#after effects piracy
softsinnamonart · 25 days
whyyyy does after effects have to cost money WHYYYYY
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xoshepard · 10 months
thinking about my future me5e campaign again. it’s so exciting and scary that i get to make an original story in the mass effect universe that doesn’t center around the og cast (although i’ll of course have cameos, even if they’re lost on around half the players ksdfjkd)
it is nice that i won’t have to struggle so much for environment design most of the time since the environments have been designed already. but i gotta think about what kinds of situations they’re gonna be in, which will be interesting since it could be Literally Anything bc i don’t have to follow the story of the game. but im excited about some details like how long space flight will take and how things will progress if they operate separately. i’m pretty worried about the fact that it’s shaping up to be like 6-8 people tho dsjkfhdsk. my bf also asked to join which would be hilarious as it would make him one of 2 Definitely Cis ppl and the only cis man so i told him The Council (the gc) would need to approve his entry sdkfshfkj but on the other hand, all his friends seem to be local and i’ve already started meeting them so it’s probably only fair that he get to join my campaign dsjkfhs also by the time we get to my campaign it should be very obvious to me whether it’s appropriate for him to meet Da Boys
v excited for the couple of you on here that have said you want to join tho bc it’ll be nice to have a couple ppl reacting appropriately when i make references to the games dsjfhdsj although i am also just very excited that the lads are letting me do this at all considering only one of them has played the games
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stuffisaidonmyprivate · 3 months
ae annoying the FUCK outta me rn i need to pirate this program harder
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flynnandsteel · 7 months
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I have not been the same since Zheng Yi Sao became a character in our flag means death. It means so much to me that pirate-related media is representing her more because I never would have known about her and she is too cool to be forgotten.
For years pop culture either portrayed her as the racist "submissive asian woman" stereotype or ignored her completely. It's infuriating. Now though we have a strong portrayal of her in both doctor who and our flag means death!! Let me tell you a few things about the rightfully named "Pirate queen".
On average, most pirates died 2 years after starting piracy. Edward Teach died after two years, Stede Bonnet died after one and Israel Hands impressively died around 8 years after starting, all executed. Our pirate queen died at 68 after a successful 9 year career. In fact, she only stopped because she was made to surrender and lived the rest of her years in effective retirement.
She inherited her late husbands pirate fleets and at one point commanded around 1,800 ships. Blackbeard is believed to have a maximum of 5- likely because he didn't get along with people well enough to amass enough crews to run them. She had the largest fleet in history.
Zheng Yi Sao was a leader and undoubtedly one of the most successful pirates ever and yet we dare to forget her.
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queerfandomtrifecta · 6 months
S2 is driving me nuts like anytime I try and find any sort of semblance of a tangible theme it’s just not there.
I thought it was gonna be learning how to heal from trauma correctly, because Ed’s whole Kraken era is a bad coping mechanism and we got what felt like this massive narrative plant in e1 with Frenchie saying there’s a box in his mind where he puts all the awful things and he never opens it.
Nope. Not that. Never addressed and everyone just gets over everything because “not moving on is worse”.
I thought it was gonna be atonement/apology/forgiveness, because of Stede’s “I think I hurt him pretty bad” and Izzy’s “you and me did this to him” and all the messed up ways Ed tortured the crew and everything he did to Izzy.
Nope. Ed forgives Stede after one(1) conversation and watching Buttons turn into a seagull. Influencer non-apology from Ed to the crew is just accepted by most of them. No apology to Izzy that takes accountability, but somehow a massive apology from Izzy, who has a long track record of already apologizing correctly so it’s not an arc, on his deathbed for something that had been resolved several episodes back in multiple ways and was barely even believable to begin with.
Identity in terms of being what you’re expected to be vs being happy was a massive theme in s1 but that was such a mess in s2. Like we sort of have that with Ed but not really. He threw away his leathers, then got them back. Stede is apparently trying to become a more effective captain, and aside from the fact that s1 already established his different way of doing things was what made him that already and that I’d never have known it if I hadn’t read it in an interview, he leaves piracy completely at the end of s2 so that very very forced arc for him doesn’t even play out.
The only actual arc that happened in s2 was for Izzy. He got a redemption arc, he suffered, he saved everyone, he was accepted seemingly as the leader of his new found family. It was done so well in episodes 1-4 for him. It gets hazy after that and ends in a way that doesn’t even make basic storytelling sense. He had to die for Ed to be truly free?? We wrapped that up multiple episodes ago. Ed hasn’t struggled with the “consequences” of Izzy pushing him to be Blackbeard since the end of s2e3, and we don’t even see that happening anymore in s2 at all. Izzy isn’t “feeding the darkness”. He actively tries to stop it in e1 and DOES in e2. If Jenkins hadn’t said in interviews what Izzy’s death was supposed to represent, it wouldn’t have been interpreted that way at all. And if you’re having to explain it because it’s not clear in the text, you’ve done a bad job conveying your story.
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sixstepsaway · 6 months
from a writing perspective i dislike izzy's death because it just felt oddly pointless and weirdly telegraphed
this is subjective, obviously, but in my opinion after that opening dream of s2, a good story would be stede getting izzy killed
he does something, probably something in his desperate attempt to get to ed, and izzy dies because of it. izzy still gets his weird moment with ed at the end, and stede feels bad - like, awful - about izzy dying because he doesn't want izzy to die for him to get to ed anymore. he cares about him now.
it hurts him and makes him feel so twisted up with guilt that him and his posturing as a pirate got izzy killed (a call back to "I'm not a pirate! I'm an idiot!" from season 1) that he gives up his life of piracy to move to an inn with ed...
a better story imo, would be something similar, except instead of izzy getting shot because of stede doing something to get to ed, stede takes the bullet for izzy.
stede goes down. izzy hauls him back to the ship. ed meets them halfway and freaks the fuck out because he left and now stede is dying!
stede's on his back on the deck, bleeding. ed is losing his shit. he starts to realize all the mistakes he's made and how selfish he can be and how he doesn't think about the effect he has on others.
stede wails pathetically. he uses his final breaths to tell izzy he's sorry for all those times he dreamt about killing him.
izzy stares at him
"you're shot on the left, bonnet, walk it off."
stede does, indeed, walk it off.
he needs some recovery time and ed needs some time to work through what he's done, so he and ed stay on land for a while and open an inn, with the promise they'll return to the revenge when stede has healed, at least for a little while.
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jaskierx · 6 months
thought about ed trying to break ned low's record for too long and made myself sad
i wish we'd had a few more scenes around it in the show bc i feel like it's such an effective illustration of ed's mental state at the start of s2 in a bunch of different ways
one of the things that kicked off izzy's whole attack on ed in s1e10 was ed saying 'why are we even being pirates'. and then that attack is the catalyst for ed becoming the kraken. it's like he said 'oh you want me to be a pirate? you want me to be blackbeard, you want me to be the best pirate? fuck it. let's break the raid record. let's be record breaking pirates. let's do 88+ consecutive raids without a break. fuck you'
and this gives ed something to focus on, something to strive for, to try and distract himself from the pain he feels about stede abandoning him. so i could absolutely buy him throwing himself into the first few raids, trying to enjoy piracy again, and ending up feeling even worse because the issue was never that he didn't have a goal to work towards, it was that he's been tired of piracy for fucking ages. and he had the briefest glimmer of hope that it didn't have to be like that bc him and stede were gonna run away to china and reinvent themselves and live new lives, but that never happened, reinforcing his belief that fine things just aren't for people like him
so at the start of s2e1 he's back where he started, except now with the knowledge of exactly what he's missing and how different he could've felt if things had gone right, and he's absolutely fucking done
but he keeps going with the record anyway. because it's a contingency plan in multiple ways. if he keeps raiding ships, maybe he'll pick the wrong target one day and someone will manage to kill him. if he keeps overworking the crew, maybe they'll get sick of his shit and mutiny. if he gets close enough to breaking the record, maybe ned low will get pissed off and track him down to get his vengeance
and if none of that happens? he has a deadline. maybe he'd feel able to actually end his life himself at that point. maybe he could justify it as going out with a bang. everything hurts but that's okay because it'll all be over, one way or another, after they've hit that 89th raid, and he's finished, and he can go in peace without feeling like he's left a loose end
in ed's head, the record is a ticking clock counting down to being able to die at last and have a fucking rest
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the-hopefulpenguin · 1 month
The Problem of the Earth Kingdom
I’ve been doing some more thinking about Avatar geopolitics and I’ve settled upon a bit of an overarching theory - that the Earth Kingdom is the seat of every war in the last two centuries plus of the Avatar universe.
This is not to say that the Fire Nation, in particular, does not bear culpability for the Hundred Year War; they absolutely do; but rather that the geopolitical problem posed by the Earth Kingdom is one which policymakers have grappled with throughout the shows and books, to limited success. In brief, it is this: a strong Earth Kingdom is too powerful; a weak one is too unstable. As a result, policymakers in the Caldera, Republic City, the Water Tribes, and the White Lotus have struggled to find an effective balance - and repeatedly failed to do so.
To prove this, I would like to do give a history of major conflicts in Avatar and why they link back to this central problem of the Earth Kingdom.
THE PLATINUM KING Our first piece of evidence is the Platinum Affair and subsequent rule of Earth King Feishan in the late 5th and early 4th centuries BG. These inferences are drawn noting that we have relatively limited textual evidence from the period.
The inciting incident was a prolonged civil war in the Earth Kingdom, between the armies of the Earth King Feishan and a General Nong. The origins of the conflict are unclear, but we do know that it was protracted, with neither side seeking a decisive engagement. This had a negative impact on trade and potentially international stability.
As a consequence, the Water Tribes and Fire Nation began to fund General Nong in secret - the intention appearing to be to have him win and end the fighting, with a friendly regime in Ba Sing Se. In other words, foreign powers refused to tolerate instability in the Earth Kingdom, and so intervened.
Unfortunately for Agna Q’ela and the Caldera, Feishan ultimately won the civil war at the Battle of Llamapaca’s Crossing, which revealed the funding scheme and foreign culpability in it. The Earth King responded by embargoing on the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom, with only four cities permitted to handle a limited throughput of foreign trade. Internationally mobile elites (the shang merchants) in these cities, seeking to break free of the Earth King, attempted to develop new forms of bending - risking international stability in the process. Feishan also considered invasions of the other powers due to cooled relations. This is an example of how a strong, centralised Earth Kingdom provoked resistance from its periphery and fear abroad.
THE FIFTH NATION Our next piece of evidence is centred on the late fourth and early third centuries BG - the rise and fall of the Fifth Nation, a major group of corsairs operating off the southern coast of the Earth Kingdom.
Our textual sources on their rise to prominence are somewhat patchy. We know that there was a long history of sea-banditry in the region, but by the time of Yangchen, they were powerful enough for the Avatar to personally sign a treaty with them to secure an agreement not to attack the coasts of the Earth Kingdom. It is probable that their willingness to sign a deal with Yangchen was as much to do with fear of a united Earth Kingdom under Feishan as it was terror of the Avatar. After all, Yangchen’s treaty makes no mention of at-sea piracy; only that which directly targets the Earth Kingdom.
However, the end of the Feishan dynasty - it is unclear if this is the death of Feishan himself, or an immediate successor - led to the Wars of Secrets and Daggers, a succession of assassinations and palace coups from at least 306-296 BG which killed at least seven royals. This chaos was exploited by the Yellow Neck Uprising and led to rising status among regional magnates such as Jianzhu - who ultimately crushed the Yellow Necks at the Battle of Zhulu Pass. In short, the late fourth century BG saw a complete collapse in central Earth Kingdom authority.
The Fifth Nation was quick to exploit this, defeating the Earth Kingdom fleet in open combat and establishing maritime hegemony in the Eastern Ocean. They failed to expand into the Mo Ce, largely due to the actions of the Fire Nation, who stepped up their patrols to counter the pirate threat. The Fifth Nation was ultimately destroyed by Avatar Kyoshi and an aggressive maritime counterinsurgency campaign waged by the Fire Nation. In other words, the failure of Earth Kingdom stability exported a severe maritime security challenge which required sustained Calderan intervention to resolve.
SOZIN’S FEAR, OZAI’S FOLLY I've presented my argument about the origins of the Hundred Year War previously, so I will not dwell on it - the above article is a richer explanation. In brief, however, from the crisis of the fourth century, the Earth Kingdom began to enjoy a slow revival in fortunes through the third and second centuries - largely due to the actions of Avatar Kyoshi. By the first century BG, it is plausible that Ba Sing Se’s authority was once more reaching into its maritime periphery along the Mo Ce coastline.
For a Fire Nation used to trading privileges and political influence in this part of the Earth Kingdom, this could be seen as an immediate infringement. Moreover, the example of Feishan suggests that a united Earth Kingdom could threaten the core interests - perhaps even sovereignty - of the Fire Nation. Sozin therefore invaded the Earth Kingdom not to exterminate it, but to secure Fire Nation interests in the periphery and limit the Earth Kingdom’s united power.
Unfortunately for the Fire Nation, the Earth Kingdom proved more cohesive than they had assessed, and the war ground on for decades until Ozai, a strategically inept Fire Lord, mobilised a big enough coalition against him to end in a defeat for the Fire Nation - one actively enabled by the Avatar.
SWORD OF THE CALDERA But for the Fire Nation, defeat in war led to victory in peace. Fire Lord Zuko swiftly renounced overt rule on the continent, but defended Fire Nation privileges all the same - deploying an army to the continent in 101 AG to face down a royal force under Earth King Kuei. This crisis was settled by Avatar Aang, and led to the creation of the United Republic, carved out of Earth Kingdom territory along the Mo Ce periphery.
But, as discussed elsewhere, the United Republic was only nominally independent. In practice, it was heavily tied into the cultural and economic world of the Fire Nation - to the point that the commander-in-chief of its military is a Fire Nation prince. It is unclear if Zuko personally intended this, but it is a defensible position to argue that the United Republic was created to weaken the Earth Kingdom.
And weaken it, it most likely did. By the late 2nd century AG, the Earth Kingdom is experiencing a serious domestic crisis, on the order of the crisis of the late fourth/early third century BG. Even the movement of tax revenues to Ba Sing Se is seriously in doubt due to bandit activity, while local magnates such as Suyin of Zaofu wield immense power. It is probable that the United Republic played a role in this - it deprived the Earth Kingdom of much of the lucrative Mo Ce trade, and served as a constant demonstration of Ba Sing Se’s weakness.
This was all well and good for the Fire Nation and other international actors, who had reason to fear a strong Earth Kingdom. But the situation spiralled out of control with the assassination of Queen Hou-Ting, and an enfeebled Earth Kingdom which did not pose a foreign threat collapsed into anarchy.
UNITY & DISASTER Clearly, something had to be done - instability in the Earth Kingdom threatened trading relations and fostered transnational threats such as the Red Lotus. The international community was unwilling to deploy their own troops into the Earth Kingdom to restore order, so; much like with General Nong centuries earlier; they selected a proxy to do it for them: Kuvira.
The global strategic intent seems clear. Prince Wu was a United Republic-friendly candidate for the throne. Kuvira, legally empowered and supported with money and weapons, would re-unite the Earth Kingdom. She would then step aside and let Wu take the throne, where he would reign over a stabilised but non-threatening Earth Kingdom.
Unfortunately for this plan, Kuvira refused to hand over power, instead forming the revanchist Earth Empire and setting her sights on conquering the United Republic. This was not megalomania but rather geopolitics; for the Earth Kingdom to be strong, the Fire Nation-backed intrusion on the Mo Ce periphery must be repulsed. There are certainly shades of Feishan’s embargo policy to be found in Kuvira’s approach. Kuvira was, however, subsequently defeated by the Avatar and the United Forces, ending the immediate territorial threat to the United Republic.
RUINS OF THE EMPIRE In light of this challenge, the policy approach changed - the Earth Kingdom would be abolished, and instead be broken up into a set of independent, democratic states. On the surface, this resolves the too strong/too unstable paradox which plagued foreign policy calculations for centuries. In practice, it is highly likely to lead to further violence.
There is little tradition of local democracy in the Earth Kingdom, but extensive examples of military magnates and warlords assuming control in the absence of centralised authority. The aftermath of Kuvira’s conquests, as we see in Ruins of the Empire, left substantial stockpiles of sophisticated weapons available. The division of a large, multi-ethnic empire into smaller states is a difficult process likely to lead to grievance and dissent. And all this is not to mention the threat of spirit vine weapon proliferation.
The future of the Earth Kingdom, far from looking like a democratic paradise, probably involves a chaotic mixture of shaky democracies and outright autocracies vying for position. If any one of the successor states can gain enough power, they may well attempt to follow Kuvira, and Chin, and Feishan, in consolidating imperial rule over the whole Earth Kingdom.
For foreign powers, then, far from solving anything with this new step, they have simply fired the starting pistol on the latest round of Earth Kingdom instability - which is likely, in the best case, to generate transborder threats requiring action; and in the worst case, lead to the consolidation of the Earth Kingdom behind a new, revanchist leader, and the outbreak of another major conventional war.
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cobbbvanth · 6 months
to me the really interesting thing about the way ofmd handles piracy as a metaphor for both masculinity and queerness is this. stede sees piracy in general as an escape from heteronormativity, and the way he runs his ship specifically as a way of deconstructing toxic masculinity. both of these things allow the crew to become a safe space for him to express his queerness, surrounded by other queer folks at different stages of their various queer journeys. meanwhile piracy for ed is a space for queerness (anything goes at sea) BUT to him it's also irrevocably represents toxic masculinity, not an escape from it. and this is where their opposing arcs come from in s2, because they're at different points in their journey.
piracy to stede is about the community he's built that allows him to be himself in all his camp effeminate gay glory, but for ed it reminds him of the abuse he now knows he doesn't have to endure anymore. and ed realises this because he met stede. (which makes me so !!!! the effect they've had on each other since day one!!) ed supported stede on his piracy journey, helping stede understand that his worth as a man didn't have to be tied to how effectively he played his role in society. this helps stede put his masculinity/queerness/piracy triangle in balance, seeing his life of piracy as a positive departure from the stifling expectations of masculinity and heteronormativity of his old life.
his time with stede kind of has the opposite impact on ed though, and that's where their conflict comes from. ed thought he had a functioning balance in his masculinity/queerness/piracy triangle - because being a pirate meant he could at least have his queerness, and he'd found a way to keep performing masculinity as 'blackbeard'. but stede helped him see that he didn't need to keep performing, he showed ed that there can be room for softness even in their line of work. stede giving ed the option of a different lifestyle did lead ed, the impulsive king that he is, to attempt to cut out piracy altogether. he reacts this way because he's not quite at the same point in his journey that stede is. stede was able to reach a balance after stepping away from piracy and going back to his family in s1, and we see ed doing the same thing by leaving piracy to be a fisherman in s2.
ed's (brief) time away from piracy shows him that he can't keep neglecting one part of his piracy/queerness/masculinity triangle - he needs to find a balance and acceptance of all three. in the end ed puts his leathers back on for love, and was able to lay 'blackbeard' to rest with izzy, helping him properly understand that piracy can be a positive analogy for queerness AND masculinity. stede and ed step away from piracy at the end of the season anyway, but they both do so with a much better understanding of how piracy gave them freedom to be themselves. i just think the way the show handles all of this is pretty neat
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captainsvscaptains · 5 months
Round 1 Part 2 Poll 2
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Briggs hails from the rocky nation of Champa. When the fish in the nearby waters started to run out, he and his crew turned to piracy, focusing on places that (they figured) could afford the raids. Despite promising the game's protagonist that he'd give up piracy, by the time of the sequel Briggs was well-established as a notorious pirate leader, and also the effective head of Champa.
Jack's literally just goofy he's a comedian he's the smartest character in the franchise he's a fucking dweeb he's an attention whore he's gay divorced he died he's bisexual he has dad trauma he has a guy that's psychosexually obsessed with him he's lame as fuck irl he called his nemesis-ex daddy on screen and said nemesis-ex also named a monkey after him
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scotianostra · 3 months
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1st February 1709 saw Alexander Selkirk, from Lower Largo in Fife rescued from his self imposed isolation.
Born in 1676, the seventh son of a cobbler, Alexander Selkirk grew up in Lower Largo, Fife. At the age of 19 he found himself in trouble with the Kirk Session after his brother’s trick of making him drink sea water resulted in a family fight. Before his case was heard, Selkirk fled to sea hoping to make his fortune through privateering (effectively legalised piracy on the King’s enemies) against Spanish vessels off the coast of South America.
Within a few years his skill at navigation led to his appointment as Sailing Master on the ‘Cinque Ports’, a sixteen gun, ninety ton privateer. The expedition was a disaster. The captain of the ship was a tyrant and after a few sea battles with the Spanish, Selkirk feared the ship would sink. So, in an attempt to save his own life he demanded to be put ashore on the next island they encountered. In September 1704, Selkirk was castaway on the uninhabited island of Más a Tierra (today known as Robinson Crusoe Island), over 400 miles off the West Coast of Chile. He took with him a little clothing, bedding, a musket and powder, some tools, a Bible and tobacco.
At first Selkirk simply read his Bible awaiting rescue, but it soon became apparent that the rescue wasn’t imminent. He resigned himself to a long stay and began to make island life habitable with only rats, goats and cats for company in his lonely vigil.
After several years of isolation, two ships drew into the island’s bay. Selkirk rushed to the shore, realising a little late that they were Spanish. Their landing party fired, forcing him to flee for his life although he managed to evade capture and the Spaniards eventually departed.
Finally On 1st of February 1709, two British privateers dropped anchor offshore. Alexander lit his signal fire to alert the ships, who dispatched a rather astonished landing party to find a ‘wildman’ dressed in goat skins. Remarkably the privateers’ pilot was William Dampier, who had led the Selkirk’s original expedition and was able to vouch for the ‘wildman’.
Selkirk had spent four years and four months of isolation on the island, yet seemed stable when he was found. The experience had, in fact, saved his life. From William Dampier he learnt that he had been right to leave the ‘Cinque Ports’, which had sunk off the coast of Peru with all of its crew drowned except the captain and another seven men, who had survived only to be captured and left to rot in a Peruvian jail.
Selkirk re-embarked on his career as a privateer and within a year he was master of the ship that rescued him. In 1712 he returned to Scotland £800 richer, and surprised his family as they worshipped at the Kirk in Largo. They had long given him up for dead and were astonished that he was alive, let alone alive in his fine, gold and lace clothes. In 1713 he published an account of his adventures which were fictionalised six years later by Daniel Defoe in his now famous novel: ‘Robinson Crusoe’.
Selkirk, however, could never really readjust to life on the land, and, in 1720, a year after he was immortalised by Defoe, he joined the Royal Navy only to die of fever off the coast of Africa.
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torturedpoetemotions · 5 months
Reasons I think Izzy Hands is not dead, or at the very least will not stay dead if we get a season 3:
He wasn't buried at sea; what was that about? Instead he's on land, right beside Stede and Ed's home, with all of his effects handy: his ring, his prosthetic leg, his cravat.
David Jenkins has been consistently vocal about how much he loves Izzy and Con, how integral Izzy is to the show, and how Izzy's arc is tied to Ed and Stede's. He has even gone so far to say, in direct response to fans' anguish over Izzy's death, that there is no version of this show that exists without Izzy Hands.
Season 2 solidified that there is magic in this universe, specifically magic related to death and transformation.
Season 2 also established the gravy basket as a place between life and death where lessons can be learned to catalyze positive transformation and growth in the visitor.
Izzy is literally described as an indestructible little fucker after surviving a gunshot to the head earlier in the season. It would be kinda wild for a gunshot to the abdomen to be the thing that kills him off for good after that.
He is also described as a unicorn, which while not immune to death by injury, is generally understood in myth to be an immortal creature associated with healing, that is also supposed to be notoriously difficult to capture or kill.
Izzy's arc, like Ed's and Stede's, is still unresolved. We see him struggling throughout the season even though he is also improving. We see him refusing to acknowledge what really happened to him. We see him blaming himself for things that are not his fault. And none of these issues are resolved by the end of the season. All prime lessons for the gravy basket to teach.
Death has repeatedly been used as a vehicle of transformation on the show, particularly for Ed and Stede who, as we know, are tied with Izzy in the show's arc and symbolism (our 3 mythical creatures).
Izzy himself and his arc are tied to what piracy means and symbolizes within the show. If the show isn't done with piracy (and I'm sure it isn't), it likely isn't done with Izzy.
Okay this one is out there but stay with me: the last shot we see of Ed and Stede fades to the background for a close-up of Izzy's grave. The grave is marked with a cross. Yes, this is a common grave marker. But it also stands out as a bit odd given there's no evidence that Izzy or the people closest to him have any truck with the religion it's typically associated with, in which it's a symbol of what? Resurrection. So who is that for? Is it just visual shorthand for a grave? Well, they could have used a painted sign or even a roughly carved stone. So could it be significant that they chose a symbol of resurrection and transformation to mark his grave?
At the very end of that shot, a seagull--very likely Buttons in his own transformed state--lands on the cross, further tying the last image of "Izzy" we see to the show's expanded mythos of magic, purgatory, and transformation.
Do any of these things mean definitively that Izzy will be back? No. I'm just speculating here. But I do find it very interesting and at least somewhat compelling when you put them all together.
(I have also not yet abandoned the idea that Roach managed to save Izzy after he passed out and his funeral was an elaborate fuckery.)
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icanbeyourgenie · 3 months
[sirens attacking Aeron's ship]
It all happened so fast.
Morgana had finally agreed to let Aeron take a trip on his ship, and the fae couldn't be happier. He even had a pirate suit adjusted just for Calypso, who came with him, and was at first dizzy because of the movements of the ship. But Yasmeen held her hand until she got a grip of it, and now she seemed fine. She was even chatting with her husband, who was in better mood now that he was holding the helm of his ship that he had been in months. Yasmeen knew he loved piracy since... well, since he was a boy always asking her for pirate stories. Malachai came along, and spent more time watching Calypso and Aeron than actually talking. Yasmeen was content just admiring the move of the waves as the ship glided along it, when it all exploded.
The brutal contact with the cold water made her react. She was deep in it, now. Something was holding her leg. She grabbed one of her knives. The water slowed down her movement and blurried her vision, but somehow she was able to make enough damage to her oponent of them to let go of her. It was only when she finally reached the surface that she took a grasp of what happened.
They had been in a narrow path of a shoreline between two rocky cliff. Aeron had not been worried for a second. He had navigated worst paths a million times. But this time, something threw the ship against the cliff, effectively breaking it. Two somethings, actually.
The threat in the water was a bit difficult for Yasmeen to see, but judging by the speed at which the water moved, she would bet on sirens. The threat in the air, however, she never saw it before. Big birds, she thought, before she realized they were only half birds, and half human.
Her blood ran cold, but she snapped out of it. She only had a few seconds to react. She couldn't see where Malachai was, which meant he probably was fighting under the water. Aeron was in the sky, his wings spread. He seldom used them so Yasmeen almost forgot how they looked like. Aeron aimed for the weird bird that currently had Calypso between its claws. It dropped the girl into the water to fight Aeron, and Yasmeen swam towards her protegee.
Her knives slowed her down, but she arrived just in time to fatally wound two sirens that attacked an already injured Calypso. Yasmeen's moves were more difficult in the water. Thankfully, Calypso had turned into a mermaid already. And when Yasmeen became too exhausted to stay afloat after her fourth kill, the princess took her by the waist and quickly made them join the rocky shore.
❝Are you okay?❞ They spoke at the same time, but something moved in the corner of Yasmeen's eye and she was already on her feet, throwing a knife on the head of the bird that was aiming towards them. A few others followed and got closer, using their claws as effective weapons. Yasmeen managed to fatally hurt them before they got to Calypso and, thankfully, Aeron took over and drawed them to him, giving Yasmeen the time to kneel to assess Calypso's wounds. She had a few scratches on her waist, but it was mostly her tail that was bleeding. It probably explained why she hadn't turn back yet.
❝You're hurt.❞
❝So are you.❞ Calypso sounded worried, but Yasmeen had no time to assess her own wounds.
❝It's my job to protect you princess, not the other way around. Now let me see.❞
Yasmeen was aware that they weren't safe. It wasn't an island shore, but the feet of a cliff, filled with pointy rocks that gave them something to sit on and made it harder for the sirens to get to them, but not impossible. Yasmeen trusted Malachai to deal with them, and she knew Aeron could fend against the sky threats. So she focused on Calypso.
Fortunately, the wound wasn't too big. Soon enough, the threats were all dead, and the boys came back to them. Yasmeen let out a breath there. Calypso had grabbed her hand at some point.
❝Are you guys okay?❞ The princess asked, visibly worried.
❝Yes. Are you? Did they hurt you?❞ Malachai answered and the girls shook their heads.
❝Aeron, are you okay?❞ Calypso asked, and Yasmeen thought she was too good for him.
Aeron didn't answer. He was barely standing on one of the rocks, his wings did all of the job. He looked gloomy, almost murderous. He didn't often wear this look. Not that he wasn't dangerous, but Yasmeen knew he was more of the care-free kind of dangerous. The "I'll laugh and smile one second before stabbing you" type. He wasn't the cold-angry type. But seeing this look on his face, she knew he tought of his ship. It was his only joy in the world, it seemed.
❝You'll make another ship.❞ She wanted to think that she said those words respectfully, but she clearly sounded pissed. How dare he care more the well-being of his ship than the fact that they almost lost their lives?
It made him look at her with that same kind of anger, and Calypso immediately changed the subject.
❝What were those things?!❞
❝Sirens.❞ Malachai answered and Calypso rolled her eyes impatiently.
❝I know that already, brother. I meant the weird birds.❞
❝Sirens too.❞ Calypso frowned and he explained. ❝They're very rare, but the siren transformation processus is not unique. When the humans are turned into sirens, their bodies are given two choices.❞
❝So, like... bird or fish?❞ Malachai nodded. ❝You're saying that our brother could've been a bird?!❞
Yasmeen almost laughed but held it back. She could see that Malachai struggled to stay serious too. ❝Pretty much. We do not usually concern ourselves with the bird ones, since they don't live in the sea.❞
❝It was an attack.❞ Malachai answered.
❝We used to. When we lived in the sky. My uncle told me about them.❞ It was Aeron's first words. He looked a little bit more like himself already, but still a bit too serious compared to the usual. ❝My mother said they disappeared, but I already encoutered a few during my travels. Not this many in one pack, though.❞
A look of understanding passed between the two princes. A look that testified that, despite their differences, they were both trained soldiers who represented their respective people, and they knew what they had to do next. They nodded to each other.
❝Calypso, can you swim?❞ Malachai asked.
❝I think I can.❞
❝She can't.❞ Yasmeen chipped in. ❝She needs medical care first.❞ Calypso wanted to argue, but everyone could see that her tail was pretty hurt.
❝Then you'll hold on to me as we go back to court.❞
She nodded, as Aeron turned around to hold out his hand to Yasmeen. The two princes had decided of a way to bring the girls back to the fae court, but Yasmeen couldn't take this hand. She looked at the cliff above her.
❝I can climb.❞ She decided, and she knew she could. ❝I'll just walk.❞
❝Don't be ridiculous.❞ Aeron said. ❝It'll take you days. And you know I can't let you do that.❞
He couldn't. The risk of escape was too high. But she held her ground. ❝I'm not flying with you.❞
Yasmeen knew she was making it difficult, but she would always remember the time she flew with him to that wretched island she'll never forget. Malachai and Calypso were probably completely lost, but Yasmeen could feel Calypso squeezing her hand a little stronger, as a sign of support.
Aeron rolled his eyes. ❝You don't have the choice, wraith.❞
❝Yes she does.❞ Calypso answered, using her authoritarian princess voice. ❝If she wants to walk, then we'll walk.❞
Yasmeen almost smiled, her heart a little lighter to see that, even if Calypso didn't understand the problem, she had seen enough of Yasmeen's discomfort to take her side. People usually didn't do that.
❝Or she could swim with me.❞ All eyes turned to Malachai, who looked at Aeron. ❝You take my sister back, I'll take Yasmeen.❞
They looked at each other again, and Yasmeen could see the beginning of a trust blooming. Or at least the mutual knowledge that they were both constantly trying to avoid their immature parents to start a war. They could at least count on that. They agreed, and the girls did too. Aeron was about to take Calypso in his arms.
❝Wait.❞ The princess turned, and without a word, kissed Yasmeen on the lips. ❝That way, you'll be able to breathe underwater for at least an hour. It should be enough time for both of you to get back.❞
❝Hum... Thank you?❞ Calypso laughed at this reaction. Malachai did not.
❝Okay, time to go Sunshine.❞
He took her in, actually paying attention to her wounds, and they went into the sky together. It's when they were finally alone that Yasmeen noticed Malachai's stretched silence.
❝Are you... okay with that decision?❞
❝Of course I am.❞ He lightened up, or at least forced himself too. Yasmeen didn't understand, but blamed it on the recent fight. ❝But, just out of curiosity, why didn't you want to fly with Aeron?❞
Yasmeen wanted to be honest, but she wasn't ready for that conversation yet. ❝I don't particulary trust him. Does that surprise you?❞
❝If it was just that, you wouldn't have let Calypso go with him.❞
❝He can't hurt her without risking a war.❞ He knew it was only half the truth, but he didn't push. ❝Besides... I lost almost all of my knives.❞ She looked almost sad now. ❝I'd rather be with someone I trust completely if I don't have them with me.❞
He swam away without saying a word and, as puzzled as Yasmeen was, she couldn't help herself but realizing that it was the first time she saw his tail. Red, just like his eyes. She didn't have any time to dwell on her feelings that he already came back, holding said knives in his hand. Her eyes widened.
❝You mean those?❞
She jumped out of her rocks and came closer to him - thankfully, she still had a foothold, since they were near the shore. ❝How did you-❞
❝They all landed on the water when you threw them. I just caught them.❞
❝While fighting a hord of sirens?❞
❝I know how you love those knives.❞ Yasmeen didn't even try to hide her smile. ❝Besides, some of them helped. One of them landed right next to me at the exact moment I needed a weapon. I almost tought you threw it on purpose.❞
She put back each one of her knife in their sheath, trying but failing to find a way to thank Malachai for it, so she just stayed silent. Until the moment he touched one of the cut on her cheek, and she winced. ❝I was truly worried for you.❞ He admitted.
❝Were you?❞ She smiled. ❝Well I, on the other hand, trusted you completely, so I'm a little offended. Have I not proven myself to you?❞ She joked, and was satisfied to make him laugh a little.
❝You always have a comeback, don't you?❞
❝I'm afraid so.❞ In the silence that followed, she noticed how close they were but didn't step back. What was it about Malachai that made him feel safe to be close to? She didn't know. He was a prince, and he had shown signs of interests, she should have avoided him like the plague. But she didn't want to. ❝I like your tail.❞ She said instead, and when he looked embarassed, she immediately regretted it. ❝Sorry, is this a weird thing to say? I'm not familiar with-❞
❝It's not weird. Not at all. Just..❞
She knew he wanted to thank her, just like she did earlier. It appeared they had a lost of issues in showing their feelings, so she changed the subject.
❝It was uncomfortable, I'll admit. Fighting in the water. I couldn't move properly, and my vision was blurry.❞
❝I saw you. You did great, but yes we should totally work on that.❞
❝I can't breathe under water.❞
❝As my sister said, we can easily fix that.❞
❝I'm not sure the princess agreed to kiss me before every training session.❞
❝Well then we'll just have to find someone who's willing to do it.❞
Was this flirting? Yasmeen didn't want to answer this question. Lately, they toyed the line a lot, but always came back into safe territory just after. Maybe it was for the best.
❝Something is bugging me, though.❞ She loved the way he immediately listened. ❝I don't really know what happened. One minute we were on the ship. The next I was in the water. But there's a gap...❞
❝The sirens sang. It's hypnotizing for humans. Even I was a little disoriented by the birds' songs. I never heard it before. But... our ears are more fit to it. It's why we had time to react with Aeron. They stopped singing when we fought back.❞
She hated being reminded how humans were so vulnerable. ❝Is there a way to get used to it? For a human, I mean.❞
❝I admit I don't know...❞
❝I'll ask Nate when we get back. I'd like to try.❞ Malachai nodded. Their smiles dropped when they realized they truly had to go now.
❝Just hold on to my shoulders and I'll do the rest. Tell me if I go too fast, I know humans don't always like that. And if you can't breathe anymore at some point, you know what to do.❞
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artsy-waffle19 · 6 months
after several hours of processing, a rewatch and some other peoples tumblr posts analyzing the whole situation I actually don't think that izzys death was in it's concept entirely bad (the execution was terrible but I can see where they were coming from) so first of all: the entire ending was rushed, the wedding, stede randomly giving up piracy to open an inn even though they didn't have a conversation about this at all? and yes, izzys death but honestly I blame that on hbo not david jenkins (plus I also refuse to believe that he just didn't care about the character and didn't think about what effect it would have, so far he's done nothing but care about his characters, the fans and izzy in particular he said this season he was super important and he really liked the character)
The thing is that he explained his decision making as "the mentor dying while the student lives on and has to deal with the death of a father figure" now the thing is that I feel like between the 5th and the 6th episode and between izzys death and the ending there's just a huge chunk of plot missing that probably got cut and I personally believe that that part between 5 and 6 was supposed to show ed and izzys relationship more. David said Ed viewed him as a father figure yet we've never seen that before. Every interaction between them has framed them as an abusive (on both sides) romantic relationship (somebody said that their relationship showed the whole daddy issues thing pretty well because it shows ed viewing izzy as literally every kind of relationship a friend, a father, a partner just everything) now that does make sense but we only know that now after david said it not because the show made it visible (which is probably because they didn't have the time (i mean they cut an entire hour of runtime which is like a fifth))
And generally I think if we had seen that father figure-dynamic a little more they actually could've pulled that ending off because then it would've been more apparent what the show was trying to show.
My interpretation of the whole thing is that izzys death symbolises the end of piracy, rather than the death of a character that didn't "deserve living anymore" hear me out:
1) he was the most competent pirate in the entire show, always used as comparison and on several occasions it is showed that he doesn't only teach everyone how to be a pirate but is also the most respected pirate in the republic of pirates. Even when ed isn't recognised anymore, everybody knows who izzy hands is. He is basically THE pirate, the unicorn of piracy.
2) the unicorn plot: when they called him a unicorn for the first time I thought it was just the crew accepting him on the ship and in their family but the term of "the last unicorn" makes much more sense in this context. He's the concept of piracy, the mythical creature and the view everyone has of piracy, yet if he dies, piracy is over the last unicorn is gone and that's pretty much what's happening and what's fully gonna happen next season. him dying is the beginning of the end.
3) ed and stede quitting piracy and staying where izzy is burried, they basically burried piracy to then move on to the land. Also because izzy was a teacher for both of them and was therefore what tied them to real piracy. Especially for ed he symbolised piracy and his past life.
Also izzys thoughts about piracy and ed changed. In the first season he says stede is not a real pirate and neither is ed when he's not blackbeard, in season 2 he says piracy is about belonging somewhere and finding a family he also accepts ed for being ed and tells him to just be himself. with him the concept of piracy changes in itself.
The entire thing also could've been a great deal better if they had actually had the time to show everyone mourning him because they immediately after had a wedding and just moved on but once again that was probably just cut screen time.
I also don't think that they exactly dean winchestered him (i mean yea but also no) he died for the crew, his newfound family ("it's about finding a new family you'd die for when your actual one is already gone") And yea he was already getting his will to live back and taking that from him was awful but he was also fully ready to die for the cause, one he believed in. Because he believed in his family and that piracy and his spirit would live on even if they were all dead because "we are good". So his death wasn't entirely pointless.
messy and long text but over all I think that, even though it is sad and could've been handled better, it isn't a bad ending in it's concept and, even though I wish he would've survived i don't think that the death of this character ruins the entire show or is in any way offensive to queer and disabled people....It's just very poorly executed, which is on hbo for cutting the season short by a fith
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queerfandomtrifecta · 6 months
How Izzy’s Death Could’ve Made Basic Storytelling Sense
Just to be clear, Izzy is my favorite and I wanted him to live more than anything. This isn’t about that, and that is NOT why I hated his death. Had it served the narrative in a way that made even the most basic storytelling sense, while I’d admittedly have been devastated in a different way (i.e. the character whose queerness was relegated to the subtext in s1 and as soon as it’s textual and his whole arc is that he’s killed, but that’s a whole separate post…), but at least there would’ve been a correctly crafted arc from a surface level narrative standpoint that ended in the death of my favorite character. But that’s not what this is about. It’s is about how the show could’ve actually made the death actually make sense and work effectively. (Also, if you want my unasked for thoughts on how most of the existing plot of s2 (minus 7-8) could’ve easily been adjusted to fix the narrative as a whole and keep Izzy alive, I wrote this)
But. For those in the fandom insisting that Izzy HAD to die, including DJenks who has said as such in interviews (for reasons I do not understand), from an objective developmental editor standpoint, this is what I think needed to change to make Izzy’s death serve the narrative, character arcs and dynamics, pacing, structure, and thematic elements correctly.
It’s about 2K words just so you know what you’re gonna get into. Spoilers under the cut.
Issue 1. Izzy’s relationship with the crew and how they truly became his family this season totally vanished during his death scene. The same crew who he protected from Ed during the later, worse parts of the Kraken phase. The crew who banded together to save his life by hiding him from/lying to Ed about it, and amputating his leg to save him. The crew he saved by crawling up those stairs during the storm, hobbling out into the rain with one leg and shooting Ed before he could shoot a cannon ball through the mast and kill them all. The crew who called him “our dick”. The crew that then banded together with Stede’s half of the crew to him the leg and the new unicorn (aka the figurehead of the ship). That crew didn’t cry a SINGLE tear when he died. What?? Fang sobbed most of episode one and really lost it when Izzy got shot. Where was that when he died?? Izzy’s last speech to Ricky had something along the lines of: piracy is about belonging/family. We are Good. (Forgive me, I’m paraphrasing, but that’s the gist). Izzy truly did find his family in the crew outside of Ed. That was absolutely fantastic, especially in the first four episodes and episode six. It VANISHED when he was dying and dead.
The fix: To make the death impactful, effective, or even to make it make sense on a very basic acting and writing level, the crew should’ve been utterly DEVASTATED. At least heartbreaking music and like 30 seconds of everyone breaking down and holding each other. At least some of them crying and holding each other in the background when he was dying. Come on.
Issue 2. Thematically speaking, is piracy Good or Bad? Again, Izzy tells Ricky that they (the pirates/his crew) are capital G Good. Yet Ed has spent a lot of time maintaining piracy is capital B Bad. He tells the urchins as such. Here’s some money that I never had, now you don’t have to be pirates. Don’t be pirates. He doesn’t want Stede to kill Ned Low in cold blood. Ed just doesn’t want to be a pirate. Even at the end AFTER Izzy dies telling Ed he’s with his family (implied that this is the crew) and they love Ed, Ed LEAVES THAT FAMILY AND LEAVES PIRACY IMMEDIATELY. We’re left with him and Stede watching the family Izzy swore was Good and loved Ed sail away because Ed thinks piracy is Bad. Which is it?? The death served nothing in convincing Ed he could be happy with his found family on the sea as Ed, not Blackbeard, so the dying words were pointless. The thematic elements are all over the place (for the whole season but that’s another post) and that needs changing to make the death scene make sense.
The fix: Izzy should’ve told him he sees he doesn’t want to pirate anymore, he’s glad he’s found love with Stede because Izzy isn’t going to make it, go run your fokkin’ inn, you twat (affectionate).
Issue 3. Izzy died of bad planning and bad luck. Why didn’t they take the gun from Ricky? Between Spanish Jackie, Izzy, and Jim, SOMEONE would’ve thought about it. If not those three, someone else would’ve, but come one. One if not all of those three would’ve known better. Yeah, Izzy happened to be standing in front of Ed and he got shot instead of him, but you’ve gotta be REALLY looking for that to even be aware it’s what happened. It wasn’t even on purpose unless Ed strategically placed himself behind Izzy (which I doubt was the intent). Izzy didn’t position himself protectively/take the bullet for anyone on purpose. It was just happenstance and you only notice it if you’re rewatching and hyper-analyzing everything (which a lot of us, me included, in the fandom do, but casual watchers don’t. It’s totally unclear as far as the surface level narrative goes) Any sort of “heroism” is not acknowledged, it’s barely even noticeable in the shot. If that was the intent, it HAD to be clearer and acknowledged by the characters so the audience would realize the stakes and repercussions of clear choices. As it is, I don’t think it was intentional. If Izzy HAS to die, it should truly have rounded out his arc in a way that CLEARLY changed the course of the scene, leaving him to protect people he’d put in danger at the end of s1. It didn’t. It just read as terrible planning to the point of it being out of character for more than one character, and bad luck.
The fix: Izzy should’ve saved someone. I personally don’t like the idea of it being Ed. I’s have rather he save Stede (Not really, but it’s better than Ed I guess) But really Izzy should’ve died saving the crew. The crew makes the most sense to me, narratively speaking. He’s their figurehead, he’s protected the Kraken Crew for months and they should’ve been fiercely loyal to him, he blames himself for what Ed did to them (more on this later) so it makes sense for him to fiercely protect his crew. His family. Who should’ve been devastated that it happened because Izzy is the one character of the main three who’s managed to earn that status this season.
Issue 4. The death did not serve to move the plot along. There are literally zero things that would’ve been different for the end of the episode, save Izzy being alive and on the Revenge in his rightful role he earned with his crew as the captain, if he’d have lived. Ed and Stede aren’t partnering with Zheng to go after the guy who killed him in the next season. Nope. They got the offer but nah. They’re running an Inn. Which Izzy would’ve supported based on literally everything we’ve seen from him in episodes 5-8. The crew who Izzy protected fiercely and who viewed him as their leader? Not one tear during his death or the the funeral. Happily sailing away to do presumably more Muppet Treasure Island hijinks. No character development happened. No plot development happened. The season could’ve ended literally the EXACT SAME WAY with Izzy alive aboard the Revenge!!! No stakes were changed at all. No one was impacted enough for it to seem like it was even going to be a plot obstacle next season. It just happened, Izzy’s toxic situationship who maimed him multiple times over the course of months to the point of his leg needing to be amputated was sad for one (1) scene, then we moved on and did not seem sad at all at the funeral. What.
The fix: The plot should’ve been driven by the death. Ed and Stede (but especially Ed), and DEFINITELY the crew should’ve been sailing off plotting to avenge the death and defend piracy against Ricky and the British, especially with Zheng who lost her whole fleet. Ricky and the British are clearly (or so I hope, nothing’s clear here anymore tbh) the primary antagonist for the theoretical third season. No one should be running an whim-based inn for fun or sailing off happily into the sunset after the death of the most major character aside from Ed and Stede, who beyond proved himself a major part of something every character (his family) should’ve cared about this season. If he HAD to die, that death should have furthered the plot. But instead, it seems everyone shrugged it off with tears exclusively from Ed.
Issue 5. Izzy got shot in the left side. The side in which canonically NO ONE DOES FROM BEING INJURED ON IN THE OFMD UNIVERSE.
The fix: Yeah I know this is just too nit-picky but it was also just SO sloppy. Like just shoot him on the other side if he has to die, because this was a very memorable plot point more than once in s1. Like, come on y’all.
Disclaimer: Issues/fixes 1-5 would all need to happen together to truly fix it and make the death serve the narrative correctly. Issue/fix 6 is a totally separate route, which I personally hate, but at least the narrative would’ve made sense this way.
Issue 6. The idea that Izzy had to die so that Ed could be free of Blackbeard makes no sense at this point in the story. Ed already threw away his leathers and gave away his treasure to symbolically get rid of Blackbeard, and Izzy very sweetly encouraged him to follow the feeling that throwing out the leathers gave him. Izzy told Stede that he and Ed were good for each other. They balance each other out. Izzy is on good terms with both of them and their relationship, so Izzy “having to die” so Ed could flourish as Ed genuinely makes no sense and came totally out of left field.
The fix for 6: This one stands alone and is my absolute least favorite option, but if it HAD to happen without the 1-5 fixes, here’s how it could’ve made sense. If THIS is truly the way it was going to end, Izzy needed to be continuously antagonistic or avoidant to at least Ed and actually be shown holding Ed back from happiness until that last second. He wasn’t. He was so much better. Izzy clearly does blame himself (that’s for a separate post because I have lots of thoughts there) but to be fair they were both abusive in that relationship, for years it seems. Although I think by the beginning of s2, the power dynamic has clearly flipped and it was Ed who was doing most of it and Izzy was exhausted and knowingly “reaping what he’d sewed” (I don’t Blame Izzy for his abuse but I think this was his mindset) so the crew wouldn’t get the brunt of it.
If he seriously HAD to die because the writers just had to have it that way, those are the changes I think would’ve made the narrative work/make sense, served all the character arcs and dynamics correctly, and actually driven the plot as fictional deaths are supposed to, compelling things into a third season. Seriously, this season finale was a mess of baffling choices the most series finale season finale I’ve ever seen.
Anyway. There’s my unsolicited two-cents. Now back to hoping Izzy’s in the gravy basket waiting to be sea witch necromancied back by seagull Buttons in season 3. I love this show and I hate hating what I hate hating about it because it’s my absolute favorite and I can’t stand it because it’s fantastic and the worst thing I’ve ever seen. (Also, Izzy should’ve lived).
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lorei-writes · 1 year
HC: Warlords reacting to pornbot seige
Day 84 of pornbot on users violence...
Author chose not to include content warnings. Reader discretion advised.
He treats them as his new (hot) underlings.
At the same time he doesn't trust any of them.
For all everybody knows, he may have actually taken over the pornbot army. Each army needs a general, after all, and perhaps he has added conquering Tumblr to the list of his life aspirations.
He is one of the people the public accusses of buying bots. He has not bought a single bot of any type up to date.
Doesn't refuse any allegations. Some people start to wonder whether he's not a bot. Mitsuhide bot.
He has found a person behind the siege and is now planning to take them down.
He has joined the moderation team.
At first he thought it was just a surge in the number of indecent, indecent women. Don't they know that all men are wolves?
He hasn't slept in three days. Coffee doesn't work anymore. He's been clicking block button non-stop, but it doesn't seem to be enough.
He clicked on the link in their bio and was never to be seen again.
That being said, it was Ieyasu's PC he was using at the time.
Could Ieyasu have something to do with that disappearance? Who knows...
He hardly uses Tumblr, so he doesn't mind. He doesn't post either way, what can they do to him? Invite him for a steamy steamy night? Please, he's not stupid, he won't click into any links... Oh.
He disappeared for a while soon after he caught Mitsunari using his PC to browse Tumblr.
Claims that red splashes over his haori are just hot sauce.
He doesn't bother to block them.
He doesn't have any strong opinions on the bots themselves. However, he does have a certain opinion about the person who bought them...
Mitsuhide wants them to go on a trip together? To a residential area? And he's supposed to take his swords? Hell yeah, finally something interesting is happening.
He is a pornbot.
He became one with the bots to better inflitrate their ranks. Unexpected side effect : every person he follows blocks him immediatelly.
He will write a song about the lonely existence of a pornbot.
Stabbed his PC and now needs to have his display replaced.
Ladies? No Ladies.
He can't believe it, but he's joining Oda Forces in their battle against pornbots. Ugh, as if the situation wasn't bad enough already.
For some reason, he seems to be attracting the bots more than anybody else. Also, WHO dares spam the carpentry tag with some instagram stuff? He must have a word with them...
Wanted to click into the link. Was stopped by a shuriken flying right in front of his nose.
He doesn't get all this technology stuff all that well, so he sticks to using just his phone. If he needs to use the PC, he'll just ask Sasuke for a favour.
It was Sasuke's PC he was using then.
He's immune.
He's seen it hundred of times.
Report, block, move on. He won't fall for it. His PC is safe... Oh, Yukimura, for fucks sake...
They disturbe his peace. Pornbots are really #notaesthetic.
How is he supposed to browse #art if damn bots are spamming it with links?
Report, block, report, block, report, block. He hasn't slept for three days. He's a new member of the moderation team.
He abandoned Tumblr the moment people started spamming cottagecore tag with non-cottagecore things. He leads a happy life somewhere.
Imprisoned for attempted murder with use of... A cannon.
He sails the water of the 'net. He is no stranger to piracy and such. But the bastard behind the bot army... They swam into his waters...
Worked together with Masamune and Mitsuhide. Was the only one captured. Broke out of prison within a week. With a use of a cannon. The fact that his cell was on the third floor did not stop him from jumping out of the hole created in the wall. He's a wanted fugitive now.
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