#Percy Jackson and the battle of the labyrinth
ameagrice · 3 days
chapter thirty-one | bad idea, right?
the battle of the labyrinth
percy jackson x fem reader
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“Talk. Just talk. I know you can do it,” you said quietly. You grit your teeth together, lips pressed so firmly they almost hurt, smiling with irritance. You leaned in close to the hippie mummy chilling in the attic, trying not to pay too much attention to the musty smell up this close. “Look, we don’t want any surprises this year. Just tell me what I’ve got coming my way and I’ll leave you alone.”
The Oracle was motionless, sitting stiffly, as if you hadn’t breathed down her neck for the last thirty minutes interrogating.
You moved back, gesturing to her. The sheer disbelief you felt was unmatched. “I don’t believe this. I don’t believe you. So, what, you just tell me shit I don’t want to hear when I don’t need it but when I steal over a thousand dollars, what? Nothing?”
Not even a twitch.
You scoffed, and dropped the old tea towel on the floor. You had found it in a cupboard, when rifling through them this morning in search of a good weapon. You didn’t have the energy to go make a sword in the armory, and maybe a relic from the past could give you some luck. Some heroes had done well on their quests once upon a time and had to have left something behind, right? Upon a lack of weapon-finding, you eyed the figure at your shoulder, and had a thought.
A half hour later, you were just angrier than you started.
You turned back to the oracle, pointing your finger firmly in her direction. “You’re a joke. I hope you know that. I could get more information from a rock.“
Huffing, you set off down the narrow staircase and all the way back down to the main room. Chiron and Mr. D were doing some sort of nattering over a game at the small table when you came strolling through, hoping to avoid conversation.
Because, jeez, you’d just turned fifteen. You barely wanted to talk to anyone these days. Your cabin counselor had explained to you—in the midst of an emotional outburst—that it was just hormones. You angrily told her she could shove her hormones up her ass.
“Find anything useful?” Chiron spoke briefly.
“I could make a rock bleed before that thing told me anything. Why is nothing going my way?!”
And for goodness sake, was the sun extra burny today or were you just burning for the fun of it? It felt like your skin was peeling off, and the urge to dunk yourself in the lake grew more appealing by the second. Percy’s birthday was only days away, yours having passed exactly a month prior to his, on July 27th.
Your shorts chafed, making that irritating sound and the sweat under your arms that your shirt absorbed made the want to scream grow by the millisecond. Feeling your sock sliding down in your shoe was the last straw.
Out on the porch, Travis ripped up pieces of grass and littered them. At your appearance, he went to swing his arm around your shoulders.
“Don’t touch me!”
And, god love him, Travis didn’t.
He just laughed. “Calm down! You look—”
You turned to him with a tight jaw. Over the past months, Travis had reached a height you couldn’t believe, nearing 5’11. He let his hair grow out into a curly mass of soft chocolate.
He swallowed back what is what he was just about to say.
“I’m sweating,” you seethed. “It’s too hot. And my sock—is—falling,” you ripped your shoe off, yanking your sock up, “down.”
Sweaty shoe in hand, you turned and stormed off. Halfway down the hill, the other shoe came off, and the feel of them tapping against your thigh, held by the laces, was going to send you over the edge.
Travis blinked. His hands, freckled and golden, hovered unsurely.
“Hey—wait for me!” He called.
Briefly, his footsteps grew louder until the boy walked at your side—or, rather, paced. “What’s wrong? Has something happened?” Since your outburst after the quest in the winter, Travis had made it clear that he was there if you wanted to talk, and had on multiple occasions coaxed you into talking the problems out. It was like your current anger didn’t matter to him, or how easily upset you were lately. Your stomach had been killing for days, today worst of all. You knew what was on its way. On and off for years you’d gotten used to growing in all the ways all girls unfortunately had to. You just wished everything would stop and slow down.
“We have archery this afternoon,” Travis tried cautiously. You hummed. “If that’s something you’re up for.”
“I’m up for throwing myself into the lake,” you retorted. As you grew closer to it, it looked even more appealing.
“Right. Yeah. If that’ll make you feel better—”
“Travis, just, stop!” Your hands flew around so violently you almost hit yourself with your shoes. Travis’s concern made your heart swell, but the extra attention made you feel uneasy. “Please just—I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Okay? I’m just hot and sweaty and oh my god I smell of sweat and I’m starving and—”
Yeah. It was time for a detour.
“I’m going back to the cabin.”
Long story short, by dinner time, you’d calmed down somewhat. A cold shower, a frustrated cry, and a laugh with Annabeth about frying pans, and everything was right again.
Being a girl was exhausting.
The next week, you were heading into Manhattan to check out a new school, with Percy.
“Bro,” Percy called down from the fire escape. You grinned up at him. “Mom wants to know if you want stuffed crust or normal.”
“Is both an option?”
“You read my mind.”
The Jackson apartment in Manhattan sat in a relatively peaceful street. The occasional car horn, a few loud talkers on the street below. Sally Jackson braided your hair. Percy ate a slice of your pizza. And you nearly wrestled one another down the staircase the next morning, but you made it to the car in one place, backpacks at the ready for a new year.
A better year.
Just a trial day, at Paul Blofis’s school. If it went well, and you wanted to go back to traditional schooling, Sally had made it clear you were more than welcome to go with them. To stay with them.
“You’re always welcome here,” she placed a hot chocolate down in front of you, the night before. Her eyes were soft. I understand, they said. I’ve felt it, too.
For once, you could breathe. A smile, a relieved nod. “I know.”
Months from that moment, you’ll sit at a polished dining table, lighting Finney’s birthday candles. There will be ice cream and sunshine, and an innate nervousness that disappears. Rachel will hold his other hand, and Percy Jackson, freshly sixteen, will smile at you, and everything will be right in the world.
But now—
Sally Jackson tapped her fingers on the wheel. She wore a pretty blue dress (which you’d helped her pick out) and heels, ready for a job interview.
Percy, in the passenger seat, looked a little troubled. You watched his dark brows knit together. “You haven’t told Paul about me, have you?”
Sally paused. “I thought we should wait until after orientation.”
“So we don’t scare him off.”
“It’ll be fine, Percy.” She reached across for his cheek, affectionately patting him. Percy rolled his eyes. “It’s just orientation. And after that, the two of you are going for ice cream, right?”
“Too damn right.”
Percy’s cheeks flamed pink. You grinned wickedly, relishing in his discomfort.
Sally smiled, looking at you in the rear view mirror for a second. “And then tomorrow, you’ll be back in camp.”
It wasn’t as if Percy despised camp, but it was obvious he much preferred to be home. The last week at their house, you’d felt that way, too. Sally Jackson had created a warm, comforting environment for her son, and in welcoming you to their mix, had treated you just like she would a daughter, not just her son’s friend.
Fifteen—a funny age for all.
You’d witnessed Percy’s growth, too. His hair had only grown messier, and thicker (Sally had to beg him for a hair cut). His voice had deepened a little more, and he’d grown about six inches (you measured before you left camp). Almost unfairly, his eyelashes even seemed to get longer, and his eyes remained the prettiest shade of blue-green you ever did see.
Sally stopped just outside the school, red-bricked and tall, facing the morning sun. Already, at this hour, it buzzed with life.
Percy got out of the car.
You got out of the car.
Sally drove away.
And you made eye contact with something that made your skin crawl.
Your shoulders sagged. “Already?!”
“You saw it too?”
Percy heaved a great sigh. “Fantastic.”
“Come on,” you grabbed his arm. “Let’s just go and have a good day while we can.”
Your friend side-eyed you curiously. “You’re…strangely optimistic this morning.”
Yeah. Because the worst part of the month was finally over.
You smiled cheerfully, practically skipping up the steps. “That’s because it’s sunny and it’s good and it’s going to be a good day.”
Your friend gave a solid salute, earning himself a smack on the arm and a smile. Shaking off the bad feeling, up the steps you went. Percy abruptly stopped and pulled on your arm, a terrified look on his face.
“Oh, come on, now—”
“How about we find a side entrance?” He flailed, cheeks flaming bright strawberry. You frowned.
“Percy, what?”
Wrist in his hand, Percy’s strong grip pulled you along, round the side of the building and through an open door, where two cheerleaders were waiting, in purple and white uniforms.
“Hi!” They blinded with their bright smiles simultaneously. Percy gawped like a fish. You elbowed him in the ribs. The one on the left, tall, pretty, African American with curly hair, the one on the right, also tall, pretty, with the blonde ponytail. You scanned them quickly over with your eyes, feeling uneasy still, but tried to pass it off as first day jitters.
“Welcome to Goode High School,” the blonde said. “You’re going to love it.”
Ooooooh. Alarm bells began to ring.
It could have been her attitude. It might have been their intimidating demeanour. But most of all, it was the smell of washed horses. The smell of the camp stables. Unless these girls had come fresh from a riding lesson in Manhattan (which you highly doubted—you’d already tried to get one) they should not have smelled as such.
“What are your names, de—freshmen?” The curly-haired girl stepped so close you thought she was going to push you down the stairs.
“Uh, I’m Percy.”
The blonde giggled. It sent a shiver down your spine. “Oh, Percy Jackson, have we been waiting for you!”
Yeah. Time to go.
“Code red,” you hissed, turning and looking around shortly to make it discreet. “Code red!”
Percy didn’t move. They turned on you.
“You look familiar!” The blonde girl smiled. “I think I’ve met your mother.”
Laughing awkwardly, you shot a finger gun anxiously her way. “See... No. You definitely haven’t. But anyway, we should be going now, right, Percy?”
You watched his hand pull out his sword in pen-form from the pocket of his jeans, stepping back slightly from the cheerleaders. It was at this moment, Paul Blofis made an appearance, saving the day.
“Hey, guys!” He smiled, bounding up the steps behind you. In his teacher’s shirt and pants, tie done smartly, he was the epitome of welcoming. That kind smile, those warm, shining eyes, said it all. Percy was a lucky guy to have a man like Paul around, even if he’d been seeing Sally for only a few months. “Good to see you’re both here! Why don’t you go on in and we’ll figure out where to go first?”
In his rush to move past the cheerleaders (you’d taken the slow-breaths-and-calm-movement approach), Percy pushed past the blonde cheerleader. Her paper name tag, so loosely stuck on her shirt, floated to the ground: Tammi. Percy’s knee struck her calf, and—
CLANG. The sound of pure metal.
All you wanted was a simple life.
“Ow,” she murmured. “Watch it, fish.”
You murmured an Australian-sounding ‘ah, shi—’ when Paul Blofis popped up beside you. He clapped his hands together, kind eyes going from you to your friend.
“Welcome to Goode! Everything alright, guys? Percy, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Before said boy could stutter his way into trouble, you raised a hand and gently slapped his cheek, playfully. Paul grinned.
“He’s just nervous,” you explained. Paul ‘ah’d, and clapped Percy on the back.
“I get that, but don’t worry. We get a lot of kids here with ADHD and dyslexia. The teachers know how to help.”
Percy nodded his head, shaking his too-long hair.
“So, where to first?” Asked Paul.
“Could we check out the literature stuff? I kind of wanna go there. What do you think?”
Percy’s red face had reappeared.
You shook your head, pulled a face. “Dude, what’s going on?”
“Where’s the fun stuff? Like, the gym?” He rambled quickly.
Following his line of sight, standing down the hall by the main doors, was a skinny, wild-haired girl.
You gasped like you’d never done so before, so loud it scratched your throat. But the shock was very real. You felt your jaw drop.
Rachel. Elizabeth. Dare.
Percy yanked on your wrist so firmly the gasp cut off violently, yanking you down the hall in a run.
“The day just gets worse!” You exclaimed. “First, monsters. And now her!”
“Just—forget she’s here!”
“Forget about it?! She’ll be looking for us, no doubt!”
During your excursions last season, you’d ran into Rachel Elizabeth Dare purely by coincidence, a mortal with the Sight. Instantly you hated her and her over-exaggerated passion for the arts. And, more importantly, you hated her obvious crush on Percy. It wasn’t one-sided, however—she’d made it pretty obvious that she hated you, too. So it was equal. And you didn’t feel bad.
Barrelling into the gym, you pulled Percy to a stop.
“All I want,” you breathed, “is a normal life. That means one without Rachel Dare or monsters at every corner.”
Percy blew his fringe away from his eyes. “You and me both,” he panted.
Banners hung on every breezeblock wall of the gym, and little groups of teens clumped here and there. A marching band stopped playing abruptly. A hand fell to your shoulder; on the defence, you shoved yourself away quickly. The girl’s hand fell.
“What are you doing here?” She stropped.
“What does it look like, Ronald—”
“Hey!” Percy cut in, smiling with his teeth clenched. “Rachel Elizabeth Dare!”
Her jaw dropped, green eyes moving from you to Percy and back again. “You’re Percy…somebody. I didn’t get your full name last year when you, oh, you know, tried to kill me.”
“The only attempt on your life was those jeans—”
“Ohhh-kay,” Percy pushed you aside. “What are you doing here, Rachel?”
She took a breath, gestured to the hall. “Same as you, I guess. Orientation.”
“You live here? In New York?”
She pulled a face. “You thought I lived at the Dam?”
“Wouldn’t surprise me.”
Percy practically tweaked on the spot. He slowly turned his head and made a sudden move of bugging his eyes to you, a gesture to say shut up, man.
Amidst the talking, you hadn’t noticed the groups of people get together to stand with the three of you near the bleachers. Somebody behind you hissed a ‘shh’.
So you did it right back.
“The cheerleaders are talking!” He defended. “Shut up!”
“Oh, big whoop!”
“Dude, for once, I’m begging you, now is not the time.”
“Tell that to Ronald McDonald.”
“Hi, guys!” A bubbly cheer came from the front centre hall. The blonde cheerleader, Tammi, smiled a pearly white flash. “I’m Tammi, and this is, like, Kelli.” In a flurry of perfect timing, Kelli did a one-handed cartwheel.
You weren’t jealous, or anything.
Behind you, Rachel yelped. You wondered just weirder this girl could get.
Until she suddenly said, “Run.”
And you figured now was as good a time as any to follow her direction, when Tammi looked you dead in the eye.
“Why?” Percy called, dumbly.
“Y’know, just this once I’m gonna follow Ronald.”
Rachel pushed her way to the front with Percy and yourself following close behind. Tammi and Kelli were halfway through explaining how the school was going to form small groups and tour different parts of the building.
In a music room down the quiet hall, devoid of any other students, you found Rachel crouching behind a giant drum set.
“Hey, this is nice—!”
Rachel yanked on your shirt sleeve and hissed, “Idiot! Get down! Did they see you?”
You eyed her hand on your sleeve. “This is Wet Seal—”
“I don’t think so,” Percy gasped for breath like a fish out of water. “What are they? Did you see?”
For the first time, you settled down and listened to what Rachel had to say. Her eyes were bright with caution—afraid to say out loud what might sound crazy to the wrong people. But you and Percy were the right people.
“You…wouldn’t believe me.”
“Believe us, there’s nothing we haven’t seen. You can see through the Mist.”
“The what?”
“Mist. It’s like a veil between our world and the normal. Except for those among us like us, the veil blends out. You can see through it.”
Something like recognition flashed through Rachel’s eyes. “At Hoover Dam,” she breathed slowly. “You called me a mortal. Like…you’re not. You see through the Mist. You saw through the Mist. Tell me. You know what it means! Tell me why I see all these horrible things.”
Empathy did not come alongside your viewings of Rachel Elizabeth Dare. This time, for the first and only time, you accepted it.
“You’re not crazy. You don’t need meds. You’re definitely not schizophrenic. D’you know anything about the Greek myths?”
“Like the Minotaur? And the Sirens?”
Percy nodded. The screech of a shoe on polished floor came from a way down the hall. “Yeah. Just try not to say those names when we’re around.”
“And the Furies, and the Hydra—!”
Percy hushed her amusedly. “Yeah, yeah! Okay. All those monsters, the Greek gods, they’re real.”
“I knew it!” She shrieked. “You don’t know how hard it’s been!”
“Try us.”
“For years I thought I was going crazy, I couldn’t tell anyone. They’d send me to some wilderness school somewhere.”
You couldn’t help the embarrassed giggle. “Yeah. You were right there. That place ain’t it.”
“Wait.” She frowned suddenly. “Who are you two? I mean really.”
“Not monsters.”
“Well I know that. I could see if you were. You look normal. But you’re not human exactly, are you. Either of you.”
Percy slung a heavy arm around your shoulder, raising his hand to pat your face. “We’re half-bloods. Half human, half god.”
Just then, Tammi and Kelli shoved the music room door open, and strutted in like they were walking for Victoria’s Secret. Your head spun to them.
Tammi gushed. “Oh, wow! There you guys are! You’re missing your orientation!”
“Purposefully,” you smiled. “Take a hint, Tammi.”
Rachel had whitened and gasped. “They’re horrible.”
“Oh, forget her.” Tammi waved. Kelli blocked the doors, while Tammi sauntered over.
“Percy…” Rachel warned.
Come on brain, think of something! Anything useful, mom!
It was right in front of your face: the drum cymbal. The metal, circular thing with a cellotaped sticker across its bronze surface.
You reached behind you for Percy’s jacket and dug your hand around in there, trying to get a hold of his sword in pen form. It didn’t take long, and upon uncapping it, it instantly transformed into Riptide. Percy didn’t object. And his sword fit perfect in your hands.
“This is our school,” Tammi giggled disgustingly. she neared so close you had the tip of Riptide at the hallow between her collarbones. An instant passing. “We feed on who we choose.”
Her true image flickered.
“A vampire!” Rachel gasped.
Percy hummed, rising to stand behind you. “With…furry legs?”
“Don’t mention the legs!” Tammi snapped sensitively. “It’s very rude!”
She advanced on her furry legs. It would have been funny, did she lack the scarlet eyes and fangs so sharply pointed.
Kelli laughed from the doorway. “A vampire, you say? Silly demigods. That legend was based on us. We are empousai, the servants of Hecate.”
Out of nowhere, Rachel flung her arm back and launched a drumstick at Kelli, hitting her in the eye. She practically growled in anger and turned on Rachel instantly.
“We don’t usually kill girls,” she ground out. “But for you, I’ll make an exception! Your eyesight is a little too good!” Kelli clicked her fingers, and Tammi pounced.
Girl code applied here. Riptide to the rescue. You shifted forward and raised Riptide above your head, swinging the sharp sword down across Tammi’s head. Her eyes flashed and her mouth snarled and the set of pincer-sharp teeth came your way. Before her teeth met your skin, she burst into gold shimmer and shiny flecks. She exploded all over you and Rachel. You wrinkled your nose while Rachel coughed and gagged, the both of you covered in monster dust.
Kelli shrieked furiously, like Regina George. “You killed my trainee! You need a lesson in school spirit, half-blood!”
“You’re a shit teacher,” you shrugged. “What can I say?”
Kelli began to change. And by change, you meant absolutely turn inside out, the other way around, back to front. Not. Right. Her hair turned to flickering, orange flames, the heat prominent on your face. Her eyes turned scarlet and her teeth grew sharp like Tammi’s did. She loped forward. You shifted back into Percy, and held his sword out to the side, shifting Rachel back too from her shocked stance.
“I am a senior empousa,” she laughed spitefully. “No hero has bested me in over a thousand years.”
You swallowed hard. “Huh. Then I guess you’re long overdue.”
Kelli pounced at you, and Rachel screamed. Percy yelled some profanity behind you; there was a loud crash of a drum bass and a terrible tearing sound. You wrestled with Kelli for a solid few seconds, well aware that you still had a grip on Percy’s weapon. The worst part of being a half-blood—having no choice in fighting monsters like Kelli. It’s annoying, having no choice. It makes you angry. And not just at yourself, but the gods, who with their power, could probably just eradicate the whole of Kelli’s species in the flick of a wrist.
Kelli fawned. “Aw,” she cooed. “That’s such a cute little blade! I think you should give it back to its owner.”
The Mist is strong here. It had never fully fooled you; having seen things that weren’t supposed to there since you could form proper sentences. You’ve always seen through it, a blessing and a curse. Here, though, something stronger is at play and Kelli’s form is flickering between her true self and a cheerleader.
She laughed. “Poor girl, you don’t even know what’s happening! Your camp is going up in flames pretty soon, you should know. You’ll all be slaves to the Lord of Time, and there’s nothing you can do about it! I’d be doing you a favour, ending your lives!”
Laughter echoed down the hall; the group from the gym must be starting their orientation. Kelli tilted her head, hearing it too. “Great! We’re going to have company!” She pounced at you, forcing you to roll out of the way. Percy’s sword lay on the ground between he and Kelli, as Rachel helped you to your feet. Percy kept his eyes on the empousa, crouching to pick up his weapon.
Kelli’s face changed dramatically from terrorising to terror. She screamed a gut-wrenching sound. The voices in the hall grew quiet.
“Somebody!” She yelled with fake fear. “Help me!”
Only the gods knew what it looked like to mortals. The band room door swung open, and teachers flooded in, students standing in the hall with gaping mouths. Percy, sword in his hand pointed at Kelli, who at this point had tears streaming down her face.
Paul Blofis shook his head and held his hand out to Percy. “Percy…what’s?…”
He dropped his hand ever-so-slightly. And Kelli burst into flames. Waves of the fire spread too quickly across everything, dark plumes of smoke hastily developing. Paul stepped back, ushering the kids away. “What have you done?” He shook his head.
Kids screamed and began to run about like headless chickens. The teachers were screaming for backup through their walkies. Rachel pushed you to Percy.
“Go!” She yelled. “You’ve got to leave before they send backup. Go!”
Percy escaped through the open band room window, sprinting away through an alley. You had no choice but to follow him. Already, sirens were getting closer. You dove into the nearest cab, whose driver didn’t even question where you came from. Percy breathed deeply as he spouted the address of Half-Blood Hill, Long Island.
Percy’s side door flung open just before the car could leave, revealing the disheveled-looking Rachel Dare. She thrust a piece of paper in Percy’s hands.
“I need to know more. About all of this. About what’s happening. Call me. Now go, I’ll deal with this.”
She slammed the door shut. You blinked at Percy, collapsing into the seat.
“Well. That was a terrible idea.”
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@bl6o6dy @embersparklz @rottenstyx @rory-cakes @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual @marshmallow12435 @lantsovheiress @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @twsssmlmaa @gayandfairycore @padsfirewhisky @emu281 @charlesswife @jessiegerl @tojismassivemantiddies @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @nothankyou138 @i-love-books-and-the-bible @obxstiles @mxltifxnd0m @cxcilla
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myfairkatiecat · 2 days
why'd you get so mad at that sophie/keefe sibling anon?
hope that doesn't seem rude
I didn’t mean to come off as mad or anything, sorry if the tone didn’t translate right! BUT! I did get a little frustrated, because this is something that people who ship non-canon ships rlly need to figure out.
And hello to you anon, and also to whatever anon send the original ask! Because considering the amount of anti-Sokeefe friends I have in this fandom, you totally might be one of my friends! Want to be clear—this isn’t because I have a problem with you not liking Sokeefe, the problem is with saying she saw him as a sibling in canon when she did NOT see him as a sibling in canon, because that has icky implications.
Since I don’t want to misrepresent anyone’s opinions, here’s the exact message:
Sophie never seemed romantically interested in Keefe, sorry
it was more like a little sister comforting her brother
That’s the part that bothered me, because that implies that in canon, the thoughts sophie has about Keefe seem more like a sister about a brother.
It’s one thing to read Percy Jackson and say, “wow, I just don’t really like a Percabeth ship :/” and that’s totally valid, like, ship whatever you want! Ship Annabeth with Piper if you’d like, or Percy with Jason or whatever!
But it’s another thing to say “Percy always saw Annabeth as a sister!!” 1) that’s a weird thing to say because they’re canonically together and so comparing them to siblings is really icky, and 2) if you actually read the books it’s very clear that he develops romantic feelings for her. Even if it’s not super prevalent in the first few books cause they start out as twelve.
So people who say Sophie never seemed to like Keefe until book 9 sound to me like if someone said Percy never liked Annabeth or considered her romantically until the kiss in battle of the labyrinth. Just because it wasn’t a focus of the narrative doesn’t mean it wasn’t there from the beginning—and it CLEARLY was!
It just sort of feels like a really icky reaction to not liking a ship to say they always acted like siblings when clearly that isn’t canon.
If you don’t like Sokeefe, maybe you can say you would have preferred it if Sophie saw Keefe as a brother. Maybe you can write fanfic where they’re just friends and have more of a sibling type relationship. But that isn’t canon and that’s FINE, you don’t have to be on board with everything in canon, but for the love of God not liking a ship doesn’t mean they were never interested in each other 😭
Especially cause the ask didn’t even say she saw him as a friend, it said she saw him as a sibling??? Hello??? That’s SUCH a weird thing to say about two people who are now canonically dating???
Like it wouldn’t really have bothered me if the anon said “I would have enjoyed kotlc more if Keefe was a brother to Sophie instead of a love interest.” Like, I definitely disagree, but I don’t care that much cause everyone can have their own opinions and enjoy whatever they like about the media or write whatever fanfic bc they don’t think canon did it right! You’re MORE than welcome to believe that Sophie and Keefe would have been a better dynamic IF they were siblings.
But don’t say that IN CANON Sophie treated Keefe like she was his sister, because considering the many specifically romantic thoughts she has regarding him, that is a really weird thing to say because it implies that people think that way about their siblings? And comment internally on how attractive they are? Like maybe even if the anon had used the word “friend” I wouldn’t have been as frustrated, though it’s definitely the case that if we’re looking at canon, Sophie has feelings for Keefe. They’ve kissed. They’re together. That’s canon. If canon isn’t your thing, read fanfic, but don’t outright deny what’s in canon in a way that has weird implications.
It’s almost like saying sophie never had a crush on fitz. It’s slightly different because she acknowledged that one more overtly beyond just commenting on how good he looked or how he made her feel, but it would still really frustrate me if someone said Sophie and Fitz had more of a sibling relationship in canon when clearly they had romantic feelings for each other. So like it has nothing to do even with the fact that I ship Sokeefe, I would get frustrated if it was about Sophitz too because you just can’t say that someone who has very clear romantic thoughts about someone always saw them as a sibling in canon
That has really weird implications??
Anyway. I know im not being super tactful but I do hope that anon sees this so they can understand what the problem was with the ask, which wasn’t that it was anti-Sokeefe. I’m super okay with someone not liking Sokeefe. Literally a bunch of my best friends in this fandom are anti-Sokeefe. One of them might even be the one who sent this ask, in which case, hey friend!! my advice to you is, if you want a sibling dynamic, go write some fanfic! But… don’t imply that “and she had to say, the beachy look really worked for him” is a normal thing to say about your brother, because it seriously is not.
Hope we can all continue to be friends! Again it’s not the anti-Sokeefe that bothers me, it’s the deliberate misrepresentation of canon in a way that has icky implications!!
Whoaaa that was long sorry
TLDR: Sophie has romantic thoughts about Keefe in canon, so saying that in canon they seemed like siblings is weird because that implies people normally have romantic thoughts about their siblings.
Have a great day :)
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mydairpercabeth · 3 months
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season 4 is gonna hurt me i fear
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ilovepjo · 4 months
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percy is so head over heels for her.. GET UPPPP 😭😭
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Annabeth: If I had a nickel for every time I went to a funeral and the supposed deceased showed up, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice.
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hyperfocuscentre · 7 months
if i was a demigod, i would not be able to kill hellhounds if i met mrs o’leary because if she’s good then the rest have that same potential!! i’d get eaten alive trying to cuddle one.
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Shout out to Grover who be out there collecting the big three kids like the monopoly plots
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echo-stimmingrose · 10 months
The most unrealistic thing about The Battle of the Labyrinth is Rachel Elizabeth Dare brushing out her curly hair.
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sanbond · 6 months
I am rereading The battle of labyrinth and I think it is not acknowledged enough that annabeth thought Percy had died for 15 DAYS!!!!! The last line of her prophecy is
Losing a loved one to worse than death.
She saw the volcano blow and thought percy died.....
For 15 days she underwent the torment and thought percy had died
And I think it is not acknowledged enough....
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mattstunsgf · 19 days
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this isn’t slowburn they’re literally married. this is a married couple.
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mydairpercabeth · 4 months
I literally cannot wait for Battle of the Labyrinth season
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ilovepjo · 4 months
annabeth probably thought that if percy died distracting the monsters, the one thing they deserved was their first and only kiss
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secretly-a-catamount · 3 months
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litcrazh · 1 year
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2Pac and Biggie were both legends in there own right… BUT MY GOD DO NEW YORKERS AND CALIFORNIANS ARGUE OVER THIS (coming from P E R S O N A L experience)
also got random inspo for this from the tik tok trend “this isn’t about mascara” but instead of something heavy it’s two teenage boys egos.
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Untitled Percy Jackson Headcanon
Percy x ChildofApollo!reader 
Genre: Fluff + Angst
Warnings: gn reader, slightly implied bi reader there’s one statement 
Word Count: 16,950
You’d been at the camp a year longer than Percy, and as a result, you never really interacted with him
Honestly, you were a bit exhausted constantly hearing about him. 
When Percy made it to camp he was all people could talk about, ‘this new kid battled a Minotaur and survived’ oh wow how special of him. We’ve all battled monsters to get here too, he wasn’t that special. Go on a quest and survive, then we can talk
(You refused to admit to anyone that it was kind of impressive he survived a Minotaur)
Needless to say, when he was revealed to be the son of Poseidon you doubled down on your opinion
Now, beating a Minotaur seemed less impressive. Whenever anyone brought it up you just said ‘He’s the son of one of the big three, of course, he was able to beat it’
Will would always tease you because for some reason he believed everything you said was a cover. He believed that in reality, you found him really impressive and more than a bit attractive. You’d always retort, saying he’s mistaking you for Annabeth
Percy, on the other hand, paid a lot of attention to you from the get-go. Not that he was arrogant or anything, but he found it a little strange that you were able to dismiss him so easily when he suddenly made the top of everyone's radar for any reason under the sun
As a result, he found out tiny little things about you. You would produce small orbs of light as decoration for the camp sing-along, or use the same orbs to light the broken bed light of one of your siblings.
He noticed you and Will were quite close, closer than you were with your other siblings, and you’d often help him out in the infirmary before he could even ask as if you’d pre-empted it
He found out you go on a lot of quests and bring back the newest CDs and records for you and your siblings to enjoy. 
After some serious digging, he found out that before Asher got his loom, you’d be the only one who let him braid your hair to practice his foresight 
He made sure to keep you in his memory
You spent most of your time training with others in the Apollo cabin, but fighting skills were the one thing you lacked 
You’d spent most of your last year at camp neglecting swordsmanship in favour of archery. It paid off you were the top archer, and no one could beat you
Deciding it should be this year's training focus, you gathered the courage to ask Clarisse for help
Everyone thought you were insane, you thought you were insane 
The first few months were gruelling, it was like being in the military. She would harshly punish you for small mistakes
But, as a result, you gained better swordsmanship skills as well as becoming friends with Clarisse which came as a surprise to a lot of people 
Okay, friends might be a strong word, but she respected you more than anyone
However, it did lead you to be directly asked by Clarisse to go on the quest to retrieve the golden fleece. The official statement from Clarisse was because you were excellent at interpreting the Oracle’s prophecies, and having you give up-to-date interpretations as she went would be useful. 
There were more obvious choices if that was the real reason she took you , but you decided against arguing
Needless to say, you're surprised to see Percy with his brother and Annabeth show up on the quest
You may have been surprised, but you weren't furious. You had to hold Clarisse back from ripping all their heads off.  
Furthermore, you did your best to reason with her once you calmed her down. ‘Clarisse, please be a little more reasonable, they can help out with the ship. Yeah, it’s all well and good we’ve got an undead crew, but who’s to say we couldn't use a little more hands-on-deck.’
She agreed to let them stay and help with great reluctance 
You could tell all three of them hated being at Clarisse’s beck and call, so you tried to help as much as possible 
You stopped to stare out into the vast sea watching the setting sun when Percy leaned on the rails next to you also staring at the sea
You muttered a hi before awkwardly staring back at the sun, as the last beams of the sun ebb away you see the CSS Birmingham on the brink of collapse 
Percy had managed to pick up on how you froze and came up next to you gently holding your waist, ‘is everything okay?’
You looked at him with a strained smile, ‘yeah I’m fine, sorry for worrying you. I thought I saw something, but it’s probably nothing’
Percy let go of your waist still sceptical, but he assumed it was best not to press besides you’ve been on more of these quests than he has, if you said there’s nothing to worry about then that’s that
As he walked away, presumably to Annabeth, you took a deep breath willing the heat in your cheeks to go away before following him from a respectable distance 
When you arrived, everyone was in a panic running around trying to save the ship 
Tyson is trying to fix the engine whose temperature is flying out of control and for a split second you freeze again seeing the same image you saw minutes ago in real-time 
Before you have time to react, the ship blows, and you lose consciousness
Once you regain consciousness and find Tyson and Clarisse heal them both as best you can
Clarisse complained how none of her wounds were healed: ‘what kind of Apollo kid are you?’
Despite this Tyson still smiled brightly and thanked you
Healing was not your forte 
The three of you make your way to Polyphemus' island to retrieve the fleece
The journey is spent defending Tyson from Clarisse’s constant insults and retorts until you lose a temper you didn’t know you even had, yelling, ‘Quite frankly, if Tyson hadn’t been there to try and fix the engine both us and the ship would be blown to smithereens. You always think you can do everything alone, but honestly, a little teamwork wouldn’t hurt you, Clarisse.”
Clarisse shocked didn’t say a word to either you or Tyson the rest of the way
After a trying ordeal, Percy Annabeth and Tyson sent you and Clarisse back to camp half-blood to complete your quest 
You took the time to hammer home a lesson about teamwork and how it doesn’t cost much to be kind, much to Clarisse’s chagrin
You worry the whole time Percy isn’t back
You along with everyone else receive his message about Luke poisoning Thalia’s tree, and you feel the vail lift. It seems Luke was never anyone's friend 
Despite the news of Luke, a party is still thrown after Thalia is healed and no longer a tree 
You see Annabeth rush over to Thalia and you take your chance walking over to Percy 
‘I never got the chance to thank you,’
‘For what?’ Percy stood a little perplexed 
You release a small amused sigh, ‘for helping us. We wouldn’t have done it without you, so thank you, Percy.’ 
There’s a beat of silence and Percy speaks 
‘So I’ve survived two quests now, are you impressed yet?’ 
Your eyes went wide, and you asked about how he knew what you’d been saying, to which he replied he’s been keeping a close eye on you.
‘That’s slightly creepy,’ you laugh, ‘but yes, you impressed me. You’ve far surpassed my expectations Percy Jackson’ 
The two of you smiled and carried on talking well into the night
The more you talked with him, the more you started to like him 
You certainly underestimated how unique he was at least in terms of his personality, you found him charming 
You couldn’t keep your eyes off him and were beyond sad to have to part with him 
You sneaked back into the Apollo cabin hoping you wouldn’t wake anyone up, least of all Will 
But lo and behold he was waiting for you with a wicked smirk ready to comment on the moment he’d witnessed through the window 
‘Don’t say a thing.’ You passed him and went straight to bed and Will followed 
When you were about to tuck yourself in and go to sleep, Will whispers in your ear ‘I knew you liked him’ with the biggest grin 
The whole cabin was woken up by a particularly loud bang and an even louder yell
The next 6 months were split between your usual duties, training and Percy
You had no idea how you would approach him because you didn’t like him, you just wanted to get to know him better.
‘For the purposes of being friends’: a statement you had to repeat to Will often 
Thankfully for you, Percy had already set out a plan to talk to you
Annabeth was sick of him ranting and regrettably made him a comprehensive ‘Guide to making friends with your crush’. He furiously denied he liked you in any such way 
Step one: Ask you to train with him 
You of course jumped at the opportunity to interact with him
The training was intertwined with flirty banter and frustration. You couldn’t beat Percy, or Percy couldn’t beat you. 
It started out just sword training, and you also taught him how to use a bow. He wasn’t very good at it 
One time you tried training with your powers trying to beat the other that way 
The both of you went a little overboard: Percy drenched everyone in the training area, and you blinded a good portion by accident, but the two of you made a pretty rainbow, so was it really all bad?
You and Percy would hang out together a lot, but when you weren’t together you would always seek each other out 
Percy noticed that you’d watch the sunrise by the lake nearly every morning
You noticed Percy would often take a swim in the lake at sunset
Anytime the whole camp was together you’d always somehow end up next to Percy and on the rare occasion you weren’t, there would be googly eyes lots of googly eyes
Everyone in your cabin picked up on it EVERYONE
Will was the worst offender, ‘I knew you liked him, all that talk about him not being the least bit impressive was just a cover-up. I knew it from the very start!’
You noticed how Percy would go out of his way to help his friends out and how he always did his best to lift them up 
You saw he had a fun teasing friendship with Annabeth, very similar to your relationship with Will
The 6 months go by quickly and in no time you get sent on your next quest
You go with the gang to retrieve two more demigods, Nico and Bianca. 
You rush over to Percy as soon as you and the others catch up with him
He was injured, and you stayed with him as everyone else fought off Dr Thorn
He just stares at you for a really long time, and you think the poison really must be getting to him 
‘Your eyes are so bright’ he whispers, and you barely hear him, but shush him saying he needs to conserve his energy and that you need full concentration to stop the poison from spreading as fast at the very least 
‘They’re so pretty,’ he continued and heat shot up to your face, ‘I never really noticed how pretty they are and when the sunlight hits them at the right angle they look like the sun’
You scolded him with your heart beating faster the more he talked
You erected a protective dome around the two of you when you saw silver arrows rushing through the air
You weren’t sure if the arrows were friendly until another barrage split the manticore’s thorns in half
You stared in awe until you heard Percy choke and realised you’d lost your concentration
While you shift your focus back to Percy, he sees Annabeth fall from the cliff, it crushes him to see someone so dear to him possibly fall to her doom.
Thalia introduces the hunters of Artemis as well as the goddess herself
She immediately recognizes you as her brother's child and scolds you for your lack of healing abilities
Despite her disappointment, she provides the medicine necessary to remove the poison from Percy 
You have a small conversation with the hunters alongside Bianca
You had to admit you were more than impressed, there was so much you could learn from them, you were enchanted by their skill and Bianca seemed to be reacting in the same way
Soon Artemis emerged from her tent, Percy following, and announced the hunters were to stay in camp half-blood while she went to slay a beast that could defeat the Olympic gods
Behind her, you hear the voice you only ever imagined you would hear
The man had a bright, familiar aura around him that comforted you
Your eyes went wide as you realised who was standing in front of you
Your father was actually genuinely in front of you, you couldn’t speak, only continue staring stunned
No matter what he tried, you remind motionless cursing yourself that this was your father’s first impression of you
Still shocked, you managed a confused and shaky hello. Apollo just smiled. It wasn’t a condescending ‘you're really weird smile,’ it was a popper fatherly ‘it’s going to be ok’ smile.
He gave all of you the sun chariot so that you could get back to camp
You got on and waved Apollo goodbye as Thalia took the reins. 
However, she forgot that it flies. Her extended freak-out led to you taking over mid-air as the poor girl curled herself up in a ball. 
While getting ready for capture the flag, you sense Percy’s low mood
He confesses that he’s worried about Annabeth and Mr D refused to let him try to rescue her
You did your best to reassure him that Annabeth will survive, and he’ll see her safe and sound very soon
You walked Percy over to the armoury, still reassuring him
Both of you got your armour on, and you picked up your trusty bow, admiring its curves
Percy uncapped riptide inspecting it while subtly glancing in your direction, you were enchanted as well as enchanting
He watched you slowly run your fingers along the bow top to bottom, then you gently grasped it slowly and delicately stretching the sting and slipping yourself in between
You abruptly turned around to face Percy, and he hurriedly looked away from you, awkwardly clearing his throat
For the entire game of capture the flag, a tense face-off between the hunters and the rest of camp
Michael, fed up with Percy and Thalia’s bickering, split the Apollo cabin into three defensive fronts with the strongest archers being the last line of defence 
As one of the camp’s best archers, you were stationed high up in the trees looking down ready to snipe, anyone, you needed to out
You knocked your arrow alongside your siblings, ready for the hunters to come through 
You held your position, hyper focused on the ground you expected the hunters to walk through 
Suddenly, your vision morphed, and you saw the image of Zoe holding up camp’s flag after taking out the distracted Thalia and Percy
You quickly told everyone to stay put and expect the unexpected and ran back to where Thalia and Percy were still bickering 
“Stop it !” you yelled at the two of them, “Your bickering isn’t helping anyone, Michael already set up the Apollo cabin as a perimeter and the Ares kids are on the front lines as usual. Sort yourselves out!” 
Percy gulped, eyes wide, but reluctantly allowed Thalia to take control 
But it was far too late, the Ares cabin put up a good fight but the hunter’s wiped them out 
You heard arrows whoosh through the air, you all stood in wait hoping most of the hunters would be knocked down by the arrows and various other cabins scattered about 
No such luck, only a small portion were knocked out by the time they reached the third layer of defence
You waited to hear the distinct sound of piercing arrows, but you heard nothing and Zoe with a small but deadly number of hunters behind her hurtled into view
You knocked your arrow aiming straight for Zoe, she skilfully jumped out of the way continuing to run towards you 
Thalia and Percy had occupied themselves with the other huntresses while you charged at Zoe
You took out a small dagger you’d strapped to your thigh and charged 
Once close enough, you dropped to the ground, skid along it cutting her calf 
Still skidding, you dropped your dagger, replacing it with your bow and knocked two arrows firing them simultaneously at Zoe
You hopped that was enough of a distraction for her to turn around and fight you, buying your team some time 
She turned around, facing you directly, and picked up her bow
You saw the tip gleam as she released it, you shot to the side out of the way of the arrow that buried itself in the ground 
She knocked the next arrow, releasing it in your direction
You let out a hiss as the arrow skimmed your shoulder, leaving a deep dash in its wake 
You gritted your teeth and knocked two arrows, waiting for Zoe to fire 
When she did, you ran up a tree, using it as a springboard to get you to higher ground 
You let the two arrows loose midair both hit their target Zoe’s thigh and upper arm 
You landed on the ground ready to fire more arrows, but it was too late 
Zoe was proudly holding the flag in her hand, smiling triumphantly 
You hadn’t noticed that with each arrow she fired, she was inching closer and closer to the flag 
Your hits were futile as by the time they happened the flag was close enough to Zoe she could easily reach it
You felt a strange mix of admiration for Zoe and loathing for yourself, how could you let something like this happen?
A loud sound snapped you out of your thoughts; turning towards it you saw Thalia and Percy arguing once again 
This time about whose fault it was they lost 
You watched as they humiliated themselves further in front of the hunters of Artemis
Taking a deep breath, you walked over and got in between them once again 
“For crying out loud,” you whispered. “If you want someone to blame, blame me. Zoe was right in front of me and I let her get away, now can you put this argument to bed? We look more pathetic than we did before.” You sighed exasperated 
Percy barely registered your words, what really got him to stop was seeing the injury on your shoulder
He reached out gently, touching the side of the cut 
His heart leapt into his throat when you winced, “that looks awful, are you gonna be ok?” He asked 
“Course nothing I can’t heal,” you grinned, but Percy looked at you in disbelief. “Ok fine, I was just gonna ask Will to do it.” 
Despite your reassurances all Percy could do was focus on that the wound as a result he walked you all the way to the infirmary and straight to Will, personally
He refused to leave until he heard Will say it’s not that serious
It all seemed to be a chain reaction because the whole ordeal ended in Will teasing you even more 
“I see Mr. Jackson taking personal care of you, he must like you a lot”
You replied, “He does not like me. Not in the way you’re suggesting, at least,”
“But you like him in that way, don’t you?” Will knew the answer, he just wanted to make you say it 
 “Perhaps.” Will jumped up and down whilst yelling that he knew all along. “Could you be any louder?” you yelled at your brother, “There’s definitely something there, but I’m still trying to figure it out.”
Will nodded and said he would respect your thought process, but he wouldn’t refrain from teasing you about it from time to time
“I always thought you’d end up with a woman,” he remarked. 
You laughed and replied, “me too.”
The conversation ended and Will focused on healing the wound
As he  bandaged it, Zoe walked in demanding to see you 
When she got to your cot, she talked about how she just got a prophecy from the Oracle to rescue Annabeth and that you impressed her so much she wants you to join her on the quest. “I would be honoured to fight alongside you.”
You nodded furiously, it was an offer you couldn’t refuse
Zoe smiled and informed you they would be leaving at first light tomorrow 
You walked back to your cabin and stepped inside only to find Percy bouncing his leg up and down sat on your bed
You greeted him and asked if everything was ok 
He told you about how it’s unfair that he doesn’t get to go, how of course the reason he wants to go is to help save Annabeth
“Percy, I would love to sneak you into my bag, but I don’t think there’s enough space”
You did your best to try reasoning with him. You told him how his worry for Annabeth might make him act without care for his own life, “and I care about you too much to let you rush into danger without thinking.”
You finished by promising him that you will bring Annabeth back safe 
He still didn’t like being left out and argued he would be fine, but as soon as you looked at him incredulously he stopped talking 
 “I care about you too, so you better come back and it better be without any wounds.” He said, pointing to the bandage 
“No fatal wounds,” you replied, and he nodded his head
You hugged him tightly and walked him out of the cabin door, smiling 
At the crack of dawn, you picked up your bag and rushed out the door 
You had to weave through your siblings, but you made it on time 
Zoe informed you Thalia and Bianca (I’m sorry I had to replace Grover) you would have to go without Phoebe
When everyone set off to leave, Zoe stayed behind with you, offering you to join the hunters
You thought back to the conversation with your Will and told her you need time to think, so for now you have to decline
At the Smithsonian, you saw Percy run towards the group, and you mimicked everyone’s expression
Out of breath, he told everyone what he’d overheard. Everything seemed to confirm dreams he had about Annabeth replacing Atlas and how Luke’s skeletons were now targeting him 
Zoe’s face was red and her brows furrowed 
Before she could yell at him, you stepped in between the two 
You calmed her down by making her look at the silver lining of the situation, Percy gained some valuable information even if he did it without consulting anyone 
Before she could argue back, you all heard a loud roar 
The battle with the Nemean Lion was arduous as nothing could pierce it’s fur 
You and Percy shared a look as Percy came with an idea, having no clue what he was planning you nocked an arrow in your bow and held it ready 
Percy fed the lion astronaut food and in its disgust it held its mouth open for you to shoot an arrow into its mouth, finally feeling the beast 
You gave Percy the lion’s pelt. He of course argued that you should have it
“Nah, it’s not really my colour,” the both of you laughed at your statement. “Seriously though, take it. You figured out how to beat it, it’s yours.”
In return, Percy thanked you for covering for him, “I didn’t really say it then, but thank you for saving me from Clarisse’s wrath and now again from Zoe’s.”
Zoe joined you and Percy. She questioned how Percy managed to find them despite her covering their tracks
Without thinking, Percy said she must have done a terrible job because the group left a massive bread crumb trail for him to follow 
You looked down at the floor, heaved a sigh and Percy stopped talking, realising why it was so easy for him to follow the group 
You defended yourself, saying you thought Percy might be the fifth member of the quest. It bugged you how the Oracle’s prophecy would be so inaccurate 
Zoe accepted your judgement, saying she should have expected an Apollo kid to be able to interpret the prophecy so easily. “There’s still room to join us, you know. Of course, you would have to leave your boyfriend.” 
Your heart rate picked up and your jaw dropped. You quickly shook yourself from the shock, “Nope! He’s not my boyfriend!”
“Even better, the offer still stands.”
Percy looked at you in shock. He couldn’t quite believe you were actually considering leaving him. 
For a split second, he imagined what it would be like to date you. He snapped himself out of it remembering that you two weren’t dating even if he in his imagination the idea was nice
When you finally lost the skeleton men tailing Percy, you shared a fire with a homeless man
No one took much notice of him, but there was something familiar in his eyes
They seemed to look at you with love, but also scrutiny to some extent. Despite his drab clothing, his skin seemed to glow
You stared at the man for a good while before Percy dragged you away
You were peacefully sat on the train next to Zoe when Percy came over with the same homeless man from earlier 
The man soon revealed himself to be your father
You smiled, remarking you knew there was something familiar about him to which Apollo replied “Nothing can escape you can it. You’ve grown up very smart, y/n.” 
You stood in shock while Percy covered for you in the form of distracting him with the directions to where they need to go 
With enthusiasm, he leads all of you there
On the way, he pulls you aside and tells you Pan should be somewhere close to where you’re headed and to call on him whenever you needed his help
He gave you a small wooden flute to call him when needed
“How do you know? I thought he was Hermes kid” you questioned your father 
“Oh, we never found out who his father is. We both keep tabs on him just in case,” he smiled
Before he left, he told you to heed the prophecy because it is absolute, and can’t be changed. “Trying to will only lead to more sadness.”
It doesn’t take long for the skeleton warriors following Percy to find your group again 
They fired bullets at Percy, which you snipe out of the air, freeing Percy to strike one down
You go to high five him, but before you can it reforms
You all do a double take but continue fighting 
Bianca seemed to be the only one who could defeat them, but there’s only one of her and too many of them 
You think back to the flute and ask Percy to cover you while you play it. The Erymanthian Boar defeated the skeletons and took you all  right in the middle of the Junkyard of the God’s
You were surprised to see Ares and Aphrodite there, until you remembered who you were talking about and who mostly uses the Junkyard  
Suddenly you were very uncomfortable
Aphrodite looks between you and Percy “my my, looks like I don’t need to add any spice to your love life. I almost feel sorry for you. It’s going to be a long, uncertain ride for the both of you before you reach the end. You feel something for both the Athena girl and the child of Apollo over there, don’t you?” She teases, pointing over to you talking to Ares. “However, you like one a lot more than the other, it’s going to take you a painfully long time to figure it out.” 
Percy frowns, his heart beating fast, he asks, “which one do I like more? Who do I end up with?”
“I can’t tell you that otherwise it won’t come true,” she teases again giving his nose a small boop 
Percy started at you red-faced as you rejoined the group 
You asked him if he was ok, and he rubbed the back of his head and gave you a sheepish grin 
Your heart skipped several beats and your palms were sweaty 
It was an image you never wanted to forget 
Aphrodite gently rested her head on your shoulder and seductively whispered in your ear, “I can’t tell you how this ends if you want.”
You gulped, tempted but shook your head 
Aphrodite picked her head up from your shoulder and walked around to face you, running her hand along your arm 
She looked you up and down, “Do you know what? I respect that.” 
You looked around the junkyard as a form of distraction from the intense stare you were receiving from Aphrodite 
A glimmer grabbed your attention, you walked closer and took out an electric guitar shaped like your Father’s lyre
You took it thinking of Michael, who would absolutely love it 
Zoe then called out, reminding you that it’s in a junkyard, so it’s most likely broken beyond repair 
You put it back with a sigh 
In the same breath, Bianca takes an action figure that then awakens a defective Talos
At that moment, your vision morphs, and you see Bianca go inside the Talos’ foot defeating it
While everyone was trying to stop it in its tracks, you try to figure out what this means
As soon as you figure it out, Bianca is climbing into the giant’s foot, you yell out, but it’s too late she drives the Talos into electrical wires disabling it but also sacrificing herself in the process
You whisper with tears in your eyes, “The second part of the prophecy has been fulfilled.”
After convincing a group of naiads to take you to the Hoover Dam, Percy starters reciting facts and jokes about it with Thalia joining in while you and Zoe started in awe as they explained it’s one of Annabeth’s favourites
They must be really close, you thought. It was sweet, but  your heart sank slightly knowing you’ll never have that close of a relationship 
You shook the thoughts out of your head and focused on the quest 
All the time Percy was separated from the group you were worried, it’s exactly what you were worried about in the first place
Percy joins back at the worst possible moment, you were prepared to chew him out about running off on his own when you realised you were stuck on the Hoover Dam
Instead, you took to giving him as massive hug, asking him not to run off a second time 
Meanwhile, Thalia was praying to her father in the corner, who then sent a metal angel to rescue the group and carry you off to San Francisco
Another problem comes in the form of Dr. Thorn manipulating Thalia into using Ophiotaurus' power 
You and Zoe tried everything to stop her, but in the end it was Percy who was able to stop her and also take care of Ophiotaurus, sending him far away. He did, however, have to sacrifice the lion’s pelt to his father in order to do it
The next nail in the coffin of your possible relationship with Percy came in the form of him meeting Annabeth’s parents
They got along so well that Dr. Chase, which you had to admit was incredibly impressive, gave the group his car. 
All Percy was doing was being himself, there was no way her parents were going to let a golden boy like that go
Zoe then came up behind you and whispered, “the offer is always open.” You gave her an exasperated look, and she smiled slyly and moved on
Much to your dismay, the misery continued. Before you coil say anything, Thalia called the driver's seat and Zoe called the passenger seat next to her, leaving you with Percy in the back 
You looked out of the window, trying to avoid any sort of conversation with Percy as you processed your feelings 
It was like the universe was sending you every sign that you shouldn’t even think about anything more than a friendship with Percy, but your heart was pulling you elsewhere 
You turned around to face him with a sigh
Without missing a single beat, Percy asked you if you were ok
You brushed it off saying you were just tired but with your answer ensued another awkward silence 
One, only Percy seemed brave enough to break. “What was Zoe whispering to you earlier?”
“Asking me to join the hunters, again,” you told Percy exasperated 
“Are you going to?” he asked in a gentle, almost hesitant tone. He was preparing himself for the worst
“I still don’t know. I know I have every reason to join, and it really seems like the universe is telling me to, but my heart wants to stay.”
Percy was somewhat relieved to hear your response. It gave him time to try to change your mind
“If you want my opinion. I think you should stay. You’d be leaving so many people behind. So many people that care about you. I think they would be upset to see you leave,” Percy paused, “I know I would.”
You looked at each other. His eyes were pleading as he gave you a tight lipped smile. It was like a movement of understanding had passed through the two, for you. You finally made your decision. Percy’s word were all it took
Before you could reply, however, a lightning bolt struck the car.
Thalia of course blew up in a fit of rage at her godly father 
You tried to argue that it might have been an accident, but Thalia was adamant it was her father 
The rest of the climb had to be done on foot 
When you got to the top of the hill, you were met with the formidable sight of Ladon 
You try to get past him, but he notices you and his protective instincts kick in he starts attacking all of you as you try to defend yourselves 
You fire your bow several times at the dragon, but it does virtually nothing in the grand scheme of things 
In the end it clawed your back, leaving bleeding gashes behind, and it managed to poison Zoe
At that point, you called everyone over to you and erected a protective dome of light 
The dragon got closer and reached one of it’s heads towards the dome, but soon after it was lying on the ground passed out 
You didn’t waste any time and ran to a safer place away from the dragon
When in safety, before continuing, you had to take care of the wound on your back 
Percy watched you as you rub your hand together, he asks what you're doing and all you reply with is “generating heat”
Soon he sees you placing your glowing hands behind your back directly above your wound 
He then heard a painful scream escape your mouth, and he realised you were cauterising your own wound
You fell forward and Percy caught you in his arms, you weakly smiled up at him and asked him how he was coping 
Percy was truly impressed, after all the pain you’d been through your first instinct was to ask how he was
He replied, “I’m the one who should be asking you that.”
“I'll be fine, it’s nothing I haven’t done before. Although, the wound is a lot bigger than I’m used to.  Could you pass me some ambrosia?” you asked, your voice shaking slightly 
He passed it to you, still holding you in his arms and helping you drink it 
You took your last gulp and started to get up out of Percy’s arms. He protested and told you to rest some more
You shook your head and made your way over to Zoe, told her that you wouldn’t be able to heal her completely, but you could slow down the poison
She nodded her head, and you used your healing abilities to slow the poison
You suddenly have a vision of you and Percy holding up the sky as a battle rages around you
You hurriedly ask Percy to repeat what happened in his dreams, then you ask Zoe to repeat the prophecy 
With your vision as the linking puzzle piece, everything was falling into place
Percy smiled, your contracting face was insanely cute 
You finally stood with a triumphant grin that Percy returned, making you feel even more confident
You looked Percy in the eye when you told him they all need to take Atlas’ place just temporarily, you trailed off and your face dropped 
You turned to Zoe with a sombre expression and said “it’s been an honour fighting alongside you, and it will be until  your dying breath,”
Zoe smiled widely, “does that mean you accept?” 
You shook your head, now Zoe’s face dropped. Tears pricked your eyes as you choked out, “the last line of the prophecy.” 
She took a deep breath, let go of your hand and nodded understanding what was to come
“I understand, the prophecy is absolute. If I am to die but the hands of my father, so be it. Let's go.”
You made your way to the palace, you and Percy looked at each other and ran to take Artemis’ place who was now free to fight 
You looked forward to finding Mount Othrys slowly rebuilding itself, spelling possible doom for Mount Olympus 
Your heart broke when you heard Zoe’s scream, assuming the final part of the prophecy was fulfilled 
Suddenly, you were blown backwards and end up with Percy on top of you
You let out a shaky breath, your heart picked up its pace yet again, and you asked what happened 
Percy explained that Artemis had pushed Atlas back under the sky 
“You were right about the prophecy. You’re amazing.” He grinned at you and your heart melted 
“Thanks, but I think you can get off me now.” You told him 
Percy scrambled to get off you, awkwardly clearing his throat
You watch as Thalia battles Luke, pushing him into a chasm and Percy runs over to free Annabeth from the bindings 
Artemis gives Zoe a place among the stars and then turns to you 
She asked you what your ultimate decision in terms of joining the hunters was
You told her what you told Zoe 
She sighed, “a shame. Despite this, you have earned this.” She handed you a moonstone necklace 
“Use this to call on the hunters in a time of need. However, it is only for a single use. Chose wisely,” Artemis remarked before she left 
Percy provides transport to mount Olympus, and you can’t help but smile the whole time at the sensation of riding a Pegasus 
The meeting of the Gods was tense from the start as they were debating the great prophecy trying to figure out who the child was 
Thalia then pledges herself to the hunters to everyone’s surprise, effectively eliminating her as the child of the prophecy 
That left only Percy, Ares, and Athena both suggest the Gods kill him preventing the prophecy from happening 
Artemis spoke up on his behalf, stating that Percy is a hero and if they kill him they are no better than the Titans 
It’s put to a vote and Artemis’ words convince many of the Gods to spare Percy
Apollo then invites the group to a party among the Gods, who were you to refuse 
At some point, you're persuaded to perform for everyone
You get up on stage and give the performance of your life before returning to camp 
Percy goes to Nico to tell him about Bianca’s death and Nico blames him completely 
You take a deep breath, step up and put the blame on yourself 
“I saw what was going to happen in a vision, but I chose to do nothing. I knew the prophecy was absolute.” 
Nico enraged threw the figurine at you splitting the earth in half before walking away 
You and Percy both look at each other wide eyed 
His father is Hades, you thought 
“A child of the eldest Gods,” you whispered to Percy
The break from camp was one of the best
You and Will travelled to visit each other’s parents, so you spent the whole time with each other 
Your mothers got along spectacularly well and took a shine to each of you 
You returned to camp a few days earlier than Percy and in the meantime started teaching some new Apollo kids archery 
Percy walked through camp after his unfortunate accident with Mrs O’Leary as well as the meeting with the council and Grover 
He sees you and several other Apollo kids performing “Stacey’s Mom”
You sang the chorus as some Apollo kids clapped while others accompanied you with various instruments 
You must have amassed quite the crowd, as the whole camp seemed to applaud when you finished 
You spotted Percy on the outskirts of the crowd and ran straight towards him, wrapping him up in a massive hug 
You had a short catch-up where Percy told you about meeting Rachel and his fight with two Empousai before running off to tidy his cabin for inspection 
You let a small sigh out, going to check if your cabin was clean 
During the games next morning, you see Percy and Annabeth disappear between the rocks
You tell Will and Clarisse overhears, telling you that was the entrance to the Labyrinth and how Chiron believes Luke might use it as a springboard for invasion 
Once the games finish, you go back to your cabin worried about what that might mean 
All of a sudden you hear a faint knocking on the door to your cabin, no one else seems to notice, so you go towards the door and open it 
Annabeth is standing in the doorway and asks you to go on a quest into the labyrinth with her 
Shocked, you ask her why, and she explains Clarisse had personally recommended you
She wanted you to come with her on her quest, but you’d already been snatched up by Zoe. “Clarisse’s words not mine,” she clarifies 
When you, Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson enter the labyrinth, you’re all confused. The walls keep shifting, and it seems like there’s no clear way forward
You end up leading the group through it, mostly guessing and hoping for just a bit of divine intervention
Sadly, you get your wish
You end up in a small Roman-Style room with the minor god Janus, who offers you a key 
Annabeth takes it after scolding you, “this is where guessing leads you.”
However, he keeps a hold of Annabeth forcing her to make a choice
Fortunately, Hera appears. You all look mildly shocked, and she just looks at you and says, “you wanted divine intervention, so here I am. What do you wish for?”
You blurted out the first thing that came to your mind, “it would be great to have some sort of map.”
She looked at you incredulously and scoffed, “I can’t give you something you already have,” and disappeared
You left the room and found yourself in America's most notorious prison 
Inside you find an hundred handed one being held captive by Kampê
You managed to free him, although Tyson did most of the work 
Despite his sympathy for your plight he still refused to join, and you had no choice but to leave him behind 
After Percy’s deal with Geryon goes awry, he tells the group how he managed to pierce all three of his hearts and defeat him with a single arrow
While everyone applauded him, you knew something wasn’t quite right 
Unless Percy was doing some side training with someone else, he was not skilled enough to shoot like that 
You brushed it off, saying he must have improved a lot since the last time you trained 
Eurytion makes good on his deal and frees everyone 
While everyone was getting ready, you overheard Percy trying to convince Nico not to resurrect his sister 
You walk over, filled with terror and a little anger, “I hope you're not thinking of bringing back the dead?” 
He glared at you, hell fire raging in his eyes 
You tell Nico the price you pay for bringing someone back from the dead isn’t worth it
He yelled back and the fire grew hotter
“And why should I listen to you? If you actually did something, I wouldn’t be doing this, would I? It’s not like you would know what it’s like, you’ve got your annoying brother!”
You held back the tears in your eyes as he ripped his gaze away from you 
Summoning his sister's ghost ready to resurrect her 
When she comes into view, his eyes soften and begin reflecting your own 
She greets him cheerfully but as soon as he mentions bringing her back she shakes her head, “You have to move on Nico, I’m the one who let Percy know of your plan. I was hoping he’d be able to stop you”
Nico’s lips were parted and a look of disbelief crossed his face, “if Y/N had done something you wouldn’t be dead, that’s why I’m bringing you back!”
You winced at his words, but Bianca gave you a sympathetic look and continued, “you can’t blame Y/N for that. The prophecy was absolute, there was nothing that could be done.” Before he tried arguing back, she told him of their fatal flaw as Hades’ kids: holding grudges
He said his last goodbyes and though significantly less angry, he still refused to come with you 
It was good of Eurytion to allow him to stay for a short period of time 
He gives you a further favour in the form of a spider automaton that leads you all to Hephestus’ forge 
You all swiftly get back on the road
You held back your tears as best as you could, but the dam burst 
You sobbed silently behind the rest of the group
Percy heard a faint sniff and came up behind you, asking why you were crying 
Your younger brother died when getting to camp half-blood, and you thought it would be like Orpheus, you get to the underworld and all you have to do is walk about with him without looking. But it was far from that, Hades price was soul for a soul and seeing as you didn’t know that, the soul he demanded was yours. You were prepared to give your life for him, your brother's spirit didn’t agree, he defied Hades in protecting you and was obliterated, no Asphodel Fields, no Elysian, not even Tartarus. You barely got out alive, and you’ve got the scars to prove it.
Percy envelops you in a massive hug, and you cry a little but pick yourself up relatively quickly
Annabeth joins, and it gets a little awkward, she doesn’t really know how to approach the subject
In the end, she admits that she heard the whole conversation, and she’s really sorry you had to go through that 
Still sniffling slightly, you thank her
Percy’s heart sings, you were becoming friends with his friends, and it’s all he could ask for 
Grover looks back and says he senses Pan, so Tyson goes with him, leaving you with Percy and Annabeth 
You carefully stepped into Hephestus’ forge 
Your jaw dropped when you saw Telekhines slaving away clanging metal and building something 
Annabeth puts her finger to her lips, and you follow her lead around the forge 
When you look behind you, Percy was far down the corridor you made eye contact with him
Eyes wide, you jerked your head towards Annabeth 
He shook his head, pointing at something 
You glanced at Annabeth, then walked over to him. He pointed at a large metallic head being placed on a large metallic torso 
“You don’t think-?” you whispered. Percy just shrugged his shoulders 
You carried on watching, they were adding legs to it when one of them saw you 
You grabbed Percy’s sleeve to run away, but by that point the creature got reinforcements and started running after you 
Annabeth looked back at the now ensuing chaos and was furious, but ran to help nonetheless 
Percy and Annabeth were slashing left and right with their swords as you fired your arrows 
Percy then yelled for the two of you to leave and warn Hephaestus 
You tried to call Annabeth away, be she wouldn’t go 
Instead, she got closer to Percy and placed her lips on his 
You stared, heart slowly breaking 
You saw Annabeth kissing Percy
They were hiding behind a rock when Annabeth grabbed him by the collar and brought him up to her lips 
Percy’s eyes went wide in shock before settling down and closing, he seemed to enjoy the whole experience 
Your heart broke 
There was no way Percy liked you back, not now that he knows he’s got Annabeth 
The more you through about it, the more it was obvious your subtle attempts at letting Percy know you liked him were probably just annoying to him 
The last thing you hear before fleeing with Annabeth was the sound of rushing water 
The journey back is done in silence with the occasional sniff from Annabeth 
Every time you sigh and try to comfort her
Once out of the Labyrinth she starts sobbing, she slumps against one of the entrance rocks 
“Annabeth-“ you sigh 
“No!” she says abruptly, “I don’t want to hear anything from you. You caused this. You got caught and now Percy is dead!” 
“You don’t know that,” you breathe out. 
“Yes I do!” she continues to yell, “I bet you knew it was going to happen and did nothing, just like with Bianca! Why didn’t you do anything?” 
You took a deep breath trying to control your ire, “I didn’t, actually. That’s not how it works. I can’t just summon the future, and he’s not dead.” 
Annabeth stared at you with a mixture of disbelief and fury
“Prophecies might seem random and vague, but they always make sense,” now confusion was added to her mix of emotions.
You racked your brain for a good metaphor, “it’s like a poem. It might take you on a little detour, a separate journey within the poem sometimes, but it’s to throw you off to confuse you. Prophecies are, by and large, in chronological order. Losing a loved one was last on the list.” You carried on going through the parts of the prophecy that were and were not fulfilled
She looks you up and down her face contorted in disgust as she scoffs, “absurd” and storms off 
You stayed in your cabin processing everything
The first couple of days were tense but fine, you were sure Percy was going to come back any day now 
The subsequent ones were substantially harder 
You spent a lot of your time writing really sad poetry, listening to really sad music, playing really sad music etcetera
You avoided Annabeth like the plague, and you weren’t obvious about it 
The only people you saw were your cabin mates, mostly Will, and Clarisse because you knew she wouldn’t ask why you were upset 
You spent a large amount of time in the infirmary with Will, helping him out 
You got more practice in properly bandaging wounds as well as strengthening his hymns at times 
As the days went on you started to doubt yourself and the guilt had set in
Soon, all your siblings knew why you were upset and what happened between Percy and Annabeth 
When you finally left your self-imposed isolation, it was for Percy’s funeral
During the whole service, Annabeth was glaring at you 
You stood next to Will with your head down, refusing to look at anyone
He rubbed your back and pulled you into a side hug  
As his shroud burned, he emerged in front of everyone 
Your first instinct was to run towards him and wrap him in a hug, but you stopped yourself as soon as Annabeth ran up to him
Will just continued to hug you as you watched the exchange with a heavy heart 
Annabeth made a huge scene, and you rolled your eyes
As you set off back to the cabin, Percy called your name, and you turned around  
You took a very deep breath in before talking to him, trying to make everything seem normal
When you faced him, Percy noticed you were still frowning and asked you if you were ok 
You brushed it off as just being worried about him, but he didn’t quite buy that
Something else was happening inside that head of yours that you refused to tell him about 
He also found it weird that you hadn’t given him a bone crushing hug yet, instead you had your arms wrapped around you, your hands clutching at your arms as if you were holding yourself back 
Thus, he took the initiative and almost threw himself on to you, hiding his face in your neck
You stumbled backwards and as you hugged him back he whispered “I missed you”
He untangled himself from you and told you he got a hint from Hephestus, and he knew how to navigate the labyrinth
Percy then asked you to come along and find Rachel
You tried to convince him that you were better off staying, but he insisted
He said if Annabeth was the problem, he could make her apologise
You looked at him confused, worried that he’d figured out it was about her kissing him. He clarified it’s because she yelled at you
“Right, yes because Annabeth yelled at me”
Before you could protest, he took you by the hand and walked off with you
You looked back at Will, and he looked back with a sympathetic expression
When you finally got Rachel you were a little relived, at least you wouldn’t be the only person third wheeling the Annabeth and Percy love show
She leads you effortlessly through the labyrinth, with Annabeth right next to her
Percy was glued to your side, it was almost like the Gods had made him stick to you to run salt in the wound
Percy on the other hand refused to leave you alone until he saw a marked improvement in your mood
He was alive, so you could stop worrying, he even got Annabeth to apologize which was like picking blood from a stone, but you still seemed miserable and because he couldn’t figure out the reason he settled on trying to cheer you up
He cracked jokes which you gave a small smile, he persevered the whole journey
In the end he settled on just being near you, he hopped it would comfort you as much as it comforts him
As you walked along the path, you felt something brush against your hand, you glanced down and noticed every so often Percy’s hand would brush against yours almost like it was seeking you out
Despite the events of the past couple days you decided to keep this moment for yourself, a small spark of hope in the dim darkness that maybe, just maybe Percy did like you
Before long, the four of you were captured by Luke’s forces and Percy was forced to fight one of his brothers
The fight against Ethan is short, Percy beats him easily but refuses to kill him, infuriating Antaeus
With trickery and wit he manages to defeat him and you all escape after he calls Mrs O’Leary
Ethan, however, disappears as soon as you're far away from the arena, you express a sense of foreboding to the group
You quickly reach Daedalus’ workshop and camp’s new swordsman trainer was in fact Daedalus, the downside bing he refused to join camp as he had already made his bed with Luke
As the empousa that disguised itself as Nico’s helpful ghost appears, Daedalus orders you all to flee, but luckily Rachel is able o get everyone back into the labyrinth
When you do, Percy finds a tunnel, but when he tells you to wait you shake your head and say you’re going with him
“There’s no way I’m letting you go in there alone”
You walk down the tunnel and arrive at a golden sarcophagus containing Kronos in Luke’s body
You think back to the prophecy almost immediately, and when Ethan pledges his allegiance to Kronos you're certain you're nearing the end of your journey 
Rachel storms in just in the nick of time when Kronos spots you she throws a hairbrush at him and for a moment it seemed like Luke was himself again
This small distraction allowed Nico to summon a wall of black stone, giving everyone time to escape
After Annabeth and Percy’s argument, you finally set off to find Grover and Tyson 
During the whole journey, Percy was next to you once again, and he got super close like hugging close 
He’d initiate touch more often, either his hand would brush against yours or he’d gently guide you by the waist in front of him
He’d joke around and be more flirty, and it made your heart hammer, but your brain confused, maybe he was just doing all this as your friend ? 
Something didn’t feel quite right about that, but it had to be, there’s no way he liked you, him and Annabeth kissed they're basically a thing now right ? Right 
You finally got to the Carsbald Caverns, where you saw Tyson watching over an unconscious Grover 
When Grover wakes, you enter the final resting place of Pan. He convinces a reluctant Grover to pass on that he has passed away 
He dissolves, leaving a piece of him with everyone, and you make your way back to camp 
When you get back, camp is deep in preparations for Kronos’ army, you rush to your cabin mates asking Michael what he needed you to do 
You took the camp’s best archers with you and stationed them on important vantage points around camp as per orders 
You perched yourself on the highest point, watching over a large portion of camp 
Your focus was sharp as you shot any monster in your field of vision 
But it seemed like every monster you shot down 10 appeared in its place 
You were exhausted, and you didn’t notice one climbing up towards you  
It started clawing at your leg tipping you off balance, you only just managed to hold onto a ledge and safely bring yourself to the ground 
In the rush to get down, you lost your bow and had no choice but to use your sword
You prayed to the gods that your training was enough
You stood in front of the creature with the hit of your sword squarely in the middle of your body waiting for it to strike 
You managed to block the first couple blows but as it started attacking faster you found yourself only blocking some 
The creature struck your left shoulder then going for your leg which you managed to block it tried again and managed to scrape you 
The fight carried on with blood dripping down your leg and arm, but you were ale to cut the beast’s head off, felling it for good 
You readied yourself for another attack but found there was none 
You limped your way towards the crowd of people consisting of your fellow campers, you were so close but your leg gave out at the last minute, and you toppled to the ground 
Percy ran up to you and helped you up, getting you to the infirmary where you were bandaged up ready for dinner 
Soon you found out Grover had used Pan’s gift to him and driven the creatures away as well as about Daedalus’ sacrifice 
At dinner Will made doubly sure you were ok and that you hadn’t tried cauterising your wounds again; you reassured him that you did no such thing, certainly not after his hissy fit 
The rest of the table laughed, for now camp was at peace 
Once you gave your offerings, Chiron came up behind you and in a gentle voice asked you to go up to the attic 
You nodded and headed straight up weaving thought the various furniture and cobwebs, trying not to get caught or stumble 
Suddenly, you heard a voice boom through the silence:
“You will return to the seat of a brother's power, whose prized weapon a thief did dishonour, the man was burned by his misdeeds, the weapon has been lost to the trees, the bow of light shall find its owner, else once again it shall destroy its holder,” 
You left that attic thinking about the Oracle’s vague words before reporting back to Chiron
Your quest had been issued 
On your way back to your cabin, Nico came up beside you 
You stopped walking expecting the worst but what he said surprised you 
“I’m sorry I was a brat. I know Bianca’s death wasn’t your fault and I overreacted. She was my sister, and she died, I didn’t know what to do, I’m sorry.”
You smiled and thanked him for the apology, “if anyone understands, it me.”
Your parting for the summer was bitter-sweet, you weren’t going home this summer not properly
You had a week to spend with your mum, but then you were given a quest that if you succeeded at might turn the tide and help beat Luke 
When you and Percy said goodbye, he left you with a small ring with a sun engraved into it and a chaste kiss on the forehead 
Will saw everything and teased you about your reaction, and you retort with ‘shut up Will, I saw your reaction when Nico touched your hand’ and the subject quickly ceased to be discussed 
You and your mum had a really close bond, so spending the week with her was so refreshing 
Sadly because of that she also knew you like the back of her hand and forced you to tell her all about Percy but you also dobbed Will in about Nico. She kept that in the memory banks to tease him with when he came to visit
You cooked food for her every evening for the week when she came home from work, and you’d made sure to clean up the house a little while also enjoying some TV 
You told your mum about the quest you were sent on but not so much as to put her in danger 
She of course was super worried, but she always would be
On the last night she bid you goodbye, and you set off into the night hoping to find Apollo’s bow (now watch me make up a bunch of fake mythology just for a fanfiction)
Legend has it Apollo’s childhood bow was stolen from him but when the thief tried using it Apollo felt it and used the bow to burn his skin. The thief dropped it somewhere in the wilderness, and Apollo was never able to recover it. He placed a curse on it, only allowing one chosen child of Apollo to use it. 
Camp found out about it because there had been reports that one of Luke’s lackies had tried using it and, just as the thief's, his skin burned. 
Your job was to do nothing but retrieve it for safekeeping at camp
You stayed in the modern city of Delphi, researching more about the ancient seat of your godly father’s power 
You discovered that the bow was stolen from your father’s temple right from under the Oracle of Delphi’s nose 
The only thing you had left to do was to think like the thief
You got onto the site with a group of tourists and ‘got lost’ in the temple of Apollo. From there you ran in the first direction you could think of, and you ended up in a dense forest just behind the amphitheatre 
You thought you’d felt a strange tingle and believed that maybe because you were an Apollo kid you might be able to sense it 
You stood in the middle of a forest with your eyes closed looking like an idiot while nothing happened for a good 5 minutes before you gave up 
You kept searching the forest until you noticed the light seemed to change as if it was purposefully trying to guide someone away from something
You traced the beams of light back to their source, stepping into a clearing with a gleaming golden bow situated on the ground 
Immediately as you picked it up you felt its weight, you could barely lift it and would need some serious strength training to use it 
You felt a strong push to use it, as if it was telling you to shoot an arrow from it 
You stared at it and without thinking lifted it up in front of you, grasping the string 
You quickly shook yourself of the haze as you remembered the consequences of using it when not chosen by Apollo
Divine wrath induced blisters weren’t exactly something that can be healed 
You walked out of the cleaning, thinking about how you were going to transport the bow back to camp
You looked down and realised it had transformed itself into a long, rounded gold necklace charm (think Amenedeil’s necklace from Lucifer) that you added to the chain already around your neck 
After sending an Iris message back to camp you sat down reading more about the bow and it’s properties
You wanted to find out why Luke wanted it so badly 
Looking through old texts, you concluded that being able to shoot arrows from miles away still wasn’t its most impressive power. The bow was capable of shooting flaming arrows as well as its standard ones
You could easily imagine how an exploding arrow could completely turn the tide 
The bow could also heal whoever uses it at extremely fast speeds but if you weren’t strong enough to use it you would explode 
it’s last significant powers were that of teleportation and shapeshifting, which you assumed it did automatically as it shifted into the charm that is now on your necklace 
When you got back to camp, the bow shifted its appearance once more into its true form with a golden flash of light 
You and the rest of the Apollo cabin were given responsibility for the bow’s safety
Everyone agreed it should stay as the charm on your necklace to prevent anyone from being tempted to use it and be subsequently turned into ashes
So many of your siblings wanted to try to shoot it; you had to scare them off with warnings that ranged from your hand will rip off as soon as you try to lift it, to, if you try to use it you will explode 
From the day you got back, you had strange dreams about using the bow 
In one of your most vivid dreams, you stood in the clearing where you found the bow. You gently lifted it off the ground, admiring it’s fit in your hand. You lift it with ease, positioning yourself at a 90-degree angle to where you wanted to shoot. Retrieving a golden arrow from the quiver, you took a deep breath in and released it when you breathed out, only to have the arrow disappear into the sky with no way of knowing where it landed
You went straight to Asher with the dreams, seeing if he might be able to decipher them, but he dismissed the dreams as you probably wanting to use it really badly 
You didn’t want to argue
You woke up, after another dream of using the bow's several abilities, you noticed a small golden envelope on your night stand. 
You broke the seal and began reading: it was a poem about you and the bow, encouraging you to try it from the only person whose poems could be this bad. Apollo.
You went into the forest, to a similar clearing you found the bow in, and prayed to your father, hoping he would answer. Truthfully you didn’t expect him to, that letter could have easily been a prank by the Stoll brothers
To your surprise, he actually appeared, saying that he’s already broken one rule by contacting one of his children he might as well break another
He explained how, over years of being lost, the bow had developed a consciousness of its own in a way. He no longer picked who used it, the bow picked for itself 
Despite your concerns about not being able to match the strength needed to actually utilise the bow, he encouraged you to use it with a ‘if you were not able to wield it the bow would not have chosen you.’ He placed a hand on your shoulder, ‘I think it has finally found a worthy owner.’’
He told you that once you mastered the bow, a bond would be formed, and you would command the bow much like he did in days past
You parted ways with your father and headed back to camp 
Percy noticed you heading out of the woods, and any thoughts about fulfilling a prophecy rushed out of his head 
He ran towards you, enveloping you in a tight hug that you wanted to reject until you realised it was Percy 
After the hug ended, he scolded you for not answering any of his iris messages. You explained to him that you were on a quest to retrieve Apollo’s bow and that you were encouraged to use it, but Apollo himself
‘Well, Perce, you’re just in time to watch me do something incredibly stupid.’
‘Since when was I ‘Perce’, ‘Oh, sorry Percy. I wasn’t thinking.’ ‘No! No, I like it.’
Percy strongly disagreed with your plan, but understood you could never have any surety if you didn’t try 
You tried lightening the situation with a joke and Percy didn’t appreciate the idea of you being blown to bits that the joke suggested
You stood in the same clearing you met your father in with Percy
As you lifted the bow into the air, it felt a lot lighter than the first time you touched it. 
The bow seemed to effortlessly mould into your hand as you gently gripped the handle
You noticed a quiver of celestial bronze arrows appeared on your back.
You nocked the arrow and as you pulled the string back the arrow turned to light 
Percy noticed that in your hands not just the arrow, but the bow, seemed to be made of light. The bright string gently kissed your lips and nose 
You took a deep breath in, summoning the courage and strength to actually wield the legendary bow and aiming for the sky
You let out a slow breath; you let the fingers gripping the bowstring to relax and free, the arrow which leapt into the sky
You stood frozen to the spot, watching the arrow travel further waiting for and explosion or burning to rack your body, but you were fine
Percy’s heart leapt just as far as the arrow when he saw you were unharmed 
He ran up to you once more, gripping your waist and spinning you around in a circle 
Before you had time to process what was happening, Percy placed you on the ground and pressed a quick kiss to your lips
Your lips tasted of mango lip balm, and he wanted more, but he knew he couldn’t  
You just stared at him dazed, Percy kissed you. PERCY KISSED YOU 
Alarm bells were going off: what did it all mean? Did he like you as well? No, that would be ridiculous
‘Sorry, I um…’ Percy stammered. ‘I got swept up in the moment,’
‘Of course, makes sense it was a very emotionally charged life, or death situation makes sense.’ your heart dropped hearing his words, but you didn’t have time to focus on them, Chiron needed to be notified. The chosen Apollo kid was in camp half-blood!
You and Percy ran up to the big house and told Chiron and Mr. D, they were both elated (well Mr. D let out more of an approved grunt than anything else) 
You took both of them out to the archery grounds and shifted the charm back into a bow. The quiver appeared like magic behind your back once again.
Nocking the arrow and pulling the string back, you closed your eyes imagining an arrow of fire flying towards the target and setting it on fire 
Everyone gathered around you as they saw the arrow turn to fire
You released the string, and it hit bullseye, setting the whole target on fire 
You let loose a second arrow, this one exploding the target before it could be burnt up completely 
There was one more thing you wanted to try that would probably freak everyone out, but you were on fire and too curious not to try it 
You popped your head through the gap between the bowstring and the belly with the upper limb over your left shoulder 
You look out a small dagger and cut your palm 
Everyone gasped, Percy was about to run to you to yell at you for what you were doing before he realised that the cut was healing by itself
The bow transformed back into a charm on your necklace and everyone applauded and lifted you up above them 
You beamed while crowd-surfing, relieved and more than proud in your abilities 
You don’t even have time to properly catch up with Percy as you're swept off to the war council and Percy and Annabeth go to the Oracle 
When they come back having heard the prophecy the war council is in shambles and Clarisse storms out yelling about the Ares cabin refusing to fight
You had no idea anything could discourage and Ares kid from fighting 
Annabeth recited the prophecy, everyone was in agreement that it was about Percy, but something didn’t seem quite right to you
You kept quiet, not knowing what was so off 
Later you saw Percy walking to the training grounds, and you caught up with him, asking him what happened 
He gave you the rundown of the situation with Annabeth and Grover, and he just wanted to sit with Mrs O’Leary and forget about everything 
The two of you started searching for her when you spotted her scampering away into the forest 
You both ran into the forest after her, finding Nico and the council of elders discussing grover with Juniper defending him 
Afterwards, Nico has a conversation with you and Percy about gaining the same advantage as Luke in battle he seemed very pushy about it towards Percy and very reluctant to have you come with them 
This made you more determined to tag along 
In the end, Percy relented, and you all travelled to Luke’s mum’s house 
The entire trip was weird
Upon entering Ms Castellan’s house, she greeted both Nico and Percy as Luke, assuming you’re Luke’s partner
She talks openly about everything to do with Luke’s life. How he ran away to protect his mother and how he needed his mum’s blessing to become a host for Kronos
When you tried to leave, she seemed possessed before returning to normal 
You dismissed the occurrence but couldn’t ignore the fact the goddess of the home stood outside the house 
She provides lunch and gives a slightly ominous statement. No matter what side she takes you can not forget her, she is the goddess of the home
Then she takes you to Percy’s mum and his stepdad Paul has a small freak-out finally believing Sally about the supernatural 
Sally keeps giving Percy a look that you can’t quite place after you introduce yourself 
Sally then takes him into another room,  looking at you very sweetly in contrast to Percy who was trying his best not to make eye contact with you 
When everyone was out of earshot, Percy’s mum started relentlessly teasing him about his crush 
‘They’re very pretty, aren’t they? And a child of Apollo, well it certainly makes sense they quite literally glow. My Percy you have chosen well!’
You on the other hand had a small conversation with Paul, finding out he worked at the school Percy went to 
The two of you had a lovely conversation about Shakespeare that mainly focused on his sonnets, but occasionally you’d discuss one or two plays  
You were in the middle of a conversation about how Iago is presented in Othello and how much of a genius villain he really is when Percy and his mum walked back in 
Paul joked that you might need to give Percy some English lessons
With introductions over and jokes out the window, Sally reluctantly gives Percy her blessing to bathe in the River Styx
This time you were the one to take Nico and Percy to Central Park, testing out another one of the bows powers 
There Percy felt Grover, who altered them to the death of Pan as well as Morpheus’ appearance worrying you all 
Grover opens the passage to the underworld, and you trek down to the river
While on the   Nico changes the course from the river to Hades place betraying Percy who fights Nico when he finds out, but the furies disarm him and take everyone to Hades throne room
Hades reveals the truth about Nico’s past, and you just look at him resentful, ‘I hope it was worth it, Nico. I hope you’re happy’
Truthfully, Hades didn’t know what to do with you, he hadn’t planned for an extra person in the deal with his son 
He recognized you instantly, the only other child of Apollo that dared venture into his realm and twice at that 
For your tenacity, he rewarded you by giving you a head start before he sent the furies to rip you apart 
You immediately ran for where you assumed the river Styx must be from myths and the limited time you spent in the underworld
It was the most logical choice given that if Percy had escaped, that’s probably where he’d be heading 
You grasped your father's bow, sending a tirade of fire arrows raining down on the furies, enough to confuse them and slow them down 
You made it to the river with only a minimal amount of scrapes that had easily healed themselves 
You saw Percy with another figure by the bank of the river, and you drew another arrow ready to shoot the traitor
Percy was quick to stop you, explaining Nico had no idea of his father’s plan and helped bust Percy out of jail
You and Nico waited anxiously on the banks of the river for Percy to resurface, surely it can’t take this long 
‘Look, I’m sorry, that’s why I didn’t want you to come. I didn’t want you to get involved. I know for a fact Percy would have maimed me if something had happened to you.’
You were still angry at him but accepted that his words were coming from the heart. You sighed and replied, ‘look, I get it, but chasing the past will only end in more hurt. Besides, as his kid, you should know that his deals are always naff.’
Nico just looks at you confused, and you told him the story of your brother and suddenly your previous warning made sense
While in the river Percy had two voices pulling him in two different directions, yours and Annabeth’s 
Only one however would lead him out of the river 
He reached towards your voice and suddenly he was back in camp
He was swimming in the lake with you looking down on him from the bank 
He started to swim away but you held him by the hem of his shirt smiling 
“Come on Percy, you can’t stay in there forever” 
You pulled him out keeping your hand on the small of his back 
He was overwhelmingly happy with your presence next to him 
Still holding the small of his back you leaned in 
Percy suddenly rises from the water with a gasp, you help him out, all while insisting on how he managed to anchor himself and if he’s truly alright 
He ignores your main question, opting to answer with ‘I promise I’m fine,’ blushing profusely
Despite being attacked by Hades and his worker bees, with Percy’s new strength, he rips through them with ease.
Percy tells Nico to try and convince his father to fight for the right side, and you leave the underworld with him
You listen as Percy explains his plan to save Olympus, just smiling at him. 
You bite your lip and say, ‘you know we still have a traitor in our midst, right?’, ‘yeah but I’m working on a plan for that’, you look at him almost breathless, the boy doesn’t cease to amaze you 
‘What’s that look for?’ the look you give him leaves him breathless. It’s like you're admiring him, but not as a leader or a friend, but something else entirely 
‘Nothing,’ you bite the inside of your cheek to quell your smile as much as you can, ‘let's get to the Empire State.’ 
The atmosphere is tense, especially as Percy almost collapses after Hestia shows him a vision of Luke
Hermes brings a message from Athena warning to keep an eye on the rivers. However, he also brings with him admonishment towards Annabeth for not preventing Luke from hosting Kronos 
Percy is about to give Hermes a piece of his mind, but you stop him, stepping forward instead, ‘Quite frankly sir, your son is not Annabeth’s responsibility and furthermore Annabeth is in no way in charge of other people’s actions. Your son’s stupid decisions are not on her!’ you took a deep breath before continuing, ‘But neither are they on you. Luke, for better or for worse, has made his choice. All we can hope now is that it’s not too late to turn him to the side of good and if that fails stop him from destroying the world.’
Everyone including Hermes was speechless
Hermes gulped, nodded his head and left 
It was Percy’s turn to stare at you with awe. You argued with a god and won, not just that but the god that created your father's beloved lute
There isn’t a single thing Percy didn’t love about you 
Now it was your turn to blush 
The tender moment is interrupted by Michael yelling your name and informing everyone that Manhattan has been put to sleep. The invasion has begun 
Percy splits everyone off in all directions like the true leader he is
He looks at you ready to send you off to your cabin mates, but you interrupt, ‘Don’t even try it, I’m staying with you,’ He knew better than to argue with you, plus it made him feel a lot more confident 
In the end, you Percy and Annabeth go and help your fellow Apollo campers and manage to get Kronos to retreat, giving the campers time to regroup
You saw Michael Yew still on the bridge when Percy collapsed it and got your cabin mates to search for him
You settle in for the night but find it really hard to sleep despite the fact you provided small night lights for yourself and all the other Apollo kids 
You thought you’d talk to Percy, but he was asleep, not peacefully, but you figured some sleep is better than none
You walked to the makeshift infirmary where Will was changing a campers bandages while they were asleep
‘Can’t sleep?’ he asked. ‘Clearly,’ you replied. After a couple beats of silence, you spoke again, ‘you should get some rest. I’ll take over for a bit.’
He looked at you incredulously, ‘What? You are literally the worst healer we have.’ You choked, ‘yeah, but I can change bandages!’
‘Can you?’ Will asked and you both burst out laughing. He handed you a gauze and told you to place it over the wound before he helped you wrap the bandages round the camper's leg.
‘Yeah look at that shoddy work, definitely not leaving you here unsupervised,’ you chuckled at his remark. ‘Besides, the chosen one needs more rest than the medic.’ 
You gave him a gentle shove, laughing slightly.
‘So,’ he pipes up again. ‘You and Percy, any developments?’ 
You smiled gently, looking at the ground. Lately things have been pretty good, but you still can’t get the thought that he likes Annabeth more than you. I mean who wouldn’t, she's smart; she’s got beautiful princess curls she actually knows what she's doing fighting with a sword. Plus, she’s a hell of a lot more helpful in this mess of a war. You kinda feel like you're just tagging along, more of an onlooker than an active part.
‘I think the lack of sleep is getting to you Y/N’ Will laughs, and you laugh with him. He never fails to reassure you and make you feel better. 
The world might be falling apart, but at least you’ve still got Will. Not to mention all your friends and your other brothers and sisters.
When Thalia woke Percy up to speak to Prometheus, he had a small panic because he couldn’t see you sound asleep in the cot next to his, but before he was able to worriedly search for you Thalia drags him to the meeting 
Even though you're not next to him, he feels you encouraging him, telling him not to give up. 
He walks back with Pandora’s box, telling himself over and over that they’re not giving up. Your voice in the back of his mind telling him there’s always hope 
When he sees you sound asleep in your cot, he can finally relax a little and falls asleep again 
When Percy wakes up, he simply grabs you by the wrist and takes you to Central Park with a few other demigods 
You and the other demigods fight Hyperion’s monsters, while Percy battles the titan on his own
You take out the monsters with ease. You might not have Percy’s strength, but your bow had served you well 
Its healing properties essentially keep you from being injured, the only thing you had to deal with was the pain that accompanied your wounds. Sadly, it would often stay a little longer than the wound itself.
You quickly got to higher ground and flipped off a statue spinning in the air as you released three arrows at the same time, all exploding on impact, finishing off the rest of Hyperion’s monsters.
You got Grover and the rest on standby as you went over to help Percy#
He got behind Hyperion and fired an exploding arrow, making him turn around. 
‘Come on! How have you not crushed us yet? We’re bugs compared to you, and somehow we're still better. You’re Hyperion! Is that the best you can do?’
You taught him long enough for Percy to create a hurricane, dousing his fiery aura to allow Grover and the others to seal him inside a maple tree.
Sadly, there’s not much time to celebrate as the Caledonian Sow starts wreaking havoc.
Sadly, you make the unfortunate mistake of the flying pig, it attacks you first
Thankfully you're saved by Percy on blackjack and while he’s trying to escape the Sow as you’re shooting it down
In the end, Percy calls some automatons to destroy it, and they finish off the Sow. 
You both fly back to the empire state and to your dismay see that the campers have been significantly pushed back by Kronos’ forces
Just in the nick of the Party, Ponies save the day.
Percy comes with you to see will and try and heal some more of the wounded
Will mutters about not needing two terrible healers, but you ignore him telling Percy to give nectar to the wounded as she cleans their wounds ready to be expertly dressed by Will and the other healers.
Percy does as he’s told, all the while looking at you as cleaned everyone’s wounds 
He thought about all that you did today, it was amazing to see you in your element. There was no doubt you were one of camp’s strongest 
‘What’s that look for?’ you teased him, repeating his own words
Percy just laughed and replied, ‘nothing, just looking at you’
You started to giggle and he giggled along with you 
‘There’s something  we need to talk about’ you said 
‘Oh no, that serious tone is never good.’ you gave him a withering smile 
You went for a ripping off the plaster approach, “I don’t think the prophecy is about you. Not fully at least. I don’t think it would be that much of a stretch to assume the battle is for Luke’s soul?”
Percy on the inside was relieved that it might not be about him, but he still can’t take the possibility off the table 
However, something still nagged at him. He replied, “that makes no sense.”
You told him about the vision after you woke up. You saw Percy hand Luke a knife and he looked like he was debating what to to with it
“Maybe the decision is whether or not he sacrifices himself. Think about it, he's the only one who knows where his weak spot is and if he dies our big bad goes with him.”
Percy sighs, he wants to believe you but he can’t, “that still leaves the elderly gods part. He just doesn’t fit the bill.”
Your whole body tensed, “I’m not saying I’m correct but just consider it please.”
Percy replied without thinking, “I can’t! It’s such a big stretch and I can’t take that risk. Honestly, you’ve been so spot on before, it’s a wonder you're not now.”
You started at Percy. Anger was crossing through your veins. You sighed sharply running your young along your teeth, “leave, just go. We can finish this later.i think we both need to cool down. Maybe next time you won’t be so rude.”
Later, Percy rushes back to the hotel everyone used as base and ran straight towards you, embracing you in a hug
You were surprised considering yesterday, but you allowed him to carry on 
With unadulterated joy, he said that the prophecy wasn’t about him
You asked how he knew, and he told you the whole story about how Rachel flew in on a helicopter, but it failed and Annabeth had to get into the cockpit and safely land it 
‘I see, You’ll believe Rachel when she tells you, but not me. Good to know.’ you started walking away, but Percy grabbed your wrist 
He apologised, admitting there was no excuse for his behaviour. He did believe you deep down, but on the surface he felt hurt that another thing was out of his control. At least when it was him, he could do something about it. 
You forgive him and tell him that he’s doing his best. He’s doing so well he’s literally been dubbed the leader of the entire camp, an achievement in itself
In a moment of silence, your eyes met. It was almost like your breathing was in sync. You looked at his locks, tracing each small hair down to his face. His beautiful sea green irises reflected what looked like admiration but also relief 
Before you could analyse them further they were ripped away from your gaze, fixing themselves instead of a large sound. 
Clarisse seemed to be leading the Ares cabin 
You get a sinking feeling in your stomach, Clarisse is stubborn as a mule and there’s no way she’s changed her mind
Everyone else around you cheers and ‘Clarisse’ charges into battle tearing thought the enemy lines until she’s met with a drakon that strikes her down
You all rush over to her ready to carry her off to the infirmary when another Clarisse appears, one you all recognize as the real one.
She takes control of her cabin and leads it to victory, beating the drakon single-handedly, earning her father's blessing
Selina fessed up to being the spy and how she was threatened by Luke making his case for redemption thinner 
Soon you Percy Grover and Annabeth make your way to Olympus to set up more defences, accompanying Grover to the gardens
While Percy was convening with his father in what could be described as the stupidest plan ever, your own father came up to you
He told you how brave you and your siblings were. He also spoke of your ingenuity with his bow and declared you it’s owner 
After he said this, he took your right forearm into his hand
With a slight burning pain, just before the crease appeared a small, pale yellow half sun surrounded by arrows 
You thanked him with a huge grin, constantly glancing at your new mark
“There’s no need to thank me, you have proven yourself worthy of welding the Golden Bow. May your aim always be true”
You quickly hurried to rejoin Percy, who was recovering from nearly being obliterated by his father for sitting in his throne, and both share your good news
Your celebrations are cut short, however, when Thalia announces Kronos’ army is at Olympus’ door
You, Percy Thalia, Annabeth and Grover are all separated from the rest of camp and Hades undead army, fighting Kronos’ vanguard alone
You quickly shot an exploding arrow at the vanguard, effectively cutting Kronos’ forced in half 
You and Percy exchanged a grin before joining back into the fray back to back. 
You covered Percy and the others with a barrage of arrows as you all followed Kronos, trying to prevent any further destruction of Olympus  
Thalia is crushed under Hera’s statue but urges all of you to keep moving
Ethan gets into the way of your group and as you're about to shoot an arrow at him, Percy stops you 
By some miracle, he convinced Ethan to help Olympus instead of Kronos 
Sadly, he soon killed for his betrayal by the titan 
After Kronos angrily wipes the vision of Typhon being beaten, Annabeth tries to reach out to Luke one more time in hopes of him regaining his senses 
She succeeds somewhat, but Luke struggles to keep control 
Percy had intended to kill Luke himself, but your warnings about the prophecy not being about him repeat inside his head on a loop 
Finally, it all clicks in place. IT’s about Luke 
He gives Luke Annabeth’s blade and Luke choses to save Olympus by sacrificing himself 
When the Gods return, everyone is given a reward: Annabeth is made Olympus’ architect and your father of course requests more statues of himself; Grover is given the final seat on the Council of Cloven Elders and all the fallen would be awarded Elysium
You were glad Michael would have peace 
You stood back, content all of your friends efforts were rewarded, however, your father wouldn’t waste an opportunity to praise you in front of all the Gods
He beamed as he spoke of the Golden Bow finning a worthy owner after centuries and the mark on your forearm begin to glow indicating to the Gods you were the owner in question 
You were bestowed with a golden Laurel wreath and declared the slayer of beasts
Of course, this was all an elaborate excuse for your father to shower you with gifts, most of which were poems about every fight of yours he witnessed 
However, the most significant gift was Apollo’s blessing, allowing you far greater power over light including the ability to turn invisible and “just for fun” the ability to play all instruments 
He went off on one, how normally your eyes would turn brown if they weren’t already and the hair would turn blonde with orange stripes in it, but he quite liked your eyes and hair
“They remind me of your mother”
So instead you got golden highlights accompanying your new powers
Finally, it was Percy’s time to shine. You were excited for him, wondering what kind of reward he’d get for all his bravery 
What you didn’t expect was immortality, you stood staring at him wide-eyed
You wanted to be happy for him, but secretly hoped he wouldn’t take it 
 Then you wouldn’t be able to tell him about your feelings for him 
He probably wouldn’t be allowed outside Olympus, you’re not stupid, you’ve seen the Hercules Disney film 
Percy was shocked to say the least, he never thought he’d do something so spectacular as to earn immortality
For a split second he was tempted to take it, but he looked back at your sad face and realised, there’s no way he could 
Instead, he makes a list of demands, that if anyone but the God’s chosen hero were to make they would be smote 
But thanks to those demands, Percy made the camp a better place
For one, Nico would finally have his own cabin, along with the kids of the minor gods 
When everyone got back to camp, your siblings planned a swift celebration 
The music was pumping, and you felt each and every note
It was euphoric, every beat every note pumped through your veins like never before 
You grabbed a spare guitar ready to give the blessing a test drive
Everyone looked at you shocked as you felt the melody ripple pleasantly through your body
Everyone cheered nonetheless when you placed the guitar back down again
You joined the crown once again dancing your heart out before your arm was grabbed, and you were pulled out 
Percy was leading you away from the crowd and grumbled when he heard whooping front the direction he dragged you away from
He kept going until you got to the lake, the setting sun reflecting peacefully off its waters 
Percy took both your hands in his and looked you in the eye summoning his courage
‘I really like you,’ it was out in the wind and all you could do was stare flabbergasted 
Your heart was leaping for joy but your brain was holding it back because it didn’t make sense 
“I thought, but you… you and Annabeth… in the labyrinth, you- you kissed’ 
Percy wasn’t expecting that to coke out of your mouth, sure he was prepared for rejection but somehow this was worse 
‘I-yeah I guess we did I kinda forgot about that,’ 
You stood there still shocked as he continued trying to figure out what everything meant
‘I forgot because I kinda figured everything out while in the River Styx. I- wow never thought I’d have to say this, I honestly thought I’d take this to the grave, it’s a little embarrassing. You were what grounded me to this world, I could feel you pulling my shirt at the small of my back and holding me there until we nearly kissed. At that moment I was no longer confused, I knew it was you I wanted.’
‘So that’s why you avoided my question’ Percy nodded shyly 
You bit your lip thinking, processing all the information 
You moved closer to Percy parting your lips slightly and grasping the small of his back 
You gently put pressure on it 
Percy gasped smirking you asked ‘and that’s where your weak spot is isn’t it?’ 
He hastily nodded blush dusting is cheeks as you brought your lips closer to his 
‘While we’re confessing things, that week where I was shut in; I wasn’t sick. I was upset about you and Annabeth and wanted to avoid you. The angry states you got from my siblings were because they knew I liked you’
‘Oh’ it was all starting to make sense now that the dots were out together for him. 
You stayed like that until the last rays of sun fell over the horizon 
‘Hey water boy ,’ you smiled at Percy’s dumbfounded face. ‘Are you gonna kiss me or not?’ 
He did not have to be told twice 
He slammed his lips down in yours 
You reviled in the feeling of his lips on yours finally getting to feel what you’ve longed for
You felt warm sparks fly out of you and as you parted with Percy you looked around finding your bodies surrounded by small yellow sparks 
‘That’s new,’ you smiled, thanking the Gods and mostly your dad for helping set the mood.
A/N: Oh my goodness, this was way too long. It was 37 pages of a Google doc, and I probably should have split it into parts. Also, I am the queen of putting the keep reading in awkward places (Hi future me, the keep reading was deleted because it turns out that’s was ate the text I had to re paste)
Edit (03/07/22): I didn’t realise I forgot to copy a whole chunk of the story from the word doc. It’s now fixed between the Empousa (sp?lol) and Percy’s “I missed you” was where the gap was
Edit (05/06/23): I was made aware by an anonymous user that I used she/her pronouns in the section with Percy’s mum. This has now been rectified. As a result I did remove the line about a wedding. I was unsure of how to reword it in a gender neutral way so opted to remove it entirely. I also noticed while making this change I used ‘girlfriend’ instead of partner in the section where they visit Luke’s mum. The same user notified me of an issue with the hunters of Artemis section. I was unaware of what they meant. I looked through any instance i mentioned the hunters or Zoe and removed “You told him Zoe was probably more comfortable taking girls, considering she’s one of Artemis,’’ hunters.” Again I was unsure of how to word this in a gender neutral way so opted to remove it. I have replied to the full ask and is under #untitled Percy Jackson headcannon for anyone who wishes to read my initial response. I believe that’s all the mistakes rectified. If not please tell me and I will fix them
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