groovyace · 1 month
Hello if you draw AK Jason being/doing something soft and being happy I'll keep that image in a little cabinet in my heart forever and ever and ever
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vixemi · 2 months
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A/N: another self indulgence cause I love this man, also once again nothing grand lol.
The tension between you and Gambit had been building for days, simmering beneath the surface until it finally boiled over into a heated argument.
"You never take anything seriously!" you accused, frustration evident in your voice. "You treat everything like it's just a game."
Gambit's eyes flashed with annoyance as he retorted, "And you're always so uptight! Can't you just loosen up for once?"
The words hung in the air between you, both of you seething with anger. But deep down, you knew that there was more to the argument than just surface-level frustrations.
After a moment of tense silence, Gambit sighed, his expression softening slightly. "Look, I know I can be reckless sometimes, but it's just my way of coping with everything we face. I never meant to upset you."
You took a deep breath, letting his words sink in. "And I know I can be overly cautious, but it's because I care about you and the team. I don't want to see anyone get hurt."
Gambit reached out, taking your hand in his. "I understand, ma cherie. I promise I'll try to be more mindful of your feelings."
A sense of relief washed over you as you squeezed his hand, the tension between you slowly dissipating. Despite your differences, you knew that there was a deep bond between you that couldn't be broken.
With a small smile, Gambit pulled you into his arms, holding you close. "Forgive me, mon amour?"
You nodded, resting your head against his chest. "Forgiven."
In that moment, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you and Gambit would face them together, stronger than ever before
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witch--btch · 1 month
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Fanart by: t_e_u_t_e_u
Please support the artist by liking their art on X♡
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hello :) can you do ajax petropolus reader when the reader is sort of daughter of Athena. it's a enemy to lover ( more in the reader side, because you know how nice Ajax is) because in the myth Athena never liked Medusa. she try to push him away but it doesn't work because he is in love, and he know it's reciprocated.
Pairings: Ajax Petropolus x Fem!reader Summary: ^^^ Warnings: none
Part 2
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you were delighted to feel the cool, crisp breeze on such a hot day, but you weren't so pleased to see Ajax sitting against the tree you always sit at most evenings.
you clutched onto your book as you turned on your heels, leaving just as soon as you got there.
you stepped on a dried leaf, the crushing sound giving the gorgon boy the indication that someone was behind him.
"well hello there, fancy seeing you here" he called to you as you cursed the season of autumn.
"as if you didn't know I come here everyday" you huffed, turning around to face him
"I didn't, I came here to relax" he stuffed his hands in his pockets, shrugging.
"no need to curse" he smiled sweetly.
"whatever" you rolled your eyes, walking away from him again
"goodbye to you too!" he yelled out to you.
you sat in the quiet library, turning the page to continue reading when you heard the door open.
you didn't bother looking up as you expected Miss Thornhill to come up to you with a new plant to give to you.
"what book are you reading" they said behind you, the soft masculine voice proving that it wasn't Thornhill.
but you did know who it was, and you didn't bother answering him.
he decided to sit down next to you, leaning closer to read your book but you shuffled away from him, hiding the book from his gaze
"oh come on, don't be like that" he whined
"don't you have something better to do than bother me? or do you just have a thing for following me around?" you questioned
in the corner of your eye, you watched Ajax lick his lips with a chuckle escaping your lips
he didn't respond to you, only kept his eyes on you as you tried to read.
"you smell nice" he spoke softly
"you smell like weed" you responded blankly
"yeah, the scent of that is pretty strong, the last time I smoked was yesterday" he nodded his head
"do you not clean yourself?" you looked up at him, his big doe eyes meeting yours
"of course I do, but like I said, the scent is super strong, lingers for days" he frowned with a grin on his face, a weird mix of expressions.
"is there something you need, or can you just leave me alone?" you deadpanned
"I can leave, but I don't want to"
"so you don't need anything?" you glared at him
"not necessa-" he started
"great" you cut him off, closing your book, getting up and walking away from him
"can I ask you something?" he asked running up to walk beside you
"leave me alone. when have I ever made you feel like you should openly talk to me?" you groaned, turning to him as you stopped walking
Ajax smiled at you warmly as you stared at him, annoyed. the way he looked at you made you mad, to punch him in the face, but you couldn't do that.
"why do you act like you hate me?" he quizzed, his head tilted as he raised his eyebrows
"I do hate you" you laughed coldly
Ajax shook his head, fiddling with his hoodie string
"no you don't" he spoke amusingly
"please... of course I do, it's in our blood to hate each other" you scoffed
"if you hate me, why are you still here?" he questioned, a playful smirk planted in his lips
"because you're not letting me walk away" you spat as you clutched your book.
he pat his thighs, looking around the area
"go ahead, walk away"
"I will" you nodded, straightening your posture
"do it" he chuckled, crossing his arms against his chest, shifting his weight onto his right leg
"I will" you rushed
"ok" he grinned
you stood still for a moment, knowing he'll just follow you anyway
"you're still here" he announced as if you didn't know
"yeah, well you're face is still here" you scratched your arm, cursing yourself at the 'comeback'
he found that amusing, his face showing he was trying not the laugh.
"shut up" you said harshly, looking around awkwardly
"I didn't say anything" he put his hands in the air, taking a step back
you took a sharp breath before walking past him, bumping your side into his for him to move
"you can keep trying to push me away, it's not gonna work" he called out to you
"what's not gonna work? why do you think I'm pushing you away?" you turned back to him. you put your book in your little tote bag hanging on your shoulder
"you can deny it all you want, but I know you don't hate me. it's actually quite the opposite." he stepped closer to you, inching towards your shorter figure
"don't tell me you think I like you?" you huffed, finding it funny
"deny it all you want" he spoke gently, shifting his gaze from one eye to the other, looking at you like you were a godess
"don't look at me like that" you furrowed your brows, stepping away from his body that was only inches away from yours
"like what?" he blinked innocently, his eyes flashing with admiration
"like that" you replied coldly
"I don't know what you mean" he tilted his head "is something wrong?"
your body shivered as he backed you up to the cold stone wall of the school
"you should hate me, my family is why you're like this" you looked up at his purple beanie that hid his hideous head of hair.
"hate you? my species wouldn't exist without your family making it, so technically, if you think about it...I can't live without you. I wouldn't be here without you, you're the reason for my whole existence, and I love you for it" he admitted
"no you don't- you can't" you shook your head
"you can't tell me who I can Love, that's not fair" he whispered
"it doesn't work, at all. we hate each other" you fought
"I just told you I love you, and you're still trying to convince yourself you don't feel the same, I know you do. there's no point in denying it anymore" he looked at you with pity and disappointment
"leave me alone" you gulped, your body starting to sweat from the heat and his body so close to your own
Ajax backed up, clicking his tongue as he let you have your space
"go on then, walk away" he sighed
you looked at him anxiously, contemplating your options before walking away, turning the corner to the main hall, looking back at him, seeing him in the same spot, smiling sadly at the ground.
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wataksampingan · 1 year
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I need to know this sassy kid’s name coz he may end up saving the entire plot I  swear
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ch1-kasak0 · 5 days
They could never make me hate you Marcus.
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:3 GRRR I love him he's so slay
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princessrockclub · 8 months
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mi ke :3
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lmk-aus-galore · 5 months
I’m manifesting more Sandy content.
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It’s sad I can’t really find husband!Konig stories, we need more of him!!!
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hopeswriting · 2 years
you guys i'm rewatching the arco trials arc, and skull is so annoying (affectionate). idk why the fandom turned him into a cinnamon roll, and don't get me wrong because i'm definitely guilty of this too, but he is an absolute little shit guys, and that's why the arco treat him like that lmao. and it's so fucking funny to see, and even funnier to see because he's not actually trying to be funny at all. he's actually genuine in the way he acts and means the things he says, but it's like, he doesn't read the room and doesn't care to is the best way i can put it i think. but at the same time he always reads the room in a favorable way to him whether he has the ground to do so or not, and then predictably gets in trouble with the other arco when he fails to back it up lol.
now i'm NOT saying he deserves the teasing/bullying or that it's okay, because like, it's not a crime to be annoying or anything you know lol, and especially when skull clearly takes issue with the others "always looking down on him", but going with what i saw so far he definitely had it coming every time lol, he 100% brought it upon himself, it literally never was gratuitous from the arco just because they could. like, their dynamic with him is a lot friendlier than most fics make it out to be. it's more on the teasing side than the bullying side, and yeah they're a bit rough with it, but they're mafia you know, it's not like skull can't take it or that it's actually hurting him (not physically anyway). they're obviously on friendly terms is what i'm saying. or, well, maybe not friendly, not from skull's side at the very least, but on lighthearted terms so to speak i guess? like, there's obviously no actual animosity between them, not even close.
also skull calls lal onee-san, that's so cute, i totally didn't remember that. and colonnello says he always runs to her when running his mouth gets him in trouble with the others lmao he's so fucking shameless i love him. (i like to think he used to run to luce too back in the days before everything went to shit.)
ALSO the arco clearly respect him as a fellow arco too. not to his face, it's always lackey this and lackey that to his face lol, and reborn does say skull is a lot weaker than the rest of them, but they never once put in question the fact he is still an arco and has the skills to back it up too, so jot that down too.
finally, it's interesting skull was the one to test tsuna on his charisma of all things. but also not surprising as far as i'm concerned because i do think skull has a charm of his own too. and reborn especially is clearly fond of him no matter what he says about him or how he treats him
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sun-roach · 10 months
*hands you cody for the blorbo bingo*
Here is Cody🧡:
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I can’t fix him but he could fix me lol
Would also like to see more of him T.T🧡
Hopefully in the next tbb season…
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mshbite · 1 year
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Its not great but it was a quickie anyways.
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italoniponic · 11 months
twst pls let Jack enter the "this character will be in at least 5 different events each week" era like happened with Trey and Rook to the point I'll recognize his katakana name in a twitter post in a second
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we need to talk
I swear to god
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see this guy? ^^
yeah, we need more of him. there's not enough of him, you guys are literally sleeping on Ajax. he is gorgeous!!!!
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please! i beg you.
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rrosiepetals · 2 years
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Come back hot man... we miss you hot man
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mysteriesofmilo · 1 year
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Once again, I tried to reblog this post, multiple times, but Tumblr wouldn't let me. But yes, absolutely, WE NEED MORE MILO MURPHY'S LAW!!! Disney doesn't think so, and hasn't since The PnF Effect came out, but screw them!
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