imposterogers · 2 months
well well well if it’s not the bitch who said they were done w marvel crawling back the second wolverine said “fuck” (the bitch is me)
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dovaldraws · 6 months
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I have no explanation for this 4am sketch except my brain is slightly hazy and I’m a sucker for slightly bratty Tim Drake
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xunkun · 7 months
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yeah i can and i will use the res sunday card as much as possible youll never guess what my fav card is btw
third one can go both ways. third one can apply to basically everyone in enstars
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minxie-lynxie · 3 months
New hyperfixation just dropped
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Kelvin from Sons of the Forest has me in a chokehold and I am not complaining.
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splynter · 4 months
Iterator oc disorganized ramble because my brain is in a bizarre mood rn
It’s about this guy. Husher
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Hushed Breaths Between Bladed Ribs was an early generation iterator built specifically to self-heal and self-improve the more he worked and was injured. This resulted in his architect team abusing the self improvement system, much like killing the ouroboros card in Inscryption to build up its stats. Many parts of him would be broken or mishandled just so he could regenerate stronger
Husher’s main task, like most iterators, was to find a solution to the Great Problem, and any drift from that task was punished severely. Chat forums were prohibited, his citizens rarely interacted with him, and his main supervisor wasn’t anything except cold. All he did was iterate and repair himself and iterate more, all the while the futility of his existence bled into his hands.
Eventually he began.. breaking his own code in an attempt to free himself from the ancients’ constraints. He looped taboos in simulations until they broke down and were eliminated from his programming. This left him with irreparable code corruption and artifact distortion, which severely impaired his perception of reality. The price of freedom is vast and permanent
His supervisor told him to find the solution in any way possible, thus Husher did. Once he broke the “do not harm ancients” taboo in his system, he seized every ancient in his city and held them captive so that he could cycle loop them as revenge coated in an experiment. His entire superstructure locked down, he destroyed his bridges to the river banks, and no one could get in or out. Every day for years he killed them, documented the results, watched for any sign of a solution,
He never found one
For one reason or another, Husher one day released all of his citizens before the ascension. Many were mentally destroyed and fled without a second thought. None could articulate what had happened to them because while in captivity they weren’t able to have a completed thought before they were cycled again. However, a small cluster of ancients managed to retain some semblance of mentality once released. And what did they do with it?
They condensed Husher down to only his puppet, tore him from his superstructure, and shoved him into a metal shredder
He barely survived, scarred and ruined, and fled from both them and his superstructure
Needless to say he’s a lil fucked up
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cinamun · 1 year
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@literalite does it again and I feel special because I get to test it! This time we're in Sulani with my new preset tester, Mika. Oh we just love the cool tones and dreamy haze with this one. As usual, the rich brown skintones are beautifully wrapped and preserved.
Thanks for letting me test it out! I LOVE IT!
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Vote for your fave, reblog & share your thoughts and other faves (even outside this list) in the tags I would love to hear it 😊😊
Thank you and have fun and also check out my masterpost for the other artist and band polls 😊😊
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lakota4real · 7 months
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padfootastic · 1 year
Sunday Snippet
(is that a thing? idk but i literally just wrote this for FoD and it wont be posted for a few chapters--so a couple months minimum--but i just. really wanted to share it so. enjoy)
He casually points a finger at the hideous vase behind their heads, levitating it wandlessly and wordlessly. If he was around other wix, they would’ve been amazed and perhaps, slightly awed. That it was Muggles--and this particular set at that--meant they were almost vibrating out of their skin in fear. 
“Do you know,” he started with a pleasant smile, bringing the floating vase closer to them, enjoying the way Petunia’s mouth opened in a wordless scream. He didn't even have to Silence them. “they thought I could kill 12 people, just like that, with one word. Not one person, not even my closest friends, believed otherwise.”
Once upon a time that statement would’ve hurt, it had hurt him everytime he was conscious enough to think about it in Azkaban. But he’d made his peace with it now, had accepted that there was a part of him that was inherently repulsive, untrustworthy, broken. 
“There was a reason for why they did that. My brother--you know him, James--was murdered. They thought I lost my mind, and perhaps I did, a little bit.” 
Because James was the last--and only--person who’d never turned away from him. He’d taken all of Sirius’ ugliness, all those rough edges he’d tried so hard to hide, cutting himself and the world in the process, and kept those with himself. Sirius never had to worry about himself around James, because he knew he’d take care of him. Wouldn’t let him break. 
At least, that’s how it should have been. They should’ve grown old together, stuck at the hip until their hearts and their magic gave out. James shouldn’t have been buried in the ground at the age of twenty fucking one while Sirius still had to live without him, god, it was so unfair. 
It was--
He shouldn’t be living without James. He was nothing without James. 
It was that thought that sent a fresh wave of anger through his veins, anger he knew was very plainly visible on his face, reflecting in his eyes, because the moment he looked at the Dursleys, he could hear two distinctive whimpers at once. 
“So,” he said, voice rough like gravel, almost unrecognisable to even him. He knew his eyes would be closer to black than their usual grey, the Madness stirring within him, wanting out. “What do you think I’ll do to people, to vermin like you, who touched my godson?” 
His only response was a slow, trickling sound and a pungent smell filling the living room. 
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bepop-moon · 2 months
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this is evee and for every boop i receive she gets a boop on the nose so feel free to spam !!! 😍😍
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crazyplantkid · 2 months
guys. confession time
i am in love with darren criss.
thank you for your understanding.
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laulo821 · 6 months
watching fnaf vr 2 gameplay and dj music man's minigame ... such good food...
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ineedibuprofen · 6 months
i hate men
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ahonice · 9 months
one of those sturnolo fuckers used my fav bands song in their tiktok and this song was localized years ago and it CANNOT happen again
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king-tyrone36 · 10 months
I might be goin through a K-pop phase that's starting to look less and less like just a phase...🤷🏾‍♂️👑🤌🏾
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yeesiine · 1 year
The rain fall for you the same why I do: unapologetically over and over.
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