really like the program, especially the fact that it can handle a lot more words and heavier files than Google Docs could ever dream of, but the thing I love the most is just how professional it makes me feel.
I come home from work, sit in front of my silly little laptop with my silly little fandom selected stickers glued to the protective shell, and there I go, writing my silly little fics but feeling like a hardened professional writer whose deadline is due.
My only complaint would be that, for some reason, I can't make the switch from UK English to US English, so a bunch of words are signed as mistakes for no reason, but... oh, well. I have LanguageTool installed on Firefox exactly for the moment I want to post on Ao3 and run through the story a second time.
I imagine the language thing is buried somewhere in the eighty billion pages of intimidating how-tos. I love Scrivener, but damn does it take me a while to figure out how to use some of it.
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crococookie · 2 months
Croco, Dys et RPGiste.
J'avais envie de parler de ma façon de RP, des outils que j'utilise pour éviter le bruler la rétine de mes partenaires de jeux, mais aussi des fautes que je fais.
Ma façon de RP
Il faut savoir que je ne me relis jamais. Pourquoi ? Parce que sinon je supprime tout et je me roule en boule dans mon coin en pleurant comme un potit caca, parce que je trouve que j'écris mal. Une relecture = moins 40 pts de confiance en moi.
Avant, j'étais team troisième personne du singulier. Je me perdais souvent dans ce que j'écrivais entre mon personnage et celui du partenaire. Puis je suis passé team première personne et ça a été une de mes meilleures décisions.
Je prends mon temps et j'arrête de me foutre la pression pour répondre autant de mots que les autres. Ce n'est pas grave de répondre moins de mots que ton/ta (taon ?) partenaire.
J'évite l'écriture inclusive, parce que je galère à l'écrire. Je le fais quand il le faut, mais c'est n'importe quoi. C'est pour ça que je préviens et que je ne RP pas avec des personnages qui utilisent l'inclusif. Mes ami-e-s proche qui utilise normalement l'inclusif accepte que j'utilise soit le masculin, soit le féminin ou sinon accepte les fautes absurdes que je fais (et je les aime bordel ! T-T merci à eux pour leurs patientes et leurs bienveillances.) OU j'utilise que des mots full neutre. OU des mots que je gère en inclusif (très limité).
Mes outils
J'écris tout sur GoogleDoc parce qu'il y a un module pour ajouter une version sombre (GoogleDoc Dark Mode) et parce qu'il y a possibilité d'utiliser des polices Google Font sans les télécharger (Lexend, meilleure police <3).
LanguageTool, c'est une extension de Chrome/Opera que j'utilise tout le temps. Ça montre les fautes d'orthographe, de grammaire ou de ponctuation (et bien d'autres). C'est aussi directement installable sur PC pour Word etc.
L'IA d'Opera (oui, je vois venir les fourches ! Mais ça aide à trouver de nouveau synonyme et faire une traduction rapide quand on utilise de l'anglais dans un RP alors qu'on ne parle PAS anglais). Comme dit entre parenthèse, je l'utilise pour les synonymes pour éviter de me répéter, ou pour traduire du texte. Après, il faut avoir Opera.
Mes fautes
99% du temps, je n'accorde jamais au féminin. "Mais comment ça Croco ?" Eh bien, j'oublie le "e" à la fin d'un "é". En réalité, je n'oublie pas vraiment, je ne sais juste pas quand le mettre parce que la langue française est un bordel sans nom. (Pas la peine de m'expliquer la règle, je la connais, on me l'a expliqué un million de fois et je galère autant).
Er, é, ée... Même en remplaçant par prendre, sur un texte très long, j'en oublie. (D'où mon problème niveau écriture inclusive T_T).
Les (p*tain) d'homophones. Vert, verre, vers... C'est de la torture. Quand j'étais enfant, j'écrivais con au lieu de qu'on.
Attention, INttention et tous les trucs du genre. À l'écrit comme à l'oral, il n'y a pas de différence pour moi.
Un, une, la, le. Alors, allez savoir pourquoi, mais même si je pense à la, je vais écrire le et inversement. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi, mais même en faisant attention (j'ai failli écrire intention T_T), je fais cette faute.
Voilà ! Bien sûr, je fais d'autre faute, mais celle-ci sont les plus récurrentes. J'espère que les outils seront utiles à d'autres. (re) la bise ~
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agardenintheshire · 1 year
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omg <33333333 wahrlich ich habe unseren jurajungen-geburtstag honoriert, indem ich die ganze Zeit fleißig an meiner BA geschrieben habe <3
(das hier hält languagetool übringends von unserem jura jungen :o)
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harrenhalyuri · 1 month
Not LanguageTools trying to autocorrect marazhai into maranhão 💀💀💀
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battlekilt · 7 months
Writing tips: Dialogue and character style.
I get asked how I write such natural sounding dialogue.
My first rule is to say your dialogue out loud. Play out the conversation with your own voice.
Secondly, include—in the dialogue—grammatical mistakes. Worry more about grammar in the non-dialogue narrative. Fix that as much as possible. However, dialogue should be erroneous. Perfectly spoken grammar reads as stilted and unnatural. People are much more like to speak with redundancies*, informal contractions—also, get creative with these!—that may or may not be regional, sloppy colloquialisms. It is best to pick a rationality for a character and stick with it. Though, specific informal contractions used in a limited POV outside of the dialogue still does help with characterization. I.e. Obi-Wan's narrative might be more proper than say Re'x's. Caveat: I also shore up Rex's non-dialogue linguistics when he is thinking particularly polished. Most of the time, as in the books, Rex has a lot of colloquialisms and informal grammar. Most of it is in his dialogue, but it also has an effect outside of his spoken narrative. Do try and be consistent with the style used. When someone is trying to sound formal and fancy and—see what I did there? Put that in speech—proper, desirous of being taken seriously, then they will try and weed all that out. If you have a character that is particularly Sherlock Holmes-esque, then their spoken dialogue WILL be quite correct. Believe it or not, that actually stands out to the reader. It conveys so much about that character. Characters who speak with proper grammar stand out a lot in contrast with spoken mistakes and colloquialisms.
*Don't be so afraid of redundancies because it is an linguistic expression of emphasis in the English language.
Since I shall be brave and put this in a more public tag, I'll also make note of the grammar tool I use as a backup inspector: LanguageTool.
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magz · 7 months
what made you not able to type normally? because i remember you had perfect grammar before and used to make rly long text posts
Around December 15, 2022 was main one (more info below)
Had seizure / stroke-like thing. and bad covid - at same time. while also stress + abuse.
then started speak and type odd immediately after wake up. words arrange odd - in all language.
which then, similar health event happen multiple times after.
each time was improve from consistent effort speech + language therapy, would get worse after another event. but slight different.
It actually affect more ability speak irl. where it progressive lost any ability speak, besides. sounds.
as sometimes am able more coherence text. often with strain head.
and there Are posts with more edit where spend long time change, or use autocorrect more + languagetool + search online + ask help. so have better grammar. sometimes end up pass out after.
so am just focus those on describe post or transcribe. or if think post worth it have good chance feel physical awful.
have delete some the text posts around time of main incident, as was live document what happen - which not feel good - too vulnerable. though many mutual were there ... and know.
had previous seizure / stroke-like events before incident - which gave speech impediment (permanent), or made guts worse (permanent) than was before, or made unable move (temporary) / worse move (longer), or photophobia extreme light sensitive (frequent / chronic).
anyways, there times when grammar n logic n language general ability not great, n other times more manageable.
other times other parts cognition is affect instead.
is to point sometimes where see past self n posts n way speak n creation, n cannot recognize as self.
am have old videos with voice on old art channel. so we were not born nonverbal. n of course had many long perfect grammar posts without much effort on this account. most those followers were from back then. is not secret, is... burden.
have you ever had your body n brain / mind fail you severely?
anyways: dominican medical system have been subpar. n they made some worse. [insert traumatic n backwards medical]
n am kinda like this n there a lot am not know about future n present.
am hope this was make sense enough, did try, you know.
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feline17ff · 5 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
1. 70 notes - Apr 6 2023
Don't Delete Our Books! Rally - Internet Archive Blogs
2. 67 notes - Feb 15 2023
Writer: So, I'm a writer. I like writing. Look at all my notes and ideas for characters and worldbuilding *happily rambles...
3. 54 notes - Jul 8 2023
LanguageTool warning
4. 41 notes - Jul 19 2023
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5. 34 notes - Mar 9 2023
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6. 23 notes - Sep 9 2023
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7. 22 notes - Dec 23 2023
There is no Christmas in Bethlehem, Palestine this year Just a reminder, Bethlehem is the birthplace of Jesus (look this up on...
8. 18 notes - Nov 20 2023
Home | Israel Boycott Guide | by The Witness
9. 18 notes - Jan 19 2023
10. 15 notes - Nov 6 2023
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Created by TumblrTop10
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