#They still haven't let me back into that channel in their discord server
ttngummybear · 3 months
Remember how I made a request for patches for the tumblr app to the revanced team, and they closed it because those patches were "not planned" and warned me for "breaking the rules" by requesting the patches?
Guess what app just popped up in the patchable apps list in revanced manager?
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Bit late there, guys. Also weird how this has appeared when you had no plans to touch it.
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AITA for abandoning my friend?
Around the beginning of this year, I joined a Discord server that was run by one person, D. D's partner(?), P, was also in the server. It very quickly became apparent to me that P did not like me, despite my attempts to be friendly, and at one point P even left the server for reasons I suspect had something to do with me. Despite this, D and I quickly became friends, and I genuinely enjoyed talking to him and spending time with him. I assumed it was fine even if P didn't like me, because I wasn't interested in D romantically and wasn't trying to cause problems for them; I just liked hanging out with D as a friend.
Things were fine for a few months, but there ended up being a minor argument in the server that spiraled a bit out of control, with most people in the server ending up split between supporting me and my friends, or P and his friends. I advised D to close the channel to stop the argument, and apologized to him in private once it was over, asked if there was anything I could do to help, etc. I still don't think I was in the wrong in this argument, but it was really over such a minor thing that I was trying to just deescalate and move on.
For about a week or so, everything was fine, but then D suddenly kicked me from the server without warning, and when I messaged him to ask what happened, he told me that what I'd said during the argument (now a week prior) was transphobic and he didn't want to be friends with a transphobe. I asked for an explanation of what I'd said that was transphobic, but he didn't answer, and kept insisting we couldn't be friends. So, I told him that I'd back off and leave him alone for now, but that I'd still be here if he changed his mind some day.
I already suspected by that point that P had something to do with him suddenly changing his mind, and a mutual friend, K, later confirmed that they also suspected P was being toxic and controlling based on their conversations with D. D had already cut me off by this point, so there wasn't much I could do; I just told K the same thing, that I still cared about D and wanted the best for him, but I wasn't going to reach out.
Fast forward a few months. After a death in the family and a subsequent struggle with grief and depression, I wasn't doing so great anymore. It was at this point that D reappeared, messaging my Tumblr to tell me, essentially, that he was still alive but not doing well, that he was sorry for how he'd treated me before, and that we still couldn't be friends, because P didn't like me. I'd told him before that I would still be his friend if he wanted me to, but now he wanted me to listen to him talk about what had gone wrong in his life when he was just going to vanish again after. I told him that I would happily listen and support him as a friend, but that if we're not friends and he's not going to stick around, then I don't have the energy to help him and also take care of myself. So, he left again, and I haven't heard from him since.
I've been worried about him since we last talked; I know that he's depressed, and I know what it's like to deal with an abusive partner, as I've had a few of them in the past. I want to be able to help him, but I don't know if he'll let me, and I know that if we have a major falling out again like we did before, it'll be a lot harder for me to recover now. AITA for putting myself first?
What are these acronyms?
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ddwcaph-game · 1 year
The Chapter 4 Public Beta is finally here!
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138,000 words later, the Chapter 4 Public Beta is finally ready!
~ 369,000 total wordcount (including code) ~ 138,000 additional words (including code) ~ New average playthrough of ~96,000 words!
21 New Secrets to discover, 20 New Character Traits, 17 New Passives, 1 New Phobia, 5 New Trinkets to collect, 8 New Achievements, 3 New Main Quests, 3 New Sidequests, 7 New Status Effects, and 1 New Song to sing along to!
Tito Nestor, Tita Stephanie, and Lily's moms' introductions!
Get a sneak peek into the story worlds you'll visit in future, in the Story Exchange!
You can now choose the name of MC's dad! (+Diary Entry!)
You can now choose a second bestfriend if you pick your twin as your bestfriend!
New choices and bestfriend scenes for JM and Lily in Chapter 3!
Added a new trait option that reduces the frequency of Filipino expressions and gives additional context.
A lot of references to In Auctorem Credimus!
Roselyna is now approximately 20% more huggable!
The full change log can be found by selecting "What’s New?” in the start menu. It's way too long to list here!
How do I join the Public Beta?
You can join the public beta by joining the DDWCaPH! Discord Server. From there, go to the #roles channel and ask Ma'am Bianes to give you the Open Beta Tester role and get access to the link and the discussion/bug report channels.
Why limit the beta test in the Discord?
Let me begin by saying that I didn't want to do this. But the last time I did a strictly private beta, I got ABSOLUTELY ZERO feedback weeks after release until I explicitly asked for it.
This is the best compromise I can think of for now, that should still be convenient for most people.
Chapter 4 also isn't 100% complete yet. There are still a bunch of choices I haven't written yet, but I'm leaving them for a later update because I'm not in the right headspace to finish them, and after 138k words, I need a break from writing.
When will Chapter 4 be out for everyone?
I'm not really sure. Depending on how well this beta goes, it might be after a couple weeks, or after a month.
I also want to draw some new character art, so I might wait until those are done as well.
Again, depending on how well the public beta goes, I may keep doing this, or go back to doing private beta tests. If I do go back to private beta testing, Chapter 4 will be the LAST PUBLIC UPDATE until Volume 1 is fully complete.
If you want the next chapters to still be in public, be sure to send in your playthrough codes and feedback in the survey! They really mean a lot to me, but I'm not releasing chapters publicly anymore if I'm getting absolutely zero reception.
And to the person who leaked an earlier version of the demo: I hope you liked that buggy mess. 😊 Send me your playthrough codes, will you? I'd really appreciate it.
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unforth · 1 year
Alright instead of rageposting about white people perpetuating racism problems in cnovel/cdrama fandoms I've channeled my feels into cleaning up some shit I've been doing a bad job at maintaining and feeling horribly guilty about for months or even years. This is probably a healthier use of my current "fuck it." So, for reference, I've:
deleted the kink meme part of the DMBJ kink meme on AO3. This means that the prompts and sign ups and claims are now gone (I'm sorry I didn't give people time to save their prompts, but the reason I didn't do this months ago was that it had many steps and I was being useless about DOING those steps and as I said in the intro paragraph, I'm now at "fuck it" and like. if I can't do it "the right way" I'm today just breaking and doing it "the wrong way" and here we are). The collection and the ten stories in it still exists and anonymity and such are still maintained for people who wanted it, but new prompts and new fills cannot be submitted.
ditto the above for the kink meme part of the SPN kink meme on AO3. The prompts and sign ups and claims are now gone. I also removed myself administrating the Tumblr, though the other two people involved (fpwoper and envydean) do still have access. I realized belatedly that I really should have offered to just leave and let them have it but, again, today is apparently "fuck it" day which means I'm not thinking through the ramifications of my actions which has resulted in some bad fandom citizenry behavior on my part, and again, I truly do apologize. (I've offered to help them reconstruct the challenge part if either of them wants to run it; fpwoper has already said no, I'll see what envydean says and I'll apologize profusely even more and do what I can do fix things if envydean DOES want to take over and make it active again). The collection and the stories written for it still exist; that's about 40 works. Thanks to everyone who participated.
I left @saawek's Star of Solitude event, which I helped run a year and a half ago. Saawek hasn't really been active on Tumblr, but hun if you see this it's nothing at all about you or TGCF I'm just pulling back from things that even seeing them in my blog list has been causing me stress on the daily.
I formally announced that I'll be consolidating @zhenhunartreblogs and @dmbjartreblogs in @cnovelartreblogs, and I've posted to that effect in all three blogs. If you want Zhenhun/Guardian and DMBJ art content from my sideblogs, unfollow the old blogs and follow at cnovelartreblogs, and just black list fandoms you're not interested in - that's the whole reason I tag everything.
I deleted another side blog I haven't been using.
I'm considering deleting @memesforwriters, which I only update maybe once a month, and honestly just typing all this up has I think tipped me over into "fuck it" and I'm going to delete that too. I expect I'll instead reblog relevant memes to the @duckprintspress account, since I have to maintain that regardless.
My last remaining completely inactive Tumblr sideblog is where I'd posted on translated chapter the 2ha manhua. I really would like to be doing more work like that, though hell if I know when I'll have time; I renamed that blog to @unforthfantranslations, and I have vague hopes to translate more of 2ha and to tackle Lie Huo Jiao Chou (which I've never read any version of and would like to). But tbh I probably won't manage any progress on any of that until the fall.
Nothing like a pile of grief to make me say "I'm done feeling guilty about this stuff, like is too short, fuck it I'm gonna make these changes I've been waffling about for ages."
P. S. I opened another window to check how exactly I'd renamed the translation blog and while I had it opened I decided on a compromise with memesforwriters, which is that I'm exporting it, and THEN I'll delete it. And I DMed the Destiel Harlequin mods that I'm done and think we should shut it down. And I spotted a couple Discord servers I'm going to leave.
So yeah. that's the mood today in a (rather large and overly wordy) nutshell.
Apparently when I said yesterday that I'd be quiet, I failed to take into account how I ACTUALLY process grief. In my defense, this is only the...fourth?...time someone I really care about has died in my entire life. (counts of...Arthur, Gil, my grandfather, yeah that's three...of course other people I've cared about have died but no one who I loved and who I felt "I wish I had more time with this person." Like...I wish I'd had more time with Belle but I didn't love her...yeah I'm just babbling now I'm sorry I'm like this today.)
ETA: okay I just left like 6 Discord servers I haven't been using, too. There's only one I'm still like "maybe I shouldn't..." but I know a lot of people in that server and if I really want back in I can ask for invite.
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semi-sketchy · 6 months
With the recent news, I figured now might be a good time to remind everyone where you can find me.
YouTube - sassycat143 This has been my account for like 14 years, any links to my other socials will be listed on that channel, so it's a good place to keep a permanent bookmark on me. I also have a business email listed on the channel that I sometimes remember to check.
DeviantArt - OfficialSassy DA is kinda dead, but I still like the sorting features and the ability to upload full resolution images, so this is where all my artwork and photography is.
Twitter - ClassySassy143 Let's be real it's not long for the world and I've backed off from posting there, however there are some things only Twitter (I refuse to call it X) has, so I mostly use the account for Splatoon map rotation updates and Pokemon Go news. I still Tweet, just not often.
My Discord is for personal use, so I don't give it out unless it's to a friend or I need instant messaging for a collab. Believe me, it's for the best because despite how I may seem, I am not a talkative person and even though I'm only in a handful of servers, I only send like 8 messages a year in 'em.
I put in for a Bluesky code and am looking into cohost for future alternatives, but I haven't done anything yet. By the time I make up my mind someone will probably have claimed my user on there and I'll have to make up another name again lol
Why not just make the accounts now?
Because I don't want to have a bunch of social media to keep up with and suck my time. The few I have already do enough and are a primary reason I don't use them on my phone. Not to mention, these sites are "hot" right now because of the massive amount of people jumping ship off Twitter, who knows if they'll have any longevity. I've been around and seen enough "YouTube alternatives we should all move to" to know many sites just don't last past the initial hype.
Now I'm not leaving Tumblr. There's so much here and like DA, I love the archive system not to mention how tagging lets you organize and easily find posts later. I don't believe Tumblr is going anywhere anytime soon. Stagnation happens and sites like MySpace still exist. Heck, while I've basically abandoned it, Quotev still exists and has some active users.
But that's the kicker: active users. If Tumblr becomes such a ghost town that I'm basically the only person populating my dash, that'll probably be the time I officially move on. But until that happens...
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edducard · 2 years
Pinned Post!
So, I'm starting to get some traction so ig time to make a pinned post!
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First off, hello! My name's Tord (or Danni, both work) and this little guy is my sona for this blog! I'm a tord irl and I love drawing my little scrimblos!
I also love to chat abt my favs!! Ask box is always open pls talk to me I prommy I don't bite!!!!!!
I ship pretty much everything (polyworld ftw!!) but I'm weak for p much all tord ships (it's like im rlly there!) I also post NSFW from time to time! So minor's go elsewhere!!
Also basic DNI criteria; if ur pro//ship, racist, lgbtphobic, zoo//phile die in a fire <3
General Tags
#commie art - Art tag! All my artwork goes under this tag
#stfu commie - Basic post tag, if I'm just chattin off it goes there! Or if I'm answering an ask, also goes there
#commie edits - Tag for my edits! There may not be many but I do them
I also have an Adult Eddsworld server! If you wanna see me be fucking insane in my natural habitat, come on by!
(Note that I do ID check, just gotta make sure everyone is adults n all that!)
I also have many au's! I'll keep an updated list here along w the tags for each one! This part will be under the cut as it gets quite long </3
My The End rewrite comic - Over on @the-end-rewrite
Synopsis: My retelling of The End. It's still in its early stages, but the story has already been almost fully developed and chapter 1 is almost completed! It takes a vastly different approach form The End while still keeping the same basic ideas and important details. You can start here
Monster AU - Tagged with #monster au
Synopsis: This was my very first au I made back in 2017! All of the eddboys are monsters from folkore or fairy tales! They live in what's called "The Monster Plane" and can traverse into the human realm from time to time (That's how we know about them!), however humans cannot cross into The Monster Plane. Basically, a silly comfort au that I added lore too :3c
Furry AU - Tagged with #furry au
Synopsis: It's judt the guys as furries, nothin too much to explain lmao! Here's a list of what each animal each character is! Edd - Capybara, Tord - Honey Badger, Tom - Bintarong, Matt - King Cobra Eduardo - Caimen, Jon - Sea Otter, Mark - Mongoose Patryk - Pelican, Hellucard - British Shorthair Cat
Owl House AU - Tagged with #owl house au
Synopsis: Eddsworld Owl House AU! It's still being developed but the base idea is just the gang are all witches and/or demons! Something seems to be up with a certain blonde guy, however... And Tord seems to be cooking up some plans... hmm....
Youtuber AU - Tagged with #youtuber au
Synopsis: The gangs all youtubers! Or streamers, same difference really. This is just a silly little au I made back innn 2017 or 2018 and there no serious lore or whatever, just silly guys doin their thing! Tom's a twitch streamer, Tord runs a podcast w Paul and Pat along with a gun nut youtube channel, Edd does animations and art tutorials and all that, Matt is a beauty guro/vlogger!
Panty and Stocking AU - Tagged with #paswg au
Synopsis: I combined hyperfixations by making Tom and Tord Panty and Stocking! However, things are a tad different in this au, like they are not related, and Tord's weapon... prolly isn't his panties lmao, it's most likely just his pants! Tom still uses his socks, weapons stay the same. Edd and Matt are Scanty and Kneesocks (still haven't figured out who's who yet)
Horror AU - Tagged with #horror au
Synopsis: Tord comes back to try and get his robot, thinking it'd be an easy in and out job... Oh, how very, very wrong he was. seems that everything had gone to shit since he's been gone. Tom's been completely taken over by the demonic possession, leaving him as only a shell of his former self. Matt's let his vampirism take full control, leaving him a walking corpse constantly on the hunt for blood to keep his beautiful, youthful looks, and has also named himself King of the Night. Edd's radioactivity seemed to have backfired on him and jumbled his brain just a tad, he's gone completely off the wall and is desperate for his old friends again, when he catches wind that Tord is back, well... He seems very excited to get the gang back together.
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Okay thank u for reading!!! Have a good day, love uuuu
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elysianfiields · 7 months
I've already blocked the blogs in question, but I want it to be known to the people who are still lurking that now lies are being spread to make it seem like we did things we didn't. I have owned up to the things we actually have done and the mistakes I've personally made, but because I'm defending us from the things that are blatantly false, I'm suddenly showing "complete disregard" for our behavior? Sincerely and wholeheartedly fuck you.
If I'm being defensive, it's because I'm not going to stand around and let someone say we've done things that we haven't done. If we'd really shown "complete disregard" we wouldn't have changed anything and ignored everybody's valid concerns, and we haven't done that. We also haven't gone after any members (current or former) for expressing their concerns, and if us asking to have conversations with members in private to talk about what's bothering them or their reasons for leaving has been interpreted that way, then I guess I'm not sure what we could do differently there. Feel free to let me know because I'm open to doing it a better way. I've barely been in group rps on this side of Tumblr so I don't know what the proper etiquette is there.
With the Discord webhooks feature in Tumblr, we have a record of every message that gets sent to the main in the admin channels of our ooc server and we've never once gotten a message about these concerns. If we have, they haven't come through to the blog; Tumblr is notorious for eating messages. As soon as people's concerns were brought to our attention, we made steps to remedy it. We all work full time so sorry that it took a few days for us to be able to do so, I guess? I'm absolutely not expecting a pat on the back for doing the right thing, just asking y'all to stop making shit up.
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viiridiangreen · 1 year
i've had. A WEEK.
we ran out of gas which we get in those portable tanks taquerías use and like. haven't been able to get more for a ?? week-ish?
i could finally afford to buy a second tank a few months back, so we could set up the dual flippable system so that ideally when we run out of gas all we gotta do is flip a switch and then have like 2-3 months to replace the empty tank
BUT WHILE THAT HAPPENS we r still out of shit to cook & heat water with. except bf's dad uber'd us his electric grill so we r at least not letting all the food (which i bought on Thee Exact Day we ran out of gas. because of course i did) rot like last time this happened (when i ALSO bought groceries directly before running out of gas). but i still can't take hot showers which is Destroying My Brain.
also now the washing machine is Being Fucky & i think needs a filter change?? bc of the super hard water around here probably. i'm hoping it's just that & not also some nefarious effect of the place we had to install it in which is a uh.... cave. of sorts. a non-indoors-not-completely-outdoors VERY annoyingly low ceiling'd space under the building stairs which I gotta stoop dramatically to get into & doesn't let the lid open all the way and is VERY dusty and somewhat humid. and there's a huge warning label stuck on the machine saying like 'pls avoid fire risk by like. not stashing ur machine outside lol'.
and uhh also now i'm being?? i guess blackmailed by a guy who taped one of the Questionable Videocalls i've been doing so i can expand our food budget a little and maybe get prepared stuff from an Economic Kitchen™ (aka Fonda) on weekdays so i can like. have time to breathe & Not have 2 semi-abandon projects like my stream channel or the idea of launching art commissions. cause rn I can't afford to order or prepare or buy enough food to like... eat enough calories to the point where i can exercise without passing out lol (or do basic house chores without feeling like i'm gonna pass out).
he's contacting me thru discord, two different accounts so far. also joined the server I set up for my twitch channel viewers + general destiny friends (Spanish speaking edition) to post ?? screenshots? clips? idk a friend who helps me mod got rid of it + banned the guy Immediately so I didn't even see what he posted. but he could be back on a different acc at a time neither I nor my mod friend are online & Make Problems
i don't really have any sort of official resources I could call on to back me up either bc all the services involved look down on SWers even as they profit off them so....
that's been fun
i just wanna be able to put the skills i know i have to good use. and make enough money to eat decently + be able to go to the doctor lol. these aren't Insane standards. idk why i haven't been able to figure it out (hint: i do know it's The Systemic Bullshit weighing down on me but like. idk anything like........... actionable, changeable on an individual level, can't wait for therapy tomorrow where we'll continue discussing Futile Individual Strategies against the Inexorable March of The Species Towards Oblivion. lol. also it's my second to last session of free therapy! yipee).
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kanaqwqbear · 2 years
Only He Would Know
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Pairing: Shu Yamino (NIJISANJI EN) & Elira Pendora (NIJISANJI EN)
The things Shu does that Elira can't help but be grateful for, even if he doesn't really think it was anything much.
Elira was just not feeling it today.
"I really haven't been feeling well lately and I am sorry for being kind of, I guess, out of it, haha..." Elira says to her viewers with a tired tone.
"I'll still join today's um, Valo collab, I just didn't really expect it to be a full lobby" She says, "I thought it was like, a hopcon whenever you want type of thing," as she laughs quite forcingly. 'Sigh...' she thought to herself.
"Welp, sorry for bringing the mood down, thank you for the messages and superchats, I'll read them all in another stream! SEE YOU!" Back to her normal demeanor as Elira ends the stream and joins the collab voice chat with the others.
"Hi...!" Elira starts, "Oh, hey Elira!" "Hi Elira!" and more greetings came her way the moment she joined.
"I thought it would be a casual and likeー later would... I don't know what I was thinkingー" She rambles as Fulgur and Luca reassures her.
"Since you're here, why not do your introduction?" Fulgur initiates, "Okay! I am Elira Pendora from Nijisanji EN's Lazulight and I am late!" She introduces herself with a laugh as Luca comments, "Hi late," in which she responds with, "Hi dad."
Shu comes back and greets everyone with a hello, in which Elira says it back, with everyone following after.
The stream continues smoothly with everyone having fun and joking around, until Shu noticed how a certain teammate was being quiet.
"I could buy you, Elira?" Shu starts with a soft voice, referring to buying her a gun.
"Oh, um, alright... Thank you..." Elira quietly replied with a soft tone, in which Shu continued, "Yeah! You're welcome..." trailing off with a quieter tone, seemingly not wanting to overwhelm her.
'Sigh...' Elira sighs to herself.
Elira was starting to feel quite overwhelmed with the loud sounds and people talking in both the game and call, but with his simple interactions, it made her feel, quite grounded, perhaps? She doesn't know what it is but she feels relieved and grateful for Shu, even if he would say he didn't do much.
Shu's stream ends with him saying goodbye to his viewers. As he closes his OBS, he couldn't stop thinking about what was going on with Elira. Although she seemed somehow normal the first half of the play, he noticed she somehow got quieter as it went on. Knowing her for a long time now and what her genmates said about her not feeling right at the beginning of the stream, Shu wanted to know how Elira was holding up.
It wasn't really anything deep, but he still wanted to ask, so like a good friend would, he messaged her in their private conversations.
Shu: hey elira?
It took a few minutes until she replied.
Elira: oh shu, what's up?
Shu: i dont mean to pry but are u feeling okay? i noticed u were a bit down earlier. its okay if u dont want to talk to me abt it tho
Shu: i was just kinda concerned
Elira: oh.. um its not much rlly LOL
Elira: i was just feeling under the weather thats all
Elira: thank you for asking tho :D and for earlier as well
Shu: earlier? that was nothing c:
Shu: anyways, want to play or do something? let's cheer u up!
Elira smiled at his text but couldn't help but feel tired.
Elira: i dont mind, but i cant rlly think of smth rn haha sorry
Shu: it's all good! come, hop on vc, let's rewatch some of your favorite movies, yeah?
Elira: alright, thank u
After putting down her phone, she looked at her monitor and saw Shu already joined in one of the channels in the EN Discord server. She joined a few minutes later and saw him have his camera open, seemingly focused on setting everything up on his computer
"I am here..." Elira quietly said as she also oepned her camera, waiting for him as he was fixing his stuff. Shu noticed and smiled, "Hey! Give me a minute, you can get some snacks if you want."
Elira stood up from her seat and got some snacks and went back down to sit. Once she came back, Shu looked ready and already has his own snacks and drinks. "Welcome back! Come on, we'll start with this one."
They spent the entire 4 hours just watching her favorite movies, not aware of the texts on a separate channel teasing the both of them. After finishing all the movies Shu planned, Elira was feeling a lot better.
"Thanks for this and cheering me up, Shu. It's been a while since I watched them too so... Yeah!" She smiled as they both just hang around call. "No problem, you were feeling down too so this is the only way I could try to cheer you up..." He sheepishly replied.
Elira laughed at his comment and sighed.
"Nevertheless, I appreciate it a lot. As always, only you would know how, hm?"
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NOTE: I had this story in my drafts for so long and I finally found the time to actually finish and post it. I don't know if it's good enough but I hope you still enjoyed it :) I might start posting stories a lot more since my school is about to finish and I've been missing them a lot lately.
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64-jungle-planks · 2 years
Happy Doomcraft Doomsday 2022!
After the fall of the Hermitblr Discord Server back in January 2022, Demise has come back - this time on a different Server with a different name, Doomsday! The event is modded by the wonderful @ambered-glazed-sheep and their amazing mod team! This year, there are 16 players, and I'm really excited to try to hit at least everyone once or twice!
The Rules are:
You can only attack people who are participating in the event! (Of course, you can still draw characters of other people! However, that will not be considered part of Doomsday)
You can attack other participants by putting your creation of their character into doomsday-attacks and pinging them on Discord.
You can't attack the same person again until they've defended themselves from your first attack, or died.
If you are attacked, you can defend yourself (by creating art for your attacker) within a timeframe of 48 hours.
You only get one life!
You can defend for other people!
You can check whether a person is alive or dead by their roles (on Discord).
There are no specific rules about forming teams!
Attacks don't have to be murder/Halloween themed! However, they can be!
If you want to draw something more dark or bloody, please check the refs channel beforehand to see if the person you're attacking specified anything about that.
You can sign out of the event at any time, just let a mod know!
The sign-ups closed Sep 29th and the game started 8am CEST and there's already been so many attacks! I cannot wait to see how everything turns out and who will be the winners this year!
Each person was able to submit 5 characters into the game, and I put in four!
9w3n 0 (Gwen Cypher) (They/It/She)
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They are a character I played on the New Dawn SMP back in Nov. 2021 (I haven't redrawn her ref in a while haha). They are very nervous and doesn't know a lot of stuff from this era and is most familiar with things from the Beta update, like Red Beds and wolves. Endermen are new to them, and whatever a stronghold is? They are very drawn to it and all the new things like Fences!!! What do you mean, they came out several years ago? And where’s her friends? What do you mean Herobrine isn’t real? They are an Allay Elf Hybrid, think BIG rounded ears with blue insides, small wings, and occasionally a tail!
Milo Fern (He/Him)
(I don't have a good photo of Milo yet) Milo is a character I made back in 2020/early 2021 from a TikTok OC challenge about mixing three DSMP creators and seeing what you make! I combined Wilbur Soot, Fundy, and Ranboo and got Milo. He’s played a part of a helpful farm boy who loves to play guitar and hang out with his boyfriend. He has a lot of anxiety and can be very paranoid. He loves redstone, but feels like it’s going to explode if he gets a small detail wrong. Milo's also a retired L'manburg soldier, but I don't really know how to work that into his story yet.
Scaps K. Pigeon-Patch (He/They)
My rip-off GoodtimeswithScar D&D character.
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(This image has his backpack on, the one I posted on the Doomcraft server doesn't have it.) He’s just a halfling with elf like ears and sometimes a tail. When I originally designed him I was thinking of the Borrowers and the Littles, I wanted him to have those vibes. He likes to bite people when they try to shake his hand. My DM wrote my backstory and I won't put it here just in case someone in my campaign sees this. He likes to eat soap :)
Penelope “Poppy” System (They/She/He/It)
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It's just IRL me, I wanted to add ghostbuster stuff because that's what I've been into recently and I did draw that photo of my buddy Dylan sooo... I used that photo for convenience.
I cannot wait to see what other attacks happen, and I am so glad to be a part of this, this year! I'll be posting my attacks here and @ing the people I attack, so please be on the lookout for that!
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amaounghususssy · 23 days
I think I just became a pariah on an mspfa fandom
There's this mspfa called deadlock that is like really fucking amazing and I read the whole thing in one sitting and t was like 700 pages and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Anyways 2 days later after my second readthrough I get to the end and go to the new pages that were added after I finished it the first time and keep in mind this thing has been updating for 8 months before I found it. On the page, the creator said they were unhappy with where it was going and was rebooting the whole thing from the start and unlisting the old one. If you haven't experienced content grief let me tell you it is horrible especially when the obsession is fresh. I kind of freaked the fuck out I admit and even though I knew the new one was probably going to turn out to be better, I was still planted firmly in the anger stage of grief at the time and commented something along the lines of "(character): do nothing. Nothing matters since that comic you like got rebooted" and then kind of immediately left and forgot about that comment. I'm sorry I swear I was in a bad place and it was the middle of the night. The next day I checked my notifications and saw that someone tagged me saying more or less "SHUT UP (USERNAME) NOBODY CARES" and it ratioed the hell out of me. Fight or flight kicks in and I delete my comment but the angry one still has my username in it to call me out with and I kind of felt like actual garbage for a while. There was another comment from the creator and I don't know if it was in response to mine but it pretty much said (regarding the decision to reboot) "I write for myself not other people" and i'm a visual thinker as soon as I see the comment I made, the angry one, and that one in conjunction my mind conjures a picture of an angry criminal or something (me) being hauled away by the cops and screaming "I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS" at a tearful child (the creator) while the creator's parent (angry commenter) says "never go near my child again or you're dead, you hear me?" And I couldn't get that image out of my head for a while. Sucked. Anyways after deleting the comment I don't know why but I still felt like idk expressing this somewhere. I went into an unrelated fanventure's comments and AFTER THINKING IT OVER SO I DON'T SAY ANYTHING TOO REGRETFUL HOPEFULLY I just write "I can't believe (creator) rebooted deadlock". I know it sounds like I'm being dramatic going to these lengths and I probably was but you haven't read this thing man. Nobody reacts to the comment so mission accomplished I guess.
A couple days pass to today, and I've recovered to an extent. Not sure how much of an extent but the change was noticeable I guess. Basically I go on the deadlock discord and it has this channel where people can plug their own random mspfas for whatever reason. I decide why the hell not and do that. This is where the real unbelievable shit happens. As soon as I post the link and a quick message about having posted it there, someone types the exact comment. That I wrote on the other fanventure. It was like "page 349, 9 Apr 2024, (username), I can't believe (creator) rebooted deadlock". This was SECONDS after I make a message in the discord. You can't make this shit up. I said "What" and the other person never responded. Nobody else was on that channel. I know it wasn't a bot because they had a normal bio and servers and they plugged their own fanventure a ways upward in the channel. My discord username and mspfa username are completely different and there wasn't enough time by far between when I posted it and when they said that for them to click on it, click on my profile, click on my favorite fanventures, happen to select the correct one, and look at the comments, like it's an astronomically low chance. It was sburb.exe so I guess it wasn't the most obscure one it could've been so it's not out of the question that they saw it before, but like, how did they have it ready to copypaste? How did they know my discord and my mspfa are run by the same guy? The discord username is related to sburb.exe I guess and it's on the deadlock discord so maybe how many people are fans of both? But even if they did that yagami light ass deductive move how did they have it ready to copypaste and what's the fucking chance they were the only other person in that server at that time?
I waited until they got offline and deleted the "What" message so hopefully more people don't pull an fbi on me again because that message (correctly) implies I am the one that said that. Creator I'm sorry for badmouthing the deadlock reboot please don't kill me
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blu-engineer · 3 months
shout out to my third grade teacher telling me not to watch game grumps and inadvertently changing the course of my life forever
> be me, in the third grade
> don't know how to make my own email, use my school account to watch videos
> watch stampylonghead -> recommended & watch dantdm -> recommended & watch jacksepticeye (eventually)
> after school, teacher wants me to find something on youtube through my google account
> ohshit.jpg
> scared i'll get in trouble because jacksepticeye vids have swears in them and i was a goodytwoshoes
> act paranoid to the point of actively drawing suspicion
> teacher tells me, "it's okay, we don't care what's in your recommended. just don't watch this channel called ### #### #####"
> what did she say?
> repeats herself clearly with full diction, "The Game Grumps"
> go home and look them up because of course i do
> never the same
- cut to a few years later -
> be me, 12 years old
> let's check on the game grumps, i haven't watched them in a bit
> see they started a series for [REMOVED GAME], curious so i check out what's uploaded
> catch up to the current episode
> holy shit this game is incredible, i HAVE to know what happens next
> ask my mom to buy it on switch
> finish the game, the second one, the third one
> synapses are firing like crazy. all of the happy chemicals are in my brain
> baby's first hyperfixation
> remember old tumblr account made a year before that i never touched
> "maybe i can find other fans on there!"
> join a discord server to meet people who know the series
> "my parents said i should never use my real name on the internet... let's say my name is myles"
and here we are now.
i've come very far since then. it's been almost 5 years since that day in june, and a little after that it'll be 5 since i began transitioning. it's crazy how one little thing did so much.
i haven't kept contact with a single person from that server, or from its iterations afterwards. it was for the best. i needed to learn, to grow, and to improve myself as a human being, and even after all that growth i'm not sure talking to them would be the brightest idea. but this isn't about that, at least not right now.
any one variable could have changed EVERYTHING. my third grade teacher could have chosen not to say anything (which probably would have been wise). i could have heeded her warning and not looked them up.
what would have happened? would i be a cis girl? would i have realized i'm a system? because those two realizations ended up being related, funnily enough.
on that server, we met a system. no specifics- we don't keep contact. they didn't know they were a system at first, but they figured it out eventually. when they told us, part of it resonated with us, and we said as much. but another part of us was in denial. he believed we were making it all up. he was wrong, of course, but we held onto that guilt for a long time. we still do, in a way.
i don't think anyone still follows me from all the way back then, but if you have; you've seen a lot of this journey play out in real time. you are one of very few witnesses to what i believe to be a miracle. if it wasn't for that one sentence- that one channel- that one game- that one server- that one person. a series of coincidences, all lining up like planets in a row; like a magnifying glass, the sun, and an anthive. i've been burned on the way here, but i made it out okay. i think that's the real synthesis to all of this.
you will make it out okay. your realizations will make their way to you in funny ways. ways that seem irrelevant, or strange, or unhelpful. give them time. let them stew. the way forward will show itself when you walk down any path.
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ladyazulina · 8 months
I'm venting, so you can as well ignore all this and continue with your life
I know it's contradictory to say that you can ignore all this and have a few 'help me' tags, but no one is obliged to help, so if you are like me and get hurt inside because you know there's no way you can help—sadly—well, then... skip it. You're welcome.
I'm bad at this. I wanted to let some steam get out of me on a vent-and-support channel from a Discord server I'm in, but... when I started typing my venting and my frustrations, I just deleted all of it and didn't send a thing.
It's not hard for me to open up, but it's hard for me to vent with the sole purpose of venting, so...
I'm just so tired. I've been feeling so tired for as long as I can remember, and that can be as long as half my life. I "started" classes this week, going back to face-to-face after three years of virtuality because my university fucked up and I don't know what the hell they did with the oh-so-comfortable virtual sections. So I was forced to come back. I have a few reasons not to be ready:
I had my latest chiropodist appointment on July 31st and the injections they put in my bent ankle inflamed it and made it worse just existing with it. I have been having difficulties with my ankle since then and after a whole month of staying home and barely moving to let the ankle time to rest and heal (which it hasn't, it's still inflamed and hurting), I would have to get back out on a heavy effort to go to classes without feeling any better (I haven't come back with the chiropodist because the consultations go around US$180 and we have no money for it—not right now, barely when the time to go back is approaching).
I stopped using my glasses around a year ago because, uh, I still haven't been able to pay the US$135 that cost the last refinement and I got to the understanding that, as everything else, the optics market was, uh, a market and don't have my best interest at heart, no matter how good the dude attending me was, I would have continued refining my crystals years and about without really having the way to keep it up, so I just decided to stop using them and try some exercises of natural improvement, and though I'm still not seeing HD or near close to 20/20, I haven't felt the eyes exhaustion, or the stress, or whatever possible symptom related and instead I have been having all the muscles around the eyes immensely relaxed since I started with those exercises.
I've been hard of hearing since ten years ago. Six or seven years ago, headaches came to stay, making harder my lifestyle, but somehow it wasn't as bad before the tinnitus also came to stay around two or three years ago. It was manageable still because I didn't have a lot of reasons to go out, with the virtual classes. Two years ago, I was gifted with some hearing aids that weren't the ones I needed but, quoting them, "it was better something than nothing". It was not. I give them back maybe a month after starting using them. Last year, around February, someone got me the ones I did need and, after a year of using them, I didn't feel any improvement and I found out I was just getting more and more depressed, so I decided to stop using them. Anyway, one of the hearing aids was malfunctioning and I brought it to my audiologist to fix, but even when everything (my follow-up appointments and, supposedly, ANY fix) was covered, I still had to pay US$140 I didn't have for him to, according to him, "just fix it up and give it back, five minutes top". He had it for a month or so before I decided to stop using the hearing aids for good because even when he promised me another one in the meanwhile, he didn't give me any and I was already starting to feel the consequences of not having it. BESIDES that, though the hearing aids were keeping me in the same hearing wavelength for the whole year I was using them, I was feeling like crap and didn't want to stay there for the whole five years of the probable life of the aids.
I think all of that wraps things out somewhat well, even though those words don't tell you all the pain the voices inflict on me when I have a certain headache intensity or how I feel mentally slapped every time I go out and have to face the traffic or the street or the cars or a space where people are talking. It's just hard. Staying home is as hard. But being forced to go out because the university snatched my virtual classes was... a real hit.
I'm not sure how big my willpower to continue studying is, but I get really tired in my day-to-day. For the smallest things.
The days I got out, I came back barely feeling my feet, not knowing how bad I fucked up my ankle nor my head, not having anything to take to palliate that. I have tried a long variety of pills to help with my head without success. And, since a long time ago, I have been wishing to just go deaf. There is a lot of tiredness and feelings and situations and time that got me there and I won't be able to let you understand, but when I can't bear it a second more, I find myself again wishing to just go deaf.
I'm not even trying to improve my hearing at this time and moment. Right now, my intention is to get some noise cancelation headphones. I don't know much about them, but some friends recommended me this one, and again, we don't have the money (US$90) to get them. Even if we got the money, they don't send it to my country, so I would have to get someone to buy it for me in the US or another country where the store is AND then send it to me. My path right now is to find a way to reduce the headaches so my life gets more bearable, because I can't bear it anymore. I'm having more paralyzing headaches, less time to sort things out daily due to exhaustion. And that doesn't even say about the same daily situations I have to go against. It's just... too much.
Virtual classes are nowhere near better than face-to-face ones, they just help me to not face a lot of the countless things that I have to face just for putting a foot outside my house. I do like my university (not how it works, it totally sucks and is just making our lives harder), I like the campus, I have missed the intimacy and the contact that face-to-face classes give me with my classmates and possible future friends (and I'm kind of an antisocial, shy, restrained person). But everything is just... a piece of work. A fight. A battle. And I have been from years needing to carefully choose which battles I'm going to try to fight and which ones to just... let go.
I want to finish writing my books someday.
I want to make a technical career in sign language interpretation and translation (another thing the lack of money is keeping from me).
I don't even want to make a living when I would need to hear or talk with other people. What I want to do is proofread and edit and help authors polish their books, that's everything I'm wishing for.
And, well, everything is a pain. I myself don't like encountering those posts of people asking for help to pay for things because I myself can't help them not even with US$1, but I just thought that maybe it can be worth it, so, uh... I'm sorry, but I would really appreciate any help.
As an intent of summary, I need:
Noise-cancelling headphones (US$90).
To go back with the chiropodist and find out what's happening with my ankle before my next appointment on May 2024 (at least US$180).
To pay off for my last glasses (US$135).
And, well, to be honest, if I just get enough for the headphones, it will help my life to get a lot easier.
I just have PayPal, so, uh...
Thank you so much. And I'm very sorry as well.
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Why don't you post in FT anymore, we miss seeing you in the server!
im not sure as to how old this ask is as i am just now seeing it, im guessing its a few years old though so my apologies for taking so long to answer it
its hard to explain but it just kind of got too big for me to keep up with, every channel usually had an active discussion going on at all times so if i needed to ask about something i would have to interrupt that, and it would usually get buried even if there wasn't an active discussion since other people talk there too so if i asked something, but then someone else asked something, the thing people see first is the later message, its understandable. but while I don't feel this was 100% the case, since I wasn't really able to keep fish at the time i started to feel that, as the server grew, that at best I was being a nuisance and at worst was causing discussions to go off track and made the whole thing more difficult for people who actually "deserved it" (not the right term but i cant figure out the right one), plus there were some other things happening that i can't remember the specifics, but that also caused me to become less able to be active in something like a discord server
as to why i didn't return later on, it just was too big, there was too much disconnect at that point that it felt daunting to jump back in, expecially since by that time i had no means of being able to keep fish
not that thats a bad thing, the more people able to access information and discuss fish keeping the better
as to if I'll ever rejoin again, I'm unsure, ive thought about getting back into fishkeeping since i do have slightly better means of doing so (a 1 gallon RO system and, actually having an income) but there still are a lot of hurdles I'd have to jump through to get to that point, mostly financial, but there's other things, things haven't exactly been great in the 5+(?) ish years since i was last active and they definitely make it difficult to justify being able to keep fish
plus, related to those issues i have gotten much worse when it comes to talking to people, i don't know if i could handle being in a server with 20 people, let alone hundreds, so if i did rejoin im not sure if i would be able to be active at all
if fish tea is even still around, i know it was a few months back but discord servers are a closed box, they're either active or not and theres no way of knowing unless you open the box (schrödinger's groupchat)
i possibly would be fine to rejoin the soaking bowl if thats still around, at least i would be able to participate a bit more since, while i don't have a pond anymore so i see far fewer frogs and toads, i still see some occasionally, not to mention its smaller size, but i am unsure, my thoughts on whether or not i should even allow myself to interact with people at all have been going back and forth for a while now, and given the nature of a discord server that uncertainty is a lot higher
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connorinabeanie · 1 year
i know this is gonna be a question thats gonna take long to answer but how do you edit and access the heavy rain files
It's definitely a long answer and it also kind of depends!
The PC files are easy enough to access; they're in the install folder on Steam, Epic, whatever. Then it's a matter of figuring out where the data you want is, grabbing it, unpacking it if necessary (Heavy Rain stores almost everything in a compressed format called segs), and then trying to deal with whatever's in those unpacked files. I use a decompression tool I found on the Xentax or Zenhax forums somewhere, I don't remember which.
For audio, it's easy; voice lines aren't compressed at all, and are conveniently separated out in the game files, so you can find them in a folder in the install location called LangData or something like that. Individual voice lines start with the word PARTITIO, so you just grab them out using a hex editor (HxD or 010 Editor are options but there's lots more) and save them as mp3. They're kind of messy but some repairs can be made by hand or through a program like MP3 Diags. SFX is the same overall but they're mostly hidden in compressed files. Music is in a really weird broken up format that I haven't managed to get working properly; they're mp3 as well, but the channels are deinterleaved so it's a garbled mess.
For textures, it's more complicated. They're (mostly) inside segs files and missing their headers, so you have to find the files (they start with FILETEXT) and then reconstruct their headers (so far, all files I've found are DXT1 DDS, DXT3 DDS, DXT5 DDS, or TGA) and save them with the appropriate extensions. You also have to play with the data alignment. It takes a bit to get used to and I haven't found any rule yet that would let me automate the process; I'm sure one exists, but I still have to figure it out (took long enough just to figure out the filetype for the TGAs...)
For the free cam attempts, I'm simply following Frans Bouma's extremely helpful tutorial and then crying over how complicated Heavy Rain's camera system is.
For everything else, it's kind of all over the place. I definitely suggest checking out the Quantic Dream Modding Discord server! People much better at modding than I chat there about all the QD games and you can find a lot of details, methods, etc by looking back through previous conversations, and of course you can jump in and ask questions too.
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randomgamefan · 2 years
Playtester AU is finally back after I had to spend forever focusing on essays for school!! Yay!!
First | Previous | Next (coming soon!)
This chapter took so long, but chapter 6 will probably take longer and I'm not prepared wjdheksj. Big thanks to the Inscryption discord server for beta reading a chunk of this fic to help me find the problems lmao, hope it's improved guys!
Also! Luke's Siblings are mentioned in this chapter, for reference his family is based vaugly off my own! But I figure it's good to have them down so you know who I'm talking about :]
In order from oldest to youngest!
Luke - 21
Carter - 19
Jacob - 17
Alyssa - 15
Jack + Abagail (twins) - 12
I do want to give credit to @shiocreator for letting me use the name Carter! It was her idea, and I just loved it so much I had to include it. Also, if you haven't read their Carder Siblings AU, what are you even doing?
While we're here, I'm also going to tell you to read @lemonzone 's Cabinet Man AU, I literally love it so much! Stolen my entire brain smh.
I am so happy I've got to meet both of these people and read their writing, as well as everyone else on the server! Y'all are so amazing and kind and this story wouldn't be what it is without you.
Anyways, that's all I've gotta say, hope you enjoy this chapter!
It was Christmas morning.
That was the first thing that came back to Luke, maybe out of habit, since that’s all he focused on when he was younger. Truthfully, he was still just a kid on the inside. Or, perhaps, it was because he was hoping for something great this year.
Or, maybe, he was just trying to remember why the crowd of his younger siblings were here to wake him up at only 7:00 in the morning.
"Wake up!" Carter repeatedly chanted, holding a rolled piece of paper to his mouth like a megaphone.
Jack and Abagail had no hesitation jumping on Luke’s bed, making him sit up rapidly with a laugh. 
Jacob and Alyssa stood aside Carter, chuckling to themselves as the twins stole a hug from Luke. 
"I'm up, I'm up!" Luke managed with a giggle, ruffling his younger sister's hair. "Jeeze, real early this year, huh? Have you guys woken up mom and dad yet?"
Jacob shook his head. "We were waiting for you, sleepyhead!" He teased. 
Luke sighed dramatically, falling back onto his bed. "oh no! Guess we can't get up, I'm going back to sleep!" He closed his eyes, much to the dismay of the twins. 
"Come on, Luke!" Jack huffed. "It's Christmas!!"
Luke peeked one eye open, before laughing. 
"Alright, but next year I get to sleep in! I'm an old man, I need my beauty rest." He said, swinging his legs out of bed before picking Jack up and putting him on his shoulders. 
"You're only 20," Alyssa commented with a chuckle, looking up from her phone with a grin. 
"I know, and I'm already an old man, guess what you'll be going through in 6 years!" Luke replied, ruffling his younger sister’s hair.
Carter rolled his eyes, as he began to lead the group into the hallway.
Luke's mind drifted to Christmas itself as they walked to wake up their parents - he probably had a lot of card packs underneath the tree. His channel had just exploded last month, and well, for card pack opening channels, there was a constant need to have more card packs. 
Still, there was one thing he was really hoping was waiting down there for him - the new Tengu party game. Being an online game, it was the perfect way for Luke to keep playing games with his siblings while he was away at college. 
Welp, guess he'd just have to find out for himself, watching Abagail tear through their parent’s door. 
"Wake up, it's Christmas!"
It was summer again.
Luke's family always went on a summer vacation, usually something small in idea, but their mom had a tendency to splurge for her kids. 
This year, they were out at a lake in a rental house. It was large enough for the family of 8, they had enough space and then more. 
Past midnight, most of the family was asleep, but Luke and Carter had snuck out to go sit by the lake.
"It really is beautiful," Carter commented, gazing out across the ripping water. The lake wasn't huge, but far large enough for the kids to enjoy. 
Luke nodded. "It is.. I'm glad I got to come. When I was younger, I figured mom would stop inviting me to these things when I turned 18."
Carter chuckled. "Like mom would ever do that! We love you, and she already misses you enough since you left for college."
"Same can be said for you!" Luke grinned. "I've heard Alyssa talking about it, she said mom missed you more than me."
"Now that's just a lie." Carter giggled, shoving at his older brother, not enough for him to end up in the lake though. Luke couldn't help but laugh, staring back out at the rippling water in silence.
There was a good 5 or so minutes of quiet before Carter spoke up again. 
"Hey Luke?"
"Hm?" Luke ruffled his brother’s hair.
"How do you do it? Living alone in a new town, especially so close to the woods like that. Aren't you scared?"
"Not really." Luke shrugged. "I've got a big gate outside the house, and the only thing in those woods is crickets and deer. Most people wouldn't bother coming up the driveway, past the gate, and to my door to bother me. Plus, I've been thinking about getting a dog."
Carter chuckled. "Oh my god, we would visit so much more often if you had a dog. Please get one."
"This time I get to name it! Thank god" Luke grinned. They had a family dog named Crackers, named by the twins when they were little. 
"Well, obviously you would get to name it, it would be your dog." Carter rolled his eyes. "But Crackers is a good name if you’re not dramatic."
The brothers took a moment to laugh, before Carter paused, frowning in thought.
"Actually, I brought that up because.. I've been thinking of switching degrees. Maybe even schools."
Luke blinked. "Wait, really?" Carter had been interested in biology his entire life, ranting and raging about all the discoveries he could make in the field. He'd never gotten a chance to explore it much before college, but from his determination, Luke would never have guessed that Carter wouldn’t love it.
"Yeah, actually. Bio just doesn't stick out like it used to, and there's so much I've found that I'm just.. squeamish about."
"Well, what degree are you thinking of?"
Carter paused, before shyly suggesting, ".. game development?"
Luke's eyes lit up, realizing quickly what his brother was implying. "Wait, are you saying you'd be coming to my school?" He felt himself grinning. 
"I-If you're okay with it!" Carter said quickly.
Luke hugged his brother. "Of course I'm okay with it, You can even come live with me! A lot cheaper than the dorms." 
Carter grinned. "Yeah, I'd like that!"
Luke sighed, looking out on the waves. 
"Guess we've got a lot to plan for."
Carter nodded. 
"Yeah, we do."
Luke woke with a start, sitting up quickly, only to find himself buried under some rather scratchy blankets. A soft surprised noise came from his right, and glancing over, he noticed Lone watching over him.
Oh right, Luke was in the final game he ever played, the cursed thing. Oh yeah, he was dead too! He put a hand to his head, squeezing his eyes shut.
He'd never see his family again, he'd never get to finish college, he'd just drop off the face of the earth. God.. how could this have happened? He should have never dug up this cursed game, much less played it. It should have stayed in the dirt. 
The feeling of someone touching his hair startled Luke out of his thoughts. Lone flinched back, with a startled "sorry!"
The wizard was quite small, eyeing Luke fearfully yet curiously. Poor thing probably just wanted some stimulation, he must not have been out of his horrible situation for long. 
Luke sighed, reaching over to pat the wizard on his head, which he seemed to enjoy immensely. After maybe a minute, Luke chuckled, pulling his hand back.
"Why did ya stick around here, bud?" Luke asked, pushing the uncomfortable blankets off him, only to notice he was laying on more. Did Magnificus have anything good for other people in this god-forsaken tower? 
"P03 and the other scrybes asked me to watch over you!" He chirped, bouncing in place. 
Luke nodded. "I see.. I assume they're probably fighting over something else now."
Lone gave an overdramatic shrug, with a half yelled “I’unno!” He fidgeted with his hands a lot, which made Luke wonder if Lone would prefer something to hold and mess with. Did they have Rubick cubes here? That seemed like something the small wizard would enjoy, not even to solve, but to mess with. He’d have to find out, give Lone something to do.
"I'm.. going to go find them. I need an explanation." Luke muttered softly, as if assuring himself.
"I'LL COME WITH!" Lone practically yelled, jumping up and down. It was an excitability that honesty reminded Luke of the twins. He smiled softly and genuinely, before offering Lone his hand. 
"Alright, bud, we'll go and find them together!"
Lone continued to bounce excitedly, taking Luke's hand as the two began looking around for the scrybes, though Luke could guess where they were by the sounds of argument coming from above.
Up the stairs, to the top of the tower.
They were fighting.
Luke didn't know what else he was expecting. 
Magnificus and P03 were shouting at each other from opposite sides of the circular room, looking about ready to brawl. Leshy and Grimora stood near the back, avoiding Magnificus' canvases, and apparently the two other scrybes. No one had noticed Luke in the doorway yet.
“I do not think jumping to conclusions is the best source of action here,” Mangnificus muttered, his voice steady yet with an accusatory tone. 
“Jumping to conclusions?!” P03 countered. “I think it’s pretty damn obvious. Unless you have found a way for us to move forward without a challenger.”
“Hmm, perhaps not, but I still believe it is not unimaginable that there is something we can do. Something that doesn’t have irreparable side effects, such as your last idea.” The scrybe of magicks seemed to glare across the room.
"And what plan do you have?" P03 asked Magnificus accusatorially with almost a growl, as much as a robot could conceivably growl. “I have already attempted to connect with the servers of wherever we are, and it’s all locked down. If you all hadn’t stopped the Great Transcendence, we could all be out of this mess already!” 
“Your ‘Great Transcendence’ was nothing more than a power show.” The bush wizard bit back. “Its failure was inevitable, you effete contraption.”
“Wow, insults again? That really helps your case, you blundering wizard. If y-”
Luke's babysitter instincts kicked in before he really had a chance to think about it, stepping in the room to get in between the two. 
"Alright, enough." He said firmly. 
This was treated with a great deal of surprise from everyone around the room, the scrybes taking a step back. Had Luke really just done that? Well, no way back now. 
"You fighting clearly didn't get you guys anywhere before, and it won't now. If you want anything productive to happen, you all need to work together. No more power grabs, or arguments, or sly planning behind the scenes." He took a deep breath, noticing Grimora nodding with a sly smile. "But, after all that, I need a fucking explanation. *Especially* from you." He pointed to Grimora, whose smile dropped.
Luke was shaking. This was a lot to process, and he was shaking. Did he just treat the scrybes like his little siblings? 
P03 and Magnificus glared at each other, neither wanting to relent. However, Grimora stepped in before either could open their mouths to bitch back at their surprise babysitter. 
"I agree with Luke.” She said, her voice calming and steady. “Now, will the both of you please come over here? Enough with this pointless argument."
That got a grumbled "fine" from the scrybes, muttering under their breath what Luke could only imagine were curses much older than he was. The scrybes mostly kept their distance from one another, but now stood in a manageable circle. 
Luke sighed.. thank god that worked. He went to stand alongside the edge of the circle, by the door. Admittedly, he didn’t quite like being in the spotlight, at least in real life. 
As he went to stand near the doorway he had entered through, Luke noticed a mischievous Lone had started climbing onto everything around him and had begun poking at the candles lighting up the tower. Luke would have to make sure he grabbed the small wizard on his way out, not trusting Magnificus to make sure Lone didn’t burn himself to a crisp. 
Luke took a deep breath, returning his attention to the scrybes, who were seemingly looking to him to start this ‘peaceful’ meeting. He took a deep breath, readying himself before speaking up.
"Alright. Let's talk."
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