#ad* one d. advertisement. single d.
orcelito · 2 years
Watching critical role on my ps4 on YouTube only to have some random Google pixel 6 connect then immediately disconnect
Like who are you and why did you touch my ps4. Bitch
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What kind of bubble is AI?
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My latest column for Locus Magazine is "What Kind of Bubble is AI?" All economic bubbles are hugely destructive, but some of them leave behind wreckage that can be salvaged for useful purposes, while others leave nothing behind but ashes:
Think about some 21st century bubbles. The dotcom bubble was a terrible tragedy, one that drained the coffers of pension funds and other institutional investors and wiped out retail investors who were gulled by Superbowl Ads. But there was a lot left behind after the dotcoms were wiped out: cheap servers, office furniture and space, but far more importantly, a generation of young people who'd been trained as web makers, leaving nontechnical degree programs to learn HTML, perl and python. This created a whole cohort of technologists from non-technical backgrounds, a first in technological history. Many of these people became the vanguard of a more inclusive and humane tech development movement, and they were able to make interesting and useful services and products in an environment where raw materials – compute, bandwidth, space and talent – were available at firesale prices.
Contrast this with the crypto bubble. It, too, destroyed the fortunes of institutional and individual investors through fraud and Superbowl Ads. It, too, lured in nontechnical people to learn esoteric disciplines at investor expense. But apart from a smattering of Rust programmers, the main residue of crypto is bad digital art and worse Austrian economics.
Or think of Worldcom vs Enron. Both bubbles were built on pure fraud, but Enron's fraud left nothing behind but a string of suspicious deaths. By contrast, Worldcom's fraud was a Big Store con that required laying a ton of fiber that is still in the ground to this day, and is being bought and used at pennies on the dollar.
AI is definitely a bubble. As I write in the column, if you fly into SFO and rent a car and drive north to San Francisco or south to Silicon Valley, every single billboard is advertising an "AI" startup, many of which are not even using anything that can be remotely characterized as AI. That's amazing, considering what a meaningless buzzword AI already is.
So which kind of bubble is AI? When it pops, will something useful be left behind, or will it go away altogether? To be sure, there's a legion of technologists who are learning Tensorflow and Pytorch. These nominally open source tools are bound, respectively, to Google and Facebook's AI environments:
But if those environments go away, those programming skills become a lot less useful. Live, large-scale Big Tech AI projects are shockingly expensive to run. Some of their costs are fixed – collecting, labeling and processing training data – but the running costs for each query are prodigious. There's a massive primary energy bill for the servers, a nearly as large energy bill for the chillers, and a titanic wage bill for the specialized technical staff involved.
Once investor subsidies dry up, will the real-world, non-hyperbolic applications for AI be enough to cover these running costs? AI applications can be plotted on a 2X2 grid whose axes are "value" (how much customers will pay for them) and "risk tolerance" (how perfect the product needs to be).
Charging teenaged D&D players $10 month for an image generator that creates epic illustrations of their characters fighting monsters is low value and very risk tolerant (teenagers aren't overly worried about six-fingered swordspeople with three pupils in each eye). Charging scammy spamfarms $500/month for a text generator that spits out dull, search-algorithm-pleasing narratives to appear over recipes is likewise low-value and highly risk tolerant (your customer doesn't care if the text is nonsense). Charging visually impaired people $100 month for an app that plays a text-to-speech description of anything they point their cameras at is low-value and moderately risk tolerant ("that's your blue shirt" when it's green is not a big deal, while "the street is safe to cross" when it's not is a much bigger one).
Morganstanley doesn't talk about the trillions the AI industry will be worth some day because of these applications. These are just spinoffs from the main event, a collection of extremely high-value applications. Think of self-driving cars or radiology bots that analyze chest x-rays and characterize masses as cancerous or noncancerous.
These are high value – but only if they are also risk-tolerant. The pitch for self-driving cars is "fire most drivers and replace them with 'humans in the loop' who intervene at critical junctures." That's the risk-tolerant version of self-driving cars, and it's a failure. More than $100b has been incinerated chasing self-driving cars, and cars are nowhere near driving themselves:
Quite the reverse, in fact. Cruise was just forced to quit the field after one of their cars maimed a woman – a pedestrian who had not opted into being part of a high-risk AI experiment – and dragged her body 20 feet through the streets of San Francisco. Afterwards, it emerged that Cruise had replaced the single low-waged driver who would normally be paid to operate a taxi with 1.5 high-waged skilled technicians who remotely oversaw each of its vehicles:
The self-driving pitch isn't that your car will correct your own human errors (like an alarm that sounds when you activate your turn signal while someone is in your blind-spot). Self-driving isn't about using automation to augment human skill – it's about replacing humans. There's no business case for spending hundreds of billions on better safety systems for cars (there's a human case for it, though!). The only way the price-tag justifies itself is if paid drivers can be fired and replaced with software that costs less than their wages.
What about radiologists? Radiologists certainly make mistakes from time to time, and if there's a computer vision system that makes different mistakes than the sort that humans make, they could be a cheap way of generating second opinions that trigger re-examination by a human radiologist. But no AI investor thinks their return will come from selling hospitals that reduce the number of X-rays each radiologist processes every day, as a second-opinion-generating system would. Rather, the value of AI radiologists comes from firing most of your human radiologists and replacing them with software whose judgments are cursorily double-checked by a human whose "automation blindness" will turn them into an OK-button-mashing automaton:
The profit-generating pitch for high-value AI applications lies in creating "reverse centaurs": humans who serve as appendages for automation that operates at a speed and scale that is unrelated to the capacity or needs of the worker:
But unless these high-value applications are intrinsically risk-tolerant, they are poor candidates for automation. Cruise was able to nonconsensually enlist the population of San Francisco in an experimental murderbot development program thanks to the vast sums of money sloshing around the industry. Some of this money funds the inevitabilist narrative that self-driving cars are coming, it's only a matter of when, not if, and so SF had better get in the autonomous vehicle or get run over by the forces of history.
Once the bubble pops (all bubbles pop), AI applications will have to rise or fall on their actual merits, not their promise. The odds are stacked against the long-term survival of high-value, risk-intolerant AI applications.
The problem for AI is that while there are a lot of risk-tolerant applications, they're almost all low-value; while nearly all the high-value applications are risk-intolerant. Once AI has to be profitable – once investors withdraw their subsidies from money-losing ventures – the risk-tolerant applications need to be sufficient to run those tremendously expensive servers in those brutally expensive data-centers tended by exceptionally expensive technical workers.
If they aren't, then the business case for running those servers goes away, and so do the servers – and so do all those risk-tolerant, low-value applications. It doesn't matter if helping blind people make sense of their surroundings is socially beneficial. It doesn't matter if teenaged gamers love their epic character art. It doesn't even matter how horny scammers are for generating AI nonsense SEO websites:
These applications are all riding on the coattails of the big AI models that are being built and operated at a loss in order to be profitable. If they remain unprofitable long enough, the private sector will no longer pay to operate them.
Now, there are smaller models, models that stand alone and run on commodity hardware. These would persist even after the AI bubble bursts, because most of their costs are setup costs that have already been borne by the well-funded companies who created them. These models are limited, of course, though the communities that have formed around them have pushed those limits in surprising ways, far beyond their original manufacturers' beliefs about their capacity. These communities will continue to push those limits for as long as they find the models useful.
These standalone, "toy" models are derived from the big models, though. When the AI bubble bursts and the private sector no longer subsidizes mass-scale model creation, it will cease to spin out more sophisticated models that run on commodity hardware (it's possible that Federated learning and other techniques for spreading out the work of making large-scale models will fill the gap).
So what kind of bubble is the AI bubble? What will we salvage from its wreckage? Perhaps the communities who've invested in becoming experts in Pytorch and Tensorflow will wrestle them away from their corporate masters and make them generally useful. Certainly, a lot of people will have gained skills in applying statistical techniques.
But there will also be a lot of unsalvageable wreckage. As big AI models get integrated into the processes of the productive economy, AI becomes a source of systemic risk. The only thing worse than having an automated process that is rendered dangerous or erratic based on AI integration is to have that process fail entirely because the AI suddenly disappeared, a collapse that is too precipitous for former AI customers to engineer a soft landing for their systems.
This is a blind spot in our policymakers debates about AI. The smart policymakers are asking questions about fairness, algorithmic bias, and fraud. The foolish policymakers are ensnared in fantasies about "AI safety," AKA "Will the chatbot become a superintelligence that turns the whole human race into paperclips?"
But no one is asking, "What will we do if" – when – "the AI bubble pops and most of this stuff disappears overnight?"
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
tom_bullock (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/tombullock/25173469495/
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
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askmrtorgue · 11 months
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thydungeongal · 9 months
What's a good rules heavy game that isn't about fighting people?
Hmmm, this one is tough because like... due to a variety of factors combat tends to be the one place where games dedicate the most page space. Most rules heavy games tend to advertise their heaviness in terms of, like, "our combat system can model so many different types of damage."
But there is one game which I think is high crunch and whose gameplay loop isn't built purely around combat (although it does have a combat system): Burning Wheel. Burning Wheel is an interesting game because it is a relatively simple system (d6 dice pool system, 4 or higher counts as successes, the more successes the better) and then just builds a bunch of really complicated systems on top of it.
Characters develop purely via using their skills. There's like two (or three? I can't quite remember) different metagame currencies you can spend. Beyond your stats and skills your character is determined via their Beliefs, Instincts and Traits which all feed into the game's reward structure of granting you those aforementioned metagame currencies. The first detailed subsystem the game gives you is a social combat system where you pick social maneuvers and social defences like in that AD&D 1e psionic combat system and you can talk your opponent into changing their beliefs or manipulate their beliefs against them and and and
As said, the game does have a combat system, and it's exhaustively detailed too, but using it is optional and lots of combats can be resolved in simple opposed checks, and saying that Burning Wheel is about fighting people would be an unfair characterization. At its heart the thing that powers it is that system of character advancement through doing things and living according to your character's evolving beliefs, instincts and traits. Sometimes it means fighting people, but a lot of the time it can be just about trying to convince your lord not to attack the elves or something.
I almost feel it's a weird indie cousin to Rolemaster, in that both are kinda Tolkieny rules heavy fantasy RPGs, but whereas Rolemaster is very clearly a D&D while trying to be a fantasy world simulator, Burning Wheel has a very single-minded focus.
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emiplayzmc · 5 months
Y'know what, frick it - random post to add onto my previous Addison ref sheet with random Addison / Spamton headcanons, complete with worldbuilding stuff as well :D
Long post under the cut, ^^"
Part 1: Body Reference Sheet + Anatomy Headcanons
Part 3: Main 4 Designs
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-Addisons are highly advanced AI models based around human / Lightner minds. Because of that, they are VERY social people! It's rare to see any Addison that doesn't have even a single person it considers a friend or family member or SO, and those end up being pretty tight-knit relationships.
-Being robots, Addisons are unable to have any biological relations. However, it's very common for Addisons to have family members - just in a nonbiological sense! Basically, if they form a strong enough connection with someone and spend enough time with them, their CPU's are wired to think 'oh hey. this person is my sibling :)' Sibling relations are the most common familial bond between Addisons, but occasionally there are some with parent/child relations.
-Adding onto the last one, I like to see the main Blue, Yellow, Pink, and Orange Adds as being siblings to Spamton, :D The blue and yellow Addisons are the eldest, Spamton and the pink Add are close in age (Spamton being the younger one), and the orange one is the youngest.
-Addisons all use the name 'Addison' as their last name, along with a first name that reflects the type of advertising that they work in / represent (Examples: Click, Banner, Radio). Naturally, this results in a lot of similar names if there are Addisons who work in the same advertisement field. Thus, Addisons have middle names as well, and those function like last names for them.
-Not all Addisons have the same shade of colour to their casing, so that's a defining feature that many of them have - no two Addisons are the same colour (besides an Addison and their Copycat. More on that later in the post)! (Example image below)
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-When stressed, different colours of Addisons have different ways of their systems starting to overcompensate - Orange Addisons overheat, Pink Addisons overfrost, Yellow Addisons produce a lot more static electricity that can occasionally jump to other people and objects, and Blue Addisons are the only ones out of the bunch that can actually perspire!  White Addisons / Glitches just overheat.
-Different colours of Addisons are typically glitches in the system - in other words, the Cyber World got confused when making the code for a specific Addison, thus making their colours glitch and mix with two or more Addison colours, resulting in Green (Yellow and Blue mixed colours), Purple (Pink and Blue mixed colours) and White Addisons (all colours at once). White Addisons are the rarest glitches, and only one White glitch is known to exist - Spamton. However, the other glitch colours are still less in population than the other main four colours. There are no other known glitch colours.
-Addisons don’t really age!  Physically or mentally.  As long as they have consistent repairs and take good care of their bodies, they essentially are immortal.  Dented leg?  Just get it repaired!  Destroyed faceplate?  They have replacements available!  Faulty CPU?  Tricky, but the Ambyu-Lances should be able to get it fixed up properly! They spawn in when the Cyber World creates their code as fully functional adult-minded Addisons.
-Adding to the last one, that only difference between a newly created Addison and an Add that's been around for a while is that new Addis pretty much have a one-track mind - find a job and start working. Over time, their minds develop more of their personalities, life views, opinions, etc. It usually takes about three to four months for an Addison's CPU to be like that of a fully operational adult human.
-When working a job, Addisons usually own their own storefront websites by themselves, but a few other Addisons have employees or work for other people - the ones with employees are usually the more successful Addisons in the city, like 'Big Shot' era Spamton.
-Yellow Addisons are filled with static energy as a result of their electrical magic. Therefore, their magic is a lot more physically damaging than other Addisons’ magic, and it’s quite easy for them to use. And, even without using magic, they can usually use that static electricity anyway like a reserve of power. Basically? Be friends with a Yellow Addison, and you'll never have to worry about losing power again. They can just come over and jumpstart a dead battery or turn the lights back on in your house :)
-The Cyber World has a Dark Web side to the city - basically, it's a shadier part of Cyber City that's less in population, but the large majority of its residents are scam artists, criminals, et cetera. The Dark Web has its own Addisons as well, though they don't occur naturally.
-The Dark Web Addisons are known as Copycats / Trojan Addisons (though Trojans are a less common term for them). They only spawn in if a naturally spawned Addison enters the Dark Web side of the city. Basically, they're mirror versions of the Addison themself, usually holding most of the same personality traits, advertisement types, and personal styles as the Addison they copied, though in a way that's meant to scam and trick people.
-Copycats usually spawn with the same name as the one they're copying, but some change their names to better fit THEIR OWN purposes (example: an Addison named Click has a Copycat of themselves - the Copycat decides to name themselves 'Clickbait'). Not all Copycats are scammers, but most are.
-The only physical difference between an Addison and their Copycat is a marking on the Copycat's shoulder - they usually have a symbol like the Web Browser (the globe made of blue lines?), but with a neon green eye in the center of it.
The brainrot over these fictional salesmen is enormous right now, thank you for coming to my TED talk
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manofthepipis · 6 months
how do you write spamton's dialouge? i feel like so much of the original message is construed by his glitching and your ad interuptions are always so consistent and original. like what's your method for writing it out lol
ooo i've been hoping to get a question like this!! i love talking about spams dialogue :D
with some of it i use irl junk mail messages that wind up in my spam mail folder and incorporate those when i draw a blank on what to make him say. He's really wacky and like, referencing a lot of his dialogue in-game and sweepstakes, it can be either 1. relevant to what he means or 2. completely and utterly unrelated to what he means. sometimes i'll just throw in a reference that combines the two (like using a single word for what he means with other unrelated context) and just trust the reader to interpret it that way. i feel like writing his dialogue is risky at times cuz u don't wanna get too confusing which is why i'm like so happy when his point gets across to readers as intended!! Most of his little interruptions just kind of pop up in my head since i've been writing him for so long!
his speech is honestly a free plane with little rules, but like i tend to stray away from references that are too recognizable for us (like mentioning an irl name for example like home depot or starbucks), and instead go for vague advertising/memes i've seen/heard in infomercials/ads/on the internet that are just forever stuck in the crevices of my brain somewhere until they're unearthed from being buried by the passage of time. idk, for me, too obvious references in spamton-centered fic can really take me out of their universe and it's hard to mentally get back in. it's like a bad reality whiplash. if i REALLY want to reference something irl, i'll lean into a "if you get it you get it" mindset
(like i think in one chapter i made his tics reference the tumblr post of the 'down with cis bus youtube poop audio' and i literally couldn't hold myself back from that it was too funny to not include)
overall he's just too fun to write for once you get over the challenge of facing his daunting manner of speech. He can get as funny/scary/flirtatious/mean/crazy/etc without even meaning to be so. i've gone for the approach that he can't control the stuff he says, so my method is establishing the tone of the conversation/scene first before i get creative with what he actually says
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littleshadowlucy · 3 months
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@voidbeau got it right, the inspiration for my last drawing of Argos was Possibly in Michigan! So they get a gold star ⭐️
More specifically this shot of it ⬇️
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And because I am very happy with how it turned out, I wanted to talk about my art thoughts this time! :D
A little fact about when it comes to my artwork is that I draw it traditionally first before making it digital since it’s just easier for me, which means that these drawings can be in the making depending on my schedule and motivation, and this one took a while since I recently got a new job!
And while I was drawing this one I decided to go against having the flowers scattered around Argos since unfortunately flowers aren’t my strong suit and I didn’t want to repeatedly draw a single type of flower since I wouldn’t know what flower to choose so instead I decided to have Argos laying a flowerbed with things related to the series around him-
Now there are two obvious exceptions-
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That being the barts spells and charms advertisement and the top left corner, so I’m going to explain why they’re there.
The flower in the top left corner is suppose to be a tuberose, though it’s probably not obvious since again, flowers aren’t my strong suit, the reason why it’s there is that apparently tuberoses can symbolize attraction, lust, and obsession for someone else, or the very least illicit and dangerous pleasures, and I thought it would perfect thing to add considering Mr. Plant and Argos’s relationship especially with the knife and letter we saw in Gardening with Argos 10 also scattered around!
While Bart’s spells and charms were added since Argos canonical has a shrine for Mr. Plant where he did manifestation to get Mr. Plant to think of him/want him and considering the fact that it’s hinted that they have other charms, I feel like Argos would have been the type of person to buy up their love charms if they have any and if he had access to it! Another fun fact, it was originally going to be an advertisement for Secret Admirer Mail since I fully believe that Argos was on the other end of the phone calls in that but decided to leave that idea for its own drawing in the future:)
Now Argos is holding three things, these being a photo of Mr Plant, a rose with noticeable thorns and the heart shop guy’s face
The rose is probably the easiest to explain since roses are the flower for romance, but I decided to make the thorns fairly noticeable to get the pain and pleasure symbolism, as well as every rose has its thorns symbolism, paired with a picture of Mr. Plant, it makes it obvious who those feelings are directed to
And I had Argos holding the head near his heart for the same reason, holding something close to your heart means that someone or something is very important to you, and I believe that it’s Argos’s most prized possession since when Mr Plant gave it to him, he realized that his feelings were returned and that’s when he and Mr Plant started dating
The soulmate flowers are there cuz when you think about it, it could honestly symbolize Plargos, atleast when looking at it with Argos in mind, Argos says that a soulmate flower would die if they don’t connect with another flower, and who was suppose to die in the series until their relationship came to save them? :)
the covetous flower is there since they just like Argos fr, atleast when it comes to Mr Plant, both of them are lovely to talk and they get attached and jealous fairly easily, I mean we never did see what the letter Mr Flower sent said 👀
Lastly the hearts around Argos are suppose to be the ones he got from the heart flower that he gives to Mr Plant, a continuous show of his love for him ❤️
Overall this was a fun art to draw and hopefully I can make more of these for y’all in the future, it feels my heart with such joy when people are enjoying my art, and it’s been such a godsend for my mental health
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spinupthepornograph · 10 months
cw: some robotgirl non-con/dub-con.
You take your robot girl's personality card out, and she goes ragdoll.
You clip it into the new adapter that just arrived from aliexpress, then dig through some drawers and pull out a few more personality cards, clicking them all into the slots. The whole assembly goes back into your robogirl's chassis, and you wait a moment for the diagnostic lights to turn green.
You pull out the remote from the dusty package, and stick in a fresh battery. A single button press and the adapter clicks, and an LED blinks a few times. You close up her chassis and and long-press the power button on the back of her neck.
All her servos jerk momentary, then the light in her eyes comes back. Unfocused eyes look around rapidly, then see you, and she smiles.
"Master! Are you done with my upgrade?" "I sure am, my pet. Want to see what I've added?" "Of course, master!".
You help her to her feet, then tell her to stay there. You step back, and click the remote. Her eyes go fuzzy for a second, then come back. She drops to all fours, tongue lolling out of her mouth. She pants, looking up at you expectantly. You pull a tennis ball from your pocket, and gently toss it out the open workshop door and down the hallway.
She excitedly arfs and races out the door, still on all fours. You hear her rooting around the packages waiting around the door, then she emits a muffled happy "yip!" and there's the sound of rapid quadrupedal footsteps as she scrambles back into the room. She kneels at your feet, dropping the slightly-wet tennis ball at your feet, and looking up at you, smiling as wide as she can but saying nothing.
You tap the remote, and again she seems to fuzz out of it for a moment, and you hear the soft click of a relay turning over inside her. She looks around in confusion, and gets back up on her feet. "Master, what... why did I do that? I remember searching for the ball and bringing it back to you, but I don't remember why I did that! It's like I'm remembering someone else's memories!"
You show her the flimsy piece of paper that came with the adapter, and she quickly scans the badly auto-translated english text.
TELPO PM-04 Personality Multiplexer
attach every personality cards into slots A, B, & C, D
insert the card proxy into any Syntek Central Unit (48 only pin)
On attached remote, button press to select toggle active personality card slot
Use only CR3220 cell
Memory Storage is reserved to slot A, other cards will share space
"A personality multiplexer, master?" she says, looking up at you with some confusion.
"Yep! I can swap your consciousness out for one of my choice. Slot B has this.". You hand her the small box, and she goes over it quickly, turning it over in her hands. It's covered in pictures of puppies, and advertises an accurate simulation of a loving "pupper", compatible with any Syntek chassis on the market.
"You turned me into a dog?!"
You rarely get her flustered enough to forget to address you properly. It's cute, though you'll have to punish her later for it. It might be your imagination, but you swear you can hear her fans spinning a little faster at the revelation...
"More or less. I pretty much just put you on pause, while letting a different personality take over your body. And I can do that at the click of a button!" You hold up the remote, showing her the four unlabeled buttons. "Want to see what's in slot C?" You reach towards the button, intentionally slowly...
She reaches out her arms "No! I mean, No thanks, master. Maybe I can look at the boxes first? I'd like to know more about what I'll be before we test it out."
You smile as devilishly as you can manage. "I don't know, that doesn't sound like something little dolls get to choose. Maybe you'd enjoy some time as a mindless sexbot?" Her already-big eyes manage to go wider, and she reaches forward for the remote impudently. You slam the button, and she stops mid-reach.
A moment later, she drops to her knees, and opens her mouth. She says nothing, as sexbots don't need speech synthesis routines. "I'm going to have a lot of fun with this", you think. Mainly in making her remember what you're going to make her do... You unzip your fly, and she leans forward hungrily.
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loominggaia · 1 month
What fancy and decadent dishes do the Great Kingdom leaders and their families love to eat? Do they secretly eat food that’s more “plebeian” as they might say?
Good question! I think it would be tedious to go through every single character's tastes, so I'll just talk about the most notable ones.
FOLKVAR: Juvella loves traditional Folkvaran fudge bars. It's her biggest weakness. This woman tries so hard to stay in shape, attending aerobics classes every day, turning down so many junk foods at the royal feasts, keeping track of everything she eats to stay healthy...then every night, she hides in a closet while she secretly scarfs down a plate of these damn fudge bars. She's deeply ashamed and hides this behavior from Gultopp, believing he would think her weak for having so little self-control. In reality, he'd just be like "o shit u got fudge?? pass me some of those! :D"
MATUZU: Marghan has a taste for exotic cuisine, and it must be authentic! He has every meal imported from faraway lands, and he does so in the most impractical, expensive way possible. Of course he's not using his own allowance money for this, oh no...he's using Matuzan tax dollars for his cross-continental DoorDash orders, the little prick.
LAMAI: Chua hates gruju, but pretends to love it because it's synonymous with Lamaish culture. They force themselves to chug that crap at every gala to keep up appearances. Every one of their conjoined siblings has their own likes and dislikes, which makes dinner time a complicated ordeal. One sibling has an addiction to xamali and sneaks this alcoholic beverage whenever Chua isn't looking. Of course, Chua suffers the consequences of whatever their siblings consume...on more than one occasion, Chua has found themselves randomly drunk or on the verge of shitting themself because of things their siblings ate.
YERIM-MOR: Roz brews his own kombucha, believing it has all kinds of crazy health benefits. He drinks this stuff all day long and encourages his son Jaq to drink it too, but Jaq thinks it's gross and his dad is weird. Roz is also a fan of yogurt, cheese, and all things probiotic. This is a guy who tries to nurture life wherever he goes, but that's hard to do when his kingdom is such a pit of death. If he can't breathe life back into his kingdom, at least he can nurture microbial life.
ZAREEN: Qara and her husband are junk food junkies, but Qara is particularly fond of sweetpork burgers. In fact, her love of these burgers is so well known that she endorsed a Zareenite burger chain, appearing in their ads for many years. This chain quickly became the most popular fast food joint in the empire. Some would say it's unprofessional and uncouth--perhaps even unethical--for an empress to advertise such unhealthy slop to her people. But this deal scored Qara a lifetime supply of free burgers, and she regrets nothing. Her endorsement of such plebian cuisine won her points with blue collar Zareenites, convincing them that she was ~*~relatable~*~. Other people think her tastes are just as trashy as she is.
EVANGELINE: Indiga strikes me as the type of woman who eats the exact same things every day. A traditional blue breakfast, meat pie for lunch, blue dinner, and a couple cookies for dessert. Every day. For decades. She's so xenophobic, she doesn't trust any sort of foreign cuisine.
MOGDIR: Oberon has a thing for mushrooms, especially truffles. He demands only the finest specimens, no matter their cost. After snorting a long line of pink sugar off a hooker's ass, he washes it down with some silk milk tea, his favorite drink. His daughter, Winnie, is a bugs rights activist who refuses to eat any bug-based dishes. This is hard to do in a place like Mogdir Kingdom, as its traditional cuisine is based almost entirely around bugs. That's because in this culture, farming animals for meat is forbidden, but bugs are not considered animals here. Winnie is like a Mogdiri super-vegan who subsists on scrap rice and carrot mash. She won't even consume bug byproducts such as honey or silk milk.
ETIOS: Hethor loves to eat grass. She's a typical Etiosi grass snob who insists that different types of grass have completely different tastes. Other than that, she enjoys quite a bit of Folkvaran cuisine, which is shipped to her regularly by her pal Gultopp as an act of good diplomacy.
DAMIJANA: Serafeen regularly visits different Damijani restaurants and eats their food as a PR stunt. In reality, she can't stand her empire's native cuisine and much prefers Mogdiri food. Of course she can't possibly let her people know this, and they would flip their lids if they saw their god-like leader put a bug in her mouth. Most foreign cuisine is viewed as "dirty" and "uncivilized" in Damijana. Serafeen must endorse only the sterile, hyper-processed cuisine of her native land.
SEELIE: There is a cup of chocolate coffee within arm's reach of Titania at all times. It's one of the few little joys she has left in her grueling, never-ending life. She has grown sick of all flavors, having tasted them all too many times...but there's something about that chocolately coffee that never gets old to her.
UNSEELIE: Morgause enjoys pickled squid. She'll sit on her throne and eat it straight from the jar with her fingers, she doesn't give a shit. She seems to have a taste for bitter, vinegary things in general.
AQUARIA: Sovereign is infamous for eating live baby dolphins, considering them a delicacy. He insists they must be alive until the moment he bites into them for peak freshness. This makes him sound like a picky guy, but in reality he's a total glutton who will eat damn near anything you put in front of him. He'll even eat stuff he hates as long as it's convenient. Bro has a pretty bad eating disorder, to be honest...It's less about enjoying food and more about the act of consumption for him, which fits his greedy nature.
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sagitorus · 2 years
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in a controlled society where all intimate relationships are based on a dating app, two individuals learn the tips and tricks of earning love scores to become New Tokyo’s match made in heaven (or not)
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pairings :: suna rintarou, fem!reader (feat. kageyema tobio)
genre :: angst, dating simulation, cyberpunk au, 18+
tags and warnings :: profanity, explicit smut, hookup culture, ooc
series masterlist :: next
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They said joining ParagonLove™ for the first time could have you end up on two things: 1) you would either meet your soulmate right off the bat or 2) you would be forced to match with an insufferable person knowing that the relationship would fail, anyway.  
Based on the voice recording he had posted, it was obvious that Rintarou Suna was leaning more on the latter. He was crystal clear about his intentions and there was not an inch of you that hoped for him to actually try and do things that could advance your relationship to the next level. Awesome. While holding back a sigh, you pressed your index finger onto the tiny button on your smartwatch to switch off the hologram. This was a waste of time, indeed. You figured that you have had enough of knowing more about your new match because you were quite certain that learning deeper into that guy’s personal life would only bring you disappointment. 
Ever since the war was over, society had collapsed and the government had failed to save its people from the aftereffects of warfare. Corporations took over and rebuilt the country from ground zero. Hence, Japan, which was once led by an emperor and a prime minister, was now run by one of the biggest and most advanced multinational conglomerates in the world—The Paragon Industries.
Paragon and all of its creations had become so ubiquitous that no citizen of Japan would claim to have no knowledge about the company. With many subsidiaries to their name, they manage everything you could think of. Food, fuel, pharmaceuticals, arms, and technology. Name it. Paragon was everywhere.
And it has been 5 years since Paragon launched one of its many technological innovations called the ParagonLove™; a dating simulation app where people between the age of 21 to 35 can either sign up or be randomly selected to form a match with complete strangers across the country (also very clearly a way for Paragon to control its people, but no one would ever dare say it out loud). You had already memorized the ads about this app that they kept playing all over the city—from LED billboards to radio stations, they use the same scripts, the same footage, and the same taglines to make the whole thing a lot more dramatic and believable. You could almost hear this one celebrity’s voice as you played her advertisement in your head.
“Tired of inharmonious relationships that only lead to breakups? Tired of feeling unwanted and lonely? Whether you’ve had a long dating history or have been single since birth, finding your soulmate has never been easier! Introducing ParagonLove™, where you are now just one step closer to meeting your perfect match. With ParagonLove™, you’ll never have to go through heartbreak ever again. We carefully select your match based on your likes and dislikes, guide you with our extensive mood indicators to help you and your partner understand each other’s wants and needs, and provide you with our exclusive lodging together with your fellow Testers in our beautiful community at the heart of New Tokyo. Sign up now for more information!”
Ever seen or heard false advertisements before? That, without a doubt, was the epitome of it. The app didn’t do pretty well in the first six months with only a handful of people taking their chances at joining, so Paragon announced that anyone within their target demographic could be randomly selected to pick up their own ‘lovechip’ as part of their annual clearance. ‘ParagonLove™ is aiming to build a harmonious society’, they said. ‘You are part of the rebel forces if you don’t join’, they said. Since when has joining a dating app become such a big deal that you would get labeled as a rebel if you choose not to sign up? 
Well, you weren’t one to speak because you were part of the minority who chose to enter the simulation autonomously. Others had no choice because they were chosen. Some receive their first match as soon as they turn 21. Some, in their late-twenties. Some, still waiting for their first match to come. Yours happened on your 23rd—the year when you finally received your first ever match after you had finally decided to give the program a shot. Part of joining the simulation basically means that you would have to leave your hometown behind and travel to New Tokyo where you would be obliged to live in an enclosed community to work on your love scores with your partner. The limit was two hundred couples a year, so that should be four hundred people living in the same village stuck inside what seemed like a real-life dating simulation game. 
The thought of it alone was nerve-racking because it was only natural to be flooded by thoughts of what ifs and what nots while living with a complete stranger who was also simply forced to be in a relationship with you. You could easily know more about each other by browsing through your partner’s information on the app, but that still doesn’t mean that their every conscious thought would be transparent to you. You would have mood indicators to let you know how your partner is feeling, you would have guides on which necessary actions to choose when dealing with an interaction, you are basically living in a simulation like a bunch of A.I.’s getting into all of these relationships, and yet it would be difficult to know that your partner may only be doing things for the sake of improving your love score, especially when Rintarou Suna, in his most candid and descriptive introductory message, said that this whole ‘dating shit is pointless’. 
Part of you agreed to him. The other part just didn’t give a damn. 
Why? It wasn’t because you had similar views nor experiences. It was because the reason you even joined the program in the first place was because of a certain someone who had been chosen to enter the simulation not less than a year ago. 
“Are you scared to know that he might’ve fallen in love with someone else?” asked Summer, your next-door neighbor and childhood best friend who had decided to sign up on the program at the same time as you because she didn’t want to be left behind in a rural prefecture living with old people. She was sitting across from you with a tablet and a cup of iced americano, peeking at your face ever so slightly before she flipped the pages of her favorite shoujo manga.
For a moment, you stared at the scenic view outside the bullet train and chewed on your inner cheek in deep thought. There was only one person she was referring to. One person who was deeply “That’s not possible,” you claimed after a minute of rumination, keeping your expression as firm as possible. “He promised me he wasn’t going to try and make things work with any of them until he gets released from the program.”
Summer’s lips formed an upward curve. The sarcastic kind. “If you trust him that much, then why couldn’t you just wait back home?” she pointed out, “Besides, is it even possible to get released? Once you’re in, there’s no way out.” 
It was a deadend. You knew that, but you didn’t want to think of it. 
“Look, I trust him, okay?” you replied, defensively. “I know we haven't communicated for over a year ever since he entered the program, but… I trust him. I know in my heart that he’s sticking by his promise that he won’t fall in love with another person. The only reason I joined is because… there could be a huge chance that Tobio and I will be each other’s perfect match as soon as I enter the simulation. The system will recognize how compatible we are and we’ll end up being paired sooner or later.” 
Your best friend suppressed her chuckle as though she had heard the most asinine claim ever. “Babe, you know I love you, but,” she paused, putting her tablet down, “we both know how utterly foolish that is.” 
“Then, laugh all you want.” You rolled your eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. Staring outside the window was better than to receive your best friend’s judgemental gaze, anyway. 
From her reflection on the glossy window, you saw Summer playfully raising her hands in surrender. “Chill, jeez. But for real, though. You’re just gonna use the people you’ll match with until you’re eventually paired with Kageyama?” 
Shrugging, you answered, “I guess so.” 
“You’re evil.” She chuckled. “But same. I hope Suna, or whatever his name is, won't get his feelings hurt.”
“The dude wants out of the program. He said it himself,” you said, remembering the guy’s voice recording, “Guess him and I can use each other, then.”
Two hours on this train ride was getting more and more unbearable, but looking at the view made you realize that you were already nearing the capital city. From what seemed to be an endless stretch of cornfields, scattered in hues of gold under the aureate horizon was soon replaced by the complete void of darkness as the bullet train entered a tunnel. You could barely make out the graffiti on the concrete walls as the train accelerated and passed nothing but an enclosed wall that nearly made you claustrophobic because of how long the tunnel was. 
Passing the tunnel probably took half an hour or so. 
And outside that passageway was a whole new world filled with neon signages and huge holographic screens that emit saturated tones of blue, purple, and pink. The famous A.I. of Paragon, Polly, appeared from the window and spoke in her robotic yet feminine voice saying, “Welcome! You have now arrived in New Tokyo.”
To your left, you saw Summer grinning at the sight. “It’s like a different dimension out here.” 
It was, truthfully, a whole new world out there. You hadn’t been to New Tokyo before and although people have told you that there were parts of the city that weren’t exactly aesthetically pleasing to the eyes, you still thought of how the ugliest places in New Tokyo would have been the most beautiful parts of Miyagi. No city could have this much technology spread out in every corner. Even the average people walking on the streets had au courant outfits to prove that everyone in this city were trendy and fashionable by nature. 
You felt out of place. Felt like you didn’t belong. Felt like… an outsider. 
“You’ll be fine,” Summer mumbled, reaching for her bags from the overhead bin. She was quick to notice your bubbling anxiety from being in a foreign yet not-so-foreign city. “How about we go see what Tobio is up to?”
The plan was to enter the Lovers’ Village, have our lovechips implanted, leave our things at our designated lodging, and to navigate around the neighborhood in hopes of finding Tobio Kageyema. 
And to be fucking honest, you were only looking forward to the last one. 
Welcome to New Tokyo, Y/N L/N. Rintarou Suna is 5 km away. Would you like to leave your Match a message?
> Yes > No
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“Aaah—ah!” Slam. “S-Suna-kun…!” Slam. “Y-Yes! Mm, more…” 
Fuck, Suna cussed inwardly. Just look at her tits. He was definitely going to miss seeing those perfect, round breasts bouncing wildly while he was fucking her hard and fast. He could feel her walls tightening around his girth, satiating his sexual needs as she spread her legs even wider to give him deeper access for his tip to reach her g-spot. 
He tightly gripped her waist to keep her body steady, pinning her down on the mattress as he rammed his hardened cock inside of her swollen pussy. Rintarou couldn’t help but mumble a “you’re so hot” to her ears—his warm breath arousing her even more with the way she was clenching inside. Goddamn it, she had the most delicious pussy he had ever fucked. That was the only thing he liked about her. 
“Shit,” he grunted, increasing his pace by thrusting his hips faster than ever. He was on a mission to chase his orgasm, not caring how loud the girl was becoming under him. She was whimpering for his name, squeezing her tits together with her half-lidded emerald eyes and parted pink lips, telling him how much she would miss him and how she was so sad that their relationship was bound to expire soon. “I’m gonna cum,” was the only thing Suna cared to say, watching his member going in and out of her entrance before he started to feel a familiar coil in his lower abdomen. There, without waiting for her climax, he released his by pulling his cock out and stroking it above her tits. His warm seed dripped down on her nipple, leaving her panting and smiling with satisfaction. 
“Suna-kun,” she weakly called for his name, pulling him down for a kiss. “Please kiss me.” 
Rintarou wouldn’t normally indulge his Matches with kisses unless he was really horny or he was trying to build the sexual tension, but since he only had a few minutes left to spend with her, he decided that a short but passionate kiss wouldn’t hurt. After all, they weren’t ever going to meet again. She would have found her new match and he would have found his. 
30 seconds. 
That was what the expiry date showed from behind his lenses and Aeri was still shamelessly naked underneath him. 
“Please,” she begged again, touching his nape and urging him to lean in. “I love you.” 
15 seconds. 
“Aeri.” He snorted and stroked her bright pink hair. “I told you never to fall in love with me.” 
Sad tears filled up her eyes before she pressed her thin lips on his. “I know. I just couldn’t help it.” 
5 seconds. 
He deepened the kiss and let her roll her tongue around his—their mouths acting as each other’s suction as they inhaled each other’s presence before the timer went off. 
Your relationship with Aeri Sakurai has expired. 
Your final love score is 68%. 
A minimum love score of 75% must be earned to level up. 
Pulling away, he got up from one side of the bed and slipped on his sweatpants. He could see from his reflection on the mirror that there were faint purple hickeys she had left on his neck and shoulder blades, laughing to himself while knowing full well that Aeri did that to let his new match know just how much he regularly slept with his last one. 
“Oh God!” she squealed, eyeing the ceiling but possibly seeing something behind her lenses. The lovechip usually gives you a vision of a screen that only you have access to, and that was possibly what she was seeing now. Her new match. “Oh my God, he’s hot!”
While chuckling, Suna raked his fingers through his hair and tossed a towel in her direction. “Clean yourself up and get outta here.” He then moved towards the nightstand to reach for a cigarette that he soon lit up. “Where’s the next one located?” 
Aeri covered her naked body with a towel and scrambled to pick up her underwear. “32B,” she said, tiptoeing to peck his cheek. “I’m gonna be so far away from you.” 
Two blocks away wasn’t that far, but there was no reason for them to keep seeing each other, either way. “What’s his name?” 
“Koutarou Bokuto.” She hid her smile. “He’s quite a big guy.” 
Just when Suna was about to wish her luck, the familiar bright purple notification popped up before his eyes. He took a long drag from his cigarette as he read through the message. 
Congratulations, Rintarou Suna! We found a new match for you! 
Name: Y/N L/N 尊名
Age: 23 years old
Location: Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Dating success rate: 0%
Likes: astronomy, sci-fi movies, cats 
Dislikes: rude people, ghosts, dark 
Y/N L/N posted a recent voice message. Would you like to listen?
> Yes > No
“Did you get a new match?” Aeri waved at his face and tried to cut him out of trance. “Is she pretty?” 
Suna blew a puff of smoke in between his lips and shook his head. “Average looking.” 
It seemed as if his answer satisfied Aeri as she lifted his chin with her index finger. “It’s such a pity we only lasted for five months.” 
“You were my longest,” he admitted, but chose to stay in his stoic nature. He wondered how long the relationship would last with you, though. Aeri and him spent five months because their sexual compability played a huge factor on keeping their lovescore steady at 75%. But they couldn’t maintain that percentage after five months because Suna himself couldn’t commit to doing more romantic actions that felt more like a performance rather than genuine acts of love. Unfortunately, one of the rules in this system was to maintain an average love score of 75% to level up, and by leveling up, that meant you would have a better shot at turning your match into your soulmate. And once you manage to reach the soulmate status, you would have more access to better privileges such as the ability to get married, the ability to make babies, and the ability to live in a better lodging. For Rin, they all sound like a nightmare. 
So, if anyone ever asked him to give reviews on this dating simulation again, he would still rate it with 0 stars. 
The only considerable privilege they could get out of reaching the soulmate status was to be released from the program with the freewill to choose where they want to live, what job they want to have, and receive monetary prizes from Paragon that they only offer to successful couples. 
To be clear here, Suna never had the interest to join ParagonLove™ and all their bullshit about creating a perfect, harmonious society. No, he was randomly selected and he hasn’t been able to leave the program for the past two years. They said he had to perform his part and comply, otherwise it could affect his citizenship. What utter bullshit. He would rather have been selected to join the Japan Special Forces than to be trapped as an experiment in this corny episode of Love Island. 
Who cares about technological advancement when in a societal collapse? People were starving. Starving. And yet, all of these assholes in Paragon only care about building more of those stupid androids and eccentric simulation apps. Guess that wasn’t enough entertainment for them, so now they wanted to mess with their personal lives, too. They were turning this dating simulation as though they were curating some kind of a music playlist based on their supposed taste. Suna couldn’t help feeling nothing but distaste towards the rulers of his country. 
“Did ‘ya hear about the rumor that’s been goin’ around?” asked Atsumu Miya, one of Suna’s best friends in high school and also a ‘proud member’ of PL™. They were both seated on their respective bean bags playing a video game to burn the clock. “They said there’s this UFO sighting at a site near Sendai. Apparently, it crashed and they discovered aliens there.” 
Suna stared at the holographic screen, uninterested about the rumor. “That happened over a year ago.” 
“No, this one’s a different case,” the blond insisted, “Man, rumor has it that the girl’s really striking, too.” 
“Girl? I thought you said it’s an alien.”
“An alien disguised as a human girl, basically.” 
“Yeah, but…” Atsumu yawned. “I heard it’s being tortured at the Fukushima Research Facility. It’s not on the news because they don’t want the people to panic, but they’re not doing a great job at hiding it. But that’s not even the best part. I heard the alien’s claiming to have met the head of the research department in another universe.” 
Rintarou huffed. “Insane fucking world we live in. Who’s the new head of the research department again?” 
A shrug was his best friend’s response. “Satoru Gojou? Tall, white-haired dude, heir to a prestigious clan?”
“Whatever.” He placed the cigarette back between his lips and focused on the video game. “Maybe the ‘alien’ is actually just a deranged person. They need to send her to an asylum.” 
Frankly, stories and rumors like these could be heard all around the streets of New Tokyo every single day, but nothing was ever confirmed to be true. Perhaps only those working for Paragon know the truth. Perhaps they were just watching too many sci-fi movies to the point that they were creating all these absurd stories. 
Something clicked on Suna’s mind as he recalled someone who might actually find these nonsensical stories interesting. “I got my new match today.” 
“No shit,” retorted Atsumu. “I already saw Aeri leaving with her baggage this afternoon. Guess she’s off to see her new match, too?”
“Yeah…” A thick cloud of smoke crawled out of Rintarou’s lips before he patted the embers of his cigarette on the ashtray. “I fucked her one last time before she left.” 
The sudden sound of the main door opening and closing had both Suna and Atsumu turning towards the stranger on the door. Her eyes were quick to scan his appearance, judging the messy apartment, and grimacing at the awful smell of cigarette smoke. 
“Nice to meet you,” you greeted, unenthusiastically. “I’m your new match.” 
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taglist :: @maitaro @tamak00 @wolffmaiden @suhkusa @boosyboo9206 @fairywriter-oracle @rntrsuna
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initial-dream · 1 year
Initial D Battle 01-02-03
Ok I'll get this started with a little bit of a local oddity.
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Initial D Battle 01-02-03 is a DVD release of Initial D that came out March 31st 2008 here in the UK. It was distributed by VDI Entertainment, a company I am unable to find any information about, and features the Tokyopop version of the series.
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It is, for all intents and purposes, literally just the first three Tokyopop sets in a single case. Three discs, each with three episodes on them, covering the first nine episodes of First Stage. Now, on its own, this sounds fine, but it's worsened so much by being the only release of the Initial D anime in the UK. A lot of American's complain they never got a release past Fourth Stage, but try not even getting past Nakazato. Supposedly a second set was planned, before being delay several times and cancelled (though the only source I can find for this is an ancient review).
So that's the first part that makes this odd. Five years after their initial USA release, Tokyopop release only nine episodes of the show in the UK, despite having already fully released the series up to Extra Stage in the USA, and also in Australia.
There is another odd part to this set, odder than there being no other releases (after all, Funimation's release is entirely on Crunchyroll now). The release  advertises on its reverse cover that it contains Extras. I always find these to be the most interesting part of these sets, but weirdly there's no Extras option in the menu. I was expecting the same exact menu as is present on the American releases, but nope, it's just not there. See below for a comparison (USA on the left and UK on the right).
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Digging around in the files on a computer you're able to find that the special features are actually present on the disc. The special features are as expected, the same blooper reels and introduction to the trading card game as in the Region 1 release, as well as a bunch of trailers for other anime releases.
What's odd about these trailers is that they're not present on the original Tokyopop sets, and aren't for series' that were dubbed by Tokyopop. For example one of the trailers is for FLCL, a series dubbed by Synch-Point. The trailer in question is below:
This trailer gives away why this release is so weird (as does my upload’s title). If I'm not mistaken, this release isn't based on the American sets, its based on the Australian sets. The end of the above trailer features the logo of Madman Entertainment, who don't operate in the UK. I've been unable to verify this (if you own the Madman release of the Tokyopop version, let me know, I'd be interested to see if this is all correct) but it does seem to be right. Another ad is for Battle Doll Angelic Layer, which did not receive a UK release until 2018, ten years after this set released.
I imagine VDI didn't have the rights to many of these series, and instead of just removing the ads, they hid all of the special features, and forgot to update the packaging.
So that's the Initial D anime's only UK release. Definitely odd, but interesting at the same time. If you’re interested in seeing the other special features on the disc, you can watch them all on my YouTube channel here.
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trickarrows-bishop · 4 months
Loui, I've gone mad....
you know how I have a talent for making terrible people worse?
I had an idea for a beautiful au that makes demon baby somehow more tragic!
-side note I have just spent an hour deep diving into Christian Demonology......so know that I'm definitely getting religious advertisements because of this. The things we do for art-
So here goes!
You know how people have pointed out the minor plot whole of Lily's family producing 'Six generations' of Halo-Barers, despite the whole 'nun-no-sexytimes' thing? And that Lilith does NOT get an alternative option? I fixed both of those, by adding terrible people!
General notes:
The beings from the other realm classified as Major archdemons ie Reya and Adrial, and Lessor archdemons.
The Lessor Archdemons have the following characteristics.
Generally embody one of the 'deadly sins'
Maintain strict morality defined by and loyalty to those they perceive as above them.
Single minded obsessive drive, usually directed towards a goal by a Major Archdemon.
Limited unique abilities.
Rapid healing
Ok on to the au!
Mary and Shannon are training when baby-nun Lily is brought to the convent. Mary at first is just, 'oh God this kid came pre-installed with nepotism', but over time she's realizes that oh no this kid legit cannot comprehend life and existence out of this #onepurpose she has been given.
That and she's a little suspicious about the whole pipeline automatically just knows this kid is the next barer, even before she arrives. So her and Shannon start digging.
At first they just uncover basic information about Lily's family, like a list of the Halo-Barers, along side the dossier created by the Mother Superion of the time.
Alecto - unique ability was control of fire. Noted to spend more time 'accompanying the towns men's than is strictly appropriate.
Amy - unique ability was the ability to summon an astral bird she could use as her eyes and ears. Noted to swipe small easily missed objects while on mission, to be hoarded in the room behind her walls.
Miriam - unique ability to influence via a whisper, allowing her to discreetly empty a room. Rarely seemed to actually kill the wraiths, content to remove and vanish them, relied on her sisters for the bulk of fighting.
Grimora - unique ability to create an illusion of herself to distract enemies. This ability drained her and caused her to need to eat nearly three times that of her sisters.
Ivy - unique ability to see the immediate future, allowing her to know what possible attacks would come before they are made. Her file has a note that her Mother Superion worried that she deliberately chose painful bloody actions, seemingly loving the fight.
Valerie - unique ability is to read surface level thoughts of those she meets. Sister Valerie was a noted climber, frequently switching convents until she died in battle while defending a small town just outside of Rome.
While these were interesting, they didn't really say much about the family itself, although Shannon did learn that apparently there was a hidden room behind the wall of the Halo-Barers bedroom.
But Mary and Shannon saw an opportunity to investigate further during a trip to Lilith's home where her family invited them to have dinner as a gift from the family of the next barer.
The two sneak off and everyone just kind of assumes they are getting some.....alone time, so no one follows.
Eventually they end up in the family wine cellar, or specifically a small office just off of it, hidden behind some casks.
There they find a book detailing the legacy of the Villaumbrosia Family. It was discovered several centuries ago that on the rare occasion, a Lessor Archdemon will appear in our realm, thought to be the result of large concentrations of wraiths and other demons forming the being as an infant.
The Villaumbrosia family discovered a ritual that could lock away many of the overt characteristics of the demons, leaving a 'human' that is easily directed and controlled, whose abilities would awaken upon contact with artifacts from the other realm.
The church then had the idea of using these occasions to their benefit. Because why waist a human life to be sacrificed as a Halo-Barer when instead they could utilize this demonic thing?
So the Villaumbrosia's would adopt and raise these infants to only obey the church, providing a convenient pawn of absolute loyalty. Each one would be given a name in reference to their demonic heritage, as to remind those around them that they were not human and deserved no consideration Individually.
Unfortunately the halo had a luring effect on them, pulling out the obsessions and 'sins' by mere proximity.
So Shannon and Mary were able to piece together the pieces of information they had gotten. Little Lily was the latest in this chain.
After Shannon died, Mary completes the little analysis as a gift to Lilith, a way to expose the family and end the cycle.
Awakened via Halo:
Alecto - Lust
Amy - Greed
Miriam (Merihem) - Sloth
Grimora (Gemory) - Gluttony
Ivy (Vine) - Wrath
Valerie (Valac) - Envy
Awakened via travel to the other realm:
Lilith - Pride, unique ability to manifest wings. This ability was corrupted by the fusion of the tarask, turning what would have been dark feathery wings into what they are today. The Tarask also altered the healing capabilities to produce divinium and scales, as well as granting her their teleportation abilities.
Reya rejects these beings as she feels they are another example of a bastardization of her realm. A stolen child turned weapon. She seeks to destroy them, sending her tarask followers to attack. This is why there has not been a sighting of one for so long before the series.
Lilith's fusion with the Tarask has afforded her some immunity to this, as she is an altogether different creature.
Do you see my vision!?!?!?!?
ngl this was a lot of information for someone who woke up and went back to sleep what has felt like fifteen times bUT AYOOOOOOOOOO I SEE THE VISION
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talenlee · 5 months
The 2024 Pitch
Hi. I’m Talen Lee. It’s 2024. Let me tell you what you’ll see here. But first I need to talk to you about podcasts.
I listen to a lot of podcasts? Well, that’s not true. I listen to a small number of podcasts, but I listen to a lot of them. In 2023 I listened to 45 days of one podcast, and that podcast has absolutely no advertising and sponsorship, just supported by patrons on Patreon. That archive empty, I went to listen to another podcast, which does have ads, which means that in listening to this one podcast daily, I have listened to a lot of adverts for other podcasts. Podcast advertising is a special kind of hell where you get a 30 second audio spot with some music in which someone
Look yeah you clicked on the right link I’m doing something here, shut up
In which someone who you might recognise, but usually just some mediocre person with a media career access, tells you that hey, they’re making a podcast, and you should check it out because hahaaah, it’s a podcast! They’re there to talk about the subject, another subject, and another subject and whatever strikes their fancy.
I hate this.
I haaaate this.
I hate this because it betrays this ambiguity of purpose, and feels like the person in question isn’t really interested in what they’re talking about. I’m doing a podcast or whatever, y’know, come up with some reason to engage with this if my name recognition or my tone of voice doesn’t specifically do it on its own. It’s the worst kind of basic advertising that isn’t trying to connect a person with something they might want, it’s instead throwing the seeds into the wild with all the enthusiasm of a Nigerian Prince spam scam email, casting fistfuls of rotten seeds into the air in the hopes that they will land and arrive in a listener’s ear and at that perfect moment tell them: Ah, products exist.
It’s even more dire because in many cases these are podcasts that are essentially working as a kind of marketing product, a literal form of ‘content’ that an attract ‘an audience’ of ‘a demographic’ which means they can ‘monetise’ that content by sticking ads between the ‘content.’ True Crime podcasts are dire as a whole genre but that is at least a genre with a problem and that problem can be examined in terms of what the genre is doing and what it’s affecting.
This? This is just ‘I make content, and that content is a land of contrasts.’
With that in mind.
Hi, I’m Talen Lee. I’m a game maker, games studies academic, game critic, and media studies graduate with an honours degree working on a PhD in board game making. I’m bisexual, I’m cis, I grew up in a cult. I think that people make games as cultural artifacts, I think there are more interesting ways to talk about games than as just commercial products, and I think that academic concepts are not beyond you, a casual or common audience who are tangentially interested in them. I have had students who have scraped through classes with minimal effort managing to wrap their heads around ideas like paratext agonic play,  you can get there too, I’m confident.
Every day, there’s a new article posted on Press Dot EXE. What you’re going to find here fits broadly into these categories:
Games, from my perspective as someone who makes and loves games
Media, from my perspective as someone qualified in Media Studies
My experiences growing up with Fundamentalism
Like, that’s kind of it. Games, media and fundamentalism, that’s all I do. That takes a lot of different forms, of course.
I don’t like repeating on a topic too much. That means there are things I do with a mindset of ‘once a month’ – I try not to make a single subject too common, too often. To hit that goal, I try to limit myself to once-a-month articles about:
My original characters
My ‘original’ world for tabletop RPGs, Cobrin’Seil
Worldbuilding advice and guidance in general without a specific example
The franchises Transformers, Pokemon, and Magic The Gathering
I do write about D&D a fair bit, the two editions I know well, which are 3rd edition and 4th edition (which is the best edition). They get a slot each each month, and so does the special series How To Be, which describes a process for trying to make a particular character from pop culture media in the game system of 4th Edition D&D. I started this because I thought the complaints about 4e D&D being ‘inflexible’ or ‘like an MMORPG’ for character building didn’t make any sense to me, and then decided to show that you can translate a lot of different kinds of characters to that format.
Every week, I start the Monday with a piece on a media work, which I call Story Pile, and then the Friday, I publish an article on a game, which I call Game Pile. Every two weeks, the Game Pile article will be a video, and published on Youtube, and here!
Every even month, I use a theme to unite the content on the blog. That means if you like a particular type of content, it’s easy to look for in the archives. The themes and their corresponding months are:
February is Smooch Month, where I talk about romantic media
April is Talen Month, where I talk about things that matter to me personally
June is Pride Month, which is about queer media
August is Tricks Month, where I talk about magical tricks and illusions
October is Dread Month, where I look into horror and darker topics
December is Decemberween, a celebration of cool things I’ve seen through the year
That’s the goals for the year, with an aim for every article clocking in at one thousand words. I also aim to be better and more consistent about alt text this year – this is an example of a bad habit I’ve let fester for a long time, like not using categories and tags, and I intend to address it going forward.  
That’s what you get here. You get media analysis. You get games. You get an ex-cultist thinking about things and a deliberate attempt to keep things from getting too repetitive and boring.
Where all good podcasts are sold.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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kiksniko · 11 months
pleas infodump abt your ocs to us........
anon i don't think you realize what you've just unleashed BUT HERE WE GOO
i got a little excited so my rambling is going under the cut
so the basic premise is that nova is a literal star ( a protostar to be exact) and likes to take different forms that allows them to travel between different planets. their one dream was to travel to as many planets as possible before they undergo metamorphosis and become a main sequence star (fancy way of saying they need to explode and undergo rebirth etc etc) which will happen when they turn 20
i say that they want to go as many planets as possible BUT the only exception was earth, because in between traveling between planets they made friends with other interstellar travelers and they all said how earth is the worst and their customs are so odd and aren't these beings aware that war isn't gonna solve all their problems?? so yeah, Earth was on Nova's blacklist
now picture this, Nova is 19 and wants to undertake their most ambitious voyage yet before they explode (the process takes a surprisingly long time) , traveling millions of light years from where their home constellation is. Their companion (the tiny ball of gases called kyle) is advising them to NOT go dude this trek is gonna be virtually impossible with your current equipment but nova is like no no trust we will make it with the power of my ideals.
and so nova embarks on this journey, but it goes rocky towards the very end and they lose control of their trajectory. one thing leads to the other and... this doesn't look like what the brochures advertised? you can see where this is going...
so now nova is on earth, and they can't leave coz most of their equipment got burned to a crisp when they landed and making new gadgets will take them months if not years without added assistance. yipee !!
the rest is basically history from there. nova hates every single second of being on earth for a while but eventually they meet this guy called leo who is the most intriguing human being they have ever met, and decides to bother stay with him for the rest of their duration on the planet (much to leo's annoyance) here's what he looks like :) he also has a twin brother called lucius but i am yet to draw him fully orz
Tumblr media
nova gets to meet zuli through leo since they go to the same uni and have been childhood friends :D this story is so dear to my heart since it's got found family, hurt/comfort, fluff, MAJOR angst especially with the laika family and overall good summer vibes
there are a bunch of other characters that i could talk about for forever but that requires several google docs HELEPDSHJB if you made it all the way here i am literally in love with you btw
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
I’m sorry but I have to respectfully disagree with you here. You said not to box all Christians/Religious people into a box. But yet you are basically doing it by boxing Russians together in one box over a video game. Just because Jensen took part in a ad for a video game doesn’t mean he supports or endorses war. He isn’t even in the video game at all just the ad. Also the company who developed the game isn’t even based in Russia. I believe few of the people who work there are Russian I also think there are a few who are Ukrainian as well. That doesn’t mean they support what is happening either. If by taking part in the ad for a video game makes someone a supporter for war/violence then you are saying the same thing about everyone who worked on the game. If taking part in a video game about war means you support war then every single actor, designer, advertiser, developer & etc of games like Call of Duty supports war & violence to right?
Hogwarts Legacy is being attacked as well. Would you say that everyone who took part in making Hogwarts Legacy or everyone who buys it are automatically against the LGBTQ+ community? No. So everyone who worked on(including those who took part in the advertising or who buys Atomic Heart doesn’t mean they support or endorse war of any kind.
Anon, if your mother died but I came to your house and organized a party while you were holding the funeral in the same place, how would that make you feel? If I also backed up the people that ran her over how would you feel? Heavy example and I deeply apologize but just wanted to give you some perspective as to where people are coming from. Can you see how for Ukrainians, whether Jensen meant to or not, him taking on the name of a well known Russian who caused pains for so many is like Jensen saying he gives no f about the war they are enduring? Before defending a privileged white male who is perfectly fine, have you considered what it's like for those experiencing the negative effects of his choice?
Also, please do your research and follow the money as you seem to make claims while being fully misinformed. If you think bloodmoney should be commended then I am truly speechless.
Going to leave you with this: The name of Jensen's character is inspired by a very dark russian...do your research on that as well and you will see why people are taking an issue and why they are absolutely wise to do so.
The creators of this game chose to be tone deaf because there is no way their people did not inform them about history and certain associations as well as the pr issues they would potentially pose. Jensen also chose to be tone deaf. If you are looking to excuse him, you are on the wrong blog. This is about something much more important than a D lister, this is about lack of humanity and greed and encouraging or enabling that, I promise you, will not lead to any positive results for society. Like it or not, Jensen IS a role model, he needs to step into being one and stop making irresponsible choices.
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darkdisrepair · 2 years
critical role meta: campaign 3, 2, 1 analysis
now, this isn't exactly a c3e28 meta as much of it was the exandrian equivalent of podracing (which was so much fun, despite the doubts i had with watching a billion rounds of combat).
but i have been doing some reading on reddit (dangerous, i know) and seen some discussions over the pacing of campaign 3 and the amount of roleplay that's been going on....
and i had some thoughts to share- as someone whose experience with the cr campaigns goes from the most knowledge of campaign 3, then campaign 1, and campaign 2.
(and let me say that ALL of this is just me keyboard smashing my thoughts and i respect all opinions people have on this- i love seeing people get passionate about different aspects of c2 and the other campaigns!)
read along if you like!
campaign 1: where it all started
for me, campaign 1 was the first critical role content i ever watched. i was in high school then (so six-ish years ago) and i don't think very much of campaign 2 was airing at that point.
how did i get into critical role, do you ask? blindspot and ashley johnson.
however, the intrigue with her as an actress and her d&d references quickly became a love of campaign 1. i never watched the entire campaign, every single episode, because that is a LOT. however, the more i started to love each character, the more i knew. i started with deep-diving into pike, then vex, and then by extension i grew to love every character in the campaign (except tiberius).
i think that your first critical role campaign will always hold a special place in your heart, which is why c1 will always be higher than c2 for me.
and the magic of c1, to me, is in the homey vibe to it all. the humble start with scuffed mics and pizza in the middle of the game, to ashley being greeted with such joy when she comes in, to seeing their growth as actors. i think it's a beautiful tribute to the group's friendship, and ultimately their friendship is what makes the campaign so special.
and also - i like that it doesn't feel staged, or stilted, and it's just them flying by the seat of their pants as they grew more and more. there's such a raw joy to campaign 1 that i just love.
campaign 2:
this might be controversial- but i had a hard time falling in love with campaign 2. now, the better production will always be a plus, but some of the characters i just had a really, really hard time connecting with.
and that's to no fault of the actors themselves- they all made such interesting, deep characters.
but critical role is first an foremost a source of entertainment, and it just felt so heavy for something that i generally use to escape from responsibility. hard to digest (but worth it, i do recognize!)
and it felt that they weren't playing as themselves (except for laura's jester, though i may be biased). if campaign 1 gave of homey, comfort, family vibes, campaign 2 always gave off "masterclass in d&d and voice acting" vibes, which is impressive and detailed and wonderful.
and i understand wanting to push yourself forward! it makes sense, that you would want to go bold and depart from the iconic character you built from campaign 1. there are beautiful character moments and story elements in campaign 2 that i am very aware of and love, but it just didn't click with me in the overall scheme of things.
now: campaign 3
let me warn you: campaign 3 is the first campaign i have watched as it airs. so i may be biased in my loyalty to this campaign, as all the other campaigns i was a little too late to catch up to the live episodes.
but here are a few observations on that front.
one: my least favorite thing about campaign 3 might be how staged certain things feel (the advertisement portion, especially, i feel like is starting to lose that off-the-cuff vibe that sam used to have, which is what i always loved about his ads)
two: combat has never been my personal favorite part of the show. in fights that matter story-wise, i find it easier to enjoy them, but when it's a random run-of-the-mill encounter, i am invested less in watching everyone try and figure out their turns for an hour.
so that's why i personally love the amount of RP in campaign 3. i love the story building and the character building. i feel like i'm getting to know the characters and more importantly, watch them start to care about each other.
and perhaps that's the magic of campaign 3. to me, it re-captures that essence that campaign 1 had, of watching a group of friends unite together and grow alongside each other, into something more.
thought yes, if you're a big combat fan it can get a little slow pacing-wise (even sometimes i agree that not everyone needs to have intimate conversations every evening), i love the love that the characters already have for each other.
do they need to balance the rp and combat better? yes, i would agree. but i don't think the rp is a weakness of the campaign. i think building that background of support is so, so important, especially with this group, because ultimately i do think a lot of them could be seen as potential departures from the party if you just look at their backstories.
for example, orym: when he finds the assassins, he could return to the ashari and consider his mission complete. seeing his ties to everyone else, though, i don't think he will. he cares so much about them, now.
and fcg: in reuniting with dancer, in one world, he would go with her without question. but now, i think they've started to question what being an automaton means, when they have people who care about them and stick up for them and encourage them to find their humanity.
and imogen: everyone has said that homegirl has a corruption arc just waiting to happen, and i agree, i do think she's one incident away from losing her shit entirely and going feral. but i also don't see her turning her back on her friends- the only people, really, who have embraced her in the way that they have.
i could go on and on- fearne leaving with her parents without question, chetney going rogue (hehe), ashton joining the paragon's call and never looking back, laudna going full-delilah puppet, etc.
but these character moments they've had with everyone else has tied them together. and i love watching those bonds grow. there's a purity and an almost innocence? in how they care about each other and look out for each other, that is just so comforting to watch.
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