#Merlin epic au
whatislife5 · 30 days
Have I been hyperfixating on epic? Yes.
Is it clashing and colliding with my Merlin hyper fixation? Yes.
Have I been imagining the songs as both characters from epic and characters from merlin?? Also yes.
I might even write out a few of the songs as how I think they fit w the plot of Merlin 💀😅
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Merlin’s made of magic right? So what if he bled gold??
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silver-focus-lining · 1 month
Epic Dream I Had
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Had the most insane dream about the Disney characters.
Can’t remember the other part of the dream well, but there was a body swap incident with the characters from the Disney animation movies.
After some time passed, the group finds out Gaston swapped bodies with Merlin (from The Sword In The Stone), and he decides to use this power to his advantage, takes a mouse hostage (probably from Cinderella) so that no one strikes him at the moment, and then escapes the area to continue his plan.
That’s when my mom woke me up, interrupting this awesome dream. Seriously, this could be an interesting plot!
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rosaacicularis · 1 year
*blinks* 😀 im sorry but- what?! struck by lightning?? -🎶 anon
yeah 🫶🫶 also love how you just skipped over grian having The Horrors and Horrors 2
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theroundbartable · 5 months
Ya'all know the Merlin is turned into a cat AU. Now, get ready for... Not that.
Gwen and Merlin find a black Cat with blue eyes and decide to adopt it because it's so cute. Gwen makes fun of the cat by saying it has manners like Merlin. Merlin joins the fun by putting his neckkerchief around the cats neck.
Then Merlin leaves to have an epic sorcerer rap battle with Morgana or smth.
When Arthur finds the cat, Gwen is running after it, calling it 'Merlin'.
It takes a while but eventually, day 2 of absent human Merlin comes around and Arthur-I-know-magic-when-I-see-it-Pendragon connects the dots and now thinks Merlin was turned into a cat.
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larluce · 3 months
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
Tagging @aceauthorcatqueen , @fallenxjas , @smileytrinity ,@lucifertookmyshoe , @an-entity-i-think , @thecornerofbelu , @griffonskies , @odinjm , @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu , @thelady-mary , @bennedict , @nightninjaboy , @st8-of-grace , @star-rie , @error-username-not-available , @dogberryrowan , @jamieweasley13 , @tansyuduri , @tercais , @robynnemrys because we deserved a better epic battle between Merlin and Nimueh.
LINKS TO THE OTHER PARTS OF THIS AU HERE: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 (You're here) , PART 13
More of "The Poisoned Chalice"
Arthur: Do you want to see what you'll be wearing tonight?
Merlin: (thinking) Not those ridiculous ceremonial robes again! (says) My clothes, obviously.
Arthur: (smiling brightly) No, the official ceremonial robes of the servants of Camelot!
Merlin:(fakes excitament) Oh, I can't wait to see them.
Arthur: (pulls out a very nice and elegant robes, nothing to do with the buffon custome he wore in his timeline)
Merlin: (mouth open) You... you can't be serious.
Arthur: (frowns in confusion) You don't like them?
Merlin: Are you kidding? Arthur, they're gorgeous! They look more like noble's clothes than servant's clothes. I... I can't use that.
Arthur: Too bad. You're using them. (throws robes at Merlin, who catches them in reflex) In fact, Keep them. They're now yours.
Merlin: What?! Wait! Arthur-
Arthur: You're welcome (leaves before Merlin can't give him the clothes back)
Merlin: (in shock for a few seconds, but then puts the robes on and smiles) Uhm, they fit perfectly. Just like the other ones. (processing) Wait, how did he know my measures? 😧
Time skip. Just after the revelation the cup was poisoned.
Uther: (furious) Who dare to try to poison my son!
Merlin: (raises his voice) I know who did it!
Arthur: Merlin don't-
Merlin: (points at Nimueh) It was her! I saw her entering the room were the ceremonial goblets were at night!
Nimueh: (surprised pikachu face)
Uther: (suspicious, to Bayard) Doesn't she work for you?
Bayard: (unsure) I don't recall her face.
Merlin: (mumbles a revelation spell to undo the glamour Nimueh put on herself)
Arthur: (subtly stands infront of him, so nobody sees Merlin's eyes turn gold, thinking) Has he always being this careless for gods' sake!
Uther: (livid, shouts) Nimueh! (to guards) Seize her!
Nimueh: (Runs)
Arthur: (tries to go after her)
Uther: (stops him) Don't. She's too dangerous.
Arthur: Do you know her? Who is she?
Uther: Nimueh. She's a very powerful sorcerer. No one you should mess with.
Arthur: (thinking) And yet you messed with her (turns to Merlin) Merlin, we have to-
Merlin: (already gone)
Arthur: Merlin! (thinking) He did not go into danger alone again! He did not just go to confront a powerful sorcerer all by himself. This motherfu- (shouts, between furious and concerned) Merlin! (leaves where the guards went)
Uther: Arthur! (sighs and turns to his knights) Go with him.
Meanwhile, somewhere in the woods.
Nimueh: (stops running to take a breath)
Merlin: (appears) I must say that was a really intelligent plan. Pretending to be some innocent maiden and trying to make me believe Bayard poisoned the goblet. But you won't fool me. (thinking) Not twice.
Nimueh: (laughts dryly) I understimated you. I'll give you that.(straightens up, smirking) Come now. We are too valuable to each other to be enemies.
Merlin: (dryly) I share nothing with you.
Nimueh: Don't you want Arthur to become king?
Merlin: You just tried to poison him!
Nimueh: No, I was trying to poison you. You keep interfiring in my plans when we have the same enemy. I have nothing against Arthur. It's Uther I want to destroy.
Merlin: By killing innocent people? Sorry if I'm not okay with that.
Nimueh: Sacrifices must be made for the greater good.
Merlin: You just seek revenge, not justice. Nothing justifies what you've done. (Steps forward) I'll make Arthur king when the time is right. But you won't see that day. (extends his hand) Astrice! (strikes her with light of energy)
Nimueh: (traps energy in her hand) Your childish tricks are useless against me, Merlin. It's a shame, you could've been a powerful sorcerer, perhaps, if you had the time, the training and the experience, but you are no more than a newly hatched chick that hasn't learned how to fly. I, on the other hand, have been practicing magic for decades. I'm a Priestess of the Old Religion. I am an opponent you could face but not defeat Forbearne! Akwele! (Throws fireball at him)
Merlin: (stops fireball midair without moving a finger)
Nimueh: (utterly confused) ... What? 😨
Merlin: You're right. Immature talent can't overcome decades of experience. But an experienced talent can. Akwele! (Throws fireball back with more force and bigger)
Nimueh: Scildan! (makes a invisible shield so the fire doesn't touch her) Forbairn ypile! (Makes a circle of fire around Merlin)
Merlin: Cume þoden! (Makes a whirlwind that blows the fire and then strikes Nimueh against a tree) Fire is not the only element you can work with, you know?
Nimueh: (smiles) Oh, I know. Gewican ge eorðe (makes a hole in the ground and Merlin falls there while he screams. Then she stands up and starts walking to the hole, limping a little, and says to herself, rubing her back) Oh, that hurt.
Merlin: (emerges floating in a piece of earth and stone, eyes golder than ever) This is going to hurt more. Eorðe, stanas, hiersumaþ me. Akwele! (Jumps from the rock and it goes to strike Nimueh)
Nimueh: Stanas tobrytan! (manages to break the rock into pieces but she's still hit by them and is severely injured)
Merlin: (stands over her with a somber expression)
Nimueh: (recoiling in fear, weakely) How...? How can this be? You shouldn't be this powerful! You manipulate magic as if you've been practicing it for a life time!
Merlin: (coldly) You don't have to know. (Starts to create a fireball in his hand, about to make the final blow)
Lancelot: (appearing in the distance, meters behind Merlin) Hey! What's happening?
Merlin: (the flame dies as well as the gold in his eyes and he turns around, wide eyed, whispering overcome with emotion) Lancelot?
Nimueh: (takes advantage Merlin is distracted and pulls out a dagger hidden in her leg)
Lancelot: Look out! (Runs to them)
Merlin: (moves away just in time so the dagger cuts his neck superficially)
Knight 1: (far away, but getting closer) I think I heard something!
Knight 2: (far away, but getting closer) This way!
Nimueh: (runs away as fast as she can with all her body hurting)
Lancelot: (goes to Merlin) Did she hurt you?
Merlin: I... (falls)
Lancelot: (catches him before he hits the ground) By the gods! She did! (Checks him, full panic mode)
Merlin: (thinking in Lancelot's arms, only able to move his eyes) No, she did not. The wound is barely a scratch but she put a paralyzing poison on the blade, the sneaky bitch. 😑
Lancelot: (sees Merlin's neck is bleeding, worried) There's so much blood.
Merlin: (Thinking) No, there isn't. 🙄 Honestly, Lancelot, have you seen a serious wound before? (Analysing his symptoms) Hum... It's not a letal one, the effects should go in an hour or so.
Lancelot: (checks his vital signs and sighs in releaf) He's still alive.(shaking Merlin) Hey! Can you hear me?!
Merlin: (Thinking) Yes I can! I just can't talk or move, damn it! 😠 I did miss you though 🥺. Why did we have to meet again like this? 😖
Arthur: (arrives with his knights) Merlin! (raises his sword, furious) Stay away from him!
Lancelot: (puts Merlin on the ground gently and steps back, hands up) I was just helping him! The girl. She did something to him. He's seriously hurt! He needs help!
Merlin: (thinking) No I'm not! I'm just... ugh, never mind 😒.
Arthur: (finally sees Lancelot's face and his features harden due to the resentment he feels towards the man he once considered a friend but then betrayed him by getting involved with his soon to be wife in his other timeline) Arrest him.
Before you ask why doesn't Arthur know Gwen was echanted and Lancelot was a shade that time if he's from the future, well the only one who could've told him that was Merlin and he was a tree so... And I don't recall Merlin ever mentioning any of this to Gaius. But even if he did, I think Gaius just focused on telling Arthur everything Merlin did for him with his magic, and the man is old, he could easily have forgotten to tell him a couple of things.
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star-rie · 2 months
merthur reunion in s4 of my fix it au:
merthur had just completed an epic battle, they're standing in the throne room, just like the end of s3 when arthur banished merlin 3 years ago
merlin: honestly i didn't think i will be standing here again arthur: me too (stepping down from his throne) why did you come back? merlin: (shrugs) i tried running away, but i can't...
'i can't leave you' hangs in the air
arthur: (sharp breath) you never left, even after all this years merlin: no
arthur: why? merlin: i swear loyalty to camelot arthur: not that....(shakes his head)
(more silence)
Arthur: tell me emrys, why do you, the most powerful being ever walked on earth, continue to serve me, a lowly king with too many mistakes, too arrogant for his own good, isn't wise enough for his kingdom when i did nothing but to continue to treat you like dirt, banished your kind and family, sentenced you to exile for the last few years? merlin: (sharp breath) i live to serve you arthur: so the prophecy then? merlin: NO! (shocked at his own voice)
(merlin took a shaky breath)
merlin: no, it's not...it's not because of the prophecy...i don't serve you because of some destiny that's just ridiculous
(merlin looks to the ground)
merlin: you know arthur? i never expected to cross path with you when i entered citadel all those years ago….i thought that maybe i can make a change for myself, made new friends, maybe even become the new physician but
(merlin shakes his head)
Merlin: i never knew when i was involved in something greater than i can ever imagine, when i became magic, when i devoted myself to albion's future but…
(merlin looks at arthur)
Merlin: i think it’s you, you’re the one who changes me, and i’m not just talking about some destiny or some prophecy spewed by the great dragon. I…I serve you because you’re you. You’re not anyone else. You meant something to me. You have a kind heart, bigger than anyone else i’ve ever known, you shine like the sun when you’re fighting on the battlefield. I just- i don’t know arthur, i tried leaving, i really tried but i just cant-
Arthur is already hugging him, and merlin lets his tears drop to arthur’s shoulders, hugging him back. Arthur is crying too, nuzzling to the side of his head
Arthur: i missed you- Merlin: i miss you too Arthur: i’m sorry Merlin: it’s not your fault- Arthur: it is my fault Merlin: blame your father Arthur: i shouldn’t listen to him
They both look at each-other, seeing how much they’ve changed for the last few years.
Arthur: thank you for staying by my side merlin. i will try to make you the happiest man alive. Merlin: but i’m already happy when im with you, i’ll burn villages for you, i’ll do anything for-
Arthur kisses him, merlin kisses him back. Deep down inside, arthur realizes, he’s stupidly in love with the man standing in front of him, he doesn’t want to lose him again
Merlin: i love you, i love you, i love you... Arthur: I know...
Episode ends
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bluebellefox · 2 years
Sometimes I think about this fun little AU I have where Snape somehow ends up on the horcrux hunt with Harry, Hermione, and Ron for whatever bullshit plot reason. And the three of them are just like "Merlin he's an asshole, I can't believe we're gonna bully him into being our weird grumpy uncle figure" and then there's Snape being all disgruntled and trying to beat them off with a stick and the trio just doubling down harder out of spite.
Can you imagine Malfoy Manner with Snape being there, it would be a shitshow of epic proportions. Snape has really no idea that the three of them had grown on him like some kind of obnoxious fungus because he's absolutely terrible at handling his emotions right up until they're being threatened by torture to hand over the sword of Gryffindor and having that italicized "oh" moment right there. Which of course leads to him trying to goad Bellatrix and the rest of the Death Eaters into redirecting their attention on him because fuck those are kind of his kids now. And then the Golden Trio having their moment of realization with concrete proof that there's real emotions and feelings hiding underneath all that snark and snarling.
I just want them to get along.
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thisisanomdeplume · 3 months
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New mini Multi-chapter WIP
1st chapter is live, second chapter is in editing stages and will be out sometime this month, and part three is set to come in April (if not sooner)
Title: Get in the Water
Summary: Epic tales of war and love condensed into pages and pages of written words, they were Hermione’s safe place— until she found herself in the setting of a saga the likes of which could impact generations. Can she rise to the occasion like the heroes she had always read about?
An AU with Arthurian Legend themes: Merlin, King Arthur, and the Lady of the Lake.
Canon divergence after the Battle at the Department of Mysteries.
Submission for HP Truly Madly Deeply Fest 2024
Cover art by me via Canva.
I was unable to locate the photographer, but the model pictured is Noah Cyrus.
The art of the forearm with the dark mark is by nadiapolyakova_art and is being used with their permission.
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samanthahirr · 1 year
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Kingsman & Robin Hood AU (Hartwin)
Inspired by a Writer Bingo card meme called “Why I Didn’t Write It,” here’s my most-beloved story idea I never wrote:
Picture if you will a mashup of Taron Egerton’s films Kingsman (2014) & Robin Hood (2018), in which younger-son-of-an-earl Eggsy meets King Harry on the Third Crusade (round about 1190 A.D.). Obliged to keep this brash young lordling from getting killed, Harry tolerates Eggsy’s presence in his council meetings and gives Eggsy much-needed advice to listen and learn before weighing in on matters of war and politics. Eggsy quickly comes to worship Harry, and as Eggsy matures into a noble and intelligent young man, Harry becomes enamored with him. The two begin a passionate affair, which Harry’s chief advisor Merlin disapproves of (Harry can’t afford to show such partiality for one earl’s family over the other earls’ without unbalancing the carefully calibrated politics of his court).
Eggsy falls in battle and is captured, and while the war front moves on, Harry arranges to covertly pay Eggsy’s ransom. Fearing Harry’s inevitable distraction should Eggsy turn out physically or psychologically damaged by his time in captivity, Merlin insists Eggsy be sent straight home to England with no reunion. Harry dispatches Merlin to deliver the ransom and escort Eggsy to England, where Merlin must wrangle the growing dissent over this war among Harry’s court. Harry gives Merlin a love letter to deliver to Eggsy on their voyage back to England. Eggsy arrives home brokenhearted over his separation from Harry, and is surprised by news that his older brother has died in the intervening two years, making Eggsy the new heir. Eggsy resents his father’s overprotective control and efforts to keep his sole remaining heir home on the family estate. After a few months, Eggsy convinces the earl to let him go attend the court, as his older brother had done.
At court, Eggsy falls in with his dead brother’s friend group of other young lords, and he quickly realizes that they are French sympathizers and potential traitors to the crown. Eggsy tries to take this information to Merlin, but Merlin won’t grant him an audience, paranoid that rumors of Harry’s partiality for Eggsy may yet follow them home from the war. So Eggsy resolves to spy on these men himself in order to protect Harry’s interests. Using the intel he overhears, Eggsy poses as a bandit to rob couriers carrying messages between the upstart English lords and the French prince, and he intercepts a shipment of French gold intended to hire mercenary assassins. Eggsy’s bandit persona gains notoriety and becomes known as Robin Hood. Meanwhile, Merlin sees Eggsy badmouthing Harry’s policies right along with that group of dissenting lordlings at the court and thinks worse and worse of Eggsy.
After a year of separation, news comes that the King is returning to England, and Eggsy learns of a plan to ambush and assassinate Harry on his way to court. Eggsy rushes to warn Harry in the guise of his bandit persona. “Robin Hood” waylays Harry in a rainstorm at night, Harry tries to get the upper hand before recognizing his Eggsy, and the reunited lovers kiss desperately in the rain….
And the remaining plot becomes a confused mess of action, passion, mistrust, feigned betrayals, assassins, and (hand wave) a happily ever after.
As much as I adore this sprawling epic of a story, I can’t properly define it…because it feels like three separate genres, and the tones and pacing don’t match up. It’s a sweeping war-time romance in the first half, and then it’s a political intrigue plot in the second half, not to mention the whole vigilante action story that has to live up to the myth of Robin Hood! I’ve imagined multiple different endings for this epic, and none of them feel right…and I think that’s because I don’t know which genre’s conventions to use to determine a satisfying ending.
This confusion plus the daunting amount of historical research I would have to do to tell this tale believably (ugh, noooo) means I’m never going to write this story. But it sure is fun to imagine the love, the battles, the pining, the spying, and the grand passion of it all!
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Merlin AU | Dream
Maybe once Arthur come back. Maybe Morgana decide to begin the war. Again. But in this world. The witch still hates the King who built the kingdom without magic. She wants to destroy this world and build a new one. She wants to kill Arthur and those who love him. Morgana will bring war to this world.
An absolutely epic au vid please leave the creator a like on Youtube here
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whatislife5 · 27 days
Merlin epic au pt2:P
*Later w gaius and after telling him about the prophecy *
Merlin: Gaius pls. I need your help. What would you do if you were in my shoes?
Gaius: i don’t know, Merlin. This is a delicate situation.
Merlin: one is a terrible, unimaginable thing. The other just as terrible and unimaginable, if not, maybe more so..
Gaius: it seems you’ve made up your mind.
Merlin is distraught throughout the night. Everyone is well asleep when he makes up his mind and sneaks down the halls to the Lady Morgana’s room. Once there he thinks about knocking but decides against it. He can’t have Morgan’s bare witness to his betrayal. He goes in and heads to the corner w Mordred hidden in it.
Merlin, looking at Mordred and building up the courage to even raise his hand: just one thought, and Arthur can be safe again.. but-
Mordred feeling Merlin’s presence and waking up: emrys? What’s wrong?
Merlin, gasping seeming to fully realize what he was about to do: I’m fine.. just checking in on you
Mordred seems to believe him since he falls back asleep, feeling comfort in both Merlin and morganas presence.
Merlin being melodramatic inside his head: I look into your eyes and I think back to a thought of mine. You're as old as I was when I cried from this curse..
Will these actions haunt my days? Every man I've slain is the price I pay, endless pain. Close your eyes and spare yourself the view. How could I hurt you?
I'm just a man. Who's tryin' feel at home even after all the years of not knowing how that goes.
I'm just a man who's fighting for his life. Deep down I would trade the world to see all our ppl walking free..
But when does a comet become a meteor? *thinks to Kilgharrah*
When does a candle become a blaze? *looks at Mordred*
When does a man become a monster? *thinks to Uther*
When does a ripple become a tidal wave? *Nimueh crosses his mind*
When does the reason become the blame? *looks at Morgana*
When does a man become a monster? *catches his reflection*
Forgive me *to his conscious almost*
Forgive me *as he prays to the triple goddess*
Forgive me… *looks at mordred w/ tears I’m his eyes* I'm just a man
Merlin walks out of the room, back against the stone wall not sure if he made the right decision. He might come and regret the path he walked down on but for now. He can at least try to rest now that a decision has been made.
Mordred will live.
Anyway yeahhh. Also randomly I think of open arms as one of the scenes where Arthur is trying to convince his tyrant dad that mayhaps being a decent person is the way not endanger the lives of everyone and possibly having a nice and easy resolution to any problem.. 😀
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aftercamlann · 1 year
Last Call for 2023 ACBB Artists!
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Are you interested in collaborating with a writer?
Would you like to make some art based off a 25k+ fanfic?
Do you want to join a fun and supportive community of Merlin writers and artists?
Then come on down and sign up for 2023’s After Camlann Big Bang (ACBB)! Artist sign-ups are open through May 20th!
What is ACBB? It’s a fandom festival that pairs awesome writers with amazing artists in order to create EPIC fanworks inspired by the characters from the BBC show Merlin. Writers must create a fic of 25,000 words or more to qualify for the fest. Artists must create at least one (1) finished piece.
What kind of “art” is allowed for ACBB? Generally traditional art, graphic art, photo-manipulations, videos, fanmixes, and podfics! But if the story inspires you to express yourself in a less common format (i.e. cake shop AU fanfiction and you’d like to make cakes that are visible in the story and take pictures of those), you are welcome to discuss what you’d like to create with your writer and the mods!
I have other questions! Check out our FAQs HERE or reach out to the mods on tumblr, LJ, discord, or email!
Where do I sign up?!
Sign up links are HERE! You can sign up through an AirTable form or on LiveJournal or DreamWidth. Sign-ups close on MAY 20TH!
If you’d like to join the ACBB community and hang out with other participants, you can join the Tavern Discord Server (18+ only). The link to join can be found at the bottom of the Artist Sign-Up post on LJ (here). Remember to ask for the ACBB role when you join!
We can’t wait to see what the fandom will create this year!
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lightfin · 3 months
Ok so befor I start going on hear, I’m sorry, I’m just sorry that I even thought of this but the dynamic would be realy interesting.
SO! What if, in Wizards, where the gang (Douxie, Claire, Steve, Jim) return to the present, Jim gets corrupted, the team have to flee and Douxie comes up with his plan to save everyone, it backfires and everyone gets captured.
What if, instead of Author Killing merlin, it was Jim!
Arthur using Merlin’s champion as a show of betrail, that even Merlin’s greatest strength, his creations, can be the very thing that would cause his down fall, and his inevitable end at the hands of the hunter he neglected, one of the reason They corrupted Jim, or as they only saw, the Troll hunter.
Douxies and Jim’s relationship after, Jim Human or half troll you decide, would end up being a mixture of anger and distrust, but enviably overcoming it, both discovering who each other realy are, and opening up to the ordeal, becoming stronger allies, and friends.
Insert epic King and wiszard team up fight against the Order.
Also the emotions, the character development of the twos relationship, ( which honestly wasn’t much in cannon, missed opportunity, but that’s just my opinion.)
Douxie having to tangle with sides, one. Blaming Jim for the loss of his father figure and mentor, but the other trying to remind him it was just the corruption, making Douxie make the tough desition to live with his emotions to rise up as a leader in order to save the ones he still has( Archie and Charlie playing a big roll in that part). Finally confronting Jim in Rise of the Titans, with either a firm hand shake like they did before returning to the present, or even a hug, apologising that he had to endure the challenges of merlins visions, and not get to see the side not filled with pride. Fighting along side there new King not built from the wrath of the past, but the hope in the future.
Jim on the other side of this story, goes like this.
Jim freed from enemy control, pretends for his friends everything is fine, the truth is anything but that.
Traumatised and more afraid then ever, When Douxie suggests someone flame exgalaber, everyone agreeing it should be the trollhunter. Jim reluctant to pick up the blade, tries for his friends, but fails. Not because he can’t, but because he doesn’t believe it should be him.
He never tells anyone but he remembers everything he did as the beast, but more importantly how it felt. He would fear himself more then ever now because of how much a part of him enjoyed the Kill, and how it felt freeing, even though it was wrong. I feel there would have been a real distancing scenario hear, until someone, I vote Toby, snaps him out of it.
And at some point in the climax of the film, Jim decides to accept his fears, and embrace all that he is, beast and all, showing the enemy that saw him as nothing more then Merlin’s pawn, that he is more then what Merlin made him, his divisions his own, his heart his own, and that he was hero for any of it. He also admits to his fears to Douxie, and the two become friends, and then the epic show down happens.
Anyways that is basically a little AU idea I came up with, tell me your thoughts, and whether you would be interning seeing this as a fanfic.
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theneonflower · 2 years
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Fate/AU Grand Order Part 1: Story Differences
Singularity F to 5 are all but the same. The slight few changes is small and not significant. 
Camelot Singularity is the first major change. The Lion King is Lalter [Artoria Lancer Alter]. She is one of the antagonists in Part 1 up until Camelot. Her first appearance is a younger version of herself [Salter/ Saber Alter] in Singularity F. She later appears at the very end of the London Singularity, very briefly, but its enough of a fight to give Chaldea an idea that she’s a dangerous person. When Chaldea reaches Camelot, the story plays out the same; this singularity’s  Bedivere is sent on a quest to return Excalibur back to Lalter after failing to give it back to the Lady of the Lake. The Knights of the Round table seen in this singularity are just illusions and not servants. Rhongomyniad, the Holy Lance, is corrupted by Lalter, and in turn, produces illusions of the knights. The servant versions are already summoned to Chaldea outside of a few; these few being Percival and Gareth. When Chaldea comes across them in Camelot, they discover the two are servants, and were summoned to the singularity to stop their King’s onslaught. Story-wise, they are the replacement to Lancelot, in which they have a base-camp for survivors and help Chaldea in taking down Lalter. By the end of Camelot, Lalter is defeated upon receiving Excalibur from Bedivere. This singularity’s Bedivere shortly dies afterwards. 
Babylonia is also different. This is the first singularity where Goetia makes a much more prominent appearance. By the time Chaldea arrives to Babylonia, King Gilgamesh has gone missing and Uruk is in shambles. Kingu does not exist in my AU, Enkidu actually helps Chaldea out. He’s a servant however, but was summoned because of Gilgamesh’s disappearance. The Three Goddess Alliance [Gorgon, Quetz, Eresh] is different in that they were summoned to be anti-heroes, as Tiamat has already made her appearance and is trying to take over Uruk. The servants Gilgamesh summoned before Chaldea arrived are still there, but much of them had already perished trying to fight Tiamat. Those that remain are Ushiwakamaru, Benki, Merlin, and Leonidas. Goetia makes his appearance shortly after Chaldea’s arrival, proclaiming that he had taken Gilgamesh hostage. This is a lie however, because nobody can kidnap the King of Heroes. After a few fights and Goetia fleeing the Singularity, Gilgamesh does return, but he’s mortally wounded. The rest of Babylonia plays out in a similar fashion to canon, in that Gilgamesh goes to the Underworld in which they meet Eresh, and from there, its convincing the Goddess Alliance to join Chaldea’s side to take down Tiamat. Upon Tiamat’s defeat, Goetia gets intimidated by Chaldea.
A side note; Rin Tohsaka [Gudas mother] also joins the Gudas as her experience as a Mage would be of great use to Chaldea. She is contracted to Archer Emiya but also fused to the Goddess Ishtar. This is because her own magical energy was dwindling, so she fused to Ishtar in an almost similar fashion to Mash.
Epic of Remnant chapters all play out the same, but also slightly different. [Especially Agartha] Goetia get’s intimidated by Chaldea because of Tiamat’s defeat. If they can bring down a Beast, then the implications of the Demon Pillar’s 3000 year old plan could possibly be stopped as well. Goetia orders Demon Pillar Baal to distract Chaldea and possibly set them back once and for all. I’ll go deeper on these chapters later on as their still a Work in Progress as far as story. 
Solomon Singularity in the final chapter. It plays out the same as canon with the added bonus of it being the final battle against the Grail as well as Goetia. Upon it’s closure, Grand Order is restored, and the world is at peace...
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Once Upon a Studio (Series) Season One; Episode Eleven: The Princess and the Outlaw
(A Special Episode)
Info: Disney and Pixar decided to open up the annual festival of archery and sword-fighting! While Robin Hood tried to impress the princesses, one certain lass decided to show the boys how to do it. Meanwhile, Arthur helped Melody to learned how to use a sword.
Characters that would be in this episode: Robin Hood, Maid Marian, Little John, Frair Tuck, Sheriff of Nottingham, Sir Hiss, Prince John, Lady Kluck, Alan-a-Dale, Nutsy, Trigger, King Richard, Skippy, Toby Turtle, Sis Bunny, Mother Church Mouse, Father Church Mouse, Merida, Queen Elinor, King Fergus, the triplets, Mickey Mouse, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Minnie Mouse, Ortensia, Judy Hopps, Nick Wild, Beast, Belle, Gaston, Lumire, Cogswoth, Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie, Goofy, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Clarabelle, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Launchpad McQuack, Scrooge McDuck, Della Duck, Aladdin, Abu, Iago, the Genie, Olaf, Anna, Elsa, Krisoff, Maui, Moana, Rapunzel, Eugene, Arthur, Merlin, Chip, Dale, the Mad Doctor, Gremlin Prescott and Gremlin Gus (properly more characters since this is a special episode of season one)
Hint: This episode shows that Robin Hood does have a crush on Merida and which Marian doesn’t mind as she knew boys would be like; This episode shows Gremlin Prescott’s talent for archery and sword-fighting as it was meant to be part of my au story of Epic Mickey 3: The Forgotten Trust; and the Mad Doctor cheered on Mickey for supporting even though he didn’t hit the target
Note: I'm planning to do some once upon a studio series as everyone wants to see if they can lend a hand for me by likes, comments and reblogs their ideas and create arts if they want!
A special episode which is the best idea I’ve ever come as an inspiration to this video!
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