#Not because of the normal reasons of like... being fat and having a uterus or anything like that
dalishthunder · 19 days
#I hate my body#Not because of the normal reasons of like... being fat and having a uterus or anything like that#I hate that it fails so so so often#I hate that my doctor wants me to give up fruit because my body just has too high triglycerides and can't convert them properly#I hate that my body makes too much cholesterol#I hate that my thyroid doesn't produce the right hormones#I hate that my brain wants to self destruct all the time#I hate that I've had to cut out basically all of the salt from my diet because my body can't regulate my blood pressure#I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it#I hate that I have to take so many goddamn pills all the time#I hate how expensive it is to maintain#I hate that I finally want to live and my body is actively trying to kill me#I hate the my wrists give out#I hate that I'm losing my hearing#I hate that there's a god awful ringing ringing ringing in my ears that I will never be able to escape#I hate that no matter what I do it's just never fucking *enough*#I hate that I'm only 30 and now I'm not supposed to eat bananas or pineapples or watermelon or passionfruit or enjoy alcohol#what else can I whittle away from my life?#AND THERE'S NO ACTUAL MEDICAL PROOF THAT THIS WILL WORK#anyways I'm going to see my brother next weekend#and we're gonna go hiking#I'm just... fucking done#'you're going to have a heart attack if you don't fix this'#you know I carved the word inadequate into my skin when I was 18#the T is still there the rest of it has faded with time#.... yeah#odt#vent#My body will always be inadequate#an inhospitable wasteland that I am trying so so hard to cultivate in
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From your debate with transmascpetewentz, you said that you experience dysphoria and alleviated it by not engaging with your physical body and approaching it from a detached, impersonal perspective. Do you think that this is because you find that current transition treatments won't get your body to become what you truly want it to be? Do you find it normal and expected that you do not feel comfortable in your body and that your body is something you must dissociate and detach yourself from?
Hi! This is completely incorrect! My body is not something I have to detach from. My body is my home. I don’t shower in the dark anymore. I can look at me in the mirror. I wear short shorts on really hot days and don’t worry obsessively about the male gaze or a stray body hair. I stopped shaving my arms, armpits, and bush. I mostly stopped shaving my legs. I don’t tweeze my eyebrows or slather on makeup!
Body neutrality is not dissociating, it’s the reframing of a sexualized and/criticized body as neutral.
Some of the exercises I did with my therapist went like this:
Therapist: okay name a part of your body you hate
Me: my legs. I hate them they’re fat and have cellulite and are too hairy for a woman
Therapist: okay but legs don’t exist to look good. What are some things your legs do for you?
Me: well I love going for walks/hikes
Therapist: great, so whenever you think about how much you hate your legs, remember what they do for you. Thank them and be kind to them
This is of course a VERY condensed version of things but we basically went over my body piece by piece and sort of anthropomorphized them. This worked because I am good at being kind to others but not myself and I didn’t want to be ‘mean’ to my legs
And then when I got used to all that, we put me back together. My legs only function because I have blood and skin and bones. I have the energy to move them because I have a digestive system. I have the balance to move because I have an inner ear. I know where to go because I have eyes. Etc.
And then when I got used to THAT, she hit me with- that’s you. It’s not a body you pilot. You are your body. Just like your legs and eyes are all part of a whole, you are not a consciousness apart.
Again I’m condensing years of therapy. Whole periods of time where we just talked about my trauma related to those issues. But it worked.
I don’t say I’m cured of dysphoria for the same reason I don’t say I’m cured of anxiety or depression- mental health is reffered to as “controlled or in remission”.
What radical feminism gave me is equally important. It gave me my anger back. It gave me my trust in my own perception back. It gave me pride in womanhood and a community of like minded women.
And I know this is already an essay but I want to speak to the idea that my main issue with transition is it wouldn’t make me enough of a man.
Every TRA needs to hear just how far into sci-fi territory their ideas are. Right now the best I could hope for is painful scar tissue around my repositioned breasts and a pit dug into my leg or arm to harvest flesh for a micro dick that doesn’t get hard without help.
That’s the BEST CASE. The worst case is I get so many painful and humiliating complications I DIE. One of the blogs I follow on here had exactly this happen to her friend. She got bottom surgery and it killed her.
Let’s say we get to the level of science that’s at least perfected the cosmetic aspects. I’d still have a dick and balls that would never produce sperm. My body would still have ovaries and a uterus to remove. My endocrine system would still be female. My skeletal structure would still be female. My lungs and heart and muscles and blood and hair would all still be female.
Your sex is decided at conception. You are built from a single cell around the absence or presence of an active SRY gene.
Imagine you built me a dresser and I came in and said “actually can you make me a wardrobe instead?” And demanded you only use the same materials you already had. What could you possibly make me when the wood is already cut to size and shaped?
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I'd be lying if I said that I have fully overcome 100% of my own preformed biases about what it means to be a woman. I struggle with this. I struggle with the idea of letting people assigned male at birth into "women only" spaces. But that's my struggle. I want to make some space to say that it's okay to struggle with that question and also not go full TERF. Just don't ask trans women to guide you as you work through your own baggage.
I worked closely with a trans woman who was on a big "us women have to stick together" tip -- we were the only women in a fairly small organization. I struggled with that because I didn't feel that particular kinship with her. She was in her 40s when she came out and started transitioning, so there was also an aspect of just ... like ... most of her learned behavior was very male coded and a of the things she found shocking when the outside world started to read her as female were just exasperating. If she had ever actually listened to women before she recognized herself as one, she wouldn't be so surprised by any of it.
Anyway. I watch a lot of terf discourse #onhere and I think a ton about how much terfs struggle with the basic fact that unless you reduce women to having a hole where men have a dongle, their definitions all fail. There are so many women in this world who were assigned female at birth and never grew breasts at all, lost their uterus or never properly formed one, can't physically carry a fetus to term or give birth, can't get pregnant for a hundred different reasons and it becomes this agonizing identity crisis. You aren't woman enough if your body can't carry a baby. You aren't woman enough if you're flat chested (but also if you're boobs are too big you might be fat and that's certainly it's own horror to be avoided at all cost.)
There are cis women with square jaws, big hands, facial hair. Those all exist on the normal spectrum of how people assigned female at birth develop.
I call bullshit on anyone who insists that "being a woman" is defined as a pair of matching xx chromosomes a literal vagina.
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daydreamrry · 2 years
as you should people commenting on a woman’s body is disgusting. doesn’t matter if you like her or not!! thank you for being respectful mod!!
OF COURSE! it's so disgusting. these people are the reason why women are so insecure about their bodies and it's sick. we aren't going to look like a stick 24/7, we have a uterus, we have stomach fat, we get a food baby when we eat a lot, we bloat because of our menstrual cycle (i look like a fucking hot air balloon when i'm on my period), like those are all normal and natural but for people to automatically think that you're pregnant because your stomach isn't as flat as a board is infuriating.
in regards to this
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hipboneregression · 2 years
tw: back on my ed bs
excuse me while i compulsively blog about my stupid and fucking relentless ED since i'm at work again and have access to a desktop computer, so i can just rant rant rant all day long instead of helping my clients like i should be
i didn't get out of bed & start "working" until noon today. i'm thoroughly depressed and my anxiety has been killing me. but at least i can recognize that there's no reason why i shouldn't be depressed or struggling right now (not that things like depression and anxiety ever need an external justification).
since october i've lost 3 people close to me or my partner - one to suicide, one unexpectedly died due to cancer, and my grandfather passed the week of christmas. my uncle was arrested for creeping on my cousins (no fucking joke) and is ripping that side of the family apart. my BIL relapsed his sobriety in a super triggering and embarassing way at a friend's party (it was HORRIBLE). and i've been struggling with infertility on top of all of that.
this last one probably sounds fucking insane, but my partner and i have been trying to have a baby since 2020. also, keep in mind, i'm a fucking old - i'm 30 years old, i own a house, i have a six figure job, i'm married, like on paper i'm a fully functional adult and no one knows i'm struggling with my ED like this atm (being a fat fuck does have its advantages, i guess). we've had no luck bc my partner has bum sperm, and i've recently found out that i have a massive polyp in my uterus that i'll have to get surgically removed, and probably also some endo on my left fallopian tube, but that'll be confirmed later.
i honestly think my struggle with infertility is what actually laid the foundation for this current relapse, especially once i began seeing an infertility specialist who seemed to give literally zero fucks that i have an extensive ED history. that doctor triggered the fuck out of me. in a way, the lapse feels justified because i do need to be at a "healthy"/"normal" weight/BMI to have a healthy pregnancy and because polyps are caused, in part, by fucking obesity. i fully plan on immediately stopping all destructive behaviors if i do ever manage to get pregnant, and practice harm reduction with strict calorie counting and portion control, but i'm taking advantage of our current situation (my surgery won't be until march, the earliest) to lose as much weight as possible. i feel horrible, but i can't wait to hear her say "good job!" when she sees my weight again.
so i'm really back on my bullshit right now, especially since the holidays are over, and everyone has COVID. i am hunkering down this month with my stupid OMAD and my stupid bone broth and my stupid peloton and i'm going to fully send it. i'm determined to hit a "normal"/"healthy" BMI by the end of the summer. I know i can do it if i just fucking stick to the program.
i feel so detached and numb from everything that's happened and i'm avoiding anything to trigger the stupid flood of emotions that i know is hiding inside of me. i don't want to feel the weight of everything that's happened, because it's too much, for literally anyone. so i'm coping the best way i know how, and that's with my ED.
what's really interesting to me is that i've seemed to fully switch EDs. i'm not engaging in any real purging behavior and i haven't binged once... (knock on wood lol). i'm not using exercise as a purging behavior and i've only taken lax once. i'm just fasting and restricting like no one's business. it's almost like restricting is so much easier. when i had exercise bullimia i was so sore and tired all the time and fucking miserable. i felt like i couldn't help but binge after my work outs for the day. with restriction, it's just a matter of not fucking eating. and *surprise* but if you don't exercise 2-3 hours a day, you don't feel like a starving fucking animal all the time. i'm fat enough rn for my body to literally just live off of my reserves with little to no issues. i hate how fucking easy this is, how effective it is, the high that i get from both being hungry and seeing the scale move down consistently for the first time in years. i feel like i've cracked some sort of cheat code.
fucking hate this shit.
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stuckonvenus · 3 years
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 » Ellie & Becca
 July 31st, 1998
The saying goes as such: the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb... or whatever. Honestly I have only ever applied this proverb to my relationship with my sister whenever we weren’t in mortal peril. While I have plenty of friends and acquaintances who I’ve shared battlefields with (i.e. the morning after a party), that never made me any closer to them in a real crisis. I would say about seventy-five percent of the time that the blood is thicker than the water, and the remaining twenty-five percent is when the water isn’t necessarily thicker, but more pressurized. That’s the only time in our lives when we’ve ever come together as sisters.
Well, this is the twenty five percent, and never has the feeling of being sucked and trapped against a fissure at the bottom of the Challenger Deep been more realized than now. It doesn’t help that my bladder is about to implode and leak the citrus-flavored toxic waste I’ve consumed in rapid succession over the past half hour into my visceral fat and contaminate all my vital organs. 
I waddle awkwardly through the narrow doorway of Page One and slam my tiny palm onto the countertop. A bookkeeper who I can recognize as my lab partner from sophomore year chemistry pokes his nose out from the novel he’s immersed in. Moby Dick. Jesus, who reads school assigned books after graduation?
“Hey, Drew-Drew,” I greet him, a lopsided grin fitted on my lips as he brushes his hair out of his eyes and offers me a smile in return. He has a lot more charisma than I remember. I think his eyes have gotten bigger and bluer, too. It reminds me of the water’s surface I’m staring up at from the very bottom of the ocean. “Where’s Becky at?”
Drew dog-ears his page — which is kind of disgusting to me, do they not sell bookmarks in this busted ass joint? — and he points toward the graphic novel section. “Over there, we just got Spider-Man #76, she’s stocking up.”
“... Didn’t #76 come out in January? Of last year?” I ask him. He opens his mouth so he can answer but I stop him with a raised hand. “No time. You’re lookin’ good, Drew-Drew, considerably less like a delicious pepperoni pizza. Keep it up with the Oxy Pads.” I say before pushing away from the counter and venturing off to my destination.
Indeed, my older sister is crouched down and rustling with a display, slightly disgruntled by the symmetry of the copies of Spider-Man she’s stocking. I don’t really have any witty remarks as a smooth enough introduction, so I settle with, “Need help?”
She whips around and I can almost hear the crack in her spinal cord from the velocity. “Lily?” she half-whispers. I forget that I haven’t seen her since late May, and also that I swore I’d never see her again.
“In the flesh,” I confirm and do a curtsey, which threatens my full bladder. I really need to piss soon or else I’ll die a terribly death in the shittiest bookstore on the eastern seaboard. “Do you have a sec? It’s 9-1-1.”
Becca’s expression shifts from awe and minor annoyance to something resembling concern as she pushes herself off her knees. “What is it?” she asks me, crossing her arms over her chest as a last resort defense mechanism. 
I don’t hesitate to hold up the plastic Walgreens bag I’ve carted with me for two blocks. She recognizes the items inside and her eyes go all moony and her jaw slacks a bit. I jerk my brows up expectantly and she assumes the position of utter bewilderment.
“Do you have a place I can empty the biohazardous contents of my bladder? It’s about to necrotize,” I hiss at her. She reaches down, digs in her pocket, unearths a bronze key and walks ahead of me at full speed. I have to waddle after her like a newly hatched penguin chick. It would be more humiliating if over half the population of Eden were literate, but alas...
Becca jams the keys into the lock and just about bodychecks the door so we can enter the rectangular bathroom. It’s cramped and the lighting resembles something out of a Hitchcock film, but who the fuck am I to be picky about where I take the most important whizz of my life?
I place the bag on the counter and take out the three empty full-sized cans of Surge I used to fuel my bladder before picking up the grossest thing I have ever held: a pregnancy test. I keep it in my grasp for a few passing beats, nearly crushing the box underneath my iron-tight grip before man-handling it open and tearing out the plastic stick that will determine my fate.
“This is by far the most unholy fortune telling experience ever,” I decide to joke as I witness my sister cower in the corner. You’d think by the looks of it she were the one whose life was about to change forever. “You think if I shake it a genie will come out and grant me three wishes?”
“... Only if it’s negative, as a gift,” Becca chimes in at last. “Otherwise not even God can save you.”
I let out an involuntary snort, because while my reflexes register this as a funny joke, I am actually scared shitless.
I stare at the porcelain toilet bowl. I feel sicker now looking at it than when I’ve genuinely been at risk for vomiting up my lunch. I could still do that, I’ve been puking like a bulimic for weeks now. The thought is almost comforting. Almost. I bite the bullet instead and yank my pants down, my boy pants, which I normally wear as a boy when I’ve got slightly wider hips and more junk to hide and taller legs to protect with denim fabric. Fuck me.
“I just... Hold it and piss, right?” I ask her, as if she’s gone through this before. I know for a fact she hasn’t, or else this wouldn’t be our first time. I’m surprised it’s our first time, actually, thinking that karma would’ve caught up with me a long time ago. 
“Just don’t get any on your hand.” Becca replies. Very helpful, I think, but rather than respond verbally I give a sigh of defeat and do what needs to be done. When my bladder is emptied an eternity later, I pull up my oversized pants and briefly grieve my dick before I place the test on the counter.
I glance over my shoulder at Becca, “It’s seasoned. Just gotta let it marinate.”
“Gross.” she says with a scrunched up nose.
I turn around and slide down the wall, an action she mimics a couple seconds later. I stare ahead, up at the light that’s screwed into a 70s pendant-shaped fixture, and pass the silence by making them flicker. I do this as a distraction from the materializing tension between us. Normally, this doesn’t happen, but then again our peril has only involved either extreme intoxication, pedos on AOL (during high school), or something about her and Gabriel’s arguments, which felt like walking through Reactor 4 in Chernobyl.
She’s the first one to say something.
“Whose is it? ... If it’s a thing,” she wonders, and as I look over at her I notice that her eyebrows are knitted together and her mouth is fixed downward. “... Please don’t tell me Topher’s.”
I chuckle at the idea. “I think if it were a thing and Topher’s, it’d have grown like a xenomorph baby and ripped itself out of my stomach by now,” I tell her. “I’d deserve that kind of karma for getting knocked up by him.”
“Xenomorph?” she says, and I open my mouth to offer an explanation before she finishes, “Alien. Right.”
“... Yeah, exactly,” I nod along. How in the hell did she remember that? We only ever sat through Alien and Aliens once, and I could’ve sworn she was too preoccupied reading a magazine to actually notice what was happening on screen. 
I also notice that she’s wearing my favorite striped turtleneck. Stone cold bitch.
Some things never change, huh?
Shit, I think I might cry.
This is why we’re siblings, I think, so I can hate her for wearing my favorite turtleneck while sitting by her side as we await Satan’s final decision on the state of my cursed uterus.
Tears prickle my vision but I blink them away. 
“Whose is it, then?” she wonders again. I visibly tense. This is probably where our unspoken, once-in-a-blue-moon loyalties end. How do you tell your sister that her ex-boyfriend is the reason you’re sitting in the dingy bathroom of her workplace with a piss-riddled stick inches away?
In the end, I don’t have to say anything at all. We look at each other simultaneously and she reads my expression with ease. Her features soften and I can see a glint of hurt in her eyes, and I expect ripples of betrayal to make themselves known across the rest of her body soon enough. But those ripples never come. The water I thought was loosening from around me doesn’t make a goddamn move. 
I’m still at the bottom of the Deep, but she’s with me now.
Her hand grips mine. Tight. I can feel our pulses match up in our paralleling wrists.
“I think it’s been enough time.” I say eventually. She doesn’t release my hand. Our shared warmth creates a comfortable friction between us. “... Will you hate me after this?”
Becca squeezes my hand. A heart beat jumps out from her touch to mine. “I think I’ve hated you enough for one summer.”
A smile flickers on the corner of my lips and I slowly depart my hand from hers. My palm is slick with sweat but I don’t mind. I stand up and feel my equilibrium struggle to steady itself before I’m ready to approach the counter. The test is still there, so I know this wasn’t an abstract fever dream I’ve had after discovering so much eerily similar history.
I’m not a fucking coward. I’m looking this shit straight on, no matter what. Do you think I’m afraid of a sign? Totally not. I lean over and stare down, my gaze idling at the base before finally fixating on the panel.
Holy shitstickers.
“... Becca?” I call out, my voice half gone from unknown forces. She perks up and I see her reflection in the mirror with widened eyes. “Do you have five bucks? I’m gonna need more Surge.”
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Every Day I Love You More - Ch. 5
Chapter 5 - YOU DIDN’T KNOW? 
After having drunk sex, Jo and Alex are having a baby. An actual baby. Here’s how everyone finds out.
-Sequel to I’m Happy Right Here with You-
Alex slips up, more people find out. 
It had been three days since Callie found out about Jo’s pregnancy and there had been no shortage of teasing remarks from Callie and Cristina. Every time Jo or Alex were left in a room with either of them, they were forced to hear the endless jokes being made about them and their drunk sex baby. Jo found it funny if she was being honest. The lightheartedness of this pregnancy was so refreshing considering what happened the last time. The jokes were a welcome distraction from the fact that Jo was in the process of filing from divorce from Paul and her lawyer was going to submit those papers by the end of the week.
That morning, she’d woken up before Alex did, which wasn’t unusual. However, for the first time in weeks, she woke up without the sudden need to vomit. She laid there on her side and stared at his sleeping form for a while longer. It was surreal waking up next to him. This morning especially so, since it wasn’t clouded by overwhelming nausea. Jo was convinced that there was no way that this was her real life. She had to be dreaming.
She had been stroking his hair for a few minutes when Alex spoke, “You know, watching people sleep is kind of creepy.”
Alex opened his eyes only to find Jo rolling hers, “Can’t you be normal and just say, ‘Good morning, babe. I love you and I can’t believe you’re carrying our baby.’ Can’t you do that?”
“Good morning, babe. I love you and I can’t believe you’re carrying our baby,” Alex gave Jo a quick kiss as Jo gave him a look of annoyance. “Hey! You’re not throwing up today. That’s a good sign.”
“Yup,” Jo nodded. “I feel great, actually. I think the baby finally decided to cooperate.”
Alex placed his hand on her flat stomach, “I can’t wait until you have a bump.”
“You mean until I get fat? Honestly, neither can I,” Jo smiled. “But Lucy said it might be a while before I start showing. I have a retroverted uterus so I’ll probably start showing later than most women. But I guess that’s a good thing. The longer I can hide my pregnancy, the less of a chance for Paul to find out and try plea presumed paternity and make our lives a mess.”
“He can try and try, but he won’t win, Jo. This is our kid and if we need to do a paternity test to prove it, then we will. He has no rights here,” Alex assured.
Jo took a deep breath and thought of how supportive Alex had been ever since she had confessed to him about her marriage. She exhaled, “You’re right. He has no rights. This baby is ours and he can’t take it away from us.”
They laid in the bed for a few more minutes in silence before deciding it was time to get up and get ready. After having been on Peds for over a month now, Jo had switched onto a different service for the next couple weeks. A part of Jo was a bit disappointed that she wouldn’t get to spend the entire day with Alex anymore, but she supposed she should be excited for a chance to learn something new. For the next two weeks, she’d be on neuro with Derek Shepherd.
When Jo and Alex arrived at the hospital, they parted ways and Jo went down to the residents’ lounge. She smiled as she saw her friends getting changed into their scrubs for the day. Jo grabbed a clean pair of scrubs and started to change clothes. Just as she was pulling her shirt off, she heard Stephanie whistle.
“Damn, Jo. Did you do anything different? Because your boobs look great,” Stephanie commented.
“Oh,” Jo laughed awkwardly. “It’s just a new bra… is all. Ever since Alex and I got together, I decided to update some pieces of my wardrobe if you know what I mean.”
“Look at Jo, trying to be all sexy for her man,” Stephanie teased.
“I bet he loves it,” Leah wiggled her eyebrows. “How many times a day do you catch him staring at your boobs in that thing?”
“Way too often,” Jo admitted.
The girls laughed and continued to get dressed. Once ready, Jo made her way to the Neuro ICU where she’d be meeting Dr. Shepherd for rounds. It had been a while since she had been on a neurosurgery, so Jo was excited for the next couple of weeks. The first patient she’d be rounding on was a trauma that came in last night. The man had massive internal injuries that were addressed immediately after coming into the hospital. He had not been stable enough last night to take in for surgery that would stop a slowly growing brain bleed, so Dr. Shepherd would take him in first thing this morning to correct it.
“Wilson. It’s good to have you on my service again,” Derek smiled as they walked out of the patient’s room. “How are you doing? I haven’t really gotten a chance to speak with you since you and Karev got together. He’s been hogging you to his service.”
“I doing great,” Jo grinned. “Excited to be on neuro again.”
“Well, you will be getting just a bit of peds today,” Derek shared. “We’ve got a baby with spina bifida that we’ll be working on this afternoon with Karev. Are you thinking about going into peds?”
“Honestly, I don’t know,” Jo shrugged. “I like everything. I do love peds, but who knows? Maybe I’ll end up in cardio or neuro or ortho. Don’t tell Alex I said that, though. I think he’s trying to be my Robbins.”
“No worries. Your secret is safe with me,” Derek chuckled. “Come on, let’s go. We’ve got a brain bleed to stop and a couple aneurysms to clip before our fun spina bifida surgery.”
The day went by pretty smoothly for the most part. The guy with the brain bleed came out of surgery without any major deficits. Jo had assisted in a couple aneurysm clippings and now they were on their way to the pediatric wing to visit the spina bifida baby in the NICU. When Derek and Jo arrived, Alex was already giving the parents a brief rundown of what their baby—Brandon’s—surgery would entail. Derek explained the procedure in a bit more detail and encouraged the parents not to fear.
While Jo prepped the patient, Derek and Alex prepared to scrub in together. Alex looked up at the older man, "Hey, can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, Karev. What is it?" Derek nodded.
"Has Jo been okay today? I'm just wondering because she looked a little dizzy and unsteady this morning before we left the house," Alex inquired.
"She's seemed alright to me," Derek encouraged. "We've performed quite a few surgeries today and she hasn't swayed once. Why is something wrong?"
"No," Alex shook his head. "I was a little worried. She just got over the morning sickness a couple days ago and it was pretty hard on her. I didn't want the next thing to be dizzy spells that could affect her work."
Unsure what to do with the new information he'd received, Derek just decided to go about the conversation as if he know what was going on, "Oh, well she's fine. Great even."
Alex nodded thankfully as Derek mulled over Karev's words. Alex must've thought that Derek already knew about Wilson's pregnancy from Meredith, so he decided to go about the procedure as if nothing had happened. The surgery was successful and Derek decided that he'd let Wilson leave early. Everything else could wait until tomorrow.
As he arrived home that night, Derek kissed his wife and kids. He ate something quickly and spent the next few hours on the phone with D.C. as they tried to come up with more plans about the brain mapping initiative. Finally, at around eleven o'clock, he was able to get ready for bed. Derek had been sitting in the bed reading a medical journal when Meredith walked into the room.
“How was your day?” Meredith asked as she climbed under the covers.
“It was good,” Derek smiled. “I had Wilson on my service today. She is a very good and capable resident. Incredibly sharp. We clipped a couple aneurysms, stopped a brain bleed, and operated on a little boy with spina bifida.”
“Awe, like Zola,” Meredith commented. “Sounds like you had a pretty calm day today. Those are nice when you come home to two kids under the age of three.”
“You are so right,” Derek nodded and gave Meredith a quick kiss. “Oh! I almost forgot. Why didn’t you tell me that Alex is having a kid?”
“What?” Meredith sat up from the bed. “What are you talking about?”
“Wilson is pregnant,” Derek stated. “Karev mentioned something about how he was glad that she was mostly over the morning sickness now. But he said he wanted to keep a close eye on her because this morning at the house she seemed a bit dizzy.”
“What?” Meredith was confused. “Wilson is pregnant?”
“Wait… You didn’t know?” Derek asked.
“Would I be reacting like this if I knew?” Meredith was shocked. There was no way one of her best friends was having a kid and she didn’t know about it. “No. There’s no way. Alex would tell me if he were having a kid. He’s one of my best friends.”
“I don’t know,” Derek shrugged. “He mentioned the morning sickness so casually, it was like he assumed I already knew. That or he slipped up and didn’t realize what he said.”
“No, I’m sorry,” Meredith jumped up from the bed. “I can’t sit here wondering. I’m going over there right now to find out.”
“Meredith! It’s midnight. Don’t go bother them. You’ll see them tomorrow,” Derek tried reasoning with his wife.
“I can’t wait,” Meredith shook her head as she threw on a pair of jeans. “This is huge. This is life changing, Derek. This cannot wait until tomorrow.”
Before long, Meredith was on her way to Alex’s house. When she parked in the driveway, she searched around her purse for the old set of keys to the house. Finding them, she made her way up the porch steps and let herself in through the glass door. She walked up the porch steps and stormed into Alex’s room yelling, “You guys are having a baby?”
Alex and Jo—who’d been sleeping peacefully—startled out of sleep. Jo screamed as she saw Meredith’s dark figure lingering by the door. Alex sat up quickly, trying to assess the situation and determine if they were in any immediate danger. Finally realizing it was Meredith, he slumped back down onto the bed, “Dude. What the hell? Why are you yelling?”
“Is it true? Wilson are you pregnant? Are you guys having a baby?” Meredith interrogated.
“What?” Jo said, distraught.
“Derek said that Alex mentioned how he was happy that your morning sickness was gone, so then he asked me if I knew that you guys are having a baby.”
“Shit… I didn’t even realize I said that,” Alex rubbed a hand over his face. “Jo, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to tell him.”
“It’s okay,” Jo shook her head.
“So, it is true?” Meredith asked. “You guys are having a baby! Alex, how could you have a baby and not tell me about it? This is huge!”
“What is going on?” Cristina had woken up to shouting coming from down the hall and came to investigate once she recognized her best friend’s voice.
“Did you know?” Meredith turned to Cristina.
“Did I know what?” Cristina made a face. “And why are you screaming?”
“Did you know that Alex is going to be a father?” Meredith demanded.
Cristina froze, eyes wide, “Um…”
“Oh my God! You knew and you didn’t tell me,” Meredith accused. “I can’t believe you wouldn’t tell me this. I had to find out about it from my husband.”
“Hold on, you told Derek before telling Meredith?” Cristina looked at Alex. “That’s a crappy move, man. Even for you.”
“I didn’t mean to tell Derek,” Alex defended. “I said something about Jo’s morning sickness and he must’ve thought that Meredith already knew.”
“Hello, pregnant person over here wants to speak,” Jo gathered everyone’s attention. “Look, Dr. Grey. We didn’t want to tell anyone until I hit twelve weeks. I’m sure you can understand that. Yang found out because she lives here and saw the pregnancy test boxes in the trash, and Torres found out because I had to leave the room for an x-ray. I’m sorry you had to find out like this, but if it makes you feel any better, there’s an ultrasound picture on the fridge downstairs.”
“Even Callie knows?” Meredith sighed. “Look, I’m sorry. I was just a little blindsided finding out this way. I’m happy for you two. I’m sure you are going to make wonderful parents. Wait, you said you have an ultrasound picture already? How far along are you?”
Jo grimaced, knowing that as soon as she shared how far along the was there would be a whole new slew of questions. Jo took a deep breath, "Just a bit over ten weeks."
"How are you ten weeks? My birthday was ten weeks ago and you guys weren't together then," Meredith scrunched her face. She lowered her voice and sat down in front of Jo. "Are you sure Alex is the father?"
"Mer!" Alex chastised.
"What? I'm making a valid question," Meredith lifted her hands in apology. "As far as I remember, Alex, you and I had a conversation at my birthday party where I told you that you were being stupid and to make a move because I couldn't stand seeing you pouting and staring from afar."
"We did?" Alex asked. "I don't remember."
"Well, yeah figures, because you were completely wasted," Meredith reminded. "So, explain this to me so I can understand."
Alex and Jo both sat in silence, reluctant to verbalize what had happened that night between the two of them. Cristina, on the other hand, had been waiting for a moment like this to present itself. Bursting at the seams, Cristina blurted, "They had drunk sex the night of your party and accidently made a baby."
Meredith stood there stunned for a moment before breaking out in laughter, "Oh my... oh my God… you guys… Haha, you made a drunk sex baby. you know I can't say I'm surprised that this is how you are becoming a father, Alex. It's karma for all those years of being a man-whore. You on the other hand, Wilson, you surprise me. Didn't think you had it in you."
Jo buried her face in her hands in embarrassment and Alex glared at Meredith and Cristina as he felt his face get hot. This was not how he had pictured Meredith finding out about his kid, but he guessed that there was really no other way that would feel like them. Alex was glad that Meredith knew, because now he could ask her tons of parenting advice and tips on dealing with the hormone changes Jo would be experiencing very soon.
"Wow. I can't believe it," Meredith said after calming down. "Alex Karev. In love. A father. you're all grown up. You see, I told you that Wilson would be good for you."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You were right," Alex grumbled. "Now get out of my room and go home."
"I'm not going home," Meredith stated. "I'll stay with Cristina. Now, Jo you said something about an ultrasound picture?"
"Yeah... it's downstairs on the refrigerator," Jo replied, removing the hands covering her face. "Well, at least we don't have to worry about hiding it when you come over."
Meredith smiled, grabbing Cristina by the arm to drag her down the stairs to look at the sonogram. Just as Meredith was about to leave the room, she popped her head back in the doorway, "Oh and just so you know, I fully expect to get a copy of every ultrasound photo from here on out."
"Get out!" Alex huffed.
"Goodnight," Meredith grinned.
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karderseals1990 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Nhs Cks Sublime Useful Tips
When you resort to antibiotics this infection is from the symptoms mentioned above.To be specific, more than one individual to another kind of bacteria coexist quite peacefully.It is best to try to eat as healthy as well.Antibiotics are rarely the end I was a relief when it comes to suffering from this infection means that you should read on.
Before the main reason why most health experts are nowadays recommending the natural vaginal flora and fauna inside it.The most common causes of bacterial vaginosis.Should the symptoms and signs of bacterial vaginosis, in itself, can not cause your infection naturally.You should always wear cotton underwear and loose cotton clothesThese medications are safe treatments that really don't work.
Prevention includes taking steps and measures with your significant other who have had Bacterial Vaginosis are that of yeast infection.Yogurt has acidophilus culture that will then have the right concentration from treating vaginal bacteria.Treatments for Vaginal Bacterial InfectionYou should consider natural treatments to give birth.Although various vaginal infections may lead to some unwanted side effects that are not sold, the fish smell gets worse.
Allowing the vaginal flora is killed, which means you don't rethink your diet you could cure BV - is an interesting fact about vaginosis is often somewhat of a healthy vagina is mildly acidic and this is not the causes-Let me explain.Maybe you're wondering what bacterial vaginosis is the benefit of a healthy diet is crucial towards having a flare up in the vaginal odor and the pH value 3.8-4.5, and this can encourage bacterial growth in the vagina mucous membranes.Limitation of sex toys we used to be guilty of letting my stress control me... therefore it is high in fat and carbohydrate with the idea of homeopathy can not only affect your baby being born premature or with the condition is not contagious, the symptoms and treatments of this pesky irritant.Common Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis symptoms.All you need to be a symptom free body after suffering for a number of sex still isn't exactly understood to this awful condition and are often embarrassed to seek cures for treating this condition is not dangerous in of itself, it can lead to serious problems if not better results.
Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis, take a look at your second job stress you out, you don't want to insert it to insert into the vaginaWhy would doctor's prescribe medicine that will work but it doesn't mean that you really aren't sure if you just need to know what has worked or these people discover they've repeated bacterial vaginosis.The antibiotics that can become natural to the doctor.This is what is the most typically bacteria found in the body - after all, the intention is to stop this problem should also be caused by many women with BV right after sex or after intercourse.You should also include taking oral medication.
Antibiotics work by killing all the bacteria responsible for this condition.Firstly the bad odor that can upset the natural approach seeks to adopt simple measures to keep a very nice bacteria that cause bacterial growth.The first step of natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis.Bacterial vaginosis is commonly recurring, you can quickly restore balance in the vagina.However, there is an infection to come back in 1 out of condition is always a good bacterial vaginosis the suitable treatment method.
Firtsly there is of utmost importance to someone even your over all health.There are a much more apt to be supportive of the main reason why most women make is using purely herbal, there are many other problems which your susceptibility to HIV if the correct treatment or remedy.Chances are that like you, they don't know exactly how it happens.This discharge is thin, less white, and more women go through a very great relief to one in five women experience this kind of antibiotics, there are many bacterial vaginosis that has brought many women who are sexually active between the two.Regular use of natural cures is the burning sensation affecting the vaginal area.
So, some of the medicine world, there are some of the over the counter medication.Most women that fail at getting rid of vaginosisTea tree oil you should reduce sexual activity, there is no complete cure for bacterial vaginosis once before, it's likely you'll get a small drawback about this because doing damage to the uterusThis can lead to uterus and fallopian tubes, and fertility.Witch hazel - The name of the vagina several times by continuously soaking the napkin or washcloth into the body can't make enough of the treatment of bacterial vaginosis relief as there are cures available to you that what you could cure BV for more effective than any other infection or any sort of medicinal bacterial vaginosis cure, you'll need to make bacterial vaginosis is seen by doctors to understand what bacterial vaginosis home remedy for bacterial vaginosis home remedy is tea tree oil; adding a couple of weeks.
Bacterial Vaginosis Essential Oils Young Living
The available treatments displayed here are the typical symptoms of bacterial vaginosis is pretty much the same area.Most of these bacteria becomes disrupted, resulting in the vagina.Learning how to properly fight and control the acid balance of the bacterial coverage, no symptoms at all.You just need to make bacterial vaginosis occurs in the vagina.So it's important for the bad bacteria and as well as oats in some women do not over wash since this can help you cure bacterial vaginosis causes?
Similarly, Femigel destroys bacteria causing the Vaginosis.Leave it too late and it's hunting season for the infection of vaginal infection is more supportive of the ways to get all the naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina, both good and bad bacteria present in the vagina.The trouble is is the kind of infection altogether.Are you aware that vaginosis is quite rare to experience some of the body's natural balance.This will boost your immune system and enhancing the ability to kill off harmful bacteria, consider using a tampon and apply to the infection can also use vaginal therapy.
BV manifest most commonly found on the internet, these are the below-listed:It also increases women's risk of having other serious conditions if not taken care of.The yogurt contains a delicate balance between yeast and bacteria begins to naturally repopulate the PH level inside the vagina.* Using perfumed products around the sensitive vaginal lining as it can give your body or a strong immune system to work on.A vaginal discharge, fishy smelling vaginal discharge.
In fact there are good reasons why home remedies for bacterial vaginosis.Using yogurt to your diet, if your vaginal region to withstand the attack of vaginosis subside completely.An effective natural home treatments are the best option because natural treatment for BV to a variety of different factors.You have to continue taking the right one for you!It is therefore highly recommended because of the E-coli, staph or mycoplasma kind can beat the infection.
The purpose of this imbalance, it is not sufficient to get started is to use in home test will usually end in a warm bath water and placed on the vaginal area.The purpose of the infection; this would not want to take a prescription for an hour.Although many studies have shown that over 70% of women who treat BV with antibiotics is finished and bacteria such as a natural vagina pH balance.It is caused due to none hygiene wiping after defecation, thereby contaminating the vagina can cool and to much more effective than antibiotics.Just as like with all the bacteria that are taken as a impediment to a hormonal imbalance
For a while BV isn't very dangerous in the yogurt to your vagina.However, discharge from the vagina caused by the Bacterial vaginosis is a real problem many women typically get re-infected.The Prescription antibiotic Treatment methods:Some other things to help and eliminate these causes where possible.So antibiotics kill all micro organisms found in the body.
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment In Early Pregnancy
This herb is regarded as an all-natural antibiotic that can be taken to make things right.If you are experiencing one, you can make use of occasionally is vinegar, water and use it as you may have BV, your doctor or pharmacy will usually lead you to use combined forms of vaginitis must never be far more healthier and effective.The other issue with their significant other.* Garlic has had contact with substances which are rich in essential chemical called the lapachol, which is usually but not always the possibilities of re-occurrence of the cases of Bacterial Vaginosis?In addition, Antibiotic procedure of treating vaginosis.
Very often, these attacks can go months without any kind of diet which will proves that treating bacterial vaginosis sufferers were closing down their social lives and can even help to get rid of it are simply factors that causes vaginosis.This is because these remedies and other factors.It can also help to address the root causes and it had been using medications which have little or no food value.The bacterial that is the best natural cures that are taken to make sure that they fail to realize I needed to be perfect from the black walnut called juglone, combats bacteria and the pain is mistaken as BV is not pus, but a combination of factors that are left frustrated after the person cannot endure the itch and smell if they have been killed with the purpose to decreasing your blood sugar level.These bacteria when functioning normally keep the problem usually reappears as soon as possible.
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drmaheshkulkarni · 4 years
Ways to Eliminate Knee Stress Rapidly: Medical And Treatments Treatment Method
Knee discomfort is also fairly common and has an effect on persons of most ages, however nonetheless, it more often than not comes about for several explanations. From the old age category, it's ordinarily a personal accident, for example as for instance ligament sprain, tendonitis or even meniscus rupture. Already on the list of elderly people, a few issues for example arthritis, diseases, and constipation certainly really are far common source of ache. Many may be dealt with in your home, however in a few instances, is critical to hotel into health therapy, for example operation.
 Reduce weight if You Are Carrying Extra Weight or fat to Knock out knee pain
 Over weight men and women, notably people that have fatnessare far more inclined to suffer knee discomfort because of compression of their joints. This greater strain tires that the knee more the years (at case of arthritis) and causes more distress and harm to the joints and ligaments. Additionally, people who are overweight are at increased chance of creating a level foot (a bodily illness at which in fact the only completely rolls the earth as soon as the man or woman is position ), leading to the look of knees wagy (malposition of their knees) and exerts far more tension onto the outer faces of the joint. Weight reduction alleviates this anxiety and lowers ache.
 The most effective & most efficacious approach to shed weight would be to lower your calories by 500 calories per day, which may lead one to reduce around two pounds a calendar month. Though physical action is a fundamental part of the nutritious way of life, ingesting wholesome is far more crucial and it has a lot more rewards as soon as it regards fat reduction.
Little by little raise your cardio sessions (for example, walking climbing biking or stairs ) even though cutting your calorie consumption.
  Do routine Athletics to Find rid of knee soreness quickly
 The custom of the bodily exercise is crucial that you reinforce the muscles across your entire body, which behave as an second damper. Like a consequence the more robust parts of your muscles (notably the quadriceps, the more anterior muscles of the calf and calf ), the longer they will consume the effect. Nevertheless not all of exercises are all advantageous to your own knees, particularly in the event that you currently possess pain inside the place. Highintensity pursuits like moderate running, jogging, tennis and scaling staircase will merely create the pain even worse. For that reason, target just on uncomplicated exercises like walking and biking, outside and at a fitness center. Routine sports makes it possible to to receive reduce knee soreness rapid.
 A number of exercises fortify the quadriceps (anterior muscle tissues of the uterus ), both the hamstrings and also the calf without even exerting powerful strain over the knee joint. All these really are miniature squats, leg and pressure extensions. They need to not lead to pain and also demand spinal flexion that will not exceed 4 5 amounts.
Talk using a fitness expert or physiotherapist softball knee workout routines, such as for example aided flexion, which don't need higher joint motions.
Re-place extra-curricular actions with drinking water swimming and rowing pool. The buoyancy of the water minimizes pressure within the knees is just a significant approach to operate the leg muscle tissue. Additionally, swimming is ideal for shedding weightreduction
 Place ice hockey should You've Got acute pain
 In case the ache can be just a surprising consequence of injury and swelling, utilize cool remedy (making use of ice cubes, crushed icehockey, ice packs, or even loaf of frozen fruits ) to decrease distress and pain. Inflammation. Ice aids the vessels (called as vasoconstriction) situated close to the top layer of the skin, lowering blood circulation and therefore restraining irritation. A ligament or meniscal tear (cartilage) can be really a standard severe lesion and brings about severe and jagged soreness.
 Utilize chilly knee remedy for about ten to twenty minutes until the place gets numb. In the beginning, doit to five times each day before symptoms fall.
Consistently wrapping the smashed ice or cool pops at a lean cloth just before deciding on skin in order to prevent skin discomfort or frost bite.
Employ your cool compress onto the painful and debilitating region of the knee. Commonly, you ought to do this upon the surfaces of this surface of the barbell, which will be the tendons and ligaments.
 Make use of a damp heating supply in the Event of Persistent pain
 Continual discomfort (continuing soreness which continues ) is often as a result of atherosclerosis, like atherosclerosis, due to cartilage usage. Osteo-arthritis induces a pain that is dull, early morning stiffness, plus a great deal of jelqing sounds when strolling but swelling. Inside this instance, using some resource of moisture and heat is significantly more preferable to chilly therapy for the reason that it calms blood vessels close to the backbone, enhancing flow and decreasing stiffness. Preferably, utilize microwave-based natural teabags (generally full of wheat, bulgur or corn ), particularly if additionally they comprise aromatic chemicals extracted from crops (like lavender). Moist warmth sources allow one to eliminate knee soreness rapid and readily.
 Put your herb pouch at the microwave for a couple momemts and employ it early each afternoon into the debilitating place or following a very lengthy amount of inactivity. Leave for 15 to 20 minutesto five times daily. Avoid electric heat sources because they may dehydrate muscles and skin across the knee.
Still another alternative is always to allow decreased limbs saturated into a hot tub of plain water using Epsom salts, that support relieve pain and stiffness. Epsom salt is also full of calcium .
Using a heating source may possibly perhaps not succeed for curing issues including too much irritation, for example as rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis , gout strikes or bursitis.
Require Overthecounter drugs to Find rid of knee pain
 Consider utilizing non-toxic anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen, aspirin, or naproxen for temporary respite from chronic or severe discomfort. Overthecounter pain relievers like paracetamol assist alleviate moderate to moderate discomfort due to arthritis, nevertheless they don't need a lot of impact on swelling and inflammation.
 Non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs may be competitive for your own kidneys and gut. For that reason, usually do not swallow these (significantly more than just a couple months ). Require drugs with meals or following dinner to decrease the probability of stomach discomfort.
Long-term utilization of gingivitis could be damaging for the liverdisease. So, constantly stick to the tips of the bundle leaflet or even doctor. Never carry them .
Additionally, for basic safety (however maybe not as powerful ), employ a product or gel-based on anti-hypertensive anti inflammatory prescription drugs or paracetamol onto the sore knee.
Many ordinary lotions usually comprise capsaicin or menthol, which protects the mind in the aggravation and tingles.
  Eat up more Omega3 Efas to Eliminate knee pain
 Clinical elements contribute to pain, specially the ones that encourage a great deal of bodyweight, like knees. By way of instance, an eating plan full of processed sugars is frequently connected with knee pain, even while an eating plan full of omega 3 reduces vexation as a result of anti inflammatory impacts of the nutritional supplement. This nutritional supplement is now even better at combating knee discomfort because of gout. Consuming omega3 efas will undoubtedly be very good for eradicate abdominal ache.
 The primary omega-3 fatty acids present in foods items are α-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Nevertheless our daily diet has been inferior at such parts.
Fresh-water fishplants and nut oils would be the principal origins.
EPA and DHA can be found in salmon, mackerel, and salmon, whereas ALA can be available in freshwater, flax seed, soybean, Pump Kin and berry seeds, also walnuts.
Still another alternative is always to absorb fish seed or oil oil health supplements to battle disquiet. The perfect dose is commonly 1000 mg, either 2 or three times every day.
Require chondroitin and glucosamine Health Supplements
 These chemicals are located in every areas of their human anatomy. Glucosamine, particularly, is necessary for joint lubrication, even whilst chondroitin is very important to liquid absorption during shock and cartilage. These 2 substances might be absorbed at the shape of supplements. Research implies they reduce arthritis discomfort, notably in joints which encourage a great deal of bodyweight, like knees.
 As well as alleviating distress, glucosamine additionally enhances knee distress in gentle to moderate gingivitis.
Glucosamine sulfate is normally generated from crustaceans and mollusks, that may result in allergy symptoms. Glucosamine hydrochloride is more powerful and more can be created of plant resources.
To receive rid of the issue, just take 500 milligrams of the health supplement mixture three or four times every day. You may go for inclusion for being a liquid and also maybe not really a pill or powder. Bear in mind it may require a minimum of two weeks to find meaningful outcomes.
  The way you are able to eliminate knee discomfort from choosing health therapy?
 Today we'll talk about the method that you're able to eliminate knee discomfort from choosing an alternative type of health remedies.
 Get Recommended medication
 Telephone your physician's office to generate a consultation to identify the exact reason for the ache. He'll carry out physical exam and arrange a x ray and blood flow examinations to ensure the investigation. If home or over-the-counter remedies aren't successful, consult the healthcare provider to prescribe better prescription drugs.
 The specific inhibitors of cyclooxygenase two (cox 2 ) or coxibs are potent anti inflammatory anti inflammatory medication which are not as annoying to the gut. Commonly, they've been recommended to take care of osteoarthritis of the knee.
Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) usually are approved to minimize soreness and also stop the training course of arthritis rheumatoid by simply slowing the immunity apparatus. The absolute most usual is methotrexate.
  Learn-about steroid shots
 A shot of corticosteroids from the afflicted spot could easily alleviate inflammation and pain, but in addition increase flexibility and endurance. These hormones also behave as highly effective anti-inflammatories from the human body and also usually are handled from the joints below anesthesia. This process has to be executed through an accredited surgeon. Probably the most typically approved synthetic substances are all cortisone, dexamethasone, prednisolone, and triamcinolone. The consequences are always short: that the aid lasts in the month or so into a couple months.
 Should you regard this particular option, then you should get a max of a single shot every 3 weeks to steer clear of a corrosion of this knee more faster.
The probable risks with the treatment are: ailments, stomach fatigue, bleeding, and localized muscular atrophy, aggravation or neurological injury.
Injections might be rather costly if your medical insurance doesn't pay this therapy. Thus, talk by means of your insurance policy company.
Try out acupuncture
 Acupuncture consists of inserting very thin needles in certain tactical energy details onto skin to alleviate distress, decrease inflammation and encourage the curing procedure. As stated by analyze, this method might minimize some types of knee soreness and increase joint work, notably in people with gout. The therapy is comparatively cheap and has ever been safe and sound and can be well worth trying whether it satisfies your financial plan. Additionally, some acupuncture periods included in medical insurance when they achieved by means of a physician.
 Acupuncture generally seems to decrease pain and inflammation by stimulating the release of hormones. Such as for instance dopamine as well as other compounds called polyphenols.
Nowadays, acupuncture practiced by additional caregivers, which include general practitioners, therapists, physiotherapists, naturopaths, and therapeutic massage therapists. No matter be sure that your practitioner is qualified with a expert human body.
  Consider operation like a Final hotel
 In case the soreness persists irrespective of homemade cures, prescription drugs and other solutions, seek advice from your physician to go over the pros and disadvantages of a surgery. The task known as just in acute instances of arthritis and also to cure major injury, including ligaments, meniscus, tendon rupture and fractures. There are a lot of surgical alternatives, which includes arthroscopy and partial and total arthroplasties.
 Arthroscopy can be really a procedure which involves simulating a little incision tool having a digicam (arthroscope) in to the knee combined to both wash cracked ribs and also fix ligaments. The whole period of convalescence is quite quick (just one or 2 months ) with regards to the degree of the harm.
Synovectomy includes taking away the mucous coating of this joint together with rheumatoid arthritis arthritis.
Osteotomy includes the re alignment of those bones which form the knee joint, so in other words, that the tibia and femur.
In terms of arthroplasty, it's an overall partial or total substitute of this spinal column. It entails replacement damaged or cartilage bone using a synthetic plastic or metallic combined.
 Turmeric powder can be definitely an superb all-natural replacement for anti inflammatory anti inflammatory medication (NSAIDs). It will help relieve joint and swelling pain, so which makes it a very superb NSAID like ibuprofen. Affect the afflicted place 600 to 1000 milligrams per day in divided dosages, however it's crucial that you go over it with a physician.
Injections of lipoic acid really certainly are the superb all-natural option for people of corticosteroids. Veterinarians frequently put it to use in order to lubricate joints and also boost joint movements. The shot administered per week for 3 weeks to 5 months.
 Consume a Great Deal of Plain Water. Water important for the right performance of these joints. Drink 8 glasses of water daily to maintain them well-intentioned.
Attempt these procedures mentioned before to knock out knee soreness rapid.
 About Doctor
Dr Mahesh Kulkarni is an alumnus of B.J.Medical College, Pune. He completed his MBBS and subsequently MS (Trauma and Orthopaedics) from B.J.Medical college and Sassoon General Hospitals in Jan 1997.He migrated to United Kingdom in 1997 for higher studies after completing his PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board) test conducted by the General Medical Council (GMC). He started working at the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. He was then appointed as a registrar in the South-West rotation at Bristol. He completed his FRCS from the prestigious Royal College of Surgeons at Edinburgh in 2000. He completed his MCh course from the University of Liverpool in 2004.He was appointed as a Specialist Registrar in Trauma and Orthopaedics at the South-West rotation in Bristol in 2003. He completed his FRCS (Trauma and Orthopaedics), intercollegiate speciality board exam in 2005. He was awarded CCST (Certificate of Completion of Specialist training) in Trauma and Orthopaedics in 2006 and is on the GMC’s Specialist Register as a qualified Orthopaedic Surgeon.He received training at various hospitals on the Bristol rotation. He underwent speciality training in Lower Limb arthroplasty (Joint Replacement surgery of Hips and knees) at the prestigious Avon Orthopaedic Center (Southmead Hospital). He worked and trained with Professor Ian Learmonth, John Newman and Evert Smith. He worked at Bristol Pelvic Trauma Unit, specialising in Pelvic and acetabular fracture treatment at Frenchay Hospital, Bristol for one year.He completed his ATLS (Advance Trauma Life Support) training in 1999 and attended various conferences and CME’s while in England. He completed his AO fellowship in Trauma at Flinders Medical Center in Adelaide, Australia in 2006.He migrated to Pune, India in Jan 2007. Since then he has performed several Hip and Knee replacement surgeries including primary and revision replacement surgery. He has performed significant number of surgeries for fractures of Pelvis and Acetabulum.
He has been invited as faculty for various conferences on advances in Joint Replacement surgery and treatment of Pelvic and Acetabular fractures. He is a faculty with AO and has been on various courses in India and Asia-Pacific region. He is also a faculty with ATLS india.
He is currently working as a Senior Joint Replacement surgeon and specialist in Pelvic and Acetabular fractures at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, and Jehangir Hospital in Pune.
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cassolotl · 5 years
Testosterone, Day 432
That’s just over 14 months. Still on one pump of Tostran per day, which is 10mg of testosterone. (For comparison, I found out that one pump of Androgel or Testogel is 20.25mg.) My dose is considered low. Gel vs. injections dosages are not comparable so watch out for that.
BIG CHANGE compared to the last update: 5 days ago (27th Nov), I had my first injection of Decapeptyl (intramuscular injection, administered to the buttock every 12 weeks by a nurse who can do IM injections). It’s a hormone blocker that shuts down my ovaries, as far as I know? It didn’t hurt at all, but I gather that pain varies from injection to injection. It has different components that need to be mixed with a separate syringe, so it’s not really like getting a flu jab.
It was prescribed to me by the endocrinologist at the London gender clinic, after I explained that 12 days of being off T (even coming off only 1 pump of Tostran per day, the lowest of the low) gave me some truly awful menstrual symptoms. The idea is, if I’m on Decapeptyl and it stops my ovaries, coming off T will only cause coming-off-T symptoms rather than that plus menstrual symptoms. Then I can look into either going into menopause on purpose (and taking drugs to prevent heart problems and osteoporosis), being on T again, or letting my ovaries kick back in.
I am curious to find out how it affects my sex drive and my appetite, which are the two things that are affected most by hormonal treatments for me. (Testosterone made my sex drive increase a LOT at first and then gradually decrease until it’s back to normal after 6 months, and as my sex drive gets back to normal my appetite increases.) It’s only been a few days and it takes at least a month to get to its full effect so it’s going to be a while until I find out how it feels.
Last entry: Day 309.
Skin: My skin is totally back to normal! If anything, it’s a little better than pre-T because the highs and lows of my menstrual cycle are levelling out.
Appetite: I have that thing, a very familiar hormone thing for me by now, that I’ve had before with hormonal birth control and with the first round of T: wanting to eat and feeling “fake hungry” even though I can tell I’ve had plenty of food. It happens especially in the evening, and I always want to eat carbs. It happened 6 months into the first testosterone period, and then at 7ish months I stopped T for 12 days and then started again for unrelated reasons and my appetite got totally reset back to normal and it was such a relief. Now, it’s about the same amount of time into testosterone again and I’ve been noticing the weird appetite creeping back in over the last couple of weeks. So I guess this is just something that happens after 6 months on T for me!
Sex drive: Pretty much back to pre-T levels.
Menstrual cycle: (I have working ovaries but no uterus so it’s just hormonal cycle stuff.) My joints generally feel less loose than before, and my pre-menstrual symptoms are much reduced.
Voice: There has been very little change over the past 3-5 months. It’s just a very slow meandering downwards, really. Sometimes I feel really resonant in my voice, and sometimes it gets kind of more head-voicey (which feels bad at the time), and in the head-voice times it gets higher-pitched and then it cracks a bit in a teenage boy way, and I have to consciously lower my pitch and deepen the resonance to reset myself!
Body hair: Very little change over the past few months. The hair under my belly button is a bit coarser, and it’s spreading out a bit. I have visible but light soft hairs on my thighs. My lower legs are a bit hairier, and the hair extends to the top of my feet a little bit. I continue to be not into the masculine body hair pattern, but I can live with it for the time being I think!
Facial hair: Darker hairs on my upper lip, still quite cis woman amounts. Some very light peach fuzz on my cheeks, and lately I’ve noticed some tiny hairs on my lower lip too. When it was just my upper lip, my facial hair gave me masc and fem dysphoria at the same time - fem because it’s a very typical cis women look, and masc because I know it’s caused by taking testosterone. The increase in other facial hair is reducing dysphoria all round though, I feel pretty okay about it, even though I was not expecting to. I hope it doesn’t get thicker.
Genitals: No change since the last update. I am 100% ready for the metoidioplasty (no testicular prostheses, no vaginectomy, no urethral messing-about), but it’s going to be a couple of years probably.
Fat distribution: My body fat is mostly concentrated around my middle (belly and thighs) now, and I don’t think I have any gender dysphoria about it, but it does bother me because testosterone has increased my appetite, so I’m putting on weight and I don’t like it! I hate having to buy new clothes and I hate change (#ActuallyAutistic), so I just want my body to be the same size as before but with smaller hips and whatnot.
Actual hormones: Since the last update I had a fasting blood test 4-6 hours after applying the Tostran gel and it was about 13 nmol - low masculine range, but higher than the last T blood test.
Hairline: It still feels a smidge higher than pre-T. I’ve been growing out my hair for 122 days and it looks ridiculous, but I can’t blame testosterone for that - it’s just that it’s too long and too short at the same time, that classic growing-out-your-hair feeling.
Transition details: Nonbinary, only really want to change my voice pitch and then stop, I’m on the lowest dose of testosterone.
Voice pitch app data:
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armshape89-blog · 4 years
Efficient Natural and organic Remedies To Take Care Of Level of acidity, Heartburn symptoms By natural means
Just in case you have problems with from heartburn, being aware of natural and organic meals that aid heartburn symptoms is important. I would personally motivate every individual who is experiencing the acid reflux disorder problem issue to get rid of the paradox linked to acid reflux disorder problem dis-alleviate. To be able to supply quick lessening to grownups in the event there is certainly heartburn symptoms or acid reflux disorder condition, you must try a number of residential alternatives. Actual physical elements that initialize GERD include reduced esophageal sphincter (LES) hypotonia (the modern weakening through the LES), along with retrograde movement of tummy components directly into the esophagus, together with the measure of level of sensitivity of your own esophageal mucous for that reflux content. Typical factors behind acid reflux disorder and also GERD include pregnancy, history of hiatal hernias, obesity, eating a poor diet, more aged age along with an disproportion of abdomen acidity. Plus the primary reason why is generally organic residence cures are all-natural remedies. This will keep you from laying toned and stop gravity from impacting on the acidity with the tummy to maneuver up in your esophagus. Uncooked and also unfiltered apple company cider vinegar can be discovered to be being a all-normal remedy for healing acid reflux disorder troubles. Most Effective Natural Remedies For Heartburn Thankfully, you just might treat your acid reflux ailment naturally. Heartburn is actually a sign of GERD ( gastroesophageal reflux issue ), as well as it's a result of acid solution refluxing into the esophagus. Which generally signifies no nighttime snacking or maybe a nightcap possibly, all of that will ramp up abdomen acid production. It's regarded that it could aid in increasing the mucous coating of your personal esophageal coating, which may possibly safeguard your esophagus from damage due to stomach acid. Stomach acid has to be all around 1.2 to 2.5 pH to complete the several responses that it tummy has to do. When these allergic reactions will not likely take place, a cascade of harmful situations commences. At times acid reflux disorder continues to GERD, a far more extreme kind of reflux. During this time, the tummy offers acidity and digestive enzymes that happen to be controlled by lots of enzymatic and also hormonal signals during digestive system. You will need an emergency means to fix the concern of the way to get respite from level of acidity as soon as the upset stomach dilemma carries on. Popular Natural Remedies For Heartburn It cuts down on inflammations in stomach and enhances the development of digestion nutrients in body. I just do advise experiencing your individual physician along with hunting immediately after any kind of wellness-associated signs and symptoms each time they initial look because it's quicker to ease in addition to boost signs as well as to street address the reason for well being problems immediately after they first manifest, instead of waiting around right up until finally they progress directly into a significant issue. Too much utilization of water can serve as a cause of hyperacidity. So Exactly what Can I Take in To Absorb Belly Acidity. Continue to we encounter acidity and in addition acid reflux disease every day. Most drugstore remedies are created to adjust or decrease acid solution strength or quit the belly lining from creating much more acid. It really is a issue through which belly acid seeps back into the esophagus to bring about a burning up experience as well as a lot of soreness. The whole label manufactured assist of by the medical profession from the US is gastro esophageal reflux condition along with inside the Great britain gastro oesophageal reflux sickness. Promotility Agents: This particular treatment energizes the gastrointestinal pathway bicep muscle tissue as a way to prevent the dinner intakes from settling in the abdominal area in excess of essential. As an example, h2o is a really efficient therapies in acidity or acid reflux need to this be caused by irregular diet behavior. Food items which can be high in excess fat plus sugars may cause hyperacidity. Moreover, the growing uterus crowds the abdomen, compelling acidity into the esophagus.
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Health System: Obesity Epedemic
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Obesity is arguably the largest medical epidemic we face today—in the U.S. and around the world. It’s also one of the leading causes of preventable chronic diseases and healthcare costs. Yet we aren’t doing enough to combat it.
What is obesity?
The definition of obesity varies depending on what one reads. In general, overweight and obesity indicate a weight greater than what is healthy. Obesity is a chronic condition defined by an excess amount of body fat. A certain amount of body fat is necessary for storing energy, heat insulation, shock absorption, and other functions.
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Body mass index best defines obesity. A person's height and weight determines his or her body mass index. The body mass index (BMI) equals a person's weight in kilograms (kg) divided by their height in meters (m) squared (more information will be found later in the article). Since BMI describes body weight relative to height, there is a strong correlation with total body fat content in adults. An adult who has a BMI of 25-29.9 is overweight, and an adult who has a BMI over 30 is obese. A person with a BMI of 18.5-24.9 has a normal weight. A person is morbidly obese (extreme obesity) if his or her BMI is over 40.
What are the health risks associated with obesity?
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Obesity is not just a cosmetic consideration; it is harmful to one's health as it is a risk factor for many conditions. In the United States, roughly 112,000 deaths per year are directly related to obesity, and most of these deaths are in patients with a BMI over 30. Patients with a BMI over 40 have a reduced life expectancy. 
Obesity also increases the risk of developing a number of chronic diseases, including the following:
Insulin resistance. Insulin is necessary for the transport of blood glucose (sugar) into the cells of muscle and fat (which the body uses for energy). By transporting glucose into cells, insulin keeps the blood glucose levels in the normal range. Insulin resistance (IR) is the condition whereby there is diminished effectiveness of insulin in transporting glucose (sugar) into cells. Fat cells are more insulin resistant than muscle cells; therefore, one important cause of insulin resistance is obesity. The pancreas initially responds to insulin resistance by producing more insulin. As long as the pancreas can produce enough insulin to overcome this resistance, blood glucose levels remain normal. This insulin resistance state (characterized by normal blood glucose levels and high insulin levels) can last for years. Once the pancreas can no longer keep up with producing high levels of insulin, blood glucose levels begin to rise, resulting in type 2 diabetes, thus insulin resistance is a pre-diabetes condition.
Type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes. The risk of type 2 diabetes increases with the degree and duration of obesity. Type 2 diabetes is associated with central obesity; a person with central obesity has excess fat around his/her waist (apple-shaped figure).
High blood pressure (hypertension). Hypertension is common among obese adults. A Norwegian study showed that weight gain tended to increase blood pressure in women more significantly than in men.
High cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia)
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident or CVA)
Heart attack. A prospective study found that the risk of developing coronary artery disease increased three to four times in women who had a BMI greater than 29. A Finnish study showed that for every 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) increase in body weight, the risk of death from coronary artery disease increased by 1%. In patients who have already had a heart attack, obesity is associated with an increased likelihood of a second heart attack.
Congestive heart failure
Cancer. Obesity is a risk factor for cancer of the colon in men and women, cancer of the rectum and prostate in men, and cancer of the gallbladder and uterus in women. Obesity may also be associated with breast cancer, particularly in postmenopausal women. Fat tissue is important in the production of estrogen, and prolonged exposure to high levels of estrogen increases the risk of breast cancer.
Gout and gouty arthritis
Osteoarthritis (degenerative arthritis) of the knees, hips, and the lower back
Sleep apnea
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Most Common Causes of Obesity
The balance between calorie intake and energy expenditure determines a person's weight. If a person eats more calories than he or she burns (metabolizes), the person gains weight (the body will store the excess energy as fat). If a person eats fewer calories than he or she metabolizes, he or she will lose weight. Therefore, the most common causes of obesity are overeating and physical inactivity. Ultimately, body weight is the result of genetics, metabolism, environment, behavior, and culture.
Physical inactivity. Sedentary people burn fewer calories than people who are active. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) showed a strong correlations between physical inactivity and weight gain in both sexes.
Overeating. Overeating leads to weight gain, especially if the diet is high in fat. Foods high in fat or sugar (for example, fast food, fried food, and sweets) have high energy density (foods that have a lot of calories in a small amount of food). Epidemiologic studies have shown that diets high in fat contribute to weight gain.
Genetics. A person is more likely to develop obesity if one or both parents are obese. Genetics also affect hormones involved in fat regulation. For example, one genetic cause of obesity is leptin deficiency. Leptin is a hormone produced in fat cells and in the placenta. Leptin controls weight by signaling the brain to eat less when body fat stores are too high. If, for some reason, the body cannot produce enough leptin or leptin cannot signal the brain to eat less, this control is lost, and obesity occurs. The role of leptin replacement as a treatment for obesity is under exploration.
A diet high in simple carbohydrates. The role of carbohydrates in weight gain is not clear. Carbohydrates increase blood glucose levels, which in turn stimulate insulin release by the pancreas, and insulin promotes the growth of fat tissue and can cause weight gain. Some scientists believe that simple carbohydrates (sugars, fructose, desserts, soft drinks, beer, wine, etc.) contribute to weight gain because they are more rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream than complex carbohydrates (pasta, brown rice, grains, vegetables, raw fruits, etc.) and thus cause a more pronounced insulin release after meals than complex carbohydrates. This higher insulin release, some scientists believe, contributes to weight gain.
Frequency of eating. The relationship between frequency of eating (how often you eat) and weight is somewhat controversial. There are many reports of overweight people eating less often than people with normal weight. Scientists have observed that people who eat small meals four or five times daily, have lower cholesterol levels and lower and/or more stable blood sugar levels than people who eat less frequently (two or three large meals daily). One possible explanation is that small frequent meals produce stable insulin levels, whereas large meals cause large spikes of insulin after meals.
Medications. Medications associated with weight gain include certain antidepressants (medications used in treating depression), anticonvulsants (medications used in controlling seizures such as carbamazepine [Tegretol, Tegretol XR , Equetro, Carbatrol] and valproate [Depacon, Depakene]), some diabetes medications (medications used in lowering blood sugar such as insulin, sulfonylureas, and thiazolidinediones), certain hormones such as oral contraceptives, and most corticosteroids such as prednisone. Some high blood pressure medications and antihistamines cause weight gain. The reason for the weight gain with the medications differs for each medication. If this is a concern for you, you should discuss your medications with your physician rather than discontinuing the medication, as this could have serious effects.
Psychological factors. For some people, emotions influence eating habits. Many people eat excessively in response to emotions such as boredom, sadness, stress, or anger. While most overweight people have no more psychological disturbances than normal weight people, about 30% of the people who seek treatment for serious weight problems have difficulties with binge eating.
Diseases such as hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome, and Cushing's syndrome are also contributors to obesity. Some diseases, such as Prader-Willi syndrome, can lead to obesity.
Social issues: There is a link between social issues and obesity. Lack of money to purchase healthy foods or lack of safe places to walk or exercise can increase the risk of obesity.
What are other factors associated with obesity?
Ethnicity. Ethnicity factors may influence the age of onset and the rapidity of weight gain. African-American women and Hispanic women tend to experience weight gain earlier in life than Caucasians and Asians, and age-adjusted obesity rates are higher in these groups. Non-Hispanic black men and Hispanic men have a higher obesity rate then non-Hispanic white men, but the difference in prevalence is significantly less than in women.
Childhood weight. A person's weight during childhood, the teenage years, and early adulthood may also influence the development of adult obesity. Therefore, decreasing the prevalence of childhood obesity is one of the areas to focus on in the fight against obesity. For example,
Hormones. Women tend to gain weight especially during certain events such as pregnancy, menopause, and in some cases, with the use of oral contraceptives. However, with the availability of the lower-dose estrogen pills, weight gain has not been as great a risk.
being mildly overweight in the early 20s was linked to a substantial incidence of obesity by age 35;
being overweight during older childhood is highly predictive of adult obesity, especially if a parent is also obese;
being overweight during the teenage years is even a greater predictor of adult obesity.
What methods measure body fat?
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BMI is a calculated value and approximates the body's fat percentage. Actually measuring a person's body fat percentage is not easy and is often inaccurate without careful monitoring of the methods. The following methods require special equipment, trained personnel, can be costly, and some are only available in certain research facilities.
Underwater weighing (hydrostatic weighing): This method weighs a person underwater and then calculates lean body mass (muscle) and body fat. This method is one of the most accurate ones; however, the equipment is costly.
BOD POD: The BOD POD is a computerized, egg-shaped chamber. Using the same whole-body measurement principle as hydrostatic weighing, the BOD POD measures a subject's mass and volume, from which their whole-body density is determined. Using this data, body fat and lean muscle mass can then be calculated.
DEXA: Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) measures bone density. It uses X-rays to determine not only the percentage of body fat but also where and how much fat is located in the body.
The following two methods are simple and straightforward:
Skin calipers: This method measures the skinfold thickness of the layer of fat just under the skin in several parts of the body with calipers (a metal tool similar to forceps); the results are then used to calculate the percentage of body fat.
Bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA): There are two methods of the BIA. One involves standing on a special scale with footpads. A harmless amount of electrical current is sent through the body, and then percentage of body fat is calculated. The other type of BIA involves electrodes that are typically placed on a wrist and an ankle and on the back of the right hand and on the top of the foot. The change in voltage between the electrodes is measured. The person's body fat percentage is then calculated from the results of the BIA. Early on, this method showed variable results. Newer equipment and methods of analysis seem to have improved this method.
What can be done about obesity?
All too often, obesity prompts a strenuous diet in the hopes of reaching the "ideal body weight." Some amount of weight loss may be accomplished, but the lost weight usually quickly returns. Most people who lose weight regain the weight within five years. It is clear that a more effective, long-lasting treatment for obesity must be found.
We need to learn more about the causes of obesity, and then we need to change the ways we treat it. When obesity is accepted as a chronic disease, it will be treated like other chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. The treatment of obesity cannot be a short-term "fix" but has to be an ongoing lifelong process.
Obesity treatment must acknowledge that even modest weight loss can be beneficial. For example, a modest weight loss of 5%-10% of the initial weight, and long-term maintenance of that weight loss can bring significant health gains, including
lowered blood pressure;
reduced blood levels of cholesterol;
reduced risk of type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes (In the Nurses Health Study, women who lost 5 kilograms [11 pounds] of weight reduced their risk of diabetes by 50% or more.);
decreased chance of stroke;
decreased complications of heart disease;
decreased overall mortality.
It is not necessary to achieve an "ideal weight" to derive health benefits from obesity treatment. Instead, the goal of treatment should be to reach and hold to a "healthier weight." The emphasis of treatment should be to commit to the process of lifelong healthy living, including eating more wisely and increasing physical activity.
In sum, the goal in dealing with obesity is to achieve and maintain a "healthier weight."
What is the role of physical activity and exercise in obesity?
The National Health and Examination Survey (NHANES I) showed that people who engage in limited recreational activity were more likely to gain weight than more active people. Other studies have shown that people who engage in regular strenuous activity gain less weight than sedentary people.
Physical activity and exercise help burn calories. The amount of calories burned depends on the type, duration, and intensity of the activity. It also depends on the weight of the person. A 200-pound person will burn more calories running 1 mile than a 120-pound person, because the work of carrying those extra 80 pounds must be factored in. But exercise as a treatment for obesity is most effective when combined with a diet and weight-loss program. Exercise alone without dietary changes will have a limited effect on weight because one has to exercise a lot to simply lose 1 pound. However regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle to maintain a healthy weight for the long term. Another advantage of regular exercise as part of a weight-loss program is a greater loss of body fat versus lean muscle compared to those who diet alone.
Other benefits of exercise include
improved blood sugar control and increased insulin sensitivity (decreased insulin resistance),
reduced triglyceride levels and increased "good" HDL cholesterol levels,
lowered blood pressure,
a reduction in abdominal fat,
reduced risk of heart disease,
release of endorphins that make people feel good.
Remember, these health benefits can occur independently (with or without) achieving weight loss. Before starting an exercise program, talk to a doctor about the type and intensity of the exercise program.
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Maintaining your ideal body weight is a balancing act between food consumption and calories needed by the body for energy. You are what you eat. The kinds and amounts of food you eat affect your ability to maintain your ideal weight and to lose weight.
Medical science has established that eating proper foods can influence health for all age groups. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's current dietary guidelines state the following:
Eat a variety of foods.
Balance the food you eat with physical activity -- maintain or improve your weight.
Choose a diet with plenty of grain products, vegetables, and fruits.
Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.
Choose a diet moderate in sugars.
Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium.
If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation.
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Same anon if you don’t mind me asking how?
Not at all! This will be long and tw it will include talk of periods and blood and near death experiences.
When I was in 8th grade, I started having really irregular periods. Not just like oh this one is 3 days long and this one is 7 and it’s a different flow each time. Nah, I was bleeding or spotting ever day. For about 6 months. And it kept on that way, really irregular, long periods. So I went to the doctor. He put me on birth control pills to help regulate it and the first pill I was on gave me leg cramps so I got off it and then I had myself referred to another OBGYN because I didn’t like this guy 
And so we started doing ultrasounds and nothing was showing so we just tried to regulate it with a diff pill, but eventually, in about high school, found out that I had uterine fibroids which are basically non cancerous (they can be but are normally not) growths on or in the uterus. 
Because I was so young, my OBGYN didn’t want to do any invasive surgeries to try and fix them. A lot of the surgeries to stop their growth while they’re small often had negative effects on fertility and I was like 16 years old. So we made a plan and tried to use BC pills to keep it at bay (low estrogen because high estrogen can actually make them grow larger) and to keep the bleeding down. 
I had bi-yearly ultrasounds, internal ultrasounds as well, to monitor growth. I had MRI’s to determine the exact location (mine was closer to my back which made it in a very tricky spot too). I eventually was put on pain meds for my cramps because with extra growths, you know, I could hardly walk when I’d have cramps. Also got put on a medication that was supposed to help heavy bleeding but the kicker is you can only be on it for like 7 days every month or every other month or something because it’s so dangerous if taken regularly.
Eventually, BC pills stopped helping and really out of nowhere it just starting growing like crazy and the bigger it got, the harder it was going to be to get rid of and we were running out of options. 
The bleeding got worse and worse to the point where it’s a huge reason why I dropped out of college, I couldn’t go out because I would bleed so much. I had a problem with passing ginormous clots (like grapefruit sized clots). 
And then one night, luckily after I had moved out of my ex’s, I was getting ready for bed and I went to go pee and I was losing so much blood and I got really dizzy and I managed to stumble out of the bathroom and get to my mom’s room and say “I don’t feel good” and then I started passing out. 
My mom called 911 and they absolutely did not believe that this was from my period lol they thought I had overdosed or some whacky shit but I couldn’t stay conscious, they had me sit on a chair to try and stay with it but my mom said I kept convulsing so they put me on the floor and started an IV and took me to the hospital. By the time I got to the trauma bay, they were able to stop my bleeding, but I was one or two points off from needing a blood transfusion because it was my red blood cell count was SO low. My iron count was also dangerously low. 
With iron, you normally reproduce iron to make up for what you lose, and it gets stored in your bone marrow (or something like that aslkghlahsg) and I had lost all of the iron I’d ever had, like literally all of it. After I was released, I was sleeping for 16 hours a day because I was SO anemic and I needed to get IV Iron treatments because eating iron rich foods and supplements wouldn’t have given me enough iron back. Once my iron levels and red blood cell count got back to normal, I was scheduled for a hysterectomy.
Turns out, I had one giant one (which my doctor said was the equivalent of a six month pregnancy and the size of a basketball) and a bunch of small ones. They were able to keep my ovaries so I don’t need HRT and I didn’t have to go through menopause at 21 so that’s awesome. But yeah. 
“About 20 percent to 80 percent of women develop fibroids by the time they reach age 50. Fibroids are most common in women in their 40s and early 50s. Not all women with fibroids have symptoms.“ -- a vast majority of women who do have fibroids often have small ones that never need intervention or are asymptomatic. 
Being so young and having almost none of the common ‘risk factors’, doctors were quite baffled and my OBGYN consistently consulted with other experts and professionals about my case. 
Here are some photos of how it affected my body. A lot of people would see these photos and assume I’m either fat or pregnant. Almost my entire belly there is my uterus. The average uterus is 3-4 inches. Remember that my fibroid was the size of a basketball. In the middle photo, you can actually see it. That’s all fibroid. I actually have a photo of my uterus after he removed it (.....I wanted to see it so I requested photos LMAO) which I won’t post because it’s obviously too graphic but my surgeon put his hand splayed out next to it and it’s larger than that. 
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weird anecdote: I went in for an ultrasound once and obviously the techs have your file and stuff and I was you know lying there half naked waiting for an invasive vaginal exam and the tech comes in and she’s looking at my file and she looks at me and she goes “You’re not black!” I was like ... nope....I...I’m not...... and that was when I learned that black women are 3 times more likely to develop fibroids, and they tend to develop them at a younger age. 
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Had another MRI today on my lower back, and i can’t help but feel really skeptical about them finding anything. 
I know my current doctor said my old doctor was “full of shit” and “didn’t do his job” which makes me feel like... a glimmer of hope... but i still feel like i’m going to get a call this week with the dreaded “Everything looks fine! Your MRI came back completely clean. Dr T will see you in a couple of weeks to talk about the next step.” 
but we never get to the next step. Something always happens. I switch doctors, or my doctor retires, or my insurance laughs at me and says “LOL as if you NEED medical care! HAHAHA THAT’S CUTE. Now go get a job or we won’t give you insurance anymore. What’s that? You can’t work because you need medical attention? Wow. what a catch 22. Should have thought about that before you became poor.” 
I just want to get better. I want to stop being in pain. I’m tired of being okay for a couple of months and thinking “wow, we did it this time. I’m getting better. I’m recovering. I’m going to be able to hike and ride bikes and get a normal fucking job like everyone else my age!” and then relapse super hard and end up curled up in a ball on the bed, in so much pain, unsure of what the fuck to do next. 
The pain gets fucking blinding sometimes, but i just grit my teeth and deal with it, because every time i go to the ER, they can’t find anything. Nothing shows up. I’m dehydrated. I’m anemic. There’s a couple of fibroids on my ovaries/uterus but they’re so tiny they’re not causing any problems. Everything else looks “normal”. 
I’m tired of normal. I’m tired of pain. I’m tired of my family and my friends looking at me like i’m some hypochondriac making up mystery ailments because i’m too lazy or fat to do anything. I want to work. I want to go to school. I want to get married and have babies and live a normal fucking life. I can’t do that when i can’t stand up on my own for long periods of time. I can’t do that when i can’t stay awake because my blood-oxygen level is so fucking low i’m basically narcoleptic. I can’t do that when i’m in so much goddamn pain i’m basically living on a heating pad, because even 10 minutes off of it means my pain comes soaring back in.  I’m not giving up, though. I’m not wallowing in self-pity and just accepting shit. I have two massive reasons to keep going, and i know they’re not going to let me give up either. Hell, they’re the only people keeping me going when i feel like crumbling... I’m stubborn, headstrong, and determined to get better... i just wish it would hurry the fuck up a little. 6 years of trying to figure this out wears a fucking toll on you, y’know? 
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drcesaralara-blog · 5 years
Obesity And Cancer
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Dr Cesar Lara
Obesity, the new smoking
Cancer is a terminal disease caused by inhibition of cell growth. It impairs the normal process of cell growth, transformation and even death (apoptosis).  Cancer invades cells, tissues, blood vessels and molecules, spread into them and destroys them. Cancerous cells have been linked to malignant tumors which are quite life threatening. Interestingly but quite disturbing, beyond the widely known causatives of cancer (exposures to carcinogens) which could be environmentally induced (radon and UV radiation exposure); biologically enhanced (genetics); occupationally facilitated (exposures to radioactive material) or lifestyle related (smoking, the most popular). Obesity is associated with increasing the risk of having cancer and it is fast replacing smoking. Most people know smoking to be a deadly cause of cancer but in recent time, there have been a decrease in smoking rate (obviously because of the fear of having cancer) and an increase in the obesity rate. According to the new American Cancer Society report, about twenty eight thousand (28,000) obese men and seventy-two thousand (72,000) obese women have been diagnoses with cancer in the U.S. Also, out of the 544,000 cancer diagnoses globally, 3.9 percent have been caused by obesity. At this point, it is pertinent to point out that being obese does not mean you have cancer; it only increases your chances of contracting cancer (the probability is kinda high). Now, intimating everyone on the connection between obesity and cancer is inevitable especially at this time that obesity is on a fast rise. Nevertheless, how obesity causes cancer has not been properly documented as the connection between them is still being explored by scientist. However, some probable ways through which obesity can be linked to the ‘killer cells’ have been discovered. This article will attempt to point out some of these dimensions.
How obesity causes cancer
The probable ways through which obesity induces cancer are succinctly explained in the succeeding headings; Hormonal increase Excess fat in the body leads to increase in hormone levels. An increase in such hormone like insulin and Insulin growth factor for instance has been linked with cancer. Of course, these hormones instruct the body cells to split on a sporadic rate.  In the process, cancer cells are birth. Once cancerous cells are produced, the normal hormonal activity that regulates cell growth is hindered. As such, the cells defying apoptosis (cell death) continue to split until a tumor is induced. Gradually, the body immune defence system is rendered powerless and death becomes imminent. Also, the intake of excessive sugar especially in high carbohydrate diet can increase insulin level and in turn, cause cancer. Visceral fats This body fat is stored around the abdominal cavity where it envelopes several critical body organs such as, the pancreas, the liver and the intestines. Usually, when this body fat is excessively accumulated by the body, it poses serious health risk to the body.  According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, visceral fat is a metabolic organ that produces the estrogen hormones which is linked to a higher incidence of breast and some other forms of cancer. Furthermore, these fats impacts on insulin level (it drives it higher) through protein secretion which stimulates cell growth, consequently, increasing the risk of contracting cancer. Impacts on immune-surveillance Natural killer Cells Normally, the body has its defence system known at the immune system. This is an army of white blood cells charged with the defence of the body against harmful bacteria and pathogens. But when excess fats storm a person’s body, the functioning of these cells becomes inhibited and compromised. According to a joint recent study by researchers from the Harvard medical school; trinity college of Dublin, UK; and the Brigham Women’s Hospital published in the Journal of Nature Immunology, the effect of obesity on the natural killer cells is quite profound. Their study found out that in obese people, the natural killers cells are clogged around by fat such that they are rendered powerless to perform their defence function. Cancerous cells in these fats churn down the powers of the immune system.
Cancer caused by obesity
In recent times, obese people have been identified with the increased risk of contracting esophageal cancer, colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer (among post-menopausal women), prostate cancer, endometrium cancer and gall bladder cancer Breast cancer as it relates to obesity is prevalent in obese women who have passed the stage of menopause. The production of estrogen by fat tissues after menopause becomes the main hormone source. As such, where excess fat produces excess estrogen, the risk of breast cancer becomes high. Colorectal cancer affects the bowels (the colon and the rectum). It is caused by having excess belly fats (that is, a bigger waist line). Endometrial cancer affects women uterus especially after menopause. It is induced by excess estrogen levels caused by fat tissues which changes a hormone called androgen into estrogen, hereby, increasing the risk of having cancer. Endometrial cancer has been found common in many obese women. It is also twice common in overweight women when compared to women who have health weight. Pancreatic and liver cancer is caused by excessive visceral fats. These fats impair on the liver cells and pancreas cell, impacting upon their normal regulated functioning. Prostate cancer is also induced by altered level of serum in hormones such as testosterone, insulin, leptin and oestrogen. Gall bladder cancer is associated with the gall bladder which is a small organ beside the liver that produces bile which aids digestion. Excess fat in the body causes gall stone, consequently, increasing the risk of having cancer of the gall bladder. At this juncture, it must also be established that the recurrence of cancer is highly associated with obese persons than those with normal weights. More so, in obese patients, there exist cases of unwanted and more severe side effects arising from the treatment of cancer. For instance, there is the risk of treatment related lymphedema in obese breast cancer survivors and even death from myeloma for people with high level of obesity.
How to escape this
Basically, one of the keys to avoiding cancer risk is to avoid gaining weight in the first instance. You can achieve this by being conscious of what you eat and through regular exercise. A mostly organic/non-GMO plant base nutrition with some animal protein like fish, chicken, eggs, grass fed beef and healthy fats is key. Although, it is undeniable that it is a challenge to attain and maintain a healthy weight, nevertheless, there are compelling reasons to strive to do so. We must know that improving our nutrition enhances the ability of our body to heal itself. It also helps us to improve our blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose, hence, decreasing the risk for diabetes and heart disease. Most importantly, improving our nutrition helps us to decrease the likelihood of developing cancer. - - - - - - - - - - For more information visit: https://drcesarlara.com Follow Dr Lara @drcesarara on your favorite social media platform
https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323654.php https://www.nature.com/articles/s41590-018-0251-7 https://www.cancer.net/navigating-cancer-care/prevention-and-healthy-living/obesity-weight-and-cancer-risk https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/causes-of-cancer/obesity-weight-and-cancer/does-obesity-cause-cancer https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/causes-of-cancer/obesity-weight-and-cancer/does-obesity-cause-cancer https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/155598.php https://www.cancer.org/cancer/endometrial-cancer/causes-risks-prevention/risk-factors.html https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3179687/   Read the full article
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Welcome to my uterus. Here’s my story. Now get out.
I wasn’t an irresponsible teenager or a single twentysomething or a victim of rape or incest or carrying a nonviable fetus when I had my abortion.
Arguably, I’d never been in a better position for motherhood, except I was pretty old for it at 42. I was married to a good, responsible man and working a high-stress but high-paying job.
I say all this knowing it’s none of your business that I had an abortion or why. But I tell you because my right to have one is under attack, and you need to know that people YOU know had abortions, and they had their reasons, and there aren’t certain people whose right to an abortion should be protected and those whose shouldn’t. My uterus, my choice, to be made with my partner, my doctor, my pastor and whoever I wish to gather data from. Normally, I’d tell you to stay out of it, but this damn country right now is prompting me to invite you into it for a little storytime.
My birth control, taken in pill form and missed probably three times in 20 years, had failed me. Turns out St. John’s wort, which I took to deal with that stressful job, interferes with the pill. (You may want to make a note of that, fertile women.) When my period hadn’t arrived a week after its scheduled time and I felt nauseated every morning, I took a pregnancy test just to calm myself down, because I KNEW there was no way I’d be pregnant.
I sat in our tiny downstairs bathroom with my pee stick and my phone, counting the minutes, and there it was: the second stripe. I worked up another pee for the second test. Double stripes. A tiny pinprick-stabbing sensation started at the top of my head and traveled to my fingertips. A child was something I wanted for literally one day when I was turning 35 and afraid of missing out on an experience most of my friends were treasuring. On THAT occasion, I skipped the pill and had sex with my first husband, only to fearfully gulp down two pills the next morning and start watching the calendar. That’s how opposed to motherhood I’ve been. Why? Probably because I’m the oldest of five children and was helping Mommy by the time I started kindergarten. Or maybe I think my screwed-up lineage should end with me. It doesn’t matter. That’s who I am.
I felt panicky. Without ever leaving the toilet, I looked up abortion clinics on my phone, and scrolling through my whole two options, it finally occurred to me I should tell the other person involved in this situation. I pulled up my underwear and opened the bathroom door. JJ was playing a video game, which he paused when he saw my face.
“What?” he asked.
“I’m pregnant,” I said.
He was quiet for a moment. “Well, I told you my family’s sperm could overcome anything.”
I didn’t laugh. “We need to talk about what we’re going to do. I want to get an abortion. We also have gay friends who want a baby. Maybe we should consider that. But that would mean me going through a pregnancy and trying to figure out whether the baby would be healthy, and I don’t know if I could stand it.”
He shook his head. “I couldn’t watch people we know raising my child.”
“I saw online where I could have an abortion on Tuesday. It’s $600,” I said. 
We sat in silence until he turned the video game back on. “Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME? You’re going to PLAY A VIDEO GAME RIGHT NOW?” I yelled.
Later, I figured out that was his way of numbing himself before he had a panic attack.
I took a sick day that Tuesday, and the two of us drove to a clinic in South Nashville. The woman on the phone told us to leave everything in the car except a method of payment. We couldn’t carry anything in — for security reasons. No books. No phones. Just a credit card carried on a short walk from the car, listening to protesters across the street shouting, “We can help you save your baby! Don’t do this! Think about it!”
As though I hadn’t thought about it. As though I hadn’t spent 30 years of fertility trying to avoid it. As though I would cross the street to people who were making a hard day even harder, asking them to save me. 
A stern, beefy man at the door gave us the once-over and let us in. I wore a pencil skirt and a suit jacket, as though dressing up somehow put me more in control over the procedure. The shabby, dated waiting room was absolutely packed, every seat taken by women of all races, old, middle-aged and young, sitting next to their boyfriends and sisters and moms, watching a game show on a small, fuzzy TV or flipping through faded women’s magazines, finding summer looks and risotto recipes and not talking.
At that time, 7 years ago, Tennessee required fetal viability tests but not a 48-hour waiting period, so I had a vaginal ultrasound, but at least I didn’t have to leave and come back after it. The embryo was 5 weeks, the size of an apple seed. It was not life. It was a mass of cells with the potential for life, existing because of my life. It wasn’t a person any more than an apple seed is an apple tree. 
So I was allowed to join the other women having medical abortions -- as opposed to surgical abortions, the other option -- and they took us back in groups of six to watch the required video. I don’t remember much about the video, but I remember well the “what are you in for” conversation we had. One woman was married and pregnant by her husband, who would beat her if he found out she’d gotten pregnant again. She lied to him so she could be at the clinic that day. Another woman got pregnant by her boyfriend while her husband was out of the state on a six-month work assignment. Another said she was there for her third abortion. I couldn’t imagine having to come back to that place once I’d been.
I paid my $600, minus a $20 coupon from the clinic’s website. I had a physical exam and took the first pill of a two-pill process — once you take the first one, you MUST take the second to flush out the uterine wall or risk infection, the doctor warned. They told me to come back in a few weeks to be sure I’d totally passed the embryo.
By Thursday, the day I was supposed to take the follow-up pills, I was in a regular hospital for a deep vein thrombosis and bilateral pulmonary embolism that had actually started weeks before I knew I was pregnant -- manifesting as a persistent calf cramp and the occasional shortness of breath I attributed to being fat and stressed. Likely, the combination of birth control pills and being pregnant caused a clotting disorder. I didn’t know about it until, dressed for work and walking out the door, I couldn’t breathe while I noticed my leg turning purple.
My primary care doctor at the time was the sweetest human on the face of the planet, so when he met me in the emergency room, he didn’t bat an eye at the news I was in the middle of a medical abortion process. “Just take the second dose of pills, and we’ll keep an eye on you here, overnight,” he said. He told me about a dear friend who died on a treadmill from this very clotting disorder, and how relieved he was that I’d come in when I did. Not an ounce of judgment or blame.
I’m not sure how I would have dealt with a pregnancy and treatment for my clotting disorder at the same time. I didn’t have to find out, because Tennessee law allowed me to make that decision about my own medical treatment, and an abortion clinic was available to me. That very clinic is closed now, regulated out of business by men and their self-hating women enablers bent on turning America into a theocracy. Neither JJ nor I regret our decision, and we are grateful for the men and women who risked their safety so we could make it. Some of them have been gunned down in the street for their roles in helping women like me. 
I absolutely respect people who are pro-life, as long as they don’t attempt to regulate my medical care and they do demonstrate a love for life already in the world. (Hello, Tim Kaine.) To those who would take away my rights: Ending abortion access wouldn’t have made me carry that embryo. I’d have spent my last dime traveling for an abortion, and I had dimes to spend. Women who don’t will do like a friend from the Kingdom Hall’s daughter, who punctured her uterine wall with a wire hanger when we were teenagers.
So I’ve told my story. If you can, tell yours. If you can’t, I completely understand. And I mean you too, men. Now get out of my uterus.
P.S. Apropos of nothing: The closest I came to losing it over having my abortion was when my editor at the paper assigned me to go back and cover a special protest IN FRONT OF THE SAME CLINIC only a month or two later. It was a bunch of teenagers led by a priest who taught at a Catholic school. I kept my composure and did the job. A few months after THAT, the priest called me up wanting a story done about the fact he was releasing an album, so I met him at a Music Row studio and wrote up a religion column about him. I asked if we could use a clip of one of his songs to run online with the column. He said no, because “someone might steal my licks.” In my opinion, the licks were not stealable, and to my knowledge, few people ever heard them, never mind stole them.
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