#a lot of people have been talking about ratchet's age
moonshynecybin · 2 months
bc you asked for it: what happens in the same age au when they get to the premier class?
YESSSSS OKAY. so the thing is. in this scenario they are MUCHHH more codependent right out of the gate. truly like you are the only bitch i can relate to and understand and ALSO the only person i can use as a yardstick for how actually good at this sport i am. and my entire life is about discovering how good at this sport i am. like they both think they’re weird fucked up soulmates created in a lab to complement and destroy each other. and they’ve held the other’s hair back after they puked when they were teenagers AND they’ve been inside each other. WEIRD shit sublimating into their egos and sense of selves.
which means ego really changes here! because if they went up against each other in their primes i’m not sure they would be as dominant as they were in real life… if vale didn’t win 9 titles without going to the gym that would change him as a person. and he’s reacting to MARC as his main rival here so he CANT win at those mind-game psychological warfare tactics he used as a little guy because marc is simply matching him in levels of crazy… idk it has interesting implications top to botttom for how these guys fundamentally view themselves and their lives!! i like to think about it!!!
but. basically. i think the main friction in their relationship, ESPECIALLY when they get to the premiere class, is the injury thing. even more so than normal. it’s not just i love you i’m scared that you aren’t taking care of yourself. it’s I DONT KNOW WHO I AM WITHOUT YOU please take care of yourself because i can’t race when i’m WORRIED about you (we see also how marc gets about alex) and racing is the MOST IMPORTANT THING!!! this goes both ways but vale is notably more anxious about it. like this scenario would add vale to the list of people who can make marc stop racing injured (and who are COMFORTABLE asking him to stop) BUT it also makes him a direct competitor to marc. and his oldest friend. and largest enemy. with no added hero worship BUT a big dose of first-love/situationship naïveté for them both. like knowing how they get on track together, how do they even begin to resolve thatttttt… contradictions on contradictions….. so marc doesn’t race injured as often, but maybe learns to protect himself independently even LESS (he doesn’t have to think about it, that’s what vale’s for !) and it reallyyyyy tears into their relationship because vale cannot be the entire scaffolding for marc’s ability to protect himself (he is also i think not protecting himself so well from injury. anything to beat marc, don’t know where or if sic fits here etc)
ANOTHER BIG TENSION. i also think that vale would NOT be one to want to settle down that young, whereas marc would wanna get soulbonded about it… so even while vale in this au has an easier time conceptualizing how important marc is to him, i think he imposes some distance in order to go out and like. process his parents divorcing/remarrying (SIDE NOTE 2: PIC OF MARC WITH BABY LUCA. THANK YOU.), sow his wild oats, hit up the club and be a little slutty etc (SIDE NOTE 3: UCCIO AND MARC BEEF WOULD GO FUCKING CRAZYYYY HERE) and marc is down to tag along for a lot of that stuff but at the same time. they’re teens/young men living in different countries so it’s not like they’ve ever talked about what they are or asked to be exclusive… and it’s not gonna feel great when vale disappears with a girl or marc has some fling with someone back home! and it’s not like they can come out so i actually think the on again off again vibes get TURBOCHARGED. the jealousy and angst is ratchet up to ten… maybe they don’t get sepang level divorced bc ego is different and they’ve known each other longer, but the little stuff digs more… they break up a lot they make up a lot…. they eventually get married after marc’s arm injury i think… puts some stuff into perspective…
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bots-and-cons · 1 year
You don’t have to write this if your uncomfortable😅 I was wondering if you could do tfp ratchet, knockout and breakdown comforting a human doctor reader maybe she just got out of med school and she’s a few weeks into residency and she has an elderly patient who could extend their life with treatment but their condition won’t get better at this point. So the elderly patient decides not to do any treatment they have lived a full happy life and are tired so the reader is having trouble accepting that a doctors job isn’t just helping/healing people but sometimes just being there for them when it’s their time.
I’ve got a friend who works in an oncology/cancer ward at a hospital, so he sees a lot of this. Well not exactly this, but situations similar to this. I haven’t talked about it much with him, but he’s told me that it can be pretty hard, especially when it’s people close to his age who are dying, which I totally understand, it must be a difficult job. I dropped Breakdown since I didn’t really know what to write for him
•Ratchet has seen countless friends and fellow cybertronians die, be it because of the war or of illness or old age
•But nonetheless he has sat by the bedside of many, while they were living out their last days
•He gets it’s hard, you wish you could help, to take their pain away and to let them pass away peacefully, but that’s not something you can always do
•So you’re there for the patient, you talk with them and just make sure they’re comfortable in their final days
•It helps to talk with Ratchet, since he’s been in the same situation a lot before 
•He can’t really tell you the feeling of helplessness ever goes away completely, because it hasn’t for him, but it does get easier in time
•You’re at the beginning of your medical career and you’re no doubt going to go through similar situations again
•Ratchet is a big help, he offers advice and support and it helps you to know that you’ll get over this feeling eventually
•Knockout has many friends as well, if they can really be called that
•The decepticons aren’t exactly buddy-buddy with each other, so while he has lost people he cared about, he always told himself he wasn’t close with them and it was just a part of being with the decepticons and being a doctor
•He’s always tried to convince himself it didn’t bother him and that he wasn’t affected, but it does still make him feel like he’s failed somehow
•Of course your situations are pretty different, because he treats a lot of injured cons that have no choice in their situation and your patient has chosen how their story ends
•Knockout doesn’t really know how to to advice you with the helpless feeling, because  he’s never figured out how to do that for himself, but just talking about it is a big help for both of you
•He understands that it’s a difficult situation and that it’s relatively new to you too, but he’s there to listen when you need it
•You help each other through situations like that, and Knockout sort of starts to let himself feel things relating to that, like dealing with the fact that he can’t help everyone
•You’ve also got to deal with the fact that sometimes you just have to make peace with things, even though stuff doesn’t always go your way and even though you wish you could do more
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deafmangoes · 3 months
Netflix's take on The Last Airbender is pretty good, actually.
Right, well, after having a good cry about shit this morning, I'm going to pen some thoughts about the new A:TLA.
T'other day I described it as just "okay" after watching the first two episodes. Today I finished up through episode four and actually, I've changed my mind. It's good. You hear me? It's good.
Episode one dragged a bit, but with episode two I could see why they were making certain changes (and actually, I preferred the Suki and Sokka interactions in this version). Will probably write about them later.
Episodes three and four are set in Omashu and adapt elements of the Book One episodes "The Northern Air Temple", "The King of Omashu", "Jet" and the Book Two episode "The Cave of Two Lovers", with a few additional plot points taken from Book Two with regards to Azula, Zuko and Iroh's storylines.
These two episodes are really good. Gonna put spoilers below here just in case, but I'll put my conclusion here so you can skip the rest:
If you were on the fence about this adaptation, like I was, then I think this pair of episodes really show you what it's about. This is the story without the cartoon veneer. It's confronting just what a century of protracted warfare does to people, and treating their trauma seriously. Yes, it has lost a lot of the original comedy, but it's not completely without heart (we still get the Cabbage Merchant, he's still great).
Give it a go. If you're like me, and you grew up with this cartoon, then take a deep breath and remember that you're older too. Let the story age with you, and bring you back into the world for a more mature take at it. It doesn't need to replace the original, it's just another adaptation. Enjoy both of them.
First let's talk about the changes: instead of showing up at the Northern Air Temple, the Mechanist (now given the name Sai) and Teo are citizens of Omashu. Jet and his gang are also introduced early, still as resistance fighters. Zuko and Iroh turn up to Omashu in person, instead of being largely absent during the trio's visit.
Unlike in the original show, Aang wasn't planning on visiting Omashu until he saw Teo flying in his glider and mistook him for a surviving Airbender. This starts the episode, and we're introduced to this version of him and his father. I appreciated that they kept the important elements of both characters even after removing them from their original context (as squatters in the Northern Air Temple), and tied them neatly into Omashu's technology advances.
Sai the Mechanist is turned into an active collaborator, out of fear for his son's safety. Jet's black and white morality is dialled up when it's revealed he's been behind the bombing campaign in Omashu. King Bumi retains a lot of his original character but they really, really drive home how much a century of war and compromise has eaten away at the young child Aang remembers, and his bitterness is entirely justified.
I could gush about this for a while, but trying to keep it short: all the changes made to this pair of episodes work. Nothing felt out of place, everything meshed together into a well-woven, well-written story that gave a real gut punch of emotion during Aang and Bumi's confrontation. I also really liked that instead of Aang and Katara in the tunnels, it's her and Sokka - they get to have the argument that's been brewing for a while, and it helped ground that they're still just kids. They've been thrust into a conflict that they're not prepared for. Jet's portion took the themes of his original episode and ratcheted them up, showing how the trauma of being raised in war can seriously mess with your worldview, and that if you're not careful you can begin to perceive everyone as the enemy.
If I was on the fence about this adaptation before, these two episodes have fully convinced me of it.
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dorypaxx · 1 year
[Optimus Prime x Reader] Love you to the Cybertron and back
Warning: Prohibited substances, addictive substances, readers are old enough to be aware of their behavior
Hi, this is my second time writing fanfic about Optimus. Big daddy makes me feel like there are never enough stories about him. Hope you enjoy this story
What is defiance?
In my opinion, that's when you know both of you can't be together but still want to try to get to the other person. Whether it's a 0.000001% chance, or when you know for sure that your future will be nothing but pain and separation, but you still run towards that person like a cow, just to have can see their smiles.
It is often said that one-sided love is the feeling of pissing yourself in the foot. Outsiders see you as stupid, but you feel so warm. And I must have been a real idiot when I fell into an unrequited love affair with a giant alien robot.
But I mean who can NOT love that perfect bot ? Look into those blue eyes that sparkle more than any gem in the world, as deep as the ocean and brighter than the sky on a sunny day; listen to the quiet but serious sound, sometimes too gentle when interested in you; and his thoughtful look when thinking and worrying about everyone. God, it's HARD not to fall in love with such a perfect Optimus Prime !
I secretly thought so while doing my homework on my laptop. The words in the content of the exercise gradually deviate to "I love Optimus so much, why are you so handsome when you walk or sleep or sit, oh my lord, a gift from the Creator, perfect gentleman, destroyer of women hearts...". Suddenly Miko appeared behind me, the mischievous little girl curiously looked at her laptop and asked:
- Hey, what are you doing ?
Startled, I quickly folded the machine in but it was too late. Miko gave me a sly smile that made my face heat up, it felt like I was just caught watching gay porn tagged a man with a pink nipple in a public place, no more human rights. She nudged me on the shoulder with a know-it-all smile and then ran off to tell Bulkhead and Wheeljack..
Now the whole base, even Agent Fowler, knows I have a crush on Optimus. Fowler's eyes were looking at me like he saw me dressed up as a bush, holding an AK and saying "I'm going to fuck your mother"...
But the gods had mercy on me, so the only person who didn't know I had a crush on Optimus was that lovely Prime.
My guardian is Optimus.
The reason? Ratchet is too busy with data, supercomputers or whatever and always says "I needed that!", Bumblebee, Arcee and Bulkhead all already have someone else. I'm twenty years old, older than all of them, and don't go to the same school as the kids. Although Optimus is too busy to be a nanny, he still tries to make time to pick me up every day. He even thoughtfully cares for me when I'm in a bad mood by rubbing my head with his giant fingers - something no one has ever done to me. Normally, people around me tend to ignore my negative emotions but He is different, He is willing to listen to me when I am sad, praise me when I achieve something and obviously I it was not wrong to fall in love with him at first sight.
I won't confess that I struggled by rolling around on the ground just to have Optimus as my personal guardian instead of any other bot. Surprisingly, instead of trampling me, he actually agreed.
Excellent !!
Gradually, we shared a lot of things with each other. I am an extrovert, active and creative, and always have no shortage of stories to share. Optimus Prime, Autobot leader, part time introvert, loves to listen to my story and then, can talk to me about Cybertron's history, its golden age and I'll share it with him about my home country, which suffered from invasion and division by hostile forces but united to fight for independence, freedom and happiness for our people despite suffering many losses and pain. At those times, Optimus often listens with a contemplative face, and he praises people of my country, at that time I saw a little sadness in his eyes, mixed with longing. Perhaps, He also longs for peace will return to the land of Cybertron.
I know that Optimus is responsible for the fate of his entire planet, so I don't want him to be bothered by my little love. Just being with him, I'm satisfied, I don't want to ask for anything more and always tell my heart to remember that. I just need to see Optimus every day, hear him speak, touch him, be cared for by him and I will be happy and happy. But sometimes, I will also be selfish and greedy. I could pretend to be weak and stupid just to be with him a little longer, to feel the soft, cold touches of metal as he pats my head, inhaling his scent. If the sun, the sky and the stars smelled, it would be Optimus
Our lives are not always peaceful. Decepticons, MECH, battles that almost took my love away from myself so many times. Remembering that time when I saw the blue color in His eyes gradually fade away, I felt like I had died according to that light.
My heart constricted violently, I felt suffocated, my eyes blurred, engulfed in an endless despair. If my human heart could be used to save Him, I would pull it out myself just to see that clear blue light one more time. I realized that I loved Optimus so much that I didn't even know it, and I prayed to the gods to take me away in His stead, if He could rise again, I wouldn't hesitate to show my love off. Show my love to Him regardless of the outcome.
Maybe it was luck, maybe it was because the gods heard my prayer, the team found a way to revive Optimus. The moment I saw His Spark light up, I burst with happiness. It was only when Optimus raised his giant arm to lightly touch my face that I realized it was already wet with tears. Tears of uncontrollable happiness rolled down her cheeks, falling one after another. I hugged those giant fingers tightly, laughing in a choked sob :
- Welcome back, Optimus.
He replied to me with a warm smile:
- I'm back.
No need for fancy or fancy words. I love Him through such simple words.
After Optimus returned from the dead, he seemed… more strange? I'm not sure if my hunch is correct as he and I have been glaring at each other for more than thirty minutes. Strangely speaking, because normally only I look at Optimus, slim waist, long legs, big butt, handsome, who doesn't like it? But it's very strange for Optimus to look back at me, it's like being reciprocated by a crush, most of which is due to high drugs that give rise to hallucinations.
While I was wondering if the 8 funky balls that I had hidden from Optimus to use on New Year's Eve had any effect on my nerves, he approached me. The speaker, while I pricked my ears to hear what else these 8 funkey balls could make me hallucinate.
- The moon is beautiful today, isn't it?
If it's so illusory, it's definitely a drug...
As a natural reaction, everyone raised their heads to look. Oh, it's the base roof of metal bars and rocks. Then everyone turned their gazes to me. I gulped, chuckling.
- Yes, it's beautiful.
Ratchet looks at me like crazy while Jack and Miko come over and touch my forehead. Jack frowned :
- Strange, no fever at all.
Miko continued:
- Tell me the truth, who sold you drugs?
My forehead had blue veins, picked up these two demons' ears, and whispered in a loud enough volume for them to hear:
-If you two are still babbling, I'll tell Arcee and Bulkhead about how you two tried to buy marijuana and use it. And believe me, Ratchet will let you both listen to lectures 24/7.
Miko pursed her lips, while Jack nodded vigorously. The secret we secretly played with banned substances was something that we swore to live with, carry with us when we died, even if Megatron put a gun to the head, we couldn't tell it out. Suddenly, Miko seemed to think of something, she leaned into my ear and said :
- What Optimus said seems to be quite common in my country. It is a kind of confession where one person says "The moon is beautiful tonight", then if the other responds "The wind is also very gentle", it means yes.
-So Optimus is secretly confessing to her?
- Exactly, Jackie!
The two of them didn't make an appointment, but they both smiled at me. I blushed, my mind still echoing Miko's words. But what if this is just a coincidence? Or just a fleeting illusion of a hopeless unrequited love?
A voice in my head : What if it is true ? What if Optimus loves you the same way you love Him? You deserve this hope of love. Go ahead girl, conquer that perfect bot !
Sink Or Swim . It's not the first time I've been rejected anyway...
- Optimus !! - I shouted - The wind is very gentle today too!!
Fuckfuckfuck I'm going to die !!!!!
Now it's not just Ratchet, but Arcee, Bumblebee, Raf and Bulkhead all looking at me like I'm crazy. Miko and Jack covered their mouths with laughter. I was like a balloon that had been deflated, and my whole body was limp. Embarrassment, shyness, ... mixed emotions in me, but my eyes were still fixed on that red and blue bot.
And He smiled
Striking giant strides toward me, Optimus knelt down, holding out his hand. I jumped up, clinging to His big fingers while Optimus led us both out of the center of the base, to a deserted place just the two of us. Whisperer:
- Can you say it again?
- Say what again? - I laughed and asked in return - Saying the wind is also very gentle, or do I also love you very much?
For a moment, I heard the rumble of an engine. Optimus's metallic skin, which was once cold, was now unusually hot. I looked him straight in the eye, and my heart fluttered with strange joys  :
- I've loved you since we first met and always will. So, venerable Optimus, can you assume that you feel the same way about me ? Do you feel like me?
- I have always loved you, but I am afraid, afraid that my enemies will try to harm you when they know this. But after coming back from the dead, seeing you cry, I understand that I can't lie to myself anymore. I swear on the honor of Primus and my Spark, I love you.
I tiptoed slightly, placing a kiss on Optimus' lips. Needless to say, I'm already satisfied. I know that our love will have to go through many obstacles, but what do we do when we have already fallen in love with each other...
Let's put the worries away for now, and enjoy this sweet moment a little more...
Love you to the Cybertron and back
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frankendykes-monster · 11 months
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But the question of one's favorite version of the Legion of Super-Heroes is a deceptively complex one. It's not just a matter of team line-ups or creative teams, but the actual directions and themes explored by the franchise. The Legion has been relaunched and repackaged more than anything else in the DC Universe -- a universe where the line-wide reboot has become the go-to move -- and each time it's based on different ideas of what these characters mean, and what the future looks like. As much as they might be in the same continuity, the original Legion has a completely different set of ideals that it's exploring than the Dystopian "Five Years Later" Legion of the '80s, and when Mark Waid and Barry Kitson "threebooted" the Legion in 2004, their stories were a reaction to a completely different environment in comics than when they rebooted it the first time ten years earlier.
And because each version of the Legion is so thematically different than the others, the question of which one's your favorite has a lot to do with which of those themes you find appealing. For me, there's no question, and I'm sure this won't surprise anyone: I love the original Silver Age Legion.
Part of that comes from the same reason that I love a lot of Silver Age books, in that it's just full of bizarre kookiness, with a sci-fi setting that allowed the creators to ratchet the weirdness up even higher than they did in the regular line back in those days. There's one story in the '60s where someone's spying on the Legion and they can't figure out who until they realize that there's a tiny little man living in Sun Boy's ankle who was surgically implanted there by one of their enemies when Sun Boy went to the dentist, and it's hard to say if that was actually the craziest thing they ever did in those stories.
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But more than that, there's an optimism to it.
When I talked to him about writing the Star Trek / Legion crossover, Chris Roberson told me that one of the things that attracted him to both franchises was that they both showed an optimistic future, and he's right. When you think about the time when the Legion was created in 1958 and those years in the '60s when they grew in popularity, that was the same time when people were building fallout shelters in the back yard and teaching school kids to duck and cover under a school desk in the event of an atom bomb. Nuclear war wasn't just a possibility, it was seen as something that was pretty much inevitable, and that was reflected in the fiction of the time. This was the dawn of the post-apocalyptic story, with increasingly grim visions of the future based on the destruction that we'd already seen.
But with Silver Age comics in general, and the Legion in particular, it was different. I imagine that the Comics Code and a desire to not get any irate letters from parents about terrifying their children with visions of nuclear holocaust were as much a motivating factor as any bright-eyed hope for the future when creators like Otto Binder and Jerry Siegel approached it, but the fact remains that they showed us a future that was thriving.
The Legion's 30th Century wasn't quite a utopia, but it wasn't a wasteland either. It was a glimpse of a future where everything worked out okay, with a galaxy of strange aliens from even stranger worlds united behind Earth. Well, okay, admittedly, they were less strange aliens and more "a bunch of white people and one green dude," but the sentiment was there. The very existence of that art deco skyline of the 30th century was a sign that we as a civilization had made it through, even when it was under attack by computer robots.
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There's actually a story from 1964 -- the first appearance of Dream Girl, if you want to look it up -- where a few Legionnaires take a one-panel field trip to a world that actually has been destroyed in an atomic war, but for them, it's a strange historical curiosity that they're viewing from the outside. It's a "might have been" and not a "definitely will."
Of course, the fact that things worked out okay was to be expected. Even though we were in danger here in the real world, the Legion's future was descended from an Earth that had Superman protecting it, which points to another great element of the team. They have that same aspirational element to them that I love about characters like Robin and Jimmy Olsen, but it's applied to an entire universe. The existence of the Legion is predicated on two different ideas about Superman. The first is just that Superman is there to make sure that their future exists, and as simple as that might sound, the fact that we see the end result of what he does makes his struggle in that Never-Ending Battle against evil mean something. A dystopian future means that he failed somewhere along the line and that in the end, all of his good works didn't matter. A future that's bright and united, however, means that all of those times he saved the world from Luthor or Brainaic actually counted for something, that there was something out there to make it worthwhile.
And the second is that it's those battles, and Superman specifically, that inspire the Legion to form and use their powers to do the same thing he did. It's a pretty strong recommendation for his character that his legend and his accomplishments last for the next thousand years, and it lends a power to the mythology of Superman. It immediately puts him in the ranks of Hercules and Robin Hood, these figures that we still talk about a thousand years (or more) after they first entered culture. It just does it in a way that we don't have to wait around to see if it actually works out that way once 2958 rolls around.
Just as important as that, though, it casts the Legionnaires themselves as fans. Just like Jimmy Olsen, it brings the idea that the readers themselves could be part of the story to the forefront, with the added wish fulfillment of granting them super-powers and sending them off on their own adventures. It's something that Waid and Kitson touched on in their "Threeboot" Legion, going as far as to have the characters actually sitting around reading Silver Age comics and drawing inspiration from the adventures there to escape from the boring repetition of their world. Which, incidentally, may be a metaphor for what was going on in the rest of the DC Universe at the time. Who knows.
Anyway, that ties in with yet another element that I find really appealing, that springs right from the fact that they're so readily identifiable to the readers: The Legion are a bunch of kids. There are later versions where the same characters have grown up, but for me, that doesn't work as well at all. It breaks one of the best metaphors of the entire franchise, that they're children, a group that symbolizes the future, who also literally represent the future. They're the ones looking around at their world with fresh eyes and going "Hey, we should all just be like Superman." Adults -- with the exception of those who sit around thinking about funnybooks all day -- don't think like that, but kids do, and the Legion are a bunch of kids who actually have the power to make that work.
Incidentally, I feel the same way about the X-Men -- not that there should never be grown-up X-Men, but that there should always be some kind of emphasis on young characters and the school. The metaphor of evolution and the newer, younger species arriving to possibly replace the old is just too good to pass up.
Speaking of the X-Men, I think it's fair to say that that's a franchise that owes a lot to the Legion, and not just because Dave Cockrum originally designed Nightcrawler and Colossus as Legionnaires before they were rejected and sent packing across town to Marvel. Because it was set in the future and not bound to the rest of the DC Universe, the Legion was free to build its own continuity, and it took a path of change and dynamism that you didn't usually see in the Silver Age. Things didn't always end with a return to the Status Quo. Lightning Lad died, came back, lost an arm, and had it replaced. New members joined. Prospective members were rejected and formed their own teams. A third of Triplicate Girl was killed off "permanently" and she returned as Duo Damsel. Things changed.
But the most important thing that the X-Men and most other comics about teenage superheroes lifted from the Legion is that for the first time, kids with super-powers acted like actual kids. And by that, I mean that they were massive jerks to each other.
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And I love that about them.
I wrote about this once for a book of essays on the Legion called Teenagers From The Future (available now in finer bookstores everywhere, tell your friends), but it really just boils down to this: When adults are jerks to each other, they're just jerks, but when kids are jerks it's because they're kids. Kids make up weird rules about things and get unreasonably angry when someone breaks them. They form clubs with bizarre secret rules that they take too seriously until they forget about them and never bring them up again. They're dicks to each other for no discernible reason.
And that is exactly how the Legion conducts itself.
Maybe the best example of this is the occasional recruitment drives, which are literally just stories where characters like Matter Eater Lad and Light Lass (she makes things less heavy!) sit around and tell other super-powered youths how much they suck:
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I spent a good chunk of my youth attending public school, so I can go ahead and confirm that this is exactly what it would be like if teenagers actually had super-powers. He can avert nuclear war, but even Superman can't make kids stop being jerks to each other.
And they were jerks. Their very first appearance is based around going back in time to play a prank on this guy that they idolize, and it just builds from there. At least one out of every three stories is some variation on that theme, and they get weird with it. The first time Supergirl meets the Legion, they don't let her join because exposure to Red Kryptonite has made her "over 18" for like an hour. Keep in mind: this is a temporary condition and they are time travelers. And occasionally, they just turn on each other, living out a kid's idea of gender relationships:
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There's a lot of Legion runs that I love, but that original has never been topped for how much it appeals to me, which might seem a little weird when you consider that I got into it around 2006 at the age of 24 after never reading a Legion story in my life and not when I was the age where I actually should've been identifying with these characters. But there's something there that I can't deny the appeal of, that combination of hopeful optimism and kids being jerks, of Silver Age weirdness and emotional authenticity, and the past's idea of what the future could be if we all made it through.
Chris Sim, writing for Comics Alliance, 2012
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earthstellar · 9 months
it's been a rough few days to be in healthcare in England
I know it's made international news in some places, but for those unaware, a serial killer nurse just got busted for killing several infant patients after a ton of fuckery impeded the initial investigation
I'm not linking to any news articles about it because it's all anyone can talk about and we're all so fucking depressed about it
naturally it's a scandal and everyone's morale is in the shitter regardless of whatever anyone's role might be, clinical, non-clinical, or otherwise
it's not the first time something horrific like this has happened; Stafford Hospital, Wrightington Hospital, the Bristol heart scandal, the Alder Hey organs scandal, and a whole fuckload more
but still, understandably, everyone is feeling pretty horrendously bad over this current situation
just makes me wonder what Ratchet's initial reaction was to finding out just how many medics had sided with the Decepticons-- in four million years of war, plenty of moral injury to go around, many crimes committed, and much to think about
in at least one continuity (IDW 1) Ratchet very nearly joined the Decepticons himself, and he watched Pharma's decline from excellent, honourable Autobot medic to becoming a T-cog stealing, patient killing, staff endangering maniac (which I've talked about at length previously) -- the distress of which is painfully relevant at the moment, really
or what about finding out how many medics never picked a side and went neutral, fleeing to safe havens like Crystal City for as long as they could to avoid the war-- understandable, but also prevents them from treating any war wounded on either side and effectively removes them from alleviating strain on wartime medical staff, resulting in overall greater numbers of fatalities and poor outcomes
(not to mention additional wear and tear on staff; if some of these neutral medics had been around to assist Ratchet, would he have aged and worn out so severely?)
IDK this probably sounds fucked up to even talk about right now given the seriousness of the current IRL case, but fiction is how a lot of people deal with bad shit and I'm not an exception to that-- hopefully it doesn't come across as being in poor taste
I'm taking tomorrow off work, thank god, so hopefully I'll be able to take a break and finally get around to answering some things in my inbox-- thank you to everyone who's sent me messages especially about Cybertronian medicine because I love thinking about that and I really need stuff to keep my mind off this horrible IRL case at the moment <3
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autobotmedic · 1 year
Mun Vs. Muse
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we are usually logical/rational, but also have very strong feelings, and sometimes those conflict.
health conscious and yet, not necessarily great at always taking care of self.
we’re more introverted than extroverted.
we are opinionated, and the closer you are to us, the more opinions you will hear. including petty ones.
tend to be equipped or prepared compared to most, I cannot tell you how many tissues/wet wipes/a snack/etc I’ve given other students fhksjhdf.
we highly value life of any form; I have treated injuries/helped take care of sick people and animals. blood doesn’t bother either of us.
basically we both have empathetic caretaker hearts.
but also people are difficult to deal with and socializing is tiring more often than not.
once betrayed in some way/recognizing we’ve been taken advantage of, even if we do care about someone, comfortable trust is not regained easily.
rambling about a passion or due to being nervous is more common for me than him, but he does still ramble, and I definitely believe he did more often when he was younger.
I’ve been told I can be Intense sometimes when it comes to focusing on/tackling a responsibility. coughing.
oh strong responsibility sense but not like, claiming EVERYTHING, claiming our things/what we feel we should be responsible for and being dedicated toward those things. sometimes to the point of neglecting what we would actually like to do.
aligned ratch came from a village that isn’t even named canonically which I read as meaning he has Country Roots, and I am also a country person; maybe I’m self projecting but I rly do think he finds cottagecore appealing too.
we were very similar types of A-making students who took notes, studied, questioned/talked to our professors, and didn’t really party or fall for peer pressure. I am aware this is not a popular opinion for ratch bc many default to ‘party ambulance,’ but it is VERY hard for me to see that applying to aligned, nor is there any actual evidence of it that I can find (outside of a drug-equivalent's influence).
additionally, despite being the same age or younger than most of the people we interacted with as peers, there was ;;; definitely a personal maturity/priorities difference from most of them. aka, feeling older than you are and having trouble socializing casually because of it.
they are not as strong/I am aware of and thus try to keep them contained to be respectful of others, but I do have some controlling and defensive urges too fhkjahfds.
we can and will overthink often and there is no Off switch for it.
but on the other hand, we can also be calm and problem solve/react quickly under pressure, especially if anyone else present is panicking or emotionally hurting.
we have both experienced the loss of what we considered ‘home’ due to outside circumstances we could not change, even though it was not an entire planet in my case, obviously.
the older I get and the more I learn/see about the world and try to survive in it, the more cynical and tired I become; at this point I’m pretty sure if I lived several million years and saw a lot of scrap constantly, I would reach ratchet’s levels fhakjhfsdf.
we both care about the quality of our work/perfectionism to a significant degree and being rushed or learning to say ‘this is acceptable’ is very hard.
his science knowledge level is absolutely incredible and I cannot hold a candle to it, I struggle just trying to do research to write him believably. I also think mechanics and such are neat and I do have more understanding of vehicles than average, but that is still no where near equivalent to him.
I can be be creative/find creative solutions to issues sometimes, but I am not an inventor-level of problem solver like him. I can build things if I have instructions or make an entire simple plan first, but I can’t just Do it/modify something quickly.
I am usually able to express how I feel emotionally, he does not always know how or is unwilling to do so.
he is definitely better at multitasking than I am.
I am not ambidextrious but he is.
he is stocky while I am not.
I am not in any medical or science field.
I don’t have ptsd.
I rarely nap.
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newstfionline · 1 year
Monday, November 21, 2022
Biden turns 80 as election talk swirls (The Hill) Questions about Joe Biden’s age have loomed over his presidency ever since he entered the White House. On Sunday, Biden will reach a major milestone when he is expected to spend his 80th birthday quietly with his family, many of whom will be at the White House to mark another occasion: His granddaughter Naomi’s wedding. His rivals want to cast the president as lacking the energy and mental acuity needed for the job. While Biden takes flack for his age from the GOP, former President Trump is only four years younger and has announced a bid for reelection. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is 89. Ronald Reagan, who was 69 years old when he was sworn into his first term, was also faced with questions about his age, but turned it to his advantage. During one of the presidential debates with Mondale, Reagan said “I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s youth and inexperience.”
Western US cities to remove decorative grass amid drought (AP) A group of 30 agencies that supply water to homes and businesses throughout the western United States has pledged to rip up lots of decorative grass to help keep water in the over-tapped Colorado River. The agreement signed Tuesday by water agencies in Southern California, Phoenix and Salt Lake City and elsewhere illustrates an accelerating shift in the American West away from well-manicured grass that has long been a totem of suburban life, having taken root alongside streets, around fountains and between office park walkways. The grass-removal pledge targets turf that people don’t work on, like in front of strip malls, in street medians or at the entrance to neighborhoods. It doesn’t mean cities plan to rip up grass at golf courses, parks or in backyards, though some may pay homeowners to voluntarily replace their lawns with more drought-resistance landscaping.
Gang Warfare Cripples Haiti’s Fight Against Cholera (NYT) To reach the hospital, the mothers traveled the front lines of a gang war, bringing sick babies during lulls in gun battles and passing corpses along the way. They had no choice: Cholera, resurgent in Haiti, had come for their children. Cholera is soaring across the globe, as a record number of outbreaks have strained already reeling health systems in regions including Africa and South Asia. But cholera’s resurgence is a particularly cruel turn of fate in Haiti, which in February declared victory in eliminating the disease after battling it for more than a decade. Now, that triumph has been snatched away by the same forces plunging the nation into extraordinary depths of chaos and despair: armed groups that have turned vast swaths of the capital into lawless hellscapes of violence—and a government unable to take control. Now the health authorities cannot deliver the most basic care in poor neighborhoods where gangs have choked off access to the outside world, preventing doctors from entering and leaving the sick to die at home.
As Climate Protests Get Bolder, British Police Strike Back With New Powers (NYT) When environmental protesters recently stopped traffic on the M25 freeway that circles London, one journalist, Charlotte Lynch, was standing on a bridge above reporting on the latest of the group’s disruptive demonstrations for her radio station, LBC. But not for long. Ms. Lynch was swiftly handcuffed, searched and arrested after being questioned by two police officers about how she knew that the demonstration was taking place. Ms. Lynch said that she had shown a press card carried by journalists in Britain to identify themselves to the police, and explained that she had learned about where the protest would be held from social media. Nonetheless, she was held for five hours at a police station, where her DNA was collected and fingerprints were taken. As environmentalists and climate change activists ratchet up their protests in Britain, the authorities are responding in kind with robust actions that have raised concerns that long-enshrined freedoms are being eroded. Determined to crack down on the demonstrators, the government is giving the police new powers to tackle groups that have brought busy highways to a standstill, delayed infrastructure projects by tunneling beneath them, thrown soup at artwork and deflated the tires of SUVs. “What I’m seeing now is, I think, a sort of spiral—I’d almost say a radicalization,” said Adam Wagner, a civil liberties lawyer and author. “I think there’s a hardening on both sides—the police and the protesters—both of the actions and the reactions. I can see that dynamic and I’m pretty worried about it.”
As the War Rages, Ukraine Wages a Daunting Battle to Rebuild (NYT) Ukrainian efforts to stabilize some of the country’s battered electricity supply and make a dent in the seemingly endless task of demining swaths of the country offered a glimpse into the Herculean task that lies ahead off the battlefield. For the first time since Moscow this past week carried out its largest assault on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, the national energy utility said on Saturday that it was again able to use planned, coordinated blackouts to keep the national grid stabilized rather than resorting to emergency power shutdowns. The first traces of power were also restored to the recently reclaimed southern city of Kherson, which was left without heat, running water and electricity by Russian troops, as they blew up and tore down critical infrastructure before retreating to territory east of the Dnipro River. Across fields strewn with mines and at power plants under the threat of Russian missiles, workers with the Ukrainian utility company, Ukrenergo, have raced to fix damage caused by attacks intended to heap suffering on the Ukrainian people. But repairs made this week can be destroyed by a new Russian assault the next. Ukraine’s government says that nearly half of Ukraine’s energy grid has been knocked out by recent Russian missile strikes. Kyiv also estimates that nearly 61,000 square miles of the country could be littered with land mines and other explosives. Some cities and towns lie in ruins.
Kyiv’s mayor: Extraordinary, in extraordinarily tough times (AP) The body armor propped against a radiator, ready for use, the spent shell casing adding to clutter on his desk, the boxing memorabilia and the sign asking visitors to leave firearms at his door: All shout that this is the office of an extraordinary mayor, in extraordinarily difficult times. And then there’s the plastic toy figure of a muscular boxer, with clenched fist raised—a reminder of how physically imposing, fearsome even, Vitali Klitschko was in his world title-winning, opponent-pummeling heavyweight boxing prime. As was also the case during his years as a professional prizefighter, the fight for survival he’s engaged in now is primal. But it’s more essential, too: To prevent power from going out entirely in his city of 3 million people, to ensure that families don’t freeze in the cold that winter’s onset is bringing, and to keep Ukraine’s hyper-digital capital hooked up to the outside world. In blacked-out Kyiv restaurants, diners feel their way through meals in near-darkness, served by waiters carrying candles. Residents wake in the dead of night—if that’s when it’s their turn to get a few hours of power again—to shower and do laundry. “Huge challenge,” Klitschko said.
Malaysia faces new crisis as poll delivers hung Parliament (AP) Malaysia tumbled into fresh political turmoil Sunday after a tightly contested general election delivered a hung Parliament with no clear winner and a surprising surge of support for an Islamist party. Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim’s reformist alliance secured the biggest gain with 82 out of 220 Parliamentary seats, but fell far short of a majority. Trailing close behind was former Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s Malay-based Perikatan Nasional, or National Alliance with 73 seats. Among other key election losers was two-time former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, who at 97 is leading a separate Malay movement. The outcome will now see horse-trading as both Muhyiddin and Anwar scramble to form the government.
For rivals Japan and China, the new space race is about removing junk (Washington Post) When China successfully towed a dead satellite into a “graveyard orbit” this year, it alarmed experts in Japan who have been trying to put their country at the forefront of the world’s expanding market in space-junk removal. Some interpreted the Chinese feat as a demonstration of an orbit-offensive capability—the ability to make unwelcome, close approaches to other satellites. The technology involved is a precursor to what Japan is racing to build. With commercial space activities taking off, the amount of junk orbiting the planet poses an increasing threat of collisions. Companies around the globe are working to develop the means to send this junk tumbling toward Earth so it will burn up in the extreme temperatures of reentry. No rules govern who is responsible for cleanup—or space-debris mitigation, as it is called—but Japan intends to play a key role in their development. The nation has stepped up cooperation with the United States in response to China’s growing space capabilities. Low Earth orbit is full of litter. Decades of exploration have left thousands of pieces of now-useless equipment and satellites that circle the planet at 17,500 miles an hour. Some are the size of a marble, others as big as a school bus.
Qatar to open Mideast’s first World Cup before leaders, fans (AP) Qatar prepared Sunday to open the Middle East’s first FIFA World Cup before global leaders and soccer fans now pouring into this energy-rich nation after being battered by a regional boycott and international criticism. Regardless of the outcome of Qatar versus Ecuador on the pitch, Doha already has drawn Saudi Arabia’s powerful Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to the opening ceremony and inaugural match of the tournament. That Prince Mohammed, whose nation had closed Qatar’s only land border to the world through the kingdom over a yearslong political dispute, will attend shows how far the rapprochement between the two nations has gone. Qatar’s state-run news agency announced Prince Mohammed’s presence in the country, as well as other world leaders. It said U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, Senegalese President Macky Sall and Rwandan President Paul Kagame had arrived in Doha.
World’s longest-standing president seeks to extend 43-year rule (Reuters) Equatorial Guinea votes on Sunday in a general election in which President Teodoro Obiang Nguema, the world’s longest-standing president, is expected to extend his 43-year rule at the helm of the tiny oil-producing West African nation. Over 400,000 people registered to vote in the country of around 1.5 million. Voters will also cast ballots to elect 100 members of parliament for the lower house, 55 of the country’s 70 senators, and local mayors. Observers expect no surprises. The 80-year-old Obiang has always been elected with over 90% of votes in polls whose fairness international observers have questioned given longstanding complaints by rights groups over a lack of political freedom. Equatorial Guinea has had only two presidents since independence from Spain in 1968. Obiang ousted his uncle Francisco Macias Nguema in a coup in 1979.
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erigold13261 · 4 months
Maybe Rodney can give Chai and co some mech upgrades before they do their final battle!!!!!
I've decided to change the timeline around a bit, so at the point of the Tech Revolution Rodney is probably like 13 or something. About the time he starts trying to invent Wonderbot.
The reason for this is that the robots in Hi Fi Rush are being made very quickly and constantly. Even though there is a quality check, they are making a LOT of robots (at least under Kale's management). So having the whole "outmode" thing wouldn't really work as parts are definitely still being made at this time.
Which is why I'm moving the Robots plot to after the timeskip, when being an outmode is a much more possible outcome. Maybe Roxanne literally retires or ends up passing during that time, or maybe she is still around. No matter what, I think parts will always be made close to Vandelay Tech.
That means the Robots plot happens away from Vandelay (which is around California). And I already established a robot aesthetic for the New England area of the US with Eri and the gang.
In my head, the robotics companies in the UK look more steampunk-y or just obviously machine-like compared to any other robo company in the world. So having Bigweld Industry take place in the UK seems like a really good idea!
Vandelay robots over the 10 years (as well as robots from all over the world) are given more freedom and end up moving around. I don't know if a new city would be made called Robot City, at least not officially, but people around the world would just call it that as a nickname (like if someone says City of Light for France or the Music City for Vinyl City) since that is where a majority of robots head to.
So this city in the UK ends up making a company called Bigweld Industries, that has a pure robot for a CEO (perhaps the first robot to get to this kind of position? like sure 1010 are very high up, but they are mainly performers, and Neon J is a cyborg, not a robot so him being CEOs to his own companies are not the same).
But anyway! Rodney lived in Vandelay Technologies area for his childhood, and probably saw the Tech Revolution take place, and how Peppermint was able to fix people like Korsica up. But he also grew up hearing about the start up of Bigweld Industries and a city where robots are the majority and treated with respect.
I don't think every robot from the Robots story would have been created as a kid bot and grew up. Rodney was one, but Bigweld and Ratchet are robots similar to 1010 who were made to be a certain age and then grew from that point onward.
Like for years now there have been robots making other robots and treating them like family. Having the idea to create a child robot and upgrade them as they grew was not common (1010 being the first robots to truly do so, but that wasn't known to the public. Most robots either gained sentience randomly, or were given fake memories and then gained sentience after that).
I'm talking all over the place and some of these ideas aren't actually set in stone yet, but this is the overall idea that I am going for at the moment! The Tech Revolution being a start to the coming robot (and others) vs human conflict that will come after the 10 year time skip!
And honestly, I'm so happy that whoever said to add Robots into the Eriverse said that! Because it actually does help a lot in the future of this world that I was planning to play with!
[It's kinda funny how just adding Robots has made me think more about HFR. It makes sense! That was what I was going for! But now I need to make more of a focus on Psychonauts again. It's kinda weird though because I think Psychonauts fits more into the Past of the Eriverse more so than the Present or Future.
I definitely have plans for them, but they just take more of a backseat in the whole overall of the story. Maybe that's because they are a more downlow organization compared to everyone else. Only coming out when needed. So a story not FOCUSED on the internals of Psychonauts can't really have that much influence as they only appear at certain points]
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matteblacklips · 2 years
september updates i
Disclaimer: I would like to begin this email thread by saying if you didn’t want to receive emails from me you shouldn’t have given me your email to begin with.
Joke of the chain: What did the policeman say to his belly button? You're under a vest! Hello everyone! Welcome to the tenth or so email I've sent out this year. I've been extremely blessed to have so many people in my life, whether you read these emails or not. I know most of you skim and see if I roasted or mentioned you but usually I switch it up weekly. That being said, let's chat. 
I'm sure you all heard/have been told through the grapevine that I'm not working for my old boss anymore, and let me tell you thank GOD. He was such a bully and really bad for my mental health. I'm not gonna say more about that but I knew that it wasn't the right fit when he yelled at me for making a table that he constructed. He also told my coworker/work bestie that she had to ultimately choose her vacation (that she's been planning for over a year) or her job. It's safe to say he's burning more bridges than is normal for someone his age but what can you do. Michael once told me, when I started working, that he was the type of boss you usually get towards the end of your career and at least I got him out of the way now. Anyways, no one tell my mom until I tell her.
Roommate Talk: Everyone, please welcome my three roommates Ariel, Jess, and Emily to the email chain. We met on facebook, which was kind of chaotic, but I definitely really like them a lot. We ended up going out to Loco and Capo on Friday and it was the best vibes even though I have no idea how and when we got home. I really like the way that my roommates perceive things, I noticed that there's a lot of emotional maturity and openness to grow and build themselves which is always so nice to see. Self-care and advocating for yourself is so important, especially when you're young and still finding your place. 
Southie Bar Ranking: Capo basement is ratchet, I will die on that hill. I like Lincoln the best personally, but Loco is just a bit closer, so I'll always be more inclined to go there. It's crazy how I'm a four minute walk to so many of Thomas's favorite bars and I won't be able to have another Southie Sunday with him for a long, long time.
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Shefali Roast: It took me exactly FIVE days of living in my new apartment to cry my eyes out hysterically. I just really missed 7 and felt so alone, which is kind of crazy considering I live with literally three other human beings. But I guess there was so much change happening all at once that I had no idea how to process my emotions. I also bought new clothes and shoes today, does anyone want to see¿
Friend Spotlight: Kaleigh Barker and Tracy Do. They didn’t do anything but they’re just so beautiful and kind. The shared intelligence between the two of them is more than the shared intelligence of our current and last presidents.
Pop culture update: Are we gonna discuss Olivia Wilde/Florence Pugh/Shia Labeouf, I think we are! Holy shit there's a lot to unpack with that, but basically, Shia has unresolved alcoholism/abusive tendencies that we hear he's working on but Florence did not feel comfortable working with him which lead to Olivia claiming she fired him and saying she has a "No assholes policy" but in reality, Shia quit and Olivia begged him to stay and belittled Miss Flo saying that she needed to have a "wake up call" when Flo was leading the movie head-on. Florence also had an issue with the way Olivia made the film all about her hot and sexy scene w Harry rather than the real feminist undertones that followed the movie. Thus, Florence did not promote the movie, and showed up only for the Venice Film Festival screening, and left 3 minutes into their standing ovation.
Friend update: 7 is in Turkey. Krystyll just moved into Southie with her boyfriend, Jeff. Mina went to Big Night Live this weekend. Nam was working this weekend. Thomas is enjoying himself in Charlotte, thankfully, and he had his first day of work last week. I’m so proud of him. I hope he has fun in Charlotte but not more fun than he’d have with us, here in Boston. Xavier is officially home for good now but there's talk of him living with Anthony. Ziti was in Boston this weekend. Drunk Shefali made him take shots of water while she took the fun shots. Shrey had a collapsed lung but he's doing better now. Deep 1 and 2 are both in relationships. Catherine and I walked By Riley's friends' apartment on Sunday night about three times. Maddie Morgan broke two of her nails but it's okay because she's getting them done again, she always gets the cutest nails, and I wish I wasn't so basic that I only get like a pearly white. Kelvin helped me move in. Jason (sloth) has been drinking white claws when he's clearly a High Noon guy. Sarah Hasan is now on the email chain, and she's such a vibe, I love going out with her. Harrison is still Harrison, so not really sure what he does but he's out there somewhere and that's all that matters (just asked, he's in class). He needs to stop roasting me for wearing crocs ONE time. Kiersten is working. Not sure what Fiona is doing but I assume she’s having a manic episode and wants to go back to her parents in Braintree already. Zara still likes me. Priya is getting married. Nidhi still hasn’t called me, I’ve been waiting to see how long it takes her to call me if I don’t call her first and she is FAILING. HOT take: My roommate, Emily, thinks that girls can't be friends with guys (or something along those lines) and I was like idk sis. Everytime I go to the bar w Allen, homeboy goes "It's okay Shef, let's find you a 'Tommy' or 'Timmy' to take home" which first of all, I don't like boys with T names, but is also very cute. Allen, also thought he was gonna find his wife in Southie. Someone please tell him his wife is NOT in Southie on a Sunday night.
Book Talk: I have THREE updates. I ordered the latest Elena Armas book months ago and it finally delivered today. In New Hampshire. Alisha needs to hurry up and finish the Spanish Love Deception so I can read this book and send it to her. My bed is currently being supported by eight of my favorite books but my least favorite eight of my favorites if you know what I mean. I have to deeply evaluate the order of what books go under my bed because I really wanted to read Tools of Engagement again. Oh well. One of the books under my bed is Arjav's which is both symbolic and kind of hilarious of me. 
Lover - Andy
Daylight - Andy
I Think He Knows - Arjav
Paper Rings - Arjav
Cornelia Street - Arjav
Death By A Thousand Cuts - Arjav
Soon You'll Get Better - 7
Arjav ruined more songs off Lover for me but Andy ruined the important songs for me. Imagine being so heartbroken that you couldn't listen to DAYLIGHT eight months after things ended.
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TV Provider Update: Honestly it's still HBOMax because I really think they've been stepping it up with House of Dragon. I'm also so close to booting everyone off my HBOMax because let me know how every single day there's a new insult on our account names. I know its Alex but I'm logged in on his Disney+ so I can't retaliate right now but imagine logging in to HBO and seeing Choida (Fucker) #1 across your name.
Boy update: I know everyone wants to know what's going on between me and Arjav and the answer is nothing. We are nothing, we will never be anything more than nothing. Yes, he might come over or I might go visit. Sure, he tells me he loves me, but does he know what love is? Does he know how to love me? Does he understand that to love someone is a commitment that he cannot promise and that he and I are wasting each other's time? I want to die everytime we speak, but at the end of the day, what's for me will be mine. Things he's done that are just plain MEAN: Personally I started writing these out and I was so embarrassed that I let a man do me like that but this is a safe space and I love you all. I know everyone was patiently waiting to hear me talk about him and I'm just ready to go into details yet. I found out the reason I was so interested in him was because my parents always chose work over me so I chased after two men (Andy and Arjav) that also chose work over me. - Invited me to Ezoo and then canceled half-way through the week.- Said I love you and then took it back.- Forgot that he said I love you and then took it back and claims it was because he was on some shit....and then goes back to original statement of "I loved you ever since I saw you play mini-golf"- Invited me to NYC and then canceled the night before because of "work".- Didn't say happy birthday to me and then booty called me.- Told me he wouldn't date me if I was a worm.
Song on repeat: Clean by Taylor Swift..."Rain came pouring down when I was drowning, that's when I could finally breathe, and by morning, gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean.".. I think what resonated the most with this song this week was that I was holding on to Andy subconsciously, I still had his Valentine, and I still have his things but I finally opened it and for the longest time, I was so confused why I never sent it to him or even talked to him about it, but I just knew that it wasn't the right time and I'm so proud of myself for having that level of control.
Availability this week: I mean I am unemployed so technically I'm free all week. However, I've been filling my schedule up with random tasks and activities. I'm not sure how or when to tell my mom so if anyone has tips please, please, PLEASE, let me know. It’s so easy cause I can text my dad but I got to actually have a conversation with my mom about it. I've got a mini-plan for studying for the GRE and I'm scheduled to take it in November, which is right before a lot of the graduate school applications are due.
Reminder: I hate the club so stop asking me to go there.
Shefali Patel
Follow up questions: What's one thing you can't live without? I don't have any material possessions that I couldn't live without and that's on attachment issues.
Who do you think has it worse, my sisters or my best friends, when it comes to listening to me talk about Arjav? Personally, I don't bring up all the stuff that goes on with my sisters BUT they do react more negatively when it comes to him.
Do you ever have a mental block? I feel like I'm the most impulsive person in the world but when I refuse to do something, I physically cannot do the task. Like telling my mom I no longer work for a crazy man.
Keep in mind you would be responding to the chain so don’t blow my spot if you can help it. I would really appreciate keeping my dignity if I could. What to expect: weekly to biweekly emails regarding things that matter to me including but not limited to bad jokes, an update on plans, current events, and my personal favorite new recipes and places to check out!
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dhruvsunlimitedink · 2 years
Never Imagined
"As obvious as it may sound but it is an undeniable fact that what we as humans create/invent/organize and so on influences our behavior and our behavior influences the things that we create/invent/organize." Yes read the previous statement again as it may blow your mind for a second. For better understanding let us take an examples. We invented digital/social media which is why you are able to read this blog. However, the situation is such that digital/social media has totally changed the way we communicate and often the way we socialize and Covid-19 pandemic has just cumulated that impact making it even more important part of society. It is very often that we listen folks talking about taking pictures just for the sake of getting likes and comments on social media. Now, such scenario would have been a crazy though in 1945 as it was not the culture back then.
The point is that the culture we grow up in has a great impact on our psychology, the way we think, the way we talk and almost everything that we do. In this blog I will take you to a journey of how I think the way I do and why I do that with regards to my cultural background and family demographics. For the record, I grew up in semi-urban India where there is a strong sense of community with relatively modern lifestyle. Additionally, When I say relatively modern lifestyle, make no doubt that people are as educated as westerners and maybe more than them in various cases. However, they have a blend of opinions, attitudes and constantly evolving world view because of the technological age, globalized world along with a strong sense of cultural awareness. This all comes with a root nature of inter-dependent societies and cumulative cultural accumulation. Further paragraph explains it in detail with an example of immigration story of me for better understanding of both the above mentioned concepts (inter-connected societies and cumulative cultural cultural evolution).
One may argue that immigration is something that a lot of South Asians obsess over and to an extent it is not wrong. But what if I say there are some states (equivalent of Canadian Provinces) that have significantly higher rates of immigration than others or some states are more obsessed over emigration abroad than others. Yes, it is true. The state from where I am has the second highest emigration rate to Canada closely followed by Punjab (highest no. of Indian Immigrants to Canada). Now, one may ask that why is the case like that? The answer to this question the lies again in the mind blowing statement at the start of blog. Going back to that, it is reflective that some members from some states of India went abroad initially and further suggested about going abroad to other family members. Now, this created a culture of waves of immigrants coming from some parts of India and whoever had higher numbers of community abroad influenced more people back home and this further created a culture of waves and waves of immigrants coming from same parts of India instead of the whole country in general. Now, years after there is an existing culture back home where people of some states have give more importance to going abroad and settling down than others. from these states almost everyone have either friends or cousins living abroad who might have suggested going abroad and settling down. This results in a cumulative culture of more and more people going abroad just like the ratchet effect. Cousins and friends helping each other is a great example of inter-dependent societies. The immigration story reflects two important concepts of cumulation of culture and interdependent societies. The nature of interdependent society is what has brought me here according to me. I have a cousin in Toronto who helped me to come here and now I will help my other cousin to come here.
It is very interesting to see how cultural psychological concepts are applicable to our daily lives but we never pay close attention to them and reflections of me coming to Canada for higher education is a great example of it.
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assassyart · 3 years
Me again. I liked your newest set of R&C doodles. Tangent: Do we actually know how old Ratchet is? I'm genuinely curious. I don't think the games ever say. He must have been 19 at least in the first one. I wish the games came with voice acting blooper reels, I've always wanted to hear Armin Shimerman messing up his lines as Dr Nefarious. What do you think?
Insomniac has told us Ratchet's either 15-17 in the first game. Jak X, a Naughty Dog game, had Ratchet (Deadlocked appearance) as a playable character and he was listed as 18. Insomniac, in a live stream, mentioned Ratchet's in his late twenties Into the Nexus, which makes him 32-34 in Rift Apart, depending on what age you want to run with!
Ratchet's the only character they've given us an age for, pls Insomniac how old are the rest of the characters
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blackstarising · 3 years
coming back to this post i made again to elaborate - especially as the ted lasso fandom is discussing sam/rebecca and fandom racism in general. there are takes that are important to make that i had failed to previously, but there's also a growing amount of takes that i have to, As A Black Person™, respectfully disagree with.
tl;dr for the essay below sam being infantilized and the sam/rebecca relationship are not the same issue and discussing the former one doesn't mean excusing the latter. and we've reached the glen of the Dark Forest where we sit down and talk about fandom racism.
i should have elaborated this in my last post about sam/rebecca, but i didn't. i'll say it now - i personally don't support sam and rebecca getting together for real. i believe what people are saying is entirely correct, even though sam is an adult legally, he and rebecca are, at the very least, two wildly different stages of life. for americans, he's at the equivalent of being a junior in college. there are things he hasn't gotten the chance to experience and there are areas he needs to grow in. when i was younger, i didn't understand the significance of these age gaps, i just thought it would be fine if it was legal, but as someone who is now a little older than sam in universe, i understand fully. we can't downplay this. whether or not you think sam works for rebecca or not, even despite the gender inversion of the Older Man Younger Woman trope, whether or not he is a legal adult, i don't think at this point in time, their relationship would work. i think it's an interesting narrative device, but i don't want to see it play out in reality.
that being said!
what's worrying me is that two discussions are being conflated here that shouldn't be. sam having agency and being a little more grown™ than he's perceived to be does not suddenly make his relationship with rebecca justified. i had decided to bring it up because sam was being brought into the spotlight again and i was starting to realizing that his infantilization was more common than i felt comfortable with.
sam's infantilization (and i will continue to call it that), is a microaggression. it's is in the range of microaggressions that i would categorize as 'fandom overcompensation'. we have a prominent character of color that exhibits traits that aren't stereotypical, and we don't want to appear racist or stereotypical, so we lean hard in the other direction. they're not aggressive, they're a Sweet Baby, they're not world weary, they're now a little naive. they're not cold and distant, they're so nice and sweet that there's no one that wouldn't want approach them, and yeah, on their face, these new traits are a departure and, on their face, they seem they look really good.
but at a certain point, it reaches an inflection point, and, like the aftertaste of a diet coke, that alleged sweetness veers into something a lot less sweet. it veers into a lack of agency for the character. it veers into an innocence that appears to indicate that the person can't even take care of themselves. it veers into a one-dimensional characterization that doesn't allow for any depth or negative emotion.
it's not kind anymore. it's not a nice departure from negative stereotypes. it's not compensating for anything.
it's patronizing.
it is important that we emphasize that characters of color are more than the toxic stereotypes we lay on them, yes, but we make a mistake in thinking that the solution is overcorrection. for one thing, people of color can usually tell. don't get it twisted, it's actually pretty obvious. for another, it just shifts from one dimension to another. people of color are still supposed to be Only One Character Trait while white people can contain multitudes. ted, who is pretty much as pollyanna as they come, can be at once innocent and naive and deep and troubled and funny and scared. jamie can be a prick and sexy and also lonely and also a victim of abuse. sam, however, even though he was bullied (by jamie, no less), is thousands of miles away from home, and has led a protest on his team, is usually just characterized as human sunshine with much less acknowledgement of any other traits beyond that.
and that's why i cringe when fandom calls sam a Sweet Baby Boy without any sense of irony. is that all we're taking away? after all this time? even for a comedy, sam has received a substantive of screen time over two whole seasons, and we've seen a range of emotions from him. so as a black person it's hurtful that it's boiled down to Sweet Baby Boy.
that's the problem. we need to subvert stereotypes, but more importantly, we need to understand that people of color are not props, or pieces of cardboard for their white counterparts. they are full and actualized and have agency in their own right and they can have other emotions than Angry and Mean or Sweet and Bubbly without any nuance between the two. i think the show actually does a relatively good job of giving sam depth (relatively, always room for improvement, mind you), especially holding it in tension with his youth, but the fandom, i worry, does not.
it's the same reason why finn from star wars started out as the next male protagonist in the sequel trilogy but by the third movie was just running around yelling for REY!! it's the same reason why when people make Phase 4 Is the Phase For Therapy gifsets for the mcu and show wanda maximoff, loki, and bucky barnes crying and being sad but purposefully exclude sam wilson who had an entire show to tell us how difficult his life is, because people find out if pee oh sees are also complex, they'll tell the church.
and the reason why i picked up on this very early on is because i am an organic, certified fresh, 100% homegrown, non-gmo, a little ashy, indigenous sub saharan African black person. the ghanaian tribes i'm descended from have told me so, my black ass parents have told me so, and the nurses at the hospital in [insert asian country here] that started freaking out about how curly my hair was as my mother was mid pushing me out told me so!
and this stuff has real life implications. listen: being patronized as a black person sucks. do you know how many times i was patted on the back for doing quite honestly, the bare minimum in school? do you know how many times i was told how 'well spoken' or 'eloquent' i was because i just happen to have a white accent or use three syllable words? do you know how many times i've been cooed over by white women who couldn't get over how sweet i was just because i wasn't confrontational or rude like they wrongly expected me to be?
that's why they're called microaggressions. it's not a cross on your lawn or having the n-word spat in your face, but it cuts you down little by little until you're completely drained.
so that's the nuance. that's the subversion. the overcompensation is not a good thing. and people of color (and i suspect, even white people) have picked up on, in general, the different ways fandom treats sam and dani and even nate. what all of these discussions are converging on is fandom racism, which is not the diet form of racism, but another place for racism to reveal itself. and yeah, it's uncomfortable. it can seem out of left field. you may want to defend yourself. you may want to explain it away. but let me tap the sign on the proverbial bus:
if you are a white person, or a person of color who is not part of that racial group, even, you do not get to decide what is not racist for someone. full stop. there are no exceptions. there is no exit clause for you. there is no 'but, actually-'. that right wasn't even yours to cede or waive.
(it's also important to note that people of color also have the right to disagree on whether something is racist, but that doesn't necessarily negate the racism - it just means there's more to discuss and they can still leave with different interpretations)
people don't just whip out accusations of racism like a blue eyes white dragon in a yu-gi-oh duel. it's not fun for us. it's not something we like to do to muzzle people we don't want to engage with. and we're not concerned with making someone feel bad or ashamed. we're exposing something painful that we have to live with and, even worse, process literally everything we experience through. we can't turn it off. we can't be 'less sensitive' or 'less nitpicky'. we are literally the primary resources, we are the proverbial wikipedia articles with 3,000 sources when it comes to racism. who else would know more than us?
what 2020 has shown us very clearly is that racism is systemic. it's not always a bunch of Evil White Men rubbing their hands together in a dark room wondering how they're going to use the 'n-word' today. it's systemic. it's the way you call that one neighborhood 'sketchy'. it's how you use 'ratchet' and 'ghetto' when describing something bad. it's how you implicitly the assume the intelligence of your friend of color. it's the way you turned up your nose and your friend's food and bullied them for it in middle school but go to restaurants run by white people who have 'uplifted' it with inauthentic ingredients. it's telling someone how Well Spoken and Eloquent they are even though you've both gone to the same schools and work at the same workplace. it's the way you look down at some people of color for having a different body type than you because they've been redlined to neighborhoods where certain foods and resources are inaccessible, and yet mock up the racial features that appeal to you either through makeup or plastic surgery.
it's how when a person of color behaves badly, they're irredeemable, but a white person performing the same act or something similar is 'having a bad day' or 'isn't normally like this' or 'has room to grow' and we can't 'wait for their redemption arc', and yes, i'm not going to cover it in detail in this post but yes this is very much about nate. other people have also brought up the nuances in his arc and compared them to other white characters so i won't do it here.
these behaviors and reactions aren't planned. they aren't orchestrated. they're quite literally unconscious because they've been lovingly baked into western society for centuries. you can't wake up and be rid of it. whether you intended it or not, it can still be racist.
and it's actually quite hurtful and unfair to imply that concerns about racism in the TL fandom are unfounded or lacking any depth or simply meant to be sensational because you simply don't agree with it. i wish it was different, but it doesn't work that way. i'm not raising this up to 'call out' or shame people, but i'm adding to this discussion because, through how we talk about sam, and even dani and nate, i'm yet again seeing a pattern that has shortchanged people of color and made them feel unwelcome in fandom for far too long.
coach beard said it best: we need to do better.
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
Characters: Xiao, gn!reader
Word Count: 1,594
Warnings: Swearing
Premise: In which the reader is the brain and Xiao is the brawn
Author’s Note: I wasn’t sure what the general setting should be so I put it in a vaguely college/university setting. Prolly cause that’s around my age and also because I cordially dislike highschool AUs. Hopefully that works out alright!
I had to type out almost 2,000 words on my iphone. I never want to do that again.
Honestly none of your friends are actually sure how you two got together.
After all, if someone were to take a picture of you and your partner side-by-side then show it to people not in the know, well the prevailing emotion would be something along the lines of: “Are they classmates or neighbors or something?”
To be fair, when the two of your first met even the idea that you would ever end up in love was something laughable. Having been pushed together for a project, your knee-jerk reaction had been: Oh I’m totally going to end up doing this all by myself.
Thankfully however you’d been quickly proven wrong. Although Xiao hadn’t necessarily been the best about planning and other such things, his work was organized and he always showed up to every meeting with his parts completed.
By the end of the project you never wanted to work with another person on a group project again.
And, to be completely honest, you’d definitely developed a crush on your slightly aloof group partner.
Xiao’s reaction was much harder to read.
At first he appeared to want nothing to do with you. Work was emailed to you with not so much as a subject line; meetups passed in awkward silence broken by tentative questions on your part. You’d sort of assumed that he saw you as annoying and the group work as useless - which to be fair it sort of was useless.
So when he emailed you a few weeks later asking for your number and if you wanted to do something, well, safe to say you almost fell out of your chair.
Though the start was a little awkward, Xiao’s conversational nature didn’t develop much in general, you two fell into a routine of sorts, a relationship of unspoken boundaries and spontaneous confidences.
During the first few weeks of you odd sort of relationship you’d come to the conclusion that, though not a talker, Xiao was ultimately quite apathetic in nature. Eventually however you realized apathetic wasn’t the right term.
Though he might’ve appeared sullen on the outside, Xiao never actually acted in a way that hinted at any resentment or irritation; he never dragged his feet about something or implied it was stupid that you should ask for help or for a favor.
His assertiveness, which might’ve been mistaken for aloofness, was endearing. Xiao never half-asses anything, even when if wasn’t doing something for another person, like you.
You appreciated this side of his personality, the fact that he was quick to act, admired if even. It certainly stood in stark contrast to your tendency to overthink things, something that could quickly end up kneecapping you depending on what decisions were being debated.
It was an alien concept to you, the sort of philosophy Xiao seemed to live by, and its novelty was refreshing.
As your thoughts slid more and more to focusing on Xiao you became more and more aware of the rumors that abounded about him.
He was a troubled youth, he was prone to fighting, he had been so uncontrollable in secondary school that only one teacher had been able to get him to do anything. The only times he spoke was to wound, and he never had a word to say that wasn’t angry.
Well, obviously that wasn’t the truth, but any attempt to clear up the situation was quickly met with odd stares and responses that all smacked of: “Oh you poor idiot, you just haven’t learned yet.”
You would’ve liked to think that you didn’t let it affect your relationship with him, but evidently the rumors had begun to catch up to you.
“Hey, you’ve been avoiding me.”
“Have I?” You shifted awkwardly in your seat. Xiao sighed, evidently aware of where this was going.
“It’s because of what people say about me, isn’t it?”
“I see.”
That had been the beginning and the end of the conversation for quite some time, almost as if Xiao had yet to decide whether or not you were one of the few in whom he could entrust the truth. Yet despite the rumors and the odd looks you still found yourself gravitating towards Xiao, and soon enough that initial pull turned into something much deeper.
The day that you two became “official” was the day Xiao told you the truth. He had been a delinquent as a teenager.
Born into a family full of troubles Xiao shouldered the circumstances as best he could.
However things cannot stay untouched forever; the distress that Xiao experienced only grew, the pressure ratcheting up with every incident, every item thrown to the ground, every fight that ended in humiliating pain.
Eventually it became too much, and when it did Xiao took his anger out not on his family, not on the people who had failed him, but on any classmate who antagonized the vulnerable child.
Fights became a regular part of Xiao’s life until university, and it was only in meeting his mentor, Zhongli, that the lost young man had managed to pull his life together.
Things made more sense after that, though one couldn’t say that everything was right with the world. Students, coworkers, the particularly idiotic TA, all of them still carried the sense that Xiao was not to be trusted. You could see how it upset your partner sometimes, when he was ignored at the coffeeshop or excluded from class group chars in the like.
Whenever he did that Xiao tended to retreat into himself, as if worried he might explode again. It took a lot of coaxing to get him out of such situations but it was always worth it to see your partner’s expression soften, to see his small smile once more.
What you didn’t tell him was that you were just as angry as he was, just as resentful at the people within your major which were hellbent on acting like they were still in high school.
Eventually however the trials of your early were utterly forgotten, the questions and the secrets replaced by a sense of slightly hilarious domestic bliss.
You were definitely the brains of the group, something Xiao didn’t seem to mind - though he probably would find that actual statement somewhat silly.
Xiao, on the other hand, held the esteemed position of Person Who Actually Got Stuff Done. You relied on him to get you out of your mental spirals, to pull you out of your room and out of your brain fog and to get you to do something; even if it wasn’t the thing you were thinking about.
In return it was your job to make sure Xiao didn’t get himself killed doing something stupid.
Xiao’s reticence masked an almost supernatural recklessness. Though your partner didn’t own a motorbike, if he had you were completely convinced he’d ride one without a helmet. His almost total disinterest in his own safety was something that you brain shrunk from, and more often than not a crazy plan of his would end with you listing the terrible things that might happen if something were to go wrong, even if those things weren’t always the most realistic.
There was a storm in twenty minutes? It was the perfect time for a walk! There was cavern nearby with tunnels were so tight you had to walk single file? Sure why not!
He would talk about such things as if there was nothing to it, as if it didn’t send your heart rate spiking. There wasn’t the slightest acknowledgment of danger. Even his tone was as gruff as usual, as if it was the most natural thing to want to go mountain climbing, not interesting enough to get even a little excited about.
It was probably good he did martial arts. You didn’t even want to think about where all that energy would go otherwise.
Xiao’s straightforward nature came out in softer ways too, ways that you envied much more than his full-steam-ahead recklessness.
He was never afraid to state what was on his mind. Whether it was correcting a waiter who got his order wrong or telling a rude doormats to fuck off, all these things were natural to him.
To be honest you completely envied that aspect of him, unable go replicate such a mindset in yourself.
When you’d commented on it once Xiao had stared oddly at you. After a moment he told you that he figured it came from his background. Sometimes you had to learn how to say “no” or “that’s wrong” or “you’re a shitty person.”
Just as you tried to curb the most extreme parts of Xiao’s recklessness, so too did Xiao work to bring you out of the spirals your mind went down sometimes, and so did he try to coax you out of the overthinking that kept you from asserting yourself in your life.
Saying you two were complete opposites wouldn’t really be accurate. You shared similar views, similar passions, similar opinions on what mattered. Yet it was true that, in some ways, you complemented one another. And when it came to those traits in which you differed, well you would like to think that your differences just made you stronger as a couple.
Maybe your friends couldn’t understand how you two got together, or why you were so deeply in love with the person you’d chosen to be your partner. But you didn’t care.
You loved Xiao with all your soul, and, at the end of the day, that was all that mattered.
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Getting Railed By Your Jealous Bf Ushijima After He Meets Your Childhood Ex (Who Wants You Back!)📱📞
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Birthday Event Req By @juminly :
So I was trying to request the following >.<: a NSFW Ushi drabble with f!reader. Ushi being triggered by jealousy or something that happened between f!reader and someone else? I initially wrote a few kinks and you could go ahead with whatever inspires you! [cockwarming, face-sitting, blowjob, mirror sex, bondage, dirty talk or anything else tbh... and soft!dom!ushi]
A/N: I’m glad we overcame the technical difficulties for you to eventually send this req. hope you like it babes. I still have 2 more reqs from the event that shouldn’t take too long, thanks for being patient!
(NSFW 18+)
Getting Railed By Your Jealous Bf Ushijima After He Meets Your Childhood Ex (Who Wants You Back!)📱📞
It’s canon that Ushi is a very calm and collected bf
Your friends love him 💕
Your pet loved him 💕
And your family loves him
Or that’s what Ushi always thought...... until tonight.
You and Toshi went to your parents house for an elegant middle aged people dinner party they were throwing with all their friends from the neighborhood
Ushijima wore a suit and everything 💜💜💜 you wore in a beautiful green dress and small heels to match him
The dinner party was great: 🎶 classy , bougie, ratchet extremely classy haha 💎
your parent’s best friends’ son—Jeremy—happened to be home too.
Actually , he surprised everyone, crashing the party unexpectedly
And he brought gifts🤨.
Making a huge entrance that had everyone screaming in delight and hugging him, Ushijima couldn’t help but feel a little jealous of the way your family fawned over your childhood friend
Your parents can’t help but gush over Jeremy, because they’ve always wanted you to marry him and move with him to America to study cosmetic surgery
In high school you two dated a little, but then you realized it was all for the benefit of your parents and you agreed to break up but remained distant friends
You were good with that , as you thought it was a mutual decision
But it wasn’t. Jeremy truly had feelings for you and they hadn’t stopped just because he moved away and finished med school
“These are for you, Y/N.” Jeremy smoothly handed you a bouquet of your favourite type of flowers
You hadn’t the heart to tell him your favourite type had changed since high school :S
“And Wakatoshi-san, I didn’t know you would be here. Apologies.” He shook his hand.
Ushijima’s face was hard. “I don’t know why I would not be.....?” He answered with a slight eyebrow raise, squeezing Jeremy’s hand right back.
Hose down that fire Y/N
Anyway, even though your parents like Ushi a lot, it was pretty obvious to you AND your boyfriend that both them + Jeremy’s parents never gave up hope that you two would one day get back together
Not to mention They were as subtle as elephants in a library
They got the fucking photo album, showing everyone including Ushijima pictures of you and Jeremy bathing together as babies and kissing before prom
“Oh, you live in Beverly Hills, now?” Your mom’s eyes sparkled at Jeremy as he showed her pictures of his mansion on his phone. “Y/N looooves that part of Los Angeles, don’t you, honey?”
You noticed Ushijima stiffen. He was thinking about the love of his life, you, living in LA in Jeremy’s ugly mansion and it pissed this Ace off.
You nodded slowly, giving your mom a warning glance. “Sure, when I was 15.”
“Hey Jeremy, your father told me last weekend that you know of bunch of players on the LA Rams?”
Jeremy nodded proudly. “Yes sir. A lot of their wives and mothers are patients of mine, so the starting line up usually sends me Christmas cards with season passes and signed memorabilia so that I up their women on the waiting lists. Whenever you’re in America and you’d like to go see a game, just let me know.”
You rolled your eyes at how loud your father exclaimed in joy. “I keep telling you to call me YF/N!” He clapped. “And that’s a real sport right there. Football, Baseball, Soccer. Everything else is a joke to real men.” Your father finished.
“DAD!” You chastised, stomping your foot under the table.
You glowered are him. “In case you FORGOT.....Ushijima happens to be a professional volleyball player.”
Your dad had clearly forgotten, trying to blubber out an apology. Ushijima interrupted him, putting a hand on yours to settle his furious girlfriend.
“That’s quite alright, sir. I took no offence to it.” Ushi was used to other men not recognizing volleyball as a manly sport—he is very confident so that didn’t bother him. Rather, what stung was the fact that your father had never asked Toshi to call him by his first name before, and you two had been dating for three years.
To your dismay, Yours and Jeremys parents continued to say annoying shit like that all night
Jeremy loved it 🙄
You hated it, and defended your man at any chance you got
Ushijima stayed silent through it all, trying to calm you down actually.
Like I said he’s confident and not easily shaken
He only had had enough when the conversation changed to Jeremy’s explanation of liking his life and his career but it all never seeming good enough because of “the one that got away” and how “she seems happy in a relationship now” but “he would do anything to get her back”
Meanwhile he’s sneaking heartfelt glances at you 🤬🤬🤬🤢
Your mother and father were doting, looking at you and eachother as if to say “come onnnnn Y/N give him another chance”
Ushijima picked up on it all.
At one point during Jeremy’s explanation of ‘the one that got away’ you stuck your finger down your throat to make a gagging noise childishly
anyway, at the end of the night you said bye to everyone..... and Jeremy asked to speak to you in private on the empty porch
Ushijima watched with a locked jaw by the car, leaning on it so he could stare openly
He was justly heated as he watched the conversation (but couldn’t hear anything) happening on the porch at night
He witnessed Jeremy write down what had to be his number and hold it in front of you for you to take
You hesitated, not sure if you should take it just to avoid causing more waves with both parents or to stomp on his foot
Luckily you didn’t need to do either because Ushijima had silently stormed over in a millisecond, whisking the paper from Jeremy’s hand, staring at his number written on the paper before crumbling it and throwing it over his shoulder.
“She doesn’t need it. Goodnight, Jeremy.”
Ushi grabbed your hand and walked you to the car angry af, you had to jog in your heels to keep up with him
This man was maaad and silent the whole way home, thinking about how everyone seems to be so sure that your ex could have given you a better life
He still held your hand the entire drive though, so clearly he wasn’t mad at you ❤️
He hated that everyone liked this Jeremy better all because he went down the conventional path to success:
Hadn’t Toshi paid for everything? Hadn’t Toshi massaged your feet? Hadn’t Toshi made you extremely happy? Hadn’t they seen how you were treated? Did you believe someone could do better?
Toshi knew that he was the BEST boy and that no one could dare love you more or treat you better....... and you tended to agree
But Toshi needed to hear you say it.
He needed to feel it, too.
Upon arriving at yours & Toshi’s gorgeous modern home:
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Toshi hurriedly closed the door
you hadn’t even fully taken off your heels yet when you felt your boyfriend pressed himself against you from behind, lifting your dress up and rubbing his long hard cock print on your pantied pussy lips as you bent over
You moaned and started to get wet immediately
“Take off the panties.” He ordered.
you did obviously 😭 almost tripped with how fast you did it
Horny bish lol
Your boyfriend then picked you up in his strong arms and walked a few steps into the foyer, placing you so your ass was sitting on the 7th marble stair. He knelt down in between your legs and spread them while you sat on the staircase
He squeezed your ass in his large hands and dove into your pussy with his lips then tongue, immediately skipping the gentle licks... and tongue fucking your entrance into oblivion
His tongue was wet, strong and needy and fuck you choked on your own cries
You threw your head back, already screaming Ushi’s name
“Mmm scream my name just like that. Let everyone hear who you belong to.” He paused tongue fucking you to order.
you shuddered as you felt his warm breath on your clit and Ushi expertly enclosed his mouth around your sopping cunt, French kissing your clit into his mouth and sucking on it like a tiny lollipop
You tugged on his hair and screamed his name louder, feeling your interior walls clench
Once your legs started shaking because you were about to fall over the edge, Ushi picked you up again, making you wrap your legs around his waist
Toshi bent down quickly to empty his pockets which consisted of his keys, wallet, and his phone, placing it where you were just sitting when he was eating you out
Ushiwaka pressed your back against the wall beside the staircase.....
He held your entire body weight with one arm as he leaned in to kiss your neck, using his other hand to unbuckle his belt and kick his pants off
When he was freed & nude, he asked you kindly if you were ready and once you nodded he put one of his feet on the sixth stair, the other on the fifth, then thrusted deep into your soaking heat
He wasted no time in pounding you into the wall, the slight pain of the hard wall and your boyfriend’s hard dick somehow heightening the pleasure factor
Ushijima took both of your wrists in his gigantic hand and locked them above your head as he gave you nice and deep thrusts the way you both like it
“So fucking wet. All because of me, correct? I’m the only one who makes your pussy drip like this.”
Your pussy answered:💧 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧
Your vaginal walls squeezed around his dick and you bit his shoulder because the pleasure disallowed you to speak and Ushi groaned out
“Say. This. Tight. Pussy. Is. Mine.” He grunted as he circled his hips a bit while pounding, his voice grave.
Toshi picked up the pace as your soaking wet walls clenched around him even more from his dirty talk.
“Say. Who. This. Pussy. Belongs. To. Beautiful.”
You were being fucked too well, you couldn’t speak, you could only moan ... like usual
But your boyfriend wasn’t having any of that tonight.
He let go of your captive wrists and held you with both hands again, stepping downstairs and stopping in front of the large mirror in your foyer, turning so that only you could see yourself poking over his large shoulder, along with your boyfriend’s fine juicy ass and back calf muscles 🤤
Ushi grabbed the back of your neck (not enough to hurt) but just enough so that your head was up and you were looking at yourself in the mirror. He began to fuck you again, getting nice and deep in your pussy as he made you bounce on his dick in his arms
“Are you seeing yourself?” He laughed sexily. “Getting dumb-fucked, Princess? Whose dick are you taking, Y/N?” Wakatoshi groaned as your pussy clenched around him even more. He could tell you were about to cum and that he wouldn’t be long after. But he needed to hear you say something first.
“Who is your first choice, Y/N? Who fucks you like this every night? Who’s dick can you never get enough of? Me? Or Him?”
In your stupor, you watched yourself in the mirror: Toshi’s delectable ass flexing as he pushed in and out of you, feeling his strong hand gripping your neck. You weren’t a big talker during sex and bae knew that, but the amazing feeling of this angry jealous sex was too much, his big dick felt too fucking good..... and one particularly hard thrust from him that grazed your g-spot in the besssst way gave you the energy to cry out;
Wakatoshi let go of your neck, landing soft kisses on your neck while he returned to gripping your ass with both hands now, sliding you up and down his long, hard, soaking wet dick from your juices.
It felt so fucking good 😩
“That’s right princess. I’ve heard enough, baby. I knew it: I just needed to hear you say it. Now cum for me.”
when you did, you made sure to scream out all the praises you always told toshi when you weren’t getting fucked, making him feel like a King, reassuring him that your mind, body, and soul belonged to him and NO ONE else.
Wakatoshi found his release soon after from your pussy but also from your words, shooting his thick cum up inside you for you to take as he caressed your back and whispered how much he loved you in your ear.
Then, as you laid limp in his arms, he left his cock to stay warm inside you and went back to the stairs, fully prepared to go head up and bathe you, then put you to bed.
But as he passed the sixth step, though, Toshi bent down to pick up his keys, wallet and phone that he’d set there.
As you fell asleep on his shoulder, Ushi grinned at his phone screen, pressing send to the voicemail message he’d just recorded.
Whoops 😏 must have accidentally butt-dialed someone before fucking you and left a long message by accident
With a photographic memory, it wasn’t difficult for the Ace to remember such a plastic surgeon’s phone number when Ushi saw it on the note.....
And Toshi could explain to you how sorry he was that he’d accidentally dialed it before railing you to sleep on the stairs and in the foyer
But truth be told, your boyfriend’s only real regret would be not being able to see the look on Jeremy’s face when he listened to it on his flight back home.
Bday Event Masterlist
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artsy-hobbitses · 3 years
Drift or windblade
First impression
KAKKOII DESU 8UUUU (Yes, I'll admit I was one of those Early Drift Fans who thought he was super cool with his Japanese Swordsman aesthetic going on).
Impression now
THIS EX-YAKUZABOT CAN FIT IN SO MUCH EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE IN HIS THIGHS. Also still cool af, but at the same time it feels like SO MANY PEOPLE love him now and have tons of art and stories to tell about him (as compared to when I first found out about him and us early fans of him were actually quite roundly mocked as TF Weaboos) and it's absolutely not me being hipster or shit, but I sometimes feel like I'm drowning under great content and I sort of just scuttle aside to find more breathing room and end up playing with less-popular characters who I have more headcanon freedom to play with.
Favorite moment
Any and every time he was teamed up with Perceptor. I was an early DriftCeptor shipper. Also him fucking up Pharma's existence to save Ratchet.
Idea for a story
I just want to write all about him attempting to assimilate with the Autobots initially, all the scary mercenary stories they talk about him behind his back and them almost jumping out of their skins when he offers them the most delicately brewed tea with the breeziest himbo smile.
Unpopular opinion
I do not fuck with his New Age Hippie Aesthetic abroad the Lost Light. At all. It's a matter of personal taste I suppose, but I think it definitely has a lot to do with the decade-long hiatus I took from TF as a whole, remembering the Drift that came out around the time of All Hail Megatron, and then seeing the new Lost Light Drift and being like ???? Who this??? It's just this weird dissonance. Thus my version of him plays him as a quieter/more introspective, older ex-mercenary trying to make amends for his red ledger, whose cheerfulness can come off as awkward or morbid at times (he's sorry he's trying!), basically melding this idiot
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And this idiot.
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Favorite relationship
Him and Perceptor! I wrote fanfiction that is lost to time now about them a decade back, I love the dynamic of him feeling protective over Percy, who's never been a warrior of any sort and who suddenly feels the need to be on the field with everyone else, and his worry that comes with that. Also I'm getting used to him and Ratchet! It was hard for me to figure out the semantics of the relationship initially, but I think I have a good picture of it now and how I'm going to portray it in my AU. For my Humanverse, I'm also going to enjoy portraying his Former Bastard Men friendship with Sunstreaker, being that both of them are technically the biggest criminals in the Autobot ranks and they'd just share all their old stories gleefully between themselves while everyone else looks on in horror.
Favorite headcanon
This might come out of left field, but I love the idea that he is sort of In Between Planes ie. he can see things no one else on the team can, owing to how close he is to Death, both as a former harbringer of it and being brought back to life by Wing. It informs his new outlook on life/casual morbidness and explains why he seems to be spacey at times/seems to be in his own world. You have to tell him something twice and you think he's just being rude and not listening to you, when the poor man's actually got Dead People vying for his attention like Oda Mae Brown from Ghost.
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