#Property of the Hess Estate
2023's public domain is a banger
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40 years ago, giant entertainment companies embarked on a slow-moving act of arson. The fuel for this arson was copyright term extension (making copyrights last longer), including retrospective copyright term extensions that took works out of the public domain and put them back into copyright for decades. Vast swathes of culture became off-limits, pseudo-property with absentee landlords, with much of it crumbling into dust.
After 55-75 years, only 2% of works have any commercial value. After 75 years, it declines further. No wonder that so much of our cultural heritage is now orphan works, with no known proprietor. Extending copyright on all works – not just those whose proprietors sought out extensions – incinerated whole libraries full of works, permanently.
But on January 1, 2019, the bonfire was extinguished. That was the day that items created in 1923 entered the US public domain: DeMille's Ten Commandments, Chaplain's Pilgrim, Burroughs' Tarzan and the Golden Lion, Woolf's Jacob's Room, Coward's London Calling and 1,000+ more works:
Many of those newly liberated works were forgotten, partly due to their great age, but also because no one knew who they belonged to (Congress abolished the requirement to register copyrights in 1976), so no one could revive or reissue them while they were still in the popular imagination, depriving them of new leases on life.
2019 was the starting gun on a new public domain, giving the public new treasures to share and enjoy, and giving the long-dead creators of the Roaring Twenties a new chance at posterity. Each new year since has seen  a richer, more full public domain. 2021 was a great year, featuring some DuBois, Dos Pasos, Huxley, Duke Ellington, Fats Waller, Bessie Smith and Sydney Bechet:
In just 12 days, the public domain will welcome another year's worth of works back into our shared commons. As ever, Jennifer Jenkins of Duke's Center for the Public Domain have painstaking researched highlights from the coming year's entrants:
On the literary front, we have Virginia Woolf's To The Lighthouse, AA Milne's Now We Are Six, Hemingway's Men Without Women, Faulkner's Mosquitoes, Christie's The Big Four, Wharton's Twilight Sleep, Hesse's Steppenwolf (in German), Kafka's Amerika (in German), and Proust's Le Temps retrouvé (in French).
We also get all of Sherlock Holmes, finally wrestling control back from the copyright trolls who control the Arthur Conan Doyle estate. This is a firm of rent-seeking bullies who have abused the court process to extract menaces money from living creators, including rent on works that were unambiguously in the public domain.
The estate's sleaziest trick is claiming that while many Sherlock Holmes stories were in the public domain, certain elements of Holmes's personality were developed in later stories that were still in copyright, and therefore any Sherlock story that contained those elements was a copyright violation. Infamously, the Doyle Estate went after the creators of the Enola Holmes series, claiming a copyright over Sherlock stories in which Holmes was "capable of friendship," "expressed emotion," or "respected women." This is a nonsensical theory, based on the idea that these character traits are copyrightable. They are not:
The Doyle Estate's shakedown racket took a serious body-blow in 2013, when Les Klinger – a lawyer, author and prominent Sherlockian – prevailed in court, with the judge ruling that new works based on public domain Sherlock stories were not infringing, even if some Sherlock stories remained in copyright. The estate appealed and lost again, and Klinger was awarded costs. They tried to take the case to the Supreme Court and got laughed out of the building.
But as the Enola Holmes example shows, you can't keep a copyright troll down: the Doyle estate kept making up imaginary copyright laws in a desperate, grasping bid to wring more money out of living, working creators. That's gonna be a lot harder after Jan 1, when The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes enters the public domain, meaning that every Sherlock story will be out of copyright.
One fun note about Klinger's landmark win over the Doyle estate: he took an amazing victory lap, commissioning an anthology of new unauthorized Holmes stories in 2016 called "Echoes of Sherlock Holmes":
I wrote a short story for it, "Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Extraordinary Rendition," which was based on previously unpublished Snowden leaks.
I got access to the full Snowden trove thanks to Laura Poitras, who jointly commissioned the story from me for inclusion in the companion book for "Astro noise : a survival guide for living under total surveillance," her show at the Whitney:
I also reported out the leaks the story was based on in a companion piece:
Jan 1, 2023 will also be a fine day for film in the public domain, with Metropolis, The Jazz Singer, and Laurel and Hardy's Battle of the Century entering the commons. Also notable: Wings, winner of the first-ever best picture Academy Award; The Lodger, Hitchcock's first thriller; and FW "Nosferatu" Mirnau's Sunrise.
However most of the movies that enter the public domain next week will never be seen again. They are "lost pictures," and every known copy of them expired before their copyrights did. 1927 saw the first synchronized dialog film (The Jazz Singer). As talkies took over the big screen, studios all but gave up on preserving silent films, which were printed on delicate stock that needed careful tending. Today, 75% of all silent films are lost to history.
But some films from this era do survive, and they are now in the public domain. This is true irrespective of whether they were restored at a later date. Restoration does not create a new copyright. "The Supreme Court has made clear that 'the sine qua non of copyright is originality.'"
There's some great music entering the public domain next year! "The Best Things In Life Are Free"; "I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice-Cream"; "Puttin' On the Ritz"; "'S Wonderful"; "Ol' Man River"; "My Blue Heaven" and "Mississippi Mud."
It's a banger of a year for jazz and blues, too. We get Bessie Smith's "Back Water Blues," "Preaching the Blues," and "Foolish Man Blues." We get Louis Armstrong's "Potato Head Blues" and "Gully Low Blues." We get Jelly Roll Morton's "Billy Goat Stomp," "Hyena Stomp," and "Jungle Blues." And we get Duke Ellington's "Black and Tan Fantasy" and "East St. Louis Toodle-O."
Note that these are just the compositions. No new sound recordings come into the public domain in 2023, but on January 1, 2024, all of 1923's recordings will enter the public domain, with more recordings coming in every year thereafter.
We're only a few years into the newly reopened public domain, but it's already bearing fruit. The Great Gatsby entered the public domain in 2021, triggering a rush of beautiful new editions and fresh scholarship:
These new editions were varied and wonderful. Beehive Books produced a stunning edition, illustrated by the Balbusso Twins, with a new introduction by Wellesley's Prof William Cain:
And Planet Money released a fabulous, free audiobook edition:
Last year saw the liberation of Winnie the Pooh, unleashing a wild and wonderful array of remixes, including a horror film ("Blood and Honey") and also innumerable, lovely illustrations and poems, created by living, working creators for contemporary audiences.
As Jenkins notes, many of the works that enter the public domain next week display and promote "racial slurs and demeaning stereotypes." The fact that these works are now in the public domain means that creators can "grapple with and reimagine them, including in a corrective way." They can do this without having to go to the Supreme Court, unlike the Alice Randall, whose "Wind Done Gone" retold "Gone With the Wind" from the enslaved characters' perspective:
After all this, you'd think that countries around the world would have learned their lesson on copyright term extension, but you'd be wrong. In Canada, Justin Trudeau caved to Donald Trump and retroactively expanded copyright terms by 20 years, as part of USMCA, the successor to NAFTA. Trudeau ignored teachers, professors, librarians and the Minister of Justice, who said that copyright extension should require "a modest registration requirement" – so 20 years of copyright will be tacked onto all works, including those with no owners:
Other countries followed Canada's disastrous lead: New Zealand "agreed to extend its copyright term as a concession in trade agreements, even though this would cost around $55m [NZ dollars] annually without any compelling evidence that it would provide a public benefit":
Wrapping up her annual post, Jenkins writes of a "melancholy" that "comes from the unnecessary losses that our current system causes—the vast majority of works that no longer retain commercial value and are not otherwise available, yet we lock them all up to provide exclusivity to a tiny minority.
"Those works which, remember, constitute part of our collective culture, are simply off limits for use without fear of legal liability. Since most of them are 'orphan works' (where the copyright owner cannot be found) we could not get permission from a rights holder even if we wanted to. And many of those works do not survive that long cultural winter."
[Image ID: A montage of works that enter the public domain on Jan 1, 2023.]
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From the window of Hess's mansion, Ganja stares out and watches the guest they had for dinner get out of the water and run towards her, jumping over Archie's body to get to her. His aliveness is not explained -- was he turned into a vampire? He was buried with his clothes -- where did they go? Is he running to rejoin Ganja as a lover, or to seek revenge for leaving him for dead?
Regardless, it is intriguing that the story cannot be without a male figure for long. Ganja has almost no scenes alone; the closest we get is her in the wine cellar, but even then there is the male presence of her dead husband's body. She essentially replaced her husband, Meda, with Hess and once Hess dies, even without a logical explanation (or any explanation) a male figure appears to fill that role almost immediately. It is also significant that he appears naked, as Gunn continues to explore the erotic subjectivity of his vampires. The camera's perspective and the slow-motion of the scene accentuate his nude form and places his genitalia in the viewer's primary focus.
Archie's dead body is also shocking. It is not clear who killed him, but we might assume Ganja as Hess has died at this point and it is unlikely and would be uncharacteristic of his restrained demeanor to murder his loyal and long-time household help. His blood splattered shirt indicates a vampiric end, and as Hess's death has left Ganja in control of the estate, his killing may be also somewhat symbolic in establishing a new order of power in the mansion, and also leaves the property in totally vampire control (if we assume the dinner guest indeed has been turned) with no possible human intervention from Archie.
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tehuti88-art · 1 year
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11/18/22: r/SketchDaily theme, "Antarctica/Free Draw Friday." I did Free Draw Friday.
This week's character from my anthro WWII storyline is Unteroffizier (Sergeant) Alger Holt, sans cap (top drawing) and with cap (bottom drawing). Unlike many of my other characters he's actually pretty decent, mainly because he's involved in the resistance. There'll be more about him later in my art Tumblr and Toyhou.se.
Regarding his design, he's a standard schnauzer. I was originally going to make him an old German shepherd but changed my mind; still feel rather iffy, but oh well.
TUMBLR EDIT: Holt, I believe, has been around longer than PFC Helmstadt--I believe he, like Senta Werner, slightly predates the circa-2000 reboot, and may have been a supporting character in an adult scene or two, though I'm not going to check--so he's neither one of the old characters nor one of the new. Still, I don't have much personal info about him yet, likely because he's not a main character. Perhaps I'll learn more in the future.
I do know he's a veteran of the Great War and seems to be older than Inspector Dobermann, whose household he serves; I think also he's one of the first Wehrmacht troops who arrive to guard his estate. So he's most familiar with everything that's going on. He's also very observant, while remaining unobtrusive, which means he's often more in the know than others expect--he has the dirt on everybody. They're just lucky that, for the most part, he's not interested in acting on it. He's the one who's basically in charge of household affairs until Helmstadt arrives and takes this duty upon himself; rather than protest, Holt steps back and lets him. All the better to keep even more of an eye on things.
Being a keen observer, Holt picks up on little details that everyone else easily misses. He fought alongside Jewish soldiers in the Great War, so when the national atmosphere begins to change, and the state turns against the Jews and others with the excuse that they betrayed Germany and led to their defeat, he knows this is a pile of BS. He's not sure what to do about it but he knows things are taking a very nasty turn before most of the others know. When Gunter Hesse, an old family friend who'd been staying with the Dobermanns but joined the Waffen-SS to go fight prior to Holt being stationed there, returns to recuperate from his injuries, Holt recognizes that he's bought into the lies hook, line, and sinker--unlike Dobermann himself, who dislikes the Nazis. All three of them served in the Great War, so it's kind of jarring how different their opinions on the matter are.
Along with catching notice of all the little nasty things piling up as the Nazi influence grows, Holt sees all the little signs of resistance as well. It doesn't escape his attention when the home staff members give dirty looks or mutter under their breath about the Nazi officials who keep stopping by Dobermann's house to seek his approval. Dobermann's own disdain is pretty obvious--especially when he brings home Tobias Schäfer, a Jewish prisoner from the labor camp, to serve as the in-home physician. This isn't just audacious, it's illegal--and Hesse makes it clear where he stands, demanding Dobermann take him right back. Dobermann refuses. Even his wife Inga, whom Hesse admires and respects, refuses to get involved, and Schäfer stays. Holt finds the situation curious and interesting. The most interesting thing is how close Schäfer grows to the help staff, especially the kitchen workers, who welcomed him warmly when Hesse refused to eat at the dinner table with him. Holt often spots them talking quietly with each other (Schäfer is deaf, but he can read lips), and often out of the way of Hesse or the Wehrmacht guards. He suspects he knows what's going on before he gets any concrete proof. There's a good reason the Nazis want Dobermann's permission to use his property: The house is full of hidden passages that can be used to secretly observe and search for members of the resistance movement known as the Diamond Network, which is also known to use such passages. So far, Dobermann has put off granting such permission, but Holt believes the passages are being used anyway.
Late one night while patrolling the house he comes across members of the help staff exiting a room where they'd been having a small party amongst themselves; he stops and confronts them. They reluctantly hand over a paper upon which Holt finds a layout of the house and the passages within. He stares at it for a moment before requesting a pen; then he draws in a few more passages he knows of, that the help staff missed. When he hands the map back, he advises them to be more cautious: If someone like him can find out what they're up to this easily, then someone like Hesse, who works in intelligence, can definitely find them out.
It's not too long after that that he hears faint noises in the walls; he conceals himself to the side of where he knows a passageway enters into his room, and watches a section of the shelf slowly move aside. He puts his pistol to the head of the unknown man who peers in, and calmly demands to know who he is and what he's doing there. It soon becomes clear this is Josef Diamant, the founder and leader of the Diamond Network; the Dobermann help staff, via Dr. Schäfer, gave him the house layout, and he's exploring the passages to see how trustworthy it is. And speaking of trustworthy, Schäfer related to him what had happened with Holt stumbling upon the plot--they've been waiting to see if anything would come of this, but it's obvious Holt took no further action as Schäfer warned he might. Diamant suspects Holt may be an ally. Holt hesitates--nobody has ever come right out and asked him before, so for a moment he's not sure how to react. He doesn't waffle for long, though, and tells Diamant that when he served in the Great War, men like Diamant saved his life more than once; he figures he should return the favor. And like that, he becomes an informal member of the Diamond Network, helping to funnel escapees through the house and to safety.
Although close to the Dobermanns, Holt never outs himself to them--Inga Dobermann finds out secondhand that he's involved in the resistance effort when she herself joins in, and Dobermann doesn't find out until this plan falls apart and Inga has to go into hiding. Holt and Diamant are the first on the scene when Inga shoots and kills a trespassing Nazi who threatened to report her, but Dobermann arrives before they can decide what to do. Although stunned and confused, Dobermann promptly orders Diamant to take Inga to safety, while he and Holt work out a cover story to explain the situation to anyone else who arrives. He leaves Holt in charge, and Holt, levelheaded as ever, manages to convince Helmstadt and the others who show up that Inga was killed defending herself, and Dobermann has taken her body to relatives (who don't exist); it's a weird, flimsy story that Hesse doubts when he arrives upon being called, but Holt is convincing, and nobody dares question Dobermann too closely as the "grieving widower." Hesse, normally a threat to Diamond Network activities, actually proves to be an asset in covering up Inga's faked death: His boss places him in charge of the investigation, meaning he chooses who participates and how exhaustive it is. At Dobermann's request, he keeps it low key and doesn't look too deeply past the dead Nazi involved. Inga's secret--that she's actually Jewish--remains safe, ironically, because the SS ensures that it does so.
Even though he's been pulled into it unwillingly, Dobermann continues Inga's work in her absence, and Holt continues assisting, including making sure Hesse remains in the dark. He quickly discovers Sgt. Stephen Gerhardt, a new arrival at the estate, is in fact an American spy, based on a very slight trace of an American accent, and although he doesn't give away the Inga plot, he does help Gerhardt navigate his way through the complicated political situation on the estate. And he's on hand to help defend it and the staff when the s**t finally hits the fan upon Inga's return, resulting in a Nazi attack on the property; while the Dobermanns, Dr. Schäfer, and Gerhardt flee with Diamant, Holt stays behind with Senta Werner, another of Dobermann's Wehrmacht guards, and Wilhelm Volker, a young Nazi officer who decided to side with the Dobermanns at the last minute, to protect the remaining help staff and the house. He's spared by the arriving Allied troops when he offers to translate for them, and never faces any consequences as he never committed any war crimes. His participation in the plot of Ultima Thule is minimal as he remains at the Dobermann estate (now a base of operations for the remains of the Diamond Network as they deal with assisting displaced victims of the Nazis).
Regarding his life after the war, currently, I know nothing; I'm pretty sure it's peaceful and uneventful, as that was the way he preferred to live his life, even though circumstances got in the way for a while. Knowing him, he probably continues to help out what remains of the Network. I don't think he ever gets into a relationship, though that could always change. He surely maintains some sort of casual contact with old friends such as the Dobermanns, Schäfer, and Diamant. I imagine he's just fine with the way his life turns out.
[Alger Holt 2022 [‎Friday, ‎November ‎18, ‎2022, ‏‎4:00:13 AM]]
[Alger Holt 2022 2 [‎Friday, ‎November ‎18, ‎2022, ‏‎4:00:44 AM]]
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unbfacts · 3 years
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histoireettralala · 3 years
The Reichsdeputationshauptschluss.
The tacit recognition by Prussia, Austria, and Russia, of the French consolidation in Switzerland and northern Italy was a consequence of the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss, or Imperial Recess, which was made necessary by French territorial expansion during the late 1790s. The Revolutionary Wars had fractured the power of the Holy Roman Empire, which had shaped German history for the better part of eight hundred years. In 1795 the treaty of Basle, by which Prussia recognised French control of the left bank of the Rhine while France returned all of the lands east of the Rhine captured during the war, marked a crucial moment in German history. It consolidated French control of the Rhineland and divided Germany into spheres of influence, with the northern one, dominated by Prussia, effectively deserting the imperial cause. Despite his pledges to defend southern German polities, including dozens of imperial counts and knights, Emperor Francis II was unable to stem the tide of French aggression, and this effectively undermined his leadership among the German states. More important, French expansion into the Rhineland resulted in the dispossession of the many German secular and ecclesiastical princes, and, according to Article VII of the Treaty of Lunéville, German princes who had incuredd losses during the coalition wars, had to be compensated. In practice this meant mediatization and secularization, with fhe former signifying "the subjugation of lesser territorial units to stronger states, while the latter meant the annexation of ecclesiastical principalities by larger secular states."
In October 1801 the Diet of the Holy Roman Empire had formed a committee to discuss plans for such reorganization. Composed of representatives of Mainz, Bohemia, Brandenburg, Saxony, Bavaria, Württemberg, Hesse-Cassel and the Hoch-und Deutschmeister (grand master of the Teutonic Order), this deputation largely accepted decisions already made in a series of bilateral agreements between France, Austria, Prussia, Russia and the German states. In a revival of the traditional French policy of Austrian containment, Bonaparte sought to weaken the Habsburgs both territorially and politically in Germany, where he wanted to create a group of middle-sized German states (dependent on France) as a counterweight to Austria. He conveyed the central tenets of his Germany policy in a letter to Foreign Minister Talleyrand. Bonaparte's intention was "not to compromise in any way France's position in German affairs" but also "not to take even the hundredth of a chance that could break the peace." Above all, the future of German rearrangement depended on ensuring that "more than ever a disunion exists between Berlin and Vienna."
France's aims echoed in Russia, which had secured the right to intervene in German affairs with the treaty of Teschen, which ended the War of the Bavarian Succession in 1779. Russian Emperor Alexander I was keenly interested in strengthening the German states of Württemberg, Baden, and Hesse-Darmstadt, all of which were dynastically linked to the House of Romanov. Bonaparte understood this, writing to his brother that " it [would be] difficult to negotiate respecting Germany without cooperation of [Russia]." Consequently, in June 1802, Russia and France had reached an agreement outlining key elements of the indemnification on the right bank of the Rhine and paving the way for the transformation of German states.
Austrian efforts to counter French (and Russian) designs by seeking closer relations with France or developping an alliance with Prussia and Bavaria and offering the latter some territorial compensations proved to be in vain. Upon learning of Austrian advances toward Bavaria, Bonaparte wrote directly to Maximilian Joseph, Elector of Bavaria, assuring him that "the proposition made to Your Highness by the House of Austria conforms so perfectly to the constant aims of that august House that it appears to me to be contrary to the interest of your own." More important, France successfully divided the German states and secured Bavarian and Prussian support by offering them far more generous compensations than Austria was willing to consider; once it became known that Russia would join France in a common mediation, many secondary German states scrambled to seek the favor of the French government, thereby further weakening Austria's position.
The Imperial Recess represented one of the most extensive redistributions of property in European history. This process directly affected the smaller states of the imperial knights and ecclesiastic princes, whose territories were designated for absorption by larger states. The Imperial Recess eliminated 112 sovereign estates, including 66 ecclesiastical principalities and dozens of estates belonging to imperial knights; of the ten electoral states that existed in 1792, four now became part of France. Some three million German subjects had to change their allegiance [...]
Together with the further reorganization of Germany into the Confederation of the Rhine in 1806, the Imperial Recess determined the geopolitical structure of Germany for much of the nineteenth century. It greatly simplified the political map of Germany and turned the Holy Roman Empire into an obsolescent entity whose dissolution was all but inevitable, as the leading German states were keen to profit from its growing weakness. The Reichsdeputationshauptschluss was perhaps beneficial for Germany in the long term, but in the short term it effectively undermined the existing international order in Europe. While an indirect threat to Britain, French intervention in Germany was a direct challenge to Austrian and Russian interests in the region. That France could bring about a revolution so effortlessly (at least it seemed so to many contemporaries) can be explained by several factors. The great-powers rivalries abetted the French. Britain could do little to stop these processes, while Russia participated in them and accepted faits accomplis. Prussia also collaborated with the French, as it sought to ensure peace in Europe through a triple alliance of Russia, France and Prussia that would have partitioned Europe into spheres of influence and guaranteed the neutrality of the states within each sphere. Prussia, naturally, expected to reserve for itself the hegemony of northern Germany and was willing to overlook French trangressions in Italy and southern Germany in exchange for rich bounty elsewhere. Prussia's gain, however, would have been Austria's loss. Vienna had vested interests in Germany and should have resisted more forcefully, but it did not; its armies were defeated, its allies indifferent, its revenues declining, and its state debt growing. From an Austrian point of view, Prussia could not be trusted because of existing enmity, while Russia's support inevitably would have resulted in the sacrifice of some Austrian interests and strengthening of the Russian position in the region, and because of the close relations between Russia and Prussia, that would have meant gains for Prussia as well.
The establishment of French hegemony over the southern German states was the result of both military and diplomatic victories. Throughout 1801 and 1802 Bonaparte outmaneuvered his rivals by exploiting existing squabbles among the Germanic states and the great powers; when Austria tried to use force to discourage territorial changes in Germany, Bonaparte quickly sided with Prussia and Bavaria, offering them generous compensation. The Franco-Russian accords of 1801 further strengthened France's hand in southern Germany. Bonaparte did not ignore Russian interests but rather sought common cause with them. If there was one thing France, Russia and Prussia agreed on, it was the desirability of seeing Austrian power reduced in central Europe. Without any allies, Austria had no choice but to back down. Bonaparte's diplomacy, centered on gaining the cooperation of Prussia and Russia and decreasing Austrian influence by attracting to France's orbit a group of middle-sized German states, thus proved to be decisive in determining the fate of Germany. As radical as the change may seem, there was considerable support for secularization and reorganization within the Holy Roman Empire, as many of those middle states were keenly interested in profiting from it. The French claim that German states would be better protected in this new arrangement was widely accepted, and states like Bavaria, Baden, and Württemberg were delighted to see their territories enlarged. Britain was not.
Alexander Mikaberidze- The Napoleonic Wars, A Global History.
Random notes:
- Ugh, Britain, nobody asked you.
- It's really the end of the Europe of Westphalia, isn't it ? Now I feel somewhat nostalgic :)
- @josefavomjaaga, would you say the Imperial Recess was more complicated to implement than the Peace of Augsburg ? From what I read about the Thirty Years War, I wouldn't bet on it. Yet the dispossession and compensation of so many people had to be a major headache. I'd like to hear more about it, if you are willing.
- Goodbye, Holy Roman Empire.
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Don’t know if there can be any headcanons for this but... Rachel and Sonic? If not enough, how about Rachel and the Wachowskis?
Hmm... Sonic and Rachel... AND THE BAKED GOODS SQUAD?! How about a “Two for the Price of One” deal? I can do Rachel engaging with all three Wachowski members for these headcanons. Seems fair? Alrighty, let’s see what I’ve got:
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After Rachel got past the fact that Sonic destroyed her car in downtown San Francisco, as well as wreck her kitchen, Rachel realized that Sonic was an orphaned child looking for a place of belonging in the world and that he was perfectly harmless. She is very protective of him and often tries to engage Sonic in the many family activities that she, JoJo, and her sister in. (Tom is welcomed to come also, but the two always butt heads).
Rachel does not 100% hate Tom. She’s very, very cautious around him due to her own experiences in the past with her ex-wife cheating on a man. Think of it as a defense mechanism.
Both Rachel and Maddie are twins. They both will tell you that they are the prettier twin.
Rachel is a real-estate agent during the day, but at night she prides herself in being an aspiring contemporary minimalist artist. (Think of Rothko or of Eva Hesse). She proudly sells her art in many pop culture museums downtown.
Rachel also enjoys fine wines, cheeses, and fruit plates to share with her sister on movie nights.
Rachel and Maddie grew up with two mothers: one was a lawyer and the other one was an artists. Both grew up partaking in BLM marches and Pride parades in San Francisco.
Rachel is very protective of Sonic, just like Tom and Maddie are. However, Rachel and Maddie are not afraid to tag-team together and make Sonic’s Wachowski’s bullies feel their wrath.
Sonic does like Rachel. He doesn’t like how defensive and intimidating she is of Tom and asked her to stop. Maddie had to explain that Rachel’s divorce with her wife was heartbreaking, they were as tight as her and Tom are in their relationship. Sonic felt bad for not understanding the whole story and apologized to her for getting angry. Since Rachel;s talk with the Space Hog, Rachel makes sure to control her anger and evaluate why she is upset with Tom.
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Sonic and Rachel secretly share a love of going to the spa. Sonic, Maddie, and Rachel will go to get a massage, their nails done, get a facial, and get their hair styled. Maddie and Rachel always tell Sonic that it’s okay to treat himself to something nice every once in a while.
Rachel and Sonic also love to go shoe shopping together. They, along with JoJo and Maddie, will spend hours in Springvalley--a very wealthy town--visiting various boutiques and buying shoes of all kind. Tom, hating his visit to “the land of the rich, home of the snobs” the most, will spend time at the local diner and munch on donuts. He’ll check up on them on occasion and return to his spot at the diner.
Whenever Rachel and JoJo make a special trip to Green Hills, Montana, Sonic likes to turn it into a big event. The house is decorated with streamers--Sonic likes to throw ribbon and glitter all over the place--and balloons, a pizza with a side order of lasagna is ordered and a movie is rented, and Sonic shows them where they’ll be sleeping for the stay. He’s a very good host and caters to their needs.
Sonic and Rachel will bond over watching reality T.V. shows, shows like The Bachelor. Sonic will make a remark, saying that some of the men on the show are plastic and too flashy, Rachel cracks up and they both talk smack about the contestants on the show.
Rachel has tried to teach Sonic how to make food inn the kitchen, other than living off of donuts and dinosaur chicken nuggets. Sonic is really good at burning food, as well as making a big mess in the kitchen--he burns boiling water and random foods on the stove top will catch on fire. He’s not very good at making a dish, but he tries very hard. Plus Rachel likes to reward him with golden stat stickers every time he doesn’t set food on fire.
Rachel always carry a brand new package of flavored gum that she gives to Sonic every time he sees her. He gets a big kick out of it and tells her that she’s the best aunt ever.
Rachel and Sonic both share a huge love for flower of any kind. Both Rachel and Sonic are very knowledgeable to the healing properties, the symbolic meaning, and the gentle care of each flower in order to grow. Sonic--his favorite being sunflowers without a question--loves to leave a bouquet of them for Tom, Maddie, and Rachel any chance he collects them. Rachel will leave Sonic a flower crown made of daisies, lilacs, hydrangeas, and gardenias.
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Rachel, even though she is hard on Tom, will sometimes call him and thank him and Maddie for adopting Sonic, as well as raising him. Not only has he made good friends with JoJo, but he has helped make him and Maddie stronger couple. Sonic was given to them in a period of time when major events were happening, he was the good ending that came from it. Sonic has also helped Rachel in a sense with understanding why Maddie trusts Tom with her heart, Rachel has also helped Sonic understand more the value of family and why the bonds shouldn’t be broken when something good happens to them. They all needed each other and she is happy to be blessed with having Sonic in their lives.
I’d like to thank @movie-robotnik-positivity , @the-brucest-fan , and @writersonicfan91 for helping me come up and bounce some ideas off for these lovely headcanons. Thank you for your help, you’re all wonderful. Also, thank you for the suggestion! I am always up for making more Sonic headcanons, I love that you all are interested! Thank you❤️
Stay safe for me, okay?
You matter❤️
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bisluthq · 3 years
Public real estate records suggest that Joshua lives with Mikey Hess in NYC, the exact NYC apartment unit his family owns that he pretended to live in is listed as unoccupied and available for rent and has been available for rent for over a year, Joshua neither owned nor rented anything in NYC while living there for over 16 months. Karlie owns or co-owns zero properties, "Josh's" Miami house belongs to an LLC of the Kushner Family, Karlie probably cozied up to Biden this Sept to be an informant.
Where you getting this from 😭😭😭
There’s only one apartment available to rent in their building. It’s not Josh and Kar’s.
Theirs was last sold in 2018 for a staggering - but unsurprising given their recent purchases - $23.5 million.
How do I know this? Real estate sites.
Their apartment is PHV. That’s not what’s currently for rent. And it hasn’t been. Since 2018. When it was sold to... you guessed it... Josh and Karlie. How do I know it’s PHV? The images perfectly match everything we’ve ever seen of the apartment and these people are not private at all so.
If you have another public record to show me, please go right ahead.
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the-gone-ton · 5 years
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In 1985, the famous Crown American development company announced their intentions to build a Mall outside of Phillipsburg, New Jersey. The mall would be the largest of four malls in the Lehigh Valley built by Crown American - the other three being the Palmer Park Mall in Easton, the South Mall in Allentown, and the Westgate Mall in Bethlehem. The department stores that were to anchor the mall were Hess's (an Allentown-based department store that was owned by Crown American), Sears, and Bradlees. Bradlees, a discount store chain, began to have financial difficulties and was in the process of closing many stores around this time, so Crown American decided to have Kmart anchor the mall instead of Bradlees. Originally set to open in 1987, the mall opening was delayed by sewage and traffic concerns. The mall finally opened its doors in September 1989. JCPenney opened as a fourth anchor in 1990. At just over 600,000 square feet, it was the third-largest mall in the Lehigh Valley after the Lehigh Valley Mall and Whitehall Mall, both north of Allentown.
At the time of its opening, the Phillipsburg Mall was a smash hit. Crown American's CEO Frank Pasquerilla claimed the company had never seen a bigger crowd for a mall grand opening than the one he saw at Phillipsburg. Being opened in 1989, it was a full 13 years newer than any other mall in the Lehigh Valley. As a result, even the dominant and expansive Lehigh Valley Mall had to work hard to maintain customers. In fact, Crown American shot itself in the foot to some extent by building the Phillipsburg Mall so close to its own Palmer Park Mall in Easton. Palmer Park had well-documented struggles in the 90s, and by 1996, Crown American sold the Palmer Park Mall to the Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust (PREIT), who then needed to do a major renovation to the mall.
In 1994, Crown American discontinued the Hess's department store brand, selling the 29 remaining Hess's stores to competitors. The location at the Phillipsburg Mall was sold to The Bon-Ton. In 2002, Kmart closed as part of its bankruptcy proceedings, and was later replaced by Kohl's. In 2003, Crown American, which owned 26 malls at the time, was purchased in its entirety by PREIT. As a result, PREIT assumed ownership of the Phillipsburg Mall.
As the years progressed, several factors began to negatively impact the mall. The growth of online shopping played its part, but perhaps more important was the fact that Phillipsburg just doesn't have the population or the prosperity to continue to support a fairly large mall with four full-sized department stores. Additionally, as the novelty of the Phillipsburg Mall wore off, malls such as the Lehigh Valley Mall and the Palmer Park Mall had begun to win their shoppers back thanks to recent renovations. In 2012, PREIT rolled out a new business model involving selling off their struggling malls in order to raise money to reinvest in their stronger properties. One of the first malls on the chopping block for PREIT under this new policy was the Phillipsburg Mall, which was about 34% vacant at the time. It was purchased by a partnership between the Namdar Realty Group and Mason Asset Management for $11.5 million.
Of all the factors leading to the Phillipsburg Mall's decline, the management of Namdar and Mason may have been the biggest contributor. Namdar and Mason are one of the nation's largest mall owners, who are infamous for snatching up struggling malls for cheap and bleeding them out. Namdar/Mason have a long and well-deserved reputation as slumlords who ignore crucial maintenance at their malls while also stripping back staff to a bare minimum and investing next to nothing into their properties as a means of making quick money at the expense of these properties' long-term health.
In 2014, JCPenney closed, to later be replaced by an antiques shop. In 2018, Sears and The Bon-Ton closed. Other major tenants who closed around this time were Old Navy and H&M. All of these tenants had been paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in rent per year. Only a few months after Sears closed, its ceiling collapsed - a problem that to this day, Namdar/Mason have failed to address. As things now stand, the mall is dead. Local elected officials have accepted that the mall will soon be gone. Elliot Nassim, President of Mason Asset Nanagement, recently told The Morning Call that they've "come to the conclusion that this site is better suited as something other than a mall."
On my recent visit, there was not a single employee within the walls of the mall; not one security guard, not one maintenance worker. Just a few shops remained, most likely waiting for their leases to expire. Loose insulation had been stuffed under the Sears gate - a cheap remedy meant to let Namdar/Mason avoid fixing the gaping hole in Sears' roof. The occasional bucket was left out in the hall to catch water that would drip from the ceiling. Soon enough, Only Kohl's is likely to remain at the site where the Phillipsburg Mall now stands. It's a damn shame.
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silencedminstrel · 5 years
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(Sigh) This is some party huh! Sergeant Hess you really need to fire your real estate agent! Living next door to those lowlife Vermithrons is not gonna be raising your property value anytime soon! At least here the Synod and the Union
Leave me the hell alone, where I can think of my options after that “incident” but man! Three raids in a damned month? What is this--their annual mating ritual? Terdmo-Tiroptera may have a daily orbit lasting ten years, hence this huge ass
Desert where only them halfwit Vermithrons thrive, which is fine but damn! This is really, really, REALLY getting on my nerves! First they wrecked my hydroponic garden and now they dumped their garbage in my garage? And how the hell
Did they get their hands on that fug-ugly looking relic huh? Madness! All right that’s it! I’m gonna recharge my ass-kickin’ ionic displacer uzi so the next time they come, this former Team Liberty 024 Space Marine bitch means business!
“Garbage Collector1″ by Vladimir Manyukhin
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tehuti88-art · 1 year
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11/11/22: r/SketchDaily theme, "Tarot Card/Free Draw Friday." I did Free Draw Friday.
This week's character from my anthro WWII storyline is Oberschütze (PFC) Konrad Helmstadt, sans cap (top drawing) and with cap (bottom drawing). He's...kind of a jerk. There'll be more about him later in my art Tumblr and Toyhou.se.
Regarding his design, he's a red German pinscher. I'm not entirely satisfied with him but I guess he'll do for now.
I drew a tarot card back in August, actually.
TUMBLR EDIT: You're going to get a rare, awful treat in this entry. 😃 But first things first.
Private (or more accurately PFC) Konrad Helmstadt is more of a tertiary character throughout most of the series--you really AREN'T supposed to know him well--so I don't actually know much about him. Most details are newer developments since he's changed VERY greatly from his original, circa-2000 incarnation. Let me see if a description of him from the old character list still exists...
Haha, yes, it does! Here it is:
KONRAD HELMSTADT: Pvt.; another soldier, newly recruited, serving Dobermann along with Gerhardt. Naive and wide eyed but eager to please. Very loyal and dependable, yet not certain where his loyalty should lie; tries to serve Dobermann and protects his daughter by default, yet finds himself swayed by her argument that their part in the war is wrong. Still, isn't quite willing to give up his position.
Oh my God wow. Okay, now COMPLETELY wipe that from your mind. Similar to Hesse, Helmstadt underwent an extreme personality change for the reboot, though just HOW extreme isn't revealed until the "epilogue" of the series, Ultima Thule. In his current incarnation, he's a young Junker from a rather disgraced family which is deep in debt; I don't know all the details, but Helmstadt joins the Wehrmacht as part of some sort of arrangement to help pay off this debt somehow. He never sees combat; rather, he proves to be skilled at clerical and organizational things, so he's posted at the Dobermann estate, when Inspector Louis Dobermann requests Wehrmacht troops who are not members of the Nazi Party to help guard his property. Dobermann is a Junker himself and so knows Helmstadt's family in passing even though they don't live in the same area; he's not fond of them, to put it simply--he views their problems as being self-inflicted, which they basically are. Helmstadt's parents are rather profligate and don't always make good choices. Helmstadt, however, is the apple that did fall far from the tree: He's much more like Dobermann in values and personality, believing in extreme self-discipline and self-reliance. Result, he and Dobermann get along quite well, and although neither one of them is the emotional sort, he comes across as almost like the son Dobermann never had. There are even some short-lived rumors that he might forge a relationship with Dobermann's daughter, Adelina, though neither one of them ever expresses the slightest romantic interest in the other. Rather, he occasionally ends up playing the role of protective brother when he's assigned to keep watch over her on her rare social outings (such as when she and the others visit the Heidenreich estate). Most of the time, though, he remains at the Dobermann estate, where he basically plays the role of majordomo, overseeing everyone else and making sure everything runs smoothly. He's known for his bossy, short-tempered, haughty attitude; the lower-class staff ridicule him behind his back, though he finds himself above being upset about such things. As irritating as he can be, he really is good at what he does, especially at keeping pushy Nazis from pestering Dobermann too much for the usage of his estate. His attitude makes it clear he doesn't think too highly of them; he criticizes the SS especially, and he and Lt. Hesse get into verbal sparring matches more than once.
Another, more recent development is Helmstadt's ongoing relationship with fellow Wehrmacht guard 2nd Lt. Senta Werner. Senta's story has been given already; a bit similar to Helmstadt, she's been posted at the Dobermann estate as she's not suited for combat, since she's female. (Back when she was created, I did not know female Wehrmacht members weren't really a thing, so I had to retcon the explanation that it's an honorary rank paid for by her father and she's not allowed to actually DO anything with it.) Unlike Helmstadt, she's good at fighting, and she could probably kick his a**. Instead, she drags him into an empty room one day and ahm, well, he's startled and protests at first, but not very much. The two of them make a semi-regular habit of sneaking off together to go at it. It's not tender, it's not romantic, it's not loving. It's always just quick and aggressive and then they part ways; they never even spend a night together. Helmstadt, being prudish despite this, does lay a few ground rules, though they're broken on occasion, for example after Senta pulls him into a storage closet, he goes along, but afterward rebukes her, insisting they use a bed next time since it's "proper" and he's not "uncivilized." For obvious reasons, this arrangement doesn't continue past the climax of Reunion.
As I mentioned, throughout the series Helmstadt pretty much just does his job and minds his business and keeps things running safely. He defers to Dobermann on everything (he doesn't even protest the presence of Tobias Schäfer, a deaf Jewish doctor, on the property), though Dobermann doesn't tend to give orders. It's obvious he highly respects Dobermann, and can barely stand Hesse or the other Nazis who visit the estate, which is why his actions at the story's height, when Dobermann's supposedly dead wife Inga returns, are so startling. Sgt. Gerhardt, a Jewish American spy also stationed on the property to suss out Dobermann's exact allegiances, comes into frequent contact with Helmstadt as he's new to the place and needs to answer to him directly (Helmstadt is short and rather pissy with him, as he hates new and unexpected developments); so he learns a lot about what's going on from him. The explanations sometimes lack a little, though. For example, after Gerhardt suffers a minor injury, the help staff call Schäfer to come check on him, and the entire time Schäfer's checking Gerhardt out, Gerhardt stares at the yellow Star of David badge on his jacket. After Schäfer leaves, Gerhardt follows Helmstadt, trying to figure out WTF just happened.
Gerhardt: "Ahm..."
Helmstadt: "He says you're good to go, you're good to go. You wanted a post here, no waffling about now."
Gerhardt: "Nein, I'm just...ah...(long pause)...that...doctor..."
Helmstadt: "Doctor Schäfer."
Gerhardt: "Schäfer. He...he was wearing a Judenstern."
Helmstadt: "That's because he's a Jew."
Gerhardt (flustered): "Perhaps I've been gone longer than I thought, but I was under the impression Jews aren't allowed to practice medicine--?"
Helmstadt: "An exception was made."
And that's pretty much all the explanation Gerhardt gets, at that point. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Helmstadt, like Dobermann, tends to use as few words as necessary to make his point, though he's somewhat more blunt and speaks his mind rather than biting his tongue. When the topic of Inga Dobermann's death comes up--she was shot, after which she shot and killed a Nazi trespassing on the property late one night--Helmstadt as usual doesn't mince words: "Stupid f**k had it coming." He never expresses as much loyalty to Inga as he does to Dobermann (likely because she's not a Junker, at least not by birth), though her connection to her husband seems enough to ensure Helmstadt respects her and her authority in the household; he never has a harsh word for any of the Dobermanns, while being highly critical of the Nazi officials who are always pestering them--not even the loyal Hesse is exempt. (Hesse could easily get Helmstadt in trouble by reporting him to the SS, but he's just too much in disbelief over Helmstadt's nerve in freely speaking against him to ever do anything about it. More often than not, Helmstadt's rebukes leave him speechless. Also he's smart enough to realize Helmstadt is necessary to keep things running smoothly.)
Anyway, Inga suddenly reappears at the Dobermann estate in the company of Josef Diamant, the Jewish leader of the resistance Diamond Network (where she was taken into hiding during her absence), and Dobermann himself welcomes her back by embracing her--making it clear he was in on the plot to fake her death. This, and his previous association with Diamant, proves to Gerhardt where his allegiances lie. Everyone who wasn't in on the plot to fake Inga's death is of course caught offguard--this includes Hesse and Helmstadt. Hesse, being both a Nazi and a member of the SS (belonging to the division in charge of enforcing the race laws, no less), is considered the biggest threat to deal with in the Dobermann household--but he's a longtime friend of the family, secretly in love with Inga, and he practically raised daughter Adelina from birth. He's more bewildered than angry about anything, and even though he manages to muster enough sense to hold the Dobermanns at gunpoint and tell them he has to arrest them, and will shoot if he has to, he falters when Adelina jumps into his line of fire--it's almost certain he could never shoot "his little Lina." This is a surprising enough development in itself, that Adelina could so easily nullify the Allies' biggest threat within the household.
Helmstadt's reaction, however, is completely off the rails. He pulls his pistol and starts SCREAMING--at Inspector Dobermann himself. The gist of it is that he's served Dobermann and his family with blind loyalty all these years (well, several years, to be honest), when all that Dobermann is is a "dirty race traitor." Yep--Helmstadt may not be a member of the Nazi Party itself, he might even think the Nazis are idiots who deserve what they get--but he's still a plain old bigot and antisemite. The thing is that there are worse things, in his opinion, than the Jews. He despises Inga for being Jewish--he despises Addy for being half Jewish. But he despises Dobermann most of all, for betraying the Aryan race. Jews at least didn't choose to be who they are, but Dobermann definitely chose to break the race laws and take a non-Aryan woman as his wife. That, to Helmstadt, is the worse of the two offenses, and one of the most reprehensible things anyone can do. So yes, he feels personally betrayed and deceived by Dobermann, and so targets him to unload all his rage on. The look on Hesse's face makes it clear that even he had no idea about the depths of Helmstadt's hatred, but nobody gets to ponder it long. The confrontation leaves Sgt. Volker (another Nazi, though he's sided with the Dobermanns) wounded, and both Hesse and Helmstadt dead, so Gerhardt, Diamant, and the Dobermanns (and Schäfer, whom they quickly fetch) have to flee, leaving behind Volker, Sgt. Holt, and Senta to guard the household. They go to the mountains to wait out the end of the war as the Allies take over the city and crush the Nazi forces.
The Nazis aren't completely done for, however, and a year or so later Diamant, Gerhardt, and the Dobermanns head deeper into the mountains to the Alpine Fortress to investigate what they're up to; it turns out to be the continuation of a medical project previously focused on creating a "super soldier" with increased strength and intelligence, and now focused on creating immortality itself. Hesse and Helmstadt turn out to be two unwitting subjects of this experiment, having been resurrected and brainwashed to defend the Fortress and kill the intruders; the Allies discover an "anti-serum" that counters the brainwashing to bring the two back to their senses, and use it on them. Hesse regains his memories and is devastated to learn of the collapse of the Third Reich and the death of everyone close to him; his reaction is to give up, as he has no more interest in living. Helmstadt regains his memories; his reaction is to continue attacking, utterly fixated on the Nazis' new goal of creating a Fourth Reich. He never displays any reluctance or remorse whatsoever--if anything, he's gotten even MORE fanatical. While the Allies are eventually able to convince Hesse to help them terminate the experiment, they never get through to Helmstadt in the least, and Hesse ends up fighting against him directly. When Hesse refuses to join forces with him when Helmstadt attempts persuasion--Hesse even insisting that they (Hesse and Helmstadt) are the "Untermenschen" now--Helmstadt is infuriated, and just redoubles his efforts; Hesse manages to fend him off long enough to let the others set explosives and escape, though he and Helmstadt are both killed in the process, crushed to death by tons of ice and rock. (Dobermann was killed previously in a fall.) Hesse, the ACTUAL Nazi, tries to redeem himself at least a little bit; but Helmstadt is completely unrepentant up to the end.
...And now, here I present a horrible treat: The entirety of Chapter 12 of The Trench Rats (technically, Reborn), the attempted reboot from the early 2000s, where Helmstadt makes what is, I believe, his first ever appearance. I haven't gone over the existing chapters to make sure, but I think this is also Dobermann's initial appearance in this particular version of the story (his character's been around a lot longer than Helmstadt), so there's a bonus treat--when this version was written, I was still under the impression that Dobermann was some kind of bad guy, or at least an antihero. This was intended as a key scene to illustrate how capricious and murderous he could be. NEEDLESS TO SAY, this ENTIRE chapter is now obsolete. THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN. It's also likely to be even more inaccurate than the current story in regards to period-specific things; I mean wow, I was SUPER ignorant. Not that I'm much better now, but I was REALLY awful back then. (There's lots of incorrect terminology too, I won't bother pointing it all out.) I haven't read this in years, so I shall be experiencing the cringe right along with you. ;_;
And here we go...enjoy! *grimaces*
The Trench Rats, Part 12: Helmstadt
RAIN BEGAN PELTING the windshield as the car turned and pulled up to the gate. The soldier standing there pulled the gate open and waved the vehicle through. It made its way up the driveway, picking up speed until one of the tires slipped and splashed down into a pothole, bringing the car to an immediate halt. It backed up and out of the hole while the soldier from the front gate came jogging forward, then made its way toward the house and turned to park near the side. The soldier caught up, stopping momentarily to catch his breath before opening the car door.
An officer immediately brushed out, pushing the saluting soldier aside and glancing around him disdainfully. He stepped to the ground and walked to the front of the vehicle, bending down to look at the tire.
"Good morning, Sir," the soldier called.
"Hardly," the officer snapped. He stood and sniffed, nodding at the tire. "Take a look, one jolt and the thing is ruined. Have you any idea how much this type of car costs? Now ruined. Of all things, a pothole. This is beyond ridiculous."
"I apologize, Sir--but I'm not in command of who fixes the driveways--"
"Don't get snippy with me, Private. I have enough on my plate to deal with without the attitude." He took his case and slipped it under his arm.
"No attitude intended, Sir...but I thought you should know--"
"I came here on another matter," the officer said. He glanced around him again, then made his way for the entrance to the giant house, which more closely resembled a manor. "But I think I'll take this up with him as well. With as much money as he has, you'd think he could get someone to fill in a damned pothole."
The private jogged to catch up with him again. "Sir, I--"
"Truly, how much is he worth now? Of course, the place does seem to be falling into disrepair--and he hardly keeps any servants around--"
"I don't think you'll be able to--"
"--though why they would want to stay around is beyond me."
"He's still--"
"I'll see to it he doesn't have the money left to keep even them around," the officer groused, knocking on the huge front doors until they were opened, then pushing his way inside, the private following. "Ruining my car like that because he's too cheap to fix his drive properly."
They made their way into the parlor, the officer looking around. "Parlor," however, implied a small size...whereas the room that greeted them was practically cavernous.
"Good God!" the officer exclaimed. "You could outfit a fleet of ships with the drapes in here!"
"Sir, please keep your voice--"
"What is this, a footstool or a table?" He kicked at the leg of a long winding table in the middle of the room. The floor was carpeted in a luscious wine color, and the drapes reflected that same hue. Everything seemed to be in shades of wine and red and cream. A fireplace loomed off to the side, a large painting above it; the officer gravitated toward this, then walked along beside the walls, scanning the rest of the artwork hanging around them.
"He collects these? Or does he steal them? Are these even originals? Probably not, knowing him..."
"If you'd come back ano--"
"Good GOD!" The private cringed as the officer's voice echoed through the room. He'd just discovered the stairway, off to the right on entering the parlor.
"How many steps are ON that thing?" he yelled, walking to the bottom and peering up. The marble steps ascended in a graceful curve to reach a landing overlooking the parlor far below.
The private approached and tugged on his sleeve, putting a finger to his mouth. "Sir, please. You must be able to think of a better time to come around."
"Better time? What for? I have some papers I need him to look at." As if just remembering his mission, he pulled the case out from under his arm and, inexplicably, shoved it under the other self-importantly. "I will hardly leave before he does so."
"Sir, the inspector's occupied right now. It's best if you--"
"Occupied? With what? Has he got a woman up there?"
"He hasn't awoken yet, Sir. If--"
"Not AWAKE yet?" His shrill voice nevertheless managed to boom off the ceiling. "It's after nine in the morning, and you tell me he's not awake yet? Does he have a woman up there? What's your name, anyway? Do you even know who you're talking to?"
"Private Konrad Helmstadt, Sir. I know who you are. Which is why I think you should--"
"What room is he in? I'll hunt him down and wake him up myself if I have to!" He put his hand on the bannister and started jogging up the steps.
Helmstadt grew alarmed. "Sir!" He hurried to catch up.
"Sir, this isn't a good idea," he continued when the officer reached the second floor and started down the long hallway, footsteps echoing too loudly off the walls. Windows lined the right wall, facing the side yard of the house, and the woods. The officer ignored the view, but once in a while glanced at yet another painting upon the wall, grimacing with disgust at each new discovery as if the sheer opulence of the place made him want to gag.
"Why not? I was promised he would look at these papers. This is important, Private Hammerstadt."
"Helmstadt, Sir."
"Whatever. We're in a war, in case you haven't noticed."
"I have noticed, Sir, but when he's busy, you shouldn't--"
"Ah, jump off the balcony, Private, or find someone who's concerned to tell. I have to speak to the inspector." And he muttered just loud enough for Helmstadt to hear, "Why I have to speak to him, I have no idea."
Helmstadt dared to speak up again. "Perhaps then if you don't know you should wait until a better--"
"Look," the officer snapped, whirling on him and practically shoving the case in his face. "I took the time to come out here. I bothered driving out to this horrid estate. I even damaged my car in the drive! I'll hardly leave now just because the inspector needs his beauty sleep!"
Helmstadt stared at him in silence, then stepped aside. The officer gave him one final glare before making his way to a door near the end of the hall. He waved at it.
"Is this the room? God knows the place is full enough of the damned things!"
Helmstadt nodded. "Yes, Sir."
"I suppose he gets lost every so often and you have to go looking for him," the officer muttered, and reached out to knock on the door. It pulled open before his knuckles had a chance to strike it. Helmstadt snapped to attention and the officer just frowned with some surprise.
The man who stared back at him wore a pristine uniform that was not of the Nazi party, but was comparable. He looked quite far from having allegedly just been asleep; rather, it looked as if he had been anything but. The look on his face was neutral; even his eyes told the officer nothing, but the way that icy blue stared at him made him want to start squirming, if only because he couldn't tell what the stare meant. He bit the inside of his mouth instead and offered a halfhearted salute, his former insistence gone.
He opened his mouth to continue but the inspector turned his head to look at Helmstadt. Helmstadt stood at attention again.
"Sir. I tried to tell him you were occupied..."
The inspector nodded once, silencing him, and turned back to the officer. The officer coughed into his hand and attempted to draw himself together.
"Inspector. I was informed that you should peruse some documents I have on hand. They need to be signed later on today, but apparently...for some reason...my superiors felt you should look at them first."
Helmstadt shot him a look from the corner of his eye, a silent warning. He ignored it.
"I thought I should also tell you," he continued, finally gathering himself, "of the horrid state of your main drive. Do you have any idea how hideous the thing is? On driving in here my automobile fell into a pothole. There is obvious damage. This car cost much money, and it would be nice to know that someone responsible will pay for it. I am hardly responsible for the deplorable state of your property."
"Sir," Helmstadt murmured between his teeth. The inspector lowered his head a little bit but appeared more aloof--or amused, even--than insulted or angry. The officer went on, his voice rising.
"For years I had hoped to obtain such a car, and now I'll be lucky if I can even replace the tire--not to mention what other damage has been done! All because you cannot simply pay someone to fix your drive. I took time out of my busy schedule to come here and see you, and you could at least acknowledge my presence aside from giving me that look." He shook the case. "The papers you need to see are in here. Though I hardly see why your approval is so very important. You're not even one of us! How do we know where you truly stand? If it were not the will of my superiors, I would not even have wasted my time bringing you this--"
A sharp cracking sound cut him off abruptly. Helmstadt jumped. The officer stared at the inspector with surprised eyes. Helmstadt turned to look at him and his own eyes widened when he saw the dark red spot flowering in the middle of his chest. The officer looked down at it and touched his hand to the blood, pulling his hand away and staring at it with some confusion. He swayed a little.
The gun in the inspector's hand was still smoking.
Helmstadt continued staring at the officer, who looked back up at the inspector for a moment before his eyes rolled back and he went limp. He collapsed to the floor, red seeping out into the wood beneath him. His fingers still clutched the handle of the small case, even as he let out one last gurgling breath and fell still.
Helmstadt swallowed convulsively.
Inspector Dobermann lowered the gun and turned back to his room. He stopped before entering and his eyes met Helmstadt's. The private drew himself up straight.
"Private," he said, voice perfectly neutral, "please make certain I'm not disturbed again."
Helmstadt clicked his heels together. "Yes Sir."
Without giving him--or the officer's body--another look, the inspector turned and went back into his room, quietly shutting the door behind him. Private Helmstadt was left trying not to stare at the body lying on the floor, and wondering which was more important--keeping on the inspector's good side, or finding someone to clean up the mess he'd left behind.
[Konrad Helmstadt 2022 [‎Friday, ‎November ‎11, ‎2022, ‏‎3:05:10 AM]]
[Konrad Helmstadt 2022 2 [‎Friday, ‎November ‎11, ‎2022, ‏‎3:05:22 AM]]
0 notes
rtlgcalls · 4 years
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Using an electrical power supply or even an old school match stick based on Bloomsburg gravel quarry for sale the form of fuse utilised, the explosive will be triggered.
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A large number https://sites.google.com/site/zeisloftconstructionco/ of mined stones which includes marble stone, slate, limestone, and sandstone are cut down into vast hunks and removed from the mine. Pieces are then polished or finished to a variety of levels based on the particular stone in addition to their end use. Workers will likely make use of different dimensions of flooring tiles cut from the larger pieces in different sorts of engineering projects in household buildings or retail properties. Due to the innate sustainability and looks, tiles and counter surfaces created from the larger slate chunks are always prized from the building construction community.
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Likely Hardships
Every now and then quarry sites are naturally situated in regions with groundwater levels which are near the top which sometimes can create ease of access and drain hardships. Most of the time the water is withdrawn by using a pump when the quarry operation is working, however, for substantial in flows more advanced processes may be needed.
Dredging sand and gravel quarry for sale is typical when an excessive amount of water is a problem and using a water pump is simply not doable.
Pollution of the environement can generate problems from various fuels, oils, cleansers, and so forth coming from the numerous heavy machines utilized on the job site. To cure these troubles wheel washing systems are starting to get applied.
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Zeisloft Construction 230 Market St #338 Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (570) 846-2118
Countless mines Bloomsburg gravel quarries for sale ultimately fill with water soon after abandonment and grow into ponds. An alternate usage for abandoned quarry projects is for the property to http://www.zeisloftconstruction.com/quarry/pennsylvania-quarry-for-sale/ be utilized for a landfill. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/quarry
Pennsylvania sand and gravel business for sale
Despite the fact that quarry water is generally clear, submerged quarry hazards in addition to deserted equipment help make jumping into these mine sites pretty treacherous. Even so, a large amount of disused mining operations are changed into safer scuba diving places.
Whether or not they are unhazardous to be used by Bloomsburg sand and gravel pits for sale humans for scuba diving, disused quarry lakes might https://www.zeisloftconstruction.com/quarries still offer a remarkable home for wild animals.
Real Time Lead Gen
Justin Hess
Pennsylvania Quarries Real Time Lead Gen Resources
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printedword · 4 years
Heat alone, however, won’t determine Americans’ fate. A new climate analysis — presented for the first time here — projects how humidity and heat will collide to form “wet bulb” temperatures that will disrupt the norms of daily existence.
Today, the combination of truly dangerous heat and humidity is rare. But by 2050, parts of the Midwest and Louisiana could see conditions that make it difficult for the human body to cool itself for nearly one out of every 20 days in the year. New projections for farm productivity also suggest that growing food will become difficult across large parts of the country, including the heart of the High Plains’ $35 billion agriculture industry. All the while, sea level rise will transform the coasts.
Combined, these factors will lead to profound economic losses — and possibly mass migration of Americans away from distress in much of the southern and coastal regions of the country. Meanwhile, the northern Midwest and Great Plains will benefit, in farm productivity, in economy and in overall comfort.
Extreme Heat and Humidity: 2040-2060
When heat meets excessive humidity, the body can no longer cool itself by sweating. That combination creates wet bulb temperatures, where 82 degrees can feel like southern Alabama on its hottest day, making it dangerous to work outdoors and for children to play school sports. As wet bulb temperatures increase even higher, so will the risk of heat stroke — and even death.
By midcentury, heat and humidity in Missouri will feel like Louisiana does today, while some areas we don't usually think of as humid, like southwestern Arizona, will see soaring wet bulb temperatures because of factors like sun angle, wind speed and cloud cover reacting to high temperatures, according to Hannah Hess of the Rhodium Group.
Large Wildfires: 2040-2071
With heat and evermore prevalent drought, the likelihood that very large wildfires (ones that burn over 12,000 acres) will affect U.S. regions increases substantially, particularly in the West, Northwest and the Rocky Mountains, but also in Florida, Georgia and the Southeast, according to peer-reviewed research published in the International Journal of Wildland Fire.
By midcentury, the northern Great Basin, though not a densely forested region, will become the epicenter of large wildfires. These large, remote counties in Nevada and Oregon see cycles of wet and dry weather that turn the grassland into the fuel for fires that can easily rip through 10,000 acres a day with strong winds, said John Abatzoglou, one of the authors of the study.
Sea Level Rise: 2040-2060
As sea levels rise, the share of property submerged by high tides increases dramatically, affecting a small sliver of the nation's land but a disproportionate share of its population.
Some 50 million Americans live in eight of the largest U.S. metro areas — Miami, New York and Boston among them — which all lie in some of the most affected counties in the U.S.
Farm Crop Yields: 2040-2060
With rising temperatures, it will become more difficult to grow food. Corn and soy are the most prevalent crops in the U.S. and the basis for livestock feed and other staple foods, and they have critical economic significance. Because of their broad regional spread, they offer the best proxy for predicting how farming will be affected by rising temperatures and changing water supplies.
Corn and soy production is more sensitive to heat than drought, and it will decrease for every degree of warming. By midcentury, North Dakota, which already harvests millions of acres of both crops, will warm enough to allow for more growing days and higher yields. But parts of Texas and Oklahoma may see yields drop by more than 70%.
Economic Damages From Climate: 2040-2060
Rising energy costs, lower labor productivity, poor crop yields and increasing crime are among the climate-driven elements that will increasingly drag on the U.S. economy, eventually taking a financial toll that exceeds that from the COVID-19 pandemic in some regions. Rhodium measured how much damage — or how much of a benefit — those counties might see, as a share of their GDP.
Populous cities with expensive real estate, including Houston and Miami, will see damage tallied in the billions — losses worth several percentage points of GDP — largely driven by storms, sea level rise and deaths from high heat, Hess said. Climate will have a larger proportional impact in rural places like Gulf County, Florida, which might lose half its economy.
The Greatest Climate Risk? Compounding Calamities.
Taken together, some parts of the U.S. will see a number of issues stack on top of one another — heat and humidity may make it harder to work outside, while the ocean continues to claim more coastal land. 
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3 Most Mind-Boggling Housing Turf Wars Ever—and What They Can Teach Us All
Welcome to turf wars! No, it’s not the latest reality TV show—it’s just a way to describe two (or more) parties insisting that a particular piece of property is their own.
Turf wars are as old as the hills, and the existence of people who could lay claim to them. And they’re at the center of some surprisingly fascinating stories of wealth, greed, and pettiness. It seems that no property is too small to inspire a bitter rivalry—including one about the size of a floor lamp—that could go unresolved for decades.
As proof, check out some of the strangest turf tales below, and the lessons we can all learn from them to avoid the same ugly fate.
1. The smallest land grab ever
In Manhattan on the corner of Christopher Street and 7th Avenue lies a 500-square-inch piece of private property in the shape of a triangle.
The backstory: In 1910, the city demolished a building owned by David Hess to build a subway, but the surveyors missed this small patch in their measurements. Later on, once this error was discovered, the city asked the Hesses to donate it, but the family refused.
For good measure, the family laid a mosaic reading, “Property of the Hess Estate Which Has Never Been Dedicated for Public Purposes.”
Per the New York Times, it’s “one of the smallest pieces left in private ownership as a result of the cutting through a few years ago of the Seventh Avenue extension. It has been assessed on the tax books for $100.”
In 1938 the family sold this parcel to the cigar shop a few feet behind it for $1,000.
The Hess estate
Lesson learned: Land survey mistakes—or not bothering with a survey at all—can cost you big-time!
“If there’s any question about who owns what, it’s better to be safe than sorry and get a good survey done,” says David Reiss, a law professor at the Center for Urban Business Entrepreneurship at Brooklyn Law School.
On a more human level, we can learn this: “Spite is about as powerful as an immovable object,” says Reiss. “If you try to dislodge it, you will in all likelihood lose.”
2. Keep your water away from mine!
In Minnesota’s Otter Tail County, a seething feud between homeowners on two neighboring bodies of water—West McDonald Lake and Hoffman Lake—has boiled for decades. The source of the fight: Should Hoffman Lake be allowed to flow into West McDonald Lake, currently separated by 2 feet of sandy soil?
Team Hoffman Lake, whose residents are represented by Sheila Eklund, says it simply wants the excess water that’s eroding its shorelines to dissipate into lower-level West McDonald Lake. But the homeowners around Team West McDonald Lake are adamant that their crystal-clear waters not be polluted by Hoffman Lake, which is more of a “swamp” as their representative Todd Yackley described it in the Star Tribune.
In the 1970s, someone (no one seems to know who) blasted a channel through the lakes with dynamite, which was quickly plugged back up. The bitter battle is now being settled by the court, although if the water in Hoffman Lake keeps rising, it might just spill over into West McDonald Lake anyway, making all of this a moot point.
Will these two lakes remain separate for life?
Google Maps
Lesson learned: Land wars aren’t just about land—water counts, too. Rumor has it some people were removing stones between the lakes, a big no-no.
“Homeowners shouldn’t take matters into their own hands, especially when bodies of water are part of the equation,” says Paul Sian, a real estate expert in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. “There are many environmental laws in place to control waterways.”
3. Won’t you not be my neighbor?
In summer 1991, private investor Jeffrey Horvitz—rumored to be worth billions—bought 1.2 acres of private beach on Massachusetts’ famed Gold Coast for around $1.8 million. He apparently placed an extremely high value on his privacy. So when land developer Evan Wile bought the adjoining plot a year later with the hopes of building his dream house there, Horvitz was so irked, he vowed to foil Wile’s attempts to build anything on his property at all.
Horvitz’s first filed a lawsuit questioning the validity of an easement that cut through his own property onto Wile’s land—the developer’s only access to his plot. That tied up Wile’s building plans for five years, but Wile eventually retained his easement, got his construction permit, then, perhaps as a form of revenge, lined up piles of scrap metal and port-a-potties along his property line, right near Horvitz’s swimming pool, infringing on this area’s view and fresh air.
Yet Horvitz continued fighting, and although Wile eventually gave up on building his dream house there, he didn’t throw in the towel. Since both men clearly had axes to grind, money to burn, and no intention of ever backing down, this battle has raged for decades to this very day, earning the moniker in the Boston Globe of “rich versus richer.”
An added irony? Both oceanfront properties have a view of Great Misery Island.
Evan Wile’s empty lot next to Jeffrey Hortvitz’s house
Google Maps
Lesson learned: “This is a classic case of people not backing down from a land fight due to access to plenty of money,” says Sian. “While the land is desirable, at what point does continuing to spend money to fight an ongoing legal battle make sense?”
Sometimes it’s better to cut one’s losses and build a dream home you can actually live in.
The post 3 Most Mind-Boggling Housing Turf Wars Ever—and What They Can Teach Us All appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/most-mind-boggling-turf-wars-ever/
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the-gone-ton · 5 years
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A picture tour of the Palmer Park Mall of Easton, PA. Built by the famous Crown American company, the small mall of just over 400,000 square feet was opened in 1972. This makes it one of the oldest malls in the Lehigh Valley. Palmer Park opened with two department store anchors: Hess's and Clover. Hess's was a local department store from Allentown which was beginning to rapidly expand into nearby malls as they opened. Clover, based in New Jersey, was the discount division of the well-known Strawbridges department store brand.
After expanding too aggressively, the Hess's chain was discontinued in 1994 when its parent company sold the remaining 30 Hess's stores; the Palmer Park location was sold to The Bon-Ton. Just the following year, Clover, which by then included about 25 stores, was discontinued and liquidated. All Clovers closed in 1996. At this point, it was reported that Palmer Park was a struggling mall which had visually aged and had serious vacancy issues. However, its fortunes turned around when Boscov's opened at the former Clover space. Boscov's had expanded the old Clover store, bringing the mall up to about 450,000 square feet of retail space. This was followed by renovations that freshened the interior design of the mall. The Bon-Ton also invested in a facelift for its own department store at the mall. The good times were here once more by the turn of the century.
The Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust (PREIT) bought full control of the Palmer Park Mall from Crown American in 1996. PREIT would later buy out Crown American entirely in 2003, inheriting a further 26 malls. PREIT operated most Crown American properties until the impacts of the Great Recession and the expansion of online sales set in. In 2012, PREIT announced that its business strategy going forward would involve selling underperforming malls to raise capital which could then be used to reinvest in its stronger properties. This eventually led them to sell the Palmer Park Mall in 2016 to City View Commercial, LLC. By this time, the Palmer Park Mall had begun to languish as struggling retailers like the Gap, Aeropostale, PacSun, and DEB shuttered. A profile of Lehigh Valley area malls made by LehighValleyLive ranked the Palmer Park Mall as one of the least viable malls in the area, ahead of only the ailing Phillipsburg Mall.
City View brought in new tenants, especially locally owned stores. Fears about the mall's future subsided as life was breathed back into it in the years since 2016. This mall today isn't dead in the sense that there aren't many vacancies at all. Even some struggling chains like Hallmark and FYE have thus far been able to stay afloat there. But there are signs that things might turn south again. The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc. went out of business in 2018, leaving a 122,000 square foot vacancy as the mall lost one of its two anchors. Vacancies have been left by Payless ShoeSource and Kay Jewelers already this year. The mall also harbors several brands that have confirmed the closures of many stores in the near future, including Foot Locker, GNC, and Victoria's Secret. But for now, Palmer Park lives and thrives.
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a1junkremoval702 · 3 years
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lielectricians · 5 years
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When Nemesio Cava considered leasing a Nissan Leaf last fall, his employer’s plans to install electric vehicle charging stations played a major role. “This was kind of new for me,” said the Texas …
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