#acient mexico
mycosylivingroom · 2 years
another update to the list.
we have traveld from the medieval times till the 19th century
I have now finished the old music part.
next music that will be in the list will be from the well known generations till now. 
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Crystal Jewelry
Currently, within the jewelry apparel industry crystal jewelry has gained major popularity with young women.  
This jewelry is said to have properties that can make women more beautiful, calm, smarter, or even change your life.  Having worked at a jewelers I was aware of birthstones, however the craze surrounding crystal jewelry is something entirely different. Crystals supposedly give benefits to those who interact with them by positively interacting with your body's energy field, or chakra.  Below is a map of certain crystals in relation to the Chakra they represent.
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Wearing certain crystals persistently is said to help open up certain chakras and energy fields.  Each crystal has its own property and you can mix them together to create your desired effect. 
There is even a historical basis behind the use of crystals as far back as the Ancient Sumerians.  Here is one example. Made more than 4 thousand years ago, Lapis Luzi, the crystal used was more valuable than gold.
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The Egyptians also fashioned crystals mainly believing in their ability to promote health and protection.  Green stones were used to signify the heart of an individuals in Ancient Egypt as far as across the globe in Ancient Mexico. Below is an Acient Egyptian Necklace, I believe made with turquoise, green stone, and an amulet of Anubis the god of the underworld.
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Here is an Ancient Mexican necklace than is Pre-Columbian era. Again with green beads.
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Today crystal jewelry can be purchased commonly in metaphysical stores and online.  Properties of crystals can be tied to ancient dietes commonly.  Below I have attached a chart of some different crystals and their meanings.
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My favorite crystal is rose quartz to promote beauty, love, the circulatory system, and skin. It is represented by the sign Libra and goddess Aphrodite. Mythologically it is said to have been made of clear quartz until Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty, bled onto it. Here is a picture of the crystal itself.
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However, when shopping for crystal jewelry they say to pick the one that “speaks” to you. Here is some of the crystal jewelry I own.
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Further, here are some of the beads used by my roommate to create crystal earrings.
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Crystal jewelry comes in the form of rings, necklaces, earrings, ankles, and even bracelets.  Below if a photo of my roommate wearing one of the necklaces she’s made.
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@rbbrn on Instagram
They can typically be styled any way you like. I like to just put on crystal earrings with a cute outfit, many of people like to layer the necklaces.  As shown below.
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Prices can range from extremely cheap, to extremely expensive.  Depending on the crystal, its quality, and the craftsman.  What crystal would you want?
Hope to see you next week we will be covering bandannas! <3
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ximenitaramoseblogs · 3 years
*Mexico regresa a casa después de un largo día de trabajo*
🇲🇽: *suspiro* qué día...¿?
*ve a CDMX todo decaído y tapándose la cara con una almohada*
🇲🇽:Y ahora tu qué tienes CDMX?
CDMX: *quejidos*😣😣😣
Jalisco:Pá,deja te cuento lo que paso en la tarde con este baboso
🇲🇽: Pues que paso qué hicieron?
Jalisco:veras, estábamos Oaxaca, este wey y yo por morelia porque Oaxaca quería ver algo ahí, así que CDMX nos llevo para allá en su coche y mientras caminábamos, este se pone a hacer historias de Instagram y a tomar selfies...
CDMX:*😣😣😣* No le digas culero!!
Jalisco: No ahora te chingas
CDMX: 😣😣😣
Jalisco: Y luego cuando Oaxaca termino lo que quería hacer voy y le digo a CDMX, "wey ya vámonos" y que este pendejo dice.... "Hay si.... Ehhh..... Y mi coche??... "
CDMX: 😫😫😫
🇲🇽:🤨.... Haber, lo que me estas diciendo es que... *ve a CDMX* perdiste tu coche CDMX??
Jalisco: *aciente con la cabeza* Por estar distraído en su celular y después de darse cuenta de su pendejada se puso a buscar su coche a través de selfies e historias de Instagram.
CDMX: 😣😣😫😫😫😫
Jalisco: Y nos pasamos casi dos horas siguiendo a este estupido, guiandose por sus historias de Instagram, osea no se puede ser más pendejo de lo pendejo pá,y hasta cuando pensó que ya lo había encontrado le metió las llaves a otro coche qué no era, hasta que no fue cuando a dos coches adelante ahí estaba el auténtico...
Oaxaca: Y Jalisco y yo bien cagados con el 🤣, y por eso anda todo decaído y lleno de vergüenza por el oso qué hizo *dice de forma burlona*
CDMX: *😫😫😫😣😣😣*
🇲🇽:......................... *se quedo sin comentarios*
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lorraine-07fr · 5 years
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A tree that has lived many lives in Palenque, México
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roswell-rp-archive · 3 years
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Give a warm welcome to our new arrivals! Please make sure you send in your character blog within the next 24 hours, have a look over our checklist and get acquainted with Roswell by exploring our locations page. We hope you enjoy your stay.
Sonya Aarons ( Amy Adams / Owner of Out of This World Bookstore)
Ella Zhang (Ni Ni / Ancient History Professor)
Lydia Daniels (Rebecca Rittenhouse / Registered Nurse) 
Blake Brooks (Diana Silvers / Employee @ Galactica Giftshop)
amy adams & she/her / cis woman ‷ watch out , sonya aarons has crash-landed into roswell !! they look 46 years old and celebrate their birthday on november 28th. they are from san antonio, texas, reside in jupiter valley and are currently working as owner of out of this world bookstore. one thing you should know about them is she loves to cook. ‷ ( buffy, she/her, 25, gmt+10 ) * tomás rojas’ on again/off again partner connection!
ni ni & she&her/ cis female ‷ watch out , ella zhang has crash-landed into roswell !! they look thirty-four years old and celebrate their birthday on january 17th . they are from beijing, reside in moonbean gardens and are currently working as acient history professor. one thing you should know about them is that she spent time traveling and visiting ancient catacombs‷ ( rosa, she/her, 29, gmt-3 )
rebecca rittenhouse & she&her/ cis female ‷ watch out , lydia daniels has crash-landed into roswell !! they look thirty years old and celebrate their birthday on december 25th . they are from roswell, reside in aurora apartments and are currently working as registered nurse. one thing you should know about them is she learned how to speak german and french on her own‷ ( rosa, she/her, 29, gmt-3 )
diana silvers & she/they demigirl ‷ watch out , blake brooks  has crash-landed into roswell !! they look 24 years old and celebrate their birthday on  january 27 . they are from  roswell, new mexico reside in greystone complex and are currently working as an employee at galactica gift shop. one thing you should know about them is she's convinced she can speak to aliens.‷ ( cam, she/her, 25, cst ) *Bowie Monroe’s best friend they’re in love with wc.
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drewaround · 7 years
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"Chichen Itza" #chichenitza #mexico #mayaruins #mayariviera #vacation #tropical #temple #acient #acientcity #acientworld
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ramrodd · 5 years
How to Become a Christian
Visualize Whirled Peas
Once again, Marianne Williamson is the only national figure, including Bible-thumping, Pro-life Evangelical Jesus freaks, who is actually relevant regarding the tools mankind has been given to exercise dominion over the physical universe. In regards to the Holy Spirit, she is exactly correct, to wit:
@marwilliamson The Bahamas, Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas...may al be in our prayers now. Millions of us seeing Dorian turn away from land is not a wacky idea; it is a creative use of the power of the mind
That has been my theme in this series of comments on this video with the headline Visualize Whirled Peas.
The issue isn't so much  that this power should be employed OR that, in the wrong hands, it can be used for evil purposes, it's that we are already using this power, inadvertently, in America due to the amplifying power of the internet and mass media to create a great deal of the dangerously violent weather in all the Red States with a dominant MAGA hat population. I've been watching it since the run-up to the 1998 Olympics at Nagano, when the spiritually toxic campaign of Governor George Bush arising from his demonstration of his Christian manhood by staging 180 executions in Texas drew violent we ather from El Nino into Texas every time an execution was announced, culminating in a weather system that went all the way up the Atlantic Coast to paralyze New England in an ice storm on New Years Eve 1997.
The Spirit of the Lord feeds on emotion and particularly enjoys the blood lust of the Evangelical lynch mob. Every time Donny Duck Ass tweets one of his hate-mongering, fear-mongering and race-bating tweets, it is amplified in Pro-Life churches and congregations all across Red America and the twisters and floods follow.
For example, Hurricane Katrina was headed on a direct line across the Gulf of Mexico towards Bush's Midland ranch in 2005, where a Gold Star mother was holding a protest at the gates to the Ranch, when a bunch of crypto-Nazi Bush supporters held a Pro-Iraq Invasion rally somewhere in Tennessee that Bushtail attended and Katrina, sensing the lynch mob, altered its course and ran up the Mississippi to New Orleans.
You can trace this timeline for yourself.
Or, in 2004, during the political agitation in Florida during the 2004 presidential campaign, with all the Swift Boat astro-turfing of people like Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove set in motion, there were 4 hurricanes that made destructive land fall on Florida, 3 of which formed a triangle of destruction with Rush Limbaugh's broadcast location at it's epicenter, and Hurricane Ivan crossing the panhandle in a graphic representation of 1 and 3, the numerological Finger of God.
The Holy Spirit caused this to happen so that I could witness to exactly what Marianne Williamson is talking about. Among other things, Jesus gave humankind the Holy Spirit so that we could optimize the weather patterns on Earth and, in the fullness of time, employ the Spirit of the Lord in fulfilling our destiny in space established by Genesis 15:5.
Now, I've already provided commentary on this them accompanying this video in regards to Hurricane Dorian in regards to Visualize Whirled Peas, so you can review the progress of the storm up until this instant, Friday, 0116 hrs, but there has been further events.
On Wednesday, when the Holy Spirit ended the 51 hour stall over the Bahamas and the storm began to turn up the coast, it dropped down initially to Cat 2 storm, but then took aim at Sandbridge, VA and spooled back up to a Cat 3 storm. The reason why it took aim at Sandbridge is because Pat Robertson's 700 Club is located there and this is one of those broadcasters who can be relied on to faithfully amplify the hate-mongering, fear-mongering and race-bating of the Conservative wing of the GOP, generally, and Donny Duckass' tweet storms, in particular
If you check the timeline, the storm began to spool up to Cat 3 just after Donny Duckass tweeted his “Alabama storm warning” defense, which, of course, the entire MAGA hat universe picked up. As of 1900 Thursday, the storm has subsided to a Cat 2 but was still projected to make landfall at the Outer Banks on the way to Sandbridge (which, for no particular reason pertinent to this commentary, has one of the few nude beaches in Virginia).
As 2330 Thursday, the track had evolved to missing any landfall and headed off into the Atlantic, which might seem to refute my thesis, but there is a history here.
In the '80s or '90s, I can't remember exactly when, a huge hurricane was projected to hit Virginia Beach head-on and Pat Robertson mobilized his Pro-Life Evangelical Bible-thumping congregation of Jesus freaks to pray to alter the track of the storm,  which, in fact, happened. Pat Robertson took credit for it and, of course, the media, like The Onion's ridicule of @marwilliamson, dismissed the claim.
I, on the other hand, believe it happened exactly like Pat Robertson said it happened and I think the same thing is happening with Dorian even as I write this. The Spirit of the Lord is invested in Hurricane Dorian, but the Spirit of the Lord is subject to its own appetites OR to the direction of the Holy Spirit, In this case, the people of Virginia Beach (which is also the home of the Edgar Cayce Institute and neigh unto the Dismal Swamp, an acient loci of spiritual power) is combining with the 700 Club to shuffle Dorian off to Buffaloo without making landfall and producing more damage,
Time will tell the final chapter of the Dorian epic, but, for the future, @marwilliamson is the only person running for the Oval Office who is actually relevant when it comes to the spiritual health of America and the world. For the Pro-Life Evangelical MAGA hat nation, it would be Christian of you to repent from your Pro-Life heresies as they tend to amplify the hate-mongering, fear-mongering and race-baiting coming out of the Oval office that has contributed directly to the violent weather patterns everywhere in America since at lease 1997. It may feel good to mock AOC and the Squad for being brown, but your homes and communities are being devasted by wind and flood as a consequence.
And until Donny Duck Ass repents of his life time of criminal behaviors by shaving his head (which will lead to the end of the Korean War), the economy is headed for a replay of the 2008 economic crises, but without the adult leadership of Bush and Obama to fix a mess Moscow Mitch is ideologically incapable of avoiding.
Visualize Whirled Peas
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mycosylivingroom · 2 years
heres the start. I will add the link to the pin post later
I start with acient music from all continents of the world, also traditonal music.
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colinburhart-blog · 7 years
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Got a new #book! I love this #Saga most out of all of the #Iceland #Sagas!!!! This is one of three #Outlaw sagas, and the most powerful of all. This #Thor like figure reminds me most of myself out of all these #acient #History #books written down by #catholic #monks and the likes in #midievaltimes ..... #new #icelandsaga #reading #outlaw (at Farmington, New Mexico)
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mycosylivingroom · 2 years
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mycosylivingroom · 2 years
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mycosylivingroom · 2 years
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mycosylivingroom · 2 years
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