#Six of crows reread
wolfssixshadows · 5 months
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Flashback to that time Inej basically called Kaz hot.
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booknerdium · 9 months
Inej told Nina that Kaz would “keep to any deal you strike with him” but then after Oomen stabbed Inej, Kaz told him that if he talked about who hired him he’d drop him off at the next port but then he broke that deal bc he attacked Inej!!!
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neptune-scythe · 6 months
And if I live blog my reactions during my six of crows reread
What then
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
everyone shut up i’ve been rereading soc and matthias has such a healthy appreciation for inej and it’s making me go insane
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anthony-sharma · 1 year
Six of Crows Reread - Ch. 12
Now another Inej chapter!
Chapter 12: Inej
“The view from above was disturbing. The Dregs were outnumbered, and there were men working their way around their left and right flanks. Kaz had been right to keep their real point of departure a secret from the others. Someone had talked. Inej had tried to keep tabs on the team, but someone else in the gang could have been snooping. Kaz had said it himself: Everything in Ketterdam leaked, including the Slat and the Crow Club.”
Yeah, unfortunately for Inej, it was one person from their own team who leaked information...
“The cargo containers were stacked like a pyramid here. If she could make it up just one, she could hide herself on the first level. Just one. She could climb or she could stand there and die.
She willed her mind to clarity and hopped up, fingertips latching onto the top of the crate. Climb, Inej. She dragged herself over the edge onto the tin roof of the container.”
Damn, my girl’s willpower is certainly something! It would be so easy to just lie there and let herself die. Of course, Kaz wouldn’t let her just die, but you get the point. 
“Just one more. But she couldn’t. Couldn’t push to her knees, couldn’t reach, couldn’t even roll. It hurt too much. Climb, Inej.
“I can’t, Papa,” she whispered. Even now she hated to disappoint him.”
I love how present her parents are to her, even though she hasn’t seen them in quite a while. They’re still present in the decisions she makes and in how she decides to conduct herself in the books. I think it’s also part of the reason why she sticks to her ideals so strongly.
“The rasp of stone on stone. Her eyes flew open. Kaz.”
He bundled her into his arms and leaped down from the crates, landing roughly, his bad leg buckling.”
I’ve seen in fics and I think maybe in headcanons too that the “raspiness” of Kaz’s voice is a sideeffect from the pox that he and Jordie suffered as a child, but I don’t remember if that is ever confirmed in canon or if that’s just something the fans came up with. If any of you guys know, please, drop a comment about it. 
But also...OMG, he bundles her into his arms? Like, I know this is a life or death kind of situation but still? Inej being so tiny and being bundled into Kaz’s arms? I’m screaming!!?
“I don’t want to die.”
“I’ll do my best to make other arrangements for you.”
She closed her eyes.
“Keep talking, Wraith. Don’t slip away from me.”
“But it’s what I do best.”
He clutched her tighter. “Just make it to the schooner. Open your damn eyes, Inej.”
She tried. Her vision was blurring, but she could make out a pale, shiny scar on Kaz’s neck, right beneath his jaw. She remembered the first time she’d seen him at the Menagerie. He paid Tante Heleen for information – stock tips, political pillow talk, anything the Menagerie’s clients blabbed about when drunk or giddy on bliss. He never visited Heleen’s girls, though plenty would have been happy to take him up to their rooms. They claimed he gave them the shivers, that his hands were permanently stained with blood beneath those black gloves, but she’d recognised the eagerness in their voices and the way they tracked him with their eyes.”
Omg, I know we get his POV later in the book about how he felt in this moment, but I can just imagine him carrying Inej to the boat and being so freaking terrified that he’s gonna lose her because of Jesper that, although I do not condone how he treats Jesper later on, I definitely understand where he’s coming from. 
Also, can we just appreciate how people in the Menagerie (but I am sure not only them) have the hots for Kaz Brekker? Like, we get throughout the books remarks about his haircut from Nina and about how he’s a “demon” from Matthias, but really, he just seems to be a good-looking 17 year old who a lot of people have the hots for. 
“Talk to me, Wraith.”
“You came back for me.”
“I protect my investments.”
Investments. “I’m glad I’m bleeding all over your shirt.”
Oh Kaz, not the investment thing again! Of course, the poor guy is so emotionally constipated that he’s not capable to admit his feelings for her, but daaamn, that’s cold. But also, I appreciate how Inej is in the verge of dying and can still manage to be sassy with still sasses Kaz. 
On another note, there’s this tiny thing here that reinforces what the book mentions later, where it says that Inej is always trying to salvage little pieces of humanity from Kaz and making him seen decent. By saying “you came back for me”, it’s almost like a “you care enough about me to come back” and then he’s like “Nah, you’re an investment” and it’s like damn it, Kaz! You can stop being an asshole for a second. That’s allowed, you know?
Anyway, that’s it for chapter 12. Next up, we get into Kaz’s thoughts once more!
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“I like it when men beg.” Inej please you’re killing me-
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phantasymistart · 1 year
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they are still everything to me <3
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bandoftheives · 2 months
i forget how much jesper was going THROUGH it in crooked kingdom. he punches kaz, gets into a big fight with his dad, and kisses kuwei - all in TEN PAGES
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charl3ss · 9 months
The parallels between Kaz letting Jordie’s body float away in the harbor without closing his eyes because he knew if he got back in the water, “he would never find his way out again” and Wylan forcing himself to get up from the shore despite having just escaped an assassination attempt because he thought if he closed his eyes, “he wouldn’t have the will to open them again”…….The way they are both reborn in a sense after crawling out of the waters of Ketterdam…..The way they both drop their last names in an attempt to hide from someone (Wylan from his father, Kaz so Pekka won’t see him coming) and from their pasts…..oh I am looking DIRECTLY at it.
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entertainmentpdf · 3 months
joost can't find a romantic way to describe anya's brown eyes and meanwhile kanej waxes poetic about each other's brown eyes. joost thinks he could compliment anya's laugh except he doesn't know how to and meanwhile kaz wants to bottle inej's laugh. joost didn't have enough money to buy out anya's indenture but kaz bought out inej's indenture. people say that anya uses grisha magic when it's not really magic per se but for a moment kaz was a boy again who believed that there was magic in the world.
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covey-o-quail · 2 months
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wolfssixshadows · 4 months
Someone else mentioned this earlier I know but.
Mattias' middle name is Benedik.
Just fyi
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booknerdium · 9 months
It’s really interesting to me how the first time we are introduced to Matthias, he is fighting the wolves. Like, he’s being fighting these beings that are so sacred to him, he takes the time to say a prayer over them, and we are reminded several times of his reluctance to do so. But he still does it. This both shows his devotion to his religion, which is a major character thing, and make us expect Matthias to be nicer than he is when we first officially meet him, in his pov (where he tries to kill Nina), while sneakily being like, he’s not the perfect druskelle he used to be, because not only did he aid a Grisha, he killed wolves. Killing the wolves is where he really reaches his breaking point, and his arc in the books is about acceptance of Nina and getting over his religious trauma and building himself back up from the boy fighting the wolves in Hellgate, the fallen druskelle who betrayed everything he once stood for. Idk, I just think Leigh was really smart for showing his lowest moment first, so we could focus on Matthias’s growth and have hope that he and Nina could work out.
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fangirlfreak08 · 5 months
Something about how clinically insane Kaz and Inej are for each other. How Kaz is willing to completely disregard his revenge plans for Rollins if Inej was killed. How Inej was fully prepared to murder a room full of people to defend Kaz at the slat. How Inej likens Kaz as a priest ‘stood at his pulpit ready to preach’ despite how much she knows their views on religion differ. How Kaz’s greatest weakness is Inej. How he climbed a steeple with a bad leg just because he was worried about her. How Inej trusted him to be close enough to her to be able to kiss her neck after literally just saying she still flinched when Jesper put his arm around her sometimes. How Kaz said his eyes had always hungrily snatched up Inej like the thief he was. How he used every last bit of his money, how he liquidated all of his assets (including his family’s farm?) in order to pay off her indenture. How she knew he was the only one for her before he’d ever even touched her bare skin.
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bitchthefuck1 · 1 year
Okay but do you see how Jesper saying they're like brothers and Kaz saying yes doesn't have nearly the same level of drama as Kaz accidentally calling him his dead brother's name in an argument that ends with them trying to beat the shit out of each other
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anthony-sharma · 1 year
Six of Crows Reread - Ch. 10
Now comes another episode from our darling Inej! <3
Chapter 10: Inej
“Many boys will bring you flowers. But some day you’ll meet a boy who will learn your favourite flower, your favourite song, your favourite sweet. And even if he is too poor to give you any of them, it won’t matter because he will have taken the time to know you as no one else does. Only that boy earns your heart.
That felt like a hundred years ago. Her father had been wrong. There had been no boys to bring her flowers, only men with stacks of kruge and purses full of coin. Would she ever see her father again? Hear her mother singing, listen to her uncle’s silly stories? I’m not sure I have a heart to give any more, Papa.”
Oh, and to think that she didn’t find a boy to bring her flowers or sweets, but a boy who taught her how to defend herself, gave her her freedom back and knives so she wouldn’t be helpless <3
And also, let’s just think that here she wonders if she’ll ever see her parents again, and by the end of the duology, Kaz brings them to her! Why would you want a boy to give you flowers, when you have one that buys you a ship, and brings you to your parents, right?
“Even if Kaz isn’t sorry, he can pretend. He at least owes me his best imitation of a human being”.
And curiously enough, he thinks something similar later on, when he’s in the wellspring and thinks that he must survive and that he’s not so broken to pretend to be some kind of a man for her. And by the end of the book (and little gestures in between them) he shows that. 
“She never walked West Stave alone. With the Dregs at her side, she could stroll by the Menagerie without a glance towards the golden bars on the windows. But tonight, her heart was pounding, and she could hear the roar of blood in her ears as the gilded façade came into view. The Menagerie had been built to look like a tiered cage, its first two storeys left open but for the widely spaced golden bars. It was also known as the House of Exotics. If you had a taste for a Shu girl or a Fjerdan giant, a redhead from the Wandering Isle, a dark-skinned Zemeni, the Menagerie was your destination. Each girl was known by her animal name – leopard, mare, fox, raven, ermine, fawn, snake. Suli seers wore the jackal mask when they plied their trade and looked into a person’s fate. But what man would want to bed a jackal? So the Suli girl – and the Menagerie always stocked a Suli girl – was known as the lynx. Clients didn’t come looking for the girls themselves, just brown Suli skin, the fire of Kaelish hair, the tilt of golden Shu eyes. The animals remained the same, though the girls came and went.”
It really is disgusting how normalized brothels were in those times (since Ketterdam is inspired by how certain cities like London and Amsterdam were years ago) and, in this particular case, how people are just reduced to being animals and act “sexy” and “desirable” when Inej (and probably most of the other girls as well) are around 14 years of age! And people just accept that because it’s a business and Ketterdam is the city of trade and business but UGH!
“Inej’s vision blurred. Trapped. Trapped. Trapped again.
“That’s not my name,” Inej managed to gasp out.
“Stubborn thing.”
Heleen grabbed hold of Inej’s tunic.
Move, her mind screamed, but she couldn’t. Her muscles had locked up; a high whine of terror filled her head.
Heleen ran a single manicured talon along her cheek. “Lynx is your only name,” Heleen crooned.
“You’re still pretty enough to fetch a good price. Getting hard around the eyes though – too much time spent with that little thug Brekker.”
A humiliating sound emerged from Inej’s throat, a choked wheeze.
“I know what you are, lynx. I know what you’re worth down to the cent. Cobbet, maybe we should take her home now.”
Black crowded into Inej’s vision. “You wouldn’t dare. The Dregs—”
“I can bide my time, little lynx. You’ll wear my silks again, I promise.” She released Inej. “Enjoy your night,” she said with a smile, then snapped open her blue fan and whirled away into the crowd, Cobbet trailing after her.”
Oh no, this is too sad. Even though almost 2 years have passed since then, her trauma’s still there! The show hasn’t focused on it too much yet (they probably will in the spin off) but people tend to focus too much in Kaz’s trauma, which is understandable because it shows itself more visibly and tends to be talked about more, but being in Inej’s shoes must be painful as well, and learning to trust her male friend’s touch again, knowing that they won’t do anything to hurt her.
On another note, she ends up using the Menagerie silks again, during the Ice Court Heist, along with Nina. I hope we can see both scenes in the show, that would be a nice little parallel. Tante Heleen threatened her with that and she did end up using those silks again, but in order to get something for herself, and in a position of more power than before, and not as Tante Heleen’s slave. 
“She hurried past the light and music of the Lid, and finally the Ketterdam harbours came into view, the sights and sounds of the Barrel fading as she neared the water. There were no crowds to bump against her here, no cloying perfumes or wild masks. She took a long, deep breath. From this vantage point she could just see the top of one of the Tidemaker towers, where lights always burned. The thick obelisks of black stone were manned day and night by a select group of Grisha who kept the tides permanently high over the landbridge that otherwise would have connected Kerch to Shu Han. Even Kaz had never been able to learn the identities of the Council of Tides, where they lived, or how their loyalty to Kerch had been guaranteed. They watched the harbours, too, and if a signal went up from the harbourmaster or a dockworker, they’d alter the tides and keep anyone from heading out to sea.”
Interesting how everything ends up being tied to some other point later on in the books. Here, she wonders about the Council of Tides and, by the auction in CK, they themselves stage Ravkan Grishas as the Council of Tides not knowing that, later on, Kaz will actually be threatened by them. 
I do think that if we get another SoC book (as it is supposed to) maybe the Council of Tides will become a more prominent thing in that book. Leigh Bardugo usually mentions something that she plans to use in some manner, shape or form down the line, and since the Council of Tides already interacted and threatened Kaz, it would only be fair for them to have more of a role later on. Anyway, those are just my thoughts and I might be wrong, but it would make sense to know more about them and how they decided to be loyal to Kerch. 
That’s it for episode 10, next up comes Jesper, in the first chapter since the “Ferolind’s explosion”.
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