#When I Was A Kid
rorygilmoreh4ter · 4 months
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genuinely had to put the book down and laugh for a second this was so unnecessarily funny at 4 am
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sourtomatola · 2 months
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Candy factory Lore post!!
Main flavors: Butterscotch, mint and lemon
Candy types: hard candies (particularly old fashioned candy) butterscotch glass candy ray's, strawberry bon-bon buttons, ribbon candy ruffles, Loli eyes (not lolipop, just loli) SUNNYDROP bells
Main flavors: blue razzberry, liquorice, spearmint
Candy types: Soft candies such as black liquorice hat, creamy gummy ruffles, gumdrop buttons, M&M eyes, MOONDROP bells
Both have sour gummy pant's, mint disk cheeks, Mint neck polls, and outer shells made of hard candy.
They both live in the Fazbear confection factory, along with many other living candy beings. During the day, they pose for tourists. People can come in, to see these unique sentient candy creatures in the environment provided by the company. Almost like a candy creature Zoo.
The candy they shed have special abilities. Depending the type they drop, they could have a sleepy affect, high energy, a happy feeling, a warm feeling, a cooling feeling, ext. To regain the candy these beings shed, they are fed a pure sugar diet, and their shells will harden quickly withing a couple hours. If they were fed fruit, their shells wouldn't harden/form as fast, but the next shedding would have more nutrition.
The company owner, that good old candy magician, William Wonka* (renamed for branding purposes) introduces them and assures to have their conservational efforts at the height of the company's value. The tours often run late, more often running till about midnight.
Once all the customers have left the building, you'd think it'd be quiet. But as the candy that is shed from these being's is rare and highly valuable, they have rich and elite bidders screaming for it. High class parties aren't worth much without Fazbear candy at each desert table after all.
12 AM, is therefore, Harvest time.
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So long as their main skeletal frame is intact by the end of the harvest, they will survive and reform. What amazing resilient creatures they are!
Y/N Info
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the-blind-geisha · 2 months
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Pg 2 of The King of Boos.
My version of KB is a bit of a something, something. More like a deity, if you will with little trickster children. ♥
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
My brain is going "Commander Cody Groundhogs day AU" so let's see what the Ole Brain Box has in there.
So, Cody goes to sleep at the end of the day (maybe it's the same day the order went out, you know, for funsies) conflicted about the day.
And he wakes up the following morning (what should have been the following morning) back on the Negotiator with General Kenobi talking about the plan to take down the giant fake sith insect.
And Cody's just like, nodding along, because this is clearly some force osik and he's not paid enough for this.
(The joke being that he's not paid at all, of course)
And everything happens like he remembers, and the chip activates for everyone except Cody, who's chip activated the day before.
And Cody watches. Absolutely bewildered, as his reasonable, friendly brothers suddenly become hostile towards General Kenobi and shoot him.
And the next day it happens again.
And again
And again
And on the sixth day he wakes up and the first thing he does is comm Fox and Wolffe (they sometimes have a brain cell and his head hurts and he's tired and he died two times in the last 5 days-)
And he tells them everything.
And they don't believe him
And the next day he does it all over again, only this time he has proof because he can tell them what they're going to say before they say it.
And slowly, somehow, these three men manage to find a way to save the jedi over the course of 12 hours.
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divorcedwife · 13 days
i've been really into golden raisins lately
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elvenmenace · 4 months
When I was younger I believed the Pope was some sort of Magical Being akin to Doctor Who that just regenerates with a different face whenever the time comes and we've been dealing with the same Pope all these years but he changes up his personality to spice it up.
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devilish-parrot · 2 months
when i was younger, i thought dictionary definations were made by 5 people sitting beside eachother nervously in a room and one by one theyd be call into the next room to define the next word untill every word id defined and the dictionary is made
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nachosncheezies · 8 months
I just saw a post someone saying they're bad at science and idk who needs to hear this but I spent over a decade thinking I was terrible at science when it turned out I just had bad teachers and an unsupportive environment. A few adjustments, like a calculator and a good book with a few flowcharts for remembering some of the more complex maths, and suddenly it turned out I was completely capable. Work ethic can make up for a lot and mentors who won't write you off as too dumb are out there, so if science or science-adjacent subjects interest you please don't give up on yourself before you find those people.
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theereina · 7 months
I remember being a child who dreamed of nothing more than being a fashion designer. Where did that little girl go? She was so creative and adventurous.
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A lengthy list of all the dumb shit I thought about Doctor Who while under the age of 7 before I gave a flying fuck about the show or understood a single thing about it:
The Doctor was the evil one (I knew nothing about the plot or anyone in it) I just found him spooky
David Tennant and Matt Smith were the same person (look I had serious issues with recognising faces and still do but not that badly)
I rejected the offer to go to the Doctor Who Experience (I hate myself so much)
“Doctor Who has wet hair” - me at like 5/6 when 11 started wearing lots of hair gel
His name is actually Doctor Who (but everyone thinks that to begin with)
Tbh I thought Matt Smith had been the only Doctor since 1963
The theme music always banged though
Go back and tell the little twerp that in ten years she owns a Doctor Who account on every social media platform under the sun and that the EVIL raggedy man is the only thing keeping me from going insane and also my whole personality
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albino-whumpee · 2 years
Kinda want an android whumpee that has its circuits so messed up they can no longer properly identify their surroundings. They´re aware they´re a robot, but the outside world is a mess of numbers and complicated visual glitches that mess up with their recognition system. 
So, when they meet a group coming by their abandoned base, maybe in a post apocalyptic setting, they do their best to gather food for their guests. They´re so happy to have humans to serve and talk to after so long. They respect their cooling down time that can be long and disorienting, despite having their trusty (its not even working) clock and even give it maintenance. Tho, it´s a little useless when there´s no pieces left for them.
They´re so far gone they dont notice the “human” group isn´t but stray androids. They accept their food and hide it away when they´re not looking. 
An android´s emotions are artificial, but the other androids don´t think its right to break their fragile reality. They dont want to even when the android uses its last energy resources to fix the clock. 
They leave them there, kneeling in front of the giant ticking clock. A triumphant smile on their face and their eyes halfway closed, as if lost in a wonderful dream.
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ms-moonlight-inn · 3 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday!
Thanks for the tag @mybrainismelted & @deathclassic & @jrooc
And apparently we have @energievie to thank for this week's tag game? 😍🥰 Hello, precious! Last day of January, indeed.
Name: the sleepy bitch that lives under a bridge
Age: Proud Gen X'er
Location: Ontario, Canada
And now, think about your childhood and tell me:
Did you have a nickname and is it still used? Ugh, yeah. 😶 It's the Spanish word for tick, because when I was little I could not pronounce my name correctly and it sounded like "chinche." Naturally, everybody started calling me that. My mom still calls me by this name every once in a while when she's trying to be cute. Hashtag mood.
What did you want to be when you’d grow up? A psychologist or a teacher.
Your favourite cartoon: @mybrainismelted I remember The Snorks! Okay, I used to watch so much Saturday morning cartoons that I do not have a favorite. But I do recall Animaniacs fondly.
Your favourite TV show: There used to be this old show called Benson that I used to love.
Your favourite book: Oh my god! Growing up I was all about the Judy Blum and the Jackie Collins . 😂 And basically now you guys know why my writing goes from family dynamics to pure smut and basically nothing in-between. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
Your favourite toy: I have a stuffed rabbit that's still with me to this day though I don't use them anymore .
Your favourite thing to eat: I used to be a fiend for fruit pies or Mexican sweet bread.
Your favourite school subject: English. Put me in the room with a bunch of books and I'm a happy person.
How did you spend your summers? Sweltering hot summers sitting on the sidewalk and complaining that there's nothing to do. Those were the best days ever!
Did you listen to music? If yes, did you have a favourite band/artist? I grew up with music all around me. I lived in a smaller apartment complex and there was always music coming out of people's windows. I grew up listening to all kinds of different music so I cannot say that I had one particular band that I loved as my favorite. But I always did. Tend to listen to Prince a lot.
And lastly, tell me something you did as a kid that your parents still don’t know about: Oh god that's easy. Playing grab ass with the neighbor kids. 😆
Tagging @notherenewjersey & @stillbeatingheart bc these are funny questions, with absolutely no pressure to play. 😍🥰
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renegadewoman · 1 month
I just had a crazy idea.
I’ve been wanting to get rid of my couch and tv … honestly since the moment I moved into my apartment.
What if I did that and then turned my living room into a micro yoga studio lol.
And I’d get one of those foam sectional couches that can be stacked up and put away…
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citronavalkiro · 2 months
I remember when I was a kid I thought nostalgia was a type of illness. If it was an illness I would probably be dead by now
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anaalnathrakhs · 11 months
i don’t know what it is with me and video games but no matter how fun or interesting a game sounds, i almost never boot it up and even when i do i play like thirty minutes and then give up.
like i guess it’s because i’m a internet-addicted little gremlin and the second i open an browser i have a System to get me five different kinds of doomscrolling on hand at once, so unlike irl hobbies that i can do away from the computer or in tandem with my doomscrolling of choice today, i need to have my cozy usual setup just a tiiiny bit out of reach but avoid using it to focus on my game.
i don’t usually have that problem with games on my phone or handheld consoles back when i had one of those, but also i’m careful to pick games that aren’t disturbed by me watching a video at the same time, like wordless brain puzzles or pokemon hunting yknow, if the game starts a story segment or ambiance is important i play that on its own, away from distractions.
even when i play flash games on the computer while watching a video, i feel like i switch back and forth still pretty often. and even when i play a “proper” game with friends and focus on it for a couple hours, i can tell it wears me down and at the end all i can think about it the skin-crawling need to go listen to music really loud and scroll social media for two hours, even though that’s also because of the socialization aspect.
but switching back and forth between a solo game and my usual setup isn’t really an option cuz my computer struggles with it depending on the game, and also even if i did find something on my phone that could fill that role, most computer games are still more involved than mobile games that i can play while doing something else. i wouldn’t want to take away from the experience of a game bc my stupid brain needs to also be doing sudoku and listening to 2000′s pop at the same time. because honestly i kinda already do that when i watch movies and series. which i feel somewhat conflicted about. but that might mean there’s just yknow, no way to get over it, at least in my current circumstances.
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When did it end? All the enjoyment
I'm sad again, don't tell my boyfriend
It's not what he's made for
What was I made for?
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