#Lettere a Francesca
gregor-samsung · 11 months
“ Mia cara Francesca, le tue lettere arrivano, per lo più, alla sera. Verso le nove. Una mano entra nel buco, dicono "posta", poi le aprono e me le danno. Così le tue parole sono le ultime che ricevo: e me le porto in sogno. [...] Ho lavato i piatti (una ciotola di plastica, un piatto di plastica, delle posate idem) e le pulizie le farò nel pomeriggio, nell'interminabile viaggio che va dalle 15 al mattino dopo. Oggi è giorno di doccia (qui ci si lava un giorno sì e uno no) e aspetto il mio turno. Poi mi vestirò, e andrò all'aria. Girerò in tondo fino alle 11. In questa giostra assurda s'incontra ogni genere di uomini: falsari, spacciatori, zingari, bancarottieri; è un mondo tutto suo, credimi. E pieno di assurde favole, di storie incredibili; è impressionante il numero di giovani, di ragazzi, quasi. Da fuori, non si ha la sensazione di quello che accade qui, e di come enormi siano oggi i problemi della giustizia. Mi chiedi se desidero un libro. Sì. Di Dostoevskij "Memorie da una casa morta": attenzione, non "Memorie dal sottosuolo", che è un altro suo libro. Dico quello (alcuni lo traducono "M dalla casa dei morti") che parla della sua prigionia a Semipalatinsk, in Siberia. Lo lessi anni fa, e siccome è pieno di pensieri sulla pena, la prigione, e altro, vorrei rileggerlo. Davvero. Va bene? E io che posso restituirti? Senti, sbaglio o con Renata sei in freddo? Non so, mi è parso di capire che, in quel suo tirarsi indietro ti desse della pena. Guarda: succede, e alle volte è meglio che un amico dica francamente il suo pensiero piuttosto che vederlo accettare per forza. E il resto del lavoro? E la vita? E Milano? Io sono disgustato all'idea che esistano "giornalisti" del tipo attualmente in circolazione: criminali della penna, analfabeti della vita, irresponsabili, folli. Adesso è di moda chiamare questo "il carcere dei vip": perché non vengono, per sette giorni, a questo Portofino delle manette? Credimi: il nostro non è un Paese. Ho gioito al ritrovamento delle reliquie del tuo S. Francesco: non avevo dubbi, credi, che il finale fosse quello. E troveranno il resto. Vuoi scommettere? Mi chiedi dei sogni? Beh, sono molto teneri, dolcissimi. Mi pare di essere accanto a te, e di perdermi nei tuoi occhi. È delizioso. Anche se è la sbiadita, pallida immagine del vero. Ma ti sogno spesso. Ti ho detto: ora sono sereno, niente può più toccarmi. Mi metterò a studiare storia, che e la mia passione. Storia italiana. Poi, mi interessa enormemente la "comune coscienza del peccato", che è cosa ancora più debole, da noi, del "comune senso del pudore". Parlo con delinquenti veri, Cicciotta: e mi interessa la loro psicologia, la loro relatività, il loro codice, che è, in molti casi, anche se patologico, regolato da leggi ferree. Sì, ho vissuto molte vite: so e conosco cose che nessun viaggiatore vede e vedrà mai, avrò da riempire sere e sere d'inverno. Non andrò mai più allo zoo: l'idea di una gabbia mi darà, per sempre, un fremito di disgusto. Tu dici che sono forte: io non lo so, Cicciotta. Sento che mi sentirei indegno di vivere, se fossi diverso. Non si può concedere loro niente: sono dei bari, capisci? Questo Paese ha sempre piegato la schiena, baciando la mano di chi lo pugnalava. E non ci sarebbero tiranni, se non ci fossero schiavi. Il vero patrono d'Italia (e non capisco perché non lo facciano) dovrebbe essere Don Abbondio. San Francesco poteva nascere benissimo in qualunque altra parte del mondo. Solo Don Abbondio è irresistibilmente, disgustosamente italiano. A me spiace parlar male del mio Paese: ma deve cambiare. È l'"odi et amo" di Catullo (traduzione di Ceronetti): e se vuoi un ritratto, che condivido, dell'Italia, leggi, sempre di Ceronetti "Viaggio in Italia" (Einaudi). È una barca cariata, un guscio vuoto, pieno di vermi, che galleggia su un mare inquinato. E per le anime, è peggio. Ti abbraccio, Cicciotta. Tanto tanto Enzo [Bergamo, domenica 9 Ottobre '83] “
Enzo Tortora, Lettere a Francesca, Pacini Editore, 2016¹; pp. 82-84.
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the Francesca mv tomorrow will absolutely obliterate me. please be gentle with me in this trying time.
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fabiansteinhauer · 6 months
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Madonna von O
You keep on pushing my law over the borderline.
I miss Miss Vis so much, which is my mission to miss/ O vismanic I miss/ the man I can be to miss. the maniac oh, oh/ the more I miss I can/ the vis in O I see/ I act to see the scene.
I miss Miss Vis with wit. with what I see I miss: a sea, an ocean I miss. oh seen I have the scene/ the vision I can see/ aye, aye, oh eyes, I see.
I miss Miss Vis so much, my mission is too much. I miss, oh I miss so much. my mission to O, to O/ to the only one I see/ and o is for the sea/ o is for the O/ OO is for she. force me to the sea.
O to O, O O= O O O O O.
Oh too Oh, O O. O O' O O' O.
two O, O O: for being fourioso: I miss O. four beings, four/ I owe so/ four keep O so short. O that is for four. see soon seas of O, seasoning OO. Seasons of oh O, soon I miss oO.
nor see I O ostensible/ sothering OO, wostering to see OO, oceans do I see.
what do I love O? for being four i love O/ like winding directions I love O/ for clapping four windows, for willow's weep/ in windows will: wildly I love O/ will, oh weep my O?
for liking to wind/ for winding four: I like O/ four O O O O O. O gets my out of sync, i sink in O, OO. let me sing to O, my sirenes sirene O.
I act to see the scene/ I lick, I lick OO/ I love o'scene O, O! I see in scenes Miss O/ countless miss i O/ i act to see the seen.
Oh Countess O, Oh Countess O: can't I miss Miss O? The vis in O I see, but can't I miss Miss O? the 'but' of O I see, but can't i miss Miss O? the 'can't' of O I see, but can't I miss Miss O?
I miss one O, one O! the more I miss the one, the more I miss, oh, miss O/ I owe to miss O O. oh only one I know, oh that's the O I own. oh am I on my own, than let me miss O O'.
oh numbers I have drawn/ oh numbers of Miss O/ the numbers let me drown/ to numberless oo.
only one, eau O/ fleeting, flattering O'. Oh let's, oh letters O, oh ject the letter O. Objects (let me let) that let, that led to O. subito OO! ject the letter O. subject letter O/ let my letters ject. ject, oh ject my O, subito Oh, OOOOOh!
miss I or miss i O? that is the O eau.
Piero della Francesca, über den Hubert Damisch ein beinahe rettendes, glücklicherweise aber nur hilfreiches Buch (hilfreich auch für ab und zu dichtende, dann wieder dicht machende Leute) geschrieben hat, malt die Madonna del Parto, die unter anderem in Brasilien Madonna von O genannt wird.
Um die Hauptstadt der Schiff- und Lichtbrüchigen herum, also um Recife herum, auch in dieser rauhen und proletarischen Hafenstadt einer nur vergehenden Sklavengesellschaft, stehen haufenweise Kapellen und Kirchen, die dieser Madonna, genau ihr, gewidmet sind.
Della Francesca ist damit nicht nur einer der bekanntesten Maler von geteilten Bildern, also den Bildern, deren Grenzen mitten durch das Bild gehen und von denen man eines auf dem Cover der amerikanischen Ausgabe von Vestings Buch über Transformationen und Transfiguration des modernen Subjektes findet (da leider so beschnitten, dass man nicht mehr sieht, dass das Bild von Anfang an beschnitten war). Nicht nur die berühmte Gerichts- und Gesprächsszene aus Urbino ist so ein Bild. Auch diese Madonna ist so ein Bild. Und, ein Clou, Bingo! Piero hat, um die 'Beamten des Himmels', die Engel oder Angeln zu zeichnen, eine Schablone als Polobjekt verwendet, also eine wendbares Formular verwendet. Die Schablone für beide Figuren am Rand des Bildes war nicht die gleiche, sie ist die Selbe, die sich nicht gleicht.
Piero hat sie nur doppelt verkehrt, von links nach rechts geschoben und dabei umgedreht. Ich finde das genial, vor allem weil er das für die Sekretäre des Pavillons, der Faltarchitektur, eines diplomatischen Objektes gemacht hat. Die Angeln stehen nicht, sie sind gedreht und drehen, sie schließen nichts, was nicht öffnet und sie öffnen nichts, was nicht schließt. Das sind Falter, Kipper, Wender, Dreher, eben sehr hilfreiche Sekretäre. Da sieht man ein, zwei Kardinäle.
Dieses Bild ist hilfreich, weil es mit Polarität umgehen lässt, und es lässt mit Polarität umgehen, weil es Polarität nutzt.
Wenn ich nicht mit mir zusammen sein wollte, wie wollte ich das dann mit Dir? Hamlets Frage ist brutal, der ist zwar ein Zauderer, aber das heißt nicht, dass das Zaudern nicht brutal sein kann. Würde wollen. Würde wollen wir alle - nur sollte man dann frei sein, es zu können. Der Diskurs der Polarisierung läuft teilweise so, also wolle man immer anderen den schwarzen Kater zuschieben. Dass jemand polarisiert, das soll dann heißen, das ohne sein tun alles still und ruhig wäre, nichts drehen und verdrehen, nichts kehren und sich verkehren würde. Schlechtes Spiel für Krisen, schlechtes Spiel um zu kreisen, kein Spiel für Diplomaten, es sein denn, dass sie bluffen und Druckmachen wollen. Dann hat halt der Putin, die AfD, der Trump, die SPD, der Grüne oder der Schwarze, die Juden oder die Palästinenser, die Staatsrechtslehrervereinigung, der Mörder oder Ukrainer und immer der andere Schuld.
Meine These lautet, dass auch die Rechtswissenschaft, die nicht diejenige des Rabula Warburg ist, von der Polarforschung lernen kann, schon um das Vertrauen und die Wachheit dafür zu ermöglichen, dass das Gegenüber immer alles das können könnte, was man selber können könnte. Niemand ist doofer als man selbst.
Man kann das Recht symphatisch oder emphatisch machen, aber das wäre nicht mein Ziel. Mein Ziel wäre es, Techniken der Polarisierung aussüben und wahrnehmen zu können, um jede Verkehrung mitmachen zu können, ohne von ihr überrumpelt zu werden. Das wäre Neofabianismus: kommen lassen, mitdrehen, tanzen lassen. Man kann versteinerten Verhältnissen ihre eigene Melodie vorpielen. Wenn man dann aber glaubt, dass die Melodie nur den versteinerten Verhältnissen eigen oder man selbst nicht auch versteinert wäre, dann bringt das mit der Dialektik gar nüüscht, nichts hillft dann, auch der Witz nicht. Dann glaubt man nur an Rettung, Erlösung und nicht mehr an mutual aid. Ich brauche keinen Gott, keinen Meister, keinen der nicht tanzt. Mutial aid wird Millieu, wenn alle Referenzen lose los sind und tanzen.
Leuten, die Rat und Hilfe suchen, schuldet man eindeutig Antwort, auch eindeutige Antwort, unbedingt. Man schuldet ihnen aber nicht, sie dumm zu halten, sie für dumm zu halten. Leute, die das Gesetz oder die Liebe suchen, was immer sie suchen, denen soll geraten werden, aber die sollen nicht geführt werden. Man schuldet niemandem ein Beweis dafür, dass man Gesetze oder die Liebe hat. Man schuldet Vertrauen und Kredit.
Friedrich Kittler hat in Bezug auf den Briefverkehr zwischen Leo Strauss und Alexander Kojeve auf ein Schreiben hingewiesen der verfolgt ist und darin zensiert, also zensiert ist und selber zensiert, also etwas an sich unterdrückt und dem Lesen unterdrückt. Dazu gibt es auch ein verfolgtes Lesen, also ein Lesen, das an sich etwas unterdrückt und damit dem Schreiben etwas unterdrückt. Egal welche Medien verwendet werden, die werden in Kulturtechniken verwendet, die Warburg Distanzschaffen nennt. Man schreibt, um etwas loszuwerden, und das ist unter anderem das, was das Schreiben sagt. Man kaschiert darum das Schreiben, kaschiert daran, was halbgeschrieben oder zweideutig sein soll. Das Distanzschaffen, wie Warburg es beschreibt, ist eine vague Technik: Sie verkehrt, macht Verkehr möglich. Sie verzehrt, macht Verzehr möglich. Sie begehrt, macht Begehr möglich. Man liest einen Text und liest was man begehrt, verzehrt, verkehrt, aber nicht, dass man den Text begehrt, verzehrt und verkehrt. Niemand will im Wahnsinn stehen, niemand will schwindeln. Und dann kommt es, dass an Unklarheiten und Zweideutigkeiten, an Spaltung der andere schuld sein muss. Hegel ist so unklar, Metaphern führen zu nichts, kein Mensch versteht, was da steht.
Die Menschheit steht nicht im Wald vor lauter Bäumen, die ist der Wald vor lauter Bäumen, und alles Rauschen darin, daran, dadurch, das ist sie mit.
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wandered-rose · 9 months
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ೀ Picked up my new dress from Francescas earlier today, looking forward to wearing it to the beach next week | Instagram
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inlovewithquotes · 9 months
My dear nephew,
Although Helen insists that she was not surprised at the announcement of your marriage to Francesca, I shall own up to a less clever imagination and confess that to me, it came as a complete shock.
I implore you, however, not to confuse shock with lack of acceptance. It did not require much time or thought to realize that you and Francesca are an ideal match. I don't know how I did not see it before. I do not profess to understand metaphysics, and in truth, I rarely have patience for those who claim that they do, but there is an understanding between the two of you, a meeting of the minds and souls that exists on a higher plane.
You were, it is clear, born for each other.
These are not easy words for me to write. John still lives on in my heart, and I feel his presence every day. I mourn my son, and I shall always do so. I cannot tell you what comfort it gives me to know that you know you and Francesca feel the same.
I hope you will not think me self-important when I offer you my blessing. And I hope you will not think me foolish when I also extend my thanks. Thank you, Michael, for letting my son love her first.
-From Janet Stirling, Dowager Countess Of Kilmartin, To Michael Stirling, Earl Of Kilmartin, June 1824
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number5theboy · 2 years
what's your favorite five moment in s3?
with love, francesca
carina francesca!!!!!
congrats on sending in an ask that immediately made me forget the entirety of season 3, and also how could i possibly choose? so you're getting a list of favourite moment(s) per episode (apart from episodes 5 and 6 because he was, let's be honest, not really doing much in these)
episode 1
he's great in this all around (shout-out to his fight against Ben and a decent Italian line read on the kiddo's part), but my favourite is his little speech to Diego in the hotel room, could he have five minutes to relax, please and thank you?
episode 2
his excitement when he takes out the map with the roadside attractions, it's so cute, actually
his little moment at the ball of twine and comparing himself to Sisyphus, immediately followed by his reaction to Klaus calling him a good brother <33
i have a soft spot for the sing-along in the car and the immediate realisation about not having one fucking day off, mainly because it's the only time we see him with the yellow sunglasses, which is a travesty i will personally write steve blackman a strongly worded letter about
episode 3
basically everything he and Lila did in this episode owns my entire heart but specifically
the whole 'end of the world?' 'oh no so much worse. we'll have to work together. 'shit.' exchange after their bitchfight
"Oh, I hate that smile."
him telling her the truth about winding back time and then the truce and the hand-holding
the hand-holding <333 worsties <333
episode 4
see point 1 from episode 3 but specifically
lila leaning on him when trying to point out a paragraph in the handbook
them talking earnestly while searching for the bunker, about him not actually liking chaos and then he immediately zeroes in on her biggest insecurity and she reprimands him for his tone, excellent character dialogue
but also aidan gallagher's acting when Five witnesses his own death, top notch
episode 7
his entire scene with Viktor at the end
episode 8
him bitching at Reggie 1.0, when he crashes their discussion/wedding planning
him giving Klaus an Amen during the wedding ceremony when Klaus asks for one
episode 9
Five bitching at Reggie 2.0, this time at the end of the world, especially the little smile when Reginald attempts to gaslight him and he sees right through it, but this entire scene is so good
Five bitching at Reggie 3.0, when he breaks the deadlock and goes against his father, the line delivery is so good, the smugness with the underlying hint of defiance is great
episode 10
him fighting with Allison, that entire exchange is really interesting and i should gif it
the line-read on 'Okay. Lead the way, Magellan.' gets me every time and i'm pretty pissed you can't really do the line-read justice in a gif
here it is, way too long answer to your very simple question
with love, lizzie
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leehallfae · 9 months
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“francesca” - hozier
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shivunin · 9 months
i am going to write this and then get off tumblr and focus, but man let me just say: making yourself cry over something you're writing is a truly incomparable experience, 10/10 would do again
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sea-owl · 2 years
I went to an exhibts in Knights, their armor, and weapons recently. Specifically I was introduced to the stiletto dagger. I swear if you made the handle right that thing could pass for hair pin.
Now I'm thinking about Bridgerton ladies and whether they use a pistol or a dagger for personal protection.
Pistol: Kate, Eloise, Hyacinth, and Lycy
Dagger: Sophie, Daphne, Penelope, and Francesca
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brownpuffball · 2 years
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someone will remember us I say even in another time - Sappho
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mortiium · 16 days
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francesca  graham  tag  drop .
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hellcatinnc · 2 months
Day 27 - Love Letter To Nicola Francesco
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Dear Darling, You are my sunshine with that smile of yours. Like every time I see you smile I'm sure its an angel shining down on me. I can't help but smile back at you even on my worst days. How you are so handsome yet not cocky one bit amazes me, but also what makes you so genuine and tender. These are just the small things I love about you because the way you even take care of the important people in your life really shows how loyal you really are. The fact you will die for the ones you love makes me willing to give my life to make sure you are happy and loved the rest of your life. Love You Babe, Danyale
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cheapfakeblood · 4 months
("if someone asks me in the end/i'd tell me 'put me back in it'/da-darling, i would do it again")
omg haha sorry for just sending u a song randomly u definitely should not look into it and find out for yourself what i have always been afraid to say haha
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chikaras-garden · 5 months
the Kris Bowers versions of Deja Vu (Beyoncé) and Run the World (also Beyoncé) are SO GOOD
Yes they are anon how does it feel to be correct!!
So my top song this year was Love Is A Choice and my second top song was We Could Form An Attachment; I am suuuuch a mess for Saphne
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
un podcast su "diario del sonno", di paola silvia dolci
A cura di Claudia Crocco, Francesca Santucci e Matteo Tasca
View On WordPress
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dreamse · 2 years
𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐞, 
i lost you last time. letters don’t make up for that, how i felt doesn’t make up for that. i drove you away by having a similar reaction to the one i had last night, but there’s no escaping you. 
i don’t want to. 
what i told you at kennedy’s failed wedding, it stands still. fuck, i don’t know what makes it so difficult to form these words when i’m standing in front of you. it shouldn’t, right? i tried.. i try, still. i guess years of not really being together isn’t necessarily practice of being together. 
business papers are easier. though i’m not drunk while writing this. i want to say it’s a step up. i’m pretty sure you’ve heard the stories by now, or at least some of them. there are employees who know they will be fired if they do, and then there are the ones who don’t care. enough business. 
i can’t imagine wanting you out before breakfast now. you’ve always been beautiful, but the thought of someone sticking around made my chest tighten. getting attached, putting it on the line. the joke’s on me, isn’t it? doing just that, except beneath the surface. following you to italy should’ve been enough of a sign. 
perhaps what i’m trying to say is that change takes me some time to get used to. i’m sorry i didn’t have the reaction you’d hoped for. 
is it still fair to ask for a little patience, if it comes with a fruit plate for breakfast? it’s in the fridge for when you wake up. 
i love you. 
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐜. 
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