#What was i talking about ?
floweroflaurelin · 7 months
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Huevember day 8: Beneath Grayslate
Quick one for today! The Tide and Bone cast reveal got me so hype I just had to whip something up for Needle and Thread, too ✨
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turtleplushi · 10 months
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ok maybe i dont hate ibis paint
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kiyocuck · 6 months
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this dude pisses me off i Think
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cringefailvox · 3 months
i think it’s interesting how lucifer doesn’t give much thought to hell and its residents, esp the sinners ( who he thinks r all mistakes lol) and since rosie is a hellborn do you think that would decrease or increase a positive impression of her to lucifer ? (also her being alastor’s bestie JDJDJDJ)
i'm so excited you're asking me abt rosie & lucifer actually, bc @coppercrow's fic pin the blanket on the demon totally hooked me on their potential dynamic and i've been chewing on it ever since
so i don't actually know if rosie is hellborn as of the current canon of the show, because i know that seemed to be the consensus before s1 came out but things might've changed. assuming that she is hellborn, lucifer wouldn't immediately have the negative image in his head that he does of all sinners, even if the cannibalism thing... yuck... but she's so genuinely warm and charming in a way that wouldn't make his "fakeass ingratiating/politicking bullshit" alarms go off the way they probably did with mimzy. he'd also be more inclined to like her & be friendly with her because charlie likes her, and in fact charlie won't stop gushing about how helpful she's been, so there might be an element of gratitude too for rosie's support -- and it wouldn't tick him off like alastor's did, because alastor played up the whole dad thing on purpose to be a bitch but rosie was just honestly impressed with charlie!
also, i think lucifer has a weakness for kind, strongwilled women who take no shit, and watching rosie interact with alastor would both a) be gratifying to see alastor get fondly bullied and b) make him start to wonder if she'd drag him around like that, which, i think she would. if anyone would be charmed by the fact that he's a genuinely earnest, good-intentioned person underneath the veneer of desperate overcompensation & insecurity, it'd be rosie, who let's be honest probably loves to do charity work with hopelessly emotionally stunted men
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ardentastronomer · 4 months
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xerith-42 · 8 days
Every day I think of asking people if they want me to rewrite a certain MCD scene. Every time I know they're going to bring up a fight scene. Every time I must accept that I cannot write those.
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gotyouanyway · 6 months
what i like about bigeneration
cool gallifreyan biology thing. makes them weirder and more alien which is always great. more potential for horror too
yeah the character was a bit bogged down with trauma so this is a fine and honestly kind of funny way to offload some of that and keep the show going strong
what i'm worried will happen
they won't reference past new who events/companions anymore (how soft is this reboot..) because it's now considered over and dealt with, rather than what they should do, which is reference them with less emotional weight bc the doctor has healed but not forgotten
they won't make the master bigenerate in a season finale giving us a beautiful two-doctor two-master orgybait extravaganza
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scratching92 · 24 days
Since I'm in a Bleach mood today, you ever think about the fact that Nanao's direct subordinate was this guy?
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In hindsight, I'm certain whatever Shunsui was paying her probably wasn't enough.
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dsm--v · 1 month
hi I didn't expect you to follow me, and i'm not sure why I hadn't followed you earlier because your posts are funny :)
WOAH !!!!!! meep thats so kind of you,,!!!
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kyathedino · 3 months
I hate it when I'm trying to be mysterious and elusive and people decide to just respect my privacy😔
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alioshakaramazov · 7 months
nothing will ever be more real to me than 19th century literature. just pack your bags and leave boys, you're just not going to measure up to that. a human that knows about cryptocurrency won't ever be able to conjure up the level of emotion those cocaine and laudanum infused brains were delivering consistently on weekly deadlines
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oifaaa · 2 years
Ever Robin needs braces from 14-17 it's law now.
I think that's gonna be really difficult for one Robin to pull off considering he was a bit busy in those years
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I think the reason I like oldboy so much is because deep down I too an a bitter old queen
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Okay so i think I fucked up greatly, guys
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alithetiredartist · 8 months
Post canon boiling isles politics fights are probably so funny. Like “NO THIS TEENAGERS IS EVIL” “NO THEY WERE THE GOOD ONES” whatever the boiling isles equivalent to thanksgiving is probably like hell
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scratching92 · 1 month
I started watching Andor the other day because I'm in a Star Wars-y mood again and. God. There is so much I want to say about this show and I'm not even halfway through. It so perfectly captures and builds upon one of my favourite things from Rogue One, which is the brutal, cruel, and deeply mundane tyranny of middle management and bureaucracy. The bad guys are bad not even because they fancy themselves as God-Emperors or anything, but because at least half of them are probably the Star Wars equivalent of Daily Mail readers.
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