tanuki-kimono · 5 months
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Dramatic auspiscious tsuru (crane) pattern for this antique black base bridal furisode. More exactly, you can see here beautifully depicted tanchô (red-crowned crane), tsuru being a more generic term for this bird specie.
Crane is one of my less favourite traditional pattern, but even I must admit this dance of cranes is pretty stiking!
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toonocosm · 1 year
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Some of these designs are outdated, but it still shows their height differences accurately.
Cress and Virus got new designs.
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editionbm · 2 months
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Home of the tancho crane
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fuckyeahkoi · 7 months
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deejkg1 · 2 years
Tancho - Atopa
Tancho – Atopa
Tancho – Atopa mp3 download. Tancho comes through with his latest mp3 song titled “Atopa”. Adomaa – In the Clouds Kindly download and share below. Tancho – Atopa
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sitting-on-me-bum · 8 months
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Japanese Red Crown Cranes (Grus japonensis) are dancing together at Japane's Tsurui Ito Tancho Crane Sanctuary. These cranes form stable, monogamous bonds and perform such duets to compete for scarce resources.
(Image credit: DoctorEgg/Getty)
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konjikiumbra · 7 days
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Tancho Cookie's avian form
His wings in this form are always irregularly shaped due to the curse of smoke and gold becomes white gold that looks like ashes
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erisacolyte · 11 months
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Mermay's nearly over- have a nice Tancho Koi! (NSFW vers. available).
Like what I do and want to support me? Why not become a Patron: patreon.com/joephilliactheblack Or buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/A2581GB3
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cristinabcn · 6 months
Café Berlín. Cuando se convierte en tablao de tango.
Cafe Berlin. When it becomes a tango tablao. TERESA FERNANDEZ HERRERA. Periodista Prensa Especializada Madrid es una de las ciudades más tangueras que conozco, y conozco muchas en más de un continente. No sé qué es lo que arrastra más del tango, ché, si la nota macarra arrabalera, el desamor y la traición amorosa, pero el caso es que produce adicción placentera, lejos de deprimir  repone…
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budidaya-koi-jombang · 11 months
Jual Ikan Koi Lokal Terdekat di Pati 085791708791 Kirim Seluruh Indonesia
Jual Ikan Koi Lokal Terdekat di Pati 085791708791 Kirim Seluruh Indonesia
Jual Ikan Koi Lokal Terdekat di Pati – Kami adalah pembudidaya yang dibudidayakan oleh ahli dibidangnya yang sudah berpengalaman selama 20 tahun. Sehingga kami dapat menjamin untuk memberikan ikan koi yang berkualitas Grade A dan tentunya dengan harga yang terjangkau.
Kami pembudidaya Ikan Ikan Koi, stok kami maelimpah dan siap memenuhi kebutuhan Anda. Untuk pengiriman ikan koi, kami melayani pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.
Kami Men Jual Ikan Koi Berkualitas berbagai ukuran :
Jual Ikan Koi 20 cm
Jual Ikan Koi 25 cm
Jual Ikan Koi 30 cm
Jual Ikan Koi 35 cm
Jual Ikan Koi 40 cm
Jual Ikan Koi 45 cm
Jual Ikan Koi 50 cm
Jual Ikan Koi 55 cm
Jual Ikan Koi 60 cm up
Selain Men Jual Ikan Koi Berkualitas, kami juga men Jual pakan ikan koi, filter kolam ikan koi, obat-obatan untuk ikan koi klik disini
Jika Koi Lovers Berminat lengkap bisa menghubungi kami melalui SMS/TELPON/WA di : 085-791-708-791
Kami Melayani Pengiriman Ke Seluruh Indonesia
Jawa Timur
Meliputi : Bangkalan, Banyuwangi, Blitar, Bojonegoro, Bondowoso, Gresik, Jember, Jombang, Kediri, Lamongan, Lumajang, Madiun, Magetan, Malang, Mojokerto, Nganjuk, Ngawi, Pacitan, Pamekasan, Pasuruan, Ponorogo, Probolinggo, Sampang, Sidoarjo, Situbondo, Sumenep, Trenggalek, Tuban, Tulungagung, Batu, Surabaya.
Jawa Tengah
Meliputi : Banjarnegara, Banyumas, Batang, Blora, Boyolali, Brebes, Cilacap, Demak, Grobogan, Jepara, Karanganyar, Kebumen, Kendal, Klaten, Kudu, Magelang, Pati, Pekalongan, Pemalang, Purbalingga, Purworejo, Rembang, Semarang, Sragen, Sukoharjo, Tegal, Temanggung, Wonogiri, Wonosobo, Salatiga, Surakarta.
Meliputi : Bantul, Gunung Kidul, Kulon Progo, Sleman, Yogyakarta
Jawa Barat
Meliputi : Bandung, Bekasi, Bogor, Ciamis, Cianjur, Cirebon, Garut, Indramayu, Karawang, Kuningan, Majalengka, Pangandaran, Purwakarta, Subang, Sukabumi, Sumedang, Tasikmalaya, Banjar, Cimahi, Depok.
Meliputi : Lebak, Pandeglang, Serang, Tangerang, Cilegon.
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Kami Juga Melayani Pengiriman Ke Luar Pulau
Meliputi : Kalimantan, Sumatera, Papua, dan Sulawesi
Sejarah Ikan Koi
Sebagai salah satu ikan hias terpopuler di dunia, ikan koi (Cyprinus Carpio) menjadi primadona serta favorit oleh masyarakat luas, khususnya bagi para penggemar ikan hias. Hal ini lantaran ikan koi memiliki corak yang beragam serta warna yang cerah. Selain itu, bentuk tubuh ikan koi yang indah saat berenang dalam kolam juga menjadi salah satu nilai tersendiri bagi para pecinta ikan hias air tawar.
Ikan koi juga diyakini membawa keberuntungan bagi yang memeliharanya, serta memiliki berbagai keunggulan. Jika menilik lebih dalam lagi, ikan koi merupakan salah satu komoditas ikan hias yang memiliki nilai jual yang cukup tinggi dan cukup menjanjikan.
Awalnya ikan koi dibiakkan sebagai sumber makanan, ikan koi dibudidayakan di sawah dan dipopulerkan pertama kali di Cina. Catatan sejarah menjelaskan bahwa koi diperkenalkan di Cina sejak 2.000 tahun yang lalu. Namun, belakangan para penjajah Cina memperkenalkan koi ke Jepang di mana para petani mulai mengumpulkan dan mulai membiakkan varietas untuk warna dan polanya yang bagus. Praktik ini, yang dimulai pada tahun 1800-an, telah menghasilkan lebih dari seratus varietas yang dijual di seluruh dunia saat ini.
Diyakini bahwa Hani Moniaga merupakan pembawa ikan koi masuk ke Indonesia pertama kali pada tahun 1981-1982 dan mengembangkan budidaya ikan koi yang berlokasi di Cipanas, Cianjur, Jawa Barat.
Sebelum itu, sekitar tahun 1980 balai penelitian ikan air tawar yang berlokasi di Bogor mengirimkan 60 ekor ikan mas jenis kumpay ke Jepang. Dan pada tahun yang sama, ikan mas kumpay hanya memiliki satu warna polos yaitu putih dan kuning. Selanjutnya ikan mas kumpay tersebut dikawinkan dengan ikan koi dan menghasilkan berbagai jenis ikan koi kumpay yang sering kita jumpai saat ini.
Sifat Ikan Koi
Ikan koi mampu hidup di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia dengan suhu antara 17-32 derajat celcius. Ikan koi masuk kedalam hewan omnivora yang di mana ikan koi juga memakan hewan-hewan kecil seperti serangga air, jentik nyamuk, renik dan juga tumbuhan seperti lumut. Ikan koi memiliki sifat lembut serta jinak, maka tak heran apabila ikan koi dapat dijadikan peliharaan dan diajak bermain.
Meskipun masih berdiri pada tahun 2018 lalu, namun Agro Koi Farm yakin menjadi Jual Ikan Koi Lokal Terdekat di Pati berskala panjang. Hal itu sesuai dengan visi yang Agro Koi Farm anut, yaitu: mewujudkan budidaya perikanan yang mandiri, berdaya saing, berkelanjutan dan memberikan kemanfaatan yang lebih besar berbasis kepentingan nasional.
Mengapa Harus Agro Koi Farm?
1. Ikan Koi Berkualitas
Kami menyediakan berbagai jenis ikan koi yang berkualitas dengan ukuran fisik yang simetris serta warna yang tajam.
2. Harga Ikan Koi Sesuai Kualitas
Kami menawarkan harga yang terjangkau, sepadan dengan kualitas yang kami berikan. Anda dapat memperoleh koi berkualitas namun tidak terlalu mahal.
3. Indukan Koi Unggul
Kami yakin ikan koi yang kami tawarkan merupakan ikan koi yang unggul karena semua berasal dari indukan yang terbaik.
4. Stok Ikan Koi Melimpah
Kami sanggup mencukupi keinginan ikan koi dalam jumlah besar setiap hari. Sehingga anda dapat menjadikan kami sebagai bisnis klien.
5. Varian Umur Koi Tersedia
Kami menyuplai dari bibit ikan koi anakan, ikan koi kecil, hingga ikan koi dewasa demi memenuhi hobi anda
6. Cara Pemesanan Mudah
Anda cukup memencet tombol whatsApp atau Call untuk menghubungi tim Sales Marketing kami dan kami segera merespon kapanpun dan dimanapun.
7. Pengiriman Koi Tepat Waktu
Kami sudah kredibel mengirim pesanan ikan koi tepat waktu ke seluruh Indonesia. Sehingga pesanan bisa datang sesuai jadwal yang anda diinginkan.
8. Proses Ketat Seleksi dan Culling
Mulai dari pemijahan, penetasan, pendederan, hingga seleksi ikan koi kami lakukan dengan teliti untuk mendapatkan koi dengan kualitas terbaik.
Agro Koi Farm juga sangat ramah dalam pelayanan purna jual. Para Sales Marketing kami dengan sigap akan menjawab segala pertanyaan dari para pecinta koi. Customer dapat menanyakan semua hal tentang ikan koi, termasuk juga tentang penyakit ikan koi, pakan ikan koi, perawatan ikan koi.
Pecinta ikan koi juga tidak perlu khawatir dengan harga yang mahal. Agro Koi Farm menyediakan pilihan jenis ikan koi yang dapat disesuaikan dengan budget Anda. Anda juga tidak perlu takut apabila ingin membeli ikan koi secara online dari Agro Koi Farm. Disini, kami memberikan jaminan garansi, apabila ikan datang dalam keadaan mati maka kami akan ganti.
Selain memberikan jaminan garansi dan juga memiliki puluhan jenis ikan koi, Agro Koi Farm juga melakukan karantina ketat pada ikan-ikan yang akan dikirim kepada customer tercinta. Jadi, tak perlu khawatir apabila ingin membeli ikan koi di Agro Koi Farm.
Untuk info lebih lanjut mengenai perawatan seputar ikan koi bisa cek artikel kami yang lain disini
Untuk menanyakan tentang ketersediaan stok atau sekedar konsultasi tentang penyakit ikan koi, pakan, perawatan atau kolam bisa hubungi kami via Telepon, WhatsApp atau SMS di 085791708791
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hiii!! still getting used to messaging bloggers, so i apologize if i seem rude 😭😭 im a lil shy…
just wanted to say i LOVE your writing and each of your yanderes! im literally obsessed each time you post and love each one of your OCs. 🥺🥺🫶 the amount of depth of details you put into them blows me away!! \(^ヮ^)/ you are one of my absolute fav blogs and for once a blogger that doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable to contact ❤️❤️
i hope you don’t mind me asking for more content of the farm fics!! i would love to see more big daddy and mrs béne, or the koi quintuplets! maybe how they would be if reader fell in love with them or confessed to them? feel free to ignore or take your time; personal matters come first!! ♡
can i be 🍧 anon?
Even sweeter than honey
a/n: awww shucks.. you got me blushing up a storm 🍧😊 also I'm guessing you already know how horny I make my ocs, so this'll be no excuse 😭🌺
Tw: none I think, just pure fluff and horny idiots
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tancho: he would want to belly flop with joy! When you finally say yes to his insistent need to mate with you, he'll nearly faint from all the blood pumping into his nerves. Expect lots of nosebleeds during the consummation
kiko: she's the more quiet one out of the five, giving you a happy smile and leading you a bit far away from the little dock. Where you can both mate peacefully with no surprise guests p.s. it doesn't work
hime: her little fin ears start wiggling with joy as she drags you into water, holding you and making you float along with her as she smothers you with her love. Making Happy clicking sounds, she splashes any of her siblings that get too close
Tsu: they clap their hands in joy and sit themselves up on the little dock next to you. Copying what they saw the other land dwellers do. Holding your hand, kissing your lips, and they may or may not do it Infront of their siblings. Giving the 4 a shit eating grin as they claim you
Koromo: who let this horny bastard out of the underwater cave. As soon as you agree he's dragging you into the water and into their cave. Already tugging off your clothes and ravaging your neck with kisses. Impatient to get you nice and full with his eggs
Mr's bené and big daddy: they're elated! Mr's bené Dragging you to the barn with big daddy close behind. If you're afab, she'll hold you close with your back pressing against her lactating tits, all while big daddy pounds into you. If you're amab, surely you can wait 3 more months until the baby is born? Meanwhile,you can get a head start with big daddy
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jackjeannebrainrot · 6 months
Jack Jeanne Special Gold Saves
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Japanese credit and English translation credit
WARNING: Potential Route Spoilers can be found below, continue reading at your own risk.
In the scene at the shrine, when Chuza says, "Oh, you must think I'm some flashy con artist, don't you? Take a look at the school's website. Here."
In the scenario that occurs during the first singing lesson, when Tancho's line, "Life must be dazzling! And so too will you dazzle, my little diamonds in the rough!"
Tues April 14th - In the conversation scene after rehearsal, when Neji says, "Well, just leave it to me. I have confidence from polishing the 'dull Quartz' after Tsuki Tachibana left."
Sat May 30th - During the "Newcomer Performance", when Otori's line "…………………… Gah." (Scene where Otori's event illustration is displayed)
During the preparation period for the summer performance, during the 5th Weekend with Ion'', the line "I mean, I'm now a match for Kiito with his incredible physique." (before starting song practice)
In the additional scenario that occurs when you visit Mona Star School 10 times during the preparation period for the summer performance , when Mona 's line “Oh, yes! I was known as Univeil's Brown Rose, you know?''
Sat July 25th - During the "Summer Performance", when Kai's line "Don't play dumb. It's as if… " (Scene where Mutsumi's event illustration is displayed)
During summer break when selecting "Go Out" with Kasai at Onyx Dorms (playing soccer/football) - Kasai says, "Or so you think…!"
Mon Oct 12th - In the scene during rehearsal, when Orimaki 's line "Gotcha! Hup. Hahaha."
Sat Oct 24th - During the “Autumn Performance,'' right after choosing to speak to Fumi from the wings of the stage, his line “Wow, that really ticks me off!!!"
Sat Oct 24th - During the “Autumn Performance'', after choosing the option to speak to Suo, his line "I'll kill you… I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you!!" (Scene where Sou's event illustration is displayed)
Tues Dec 22nd - After rehearsal at the theater (at night), in the conversation scene with Mitsuki, his line “No matter who you are, I accept you."
Thurs Dec 24th - During the "Winter Performance", when Kisa's line "Aaaaahh… agh…!" ( Scene where event illustration with Mitsuki is displayed)
Sat Jan 16th - when Ao says, "I'll be rooting for you. If times get tough, just remember Ao is here. I'll always be with you."
Wed Jan 27th - when Kisa 's line "The central nation of Kielce is my entire life" (Scene where Kisa's event illustration is displayed)
Sun Jan 31st - In Kisa's route , when Chui’s line "Come with me. I’ll take you as far as you want to go" appears. This is a scene after going out.
Sat Feb 27th - Before the play begins, in the scene in the theater/corridor, Kisa says, "So watch me, okay?"
In Suzu's intimacy scenario 3, when Suzu's line " ... " appears. (Scene where event illustration is displayed)
Mon Jan 4th - In the scene in the Rhodonite practice hall, when Mare's line "Whaaaaaaaa?!” (the second time)
Sat Feb 27th - After the Final Performance on Suzu’s route, when Kamiya 's line “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry'' appears. (Scene inside the Universal Theater)
In Mitsuki’s Intimacy Scenario 2, when Mitsuki says, " Do you guys mind…?" (Scene in the rehearsal hall at the beginning of the scenario)
Fri Feb 12th - In Mitsuki’s route, when Kaido says , "I was waiting for you to say that! Sugachi, I want you to be Onyx’s victorious dancing princess!"
Mon Feb 1st - In Sou’s route, when Momonashi says, “I want to consume Chui Tanakamigi. I want to take him, swallow him, and turn him into myself.” (Scene at Mt. Odate)
Wed Feb 24th - In Sou’s route, when Sou says, “Your ability to think about yourself gets warped and you can’t see the world for what it is.” (Scene where event illustration is displayed)
Fri Jan 29th - In Kai’s route, when Kai says, “What is it?” while talking to Mitsuki as he’s looking for Kisa.
Fri Feb 19th - In Fumi’s route, when Fumi says, “Sorry… I wasn’t careful and I got sick.” when visiting Fumi in his room.
Wed Feb 24th - In Neji’s route, when Neji says, “I was excited to see how far he’ll go. Which is why I wrote scripts for him and even played his AI Jeanne.” when speaking in the Quartz Training Room.
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toonocosm · 1 year
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Api trying his best to improve a situation he doesn't know how to handle. I still love that Catfish Café establishing shot panel :)
Looking at these old comics again... I like how I managed to create movement between some panels. Like when Lotl lowers their cup after drinking, and the 5th to 7th panels in part 1 of the Rhythm of the Circle comic.
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editionbm · 2 months
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tancho crane on the hill
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proteasomec · 1 year
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Made this for my other blog, but I’m proud of her. She’s a tancho showa koi!
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himehikoshrine · 5 months
Jack Jeanne Explainers: Takarazuka Revue
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This post is a quick and probably incomplete overview of Takarazuka Revue specifically for the context of its inspiration on Jack Jeanne, for reference. It's a basic overview but it's not intended as a guide to the form and fandom.
Takarazuka Revue (JP: 宝塚歌劇団) is likely the most direct influence on the game. It also has a very dedicated fan base that maintains robust English Language resources, so if this aspect of things intrigues you, it is quite accessible to dive further into.
Takarazuka Revue is an all-female musical theater company founded in 1913 and based out of the city of Takarazuka. All roles, male and female, are played by women. It also has an associated training school, the Takarazuka Music School.
The original pitch for the game was an All Boys Revue School, so the reference starts at the very beginning, as a kind of gender swap of Takarazuka.
You may notice that the term used here for "Revue" 『歌劇』 is the same one that the game uses. It gets translated sometimes as "opera" sometimes as "theater" - in general the term does mean "opera" but it's pretty clearly not opera that they're training - it's being used as "Revue" the same way that Takarazuka uses it. Which is, loosely speaking, musical theater.
Continued below the cut --
(I suspect that the similarities in first sound and also first character between 宝塚 - Takarazuka and 玉阪 - Tamasaka are intentional as well)
Takarazuka was founded by a businessman looking for an attraction to draw people to the city and settled on the idea of an All Female Musical Revue and a focus on more western style musical, mostly, as far as I know, as a business decision and a feeling that traditional styles of Kabuki were falling out of favor with most people. It drew heavily from French Musical Revue. The full history of the company, like I said, is well documented in English, and is longer than I can get into, here.
Compare and contrast this to the information we get about the 13th Himehiko, the current principal's great-grandfather, Chuza Dairi. He's said to have been born during the Meiji era and lived into the Showa era, and was fascinated by western style musicals. He's credited with the name Univeil, and starting to use the Jack and Jeanne terms.
Takarazuka stands in contrast to a long line of male exclusive theater forms in Japan. Japan, of course, also puts on co-ed musicals, both originals and adaptations, like the rest of the world, but Takarazuka is very much, to use the phrase the game uses, the "pinnacle of all-female revues."
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This image is of a showcase from 1930, where you can see the lavish, european revue style inspiration clearly.
In Takarazuka, male roles are called otokoyaku (男役) - which just means 'men's roles' and is the term Jack Jeanne uses for what "Jack" roles are. Female roles are called musumeyaku (娘役) - which translates to 'girl/maiden/daughter roles'. The game actually uses onnayaku (女役) or women's roles when introducing Jeannes.
(Worth noting that the character Kisa plays in the Newcomers' Performance is translated as Maiden but is 娘 (musume) in Japanese which means occasionally when she or other characters are talking about "playing the role of the maiden" they are saying "musumeyaku" which I think is probably an intentional reference.)
Takarazuka puts on Musicals as well as both song and dance revues. It adapts many things, from extant musicals to manga to film, as well as history and classic stories. It has a reputation for being bright, sparkly, and lavish in costuming and set design and dramatic in style.
The voice actor for Tancho, the singing teacher and head of Rhodonite, is a former Takarazuka Otokoyaku. Tancho's outfits and style of speech are directly taken from Takarazuka. The feathers Tancho wears are part of the standard Revue portion of Takarazuka shows.
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Right - Tancho's image, from the website, Left - Tancho's voice actor, Nanami Hiroki, from the Asashi article announcing her retirement from Takarazuka, showing her wearing one of the typical feather backed outfits that leads appear in parades after performances.
Otokoyaku are the stars of Takarazuka and tend to draw the biggest crowd and they get top billing, though each troupe tends to have a top Otokoyaku and top Musumeyaku, decided by a complex mix of seniority (especially for otokoyaku) and gradings. I will stop short of saying these are kind of like Jack Ace and Al Jeannes of a class, though. The Musumeyaku is expected to support her Otokoyaku. Using the terms Jack Jeanne uses, for Takarazuka, the Otokoyaku is essentially always the Flower, the Musumeyaku the Vessel, which is more standardized than the point of view of characters at Univeil.
The top Otokoyaku and top Musumeyaku are called the Top Combi (コンビ). Takarazuka and its fandom use that, rather than Partner (パートナー) that Jack Jeanne is fond of, which carries a potentially romantic connotation.
Takarazuka expects its actresses to maintain a more masculine or very feminine (depending on their role) persona on and off stage, and the expectations for behavior and appearance are quite strict even off stage. For example, much like Idols, they are expected to not date, let alone marry and have kids, until they retire.
EDIT: Someone who knows more than me let me know that the rules for dating are slightly more lax now, and relationships are tolerated so long as they are kept strictly out of the public eye - though still no marriage.
Jack Jeanne remains frustratingly vague on the rules for this during school -- No one seems to think dating itself is an issue, but Ao does say that it would 'cause trouble' if people saw them holding hands. So perhaps we're supposed to imagine something similar? But back to the post.
Takarazuka is divided into several different Troupes (組, kumi, read as gumi when used after the name of a troupe). They currently have five.
They break down as follows
Flower Troupe (Hanagumi 花組) - 1921 Moon Troupe (Tsukigumi 月組) - 1921 Snow Troupe (Yukigumi 雪組) - 1924 Star Troupe (Hoshigumi 星組) -1933-1939, reestablished 1948 Cosmos Troupe (Soragumi 宙組) - 1998
Each troupe has a reputation, though they are fairly loosely followed, and many performances get performed by different troupes for different runs. However, I suspect this was a strong influence on the way the classes were divided in Jack Jeanne. For example, Moon Troupe is known for singing. The newest troupe, the Cosmos Troupe is written with a character in Chui's name, and their stereotype is 'experimental and tall'. Snow troupe, interestingly, is known for more traditionally Japanese works (loosely) which is a conspicuous absence from Univeil, especially considering Tamasakaza's style is said to be more traditional than Takarazuka's -- closer to kabuki, even.
In Takarazuka, stars are sorted into these upon graduation. The Music School is probably better as a whole separate post.
The term "Newcomer's Performance" used in the game to refer to the first show of the year is also used in Takarazuka -- shinjin kouen (新人公演), where it has the meaning of a different casting of a play with all newer Takarasiennes (a term used for the actresses of Takarazuka).
The specific announcement that Tsuki makes in the intro is almost exactly, in both wording and tone, the announcement made before each Takarazuka play. His outfit in that scene is a version of a very famous style of Takarazuka Costume, inspired by fancy French dress and specifically the manga Rose of Versaille, whose adaptation is one of Takarazuka's most iconic plays.
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I would strongly encourage you to browse their official English Language site (or Japanese one, if you can read it), which can be found here : Takarazuka Revue
While you're there, if you're there for Jack Jeanne reasons, it may be interesting to pay attention to the use of the word "dream" which is one of the theme/motif words of Jack Jeanne, and is use heavily in Takarazuka's official material as well as writings on the subject.
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Had to throw this in because these? These are the Takarazuka words right there. Well, their official Motto is "Modesty, Fairness, Grace" or "Be Modest, Be Proper, Be Graceful" (which is a whole lot to unpack elsewhere) but unofficially it could be "So Dreamy and Sparkly."
You'll probably get a more thorough history on the website, too, than I provided.
Rather than make this even longer, I'm going to make a separate post on Takarazuka Music School, the path into Takarazuka, and it's similarities and difference with what we know about Univeil.
I'm by no means an expert of Takarazuka, and I should probably defer to people more involved in the fandom for that, but if anyone has anything to add that I missed in this brief post, please please reblog and add! If you have any questions, I can try to answer, asks should be open!
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