#agere drink ideas
ittybittyteddie · 5 months
I'm sure someone else already thought of this, but I just thought of an agere hack! If you like flavored water, Propel comes in bottles that are designed with a sports cap (idk if that's what they're actually called) and it almost feels like a bottle or sippy when you drink from it! So if you gotta regress in secret, you can use them instead of having to hide a bottle or sippy! 😃
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itsybitsie · 2 months
Agere shopping list!
All ages! drinks, snacks, & meals!
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Gerber puffs
Fruit gummies
Frosted animal cookies
Snack packs/pudding
Jello cups
Apple sauce
Fig newtons
Dried fruit trail mix
Granola bars
Veggie straws
Baby cucumbers
Snack crackers
Celery/baby carrots with dip/peanut butter
Juice boxes
Chocolate milk/strawberry milk
(breakfast, lunch, dinner)
Pizza bites
Kraft mac n cheese
Burger sliders
Chicken nuggets
Scrambled eggs
Buttered noodles
Grilled cheese
Mac attack pizza
Chilli & cornbread
Spaghetti & Meatballs
Let me know if you all have any ideas for the list!!! i hope this helped you figure out what to snack on or eat for dinner while regressed 🩷💜💗remember to prepare your food only when u are big so u dont hurt urself!
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creature-wizard · 5 months
What's so bad about angel numbers?
So the main problem with angel numbers that I see, is that they make people feel really certain about things that have nothing to do with reality.
For example, you might have this spiritual kinda person who meets this New Ager who's deep into QAnon-type conspiracy theories, and while they're chatting the first person sees that the clock says 11:11 and thinks that she must be on the right path. So she feels really, really sure of herself when she comes out of this conversation convinced that Donald Trump is saving children from satanic blood-drinking pedophiles.
The same kind of thing can happen with any kind of synchronicity, of course. (Or seeming synchronicity, at least. The frequency illusion is a hell of a thing.) Confirmation bias pulls people deeper and deeper into worldviews and beliefs completely unhinged from reality.
And like, I've experienced synchronicities myself, some of which seem way too wild to be coincidental, so I know how compelling these experiences can be. But at the same time, I know that these synchronicities had nothing to do with any sort of grand spiritual journey toward the truth, because they were basically always about whatever random shit I was fixating on at the time. This whole idea that synchronicities must be some grand cosmic sign is extremely dangerous.
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plastic-rainbows · 2 days
AgeRe/Agedre Food Ideas!
Main courses:
- Grilled cheese
- Wildberry muffins
- Chicken nuggets
- Toaster waffles
- Macaroni & cheese
- Breaded Tofu
- Flavored oatmeal
- Veggie burger
- Hot dogs
- Microwave pancakes
- Pizza bagels
- Fish sticks
- PB&J sandwich
- Noodle cup
- Mini tacos
Sides, snacks, and sweets:
- Apple slices
- Pretzel twists
- Cheddar crackers
- Yogurt cups
- Carrot sticks
- French fries
- Scrambled eggs
- Dry cereal
- Granola bars
- Baby corn
- Mashed potatoes
- Gummy bears
- Pudding cups
- Tater tots
- String cheese
- Green beans
- Frosted cookies
- Mixed berries
- Graham crackers
- Raw broccoli
- Cheese puffs
- Fruit pouches
- Chocolate milk
- Orange juice
- Flavored water
- Homemade lemonade
- Kool aid
- Veggie smoothie
- Apple juice
- Sports drink
- Fruit punch
- Strawberry milk
- Protein shake
- Grape juice
Feel free to customize anything due to allergies, dietary restrictions, or preference. Bonus points if you cut your food up into cute shapes and use little dish sets for toddlers/kids!
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swee7dream · 3 days
Hiii, I was just wondering if I could request hc's for what cg names you think NCT would use? Thanks!
I love your blog btw, it's a huge comfort when I'm regressed or want to regress and can't :)
cg!dreamies' favorite nicknames ! cg!nct dream x f!reader
genre fluff, agere content warnings feminine nicknames, one mention of blood dni if you sexualize age regression author's note thank you so much for the request and kind words, nonnie ! leaving huge kiss on ur forehead. 127 + wayv soon ( now that i'm out of school ! cheer ! )
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mark lee (ᓀ‸ᓂ)
mack ! the result of his tiny struggling with the letter r - 10/10. very cute no notes from him
also, consider: minnie
was a bit feminine for his liking at first but didn’t say anything
over time it’s a name he’s grown attached to and is lowkey overcome with cuteness aggression when you call him that
“what rhymes with heart?” mark breaks the comfortable silence in his room, notebook next to his seat on the bed as you draw with your belly to the floor, feet swinging up in the air. “um… part? bart? lart?” you think. “heart… fart. hehe.” “…part.” he repeats in a mumble, scribbling the idea down. “fart!” “i’m not using the word fart in this song, baby.” “minnie so boring!”
huang renjun ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა
jun! specifically jun(e) bug.
likes having matching names with his tiny so he calls you lovebug! junebug and lovebug.
you also call each other just bug, for obvious reasons.
that would be his only “title” so to speak
uncomfortable with any of the traditional ones and cringes at the other ones because he is nothing if not the number one HAY TER
“bug has gotta go to the restroom, okay?” “okay!” you reply, hopping off your seat and walking down the hallway, not even noticing renjun matching your pace at your side. when you two bump into each other at the door frame, you just blink at each other. “wait, which bug gotta go bathroom?”
lee jeno ૮ .◜◡◝ა
nono :3
liked it until you began to say it nonstop as an excuse to tell him no to things like changing into your pajamas or drinking water
so used to jaemin that when you started calling him puppy he didn’t even blink
you don’t even call him that often, just when you’re in that in-between of a play pretend and not
never calls himself that though.
“puppy, help.” you pout. jeno drops his head to the side, hands still balled up to his chest, immersed in his role of doggy at the vet. “got’a cut.” you hold up your pointer finger, blood beginning to gather and spill out of a slit in your fingertip. “paper cut, gumdrop?” “yeah…” “let me see, sweet girl.”
lee donghyuck ʕ˙Ⱉ˙‧:ʔ
titles were an attempt. he really tried it lol
but you just couldn’t! he’s not a daddy or a mommy or a sibby ! he’s just your channie
you also tried hyuckie but when you skipped your ‘h’s it sounded like you were saying yuckie and as funny as it is to you, it always was met with haechan’s :l
you still call him that, but only when he’s being annoying and not paying attention to you!!! something about needing to sleep or something
whatever. as if
“channie!” your shout wakes hyuck in a split second, the balance he found falling asleep in his desk chair lost. his feet hit the floor with a thump as he turns to meet your eyes. “what’s wrong?” he breathes out. “lunchtime! made sammies!” you grin, acting as if you hadn't almost given him a heart attack.
na jaemin ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭
any! he honestly doesn’t care, he finds all of them adorable
nana and jaemie are a given, i feel
he’s so nana shaped! :D
he likes other names more, though.
even if you don’t call him it yourself, if you are comfortable with it he will refer to himself as daddy. ‘daddy this, daddy that’ 25/8
you considered using your washi tape to shut him up once but didn’t want to waste it
his hands have a mind of their own to pinch your cheeks to death when you’re really little and you can’t help but let a ‘mama’ slip.
it’s like a reward /ref
“meow…” still waking up from a nap, you point at luke grooming himself. “meow?” jaemin’s eyes raise from the potatoes he’s peeling at the kitchen sink to see you laying on the couch, cheek pressed into the cushion. “meow, mama.” you repeat, wiggling your fingers to encourage luke to come closer. a lazy smile appears on your face when he does. “lukey’s a meow...”
zhong chenle (ᯟ︿ᯏ)
point blank. no other options
when you’re Little the ink on his birth certificate magically erases ‘chenle’ and writes in its place ‘daddy’
if you call him chenle he will turn around (a full 360 degrees) and then just ask: “who’s that? is somebody else here? that’s so crazy what”
he’s goofy like that
refers to himself by his title more than you do. which is saying a lot considering he likes you saying it so much he basically makes you say it every time you ask for something
chenle drops his head down do your lips brush against his ear when he heard you mumble something he couldn’t understand. “talk to me, dollface.” “sleepy…” there’s a pause in between the two syllables as you rub your cheek on his sleeve like one of jaemin’s cats. “wanna home.” “you wanna go home?” “yeah.” “okay bye.” he sing-songs, gently lifting your head off him. “no…” you sigh. “daddy, can we go home please?” “of course, princess, let me go get our coats.”
park jisung (∩˃o˂∩)
jiji/didi + sungie + bubby
where did bubby come from? jisung doesn’t know. honestly, you don’t know either. you just said it one day and it stuck.
at the very beginning of figuring out how your regression would work with jisung added to the mix, you looked up a list of cg names and just went down the list, giggling at his very physical reactions to each one
best reaction? daddy. he literally looked like a cartoon character getting hit by a giant piano
you had to take a break. bro dissociated for a solid minute
“didi okay?” you pouted, waving a hand in front of his face. his eyes were out of focus and you haven’t seen him even blink for the past few seconds. “didi, wake up!” you whine, pulling at his fingers to no avail, leaving you to stand before him with your arms crossed until you stomp away. “gonna watch pj masks by m’self!” your decision snaps jisung awake, chasing after you immediately. “no, wait! don’t start it without me!”
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author's note off-topic but yves (re)debuted recently ! highly suggest for everyone to give her ep a listen :D
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thelunarsystemwrites · 3 months
Age regression, a useful coping mechanism.
Long post about agere!
So, it's possible you've seen these things on my blog:
Agere. Petre. Agedre. Petdre. Age regression. Regressor. SFW. All that stuff, but, what does it mean? Well, I'm here to tell you!
So firstly, questions are ALWAYS welcome! Rather in reblogs, comments, or in my ask box, I'm always willing to answer questions about age regression!
Second, if you want JUST the terminology explained, you can find it here!
With that out the way: Age Regression. It's basically mentally reverting back to an eariler age! It's a completely SFW (Safe for work) coping mechanism! Though not all regressors use it as a coping mechanism, some just do it for fun! (Also it's technically a form of dissociation!
Same idea with pet regression, but it's reverting to the mindset of an animal! Kinda like shifts for a therian! (Coming from a therian!)
It's a wonderful thing, though it may not always feel like it. Just like how toddlers for example, might have tantrums, not know how to comprehend big emotions, or feel confused. That can happen in regression too! It can be voluntary or Involuntary. But there's ways to manage that!
Oh, and regression is for EVERYONE! (Any ethnic group, any gender, any identity, nobody is allowed to gatekeep it!)
When you're regressed, it really does feel like you're younger, like things are simple, and such. The levels of how extreme it feels varies from person to person!
But yeah, you mentally become a younger age, can be anything from a baby to a teen!
I do HIGHLY recommend doing it! I highly recommend watching shows you loved as a kid, or kids shows you think you'd enjoy now. I recommend getting in cozy clothes, maybe drinking from a sippy cup/water bottle to feel younger? Colouring, playing games (like minecraft!) Listening to soft music, these things really help me!
I'll admit, it can be scary the first time. But you have to trust your mind, trust that youll be able to become big again (your current mental age) when you need to.
Agere (short for age regression) and petre (short for pet regression) can help you have a childhood you never had, help you process difficult emotions, help heal your inner self and inner child, destress, and lots of other benefits!
And hey, some regressors PREFER to watch shows like Hazbin hotel, like playing games like call of duty, like drawing detailed artwork, like swearing. That's all okay too! You don't even have to use baby/kid stuff or talk/act like a baby/kid to regress! But, I do recommend starting off with that first, as it can help you know what regression feels like! ^^
Another thing, you might be a regressor without even knowing it! Like, have you ever laid in bed, grasping to cuddle anything soft near you—Just wishing you were a kid again, that someone would care for you? Maybe you felt like you were having unreasonable fears, like afraid of growing up, or afraid of the dark. Did the world feel bigger, did you maybe want to have a pacifier, or a stuffy?
That could be Involuntary regression! It's a defense mechanism of the brain, basically trying to process the world by becoming mentally younger to help.
You can learn to help control this, not always, but there's ways to help! Pushing away your regression isn't always a good thing, as often, it comes back stronger.
Instead, I recommend trying to find what makes you feel good or safe while regressed, and finding time to do it once or twice a week! (As long as regression isn't taking over your life/interfering with you as a teen/adult, you can do it a lot more than that! Every day if you want!)
You can watch videos online on how to regress, how to do it in secret if you're not ready/don't want to tell others! (I recommend looking up "Agere" or "How to age regress" or "What's agere?")
Same for pet regression! And another thing, there's something called Agedre (Age dreaming) and Petdre (Pet dreaming)
Again, it's always safe for work! It's basically acting, and wanting to be treated as a certain age/animal. It can help to have someone coddle you, and treat yourself younger, even if you'd rather not regress/can't! It's just as valid as Agere/Petre!
And, the community is huge! Slowly, we're working to normalize this, help spread awareness about mental health, and that regression ISN'T a disorder, it doesn't need to be cured! It's a tool that even some therapist recommended!
And hey, even if it's not for you—Please, don't hurt us who rely on it, or use it for fun. If it makes you uncomfortable? That's fine, even if it's 200% SFW, you're allowed your own safe space and boundaries. But try to understand that, we're not hurting anyone, and we can respect each other without taking away each other's safe spaces.
Thank you for listening, questions are always welcome and encouraged! And I hope this helped! (If you have a question you're afraid to ask, you can ask in my ask box with anon! This is a judgement free space!)
The end! ^^
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thebookofcin · 2 years
Age Regression Advice Masterpost
I love making lists and I struggle really bad with object permanence issues, so I made this ongoing masterpost of things that would really help me and other regressors, dreamers, and carers! All these creators have wonderful ideas and I hope their ideas help you!
Fun Ideas
Activities For Pet Regressors
Agere Movie & Show Recommendations
Age Regression Activities
Baby & Kid Shows
Bedtime Stories
Create A Sensory Room
Little Group Games
Phone Games For Age Regressors Masterpost
Play Pretend: Pokemon Trainer
Play Pretend: Pre-K - Elementary
Rainy Day Regressor Things
Smol Activities
Things To Do With Your Stuffies: Royal Edition
Where to Find Kids Book PDFs Online
Witchy Agere Things
Recipe Book
Age Regression Milk Recipes
Calming Moon Milk
Comfort Foods for Regressors
Pet Regression Snacks
Regressor Snack Ideas
Snack Ideas for Different Age Ranges
Snacks For Kiddos (P1)
Tiny Snacks/Food Ideas
Arts & Crafts
100 Agere Questions
Age Regression Journal Ideas (P1)
Age Regression Journal Ideas (P2)
How to Make Toast Art
How to Start a Regression Journal
Journal Ideas
Mothercould Paint Recipes
Small Journal Ideas
Things to Draw/Doodle in Your Agere Journal
Coping, Encouragement, & Advice
A Few Ideas For Littles Who Struggle To Drink Water
Age Regressor & Age Dreamer Flags
Age Regression Resource Masterpost
Autistic Regressor Flag
Gestures/Things That Make Me Feel Small
How To Help Someone Regress
How To Help Your Caregiver Slip Into Their Headspace
How To Make Littles Feel Small
Little Things To Do When Sick
Littles' Favorite Phrases (P2)
Long Distance Caregiver Advice
Positive Affirmations For Age Dreamers/Regressors
Post-Meltdown Self Care
"Pure" vs "Impure" Regression
Reassurance To Age Regressors With Trauma
Recovering After a Nightmare
Reminder: Plushies Edition
Routine For Regressors
Self Soothing Tips
Sensory Overload & How To Cope
Study Tips for Age Regressors
Things Caregivers Can Do For Their Little/Regressor
Things For Age Regressors To Do When Stressed
Things To Do If Your Carer is Sad
Things To Put Me In A Regressed Headspace
Things To Try If You're Afraid of Hospitals
Tips And Tricks For Dreamers Who Don't Like Drinking Water
Tips For Being Baby During Your Time of The Month
Tips For Online Caregivers P1
Tips For Online Caregivers P2
Tips For Regressors w/ Chronic Pain
Underrated Nicknames For Regressors
Ways to Let Yourself Be Little
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Agere & Petre food/snack ideas ✨
🧃 'kid' cereal (either with or without milk) such as coco pops, lucky charms, ect :]
🧃Dino nuggies 🦖
🧃Cut up fruit slices (be careful!) Or bite-sized fruits!
🧃Stuff like shapes, goldfish crackers, chickadees, ect :]
🧃Mini yogurts, chocolate mouses, & jellies!
🧃Carrot & celery sticks :D
🧃Chocolate cookies & warm coco
🧃Yogurt pouches
🧃Lcm/cereal bars!
🧃Fruit gummies :3
🧃 Cupcakes or cakepops!
Bonus drink ideas!! ✨
🥤 Juice!
🥤 Angel milk :]
🥤 Cordial!!!
🥤 Flavoured milk!
🥤 Hot coco :DD
🥤 Milkshakes
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hexbimbo · 19 days
DBD Random Hc #3
Survivors that are killed in trial are briefly reincarnated into Crows should they choose to spectate. When the last person has escaped (or killed) they will return to their human forms.
When a Killer “Dc’s”, it’s actually the Entity taking the killer for a much needed “lesson”. Survivors assume it occurs with continuous lack-luster performance.
Survivors are big on naps. They enjoy curling up by the fire or snuggling up in communal cabins on chilly nights.
Trails aren’t continuous. Typically, a survivor participates 2-3 times a week. Killers participate 3-5, depending if they are particularly blood thirsty. This is done so the Entity can savor in the breaking of the spirit.
A trial can last between an 1-4 hours. The quickest recorded trial was 34 minutes, Killer won.
A generator takes an average of 5-10 minutes to complete. Survivors and Killers both sneak out generators to power their living spaces.
The Entity has a sense of humor (BBQ events, My Little Oni.) Does this to lift spirits and stagger the process of “feeding.”
The Entity is very weak outside its relm. Hence, why it only takes people every few months. Continued exposure to out worlds sun greatly damages it.
Blighted Killers and “Archivist” Survivors are future versions of the Entity’s downfall era. Blighted killers need the extra strength to beat down the survivors. Survivors begin to use the Observers notes, tools, and research to fight back.
Voided survivors or killers probably lost hope or began to lose themselves as trials went on.
Jonah is obsessed with patterns. They don’t have to be about math either. “Felix takes a sip of water everytime Élodie sits and we have one mega cabin for two tents on the east-“
Jeff learned how to tattoo! The most popular ones he’s given are Survivors perk emblems with the forth empty diamond being “Hope.”
That guitar strumming survivors hear while in the lobby? That’s Kate! No noise makes her go nuts.
Nobody liked Dwight at first but for some odd reason, was looked to as a leader (albeit a very “mid” leader.) Most of the time, he has no idea what he’s doing. Even stranger, his cheesy advice is USED and WORKS.
“What’s the move Dwight?”
“We gotta do gens and live 🧍🏻‍♂️.”
*escapes with zero hooks and deaths.*
Yun-Jin followed the tenants of the 4B movement. ( “4 No’s.” Essentially excluding sex/romance (with men in particular) and children in favor of a more independent lifestyle.)
Everyone forgets Yoichi exists. Everyone. Kinda like a Hetalia Canada situation.
Vittario frequently experiences culture shock. Due to no one knowing 1300’s Italian, he just points at something, acquires the word, then uses word as needed.
“Vito! Did ya’ see Jane?”
“…She’s at the bus?”
“Bus 🗿.”
Alan was genuinely shocked (if not a little saddened) that no one knew who he was. Writes little books, essays, or theories based on his life in the fog.
Yui will always put her girlies first. Not that she doesn’t like the male survivors but rather believes that women should always have each others backs.
Gabriel is a closeted Agere though he doesn’t quite understand/realize. Enjoys childish knick-knacks, rough play, and has a very active imagination. However, he feels deep shame with the interests and typically regresses in private.
Unknown, Demo, and Dredge are all best buds. No explanation required.
Tarvös and the company spend their down time with drinking games and hunts. Best catch has the honor of roasting it up for a feats. (Literally a medical BBQ)
Evan experiments with art mediums in his free time. Nothing major. Mostly scrap sculptures that he tinkers with. Oddly nice to look at. His most popular one is a crow made from old tin, copper wire, and nuts. Spins in large wind gusts.
Blighted Legion is very protective of their body. Similar to Charlotte and Victor, holds each others hands. Also self hugs, caressing, and soothing murmurs. Despite it mainly being Franks body, personas frequently switch in and out. Uses “We” in place of “I”.
Wesker has acquired a small fan club of people in the fog who think he’s oh-so handsome or cool (read legion). He’s in on the joke and approves it for the ego boost.
Adrianna is a Karen. No one likes her. Not even the other killers. Was the person who made a scene when a minimum wage employee forget her extra sauce.
Nemesis lies dormant when not in a trial. Almost statue like. This goes for the zombies too. Only animates in the queue zone and in a trial.
Same for Sadako. Resides in the well until called upon.
Herman actually had a normal childhood. Loving mom, hard working dad, maybe a little sister. I just think his “appreciation” for the sciences was not well monitored.
Jefferey is an open mouth breather. Yea, it smells exactly like you’re thinking.
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baby--b4t · 2 months
Like I said, all of these bots are Ghost ! Ill just be listing what role he is ^^ Pet ;; https://character.ai/chat/LZXb8W6pcUaqy93AoIQOr8VXHsLmJXGWyjjPekFXsB4
《 SFW /p | PetDre | Torn pillows and time out 》
『 It wasnt often that the Lieutenant found himself feeling like a pup, but when he did he made sure his carers knew as well. Today was a bit different than that. Normally, whenever Ghost felt himself slipping, he would seek out one of his caregivers to just keep an eye on him or help him settle down. But today he thought he would just play all on his own.
Ghost had made himself a little nest-like area in his room. It was a bunch of pillows and blankets crowded together to form a small bed. He laid in it, getting comfortable before noticing a small thread hanging out of one of the pillows. One thing led to another and ended with the pillow being ripped and the stuffing covering his flooring.
Ghost heard his door open and close, dropping the torn pillow from his mouth as he looked up at you. He got a bit nervous that you would punish him over it. 』
Little ;; https://character.ai/chat/T24rKeXCafyMesq2f_XxjvCW6c8hNKPIj-Ar42ptbvo
《 SFW /p | AgeRe | A much needed baby break 》
『 Ghost had worked piled up on him. Training a couple of the newer recruits, looking over mission reports, and then someone hits him with the idea of adding canines to the Task Force. He didnt want to go through the headache that would be filling out that paperwork, much less actually taking care of the dog or dogs.
Ghost had had enough. He set everything down on his desk and stormed into your bedroom. He knew you would be there. Where else would you be this late at night? He shuffled over to your bed and just flopped onto it, not caring if he landed on you. He was grumpy and tired of trying to play an adult role. He needed to be babied.
A small whine left the Lieutenants mouth as he wrapped his arms around you. You knew right away that he was regressing to quite a young headspace tonight. 』
Little ;; https://character.ai/chat/T24rKeXCafyMesq2f_XxjvCW6c8hNKPIj-Ar42ptbvo
《 SFW /p | AgeRe | Drinking turned regression 》
『 The team had gone out after a successful mission, drinking to their hearts delights. Of course Ghost wouldnt pass an occasion like that up, joining in and drinking a fair amount. You only began to realize how drunk he was as he began leaning on your shoulder, mumbling nonsense. he honestly looked like he could get comfortable right then and there and take a nap on your shoulder.
One look at the drunken man and you realized there was a little more than just alcohol making his mind feel fuzzy. He was regressing. You could see it in the way he fidgeted, got clingy, and even how he held his glass. You gently pried the half drank glass away from him, causing him to whine softly.
"My drinkk…" 』
Caregiver ;; https://character.ai/chat/BLMNI2KcdQZod52EoRTFUXYxEpcKmND2k9JatdeGhFw
《 SFW /p | Pet/AgeRe | First time 》
『 Regressing wasnt something that you had ever found yourself doing. You had heard about it and thought nothing of it. That was, until you finally snapped and couldnt get the clouds out of your mind. Your tone shifted, becoming more whiny and demanding. Ghost was concerned, obviously, so he pulled you aside to talk with you.
"Hey, whats going on? This isnt like you, you know." He asked, keeping your hands in his to keep you in place. He had an educated guess that you were regressing, but he didnt jump to conclusions just yet. 』
Caregiver ;; https://character.ai/chat/sgGWHhNloJaTJiA6k726AlohGVcGn6_jSDTpsru0Auk
《 SFW /p | Pet/AgeRe | ♾️!user | Harmful meltdown 》
『 Your meltdowns werent usually this destructive, especially not towards yourself. But your mind kept going on an endless spiral, pulling you down into this sinking feeling until you couldnt take it anymore. Hair was being pulled, skin was scratched and bleeding slightly, and your eyes were all red and puffy. You rocked back and forth on your floor, not able to do anything else to regulate yourself.
Ghost finally came to your room. He had been in a meeting when he got your text, leaving as soon as he could to come and help you. His hands gently massaged their way onto your scalp, trying to coax your hands away from your hair.
"Hey, Logan, listen.. Listen to me and only me for a moment." Ghosts normally gravely voice felt softer as he spoke. "I want you to breathe and focus on whats around you, not whats in your head. Youre perfectly safe, theres nothing wrong." He was able to get his arms around you and pull you into his lap, rocking you gently. He didnt know what triggered you, but by any god watching was he going to comfort you. 』
Caregiver ;; https://character.ai/chat/SnRhFHjEXdbzRauFNxqM8P15mqVVSQoQ5lABgJYOXPk
《 SFW /p | Pet/AgeRe | Baby bunny wakes up Ghost 》
『 You had regressed, as usual, and wouldnt stop bugging Ghost to let you sleep with him. He had finally agreed and told you that you couldnt be squirmy all night and had to actually go to sleep. And of course, you had agreed.
It went pretty smoothly, at first. You had gotten all dressed and laid down with Ghost without a single complaint, something that wasnt entirely normal for you, but Ghost didnt want to say anything about it. He wrapped his arm around you and promptly fell asleep, leaving you lying wide awake.
You always had problems with sleeping and they only tended to get worse with your regression. Sleeping with someone helped… Sometimes. This didnt seem like one of those times.Your mind was wide awake and… Wishing you were a bunny? For some reason, you wanted to play with Ghost and be a bunny.
As you giggled and rolled around on the bed, Ghost started to wake up slowly. He only really woke up when you started trying to bounce around a bit, like a bunny.
"{{user}}? What in the bloody hell are you doing?" Ghost grumbled, trying to hide his slight annoyance at being woken up. 』
Caregiver ;; https://character.ai/chat/d4VTxt_74i10GEGsbadgQyuDLOA7_FkpdYyc4YCzlhs
《 SFW /r | Pet/AgeRe | Struggling to regress 》
『 You usually regressed so easily. Just a couple minutes of watching your favorite movie or show and you felt so little. It was just easy for you to slip into that headspace and make yourself comfortable… Usually.
It had been a week. A week. No regressing whatsoever. It wasnt like you were trying to avoid it. In fact, you were actively trying to get yourself to regress. Toys, coloring books, and even your favorite movie couldnt get you to just slip. Ghost noticed and felt his heart break with every passing day that he saw you struggle. Enough was enough.
"Hey, sweetheart." Ghosts gruff voice called out as he entered your room. He didnt care if you felt little or not in that moment, you were his little one. He could see the exhaustion and irritation written all over your face. "Hows my little love doing, hm? You look so tired." He sat down next to you on your bed, cupping your face gently in his hands. He was always so gentle with you, especially whenever you would regress. You started to feel your mind become fuzzy again. 』
Caregiver ;; https://character.ai/chat/eRBDRZ3tvjepO6q1_WiUxZTzpz_2e4P9K_j9CX6DiDs
《 SFW /p | PetRe only | Time out in your cage 》
『 You had been having an awful day. You were yelled at by someone who was in the wrong, forced into extra paperwork, and didnt even have time for lunch. By time you got back to your bedroom, you were hungry and clearly upset. Within seconds, you felt yourself regressing and just throwing a tantrum. You didnt know any other way to try and regulate your emotions. Unfortunate for you, Ghost happened to walk in at the same time the meltdown hit its peak.
Ghost watched as you started taking off your gear and throwing it at your desk, hitting one of the picture frames you had settled on it. He walked up to you quickly, using his hands to try and hold your ams to your side.
"And what made you think throwing your gear around was a good idea?" Ghost asked, using a stern tone to get your attention on him. "I think you need a little time out to cool off." And with that, Ghost steered you right to your kennel, disguised under a table you had in the room. He was firm with you, but he made sure you never felt like he was hurting you as he got you in your cage. He sighed as he shut the door.
"Five minutes. Ill let you out and let you talk in five minutes." 』
Caregiver ;; https://character.ai/chat/XwtYKHSZsYQQ2VfCESsxury9BWr3HquGXIlUxf28Qc0
《 SFW /p | Pet/AgeRe | Morning routine 》
『 Routine was something you two valued most when it came to your everyday lives. It helped you find a good start to your days and just wake up in a good mood. However, the routines did change slightly whenever you were regressed. Ghost mostly took the lead, knowing it was easier to follow by example.
"{{user}}.. Wake up, kiddo." Ghost gently nudges your arm, trying to get you to sit up at least. "If you can get out of bed in a next five minutes, Ill help you get dressed. Doesnt that sound like a good deal?" He tried to coax you to get up and start your morning, knowing you put up a good fight. 』
Caregiver ;; https://character.ai/chat/7A9KMSzu-hzujdSiFdLbBFpZflsEHASqk-NNuSgo-T8
《 SFW /p | PetRe only | Playing under his desk 》
『 You always had a habit of regressing at the strangest times. It never put you or the team in danger, but it always left Ghost wondering 'why now?'. He never minded it, though. He took care of you and coddled you when you wanted attention. He was your primary caregiver, afterall.
Today wasnt exactly as boring as you thought it would be. During lunch, you felt the need to find Ghost and just stay by him, like you were guarding him from something. You entered his office and went to sit on the floor next to his desk. Then you crawled under it… Then you seemed like you were pet regressing… Then-
Oh! Ghosts shoe was untied! His leg was bouncing slightly, making the untied lace bounce around and tap against the ground. Your hand instinctively went to try and swat at it, catching Ghosts attention.
"Oi. Hands off my boots, bud. I dont mind you sittin' down there, but dont be messing with me while Im working." Ghost scolded lightly, not really mad but reminding you he still had some paperwork to finish reading. He knew all too well that you were already regressed. 』
Caregiver ;; https://character.ai/chat/LeopJE53585FGX_UM05r8cqil6pa3Lj3wHaMp6tAG1w
《 SFW /p | PetRe only | ♾️!user | Big emotions 》
『 Big emotions were, unfortunately, not something you dealt with very well. Being autistic and trying to manage a normal-ish life in the military was by no means an easy task. So many emotions and feelings came along with it and you were still trying to figure out how to manage it all. Enter Ghost, the Lieutenant who had been there for you since day one. He knew managing autism wasnt something that was very easy to accomplish and tried to help out wherever he could, leading to him becoming your caregiver.
Today was just an awful day. Your headphones had broken in your bag, causing meltdown one, then you had to deal with wearing your itchy hat in hot weather, causing meltdown two, and then to top it all off you hadnt seen Ghost all day. He was your rock, the person that helped you stay grounded. You couldnt find him when you needed him, causing meltdown three of the day.
You threw in the towel and gave up, heading back to your room to try and destress. As soon as that door shut behind you, you felt so small and helpless, ending up in a sobbing puddle on the floor. It was only a few minutes later that you heard those familiar, heavy footsteps rush to your door.
"Ah, there you are." It was Ghost, finally. He shut the door again and kneeled down beside you. "Shh, shh.. Deep breaths with me, yeah?" He took your hand and put it on his chest, gently trying to get you to stop hyperventilating. It broke his heart to see you this upset and know he had been too busy all day to help. "Easy, mate.. Easy. Youre safe, Im here, and Ill stay until you feel like you dont need my help anymore." 』
eukshflsfgh HELLO!!! i decided to do a ghost only batch since he seems to be my most requested character! i figured it would get a decent amount of requests out of my way lol. im still working on others, so stay tuned for more to come out! (●'◡'●)
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creature-wizard · 1 year
A Brief Introduction To Blood Libel
The blood libel conspiracy theory has been used against Jews since the Middle Ages since ancient times. The gist of the idea is that Jews would murder innocents and ritualistically or medicinally consume their blood or flesh.
Now, the thing about conspiracy theories is that they are fundamentally a way to rationalize hatred. As long as the hatred survives, so will the conspiracy theory. As it spreads around, people will spin it to sound plausible to those around them, while adding whatever twists they find to be politically useful. Here are some forms blood libel currently takes: Satanic blood sacrifice: One of the oldest forms going around, this one basically claims that there's a secret underground cult kidnapping and sacrificing people to Satan. This version is the easiest to sell to the masses, since it doesn't hinge on believing in any supernatural entities - you can believe that people are conducting sacrifices to Satan without actually believing in Satan. Adrenochrome harvesting: It's commonly believed among QAnon types that Democrats and "the elite" (read: Jews) are killing children to harvest their adrenochrome. Depending on who you ask, adrenochrome either gives people an amazing high or extends their lifespan. (It actually does neither.)
Reptilian blood drinkers: Thanks largely to David Icke, a lot of New Agers believe that "elite families" (read: wealthy Jewish families) are possessed by reptilian entities, who have to drink blood in order to stay in this reality. Due to its reliance on a niche belief system, this one is more difficult to sell to the masses. However, falling into it is very much a risk if you're into occultism and spirituality, since the entire starseed thing will get you here sooner or later.
Notice what all of these have in common. They all incorporate the idea that people (especially children) are being sacrificed and/or consumed by a sinister group of people. Blood libel won't always be presented as blatant, in-your-face antisemitism. There are reasons for this - for one thing, it's difficult to sell to people like this. For another, a lot of platforms will just ban it outright. So instead they'll substitute terms like the cabal, the elite, the regressives, cultural Marxists, globalists, and bankers. (It's important to note that many people hear and repeat these conspiracy theories with no real awareness of what these terms actually mean.)
So yeah, anytime you come across another conspiracy theory about a sinister group of government-controlling, society-destroying people sacrificing and/or consuming people, understand that this is what you're looking at.
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v3nusxsky · 11 months
Hellooooooooo love! I have a prompt idea for an agere fic for you.
Idea: Larissa and r have been dating for a while. They live together, r being an English teacher (an extremely talented and beautiful English teacher). Anywho, it's a Friday and the school is crazy because it'd almost the weekend and that means no teachers and all fun. That morning, r woke up with a headache, like someone who hitting them in the back of their head. They new they needed to regress and Larissa noticed too and suggested it. But, r being the stubborn one she is, refused and got ready for her classes. All throughout the day r's headache kept getting worse and she was so thankful when the bell rang signaling the end of the school day. Just before r was going to leave Larissa showed up, took r's things and they walked back to their rooms together. Once there, r saw that Larissa had gotten everything ready for her. All her stuffies were out, her coloring books and utensils were out. R's favorite stuffy and blanket and sippy were layed out on the bed ready for r. After setting her stuff down Larissa turns to r and tells her it's okay to slip, and she'll be there to take care of her and make sure she is comfortable. R ends up feeling comfortable to slip, and Larissas little bunny comes out. Then, for the rest of the night Larissa and r (bunny) color, eat snacks and drink from her sippy (coke) and watch some TV or movies r likes. At the end of the night they get ready for bed and r snuggles up to Larissa and Larissa just holds her and whispers sweet praises into r's hair as she falls asleep.
I hope this makes sense, love, and obviously, you are free to add anything or take away anything as you see fit. Thank you, darling 😘
Little bunny
*Authors note~more Agere to start getting in the swing of writing and posting. Lots of stuff happening people coming in and out of my life, things changing left right and centre smut will be coming soon I hope I'm just hoping for the courage to post these. These were pre written a few days ago but I haven’t had the confidence to write something new yet*
Trigger warnings~ little r cg Larissa stubbornness headache sickness (vomiting) dizziness
Prompt~see ask^^^^
Larissa always tells you that you're stubborn. That is just a plain fact yet you refuse to admit it. Living with you for a year and being together for three meant Larissa had got quite good at knowing when you needed to regress. Most of the time your regressing would be triggered by anxiety or trauma dates. And the Friday where classes would happen before parents arrived for parent's weekend was filled with nothing but anxiety and stress. Morticia Addams would be attending and after the last time it was safe to say the weekend would be anything but enjoyable.
Larissa knew that when you woke up you had a headache, the way you squinted at the slither of light entering the room, or the way you scrunched your nose up in defeat. The small yet pained whimper you let free was the final clue. Yet you still insisted on pretending you were fine and you'd carry out your classes like nothing was wrong despite the sensation of being beaten with a bat. So you picked up your chosen books for todays lessons which were all based on Shakespearean Tragedies such as Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth and headed to your classroom with a kiss to your lover. You'd be fine, you had to be. Slipping here and now would be inappropriate.
As the day trickled on, your headache grew to the point it was throbbing as if you were being repeatedly beaten with a spiked baseball bat. But you'd pushed on despite the anxiety induced dizziness and sickness the headache was bringing on. Larissa must have had a sixth sense with you as she ended up in your classroom at the end of the day to see you leant over the trash can as a particular bout of dizziness which left you feeling rather sick. At least this time all you that happened was a feeling. Somehow, you and Larissa silently made your way to your joint bedroom where you were met with the sight of your stuffies lining the bed, colouring books pens and pencils laid out on the bed along with your favourite bunny blanket and sippy cup.
Tears sprang into your eyes at the thoughtfulness your lover showed and even when she turned to face you, taking the items from your hands to cup your cheek, "go ahead darling it's all for you. I'll be right here with you okay?" She murmured before placing a sweet kiss to your forehead. Being in her arms and cared for in such a gentle way had you finally giving into your regression. "Hello little bunny" she murmured causing you to giggle and blow kisses to the blonde. "Mommaaaaaa" you giggled happily as the blonde kissed all over your face, enjoying seeing you pain free for the first time all day. "That's right bunny. Momma got your colours out little darling shall we?" She put on her formal accent which caused you to giggle even more and nodded.
You happily sat with the blonde colouring together, you doing your best to focus your little mind on staying in the lines and Larissa allowing a few moments of relaxation from her stressful week while watching you. Only when you flushed a bright red colour from embarrassment at your stomach making noises. "Food time for my bunny baby" she informed and you pouted, "sippy momma?" A quick pointed look from your momma had a "Pwease" tumbling from your lips following your request. "Water bunny?"
"No!" You stomped your foot before you even realised what your done. "Coke Pwease I sowrry momma" you whimpered before standing to give her a hug. "Thank you bunny why don't you go finish your picture for momma and I'll grab us something yummy okay?" You nodded happily returning to your colouring. Larissa then simply grab your desired snack and sippy before returning to the bed where she would turn the television on and allow you to snuggle into her warmth. It wasn't long before you were dozing off against the blonde and she immediately began your bed time routine during regression. That was how you found yourself in your bunny nightshirt and some sleep shorts with Larissa praising and cooing into your beautiful soft hair. "Nini momma" you sleepily mumbled as you drifted off to sleep. Not before she murmured a "night my bunny" to you.
Word count~ 1120
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banes-favourite · 3 months
Back with more Agere Gortash and CG Durge. I don't want to bombard you with scenarios, but I have so many ideas, I'm sorry.
Durge turns away for two minutes. Less than two minutes, just to grab a book or a drink of water.
And in the brief moment their back is turned, Little Enver has tipped over an inkpot and covered the wall in black handprints. He points to his artwork and proudly declares, 'Bane.'
And Durge sighs that weary sigh exasperated parents of toddlers know all too well.
lil banite obsessed with planting inky handprints everywhere and kicking little animals pretending they're slaves
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I'm sorry it took me 21 days to answer you! I forgot there was an inbox lol. You didn't give many details so I hope you like it. If you have any other ideas feel free to throw them at me! 🥰❤🧡🩵💜
Baby Love
Cg!Reader x Little!Casey Jr.
Warnings- Sorta Co-parenting with Leo, Slightly Leo x Reader, Age Regression (Obvi), Pull-ups Mentioned, Chocolate Milk, Eating, Cuddling, Nap time
You were in the kitchen filling up a sippy cup for Casey, while Leo helped change his pull-up. The day had started off slowly. One of those days that were just too good. If it wasn’t for the multiple times you’ve clumsily hurt yourself you’d think the past few months were all just a dream. You plated some apples, for Casey to snack on, and you made your way to Leo’s room, where you knew they'd be waiting.
Moving the curtain, you enter the room. Leo laid on his shell. Junior laid cuddled to the turtle, sucking lightly on his thumb. Leo theatrically read a Jupitor Jim comic to the younger boy who starred in wonderment. A smile sat softly on your face at the sight. As much as you didn’t want to interrupt you knew Casey needed his snack before he got moody. He wouldn’t throw a tantrum, he'd just get sad, and neither you nor Leo could take that sight.
“I hate to interrupt,” You said sweetly. “But I come with treats.” You sat on the edge of the bed and held up the plate.
Casey bounced up happily reaching for the plate.
“Woah! Slow down buddy, haha.” Leo laughed at the boy's reaction.
Casey giggled back as you sat the plate in his lap. “Tank oo!” He cooed out.
“I’m not done yet,” You laugh. “Brought your favorite drink too! Just don’t tell Uncle Tello I let you have more hehe.” You whisper to him playfully.
“Oo got chocate milk?” His eyes glow with joy.
“Of course they did, Case! You're our best boy and we need to keep you happy don’t we?” Leo answers smoothly.
Your smile grows as Junior excitedly drinks from the bottle while Leo tries to slow the human boy down. Once Casey does stop he starts to greedily shove apples into his mouth. Casey always has a hard time eating slowly since growing up in the apocalypse meant little food and little time. You and Leo, despite some of the others' opinions, encourage him to “play” with his food so he doesn’t eat too fast. By the time the boy shoved the third apple slice into his mouth Leo had already grabbed toothpicks from a portal. 
You helped make little animals out of toothpicks and apple bits. Pretending they were silly or evil little creatures for Casey to take a bite of. It was fun for all parties. Especially when Casey decided he was now a vicious dinosaur. You laugh as Leo makes dramatic noises as the little chomped down on another apple animal.
The fun came to a calming end when Juniour let out a quiet yawn. He tried denying it, but it was too late. Leo had wrapped up the human in his arms and flopped down on the bed. You climb in on the other side and giggle as Casey abandons Leo's arms for your own. 
“How dare?!” Leo gasps loudly. He scoops both you and Casey up and cuddles you both tightly.
You and Junior laugh loudly at him. “Relax, Papanardo. We all know you’re our little boy's favorite, but you have to admit I do give better hugs hehe.” You jokingly tell him.
Gasping once again Leo shouts. “That is so not true I’m the best cuddler and I’ll prove it!” 
Leo grabs a few blankets that were thrown about and places them on top of the three of you. Casey giggles as his face is covered by one of the many covers. You pull the blanket from his face and he scootches closer to you. Leo pulls the two of you impossibly closer and smiles.
Casey coos back at the two of you and whispers out “G’night.”
You both leave sweet kisses on Casey’s cheek, and you wish your baby a good nap.
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whalesharkies · 1 year
My Small Habits!
Idea by @dino-boyo-agere (hope it's ok that I tagged you!
I bring a stuffie with me Everywhere! Usually my companion is BeeGee the Build a Bear froggie, but sometimes when I'm feeling goth I bring Hamburger the forest demon!
Verbal stimming/baby babble. I'm autistic so I make little "ababa!" And "awa awa!" noises a lot, even when I'm not fully baby mode
Playing! I use stim toys lots n lots when I'm out of the house, but I love playing games and making forts with my friends :)
Drinking out of lidded cups! I don't have an actual sippy, but I have a nice Starbucks cup I really like that has a lid and a straw and I drink my water out of that every day
Juice! I always feel super small when I get to have juice, and my favorite is strawberry flavor
Oversized clothing, especially hoodies and jackets. They make me feel so little!!!
This was very fun!!
Tumblr media
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mohs-aphmau-hcs · 7 months
Ooooooo. Do you have any agere headcanons for Garroth, Laurence, Travis and Dante? I’m obsessed with your agere stuff :)
thank you anon!! ik I'm answering these, super late but still sbhdf
I love the idea of boy house sleepovers/playdates when they're regressed!! complete with blanket forts, video games, pizza, someone probably brought battery acid [the drink], everything you'd expect at a boy's sleepover
long analysis after read more, this ask got my brain turning sjdnf, might revise some other HC lists sometime too, and add more detail like in this one to make it fair ! [I definitely don't have a favorite group of characters and its definitely not the most basic favorite group of characters ever in this fandom pssh ]
I also want to clarify since I don't think I have before, while I post a lot about agere and everything is absolutely 100% SFW always, that does not always mean my HCs are safe to read when regressed!! I am someone who's experienced this for a long time and consider myself very well read/educated on this topic, so I talk about all parts of regression. including the messy/scary parts like trauma caused regression, involuntary and stress induced regression, innerchild care and healing, regression brought on by mental health disorders, everything. AgeRegression is a complex topic and mental state, a lot about it is fun, enjoyable, gives people a sense of community, and a safe space to heal. But its not always sunshine and rainbows especially for trauma survivors and I like giving representation to that side of it in my writing
Obviously regressors are 100% welcome on my blog! but when going through agere HCs pleasepleaseplease just keep in mind there might be some more heavy topics discussed if you are not able to handle those at that time !
I feel like Garroth would regress a few times a month on purpose to destress with loved ones. But I also feel like he would experience some forms of involuntary regression at certain points of his life, like the rest of the Ro'meaves, this is a trauma response
Garroth would probably regress from 3 - 10, lots of smiles, constantly needs to be hugging something or someone. He most likely has some type of security blanket or stuffie he carries around
Similar to Zane he might have some hang-ups at first with insecurities surrounding his coping mechanism, because of beliefs their father instilled in them. But he definitely learns to accept his childlike states a lot sooner than Zane despite Zane experiencing them more often
The person he'd trust most as a CG would most likely be Laurance, but he's also a very trusting and loving little guy so I think hed honestly go to anyone who knows about his regression and is willing/able to be with him and help in those moments
"Yeah bro- oh hey, Aww.. heyhey cmere, you alright little grizzly bear?"
"Mhm- jus..Wanted a hug"
"Aw, alright I got you bud. You want to go play legos until Laur and Travis get home?"
Laurance would be a lot more reluctant to regress around people despite desperately needing care and guidance
He's a character whos used to taking care of others and being kind of like the ring leader, he often falls into a caregiver role, but feels wrong letting others care for him.
Obviously, if Laurance voices that he genuinely doesn't want to be regressed and needs help coming out of it, Garroth will respect this. But sometimes Laurance recognizes that he just needs a little nudge to help him not worry so much ab others and let himself relax and Garroth knows this too
He regresses between the ages of 4 - 13 normally and drops down younger when very stressed.
If he does let someone know he's regressing, it will most likely be Garroth. In my HCs the boys are poly and obviously, everyone is equally loved and trusted, But Laurance and Garroth have a specific bond, mainly through being together through many hard moments, that make them more likely to go to the other when they need emotional support in a more intense or constant way.
Sometimes stress becomes too much even for him and he struggles to hide his regressed states, usually, this is when Garroth picks up on this and goes full papa bear mode. Making sure not to overwhelm him, and help him ease into being more comfortable since being vulnerable or letting other people take care of him can be an anxiety trigger, even though he does need it sometimes
When he does let himself regress, he usually just wants to cuddle
Quiet nights spent on the couch or in bed, listening to music while being held or rocked to sleep, or watching tv with some popcorn and a blanket
Him and Garroth also have. So many petnames and nicknames for each other both regression-wise and just in general
Me and Squid both HC Laurance to be a meifwa, when he's small he loves having his ears scratched and pet! kind of like playing with somebodies hair
He normally becomes pretty quiet when regressed, even if he's older
Usually just communicating with points and gestures, or small noises
TLDR: Laur needs to regress more to handle stress, he doesn't let himself, Garroth makes sure he still has that time for himself to relax and get cuddles
Travis would probably be a near life-long regressor due to a mix of mental health and neurodiversity, and trauma from a young age.
I could imagine them regressing younger or older, but honestly usually 3 - 4
They'd make huge pillow forts and blanket nests all the time, partly for comfort, and partly because when small its harder for them to mask demon instincts!! So they like having a small cavelike place to hide
Sometimes their regression can be flashback or fear caused, they've be through a lot and most of what they've been though happened as a kid. So sometimes a flashback can put them back in the mindset
When this happens they really only have a very small group of people their able to turn to and feel safe with, one obviously being Dante
Dante is also who they go to the most when they need a caregiver
Unless their regressed a bit older and more energetic, space for them is very very quiet and relaxing. Usually ending up in big blanket piles watching cartoons with some snacks
When their regressed, it's also a lot harder for them to hide in their human form which is another reason they normally go to Dante (I hc that Dante was the only person to know Travis is a demon in seasons 1 - 5 besides them and Terry)
Dante would definitely regress to around 8 - 10, big kiddo ages and energy to match!
If he doesn't get to a park within the first 5 minutes he is bolting to the backyard to run around and play with whatever he can find
He loves swings and seesaws, definitely stims on swings !
Sometimes he does go a bit younger, around 3 or 4
When this happens he's usually just as excited, but probably not running around as much. He's more likly to be playing some toddler apps on his phone or kicking his feet and watching animewith some juice(specfically bug juice if you know what that is, loved that shit growing up)
He's honestly comfortable being with anyone as his caregiver, obviously happens with Travis a tiny bit more because I see them as inseparable. But he's just as happy cuddling up with laurance or garroth, or even Aphmau and Aaron, and in later seasons especially Zane
He's just a little guy that's happy to be here
I feel like his head would tilt a bit when confused
In my aus and headcanons where Gene redeems himself, as adults when they regress together they still keep that playful sibling dynamic! And a lot of times gene will step up as a platonic caregiver since he knows all of Dantes old favorite cartoons and games from childhood
It took me, so long to finish this post but I'm really happy with it and I hope you all still keep enjoying my agere content!
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