#My Testimony
spiritualclaymore · 1 month
💛 ʀᴇᴛᴜʀɴɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴍᴇ!
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This post will include some information about me and a short testimony. Thanks for checking out my blog!
💛 ᴀʀᴛɪsᴛ & ᴡʀɪᴛᴇʀ
Howdy! I'm a Christian artist from the southern US who enjoys creating stories & characters that glorify God and share the gospel! 🔥⚔️ ✝️ I like anime and various comic styles. I'm currently working on my own style. I’ve enjoyed creating various OC's of humans, animals, anthro, and hybrid varieties!
sᴏᴄɪᴀʟ ᴍᴇᴅɪᴀ: I can be found just about anywhere and have compiled everything on my carrd. I am also accepting commissions, my carrd will have more information. I may compile and post commission information on tumblr in the future, Lord willing.
💛 ғᴏʀᴍᴇʀ ʀᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏᴇʀ sᴀᴠᴇᴅ ʙʏ ɢʀᴀᴄᴇ
It's surreal to be here after taking a long hiatus around 2021. I'm used to having "missing e", a dozen extensions, and all of my pretty post formatting. It seems tumblr has tidied things up to make formatting easier. Back then, I used to copy/paste blank spaces, pretty symbols and emojis, indent all of my paragraphs, and then use a bunch of key commands to select and make my font size small and neat! Haha! I don't have any problems with people who do that, it was a style choice for writers and roleplayers.
“The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness.” Romans 1:18
jaegerbombed | warpathpanther | blacklightburns | rubmyrosary
(CONTENT WARNING: above blog archives have explicit and/or adult content and are TESTIMONIES of what I used to write, portray, and how i lived my life. the last one is referring to a satanic voodoo cult character and I do not endorse the rosary/catholicism.)
I was part of the tumblr roleplay community and many other rp communities across the internet, including Gaiaonline, jcink, and proboards. I was doing this hobby for about 16 years before I started to take my faith seriously in 2021. To clarify faith, I was never really a believer or follower of Christ until I was BORN AGAIN in January 2023! Hallelujah! Note: I am not saying Christians cannot role play or enjoy writing as a way to develop characters, stories, etc. As long as it's not used to write content that would make you sin and it's not becoming an obsession.
Before that, I hyperfixated on horror genre, supernatural and horror anime, tv series, including video games, movies, stories, and more. I had gender dysphoria, went by 'khan', or 'khanivore'. I internalized a lot of it and would act out by doing drag king stuff and drag cosplay IRL.
I idolized playing hypermasculine male characters in the roleplay communities I was a part of. I saw many friendships made, torn apart, and savagely destroyed due to the toxicity of the community. Without Christ, people unhealthily hyperfixate on their idols and become jealous of other people writing better, portraying a certain character better, seeking all types of 'shipping' relationships that don't go well.
Wrote hundreds of thousands of words portraying s*xual fantasies with males & females. I obsessed over becoming male characters; thinking their thoughts, living their lives, not my own. I became oppressed by demons while playing songs that made me think of these characters, obsessively studied their dialogues and did some crazy forms of method acting. These characters had their own birthdays & astrology signs that I celebrated.
I had deep loneliness & despair, a void within me, & I filled it with video games, p**nography, alcohol, cosplay & role playing. When the convention was over, I felt like my heart was being burned alive & there was nothing to fill that void. I had insomnia from late nights living my double life. I was hateful, rude, condescending, competitive, swore all the time, & angry.
But JESUS set me free! He had been knocking on the door of my heart. I did not seek Him, I wanted to live in my filth, I loved my sin. But HE sought after me & my heart slowly softened. My eyes began to open. I don’t share this testimony to glorify myself; don’t want the wrong attention, nor things my old self would have gloated over. I share this testimony of where I WAS, to show where JESUS SET ME FREE!
Seek Jesus - He isn’t religion, He’s a real person, the son of God, who was sent to die for our sins. Someone who wants a relationship with you. He wants to set you free from pain. He can give you answers & true identity; not the CULTure.
“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.” Romans 8:1-2
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wecanbeperfect · 3 months
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Left hollyweird years ago to serve The Lord!
Mark 8:37 Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
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00l6 · 2 months
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maxeiil · 3 months
something i was thinking bout not too long ago
I was reading James 4 and specifically verse 3 caught my eye; "When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures."
a while ago, I had a crush on this boy, my friends and I called him plum (because my sister said he looks like one lol). I was always praying to God that I would get to know him and he'd love me too-- and it was like that for months. I was absolutely infatuated with the boy. I always brushed off his wrongdoings and just saw them as his personality traits. I was just blinded by 2 things. 1, he was Christian, and 2, he was kind to me when I was the new girl.
Even though I was indirectly rejected so many times, I was just so stubborn about Plum. The boy literally said he liked tall, white, light-eyed, blondes, the complete opposite off what I am, and I was still delusional. When I found out he really hated me, I was crushed... But a while after, I finally snapped out of it and realized.
I didn't really like him, did I. I just wanted someone pretty to obsess over, someone so beautiful, I'd put them on some "holier than all" pedestal. My feelings for Plum were so superficial. And James 4:3 made me think.
I wanted it so bad, but at the same time I didn't really want it. If I did, I would have went for it. Because isnt it ironic how every chance I got to talk to him I didn't? I wasn't meant to. Plum wasn't mine. He may have loved God, but that doesnt mean he would love me.
And like I said, I was just grossly infatuated and obsessed. It wasn't even love. It was all wrong--It was just a silly delusional beyond delusional crush. I did want Plum for my own pleasures and just to be happy. But I never had anything with him. And I was never supposed to.
And you know what? I'm now really glad it went that way. God sent me another boy; I'll call him Ari. Now, the story between me and Ari is definitely for another testimony, but I really hope this was clear. You won't get everything you want just because you ask for it. No matter how good you are. God has a plan for you. Wait for Him; Your time will come.
God bless all, Maya <3
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mabelpoetlover · 2 years
It's kinda crazy for me. For the first time, I feel like I'm losing my light. It feels as if it's burning out. I have encouraged someone to chase his dreams so he can make his late parents proud. I prayed for my brother to find his way to doing what he loves, but I can't do the same for myself. I am bad at asking for help, even from the one I call a savior and a friend. I try putting up a smile for you, but you know what's really going on. I mostly tell you about the happy moments, but never about my trials God. Maybe that's why some demons can affect me and try turning me against you. They know I'm weak to call out to you. So they're always watching me, waiting for me to slip up and use that in their advance. I'm sorry, God, I thought I was changing. But I'm just realizing. Scared to step forward, so I hold back. Scared to look you in the eye, I turn my back. God, I'm sorry, I didn't realise how hard it would be to come to you. I'm scared of everything, it seems, or maybe I'm just awakening. These demons won't let me be. They're in my home and refusing to leave. Their way out isn't through the door, but for me to slay them and stand triumphant in your grace. Oh God, how hard it is to look each of them in the eye, but for my recovery, I have gotta trust and believe. I feel nothing inside because at the moment I'm just summing them up. I'm turning to face you, God. Take my hand and walk through it with me. Because alone I'm weak as you can see and I'm tired of feeling this way. So I open my door and let you back in. Together we defeat these demons... I just hope you'll understand, because more moments will arise and cause me to want to kick you out again. My heart and soul are yours. I hope you won't misunderstand me like the rest. You come first to me, even if sometimes it doesn't seem like it.
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fernsproutxx · 26 days
why did the zeitgeist ammonium brainrot had to strike again exactly when i say i wanna finish another project bruh 💀
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spicesofinnerlight · 27 days
This isn't meant to be a big debate thing but one that the spirit has put in my heart to express once again:
The idea that LGBT people cannot be a person of faith while being LGBT, cannot accept their quality, and cannot pursue love and joy is not a work of the Holy Spirit, of God, or any loving force of nature. It is the act of men expecting conformity. Your judgement of others for what helps them to lead God honoring lives only works for darkness, pushing people away from God by your own judgement.
I am a gay and trans individual, and I have deep faith in my Holy Spirit, in Jesus Christ, in God. My being gay and trans is celebrated by Jesus in his walk with me, by the Holy Light within me. Nobody can take that from me.
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tears-that-heal · 3 months
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(artist unknown)
A Spiritual Transformation
One morning this past week, while waiting for my next DoorDash, I had a huge epiphany. “I sincerely enjoy being my own boss.” This is seriously a huge revelation. Never in my life, I’d ever think to have such a thought. I used to be a very fearful and insecure person growing up. I lacked so much self-confidence that I felt safe and secure in taking directions from others. That strategy worked fairly well onto early adulthood, when new challenges came to play to rattle my cage; like my mental health and others.
As a young adult, I rededicated my life to Jesus Christ cause like so many, I had drifted away and fell into tampering with very dark things. Thank you Lord for pulling me out from that dark place, and into His loving arms. It has been two decades since that time of become serious about my Christian faith. That old self; that old victim mindset is almost non-existent in my present life. I strive to make a conscious effort in daily choosing to place my life in God’s hands. I daily choose to trust Jesus with my day by day livelihood. It is through prayer and reading straight from the His Word (Holy Bible), devotionals, bible studies and being apart of a local Church community. All of this is super important in helping me stay focused on God, cause this world bombards us with so many things that can easily take our focus away.
It was my Abba God, who helped me overcome my weakness and taught me discernment to recognize what I can change and what I cannot about myself. Through all that truth, I’ve been given His peace. A peace to love and fully accept myself as of then and as of now. Which has also taught me to view others in the same manner.
God Is SO GOOD!!! God is Goodness. We may not always understand that, but I know it is truth. Whatever amount of goodness that people see in me, it is solely a direct reflection of His Goodness. What self-confidence I've received through the years comes completely from my life's walk with God through His Son, Jesus.
My life is a witness and an example of God's Love and Power. He's in the business of saving and restoring people's lives. Now I stand as a new person. A woman who has new, exciting and ambitious life dreams. Along with tangable goals to someday make those dreams into reality, like launching my new startup visual art studio in the coming months.
There is no way, I could have come to this exact place in my life by my own will and means. No freak'n way!!! God truly saved me from myself. Thank you Jesus for taking my place on the cross. The horrific death sentence was meant for me. I'm the guilty party, not you. You were and are perfectly innocent of all the sinful things I've done. Before you even knew me, you gave your life to restore my relationship with our Father God. That is how it was originally suppose to be at the beginning of humanity.
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(artist unknown)
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jdlopes777-blog · 4 months
Lord Christ Jesus , thank you for refreshing my mind , heart soul and spirit , and physical body to renew my mind and be able to come back and partake of the body through Christ.
Thank you Lord for reminding me to look to you JESUS , for all my sicknesses and problems that have been boggling me down for ages , thank yoh for reminding me that in JESUS , i can be free and healed ,
Not of my own doing but by the power of the Blood that was shed for me and the rest of the world that whosoever believes in Him i will not perish but have everlasting life.
Thank you Jesus for letting me be reminded about Your Grace , how it abounds , my sin is great but Your Grace is GREATER ,
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ninatinahxoxo · 10 months
The keys to freedom and healing
Introducing My Testimony – Your Key to Freedom and Healing! Are you tired of living in the shadows of fear and torment? Do you long to break free from the clutches of darkness and find solace in the arms of hope? Look no further, for My Testimony is here to guide you towards a life filled with light, love, and liberation. I understand your pain because I’ve walked the same treacherous path. For…
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faithisthekey-23 · 10 months
God our Source of Strength
Hi brothers and sisters in Christ
We need God - that's what we hear all the time. However, sometimes we forget about it and see strength in ourselves, we think that we can do all things on our own. Let's look closer at the topic of why God Is our Strength. I will share my testimonies on how I realized that I am so weak without Him, there's nothing I can do without seeking His Holy Guidence, protection and strength. For we can do all things only through Him Who strenghtens us.
1. Jesus fills empty hearts + my testimony
I want to share with you my testimony of how God delievered me from loneliness, how I began to see that I'm never alone, can always seek His Presence.
As some of you know, I lost an important family member 3 years ago. After it happened, I felt really guilty before God Almighty for health of my grandpa got worse when I forgot to pray for Him two days straight. When his health got worse, I felt worthless, too guilty to talk to God, so I stopped doing it, just tried to run away from His presence. The enemy tried to use it against me and filled my mind with images of me hurting myself in a way that in the long run would be dangerous to my life. But God's protection works all the time. Even when I didn't know that it was Him, He was filling me with hope, warm feeling that maybe if I just lay down and wait for the better days, it will be alright. He constantly reminded me that I still have my family and I should be alive for them. I had no motivation to do anything and faked my happiness as often as I could.
With a huge joy, I can write that His wonderful grace and mercy saved me. I know, God gave us life and thanks to Him, we can live every day, but by doing this, Lord showed me how beautiful His love is. Even when we are away from Him, He doesn't give up on us, but keeps on supporting us, for He knows that we are safe only thanks to Him.
However, it took me quite a long time to get to know how quickly I fall short before His glory and how much I need Him. I prayed every day to be close to God and I just wanted to show Him that He's important to me. I didn't think that I talk to Him so often because of something. I just loved His Holy Presence, I wanted to seek the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father as much as I could. Well, how did I go there? The answer is simple. It was not my own doing, but the grace of my Almighty Lord. He gave me the desire to stop dreaming of being close to Him and praying for hours, talking to Him in every free hour I have and when I am busy. It all happened at the church. It was 15th March 2023 during retreat at the church. God was so merciful that He let me know Him a bit better. He opened my eyes and I realized that it's not like I've always thought it's like. It actually isn't a priest talking to me, but it's God speaking through the priest. Then, I felt the incredible presence of the Holy Spirit. I felt the cold breeze and got the goosebumps all over my body. Sometimes I feel His Presence as a warm feeling and feeling like His Mighty Hand Is touching my arm or back.
However, yesterday God revealed to me that I used to read the Bible and prayed a lot, but my works were dead, I didn't fight my sins too hard. I feel His presence when I am fully focused on Him, on the days when I don't forget to read the Bible, pray and try to fight my sins. However, I need to keep on focusing on my works and building my faith at the same time, cannot pay too much attention to wordly things such as what I need to do during the day.
So anyway, that's how God completely changed my mindset and heart. He took away from me the desire to watch wordly series and listen to wordly music. I began to simply love talking to Him. As I was walking out of the church on that day, I happily made a decision to seek God much more.
There were a lot of ups and downs. Throughout all of my childhood, I thought that I have to do everything on my own. It was the same years after. It was really hard for me to ask anybody for help, even my family. I thought that it's good, but a few weeks ago, God revealed to me that it's pride — a huge sin. However, after some time I learned how to ask God for help, for it was very hard for me to do this at first. One of the memories which are deep in my heart is when I kept on ignoring God when He wanted me to pray. I even tried to justify it and find explanations why I didn't do that — how foolish of me! After about 2 and half an hour of watching this one music show and listening songs from it and searching temporary happiness in something that doesn't last long, I finally came back to Lord Almighty. U kneeled before Him and started apologizing. I felt guilty for I only had 15-20 minutes before I had to go back to helping my parents, which caused me to have teary eyes. That's when I felt a really warm presence, feeling like 2 Hands are touching mine (I had lifted hands when I was talking to God at that moment).  Just like I was feeling guilty before it happened, peace filled me and I began to feel the love of God, I was very joyful. I felt inside me that God Is saying to me that it's good that I came back to Him. After about an hour, Holy Spirit reminded me of the parable of the lost son — about the moment when he comes back and his father welcomes him with joy. After that, I started to ask Holy Trinity to help when I was tempted and started to pray at those moments. It worked most of the time (sometimes it didn't work because I wasn't obedient). Now I see that I fell short of His glory every time I was away from Him, so I try to stay close to Him. Brothers and sisters, you can do this as well. Just remind yourself that God Is Mighty and Has everything under His control, so it isn't your responsibility to take care of everything. Just read the Bible, pray without ceasing, work on your sins and ask God for guidence and seek the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father as hard as you can. We have to be obedient to Lord and let Him work on our hearts, so open it to Him. He will help you. You won't regret making this decision.
Song recommendation: ZAYN — There You are
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anheidonia · 1 year
The Narrow Gate: my testimony
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“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.”
— Matthew 7:13-14
[https://my.bible.com/bible/59/MAT.7.13-14] ⚪️
It was a day like any other. At the time, I was using New Age techniques to "change my situation": things like affirmations, tutorials on how to "manifest" things, online tarot readings… anything related to magic, spirituality and the new age that promised, even if only tenuously, solutions to my problems.  That day, as I watched YouTube videos on those topics, one popped up on my recommended list, titled “New Age to Christianity.” I don’t know why I felt so curious about it, to be honest. I’d come across videos like this in the past and never gave them much thought. This time, for some reason, I felt compelled to watch this particular one, so I did.  In the video, a young man talks about growing up in the Mormon faith and how he left that for the New Age, all of which ultimately led him to an encounter with Jesus. At some point in the video, he talks about a time in his life when he used a lot of drugs and had an experience where he saw some "shadowy creatures." He described them as dark, sinewy entities that harassed and mocked him relentlessly. Even though the description he gives of the creatures is kind of vague, for me, it clicked instantly. It reminded me of a dream I had, many years ago, in which I saw things that perfectly matched the description the guy gave in his video. I realised that what he was describing and what I had seen were the same things, and the very moment I had that realisation, I felt my vision dim and everything went black. I began to feel nervous. Something was happening, but I had no idea what was going on, just that I suddenly felt blind and deaf. Subsequently, in the middle of my field of vision, I saw a dot of white light. It glowed quietly in the darkness for a while, then it changed and became a “line,” a tall stream of light that divided the “screen” in two. All the while, the beam of light grew wider. I looked closer at it and noticed that the line was a kind of “street” or path and that this path went straight to Heaven. There was nothing else; just total darkness and in the middle of that darkness, that line/pathway that led straight into the sky. As I contemplated these things, I “received knowledge” about the meaning of the things I was witnessing. This was the explanation given to me:
There is only ONE way (the line) to Heaven. There is only ONE God (the point of light) and He is the ONLY path/way to Heaven. His name is JESUS CHRIST [John 14:6]. Apart from Him, there is nothing (darkness) [Matthew 25:30].
Immediately upon this revelation; upon realising that I was in the presence of God Himself (through the Holy Spirit), this thought crossed my mind: "What does one do in the presence of a King?" Instantly, I felt my knees buckle on their own and I fell to the ground in reverence [Romans 14:11, Isaiah 45:23]. I heard in my mind, “One kneels before a King,” and understood then that Jesus is not just a king: He is THE King. The whole earth itself belongs to Him [Isaiah 66:1, Acts 7:49, Matthew 5:35]. I understood that He really is who he said he was in the Scriptures [John 14:11]. All this knowledge given to me began to make sense: Heaven is a real place and there really is only one way to get there. It is only one way because there is only one Truth, and there is only one Truth because there is only one God [John 14:6] and this one Way is JESUS [John 1:1-5].
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“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” 
— John 14:6 [https://my.bible.com/bible/59/JHN.14.6.ESV]
The moment I understood who Jesus is, that Heaven is real and of all the faiths of the earth, only ONE is true, I realised at the very same time that Hell is real. The Light is true, but so is the darkness. What the guy in the video mentioned and what I had seen in my dream had been demons. They are real, and they are everywhere. This meant that, by default, anyone without Christ is truly headed for Hell, because unless we are within Him [Romans 8:1] (He who is that pathway of light I saw), we are in ‘outer darkness’ [Matthew 25:30]. Without Christ, we are unprotected, exposed; as only in the Light can we be safe and live. We are born in that outer darkness by default [Romans 3:23] and unless we make the choice of entering the Light, we will stay out there, lost and suffering.
The full weight of this realisation showed me the truth behind my thoughts and actions, and what my true intentions and motivations were. I was not good; I was neither special, nor unique, nor a highly evolved human being on the brink of transcendence, as the New Age and various schools of spirituality had led me to believe. I was, in fact, a blatant blasphemer in open rebellion against God, against the One who created me and everything else in existence. Everything I did, or even thought about, went against everything He ordained. This made me worthy of death and Hell, and I agreed with the judgement. It made sense. 
Regarding punishment: Contrary to what many believe, God is NOT cruel to charge us with such harsh punishment. In fact, this actually proves He is perfectly just as He is perfectly loving. When we truly understand who it is we are rebelling against, who it is we are insulting, bad-mouthing, cursing and rejecting, the admonishment we receive feels deserved. From birth, we humans go against the One who is the epitome of holiness, He who is all that is good and who gave us EVERYTHING. He whose only request of us is to love; Him and each other [Matthew 22:37-40]. All God wants from us is that we love him, because He loves us [1 John 4:19]. He loves us so much, He gave up His only Son to redeem us for our crimes [John 3:16], even give opportunity to those who think they’ve done nothing wrong and don’t realise they too are guilty. Rejecting such love, generosity, purity, and kindness can only be called the worst of crimes. The punishment should fit the crime if it is to be called justice; a sentence that befits the value of that which has been trespassed against, and since God is infinitely valuable, the punishment can only be infinitely severe. 
Appalled at myself and absolutely terrified, I apologised to Him. On my knees, I repented of everything I had ever done against Him. I also thanked him for showing me the Truth, because it allowed me to repent and, therefore, receive forgiveness and thus be saved [Luke 13:3, Revelation 3:19, Ezekiel 18:32, Matthew 4:17]. I told him that I no longer wanted to try to run my own life. That I don't know how to and I don’t want to keep making a mess by continuing to try. I then asked Him to please take control of my life, to be Lord over me, and to please save me. I said to him that now that I understand who He is, I want to follow Him, honour Him and serve Him, for the rest of my life. 
At that moment, I felt as if someone grabbed me and turned me on my head, or rather, made the ground under me “rotate,” so that what used to be “up” was now “down.” Strangely, it made things feel like they were now in the “correct order” [Proverbs 3:6]. I also had a weird sensation in my eyes; of being able to “see” all the while having the awareness that I have always had sight, yet feeling as if I had “just now” become able to see for the first time [Acts 9:18]. Then, I felt as if my “inside” was being brought out, like how you turn a shirt or a pair of socks inside out. Finally, I “heard” the Holy Spirit command me to wash myself and my clothes [Numbers 31: 23-24] so I did.
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“Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out.” 
— Acts 3:19  [https://my.bible.com/bible/59/ACT.3.19.ESV]
I was left feeling “strange,” to say the least, for the next couple of weeks. I couldn’t drink coffee for some reason, my body rejected it. I ended up not drinking coffee for 6 months (though I drink it again now, albeit to a much lesser degree than before).
I also noticed that my mind was very silent, which was a first for me. All intrusive thoughts in my mind were gone. For years, even decades, I had lived with voices in my head that tormented me and made me feel insecure, anxious, and depressed. All of a sudden, those voices were gone. There was a pleasant silence in my mind; I could hear the birds singing and the wind blowing through the trees, with no running commentary to ruin it. I later learned that this silence is something else, something I had very little experience with and so, wasn’t able to identify it at first. It was God’s Peace [Phillipians 4:7].
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'And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.'
— Philippians 4:7 [https://my.bible.com/bible/59/PHP.4.7] {image made by me @anhei-art}
In those first couple of days after my experience, I walked around as if in a daze. Everything felt absurd and odd and it was very clear to me (still is) that this world is a fallen place, destined for destruction. There is no joy to be found in the world; no satisfaction, no happiness, no peace. Nothing good. It was (still is) so obvious to me that those things can only come from God because only He is goodness, satisfaction, completeness, wholeness, peace. It now made perfect sense as to why so many of us feel so hopeless, depressed, and alone; always searching, always looking for something to fill that void. I learned that that “void” was a hole in our souls that only God can fill. That is why all pursuit of happiness in worldly things is useless. It’s a never-ending quest for something that doesn’t even exist: earthly satisfaction, or satisfaction by one’s own effort. 
This led me to take a bunch of large black trash bags and put in them every single New Age/spirituality book I owned, along with everything of the sort I could find around in my room: crystals, tarot cards, oracle cards, idol images, etc. I also threw away all the fanart I had ever made, and anything I felt was obscene. I went into my computer and deleted all the fanfiction I had ever written, as well as shut down all my online accounts where I would share it. I felt convicted to do this and once it was all gone, I felt a peace I had never felt before. Anyone that knows me knows how much I love books, so I’m sure they’d be shocked to see the state my bookshelves were left in. It was all pretty much gone. I got rid of almost every book I owned, and I owned a LOT of books. The only ones that survived the purge were a couple of cookbooks, some mental health reference books and a couple of novels I felt were OK to keep. I knew what I wanted in place of all those books and that was the one book I had never been interested in reading until now: The Holy Bible. 
Immediately, I went online and ordered a bible. I also downloaded a bible app that came with a huge list of translations and versions to choose from and just started reading. I felt so “hungry” for God. I had never, ever, felt the desire to read the Bible, but now I wanted to know everything about God. To my surprise, when I began to read the Bible, I could actually understand it. I remember having read a bit before, but it just didn’t make sense to me, and I found it incredibly boring so I never felt inclined to keep trying it out. Now, though, it was fascinating. I started reading and haven’t stopped since.  Maybe it’s a cliche to say that my life has completely changed since, but it really has, though on the surface it might not look like much. I still have some issues in various areas of my life, however, I know that I am not alone in this [Isaiah 41:10, John 16:33]. I now go through it all with a serenity I never had before. I am witness to how God has been restoring my life and has lifted me out of the pit I was in, to place me in his Heavenly kingdom as part of His family. I haven’t had any suicidal thoughts since the moment of my conversion and I no longer fear death, for I know when that moment comes, I will be with Him.
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“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” 
— Isaiah 41:10  [https://my.bible.com/bible/59/ISA.41.10.ESV]
I think the hardest adjustment I’ve had to make since this experience is dealing with the dread I feel when I remember that Hell is real and that so many people are heading there, completely unaware [Psalm 82:5]. SometimesI want to shout it out to people; tell them to turn to Jesus immediately, but I know it wouldn’t have the effect I wish it would. In the past, I’d see people going about their own way, “living their truth,” and think nothing of it. I even admired some of them. Now, I see them heading towards a precipice, falling headlong into an abyss from which there is no getting out without the help of Jesus. I guess I now understand why it is so hard to convince people of the truth. Before all this, if someone would have told me I was heading straight to Hell if I didn’t have Jesus [John 3:18], I would have thought them insane (and incredibly arrogant). How do you tell someone that and not come off as crazy?
Nonetheless, Jesus tells us to not worry about what people might think, precisely because of this [Matthew 5:11-12, 10:25]. He already knew a lot of people would be opposed to the Truth and to hearing it. That is why He tells us to have faith and trust Him [John 14:1], because He takes care of those under His wing. All he asks is that we share His Good News with others, so they too may choose to be saved [Matthew 28:19-20]. 
Therefore, I am sharing my testimony, even though I am perfectly aware of how bizarre and outlandish it all sounds. I have no idea how it will be received, but it’s my responsibility to put it out there. And just like the testimony of others helped me reach Christ, I can only hope that mine might help others as well. 
To wrap things up, thank you so much for receiving my testimony. I know it’s long; I have edited this SO many times, trying to make it as concise as possible but there was so much I felt I couldn’t leave out as well, so thank you for your patience. Please feel free to send me a message if you have questions/etc. I will answer, though you might see my main account name (anhei-art) instead of this one because this is my side blog. 
Thanks again for your time and attention. May Jesus show you the Truth and may The Lord, Our God, bless you, keep you and give you peace.
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“The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”
— Numbers 6:25-26 [https://my.bible.com/bible/59/NUM.6.25-26.ESV]
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maxeiil · 5 months
often times, I think about my Kairos time. From what I understand, its the period of waiting and praying until God calls you for something that can change you or someone else's life. Ever since I found God, I've always wondered when my time would come.
I have a lot of religiously influential people in my life, who seem to do amazing things, like my friend, Iraklis. He's just a kid like me, but whenever I see him, he's always praying and he mentions the Goodness of God any time he finds. He has a whole page on tiktok dedicated to Christianity, which is quite normal, but he's turned people to Christ. And he's just a kid.
I looked up to him and wondered what I could do to turn people to Christ as well, or at least open their eyes. But I realize, God doesn't call all of us in the same way to do the great things He has planned for us.
I tried to make efforts of showing people Christ by posting a lot of Bible verses and other Christian things on this blog, despite it being a fine art blog. (Well, its supposed to be one lol)
I wanna show people the true Goodness of my Lord. God saves people every day, man. He saved me when I almost died in February from a sickness nobody at the time knew I had.
I was miserable at the hospital. I slept all through the day and never got out of my bed. When I woke up, I always wanted to cry because it was still light outside. I remember always telling myself, "Child, day isn't over." all the time. My auntie came to stay with me for the night once so my mom could go home after staying with me all week. She prayed and prayed for me, practically yelling that my sickness wouldn't take over my body. And she was right. I remember when she told me to get up and when I did, I literally felt the weakness slip away. I'm not exaggerating my testimony because thats exactly what it felt like.
I came out of there after two weeks, not being able to run and barely able to jump, but I still jumped for joy, best as I could. I praised the Lord and I cried because I would have died without his Grace.
I used to be an evil child, already on my way to hell. I can't hide my sins from everybody and say I was perfect. I disrespected God, even in church because I didn't care. At those times, I had a lot of angst. I was only like 8 or 9 and I wanted to k-11 myself. I thought my family hated me and I started sh'ing in the 6th grade. But when I came to God and started reading the Word, every hardship in there, I could apply to my own life; Heartbreak, temptation, sadness, fear, and anxiety. They're nothing when you've got God. Bring your burdens to Him and He will take them away. Thats what He did for me and I love Him for what He's done. He's blessed me and my broken life, and turned everything around.
If I could swear as a Christian, I would swear that God will never let you down if you're willing to give your life to Him. He loves you. You may think everything in the world is for you, but it's really against you. People want to brainwash you and tear you down and conform you inro their ways. They'll tell you its the good life, the fun life, but they dont know crap about what they say. You'll never find happiness hooking up with people, doing drugs or bullying others. And you'll never find it worshipping the devil. The devil tried to take my soul, and thought he had it, but failed. Dont let him take yours. It will never be worth it.
God is patient and open to anyone and everyone. If you are truly willing to give your life to the Lord, I'm telling you, It will be so worth it. We get slandered by the people of this world because they dont see what we see and they think we are bigots who take the "fun" out of everything. We really aren't. God won't hate you for being an addict, or a homosexual, or a prostitute. When you believe in Him and repent, all of it will be forgiven. He doesn't hate you, but the bad things that the world tries to pressure you into. It's hard to preach that in a world of people who are too sensitive and think anyone who goes against them in the slightest is attacking them. Its real sad. I hope one day people will wake up and see His power, His rule over this earth.
I'll say it one more time. No matter how much you deny it, no matter what you do or say, God will always be willing to take you into His arms. Turn to Him, and He will make your paths straight. He will protect and guide you. Once you grab His Hand, He'll never let go of you. He loves you. He loves you all. Please. Why don't you turn to Him and love Him back?
This message wasnt really focused on one thing and I just typed as testimonies and such resurfaced my mind. But I hope this reaches out to somebody. God really does love you.
God Bless <3
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sweet-euphoric · 1 year
My Spiritual Walk with Jesus
It's been 8 months since I've dedicated my life back to Christ.
I will most definitely tell you it is not all rainbows and butterflies. I still have trails and struggle, though so much has changed in such a small amount of time. Asking God to change my ways and for Him to guide me. He is the one who gives me the strength to continue on.
Romans 15:5 “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had.”
It was a summer night on June 2022, I was alone in my room broken, scared and empty. I reached out to God and called upon Jesus. God met me on my knees, He heard my cry. Once the Holy Spirit was given to me I knew how much He truly wanted to guide me and how much He loves me. How he is the Heavenly Father, wanting to protect, guide and teach.
I was overwhelmed by the love He had for me. I felt this weight come completely off for my chest. He didn't care about my past, what I had done and how much I resented Him.
2 Corinthians 5:17 -Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
Before Christ:
I use to be into the Buddhist religion, meditation, chakras and tarot cards. Like everyone else in this generation looking for self healing, focusing on myself trying to heal generational trauma. I had friends who were in this lifestyle as well.
I honestly was so lost, I smoked marijuana like most of my friends. Partied on the weekends, drank and smoked until I was sick. I began to down spiral silently, slacking on college assignments nearly giving up and withdrawing from school of nursing.
This also goes along with the LGBTQ+ community. This may be a sensitive topic to many and it was for me at the time. I was at the time identified as a lesbian.
I thought that was who I was, but how quickly God showed me what was good and what wasn't. It was as simple as that. As soon as I accepted Jesus as my saviour.
I just want to say to anyone who reads this that there is hope. God truly loves you He gave you His only son to die for us. So that we can live forever through Him. There's so much He can do through us so please today put your trust in Jesus <3
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
-John 3:16
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A Very Personal Video - Why Streaming is So Important to Me
In this very personal video, Al (XtianNinja) Descheneau shares his heart, story, and reason for working so hard to bring the gospel to people who can only be reached through online ministry.
In this very personal video, Al (XtianNinja) Descheneau shares his heart, story, and reason for working so hard to bring the gospel to people who can only be reached through online ministry. You will learn why he has such a special concern for the lost, lonely, and disenfranchised on Twitch and what you can do to help him reach them. Podcast Version:…
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ad-lucem-et-amor · 2 years
John 6:37
If your heart seeks a home and truth, you will discover Him, and He won't ever turn you away.
Romans 12:3, 6
No one is higher than another - in God's eyes; in truth. We have differing levels of faith and gifts by grace. As we trust and lean on Him, in His perfect timing He will use all things for the good of those that love Him and therefore follow His words.
Ephesians 1:5, 3:20
We are adopted sons and daughters, grafted in like a wild branch of olive. He has called us His Beloveds and He, from the roots of His love and all that He has made is at work in us, like a Good, true father: giving us strength and all that we and our spirits need to thrive in perfect timing. He is always with you and for you.
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