#Sara Shepard
thoughtkick · 1 month
It’s like when someone says, ‘How are you?’ Do you say, ‘Well, my head hurts and I’m lonely and depressed and I’m worried about everything and the world is collapsing and full of evil’? Or do you say, ‘I’m fine’?
Sara Shepard, The Visibles
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perfectquote · 1 month
It’s like when someone says, ‘How are you?’ Do you say, ‘Well, my head hurts and I’m lonely and depressed and I’m worried about everything and the world is collapsing and full of evil’? Or do you say, ‘I’m fine’?
Sara Shepard, The Visibles
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quotefeeling · 5 months
It’s like when someone says, ‘How are you?’ Do you say, ‘Well, my head hurts and I’m lonely and depressed and I’m worried about everything and the world is collapsing and full of evil’? Or do you say, ‘I’m fine’?
Sara Shepard, The Visibles
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perfectfeelings · 8 months
It’s like when someone says, ‘How are you?’ Do you say, ‘Well, my head hurts and I’m lonely and depressed and I’m worried about everything and the world is collapsing and full of evil’? Or do you say, ‘I’m fine’?
Sara Shepard, The Visibles
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thehopefulquotes · 9 months
It’s like when someone says, ‘How are you?’ Do you say, ‘Well, my head hurts and I’m lonely and depressed and I’m worried about everything and the world is collapsing and full of evil’? Or do you say, ‘I’m fine’?
Sara Shepard, The Visibles
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perfeqt · 2 months
It’s like when someone says, ‘How are you?’ Do you say, ‘Well, my head hurts and I’m lonely and depressed and I’m worried about everything and the world is collapsing and full of evil’? Or do you say, ‘I’m fine’?
Sara Shepard, The Visibles
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resqectable · 10 months
It’s like when someone says, ‘How are you?’ Do you say, ‘Well, my head hurts and I’m lonely and depressed and I’m worried about everything and the world is collapsing and full of evil’? Or do you say, ‘I’m fine’?
Sara Shepard, The Visibles
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quotemadness · 2 years
It’s like when someone says, ‘How are you?’ Do you say, ‘Well, my head hurts and I’m lonely and depressed and I’m worried about everything and the world is collapsing and full of evil’? Or do you say, ‘I’m fine’?
Sara Shepard
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lily-s-world · 2 years
In my early pre-teen years, I was legit obsessed with Pretty Little Liars. I even read all the books, yes, all the 16 books.
I thought that obsession was over, then HBOMax comes and give me a new spin off full full of horror, blood and badass new liars.
I'm already shifting back to my obsession, people. I'm gonna love this new show.
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morois · 1 year
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wren smiled. “well, you certainly sound like you know what you’re doing.”
“i do.”
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leulahart · 1 year
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been working on some character sheets for the pretty little liars series, so here are some portrait sketches of the girls
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thoughtkick · 1 year
It’s like when someone says, ‘How are you?’ Do you say, ‘Well, my head hurts and I’m lonely and depressed and I’m worried about everything and the world is collapsing and full of evil’? Or do you say, ‘I’m fine’?
Sara Shepard, The Visibles
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perfectquote · 1 year
It’s like when someone says, ‘How are you?’ Do you say, ‘Well, my head hurts and I’m lonely and depressed and I’m worried about everything and the world is collapsing and full of evil’? Or do you say, ‘I’m fine’?
Sara Shepard, The Visibles
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quotefeeling · 1 year
It’s like when someone says, ‘How are you?’ Do you say, ‘Well, my head hurts and I’m lonely and depressed and I’m worried about everything and the world is collapsing and full of evil’? Or do you say, ‘I’m fine’?
Sara Shepard, The Visibles
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the-final-sentence · 2 months
‘I’ve got your back.’
Sara Shepard, from Nowhere Like Home
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beadickel · 7 months
Afinal, qual o propósito do meu tumblr?
Oioi, tudo bem? Nesse post, quero tagarelar sobre uma questão (meio banal) que venho pensando a bastante tempo: qual o propósito do meu tumblr?
Quando criei essa conta, lá em 2018, meio que não tinha um rumo em mente pra tomar. Apenas reblogava uma coisa ou outra de vez em quando... o que mudou em 2020, quando comecei a postar muito mais, o que inclui desenhos e fotografias com legendas gigantes (bem em formato de blog mesmo).
Por 2021 e 2022, parei de usar essas legendas gigantes e textos que explicam ou falam sobre a foto/desenho, mas vou admitir que isso me faz um pouco de falta.
Reconheço que aqui no tumblr uma postagem com o foco numa foto ou arte pega bem mais visibilidade sem um texto gigantesco acoplado, mas, acho que sinceramente não me importo muito com isso.
Curto a ideia dos textões no tumblr, e como as postagens podem ser super diferentes entre si, então queria explorar um pouco mais disso aqui no blog, igual eu fazia lá em 2020.
Seria como se meu tumblr assumisse uma espécie de papel de diário, sabe?
Compartilhar uma fotografia e um desenho e tagarelar sobre o processo de ambos; um pensamento aleatório, uma frase triste de desabafo escrita na madrugada de uma quinta feira de insônia; leituras e estudos; essas coisas...
Meu tumblr vai assumir esse papel mais informal e pessoal, enquanto que meu youtube vai ficar pras animações e coisas das minhas histórias (a menos que eu mude de ideia, porque sempre tô mudando). Com o Instagram realmente não sei o que vai rolar e o que compartilharei lá :^)
Enfim, é isso. Me deu vontade de escrever isso agora, antes tarde do que nunca, enquanto lia Perversas, da Sara Shepard. Até a próxima!
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