#kat has feelings about sex and gender
lordmushroomkat · 1 year
PCOS = intersex is just saying anyone who doesn’t fit perfectly into stereotypes isn’t REALLY female. Like fuck you. DSDs are still always male or female and to say otherwise is just going oh you’re infertile? oh you’re shorter than average? chromosomal problems? Not female or male! So fucking insulting. Yeah some people have incongruous genotype and phenotype, but that’s so fucking few and to do this is to throw so many people under the bus because they aren’t Exactly What You Wants. Absolutely evil.
Dearie, I'm coming at this from the perspective of throwing the whole male/female binary assumption out the window.
I also come at this from the perspective of being a non-binary person with PCOS who has suspected they are intersex for a while.
Anyway, even the amount of people already considered intersex under our current definitions is about the same as natural redheads. There are a lot of natural redheads in the world; you almost certainly know at least one. You almost certainly know at least one intersex person.
Anyway, it's not intersex people vs "normal" people, if you're not intersex you're endosex. So I suppose you could categorize people with PCOS as intersex female rather than endosex female. Again, I would prefer if we simply threw out the boxes altogether, but I understand that some people are rather attached to the sex binary.
TLDR: I think the sex binary is stupid and I think that intersex is very valid and I would prefer if we all categorized sex characteristics as a spectrum. Thank you and goodnight.
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carolyn-magazine · 2 years
Just don't.
Misgendering is the act of using the wrong pronouns when talking to or about someone. Example: Susie uses he/him pronouns. You would misgender him by saying, "Susie is such a great knitter; she knows so much." Saying "Susie is such a great knitter; he knows so much" uses Susie's correct pronouns.
I know it can be confusing, but if you pay attention to the pronouns someone uses, and if you don't want to purposefully hurt them, you'll be okay. What if you aren't sure which pronouns someone uses? Ask them. They'll be thankful you did!
Have you ever misgendered someone?
I'm sure a lot of us have have mistakenly misgendered someone. I'm guilty of doing it at least twice (that I know of 🤔) and I still remember both times. Several years ago I was on the phone with someone named Brooklyn (a customer service agent) who happened to have a higher pitched voice. I felt horribly when he corrected me, but I didn't go overboard with my apology, and I thanked him for correcting me. Don't judge a book by its cover!
Another time I was chatting with my tumblr friend @kat-eleven about Elliot Page when he came out as trans. I initiated the conversation with Kat because I was so happy for Elliot Page, and after she replied, I literally misgendered Elliot Page in my next message by saying "I'm so happy for her!" Thankfully, Kat immediately corrected me! I felt like a total idiot, but I learned my lesson to pay attention to the words I say.
Have you ever been misgendered?
I'm sure it's happened to some of us while on the phone with someone we don't know, e.g., a customer service agent, a realtor, etc., and they make an assumption based on our names or voices and use "sir" or "ma'am"; opposite the gender with which we identify.
How did it feel being mistaken for the opposite gender? Did it bother you, but not enough to say anything? Were you distressed enough to correct the person? I guarantee you at least noticed when it happened.
Now that you know how it made you feel, think about how it would affect a trans person. Trans people suffer the effects of gender dysphoria every day, and being misgendered greatly exacerbates the effects associated with gender dysphoria.
Gender dysphoria is the sense of unease that a person has because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity, e.g., assigned male at birth but identifying as female. This sense of unease can cause intense anxiety, leading to depression, and having a harmful impact on daily life.
Per an article by Shannon Imani on the website justleadwa.org, "Misgendering is harmful in that it can have detrimental and long-lasting effects on their mental health." Additionally, "It denies a person the autonomy to determine and outwardly express their gender, whether it was done unintentionally or maliciously. Denying a person their autonomy is a form of violence and coercion. At a basic level, it highlights the power dynamics between cisgender and transgender people, who is allowed to enforce how they should be referred to, and who has the power to make another feel lesser than because of their gender." (Shannon, 2022).
This isn't to say cisgender people (gender matches their sex assigned at birth) are the only ones misgendering others, because they're not; transgender people do it as well. I've been misgendered by a few trans people and they each realized what they did and corrected themselves.
I'm trans and I am misgendered quite often, mostly by coworkers...three coworkers, to be specific, and I've corrected them each time. It's been five years since I started my transition and they're still doing it. It hurts and gender dysphoria kicks my ass harder each time it happens. I think five years is more than enough time for anyone to not mistakenly misgender someone. It's to the point where I'm close to looking into a transfer to an area where no one knows me.
Please, please think about the affects it will have on others and be aware of the words you say. :)
Thank you.
Shannon, Imani, Jan. 18, 2022, The Importance of Not Misgendering Someone, www.justleadwa.org, https://justleadwa.org/2022/01/18/the-importance-of-not-misgendering-someone/ .
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gunnerkriggcritical · 11 months
Snuffle's Friend and Bioessentialism
I have a lot of mixed feelings about how gender is portrayed in Gunnerkrigg Court- specifically, the Chester students who were formerly animals.
Andrew tells Snuffle that “When a fairy becomes human, they get to stay as girls, but when any other animal goes through the change, they always become male.” This is verified and explained by the facilitator, “The court demands balance. 50/50 male/female split, you see. And since all the fairies are female, that means the rest must be male!”’
So already we’re introducing the Court being very fixated on a gender (and sex) binary. I’m not opposed to the Court having misguided, rigid ideas of gender- although I do think it contradicts some of the earlier established ethos of personal freedom the Court was founded under. As Reynard says to Kat after she tells him of her relationship with Paz, “You’re lucky. The Court was founded by people who intentionally left humanity. The rules are different here and, for better or worse, the usual constraints of society do not really apply.”
So gay relationships have been addressed, but not trans people. There being some internal contradiction, or blind spots within the Court isn’t a bad thing, either. But those same blind spots are repeated by every member of the cast. Snuffle refers to her friend as “she” when she’s a rabbit, then Andrew and Antimony refer to said friend as “him” when said friend becomes human.
Now, Snuffle’s friend was an animal- you can absolutely make an argument she wouldn’t care one way or the other about her gender! As said in the comic: Andrew asks if she knows she’ll be assigned male by the court, Snuffle translates that, “She doesn’t care.”
But other people around her do. Annie asks: “This is… him?” There’s no discussion with her about which pronouns she wants; other people decide for her that she’s a boy now, since she’s been, literally, assigned male by the Court. And the Chester students show no idea of anything other than binary genders, and that physical sex determines gender- as one student says, “The boys ain’t very good at it, but the ones that used to be fairies can do all sorts of stuff.”
And this sticks out to me, because the argument that as an animal, Snuffle’s friend wouldn’t care about gender- hasn’t been brought up with any other being, to my knowledge? I can’t think of any etheric entities that use they/them pronouns, or are described as genderless, or having an ambiguous or apathetic relationship to gender. Certainly not any students- even Shadow and Robot are both exclusively referred to with he/him, despite neither being human. And like, of course this reflects the worldview of characters like Annie and Kat! But it’s never challenged within the universe of the story.
It really seems like the author just doesn’t think about nonbinary genders, or transgender people in general. Which is a pretty glaring oversight, in a story about magical creatures, including myths and legends! Nevermind a story with a huge cast of human characters!
I recently reread the first half of Gunnerkrigg Court, and this line by Reynardine stood out to me: “Well, the mind is nothing but a plaything of the body, correct?” Which fits very well in a story about ascending physical forms- the robots becoming flesh, Annie reaching out into the Ether, etc. There can be a great discussion about how ones physical, tangible experience of being in a body influences your perspective of the world.
But this specific quote can also really communicate a bioessentialist, binary view of gender, too. One’s self is determined by the body you live in. And this has only been emphasized with the formerly animal students of Chester: they are boys now because their bodies are male.
I can so easily imagine a different story, where Snuffle’s friend insists she’s still a girl- where the other Chester students easily accept this as fact, because why would fairies and other magical creatures have the same cultural biases and hang-ups as humans? Or even Snuffle’s friend saying that it doesn’t really matter to him which pronouns people use, because he doesn’t have a strong conception of gender, and doesn’t inherently feel like a man or woman. Either one would have at least brought up the subject of gender as a cultural construction. There could be discussion of how arbitrary, even cruel the Court is being, controlling peoples’ bodily autonomy in this way.
But there isn’t. Gender in Gunnerkrigg Court is determined by sex- both of which are viewed as a binary.
(Sex is not a binary either, I’m using male/female here as socially defined categories, too.)
(If anyone who’s kept up with the more recent (like last 30) chapters can think of an exception, or actual discussion of the ways in which sex does not equal gender, then please let me know! I’ve been reading more off and on since like. 2019.)
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sesshy380 · 13 days
💯💘🌈 for the oc ask game ^^
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
In both of Kat's feline forms, she has what's called a polydactyl on her feet/hind paws. You can kind of see it in the ref I did with her human and anthro forms. They look kind of like a dew claw (which cats don't have).
In any AU, she's a quick learner. She learns through observation and mimicry.
She's dyslexic. When she reads, she does so very slowly and tries to memorize the key parts for later.
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
The most important thing to Kat is being honest with her. She would rather a person say something that hurts her than to be lied to in order to protect her feelings.
As far as 'who', the most important people to her are those she considers her closest family and friends. Fucking with them is just giving her an excuse to fuck you up.
🌈 RAINBOW — what is your oc's sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use?
In case it isn't obvious, Kat goes by she/her and is cisgender. As far as her sexual orientation, she is sex-indifferent Demiromantic/Greyasexual. When it comes to being attracted to others, gender doesn't matter. It's more about the connection. She is also open to polyamory, so long as all parties are consenting to the idea and everyone is capable of playing nice with one another (having a shared partner doesn't really work if you can't stand the other person).
oc ask game
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bengiyo · 1 year
The Warp Effect Ep 9 Stray Thoughts
Last time, we solved the current issues for Army and Kat. Kat teased a relationship with Jean, and now I need it. Kat also made me think about I May Destroy You all week, so there's that, too. Army and Joe learned how to be intimate in a way both could enjoy with Alex's help (clearly the most comfortable straight man). Kim is pregnant, but it seems like she doesn't want to keep it; Ice is excited to become a dad. Also, Nim and Bew broke up because Bew is going to America and is jealous of Mollie.
We're jumping right in to Jedi and Rose, who seem good about checking in when they go out. Unfortunately for Rose, Jedi clearly has an STD he's been avoiding dealing with.
Kinda interesting that the image for Jedi and Rose was witnessed by Alex, whereas in the others it feels like some other camera captured the image.
Oh, I do like Army leading with their HIV status. If Jedi is out there being unsafe, there's many debilitating things he could pick up and give to Rose. She has every right to be furious with him.
Due to the supernatural, I'll forgive this not-doctor and actual doctor disclosing patient information to others.
See-ew is wearing a Space Force shirt.
I don't think I had considered much which doctors trans women would visit about their sexual health depending on what paths they chose to pursue for gender confirmation.
Nim is pregnant, and Army's desire to be involved is giving me Queer as Folk vibes.
Okay, the excited little gay wiggle Fluke Pusit did for Army's mirth about becoming a father was good. He's talented, and treating this character seriously.
Good of Alex to cap off that conversation by reminding Nim that it's her choice and all of the men present support her. Alex is intriguing as a character, because he's still basically 18.
Very uncomfortable about pregnant Kim having alcohol and hanging out around smokers.
Chaladee and Phuwin are pretty good together. She's got to convey a lot of different feelings here, and Phuwin is responding in character as Ice really well. Managing an unwanted pregnancy when the non-pregnant partner wants it is not simple, and I like the way they're grounding Kim's reluctance. It's especially notable because we go back to the movie set, and Kim is clearly thriving here.
Yes, I am here for Mollie getting to loom.
Joong is very attractive, and I prefer when he has to bring more energy to his acting. GMMTV seems obsessed with making him play quieter and cool characters.
Babies are not a punishment for mistakes. It's also (currently) legal to get an abortion at this stage. I know the show is setting up this conversation to hammer home the point, and I'm going to reiterate it.
Oh, Jean. Also glad that we're acknowledging that any medical procedure can be scary, and few of us want to face that alone.
It was a very good choice to follow that scene with Ice talking to Alex. Despite their fraught relationship, Alex is still his brother, and he's a specialist on women's health issues. Alex steers Ice away from making the issue about him.
The timing of much of this is good. I like Army a lot here. He shares that he's actually excited at the prospect of becoming a parent, is willing to do it with Nim, and assures her he'll still respect her choice.
Interesting development! Jedi insists that he only has sex with Rose.
Joe and Army can't have one big moment without someone rolling up and immediately reaching for their phone. Goddamn. Y'all need to leave people the fuck alone. Joe isn't ready to be out, and he's going to blame Army for this because he came to the school.
The homoeroticism of laying on the floor after exerting yourselves together. We stay winning.
Placing Jan where her eyes would sparkle when she looked at Silvy was a gorgeous choice.
Jojo said, but what if the whole show was second chance romances??
I like that Nim and Mollie solved their own problem after others helped them with unrelated problems. It's a gentle message about how caring helps beyond the initial instance.
Is dressing like a flight attendant related in any way to what Captain did to Kat?
Another interesting development! Kat says Rose also insists she doesn't have sex with other people.
Alex thinking he possibly gave HPV to Kat was funny.
Newwie is actually pretty good in this role.
Oh, the mirror is a nice choice in the reconciliation between Jedi and Rose. They can finally face each other properly and clearly. They wanted to try being open, but realized it wasn't what they actually wanted. Still, I am invested in the answer about where they got infected.
I like how many scenes do double-duty in this show. We see Kat back on the wagon while also learning that Tony isn't a player.
Viruses are so annoying. I like the way this plotline with Jedi and Rose wrapped.
And look at Ice also coming through.
Jean looks so good.
So many problems next week! Liu is being harassed at work. Mollie is mad at Nim. Joe is being shoved deeper into the closet. Kat and Jean come to some big moment about Alex. Goddamn.
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wildfire-rewrite · 9 months
The vocabulary within the sects is rather strange. Sometimes, it'll make sense. Other times, it wont really make sense without the context of it's coined usage.
Under the cut, the terms begin.
Gender and Sex Terminology
Kater (kay-tuh)
A male-aligned cat within the sects. "That kater over there is looking weird.."
Catte (cat-tee)
A female-aligned cat within the sects. "A catte's kittens must be protected.
Kattu (kat-to͞o)
A cat outside the 2 sex binary who is within the sects. "I'm glad Featherwhisker came out as a kattu last week."
Tom (täm)
A male-aligned outsider. "Glad we chased that tom out a few days ago."
Molly (mälē)
A female-aligned outsider. "I feel bad for that molly in the town."
Jack (jak)
A cat outside the two sex binary who is an outsider. "I couldn't tell, maybe it was a jack?"
Food Terminology
Meat-rot (meet-rɒt)
The decaying corpse of an animal found in the territory. Must not killed by a cat within the sect to be classified as Meat-rot. "We found meat-rot on the territory."
Vulture-food (və́lʧə - fo͞od)
The decaying corpse of an animal within the base. Usually, items classified as vulture-food are taken to the Sky Breezemoor Sect to deal with their vultures. "Blacksnarl will have to take this vulture-food up north."
Kitchen cats (kɪ́ʧɪn káts)
A patrol of three or four cats with the intent of cooking meals for the sect. The rank rotates every moon, but a basekeeper is always the head of the kitchen patrol. "Seems part of the kitchen cats this moon are heading out with Sweetberry for Creekbay."
Boarfeast (baw-feest)
A pair of a hunter and a soldier, tasked with tracking the boar in the area and killing one for a holiday. A boarfeast patrol usually takes about two days to return. "Boarfeast is heading out for the Sect's Arrival feast."
Religious Terminology
A cat who has been touched by the Sparkling Stars Sect, and is usually more considered for leadership roles. Being touched by the Sparking Stars Sect can be anything. From visions to dreams, cats touched hold great importance. "Sun Blueheart was star-blessed, I thought?"
A cat touched by the Bogblood Sect. This is usually kept hidden from others. Sometimes, when a cat is outcast or exiled, they are accused of being bog-blessed. "What, am I some horrid bog-blessed cat?"
Sparkling Stars Sect
The afterlife within the sects. All good cats go there after death. These spirits also give warnings about the future that stem from the oldest spirit, Rock. These cats don't gain any omnipotence or personality change after death, and are the same as they are in life. These cats are associated with the sky, and all the items within it's arms. "The Sparkling Stars Sect watches over us all, Fireclaw."
Bogblood Sect
The afterlife for all those unworthy of a place among the Sparkling Stars Sect. These cats are closely connected with the earth. "What are you, some damn Bogblood Sect cat? Stand up, and get out of that mud."
Leadership Title
The added title given to a leader. For the Fall Thunderbringer Sect, it's the title "Sun". For the Deep Nightfall Sect, the title is "Moon. For the Cold Creekbay Sect, the title is "Storm". For the Sky Breezemoor Sect, the title is "Cloud". "There are the leaders! We have ours, Sun Blueheart, and the other sect's leaders! There is Moon Raggedtail, Storm Floodspeak, and Cloud Grousetail!"
That's all for now! This will be updated as time goes on, and more story and such is developed.
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trainedmutt-a · 1 year
character sheet.
full name.   gabriel james abbott jr. known as.   gabe abbott. nickname(s).    he doesn’t like nicknames.  just gabe. gender.   cis male. age.   verse dependent.  typically written during age 20 through 30. zodiac. leo sun, aquarius moon, aries rising. spoken languages.   english.
physical characteristics.
hair color.   shaggy, brown curls that he wears unstyled whenever he can get away with it.   eye color.   hazel. body type.   thin and lanky.  voice.   a new york accent that sounds nearly natural,  but there’s an ever so faint southern twang that he just can’t seem to shake.  barely intelligible when intoxicated. dominant hand.   right. posture.   he can’t be bothered to sit up straight. tattoos.   beneath his ribs, he has the outline of a fender stratocaster, which he got while drinking after one of the first belle isle boys shows. birthmarks.   he has freckles that only really come out in the summertime. some small moles along his arms, back, and neck from sun exposure.
place of birth.   mississippi. hometown.   not public knowledge and he’s intent on keeping it that way. sibling(s).   michael “mikey” raymond abbott,  younger brother. parents.   emily abbott (rest in peace)  &  gabriel james abbott sr. (good riddance)
adult life.
occupation.   rock star.   close friends.   he's pretty close with his childhood best friend, everett -- when gabe’s not being a dick, that is.  kat,  his manager,  is probably the closest thing to a friend he’s got in new york, but she’s routinely sick of his shit. sometimes he does acid with that guitarist from twin throne whose name he can never remember.  his bandmates can barely stand him and he can barely stand anyone else. relationship status.   in an on-again-off-again -- but officially on for good, he swears -- relationship with divina reyes. financial status.   he has more money than he should be trusted with, all thanks to great management and a soul - sucking contract. driver’s license.   he has one, but he usually just calls his driver. criminal record.   let’s just say he’s not getting a government job anytime soon.
sex and romance.
romantic orientation.   biromantic. deeply closeted. sexual orientation.   bisexual. again, deeply closeted. preferred emotional role.   a fun little concoction of bpd + an avoidant attachment style manifests itself in emotional isolation,  self-sabotage,  and random outbursts.  he’s a mess and would benefit greatly from somebody headstrong and solid that he can lean on to ground him in extreme emotional situations.  but where’s the fun in that? preferred sexual role.   a switch,  though his need for control lands him in a dominant position most of the time as that’s where he feels most comfortable.  however,  he also enjoys being submissive on occasion or for the right person. libido.   fluctuates between a high libido and hypersexuality.  turns to sex in vulnerable situations as something he feels he has control over. turn-ons.   good rapport,  intelligence,  boldness,  authenticity.  sweet perfumes.  giving him shit. turn-offs.   over - availability,  vanity,  shallowness. love language.   acts of service / gift giving. relationship tendencies.   has sabotaged and probably will sabotage every relationship he’s ever had,  romantic or otherwise.  it takes a great deal of patience to care about gabe abbott.
character’s theme song.   have a cigar  -  pink floyd. hobbies to pass time.   when he’s not being forced to attend a press event he doesn’t care about,  he can be found drinking alone in his penthouse or partying the night away at some club.  his form of 'partying' being... drinking alone at the bar and doing rails with whoever offers.  he rarely plays his instruments to pass time anymore. mental illness(es).   complex post-traumatic stress disorder,  borderline personality disorder.  undiagnosed and untreated. left or right-brained.   right brained. phobia(s).   cameras/media/the news/tabloids. being watched.  self-confidence level.   outwardly highly confident to hide a buried - away self loathing.  ‘fake it til you make it’ is his motto.
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famelost · 2 years
character sheet.
full name.   gabriel james abbott jr. known as.   gabe abbott. nickname(s).    he doesn’t like nicknames.  just gabe. gender.   cis male. age.   verse dependent.  typically written during age 20 through 27. zodiac. leo sun, aquarius moon, aries rising. spoken languages.   english.
physical characteristics.
hair color.   shaggy, brown curls that he wears unstyled.   eye color.   very deep brown. body type.   thin and lanky.  skeletal, almost, in his later years. voice.   a new york accent that sounds nearly natural,  but there’s an ever so faint southern twang that he just can’t seem to shake.  barely intelligible when intoxicated. dominant hand.   right. posture.   he can’t be bothered to sit up straight. tattoos.   the outline of a fender guitar on his left side,  beneath his ribs. birthmarks.   none.  some small moles along his arms, back, and neck from sun exposure.
place of birth.   mississippi. hometown.   not public knowledge and he’s intent on keeping it that way. sibling(s).   michael “mikey” raymond abbott,  younger brother. parents.   emily abbott (rest in peace)  &  gabriel james abbott sr. (good riddance)
adult life.
occupation.   rock star.   close friends.   his childhood best friend everett bayer - when gabe’s not being a dick, that is.  kat,  his manager,  is probably the closest thing to a friend he’s got in new york, but she’s routinely sick of his shit.  his bandmates can barely stand him and he can barely stand anyone else. relationship status.   verse dependent.  usually single with a steadily revolving door of groupies.  canonically in a relationship with his wife, eloise. financial status.   he has more money than he should be trusted with, all thanks to great management and a soul - sucking contract. driver’s license.   he has one, but he usually just calls his driver. criminal record.   let’s just say he’s not getting a government job anytime soon.
sex and romance.
romantic orientation.   biromantic. deeply closeted. sexual orientation.   bisexual. again, deeply closeted. preferred emotional role.   a fun little concoction of bpd + an avoidant attachment style manifests itself in emotional isolation,  self-sabotage,  and random outbursts.  he’s a mess and would benefit greatly from somebody headstrong and solid that he can lean on to ground him in extreme emotional situations.  but where’s the fun in that? preferred sexual role.   a switch,  though his need for control lands him in a dominant position most of the time as that’s where he feels most comfortable.  however,  also loves being submissive on occasion or for the right person. libido.   fluctuates between a high libido and hypersexuality.  turns to sex in vulnerable situations as something he feels he has control over. turn-ons.   good rapport,  intelligence,  boldness,  authenticity.  sweet perfumes.  giving him shit. turn-offs.   over - availability,  vanity,  shallowness. love language.   acts of service / gift giving. relationship tendencies.   has sabotaged and probably will sabotage every relationship he’s ever had,  romantic or otherwise.  it takes a great deal of patience to care about gabe abbott.
character’s theme song.   have a cigar  -  pink floyd. hobbies to pass time.   when he’s not being forced to attend a press event he doesn’t care about,  he can be found drinking alone in his penthouse or partying the night away at some club.  his form of partying being drinking alone at the bar and doing rails with whoever offers.  rarely plays his instruments to pass time anymore. mental illness(es).   complex post-traumatic stress disorder,  borderline personality disorder.  undiagnosed and untreated. left or right-brained.   right brained. phobia(s).   cameras/media/the news/tabloids.  self-confidence level.   outwardly highly confident to hide a buried - away self loathing.  ‘fake it til you make it’ is his motto.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
The transcult, gender stereotypes and drag storytime……
Liberal Senator Alex Antic has accused the ABC of “grooming” children by allowing a drag performer Courtney Act to read a children’s book on Play School about a girl who likes to wear trousers.
The claim sparked outrage in Senate estimates on Tuesday, with Greens Senator Sarah Hanson Young suggesting it was an entirely inappropriate use of term.
“Heavens above – girls wearing pants. That is the level of rubbish you are putting forward,” Senator Hanson-Young said.
But Senator Antic doubled down on the criticism, suggesting if she didn’t like it she could leave the room. 
“The program was rated G and has been heavily promoted on TV and on the app. Why is the ABC grooming children with this sort of adult content,” Senator Antic said.
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Grooming traditionally refers to when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them. 
But that characterisation was entirely wrong and offensive in the context of a children's story about a girl who likes to wear pants, Senator Hanson-Young said. 
Earlier, Senator Antic suggested the ABC was encouraging “gender dysphoria” by allowing a drag performer to read a children’s book on playschool.
The Spectacular Suit, by Kat Patrick, is about a young girl called Frankie who is preparing for her birthday party, but all her party dresses feel wrong. She ends up feeling comfortable wearing pants.
Senator Antic told Parliament what was being discussed was not ‘dressing up’ but a more adult concept. 
“Cross dressing. Let me ask you this, does ABC agree that transgender or cross dressing are adult concepts?,” he asked.
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In response, the ABC managing director David Anderson rejected the assertion. 
“Senator, I don’t see that as grooming children with our content,” he said. 
“That particular program is reading from a book that is about dressing up so I think …
Senator Antic then interjected, “Female children in male children’s clothing, you think that’s not …”
Before he could finish, Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young told the Parliament the complaint was a joke. 
“You mean young girls wearing pants? Seriously,” she said. 
“It’s offensive. It is deeply, deeply offensive.”
The Liberal Senator then invited Senator Hanson-Young to leave the room if she didn’t like it. 
“Grooming is a really serious matter! It is not for being played with by conservative senators to make headlines,” she replied
“Sexual assault survivors right around this country will be deeply offended, deeply offended by you playing politics.”
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Courtney Act, whose real name is Shane Jenek, made her Play School debut earlier this year. 
She is one of Australia’s best known performers and has previously hosted the ABC interview series One Plus One, describing herself as“pansexual, polyamorous and genderfluid”.
The ABC managing director said the national broadcaster was not grooming children. 
“I was simply refuting the fact that we were grooming Australian children. Because we are not grooming Australian children … What we are doing, that is about dressing up,” he said.
“When it comes to transgender, yes, you can see there are people that wish to identify as a sex other than what they were born as, and I don’t accept what you are saying about somebody who is trans grooming Australian children,” Mr Anderson said.
Originally published as ABC accused of ‘grooming’ kids after drag queen appeared on Play School
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smokeybrandreviews · 2 years
Stunt Show
The more i read about Netflix's adaption of Sandman, the more I'm conflicted about it. I love the Sandman world. Hell, it's the reason i even got into Vertigo in the first place so i hold that little corner of DC very dear. One of my favorite characters, Death, comes from those stories. I am very keen on that aesthetic. Dark haired, pale as a ghost, and absolutely bubbly. Death has this infectious optimism about her in contrast to her role and appearance. When i heard they cast Kirby Howell-Baptiste as Death, i groaned. This felt like diversity stunt casting, like they needed a colored co-lead in order to satiate the current PC mafia loudly, forcefully, steering the industry into creative bankruptcy. Kirby will probably be great in the role but she doesn't have the look and that's a huge part of the character. It's arguably the defining part of the character. Howell-Baptiste is exactly the opposite of what Vertigo's Death is supposed to look like and it chaffs me. In my head, it's Kat Dennings all day or a gothed up, black haired, Sydney Sweeney. Hell, Emma Dumont is all but perfect for the role. If you want to go more ethnic, ash in those diversity points, then a very cherry flavored Roza Salazar or Daniella Pineda could fit the bill. IF she has to be black, then Laura Harrier is definitely far more on point than Howell-Baptiste, in my opinion. Suffice it to say, I was disappointed with who would be playing my darling Death of the Endless. Howell-Baptiste just felt so disingenuous to the role and kind of made me look at the cast a little different. But then i heard they cast Gwendolyn Christie as Lucifer Morningstar. Bruh. That choice is so goddamn inspired, I'm beside myself with glee. Christie looks the part. Outside of Bowie and maybe Tilda Swinton, Christie is the one person who fits that character perfectly. Plus, she's an excellent actress. Give ma more work! I can see it so clearly; Christie just smarming around, all narcissistic and charismatic, charming the pants of every one. Her tall, yet, feminine frame, hugged snugly by an impeccably tailored suit, just exuding danger and sex. If we're going for comic accuracy with a twist, if you're trying to subvert expectations, Christie is definitely it. So what's my issue with the Death casting if I am okay with Christie rocking the Opposer look? It's because Christie feels like Lucifer. She fits the role and Howell-Baptiste does not. She just doesnt vibe as Death. Now, I'm sure someone will probably bring this up but, no, i don't hate the fact that Howell-Baptiste is black. I'm black. I hate the fact that they took a character that is, historically, white as ghost, and decided to stunt cast a black woman in the role for diversity points. It comes across as cowardly to me. They already had a male lead so they absolutely MUST go the opposite way or else they appear to be racist when, in reality, this sh*t makes them seem a fake. Bro, if your show needs a black to get made in this, the modern era of performative Hollywood, why not just make Morpheus, himself, black? Gaiman has said he doesn't give a sh*t either way so why not go all in and give the actual lead to a black dude? There are a ton of young, black, leading men who would kill this role. Yahya Mateen immediately comes to mind. Ol' slave face, himself, Jonathan Majors, is another great choice. Hell, why even limit yourselves to just to us blacks? Broaden your horizons and include all male leads of color. Booboo Stewart looks the part. Dev Patel would have killed this sh*t given the chance! Go watch The Green Knight and tell me he can't pull off Morpheus. My frustration is that this sh*t with Death is unnecessary. There are already just SO many roles that have been gender or race bent going into this thing but they all fit the characters. I can look at who was cast for, say, Lucienne and my mind immediately accepts that sh*t. I'd even go so far as to say it improves the character a bit. Same with the likes of Rose Walker and Unity Kinkaid. These castings still feel faithful to the spirit of the characters on the page. I don't get that same energy with Death. That sh*t feels like a placation to sate the diversity gods on high, as opposed to a subversion of fan expectation. Again, I have all the confidence in  Howell-Baptiste doing a great job in the role. I loved her Anita in Cruella. I just don't think she was the right person for this role.
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transgenderer · 2 years
@kata4a tagged me
What was your:
Last beverage: coffee this morning, unless water counts. im gonna have some cranberry juice with lemon soon. so good Last phone call: i dont have phonecalls often! probably IT at my job. maybe a tinder dude like a week ago Last text message: tinder dude ive been talking with, he seems cool so far Last song you listened to: golden jackal song! what a great song. Last time you cried: like a week ago i cried right after work in the bathroom. not sure why
Have you ever:
Dated someone twice: my first boyfriend! we broke up and then briefly got back together a couple months later. god. that relationship was bad in such a boring way, i was just desperate but wasnt particularly into him Kissed someone and regretted it: not really? i mean. ive had bad kisses. but its never caused like Consequences Lost someone special: like, they died? nah. i alienated my long distance best friend when i was in like 9th grade and havent talked to her since. bummer Been depressed: lol Been drunk and threw up: ive never thrown up AFTER getting drunk but for some reason last year i vomited on the WAY to the wine garden. i think i overexerted myself or something?
List 3 favorite colors: hmm green, orangey-pink, like teal/turquoise
Last year, have you:
Made a new friend: hmm. sort of? ive gotten much closer with people i hadnt been close to before. idk if ive like properly befriended any totally new people? idk. its ambiguous Fallen out of love: i mean, sort of aidan? i was never really in love with him :/ Laughed until you cried: i think so? idk if i do this Found out who your true friends are: is this code for "been betrayed"? weird. i havent been betrayed Found out someone was talking about you: my friends talk abt me sometimes i love it :) i love it when people talk abt me. i love it when ppl on here mention talking about me irl. Anyone on your fb friends list? facebook more like fakebook
How many people on your fb friends list do you know in real life?: (facebook fakebook)
First surgery: when i was a baby i had my thumb stuck at a right angle! they had to like. cut a tendon First piercing: i dont have any piercings! First best friend: girl from preschool who lied all the time. so weird and bad First sport you joined: i did t ball when i was real little First vacation: my parents took me to hawaii when i was reallly little i think
Right now:
Eating: pbj for dinner :/ Drinking: just water I’m about to: post, I guess (i second kat)
Your future:
Want kids: hard no Get married: hopefully! Career: hopefully math PHD and then yknow. do something with that. probably not in academia
Which is better:
Lips or eyes: hmm, lips probably, i dont usually look at eyes lol. i feel like face is about the hole tho... Hugs or kisses: probably hugs? kisses are nice too but theres something so safe... Shorter or taller: taller :/ kind of a woman moment Older or younger: older, double woman moment. gender Romantic or spontaneous: this is a weird dichotomy. spontaneous i guess? Nice stomach or nice arms: arms! love arms Sensitive or loud: sensitive Hook-up or relationship: relationship! or at least, yknow. more than once Trouble maker or hesitant: troublemaker
Have you ever:
Kissed a stranger: depends if you count tinder boys i barely no Drank hard liquor: yeah Lost glasses/contacts: ha i dont need glasses. fucking poindexters Sex on first date: literally dozens of times Broke someone’s heart: yeah... :/ Arrested: nope! ive been like, accessory to a felony tho (cooking DMT) Turned someone down: loads Cried when someone died: i think my great grandma? Fallen for a friend: yeah...
Do you believe in:
Yourself: i guess? idk really know what this means Miracles: ofc not Love at first sight: i mean...idk, i feel like this is weirdly undefined as a concept. like, obviously you cant KNOW someone on first sight. you can know someone after a first meeting, mabe... anyway you cant love someone you dont know Heaven: lol nah Santa Claus: no? Kiss on the first date: yes? Angels: no
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dhampiravidi · 6 months
versailles (TV) OC - Janice
template from here!
Full Name: Jana Catalina Loren [ZAH-NUH KAT-A-LEE-NUH LOR-EN] (Catalan); Jeana Catherine de Lionne [ZAY-AH-NA KA-TREEN DAY YONH] (French) Nickname(s): Jaynie, Jayn Date of Birth: August 15, 1642 Sex & Gender: Cis Female Race/Ethnicity: French, Spanish & African Sexuality: (secretly) Bisexual
Jayn is a young multiracial woman who stands at 5'3" (1.6 m). In many ways, she physically takes after her mother, having light brown skin, dark brown eyes, petite yet calloused fingers, and a somewhat toned form with thick hips. She also inherited her father’s straight hair, which she curls to resemble her mother’s once she goes to France. She has a few pale cuts on her fingers and one scar on her leg; the former are from minor accidents in her maternal family’s apothecary, and the latter is from when Jayn tripped while running as a kid. Jayn’s ears are pierced.
Raised by her strong-willed mother and her mother’s parents, Jayn is an ambitious, confident girl who finds many of Versailles's upper-class customs to be strange and/or ridiculous. She isn’t afraid to speak up, on behalf of herself or others, though she will (very reluctantly) stay quiet if doing so manipulates events in her favor. She’s incredibly loyal, with a natural need to help others. Unfortunately for some people, she holds grudges, and if she disagrees with someone on something, she’ll typically stand firm rather than compromise. Jayn is rather sentimental–after her mother’s death, she wears her cross necklace (despite feeling distant from the heavens in general) and tries to grow the things her mother would’ve used at the apothecary shop. She likes the idea of love and romance, but she doesn't think she'll find it.
Jayn was raised by a happy middle-class family in Spain, one consisting of her mom, plus her maternal grandparents. Despite literacy being mostly a characteristic of the upper class, they made sure she could read and write, wanting her to have the best life possible. Besides, literacy helped when it came to chores at the family apothecary: organizing, shelving, reading recipes and addresses. Anyway, the Lorens were better off than most, probably because Jayn’s grandma made the best couture in their region, and their family descended from African royalty. Jayn enjoyed reading about philosophy, swimming in the country, and boxing, which some male friends taught her. When her mother died of pneumonia, the Lorens were heartbroken–and Jayn went from sad to angry when they told her that her mother wished for her to live at Versailles, as one of Queen Maria Theresa/Marie-Thérèse's ladies-in-waiting (a position that her estranged French father, Hughes de Lionne, had secured for Jayn through his status as French secretary of state).
(AU) in short, the Lorens were what some might call witches, in that they knew how to use incantations and potions to magically affect the world around them. Members of the supernatural community frequented their apothecary, in addition to humans who knew nothing about magic at all. Jayn was never told what she was because her mother had always planned for her to go live a more privileged life with her father…but she still inherited the ability to detect supernatural creatures, as well as an immunity to hypnotism, possession, and other psionic attacks.
Languages: Jayn is fluent in Spanish, her native language. She is conversational in French, and she knows bits of Classical Greek and Latin from things she’s read.
Dancing: she doesn’t mind being silly and dancing to music that’s playing, but she knows next to nothing about the upper-class European dance styles.
Healing: because of her experience in an apothecary, she knows the recipe of a few tonics by heart, and she can identify a fair amount of herbs by their look alone.
Athletics: Jayn is pretty physically fit for a girl her age, as she is a naturally fast swimmer. Practice has taught her how to throw a punch strong enough to bruise.
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queerofcups · 8 months
Dear Yuletide 2023 Writer
Hi Yuletide writer! This is my first time doing Yuletide, so thank you SO much for the fic you’re gonna write. It probably doesn’t exist yet, but I already love it. Please don’t take my chattiness as directives (other than my DNWs), I’m really just putting you in the general arena of stories I wanna read, go wild from there.
Requests: Worlds Beyond Number (Podcast)
I know Word of God is that Suvi, Ame, and Eursulon are faaaaamily, but I think it’s legal to think the kid you went to summer camp with turned out to be a hottie actually.
There’s so! much! tension! Between these three and its nearly all unspoken and I think that’s very sexy and interesting
OT3 endgame, but totally fine with pre-endgame hookups & feelings between any two members of our little party
Plotwise, go nuts here, I’ll take anything from silly falling into bed together to the serious, hard work of making a relationship work with people with VERY different politics, or even the aforementioned, “oh damn, such and such got hot???” fic. I just want more of these three together.
The Bear (TV 2022)
Carmy and Sid hooking up would be a TERRIBLE idea, professionally speaking, and probably also emotionally speaking. I want to read about the ways that it could go wrong and why they do it anyway. Do they keep it a secret? Do they fail at keeping it a secret? Is it incredibly obvious to the rest of the crew?
I’ve read a lot of very sweet fics where they fall in love and all is great, and those are wonderful, but I think messy power dynamics are hot and interesting and they’ve got bad idea written all over them.
Bonus bonus points if you engage with what food, cooking and meals mean to both of them.
Barbie (Movie 2023)
Let Barbie be gay!!!! Greta Gerwig was trying to tell us something with all that Indigo Girls and Birkenstock and I wanna read someone picking up what she’s putting down. Barbie’s first gay hookup! Barbie’s first, third and fifteenth u-haul! What does it mean for an idea that’s an icon of heterosexuality to become a person who…isn’t straight!
Whether it’s funny or deadly serious, I’m interested in what people imagine might happen if Barbie turns out to be a lesbian, specifically.
Joy Ride (2023)
I can’t be the only one who saw some sexual tension between Lolo and Kat. Do they become rivals for Audrey’s affections? Is it a competition to see how many people they can sleep with (and then they end up sleeping with each other?). Does Kat realize that her hubby is great, but actually can’t keep up with her and has to outsource? The world’s your oyster here, anon!
General Likes:
Emotional introspection from characters
Descriptions of setting, food, sensations, etc
Messy lines between friendship, romantic relationships and sexual relationships
Messy & fucked up power dynamics - Not necessarily dead dove, but any semi-realistic takes on people who, due to their positions, really shouldn’t be doing this
A lot (most?) of my request involve at least one person of color. I like fic that acknowledges that those experiences mean something. I don’t need an anti-racism TED talk or anything, it’s just nice to know that someone’s thinking about that kind of stuff.
Gay shit! Similar to the note above, I’m not looking for a TED talk, but I like fics to contend with what it might mean to be a queer person in the world (if its a canon where that matters)
Smut wise: public sex, sex pollen, ABO (if you’re gonna say something thoughtful about sex/gender/sexuality), casual kink, edging, descriptions of sensation
Tropewise: I like curtainfic, I don’t mind an AU (love mail-order bride AUs, arranged marriage AUs, anything requiring people to get used to each other)
A note on femslash: I’m not interested in fic that’s gender swapped men. Also, I love fic about trans women, but I’m not interested in futa fic.
Hard Nos: * Noncon (Dubcon is fine, but I need there to be clear signs of the no becoming/being a yes) * Underage * Major Character Death (in which they stay dead) * No scat, no puke, no pee, I feel neutral about blood, sweat, spit, etc. Race play, racial slurs being used in non-reclaimed way
General Dislikes: *Purely sweet, fluffy fics *Grimdark, dead dove, trauma for the sake of trauma *High School AUs *Crossovers w other media *Kink being formally negotiated on screen *Kidfic *Pregnancy fic (but I am fine with dealing with an unexpected pregnancy) *Gen fic *COVID mentions are fine, but no COVID plotpoints
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smokeybrand · 2 years
Stunt Show
The more i read about Netflix's adaption of Sandman, the more I'm conflicted about it. I love the Sandman world. Hell, it's the reason i even got into Vertigo in the first place so i hold that little corner of DC very dear. One of my favorite characters, Death, comes from those stories. I am very keen on that aesthetic. Dark haired, pale as a ghost, and absolutely bubbly. Death has this infectious optimism about her in contrast to her role and appearance. When i heard they cast Kirby Howell-Baptiste as Death, i groaned. This felt like diversity stunt casting, like they needed a colored co-lead in order to satiate the current PC mafia loudly, forcefully, steering the industry into creative bankruptcy. Kirby will probably be great in the role but she doesn't have the look and that's a huge part of the character. It's arguably the defining part of the character. Howell-Baptiste is exactly the opposite of what Vertigo's Death is supposed to look like and it chaffs me. In my head, it's Kat Dennings all day or a gothed up, black haired, Sydney Sweeney. Hell, Emma Dumont is all but perfect for the role. If you want to go more ethnic, ash in those diversity points, then a very cherry flavored Roza Salazar or Daniella Pineda could fit the bill. IF she has to be black, then Laura Harrier is definitely far more on point than Howell-Baptiste, in my opinion. Suffice it to say, I was disappointed with who would be playing my darling Death of the Endless. Howell-Baptiste just felt so disingenuous to the role and kind of made me look at the cast a little different. But then i heard they cast Gwendolyn Christie as Lucifer Morningstar. Bruh. That choice is so goddamn inspired, I'm beside myself with glee. Christie looks the part. Outside of Bowie and maybe Tilda Swinton, Christie is the one person who fits that character perfectly. Plus, she's an excellent actress. Give ma more work! I can see it so clearly; Christie just smarming around, all narcissistic and charismatic, charming the pants of every one. Her tall, yet, feminine frame, hugged snugly by an impeccably tailored suit, just exuding danger and sex. If we're going for comic accuracy with a twist, if you're trying to subvert expectations, Christie is definitely it. So what's my issue with the Death casting if I am okay with Christie rocking the Opposer look? It's because Christie feels like Lucifer. She fits the role and Howell-Baptiste does not. She just doesnt vibe as Death. Now, I'm sure someone will probably bring this up but, no, i don't hate the fact that Howell-Baptiste is black. I'm black. I hate the fact that they took a character that is, historically, white as ghost, and decided to stunt cast a black woman in the role for diversity points. It comes across as cowardly to me. They already had a male lead so they absolutely MUST go the opposite way or else they appear to be racist when, in reality, this sh*t makes them seem a fake. Bro, if your show needs a black to get made in this, the modern era of performative Hollywood, why not just make Morpheus, himself, black? Gaiman has said he doesn't give a sh*t either way so why not go all in and give the actual lead to a black dude? There are a ton of young, black, leading men who would kill this role. Yahya Mateen immediately comes to mind. Ol' slave face, himself, Jonathan Majors, is another great choice. Hell, why even limit yourselves to just to us blacks? Broaden your horizons and include all male leads of color. Booboo Stewart looks the part. Dev Patel would have killed this sh*t given the chance! Go watch The Green Knight and tell me he can't pull off Morpheus. My frustration is that this sh*t with Death is unnecessary. There are already just SO many roles that have been gender or race bent going into this thing but they all fit the characters. I can look at who was cast for, say, Lucienne and my mind immediately accepts that sh*t. I'd even go so far as to say it improves the character a bit. Same with the likes of Rose Walker and Unity Kinkaid. These castings still feel faithful to the spirit of the characters on the page. I don't get that same energy with Death. That sh*t feels like a placation to sate the diversity gods on high, as opposed to a subversion of fan expectation. Again, I have all the confidence in  Howell-Baptiste doing a great job in the role. I loved her Anita in Cruella. I just don't think she was the right person for this role.
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
bestie bestie bestie pup boy bakugou in rut adn fucking his bunny girl gf n' he breeds her and- yeah
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— “bitch bunny.” + katsuki bakugou.
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bestie,,, bestie dont get me started on this!!! i made this gender neutral 🥺 so i hope you don’t mind uwu!!
pairing: german shepard!bakugou x bunny + gender neutral!reader
cw: smut, MDNI 18+, hybrid!pairing, slight!dub-con, oral sex, some degradation and dirty talk. reader is gender neutral and has no pronouns but i think i used slit once aaa!!
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can you imagine being a hybrid!bunny adopted by deku, shy and timid— a shaky darling thing with a twitching nose and floppy bunny ears that fall over your face when you get nervous or flustered. izuku is nice, he takes care of you and brings you home from that god awful shelter. his place is warm and safe and oh, he’s got a little puppy friend for you to play with.
he’s mean, an awful german shepard!hybrid who snarls at you when izuku isn’t looking— steals your food, nips at your ankles and tears up your clothes. you hate him, you hate that you let him make you cry but don’t dare to snitch because you fear what he might do to you. katsuki had lived with deku longer, been loved longer and you were just a stupid bunny who was lucky to even be here. or so the blonde had told you over and over, backing you into a corner when your owner wasn’t looking.
he doesn’t mean it. is what izuku tells you when he gets you both ready for bed at night, hybrids need special care and izuku likes to bathe you together— bakugou stares at your body hungrily like you’re a piece of meat. kacchan can play nice, he’s just a little rough sometimes. another excuse.
a little rough doesn’t even begin to cover it.
not when katsuki has you pinned to the bed by a strong arms, cruel smirk spread widely across his cherry lined lips while your precious, meaty thighs shake either side of his head. “look at’cha bunny, shakin’ like a fuckin’ leaf ‘n i ain’t even touched’ya yet,” bakugou growls with a yank of your fluffy rabbit tail. your sex spasms, arousal staining the surrounding areas and dripping heavily onto the cotton sheets of deku’s bed. “poor lil bunbun trapped in heat, ‘n i’m the only one left’ta deal with ya....”
lust is heavy in his tone, blood red eyes dilating while he watches your hips jump up in desperation for some kind of friction and touch. “kat...katsuki, please...it hurts,” and it does, more than any of the mean words he’d thrown at you before. there’s heat burning in your lower tummy, spreading through the blood in your veins as your hole clenches around nothing and leaks pathetically under bakugou’s watchful gaze.
the blonde makes a feral noise in the back of his throat, pointed puppy ears twitching at your needy sounds— the broken moans that bubble from chapped lips. “yeah bunny?” he says breathless, voice lowering deep and husky. “it hurts not ta ‘ave a cock in ya huh? reaching deep in that tight, dirty fuckin’, scratchin’ that itch that you’re fingers can’t reach...” katsuki mutters filthy words into the plains of your skin, tongue dragging along your thighs as he approaches your sex— marking and biting a pathway towards it. his sharp canines sink harshly into the flesh that he moulds between large hands.
your chest rises and falls with your rapid, beating bunny heart— fear consuming you as your innermost instincts have been switched on. katsuki is a dog and you’re merely his prey for the evening, a darling little toy for him to take advantage of in your time of need. “katsu—“ you beg him, twisting and writing against the bed once more.
“what?” he snaps, fangs and gums bared in an impatient growl. he’d waited too long to have you spread out beneath him like this, smelt the slick from your heat dripping down your thighs— tasted the want in the air as you tried to fuck that itch away from yourself with stupid toys and your useless hands. “can’t eat yer stupid lil hole out if y’keep makin’ me waste my breath talkin’ to ya, bunny. don’cha want me to make it go away? take away the pain with my fat cock?”
“katsuki please, make it go away, make it stop hurting,”
katsuki’s head dips lower and lower until his nose is pressed right up against your slit, breathing in your sweet scent until his eyes roll back in his skull and his brain becomes cloudy with ideas of how you might fuckin’ taste, how tight you must really fuckin’ be. god, he’d thought about taking your puckered hole for far too long, taking you on his dick until your bunny ears droop and you’re reduced to a puddle of tears. but now that he’s got you, nothing but sex on your mind while you ooze sweet honey from his proximity to your core, all bakugou can think about is lapping you up like the fuckin’ dog he is and slobbering all over the sweetness between your meaty thighs.
“like it when you beg like a little bunny bitch in heat fer my fuckin’ dick babe, but s’too fuckin’ bad. wanna eat ya instead.” bakugou snarls, tail thumping on the bed as he finally latches onto your sex with teeth and tongue and the taste of you on his fucking brain. when he glances up at you between your shaky legs and give another tug to the fluff of your tail, your cute nose twitches and your watery eyes cross— the pain in your belly ignites into a bright flame of pleasure as you finally get what you need for your heat to subside.
katsuki’s tongue runs laps across every inch of your sex, sucking on you, drinking up the evidence of your arousal before it has time to further dirty your thighs— your fingers push through his mass of blonde locks and tug at his puppy dog ears until he whimpers into your hole that he plunges his pink muscle in and out of. “look at’cha bunny, makin’ a mess in that damn deku’s bed. what’s he gonna say when he finds you cummin’ on this tongue of mine, his sweet little bun ain’t so innocent are they?” he teases, fingers coming up to prod and pull and pinch at your slick and intimate parts he also greedily feasts on.
“he—he wouldn’t, katsuki please don’t— oh fuck— i don’t want izu to see me like this,” you blubber with crossed eyes and skittering breath. the dog between your legs slots bites gently at your core, teeth grazing your intimate parts causing you to jump up and tug his hair closer to your needy, trembling body.
“bullshit, needy bitch.”
lewd sounds of your own sloppiness make your ears droop and cover your humiliated face, shame burning at the tips of your ears even worse than the hotness flashing through your body. you’re embarrassed, by your own dirtiness, by your desperation to be fucked by your owners awful companion. would izuku be disappointed in you? see you different from your usually shy and innocent self? you feel so much shame and yet you can’t feel yourself to pull away from the german shepard hybrid between your legs, sucking on you like you’re his last meal.
but you can’t bring yourself to feel shame, the thought of your precious owner walking in on you stretched over katsuki’s tongue and thick fingers— marked up and tainted, makes you gush and squirm. what would you do if his bright green eyes saw the sin his two darling hybrids were committing on his own bed? you’re naughty, bakugou’s made you naughty and that’s exactly what he wanted. to ruin you during your heat.
“you wanna cum, slutty bunny?” his tail thumps harder against the mattress, his hips grinding circles into the bed like his stuck in a rut, his own cock hard and heavy in his shorts while he makes you see stars and feel as if you’re on cloud nine. you nod and a dark chuckle reverberates through your body. “‘s too bad...” katsuki pulls away from you before you can tumble over the edge, sheen of your arousal painted across his chin— shining under dim light.
like a dirty dog, he wipes his mouth on his arm and smiles, mischief glinting in his eye. your heart rate spikes, nose and precious bunny earth twitching with nervousness and excitement.
“too bad, y’cum while ‘m breeding you on this cock, sort this heat out right.”
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ukrfeminism · 2 years
Midwifery students in Scotland were taught that biological males can become pregnant and issued with guidance on how to catheterise “birthing people” with penises.
An online module at Napier University in Edinburgh provoked disbelief for promoting the “biologically impossible”, but most students were said to have been fearful of questioning the content over concerns that they could be victimised for challenging its “inclusive” content.
The course book has been condemned by Joanna Cherry, the SNP MP, who said “an attempt to produce trans inclusive language” had resulted in “poor quality scientifically inaccurate teaching materials”.
In its overhaul of a course guide on catheterisation, Napier changed “women” to “birthing people” and offered instruction on how to catheterise a penis.
The member of staff who revised the notes initially confused a transman — a biological woman who transitioned and could give birth — with a transwoman, a natal male who cannot.
In an email to students about the updated module, they were told: “This update was made to take account of the fact that while most times the birthing person will have female genitalia, you may be caring for a pregnant or birthing person while is transitioning from male to female and may still have external male genitalia.
“You need to be familiar with the catheterisation procedure for both the female and male anatomy. For this reason, where appropriate, this book refers to the person or birthing person.”
Some women have to be catheterised during labour to empty their bladder, and the module included procedures to help women.
Two pages detailed how to catheterise a biological male, with images demonstrating the procedure on a male figurine’s penis and scrotum, and the instruction “male persons should be warned of discomfort”.
The teacher later amended the original note: “Apologies for the wording being the wrong way round. This situation refers to a female who has transitioned to male. So the person has surgery to construct a penis but still has a uterus and may conceive.”
The module’s “nonsensical and dangerous advice” and the amendments were published by Bryndis Blackadder, a documentary filmmaker on Reduxx, a feminist website, after the details were leaked by students who felt unable to raise concerns with Napier staff.
One student wrote: “We have to write an essay for this course. I have only referred to women and pregnant women and I have this nagging worry that I’m going to lose points.”
Kat Barber, of Sex Not Gender Nurses and Midwives, a campaign group, said the course module had attempted to simplify a complex issue and had “gone horribly wrong in an attempt to be inclusive”.
Her gravest concern, however, was the culture of fear that apparently prevented the students raising concerns with their university.
Barber said: “Any environment where people don’t feel supported to question anything that seems unsafe, is not conducive to safe health. My question would be less about the policy, which is very clearly a mistake and very poorly written, but more about the general culture at this university. How are these things not being questioned and changed?”
The module has been removed from an online teaching portal.
A spokesperson for Napier said that the university was “committed to upholding the professional standards required of us” by the Nursing and Midwifery Council and that it wished “to be inclusive of all people, including those who identify within the LGBTQ+ communities”.
The spokesperson added: “The teaching materials will be updated as required.”
Barber, from Shrewsbury, has worked in the local NHS’s maternity services, where a mistaken emphasis on “natural birth” was recently found by the Ockenden inquiry to have led to the death or serious brain injury to 300 babies.
“I know all too well what happens when people don’t speak up,” she said. “We end up with tragedy.”
The fierce debate around reform of the Gender Recognition Act promoted by the SNP inhibited midwives and nurse speaking about the implications of gender neutral language, Barber said.
“Who are we doing this for?” she added. “Who is this population? We just don’t have the answers. What we do is that was a massive pressure to do it and we can’t speak out against it, or even speak out about having a conversation.
“I know there’s real issues in Scotland with the SNP and the Gender Recognition Act. There’s nothing to suggest that students questioning this feel supported to do so.”
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