#SCP 2006
dithysartandmoreblog · 3 months
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Heres some more SCP blinkies!
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glitchyq · 10 months
079 doodles and other things.
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zealthewhatever · 7 months
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Happy Halloween from SCP-2006
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Magnificent Bastards with Autism
Listed in no particular order.
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L Lawliet from Death Note
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Agent 47 from Hitman
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Big Boss from Metal Gear
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Xemnas from Kingdom Hearts
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Scp-2006 from SCP Foundation
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Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing from Hellsing
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Amanda Waller from DC Comics
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Have you ever done SCP-2006 "Too Spooky" as a bun? I think it'd be very cute (I mean absolutely terrifying, of course.)
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drmememedic · 2 years
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MS Paint drawing of SCP-2006 :)
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rottingraisins · 2 years
Might I request SCP-2006? I like funny monkey
YES of course anon. I also like funny monkey
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Spooky (Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion) and SCP-2006 would literally be such amazingly good friends, they would be absolute besties on the spot.
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via-the-ghoul · 2 years
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For Halloween here’s a Halloween themed AH kid. He has the problem of not exactly relating back to their monster parent (SCP 2006), but so does Opperetta so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fun fact she was created because some stupid fucking scientist was like “the real horror is parenting hee hoo haa I suck” and then 2006 did a dramatic turnaround holding baby Ooky and the guy freaked tf out
(She’s gender fluid and uses any pronouns)
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dzthenerd490 · 8 months
File: Pulse
Warning! The following is to only be seen by O5 council members and Administrative Staff. If you are not of Level 5 Clearance, you will be exterminated by order of the O5 council!
Code Name: The Cyber Phantom Plague
Object Class: Apollyon/ Neutralized
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ABF as far as the Foundation is aware, cannot be contained, instead all life on the surface of the earth is to be bombarded to allow SCP-2000 to begin. 
Update: 2008/false - bombardment was a success. SCP-2000 has been located and activated and has set the world back to 2006, the date it is to be recognized as such. 
Update: 2008/true - efforts to prevent SCP-ABF form existing are successful, SCP-ABF is to now be classified as Neutralized. Mobile Task Force Kappa-10 "Skynet" is responsible for reviewing all Foundation collected data on SCP-ABF and either cataloguing it while reviewing all possible info-hazards and Cognito-hazards and destroying them if deemed necessary. 
Description: SCP-ABF is a cyber plague that spreads to all forms of technology through signals and the internet. Once a technological device has been caught by SCP-ABF weather through the internet, infected signals, electrical currents, or even vial physical contact they become hosts of SCP-ABF. It has unfortunately been proven that once infected the technological devices don't need electricity in order to thrive. 
SCP-ABF mainly takes the form of the deceased, as it is seemingly empowered by the presence of the dead. These particular souls seem to belong to a purgatory like afterlife where they feel absolutely nothing. As such these entities that reside within SCP-ABF have no qualms with attacking humans who are unfortunately too close to SCP-ABF. These entities can manifest nearby any form of technology SCP-ABF has infected. When they do manifest, its normally where humans are so that they can begin feeding. However, they don't necessarily need a device infected with SCP-ABF, they just need an area of clear signal or the possibility of signal.
The entities with SCP-ABF feed on humans by either possessing them or eating their life force through physical contact. When they possess humans, they typically feed on their life force in small amounts while forcing the host to committee suicide, which leads them to feeding on all the life force through the death. When they go directly for the life force, they normally leave the human prey with necrosis growing on the skin depending on where they made contact. According to reports made by Foundation survivors of SCP-ABF a single second of contact with an entity is enough to cause massive damage to the body thought the longest someone can last have contact with an SCP-ABF entity is 5 minutes which normally leads to the entire body turning into dust. 
This is unfortunately the full extent to the knowledge of SCP-ABF and the entities that reside within its infected devices. It's unknown if the entities that feed on life force will be resurrected or perhaps change somehow if they absorb enough life force. Perhaps absorbing lifeforce allows SCP-ABF itself to expand, or if lifeforce is the only thing that keeps them going like how a vampire needs to regularly drink blood, again weather this is true or not is unknown. It's also unknown whether or not those that get killed by the entities within SCP-ABF will become similar entities themselves after death. 
Regardless, SCP-ABF was discovered in 2006 by Foundation forces on earth, somewhere in the US. Though nothing has been confirmed as SCP-ABF unfortunately spread too fast leaving Foundation earth staff fragmented and torn apart in the ensuing chaos. The only reason the Foundation was able to obtain any of the information was form archives hidden in Foundation sites as well as survivors who managed to stay alive in stasis pods. Though even then it's mainly just recounts by what was observed during a time of chaos so some of it is conflicting. Because of this it's possible that SCP-ABF was capable of so much more during its active time. Unfortunately, SCP-ABF is so dangerous that to reactivate it for testing purposes would lead to another XK Class End of the World Scenario on earth and this time possibly the entire solar system, if its spreads too fast. 
Technically SCP-ABF managed to survive bombardment of Mobile Task Force Apollo-1 "Orion's Belt" until 2008, but due to SCP-2000's properties the time it took no longer exists. For common Foundation staff it's easier to just say SCP-ABF was neutralized the same year it manifested on. It was only out of pure luck that all the organizations of the ACPA and the worlds governments managed to agree to activate every EMP available to them in order to shut down all devices in the world to stop the spread of SCP-ABF. If they had not done this in time, it would have been possible for SCP-ABF to spread to satellites allowing it to spread to human technology on the moon and other Foundation owned planets. 
Though the threat of SCP-ABF has been neutralized, the entities within SCP-ABF exist in a purgatory like dimension that is so close to our reality it can be accessed through frequencies alone. However, what these frequencies are and how to obtain them have been classified by the O5 Council and anyone coming close to finding them again is to be found and terminated by Mobile Task Force Iota-10 "Damn Feds", while their work is to be destroyed properly by MTF Kappa-10. All information on and any information relating to SCP-ABF is to either be destroyed or encrypted to ensure the existence of this purgatory, the nature of SCP-ABF, as well as the capabilities of SCP-2000 are never brought to light. 
"There's still so much we don't know about the afterlife. For some they seem to go to the Abyss, others go to the Variegation, and some just seem to actually turn into ghosts. It's different for everyone but the question is why? Why does death affect everyone differently and why can't we ever predict let alone understand it. Further studying is required, I guess. You know I honestly don't know why people find death and the afterlife so scary, I think it's fascinating." -Dr. Bones
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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charlesoberonn · 10 months
Shout out to SCP-2006, an all-powerful shapeshifter whose only desire is to scare people. But since it doesn't know what actually scares people, the Foundation told it that humans are terrified of old B-movie monsters.
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thesnadger · 2 years
Here's my SCP Foundation recommendation list - 100 objects that are solidly written, interesting, and require no knowledge of lore. You can read them in any order and skip any you don't like.
They're divided into categories based on intensity of horror content, (Mild, Spicy and Extra Crispy) with specific content warnings listed at the bottom. There's also a small Experienced category, which are better after you've read a few entries and have a sense of the format.
Full list is here, but I'm also posting this smaller "starter kit" version. It's a good sampler platter showing the range of objects you'll find in the Foundation - including several early ones.
SCP-0111 - Dragon Snails [Mild]
SCP-0173 - The Statue (The Original) [Spicy]
SCP-0241 - Good Home Cooking [Spicy]
SCP-0294 - The Coffee Machine [Spicy]
SCP-0342 - A Ticket To Ride [Spicy]
SCP-0426 - I Am A Toaster [Mild]
SCP-0604 - The Cannibal's Banquet [Spicy]
SCP-0833 - Charity Worms [Spicy]
SCP-1733 - Season Opener [Spicy]
SCP-1861 - The Crew of the HMS Wintersheimer [Spicy]
SCP-2001 - Space Oddity [Mild]
SCP-2006 - Too Spooky [Mild]
SCP-2316 - Field Trip [Spicy]
SCP-2614 - Sometimes I Go Out In Pity For Myself [Spicy]
SCP-2737 - A Dead Lamprey [Spicy]
SCP-3001 - Red Reality [Extra Crispy]
SCP-3063 - A Fly [Spicy]
SCP-3114 - Wouldn't It Be Chilly? [Spicy]
SCP-3191 - Consciousness Emulator [Spicy]
SCP-3300 - The Rain [Spicy]
SCP-3753 - TEA-K-O [Mild]
SCP-5010 - Murder, She [Redacted] [Mild]
SCP-6096 - The Guest [Spicy]
SCP-6448 - Not Deer [Spicy]
SCP-6502 - Harwick Cemetery [Extra Crispy]
Also, don't worry if you're a new reader and don't know what terms like "Keter" and "D-Class" mean, it's meant to be slowly picked up as you go!
Don't feel like you need to start anywhere in particular or read in order, jump around and skip what you aren't interested in.
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zealthewhatever · 10 months
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Too spooky
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scp-lists · 7 months
SCP Recs: 20 Halloween SCPs
Twenty festive and frightful SCPs for Halloween! Walking skeletons, sinister scarecrows, non-euclidean Spirit Halloween shops, cursed costumes, and bedsheet ghosts.
The SCP Foundation has so many bedsheet ghosts. The fact that I only put two on this list is a testament to my restraint.
Treats (friendly or relatively harmless SCPs):
SCP-942 - Blood Candy SCP-2006 - Too Spooky SCP-2287 - Mr. Headless SCP-2331 - SCRAVECROW SCP-2523 - Goblin Market SCP-3540 - Don't Queer The Reaper SCP-3992 - Wondertainment Whacky Halloween Fun Masks SCP-4110 - The Ultimate Cosplay SCP-4126 - The Bedsheet Ghost SCP-6531 - Anthology of Horrors!
Tricks (spicier and more sinister SCPs):
SCP-330 - Take No More Than Two, Please! SCP-1517 - Candy Critters SCP-2531 - The Pumpkin Man SCP-3114 - Wouldn't It Be Chilly? SCP-3865 - You Reap What You Sow SCP-4030 - A Dream Come True SCP-4153 - Vincent Price presents… IT CAME FROM SITE-9! SCP-5733 - Knife. Scream. Cut to Black. SCP-6439 - October 32 SCP-6750 - Scary Trick or Treating Tips
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15 questions for 15 mutuals
One of my close friends (as well as mutuals) @cadaver-moss tagged me in this! Gracias mi amigo! Now it's my turn! ^^
(There are some questions that reveal a bit too much for me, so I will try my best to alter them.)
Are you named after anyone. I'd say there are 3 answers. Legal name I will change: Yes Real name I use today: Depends. It's a noun that I would describe myself, but in a different language. Also turns out, I learned about a year after I got the name, that the word comes from the name of a spirit! Persona's name: A grandmother's dog (she's a sweetheart)
When was the last time you cried. The last time I actually cried was during a meltdown. The last time I almost cried was when another close friend said he would block me if I sent him a clip of Toad's voice, and because he said that I had a shutdown (he knew what he did was wrong though, and luckily, we made up).
Do you have kids? My sona does (in reality they're my Gengar plushies), but irl, no. I don't plan to have coitus with anyone else in any way, shape or form. (Adopting or fostering kids though, I would say otherwise).
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Depends on my mood, really.
What sports do you play/have you played? Have I played? Kick ball! I made a homerun (after I slid) and ended up getting filled with energy and pride! ^^
What's the first thing you notice about other people? I honestly don't know. I have social anxiety, especially with most other teens (a reason why high school is very stressful for me) and I often prefer to be alone.
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. Easy answer. The King's Game, SCP-5254, Squid Game and SCP-001(WTDB) are perfect examples of why I prefer happy endings, as they have caused me depression and sometimes paranoia. It wasn't pretty. (There is also more media like them that have caused me depression and/or paranoia.)
Any special talents? If drawing counts, yes. Other than that, if it counts, algebra, and most other academic activities.
Where were you born? My sona: Alola Me irl, an southeastern state in the US (Currently living somewhere else, and I will not say the name of either place)
What are your hobbies? Drawing, surfing the net, watching YouTube, napping, shaking the lamb sauce (don't ask. It's a secret), listening to music, car rides (at times), word searches, and other things that are out of my mind right now.
Do you have any pets? The namesake of my sona, Kitty, and Highly [Maybe Confused]. There are some pictures I took of them recently at the bottom of the post. Check out other videos on Tumblr to check them out. Update: We got another bulldog, and his name is Uhtred.
How tall are you? What's 3^4-36+9x2+0? That's your answer. (And no, it's not a _'_ deal)
Favorite subject in school? Art. Other than art, math.
Dream job? Character designer, like James Turner and Ken Sugimori, or an illustrator, like Anne Fitzgerald. Or a storyboard artist.
Eye color? Go outside, and stare at a tree trunk. If not, stare at my dog.
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Highly is the tired one(left), and Kitty is the desperate one(right). Update: The puppy below is Uhtred.
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I'll tag @liamthemarowak @ghos-tea @tiny-brain @destinylightsup-2006 @leothewtf @andythepurplebird2k5 @alter-ego-cole @boongusbongus and @artsymii
(As it's most likely required. Lmao)
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mysterybox1000 · 2 months
I have a theory about how The Cabin in the Woods ending made Dead by Daylight Realms. Spoiler alert for the TCITW it's a great horror movie for older fans and new ones. The whole point of the movie is to sacrifice 4-5 survivors and if they don't do it the world would be destroy. They don't get the last 2 and there world did get destroyed. The thing that destroyed it was the Ancients. They both have the same name in TCITW and DBD.
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They also have the same colors, I think when they completely destroyed the world they made the realms to feed and watch the survivors be haunted down.
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Wow Such Gaming did a video about why you wouldn't survive TCITW. He said when Ancients broke free all of mans fears broke out too. So example couple of characters that broke free are Jason Voorhees, The Thing, Chucky, and anything that would scare you broke out too.
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It's pretty much like SCP-2006 that copies of fears of people and makes it real (They show him old timey horror movies.)
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When there wasn't enough survivors from there world they liked they took different ones from different universes and times. This is probably 100% wrong but I like the idea of them being connected and explains what happened after the ending of TCITW.
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