#abnormal is not inherently bad
lordmushroomkat · 1 year
PCOS = intersex is just saying anyone who doesn’t fit perfectly into stereotypes isn’t REALLY female. Like fuck you. DSDs are still always male or female and to say otherwise is just going oh you’re infertile? oh you’re shorter than average? chromosomal problems? Not female or male! So fucking insulting. Yeah some people have incongruous genotype and phenotype, but that’s so fucking few and to do this is to throw so many people under the bus because they aren’t Exactly What You Wants. Absolutely evil.
Dearie, I'm coming at this from the perspective of throwing the whole male/female binary assumption out the window.
I also come at this from the perspective of being a non-binary person with PCOS who has suspected they are intersex for a while.
Anyway, even the amount of people already considered intersex under our current definitions is about the same as natural redheads. There are a lot of natural redheads in the world; you almost certainly know at least one. You almost certainly know at least one intersex person.
Anyway, it's not intersex people vs "normal" people, if you're not intersex you're endosex. So I suppose you could categorize people with PCOS as intersex female rather than endosex female. Again, I would prefer if we simply threw out the boxes altogether, but I understand that some people are rather attached to the sex binary.
TLDR: I think the sex binary is stupid and I think that intersex is very valid and I would prefer if we all categorized sex characteristics as a spectrum. Thank you and goodnight.
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dykeyote · 10 months
🔥 unpopular opinion about dndads mayhaps?
a large part of narks appeal is that its two men people find hot which has done a lot of the heavy lifting to make it so popular and tbh i think thats perfectly fine on its own if u think nick and lark are hot and you and want you see them kiss abt it live yr life im not catholic and some of the resulting fanon is real compelling im certainly not suggesting Nobody likes nark for any reason other than that theyre two edgy sexy men but i think due to this inherent appeal its become extremely popular and as such has added a ton of fanon to it where some ppl then expect it to be like a lot more canon supported than it is and then get bothered when its not the way they think it is (the reaction to the nick and sparrow interaction, for example) . it actually kind of reminds me of the reaction some hermie fans have to an npc Not being one of the main characters bc they decided he was equivalent to a player character when he .... never has been
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bodymachine · 9 months
being on social media in the 2020s is about seeing people name a very small harmless thing that they do and simply state that it is actually ‘not normal’ (based on them having consulted one or two friends about it, if any) and possibly attribute it to their mental illness or trauma, and then seeing 200,000 people say ‘wait i do that!! i didn’t know that no one does that!!’
can we please stop literally making up new behaviors to pathologize? can we please stop pretending that there is a ‘normal’ for each and every action/feeling/thought, and that anyone who deviates from it is ‘not normal’?
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tardis--dreams · 2 years
I think it's really quite funny how 'go to therapy' is used to make fun of or insult people.
I mean for me personally, it's insulting even when it comes from a well meaning position because it disregards the harm therapy caused me and the abusive practices of therapists.
Like i get the sentiment of gently suggesting to someone that "help" is out there (no matter how true or untrue that is for that particular person) when they are genuinely struggling.
But seemingly in most cases the phrase "get help" or "go to therapy" are used to imply someone is 'weird' or 'stupid' or 'cringe'. "X will do XY instead of going to therapy" is another beautiful example- pathologizing a person's behavior, while making fun of them.
I don't really have a point to make, i just think it's funny to observe. Maybe someday i can write a paper on it who knows. It's just really funny to see people worshipping psychiatry and therapy and then using it as a tool to insult others.
But maybe that's just my more and more radical anti psych stance's impression. Maybe to some people the concept of therapy does not equal abuse and powerlessness and having your rights and personality stripped away. Maybe for some people it really is an innocuous thing to say since they associate therapy with ✨️improved behavior✨️ and therefore a tool to fix all these annoying people around them
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buckleydiazmp4 · 8 months
wow i just saw. a Take
#i don't wanna say a BAD take?? it's just... strange i think#you see... (and i'm gonna be as vague as i possible can)#when you're talking about accountability#and wanting someone in a certain environment to be held accountable for past actions...#well ypu cannot simply pin the 'blame' on them without acknowledging that the damage comes from many MANY other directions#i mean for starters it's a context that in itself is inherently abnormal and fucked up in terms of morality#the whole point (at least in my opinion) is that standard moral rules and normal 100% healthy relationships are Not A Thing in here#with that in mind well. abnormal things are meant to happen#and you see. if every little mistake and Wrong situation and weird thing that happened was to be punished then its would just be#ages and ages of just passing the blame around and around with no conclusion#and it's obvious that you're adamant in painting this one person as the villain but complete ignoring the fact#that at least four or five other characters have done some questionable things?? that imo are equitable in their immorality??#idk it just feels like a weird double standard to me#where you're turning the other characters into full blameless victims while this one other person is Irredeemable. which like#i believe one of the show's themes is redemption??? so like???#it makes no sense to me?? idk#gosh it kinda frustrates me that i don't know how to explain myself better about it#but well. to each their own or whatever like#at least you're not being nasty or hateful your opinion is just a bit strange to me but again. whatever i guess#vagueposting#sara talks nonsense#also there's like at least 4 typos in here ughhh
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oimoi-op · 1 year
I keep seeing this one tag (Psychopathology & Sociopathy) on ao3 and it makes me want to actually commit murder
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faust1926 · 2 years
also ik this is my psychosis blog, but gd have my dissociative identities been disordering..... :-(
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5ummit · 1 year
So there's this post with a troubling number of notes going around insisting that "dead dove" is not a genre, it doesn't inherently have anything to do with darkfic, and that the tag could be applied to fics that are "100% fluffy where everyone's having a good time" if they happen to contain some abnormal (though entirely non-problematic) content like an unusual kink. The claim is that "dead dove: do not eat" is simply a "courtesy tag" that means "this is a very specific niche, mind the tags." And that's just... wrong.
I wrote up a whole rebuttal to this post since I can't stand misinformation and frankly OP was being kinda rude and judgey on top of their wrongness. But right after I posted my reply, OP turned off reblogs because, and I quote, “some fuckwad added some dumb shit onto this post and it is no longer educational” (the “fuckwad” being me and the “dumb shit” being proof that they were wrong). A couple people have asked me to make a rebloggable version of my response, which I've decided to do because this isn't the first time I've heard similar claims and I want to help set the record straight. However, I'm not linking the original post on the off chance this gains traction because OP did the right thing by turning off reblogs, preventing it from circulating further, and I don't want them to get hate for being unfortunately misinformed.
For those who don't know the history, "dead dove: do not eat" was originally proposed as a catchall "hydra trash party" alternative label for any fandom to warn that the content of a fic may be considered problematic or potentially upsetting and to read the tags carefully so you know what you're getting into and won't complain later. Specifically, DD:DNE was intended to convey that the Bad Things in the fic would likely be reveled in and not explicitly condemned by the narrative, which some people tend to get up in arms about, hence the need for the extra warning in addition to the tags. Don't believe me? Here's the original proposal (note DD:DNE can be found on a handful of fics dated before 2015 but this is when it really took off and became a Thing).
There are currently around 50,000 fics tagged as "dead dove: do not eat" on AO3 and close to 50% of those also include the rape/noncon warning (which of course is not the only type of "dead dove" but is one of the most popular and most consistently tagged). The normal percentage of noncon fics in any given fandom? Around 1-3%. That's a HUGE disparity. So don't tell me that dead dove is just a general "courtesy tag" and doesn't or shouldn't have dark connotations. Even the context of the original joke on Arrested Development has a dark undertone. Micheal Bluth casually finds an animal carcass in a bag in his refrigerator with the label "do not eat", as if eating it would be any sane person's first thought. The whole situation is kinda fucked up. And this fucked up vibe very much carries over into fandom usage too, as was intended.
The claim that dead dove has nothing to do with the content's genre and could just as easily be used to describe a 100% fluffy fic in which everyone's having a good time is straight up Wrong, or at the very least, severely warping the original meaning. Also, when someone these days says that they like/dislike "dead dove" most people in fandom automatically understand what that means because of the consistency of its usage over the years and the way language evolves. Whether you like it or not, "dead dove" IS a genre now and the term does carry a specific connotation. I do agree that DD:DNE should definitely still be used in conjunction with other tags, when applicable, to be explicit about the exact type of fucked up content you may find, but to say that the term is meaningless on its own is patently false and I'm tired of people who don't know what they're talking about pushing this narrative and causing even more confusion.
You want a generic term that also means "mind the tags" and doesn't have any inherently dark connotations? Just use good ol' "what it says on the tin" instead of trying to force dead dove to be something it's not.
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dyketubbo · 1 year
lesbian related discourse tires me out sm. first it was aro/ace lesbians then it was nonbinary lesbians then it was he/him lesbians and it/its lesbians and now its bi/pan/mspec lesbians like when are all of you going to realize that the lesbian experience is extremely diverse and has never been as strict as "women who only identify as women who love exclusively women who only identify as women". like this goes for many identities but lesbians end up at the forefront a lot and it makes me wonder if any of you actually give a shit about queer history because istg lesbian separatism has been reinvented like 50 times in the past decade.
stop convincing each other that the queer experience is nothing but strictly defined boxes and labels that can always be condensed into one sentence. lesbians can experience a lack of sexual attraction and a lack of romantic attraction and lesbians can be nonbinary and lesbians can be gnc and when you actually go into what those last two mean you should realize that yes this means sometimes lesbians are men because genderfluid and bigender and trigender and transmasc and whatever gender lesbians exist and when you actually goes into what THAT means you should realize yes actually people combining labels like mspec and lesbian makes perfect sense because of fucking course orientation and gender and whatever else you consider to be apart of your queer experience is all fluid its all up to personal interpretation
its not shit like bi lesbians or mogai or aroace people or gnc people or "trenders" or it/its users or whatever fucking bonafide weirdos that are ruining the community its the people who want to sort everyone into neat little boxes because they cant handle that sometimes you arent going to understand other peoples experiences. its fine if mspec lesbians dont make sense to you. its fine if it doesnt make sense to you how someone could use it/its, if it doesnt make sense how a lesbian could consider himself transmasc, if it doesnt make sense how someone could seriously mean "my gender feels like a star", if whatever queer experience you run into doesnt make sense.
someone's identity does not have to make sense for you to respect them as a person and realize that exclusionary behavior is nothing but a crabs in a bucket type mentality. not only have "weird" queer people existed since fucking forever, but even if they didnt the human experience is diverse and we still dont know everything about the world and why the fuck would you decide that no actually if it cant be understood it must be bad and you need to find out reasons for it to be bad. focus on the people who are actively hurting others, taking advantage of vulnerable people, dont become one of them. dont become one of the people who scorns anything they dont understand and hurts innocent people in the quest of getting rid of anyone who they deem is abnormal. its fucked up and being any type of exclusionist is fucked up.
bi lesbians, as an overall community, is just a bunch of people who decided that a complicated label fits their complicated attraction and thats Fine. it is literally fine. being a lesbian was never about being strictly a woman who strictly loves other women who are strictly women. its about loving women in a gay/queer way, whatever that means for the individual. if an individual person is using it in a transphobic way, then thats a fault of the person, not the label. but at its core, all the identity is about is about recognizing that attraction is complicated and identity is complicated and not everyone is comfortable putting themself in neat boxes for other people to scrutinize until they Get It.
to any mspec lesbians (and hell, any mspec gays) who are reading this: im proud of you and theres nothing wrong with recognizing that your identity is complicated and maybe even contradictory. its Your experiences and no one has the right to say that youre inherently a bad person simply because they heard some strawman arguments and decided to believe in fallacy over reality. and because its probably obvious why im making this yeah maia arson crimew is literally fine its an absolute legend actually and i hope that its okay. fuck anyone who was a piece of shit to it because they cant handle someone being openly complicated and contradictory and unabashedly "Weird"
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wen-kexing-apologist · 9 months
Taking Pause for Reflection- Part 1: Respectable Promiscuity and Only Friends
Well we are three marvelous episodes into Only Friends, and are already seeing the ways in which the narrative is making preparations to sow chaos in every single character’s life. By this point we have seen numerous examples of Boston fucking with Mew’s relationship, watched Top hook up with Boston, took note of Ray’s reliance on alcohol, his drinking and driving, and how he abandons his games with Sand the second he can play hero for Mew, and we’ve already unlocked Nick’s #hotgirlespionage era. In short, we are getting complex, messy, shitty, realistic, and three dimensional queer people on our screens.
As we all continue on our Only Friends journey, I think it is vitally important to look at the research that has been done on the subject of representations of queer people, and understand recurring themes in engagement with queer communities that I have personally seen being repeated in the reactions some people are having to the queer characters in Only Friends. 
Disclaimer: I am a Westerner, writing this from a Western gay lens, with Western sources, and primarily targeting the Western BL audience with this essay. That said, I would love to hear other people’s, non Westerners especially, thoughts on the themes I will be discussing here.
On the Subject of the Acceptable Queer and Respectable Promiscuity 
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To make sure anyone who reads this is on the same page, I just want to define the term respectable promiscuity 
Respectable: Decent or correct in behavior or character (Miriam-Webster)
Promiscuity: having or involving multiple sex partners: not restricted to one or few sex partners (Miriam-Webster)
Respectable Promiscuity as defined by Jody Ahlm, “captures the negotiations individuals engage in as they enact stigmatized sexual practices, manage sexual reputations, and give meaning to their sexual practices within a specific sociopolitical context.” (2017)
Or in my understanding, how people cope with and justify the sex they have that society may see as morally wrong. Because so much of our world has been captured by this idea that sex, especially non-monogamous sex, sex outside of wedlock, or queer sex is inherently wrong or sinful, it is far more likely that queer people will be accepted by society if they are at the very least perceived to be engaging in respectable sex (aka monogamous, moderated, and more vanilla sexual practices). 
…According to this [sexual value system], sex that is ‘good’,’normal’, and ‘natural’ should ideally be heterosexual, marital, monogamous, reproductive, and non-commercial. It should be coupled, relational, within the same generation, and occur at home. It should not involve pornography, fetish objects, sex toys of any sort, or roles other than male and female. Any sex that violates these rules is ‘bad’, ‘abnormal’, or ‘unnatural’. Bad sex may be homosexual, unmarried, promiscuous, non-procreative, or commercial. It may be masturbatory or take place at orgies, may be casual, may cross generational lines, and may take place in ‘public’, or at least in the bushes or the baths. It may involve the use of pornography, fetish objects, sex toys, or unusual roles. (Rubin, 1984)
Late last week I posted a whole essay on cruising culture in the queer community, and the possibility that Boston is a physical manifestation of historical queer cultural practices (a theme that I see continuing in Ep 3 simply with the kind of car that he drives). As part of that I talked about how the combination of the AIDS epidemic and the creation of mobile apps like Grindr have greatly contributed to the reduction in cruising culture, something similar can be said of the creation of respectable promiscuity: “The stigma of promiscuity in gay male culture has roots in the respectability politics of internal responses to AIDS, as well as homophobic responses from outside the community, and continues to haunt discourses of gay male sexuality.” (Ahlm, 2017)
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I think a lot about media and media influence on personal beliefs and perceptions, after all media is political. There is a reason that when I think about and talk about media, I am in some capacity thinking about who the audience is and who a film was made for. How many queer films were truly made for queer people? I mean, seriously, think about how many movies and television shows over the past few decades that either were about or included queer people ended in tragedy. Those films aren’t meant for us, they are meant to show heterosexual people the struggles of being queer. We are meant to be shown suffering so that heterosexual people may, hopefully, learn to have some sympathy for queer people. Brokeback Mountain, for example, wasn’t made for queer people, if it was the promotional material would not have straight-baited the audience, if it was we would not have had to watch Jack Twist get beaten to death for being a faggot. 
Historical queer activism was fighting for far far more than just marriage equality, but over time marriage equality has become the most popularized and pervasive queer civil rights fight. Now the repeated theme we hear over and over again, a message that a lot of the BLs and QLs are pushing, is marriage equality. We see it in Not Me, Moonlight Chicken, Cutie Pie, The Wedding Planner, Love in the Air, GAP, etc. etc. as a result, if we see sex in a show, we see generally pure, and if not pure certainly monogamous sex in most BLs. While a production company like GMMTV may have some of their talent switch gay pairings (looking at you Mark Pakin, Fluke Pusit, and pre-Khao era First) once they find a pairing that is popular and profitable to them, they rarely split them up across their other shows but especially not within the same show. Truly, we have seen the main pairs mix and matching in shows how many times? Two? Three? Off the top of my head I can only think of…
Earth with Papang and Mix with First in Moonlight Chicken 
*gestures vaguely at all of Only Friends*
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All of this to say: 
In the past two decades, marriage equality has been pushed to the front of LGBT organizing and with it the imperative of appearing ‘‘just like them(heterosexuals),’’ through sexual moderation, monogamy and the disavowal of deviant sexual subcultures. This assimilationist discourse is the foundation of homonormativity and the current politics of respectability in LGBT communities…‘‘Homonormativity’’ is a term Lisa Duggan (2003) uses to describe the assimilationist politics of the contemporary gay and lesbian movement that emphasizes individualism and sexual restraint. (Ahlm, 2017)
Which is a long-winded way of saying that in pushing for traditionally heterosexual practices, and general societal acceptance, representations of queer people have had to be pared down to seem less sexually liberated than our community may actually be (and just look at the way the aspects of queer culture like drag and like…just existing as a trans person are being increasingly associated with sex, sexual deviancy, and then warped in to pedophilia and sex crime narratives in order to turn society at large against us to make it easier to discriminate and eliminate us). 
I am not sure how marriage equality was argued in other countries, but I do know that Obergefell v. Hodges, which granted marriage equality in the United States, was argued on the basis of privacy (and is also why people are fucking terrified at the reversal of Roe v. Wade, because that was also successfully won initially on the argument of privacy and was used as a precedent to win future cases like Obergefell). Which means that in arguing for gay marriage to be legally recognized, in order to get the rights that are afforded to us through marriage, we had to shift queer culture in to the spaces and definitions of privacy, rather than the public spaces that were foundational to historical queer culture. 
As the Lawrence ruling and the LGBT movement’s focus on marriage equality suggest, mainstream acceptance of gays and lesbians has thus far hinged on the sanctity of domestic privacy and the legitimacy of monogamous relationships. The success of this political strategy has brought about a dramatic shift in public opinion and legal recognition for same-sex couples in the USA, culminating in the Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) Supreme Court decision that extended marriage rights to same-sex couples throughout the country. This acceptance, though, is conditioned on creating a public image of group maturation where being gay is no longer associated with a sexual culture of promiscuity, bathhouses, outdoor cruising areas, and porn theatres. Language of sexual autonomy or sexual freedom has been replaced with the conventional wisdom that ‘‘what you do in the privacy of your own home is your business.’’(Ahlm, 2017)
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TL;DR: Homophobia and the AIDS epidemic contributed to a decrease in historical queer cultural practices of public and semi-public, non-monogamous sex practices and the push for rights like marriage equality further contributed to the queer community being pushed towards privacy about their sex lives, resulting in representation of queer culture shifting to the image of the monogamous, sexually moderated, non-kinky homosexual. 
Homonormativity, like heteronormativity, privileges whiteness. Homonormativity produces a systemic policing of sexuality and gender, in part through a politics of representation that erases queers of color, poor and working-class queers, and gender non-conforming queers. Guided by an ‘‘ethics of sexual shame’’ (Warner, 2000) the contemporary LGBT movement distances itself from sexual deviants, and more generally from sex itself (Duggan, 2003; Robinson, 2005; Rubin, 1993). (Ahlm, 2017)
A huge part of what got me hooked on Asian BL was seeing representations of queer people that were not just white men with power. Getting to watch two people navigate the political nature of their queerness in conjunction with their socioeconomic status, seeing just the most casual inclusion of trans women (something that like never happens in Western media). Part of what got me so obsessed with KinnPorsche as my first Thai BL was the existence of Yok, who has 0% of a plot about being trans and 100% of a plot around being a surrogate mother to Porsche and just a generally massive party girl. A reason why I like shows like Bed Friend and The Warp Effect so much is because they actually include kink in their shows. (Even though  Bed Friend only really does it once with the pet play in Ep. 6 still with monogamous sex, and Jojo can only get away with heavy kink focus in TWE through a heterosexual couple.)
Finding BL gave me ways to see a lot of different flavors of queers, different dynamics between queers, while still being made to cater primarily towards heterosexual audiences. How many queer romances exist in the West? Big Eden (my beloved), two Christmas movies and the butchered corpse of Red, White, and Royal Blue? [do not come for me here, I know there are more, I have a whole syllabus from @bengiyo that has more than that on it, my point is mostly looking at how popular and increasingly, rapidly abundant and easily accessible gay romance is in BLs compared to how popular abundant gay romance is the West]. I loved Gay OK Bangkok because it gave accurate and honest depictions of three-dimensional queer characters, not two-dimensional, spoon-fed perfect gay men. I loved The Eclipse because it gave me extremely morally gray, queer characters. I loved 3 Will Be Free for both the representations of polyamory, and also for the humanity that Jojo allowed Mae to have. 
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TL;DR Current LGBTQ+ political movements have started shifting away from highlighting sexual liberation as an aspect of queer culture, in order to make ourselves more palatable to the overarching heterosexual society. This bleeds through in to the kinds of media that exist, the types of queer people portrayed within that media, as well as how often gay sex is shown, the type of gay sex shown, and the number of gay sex partners depicted. (Read: generally infrequently, generally vanilla, generally one). 
How Respectable Promiscuity Ties in to Only Friends
IT DOESN’T! Jojo, Ninew, Den, and the rest of the team are not interested in creating a story that takes audience perceptions of respectable promiscuity into consideration. All the boys are thirsty, all the boys are fucking, Boston is promiscuous as hell, Top is (potentially) a slut (or at least a former slut), Sand has been in multiple relationships and has had multiple one-night stand sexual partners (no repeats). Mew is maybe not as virginal as he has led us to believe. Every time any gay boy is standing next to another gay boy that they didn’t know like a week before, a third gay person is wiggling their eyebrows like “oh how do you two know each other?” (aka, you fucked?) See: Nick to Boston and Top, Sand to Boston and Nick, Yo to Ray and Sand, Mew to Ray and Sand. 
Sex has been and will continue to be abundant in this show. Jojo himself said “[Sex] is coming every episode…I’m screaming for Prince but I love gay slut too. No matter slut or good person they should be equally represented”
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There have been no allusions to the contrary. Jojo has presented this as a bacchanal from the beginning. The pilot trailer has multiple sex and/or make out sessions, indications of cheating, First with a goddamn bat, pills, screaming, and crying.
The actual promotional trailer had: multiple sex and/or make out sessions, indications of cheating, First raining destruction down upon some glassware, pills, screaming, and crying.
The interviews with the cast members about why we should watch Only Friends had Neo saying Boston was an asshole, and you should watch Only Friends because it’s hot. In those same interviews Force said he was looking forward to everyone hating him. The playlist that Jojo made ages ago for this show has so many songs about sex, drugs, being cheated on, and breaking up. Jojo tweeted months ago that he had a meeting with the GMMTV office and he had permission to do whatever he wanted. Jojo and co have never once pulled the wool over our eyes as for what to expect from the physical intimacy in this show. We have been promised a sex fest, and we are getting a sex fest. We have been promised some form of a cheating plot line, and we are getting some form of a cheating plot line. We have been promised substance use issues, and we are getting substance use issues. 
Yet on tumblr I am seeing discomfort and as a result, alteration of character motivation and action, around behaviors these characters exhibit that result in sex. 
...Western cultures generally consider sex to be a dangerous, destructive, negative force (Weeks, 1981, p. 22). Most Christian tradition, following Paul, holds that sex is inherently sinful. It may be redeemed if performed within marriage for procreative purposes and if the pleasurable aspects are not enjoyed too much. In turn, this idea rests on the assumption that genitalia are an intrinsically inferior part of the body, much lower and less holy than the mind, the ‘soul’, the ‘heart’...Such notions have by now acquired a life of their own and no longer depend solely on religion for their perseverance.  
This culture always treats sex with suspicion. It construes and judges almost any sexual practice in terms of its worst possible expression. Sex is presumed guilty until proven innocent. Virtually all erotic behavior is considered bad unless a specific reason to exempt it has been established. The most acceptable excuses are marriage, reproduction, and love. Sometimes scientific curiosity, aesthetic experience, or a long-term intimate relationship may serve. (Rubin, 1984)
Boston is not a terrible person for cruising for sex, Boston is not a terrible person for being a slut, Boston is not a terrible person for not wanting to deepen his relationship with Nick beyond just having sex with him. What does make Boston kinda shitty is the fact that he manipulates people to get what he wants, strings Nick’s feelings along, and uses captured images and films of his friends and uses that to call their moral character into question.
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Nick is not pure of heart and dumb of ass for enjoying sex with Boston or for wanting to define his relationship to Boston. Subjectively, his actions for acquiring sex with Boston the first time (aka adding his photo to Boston’s phone) is a gay wrong we support for the chaos, objectively that is a massive invasion of privacy the likes of which rival Boston holding on to photos and videos of Ray and Mew together for two years. Subjectively, it is a power play from Nick to have wiretapped Boston’s car to catch him hooking up with another person and I am excited for Boston to potentially see some consequences as a result of this. Objectively this is once again a massive invasion of privacy, and it is entirely possible there will be a lot of fallout as a result of the evidence Nick just acquired, despite the fact that objectively Top and Boston did nothing wrong.
Boston never committed to monogamy, and Top and Mew never officially defined their relationship as boyfriends (yes, I know Top calls Mew his boyfriend at the bar, but he is saying that to someone he wants to stop hitting on him)  and we have seen no conversations around whether or not they are exclusive. Is it maybe kinda shitty that Top fucked Boston this far in to trying to become Mew’s boyfriend? Probably. But Top is not an inherently terrible person for having sex with Boston, nor is he an unwilling or inactive participant being pressured into having a second round with Boston (he even initiates the kiss). 
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On the opposite end, Mew is not perfect or immune from doing or causing harm in the past, present, or future just because he is withholding sex from Top. Mew isn’t dumb or naive, he doesn’t need protecting, he knows what game he might be in, and he is playing it to the best of his ability. Jojo and co are incredibly talented at writing complex characters, the fact that Mew is possibly a virgin, the fact that Mew is aware that sex for him means something deeper than sex might mean for Boston does not mean Mew should be placed on a pedestal of purity.
Much like I think Boston is a physical manifestation of older queer culture, I think Mew may be a physical manifestation of more current beliefs around queer people: 
As a result of the sex conflicts of the last decade, some behavior near the border is inching across it. Unmarried couples living together, masturbation, and some forms of homosexuality are moving in the direction of respectability (see Figure 9.2). Most homosexuality is still on the bad side of the line. But if it is coupled and monogamous, then society is beginning to recognize that it includes the full range of human interaction. (Rubin, 1984)
Mew is absolutely playing games with Top, he has said that himself, about holding out long enough to see if Top genuinely cares about him rather than just wants a virgin to conquer. But he has also stated that he knows that if he has sex with Top that he will become obsessed. He wants to know Top, and care about Top as a person, and know that Top cares about him as a person before he will have sex. Everyone around Mew is obsessed with his sex life, desperate for him to lose his virginity, desperate for him to join them on the other side of the line. So many of the other queer characters are trying to publicize Mew’s gay sex life, (including Top who publicly asked him to be his boyfriend), while Mew desperately tries to maintain the depiction of purity that his friends think he is. Which is to say, where Boston is cruising for casual sex, and frequently engaging in public sex, Mew is maintaining respectability and looking for long-term and intimate private sex. 
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(Also a tangential thought, but I don’t remember Ray saying anything about Mew’s need to lose his virginity, I think that has really only been Boston, Cheum, Yo in part, and even Top have all had discussions around Mew’s virginity or need to have his first sexual encounter). 
I want to end on this quote: 
Most people find it difficult to grasp that whatever they like to do sexually will be thoroughly repulsive to someone else, and that whatever repels them sexually will be the most treasured delight of someone, somewhere. One need not like or perform a particular sex act in order to recognize that someone else will, and that this difference does not indicate a lack of good taste, mental health, or intelligence in either party. Most people mistake their sexual preferences for a universal system that will or should work for everyone. (Rubin, 1984)
I hope as we proceed through this story, and more characters fuck, get fucked, and fuck up that we are able to interact with the source material and connect with the characters as they are presented on screen, not with what we have shaped them to be in our heads. I hope we are able to separate from the mindset of respectable promiscuity, and refrain from placing false perceptions of purity or morality to characters who do or do not uphold heterosexual society’s understanding of what a good homosexual is supposed to be. Only Friends has never lied to us, the characters might have, the way their dynamics play out might subvert our expectations, but the subject matter, the level of heat, the commitment of gay wrongs is what this show was always going to be. I don’t know about y’all but I am here to sit back, watch my BL boys commit as many gay wrongs as possible within 12 episodes, and write overly academic pieces on sex, sexuality, and queerness in Only Friends for the bit. 
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Stay tuned for Part 2 where I discuss racism and the commodification of queer men of color. 
Ahlm, Jody (2017) Respectable promiscuity: Digital cruising in an era of queer liberalism, Sexualities, DOI: 10.1177/1363460716665783
Chong-suk Han (2007) They Don't Want To Cruise Your Type: Gay
Men of Color and the Racial Politics of Exclusion, Social Identities, 13:1, 51-67, DOI:
Rubin, Gayle (1984) The Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality- Chapter 9: The Sex Wars. 
I would like to thank @bengiyo, @emotionallychargedtowel, @lurkingshan, @so-much-yet-to-learn, and @waitmyturtles for reading through this post, adding your thoughts, and helping with edits! Y'all are the best
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
okay, so, i keep seeing this take come up a lot from non-trans men and non-trans mascs, and it’s making me a bit uncomfortable. for background, i’m a trans man that writes smut for trans mascs, trans men, and non-binary folks. i write in fandom spaces so this is a strictly fandom basis and not irl basis
more and more often i keep seeing non trans men and non trans mascs saying “if you think mpreg is gross you’re just transphobic” without nuance and when i explain “hey, this maybe isn’t a good take to have since there’s a LOT of reasons people may be grossed out by mpreg (eg. dysphoria, how heavily fetishized it is in fandom spaces by non-trans writers, how it’s used to fetishize trans m characters, the person grossed out may be a closeted trans man or trans masc or don’t realize that the “gross” feeling is dysphoria, etc.)”, i get shouted down and told that i’m wrong. and it’s kind of making me question my own line of thinking.
i guess, i’m just looking for some perspective from trans men and trans mascs on this topic? if there is any? bc i honestly can’t tell if i’m having a knee jerk reaction to my own personal experiences with fetishization. idk if you do much with fandom spaces, but i also don’t really know where else to get perspective
I think there's an important difference between different interpretations of "finding mpreg gross." One interpretation is male pregnancy being a squick for people as individuals for a variety of reasons, such as dysphoria. But in the context of systemic transandrophobia, "gross" is describing the idea that male pregnancy is an obscene, disturbing fetish akin to guro, something that is objectively abnormal and inappropriate.
The reason why "mpreg is gross" is transphobic is because its based in the idea that a pregnant man is unnatural and wrong, and that pregnant men can only exist as a "fucked up" sexual fetish. People are incapable of being normal about male pregnancy in any context and will compulsively go "EWW mpreg is so weird and fucked up!!! is this omegaverse!!!" even when talking about real men's experiences or desires. Male pregnancy is seen as a joke, a kink, or a crime against nature, but never something normal, natural, neutral.
Feeling dysphoria around pregnancy for yourself isn't transphobic, and people can write/depict male pregnancy in ways that are uncomfortable. Personally, I don't like how a lot of people's first thought when it comes to male pregnancy is cis men getting pregnant, with trans men- men who can and do actually get pregnant- are an afterthought. Its annoying to see posts joking about "getting a man pregnant" where people immediately jump to "cis male mpreg," distancing transmascs from our own bodies' abilities & replacing us in the cultural mind with cis men. I don't think cis male mpreg is inherently bad, but there are valid criticisms to be made.
And while you are just talking about fandom stuff, I don't think we should entirely separate this from the wider treatment of pregnant men- who are constantly dehumanized irl, treated like walking freaks (I was just reading an article the other day where a trans father talked about being called "it" throughout his pregnancy, and this is not uncommon), and having their gender validity heavily scrutinized for using their "female anatomy" even though they "want to be a man," sometimes even from other trans people. The way mpreg is treated in fandom spaces does very little to counter this narrative- if anything, in my experience, it just adds that "dirty" connotation, where pregnant men aren't just freaks, their pregnancy must be inherently sexual and should be kept out of public spaces. And this really does not help the idea that trans people are groomers who shouldn't be around children- I have also seen transphobes fearmonger about transmasc fathers & their children & whether or not the children will be safe, or be able to grow up properly, or if they'll be traumatized because of their father.
This is all to say: I don't know exactly the contexts you've heard "saying mpreg is gross is transphobic" in, but to me, arguing against "mpreg = gross" is a necessary part of dealing with the objectifying & dehumanizing way we see male pregnancy discussed in fandom spaces. Male pregnancy should be just the same as female pregnancy. Its normal, its natural. Some people have fetishes relating to it. Some people are really disturbed by the idea of it happening to them. & while there are unique brands of misogyny directed at pregnant women, the image of a pregnant woman isn't treated like something inherently dirty and obscene the same way a pregnant man is. People finding male pregnancy strange or gross- not because of dysphoria or personal preference, but out of transandrophobia- is the status quo right now, and its important to counteract this by normalizing male pregnancy as A Thing Some Men Do.
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transmutationisms · 10 months
Why are you done with the discourse of the unhealthy coping mechanism? (neutral tone of genuine curiosity)
bleh i might effortpost about this at some point but i already have issues with the idea of the 'coping mechanism' as a distinct category of behaviour—like, what under an inherently violent social system is not a 'coping mechanism' lmao. when people tacked on the 'unhealthy' qualifier my sense is this was an effort to move away from certain more overtly stigmatising discourses whereby behaviours are designated 'normal' or 'abnormal' and correspondingly 'good' / 'allowed' versus 'bad' / 'forbidden'. the idea of an 'unhealthy coping mechanism' was, i think, initially meant to capture the idea that a behaviour doesn't have to be inherently 'good' or socially acceptable in order to be named, commiserated over, or treated. which is not an ignoble motive. but because this logic fails to question or challenge in any way the psychiatric establishment, the logic of the 'cure', or the social conditions giving rise to affective distress, what it actually results in is a set of really rancid discourses positioning the 'unhealthy coping mechanism' as a kind of stopgap that must be intervened upon (forcibly if necessary) and replaced with better, 'healthy' behaviours that are more acceptable to various powers (the family, the employer, etc) interested in enforcing the subject's compliance and obedience for ease of participation in existing social systems. i hate it and i hate that stigmatised (and, yes, self-destructive!) behaviours often live in this specific contested zone where we're only supposed to talk about them if we subsume them into the 'unhealthy coping mechanism' framework—something to overcome, something we're 'seeking help for' and know is 'bad' and aren't supposed to find funny or meaningful or, idk, valuable in any way, because this would be 'glorifying' something 'unhealthy' (notice the moral work that designations of health do here lmao). i think the phrase and the entire framework are, by design, limiting of psychiatrised people's abilities to talk about ourselves and to narrativise our own thoughts and behaviours. it's a command to submit—to make ourselves socially and medically legible in a way the institutions are comfortable with. For Your Own Good :)
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starflungwaddledee · 5 months
Hello I wanted to ask if its ok for others to include your magical signature headcannon to their kirby aus,it’s so cool and I wanna use it but I wanna make sure your ok with it first
{the headcanons in question}
oh, yes!! of course, absolutely! i don't think it's all that original, and you're free to take elements and change it how you like, but i'm also happy to elaborate a little on how it works in our specific worldbuilding in case it helps anyone!
as with everything i'd of course love to know if folks use this headcanon in their works!! if you like the idea of using visuals for them how i do, i grab free-use photos from unsplash!
i consider this whole thing to be an alien sensory ability with some synesthetic connotations. for some it could be auditory, for others physical or visual; for others a combination. despite this there is usually agreement on what individual signatures "feel like", regardless of how they are felt
magical signatures are basically just like voices, or faces, or fingerprints. some might be more appealing to certain folks for certain reasons, some might be stronger or more quiet than others (usually a stronger signature denotes stronger magic) but none are inherently bad; not even scary or "evil" ones
these magic voices are all unique, but they can change with time or be a little different in different circumstances. a related family or species might have similar traits in their signatures. folks who share magic very often may pick up notes from each other. life experiences could drastically alter your voice one way or another. someone could- given time, skill, and perhaps malicious intent- override your magic with their own
a stronger proficiency for magic makes sensing these signatures easier. most often they are sensed through touch, and it is generally uncontrollable- like feeling the temperature of your skin. you could initiate a share with someone who was unconscious or unwilling and in most cases still sense their true signature
if you are "sharing" (healing via a mild psychic magic link; imagine a multi-way electric current) your magic will be sensed by the other parties. waddle dees, who are social healers with a social sharing gift, are especially sensitive to the touch-signature
hiding or concealing or changing your signature on purpose is unusual. there's an essence of undeniable truth to it, like soul-seeing. someone like meta knight could learn to purposefully withhold the full strength of their signature, to avoid overwhelming others as an act of kindness. someone like galacta knight could easily do the opposite
the reason starstruck dee's signature in particular is off-putting is not because of the notes of her signature, though it is corrupted: a little unsettling and a little overwhelming; like a very loud voice. the problem is that her signature does not match that of a waddle dee. it's like encountering a dog that quacks like a duck, or touching something that looks dry but is wet. if she were not a waddle dee, most would have taken her signature in stride as simply 'alien'
similarly her ability to 'lie' through her signature is steeply abnormal and meta knight is actively teaching her to hone this skill. in the hope that she'll unlock her 'real' signature by trying on others. in the hope that she'll have a better time socialising with others if she's not so uncanny.
at present she's able to copy other signatures, or combine several into one "new one", but hasn't found one that feels right despite meta knight's tutelage. he's not a fan of how easily she copied his
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zhonglis-wifey · 2 years
self harm comfort
zhongli, il dottore, yoimiya (romantic) + klee (platonic)
goin through it recently :,) !! here’s to another 6 month (or forever, whatever comes first) clean streak! starting over again is annoying but i’m ready to try again with a positive attitude <3 hugs for everyone else going through the same stuff!!! we’re in this together besties
TW: self harm (duh), implied suicide in zhongli’s, not graphic/descriptive
For the first time in his life, Zhongli doesn’t really know what to say. The god of a billion words is suddenly and uncharacteristically speechless as you reluctantly show him what you’ve done to yourself. The silence is only making it worse; You have no idea what Zhongli is thinking about you. The thought of Zhongli quietly judging you makes you want to hurt yourself all over again, maybe even a little more this time.
But Zhongli can sense that you’re overthinking, so they speak very carefully in hopes of bringing you back to reality. Sure enough, his honeyed baritone words stifle your overwhelming mind, giving you no choice but to focus on what he says rather than the horrible things running through your head. Zhongli reminds you of his unrelenting love for you, that he would do anything to help you get through this, that you can always talk to him, that you can tell him you need help.
You can tell from the abnormal panic and desperation in their tone that they’re scared. Zhongli has seen so many awful things beyond your comprehension. Because of that, he’s seen so much pain and loss. You can tell that Zhongli’s terrified that this is just the beginning of something far more sinister, that you might… disappear at your own hands like others have in the past. It’s his turn to overthink now. After everything they’ve been through, Zhongli doesn’t know if they can handle another loss.
That fear will only manifest into caring for you, though. Zhongli knows that if he wants to keep you here, alive with him, then he has to do everything in his power to help you recover.
Dottore has a hard time understanding what you mean when you explain to him what happened. What do you mean you hurt yourself? Doesn’t that go against the innate human instinct of self preservation? And even if it did make sense for humans to self harm when they feel bad about themselves, which it absolutely didn’t, then what was so wrong with you that you had to do that to yourself?
Dottore genuinely could not wrap his head around what you couldn’t accept about yourself. To him, at least, there wasn’t a single thing worth hurting you over. He had spent his entire professional life looking to improve human beings by any means necessary, seeing them as inherently flawed, but you were always the exception. You were perfect to him, why couldn’t you see that too?
Not to worry, though. Dottore will never let you hurt yourself again. He’ll gently coax you into letting him take care of your self-inflicted wounds — he is a doctor, after all — and wait patiently for you to explain what’s going on in your mind. If you’re not ready to talk, he can wait. What authority does he have to push the only perfect being into doing something they don’t want to do? But he’ll always remind you that he’s here to listen and fix your problems, no matter what it takes.
As carefree and fun-loving as Yoimiya is, her demeanor completely shifts when she finds out that you’ve been hurting yourself. She’s heartbroken, to put it simply. Her little spark snuffed themself out. That’s not supposed to happen. She wanted you to be happy and safe, not like this.
Yoimiya decides that the best course of action is to do something to take your mind off of whatever’s troubling you. She’ll have you come play with the kids or design fireworks with her to remind you that you can always do something fun with others. She’ll venture into the most scenic parts of Narukami Island with you to remind you that there is beauty in this world. She’ll plan an elaborate firework display (with the help of her dad, who also loves you) just for you as a reminder of her love.
Yoimiya will make sure that you remember how loved you are. She won’t stop trying to cheer you up until she’s 100% certain that you love yourself as much as she does. Until then, enjoy endless affection from the most beautiful girl in Hanamizaka, the Queen of the Summer Festival. She’ll always be there for you.
KLEE (platonic/familial)
As kind and sympathetic as the little girl was, Klee was far too young to understand what you were going through. You didn’t want to ruin her adorably childish worldview with your grown-up issues. Problems like this made you want to shield Klee from the darkness of the world so she wouldn’t even have to experience them when she grew up.
But things don’t always go according to plan. While coloring with Klee in solitary confinement (as you often did; you couldn’t bear to let her suffer alone in there so you liked to sneak in), she ended up seeing the physical manifestations of your inner turmoil. You fumbled for an answer when she asked where they came from, eventually stating that you had “fought a big, scary monster.” It wasn’t technically a lie. It seemed fair enough to compare your feelings to a monster.
Even if she didn’t quite comprehend the full weight of the situation, Klee was very sweet about it all. She told you to turn away for a bit while she drew “something special for you.” You obliged, happy to let her enjoy her childlike joys while she still had them. You wished you could be as carefree as Klee.
By the end of the day, when you had to leave the solitary confinement room, Klee handed you the finished drawing as a parting gift. It was of you bravely fighting a lawachurl outside of Mondstadt’s front gate, keeping it from wreaking havoc on the city. Klee included your injuries in the drawing, labeling them as “proof that [Name]’s strong.” She’d never know how happy that made you feel. She’d never know that you looked at it every day, keeping it securely framed in your home as a reminder that you could get through this.
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amysubmits · 7 months
Hi Amy, this is not related to d/s but a question about female orgasm. I have been with my boyfriend for awhile now and I haven’t been able to orgasm during sex. Never during penetration, never from oral sex. Most of the time the sex lasts more than 30 minutes so I don’t think it’s the lack of duration. I’ve only been able to orgasm with a vibrator. I have read that the majority of women cannot orgasm from penetration alone but I can’t seem to orgasm at all unless I use a vibrator. Is this normal?
Hey Anon,
This is mostly from reading the book Come As You Are, by Emily Nagoski. But my understanding is that society as created this really narrow ideal for what we think women's genitalia should look like, how they should orgasm, what makes them horny, how often they want sex, how often or easily they orgasm, etc etc etc. And that the reality is that ALL of these things are highly varied. And while some may be more common than others, none are 'unhealthy' unless they cause some sort of significant problem. So, my answer would be that I can't begin to guess who common your experience is, but even if it is less common, it isn't inherently bad. Like you said, a lot of women can't orgasm from penetration alone and that's not inherently good or bad, though we may have chosen to be able to orgasm that way if we could pick...we can't pick. I'd think that your situation may be quite similar in that it's okay if you would prefer to be able to orgasm in other ways...that's a valid feeling to have. But it doesn't make your body abnormal or bad or wrong, it's just a variation of human, I would think. Another thing I learned in that book though, is that headspace is a HUUUUGE part of sex. I mean, I knew before reading that book that it mattered a lot. But after reading it, I almost feel like it is perhaps the #1 factor for a lot of people. She refers to it as 'context' but it's basically the situation leading up to sex and how it impacts headspace/mood/sexuality. It talked about how for a lot of people the focus on trying to orgasm reduces their odds of being able to orgasm significantly, and how performance anxiety is super common, etc. Basically that anything that doesn't help us relax, can make it hard to fully enjoy sex and/or orgasm. Orgasms come much easier when we are as relaxed as possible. So if you find yourself feeling anxious or pressured about wanting to orgasm without a vibrator, that might be part of why it's so hard...and it might be possible that if you can eventually have less pressure or anxiety around orgasming in other ways, that your body may just surprise you and let it happen. But it's also possible that it won't happen, your body may just not orgasm from those things, and that's okay too. I think of it as a really individual choice kinda thing. If you want to attempt to work on orgasming in other ways, you certainly can keep trying and I'd encourage you to maybe read that book and learn about context to see if you can change the context to see if it changes how your body responds to the sexual things you've done before. But also, if that doesn't sound like a good time and you'd rather just do what you already know works and you're having fun as is? Then there's absolutely nothing wrong with just using vibrators anytime you want to orgasm. And/or just not worrying about orgasming and not using a vibrator if you have fun without the orgasm piece. At the end of the day, whatever makes you happy and your partner happy is good! I think it's human nature to want to be 'normal' but it's mostly a made up concept and I think the more important question is if you and your partner are enjoying your sex life thoroughly. If so, then who cares if it's normal/common or not, right? :)
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archivalofsins · 4 months
So, I'm filling out my mail in ballot and like... Lately I've been getting hit with the cultural differences between myself and others.
So, I'd like to talk about how that may impact how I view Milgram.
It's no secret that I'm African American. Yet, there's a great deal of people that will have assumptions on what that means, how it looks, what I must be into outside of Milgram etc. These things as we've come to know quite well through Milgram, are biases.
As we've discussed before biases aren't inherently bad. Biases in and off themselves are ideas we pick up about society based on our personal experiences. They're like a quick cheat sheet that no one can help but make in their head.
For example- Since I said I was African American. One could assume things about my,
Skin tone
Social Status
Simply based on that knowledge alone. One could assume that I'm dark skinned. An assumption that a good deal of people make when that term is used despite the various skin tones throughout the African American community.
If I were to then respond to that assumption with,
"Actually I'm light skinned." (This is a fact and a example.)
Another assumption would come into play.
"Oh what are you mixed with?"
This would lead to two answers. Nothing, literally everyone in my family is black. Or, "Wow; can you take an educated guess? I did just say I'm African American is there any historical context you could possibly gleam without asking me why my skin tone is what it is. Anything, is there anything coming to mind that may explain? Might rhyme with armory. Might involve a word that sounds like shave?"
Nope damn...the answers still nothing just African American or well if we discuss the history of slavery real quick we get this very complicated non-answer of too many things to count. Including white and Native American. Yet if you ask my dad what they put on his papers when he fought in the war they put negro. Because those other two things matter relatively less than the whole black thing.
So, most of my family history is black and I was raised in the black community. Didn't really stop me from getting that question a lot growing up. Mostly from people within said community. These are the sort of biases I believe are pretty common in most cultures. People will judge others based on how they look and assume things about their background.
This is highlighted in Milgram through Mu. It's brought up multiple times that Mu has been othered because of how she looks. Because she does not look typically Japanese, she looks foreign. She has honey-blonde hair and light grey eyes.
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She mentions in a minigram that she doesn't like how rain makes her hair stick up.
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People headcanoning Mu's victim as half black when France has the highest black population out of Europe wild.
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Hmmm, wonder why that headcanon hasn't been put on her ahn who knows.
Basically, noting that humidity and water makes her hair frizzy. Probably playing a bit into the reason she doesn't portray herself as being soaked in After Pain. Because she finds this aspect of herself to be embarrassing.
This also could subtly imply that she may straighten or style her hair. Outside of that Milgram highlights how different she looks before the series even starts properly. Noting it in her character description on the website.
A beautiful prisoner with overt features that set her apart from other Japanese people. Despite her slender frame, she’s very candid, and the type to rebel against the abnormal circumstances Milgram has presented her. Due to her nature, she will be very wary of Es at first. The way she conducts herself gives a sense of her upbringing. Leading us to speculate that she was probably born into a wealthy family. Perhaps, being born into wealth is why she has such a sense of pride, bursts into tears when clashing with others, and is prone to whining.
My sorry spells must be wearing off./I am always the drama queen.
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Why won’t you stop hurting me? My heart is all dried up. My sorry spells must be wearing off. But I guess some of it is my fault./ It’s not my fault. I told you I’m queen, and it will never be changed. I’ve got EVERYTHING, everything is as I wish.
And even having it called to attention in the portal timeline.
20/05/31 Mu: Hey, Mikoto-kun, aren’t you scared of this place……? You can’t think of any reason you ended up here, right……? Mikoto: Ahh, yeah. Of course, it’s not like I’m not scared at all. But just between you and me…… I still haven’t dropped the thought that this could all just be a TV show. I mean, I really haven’t ever murdered anyone. ……and if that is the case, we’re definitely being monitored. For like a prank setup or something. Wouldn’t it be super uncool and embarrassing to get angry or lash and have it shown on prime time? Mu: Is that what you think……? A prank, huh…… I hope that’s all it is…… Mikoto: Ah! If that is the case, then you’ll probably be super popular since you’re so cute, Mucchan! There’s a lot of girls out there who make their big break coming off reality shows like that!
Like the fact that Milgram lays all of this out from the beginning along with the way it follows through on it is really good. Because it isn't just building as it goes or adding pockets of tidbits of character information on as the trials progress. It's all been there and still is there rewarding people for going back and looking, if they feel like it.
Through bringing to the forefront how different Mu is from those around her Milgram subtly highlights another form of discrimination in Japan. Racism.
Then it does this really interesting thing when it comes to her core friend group in particular.
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Milgram makes a point of having all of Mu's close friends be individuals who for one reason or another would not be considered to look stereotypically Japanese. Milgram manages to do this without even giving Mu's friends faces.
Even highlighting in their insect forms through giving them different hair colors from the rest.
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Just like Mu herself.
Q.11 Who do you want to see right now? Mu: I miss my friends too but most of all, Papa and Mama.
In her second voice drama Mu says,
...Warden-san. I think you're really doing something bad. Isn't it a bad thing to act like there has to be something wrong with someone for them to get bullied? Oh? No matter the circumstances, it's always the bullies who are in the wrong! Isn't that obvious? Warden-san you're so smart but you didn't even know something like that? maybe you should take some lessons on morals or something. ... Besides even if I've done something wrong, there's nothing that can justify bullying. Warden-san I thought you were nicer than this.
Not one thing that can justify it not even others doing something wrong. Meanwhile Mu's first trial character voice line,
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It's your fault....for doing horrible things to me...
Mu goes on to say this in response to Es asking why does she think she was bullied after that,
"How would I know? I mean I'm from a rich family, and I'm an eye-catcher too... It was probably out of some kind of envy or prejudice, right?"
Plus, Mu's stance on bullying quickly changes when it's brought to her attention that Es believes she may have been a bully before she bullied. As she states,
"Leaving behind all that stuff you said about me possibly having been a bully myself- not that any of that's true of course!"
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Sorry it was an easy shot.
Can you believe she said this right before this mv came out? Wild. Prisoners stay lying in their voice dramas. Never incriminate yourselves, always lie to authority figures. Double down on the lies if you need to. No one owes honesty to individuals or systems putting them in terrible predicaments.
Lie like you and honesty had a falling out. Lie like being honest betrayed you worse than it did Kazui. Keep lying. Honesty sorry that's a luxury I can't afford right now. I'm in my lying arc trust me at your own expense.
Be Mikoto trial two and gaslight the audience into believing that everything Milgram uncovered was actually a dream trial three. It will work better than you think Mu.
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Like naw be more dishonest actually. The realest thing all the prisoners have ever done was just blatantly lie and not back down from said lies. They're all like fucking prove it go on prove it! What do you have mystical songs where I go I did that shit and I'll do it again?! That's not substantial enough evidence.
That could have been an over-exaggeration done to better highlight my artistic vision- Fuck you and your song extractor bring in some actual proof or piss off. This machine was provided by your facility how do you know it's providing accurate unbiased information. The facility had already deemed us guilty of something on incarceration this isn't fair or trustworthy.
Meanwhile if they're innocent what a great and interesting machine you have here.
Sure. So, if I'd gotten payback for how my bullies treated me then that'd count as revenge right? And if you believe that was my only option then don't you have to forgive me? ...Uh...I'm not really sure what you're trying to say? You see~ If you think that me bullying someone back after being bullied is the natural course of action, then wouldn't it be bad to bully me back in return? ... "But if you were like. "I won't forgive you Mu revenge is bad!" Then wouldn't that imply that it's also bad for me to bully someone back after they bullied me?" I think I'm kinda...starting to get your point...maybe. Warden-san are you maybe not all that smart after all?
Since the way Mu talks is rather quick and confusing purposely Es has difficulties understanding what she's saying. Despite the fact that she is just reiterating that since she's already been forgiven it would be best if Es kept to that verdict. Because Es has already set the precedent that killing out of revenge or in response to a slight is forgivable. Changing her verdict now won't change that precedent.
Meaning Mu has every intention to bully someone for bullying her again if necessary because Es has stated that the appropriate response to being picked on is picking on that person back. In a way Mu is saying that's what trial one cemented that treating people who have caused direct harm to your or others is completely okay actually.
So, it's best not to start problems for others others at all. So, if Es wants to change their verdict and pick on Mu now that would be no different than what happened to her.
This isn't even a veiled threat. Because she's just saying since you've realized that bullying is the appropriate response to bullying then you shouldn't pick on me because the obvious response would be me picking on you and you don't want that right? Or,
"If you want to betray from jealousy. I’ve told you what’s gonna happen."
The thing is the way I view Mu's story is subjectively changed based on my experiences as and African-American.
When I view her story I don't see the simple one of bullying. I see a story about prejudice and the othering of mixed and biracial individuals in Japan. How the mistreatment these individuals face when younger can lead to them bullying others later in life.
The fact that kids like that are often exposed to discriminatory treatment from a young age by peers and adults due to their overt physical differences. Something that can lead to a great deal of bitterness and self-loathing. Even internalized othering.
Q.08 Which of the other prisoners is most like you? Mu: I don’t think there’s anyone? They’re all weirdos.
This can be done to make oneself feel less than others or to cope and convince oneself that they are more special than those around them and everyone is just jealous actually. Mu falls into the later category. However, the later category is commonly used in response to discrimination of some sort.
Because it's easier and healthier to respond to others making fun of ones immutable traits such as physical characteristics by going they're just jealous. The other option is attempting to changing how you look entirely which for a lot of people won't work anyway. From that angle it's no suprise that in high school Mu would start doing something that may just have been done to her for much longer by girls who probably resembled those who picked on her a great deal or were people who used to pick on her.
Q.02   What scares you most? Mu: Painful things, scary things. Also embarrassing things. Q.07 What is your favourite place? Mu: Mama’s hometown of Nice. The sea there is beautiful.
As someone who grew up in the states a pretty diverse country. Well Mu saying things like her favorite place is her mothers hometown has a different ring to it. Because in Nice the way Mu looks wouldn't be considered odd or draw attention. Whereas in the place she grew up she can easily tell that the way she looks gets her both positive and negative attention.
I've said this before and I'll say it again the fact that Mu stands out due to her mixed ethnicity is just as a part of her story as being a bully is. The fact that she surrounds herself with people who are similar to her (seemingly mixed as well).
Well it really puts this spin on her story. Not just making it as simple as bullying it but turning it into this story of long term accepted bullying and what that cycle can lead to. If Mu was bullied and treated as different because of her looks and families wealth at a young age. Then she gets into this high school with other people with those experiences. It wouldn't be farfetched for her to want to use the opportunity to get revenge on the people who treated her poorly before and take advantage of the system that allowed it.
In order to lessen the impact of the idea of her being a bully which she denies as ever being true she states it would be fine for her to be one under Milgram's logic if it was in response to being bullied in the first place. That it's fine as long as it's revenge. A mindset many victims of bullying who become bullies later have. That it's fine to do because no one said it was wrong when it was happening to them. It's okay if they do it because if they do then it can't happen to them.
This especially puts an interesting spin on her first cover song and trial song.
Especially these lines,
Otome Dissection
There's been a lot of analysis of this song for a long while. For now, I want to analyze it from the angle of the singer dissecting themselves. An angle that the song has been taken from before. Given the visuals in the mv near the end.
The more overt ones.
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Along with when the signer is shown pretending to call someone and closing their own body bag.
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All after the line "Let's see if our climax had been a let down. Ever since that night."
Now if we phrase Otome Dissection as the singer singing to themselves that would make it more interesting in the context of Mu's case and the way it can relate to ethnicity. Because I think Otome Disssection manages to perfectly encapsulate the feeling of self-loathing, dejection, and hopelessness that being a minority can make a person.
The song highlighting how the singer has found something that makes them feel good as long as it hurts. Something that's validating and invalidating all at once. A way a lot of people feel about exploring or expressing their culture/ethnicity in a place where it's marginalized or stereotyped in some way. The feeling can be just as isolating as it is liberating simply because at times even when people want to do this there's not much community around them locally.
Plus, taking an interest in it won't make discrimination stop. At the end of the day people are still going to put you on a pedestal or hate you because of how you look. Though it can still be fulfilling. Also highlighting how one will dissect themselves, cutting themselves down to be more acceptable in an environment that didn't want to accept them to begin with. Again, going back to how it only feels good when it hurts.
They only get acceptances when they're burying parts of themselves. Yet, still desiring to be loved for everything they are the good and the bad and trying to convince themselves that they love who they are despite everything around them making it feel as though it'd be better,
If I had just disappeared.
All that self-loathing and disdain turns into boisterous self-confidence. Because it's feels like the only way that person can survive. Yet they still need this constant outwards validation because they don't know if they're allowed to be here. Even though they feel like they should be it doesn't feel like they are.
I want to feel “alive”, is it ok if I breathe? Tell me./I wanna feel shame, ever since the night when I realized it's good as long as it hurts.
Yet no amount of validation is enough because the person can't validate themselves. They're always going to be afraid of being found out then hated or the other person finding someone else.
Hey, what if If I am a bad girl- Don’t hate me./I actually had a dream you fell in love with someone else. Please tell me it's not true. Come on love me please?
A problem many people who have faced racial discrimination in their environments have is believing that others can like them. Because sometimes from birth all those people are given are reasons why others wouldn't. A list of things that make them odd or different from their peers. So, it's easy to understand why it would be difficult to believe.
After Pain
"I don’t want tomorrow to come. I want to forget yesterday I was miserable, someone please help me."
"If it’s endurance, I’m used to it. It’s just having another taste of it."
When it comes to Futa we see him become the victim of what he dished out after in Bring It On. Lamenting if both sides are losers in Backdraft. Yet, Mu tries her best to hide all the things that hurt and embarrass her. The source of her pain.
Because she doesn't want people to look at it. She doesn't want to replay it. Just like her second cover song further highlights along with her second trial mv.
She even states in the second written interrogation,
Q.01 What were you like as a child? Mu: I think I was pretty normal. I had a lot of friends, and learned a lot.
Yet she also states that she gets walked up to by modelling scouts on the streets because of her looks.
Q.15 What’s your dream for the future? Mu: A model, maybe. I’ve been turning down scouts while I’m still in high school though.
Definitely sounds easy to have a normal childhood with stuff like that occurring.
It's easy to write off Mu as not going through that much and just being a spoiled brat and a bully. However, I feel like that would be ignoring some very compelling parts of her character. Plus, she's not the only prisoners for Milgram to allude to dealing with forms of discrimination.
Plus, it is kind of strange that she would jump from having her friends bully people for her to murder. Like that isn't a very natural progression. Now she could be lying about not doing any of that stuff herself like dumping water on people or beating them up. However the only time we see her actually harassing a student is when they appear to be shaking them down and none of that stuff is occurring.
Then she's only alluded to being around in After Pain after her friends do that stuff. So, I genuinely doubt she was being dishonest about that. None of these feelings on Mu I stated here are new. I always appreciated how her story subtly deals with the ethnicity. I like how it shows a victim of bullying become a bully.
I like that it highlights how cycles of harassment begin. I love how Mu's first inclination is to frame herself as a victim of bullying in this situation because on some level she really thinks this is revenge for all the mean things others may have done to her. I also like that she's unapologetic about it. Plus my own complicated relationship with stuff like that makes me sympathetic to her a bit.
Even still it's Mu we're talking about she's not one to be knocked down and stay down. That's simply just another aspect to look at her under and it's one of the ones I find the most interesting given how I grew up.
I feel like that may just be one of the many things that may go overlooked based on how one grew up. Even though Milgram highlights it in a lot of ways.
Another one that may go over some's head is poverty in general given the cases of Amane and Mikoto. Like people not really understanding why he's so focused on his job or why Amane's family lives where they live etc. It's just interesting how Milgram tries to represent varying demographics. Like there's a plethora of other examples but I've gone over them before.
At least I find it interesting.
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