leuchtturmhaus · 5 months
trying to work more fruit and veggies into my diet to prevent the typical winter depression
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sreegs · 8 months
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tomate tomate oignon basilic
c'est business!!!!
Roasted Tomato Basil Soup
3 pounds ripe plum tomatoes, cut in half lengthwise
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons good olive oil
1 tablespoon kosher salt
1 1/2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
2 cups chopped yellow onions (2 onions)
6 garlic cloves, minced
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1 (28-ounce) canned plum tomatoes, with their juice
4 cups fresh basil leaves, packed
1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
1 quart chicken stock or water
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Toss together the tomatoes, 1/4 cup olive oil, salt, and pepper. Spread the tomatoes in 1 layer on a baking sheet and roast for 45 minutes.
In an 8-quart stockpot over medium heat, saute the onions and garlic with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, the butter, and red pepper flakes for 10 minutes, until the onions start to brown.
Add the canned tomatoes, basil, thyme, and chicken stock. Add the oven-roasted tomatoes, including the liquid on the baking sheet. Bring to a boil and simmer uncovered for 40 minutes. Use a stick blender to blend for 2 mins until smooth. Or let cool and blend in batches in a blender. Taste for seasonings.
Serve hot or cold.
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sunshinediaz · 5 months
there you are, sweetheart | 2.9k, teen
Buck fills the gnome mug up, drops six fat marshmallows in the top, and then sets it in front of Eddie. “Drink up, mi princesa.”  Eddie snorts. “Tomate.”  “Did you just call me a tomato?”  “Mhm.” Eddie wraps his hands around the mug, full-body shivering at the warmth. It hits a chill deep in his bones, one he sometimes can’t get rid of no matter how hard he tries. “I sure did.”  Buck balks, flaps his mouth like a fish on dry land, and then huffs as he spins around and starts back in on the few dishes still in the sink. The pot he warmed the hot chocolate up in sits on the stove, cooling off; another mug, taller and thinner, is pushed off to the side. Buck’s on, since it’s in his favorite cup.  Eddie delights in the heat in his hands a few moments before bringing it up for a sip. It’s sweet, chocolatey and creamier now than it was a couple days ago; the chubby marshmallows bump his nose, smearing whipped suds across his mouth. It’s delicious, warming Eddie’s tummy up better than a hot shower ever could.  He puts the cup down and flicks at a marshmallow. It turns over and over, wet and light brown from the chocolate; it’s the biggest of the six, though it’s melting just as fast, and he pops it in his mouth before it dissolves all the way.  In his chest, his heart burns like it’s on fire.  Wrapping his hands around the cup once more, he drinks from it nice and slow as he watches Buck from behind, taking in his wide shoulders and broad hips and thick thighs and big feet. Eddie’s so lucky he can feel it in the marrow of his bones, like sprinkled stardust or something.  He wants to keep this moment forever, the two of them at peace in the kitchen together. Tuck it into a snow globe, maybe, and set it on the table right next to his bed so it’s one of the first things he sees every morning he wakes up.  As if sensing Eddie’s eyes on him, Buck looks over his shoulder and wrinkles his brow. “Why are you staring at me?” he asks, chuckling.  He’s perfect. The fire inside burns and Eddie can’t hold it in any longer.  “Because you’re so pretty.”  The pair of forks in Buck’s hand clatter loudly as he drops them. “Eddie,” he hisses, a half-warning, and spins around to face Eddie so fast he slides sideways on the festive little mat beneath his feet. “What—” “I love you.” Eddie takes another drink of his hot chocolate, chewing up a marshmallow. There’s only one left. “Did you know that?” 
read the rest on ao3
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theangelofdark · 11 days
Mussarela: ss, eu comia... porém era apenas 1 fatia, agr não como nem q me derem 15mil reais
Cup noodles: comia algumas vezes...agr não como... além de ser um pote de câncer e cheio de sódio
Carne de hambúrguer: comia com pão integral... fazia a carne em uma frigideira antiaderente...mas agr não como nem q me mate VAI MT GORDURA NA COMPOSIÇÃO (oq geral sabe)
Carne moída: comia a carne com molho de tomate (agr só como frango e peixe... obviamente sem molho de tomate)
Queijo:comia queijo normalmente tbm(resolvi parar pq não e mt bom sabe?)
Refrigerante: tomava sem ser 0kcal...cortei totalmente os refrigerantes com kcal....se bem q nem 0kcal eu gosto mt 🤡(foda né)
Não exagerava nesses alimentos(contava as calorias deles) nessa época não era tão restrito assim:/
Agr agradeço por ser
Foi bem no começo do ano passado (já tava entrando pro universo ana e mia sem saber)
Em breve farei um post explicando como conheci a ana e a mia... minha história desde o começo
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jakey-beefed-it · 9 months
Jake's Relatively Low-Spoons Burrito Recipe
AKA "Burrito Glop" but I promise it's tasty
You're gonna have to eyeball quantities for your own needs- if you're only cooking for yourself you might wanna make like a can of beans and a cup of rice. If you're cooking for an army, you know, more than that. The whole thing takes like 10 minutes of actual cook time, maybe 5-20 minutes or prep time depending on if you do the 'fancier' method.
You will need:
rice, and a means of cooking rice
a pot
a pan
tortillas (the bigger the better)
beef (stir-fry strips ideal)
refried pinto beans (can sub with black beans if you're feeling more authentic)
shredded cheese ('mexican style' or 'tex-mex' mixes prefered, otherwise some combo of cheddar and monterey jack and mozzerella is fine)
seasonings of your choice
You're gonna scoop out your refried pinto bean glop into the pot, setting the heat to medium and stirring occasionally until it gets hot throughout. Then you're gonna add the cheese and any seasoning you like to the beans, stirring it all in until it's uniformly distributed and the cheese is melted in. This will be an unholy mess of cheesy beans, and if you're not used to it, it might not LOOK appetizing, but it's good. For seasoning, I personally like to use a hefty amount of garlic (powder or flaked for ease), a hefty amount of hot sauce called Cholula (specifically chipotle flavor; it's not hot so much as it is flavorful imo), and a good squirt of lime juice (fake is fine).
Alternately you can just do this entire step in the microwave. Takes like 3 minutes to heat up the beans. Mix in the cheese and seasoning. It's not as good but the difference is negligible and I'm all about cutting corners.
You're gonna make your rice. I recommend you mix in roughly one tablespoon of caldo de tomate/tomato bullion per cup of rice, so it's more 'spanish rice' than just plain old rice, but you do you. Minute rice or equivalent for the microwave works great, but use whatever rice you've got. Personally I like basmati and we've usually got some lying around, and while it's a slightly nontraditional choice for Mexican food, I have looked upon the Throne of Heaven and found it empty. So the good news is, there is no one to judge me.
You're gonna heat up your tortillas. If you've got a gas stove, you can do this directly on the range if you've got calloused fingers like a proper abuelita. If you've got an electric stove, you're gonna want to do this in the pan.
You're gonna drop a bit of butter into the hot pan, let it coat the whole thing, then drop in your beef. I like to buy the strips of stir-fry beef and cut them into like, half-inch/1.5 centimeter long strips. Stir the beef around a bit. If you're like me, drop in some lemon pepper seasoning, some more lime juice, maybe some chilli powder if you want a bit of kick. Once you've flipped the beef so that most of it's been more or less cooked on both sides, you're gonna want to cover the pan to finish it off. Then drop the beef into the cheesy beans glop and stir it around.
I drop the juice from the beef in, too- butter, melted fat, lime juice, and all. Just stir it into the beans until no more liquid is visible. But that's optional.
Don't have the spoons for cooking beef? Throw some pre-cooked canned beef into the beans while they're hot. Stir it around a while. Boom. Or sub with pork or chicken or goat or whatever.
Man, goat is delicious, I miss living in southern California where I could get goat somewhat regularly.
You glop your bean/cheese/meat mixture onto the tortillas, then layer them over with rice. Alternately, you can mix the rice in first and then lay it all out at once. The rice helps absorb some of the saltiness from most cheeses, and it helps a good amount with the burrito's structural integrity.
I can't tell you how to fold a burrito very well via text, if you don't already know. Worst case scenario I guess you can eat it with a fork.
I like to make a heaping amount, serve everybody two big burritos minimum, and then put the rest in the fridge to be reheated for leftover burritos the next day, but you do whatever you like, I'm not your mother.
You can store the bean/cheese/meat glop and the rice in two separate containers if you are wrong my sister, or you can dump it all in one bowl for easier serving the next day. You sexy no-spoon genius.
If you wanted a vegetarian option you could just leave out the beef. If you wanted a vegan option I'm not sure how you'd help the beans stick together without cheese but maybe you have an idea.
Enjoy! And if you don't actually enjoy it... well, you're weird, but I still love you. Go eat something you do enjoy.
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kimonohitsuki · 1 year
People change in ten years
"Irie Akiko watched in surprise the man who was staring at him with a kind smile while chaos was unleashed in the kitchen of what appeared to be a mansion, his hair was brown and expected on top, however, there were braids that steadied him underneath, giving him, along with his spiercings, a clear rebellious image quite contrasting with his friendly attitude.
-- So you came from the past? -- He questioned sitting down at the table and with a hand gesture asking her to accompany him.
-- DON'T SAY THAT TO HER, TSUNA! - Screamed Irie in panic in the background.
-- Sho, I think you made that very clear by your scandal seconds before. -- A young woman with long blonde hair joked.
-- My dear are right, you practically gave up the game. -- Ironized the young man with purple hair, similar to a pineapple, also present in the room.
As soon as her brother went back to ranting about how this shouldn't be happening, more and more people started showing up in the big kitchen overlooking a beautiful garden.
However, nothing seemed to really shake the brunette who poured himself a cup of tea and then offered him a cup of coffee.
-- Did you know that tomatoes are american fruits? -- He questioned, as casually as possible, resting his chin on the back of his hand, giving more prominence to his earring with a striking black feather on the tip.
Maybe it was his tone of voice, his charisma, or the contrasts in his looks, but despite the gunshots and screams all around, the young woman found herself immersed in that anecdote about tomatoes.
And when she realized it, a smoke enveloped her, taking her back to her time."
Kate Kyou Hitome, Tsuna. Akiko's vision from Target 434.
Portuguese version
"Irie Akiko observou surpresa o homem que o encarava com um sorriso amável enquanto o caos se desatava na cozinha daquela que parecia ser uma mansão, seus cabelos eram castanhos e esperados em cima, entretanto, haviam tranças que o firmavam por baixo, dando-lhe, junto a seu spiercings, uma clara imagem rebelde bastante contrastante com sua atitude simpática.
-- Então você veio do passado? -- Questionou sentando-se a mesa e com um gesto de mão pedindo que ela o acompanhasse.
-- NÃO DIGA ISSO PARA ELA, TSUNA! -- Berrou Irie em pânico ao fundo.
-- Sho, eu acho que você já deixou isso muito claro pelo seu escândalo segundos antes. -- Brincou uma jovem de longos cabelos loiros.
-- Minha querida tem razão, você praticamente já entregou o jogo. -- Ironizou o jovem de cabelos roxos, semelhantes a um abacaxi, também presente no cômodo.
Assim que seu irmão voltou a esbravejar como aquilo não deveria estar acontecendo, mais e mais pessoas começaram a aparecer na grande cozinha com vista para um lindo jardim.
Entretanto, nada parecia realmente abalar o moreno que se serviu de uma xícara de chá para logo oferecer-lhe uma xícara de café.
-- Você sabia que tomates são frutas americanas? -- Questionou, o mais casual possível, apoiando o queixo no dorso de sua mão, dando mais destaque ao seu brinco com uma chamativa pena negra na ponta.
Talvez fosse seu tom de voz, seu carisma, ou os contrastes de sua aparência, porém, apesar dos tiros e gritos ao redor, a jovem se viu imersa naquela anedota sobre tomates.
E quando deu por si, uma fumaça a envolveu, levando-a de volta ao seu tempo."
Kate Kyou Hitome, Tsuna. Visão de Akiko do Alvo 434.
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deliciously-vegan · 1 year
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Lebanese-Inspired Quiche & Okra Stew
1 prepared pie crust
2 cups chopped eggplant
1 tbsp olive oil 1 onion, peeled and chopped
1 tsp garlic paste
1 green pepper, cored and diced 1 tsp cumin 1/2 tsp sea salt
1 block firm tofu, drained 1/4 cup nutritional yeast  1/2 tsp black salt 1/4 tsp black pepper 1/4 tsp turmeric
2 tbsp zaatar
Place chopped eggplant in a colander. Sprinkle generously with sea salt. Let sit for about 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. 
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Heat olive oil in saucepan over low heat. Sauté onion for several minutes. Add garlic paste and sauté for another minute or two.
Stir in the; eggplant, green pepper, cumin, and sea salt. Cook for 8-10 minutes on low heat, stirring frequently, until eggplant has softened. Turn heat off. 
Place; tofu, nutritional yeast, black salt, black pepper, and turmeric in a food processor. Process until smooth and creamy. Transfer to saucepan with veggies and add the zaatar. Stir thoroughly until everything is well-combined. 
Pour filling into prepared pie crust and spread out evenly. Bake in preheated oven for 40 minutes.
Allow to cool for a few minutes before slicing and serving.
Yields; 6 servings
Bamia B'Zeit (Lebanese Okra Stew)
2 tbsp olive oil 2 white onions, peeled and chopped
1 tsp garlic paste
1 kg okra, chopped (fresh or frozen) 4 cups chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp tomate paste 1 tsp vegetable bouillon powder 1 tsp coriander 1 tsp Lebanese 7-Spice blend 1 tsp sea salt 1/4 tsp black pepper
1 can (540 ml) lentils, drained and rinsed 1 tbsp pomegranate concentrate 1 tbsp cilantro paste
Heat olive oil in a large saucepan over low heat. Sauté onions for several minutes, stirring frequently. Add garlic paste and sauté for another minute or two.
Stir in the okra and tomatoes. Stir in the; tomato paste, vegetable bouillon powder, coriander, 7-Spice blend, sea salt, and black pepper. Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently, for about ten minutes. 
Stir in the lentils, pomegranate concentrate and cilantro paste. Cook for about another 2 minutes. 
Serve as is or over rice.
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skiplo-wave · 3 months
Me vs my cousins who live in a different state:
Me: "Pigs in a blanket."
Them: "Pigs in blankets."
Me: "Tomatoes."
Then: "Tomaters."
Me: "Potatoes."
Them: "Taters."
Me: "Ketchup."
Them: "Keshup."
Me: "Hotdogs."
Them: "Weeniers."
Me: "Cinnamon."
Them: "Cinna-meno-men-meno-meno-men."
Me: "Vegetable oil."
Them: "Vegetable oral."
Me: "Pork loins."
Them: "Pork loooiiinns."
Me: "Cupcakes."
Them: "Cup" Pause "Cake".
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produsenbajumuslim · 4 months
Kelezatan Aneka Jajanan Anak-anak: Menyelami Dunia Rasa yang Menggoda
Anak-anak selalu memiliki keinginan untuk menjelajahi dunia rasa yang penuh warna dan kreativitas. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas beragam jajanan anak-anak yang tidak hanya menggugah selera, tetapi juga membangkitkan kenangan manis dari masa kecil. Dari gula-gula klasik hingga makanan ringan modern, mari kita merayakan kelezatan dan keceriaan aneka jajanan yang menjadi favorit anak-anak.
1. Permen Gula-Gula: Klasik yang Tak Pernah Ketinggalan:
Gula-gula permen adalah jajanan klasik yang telah menjadi ikon kenangan masa kecil. Dari rasa buah-buahan hingga rasa manis yang berbeda, gula-gula permen menghadirkan keceriaan dalam bentuk yang berwarna-warni dan lezat.
2. Choco Pie: Manisnya Gabungan Biskuit dan Marshmallow:
Choco Pie adalah camilan yang terdiri dari dua lapisan biskuit lembut yang menyatu dengan lapisan marshmallow dan dilapisi cokelat. Rasanya yang manis dan teksturnya yang lembut membuatnya menjadi favorit di kalangan anak-anak.
3. Keripik Kentang Rasa BBQ: Gurih dan Menggoda Selera:
Keripik kentang dengan rasa BBQ adalah pilihan gurih yang sangat digemari anak-anak. Dengan kombinasi rasa asin dan pedas yang lezat, keripik ini menjadi teman setia dalam waktu santai atau saat menonton film.
4. Jelly Cup: Kelembutan Rasa dalam Gigitan Setiap Cup:
Jelly cup adalah jajanan yang menyenangkan, terutama dengan variasi warna dan bentuk yang berbeda. Dengan rasa buah-buahan yang segar dan kelembutan jelly, jelly cup memberikan kepuasan pada setiap gigitannya.
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5. Popcorn Karamel: Perpaduan Manis dan Gurih yang Menggugah Selera:
Popcorn karamel adalah perpaduan nikmat antara popcorn gurih yang dilapisi lapisan karamel yang manis. Makanan ringan ini tidak hanya cocok untuk nonton film, tetapi juga menjadi jajanan yang disukai anak-anak di berbagai acara.
6. Donat Berlapis Gula: Kenikmatan Gula di Setiap Gigitan:
Donat berlapis gula adalah jajanan yang sangat diidolakan anak-anak. Dengan gula yang menempel pada permukaannya, donat ini memberikan rasa manis yang sempurna dan kenikmatan lembut di setiap gigitannya.
7. Ice Cream Krim Warna-warni: Kesegaran dalam Setiap Sendok:
Es krim krim dengan warna-warni yang cerah selalu menjadi daya tarik bagi anak-anak. Rasa-rasa buah atau cokelat yang menyegarkan membuat ice cream krim menjadi pilihan favorit untuk menikmati cuaca panas atau sebagai pencuci mulut.
8. Chocolate Chip Cookies: Klasik yang Tak Pernah Salah:
Chocolate chip cookies adalah jajanan klasik yang sulit ditolak oleh anak-anak. Gurihnya adonan kue dengan tambahan lelehan cokelat chip di setiap gigitan membuatnya menjadi camilan yang timeless.
9. Choco Lava Cake: Kelezatan Cokelat Meleleh di Tengah:
Choco lava cake adalah sajian pencuci mulut yang dihargai anak-anak, terutama bagi pecinta cokelat. Saat dipotong, cokelat meleleh dari bagian dalam cake, memberikan pengalaman menyenangkan dalam mengeksplorasi kelezatan setiap suapannya.
10. Pisang Goreng Cokelat Keju: Kombinasi Manis, Gurih, dan Gurih:
Pisang goreng yang dilapisi dengan cokelat dan keju adalah jajanan yang menciptakan harmoni rasa antara manis, gurih, dan gurih. Kombinasi ini menjadi alternatif yang menggoda selera bagi anak-anak.
11. Gelato Buah Segar: Kelezatan Sehat yang Disukai Semua:
Gelato buah segar adalah opsi sehat yang sangat disukai anak-anak. Dengan rasa buah-buahan yang alami dan tekstur yang lembut, gelato menjadi alternatif yang menyenangkan dan menyehatkan.
12. Chicken Nugget: Gurih dan Praktis di Setiap Gigitan:
Chicken nugget adalah jajanan berbasis daging yang sangat populer di kalangan anak-anak. Dipadukan dengan saus atau saus tomat, chicken nugget menjadi makanan ringan yang praktis dan lezat.
13. Marshmallow Crispy Treats: Kelembutan Marshmallow dalam Setiap Sumpit:
Marshmallow crispy treats adalah jajanan yang mengombinasikan marshmallow yang lembut dengan krispi yang gurih. Kelembutan dan gurihnya dalam satu suapan membuatnya sulit diabaikan oleh anak-anak.
14. Cotton Candy: Kelezatan Gula yang Melayang-Layang:
Cotton candy adalah gulali yang dirajut menjadi benang halus dan lembut. Rasa manis dan tampilan yang unik membuat cotton candy menjadi favorit di pesta ulang tahun atau acara anak-anak. Dari permen klasik hingga es krim modern, aneka jajanan anak-anak tidak hanya memanjakan lidah, tetapi juga membangkitkan kenangan indah dari masa kecil. Penting untuk memahami bahwa konsumsi jajanan harus seimbang dengan pola makan sehat. Meskipun sesekali menikmati kelezatan ini adalah suatu kebahagiaan, pendekatan yang seimbang dan bertanggung jawab terhadap makanan adalah kunci untuk mendukung kesehatan dan kebahagiaan anak-anak.
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rebeccahale32951 · 9 months
Resep Makanan Simpel dari Telur
Dapur Renyah - Telur adalah salah satu bahan makanan yang serbaguna dan banyak digunakan dalam berbagai hidangan. Selain harganya yang terjangkau, telur juga kaya akan protein, vitamin, dan mineral yang baik untuk kesehatan tubuh. Bagi Anda yang mencari resep makanan simpel dari telur, berikut ini beberapa ide hidangan lezat yang mudah dan cepat untuk disajikan di meja makan.
1. Telur Dadar Gulung
4 butir telur
2 sendok makan air
1/2 sendok teh garam
1/4 sendok teh merica bubuk
Minyak sayur secukupnya untuk menggoreng
Bahan Isi (Pilih salah satu): a) Wortel parut, daun bawang, dan potongan daging ayam rebus. b) Keju parut dan jamur cincang.
Cara Membuat:
Kocok telur, air, garam, dan merica hingga tercampur rata.
Panaskan sedikit minyak sayur di atas wajan dengan api sedang.
Tuang setengah bagian adonan telur ke wajan dan ratakan tipis hingga membentuk dadar.
Letakkan bahan isi di atas dadar telur.
Gulung dadar telur dan biarkan hingga matang sempurna.
Ulangi proses yang sama untuk sisa adonan dan bahan isi.
Potong dadar gulung menjadi beberapa bagian sebelum disajikan.
2. Telur Rebus Sambal Balado
4 butir telur, rebus hingga matang
5 buah cabai merah besar
3 siung bawang merah
2 siung bawang putih
2 buah tomat
1 sendok makan gula merah, serut
Garam secukupnya
Minyak goreng secukupnya
Cara Membuat:
Haluskan cabai merah, bawang merah, bawang putih, dan tomat dengan menggunakan blender atau ulekan.
Panaskan minyak goreng dalam wajan.
Tumis bumbu halus hingga harum dan matang.
Masukkan gula merah, garam, dan aduk rata.
Masak sambal hingga matang dan kental. Angkat dan sisihkan.
Kelupas telur rebus dan belah menjadi dua bagian.
Letakkan telur rebus di atas piring saji dan siram dengan sambal balado yang telah disiapkan.
3. Telur Mata Sapi Tumis Buncis
4 butir telur, buat mata sapi (kocok telur, buat lubang di tengahnya, masak hingga putihnya mengeras)
200 gram buncis, potong-potong
2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
1/2 buah bawang bombay, iris tipis
1/2 sendok teh kecap manis
1/2 sendok teh saus tiram
Garam dan merica secukupnya
Minyak sayur secukupnya untuk menumis
Cara Membuat:
Panaskan minyak sayur dalam wajan.
Tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay hingga harum dan layu.
Masukkan buncis, kecap manis, saus tiram, garam, dan merica. Tumis hingga buncis matang namun tetap renyah.
Letakkan telur mata sapi di atas buncis tumis.
Angkat dan sajikan selagi hangat.
4. Telur Dadar Jagung
4 butir telur
1/2 cup jagung manis pipil (dapat menggunakan jagung kalengan yang sudah disaring)
2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
2 batang daun bawang, iris tipis
Garam dan merica secukupnya
Minyak sayur secukupnya untuk menggoreng
Cara Membuat:
Kocok telur, jagung pipil, bawang putih, daun bawang, garam, dan merica hingga tercampur rata.
Panaskan minyak sayur dalam wajan.
Tuang setengah bagian adonan telur dan jagung ke wajan, ratakan hingga membentuk dadar.
Goreng dadar telur dan jagung hingga matang dan berwarna keemasan di kedua sisi.
Sajikan telur dadar jagung dengan nasi putih hangat.
5. Telur Ceplok Rasa Oriental
4 butir telur, ceplok setengah matang
2 sendok makan saus teriyaki
1 sendok makan saus tiram
1/2 sendok teh kecap manis
1 sendok teh minyak wijen
2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
1/2 buah bawang bombay, cincang halus
1 buah cabai merah besar, iris tipis (opsional)
Minyak sayur secukupnya untuk menumis
Cara Membuat:
Panaskan minyak sayur dalam wajan.
Tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay hingga harum dan layu.
Masukkan saus teriyaki, saus tiram, kecap manis, dan minyak wijen. Aduk rata.
Tambahkan irisan cabai merah jika ingin tambahan rasa pedas.
Masukkan telur ceplok setengah matang ke dalam wajan dan balik sebentar hingga terbalut rata oleh saus.
Angkat dan sajikan selagi hangat.
Nikmati kelezatan hidangan-hidangan simpel dari telur ini sebagai menu harian atau sajian istimewa ketika ada tamu datang berkunjung. Selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil!
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bartender359 · 11 months
Certainly! Here's a recipe for the "Random Drink" tonic you requested:
- 1 cup pumpkin juice
- 1 tablespoon fresh mint leaves
- 1 tablespoon tomato juice
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon black pepper
- 1 teaspoon sal (salt)
- 1.5 ounces gin (adjust to taste)
- Assorted edible flowers for garnish (e.g., lavender, chamomile, rose petals)
1. In a cocktail shaker, combine the pumpkin juice, mint leaves, tomato juice, lemon juice, black pepper, and sal (salt).
2. Use a muddler or the back of a spoon to gently muddle the ingredients together, releasing the flavors of the mint and blending everything well.
3. Add the gin to the shaker and fill it with ice.
4. Shake vigorously for about 15-20 seconds to chill the drink.
5. Strain the mixture into a glass filled with ice cubes or crushed ice.
6. Garnish with a selection of edible flowers on top for an attractive presentation.
7. Give the drink a gentle stir to distribute the flavors.
8. Serve and enjoy your unique "Random Drink" tonic!
Note: Feel free to adjust the ingredient quantities based on your personal taste preferences. Cheers!
¡Ciertamente! Aquí hay una receta para el tónico "Bebida aleatoria" que solicitó:
- 1 taza de jugo de calabaza
- 1 cucharada de hojas de menta fresca
- 1 cucharada de jugo de tomate
- 1 cucharada de jugo de limón
- 1 cucharadita de pimienta negra
- 1 cucharadita de sal (sal)
- 1.5 onzas de ginebra (ajustar al gusto)
- Flores comestibles variadas para decorar (p. ej., lavanda, manzanilla, pétalos de rosa)
1. En una coctelera, combine el jugo de calabaza, las hojas de menta, el jugo de tomate, el jugo de limón, la pimienta negra y la sal.
2. Use un triturador o el dorso de una cuchara para mezclar suavemente los ingredientes, liberando los sabores de la menta y mezclándolo todo bien.
3. Añade la ginebra a la coctelera y llénala con hielo.
4. Agite vigorosamente durante unos 15-20 segundos para enfriar la bebida.
5. Cuele la mezcla en un vaso lleno de cubitos de hielo o hielo picado.
6. Adorne con una selección de flores comestibles encima para una presentación atractiva.
7. Agite suavemente la bebida para distribuir los sabores.
8. ¡Sirve y disfruta de tu tónica única "Random Drink"!
Nota: Siéntase libre de ajustar las cantidades de ingredientes según sus preferencias personales. ¡Salud!
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turisiancom · 1 year
TURISIAN.com - Bosan dengan ketupat dan opor ayam di hari lebaran? Jangan khawatir, hidangan khas Timur Tengah ini bisa jadi pilihan. Namanya, Magluba hidangan yang biasanya hadir di tengah-tengah masyarakat Timur Tengah yang sedang merayakan Idul Fitri. Maqluba merupakan hidangan kaya rempah yang populer di kawasan Timur Tengah. Walaupun memiliki beragam versi, prinsip dasarnya tetap sama. Yaitu hidangan yang terdiri dari nasi, daging, dan sayuran. BACA JUGA: Chef Devina Jadikan Masakan Nusantara Dalam Kreasi Menu Internasional Makanan ini harus disajikan dengan memasukkannya ke dalam panci kemudian sajikan dengan cara dibalikkan. Berikut resep Maqluba yang dapat dijadikan opsi hidangan Lebaran ala chef Moose Nazeeh, chef dari JA Manafaru Maldives, sebagaimana dikutip dari Arab News pada Sabtu. Bahan bumbu Saudi: - 2 sdm biji ketumbar - 1 sdm biji jintan - 1 sdm batang kayu manis (potong kecil-kecil) - 1 sdm kapulaga - 1 sdt cengkeh - 1 buah lemon kering (pecah menjadi beberapa bagian dan buang bijinya) - 1 lembar daun salam - 1 sdt bubuk kunyit BACA JUGA: Opor Ayam Lebaran, Bisa Coba Resep Ini Cara membuat bumbu Saudi - Panggang kering semua bumbu kecuali bubuk kunyit. Setelah matang, angkat dan tiriskan. - Kemudian tambahkan bubuk kunyit saat bumbu masih dalam keadaan panas - Haluskan semua bahan menjadi bubuk halus saat sudah cukup dingin. - Simpan dalam wadah kedap udara dan gunakan saat dibutuhkan Bahan utama: - 2 cup beras basmati - 5 cup kaldu ikan - 500 gram ikan karang fillet (sebaiknya ikan kerapu, bersihkan dan buang kulitnya lalu potong-potong) - 1 buah bawang bombay besar potong-potong - 3 siung bawang putih dipotong menjadi irisan - 1 sendok teh bubuk lada hitam (opsional) - 1,5 sendok makan campuran bumbu Saudi - 5 buah buah kapulaga - 3 inci batang kayu manis - Garam secukupnya - 1 lemon kering - 2 sendok makan minyak zaitun BACA JUGA: Siapkan Resep Kue Burayot Ini untuk Merayakan Hari Lebaran   Bahan campuran untuk sayuran - 2 terong ukuran besar - 1 kentang ukuran besar - 2 tomat ukuran besar - 1/2 buah kembang kol - Segenggam paprika - Minyak untuk menumis Cara membuat: Tahap pertama - Campur dan rendam ikan ke dalam setengah sendok makan bumbu Saudi, dua sejumput lada hitam, dan garam secukupnya. Kemudian, goreng potongan ikan tersebut hingga semua sisi berwarna cokelat keemasan. - Dalam wajan besar, tuangkan minyak zaitun secukupnya. Tambahkan bawang bombay dan bawang putih, kemudian masak sampai berwarna cokelat muda. - Tambahkan sisa bahan. Aduk rata dan tumis dengan api sedang selama beberapa menit. - Tambahkan lima cangkir kaldu ikan dan bumbui dengan garam. Didihkan selama 10 menit dan sisihkan. BACA JUGA: Pas Buat Lebaran, Ini Resep Chiki Butter Cookies Tahap kedua - Iris sayuran kecil-kecil. Usahakan potong terong secara memanjang. - Dalam wajan, tuangkan sedikit minyak dan goreng sayuran satu per satu. - Masak setengah matang. Tahap ketiga - Rendam beras selama 15 menit dan tiriskan airnya. - Taburkan sedikit garam pada sayuran. - Dalam wajan, lapisi terong dengan rapi, kemudian masukkan beberapa potongan kentang, tomat, paprika, dan ikan. Lapisi setengah posri beras di atasnya. - Lapisi kembali dengan sayuran yang tersisa dengan rapi. Tambahkan lagi beras yang tersisa. - Tuang kaldu ikan ke dalam beras secara perlahan. Tutup dengan penutup panci - Masak dengan api sedang-rendah selama 20 hingga 25 menit. - Sebelum disajikan, balikkan panci secara perlahan di atas piring saji. Nah, Sobat Turisian, sudah siap mencoba resep hidangan khas Timur Tengah ini? *** Sumber: Antaranews
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nco05 · 1 year
Tomato Minestrone tastes a little different from tomate vegetable soup but only very slightly
So I still have no clue what exactly is different here?
It is really nice tho, I am on my second cup 😈
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eatfortheweek · 1 year
Eat With Me Week Two:
Over the last week, I was overwhelmed and stressed by events in my life, so I turned to "garbage food" which just made me feel more down, and bad about myself. This is another important aspect of food culture in the U.S.
Once I realized I was feeling even worse I decided I would cook an easy meal that is delicious and made me feel better about myself.
The meal I chose to make was Feta Pasta.
To start out you place about two cups of cherry tomato's in a pan and oil them with olive oil.
Then place a block of feta in the middle of your cherry tomtos.
Place the oven on 350 degrees and put the pan in for 30mins.
While that is cooking add a pot of water to the stove add olive oil and salt to the water, bring to a boil then add your fav pasta a cook to instructions.
Pull out the cooking tomat's and stir cheese in, sprinkle with fresh basil.
Add your cooked pasta to the pan with the the tomato feta mixture, and top with parm.
This simple recipe brought me joy, and made me feel good about myself, I hope that you are able to use it as a delicious meal and as a boost of confidence and sense of completion in your day! (-:
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danickas · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Simone Perele navy blue bra.
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year
Carol & Esca
How about just one date?
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After school Carol invited Esca personally on a small trip of a small fruit picnic inside the woods together... enjoying the nature and relaxing a little... although it just started as them chatting a little, eventually she sat a little on his lap and started to feet him some apple slices with her hands.
“It was a good idea to take a small break from tutoring... I am glad I am here with you and rest up a little.”
“Mi amor, you really spoil me with all this... “
“Your welcome, now then I do have a grape as well, say ahh.”
She placed it carefully in his mouth and he smiled at her eating it calmly, after he was done however he cupped her face with his hand.
“I think its missing something... I know.”
He leaned forward and pulled her into a passionate yet Tender kiss... her arms clinging onto his chest a little to rest it and withdraw... her face tomatored looking up at her tall boyfriend.
“You’re right... it did taste well... “
“I do smell some of that sweet apple smell on you too... I think I want to be closer.”
“Ahh...” Quickly he took her hand and slightly kissed it before pulling her more closer so she could lay on his chest down with him. She leaned her head on it an sighed...
“You really are comfortable... fine I stay here for a little.”
He kissed her forehead and leaned down with her for a while... embracing her untill both took a little nap by accident... soon as she woke up some of the ants swayed around the food... which made her sigh, but seeing Esca kinda laugh about it didn’t make it as bad as she placed another kiss on his cheek before getting up.
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