rosesofenvy · 5 months
Golden Future AU Arc 2 Chapter 6 is posted!
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Collab with @sha-biest - more content at #goldenfutureau
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dancingdonatello · 1 year
HI!! 💕💕
can i request a donatello x gn reader who has a pet softshell turtle? i saw a tiktok where raph and donnie were holding their turtle species and omg it was so cute- 😭💕
have an AMAZING day/night!!
donnie x gn reader
“Donnie, it’s time you meet someone very important to me.”
That’s what you had told him a few days ago. Now, he stood at your doorstep dressed in the fanciest of clothes he could find. He was prepared to meet and impress your parent.
He wasn’t prepared for you to laugh at him when you opened the door and saw him.
“What?” He asked. You didn’t answer and instead pulled him into your house and up to a room that you had never let him go in before. “What’s going on?”
“As much as I love seeing you in a suit,” you paused as you fell into another bout of laughter, “you might want to take it off.”
“Why?” He demanded before you opened the door. Only then did he see the reason why.
The room was mostly empty, just filled with bins and food containers. But in the middle and most obviously the center piece of the room, there was a large pool of water.
“You… have a turtle.” He was flabbergasted. “As a pet?”
“And another as a boyfriend.” You patted him on the arm before you walked over. You picked the turtle up and it squirmed unhappily in your hands. “Look! It’s a soft shell too.”
“Amazing,” Donatello said flatly. “Now where is your parent that I was supposed to meet?”
“You were supposed to meet her!” You held the turtle in your hands out towards him. “Isn’t she pretty?”
Donnie turned to leave.
“Aw, Donnie…” you whined. “You’re hurting her feelings.”
Donnie scoffed again but stayed put. You smiled victoriously.
“Come on,” you sat down on the floor and patted the floor in front of you, “let’s just hang out.”
Your boyfriend reluctantly turned around and sat in front of you. He looked very unamused but you didn’t care. You set your pet on the floor and it immediately hissed at Donnie.
“Wow, she does not like you.” Her long neck reached over and she bit onto the finger of one Donnie’s hands that had been laid on his lap nearly. “She really doesn’t like you.”
“It’s because she knows I am better than her in all ways,” he said emotionlessly, even with his finger in the turtles mouth. “You are nothing compared to me,” he whispered lowly to it.
“Not true.” you shook your head. “Watch. Daphne, let go.”
“You named it Daphne?”
“Look!” You interrupted with a screech. “She let go! She listens better than compared to you.”
“What? I listen,” he defended himself but you were moving on.
“Daphne, sit.” The turtle coincidentally laid down when you said it. Donnie groaned when you cheered. “Such a good girl,” you cooed and picked her up. She bit you this time.
“Can it balance chemical equations?” Donnie scoffed.
You looked over at him, shocked at how… displeased he looked. His arms were crossed and his eyebrows were furrowed.
“Can it develop and operate highly dangerous and radioactive weaponry? I don’t think so.” Donnie’s eyes were burning holes into your poor turtle.
“No, but it is cute.” You held poor Daphne a little closer protectively before you had an idea. “Donnie, just hold her. Feel the connection.”
“Feel the connection,” he mocked you. But he still took the turtle into his hands when you passed her over. He inspected it with a grumpy look. “Looks healthy.”
The turtle reached forward with its long neck and touched its snout to his.
“Oh my god,” you breathed out and took a hundred photos. “I am printing these out and plastering them all over my walls.”
It was all fine until Daphne started to churr. She had crossed the line.
“Daphne!” You snatched her back. “That is inappropriate!” Donnie snorted and shook the mud off his hands with a sigh.
“I guess she’s alright…” He interrupted your chastising of Daphne. “Still can’t take over the world though.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled. “Yeah, yeah, you’re one of a kind, Donnie.”
leo | raph | mikey
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taffybear · 4 months
random list of my bay Leo headcanons ❤
working on Raph next! let's see how many ideas i get lol
also opening my inbox for writing (and perhaps even drawing) requests! feel free to drop me an ask <3
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literally loves mitski and mac demarco. he likes very indie hopeless romantic type music, it's literally hilarious to catch him just vibing in his feels
SECRETLY HAS PINTEREST BAHAHAHAHA but just for finding poetry and looking at bonsai trees. Mikey found out (like he doesn't have pinterest too??) and they all ended up making fun of him for it to the point where Leo debated deleting the app but ended up forgetting about it.
very specific but he has this unique type of love language where he'll ask you something and without any further questions he will go get or accomplish whatever he hinted at. for example, y'all will just be hanging out, and he'll go, "are you hungry?" and if you just as much nod your head hesitantly he will run to the kitchen and make you a 3 course meal. or, he'll just ask you if you're cold, and if you say yes he brings you a heater and a blanket. he doesn't ask things like, "can i get you a water?" he'll just ask if you're thirsty and go from there.
has the most gorgeous handwriting on the planet. this beautiful cursive print that is lowkey unreadable but so aesthetically pleasing. at first you were shocked but as you got to know him it made lots of sense, literally probably his biggest hobby is just remembering some random thing and then spending weeks straight perfecting it until it's natural for him. he loves to challenge himself to be perfect at literally anything, and his hand writing is one of those instances.
speaks fluent japanese OF COURSE but his brothers don't know it as well as he does (they all know a little at least) and he'll curse them out quietly in japanese behind their backs.
Leo wouldn't say he had a favorite brother of course but he definitely prefers Don's presense over the others. they always go to each other first when they have a problem or just want to rant, and they have a bunch of inside jokes.
after Donnie, Leo's the biggest insomniac. he gets nightmares a lot unfortunately, and most times when he wakes up he physically can't go back to sleep. literally Mikey will get up for a glass of water at 5:37 in the morning and Leo is up doing flips.
very random, but Leo is AWFUL at math. he meant to learn at some point but the time passed and he missed the boat. ofc math is Don's second language and Mikey and Raph couldn't care less (but somehow Mikey always guesses the right answers without doing the correct work??) but Leo is lowkey embarrassed that he struggles with it so much. he can do basic math and most things that come up in daily life like practical equations, but anything past times tables and division he is cannot understand. if you come over and need help on your math homework he will try his HARDEST to help you but ultimately he's completely clueless.
always takes bugs outside. if the creepy crawly is creepy enough or makes you screech, he'll whip it with his katana but normally he'll take the time to scoop it up in his hands (literally no fear) and walk it outside calmly.
literally LOVES doing chores. it's like a form of self care for him. folding laundry, sweeping, mopping, washing the dishes, organizing the dojo, he'll literally put on some music and go to town. when he visits you he will literally just start straightening things up and picking things off of the floor. he hates having nothing to do so he'll just ask for something he can clean while y'all chit chat.
incredibly flexible. he can bend every which way, sit comfortably in a split for hours, can bend over IN HALF and grab the back of his legs--he's literally maxed out on flexibility. but splits training is his private time so unless you sneak you won't catch a glance. but when you do, in between of sliding dojo doors, it is... something. like excuse me sir how tf doesn't that hurt your bAWLLS
smells like lavender. dead serious his signature scent is lavender. it's not like he wears cologne or anything, he just lights a lot of lavender incense and candles to the point where if someone even steps foot in his room they walk out aroma-fied.
everyone in the fandom has their personal opinion of who's the best cook and who's the worst cook of the four, and it is finally time for my hot take of the century. i think Leo is by far the best chef, and Raph is the one who can't even make toast right. a lot of people say Mikey is the chef of the family, which i agree with, he enjoys cooking and baking very much, but this doesn't mean the food he makes is good 💀💀💀 he trusts himself over any recipe and so he just throws in whatever he feels like. Leo can't stand being in the kitchen while Mikey is cooking, his ocd can't stand it. this said, you'd think this would mean the guys prefer Leo's cooking over Mikey's but fact is Leo is such a perfectionist he will spend hours working on a meal it's past 11 by the time he's done. and he doesn't take requests, he only makes what he wants and then on top of that the healthnut version. he makes sushi a lot and goes crazy when you bring him salmon.
IS SUCH A DORK BAHAHAHA if you even so much MENTION a book or a show he likes he will blabber for HOURS about it. he knows every single fact there is to know about star trek it is insane. you amuse him not because you're interested of course but he is just so damn adorable when he's talking about something he enjoys (which he rarely gets the chance to without being made fun of LMAO)
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mj-fintastic · 1 year
Dumb, dumb feelings.
|Donatello X Reader one shot | Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff |
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After you’ve been gone a whole college quarter, you come back to the New York sewers to spend winter break with the Mad Dogs. Except Donatello is acting rather strange…
“Y/N!!” Mikey screeched, throwing himself at the girl. She was able to drop her bags just before contact, grasping onto the box turtle so that he wouldn’t fall to the floor.
“Woah! Be careful, I coulda dropped ya!” She mustered, as the boy was squeezing the life out of her.
“It’s nice to see you again, Y/N! How’s college going?” Raph put his hand on his hip, his signature snag tooth popping out of his smile.
“Oh, we’ll it’s been-!”
“BOOORIIIIING! Have you met anyone? Found any cute guys? I’m sure college is just FULL of em!”
“Yes yes, everybody is positively thrilled to see Y/N again, now can we PLEASE focus on the task at hand?” Donnie sighed, rubbing his temples.
“What, the Jupiter Jim Jupithon?” Raph raised his brow.
“yeES! We haven’t even made popcorn, and while my palette is very refined, TUMMYTELLO IS HUNGRY! Can we at LEAST order a pizza before we get all mushy?” Y/N picked her bags up, struggling to walk as Mikey had attached himself to her leg.
“Someone is hangry, I see.” She smiled, making Donatello pout. Little did she know, Donnie had been seemingly unreasonably moody, almost gloomy, for the last two or so months. It was something everyone noticed, but nobody really knew why.
“It’s nice to see you too, hun.” Her gaze softened. No one questioned it, seeing as she had a habit of calling people nicknames, such as sweetie, honey, etc.
It had been awhile since he heard her refer to him as such though. His expression softened, no one particularly seeing his cheeks change hue slightly.
“I’ll go put my stuff in the lab. Thank you so much again for letting me stay during winter break, D.”
“Yes, yes, you’re welcome. Just hurry, or else I’m starting the movie without you.”
He was unusually dismissive towards her, which didn’t escape her as her smile lessened and she turned away and headed towards the lab. The turtles all turned towards Donatello as he walked to the kitchen and reached into a lower cabinet, trailing behind.
“You know Donnie, she came all this way to see us. Shouldn’t you be, I don’t know…a little nicer?” Raph prodded.
“She’s been gone for SO LONG!” Mikey dramatically whined.
“Please, Michelangelo. She’s been gone for a little over a college quarter. Besides, we have-what, three weeks with her?” He nonchalantly grabbed a bowl from the cabinet, closing the door with slightly more force than usual.
Besides, what do YOU know about her, anyways? He clenched his jaw. He knew he was being unreasonable, but something was just nagging at him. Something was bothering him, and the fact he didn’t know what it was…it was driving him insane. He wanted to watch the movie, but he wanted them to go away. He wanted to be left alone, but he didn’t want to be alone. Nothing was making sense, his contradictory wants and desires making him grasp at straws. And his brothers were simply just distracting him from figuring it out…or so is the logical conclusion, he thought. Clearly, that’s why he was upset…right?
“Seriously. Broski. You’ve been even more grouchy than ever, and being grouchy is like, your thing! So, it’s a little impressive, but also…kiiind of a mood killer.” Leo chimed in, as Mikey nodded enthusiastically.
“I mean, you’re kind of acting like you’re not happy to see Y/N. Did you not miss her?”
“What? Wh- of COURSE I missed her! Did you just happen to forget she’s my BEST FRIEND?” He strained his tympanum to make sure she wasn’t coming back yet, there’s no way she’d get over him calling her that in front of someone else. Let alone his brothers. He took a bag from the box of popcorn off the counter, before tossing it into the microwave and putting it in for 3 minutes…promptly ignoring the popcorn button that his brothers loved oh-so-much, despite the packagings instructions advising against it.
“Then what’s the DEAL, YO?!!” Mikey shouted, causing Donnie to tense. All the attention, confusion and noise was becoming too damn grating on his nerves. It was too much, all at once.
“THERE IS NO DEAL, “YO!” NOTHING IS GOING ON, I AM PERFECTLY FINE AND NORMAL AND NOT AT ALL UPSET!” He grated his teeth, body tense as he slumped and his volume increased.
There was a pause, as tension was thick.
The popcorn had started it’s signature popping process.
The other turtles stared, eyebrows raised.
“Ooookayyyy, sure Donnie. Whatever you say. Anywhizzle-“ Leo broke the silence. “-You’re gonna share that popcorn, right? Cause oh boy I am STARVING!” He turned, chuckling as he made way for the living room, shouting as he spun on his heel.
“Raph, order a pizza! We must be prePARED, to fight for INTERPLANETARY PEACE!”
The popping from the microwave slowed, the smell familiar and comforting.
“You know what I like, Raphie. THE CHEESIEST CHEESE PIZZA THEY GOT!! I can feel that warm, melty dairy bliss on my tongue as we speak!” Mikey turned to follow his blue brother, practically bouncing off the walls. Donnie grabbed the bag from the microwave, tearing it open before a large hand softly placed itself upon his shoulder. Donatello felt his muscles tense yet again.
“Donnie. I know something’s wrong. You can’t hide that from me. I may not be the brightest, but I’ll be damned if I don’t know my brothers.” Raphael said softly. Donnie inhaled deeply, relaxing slightly.
“Okay, fine. There may be a SLIGHT CHANCE…that something is wrong. BUT, HERE’S THE PROBLEM, RAPH-AI-EL.” His jaw tightened, turning to face his brother.
“I DON’T KNOW WHAT THAT THING MIGHT BE! NO CLUE! NOT ONE IDEA!” He gestured wildly upward, causing Raph to step back.
“Oh man. This might be a better job for Doctor Feelings.” Raph looked on helplessly.
“No offense to Doctor Feelings…” Donnie paused.
“Okay, full offense- I hate Doctor Feelings.” He spat out the name like an unsavory strand of meat fat. Gross.
“What?! Why?”
“You know I don’t do well with…Emotions! They have no rhyme or reason, they’re inconsistent, they-“
“Okay, lemme stop you there, cause I know if I don’t, you’re gonna be at this all night.”
The purple clad turtle pouted and sighed, but knew he was right. He did tend to ramble, and no one was really fond of when he did…Except Y/N, but she was a rare exception. He felt the weird pang in his chest again, feeling his frustration only grow.
“Listen, I’m no Mikey. But I feel like while this has been an issue for a while, it got worse when Y/N got here. So whatever it is, maybe it’s gotta do with her. Maybe she said somethin’ that made you mad, or…I dunno, stepped on your shoes somehow. Figure that out, then go talk to her, alright?”
Donnie raised a finger.
He lowered his hand.
“Alright, now come on, they’re gonna start without us!” He chimed, pulling out his phone as he dialed Tony Lou’s Pizza. Donatello sighed, putting another bag in the microwave. Something just wasn’t making sense.
“Save me, Jupiter Jim! They’re going to make me swim in this comedically large piranha pit with also snakes and vipers and sharks if you don’t set me free!”
“Alas! Having to choose between saving planet JupiJarturNebula or save my partner…! What a heartbreaking, but extremely easy morally ethical decision!”
Everyone was on the edge of their seats, as the alien race of Angler-fish donkey people snidely chuckled with Red Fox in their clutches…Everyone but Donatello.
What could she have possibly done to make me angry? He questioned, occasionally stealing a glance at Y/n between fistfuls of popcorn.
I mean, we haven’t talked much while she’s been away, sure. How could one NOT want to talk to ME?! ORTHELLO VON RYAN?!!! However, he had to admit, college was difficult. Especially going full time AND having a job? He could see how she may not have had time. Besides, he was just as much at fault. As much as he missed her and thought about her, he never quite had the time between missions and projects to shoot her a text or call. Clearly, that couldn’t be the reason.
But nothing else came to mind. He had missed her so dearly, wanted to see her so badly…and now, here she was, hanging out with everyone. It wasn’t that he was upset she was here…what was it?
He paused as he stole another glance. The light brought attention to her nose, cheekbones…specifically her eyes. The reflection of the projection of stars, laser blasts and beautiful blues and purples made her eyes seem to shine. How he wished she would look at him, give him a better view, give him the unadulterated attention she was giving the projection on the wall.
His chest felt heavy again. Or…was heavy the right description? It felt like…a burning, but not the painful kind that a triple cheeseburger from McDonalds would give you. Once he embraced it, it felt…almost…nice.
Something happened in the movie that made her burst out laughing, and yet he couldn’t look away to save his own hide. If she looked now, she would most certainly notice his gaze. His face grew all the warmer, but he was too lost in thought to notice.
Her laugh was rather loud, he noticed. Unlike when they had first met. She was…quieter then. She had grown into herself a lot, gotten more comfortable. And it was…
Her voice struck a chord within him. It always had, but he never really noticed. He really had missed her. Her presence, her voice, her eyes…all he wanted was for her to notice him again.
And then it clicked.
“Alright, y’all! Two movies down, a JupiterJillion left to go!” She smiled, as the brothers roared in excitement.
“Oh! Uh, actually, Y/N…” Donnie started, before he felt a wave of nervousness splash him in the face once she turned to look at him. Her lips curved upwards towards her eyes slightly, as she made soft but direct eye contact.
Oh, God, what did Raph say? Run away and hide forever and throw away all means of communication and never ever ever - AND THAT’S TWO EVERS -under any circumstances talk to her ESPECIALLY ABOUT HOW YOU FEEL-yeah that sounded about right mhm totally!
“What’s up, D?” She gently prodded, urging him to continue.
“Can you…meet me in my lab in a moment? I want to talk to you about something.” He stood up, breaking the eye contact as he pulled out his phone, desperate to do something with his hands other than let them dangle awkwardly at his sides. The way she looked at him made him feel weak. He had gotten exactly what he wanted, for just a brief moment, before he had ruined it. Gosh, why couldn’t he just be normal around her?
“Of course! I’ll be there in just a minute.” She replied, cheery as ever, as she got to her feet as well.
“I’m just gonna start some more popcorn really quick.” She added as Donnie walked away, as he hummed a confirmation and made way to his lab.
As she walked to the kitchen, the brothers shot glances at one another as a familiar beeping sounded in the kitchen.
Another pause hung in the air, as they strained to hear her walk out of the kitchen.
“Okay, what’s going ON with those two?” Leo sputtered.
“I dunno, but I’m gonna make sure D ain’t being rude. It’s her winter break, after all! She deserves to have a good time, and I am fed up with his bad behavior.” Raphael concluded.
“Raph, are sure that’s a good idea? I mean…it seems pretty private if you ask me.” Mikey hinted with a raise of his brows. The snapping turtle, however, was dense to the implications.
“Nonsense! I’m sure nothing could go wrong by just checkin’.” He smiled, before heading off in Donnie’s footsteps.
Why was this so hard? He wiped his hands on his shorts a third time. His heart was racing, and he had no idea why. What was he going to say? His mouth felt dry, as he tried to think of what Mikey would say…
Just listen to your heart! You’ll feel much better if you’re honest with not only yourself, but the people around you! Communication is the key to any relationship, as is honesty.
Right, he scoffed. As if the truth does anything except hurt people. He found that no one really liked it when he told the truth, and sometimes all it did was hurt people’s feelings…or ruin a perfectly good friendship.
Yes, the truth can hurt. But sometimes, pain isn’t a bad thing. Pain is needed to learn, heal, grow as a person. And having someone lie to you can cause a lot more pain then telling the truth.
Well…that was true. What was he even going to say? He still didn’t really understand how he felt. How could he communicate it if he didn’t know what was going on?
Well, Mind Mikey wasn’t being very helpful anymore. He sighed, placing his hand on his plastron to feel his heart pulse rapidly. He hated this. He didn’t know what he wanted.
“Knock knock!”
He nearly jumped out of his own shell, as Y/N’s voice came from behind him.
She was barely peering in, hesitant to enter without permission.
“Did you seriously say that instead of, I don’t know-JUST KNOCKING?”
“You’re one to talk, hun.”
His stomach did a flip. Why now was the nickname giving him trouble? His eyes shifted, a soft hue of red accenting his cheeks. She didn’t fail to notice, brows furrowing.
“Donnie, is something…wrong? I know you don’t like talking about your emotions, but…” she spoke quietly, as she approached him. He couldn’t muster to look her in the eyes.
“I want you to know I’m always here for you. Whether you want to talk, just hang out…anything.”
“Nothing’s wrong, I just…” he hesitated. What to say? Would it really be…okay? He bit his lip, feeling his face begin to burn as he only grew more nervous.
“Okay well maybe SOMETHING is wrong but I’m not really sure what but I think I maybe know what it is? But at the same time I don’t know for sure and I-I just-“ he rushed through his words, speaking with his hands before sharply inhaling and restarting.
“I…I feel as though…I may have made you feel like I wasn’t happy to see you again, which is absolutely not the case. I just…” another pause.
“It’s okay, take your time Donatello.”
He looked at her with big eyes. Her expression was soft, understanding and comforting as she smiled patiently. He felt himself melt ever so slightly. Taking a moment to compose himself, he looked away again.
“…I just…missed you so much, I…The fact that I wasn’t able to spend time with you first made me upset, when in my mind I had envisioned something different…I felt like…” this was humiliating. He could just see Dr. Feelings watching and giving him a thumbs up in his head…he hated it.
“Like…my brothers were stealing you away from me, and that…you liked them more than me.” Dr. Feelings shot him a look.
“Did I make you feel that way?” Her brows turned upwards.
“No. I realize that, while I want to spend time with you the most…my brothers want to spend time with you too. So therefore…this was the best solution. To spend time with everyone at once before spending time with people individually. But at the same time, knowing that…didn’t change how I felt.” He shrunk in on himself, feeling small. Until she placed a hand on his shoulder.
“That’s completely normal. And, if you want, we could stay in here for awhile and spend some time one on one. I wouldn’t mind, I missed you too, you know.”
The look in her eyes were so warm, and the gentle touch made him lean in slightly. He folded, hugging her around her waist and burying his face in her stomach. The feeling of her touch after so long…he didn’t realize how much he longed for it. He felt her hand pull his goggles off, setting them to the side, before she started gently petting his head as the other laid on his battle shell. Normally, he hated being touched. But she…she was an exception. When it came to her gentle, graceful hands…he melted further and further into her.
Raph huffed as he made his way to the lair, his steps quiet.
“Man, if that Idiot is hurting her feelings I swear…Good thing Raph’s not gonna let that happen!” He chuckled to himself, before preparing to peer in.
“I’m surprised I’m not hearin’ fighting-“ looking in, he stopped in his tracks.
They were both sitting on the floor, Donnie with his arms around her and face rubbing into her lower abdomen, eyes wet as she held him and cooed softly.
“It’s alright, Donnie, I’m here now. We have so much time to spend together, and trust me…you’re going to get the brunt of the attention.” She laughed softly.
“Three weeks isn’t enough.” He murmured, making her blush slightly as Raph’s jaw dropped. Never in a million years did he think he’d see Donnie this open with someone. Honestly, he felt a little jealous that he wasn’t that open with him, but clearly something happening between them that was…much different. Suddenly, he realized exactly what Mikey has meant by private.
“I’ll only be gone for another two months or so, again.”
IT WAS TWO MONTHS?? Raph connected the dots in his brain. The whole reason Donnie had been a gigantic grump was because…he missed her? God, Donnie is a real knucklehead when it came to feelings.
“I know…I don’t want you to go.” He whispered, a single tear threatening to spill.
“I missed you so much. I don’t want to miss you again.”
The blush on her face only worsened.
“Oh, Donnie…Honey, it’ll be alright. I’ll always come back. You think I could ever go without you for more than a quarter? You’re my favorite person in this world. You’re the one I’ll always look forward to coming home to.”
Donnie pulled away, her words striking a chord within him as he looked at her. With a single sentence, she had made him melt to his core.
You’re the one I’ll always look forward to coming home to.
Suddenly, in one movement, Donatello moved up towards her face, hand cupping her jawline as he suddenly embraced her.
Her eyes were wide, taking a moment to process, before she melted into him with a small, content hum. His brows turned upward, resting his other arm over her shoulder as he slightly twisted his head to better fit her lips.
Welp. Despite his utter shock, now was absolutely the time for Raph to dip, he thought. However, he didn’t move an inch.
Hey, wait. What’s going on?!! I should probably get moving! He thought again.
Uh, Mind Raph, We should probably go. This is getting kinda creepy.
What? This is like a Soap Opera, I gotta know what happens next!!
Hey, that’s our brother, not free entertainment!
Even better, we should record them. I mean, no one’s gonna believe us otherwise.
No, I’m Mind Raph. Thought that was pretty obvious.
Yeah, but it’d be funny.
Raph quickly pulled out his phone, and snapped a quick picture of the two. I mean, how much blackmail does Donnie have on him, I’m comparison? Plus…It was just too gosh darn cute to see his baby brother have his first kiss. With that, he walked away.
Her soft lips pressing against his made him shiver, wanting to feel them thoroughly as he pressed again and again. He wanted to spill everything, how inexperienced he was, how sorry he was for randomly embracing her the way he did, but also how long he had wanted to do it for. And yet, he didn’t need to. And when she had hummed the way she did, he felt weak to his core. Her lips were heavenly, sweet with a hint of popcorn, and just the fact that he got to know what her lips tasted like made him utterly breathless. He felt her arms around his waist, hand caressing the lower back of his battle shell, and suddenly he had the urge to take it off.
Am I ready for that? He pulled away, looking into her eyes as he thought.
Would she love me the same? He bit his lip nervously.
“Donnie?” She murmured, sending a chill up his shell.
Only one way to find out.
He let go of her for a moment, reaching up to the straps connected to his Plastron and pressing two small hidden panels simultaneously. The battle shell fell behind him as Y/N moved her hands out of the way slightly. Her eyes widened, a blush accenting her cheeks.
“Donnie…I…” she paused, as he listened tentatively and nervously.
“Can I…?”
He nodded.
He felt her hands gently place themselves onto his soft shell, another shiver going through his body. Her hands were warm, soft…nice. He felt his eyes flutter closed as he bit his lip. It felt amazing, her delicate touch as she caressed. He leaned into her, before fully wrapping his arms underneath hers and leaving his hands on her upper back as he buried his face in her shoulder.
“God…” she whispered beneath her breath, before chuckling softly.
“I hate how in love with you I am.” She smiled, turning her head to place a kiss on his head. He responded by nuzzling further against her.
“I love you so much.” She cooed.
Normally, he would despise being treated this way. And yet…he had never felt more loved, more safe.
It was quiet. The only sounds were those of their breathing, and her hands moving across his shell. It was cold in the lair, and yet, he felt the most warm he had ever felt. She smelled ever so slightly of perfume, and he could faintly taste her on his lips. It was fairly dark in the lair, but the purple lights comforted him in a way he couldn’t describe. And everything was just so…warm. Perfect, safe, warm…
He pulled away slightly to press another chaste kiss into her lips, feeling almost entranced by the atmosphere and by his own feelings for her. When the kiss ended, he only moved far away enough to give him room to speak. When he did, he could feel his lips brush hers ever so slightly.
“I…I’m so in love with you.” He whispered breathlessly. “I never want you to leave.”
She only smiled, gently pressing her forehead into his.
“I may leave, but I’m still yours. No matter how far away I am.”
She held his face in her hand, and all he could do was nuzzle into her touch more. No matter how close they were, it just wasn’t close enough. For once, he wasn’t thinking. All of his focus was directed towards her loving embrace.
As if snapped out of a trance, Donnie jumped and reached for his phone in his pocket. His screen displayed Red Leader, as he felt himself flush.
“Hey Donnie~ How’s it going with Y/N?~” His older brother said, his tone slightly strange.
“O-OH, UH- Marvelously, fantastic, why?” He sweated, face red.
“Oh, I bet. Enjoying some…quality time?” He cooed, and Donnie could practically see his eyebrows wiggle.
“Uh- why are you talking like that?” He answered, monotone, trying to mask his nervousness.
“No reason…no reason at all.”
“Right…why did you call me?”
“Well, when are you two coming back down for the marathon? We’re already done with the next movie!”
“Oh! Erm, well…Soon?”
“Alright then, hurry it up!…Buncha smoochers.” He added teasingly at the end.
“WH-WAIT HOW-“ Click!
How the fuck did he know? DOES HE KNOW?!!
“Well, what’s up, D?” Y/N touched his shoulder, making him even more of a flustered mess.
“OH WELL UH-“ he cleared his throat. “Raph was uh-just-curious if we were coming back for the marathon soon.”
“Are we?”
“Ok maybe another few minutes wouldn’t hurt-“
“Oh yeah absolutely they probably won’t notice.”
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phoebepheebsphibs · 28 days
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 11: Anthropophobia
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Splinter is the first to meet April as she walks in. She's carrying several bags that hang from her wrists and arms. Apparently she went grocery shopping before she got here.
Splinter walks over to her and nods his head in greeting.
"Ah, April. Good to see you again..." he sniffs the air, his demeanour immediately changing from composed host to excited foodie. "Ooooh, is that tiramisu I smell?"
April laughs as she reaches into one of the bags.
"All for you, Splints," she says, handing the box of cake over to Splinter, who grabs it with a huge grin.
"Aha! Come to big papa! Thank you, April, this is very kind of you."
"Anything for you and the guys," she says with a smile. "Speaking of which, how's Mikey doing?"
Splinter pauses.
"...How much have they told you?"
"You know Donnie, he likes to be vague and build up suspense for dramatic effect. But he texted me last night to say how the mission went."
"Did he?"
"Sometime at like, midnight or one AM," she grumbles. "Just to say that the mission was a success and they got Mikey back. I asked how he was, and all he said was that he was alive and conscious. But I haven't known Donnie all these years to not know when he's hiding something. So, how is Mikey, really? Is he okay?"
"It's difficult to say," Splinter mumbles, walking back into the lair with April. "He's... he's awake and can communicate, to some extent. He can walk and even run. But... I'll let you decide when you see him."
April is unsure what he means by that, but lets it slide. She's sure she'll find out in a bit.
The three other Hamato sons come into the room to greet them. Leo is first, rushing in with haste. Raph comes in after him, his pace quick but not as swift as Leon's. Donnie meanders in last, his stride slow and somewhat sluggish. He looks exhausted.
"Hey, family!" she says, leaning in for a hug from Leo, who takes half of the bags from her as Raph takes the rest. "How're you holding up?"
"Well enough," Leo mutters. "All things considered. At least, I haven't had a emotional breakdown yet!"
Raph looks embarrassed. Apparently he can't match that boast.
"Where is the man of the hour?" April asks. "I got some new paint pens for him."
Leo looks uncomfortable.
"Uhh... we left him in Donnie's lab. I think he's still asleep... let's get these groceries into the kitchen for now; we'll tell you about everything."
April nods sadly as she follows the guys.
"Hold him still!"
"Stop struggling!"
"Get me 20 Cc's of the mandrill, the boa, and the -- crap, he's gotten loose again!"
Mikey shrieks as he jumps down from the operating chair and dashes to the exit. A guard blocks his path, a cattle prod in his grip. He flicks the switch on it and a loud grinding sound ignites as blue sparks fly from the end. Mikey makes a quick turn and dodges him, running to a corner of the room and cowering. The doctors surround him angrily.
"Where's that frost gun?"
"Over there by the table!"
"Antagonizing little cretin! You'd think he'd have learned his lesson from the last time!!"
One of the men in white comes back, brandishing a long thin airgun with a blue stripe down the middle. A special weapon made specifically for him, for when he acts out. The doctor points it at Mikey and pulls the trigger. A gust of icy air shoots out directly at Mikey. He screeches in pain as the shock of temperature causes his body to go rigid. He falls to the ground convulsing and shivering, painful stabbing sensations prickle across his entire body. He almost feels like he's dying. He can't move.
The guards grab him roughly. He can't move to fight back. Mikey sobs and screams.
He hurts so much, there are so many hurting places on his body.
Needles that have broken the skin to inject what Mikey can only assume is poison because of how much it hurts.
Bruises from where he has been forced into places with other animals to see how they interact. They are never friendly. Mikey is the only one to ever walk out of the room again. Instinct is efficient and ruthless.
There is no love in this room. Only hate. Only pain.
Mikey is taken back to the chair and strapped down. He howls.
"I'd advise you not to do that again," a doctor says with anger burning in his eyes. "Or else there will be consequences."
Consequences worse than what is happening now? He doubts it.
Syringes prick his arms. Oozes and slimes and ghastly liquids are shoved into his veins and bloodstreams. He can feel it doing painful things to him, he feels his bones shift and crack and grow and shrink. His teeth snap into new formations and his fingers start to elongate, the nails splintering and curving into talons.
Mikey sobs. Why is he here? Why do they hate him? Where are the other ones?? Where is Red, and Blue, and Purple? Where did they go, why have they left him behind? Did they escape this place? This place is all he can remember, apart from them. He only recalls needles and linoleums and cages and cold and pain and tears and hatred and fury and longing and loneliness.
Why did they leave him... didn't they love him, once?
Didn't anybody love him once?
No. No one could ever have loved anything from this place.
No one could have loved whatever it is that Mikey is.
Mikey's eyes snap open, tears streaming down his cheeks.
He doesn't recognize this room. It's another cage? It's a small white tunnel, he's stuck inside, he needs to get out!
Mikey clambers around, whining and crying like a puppy stuck in a kennel. He somehow manages to make a backwards shimmy out of the tunnel.
He is in Purple's lab. He wants to leave, now. Right now.
Purple and Blue and Red aren't in here. Where did they go?
The door is open. Mikey rushes out, calling for them.
He howls, long whining hoots that anyone within the lair could hear. Why don't they respond? Where are they?
They left him again...? They left him. They left.
Gone. Gone. Gone.
Mikey starts to whimper.
Should have known they would leave...
No, they wouldn't leave!
Then where are they?
Somewhere... Brothers are somewhere... He'll find them eventually.
No trust. Something bad. Smell something bad.
Mikey smells it, too. Where is the bad smell coming from?
It's not a disgusting scent. In fact, it is, in some ways, very nostalgic. There are traces of coconut oil in it. Sweet scents. But it is a bad smell.
Something dangerous is in the home.
It's coming from the kitchen...
Mikey goes into hunting mode. He digs his talons into the cracks between the bricks in the wall. As he climbs, the pads on his palms shift, tickling sensations that give pins and needles on his hands. Miniscule hairs create Van der Waals forces, causing a suction effect as Mikey starts to scale the wall and crawl to the ceiling.
He sneaks along the top of the hallway, following the bad smell.
Mikey cranes his neck down to peer into the kitchen. Everyone is inside, unloading bags and boxes and containers of food and supplies.
Rat is in the corner of the room, wiping his eyes. He was crying. The human who made breakfast is also in here, quietly rummaging through the pantries and cabinets as he places things away. He looks like he might cry, too. Blue, Red and Purple are holding someone in their arms. She is making a lot of noise, weeping and wailing and sobbing in their embrace. Apparently everyone was crying.
They must love her.
But she smells bad. She has the bad smell. Why trust bad smell?
The bad smell is human.
We don't like humans.
No... we don't... but the male human made the food for us! We trust male human?
NO. No trusting humans! Bad humans! They do terrible things to us. Mikey must not trust humans. Only Instinct. Instinct kept us alive.
Instinct kept Mikey alive...
The male human seems to sense something is watching them, and looks up. He yelps in surprise.
Red, Blue, and Purple turn to look at him, then at what he's pointing at. The girl looks up at Mikey and screams in fright.
He hisses back at her, growling loudly as his tail whips underneath him. The scales and scutes start to lift, the ridges on his shoulders and thighs raising high. His tail becomes a spiky bludgeon.
Let Instinct take over. Instinct will keep us safe.
Mikey can do it. Instinct Might hurt brothers.
Instinct is better. Stronger. Instinct is --
MIKEY CAN DO IT, he snaps back in his mind. His tail cracks like a whip again as he snarls angrily.
The human girl yipes and hides behind Red.
Mikey starts to creep along the ceiling, watching them. Making sure that the evil humans don't do anything to hurt Rat or brothers.
Red follows him around the room, raising his hands and guarding the girl.
"Mikey? Hey Mikey, come on down, bud..."
"How... how is he doing that?" the girl asks.
"Lizards can climb on walls," Blue mutters. "Remember we said he has lizard DNA now?"
"I can't believe... that's really Mikey?" the girl whimpers quietly, grabbing Blue's arm.
"It's him," Blue says. He sounds sad.
"Mikey, come down?" Red begs.
Mikey sneers at the girl.
"What? April? You remember April, right?"
Mikey snaps at her, baring his teeth. The canines are growing longer and longer.
"Mikey, she's your sister," Red enunciates.
Mikey's expression softens. Sister? Like brothers?
"Yeah, mi hermano, she's cool! It's big sis April!" Blue joins in, patting her on the head. "See? She's one of us!"
Mikey croaks at her, cocking his head in confusion.
Don't trust her. Don't trust them. Humans are evil. Humans did this to us. They hurt us, and kept us from brothers, and made us sad and scared. She will hurt you!
Red walks directly underneath Mikey and holds his arms out as far as he can. Mikey lowers himself into his embrace, dangling upside down from the ceiling for a moment before readjusting and wrapping his torso around Red's forearm, his spine twisting with flexibility that surprises his brother.
"Boa constrictor?" he asks, looking at Purple.
"I guess," Purple answers with a tired shrug.
Mikey keeps his eyes on the human girl. She cautiously starts stepping closer, holding a hand out to him.
"Mikey? It's me, April. Please say you remember me...?"
Her voice wavers. She sounds so sad.
Humans can be sad?
Humans only cause sad. How can this human be sad?
Her eyes become glassy and blur over. She sniffles. Her nose is red and her cheeks are rosy. She was crying. She was very sad. Why is she sad now?
Did Mikey make her sad??
Mikey mews at her. He feels bad now. Her fingers touch his beak. He takes in the scent on her hands... lotions, perfume, coco butter from her curls. Mikey doesn't remember her face, or her voice. But he remembers these scents. And they do smell safe. He loves these smells, though he can't remember why. His eyes water, the scents activating some distant and foggy recollection of a warm embrace and a soft hand against his head and the feeling you get when laughing too hard.
She might be human... but he loved her once. He can love her again.
Mikey purrs, closing his eyes and leaning his face into the touch. He hears her stifle a sob, stroking her hand across his forehead and down his cheek. Tears pool in his eyes and seep through. Soon enough, she's wiping the tears away.
The humans were never gentle like this in the other place. They never loved him. But she loves him.
He was loved once. He is loved again.
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niphredil-14 · 1 month
Imagine 2012 Donnie with a partner who just doesn’t get math at all, not even science and it’s just him tutoring them and sleeping over at their place
I was gonna write a study date for this, but then I got my results for the HiSET math test and found out that I am, in fact, getting my high school equivalency, so I'm gonna write Don celebrating that instead. Hope you don't mind lol
Test Kisses
Words: 850
The first four tests had been a breeze, As and high Bs across the board. But then, there was math, and in the fortnight leading up to the test, Don had gone over to her house almost every night, the two of them pulling all-nighters every other, until the night before the test. Don had indeed gone over that night, but insisted that studies had shown that cramming the night before a big test would actually be detrimental. He had only allowed her to read through her notes for half an hour before helping her through her bedtime routine, and cuddling up next to her, until she fell asleep. Upon awakening, the sun was shining through the fluttering blinds of her open window, and she found a note written in Donnie's messy handwriting on her bedside table.
Sorry I couldn't stay, but you know I can't risk being seen, and Leo would've nagged my shell off. I wish you lots of luck on your test today, though I know you won't need it. You've worked so hard, and have been tutored by the smartest turtle around, so I know that you can do this!! You're a whole lot smarter than you give yourself credit for! ^w^
Love, Donatello <3
Actually taking the test was super stressful, and she finished with only two minutes remaining. It had taken forever for the test results to come. All of the other test results had been posted exactly a week after she took the test, but this was not the case for math. She had to call the testing company three times over the course of a week before the finally opened an investigation, and throughout the whole process, she had whined and complained endlessly to Donnie. After what felt like an eternity, she was finally notified that the results were posted. She didn't hesitate to grab her laptop and sprint out of her apartment, racing to the nearest sewer cap. Don had installed a special button in the alleyway, so that she could get to the lair whenever she wanted without having to struggle to move the hubcap. Practically sliding down the ladder with practiced ease, she hit the ground hard and began sprinting towards the lair. Upon entering the lair's living room, she skidded to a halt, and all but shouted at Leo.
"Where's Don?!" The words escaped her as if being thrown from her throat in all one breath, and the words,
"In the lab?" had barely left Leo's lips before she had taken off at full speed once more. She ran into the lab, and Don barely had time to spin around in his chair to face her before she was in the air, jumping towards him. He scrambled to catch her, and was almost unsuccessful. After regaining his stability, he looked at her with confusion rampant in his eyes. Before being able to ask her what had brought her so frantically to his lab, she shoved her laptop into his hands, and screeched.
"The results are up!!" She jumped from his lap and began pacing, anxiety written across all of her features and scribbled throughout all of her movements, from the longest of her strides, to the smallest twitch of her muscles.
"That's great!" Donnie replied. "Did you pass?" She whipped her head around to him, looking at him as if he had grown a second head.
"I don't know!"
"You haven't checked yet?" He asked.
"No! I came straight here. I'm too nervous!" She exclaimed, her pacing gaining speed. "Will you read them to me?" He gave her a soft, wide smile, and agreed, lifting the top of her laptop open and entering her email and password to the test company's website. Clicking to the right tab, he pulled up the score report, with her anxious, quick steps serving as a background beat.
"Oh, Sweetie." He said, unreadable emotion in his voice. She stopped in her track and turned to him.
"What?! What is it?!" Don smiled wide at her.
"18/20. You passed! You got 70% on Numbers and Operations on Numbers, 77% on Algebra, 50% on probability, statistics, and data analysis, and 25% on measurements and geometry. You're graduating!" She squealed, jumping up and down, before charging at Donnie and tackling him in a hug, sending them both to the ground that time. She lifted just far enough away from him to gaze into his eyes, overjoyed, before beginning to cover every inch of his face in kisses.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" She exclaimed. "I love you so much! I never could have done this without you!" He placed his hands on her shoulders, pushing her back for a moment, still embracing her.
"Hey, as happy as I am that I was helpful to you, I need you to know that it was you and your hard work that did this, not me. You did this, you earned this, and I am so proud of you, you deserve this." He said, seriously, and then smiled, pressing his lips to hers in a deep, loving kiss.
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travlersjoy444 · 1 year
request/writing idea!!
could you do a oneshot/headcannons(whichever you prefer) for a reader who acts as the teams medic?
Sounds like a plan!
On the Job
2012(ish) Turtles x reader
Platonic, and I say 'ish' because I was kinda picturing 2003!Don and Mikey, and 2012!Leo and Raph, as well as mentioning some 12 series specific villains/events.
Work count: 5.1k
Warnings: Non-graphic descriptions of injuries, mentions of blood, mentions of the film 'Twilight'
  “How the hell is it that you are somehow injured to the point of being near death yet again?!” You snapped at the turtle that had perched on your fire escape.
  Raph flushed, looking mildly embarrassed somehow despite his unwavering grimace of pain.
  You sighed and opened the door, slinging his arm over your shoulder to lug him to the couch.
  “Sorry.” He grunted through his wince as you set him down as gently as you could. “I can explain-”
  You smiled ruefully. “No, no…lemme guess. Ya got mad- probably at Leo, though it could also be Mikey- and stormed off to go fight crime on your own. And now that you’ve sprained your ankle and busted your lip, you’ve come to me so that you don’t have to return home with your tail between your legs.”
  He looked surprised, raising his brow ridge at the amount of accuracy.
  “Dude you did this like…just last month.” You sighed, and he mouthed ‘oh’, reaffirmed that you were indeed not a stalker.
  “Well…you’re the medic.” He shrugged, smiling weakly.
  You scoffed. “Wrong. Donnie is.”
  “Donnie once strapped me to a table and threatened to saw my plastron open.” Raph scowled. “And I don’t care that he was joking- I don’t trust him with medic privilege anymore.”
  “But Don knows more than I do about how to fix you up.” You said, grabbing the first aid kit.
  “Well…I like you better.” Raph grumbled, crossing his arms.
  You tried to resist smiling at that. “Flattery will get you nowhere.” You lied.
  Raph rolled his eyes. “It’s not…I’m not trying to….whatever, just do your thing, would ya?”
  You snorted. “Sure, King Raphael.”
  “Please?” He added, and you sighed.   “Okay, okay. Fine. Just stop getting hurt, would ya?”
  “Well…it’s sorta in the whole ‘ninja vigilante’ job description, genius.”
  You smiled ruefully, and began to wrap his ankle. “Yeah, I know. Maybe I just don’t like seeing you injured. But still…I’m glad you trust me to patch you up, dork.”
  He yawned and punched you lightly on the shoulder. “Wouldn’t trust anyone more.”
  You rolled your eyes and handed him some ibuprofen pills before sitting on the couch next to him.
  “Wanna watch a movie while you procrastinate on telling your brothers that I had to save your shell again?”
  “Yeah,” He murmured sleepily, swallowing the pain meds.
  “Hm. ‘Kay, Twilight it is.” You grinned. 
  Had Raph been even slightly more alert, he probably would have protested, but at this point, the adrenaline of the night had caught up with him. So instead of protesting, he rested his head on your shoulder and watched the movie about glittery vampires.
  You smiled and wrapped a soft blanket around his shoulders. Maybe it was sorta annoying and stressful how often Raph got injured, but you had to admit, it was pretty nice hanging out with him like this. And it was also sorta nice to know he trusted you to take care of him.
  He yawned and put an arm around you. “Hey (Y/N)?”
  “Yeah Rafa?”
  “Thanks for doing this for me. It…well, it really does…y’know, mean a lot to me and stuff.” He whispered before fading into sleep.
  You smiled and hugged him back.
  “Hey (Y/N), is it normal to have the world sorta…sorta spinning n’ stuff?” Said Mikey.
  You stared at him wide eyed. 
  “Angelo, buddy, pal, you just got thrown into a fucking wall!” You screeched.
  “So that’s like…noooot normal?” Mikey said slowly.
  “Ai ya. You are so lucky that Raph and Leo don’t need my backup right now.” You muttered, more to yourself than to him as you dragged the injured Michelangelo off the battlefield.
  You’d come along today to kick Foot Ninja butt and smash robots, not treat concussions. But apparently Raph wasn’t the only one under the impression that you were suddenly team medic. God, where was Don when you needed him?!
  “(Y/N)...my head hurts.” Mikey whispered, clutching it in his hands, before seeming to notice his change in location. “I-I mean, I’m totally mondo, bro! Lemme go back to fighting! I can’t let my bros down (Y/N), seriously-”
  “Shut up Mikey, you probably have a concussion-”
  “S’okay, I can still fight good! I’ve done it before, seriously-”
  “Ah, so you’re delusional too…” You said, pretending to write it down.
  “(Y/N), really man-”
  You sighed and dropped the act, as your nonchalant attitude clearly wasn’t working. “Mikester, you fight great. But your brothers are fine. It’s just a few Footbots, nothing they haven’t handled before, and besides, you took out a heck of a lot of them before you got wall-thrown. You really even their odds! But now you're injured, and the best thing you can do for your brothers is take a break!” You exclaimed, propping him up against a wall a block away from the fight.
  He frowned, brow ridges knit together. “You sure- oohhh did someone just stab my eyes with a glowing sword bro…?”
  “Nah man, that’s just the streetlight.” You said gently, unpacking the first-aid kit that you were lucky to have had the foresight to bring along, and mentally ran through the concussion tests you knew. 
  You tapped Mikey’s hand and ankle at the same time. “Okay. Where am I touching you?” You said.
  “Uhhh…my hand.” He mumbled out.
  “Nothing on the ankle?”
  Shit, okay, he’d failed that test…
  You swallowed and read the instructions for another one off your phone.
  ‘1. Tap the bridge of the patient's nose. 
They will begin to blink, but should stop after 2-3 blinks. 
After more than 3 blinks the subject is considered concussed.’ said the article.
  You tapped his snout gently, and he blinked in shock. 
  One blink, two, three, four, five- uh oh. 
  “Okay…you’re officially concussed, Mikey!” You said weakly.
  “Ohhh…that’s not good, is it, bro?” He moaned.
  “No... Look, I’ve got this bag of ice, I’m gonna hold it onto your head, okay?” You said, making sure to speak as calmly and clearly as you could manage.
  He nodded, before groaning in pain at the movement. You eased the ice onto his forehead as gently as you could manage, and grabbed some pain meds out of your first aid kit.
  “Here, swallow these.”
  He complied.
  “Woah, what’s going on here?!” Said a voice from behind you. 
  “Don!” You grinned, spinning around to see the familiar turtle. He was by your side in an instant, studying Mikey himself.
  “He’s got a concussion.” You sighed.
  “Ooh, that’s…not ideal.” Don winced. “Look, I’ve gotta grab the Shellraiser- I’ll pick you up in a minute, Mikey. In the meantime, stay with the medic and don’t do anything stupid.”
  “I’m not the medic-” You argued.
  “Aren’t you?” Don frowned, pointing to your first aid kit.
  “Well even if I was -which I’m not- I have a name, dude.” You protested, but he had already darted off to grab the car. You sighed and mumbled something about those ‘dang teenagers’ as if you weren’t also one.
  “S’okay (Y/N), I believe in ya! You can be medic if you set your mind to it…”Mikey grinned loopily.
  You facepalmed. “No, that’s not what I- augh. Whatever. Sure, Mikey.” You sighed.
  “Anytime, dude.” He said, giving you a weak thumbs-up.
  “Is he okay?” You said, frowning as Mikey lay passed out on the cot in Don’s lab.
  “He’ll be fine. He was lucky to have you there though, it would’ve been way worse if he’d tried to go back to fighting the way you said he wanted to.” Don shrugged, smiling. “So, good job, Team Medic!”
  You frowned. “Whoa whoa woah, no. Donnie, you’re the team medic.”
  Don shook his head. “No, I’m Team Scientist. I only have an arbitrary understanding of medical stuff- I’m more of a ‘mechanics’ guy. And occasionally chemistry, nowadays, but y’know.”
  “So you think I  -Me, an untrained ametuer- would be a better medic than you, a full fledged genius scientist?!” You said indignantly.
  “Well…yeah, you have basic first aid training, which is more than even I have, and you’re great under pressure- Um…do you not want to be?” He stammered awkwardly. “See I just figured …the more the merrier, right? But if you don’t want to, obviously we don’t have to do that…it’d just be nice to have someone else, I guess…” He continued, fiddling with his duffle bag strap anxiously.  
  You sighed, running through the mental pros and cons list. 
  On the one hand…It would mean more safety for the boys, finally getting to use your medical training, and a  bit of pressure off of Donnie- who already shouldered the huge burden that came with the title of ‘Scientist/Engineer/Argument Breaker-Upper/Mechanic/Chemist/Ninja’.
  But on the other hand, it was a huge responsibility. What if one of them got injured so badly that you couldn’t help? What if you were at school or work or on vacation or something, what would they do then?
  Well…then again, Donnie was still there and able to help. And plus…you’d be the medic, not the doctor. You weren’t sure you could handle long term stuff, but if you were just the first aid…well actually, that didn’t seem too bad. After all, you were already Raph’s personal human first aid kit, and that was only mildly stressful, so maybe doing the same for the other brothers wouldn’t be too terrible?
“Well- I mean, I guess you have a point, what with how often you guys are injured…” You said, considering it. “It’s a huge responsibility, but I guess so long as I have you as backup, Dee…”
  Don blinked. “Wait…so you’ll do it?” He said.
  Eh…sure why not.
  “You know what? …Yeah, I guess so.” You said finally. “But only if you promise you’ll help me out, genius.” You decided, holding out our hand to shake on it.
  He grinned and shook it weakly. “Thanks so much, (Y/N). You have no idea how helpful this is.” He said, relieved.
  You smiled despite yourself. “Hey, wouldn’t want the world’s best scientist to deal with even more shit than he has to, right?” You said, only half joking.
  He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Well best is a strong word...”
  You chuckled at his reaction. “Well, you’re certainly the best I know, Don. I’m honored that you trust me with something like this, seriously.”
  He smiled, suddenly shy. “Hey, thanks for agreeing to it. This is super helpful- and you’re the best candidate by far.”
  “Gasp, better than Casey?” You said in mock surprise.
  He chuckled. “Way better than Casey.”
  “You know, one time I stubbed my toe, and his go-to instinct was to chuck a hockey puck at it to, quote, ‘get the blood flowing’. So I guess you’re right there.” You mused.
  “Dude! I WAS HELPING!” Yelled Casey, summoned by the sound of shit being talked about him.
  “We’ve been over this Case’- YOU INJURED ME MORE!” You yelled back, and Don doubled over laughing.
  “Oh yes, I’m glad my suffering amuses you.” You said, falling against the wall dramatically.
  “S-sorry-” Don wheezed as he leaned on his staff to straighten his posture, very obviously not sorry.
  “Y’know what?! It totally does amuse me!” Casey sassed, tossing his hair just as dramatically.
  “You guys are so mean.” You said, faking a voice crack as you pretended to wipe away tears.
  “Hey (Y/N)? I’m sorry I ruined your chances to fight.” Said Mikey a while later.
  You looked up from your math homework. “You’re awake?” You said, surprised. Don had estimated that it would be another hour or so before he regained consciousness.
  “Uh…apparently. How long was I out?” He mumbled. 
  “Just a few hours, dude. How’s the head?”
  “...Hurts.” He said, cringing. “Aw, man.”
  “D’you want me to dim the lights a bit?” You offered. The lab’s lights were already dimmer than usual, but you did have Donnie’s extremely bright desk lamp on for your homework.
  “Maybe?” Mikey grunted. “Is everyone okay?”
  You complied and turned off the desk lamp, leaving the room shadow-y but not fully dark. 
  “Yeah, everyone’s fine, Mike’.” You nodded. “You’re the only one that got injured, and that’s just ‘cause one of Shredder’s goons threw your head into a wall.”
  “Okay, lame! What a buzzkill.” Mikey whined. “Thanks for patching me up.”
  “No problem!” You said firmly.
  “It kinda was though, ‘cause I messed up your chance to fight…isn’t that why you were so angry about having to treat me?” Mikey mumbled, looking away.
  You cringed, remembering how you had indeed complained. “Aw, Angelo- I…I didn’t mean it like that. That was the stress talking more than anything else, and besides- that’s how I act around Raph, y’know? All like…sarcastic and begrudging because he alway gets hurt for dumbass reasons. I guess I kinda forgot that you’re…not Raph, you know what I mean?” You shrugged, trying to ignore the burning wave of regret and embarrassment that was washing over you.
  “Kinda?” Mikey said, still not meeting your eyes. “So does that mean you’re not…mad at me?”
  “Of course not.” You said, scooting your chair up next to his cot. “You didn’t do anything wrong, dude, how could I ever be mad at you? Ya did good today, Mikey, you know that?”
  “You think so?” He smiled, looking up at you- almost shyly, as if he didn’t believe it….you made a mental note to compliment him more often. 
  “I know so, genius.” You grinned, punching him lightly in the shoulder.
  “Hey! Hitting the sick dude? Not cool brah!” He grinned, punching you back.
  “Oh hey- we ordered pizza a bit ago! You feelin’ up for a slice?” You suggested, remembering how Leo had set some aside for whenever Mikey woke up.
  “Uh no duh?! Of course I want pizza! Where is it?!”
  You laughed, standing up. “Okay, I’ll go get it for ya, dude. Good job today bro.”
  “Ditto, mondo-medic!”
  “Oh boy, a new nickname. How tubular.” You grunted, smiling good naturedly before you ducked out of the lab.
  Now you were used to Raphael showing up on your fire escape. But tonight, there was a turtle on your fire escape who not only was not Raphael, but was also one of the least likely people to ever show up injured, ever.
  He rapped on the window. “Hey, (Y/N)!”
  “Leo? What the hell are you doing here?” You shoved the door to the fire escape open, and let him in.
  “Thanks.” He rasped, limping into the living room. “Sorry to bother you, (Y/N). I just…needed some help from someone who isn’t one of my brothers, and…y’know, the medic.”
  “What happened?” You said, taking in his all-black getup. “What’s with the goth makeover? …And your voice being raspier than usual?”
  He chuckled nervously, and it faded into a cough. “Uh…y’know, Karai stuff?”
  You blinked. “...What?”
  He rubbed the back of his head. “Look, it’s a bit of a long story,” he smiled awkwardly, “...But Karai and I may have sorta…y’know, committed arson…?”
  He said it as if it were something like ‘Karai and I cheated on a test’ or ‘Karai and I got a parking ticket’.
  “...Leo?!” You said, staring at him in awe.
  “Look that’s unimportant-  The issue is that I think I knocked my bad knee out of it’s socket while we were running away, and obviously inhaled more smoke than I should’ve-”
  “Why the fuck were you commiting arson?!” You exclaimed, cutting him off.
  He sighed, fiddling with his katana’s strap. (-oh wait no, that was a…seatbelt? Right, he was in an emo phase, apparently.)
  “I mean I understand the urge- who hasn’t been tempted to start a fire, all that or whatever- but you?!” You exclaimed, throwing your hands into the air wildly. “Like, I’d expect this from Raph or Casey but…you?!” You continued, not even sure what to say.
  He opened his mouth and closed it. “Uh…”
  You sighed and sat down on the couch, shaking your head. “And you fucking hurt your bad knee…agh. Leo…”
  He sat down next to you, staring at the floor.
  “...No.” You grunted, staring at the ceiling. “The couch is for people who don’t commit arson. You get the Stool of Shame.”
  “The Stool of Shame, dude.” You reiterated, pointing at the rickety old tin seat in the corner that, based on the size, you were pretty sure was made for elementary school children. 
  Leo swallowed in embarrassment, but limped across the room to uncomfortably perch on the tiny stool.
  You stifled a smirk at the visual of the gothed-out Leonardo staring at the ground in shame, fidgeting with his hands as he sat in the much too small chair.
  “Do you feel ashamed?” You said flatly.
  He nodded. 
  “Good. You should be. Arson is bad, Leo, and we both know that you know that it’s bad.” You said, standing up and walking towards the kitchenette to make yourself some tea.
  Leo nodded again, rocking side to side on the chair anxiously.
  “D’ya want mint tea or green tea? Ooh, and there’s also cherry coke I think in the fridge.” You added absently.
  “Uh…green is good, no milk?” Leo said slowly.
  “Cool cool. You mentioned smoke inhalation?” You said, putting the kettle on.
  “Alright. How’s the throat, then?” You said. You’d been reading up a bit on throat injuries after Leo complained lightly about his long-term injuries acting up, and if it was bad then, you had a solid hunch it would be way worse now.
  “...Well, I mean…It…hurts,” He shrugged, shifting in the Shame Stool as he tried to downplay the ramifications of his dumbass choices.
  “Shocking.” You said, turning back to preparing the tea.
  “Look, it was an accident!” He said defensively. “We didn’t plan on the alarms closing the East exit, that didn't happen last…time…oooh.” He winced, realizing his mistake a second too late.
  You slowly turned back towards him, feeling your eye twitch.
  “Ya wanna say that last bit one more time Leon?” You said as evenly as you could manage.
  He gulped, but met your eyes. “...That didn’t…happen…last time.” He said in a small voice.
  “Last time.” You repeated.
  “LAST TIME.” You said, louder this time.
  Leo cringed. 
  You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself. “So your knee is re-injured and your throat is hurting.” You mumbled, listing the symptoms in the hope that focusing on the task at hand would keep you from flipping out at him. “And you’ve fucking done this…twice…” 
  He coughed, as if he wanted to say something, but held his tongue.
  You made a sound of frustration. “Okay, more than twice?”
  He nodded, brow ridges knitted together as he stared at his feet.
  “You are…so lucky that I don’t have Splinter’s phone number.” You hissed.
  He nodded again. “You’re right.” He said in a small voice.
  “Yeah, I know I’m right!” You snapped, stirring two tablespoons of honey into his tea aggressively. Some of it spilled on the floor. “Unlike some of us, I’m not an idiot!” 
  You sighed, walking across the room to hand him the mug. “Lemme go get the first aid kit. In the meantime, you have about two minutes to think of a good explanation for this.”
  “Yes sensei- uh I mean (Y/N)! Yes (Y/N).” He nodded, flustered, and saved himself from meeting your eyes by taking a giant sip of tea.
  You rolled your eyes and left the room to grab the first aid kit.
  When you came back, he was gagging on tea.
  “Is something wrong with it?” You said flatly.
  “Nah, it’s- it’s fine! Maybe a little too much sugar-”
  “When will you learn that your actions have consequences, Mr. I-just-inhaled-tons-of-smoke-fumes? …Heh. It’s honey, soothes the pain.” You said, smiling.
  “Oh. Okay then.” He mumbled.
  “So if your knee is dislocated, I’m gonna have to shove it back into place, which is gonna hurt like hell, okay?” You warned. “I do have some pain meds, but obviously they’re not exactly professional- just the drugstore over-the-counter stuff.”
  He nodded and accepted the pills. 
  “Cool. Now…why the hell were you committing arson, Fearless Leader?” You sighed, sitting against the wall next to the Stool of Shame.
  He shrugged. “Well…first off, it wasn’t like, random- It was Shredder’s stuff. Karai, Shinigami, and I were burning Shredder’s stuff.  Secondly, Karai was gonna do it whether I participated or not! I had to come along to keep her safe!”
  “Karai’s a tough girl, Lee. She doesn’t need you to keep her safe- plus, she’s older than you. If anything, she should be keeping you safe, right?” You said gently.
  “(Y/N)- yeah she’s tough! But like…she’s not exactly as…well, y’know, stable as us!” Leo tried to explain. “I mean, she’s had a tough life, and only recently started therapy- and even then, she can’t really be forthright with her therapist because she’s gotta keep all the mutants and gang stuff secret- And so maybe I just wanna be there to keep her from doing something impulsive and hurting herself!”
  You glanced over at him, and he broke eye contact in favor of taking another sip of tea.
  “So then…you know exactly how I feel, huh?” You said softly.
  He blinked. “Huh?”
  “Feeling worried about someone who matters to ya doing impulsive shit and getting hurt?” You prompted, shooting him a half-hearted smile.
  His eyes widened. “...Oh.” 
  You patted his shell. 
  “I…I’m so sorry, (Y/N), I didn’t think-”
  “That I have feelings? I know, I know, I do tend to go for the emotionless robot vibe.” You joked, putting your hand on your heart dramatically. “But beneath the layers of deadpan stares and blunt comments…I hurt…” You swooned. 
  Leo chuckled, shoving you lightly. “Alright, alright, laugh it up…”
  “But seriously, Leo.” You said, leaning on the wall again. “It’s scary when you go out there and get hurt. You’re one of my best friends in the universe, and y’know…I don’t like seeing you get needlessly injured. Karai’s a big girl, let her handle her own problems. Maybe try bonding with her over…I dunno, bubble tea instead of arson, you know?” You chuckled.
  He smiled, leaning back. “Alright, you’re right.”
  “Now…look. All the nice feelings stuff aside…” You said, studying his knee. “I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to call Don about this one. I don’t exactly trust my ability to do this without causing a fracture.”
  “Aw, (Y/N)-”
  Over the past few months, being the team medic had grown into a more comfortable position. You actually felt you were helping, and more importantly, it was kinda fun! 
  However, all of that was under the watchful eye of one Donatello Hamato. He was far more useful in terms of the steps after first aid, and you weren’t too sure you’d be able to trust yourself as a medic just yet without his minor help- that’s to say, he was a nice safety harness in the risky rockwall that was being an ametuer medic.
  So when you lost said safety net, you weren’t 100% sure how to react.
  It had been a normal night of waiting in the lair while the turtles went on a normal patrol until it wasn’t.
  There was a flurry of movement in the tunnels, a yelp, and the siblings were storming into the lair in a panic.
  “Lab! Now!” Leo cried.
  Mikey was tearful, Raph panicking, and Leo’s face was trying to be stoic and failing. Your gaze shifted to Don, who hung from Leo and Raph’s shoulders, unconscious.
  You threw the lab doors open, and Raph laid Don down on the work counter before sinking to the floor in a stunned silence.
  “Wha- What happened?” You said, trying to bite back your panic. Right, pressure, pressure, I’m- I’m good under pressure, be chill (Y/N)-
  Leo paced the floor. “Ambush. Tigerclaw and co. Didn’t think they were gonna be there… I-I didn’t know-”
  You patted his shoulder. “Of course you didn’t, Lee, take a deep breath- What happened to Don?” 
  “They got him in the shoulder.” Mikey supplied.
  You stifled a ‘Ya think?!’ and tugged on some latex gloves. You approached Donnie, biting your lip nervously.
  There was a… a lotta blood. He was losing it by the second. 
  “How long has he been bleeding?” You asked, your voice coming out so much calmer than you felt.
  “Half an hour? Maybe?” Leo said helplessly. 
  Half an hour and still bleeding… so so much…
  I’m definitely not experienced enough to handle a transfusion operation, so- just gotta stick with Don’s emergency med stash and- and stitching-
  He was pale. You didn’t know that scales could be pale. You swallowed the bile in your throat and opened the drawer of sterile equipment. 
  Needle and thread, needle and thread, needle and thread… Your brain chanted unhelpfully as you tried to locate them. 
  Hydrogen peroxide, disinfect the wound-
  You soaked a cloth with the hydrogen peroxide and cleaned the gashes, and his breathing sped up. Understandable. You were confident that it stung.
  Wincing, you continued cleaning. 
  “Is he- is he okay?” Raph whispered from the floor.
  I- maybe?! No?! I- I don’t know, I’m just- ah-
  “He will be.” You said firmly, as if you weren’t mentally spiralling.  You tried to focus on the repetitive motion of cleaning the wound.
  You swallowed and reached for the needle.
  Raph tracked your actions, and, eyes going wide as he realized what you were planning, covered his mouth in horror and discomfort, no doubt picturing the feeling of stitches in his own shoulder. Huh, you hadn’t expected Raph to be squeamish, ha. Oh god you also sorta wanted to throw up-
  “Leo, we should get Raph outta here before he hurls!” Mikey said, as if he wasn’t feeling just as freaked out. 
  “Actually, all of you should probably step out so I can focus.” You said, hoping to end the performance anxiety and pressure all the pressure all of-
  “Are you sure?” Said Leo. 
  “A hundred percent.” You said firmly.
  Raph bolted out and Mikey followed.
  Leo shot Don a final nervous glance.
  “He’ll be okay.” You said, faking stoic confidence. “I promise.”
  He nodded, and followed his brothers out of the lab.
  You swallowed nervously and got to work.
  “Oohhh…” Don moaned.
  You were really glad he was conscious- but you were not glad that he had chosen to wake up before you finished stitching his skin back together. 
  “Shhh, it’s okay-” You tried to whisper, but Donnie’s eyes shot open.
  “Oh my god….why does my shoulder feel like- eugghhhh….” He groaned. “Tigerclaw…”
  “You’re on the best pain meds in your collection, but uh….” You mumbled guiltily. “I wasn’t quite finished with ya.”
  Don gave a double take as his eyes traveled up to his half-stitched mess of a shoulder.
  He gave a weak sound of discomfort and nausea.
  You took a deep breath and smiled weakly. “Uh…did I fuck it up?”
  “No…it looks…ha…great.” He said with a laboured breath. “Well, obviously not great, but like- you know- solid stitchwork…”
  You winced. “Aw Don, don’t strain yourself by talking…”
  “I’m-...I’m okay.” He insisted despite the weak warble of his voice. “See? I told-...I told you we’d need a medic that isn’t me, remember? Looks like I….picked the right person, huh?” He smiled.
  You gave a weak sound that might have been either a laugh or a sob. 
  Your hands trembled in their blood-stained gloves, and you tried to ignore it as you continued stitching.
  His breath hitched everytime  you pierced his skin, and you tried to ignore the involuntary- and illogical- guilt at hurting him.
  “How ‘bout- y- Ahem. How about you?” He said softly.
  “Huh?” You hummed, pulling the largest wound closed at last. 
  “Are you okay?”
  You drew in a shaky breath and tried to keep your hands from shaking. “I mean…I’ve been better,” You deadpanned, although your heart was clearly not in it.
  “Ditto. Hope I don’t look too much like Frankenstein’s monster once we’re through with this, eh?” He chuckled, but it died in a whimper of pain.
  You cringed. 
  Don’s smile faded, and he glanced at you. “Seriously though…are you okay?”
  You sighed, wringing your bloody hands. “...Are you sure I’m the best person for this job?”
  “Do you….do you not want to be?” He asked.
  You shrugged noncommittally. 
  Maybe you didn’t. What had these past few months been if not stressful? Maybe April was better for the job. Maybe you didn’t want it.
  No, that wasn’t true. 
  Admittedly, fixing Donnie’s wounds yourself was far less scary than it would have been to wait outside with the others, unsure if he was getting better or not. And you maybe-sorta-liked being the one Leo went to when he hurt his knee, the one to comfort Mikey as he dealt with feelings, the one to fix Raph up when he did dumb shit as per usual.
  Yeah, you liked being a medic. What you didn’t love quite so much was the grimace of pain on Donnie’s face as he worried about whether or not the person he trusted with his life even wanted to help him.
  You sighed and began bandaging his shoulder. 
  “...I do, Dee, I guess I just worry is all…’Cause what if I do something wrong? This is far more high-pressure than like…a math test, y’know?”
  Don frowned. “Well you’re doing great right now if it makes you feel any better…”
  “Oh yeah? Thanks.” You smiled. “You taught me well, genius.”
  “Nah, I never showed you all the procedures and stuff- that’s all you, you know.” Don smiled, closing his eyes. 
  You glanced down at the bandage, realizing that he was right- you’d learned this in a life guard training lesson a few summers ago. Huh.
  “Besides, can you imagine like- Mikey or Casey or someone being in charge of this? I’d end up even more injured than before!” He chuckled.
  “I mean…I won’t argue with you there…” You snorted.
  “Anyways, I trust you, (Y/N). I know that I’m in good hands.” He said with another smile.
  “You sure? ‘Cause these look more like zombie hands or somethin’ to me,” You joked, holding up your blood-stained gloves. It was a true testament to Don’s hidden unhinged-ness that he burst into laughter rather than scolding you for the joke that you admittedly realized was in poor taste.
  “It’s just…ketchup, don’t worry about it!” He quipped through his laughter.
  “Mm, yeah, totally!” You grinned, tossing the gross gloves into the trash before washing your hands.
  “Well Don…I think you’ll be okay. D’you want me to go get your brothers?”
  He nodded. “Sounds good. And (Y/N)? Thank you. For everything.”
  You smiled, punching him lightly on his good arm. “Hey, I’m just doin’ my job.”
622 notes · View notes
Next part of the hand saga!
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“Answer our other questions first! I don’t trust you after everything you’ve done! After everything you’ve caused! You….you helped kill my brother!” Donnie screeches, hand on his tech bō shaking so badly out of anger he worries he might break it.
“I never meant for you to be harmed this way. You won’t believe me when I say it, but none of this was born from malice. I haven’t spoken until now because there was no need to. As for why I’ve been tormenting you….it’s for a reason you are not going to easily accept.”
“Just say it already!” Leon insists.
“I did it because I was asked to.”
Raph nearly hits the hand with his fist, just barely hitting the ground next to it.
“You think we asked for this!?”
“No. You didn’t. Someone else did.“
“Who!? Who would ask for this to happen to us!? To everyone else!?” Donnie asks.
“To put it simply, the people who made you.”
“W-We don’t even know our original parents….” Mikey comments.
“No, not just you. Your entire world. Everyone in this competition is formed from a collection of ideas from an author or authors. These authors gave you the titles you go by. They sent you here to compete. To meet other characters in their own stories. To promote their own stories. That’s how this started. No Fun in Fungus, they simply sent an “ask” of mushrooms, spores. Then your author wanted more, one for each of you.”
“What possible reason could there be for doing this to us!?” Donnie grits his teeth.
“To give more to your story. To bring you all closer together. I too was created in this way, for this purpose. I have merely been a tool to different beings. It may sound ridiculous, maybe even insensitive, tragic, but you should consider what you have gotten. What you’ve learned. When Karai was brought here, you were even told not to think too hard about such a concept.”
Each of the brothers want to make the argument that it’s crazy, but they do in fact remember what the competition mod said to them.
“Even Misa giving you those flowers was an ask sent by an author. These asks…..they were all in good fun. Hurting you was just to make comfort all the better. You were never supposed to die. You were never even supposed to be seriously injured. I just enjoyed seeing all the stories coming from the spores so much. It’s gone too far. It’s why I want to help now, before someone is killed in a way they can’t come back from. No Fun in Fungus was already over, they were supposed to rest. You all still have a lot of story left to tell, it’s not supposed to end here.”
The four of them take in this crazy amount of information they’ve just been told. Can they really trust the hand after all they’ve been through?
“What can you even do to help?” Leon questions angrily.
“The spores are not the only item I possess, as you know. I am intertwined into your and No Fun in Fungus’ storylines. For that reason, I am able to bring out what is called a plot device.” The hand moves to the side, revealing TNT charges connected to an empty base.
“There’s nothing in there.” Donnies says dryly.
“Sometimes plot devices are there to urge the story forward in different ways. In order for this to work, I need mystic energy from each of you. That may be difficult for Michelangelo in his current state, perhaps I could find another one-“
“Mikey, my brother I love so much, I did not bring you back from the dead for you to kill yourself again. Lay. Down.” Leon threatens.
Mikey lays back down.
“It does not have to be him. Because of your being separated at first, you haven’t had the chance to completely understand ninpo. It seems only Mikey truly has.” The hand explains.
“You mean the sacrificial martyrs? Why would we want to know about them? Mikey’s been doing that way too much already!” Leon complains.
“Hamato have sacrificed themselves numerous times, that is true. You’ve seen it be true. Ninpo isn’t inherently about dying for a cause. It’s just how it’s been used a lot, considered the only way. It also has been used to save. Out of love. You’ve seen that too. Ninpo is about the connection to your family. That’s why Donatello was able to use it. That’s why Mikey woke up and used it. When you’re about to lose who you hold dear, your connection strengthens more than ever.”
DvD glances at Mikey. They stare at each other for a second or two. It’s true that they’ve been through an experience nobody else could, or should, truly replicate.
Maybe DvD sort of understands why the NFIF group are the way they are. Obviously he knows how it feels to want to protect his brothers after almost losing them, but what he’s learning is why they’re so willing to throw away their lives even for people who just look vaguely like family.
It’s so much easier to experience pain than to experience someone you love going through pain.
It’s a sentiment he wouldn’t have even considered before everything they’ve been through. Something Draxum never would have let him ponder.
He loves his family.
It’s messed up, they lost years of being able to know each other, there was so much distrust, and things aren’t even close to perfect right now.
But this is his family.
Even April, who has zero blood relation to them but still went through all this just to help.
Misa, who’s yearned for family and takes the role of an elder sibling because she wants to take care of others despite her young age.
Karai, who is related to them but wasn’t originally even supposed to know them if her mission had succeeded.
Something he’d protect with his life.
The hand brings the container closer. DvD looks back at it and hesitantly puts his hand on it. A purple, glowy, shiny substance pours inside. He takes it back after a moment, feeling like he was drained a little bit, but otherwise fine.
Raph and Leo look down at it in surprise before the latter takes on more of a bitter expression.
“I’m the one who took care of Mikey. I protected him. I did my best every single day for years to feed him, clothe him, give him what he needs. I was there for him longer than any of you. Why don’t I have powers like him and Donnie? Are….are they closer….than we are?” Leon frowns deeply.
“No! Leo, I love you just as much! I promise! That’s not how it is-!” Mikey voice cracks from how raw his throat still is.
Raph gently rubs his shell.
“He’s right. Connection to family doesn’t mean how much you love them, but how you think about yourself in relation to them. Insecurity about your place in it.” The hand stares.
Leo feels all eyes on him and starts messing with the material on his pants to avoid addressing what was just said.
“Welp, no insecurity here. Must be something else.”
“The fate of the multiverse might be in danger at this point, you’re going to avoid talking about what we already practically know? Why you left Mikey before-“
“I don’t want to talk about it!” Leo yells, interrupting.
He holds onto Mikey tighter.
Mikey presses his cheek against Leo’s and nuzzles into it as much as possible.
“I….I haven’t….gotten over anything. When I got spored, it reminded me of everything I’m afraid of. I….I…..still can’t accept that any of you love me! I-It’s hard work to even like me, loving me? I-Impossible! Nobody actually does! I-I made Mikey feel like he has to be loyal to me because I took him in. I forced him to never leave me and then I left him! And then he forgave me because he’s so nice and lovable! He’s a pretty painted picture but I’m just a bunch of shredded pieces that I can’t tape back together! Why can’t someone just finally sweep it all up into the trash!?” Leo sobs.
Raph, Donnie and Mikey’s jaws all drop. They’ve been aware of just how hard it’s been for Leo to understand that he’s wanted, a real, true part of the family. What they didn’t know is just how lowly he really thinks of himself.
Leo sniffles.
“I’m cursed. I always have been. Even if I am a part of this family, I shouldn’t be. Look what happened! To Mikey! To gram-gram! To all of you! Not just now, but before too! And you saw what happened to the NFIF guys! Leo helped feed me and Mikey and then he went missing and I just know whatever is happening in that room to him is awful! NFIF Raph held me and tried to protect me and he’s still back there too! You’re all going to get hurt or die or worse with me around! I-I should be alone, I should at least be punished for everything I’ve-!”
DvD, surprisingly, is the one who pulls Leo into as tight of a hug as he can manage without hurting him.
“Shut up.”
“Wh-What? Is….is this supposed to make me feel better or are you angry?”
“Both! The only person who thinks you’re not worth anything is you! How dare you say that I don’t care about you!? I do! You should care about you too! You want to stop being a burden!? Then don’t make us live without you! If you weren’t here, Mikey would be dead right now. If he hadn’t wanted to be with you and didn’t leave those families, we wouldn’t have this family. We wouldn’t have found each other. Give yourself more credit.”
Leo goes back to hiccuping sobs as he buries his face in DvD’s shoulder.
Mikey starts crying as well, despite how much he’s already been doing.
“I-I’ll rip up my picture a-and we can make one up ourselves! I-I can give you tape! J-Just please, d-don’t go again! I-I love you so much!”
Leo pulls him more into the hug, they wet each other’s faces with their tears.
Raph wraps around them all.
“You told that other me before about how you know he’s not a bad guy. How we’ve all made mistakes. You should give yourself the same benefit of the doubt. You aren’t cursed, bad things……just happen. A lot. What was going to happen to the NFIF guys would have without meeting you. But now because they met us, we can help them. There’s not a day that goes by where I’m not glad you’re in the family, Leo. I love that I know you. I love you.” He rest his chin on top of Leo’s head.
Leo and Mikey keep crying until they’ve finally calmed down.
The hand once again offers the container towards Leo.
“How….do I do it?”
“Think of your family as a something within you, and release it. Raphael, you as well.” The hand urges.
“What? Me? But didn’t have any breakthrough or anything…..”
“Right now is the moment you feel closest to your family. It may also help to remember who is not here, and wanting to get her back.”
Leo and Raph nod, both placing their hands on the container. Red and blue pours in before the hand takes it away.
“Where…..are you going to find a replacement for me?” Mikey brings up.
April suddenly bursts inside the room.
“You guys! He took Misa!”
April had kept walking until they could no long hear Mikey scream. It took everything she had to not go back to help. Misa wanted to go back too, but as grown up as she thinks she is, nobody should be seeing that.
Nobody should be experiencing that.
It’s not like the turtles were adults either. They shouldn’t have to listen to their brother scream and beg for the nightmare to end. It’s something they have to do though because the only good adult they have around has been taken.
It’s painful to not be able to do anything else, but this is incredibly important. Misa needs her right now.
“Is….little big brother….going to be okay?” Misa asks, looking up at her with wide eyes.
“He’s got everyone else with him, they’re going to do whatever he needs them to.” April assures.
Misa looks down.
“I want to help Raphie too.”
April bites them inside of her cheek. Guilt for leaving him is gnawing at her as well. Wasn’t there anything else she could have done? All that guy has being doing this whole competition is trying to protect everyone from the spores.
Who protects him?
“We’re going to, when we have a plan.”
“But….but it’s going to be too late!” Misa whines.
“Hey, we don’t know that. Maybe….maybe the void guys helped out and he’s coming back to us now!” April suggests, vaguely aware it’s probably a huge lie.
Misa pouts until footsteps draw her and April’s attention.
“Raphie!!” Misa shouts excitedly shouts, wriggling out of April’s arms.
“Misa! Wait!” April reaches out too late.
The young girl runs up to NFIF Raph who picks her up. They smile at each other.
“Hey, kid. Glad I found ya. I have something real important I need you to do.”
“How can Misa help?”
“I need to borrow your portal sword.”
Misa gladly hands it to him.
April sees a glowing, blue tear roll down his cheek.
“Misa! Get away from him!”
Misa looks at her in confusion before seeing Raph’s eyes fill with blue. She begins grabbing at her sword but he keeps it out of her reach. He then holds her tight, close to his plastron and tucked under his arm.
Raph’s smile falls. The glowing tears fall freely down his cheeks with no signs of stopping. He looks over at April with a sorrowful expression.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t keep my promise. I really tried. I just….there’s no reason for me to fight anymore. My family is all back there. Even if I did fight, everything I do fails.”
“Raph! That’s not true! Fight it, we can save your brothers together! You don’t have to do this!”
“No, doing this is the only way he won’t hurt Misa. It had to be me. All we need is the sword and to use her as bait. She’ll be okay. I’d promise, but….my promises don’t mean much…..” He opens a portal.
“No! Raph! Misa!” April poofs to get close, but ends up falling on top of nothing after the portal disappears.
“Where did he take her!? Back to that room!? Are they sporing her again!? She can’t survive that! Mikey didn’t!” DvD panics.
“Hold on, what do you mean he didn’t-WHY IS THE HAND HERE!? IS THAT TNT!?” April points.
“Be not afraid-“
UIFY Raph explains what happened. April feels like her feet are stuck to the floor. It’s only been 15 minutes and things somehow turned even more disastrous.
“H-How are we going get more ninpo!? That could kill Mikey again!”
“It can come from you-“ The hand starts.
April slams her hand onto the container.
“I want to save them! Please work! Do your magic thingy!”
Shockingly, it does work. Green pours into the container and the colors all being swirling with each other. They glow even brighter.
“This should be enough. I can set up the charge behind the wall that houses the main mushroom.”
“Wait, won’t that hurt the other me?” Leo brings up.
“He’s survived worse.”
“That’s not a good reason!”
“He’ll be alive and the spores will be gone. Is that not what you want?”
“It is, but-!”
The lights suddenly shut off.
DvD quickly turns on the light from his phone.
“Oh what now!?”
“Hello everyone in the competition! It’s your new overlord, Audrey III!” Donnie’s voice calls from a speaker in the room.
Oh no.
DvD quickly searches the room for some medical masks which he puts on and passes out to his brothers and April once they’re found. If he thinks what’s about to happen is really happening, they need protection.
Leo careful puts Mikey’s on for him and then carries him on his back as they all leave the room.
There’s panic and chaos everywhere from the sudden darkness. People are bumping into things and shouting.
The nearby vents start releasing the familiar, sickening spores.
“Don’t resist. Or do, your fear is tastier that way.”
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tmntxthings · 1 year
would you ever consider making a donnie version of the fanfic oneshot you made with leo? :)
∑一Literature At Its Finest*・。
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author’s note: long time no see ( ´▽`) idk if this has been noticeable but i’ve been slowing down with posting overall, im struggling with motivation to write esp with the semester starting up, maybe i’ll get back into it once things have settled down c: with that being said I hope you enjoy dear anon
warnings: fluff, short drabble, donnie pov, unedited
〈 leo’s 〉
Donatello Hamato was many things, an inventor, a scientist, and obviously a genius. So he would say it’s in his nature to be curious about the unknown. Now whether that unknown be of the scientific nature… or perhaps whatever it was that had your eyes glued to your screen for approximately one hour and twenty seven minutes..? Was there really a difference between the two? Donnie didn’t think so. Neither did his growing curiosity.
He had gotten halfhearted responses from you, like “yeahhh” and/or “cool Dee,” any time he tried to broach one of his latest and greatest projects. Usually you gave him your undivided attention and Donnie loved to just soak up your beautiful gaze. Sometimes he’d lose track if he glanced up into your eyes for too long, to which you would kindly tell him where he had left off.
So what was so important (on that stupid iphone 11 that could totally be upgraded by Othello Von Ryan himself if you ever let him) that you would dare ignore him for over an hour! In. His. Presence. He cleared his throat once more,
“Dearest? Are you listening?”
You didn’t glance up but you hummed in a tone that said, yes. Donnie narrowed his eyes. You were so absorbed you couldn’t even part those gorgeous orbs of yours off of your phone for a second? Just a tiny glance his way? He huffed, and pushed out of your chair. His usual spot when he came over was at your desk. You never really used it so Donnie had a few of his things there, it was like his own work place outside of his lab. He frequented this desk whenever you couldn’t make it to the lair.
He ventured to your bed, where you lay on your back, phone in front of your face unaware of your surroundings or your boyfriend.
“Then what did I just say?” Donnie challenged and you murmured something along the lines of “listening?” The purple turtle was quick to rephrase, “No, no! Earlier Y/n, my project!” He whined, getting a little desperate now for even just a crumb of your attention. Donatello watched with baited breath as you were as still as a statue. Eyes growing wider as you looked at your screen. A tiny smile forming on your face. Completely ignoring him. And that was Donnie’s breaking point.
One of his robo hands quickly unsheathed from his battle shell (yes he wore it everywhere) and snatched your phone right from under your nose. Funnily enough your hand was frozen in a state of holding the square device as you blinked and shock overcame your expression. And finally, finally, those eyes of yours met his. “Donnie!” You lurched forward almost falling out of your bed to reclaim your phone. “Yes darling?” Donnie feigned innocence as his robotic hand moved out of your reach. He smirked as he watched you steady yourself. You breathed in a quick breath.
“I was reading!” You said as if that explained everything and made grabby hands for him to return your technological property. “Must be pretty enthralling writing for you to ignore me, your handsome boyfriend!” Donnie sniffed and his metal hand moved to allow him to peer at your screen. It was like all hell broke loose, you screeched “No no no you can’t read it!!!”
Now as a full fledged nerd, he knew these were the telltale signs of someone reading something embarrassing.. and he deduced it was fan fiction. He may or may not have had his own similar experiences… Atomic Lass was his weakness. One that Leo loved to make fun of him for. “Well now I’m intrigued!” He saw you were using one of the main sites for such literature, ao3. His smirk only grew wider, “Doth mine eyes deceiveth me? Darling what are you reading hmmmm?” He continued to tease as his eyes roamed for more information. All the while ducking and dodging your mad grabs for your phone.
“Donald!!” You gave him your warning tone. But he didn’t care. You had ignored him for too long and if this is what it took to get your attention, by Newton he would do it! Plus, truly he wouldn’t shame you for your tastes in reading, it wasn’t like he was a pure soul when it came to reader x atomic lass..! “Let’s see,” Donnie cleared his throat dramatically and you audibly gasped thinking the worst: he was about to read aloud.
“I’ve waited all my life to find someone like you,” Donnie caught onto the scene and the emotion immediately growing more romantic (and dramatic). “You are the only one for me, in this life and all the rest! His hands unclenched from fists as he gently cupped your face-“
Donnie almost got a face full of pillow if a second robo arm hadn’t shot out to bat it away. He stole a glance up from your phone finding your face heated in a pretty blush, which only goaded Donnie to continue. “He only hesitated for a moment, looking into your eyes to find love and joy overflowing, he kissed you so heatedly, drawing out a—“
“DONATELLO!!!!!!!” You howled and finally snatched your phone away from his green grasp. Quickly closing your phone and the screen darkened. Donnie raised an unimpressed eyebrow, “That won’t stop a tech genius like moi” he said hand covering his chest. “Donnie!!” You exasperated, eyes pleading for him to stop the embarrassment. He threw in the metaphorical towel, robo arms hiding back in his shell as he sat down next to you on your bed. “Dearest you must know I read such things too,” he placated you, even though his cheeks felt warm admitting it out loud.
“So you must know how I feel!” You said insinuating that reading such private things aloud were a no-go. He sighed, “even amongst us?” You wavered and that was all it took. Donnie eagerly reached forward, wanting to prove to you that you needn’t be embarrassed.
“You are the only one for me,” he quoted from the dialogue he had just read earlier. His hands caressing your cheeks gently as he leaned forward. It wasn’t unusual for the two of you to touch/kiss/hug as was the customs of dating, but it may have been odd for Donnie to be the one to initiate. So you were in a sort of frozen state as his lips murmured, “in this universe, and all those after it. I am yours,” he put his own little spin on it and sealed such romantics with a soft kiss.
You were moving after that, he was rewarded with a shy smile and your lips chasing after his. Making the heated kiss from the story come to life. “Okay maybe I won’t be so embarrassed..” you admitted after the both of you pulled away. It was quiet for a moment and then you continued, “Now what was that about your project?” A twinkle in your eye told him that maybe you had been paying more attention to him than he originally thought!
“Welllll, since my darling one is oh-so curious!” Donnie winked, making you smile brighter. The two of you moved to lay back against your pillows and he restarted his speech from the beginning. Getting all excited and making lots of hand gestures, with his real and robo hands! You were attentive once more, on your side and eyes never leaving him. He maybe blanked a couple of times, truly he lost himself within your gaze. But that was okay, you knew exactly where he left off!
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pinkiealexie · 2 years
𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ♡ 𝘋𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰 𝘏𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘰
❥ WARNINGS: Maybe a little ooc Donnie, kind of rushed the ending
[My brain literally can't sleep so instead it demands me to write this random oneshot I imagined just right now in my mind so apologies for any errors or it doesn't make sense lol]
PS: I literally had to reupload this whole this a day later because it didn't show under the hashtags I put for some unknown reason
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It was dark..it was 2 in the morning in fact.
The only thing that was giving off light in the room was the bright shine of the TV in front of you and the tiny flickers of light from outside the window.
Were you tired?  Maybe just a bit, but you and your lovely softshell turtle of a boyfriend had been staying up all night watching various genres of movies.  It was also a school night which really didn’t help at all with your case and probably wasn’t the smartest idea, but who cares?  Originally, the plan before was to have Donnie come over to your place and help you out with your homework then leave but then you both got kind of distracted.  Your parent(s) were out of the city for the weekend due to some personal reasons so you didn’t have to worry about them walking into your room then possibly ground you for life.
As of right now, you were in the living room with Donnie who had one arm wrapped around your waist with your head resting against the shoulder of the soft fabric of his purple jacket against your cheek. There were empty candy wrappers scattered around the floor with a half finished bowl of popcorn that was now stale in Donnie’s lap which you were pretty sure he had forgotten was even there.
You hadn’t noticed that the cheesy romcom that was playing was over as the end credits started to roll.
“God, that was so awful,” Donnie let out a quiet chuckle as he grabbed the remote from the armrest of the couch, his voice also snapped you out of your zoning out state.
“You want to watch something else, (Y/n)?”
Doing a frog blink, your eye’s gaze moved up to meet with his own gaze staring down at you.  It took you a moment to process his offer then it finally registered into your mind,
“Oh..Oh!  Yeah sure..” Lazily you reached out to take the remote out of his hand so that you could type in the movie you wanted in the search engine so the only noise audible was the sound of you clicking the arrows and ‘ENTER’ button of the rectangular remote in your hand.
“You seem tired, dear.” Donnies ‘observing’ of you came out more as a statement.  Right as you were about to speak a small yawn of yours cut you off and you heard Donnie’s silent laughter from above you.  He found it adorable.
Letting out a tiny huff you found a movie that had caught your interest, “Then maybe this next movie will wake me up a bit,” You never denied that he was wrong about you being tired anyways.  Donnie turned his attention back to the TV;
“A horror movie?” 
“Yes, I said it’ll help wake me up, Don.” You clarified to him. You wouldn't be surprised if Donatello confessed that he wasn't at all tired. You know how he sometimes stays up very late quite often because his sleep schedule is something you want to help him fix, but he said he will if you fixed yours as well. Ooooo he got you there.
“Fair enough.” was what he replied with before the living room fell back into complete silence again while placing the forgotten popcorn onto the coffee table in front of you guys as the movie began.
30 minutes into the movie and it was boring to say the least.  Donnie must’ve found it unassuming too as you noticed that he was scrolling through the media on his phone, you didn’t blame him though.  Gosh maybe you should’ve just ended it off with the romcom and called it a night.  Your eyelids felt so heavy that you nuzzled your face deeper into to Donnies shoulder as you were so ready to doze off.  
Just as you were about to fall asleep, out of nowhere a loud screeching noise and hideous looking creature appeared on the TV. 
Being unprepared for the sudden jumpscare you flinched rather obviously as both of your arms quickly went around Donnie’s plastron area.  Donnie on the other hand looked down at your shakened figure as he couldn’t help but try not to laugh at the sight of you all wide eyed and clinging onto him like a magnet.  
“Are you awake now?”
Quick to realize what he was referencing too you released him from your hold as you gave him a light punch on the shoulder, “Oh shut up!”
Donnie wiped a fake single tear from his eye, “Oh but your reaction was just so priceless oh I should’ve recorded it!  Oh wait- I did!” His phone was in his hand as he replayed the moment on his phone. Holding it right up to your face with such a smug smirk.
In the end, you were still tired.  So tired you weren’t even going to bother with Donnies tactics right now, “Fine, fine you win Donatello, BUT that is only because I want to go to bed!”
With a proud toothy smile on Donnie’s face he patted you head, “Alright, you should get your beauty sleep then my dearest (Y/n) for I, Von Ryan have to head back to my brothers!”
Using the remote to turn off the TV and cleaning up a bit of the mess you let out a laugh at his farewell, “Yeah, yeah, a goodnight to you too dear Von Ryan." Donnie just smiled back at you as he turned around to open open the door.
Just as Donnie was about to head out through your door you remembered something, “Oh- hey Donnie hold up!” you called out to him just in time.
“Hmm?” He hummed, turning his head slightly as you were now behind him, “I almost forgot!”
“Forgotten wha-” You cut Donnie off by pulling him down by the strings of his jacket to give him a small kiss.
Pulling away, he was thankful for the darkness of the house. At that moment as you would’ve been able to see the bright red all over his face.
“A goodnight kiss!  Now have a goodnight, Don!”
He gave you a single nod, “O-Oh yeah another very goodnight to you too (Y/n)!”
Once he was outside of your door now and making his way back to his place Donnie couldn't help but be excited for the next time you both decided to have a movie night like this together again.
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soft--dragon · 4 months
Snow Day
Just a small drabble for you guys to snack on before I post the bigger one :D
Word Count: 1,177
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
Casey was practically vibrating with excitement, booted feet doing mini stomps - a stim he’d picked up from Donnie at a young age - as he looked out over the white powered landscape of New York City Park. Mikey, who was stood right beside him snickered at his child-like behavior, giving a friendly grin.
“You’ve really never seen snow before, huh Junior?” 
Casey shook his head rapidly, eyes so wide as if he was trying to memorise every single detail of the park. “There was never white snow in the future, it was like ash, but this… Michelangelo, this is amazing!” 
Mikey’s brow dipped slightly at the mention of the harsh, desolate future Casey had come from, but he gave the boy a gentle nudge to dispel the memory. “Mikey, Casey, call me Mikey,” he reminded lightly.
Whether Casey registered the soft words was up for debate, the boy’s spellbound expression never wavering when Leo seemed to drop out of nowhere to sling an arm around Casey’s shoulders. 
“Not a bad view, aye Casey?” he grinned.
“It’s incredible,” the young warrior murmured, his smile lifting his eyes.
“Well what are you waiting for? Come on!” Leo grabbed his students hand and ran, dragging along Casey who almost fell flat on his face from the sudden force.
“Wait up Leo!” Mikey yelled after his brother, taking off right behind the pair, with the rest of the family in tow. 
Leo didn’t even hesitate before he dove into the snow with a gleeful whoop, dragging Casey into the soft powder and laughing when the boy just about screamed.
“JESUS! It’s cold, Leo!” “Welcome to the ice age, Jones!”
There was an audible scoff from above the two. “Incorrect Leo, the ice age was thousands of years ago when creatures such as mammoths used to roam the earth and- hey!”
A snowball smashed into the back of Donnie’s head from non-other than April who was grinning similar to a Cheshire cat. “Sorry, did I interrupt you?” 
“Yes actually, I was trying to educate Leo on his very historically inaccurate claim- ow!” A second snowball had splattered straight into Donnie’s face, the teen being thrown to the ground with the force of it. “APRIL!”
Raph high fived the girl in passing, moving to Leo and Casey who were still lying in the snow. “Don’t you two go catching a cold alright? We don’t want to get the whole fam sick.” “We’ll be fine, Raph, don’t worry,” Leo smirked up at his older brother, “We’re well protected from the cold.” “Yes, but some of us aren’t that used to winter, remember?” 
“Oh, I know.” Leo’s hand planted itself in Casey’s mop of unruly hair, messing with the black locks and making the kid yelp and squirm in protest. “I’ll keep an eye on the snow baby.”
Casey baulked from under Leo’s fingers. “The- the snow what?” Raph sighed with a small, fond smile. “If he gets sick you’re taking care of him.” “Don’t I always?”
“Fair enough.”
“I’m right here you guys.” “Hush snow baby,” Leo scooped up some snow and shoved it in Casey’s unsuspecting face, trying and failing to hide his grin at the boy’s wild screech of alarm and offence. “The adults are talking.”
The snow removed, Casey tried leaning away only for Leo’s hand to come back and to pinch his cheek. “Augh! Stop! Your hands are freezing!”
“Oh, are they actually?” Leo’s hands were then diving under Casey’s scarf to press them against his neck, and the scream the boy gave was almost ear splitting.
“NO! Off, off, off! Get away from me!” Casey scrambled across the snow to escape, only for Leo to follow with an evil gleam in his eyes. “Guys help!”
Casey, who had fallen victim to Leo’s schemes more than once, knew the outcome of this dilemma, and scrambled off the ground in an instant. He was running laps of the park, laughing over his shoulder at the turtle who was pursuing him with outstretched hands and taunting loudly. 
“Should we stop them before they fall into the lake?” Mikey asked with a laugh.
Raph shrugged, smirking. “Eh, let em tire themselves out, it’ll be easier to get them to sleep later.”
“I concur, I do not want to deal with a hyperactive Leo,” Donnie raised a hand from where he was still lying on the ground from April’s snowball attack.
The green jacketed girl rolled her eyes. “Donnie, get up.”
“Can’t. I’ve been shot.”
A scream echoed through the park, making the group whip around in alarm to where Leo and Casey were tussling on the ground, the blue coded turtle pressing his fingers underneath Casey’s scarf to target his neck. The raven haired teen was screeching at the chill spreading through his skin, bursts of laughter mingling with his yelps as Leo refused to let up. 
“LEHEHO! Stohohopihit!” 
“What? Can’t hear you Snow Baby, sorry, I’ve got ear muffs on.” 
“Invisible ear muffs are the modern style Case, I thought you’d know that cause you’re from the future.”
One of Casey’s hands came up to shove at Leo’s face, the other trying to push away the turtle’s fingers assaulting his sensitive skin. “Thahat’s soho duhumb!”
Leo’s mouth dropped open and gasped loudly. “How dare you insult my invisible earmuffs, that is so mean.” 
Casey cracked an eye open to peer up at Leo smugly. “Thought you couldn’t hear me with those ear muffs?” 
Scoffing an incredulous laugh, Leo furrowed his brow playfully. “Alright, wise guy, you asked for this.” Leo lightened his touch enough so that his fingernails were just grazing along Casey’s neck, causing the boy to try and turn into a turtle himself and scrunch his head down, all the while in fits of panicked giggles.
“DahAHAamnit LehehEHEO!” He cried, grappling with the turtle’s arms to dislodge his freezing fingers. “Nohohoho!”
Using the tassels of Casey’s scarf to dust along his cheek just to be annoying, Leo cooed, “I warned you bud; insult the muffs, get the fluff.”
Pressing his cheek into the snow, Casey batted at his mentor with horribly uncoordinated movements. “Yohou suhuck!”
“Ouch, what a burn. Good thing we’re surrounded by so much ice that I can treat it.”
Casey landed a smack on his shoulder, rolling his eyes so hard it was a wonder they didn’t roll right out of his head. “Dork,” he bit out between peals of laughter.
“Oh I’m a dork now am I? Wow, really laying it on thick with the insults today, kiddo,” Leo snorted. The attempts of ‘insulting’ Leo really weren’t really that cutting at all, he was gonna have to teach this kid some curse words to help him along. Raph may kill him for it, but he was the sensei of Jones Junior, not his big brother.  Casey did end up catching a cold from the snow, though Leo held up his promise and was vigilant during the boy’s recovery. This was his kid after all, he was always going to look out for his Snow Baby.
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dancingdonatello · 1 year
Heya! I can make a request to make with a romantic rise Donnie x reader where the reader is a yellow bellied slider turtle mutant? Maybe they’re besties with Leo since they’re both slider turtles and Leo is like a wingman for his twin? (P.S. you don’t have to write it if you don’t want to feel free to delete it whenever you want and be sure to take care of yourself!!!)
donnie x slider mutant reader
“Slap them.”
“What? No. Nardo, are you dumb?!” Donnie shoved Leo away, angry. “I’m not falling for your dumb tricks!”
“I don’t mean like hard!” Leo placed his hands on his own cheeks. “C’mon, it’s how we do our rituals or whatever. They had it on Nat Geo.”
“I’m not going to ask them in such an archaic and primal way.” Donnie rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.
Leo scoffed at him. “So, how are you going to do it then?”
Donnie smirked.
You came into their lair crying. “Donnie! My phone is threatening me!” You screeched as you ran into the lab. Leo snorted. Raph and Mikey looked unsurely at each other.
“What happened?” Leo asked as you walked out of the lab.
“My phone was, like, asking me out or something!” You explained shakily. “It was so scary, but Don said it was a, uh, ‘bug.’ I didn’t see any though.” You stared at your phone, squinting at it.
Leo snorted again. Raph and Mikey looked super confused.
“Why don’t we talk in my room?” He stood up and dragged you away, smirking all the while. He winked at Donnie who peered out of his lab with a forlorn look.
“What?” you asked him as you sat down on his bed.
“You know how sliders go like this to ask someone out basically?” He danced his fingers on your cheeks.
“You mean… in the wild? With unmutated turtles?” You looked unimpressed. “Sure.”
“Well, Donnie was asking you out on your phone, but it obviously didn’t work.”
“What?” Your eyes widened. “I had no idea!” You went to stand up but he held you down by your shoulders.
“Here’s the plan.” Leo smirked evilly. “$50 bucks if you agree.”
“C’mon, Don, do it.” Leo swung an arm around his shoulders. “It’ll be so funny—I mean, so… uh, what’s the word?”
Donnie glowered at angrily.
“What I mean is… the phone thing didn’t work. So, why not go old school?” Leo shook him gently.
“Fine, if it’ll get you to shut up!” Donnie shrugged his shoulders to make Leo’s arm fall. He stalked over to you and Leo pulled out his phone to record.
Donnie cleared his throat to get your attention.
You passed your video game controlled to Mikey and he easily took over, prepared to beat Raph in mario kart.
He motioned for you to follow him away from his brothers, too nervous to notice Leo slowly following.
“Listen… this is difficult for me to say…” Donnie nervously rubbed his arms as if he were cold. You patiently waited for him to speak. “But, um, I guess what Leo wanted me to do was to let my actions speak for me.” He still seemed unsure of Leo’s plan, not knowing you were in on it.
He slowly raised a hand and gently patted your cheek. You stared at him in silence.
“Um?” He patted it a little harder. Your eyes squinted at him.
“Are you trying to slap me?” You asked and Donnie’s eyes widened. “That’s… like the most disrespectful thing you can do to a slider.” Leo had originally wanted you to be more dramatic, but… you didn’t want to destroy his feelings when he was trying to vulnerable.
“No!” He stepped away and shook his head rapidly. “Leo told me—Leo told me… Leo!” He shouted, catching sight of his brother recording from a doorway.
He chased after him and you listened as Leo’s girlish screams got farther and farther away.
Well, you’d be using your new $50 bucks to make it up to poor Donnie. Maybe if you managed to snag Leo’s wallet, too, you could have a nice dinner.
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thr-333 · 1 month
I just realized. I don't think I've seen anything about April in OaaHF. Where is she? What does she do in the resistence? How aware is she of Leon's situation?
Set while Leon is recovering from his first facial scar:
“No, no way!”
Leon groaned as the yell woke him, sound getting choked out by the bandages wrapped tight around his neck. Constricting his airway making it so he could never get a full breath, was always light headed. Although that could be the bloodloss.
“We need his portals, its not a-”
“I don’t care if it’s a transport mission, I don’t care if he’s at the very back line, you are not getting him out of that bed,”
Leon scrunched up his face so he wouldn’t have to deal with the light of day. Or the light of med bay. He wanted to go back to sleep and it wasn’t even the yelling that was stopping him. Pain flared along his face and shoulder in tandem with his heartbeat. Bandages pulled meticulously tight making every throb worse.
“It’s not an active mission, I’ve mapped out the points all Kraang will be avoided-”
“Then you do it!”
That voice, Leon knew it even past the haze pain. Probably helped that there were no painkillers available to keep him floaty. He sighed his big sisters voice was always soothing, well when she wasn’t yelling at him. Although he supposed she technically was.
“Ape’s I’m needed here,” Leo reasoned, his voice was deep and raspy. Huh Leon wondered if his voice sounded closer to it now, “I can’t up and leave the resistance without aleader for a minor mission,”
“So you admit it’s a minor mission!” April accused, Leon tried to open his eyes. The best he could make out was a couple of blurry figures until the light forced him to shut them.
“Minor but needed, lives are at stake here April,”
“His life is at stake!” Leon opened his mouth, but his throat was raw and the skin of his cheek pulled weirdly threatening to make him throw up if he tried. He tried anyway, why should be matter? “If he moves that wound, the wound you gave him is going to tear right open, he won’t survive that a second time,”
“April it was an accident, my hand slipped,” 
His future self was right of course. After all he had been the one to sacrifice his scarf to keep as much blood inside Leon’s body as possible. He had literally held Leon’s life in his hands. You didn’t do that for a person you were actually trying to kill… no matter how much it looked lik you wanted to seconds before.
That was fine. It was an accident. Leon shouldn’t have baited him.
“Bullshit, also I don’t give a crap, he’s not ready for field work!”
“The doctor cleared him,”
“Which you know they shouldn’t have!” April screeched, ugh Leon wished she wouldn’t, “Come on Leo you're a medic, just look at him!”
There was silence. Leon held still pretending to be asleep. Which was easy as he was teetering on the edge of unconsciousness. Only the jabs of pain and his sister keeping him present.
“It’s between him and them,”
“Him, everytime, my little brother should come first everytime,” Leon’s heart didn’t know if it should skip a beat or clench. It was the answer he wanted to hear- but one he was completely undeserving of.
“I can’t play favorites,”
“Plaaeesseee,” The pure amount of sarcasm poured into the tone would have shot three men dead, “Is that why Mikey’s locked up in the underground bunker within an underground bunker, deep fried and finished with magic?”
“Or how about Donnie’s lab, which is enforced with thirty percent of our titanium stores?” Leo would have rolled his eyes if they wouldn't just keep rolling back into his head. Obviously it wasn’t a matter of favoritism, his brothers were simply more important than him, “And how me and Cassie keep getting shortlisted missions? Junior hasn’t left your side in months and you haven't left this safehold in a year? Yet guess who’s going on missions every other week?”
“It’s all a matter of circumstance,” Leo’s voice took on a cold and harsh tone, “I’m trying to keep everyone alive for the sak-”
“Everyone but Leon,” 
She called him Leon… when had he become Leon? When has he started solely thinking of himself as Leon? Why was his futureself exclusively Leo? The thoughts were to hard to capture, slipping through his hands like sand. He wasn’t sure he wanted to dwell on them anyway.
“Well sucks for you but I care about keeping him alive, even if you don’t,” 
That wasn’t fair, he cared about Leon he did, as much as he could. Leon didn’t make it easy, after… after everything he caused. He couldn’t blame his future self for being a bit weird. He cared where it counted. Leon would’ve been dead three times over now if he didn’t.
“This mission is needed-”
“I’ll go then,”
No, April
“April, No,”
“If it’s so important you need to drag him out of bed and risk reopening the slice you put in his neck then it’s important enough for I, commander O’Neil to take over,”
“You’re not who you are in the future, you’re not Commander O’Neil,”
“And I never will be if you keep coddling,” April spat, “Besides I don’t care about being a commander right now, I care about being a sister, so it’s either I take the mission or you cancel it,”
The silence stretched on. Leon grasped onto his threads of consciousness. Purposely twitching his shoulder to get the fiery pain to keep him awake. It was amazing how something could fill him with so much dread yet he still selfishly felt hope that they would go through with it. Because he was selfish, rather stay hidden away in bed in a back room of the stronghold while his big sister fronted all the danger.
“Fine,” Relief and dread, unfortunately not in equal measure, “You come back alive understand?”
“Oh darn, there go my plans,” April tossed back, a shade closer to her usual teasing tone but still tense.
Leo didn’t answer. Because he was Leo, even in Leon’s own mind. But the older turtle huffed. Leon listened to his footsteps fade as Aprils got closer. The dip in his bed bit him to open his eyes.
“Heya blue, you awake?” April’s hand gently brushed his forehead, Leon cringed as he opened his eyes, “How’re you doing?”
He couldn’t answer, not really. So he leaned into her palm. Flinching as the small movement pulled on his wound from neck to cheek. He hissed through the pain. Tight bandages around his throat feeling suffocating as he would have struggled to breath even without them.
“Sorry, sorry, just wanted to check in,” The details of Aprils face were hard to make out pain blurring them out, “I’m going away for a mission,”
“Do… t,” Leon tried to sound out, it didn’t come anywhere close, but hey look at that: His voice was raspy.
“Don’t worry about me, it’s my job to worry about you,” She pat his cheek, thumb rubbing soft circles under his eye, “Seriously, please, it’s ok to care about yourself, you should, once in a whil- actually all the time,”
Leon shook his head imperceptibly. She was wrong. He had done that, over and over again. Each time they lost so much. He couldn’t, not anymore. Why couldn’t she understand that? 
Leo understood that. He knew what it was like to sit with that guilt, that self hate. He knew how to work for others to ease that feeling even a little bit. As losses stacked everyday and crushed him under their weight.
“I bet your thinking something stupid right now,” April pinched his opposite cheek, the unscarred one that showed off his brilliant red stripe, “I wish you were better so I could beat my love into your skull, but we’ll have to save that for when I get back,”
Leon plucked up the strength to use his right arm. Greaspoing Aprils loosely. He needed to get his point across, even without words, he had to.
“I will be alright, you rest up,” April moved from his grasp to instead thread their fingers together, “I’m your big sister, I’m always going to look out for you, even if I have to do that by not being here,”
No, no that wasn’t what he meant. Leo jerked to grab her again. White hot flares shot through his shoulder. Fuck, wrong arm. Darkness clawed at the edge of his vision, plusing in time with the pain searing through him.
“You’re so………. Don’t let anyone convince you…..” April's voice faded in and out, “ We have always…….. None of this………… alright Leon?”
Leon, that was the last word he caught before his world faded to black. The last thing he heard his sister say. 
When he woke up.
She was gone.
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marwhoa · 1 year
request: none! (well technically so, technically not!)
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🝮 little drabbles !
tmnt x readers; usually rottmnt
author’s note: hi! I haven’t been givin y’all anything lately, and me and my bestie *cough @tmntxthings cough* have a shared document for little writes and ideas we randomly have! Figured I’d give y’all some as an apology for my heavy lack of new writing :))) Also fair warning, my Drabble writing is very “bare bones” kind of ideas :)) not usually as descriptive as my published fics.
word count: I don’t feel like it :))
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┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Mikey x Mermaid!Y/N
Mikey secretly sneaks off at night to be by the water, listening to it and watching its waves crash against the dock he sat upon. Legs kicked, disturbing the water’s surface.
He notices something disturb the waves with a splash, one that gave the oddest feeling that it wouldn’t have been a little fish. It stirs his curiosity—not enough to dare a dip into the water, though. He can’t swim, so why would he do something so foolish?—but my do his eyes search the inky abyss for it’s disruption. This night lends to no answers and neither does the next.
Imagine his amazement one day, finding the suspicious splash reoccur each time he visits the dock, but this particular day, he sees something—someone?—gazing at him with wondrous eyes and a friendly smile. It was a shine like that of a child discovering something amazing.
Bonus idea:
Mikey and his brothers are fighting villain by the docks. He gets knocked off and at first, they’re like “!! Mikey! Ah, he’ll come back up, we need to keep going” and then Donnie freezes and is like “… He’s a box turtle.” And they’re like what? “He’s a box turtle—They-They don’t SWIM, THEY DON’T SWIM, MIKEY—“
They turn towards the water, ready to leap in, when suddenly Mikey comes up and they’re like “??!?!? How?!”
Pushing him up are the frantic arms of a mermaid. All brothers are speechless, Mikey’s unconscious. Y/N stares at them then gestures frantically to the passed-out brother, trying to tell them, “ help him! give him air! do it, land creatures! “
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Donnie x Y/N
(apocalypse angst, tw for detail)
Donnie was holding Y/N’s lifeless body in their arms, screaming at them in misdirected frustration, “WHY WERE YOU EVEN HERE, YOU NEVER BELONGED IN THE BATTLEFIELD! I TOLD YOU TO ST… TO STAY… “ He chocked on the heavy sobs and screams, wiping at his running nose, and spiraling downwards until all he could do is hold your body so tight. His screams are heard for as far as possible, compromising his position to the enemy, but there was nothing that could stop his wails.
Surrounding him are alerted Kraang monsters. Whirring, cawing, screeching—all painfully obvious signs that he’s unsafe, that he should be getting away, escaping—tucking tail and running!
And yet he doesn’t stop screaming at you, wiping hair out of your face roughly. “Open your eyes—open your GOD DAMN EYES, Y/N, PLEASE.” An alien appendage stabs through the flesh of his shoulder, jerking him forward and then back—away from you—as it violently shlunks out of the wound, but he couldn’t care less. His voice raises, cracking under the pressure as he yanks away and scrambles back to what was once you. He begs you to wake up, to please please just get up, you guys needed to get out of here!
Over and over again, he begs.
And he begs.
And he begs.
Begs until it’s the last thing he can say before blood fills his mouth and the last bit of life is drained out.
“ Please… “
His voice is weak, far from the strength you ever knew it had.
“ I’… “
“ I’m sorry, ju… just o… p… ”
“ open… your eyes… “
There’s just something about that inconsolable sadness, where they hold the body of someone once so full of love, begging in frustration that they please, PLEASE come back.
The choked sobs, the heavy wails, the desperation to hold them no matter the danger.
Trying their hardest to never let them out of their grasp as if that somehow symbolized facing the truth in its entirety, the truth that you were gone.
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Donnie x Y/N
(apocalypse angst again)
Donnie’s in his lab. It’s the apocalypse. He’s tinkering away on his gear, when one of his devices dings, indicating a video has been sent. This happens whenever his tech breaks, turns off, when their location changes drastically, if he set it to do so, etc. Many reasons, so he thinks nothing of it.
He doesn’t even realize the smaller screen beside his monitor shows one of his bands have been broken, gone offline, and stopped monitoring the heartbeat and life signature of a particular someone.
He clicked on the video, planning to let it play in the background—maybe it picked up something interesting or helpful with turning the tide of this war.
He watches with a bored expression as the display boots up, until he realizes he recognizes the voice. It’s Y/N’s wristlet that sent the video in? He hadn’t even noticed she was out. Donnie casts a glance behind him, as if doing so would make her appear at his doorway, laughing loudly as she beamed her signature smile and shattered his ears with her loud voice (that he would never admit he loved, never, never ever!)
His attention is brought back to the video as she says something. “What…?” He whispers, looking down and grabbing his mouse to rewind. “What did you say…?” He whispers, leaning in with his head heavy against his palm while his elbow’s leaning into the metal desktop.
A grunt echoes through the video’s wavering audio—a mental note to update their decibel limiters is made—before an obscenity slips her lips and she growls out a, “It was risky, but Donnie will know what to do!”
He gives a prideful grin at that, chuckling as he closes his eyes and replays that in his head. ‘ Donnie will know what to do ‘ is probably the smartest thing she’s ever said, he thinks, humming a bit too peacefully. He’s brought back to his senses as her scream crackles through the recording. He stares wide-eyed at the monitor as the view of a Kraang Commander “Bot” looks down at her. Donnie grabs the sides of the computer screen, clutching tightly as he yells, “Get out of there!”, ignoring that she wouldn’t be able to hear him at all. He watches helplessly as he hears her struggle and scream, yelling insults and cursing, shouting, “For the Revolution!!” before a loud thud and crack. The video’s display has streaks through it and discoloration, indicating damage done to the wristlet. The one /attached to her arm/. Tears well up in his eyes as he shouts, “NO!” as the bot’s foot slams down, disconnecting the transmission entirely. That must have been when the file was sent to him.
He glanced over at the monitor for life signatures, seeing Y/N’s listed as “Undetectable”. Donnie feels himself become weak and light-headed. Anything on his table promptly meets the floor in a fit of rage.
Why her, he mutters.
Why was she out, he yells.
The only thing that calms him is the silhouette that appears in his doorway. He turns, shouting, “Get out, now isn’t the time!” Only to hold his breath as Y/N stands breathless and tattered up, leaning into the doorway as if it were the only thing holding her up. Frankly, based on her state, it probably was. She grins tiredly, shaking a strange circuit board in her hands. “Wh-Why the long face, Don… Donnie? Ah, sorry, I’m… H-Hey, is that my transmitter’s—“ Her eyes roll back as she slumps forward.
Y/N WOULD'VE hit the floor, if not for the desperate hold the genius Donatello had on her. He had sprinted across the room and opened his arms to her desperately. Whatever trinket she brought in could wait, slipping from her weak fingertips to think against the floor.
Best believe as soon as she woke up, a huge scolding was in place! She gave him the scare of a lifetime.
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — 2012!Donnie x Y/N
(are you sensing who my favorite character is yet?)
I’ve had this idea for a while for 2012 donnie where y/n is his computer that got some mutagen on it
And then y/n crawls out of the fried computer, glitching all around the room before finally settling above donnie and being like “wooo !! It feels so nice to be able to be free now hey did you know you type really hard like REALY hard oh my gosh it was like a jackhammer on my back and omg your brother the orange one has the stickiest fingers ever just tap tap tapping and getting all my keys sticky oh but hey you always do your best to make sure I’m functional you’re so cool for that! Wanna know some cool funfacts? Searching Google Databases for Fun Facts, loading, ding! Hey, did you kn—“ and he’s just like “ I don’t know if I should be amazed at this literal super computer person or angry that someone more annoying than Mikey has appeared…”
Donnie’s just throwing a wrench across the room, apologizing when he hears Y/N squeak. Turns to see a part of their body glitching out from metal touching them. This tech hes working on won’t work, so they zap on over, floating above his head and leaning on top just for fun, then just goes “Searching Circuitry 62KBLG3.78K Guides on Google Database” and he’s like “What? Did you just identify—never mind that, what issue is there?” And they give a big happy grin, floating above the circuitry and holding a hand out, “One second!” They cheerfully exclaim, zapping out of the air instantly and making sparks come off the scraps he’s working on. Mans panics like holy hell what just happened where did they go when WHOOSH, the tech boots up and their body zzts out. Hands in the air gleefully, they’re like, “Finished! I did it, Donatello!” And he’s all giddy like whoa! You did?!? How did you??? And boom, friendship flourishes!
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Casey x Y/N
(Betcha didn’t expect that?)
Y/N and Casey are out on a mission, they’re in charge of being stealth scouts given that their slick stealth abilities—best of their line.
The scene takes a turn for the worst when they’re in an overgrown building, trying to get a better angle to the scene, to the place they’re contemplating a hit on. The two of them enter a slo-mo state as a kraang tendril juts out from the middle of no where and nics Y/N in the face.
They stumble back and the two share a split second of locked-eyes before quickly making a break for it—their position has been compromised, Casey shouts through his mic. He grabs Y/N’s hand and yanks them with him as he makes a sharp turn, knowing full and well that sharp turns are their weak point. They’re trying to get to a “safe” space, running through the dilapidated halls and crumbling floors. Ahead of them is the opening, a large, long-since shattered window. If they could just leap through that, then the tech around their wrists would give them the boost they needed to escape.
So they focus on that, running as fast as possible—occasionally stumbling or falling through the floor. One helps the other, leaving no one behind.
They’re almost at the edge when an ear-splitting screech stuns Y/N for one second too many. The alien appendage slices across their thigh, rubberbanding through the wound and back to the monster behind them in a fashion similar to a serrated knife.
Y/N screams out, Casey stalls. He pivots on his foot, rushing back to them and reaches out for their hand. He can carry them, he can take it. No one gets left behind, especially not them.
Y/N shakily but swiftly takes his hand, ready to quickly pick up slack so as to not jeopardize them.
But, right before they’re hoisted up onto their feet, their blood runs cold as the monster’s tendril shlunks into Casey’s shoulder, jerking his body back. Away from Y/N, leaving their hand cold, and soon their heart heavy as his feet stumble right off the window’s crumbling edge. The alien’s ligament yanks out of his body as the boy slips down. He’s gone, so fast, as if he wasn’t standing in front of them a second ago.
Y/N is filled with adrenaline immediately as they scream so loudly that their ears ring, the wavering sound in their eardrums could never match the pain in their chest as they stumble and rush to the edge, leaping off and narrowly dodging the next attack sent their way. Falling through the air, the grappling hook around their wrist lets out a series of beeps as it detects an uncharacteristic descent, instantly swinging out to attach to nearby rock and rubble stacked firmly. Y/N ungracefully slams into the wall, scrambling for footing with an injured leg before they began their aided swing down, searching everywhere for Casey. He’s no where to be seen, the further they go and still no sign of him!
Their feet plant firmly into the ground, hundreds of feet below the building’s drop, yet still no Casey. Tears are welling up as they throw caution to the wind and cry out his name.
“ Casey! “
No answer.
“ Casey, god—god damn it, please! Where.. “
No answer, they rub their eyes harshly of the spilling tears.
“ Where are you, CASE—“
A hand clamps against their mouth. A soft yet injure—familiar, too— voice whispers into their ear, and they can’t help but melt into the hold, back pressed against his chest.
“ Y/N, you know how dangerous.. dangerous that is, don’t shout in Kraang territory..”
“ Casey! “
They hugged him tight, excruciatingly so. Scares in the apocalypse were the worst.
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Mikey x Y/N
(apocalypse au)
Y/N sits under an old abandoned monument, around the same time as always, telling the sculpture about their day because they have no one else to listen and tell it to, being that they’re a humble nobody living outside of society in a little abode deep in a quiet forest.
One day, on a particularly heavy day, they’re telling the monument about what they saw when they went towards the city—it seemed as though there was an apocalypse of sorts beginning, so back home they ran, fearing that one day the apocalypse would encroach on their home.
When that happens, they worry what will become of their beloved friend, the unspeaking sculpture.
Sending it time to return home, they wipe their teary eyes, glance again at the stone smile of a long-forgotten hero, and leans into them for a hug.
As they do, suddenly there’s a rush of gravity. Arms wrap securely around their shooken frame as they pmf gently into the grassy beds below.
“ Whoa…”
Says the sculpture, glancing down to stare are their patron with a smile. Orange eyes flicker with a friendliness as he caresses their cheek.
“ Finally, I’m free to do this..”
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Someone x unhinged!villain!Y/N
Villain!Y/N, menacing and feral. Always avoids the cops—always. That includes the brothers. You don’t really terrorize New York that often, so tbh they forget that there’s a real top shooter within their zip code.
They’ve tried to fight you once before and basically got that you are your own form of chaotic lawful, kind of like a real Robin Hood one step away from immoral, unethical. So, deeming you a step behind Hero, they leave you to your own devices. After all, most antics of yours only bring harm to their enemies, never really innocents, so of course they wouldn’t make you a priority.
One day, one of the brothers is in a real conundrum—cornered, isolated, and taken off guard. The tides of the battle teeter both ways, not exactly lending anyone an upper hand, until this player strikes a good hit to the dude’s jaw.
Imagine their shared fear when something a few paces away catches their attention: a figure, silhouetted by the light behind them, wearing a maniacal expression with a substance dripping their hands.
“Come now,”
Crack of the neck, sickeningly so,
“That one’s mine. What high horse you on to be scruffin up what’s mine, baller?”
The fighter lasts only a second of surprise, twinged with fear, before you’re in their face with frighteningly fast speed, hand gripping their face in a way that seems like slow-mo to the downed brother. He watches the fighter get risen and then slammed into the ground. Silence plateaus until finally he speaks up,
“ … Thanks? “
“ Thanks? “
You respond confusedly, eyes glinting with an emotion softer than the wild-child energy it usually embodies.
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That’s all for now :)) thank you for reading uwu
If there’s any of these that you’d like to see as a longer fic, just ask I guess.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 1 month
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 4: Habitat
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Splinter and Casey Jones Jr. wait at the garage as the turtle tank zooms in, the tires screeching to a halt as the automatic brakes kick in. The vehicle lurches slightly, then settles.
Splinter's foot taps anxiously. CJ twists and twirls his weaponized hockey stick in his hands. They wait in silence for the boys to emerge.
After a moment, Raph's head pops out of the window.
"We'll be out in a minute!" he shouts. "Just... figuring out some stuff..."
"Well, hurry up!" Splinter shouts back. "I want to know how your mission went."
"Did you find Mikey?" CJ asks nervously.
Raph doesn't answer, apart from a slight grimace; his Raph chasm wrinkles with stress as he slinks back into the tank.
From the window, CJ sees a four figures in the vehicle. Four? Four!
"They have him!" He exclaims with excitement, tugging on Splinter's sleeve. "They got Mikey back!"
Splinter's face breaks out in a smile, looking up in desperation as he tries to get a glimpse.
"Where do you see him?"
"In the tank. I think he's talking with the others..."
CJ saw silhouettes moving around in the tank. One that he could clearly recognize as Raph had walked back into the cockpit and started talking with the others, using animated movements to accentuate his point. They must be having a serious discussion, or an argument. The two other figures, Leo and Donnie, start putting in their notes, obviously not happy with something he'd said or suggested. They all start arguing together. The fourth and smallest silhouette began moving away, crawling onto the console... wait, what?
Casey's eyes widen when he sees the face staring at him.
The yellow spots against dark green skin almost make him look like a reverse leopard. Crouching on the console, slouching hard and pressing his face up against the glass and slobbering slightly as he watches CJ with intensity.
He feels like he is being hunted for some reason. The glowing red eyes freeze him to his spot.
"Future boy, what are you looking at...?" Splinter asks, looking up. He can't see from the angle he's standing at. He starts backing up to try and get a better view.
From inside the tank, one of the brothers pulls Mikey off the keyboard and away from the glass. Splinter couldn't catch a glimpse. He sighs.
"What is taking them so long? I'm going in," he grumbles.
"W-wait," Casey stutters, not sure what to do in this situation. He doesn't even know what 'this situation' is! But... was that really Mikey?
Splinter saunters to the floor hatch of the turtle tank and climbs up the ladder. He opens the hatch and starts to climb inside when a dark green blur suddenly zooms past him, knocking him down and running past him.
"AGH! Mikey! Catch him, don't let him get away--!"
Casey screeches in fright and lifts his leg away just as the blur zooms past him, barely missing him. It runs into the lair, turning a corner and disappearing.
"Mikey, come back! Pops! Are you okay?" Raph asks, panicking at the sprawled figure of his father on the ground.
"Uggggh.... someone get the number of the truck that hit me," Splinter groans.
"He'll be fine," Donnie says flatly, peering down at his dear Papa.
"What was that?!" CJ yells, running up to the tank to help Splinter. "Was that Mikey?"
"It -- uh," Leo mutters, nervously climbing down. "It... was..."
"What happened to him?" CJ asks with terror in his eyes.
"We don't know," Raph sighs. "Donnie did a quick scan, but we have yet to see the results."
"Orange...?" Splinter groans, looking up. "Where did he go?"
"Into the lair," Casey points. "Should we go after him?"
"Probably," Donnie says, already running after him. "He might try to attack the projector or something."
"What?!" Splinter yells, immediately running back inside. "My tv!!"
Shelter. Must find shelter.
Mikey scrambles around the lair after accidentally squashing something underfoot. The smell tells him it's someone familiar. The softness and squishiness of the body tells him it must be... uhhh.... the father. His name is... eeehh... rat? No...
He'll figure it out later.
Right now, he wants safety. Security. Familiarity and comfort. Not this metal moving thing.
He runs away from the vehicle he was shoved into and dashes into the corridor, past another person. He doesn't see the face. He catches the smell as he passes it. It's not as familiar, but he recognizes it. He doesn't remember how. He can't recall if it's a good smell or a bad one.
The figure jumps at his speed. Mikey isn't sure if he wants to attack it or leave it. He moves so fast that he doesn't get to pick, and simply allows the adrenaline to run him. Literally.
Shelter. Find shelter.
Mikey's eyes work differently now. The area is darker than the cage he lived in. His vision doesn't adjust, but shifts. He can't see shapes and lighting and colours so much as temperatures. Heat vision activates. He skids under something big and soft. It is very dark under here.
Not safe. Not shelter. Find shelter.
But what IS the shelter he so desperately wants? What is he looking for??
He hears something. He pokes his head out from under the cloth-covered structure he hid under. It sounds loud, lots of voices and sounds and noises and... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmusic? Music!
That is a word! He remembers that word! He likes it, he likes music.
The other sounds are agitating him, though. He covers his ears for a moment. He can't tell what is making the noise. There's no one in the room but him. He looks up and behind. Something in a rectangle shape is glowing brightly with mechanical heat. The noise is coming from that. He growls at it, but it doesn't seem to want to hurt him. Does it??
Mikey slithers out from under the object he's been hiding beneath. He slowly stalks up to the device. He hisses at it. He whips his tail. It doesn't do anything. Just makes noise and light.
It is not dangerous. Just annoying.
Mikey runs out of the room.
He likes the extra space. It isn't cramped like the cage, or confined like that big metal vehicle.
Zoomies. Zooming around. Run. Free. Space. Freedom.
Mikey runs into another room. It is much brighter in here. His vision adjusts again, causing a minor headache between his eyes. It vanishes quickly. He glances around the room. There are countertops, cabinets, a table with benches.
Sanctuary? Safe?
It feels familiar enough...
He crawls around the room, sniffing.
It smells amazing. So many scents and aromas... how has he never smelled them all before now?? He had, once. But not like this! Not so strong and aromatic... It starts to become a bit overwhelming.
He jumps up onto a counter top and scratches at a cabinet door. After a few tries, he gets it open. It is filled with dishes and mugs. Mikey sniffs the mugs, bumping each one with his beak, trying to find a scent he can recognize. He finds one. Bitter, but the smell makes him think of the colour purple. Coffee...
Mikey hops down and starts looking around more. There is a big door at the end of the room. He hooks his claw around the door and pulls. There is food inside it but --
COLD!! Don't like it, we don't like it!
Mikey makes a small screechy noise as he slams the door shut. He shivers violently at the temperature. Whatever they did to change him, they made him very sensitive to the cold...
Mikey leaves the room... the 'kitchen'.
Another word! Yay!
Mikey smiles. This new place is much better. Helps his head. Helps his thoughts.
Mikey zooms.
Mikey pauses at an opening... it leads to a large empty tunnel.
Not empty...
Big metal thing? Big metal house??
Safe... Shelter...
Mikey goes towards the big metal houses. One has a series of keypads and locks on the door, pink and purple lights blinking from the inside. One has red designs and patterns painted over the doors, with hanging lanterns lighting up the windows. One has a hole with a curtain covering it from the inside.
Mikey presses his face against the tarp, pushing through it. He peeks into the room, looking around. There are weapons pinned to the walls and comics scattered across the floor, boxes piling up by the shelves with trophies and action figures, posters for music groups and sci-fi movies plastered and taped to the windows. It is dimly lit, causing his vision to switch in between heat-seeking and not. But it is inconsistent and shifting, causing a splitting headache as his eyes try desperately to decide which way to go before simply splitting the difference and causing everything to look like lava lamps.
Not shelter.
Mikey creeps to the next metal house... it has orange and yellow paint decorating it. Flames and chains and suns and smiles and silly faces. It's so bright.
The door is wide open.
Mikey slinks inside.
It isn't dark in here. There are fairy lights hanging all around, sparkling and illuminating the room softly. There are small lamps plugged in by the floor, and neon LED lights hanging from the walls. The room is full of colour, but not overpowering. Calming. There are shelves with toys and action figures. There is an entire wall covered with paper drawings. A desk with crayons, pens, pencils, paints, spray cans...
A hammock.
Mikey wiggles slightly, adjusting himself and calculating his jump. He leaps up into the hanging cloth, finding pillows and blankets filling it up. It is so soft...
He digs into it, grabbing it with his teeth and kneading it with his knuckles. Once he is satisfied with how it has been folded and jumbled, he buries his face into the blanket, churring and purring as he crawls into the space he has prepared.
It is dark, warm, quiet.
Safe. Shelter. Finally.
Mikey smiles.
"...Well he's gotta be somewhere -- did anybody check his room?"
A voice infiltrates the silence. A familiar smell. Blue walks in, disturbing the peace. Mikey doesn't mind. He's happy he's here. He can trust Blue. Blue smells trustworthy.
Blue quietly walks to the mound on the hammock and lifts the blanket up slightly.
Mikey beeps at him with a smile. His tail wags happily.
Blue smiles back at him.
"There you are," he says. "Welcome back to your little habitat, Mikey."
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sunnflowyyr · 2 years
Heya beautiful sunshine! How's going? Eating and drinking enough water? Really hope so!
I was thinking about this for a long time so,i'm gonna just drop it here for you :)
2012 or Rise Leo and reader (female or neutral, your choise) who's just can't see the obvious hints that he gives to her about he's feelings aways thinking that is a joke and one day, Leo just had enough and kiss her deeply looking into her eyes before the kiss and confess (probably again lol).
(Sorry if my english sounds weird, i still learning 😅)
me, beautiful sunshine?! NO YOU !! *dramatically places down reverse Uno card*
but, you have requested one of my favorite tropes, the "Partner A relentlessly flirting and Partner B just not getting it."
i also did this with rise!leo so i hope you don't mind! i color-coded the dialogue too so you could get a sense on who's talking (also bc my brain likes the color). i hope you like this one!
put a break below because i got a little carried away ... sorry. :-)
Take The Hint. || Rise!Leo x GN!Reader
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"(Name), you're absolutely beautiful today. ~"
"Aw, you really think so? Thanks, Leo; you're beautiful too."
Then you walk away with an oblivious smile, leaving a stunned Leo frozen in place. His brothers try to hide their smirks as April shakes her head with her shoulders trembling from quiet giggles. While it was amusing to see the turtle's advances backfire, it was also torture that made them flinch from the second-hand embarrassment.
Leo watches you sit, your eyes glued to your phone as you scroll mindlessly through social media. His confidence rolls off of his shell, shoulders slack with defeat as he racks his brain for answers. It feels like he's tried every solution in the "Top 100 Ways to Hint to Your Crush You Like Them" article he found on the internet; Going out of his way to do things for you, hanging out with you, and pick up lines so obvious it makes him want to pull hair out when you don't understand him; and he doesn't even have hair!
"I told you (Name) wouldn't get it; Now, pay up." Donnie smirks, holding his plate out with a raised brow. "Fine." Raph grumbles and reluctantly sacrifices his slice of pizza to the purple-clad turtle. Leo's head snaps over, jaw dropped as he gawks at the scene he's witnessed. "You guys placed a bet about it?!" He screeches, ready to strangle them from embarrassment before Mikey stands next to him and places a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He turns to look at his brother, though he doesn't like that scheming look in his eye as he smiles. "Don't worry, bro; This is a job for Dr. Delicate Touch," He struts forward before Leo yanks him back. "Mikey, no!"
April then settles the two, looking at Leo with a reassuring look as she looks at you, absolutely not aware to the chaos around you. "Listen, why don't I take them home tonight and you plan a really romantic evening tomorrow so you can just help them get a clue and confess to them?"
A great idea, finally. Why hadn't he thought of it sooner? He wasn't sure, but after you left, he sat in solitude and thought about some of the most romantic places in New York City, your favorite food and hobbies, your laugh, and ... he had gotten distracted by his nerves and just thinking about you, because he couldn't get you off of his mind. As he stares at the ceiling at 2 AM that night, he convinces himself that you had to be unaware of his advances; right? Maybe you guys were so friendly before he started flirting more that you didn't realize that he was genuinely trying and wanting to be with you ... yeah, that has to be it.
Otherwise, he'll feel like the sorest loser in the entire world.
He feels like backing out, but after getting a stern look from April, he decides to stomach his nerves for now and play it cool; as he always does, of course. He takes you out for the night, doing some of your favorite things before taking you to the rooftop of a really tall building, the artificial city lights clashing with the natural brightness of the moon and stars lighting the dark sky. The both of you talk and eat some of your favorite food, just enjoying the other's company with the faint city noise filling in for some moments of silence.
He feels his heart pound against his plastron and his guts twist in his stomach as he watches you, the longing of being with you filling him with a sickening dread; if he's rejected, he might just melt and spill away from you. Though he's excited at the relief of you finally understanding his advances and reciprocating his feelings, and how lucky he'll be to have you as his partner. He relaxes with a deep breath before turning his body to face yours.
You turn your head at his call, pausing the moment you look over to read his expression. His demeanor appears cool, though his small smile and that look his eye was much more serious compared to his playful attitude. It makes your heart flutter a bit, and you're thankful the lack of light in this area could hide your flustered expression. "What's up, Leo?" You reply, turning to face him but a bit surprised when he reaches out to hold your hand in his, scooting closer to you. "You mean a lot to me, you know that? You've not only shown kindness to me, but my family, and that is more than I could ever ask for from anyone in the world. I want you to be in my life forever, (Name); I love you."
It was all from his vulnerable little heart; a piece that he hides behind playful one-liners and nonchalant behavior, and that much you could see. Leo knows that too and feels like he can't breathe as he holds his breath so he can hear your answer. What he doesn't expect after his heart-felt confession is that oblivious look in your eye and your small smile as you laugh a bit.
"Very funny, Leo. Did your brothers put you up to this?"
When he realized you didn't know, he felt his face drain of color. His stunned expression confuses you, as you assumed he'd grin and nod as his brothers would reveal themselves with laughter. He groans, smacking his face hard before peeking at you from behind his fingers; he tried to convince himself you were just messing with him, but that adorable, confused puppy-face you gave him said everything.
So he reaches forward, grabs your face, and gently pulls you inches away from his own.
"(Name), seriously?! Do you have any idea how long I've been trying to confess, huh?! I looked up how to drop obvious hints; way too obvious hints, for you, and you STILL DON'T REALIZE?!"
He can feel your heated cheeks against his fingers and see the surprise in your wide eyes, but you shake your head in his grip as you interrupt him.
"Look, you can drop the bit now; It's funny!"
You gasp when he closes the distance between you, his lips crashing against yours and silencing you. Leo doesn't force you to stay, his grip loosens to encourage you to pull away if you're uncomfortable, but he's surprised when you stay frozen in place. He pulls away seconds later to look at you, a bit amused with himself at causing such a funny expression to sit across your features. "I'm not repeating myself all over again, but if it makes you get a clue, I will. I LOVE YOU, (Full Name). I want you to be my partner ... So will you be mine?"
Your hand falls to your lips, surprised at how he stole that kiss from you. The realization hit you like a train, and you felt the embarrassment make your face burn as you recall the hints he was talking about. It also washes a relief over you, because you had developed the quietest crush on him and assumed he'd never return the feeling; so, you had settled for daydreaming and having a friendship, but knowing he liked you too was a warm feeling that spread from your heart to your body.
When you nod and say yes, Leo flashes a playful grin as he leans forward to kiss your warm cheek.
"It's about time you took the hint, (Name)."
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