#Riley Writes
dutifulriley · 6 months
Excerpt from current wip:
“What did she want to see you about?” Ballister asked, and Ambrosius’s heart went from golden and buoyant to heavy as stone in the space of a breath.  “Nothing much,” he said, and it came out so easily it didn’t even feel like lying. Hardly anything did, anymore. “Some papers she wants me to sign after the joust tomorrow.” “Actually read them, this time,” Ballister said, and Ambrosius rolled his eyes at him, coming to sit on the bed.  “Yes, father,” he said, and Ballister grimaced.  “Don’t call me that when I’m about to kiss you.” Ambrosius laughed. “Yes, my beloved, cynical, and not at all related to me Sir Ballister Surname Undetermined As Of Yet who only sometimes fusses over me like I assume a parent does.” “They really don’t,” Ballister said, smiling ruefully. “This is all for you, lover.”
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hotchaways · 2 years
Signs of Love
Aaron Hotchner x BAU!Reader
summary: During your special day with Aaron, he couldn’t help but reminisce about the small moments that led up to the day he finally got to call you his wife.
content: Fluffy lovesick Aaron with reader, Haley’s not dead in this fic, mentions of BAU team (yes, I’m including Gideon and Elle in this), B99 reference if you squint, mushy lovey dovey couple
word count: 4.9k
A/N: i am finally back! with a fic for all of my lovely hotch girls! honestly, this was such a joy to write- as a hopeless romantic, you bet that this got me yearning so bad. but, i hope all of you love it as much as i enjoyed writing it :) let me know what you think!
ps. italics are flashbacks :)
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When Haley served Aaron with divorce papers, he tried to come to terms with the fact that he may not have a second chance at love. At least, that’s what he thought until you came knocking on his door to introduce yourself as the new agent that Erin Strauss had hired. He didn’t know that a few years later, he would be standing in front of you at the altar to exchange your vows to promise your unending love for each other.
Aaron couldn’t help but think that his life was finally falling back into place- he had you, the woman who he thought was the walking definition of his soulmate, the woman who loved Jack just like her own, and the woman who he found solace in.
Today was the perfect day- well, Aaron would say that it would be his favorite day just next to the day that Jack was born. Everything seemed as if it jumped out of a Disney film. You wanted a traditional church wedding, you said that it reminded you of the films that you’ve seen growing up- Aaron granted your wish. It wasn’t a big, white wedding. In fact, it was blooming with various flowers that ranged from all the colors- but, Aaron still thought you were the most beautiful one out there, especially in your wedding dress.
“You okay, baby?” You smiled and gently placed your hand on his cheek as you sat down next to him at the reception, “You seem to be deep in thought.”
“Just thinking about how lucky I got, Mrs. Hotchner,” Aaron mumbled with a smile and kissed your palm, “And how I can finally call you my wife.”
You laughed softly and rubbed your thumb against his cheek, “And I can say the same about you, Aaron. I’m the luckiest girl in the world to call you my husband.”
Aaron grinned before leaning in to kiss you on the lips and pulled away a few moments later to lean his forehead against yours, “You think so?”
Scrunching your nose at him and smiling, “I know so, Mr. Hotchner.”
The two of you smiled at each other as if you were the only people in the world. Aaron didn’t know but you secretly thanked the stars every night before the two of you went to sleep just because you were grateful that your paths crossed.
“Bridesmaids and maid of honor need Mrs. Hotchner for a moment!” Penelope grinned as she grabbed onto your hand and pulled you to the table where JJ and Emily sat, “We’ll be back! Thank you, sir Hotch!”
You laughed as you were being dragged away and blew a kiss towards Aaron and mouthed a quick ‘I love you’. Aaron smiled as he shook his head at the antics of the team and watched as you happily chatted away with the girls and twirled to show your dress to them.
Aaron looked around the reception with a small smile on his face, it wasn’t extravagant- the two of you just wanted your loved ones to be present at your special day. Haley and Jess were laughing as Spencer tried to distract Jack and Henry with the new tricks he’s learned for them. Derek was smiling as he catched up with Elle, and Dave shared a drink with his old friend, Jason.
Looking down on the silver band on his finger, Aaron couldn’t help but reminisce about the small moments when he knew he loved you.
As far as Aaron knew, he hated traffic as much as anyone else. He hated the way cars impatiently honked at one another even if they knew it would contribute to absolutely nothing to get the cars moving.
“You know I wouldn’t be surprised if you left a dent on the steering wheel from how hard you’re gripping it right now, Hotch,” You looked at him with a small smile, “Relax, traffic isn’t that bad.”
“Isn’t that bad?” Aaron scoffed as he let go of the steering wheel and cracked his fingers, “It’s the worst thing in the world. It consumes too much of the time left in a day.”
“Well, now, you’re being a total grump,” You frowned at him as you leaned back against your seat, “You should be grateful I accompanied you because the doctor advised no flying for you yet.”
“It’s just- I’m sorry, (Y/L/N),” He sighed and ran a hand down his face out of frustration, “It’s just the honking is so irritating. Don’t you think so?”
“Okay, you do have a point there,” You shrugged as you looked out the car window and followed the rain drops falling down from the glass, “It is irritating when cars keep honking, the owners need a smack on the head for some logic because it doesn’t contribute to making the traffic move any faster.”
“I’m glad you see my point,” Aaron mumbled as he mindlessly tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, “Are you cold?”
Smiling sheepishly at Aaron, you hesitantly shook your head, “No, it’s fine. I mean it isn’t that cold.”
“You’ve got goosebumps on your skin, (Y/L/N),” Aaron chuckled lightly as he reached over to the back and grabbed one of his quarter zips and handed it to you, “Here, I don’t mind letting you borrow it.”
“Oh no, it’s okay!” You waved your hands and smiled, “You use it instead! You must be cold.”
“You have a boyfriend that wouldn’t be happy if he smelled another man’s cologne on you?”
You rolled your eyes playfully and crossed your arms, “No, I don’t even have a boyfriend to begin with.”
“Then why won’t you wear it? You’re clearly cold whether you want to admit it or not.”
“Okay, fine, I’ll wear it,” You groaned as you wore his quarter zip that was a little too big on you, “There, you happy?”
“Very much so. It’s amusing as to how small you are,” Aaron grinned until you punched him lightly on the arm, “I’m only kidding! You’re fun sized.”
“And you’re grumpy sized,” You poked your tongue out at him, “Can I turn on the radio? Just thought that maybe it could drown out the honking for you.”
“Sure, go ahead. I’m curious about your music taste.”
“I have spectacular taste in music, for your information,” You grinned as you leaned over to turn on the radio and find a station that struck a chord until you heard the opening notes of Fleetwood Mac’s Everywhere, “Oh my god, I love this song!”
Aaron turned to you and smiled, “You like Fleetwood Mac?”
“Like? I absolutely love them!” You squealed as you grabbed your water bottle to sing along, “Can you hear me calling out your name? You know that I’m falling and I don’t know what to say.”
Aaron chuckled as he pulled out his phone, “I’m going to record this to show Garcia you cheated on your karaoke night with the girls.”
“I don’t care, I’m in my element,” You grinned as you pointed at Aaron to sing the chorus of the song, “This isn’t blackmail if I’m enjoying it.”
Aaron shook his head with a laugh as he set his phone down to take in the sight before him- you letting loose to your favorite song in something he hates the most, traffic. But maybe, he wouldn’t mind getting stuck in traffic if he gets to have you in the passenger seat. Maybe, he does resonate with the song. Aaron felt his stomach do a flip, but he dismissed it- he doesn’t think it’s love. But, that’s just what he tries to convince himself.
Aaron groaned as he stretched out his legs to take a break from the endless paperwork he’s been going through since he entered the doors of the BAU. Checking the time on his watch, he sighed and realized it was past 9 pm, but what shocked him even more was that he wasn’t alone in the office at this time. You were slumped over your desk with the little light being some sort of message to tell him that ‘I’m here’ if he wanted your presence around.
Making his way to your desk, he gently placed a hand on your shoulder to avoid startling you. He didn’t want to disturb how peaceful you looked, but he was certain that your neck would ache from the uncomfortable position that you were in, “(Y/L/N)...wake up.”
You stirred lightly before slowly blinking your eyes and rubbing it sleepily, “Huh? What time is it?”
“It’s past 9 pm,” Aaron mumbled as he leaned against your desk, “What are you still doing here? It’s not like you to stay behind after hours.”
“Just wanted to see if you needed any company,” You mumbled as you sat up and stretched your arms out, “Are you done with your paperwork?”
Aaron hesitated for a moment and smiled softly, “Yeah, I’m done with my paperwork. Are you?”
“Yeah, I finished them before I fell asleep,” You smiled sleepily and gathered your things before putting them in your bag, “Are you going home now?”
“Actually, I was going to grab some dinner,” Aaron looked down at you, “Do you want to tag along? I don’t mind the company.”
“That’d be great,” You smiled up at him as your stomach grumbled and chuckled, “I didn’t get the chance to eat since I was completely knocked out.”
Aaron nodded and smiled, “Let me just grab my things, give me a minute.”
Walking back to the office to gather his things, he chuckled at the sight of his paperwork being left alone just so he could grab a late dinner with you. He didn’t mind that though. Dave scolded him every time he holed himself up in the office to finish up, he said, ‘Aaron, you’re missing out on many things in life.’ Maybe, he wouldn’t miss out on you this time. Looking out the window of his office, you looked like an angel from the way the light shone on you- especially, when you let your hair down. Aaron felt his heart beat faster at the sight, but he tried to think of other things to calm himself.
“So, what’d you have in mind for dinner?” Aaron asked as the two of you walked to the elevator, “My treat.”
You grinned as you teased him and nudged his shoulder, “What a gentleman. Is this a date?”
“Just answer the question,” Aaron chuckled as he shook his head and put a hand on your back as you walked out of the elevator, “Don’t worry about the subway, I’ll drive you home.”
“Not to be unhealthy but, I’m kinda craving for some McDonalds,” You laughed as you got inside Aaron’s car, “Just some plain old burger and fries would be fine.”
“Then we’ll get you some McDonalds,” Aaron turned to smile at you as he drove out of the parking lot and to the nearest McDonalds, “You can come in to work an hour late tomorrow. I feel bad that you had to wait for me.”
“It’s fine, Hotch,” You smiled at him as you fumbled with your coat, “Completely my decision, y’know? I mean, I’ve got a free meal from you.”
Aaron laughed as he shook his head and maneuvered his car to the McDonalds drive-thru and mentioned your orders to the cashier, and handed over your food as he started driving to your apartment, “Eat up, I’ll eat mine when I get home.”
“It’s okay, I don’t want to make a mess in your car,” You laughed as you looked over at him under the street lights shining on his face, “Jack with you tonight?”
“Yeah, Jess told me he’s waiting for me,” Aaron replied with a small smile on his face, “Promised that I’d read him a story tonight.”
“Well then, it’s good that you finished your paperwork tonight,” You smiled as he pulled up to your apartment, “Thanks for the food and the ride, Hotch.”
“No problem, (Y/L/N). Thank you for waiting for me, too.”
Shaking your head with a smile, you got out of the car and started walking towards your apartment. Aaron rolled his window down and called out, “Hey, (Y/L/N)!”
You turned around with a smile and tilted your head slightly, “Yeah?”
“It’s a date, by the way,” Aaron called out with a smile as you blushed in response, “I’ll take you out to a nicer place next time.”
Standing there with a big smile on your face, “I’ll see you at work tomorrow, Agent Hotchner. Get home to Jack.”
Aaron waved you goodbye as he waited for you to enter your apartment before driving off, feeling his heart beat faster from the adrenaline of the impulsiveness of his actions. He doesn’t regret it though, he had to stop beating around the bush and he found the perfect opportunity when you teased him. Although he only held onto Dave and Derek teasing about the possibility of you garnering a crush on him, he didn’t know that you hurriedly called JJ to squeal about your excitement from what just happened. But, your text confirmed that you did feel the same way about him.
(Y/N) (Y/L/N): If you were actually serious, I wouldn’t mind eating McDonalds again. Anywhere would be great as long as I’m with you. Goodnight, Hotch :)
It’s been a few months since Aaron asked you to be his girlfriend. It wasn’t long until he told you that he’d love you to meet Jack, which definitely got on your nerves because what if he didn’t like you? Aaron reassured you that his son would like you as much as he did. He wanted to say love- but, he thought that it was too soon.
When Aaron introduced you to Jack, the two of you immediately hit it off. Jack wanted to show you his Captain America pajamas, his LEGOs, and even asked you to build some with him. It wasn’t until Jack asked you to come to his soccer games, but unfortunately, you were busy that time, which caused the little Hotchner to sulk.
“Hey, buddy, what’s wrong?” Aaron frowned as he gently combed Jack’s hair back and wiped the sweat off his face, “You’re doing a great job.”
“I just…I really wanted (Y/N) to be here,” Jack mumbled as he looked down at his feet, “I wanted her to see me play.”
Aaron sighed as he brought his son in for a hug, “I want her to be with us here too, buddy. But, she promised she’ll see you at your next game, remember?”
“Yeah…” Jack mumbled against Aaron’s neck, “ Can we call her tonight?”
“Of course, buddy,” Aaron smiled softly as he patted his son’s back, “Now, why don’t you play your best for (Y/N) and I?”
Jack pulled away and nodded eagerly as he ran back to his teammates to play the next game. Aaron’s phone rang and immediately picked it up as soon as he saw your name on the caller ID, “Hey, sweetheart.”
“Hi, love,” You tried your best to keep yourself from laughing through the phone, “I wanted to ask you something.”
“Hm, what is that?”
“How do you look good in a plain, gray shirt?”
“Sweetheart, what are you talking about?” Aaron mumbled through the phone as he turned around to try and find you, “Are you here at the soccer field? How do you know what I’m wearing?”
“You know, I can see you right now. Looking all cute with your furrowed eyebrows,” You laughed as you took off your hoodie and sunglasses, “See me now?”
Aaron grinned as he hung up the call put his phone back in his pocket and made his way to you, pulling you in a hug, “I thought you had some errands to do?”
“Canceled them all,” You grinned up and wrapped your arms around his neck, “Just wanted to surprise Jack at his game today.”
“He’s got you wrapped around his little finger, huh?” Aaron chuckled as he settled his hands on your waist, “He was really sulky just now, though.”
“God, I hate seeing him all sad,” You sighed as you pulled away from the hug and pulled out a handwritten banner with ‘Go Jack Hotchner’ written on it and drew his favorite superheroes all over, “That’s why I made this for him.”
Aaron smiled as he kissed you softly, “He’s going to love it, sweetheart. C’mon, he’s still playing now.”
As the two of you made your way back to where Aaron was previously located, Jack hadn’t noticed your presence until you started cheering for him loudly with the banner held up high, “That’s our star player! Jack Hotchner!”
Jack immediately perked up as he spotted you and had the biggest smile on his face while he waved at you, “(Y/N), you made it!”
“Go, Jack, go!” You cheered as he scored another goal for his team, “Let’s go Jack Hotchner!”
When the referee announced Jack’s team to be the winner, he ran as quickly as his little legs were able to and tackled you in a hug, “(Y/N)! You came! You’re here!”
“Of course, I’m here,” You grinned as you wrapped your arms around him and carried him, “How could I ever miss it, buddy?”
“You said you were busy today,” Jack mumbled against your neck as he wrapped his arms around your neck, “But, I’m really happy you saw me play, (Y/N).”
“And, I’ll cancel my plans for you anytime as long as I’m able to, Jack,” You smiled and kissed the side of his head, “You did great today. Our little star player.”
Aaron watched the two of you with a fond smile on his face and brought you in a hug, “Guess we’re both happy today, aren’t we, Jack?”
“Very happy, daddy!” Jack grinned as he put his arm around Aaron and pulled you both closer towards his cheeks, “Love you, (Y/N) and daddy.”
“Love you, Jackers,” You chuckled as he kissed your cheek, “Do you want some ice cream over there?”
Jack nodded eagerly as he looked over at Aaron for his go signal, which he happily received, “What kind of ice cream do you like, (Y/N)? I like cookies and cream!”
“Well, for starters, I like bubblegum,” You smiled at Jack as the two of you walked over to the ice cream truck, “But, any flavor is fine by me.”
Aaron started packing Jack’s things back in his duffle bag with a smile, he was happy as to how you and Jack got along so well together- just like two peas in a pod.
“You’ve got a lovely wife there, son,” An elderly man smiled at Aaron as he held on to his grandson’s hand, “Jack’s mentioned him a few times to my grandson, Trevor. Says she always plays with his LEGOs with him.”
Aaron stared blankly before smiling back at the elderly man, “Oh. She’s not my wife, at least, not yet.”
He smiled and patted Aaron’s back before heading off, “You’ve got a keeper, better take care of her.”
Smiling at the elderly man and turning his attention towards you and Jack, both goofing around while walking back to him and eating the ice cream in hand, “Yeah, that’s what I plan on doing. Not gonna run from love the second time around.”
Aaron knows that the future isn’t certain for anyone, no matter how hard they wished for it. But, one thing’s for sure– he knew that you were his present and will still be his future.
It’s been two years since you and Aaron had started dating- it’s safe to say that Aaron would call it the start of the happiness seeping back in his life. It wasn’t that long after your second anniversary that he asked you to move in at his apartment. When the boys in the team had asked what made him certain of his decision, Aaron simply shrugged and responded, “I guess I just wanted to start off the day with her getting all worked up over the daily crossword.”
It was a Saturday night, Aaron was left alone in his apartment and mindlessly flipped through the copy of Pride and Prejudice because he wanted to try and read it after you gushed all about Mr. Darcy to him one night. You told him he didn’t have to stay up to wait for you because JJ would bring you home after the BAU girls night, but he insisted he would. He didn’t admit it at most times, but he didn’t sleep too soundly without you by his side.
“Aaron? I’m home,” You called out as you closed the door behind you with the sound of plastic crinkling along, “Are you still up?”
“Hey, sweetheart,” Aaron smiled as he set the book down and made his way to wrap his arms around your waist to give you a kiss, “What’ve you got there?”
“I have a surprise for you,” You giggled as you hid the plastic bags behind your back, “Sit on the couch and close your eyes, please.”
Aaron playfully rolled his eyes and mumbled a ‘Fine.’ as he did what you told him to, “I swear, I don’t want some sort of insect on me, (Y/N).”
You laughed as you shook your head, “I promise, you’ll love it, Aaron. How can I possibly do that to you?”
“Well, okay, you have a point,” Aaron laughed as his hands covered his eyes, “But, I’ll still have my doubts. Those were large plastic bags that you brought in.”
Rolling your eyes with a smile, you set the plastic bags on his lap and bit your lip in anticipation, “Okay, you can open them now.”
Aaron took his hands off and looked at you for a moment before his eyebrows furrowed in curiosity, “This is a bit heavy?”
You shrugged with a mischievous smile, “Just open it, Aaron.”
As Aaron pulled the box out of the bag, he looked at you with his mouth agape, “(Y/N), you did not just- are you kidding me?”
You shook your head with a big smile while Aaron mirrored your expression as he pulled the record player out of the box and set it on the couch and moved on to take out The Beatles’ White Album vinyl with a note that had the words scribbled, ‘Dear Aaron, I Will (0:44-0:57). Yours always, (Y/N).’
“Come here, you,” Aaron mumbled as he set down the vinyl and stood up to pull you in a hug and kissed your temple, “You’re literally full of surprises, huh?”
“Well, I made JJ stop over at the store I saw these two were displayed in,” You grinned up at him while resting your chin on his chest, “And, just the first of many, my love.”
Aaron held your face as he pulled you in for a kiss and smiled, “Why don’t we test it out?”
Nodding your head, Aaron lifted the record player and set it on the coffee table while carefully putting on the vinyl and setting the needle to where he believed a certain song would play.
Smiling as he held his hand out, “May I have this dance, my love?”
“Always, Aaron,” You grinned and took his hand, you wrapped your arms around his neck while his arms found home on your waist, “Hm, I guess this is our song now?”
“If you want it to be,” Aaron smiled softly as he pulled you closer, “Then, it’ll be our song.”
The two of you swayed in the dimly lit living room as ‘I Will’ played in the background, which Aaron started softly singing to while holding you in his arms. He knew that the song sweetly resonated in his heart that beats just for you.
“You’re not heading home yet?” JJ peered over at your desk as you jotted away on the remaining paperwork you had, “It’s getting late, (Y/N).”
“Just gonna finish this,” You smiled softly up at your best friend, “Besides, Aaron’s still here. He still might be finishing up some, too.”
“Alright then, I’ll see you tomorrow,” She smiled as she gently pulled you to a side hug, “Text me when you get home, yeah?”
Nodding and smiling up at her, “Always. Say hi to Henry and Will for me.”
JJ waved at you as she exited the doors of the BAU, leaving you alone at your desk. Well, technically, Aaron was still holed up in his office, you just didn’t want to disturb him. Right as he passed through your mind, your phone buzzed on your desk.
Aaron 🕵🏻❤️: Hey sweetheart. Can you come here? I’ve got something to ask.
Aaron 🕵🏻❤️: Just about some consults.
Looking up from your phone, Aaron’s office blinds were closed and dimly lit inside. He must’ve fallen asleep from the amount of paperwork to be filled out, you haven’t even seen him since this morning.
As you gently knocked on his door and opened it, your ears registered the opening notes of Fleetwood Mac’s Everywhere, which made your eyebrows furrow, “Aaron? Wha- oh my god.”
Rose petals were scattered on the floor while fairy lights decorated the walls of Aaron’s office with the notes that you always put along with his daily cup of coffee. Aaron stood by his desk with Jack holding on his hand, who softly whispered, “Go, daddy.”
“Sweetheart, I know this isn’t about some consults like you thought it would be,” Aaron chuckled as you had tears forming in your eyes, “But, I thought that there was something much more important to ask than those.”
“Not long ago, well actually, six years ago, you were the agent that Strauss had hired for the team. I didn’t know how much you’d mean to me when you knocked on my door. Sweetheart, don’t cry,” Aaron smiled softly as he walked over to you and wiped the tears on your cheeks, “I knew there was no turning back the day I got stuck in traffic with you- when you sang to the song that’s currently playing. Then, we started dating and we’re coming close to our fourth year together. You aren’t my past, but you’re my present. And, here I am asking you to be my future- well, our future.”
Jack grinned as he squeezed in the hug and sneakily handed the velvet box to his dad, “What do you say, sweetheart? Will you marry me?”
“Daddy, no! I want to be a part, too,” Jack huffed as he tugged on Aaron’s sleeve, “I want to ask (Y/N) if she wants to be my momma!”
“Okay, buddy, my bad,” Aaron laughed as he pulled out the velvet box to reveal a diamond ring in it, “Will you marry us? Will you become our lifelong partner and Jack’s momma?”
You laughed as you sniffled and wiped your tears with the back of your hand and nodded eagerly, “Yes, a million times, yes.”
Aaron smiled brightly as he slipped the ring on your finger and pulled you in for a kiss, “I love you. I love you with all that I am, sweetheart.”
“I love you so much, Aaron,” You whispered against his lips as you rubbed your thumbs on his cheeks, “You’re my everything.”
Aaron smiled as he reached down to carry Jack in his arms and pulled you in another hug while he whispered sweet nothings in your ear and swayed to the opening notes of your song. He was certain that in all the lifetimes that he’ll ever have, he would always do everything he can to find his way back home. And, that’s what you were.
“Daddy, are you feeling okay?” Jack mumbled as he climbed in Aaron’s lap and put the back of his hand on his father’s forehead, “You’ve been staring at momma with a smile on your face for the past few minutes. I don’t think you heard me.”
Aaron chuckled as he ruffled up Jack’s hair, “Yeah, buddy, I’m okay- just couldn’t help but think how lucky I am to have momma in my life. We’re lucky boys, aren’t we?”
“Yeah, daddy!” Jack nodded eagerly and smiled, “I’m glad that I have another momma to love me as much as mommy does.”
“Hey, Mr. Hotchner,” You called out from the dance floor where you and the BAU girls were standing, “What do you think of having our first dance?”
“I’d love that, Mrs. Hotchner,” Aaron grinned as he made his way across the dance floor to where you were standing and took you in his arms, “I can’t believe we’re finally married.”
“Road to forever?” You smiled up at him as you swayed to the music, “Or, maybe, road to all the lifetimes we’ll have in this floating ball of mass in space?”
Aaron laughed as he gently dipped you in the floor and pulled you back up to give you a kiss, “That sounds a lot better, Mrs. Hotchner.”
There wasn’t a single thing in the world that Aaron wouldn’t do for you. He’d give you the sun, moon, or even the stars if he could. But, the least he could do is love you with everything he has to offer because you made him believe that he deserved a second chance in love.
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hotch taglist: @sbeno22 @skyler666 @izbelross @gillysoldlady @malindacath @katieslotherford @blondekel77 @alexxavicry @jareauswife @singinginacargettinglostupstate @aaronhotchy @criminalmindsandmarvel@captainamericasmotercycle @ssahotchnerswife @twilightlover2007 @ssamorganhotchner @spencerscarddeck @wheelsupkels @ladyreyreigns @bihotchrights @itsemohours @peachyhotch​ 
let me know if you want to be a part of my taglist here! 
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rileyisclass · 29 days
There's an idea that Lovecraft's horror is largely impersonal, woah wouldn't it be scary if there was a large tentacle. But most of my favourite stories of his are rooted in deeply personal fears.
The Colour Out of Space and The Thing on the Doorstep are about how depression makes you too apathetic to attempt to get out of it even when you know the solutions and domestic abuse respectively.
The looming spectre of the asylum is not "Aren't those people scary?" it's "There but for fortune go I." Fear of institutionalisation. The worry that not only will I not be able to function, that I won't even be able to pretend I function until the problem that is me is locked away, out of sight.
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roktavor · 1 year
Written for the 'lifted by the neck' square on my @badthingshappenbingo card.
Rating: T Words: 4.9k Pairing: Batarou Summary: (AU) After an especially violent, disappointing bout in the fighting ring, Badd goes home to Garou - who offers more comfort than expected.
[card progress under the cut]
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rileysletters · 12 days
Frozen in Time (Forever and Always)
You told me "forever" that's not what you meant. You used to say "always", but that was another lie.
It was only three years; A short time to spend. Blinked away in an instant; Discarded like trash. Rejected. Replaced.
I don't remember much, but you gave me my name. I can remember the stories, the sound of your voice. I remember your nicknames, the jokes, all your favorite things. After all this time, I doubt they're still the same.
You used to be so shy, afraid to speak up. You've blossomed and bloomed, and grown so much.
I've watched from afar, sending a "heart" or a "like". Just another asshole, anonymous in a sea of names.
Sometimes I wonder, if you ever think of me. If I ever cross your mind. If the times we shared ever come up. I can't believe they would. I never mattered that much.
Still I stay, frozen in time. Reliving the past. Replaying the conversations, laughing at old jokes.
It's been over ten years since you left; tore a hole in my life. I've built and rebuilt. Expanded. Rebranded. Moved along.
But the truth is evident, this much I know: you may not think about me, but I can't seem to forget you.
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raging-violets · 1 year
Kiley thing I’m working on
@partiallypearl @witchofinterest @mystic-scripture​
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Haven’t written anything Kiley related in a while, got some inspiration. And I also have an idea of a fic of them doing long-distance and then seeing each other for the first time in months  like all those TikTok compilation vids on Yt
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thefirsthogokage · 10 months
Completed a first draft of another pilot.
Also on a fifth draft of the first pilot.
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the-bluejay-system7 · 11 months
i'm now taking writing comissions if anyone's interested!
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kurogxrix · 7 months
me when the READER in the X READER has a name:
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like babe the fic ate but i do NOT look like an Aurora🙁
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dutifulriley · 2 months
Tomorrow, Ambrosius has to win the joust. He has to. Tonight, he indulges in his lover’s company. Everything will be fine in the end, right?
3.5k, explicit, comic universe Goldenheart. Some unholy chimera between dramatic irony, angst, and sappy smut.
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whinesandwhimpers · 6 months
down bad simon may look a little like this
You've stepped outside for some fresh air so when Simon walks out a few minutes after you and lights up a cigarette, your face immediately scrunches up in disgust.
He catches your expression. "Not a fan of smoking?"
"Came out for some fresh air."
"Hm, seems like more than that." He muses, turning his head away to blow out some smoke.
"I just think it's gross."
He's silent for a few moments and you think maybe he's offended even, but then he turns back to you and clears his throat.
"That one of your deal breakers then?"
"Deal brea—yeah. It is. Don't think I could bring myself to even kiss a smoker. Why? You interested?" You joke, expecting a laugh and dismissal of the conversation.
He immediately throws his cigarette on the ground and snuffs it out with his shoe, then walks over to the bin and pulls the half-full carton out of his pocket and throws it and his lighter out. Just like that. He walks back over to stand in front of you, his large hand coming up to rest on your cheek, an intensity simmering in his dark eyes as he looks at you.
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rileyisclass · 2 years
I have thoughts about overlap between Pillars of Eternity and Pentiment and don't want to spoil either, but have an overwhelming need to write it somewhere
So I think that Pentiment does a stronger job at exploring the same themes of how myths change with time and culture as well as how religious authorities suppress narratives in order to maintain control over a populace. The villains of both games have the same motivation afterall. Fantasy holds the mirror up to nature, Pillars was already about the real world. They clearly had pre-christian gods becoming saints in mind. And like, I don't know about you, but the second I saw the shrine to the Saint Satia in the woods in Act 1 I knew that was Diana, as Diana is Artemis. But I think part of what helps with Pentiment is the entire game is about this in a broader sense, rather than trying to be for a twist at the end. The entire game is about how history is passed down from the past, to future generations, what is forgotten and what is changed in the telling. And how we are but one part in a chain, stretching into the past and onward towards the future. Pillars trying to say the gods weren't "real" when it's more accurate to say the gods were "artificial" was also a bit of a bugbear for me, even if I got what they mean. And hey, if we're talking thematic overlap in Obsidian games, there a lot of Mask of the Betrayer in here too. But I love the concepts, so it's nice to see what I think is a more solid execution.
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roktavor · 10 months
Written for the 'trail of blood' square on my new @badthingshappenbingo card.
Rating: M Words: 5.3k Pairing: Cheongsan/Gwinam Summary: [different zombie apocalypse AU] In the midst of this most recent zombie outbreak, Gwinam hunts for a fresh meal.
He stumbles across someone familiar at the end of the blood trail.
[card progress under the cut]
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alexthetrashyracoon · 29 days
“You look like my boyfriend.”
Simon raises a brow at that statement and sits down in the nearby chair. His eyes on you. “Is that so, lovely?”
“Mhm,” you agree with a confident nod and loopy. “No. My boyfriend is prettier than you.”
He isn’t sure if he should take it as a compliment or as an insult, for now Simon decides to not comment on it. “You must be lucky to have such a pretty boyfriend then.” He grins and sips his cheap hospital coffee.
“Oh, I am! He’s pretty and cool and strong. And you should be careful because he’ll be here soon!” You pout, shoving your lower lip forward.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be gone before he shows up.” Simon reassures you and pats your thigh.
You don’t reply, the remaining anesthesia must still be running its course through your body after the surgery in which the doctor took out your inflamed appendix, snoring softly in the otherwise quiet room. “Good thing your boyfriend is already here, lovely.” Simon chuckles before tugging the thin hospital blanket higher over your chest and keeping watch as your chest rises and falls in a steady rhythm. “And he will be here when you wake up again. He will always be there, my lovely.”
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simply-ewok · 1 month
rolling over, half asleep, in the middle of the night and when you stretch your arm out you end up smacking ghost in the face, and you can’t help but fling yourself back with a loud gasp before realizing it’s just your man, who yet again, snuck inside and cozied up to you without stirring you (bc he hates waking up his baby) bc he was able to come home early and chose to surprise you. and after you relax and begin apologizing for hitting him you hear his low, growly chuckle as he sits up to pull you into his chest, kissing your forehead before mumbling into your sweet smelling hair “it’s all right lovie, di’n’t mean to scare you.”
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swordsandholly · 1 month
Thinking about a mechanic!AU where the 141 boys run a garage and need a new receptionist. They hire you because you’re just so cute (great tits) and have a decent resume but it becomes a slight problem when they realize you’re a bit… dense.
Total ditz to be precise.
But they can’t really get mad when you get the keys for clients mixed up and look at them with those big eyes all teary and a little pout pushing out your lower lip.
Price is the most patient, perfectly content to walk you through how to file paperwork and fill out forms. Instructing you in a low voice while his breath brushes the shell of your ear. It’s really their fault for having such a terrible system, you know? Don’t worry about it too much, dove. He’ll settle his big hands on your shoulders and gently trace up and down your arms. See? You’re getting it. Just needed some more practice, hm?
Johnny is more than happy to show you around the garage, rattling off everything he knows about all those nitty gritty details that go right over your pretty little head. He’ll pop open the hood of some sports car and point to the engine to show it off. No, bonnie, you’ve got tae get in close. Closer.
Until you’re bent entirely over in one of those too-short skirts you wear everyday. It takes all his willpower not to yank you into the supply closet.
Gaz is just so sweet to you. Always bringing you little treats and candies to suck on. To help you concentrate, of course. Always greeting you with a soft ‘baby girl’ at the beginning of your shift. Whenever you’re standing around be it at the printer or counter - wherever really - he’ll slip a hand on your waist. It always trails a little lower, his pinky just edging on the hem of your too tight jeans.
Ghost gets frustrated with you to the point of causing tears to well up in the corners of your eyes. He’s feels guilty, sure, but bloody hell just print the damn receipt. He avoids you for the most part. Until one evening when it’s pouring down. You forgot your rain coat of course, silly girl. He offers you a ride which you take happily.
After that he can’t get rid of you. You bring him coffees (how you remember his order word for word but not where you last left your own cup is beyond him) and giggle at his jokes. When a client gets too snappy or too loud he’s the first to step in - standing behind you glaring at them with his huge arms crossed over his chest until they back down.
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