careforeglobal · 1 month
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Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) offers several benefits for skin health:
Antioxidant Protection: CoQ10 acts as a powerful antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals that can damage skin cells and lead to premature aging.
Reduction of Wrinkles and Fine Lines: Studies suggest that CoQ10 can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by supporting collagen and elastin production, which are essential for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness.
Skin Repair and Regeneration: CoQ10 promotes skin repair and regeneration by aiding in the production of energy within skin cells, helping to maintain a healthy skin barrier and speeding up the healing process.
Protection Against Sun Damage: CoQ10 may offer some protection against UV damage caused by sun exposure, helping to prevent sunburn and photoaging.
Moisture Retention: CoQ10 helps to enhance skin hydration by improving the skin's ability to retain moisture, resulting in smoother, softer skin.
Incorporating skincare products containing CoQ10 or taking CoQ10 supplements may help support overall skin health and combat signs of aging. However, it's essential to consult with a dermatologist before starting any new skincare regimen or supplementation routine.
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immunobiz · 3 months
Rôle du stress oxydatif et du système glutathion dans la perte de neurones dopaminergiques due à une altération du métabolisme énergétique
Role of oxidative stress and the glutathione system in loss of dopamine neurons due to impairment of energy metabolism
Papel del estrés oxidativo y del sistema del glutatión en la pérdida de neuronas dopaminérgicas debida a la alteración del metabolismo energético
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colosiggold · 4 months
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Here are the top 5 tips to control frequent illness, along with the benefits of colostrum for disease protection:
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healthmatters520 · 6 months
Antioxidants and Anti Aging: How They Can Slow Down the Clock
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Antioxidants are substances that can prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals, which are unstable molecules produced by the body as a reaction to environmental and other pressures. Antioxidants work by neutralizing free radicals, which can cause oxidative stress and damage to cells. This damage can contribute to aging and the development of diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. By consuming foods rich in antioxidants, you can help protect your cells from damage and slow down the aging process.
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The Science of Aging
Aging is a natural process that occurs in all living organisms. It is characterized by a gradual decline in biological functions and the ability to adapt to metabolic stress 1. The causes of aging are complex and multi-factorial, but they can be broadly categorized into two types: intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors are related to the genetic and biological makeup of an organism, while extrinsic factors are related to environmental and lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and exposure to toxins 2.  The Role of Oxidative Stress in Aging Oxidative stress is one of the intrinsic factors that contribute to aging. It occurs when there is an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the body’s ability to detoxify them. ROS are highly reactive molecules that can damage cellular components such as DNA, proteins, and lipids, leading to cellular dysfunction and death 3. Over time, this damage can accumulate and contribute to the aging process. In summary, aging is a complex process that is influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Oxidative stress is one of the intrinsic factors that contribute to aging by damaging cellular components. By understanding the causes of aging, we can take steps to slow down the aging process and improve our overall health and well-being.
Antioxidants and Aging
Antioxidants can help slow down the aging process by neutralizing free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage cells and contribute to aging. By reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, antioxidants can help protect cells from damage and improve overall health. Different types of antioxidants and their benefits There are many different types of antioxidants, including vitamins A, C, and E, beta-carotene, selenium, and flavonoids. Each type of antioxidant has unique benefits. For example, vitamin C can help boost the immune system and protect against infections, while vitamin E can help protect against heart disease and cancer. Flavonoids, which are found in many fruits and vegetables, can help reduce inflammation and improve heart health. Incorporating foods rich in antioxidants into your diet can help slow down the aging process and improve overall health. Some of the best food sources of antioxidants include berries, dark chocolate, nuts, green tea, and leafy green vegetables. By consuming these foods regularly, you can help protect your cells from damage and improve your overall health and well-being.
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Scientific Studies on Antioxidants and Aging
There have been many scientific studies on the topic of antioxidants and aging. Here are some of the most notable studies and their findings: - Nutritional Significance and Antioxidant-Mediated Antiaging Effects of Finger Millet: Molecular Insights and Prospects4: This study found that finger millet, a type of millet, contains high levels of antioxidants and other compounds that can help protect cells from damage and slow down the aging process. The study also identified several mechanisms through which finger millet can help suppress aging processes and aging-related diseases. - Food Antioxidants and Aging: Theory, Current Evidence and Perspectives5: This review article provides a comprehensive overview of the current evidence on the relationship between food antioxidants and aging. The article discusses the potential benefits of antioxidants in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, which can contribute to aging and age-related diseases. - Antioxidants in Age-Related Diseases and Anti-Aging Therapy6: This special issue of the journal Antioxidants focuses on the roles of antioxidant molecules in preventing age-related diseases and delaying aging. The articles in this issue provide insights into the mechanisms of action of antioxidants and their potential therapeutic applications in age-related diseases. - Antioxidants and Prooxidants: Effects on Health and Aging 20217: This special issue of the journal Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity discusses the effects of antioxidants and prooxidants on health and aging. The articles in this issue provide insights into the mechanisms of action of antioxidants and prooxidants and their effects on cellular signaling pathways, gene expression, and other biological processes. The scientific studies on antioxidants and aging provide valuable insights into the mechanisms of aging and the potential benefits of antioxidants in slowing down the aging process. These studies have identified several natural compounds, including finger millet, that have anti-aging potential and can help protect cells from damage caused by oxidative stress and inflammation. By incorporating foods rich in antioxidants into your diet, you can help slow down the aging process and improve your overall health and well-being. In addition, these studies have identified several mechanisms through which antioxidants can help suppress aging processes and aging-related diseases. By understanding these mechanisms, we can take steps to slow down the aging process and improve our overall health. However, it is important to note that more research is needed to fully understand the effects of antioxidants on aging and age-related diseases. Overall, the scientific studies on antioxidants and aging provide hope for a healthier and longer life. By incorporating foods rich in antioxidants into your diet and taking other steps to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, you can help protect your cells from damage and improve your overall health and well-being.
Foods Rich in Antioxidants
There are many foods that are rich in antioxidants and can help protect your cells from damage. Here are some of the best food sources of antioxidants: - Berries: Berries such as blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries are excellent sources of antioxidants. They are also low in calories and high in fiber, making them a great addition to any diet. - Dark chocolate: Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants and has been linked to a variety of health benefits, including improved heart health and reduced inflammation. - Nuts: Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and pecans are rich in antioxidants and healthy fats. They are also a good source of protein and fiber. - Green tea: Green tea is a great source of antioxidants called catechins, which have been shown to reduce inflammation and improve heart health. - Leafy green vegetables: Leafy green vegetables such as spinach, kale, and collard greens are rich in antioxidants and other important nutrients. They are also low in calories and high in fiber.
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To incorporate these foods into your diet, try adding berries to your breakfast cereal or oatmeal, snacking on a handful of nuts, drinking green tea, and adding leafy greens to your salads and smoothies. By incorporating these foods into your diet, you can help protect your cells from damage and improve your overall health and well-being.
Antioxidants are substances that can help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals and oxidative stress. By incorporating foods rich in antioxidants into your diet, you can help slow down the aging process and improve your overall health and well-being. Some of the best food sources of antioxidants include berries, dark chocolate, nuts, green tea, and leafy green vegetables. By adding these foods to your diet, you can help protect your cells from damage and improve your overall health. Remember to always consult with your doctor or a registered dietitian before making any significant changes to your diet. Thank you for reading! References Britannica : Aging - Life Process National Institute of Aging : Understanding the Dynamics of the Aging Process University of Minnesota : Gerontology and the Concept of Aging Anil Kumar et al. (2021). Nutritional Significance and Antioxidant-Mediated Antiaging Effects of Finger Millet: Molecular Insights and Prospects, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems Taiki Miyazawa et al. (2022). Food Antioxidants and Aging: Theory, Current Evidence and Perspectives, Nutraceuticals (2022). Special Issue "Antioxidants in Age-Related Diseases and Anti-Aging Strategies", Antioxidants (2021). Antioxidants and Prooxidants: Effects on Health and Aging 2021, Hindawi Read the full article
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berryblogg · 1 year
Exploring the Potential of CBD Oil in Treating Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD): A Review of the Evidence
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healthwellwisher · 1 year
Lutevid Revisión: Mejore su visión
Nombre del producto - Lutevid
Composición  -Compuesto Orgánico Natural
Efectos secundarios - NA
Disponibilidad -En línea
Calificación – 5/5
Sitio web oficial (La venta es en vivo) - >>>Haga clic aquí para ordenar Matcha Suri desde el sitio web oficial ahora
¿Qué es Lutevid?
Una botella de cápsulas orgánicas llamada Lutevid está destinada a ayudarlo a ver claramente de nuevo de forma natural. El producto ayuda a aumentar el flujo sanguíneo y ayuda a los músculos de los ojos. Estas píldoras evitan los problemas oculares y las complicaciones que normalmente requieren tratamientos costosos, intervenciones con láser o cirugías riesgosas al tener un efecto tonificante y aclarante efectivo.
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Al minimizar el efecto tensor que normalmente se desarrolla con el envejecimiento o el uso prolongado de lentes de contacto, el tratamiento promueve la regeneración de los lentes. Además de estos beneficios, Lutevid ayuda a aumentar la flexibilidad de las arterias de los ojos y evita la suspensión del flujo sanguíneo en la córnea y la retina. Con este complemento alimenticio natural, podrás dejar de usar gafas y volver a ver con claridad. Los colores se vuelven más brillantes, se garantiza la nitidez de los objetos y ya no se presentan picazón, dolor u otras molestias al leer o trabajar en la computadora. ¡Solo se requiere un curso de terapia para obtener resultados a largo plazo!
Después de solo un ciclo de tratamiento, el suplemento biológico lutevid aumenta el brillo y la claridad de la visión. Podrá identificar los colores más fácilmente y percibir los contornos de los objetos con mayor claridad con la ayuda de las pastillas.
Vitaminas y minerales saludables, extractos orgánicos y componentes herbales 100 % libres de riesgo conforman los ingredientes de Lutevid. No hay OMG, aditivos químicos, conservantes ni colorantes en la composición del producto. Cuando realizamos una investigación exhaustiva sobre el producto, nos comunicamos con su distribuidor autorizado en México para hacer preguntas sobre la validez de la formulación y discutir el contenido. Nos han dado información precisa sobre la composición de Lutevid, y ha resultado que es una fórmula hipoalergénica ideal para personas de todas las edades y con cualquier tipo de dolencia ocular.
Siga leyendo para obtener más información sobre los componentes de esta fórmula:
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        ascórbico ácido
Este antioxidante orgánico evita que los radicales libres hagan daño y protege la pérdida de la vista relacionada con el envejecimiento y la madurez. Las paredes de los vasos sanguíneos se reparan y se vuelven más elásticas como resultado de su efecto estimulante y renovador. Además de estos beneficios, esta importante vitamina apoya la respuesta del sistema inmunológico a los alérgenos y patógenos peligrosos en el medio ambiente y equilibra la presión intraocular adecuada.
        jugo de arándano
La imagen se refina y se vuelve más nítida gracias a este componente orgánico. La sustancia natural también ayuda a evitar complicaciones de enfermedades oculares, enfermedades crónicas y pérdida de visión. También mejora la receptividad de la retina. Por último, pero no menos importante, el extracto brinda un alivio inmediato para síntomas como la sequedad ocular y el dolor insoportable provocado por la luz de la pantalla. También protege la calidad de la vista a largo plazo.
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Este magnesio ventajoso promueve la renovación celular de forma natural y ofrece a la membrana mucosa una importante protección. El ingrediente es un tratamiento sin riesgos para la afección del ojo seco. Tiene el potencial de iniciar el proceso de endurecimiento de las paredes de los vasos sanguíneos sin tener efectos negativos en la salud de una persona.
        esencia de arándano
 La protección y regeneración de los músculos oculares de la fruta mejora el bienestar general y la funcionalidad de los ojos.
Muchas personas se preocupan por la salud de sus ojos en estos días. La causa principal de esto es el uso continuo de pantallas. En ocasiones, esto puede provocar dolores de cabeza, visión borrosa y dificultad para concentrarse. Muchos oftalmólogos reconocidos recomiendan el uso de varias frutas útiles que pueden mejorar la salud de los músculos oculares. La fruta del arándano es uno de los mejores ejemplos en esta situación. Tienen varias ventajas para nuestra vista y son ventajosas porque son nuevas. El consumo regular de arándanos mejorará la sensibilidad de la retina a la luz y luego apoyará su capacidad de regeneración. Esta es una hierba natural muy útil para mantener y mejorar la visión. Los componentes activos de los arándanos contribuyen al mantenimiento del colágeno en los tejidos oculares. Como resultado, se previene eficazmente el glaucoma. Los principales beneficios de los arándanos para la salud ocular son los siguientes:
Enfocado más:
        visión mejorada;
        Una capacidad mejorada para la visión nocturna;
        Una reducción en los ojos secos.
        Cuando utilice una pantalla para el trabajo, elimine la visión borrosa.
¿Cómo tomar Lutevid?
Cómo tomar Lutevid es la pregunta más frecuente en la mayoría de los foros de discusión en línea, donde el producto recibe muchos elogios por su precio económico y sus rápidos resultados de curación. El distribuidor oficial en México ha incluido un folleto de medicamentos en español en la caja del producto. Todo, incluida la dosis diaria sugerida y los procedimientos de administración apropiados, se proporciona en un completo folleto paso a paso. Descubrimos que las píldoras no tenían efectos negativos ni contraindicaciones al leer las instrucciones de Lutevid.
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        Siga las pautas terapéuticas a continuación para aprender cómo restaurar su visión de manera rápida y natural:
        Este programa está destinado únicamente para uso interno.
        Por favor, no tome más de la dosis diaria sugerida.
        Se recomienda una ingesta diaria de dos cápsulas.
        Tome 1 pastilla por la mañana y 1 pastilla por la noche.
        Beba mucha agua mientras toma las píldoras para una mejor y más rápida absorción.
        Un mes es el mínimo indispensable para el programa de terapia.
        Después de este mes inicial, no hay problemas para continuar con el tratamiento profiláctico y preventivo.
        No hay efectos adversos ni prohibiciones.
        Sin necesidad de cita médica ni receta médica
Opinión del cliente:
>>> Haga clic aquí para obtener su "Lutevid" del sitio web oficial<<<
“Lutevid El problema visual con el que había estado luchando durante diez años se ha resuelto gracias a estos medicamentos. Tengo astigmatismo y sequedad continua de los ojos. Experimenté un deterioro progresivo de la visión con el tiempo hasta que encontré este maravilloso producto. Dejé de usar mis anteojos después de usar las píldoras durante dos meses, y ahora puedo trabajar en la computadora sin experimentar molestias ni picazón.
Estas cápsulas son excelentes para prevenir problemas oculares y apoyar la visión. Siempre he tenido una dioptría de -2.00. cada ojo Debido a que mi trabajo requiere leer mucho, utilicé el producto para prevenir el síndrome de los ojos soñolientos. Me quedé asombrado cuando un día de repente comencé a ver cosas a mi alrededor sin mis anteojos.
Conclusión :
Un suplemento dietético de primer nivel llamado Lutevid para la visión viene en forma de píldoras naturales. El producto está completamente libre de químicos y tiene una composición completamente natural. El consumo regular del producto Lutevid no tiene efectos negativos. Los clientes expresan su satisfacción con las cualidades de las biocápsulas. En comparación con otros productos comparables en el mercado, son más efectivos.
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chiinstitute · 1 year
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Introducing the original QS-1 Infrasonic Qigong Treatment Machine from the 1980s. Richard Lee's interest in human vitality was piqued while working at a Chinese clinic where he witnessed the amazing effects of energy therapies. In the 1980s, he acquired a Qigong Therapy Apparatus that had been tested in Beijing hospitals with positive results on a variety of conditions with positive effects. The apparatus was developed based on research conducted at the China National Electroacoustics Lab from which Richard later developed and improved the CHI Palm. The new generation of devices uses a new moving magnet assembly for the clearest and deepest signal reproduction resulting improved pain relief, alleviated inflammation faster and has a broader reach. Have you heard about the trade-up program? Trade-in an older device and receive a credit for up to $200 off a brand new unit! Visit the link in our bio to learn more information about CHI Institute or the Palm, or if you’re interested in trading-up. #infrasonic #infratonic #chipalm #qs1 #oxidativestress #mitochondrialhealth #inflammation #inflammationrelief #pain #painrelief #painreliefproducts (at CHI Institute) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpjEmgQuYZ3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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therealgutdoctor · 2 years
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Are you feeling exhausted all the time? Let's Recharge Your Immune Health and Energize At The Same Time All organs and systems in the body rely on energy to function properly. Cellular energy is produced by mitochondria, which are organelles found in every cell in the body. These tiny structures generate over 90% of the body’s energy, but this comes with a price—mitochondria also produce the vast majority of free radicals within the body. Free radicals cause oxidative damage, which hinders the function of our cells and contributes to inflammation and aging. In addition to producing energy, mitochondria sense danger when infections or toxins are present and are responsible for sending signals to surrounding cells. Normally, dysfunctional mitochondria are removed to protect the cell from damaging consequences. However, aging, excess sugar in the diet, nutrient deficiencies, toxins, physical inactivity, and stress can decrease the efficiency of mitochondria and impair this removal process. When mitochondria do not produce enough energy or create excessive oxidative stress, the systems relying on the metabolic reserve of energy begin to decline in function. Eventually, this dysfunction leads to noticeable symptoms and chronic disease. There are many ways to tune up your mitochondrial function. To learn more, read our blogs at www.AllFunctionalHealth.com or continue to follow us here. We can help you feel vibrant again. #fatigue #mitochondria #Free #radicals #oxidativestress #aging #toxins #sugar https://www.instagram.com/p/Cid6RhQpmnV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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careforeglobal · 1 month
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Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) supports heart health through various mechanisms, as evidenced by numerous studies:
Antioxidant Properties: CoQ10 acts as a potent antioxidant, protecting the heart from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.
Energy Production: CoQ10 plays a crucial role in cellular energy production, particularly in the heart muscle, which requires high energy levels for proper functioning.
Blood Pressure Regulation: Some studies suggest that CoQ10 supplementation can help lower blood pressure, which is a significant risk factor for heart disease.
Improvement in Heart Failure Symptoms: Research indicates that CoQ10 supplementation can improve symptoms and quality of life in individuals with heart failure by enhancing heart function and reducing inflammation.
Reduction in Statin Side Effects: Statin medications, commonly prescribed for cholesterol management, can deplete CoQ10 levels in the body. Supplementing with CoQ10 may alleviate some of the side effects associated with statin use, such as muscle pain and weakness.
Improved Endothelial Function: CoQ10 may enhance endothelial function, promoting better blood vessel health and circulation, which is essential for overall cardiovascular wellness.
Overall, the body of evidence suggests that CoQ10 supplementation can be a valuable adjunctive therapy for supporting heart health and may benefit individuals with various cardiovascular conditions. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplementation regimen, especially if you have existing heart conditions or are taking medications.
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immunobiz · 4 months
Immunocal Platinum
for information : Contact me on messenge
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c60purplepower · 2 years
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mygaiasg-blog · 4 years
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Sarcopenia — the loss of skeletal muscle mass and function — is mainly a disease affecting the elderly because of mitochondrial dysfunction due to oxidative damage to muscle cells as one ages. Untreated it leads to frailty and affects one’s mobility, and consequently the quality of life. Studies have demonstrated the potency of Natural Astaxanthin —because of its natural compounds and its powerful antioxidant capacity — to help prevent oxidative damage and thereby delay age-driven mitochondria dysfunction. Gaia AntioxidantX is formulated with premium natural astaxanthin from fresh water microalgae. And is cultivated in Iceland with the purest glacial water that is naturally filtered. Now available at $45.90 (usual price $54). Get Gaia AntioxidantX for an active and healthy aging. Order online at www.MyGaia.com.sg. #freeradicalsupport #oxidativestress #antiagingproducts #healthsupplementsg #singaporehealthylifestyle #healthysingapore (at Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8rGpxJpIUq/?igshid=fu9qguzoaz0o
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danieljesusrota · 5 years
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I didn’t write these words but they HIT EVERY NAIL in my soul (If there are any nails 😀🤔) 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 If your business hits a billion dollars... It doesn’t matter if YOU didn’t grow. ⠀ If your business fails, it doesn’t matter.... If you learned and grew! ⠀ When you make your life about YOUR self-evolution... everything else becomes nothing less than a vehicle for personal growth 🚀 ⠀ Your motivation will grow into inspiration and start touching other lives... and will bring you the most joy, pride and greater purpose for just being YOU. ⠀ So what’s the point of personal growth? Simple. Personal growth is the point of life. ⠀ Do you agree? . . . . . #icanwinbig #influencer #mlm #love #health #lifestyle #fun #thankful #doctor #biohacker #undercoverbillionaire #age #oxidativestress #win (at Tequila Jacks) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3WYSNpAP-q/?igshid=1ve7693vomg51
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Está demostrado que la activación #Nrf2 y #Nrf1 puede aliviar los dolores y molestias de #artritis . Una desinflamación en conjunto con una mejor #saludcelular son parte de los beneficios que obtendrá. Usted pierde una cantidad enorme de #celulas todos los días empezando con el solo hecho de respirar. ¿Eliminarías el 40% de esa oxidación si pudieras? Pues eso ya es posible con la única terapia que lo puede hacer, la terapia Nrf2. Y de forma natural y sin efectos secundarios. #AR #artritisreumatoide #Fibromialgia #fibromyalgia #newcell #celulasnuevas #estresoxidativo #oxidativestress #reuma #reumatología #reumatologista #espondilitisanquilosante #livelonger #nomasdolor #nomorepain #lifequality #calidaddevida #terapia #therapy #Biohacking #nutrigenomica #nutrigenomic https://www.instagram.com/p/BwO63BmH35e/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ducismzq6rnu
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