#Tyler answers asks
the-whispers-of-death · 19 hours
Little idea? Just something that popped into my brain, you dont have to expand on it i just wanna tell ya. What if incubus readers like a real sweet guy at heart? Maybe he has sex to fed, he ace, he dosent mind it but you know its just a part of his existence. What can you do?
Maybe he visits ghost often, give him nice dreams instead of bad ones, maybe he starts doing taht for others. I dunno. He be happy just givin people good dreams.
Incubus!Reader is such a sweet guy at heart. He just has to have sex to feed. It's a part of his existence. I can totally see him loving the fact that he gave Ghost a good dream.
Maybe he will in fact keep giving Ghost bad dreams, comfort him more often. Only time will tell. 😉
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chodoyodes · 4 months
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tragedry · 20 days
How do you think Tyler's personality could have been if he had less responsibility ( like if his father didn't die)?
he'd be a lot more carefree, more prone to teasing taylor and his friends and he'd be smiling a lot more too (but not those strained smiles that he's developed over the years to assure others especially his family, but the kind that lights his eyes up and makes him look stunning)
he'd still be responsible and trustworthy, but without the burden of failure, so others would definitely come to him if they need any kind of help or advice.
tyler would also be a lot more empathic and less closed off-- in his core, he's already been that way cause he's born in a loving family that taught him and his sister how to love and take care of each other, so without the grief and rage hanging onto his character, i can see him as a popular kid (not just cause he's in the baseball team, but because he's a kind and fiercely loyal friend who will always be there to love and protect those who he cares about!)
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doverstar · 25 days
THERE WAS NO OTHER ENDING FOR ROSE and ya know what, I like to think the doctor thinks so too
I think he does too! I’m gonna talk about it, are you ready for me to talk about it? Are you ready for an essay-
I think the Doctor would agree that the ending Rose got—the one with Tentoo on Pete’s World—was the best possible fate for her. I’ll explain why, because I feel like it. First I’ll break down Rose’s most popular alternative-endings. Let’s start with Rose-stays-with-him-until-she-dies. That’s the one Rose decided on long before Canary Wharf. She planned on staying with the Time Lord until she physically couldn’t anymore. Forever.
First of all, that would be painful for the Doctor. He already said it. Watching Rose get shot, drowned, stabbed, sucked into a black hole, sacrificed for a remote planet’s civilization, poisoned, pulled into a void, atomized, eaten, possessed, run over, diseased, or ripped apart would be traumatic and terrible for the Doctor.
Watching Rose grow old and tired and then die would also be incredibly painful. He might try to prolong her life in alien ways, even in medical ways, but then she’s subjected to an unnatural, un-human existence until death claims her. Making a naturally-decaying body stick around and eke out another year, another hour, another century while he watches, exactly the same as ever. Yikes. Not fun for either of them. No thank you. He was against that ending with good reason.
Now, this ending where Rose stays with him until she dies? It is no less an emotional commitment to make than the one every married couple on Earth, every affectionate relationship on Earth, makes. Friends, family, spouses. You will lose them. You have to decide to love them knowing that.
The Doctor does love Rose, but he can’t tell her or admit it aloud because to do that would be facing a reality he’s not willing to face: he loves something he will inevitably lose. The old coward will not do it.
I believe that if Rose wanted to stay with him until she died, knowing she has a shorter lifespan but committing to holding his hand until she could not hold it anymore because he needs that and she can give it to him, and she knows he loves her back—100% yes girl, go for it. That is good and right and fine and she should be allowed to make that commitment. That’s love. That’s literal marriage vows. That’s unconditional, unwavering, and Rose is the first companion in 60 years of TARDIS passengers to love him like that. And he knows it. And it’s scary. But. Even in marriage, that is a commitment that has to be agreed upon by both parties. And the Doctor did not agree. The Doctor, selfish old man, is too afraid. He doesn’t want to watch Rose die, and he tried to explain that to her without confessing anything, and she heard him and tried to explain to him that she decided he would always have her if she had anything to say about it, not for her sake, but for his. (“Who’s gonna hold his hand now?” “I made my choice a long time ago and I’m never gonna leave you.” “Forever.”)
Now. That’s the first option for an alternate ending for Rose. She stays with him as a mortal and he has to watch her die, and they either dance around expressing their love in an unspoken, inexplicit way until he loses her and it’s agony, or they jump in with both feet and enjoy the time they have left, however many days Rose has before death, with the knowledge and understanding that he will outlive her, which is agony but with kissing. Still not 100% happy because one of them is, well, in agony. With a significantly long life stretched out ahead of him to spend as a widower. And it would fundamentally change the nature of a 60-year-old television show, but that’s another Ask for another time. Next is the Immortal!Rose AU, or the Bad Wolf AU. Personally, I don’t care for this AU (though I get the appeal and I do sometimes wish it could be that way). I used to think it was a good idea, and sometimes it's still sweet and I can see it, but the older I got, the more I disagreed with it. Because really, it doesn’t work. The AU’s idea—or its most popular explanation—is that Rose, by absorbing the Time Vortex and looking into the heart of the TARDIS in The Parting of the Ways, retained one slice of her godlike powers: she became immortal. Even after the Doctor kissed her and took the Vortex away to save her. The most-used version of this is that neither Rose nor the Doctor are aware that Rose was left with immortality until Tentoo ages and she doesn’t, or her family ages and she doesn’t.
The reason why I don’t think the Doctor would ultimately want this ending for Rose? The Doctor himself would not recommend immortality. He knows it’s ultimately a devastating existence. He himself has a ridiculously-long lifespan. Time Lords are supposed to only have a certain number of regenerations, but each regeneration, if left to age naturally, lives a long freaking time. (With the new Timeless Child nonsense, who knows, apparently the Doctor exclusively is immortal? I pretend I do not see it.) And then if they should die of old age, they regenerate and another chapter of life begins. So the Doctor knows what it’s like to essentially be immortal. And he doesn’t like it. He doesn’t like watching his friends die around him. He doesn’t like knowing he will outlive the people and places he cares about. He hates it. “Immortality is everybody else dying.” “In the end you just get tired. Tired of the struggle. Tired of losing everyone that matters to you, tired of watching everything turn to dust.” That last line, the Lazarus speech, sounds familiar because it’s something similar, interestingly, to what Rose said when she was the Bad Wolf. “Everything comes to dust.” Immortality is not a blessing. Immortality is absolutely a curse, and the show treats it like a curse. It’s not just never dying. Immortality is being alone and being unnatural. It’s bad. It’s not a good thing. If you were a 100% perfect person with a 100% perfect memory, it might be doable, but it’s not an easy existence. It sounds awful actually. We saw it with Ashildr (terrible idea). She’s miserable. She never really stops being miserable. Think about this: the Doctor is (kind of) immortal. He never stays in one place for too long, and he is careful to bring along far more mortal traveling companions wherever he goes. The Doctor once told Amy that he brought her with him because he can’t “see it” anymore (meaning the universe and its value), but he brings Amy and others with him because they can see it. “And when you see it, I see it.” What is everyone always telling him? Don’t travel alone. Not because he’s lonely—even though he totally is. It’s because when he is alone, the Doctor becomes a hazard, not a help. He starts to feel like he can do whatever he wants. I mean, think about it. He starts to feel like his judgement is infallible, because he’s basically a god, isn’t he? But no one should have that much power. It takes a lot to kill him, he’s a genius, and he has a time-and-space machine. What can’t he do? After a long, long, long time of living and being alone, essentially in an echo chamber with himself, the Doctor would lose empathy and compassion and humility just like anyone else. Because he’s not perfect. But he brings friends along to remind him he can stop now. To remind him we don’t walk away. To remind him that the universe has life in it that is worth saving, and that there is such a thing as right and wrong, and that he is not God, and that there is no such thing as little people. 900 years of time and space and he’s never met anybody who wasn’t important before. He needs his friends to hold him to the mark.
So—the Doctor knows that being immortal basically means that in the end you’ll see everything come to dust. If you’re not careful, you won’t be you anymore. And nothing and no one else will be themselves to you, either. You will lose the people/places you care about, and you will be alone, and you will stop caring. And then not only will you be wretched, you’ll be dangerous. Someone who doesn’t care is dangerous. It’s Ted Bundy. It’s evil. But it’s okay, I hear you saying. If they had each other, he would always have someone to hold him to the mark! Well - yes and then no - Think about Rose. Rose Tyler is a young human woman with so much empathy and sympathy. She is “so human”, in the Doctor’s own words. She is imperfect, and selfish, and petty, and easily angry and easily jealous. She is also impossibly compassionate, even towards the most ruthless murderous species. She’s kind and generous and brave and has a strong sense of justice. She’s often very selfless and very loving. Especially toward the Doctor. She values doing the right thing. A lot of those traits are found in the Doctor’s other friends (he chooses them with great care). But Rose is different. The Doctor is in love with Rose. And Rose is a lot of ‘firsts’ for Doctor Who. She’s the first companion to inspire change in a Dalek. She’s the first companion to tell him she’s in love with him. (Jo loved him, Sarah Jane loved him, Grace loved him, yes I know there were others.) She’s the first companion to be a real, proper onscreen equal to the Doctor, and not in a She’s Basically the Doctor But A Girl way, like Clara Oswald tried to be. She is not his assistant, his carer, his associate, his sidekick, his adoptive daughter, adoptive little sister, biological granddaughter, or his partner. Not to be Emily Bronte, but these two characters have the same heart. Like recognized like and fell in love. Perfect complementation. That is also another Ask for another time –
RTD said that Rose “humans [the Doctor] and he Time Lords her”. He brings out the courage and confidence in her that makes her so exceptional as a human, things that turn her into a hero, things she already had in her that the Doctor pulled forward. In turn, she brings out the compassion and humility in him that makes him a hero instead of a villain, things he always had in him that she pulled forward, adding humanity which would otherwise be easy for him to cast off.
But she can’t human him if she isn’t human anymore.
The things that make Rose an exceptional mortal would no longer be exceptional if she were immortal. The good traits would be a duty to retain, and the bad traits would be a poison to keep at bay. Because Rose is on a different level when it comes to her relationship with the Doctor, she could, for a time, help hold him to the mark. They would be exactly as we saw them in the show—passing by, helping out, saving the day, loving one another, making one another better. And then after eons go by, they would be each other’s echo chamber. Rose is the Doctor’s equal? Given eternity to stagnate in, what was once a strength would quickly become a weakness. Rose is not perfect and the Doctor is not perfect. Rose would not always be able to “see it” anymore either, even with the Doctor there. Same goes for him. They might be together forever, but Rose would be watching her mother, father, brother, friends, and family all age and die. She would hate that. But it would be okay because she has the Doctor, right? I agree with that. They have one another. So they’re never alone. That’s good. But Rose would not be a Time Lord. She’d be an immortal human. Ashildr 2.0, finite memory in an infinite body. She’d become detached, unable to appreciate the universe, and she’d stop investing in mortal relationships because they all end eventually. All she’d have would be the Doctor—and that’s wonderful, but after a while it would stop being a special thing that they have one another. Don’t look at me like that; it would. Okay, no – no - even if the Bad Wolf powers allowed Rose to have an infinite memory to go with her infinite body, fine, let’s say they did, she and the Doctor would still end up with “a backyard” as Eleven called it.
And eventually they would both think that the two of them, together, have the best judgement in the universe and should be treated as gods, and they will stop caring (except about each other, which doesn’t sound good for all the little people who are not part of that relationship, can you say unhealthy?). Or else they will become enemies, the way the Master and the Doctor became enemies. Or they won’t be able to travel with one another indefinitely, the way Ashildr, the Rani, River, Clara, and Romana can’t travel with the Doctor indefinitely. Because it would become toxic for everyone. And they would be back to being miserable, wouldn’t they?
(And – again -  let me finish beating this tiny horse here: if you think Rose Tyler would heal fairly quickly - say, ten centuries in - and warm up to the reality that she has outlived other humans because she is really no longer human, we aren’t thinking of the same Rose Tyler.)
The Doctor would not wish the curse of the Time Lords on anybody, especially not the woman he loves. He would not agree that immortality is the happiest ending for Rose, or even for himself and Rose. There’s a very real chance that immortality would ruin Rose. He wouldn’t do that to her. He loves her.
And here we go, here’s my freaking point - The Doctor loves Rose. So he would give her what she wants, even if it means sacrificing what he wants. Putting her needs before his own. That’s love. She knows that; she was trying to do that for him the whole time!
But what does Rose want? Adventure in the great wide somewhere? No. Rose wants love. Rose wants the assurance of real, true love. Rose wants to love and be loved. And when she finds that, she is darn good at it, and she will do her best to keep it. AND THAT IS ANOTHER ASK FOR ANOTHER TIME, HOOOO BOY DON’T POKE ME- The Doctor cannot give Rose what she wants using himself, or even the thing that will make him happy too, for a time—because to outlive her would be absolutely terrible, and they both know it, and because he will not put her through the curse of immortality. (She doesn’t want to live forever anyway.)
But he can give her what she wants in the form of Tentoo. Are you kidding me? A 100% exact copy of the Doctor? The same face, same mannerisms, same hair? All the memories of loving her and longing for her in his head? And he only has one heart? He’ll grow old at the same time as Rose does? Plus, hi, he actually was born in mini wartime and needs the very influence Rose provided for his ninth self? Come on. What else was he going to do? Of course the Doctor and Tentoo gave her this chance. When Rose asks him “What was the last thing you said to me?” The Doctor could have said “I love you”. He was going to say it. It is canon that he was going to say that he loved her if the connection hadn’t been severed the first time. And for him to say it then, they both knew, would have been all Rose needed to hear. She would have gone with him and Donna and died. Or gone with him and Donna and become immortal somehow, hey I hear there are these random Mire repair kits kicking around out there in the universe, they make people immortal, funny we never saw them before now, I hate you Moffat- But he didn’t say it. He said “I said ‘Rose Tyler’.” And she gives him one more chance to say it. “How was that sentence gonna end?” “Does it need saying?” Well, no, it doesn’t. We’re not asking you to confirm it. She’s not asking you to confirm it. It never needed saying. You both knew it was love. We knew it was love. A hundred times over, it was love on display.
But she is asking him to make a choice—and he chooses to let her go because he loves her.
It’s not a question of love. They give each other a chance, both of them. Don’t make the mistake of thinking Rose had no choice. She asked both of those Doctors to tell her they loved her, and she chose the one that said it out loud, after learning her options. She learned one of them would grow old and was offering to spend forever with her if she wanted. She learned that one of them was genuinely choosing not to say he loved her on purpose.  She made an informed decision. (Yes, she ran after the TARDIS when it left. Wouldn’t you?) The Doctor would agree that Tentoo is the best ending for Rose. Tentoo would agree (because he is the Doctor, and bonus, he gets to have Rose Tyler). Because this, this ending where she gets Tentoo, which is our fancy term for differentiating between two versions of exactly the same man, don’t go there with me-
This ending where she gets Tentoo is genuinely what she always wanted. She didn’t want to live forever. She didn’t want a boring life, but she didn’t desperately want adventure over all else. She wanted love. That’s an adventure anyway. Love. And she loved the Doctor. And she got to have the Doctor, and not lose him, or watch him lose her. And the Doctor, our full Time Lord Doctor, had the assurance of knowing that he did the best he could do for the woman he loved.
(Plus, because yes please, in an official deleted scene which has been confirmed to be intended as canon, Tentoo and Rose have a chunk of TARDIS coral and are growing their own, so they get to see the universe too, so you can’t even complain that all is not as it should be in that sense.) It is sad, because the full Time Lord has to carry on without her (that’s how the story always goes for him, and it should be because without loving and losing, an immortal alien will not have the periodic wake-up call he needs to remember that there is value in people and in relationships and in caring), and it’s sad because Rose won’t see him again, and it’s sad because we won’t really see Rose again. But for her, it is the best ending. It is the kindest, fairest ending. And I think the Doctor would agree.
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andreal831 · 5 months
Excluding trying to kill hope/Hayley, what are your thoughts on the whole Klaus and Tyler situation?
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I told myself I wasn't going to answer any more asks today but I loved this one too much.
Tyler Lockwood is one of the most over-hated and underrated characters in TVD.
Just focusing on what Klaus did to him and not even his trauma from his parents and friends, Tyler's pain is so overlooked. I think the best way to discuss Tyler and Klaus is just to lay it all out.
Tyler and Klaus' first interaction is when Tyler is forced back to Mystic Falls because Klaus has someone attack his mother. This is their first interaction, Klaus harming Tyler's mother to manipulate him. Klaus could have chosen a different werewolf but targeted Tyler for whatever reason. Klaus then traps him with Caroline on a full moon and he nearly kills Caroline.
Their next interaction is Klaus killing Tyler. He does so with little remorse or concern about whether Tyler will survive the transformation as no one had before. He survives and becomes sired to Klaus, who abuses it and essentially enslaves his hybrids. Everyone likes to get mad at sired Tyler, but he has limited bodily autonomy. This is a major violation that the show glosses over. Klaus uses this to make Tyler harm the people he loves. The MFG seems to have a lot less sympathy for Tyler than anyone else who suffered from sire bonds or even villainous charm. Elena also did bad things under Damon's sire bond, but everyone blamed Damon. Tyler gets the full blame and anger from his friends instead of understanding or helping. Everyone likes to credit Klaus for saving Caroline's life on her birthday, but Klaus ruined her birthday by forcing her boyfriend to nearly kill her. Tyler, who hates Klaus, has to go to him and beg him to save the girl he loves.
Because of the sire bond to Klaus who forced him to harm his friends, specifically Caroline, Tyler recruits Bill Forbes, someone known for torturing supernaturals, to help break his sire bond. He then leaves to break the bond. He subjects himself to hours of torture and pain so that he won't ever have to hurt his family again. He comes back from this pain to find Klaus flirting with his girlfriend. Klaus then possesses Tyler's body without his consent for a matter of time.
Tyler then works with Hayley and the other wolves to free them of Klaus' enslavement. Klaus kills their friend, thanks to the help of the MFG. Not only does Klaus kill his friend, Caroline agrees to go on a date with Klaus in exchange for killing his friend.
Klaus then proceeds to murder all of Tyler's hybrid friends and then his mother, the last family member Tyler had. Klaus once again tries to kill Caroline to control Tyler and makes Tyler beg him to save her life. Klaus forces Tyler to run once again, forcing him from his friends and family. Before he leaves though, he leaves his home to Matt so Caroline will have a safe place to hide from Klaus. Even when Tyler tries to sneak back into town to have one dance with his girlfriend at prom, Klaus shows up to chase him out again.
Tyler then seeks revenge against Klaus.
Given everything, Tyler is completely justified in going after Klaus. Is it a bad plan? Sure. He can't kill Klaus and even if he could, he would die with him. But that's not the point. The point was Klaus cost Tyler everything. He tortured Tyler for months, attempting to steal his girlfriend while doing it. He murdered his mother in cold blood all because Tyler helped free the enslaved hybrids and himself. Klaus was a monster.
We see many characters seek revenge for things much less serious and are supported. Klaus is celebrated for murdering people for no reason. Tyler didn't even only act for himself but for all of the wolves Klaus planned to enslave. Tyler was completely in the right and the show/characters spent too much time trying to make Tyler seem like the bad guy.
I only wish Tyler had lived long enough to know Klaus died. Tyler deserved so much better than the hell Klaus put him through. He didn't get a break for years all because of Klaus' petty jealousies and insecurities.
Tyler was a better man than Klaus any day of the week. Yes, he's done some bad things but the fact that so many terrible men are celebrated and Tyler is constantly attacked is so questionable to me.
Thanks for the ask!
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mstrickster · 7 months
Which one of the ducks is the first to introduce the other ducks to alcohol? And how would each of the ducks get when they are drunk?
This is fun. I hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna use this ask to shout out my friend @kaymardsa and their fanfic.
This fic gives a lot of fun ideas in the first chapter of how the Ducks act when drunk!
Anyway, on to the answer!
Now, I've seen a few people who write Dean as the one who gets the Ducks into drinking. However, that seems too obvious, so I'm gonna say Goldberg is the one.
I say this because Goldberg's parents own a restaurant. He works at that restaurant and probably gets stuff for free. So, I could totally see him asking his mom if he could take some food for a party and sneaking out some alcohol.
Anyway, the next part! Their drunk personalities!
Dean: I'm gonna start with Dean cause I can. He is the fun drunk. He likes to party and have fun. So, drunk him is just that too an extremely. He is the drunk who buys drinks for all and yells how he loves all his friends. He also becomes the ultimate hype man and wingman for his friends.
Fulton: I could see Fulton having levels like Amy from Brooklyn 99. Like after his first drink, he isn't affected. By the second, he will laugh at anything. By the third, he is the loud drunk. By the fourth drink, which is his cap currently, he is the emotional drunk. At 4 drinks, he has cried about how much he loves his friends or his girlfriend.
Adam: Adam doesn't get drunk easily. However, when he does get drunk, he is the promiscuious drunk. Thankfully, the first time he got drunk, he was with someone. However, his partner had to get him somewhere private fast because he wouldn't stop making sexual comments.
Averman: Now, because Averman is generally a fun and jokey guy, normally I could see him being the sad drunk. Not in the same way Fulton is. He's more. "The world is on fire, and we're all gonna die someday." drunk. Like he will bring the mood down fast. He does take about 5 drinks to get drunk, though. So he knows when to stop and will sometimes choose to be the designated driver.
Julie: Julie is the thief drunk. If she isn't monitored, she will steal things. This can range between silverware to at one point a fish. It was alive and in a ziplock. She almost never remembers taking these until she finds the items the next day.
Luis: Luis is the self-conscious drunk. He loses all the confidence he has. The first time he got wasted, he sat on the floor with Kenny and talked about how his confidence is fake and he's worried some people only like him for his looks. It makes you want to give him a hug.
Kenny: Kenny is the daredevil/trash talker drunk. He loses all the doubt, so he will jump off tables, sing in front of crowds, and smacktalk almost all his friends. He is small and unstoppable because he can often escape without people noticing. Kenny is a fucking menace.
Connie: Connie hardly ever gets drunk. However, the one time she did, she spent the whole time talking about Guy. Like we know, Guy gushes about Connie and how amazing she is. While that's how Connie is with Guy when she's drunk. Like I can imagine her going "Julie, look at the man, i love that man, he is amazing." Then she starts to cry.
Guy: Guy is the drunk that doesn't appear drunk. Like his personality doesn't appear to change. However, he does show the aftermath of being drunk. However, unless you knew him really well, you couldn't tell. Like you can only tell because he will start shortening everyone's name. That's it.
Charlie: Charlie is the dramatic drunk. Like everything to drunk, Charlie is a big deal. Like you think normal Charlie is dramatic. He's nothing compared to drunk Charlie. One time, when Charlie got drunk, he thought Jesse hated him because he didn't laugh right away at his joke. It's a mess.
Goldberg is the wandering drunk. Like unless he is watched, he will wander off. He does tend to fall into another group if they're at a party. However, it becomes a hazard if he is outside. He will walk into the street unless his is held on to.
Jesse: Jesse is the drunk who finds everything funny. He will laugh at anything even if it isn't funny. He will even get others to laugh because "come on man that was hilarious." It never is.
Russ: Russ is the spacey drunk. He will lose track of conversations before they even start. He will also argue with people that he knows what they are talking about. Yes, he completely heard you and understands. Stop asking!
Dwayne: Dwayne is the profound drunk. He is a true drunk philosopher. Weirdly, most of his observations make sense to the non-drunk mind. One of his greatest hits was "Why do humans feel like we control the world? We are nothing without the food we eat and the water we eat." It almost cause Averman to have an existential crisis.
Thank you, nonnie!
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cementcornfield · 1 year
Thank you anon! Perfect timing for the birthday boy 🥰
(love that Joe got to have his own little cup of slime to pour lmao)
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what about a male bunny reader who is dating ghost and soap (poly?) his tail twitches when nervous or anxious and lately its been twitching a lot especially when he’s around the two so they think they’re making him anxious but really he’s just excited to see them
Ghost would be concerned that he's making you anxious when he sees your tail twitches when he's around you, he's used to people be intimidated by him. He tries to pull away from you, but Soap knows you're just happy to see both of them so he stops Ghost from doing so.
When Ghost knows it's because you're excited, he'll coo at you, his heart warming at the thought of his boyfriend being excited to see him. You're so precious to him.
Soap loves seeing your tail twitch in happiness/excitement, especially when he peppers your face with kisses and makes you laugh. He thinks it's so endearing and it's a personal slice of heaven for him. He'll gently tease you about being so excited to see him, saying how you're so cute for being excited about seeing your boyfriend(s).
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Can you do headcanons with price x a reader who gets distracted and lost easily?
CW: Slight yandere vibes, I guess.
When you're just out and about, Price will hold your hand so that if you walk off, he'll just be taken with you. When you're in a store together, he has you on one of those child leashes, simply because he might need two hands to look at something and thus can't always hold your hand.
His heart always skips a beat in fear when you manage to unlatch your hand from his and wander off, especially if you two are in a crowded place. This man once had an employee use the intercom because he had lost you in a store and he was so close to calling the police to organize a search party.
Price refuses to leave your side when you two go camping or hiking. If you need to pee, he's right there beside you. He cannot risk having a heart attack because you wandered away from him in the wilderness.
If he for whatever reason can't come with you to some place, he'll track your phone. You know he does this and you let him do it, it's just so he knows you're safe.
He adores your rambles, listens to every sentence and follows your train of thought as best as he can. He doesn't mind when you switch subjects even mid-sentence, he loves listening to you speak.
Price has glared and told off several people because they made fun of you for being easily distracted. He once almost fought a now ex-friend of his who said you were just asking to be kidnapped (as if you were doing this all on purpose).
This man has thought about injecting you with a tracker and no, I will not elaborate.
He loves taking you to the zoo because your wandering off is just so much cuter when you wander off to see more animals. He happily trails after you when you get fascinated with the tiger habitat.
He has seen you stop in the middle of your skincare routine to come over to him to ramble about whatever popped in your mind. Sometimes you don't even finish your skincare routine, but he doesn't mind.
Price has sort of a sixth sense for when you've wandered off and are being harassed by a creeper. Even if he had trouble finding you before the creeper came, it's like a switch flipped in his mind and he automatically knows where you are the second a creeper is around you. He has scared many men shitless by appearing out of seemingly nowhere to stand behind them like a knight in shining armor.
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Can you do Bear hybrid ghost x Bunny hybrid reader headcanons? I feel like that would be cute
Since it's headcanons, this is going to be bullet-point style. Let's do this!
You have scary dog privileges, 100%. Other hybrids thinks you're an easy target, seeing how your ears and puffy tail twitch to showcase every single emotion you are, but when they get near you... Ghost shows up behind you, staring them down, and no one wants to get between a bear hybrid and his mate.
He sometimes forgets you're vegetarian, due to your bunny hybrid nature, and he'll bring you some fish that he hunted especially for you. Only to then realize you don't eat fish. It's still cute though, so you sit with him while he eats two fish, one that he had caught for himself and the one he had caught for you.
Ghost loves playing with your bunny ears, he's so gentle with them. He cup them gently with one paw as he runs his other paw over your bunny ears gently.
When you're both in a silly mood, you two end up in a giggling fit over both of you wiggling your short, nubby tails as if trying to compete with who can wiggle their tail the fastest. It's a testament to how much he lets his guard down around you.
He marks the trees bordering your house, signaling to other bears or bear hybrids that he lives there.
While you are a bunny hybrid, you're not completely defenseless. You're said to be one of the more violent bunny hybrids, your fight instinct kicking in more than your flight instinct. Ghost stepped in before you would've rabbit-kicked a tiger hybrid once.
Winter is a bitch for you. Ghost hibernates and you, you have to continue to find your food in the snow because bunnies don't hibernate. Don't tell him this, because he would tease you if he knew, but you burrow yourself beneath him during the nights because he's just so much more warmer than you are.
Ghost hates the implication of him cheating on you just because male bear hybrids typically don't stay with a mate long. He'd die before leaving you. (Though if you are poly, he wouldn't mind. He understands that both bear and bunny hybrids aren't species that mate for life. He just wouldn't cheat, aka not tell you about a partner if that's your dynamic.)
Both of your hybrid species like to rub faces together as a way to show affection, so you two are often seen rubbing cheeks together. He reaches wherever he can on you and rubs his head against that body part and you do it too.
Ghost once went toe to toe with another bear hybrid because they looked at you. He charged right at them, not wasting a single second. He was fighting them like his place as your mate wasn't secure (it was and is). He won, by a long shot.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and talk or request something! (SFW requests only, please and thank you)
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The 141 with a reader who is the scary dog privilege. 🫧
Completely loyal to his friends, will happily tear someone to pieces fur funsies, and becomes a puddle with head scritches :D
Probably has a harness or something so they can yank him back when he’s trying to maul someone
The 141 loves having their scary dog privilege, okay. They're all intimidating and scary dog privilege themselves, but it's nice to know they don't have to rely on their own scariness.
Soap's blue eyes flutter in happiness when you growl at someone and rip them a new one because they had told Soap to shut up. His heart swells in his chest when he sees you bodyslam someone else because they had bumped into Soap. (You're a little unhinged, what can I say?)
Gaz smiles whenever you growl at someone, holding you back before you can hurt them. He loves your protectiveness, he does, but he doesn't want you to get disciplined or arrested.
Ghost relaxes when he feels your presence behind him. He's intimidating himself, but with you walking behind him, he feels invincible. If someone doesn't shrink themselves down because of him, they do so because you're behind him. A constant bodyguard, and he loves that.
Price can mouth off to any higher-up with you by his side. All you have to do is bare your sharp teeth and they cease to argue with Price. He gets a lot of benefits out of it.
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(nonbinary) reader with tokophobia x Simon "Ghost" Riley?
I've never seen any fics where reader has tokophobia, and I have been getting FAR too many pregnant!reader fics on my dash to be comfortable😭😭
don't need to write anything abt this if you dont want to, by the way! :)
It's fine, I just hope I write this as best as I can to properly represent tokophobia! Gender neutral Reader who has a uterus, coming right up!
For as long as you could remember, you felt sick at the thought of childbirth and being pregnant. There were people around you who didn't want kids, but they didn't have the same fear about childbirth as you did. You knew how risky pregnancy could be, how there were so many ways things could go wrong. And it all terrified you, every single detail about childbirth.
So whenever you were asked about kids and pregnancy, you said you never wanted kids. And the response you got were people telling you that you'd change your mind or, and this was the real kicker, that your partner was going to want kids—expect kids from you.
As the years went by, your dating pool was limited. You only dated guys who didn't want kids, but the thing was that some of those good guys eventually talked about the possibility of having kids. So you came to a period of your life where you cut off dating completely, your previous experiences suggesting that every guy who said they never wanted kids would eventually want kids.
Until you met Simon.
Simon at first scared you, not because he seemed unapproachable, but because he was a military man. Military men weren't known for not wanting kids. Even if they weren't planning on having kids, they ended up doing so because they were more likely to be risky with sex and using protection. So you were afraid he'd want kids or would accidentally knock you up.
Still, you let him take you out on dates and you soon found yourself falling in love with him. You two had sex, always with a condom, and you always took the morning pill. You weren't taking any chances.
One day, Simon asked you why you were so hell-bent on not having kids. He wasn't judging, he was just curious. And it was his gentleness about the subject, the way he was just so genuinely curious, that it made you pour your heart out and talk to him about your fear of childbirth and pregnancy.
After you did so, Simon frowned and you were worried he was going to brush off your fear or worse, try and convince you to bear his child. Instead, he told you to he was going to get a vasectomy, just so there was another extra layer of precaution in case your plan b pills didn't work and/or the condom broke.
You thought he was just saying it to make you feel better but lo and behold, the next day, he came back after having a vasectomy. And he didn't even try and tell you that you should stop taking the plan b pills or that you two should do it without the condoms, no, this was purely just another way to ease your mind.
Because he didn't want kids, definitely not, and he much preferred helping your fears be at ease.
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Ghost having a hard time so he reluctantly let's bear!reader comfort him
Ghost getting mad at himself because this is what he's been missing out on?!
Damn his pride and insecurities
Ghost doesn't know what he's been missing out on until you gather him into your arms after he (very) reluctantly asked you to hold him. Your strong, burly arms wrap around him so nicely, your body heat mingling with his until he is so nice and toasty in the embrace. He swears he's in heaven when his head rests against your chest.
No wonder Gaz and Soap love being around you.
You're so gentle too, not pushing him to talk and you're running your fingers through his hair to soothe him.
You sit on an armchair with him and it's like he's smaller than he actually is, with how well he fits in your arms. He's so vulnerable, but he feels so safe. Ghost knows you'll protect him, he knows that now.
And so he falls asleep in your arms, so content for the first time since Roba.
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Reader: Simon... I have bad news...
Ghost: What happened? What's wrong?
Reader: I ran our of my ADHD medication and the pharmacy isn't going to be able to give me a refill for another 2 weeks...
Ghost:... Dear god...
Reader: I apologize in advance for the person I will become...
Ghost: *takes a deep breath*
You drive Ghost up the walls whenever you run out your ADHD medication, babbling about this and that (he no longer seems to understand you since you're talking so fast). But he loves you still.
He does try and make notes of when your pills are running low so he knows when to tell you to refill your medication before they run out, but sometimes you still run out and have to wait so long to get a refill. Ghost just deals with it, though, because you're so cute.
He will glare at anyone who calls you annoying during in the time it takes for your medication to be refilled. You're his partner, and he won't stand for anyone but him (because he does it lovingly) to complain about the chaotic mess that is you.
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Please i need ghost (or price) x feminine male reader to live
I'm again going to do this in headcanon style because why not? It's fun. We're going to do Ghost (though feel free to make another request for Price if you'd like).
Ghost loves how feminine you are and does not care that you're a man wearing feminine clothing, he just wants you to be happy. He will fight anyone who tries to shame you for being yourself. (Literally fight, he has bodyslammed a woman who tried to rip a dress you wanted to try on away from you.)
If you have longer hair, he does look up tutorials on how to do certain braids he'll know you'll love. He just wants to help you look the prettiest you can be.
Ghost loves taking you out on fancier dates so you can show off the fancier dresses you have. He says he's so honored to be with someone so breathtaking.
If you don't wear feminine clothing but rather just have a more feminine demeanor, he still loves you. Loves you regardless of how you dress.
He will send you inspo pictures for your make-up because he knows you love getting inspo pictures.
If you take a lot of pictures, Ghost will dutifully take those pictures. Tell him where he should stand and which angle he should take them at, he'll do it to the best of his abilities.
Now, I personally think he'd wear a dress (nothing too promiscuous or fancy) if you wanted someone to wear a dress with. He's huge on "clothes aren't gendered".
Ghost sees you in heels for the first time and his brain malfunctions. He has seen others in heels, sure, but you genuinely rock heels. He's impressed with how well you can walk in those heels. Makes him want to worship you even more.
I am one of the people who believe Ghost wears nail polish (mostly black nail polish) and I think he has fun doing his nails with you. Even if you two aren't helping each other do it and are instead doing it at the same table, he still enjoys it.
If you tell Ghost that you'd wear a wedding dress on your wedding day (it was a simple generic question about marriage and weddings, not necessarily about you two marrying), he'll think about how much he'll feel like he's in heaven when you inevitably walk down the aisle to him in your wedding dress. (Yes, he's planning on proposing. You're a keeper.)
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Oh em gee that post you made with the bunny reader where our tail was twitching was so cute! What if our tail was twitching because we are nervous around them? Maybe we broke something and were too scared to tell them?
Ghost noticed how your tail was twitching around him and at first he figured it was in excitement and happiness again, but then he started slowly realizing that you seemed anxious. You were flighty today, so worked up on making sure to stay on Ghost and Soap's good side.
Soap ended up being the one who asked you what was wrong, his voice warm and sweet as always when he spoke with you. One of his hands were gently playing with your bunny ears, the action soothing you enough to tell him.
You hadn't meant to break the vase in your guys' shared barracks this morning, you had just accidentally tripped while putting on your pants and you knocked over the table the vase was on, shattering the vase into pieces. You were so distraught at the thought of them being mad at you that you were so close to sobbing right then and there.
"Shh, love," Ghost said, taking you into his strong arms. "We're not mad, promise. A bit disappointed in ourselves that you thought we would be mad, but we're not mad. We're just glad you're not hurt."
Soap nodded in agreement, leaning forward to press a kiss on your forehead. "Yeah, m'eudail, we're not mad. Don't be afraid to tell us something because even if we do get mad, it's just best to communicate everything. We'll never not work it out together."
They then took you back to your shared barracks, sandwiching you in between them on the bed as they cuddled you to soothe you some more.
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