#all my true otps are pairings of my ocs so i can never really talk abt them because like. they're ocs. nobody other than me cares abt them.
ir0n-angel · 2 years
For your Trevelyan and her partner of choice, from the OTP asks! 6, 14, 21, and 53 :)
Eve went through several iterations before I finally settled on one pairing. Which kinda fits because I flirted with everyone the first time I played through DA:I, now that I think about it. Currently settled on Solas, though I haven't figured out if it's a romance or a very strong but platonic relationship. Oh hey, these questions can cover both!
Solas x Eve Trevelyan
6. Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the ER after it backfires?
Ooh, this is a tough one, but I think I'll have to go with Eve on this. Being a warrior, she's literally on the frontlines of every battle. I could see her doing something like trying to aggro a bear to keep it away from the squishy mages, and Solas ready to scream because he has a barrier, dammit! And then very sternly saying as much as he heals her later on. Sucks to have to keep your true power under wraps now, doesn't it, Fen'Harel?
14. Which one stubbornly tries to pretend they aren’t sick?
Both. Unstoppable force meets immovable object, these two. Plus, with a name like Pride, well... I also headcanon that being a mage with healing powers, Solas wouldn't get sick very often. But when he does, by the ancestors, he's a pain in the ass! Eve, on the other hand, has to put up a strong front as the Inquisitor. Would she like to hide under the bedcovers and sleep all day? Yes. Does she have the luxury? ...Josephine, we need to talk.
21. Who sleeps on which side of the bed?
Eve is used to a childhood of having to share a bed with her twin and has never really grown out of subconsciously leaving space for someone else, so she takes the right hand side and stays there. I headcanon Solas is very much used to sleeping alone and, when he sleeps, he's Fade-walking. If he's not wrapped in a bedroll, he's 'wandering' around the bed. Some mornings, he's completely flipped around with head at the footboard. Yes, it's a silly idea, but I love silly things, so I'm going with it. What would this mean if they were sharing a bed? Eve would probably end up being a pillow at some point. I don't think she minds.
53. Who is more likely to kill the house plants?
Eve, though she tried very hard not to. The Inquisitor is a busy woman, okay? She really needs to talk to Josie about assigning one of the staff to make sure her potted plants on her balcony get watered while she's away. At least what she plants in the courtyard thrives without much effort. Must be something in the soil. May or may not have something to do with having been enchanted millennia ago when it was still Tarasyl'an Te'las.
⭐ Gold star for you that you made me think of my OC, as promised! Thank you so much for the asks. 🌼
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robotslenderman · 3 years
Sascha! :3
How I feel about this character
I used to not give a shit but then you sucked me into them how dare you
They are baby
Mass murdering horrible torturer baby
They've... been through a hell of a lot of trauma and have to process it. They were stuck in that trauma for centuries. Now Ilias is apparently back but he died in their arms, they saw him turn to ash and they have to be dealing with the trauma of that, too.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Ilias cel Frumos, Beckett (but like in a snarky enemies to lovers kind of way), and ofc my own OCs Rose and Nastasya. Wasn't sure about Nastasya/Sascha for a while but suddenly something seemed to click the other night and I think they'd actually work very well together -- their personalities complement each other, I think. Ilias is warm to Sascha's cold, extroverted to Sascha's introvert, but Nastasya is playful to Sascha's seriousness, joyful to their solemnity, vibrant to their reserved nature.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Even before Rose became a romantic partner I shipped the two of them nonromantically too.
Also I like the idea of Sascha being a tsundere Vitriolic Best Buds with Beckett.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I think that they would have responded far, far worse to the appearance of Elias Athanasios than I see fandom talk about (sorry, Ry XD). Like, not even as bad as I've mentioned before -- way worse.
To start: there is no way in hell they're not dealing with hella trauma after the Dracon. That everyone agrees on, but lemme go into detail:
Like imagine not just seeing your lover die in your arms but being unable to really process it because your consciousness just got smooshed with someone else's, with someone who's mourning his own lovers and didn't really care about yours. Oh, and that person's a suicidal but also sadistic psychopath.
So you spend a few centuries torturing people, shit you wouldn't have done before except in extreme circumstances (if at all) and quite enjoying it, and then --
And then you get separated from the part of you that was okay with it because oh, it was actually the other guy who was cool with that stuff, and you were trapped with the brain of the guy who enjoyed everything you did and you felt everything he did as you did it and thought you wanted it, thought you enjoyed it, thought it was you who decided it, but because you were so enmeshed you don't know that you DIDN'T, maybe it WAS you, can you really blame the Dracon?
And maybe it was really you who made those decisions, because after that long fused together... sure, you're separated physically.
But are you really?
You've been together for centuries. After that long you can't have known where one of you began and the other ended, and it must have influenced your true personality. I mean, stick people in a room of people different to them and they adapt their personality and beliefs pretty quickly, like weeks to months, without outside influence.
Like, how much fucking worse would that be if you were actually stuck inside their head, for CENTURIES???
You're apart now, but in a sense you'll always be together.
Stick the both of you in a room and you'd probably talk like a pair of Creepy Twins. You'll finish each other's sentences because you'll both be on the same wavelength, you'll have the same idiosyncratic habits -- scratching your nose with the same finger of the same hand, tilting your head the same way when you think somebody's being annoyingly obtuse, tapping your fingers the same way on the desk when you're thinking.
You've been intertwined for so long that you probably have the same impulses now, the same thoughts, with only the most foundational aspects to the both of you separating you -- the Dracon's still got his sadism, and Sascha is still introverted, so that'll influence subtle differences.
But it'll be buried under seven hundred years of habits you developed together, opinions and thoughts and aversions and passions you developed together, working in sync for every second of existence, dreaming the same dreams, moving the same hands and fingers, doing the same deeds.
You were a gestalt. Are you no longer one just because you're apart? Are you really separated when you were one for so long? Are you even two people any more, or are you just one person with two bodies, now?
It's going to take decades to bring yourself back to a functional level after the identity crisis that causes, and that's not even counting the trauma of the Eldest, or the Dracon's trauma that you remember just as vividly as if it were your own, or the trauma of what Symeon did to you.
You will probably never, ever recover.
There's traumatic events people went through that follow them for decades that only happened over a few hours at most.
How can you come back from seven hundred years?
In a way, it would have been emotionally better for them to have stayed fused to the Dracon forever. At least they would have thought they were themself, then. At least they were used to it. At least they didn't have a conscience. At least they didn't feel as used because half of them was doing the using, if initially unwillingly. They were one; there was no conflict, just two people so in sync they may as well have been one.
Then to add insult to injury, right after the Dracon's pulled from you, a guy identical to the lover you witnessed die in your arms shows up trying to get your attention. That timing is suspicious AF, and any hope Sascha might have had of coming to terms with Ilias's death on their own time comes crashing down as this redhead just casually waltzes on in and just mashes Sascha's trauma buttons by existing, by looking just like him and acting like him and sounding like him and having the same interests as him and and and --
And now half of them is gone. But also -- not gone, never going, never leaving, who are they now? They're missing half of themself but also probably feeling like they'll never be their real self again. Were they ever really Sascha, when that was a name they took on side by side with the Dracon? But how can they be Myca when Myca is seven hundred years away, when he died the moment Ilias did?
Maybe it was Myca who died in his lover's arms, not the other way around.
I think on the outside Sascha would pretend to be furious at Elias Athanasios for posing as their lover, for having the gall to pose as someone they saw turn to ash, but deep down?
I think they're fucking terrified of him.
Because of the traumatic memories he brings back. Because he knows so much about Ilias and Sascha can't figure out who he "really" is and what his true motivations are.
Because after everything Symeon did, after everything the Dracon and the Eldest did, after the evidence in front of Sascha's eyes that Ilias was dead, dead, dead, how can they not be terrified that this isn't another attempt to manipulate them and put them at the complete and utter mercy of another Methuselah or Elder or worse for another few centuries, when they were only JUST set free?
Their nights as the Angel of Caine are done. They've been manipulated so long and now there's someone else using the person that they loved the most as bait to draw them out. Someone they know for certain did not survive. For their own survival, they can't do anything but disappear because given the forces that has had power over them before, they can't take any risks with this one. Sascha keeps trying to find out who he really is and if he's working for someone, what his angle is, but this time their brilliance is getting them nowhere and they cannot find a single scrap of a clue who Elias Athanasios really is, because all evidence points to him being the real thing but he can't be because THEY SAW HIM DIE.
And here Athanasios is, continuing to try to lure them out.
He's convinced Beckett, one of the smartest people Sascha knows, that he's the real deal.
He's convinced Rose that he's the real deal.
He's convinced Sascha's dumbass Vykosovich descendants that he's the real deal -- particularly the descendant that's their biographer, the descendant whose made it her life's work to know everything there is to know about Sascha Vykos. And Athanasios has direct access to her.
He's getting closer and closer to Sascha.
The walls are closing in again.
So, my unpopular opinion?
Sascha Vykos is the most terrified they've ever been in their existence.
(Second opinion, which I don't know if it's unpopular or not, but -- since they used their deadname for centuries before changing it I reckon they'd actually be pretty fine with Ilias still calling them Myca. But, you know, only Ilias, and anyone else gets turned inside out. Not even Rose would get that privilege.)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Not exactly answering the question but I am dreading the release of the V5 Sabbat book because I'm so scared they're going to completely ignore what BJD did with Sascha and go back to making them a villain.
Also worried that Sascha's canonically followed the Beckoning. I reckon they'd nope the fuck out of it after what happened in BJD. Something strange trying to manipulate them again? Fuck no.
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queenharumiura · 3 years
B, E, L, P, H, A, G, O, R
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| ((I see what you did there and it’s beautiful. A++ ))
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
In regards to KHR, it’s hard to find any ship that I didn’t consider, because there was a time when I went crazy thinking of all sorts of ships (boy/boy, boy/girl, girl/girl. Don't test me). Still, there is an answer because this ship started it all. Hibari x Haru lol. At the time they were my favorite female and male character in KHR. My friend joked and said, “If you love them both so much, just ship them together.” History was made that day. Coincidentally I’ve cosplayed both. I will never show them off because they aren’t good lol. That started my descent down: This is fun, let’s ship almost anything I can find. Ships didn't necessarily have to be romantic either. I love exploring friendships and also just sibling dynamics as well. Haru adopting people? Yes please. 
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I feel like I’m a troll in general, so I have added something cracky to any fandom that I’m in. Two things I can think of atop my head are ‘you reblogged a dare meme and you dare think I won’t ask Mukuro/Hibari/Alaude/Daemon to wear cat ears? HA!!!! YOU THOUGHT!!’. Another would be that I like puns, so if I see my chance to pun in a meme, I will. I always ask first before I send, however. It usually results in silliness, as you could imagine and Haru running away in fear.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
I guess I’m neutral about Dr.Shamal so he should count? Mn...despite the way he is with women and the way he refuses to treat male patients, he’s a smart guy and talented at what he does. He was also utilized well in putting Gokudera’s character into perspective more. Additionally, he is a good example of, ‘Haru will punch you out if you cross the boundaries,’ and I appreciate him for that. His sacrifice wasn’t in vain. Never forget how he is the reason why Mukuro was able to use Sakura blossoms against Hibari in the first place. This man--- the damage he has caused.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
I’m assuming this is asking for me to create an AU for Haru as she’s placed in a different fandom. If that’s correct, I am going to casually pretend that I don’t know the difference between a fandom and a genre by going: “I’ve been reading way too many isekai recently and I think it would be funny to consider Haru getting sent to an otome or something and her being a super sassy and head strong FL. Watch her instantly try to change her identity or run away from bad male leads with all her might. I would live for this, thank you. Haru is also smart and adapts well, so she’d be able to adapt to whatever world setting she’s put in and she doesn’t hate studying, so she’d be able to pick up on the intricacies of her new world. Mainly, I just want a FL who will actually smack the life out of a ML if he’s being a POS. I NEED THIS. It’s emotional healing.
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
I really like sourcing things in novels or manga/manhwa/manhua a lot. Animated sources are good too, but it’s much quicker for me to go through something that’s written, so I tend to prefer those now days. Anything that’s easier for me to binge is A+.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I’m answering strictly based off this blog in it’s current state, else you’ll be here forever. If I talk about ships in KHR in general, you’ll actually be here forever. No @ tags bc I’m feeling shy today. I personally love the dynamic between Gokudera and Haru (platonic or romantic). I’ve historically liked BelHaru, and it looks like it may become a thing in RPC as well. Haru is warily staring from a comfortable distance atm. Haru has a friendly relationship with a Byakuran at the moment. They’re baking a cake! She is generally very friendly with any Tsuna I encounter.
Ravein/Pino… yeah, I self-thread sometimes. Haru has a sibling kinda dynamic with Ravein which is really just a friendship dynamic. It’s the same with Pino. Mizumachi and Haru are both energetic, hyper buddies. Hibari—I aim for just a casual lowkey friendship kinda dynamic. Shame in self-threading? Never heard of her.
The best way to describe her relationship with Zelman in a ‘Black Blood Brothers’ au is ‘hey I just moved into the territory you lord. Hello!’ I think this would go down a friendship route and I’m so for it. Kajika from ‘Hanasakeru Seishonen’ has a friendship with Haru and they just get along swimmingly well. I think the mun for Rentaro ‘Black Bullet’ returned, so I think he can count. Haru has a friendship with him and they’re cooking buddies! They joined a cooking association together!
Haru also has friendships with Emi (KHR oc), and Luca (KHR oc), both of which are in the Varia!au setting that I have for Haru. Emi in particular, Haru has decided to adopt her as a little sis and will pummel anyone who bullies her. Luca--- sometimes in conjunction with Ravein (my OC) drive Haru insane. It’s a trio of dumb, dumbest, and ‘hey I’m the dumbest!’.
The ‘ships’ that I have with Haru are usually always friendship and ‘hey I’m arbitrarily adopting you’ and I love it.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Eh--- in RPC, my very first one... I believe, was GokuHaru. I currently have a GokuHaru (A different blog) in an AU for a TYL setting. I think I got very close to HibaHaru before, which is, a guilty pleasure ship of mine. Haru is treading into BelHaru territory right now in RPC and that is also, a guilty pleasure ship of mine. In the distant past there was also a TsuHaru (I know, I know, shocking) which was a reincarnated lovers Yakuza AU. That was a fun one. Also in the distant past, there was an AU for a MukuHaru as well. Le kek. I am a multi-ship blog and all ships have existed in different worlds/universes, therefore they all quality as an OTP in their own specific verse. I cheated, yes.
Pro-tip: I may warily stare from afar if shipping is a topic, but the moment you suggest an AU SHIP? I’m down. To further explain, these AU ships have always taken place in a very different timeline/world than what we know in KHR. So therefore I can feel all the freedom to do as I please and figure out characterizations based off what I need.  
PS. in regard to KHR in general, my first OTP was GokuHaru and GokuYama. Le kek.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
I took my library of songs and randomized. I got: ‘Get Off My Back’ by Bryan Adams and Eliot Kennedy. So, by the vibe of the music, the first things that come to mind are either GokuHaru or BelHaru, I’m not going to lie. Now… who is saying these words, I’ll leave it to the imagination. I really like this song, but I really like the cover by Jonathan Young.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Oh—that’s hard. Friendship dynamics are so fun! I really like Ryohei and Hibari’s dynamic together which could be depicted as friendship. The friendship between a lot of the guardians is just //chef kiss. However, the TRUE SHOW STOPPER in my heart is the friendship between the girls. I really love how all the girls build each other up and always support each other. I love it so much. Especially when the girls are there for Chrome, I CRY. When they support Yuni, I CRY. When I think about how big sis Bianchi looks after the girls and teaches them things- I CRY. I just cry. I love all the friendships in KHR, but the ones the girls share with each other wins in my book. I don’t take criticisms.
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
30 Days of Fanfic (Days 1-10)
I saw this and thought it could be fun but since I was already a few days behind and a little all over the place, I decided to do them in batches of 10 questions. So here are the first ten days!
Day 1 - How did you get into fanfic?
- How did you first get into writing fanfic, and what was the first fandom you wrote for? What do you think it was about that fandom that pulled you in?
I don’t really remember how I got into fic anymore. It was my best friend that dragged me into it and I just... started reading?
The first fandom I wrote for was PJO. I have always loved Greek mythology so I just decided to... go for it. I never finished that fic, though (probably for the best as the ideas were awesome but the execution - not so much)
Day 2 - What fandoms have you written in?
- Name the fandoms you’ve written in, how much you’ve written in those fandoms, and if you still write in them.
That one isn’t so hard as I haven’t written in a lot of fandoms. Here are the ones that I have written in (in order of joining):
Once Upon a Time - 41 fanfics (I do have one collection that I need to finish in this fandom and tons of ideas but while I haven’t officially left the fandom and abandoned the fics, I am not really active there anymore. Which is a damn shame considering how many things I had planned for it. I don’t really feel the inspiration currently, though, but I haven’t given up on it completely.)
Fairy Tail - 8 fanfics (I mostly join any of the annual weeks for different ships in this fandom. I do have some ideas but I haven’t found the motivation for them yet. Even if a few of them were really cool and I loved them a lot.)
Winx Club - 86 fanfics (This one is my most active fandom currently. I do still write in it and I hope that will hold true for the foreseeable future as well.)
Lucifer - 1 fanfic (that was more of an experiment and I don’t really plan on writing more there)
Day 3 - Favorite characters?
- For each of the fandoms you have written in, what were/are your favorite characters to write? Why were these characters your favorite? (Can be main, side, established, or original!)
Um, okay. Let’s see.
Once Upon a Time - Regina Mills was my favorite character to write because I was mostly interested in her and I could see a lot of similarities between us. I wanted to explore more of her and her relationships with the other characters.
Fairy Tail - I don’t think I really had a favorite character to write here. They were all sort of... hard to get? And I haven’t written nearly enough of anyone to be able to pick a favorite.
Winx Club - I want to say Griffin but I think I might love writing Valtor just a tad bit more. At least at the moment. Maybe it is that he is more emotional and impulsive and I can get behind that and know how to write it? I also related a lot with some things about him and other times it is simply fun to write him when he is being an asshole. But there’s also a lot of emotional stuff to explore there. I don’t really know. I just love writing him.
Lucifer - Uhh... I only really wrote two characters from there and from them Chloe Decker was certainly the one that was easier so I chose to write my only fic from her PoV. I love the characters on the show but I don’t think I get them enough to write them that well yet so I am not pushing to do it.
Day 4 - Muse/special character?
- Do you have a ‘muse’ character(s), that speaks to you more than others, or that tries to push their way in, even when the fic isn’t about them? Who are they, and why did that character(s) became your muse? Are they a canon character or an OC?
Did I mention Valtor? Man, talk about trying to write something that he doesn’t sneak in. The few fics that I was actually focusing on other characters didn’t suffer from this but a fic that has Griffin inevitably brings out the need to at least mention Valtor in it as well. I have had to actively restrain myself from bringing him in a couple of times when I really wanted to write about anything else other than their relationship. I guess that is my muse. XD Not one of them separately but the two of them together. I am having all the feelings about them. Let’s leave it off here because I will get too many feelings otherwise.
Day 5 - Envisioning characters?
- Do you have techniques you use to help you visualise a character, such as picrews, faceclaims, moodboards, or fanart? Have you commissioned or created art to go with your fics, or provided references (picrews, faceclaims etc) for readers or yourself?
I am the worst at envisioning characters. I think it might be because I am trying to get in the mindset of the character so if I am in their head, I can’t see their appearance. (Maybe I should try writing with a mirror nearby. XD) I do make aesthetics but their purpose isn’t that much to help me envision the characters. I mostly avoid the envisioning part by focusing on emotional things and if I absolutely have to write descriptions, I try to keep it minimalistic. I have done sort of a picrew thing for my original characters but not for any fandom I’m in. A friend of mine made an illustration for one of my fics but it was after I wrote it and she actually used what I had managed to envision already to paint the thing. Envisioning characters is not my strength and I don’t even know how I function as a writer despite that.
Day 6 - Gender Preference?
- When you write, do you have a gender preference for your protagonist and/or the rest of the cast? Is it the same or different from your own gender? Do you feel your own gender is well represented, and how do you go about accurately portraying genders different from your own?
I couldn’t care less for the protagonist’s gender. I write the story from the PoV that is best for it. I try to focus on the personality of the character rather than on any other characteristics.
Day 7 - Fic affecting your view of a character?
- Have you ever had a fic you’ve written change your opinion of a character? Or has a fic you’ve read changed your opinion on a character?
Probably only... every fic I’ve ever written? I mean, as you write, your vision on the characters develops and, essentially, changes. There have certainly been fics that have made me reflect more or in a different way on an aspect of a character and have led me to change my view of that character in a way. It is kind of the point of being in a fandom and reading other people’s fics, I’d say.
Day 8 - OCs
- Do you write OCs? And if so, what do you do to make certain they’re not Mary Sues, and if not, explain your thoughts on OCs.
I only write OCs when the story demands it as it demands positions that the existing characters can’t fill for whatever reason. Or when the person has existed in canon but was never introduced on screen (as in someone’s parents that we never saw). I am not a fan of OCs because I go to fanfiction for the characters I already know and love. If I wanted completely new characters that I am unfamiliar with, I would turn to original fiction. I was fascinated with the characters I saw on the screen/in the book and I want to know more about them and the relationships between them. I am not interested in what OCs can be made in that world.
Day 9 - Favorite pairings and your comfort zone
- What are your favorite pairings to write in your fandoms? Have you ever gone outside your comfort zone and written a pairing you liked, but found you couldn’t write, or a pairing you didn’t like, and found you could?
I’m just gonna talk about Winx Club because it is my only truly active fandom.
Griffin x Valtor is my OTP. I love them to death and have so many ideas about them.
Now as for pairing that I like but can’t write, I don’t think I have ever encountered such. In this fandom at least. (Maybe in Lucifer Deckerstar is a bit too hard to nail.)
Pairing that I don’t like but can (kinda) write must be Icy x Valtor which I did write on request and that particular concept was actually very fun to work with. I wouldn’t say it has “converted“ me or something, however.
Generally, I stick to what I like. I might try my hand at writing a pairing that I am curious about but I don’t like to waste my time on ships I don’t like.
Day 10 - Writer's block and procrastination
- Have you ever experienced writer's block or an impeded ability to write? How do you tackle a loss of motivation or executive function, and/or how does procrastination hinder (or help) you?
I don’t really think I’ve had writer’s block once I started writing consistently and not once every two months. I have had certain ideas that needed more time to get ready for being written but I never really stopped writing. I have had days when I was too mentally exhausted to write but the solution to that was to just step away for a while and let my brain rest. The problem wasn’t truly in the writing so with some time to recharge my batteries, I was back on track.
I mostly force myself through loss of motivation telling myself that I have too many awesome ideas that I will never be able to write if I don’t just get to it. And I always work on what I am feeling like tackling right now. Even if it isn’t necessarily what I would’ve wanted to work on.
Executive dysfunction can be a bitch. It is hard to get past it and I don’t think I really know how I do it.
Procrastination is probably the hill I will die on because I am too nervous to get to the next one. I don’t really have a tried-and-true solution for it as I am usually aware that I am procrastinating and yet, I can’t stop doing it and make myself be productive. Usually what gets me to drop it and start working is the itch to write and the feeling that I will literally explode if I don’t write. So I think it is that the desire to just write something whatever that may be defeats the fear that it will suck and I finally manage to get to it. I am just too excited about my projects sometimes. XD
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trashyeggroll · 4 years
Ink, dairy, journal, Pulitzer, characterization, Carnegie, Faulkner, input, critic, muffin, and Houghton.
ahh thanks anon!! 🙏🏼 distraction appreciated 🥰
ink: what do you do to “set the mood” when writing?
🤓 usually i’m a bit faded, have a lil sugary snack, and find a comfy spot on the couch
diary: how many pieces have you written that are just for you or will never see the light of day?
ehhh not many—usually just stuff that never really went anywhere, fragments of a scene or dialogue
journal: do you ever write just so you can enjoy something to read?
tbh that’s why i got back to writing fanfic! i had some wrongs that needed to be set right 😤
pulitzer: tell about/link a piece where you fielt your writing was the best
i had a really great time and was surprised by how well the “written training montage” i tried to create in chapter 3 of Pierce turned out. Lbr, the entire emotional payoff of the series is Anissa babysitting Hanh for the first time 🥺🥺🥺
characterization: describe your favorite character(s) you’ve written
Niko Hamada is straight projection when i write her, no secret, sorry CW but you’re wrong about that character all the time. Alex Danvers is also fun, i like her “unrelenting seriousness”, is what i think j’onn called it? And of course Anissa Pierce, but that character is already fun and dynamic and powerful so it’s just trying to honor that, really
carnegie: what authors and/or books/stories have inspired you to write or influenced your work?
soooo i don’t read a ton of original fiction, but i do enjoy Gillian Flynn’s works, along the lines of half-mystery, half-character study, really moody but with a dark humor. i also have always liked works with entirely too much information, like the girl with the dragon tattoo or the hobbit, and that’s how i get myself into these things that are supposed to be short and then i’m like, “i guess i should describe this entire minor civilization, mostly irrelevant to the plot”
faulkner: what tropes do you LOVE writing? which ones are your guilty pleasure?
don’t test me, i will write in a small child for each and every one of our otps to raise together, however it ends up in their lives. in fandom,!love how every author can have their own oc kid for certain pairings, and the different ways we conceptualize what family will look like for them.
but my guilty pleasure trope is “au where they meet in literally any social scenario and immediately fall in love and fuck”. QUICK AND EASY! horse races, college party, their workplace, parent-teacher conference! literally any bare semblance of structure to set the dynamics and get us to the passionate first time together
input: what’s something you hate that people say to you about writing/your writing?
nobody has ever been mean to me, i guess one time someone was nitpicking canon details but i’ll have you know that i own my near-constant misunderstandings of things airing live, that i can’t immediately watch six times
mifflin: what do you feel is your strong suit in writing?
i seem to get a lot of comments about characters matching their canon depictions, so i hope that that rings true for you
houghton: what’s something you love that people compliment your pieces on?
i love when people notice things i really did put work into getting right, like off-handed references the characters will make about a city. it’s easy to talk about Tulsa, maybe you know the Golden Driller or other tourist-specific places, but i’ll know you’ve actually either been to Tulsa or have done the research if you talk about the unreasonable number of QuikTrips there or send your characters to the Center of the Universe or reference the rich white kids that live across the river in Jenks. I try to do the research to be able to sparingly drop in something like that.
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cloud--atlas · 4 years
For the shipper ask thingy: 1, 3, 5, 9, 22, 26, 32. Have fun 😊
1.            Talk about the first ship you ever had.
Urgh. If I must.
When I was 14 my friend insisted I get a LiveJournal. I couldn’t be bothered, so my friend made me a LiveJournal. I still didn’t get it so I snooped through a bunch of the communities she was following and came across fanfic for the first time. To call the first parings I read my OTPs or even something I shipped is, I think, stretching the truth to almost breaking point, but nevertheless, the first ships I read were via bandom: Damon/Graham from Blur, a variety of different Britpop and Britpop revival pairings, and Pete/Carl from the Libertines.
I think I didn’t understand what people did on LiveJournal, not really, so I found the one thing that actually made sense to me, i.e. reading stories. And then I enjoyed the idea, I guess. I don’t really know. As far as I recall, the really early stuff I read weren’t very narrative/plot strong, and were very non-AU in context. Or at least, they were until the Libs stuff came along. So yeah, I started out in RPF/RPS, which is why I’m perhaps more mellow towards that whole area than some people. *shrugs* I don’t know any of the people involved, they may as well be fictional characters. And I’m certainly not delusional enough to believe that what I’m reading is true.
In terms of actual shipping, I think it was probably Jared/Jensen from Supernatural RPF because I was never comfortable enough with Sam/Dean and the inherent incest involved with that ship to ever claim it as a straight up ship/OTP for me.
3.            What’s your current OTP?
In literal terms – i.e. One True Pairing – I don’t have one. Generally speaking though, it would be Steve/Bucky, Clint/Bucky and Clint/Nat/Bucky. All MCU/Marvel Comics fusion/mashups. Oh and Kate Bishop/America Chavez.
5.            Do you have any poly ships?
HOO BOY DO I EVER. Polyshipping is my jam. I love Clint/Nat/Bucky above all else. But I also love Steve/Peggy/Bucky and Clint/Steve/Bucky. And more people need to write Clint/Nat/Sam please.
9.            Do you have many ships that never got together at all?
As in what? In canon? None of my ships are canon – or at least, none of my ships that I actively read and write for. Steve/Peggy is canon and Tony/Pepper is canon. Clint/Nat has been canon in Marvel comics and was the closest one to becoming canon in the MCU.
22.          Which of your ships have the best chemistry?
Though does this mean in canon or when I write them or… what, exactly? Because obvs Steve and Bucky aren’t together in canon but there’s still a whole boatload of chemistry regardless. And Clint and Natasha in The Avengers (2012) have loaaaads of chemistry imo (hence people wanting them to get together and all that AoU brouhaha). Though still: Steve/Bucky. Hands down.
26.          Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to?
I don’t like passive women, but other than that… no? I’m very bad at seeing connections like that though, so maybe someone else can see any, if they’re there.
32.          Share five must-read fics.
Not Easily Conquered by dropdeaddreams and WhatAreFears (Steve/Bucky) [series]
You’re board of having this recced at you, aren’t you? Well, tough. It’s exactly as good as people say it is.
quiet americans by magdaliny (Steve/Bucky) [series]
For me, this is the only other fic that has come close to Not Easily Conquered in terms of intelligence, scope, research and utter emotional destruction. There is Heavy Shit in here, but it’s utterly compelling and all the OCs are brilliant. Plus it’s the only fic I’ve ever read where Steve retiring actually worked for me.
Life of Crime by neveralarch (Clint/Carol Danvers, Clint/Natasha, Clint/Natasha/Bucky, Kate/America)
A masterclass in comic writing. Love it.
we were emergencies by gyzym (Clint/Natasha)
THE post Avengers recovery fic. Man, post-Avengers 2012 was such a wonderful time for Clint/Nat shippers.
Silhouettes by marianne_oconnor (Clint/Bucky)
The build-up in this fic is so perfect. Plus, pining is my jam, so.
ask me a shipper question!
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shippy-pjo-shipper · 5 years
Thoughts on the following ships? Luke/Piper, Ethan/Piper, Nico/Anubis, Percy/Apollo, Percy/Nico/Ethan/Alabaster, Nico/Jason/Will, Hazel/Calypso, Zoe/Annabeth, Percy/Octavian, Ethan/Jason, Percy/Hephaestus, Percy/Hylla, Hylla/Kinzie. Also, do you have any pairings with the gods?
Alright, hope you'll agree :
Luke/Piper (Pipuke, Lukiper) : Very very interesting. I don't know how to explain it but it sounds really good. I like it a lot and add it to my list !
Ethan/Piper (Pipethan, Ethiper) : It's weird for me, cause in one of my fanfic, Piper is in love with Ethan who already is in a relationship with my OC. But even if I have a "special" relation with this ship, I like it. Piper is the kind of girl who can help even the worst case, and Ethan would be the best person to support her through what she endures in The Lost Hero (like, he would immediately understand what's happening to her, that she's lying and terrified, and would defend and help her).
Nico/Anubis (Anico) : Cool. Cool, cool cool. Don't have a lot more to say. I already headcanon them as great friends so they could quickly become more.
Percy/Apollo (Apercy) : I see them as friends, I think Apollo would go on Percy's nerves way too much for this relationship to work. But it's a good BrOTP for me.
Percy/Nico/Ethan/Alabaster (Ethabastercico) : I already answered to that but in summary. I like it, it sounds great and those guys would protect each others with their life.
Nico/Jason/Will (Solangrace, Wilasico) : Oh yes I definitely ship it ! Will and Jason are true sunshines and Nico needs some light in his life. It's so cute, probably one of the cutest ships this fandom could create.
Hazel/Calypso (Hazelypso) : Already gave my opinion here too. It's an OTP. The two sorceress in need of visiting the entire world together ?! Yes ! Awesome, perfect I dare to say !
Zoe/Annabeth (Annoe, Zoabeth) : Ye..e... YES ! BEAUTIFUL ! AMAZING ! A WONDERFUL WONDER ! This two could conquer the world together, and it's a horrible shame they never have interacted ! I love it, I love them !
Percy/Octavian (Octercy, Perctavian) : Hum, why not ? Could be cool. I think there's better choices for both of them but it'd be nice (especially the pre-relationship phase and the beginning).
Ethan/Jason (Ethason, Jasthan) : I answered about it already too, just know that I really like it. Jason is the good amount of niceness and forgiveness Ethan would need in his life after all he has been through.
Percy/Hephaestus (Hephaercy) : I'm not a big fan of the pairing which include gods, well the gods we don't see enough in my opinion I mean. So not a fan, I prefer shipping Percy with Hephaestus' children (like Jake or Nyssa) rather than him.
Percy/Hylla (Percylla) : Preyna with an even more savage and direct girl ? I'm on it right away. Hylla is a mix between Annabeth and Reyna but probably more mature, which would make a really good combination with Percy.
Hylla/Kinzie (Kinzylla, Hynzie, Hyllinzie) : Well, I'm sorry anon, but on this blog I'd rather talk about non-canon ships, so Hylla/Kinzie isn't a subject I talk about. ^^ No but seriously, this ship is pure awesomeness and it's a crime it's not canon. Yes I love it that much (please Rick, give me a Hylla mourning Kinzie in the fifth TOA book, please).
And like I said earlier, I don't have a lots pairings which include gods, but here is a bunch of them : Artemis/Zoe, Artemis/Thalia, Artemis/Thalia/Zoe, Artemis/Calypso, Artemis/Bast, Anubis/Nico, Anubis/Alex, Artemis/Britomartis, Hestia/Sally, Apollo/Rachel, Apollo/Commodus and Khione/Leo.
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isavander · 5 years
We should make this our promised neverland
I'mma tell you something, and I'm probably gonna be drifted away a lot but I think it's still worth reading, so please stay with me and if someone gets the entire idea then it would be great if they reframed it better since this is too long.
Also this is just precaution that we should take, and I was thinking about it because I would hate it if we don't.
Asides from loving TPN and every single character, meaning they are just so well planed and positioned when it comes to screentime which we all can agree it's one of the hardest things to get right, and I surely have so much to say about them (I personally love Zack the most as a secondary character). What I'm going to talk about is gonna be mainly related to the basics.
I wanted to mention the fandom's behaviour that I've been able to see, I recently came here since I wanted to read the whole manga without any spoiler risks after watching the anime, and beforehand I expected non hostile/ friendly attitudes because dude... they are kids. And I know it's kinda stupid to expect the opposite but you really never know; since we've made tumblr the headquarters of fiction, then we eventually meet unpleasant people. So If I was getting into a different kind of fandom then you just know you would see them coming, but with this one I just hoped I wouldn't for many reasons, one of them visibly being it's freshness but it's not really the one I wanted to talk about, either way I wasn't dissapointed with my expectations.
There are people that are not even that deep on the whole shipping thing just yet so the fandom it's really carefree, but for those who can't help but ship or foreshadow or conspire, I'm excited to see for the first time in a while a post without feeling defensive or attacked, and I understand that have to do with yes, it's freshness, it's popularity on the rise, and their children status. Sadly, I haven't been for a while in a fandom that isn't in an ongoing battle so I'm happy I'm here.
You know this people are getting started, so yet we are not really gonna see something too glorified or biased, and we are going to start doing so once the rising popularity stabilizes and its freshness is over but I trust it won't be antagonistic unlike any other promising manga in the future because of their children status and our past and presence in other fandoms; we just know things get dirty and messy, with just explained hatred and resistance but in The Promised Neverland this ain't it man.
So the children status, give me something more right? I really just want you to stay, and also I'm going to relate it all to shipping so keep that in mind.
Even if I think it has to do with them being kids, because we just soften around them, its rather about the circumstances they have had to face as kids. They just want to feel secured and protected, and if you hate on someone who is around that age in other fandoms, as in trying to bring reasons to your opposition on liking them, the development that they are putting us to see it's connected with ambitious and the path they go through to gain personal satisfaction and empowerment. Those who are willing to be against their choices might just find them boring and they will look for something to talk about negatively: they weren't ambitious enough, they weren't useful enough, and their motivation to talk shit, it's of course, the threat they present to their favourite character and the third "party" that blocks their ship.
But that's the thing, you can't really hate on these kids, theres is literally no explanation that works, and if you look for them it has to be ill-enough. In here their roles also come to the equation, and their survival: you are taking from them their humanity when trying to justify the hate we witness in other fandoms because unlike them, you can't just say they are being boring or useless. As kids, they are doing their best, there is no system that can protect them, and most importantly, they didn't choose this path therefore the risks it implies, which means if they fear, if they get it wrong, if they aren't brave enough, it's too imprecise to use that against them, to just say "you should have know better". If they happen to threaten you, it's impossible to use this against them. And on the contrary, if they are too ambitious, too brave, too fearless, if greatness its their goal it has its roots on survival and aid and if they want to be better, is just so they can be able to reach more families that theirs to help.
So that leads me to the shipping stuff, we know how a ship can be worshiped or hated and I was praying for this fandom to not get there immediately and be victim of such behaviour, which I know, it's odd to think it would've happened but you never know.But then again I trust it won't be that way in the future either. I covered why it's hard to gather any information against them once the characters are more developed but I now want to insist on how it's gonna be as hard if they eventually change.
First of, I think it's really low to act a certain way when it comes to shipping them, and no I'm not really talking about their age this time, because when people ship them I believe they are looking at their potential connection once they grow. For instance I will use as an example Rayemma who are my personal favourite. All I can think about when it comes to them and those pairings that oppose them is that i want them to be happy. Even if they are been foreshadowed for a certain future all I want for all of them is to live in peace. More than anything they consider each other friends and family, they interact with each other daily and put their lives on each other shoulders, and they don't prioritize anything else other than each other's safety. This is not about them being in another classroom or other team and having to instead, interact for time to time or in a new arc and then they suddenly get to meet and people start shipping them. It is a little disrespectful to prioritize romance over their friendship because in this case yes, I'm briging the fact that they are children and as I said we are idealizing their potential relationship who started and we were all part of when they were indeed children, friends, and mutual protectors. The emptiness they might want to fill doesn't have to be fill by that type of love just yet, it needs to be fill with other values like respect and partnership and teamwork, it is already being filled, because those values are the ones that they need now to secure everyone's safety and if any of them eventually fall in love it would be substantiated on those traits only than anything else, if they eventually develop a different type of love for someone else, someone that you don't like, or rather force yourself to not like, it's really hard to avoid that everyone, including that "third party" contributed to the person you rooted for to survive, to their well being and put their lives on their shoulders being afraid as hell, so no, they didn't choose to be comrades and take that risk, they weren't put in the same team and were told they had to protect each other and then developed mutual appreciation, they instead learned how to love each other because otherwise survival chances would be reduced and gave value to any other kid that they crossed because they happened to be part of their "team" for just being human, it's hard to avoid that.
And to reduce ourselves to comparing them or these potential relationships with aggresives means, is really something that first thing I felt when going into the tags we collectivelly decided to not do. And we will collectively decide to not do when this gets huge. We ship them because there's so much good potential for otps, even if we are getting started and the fandom will eventually grow I trust that is gonna be hard as fuck to just annul the appreaction we developed for all of them just for the sake of a ship, because that ship itself would disagree and even be against the values they stand, they would basically be out of character (oc).
This reasoning might not be accurate for some though, and maybe they gathered enough experience to decide that once they were part of this fandom and got involved, they just simply wanted to take it easy because this fandom does feel like taking a break. Itself is breathing. For me it's a mixture of both but what I do know is that it's just really hard as shit to justify hating on any of this characters in comparison from those of other fandoms.
And If we get to see them grow and become older enough in which they might expend time mentioning who they like, since by that time we would have already being through this stage then I trust that we wouldn't change the behaviour I'm seeing either. I know that I wanted to write this because I'm a hardcore shipper in any fandom I'm in, but I don't tend to fight for my beliefs because I'm really not up to it like never, I just enjoy reading positive posts and If I don't I just cringe and make fun of them with the elaboration of a meme, I don't even go on separated characters tags just to avoid drama and hate because I can get really angry but I never have intentions to react on my emotions, especially if on those ships I see potential and work and devotion, like, it just emotionally wrecks me, but it happens that, for as much as I feel like this for the ships in tpn, I was afraid I would feel that way too whenever I crossed something I didn't like and it turns out I didn't mind because for the first time I just don't care. All the time I was thinking I want them all to be happy, there's no fucking possible way to find any of these characters potentially annoying or bad intended and if anyone wanted to bring beef I do believe everyone would attacked them, like look, all the posts about the ships have good vibes, and if anything what you see most are memes, this is the true promised neverland.
So the real intention of all this gibberish is to make everyone understand that yes, is not that hard to be the person that have the initiative to make a fandom be a safe place for everyone especially if it's so promising as this one. In any fandom there is that person when it begins but then they are outnumbered and just starts participating in the same defensive behaviour to protect their favourite character and try to explain themselves by saying "I didn't want to start anything but others did", the things is that they all, if they seek carefully can justify their hate for another character, I don't know about other series but at least for me this is the first time I'm involved in one were everyone agrees that in this series everyone is trying their best and being fucking p e r f e c t, we have the potential in here to make this an everlasting meme fandom and hate free, not for certain groups once this become huge but for this whole fandom to share the same value.
There is so much power in that message and we have been given the perfect storyline to do so and make it work, it's a real great opportunity you know, because our motivation to respect them does not solemnly fall on our morals as individuals and the understanding that everyone is different, but rather than the empathy everyone feels for children, especially those who just want their family and friends to be safe, and that composed all the ships you might have, I know we can make it work because the reason why that girl had the initiative to have an entire respectful fandom with no antis is because she wanted that for the series but she happened to be outnumbered so she joined them, in here is not really like that; this is what the characters would want and they would prefered to not have a "someone-meant-to-be" than a friend and an outsider acting like "well guys I'm taking sides" this is just a reminder that if the fandom in tumblr gets as big as I imagine it will to not forget that I expect it to be as it is now. I don't know about you but I really enjoy entering the tags and looking at either memes or an aggressive reminder of how fucking cute Phil is. That's it, that's how aggressive it can gets. Imagine having a fandom like that that never really change in that sense and for time to time you just scroll and see a fanart of your ship or a rant without subtile jealously and toxic protectiveness, I'm not gonna lie I enjoy those too but this is just different man, we are all on the same team, they are trying to survive, it's like even if we don't see them having screentime, we just know they are doing some important shit and if anything you can justify why they are being important or useful by I don't know just sitting on the floor: everyone gets through trauma differently, by all means we are not gonna tear them down.
It doesn't sound impossible once the second season is out and their arcs are more developed for this to not be as carefree, every fandom goes through this. This is just precaution. I think this has the potential enough to be one of the exceptions like one of the few fandoms from huge franchises that just doesn't care about multiple ships or weird shit, a fandom that is realllly chill, and I think we have enough experience in other series to become like this.
Because It does ruin the series until people adapt and get involved in the drama, you don't want for this big family the same and if you truly enjoy drama let's get that done with memes, like have you seen some of them? I know we were already sort of going through that path but this is just a reminder to make it work, to break the wheel, wouldn't it be interesting to see how it goes?
I edited this so it can be shorter so I basically posted the rest individually
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runedwhip-archived · 5 years
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WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?: i clearly don’t know the meaning of one true pairing, so let’s just go with a list, shall we? melibelle is probably the top contender for this title currently, especially with finally getting some more crumbs of them in the finale, clizzy was my very first ship in the show and remains to be one of my absolute favorite romantic and platonic pairings, rizzy is a beautiful ship that i was all for exploration of in the show and has since become a ship i adore, with thanks to jolly for that. jonathan/isabelle is a ship i always wanted some exploration of in the books, and then even more when they had their scenes together in the first handful of episodes in 2b (and later? i can’t remember now but i wanted more and never got it and i’m still sad about it), and maia/isabelle has become a top ship because they’re the soft and caring girlfriends both girls deserve.
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: it definitely depends on the age of the characters themselves, but anything where a character is under age and one over....and really, i think that’s the biggest thing. unbalanced power dynamics tend to make me more uncomfortable, which definitely can fall in with shipping someone in their late teens/early adulthood with someone twice their age, but it’s really just then. i’d say i’m most comfortable when the youngest character is at least 25, since that’s just younger than my own age, and the gap itself doesn’t matter too much, so long as there’s clear boundaries and understandings between the characters? if that makes sense.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: hm, only if there’s not chemistry, or if the ship feels unbalanced. if there’s a lot of things going on that are for the sake of one character and one character only, with no real benefit happening in this dynamic for the other, then i’m less inclined to write it, especially romantically. but honestly, i ship a lot and izzy’s such a big hearted character, she deserves all the love so i’m generally more than open to it.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NSFW?: okay so i’ve written these moments on all levels, from pretty explicit to much less explicit and it really depends on the comfort level.but  i’d say definitely when clothes are coming off and there’s a lot of detail is when i’d tag things as nsfw or put it under a cut for everyone’s comfort, at the very least. anything that you wouldn’t really read out loud in public i think is a good reference point.
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?: EVERYONE. honestly, as far as canon goes, the only people i don’t really ship isabelle with is canon male shadowhunters (outside of jonathan), and that’s simply her own bias and discomfort with it, which i’ve come to realize over the time of writing and getting to know the characters. but ocs? crossover ships? i’m so game, let’s go, let her love your character.
ANY NOTPS?: i’d say sizzy, but only in canon terms. in aus or fully talked about before hand so we can fix canon’s problems? ALL FOR IT. in fact, i want it. actually, jk, we don’t support incest on this blog.
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: i don’t really auto ship, but i’m more than open to shipping, so you’re really welcome to send me a shippy meme, something that implies it or anything of the sort, and we can test the waters! the only thing i do ask is that we should definitely talk if there’s chemistry in our writing and we both notice it, and really it’s just because i want to scream about our characters and their potential. i don’t want to force a ship on anyone, and i do ask that the same benefit be given to me in return, but my muse is a character who definitely loves to be shipped with, so please. if you ever want to ship with her, send a meme or send a message and let’s chat about it.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: what a weird question. i don’t go in to things wanting to ship unless it’s pre-discussed and plotted, but i like to let things happen on their own. i’ve found some beautiful ships that way, and it makes things a lot easier when my muse can tell me she’d like to be linked to someone romantically, and not me trying to force her into something she’s not interested in, which makes everything so much more difficult.
ARE YOU MULTISHIP?: yes, always. there’s maybe one ship on this blog that’s single ship, but really, everything is fair game, unless, obviously, an exclusivity is discussed.
ARE YOU SHIP-OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?: definitely ship more or less. i love shipping, and i love writing my girl in romantic relationships, but the core of what i’ve always written with her has been platonic and familial relationships, and i welcome every and all ships here. they definitely do not need to be romantic, and often times the more important ones are not.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: clizzy, melibelle, rizzy....basically that same list from the first question.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: send a meme, or an im or come talk to me ooc! chances are, if you ship it, i’ve already had the same thought and just don’t want to potentially overstep bounds so i haven’t said anything. but yes, please, just come yell with me about our babes.
TAGGED BY: i stole this from @perfectioncursed, because i could! TAGGING: @pulchrousati, @idumean, @ofangelicblood, @immcrtuos, @elucet, and you!
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helenofsimblr · 6 years
Couple interview tag
Rules: Answer the questions from your OC otp’s point of view and tag as many people as you want. You can do as many couples as you want it could be an otp you intend to get together but hasn’t got together yet or whatever haha… I’m just nosy and wanna know about your oc’s so tag me if you want!. You can be as creative as you want make a story out of it whatever do it however you want just answer the questions simply it’s up to you!!
Thanks for the tag to  @tabbyrhsims4simblr​ you’re my sister from another mister. :D I choose to do Bob and Lyra Robinson. (pretty much as there are no other couples as fleshed out in my story yet. oops)
I tag @midnightdevotions​ @fayts4​ @themoonglitch​ @igglemouse​ and @alittledaylight​ (when she gets back)
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1. How did you two meet? Lyra: Such a long story. But the abridged version is my twin sister spotted Bob at the local gym and encouraged me to “get in there” she was quick to point out she was tempted to scoop him up for herself... 
Bob: I remember Kyleigh from the gym she pretty much set me and Lyra up on a date together. And boy when she did, was I ever pleased! It really didn’t take me long to fall in love with her... not long at all. 
Bob takes her hand.
2. Who is the most jealous of you two? Bob: Lyra.
Lyra: No! I don’t do jealousy Bob.
Bob: Really?
Lyra: Only where my twin sister was concerned she said from day 1 she always wanted you!
Bob *laughing*: You got your answer. Next question.
3. What are your three favourite physical things about your partner? Lyra: Physical, 3 things... ok, well... I love his legs, Bob has an amazing pair of legs. I like his eyes, I always liked his eyes. And of course I love how tall he is. 
Bob: I could talk forever about this, I love her hair, I love her eyes, I love her hands, I love her boobs, I love her bum, I love her broad hips. Oh, yeah that’s more than three... right, well, Boobs, 100% boobs. I am unashamedly typical man on this. Her hands I love too, they are just so effeminate and I love to hold them in mine, and her hair, I could just sit and play with her hair all day.
4. Who’s more likely to be running late? Lyra raises her hand instantly to this question. Bob just laughs and nods agreement.
Lyra: But! But! In my defence, I am a mom so I am running late, because I am doing EVERYTHING else. 
Bob: Everything else? Really, come on I do a lot of stuff.
Lyra: Like what?
Bob: Well I don’t take 3 hours to get ready for things.
Lyra: Such a lie! Honestly, don’t listen to this, he easily spends that long putting Brylcreem in his hair and coiffing it ‘just so’ before we go anywhere.
Bob: Well, another reason is sometimes the more I help the more I just seem to get in the way.  
Lyra: That is very true actually.
5. Who is the most organised and who is the messiest? Bob: I couldn’t say I am organised really, I don’t really do organisation I just do what needs to be done. But I wouldn’t consider myself messy... Would that be fair to say?
Lyra: I think so. I would say I am messier, I used to write books and I’d love to do it again to be honest, but, when I am writing my desk is a mess anyway. But, I do know where everything is. Organised chaos maybe? But I keep the house neat and tidy, I can’t do filthy surfaces and so on.
6. Who is the bigger flirt? (flirts the most?) Lyra: That’s a tough question... do we even really flirt?
Bob: Not anymore, trouble is, at our stage of marriage you really haven’t got the time for flirting you just have to get started with whatever it is you want to start while you have a chance... that is, when there are no kids about.
Lyra: Back in the day I think you flirted with me more though. But I would say I was more romantic.
Bob: Definitely. You did the whole romantic nights very very well. 
7. Who does the most cooking?                                                                  Lyra: Me. Hands down. Bob has never really cooked have you?
Bob: Not much at all. I can do the basics but if we want something nice and well made then Lyra 100% has to do it.
Lyra: Its true. I don’t mind though I really enjoy cooking and if you want to be a food critic then, I kinda think you have to be able to put your money where your mouth is so to speak. Its no good going into a restaurant and criticising the shit out of somebody’s Lasagne, if you couldn’t do it any better yourself. That makes you a hypocrite, to be able to critique others, I firmly believe you have to be able to do the task yourself.
8. How do you feel about kids and do you want them? If so how many?
Bob: Well I love kids. But I couldn’t eat a whole one.
Lyra: Bob!
She playfully nudges him with her elbow. There is however a look of pain on both their faces.
Bob: All jokes aside, we have... had... 5 kids and yeah we’re happy. I had... uh, twins a boy and a girl from a... previous relationship... and sadly we lost Jennifer.
Lyra puts her hand supportively on top of Bob’s and he gives it a good squeeze.
Lyra: It was a difficult time, for both of us, I thought of them as my own.
9. Who wears the pants in the relationship? Bob: I’m in charge, and I have her permission to say so.
Lyra laughs.
Lyra: I don’t know who wears the pants more, I think we take turns on certain things. We try to be 50/50 about it as much as possible. Sometimes I make the decisions, other times he does... varies from day to day, but yeah... Im in charge. 
10. What’s your partner’s least favourite housework task? Bob has to sit and think about this there is a long pause.
Bob: This is a trick question really, because Lyra actually loves cleaning and stuff. She finds it therapeutic.
Lyra nods agreement.
Bob: Least favourite housework task... uh... I honestly don’t know what her least favourite housework task is. Maybe doing the laundry?
Lyra: So sexist... I don’t mind the Laundry, I think my least favourite is clearing out the fridge... so laborious. As for Bob’s least favourite housework task? I don’t know either, because he doesn’t do any!
Bob: I take the trash out! And I fix broken stuff.
Lyra: You moan about the trash every week, probably that’s your least favourite.
11. What was the first thing you noticed about each other? Bob: I think the first thing I noticed about Lyra was that, bearing in mind I had already seen her identical twin... is that Lyra had a kinder look on her face, a friendlier face, if that makes sense? Also, boobs, she has amazing boobs.
Lyra: I think the first thing I noticed was literally that Bob is rather tall. Also he looked like somebody who was a military man.
12. What does your partner do that pisses you off? Lyra: Um... I don’t think there is anything Bob does that pisses me off. He does a number of things that irritate me though, like, not putting the lid back on the toothpaste, leaving his laundry here and there round the house. Nothing that outright pisses me off.
Bob: Same kind of thing, though Lyra’s smoking can be annoying sometimes she smoked from age 15 to 19 and she’s relapsed loads of times during our marriage.
Lyra: I haven’t! Only three times. 
Bob:  “only?” and three times my foot!
Lyra: It was three times! There was that time we had a fight after Barry Needzek and Kyleigh split up, I was what... 22, and I smoked for about 6 months then quit. The next time was when my mother resurfaced that was at 30... took me a year and bit to quit then, and finally now at 39. So I can easily go 7 to 9 years without smoking! 
Bob just laughs.
Bob: I stand corrected! But uh yeah, I don’t think marriages work out if you piss each other off, you can irk one another but thats a step too far.
13. Where’s the craziest/weirdest place you’ve ever had sex? They look at each other a moment.
Bob: Sorry, that’s classified. 
Lyra nods agreement.
Lyra: He’s not joking either. It literally is classified.
14. Do you know your partner’s love language, if yes what is it? Lyra: Bob’s very physical in terms of his love language, he needs a kiss and a cuddle don’t you?
Bob: I do. I think most men would probably be on this language somewhere, I need to feel loved and desired, and to receive physical touch is very important to me.
Lyra: You like it when I do stuff for you as well. 
Bob: So I think Lyra’s main language is the whole quality time aspect, you like it when we do things together, and we haven’t been on a date in... well I can’t even think the last time me and you did something together, we’ll have to rectify that as soon as possible! I also feel that you appreciate compliments and being told that you’re the most important person in my life. I can look you in the face and mean every word too.
15. Where do you see the 2 of you in 10 years? Bob *shrugging*: Don’t know! All I care about is that we’re together and still happy and our children are all happy and well. 
Lyra: Same. Though I wouldn’t mind a nice vacation hopefully before 10 years later....
Bob: I think we could make that happen.
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ashmerra · 6 years
may i kindly ask you all the oc questions?
Yes, yes you may.
Quick note:  A few OCsI won’t mention by name and a few answers will be vague just as to not spoilanything.  I have an entire fanversegoing on here.
-50 OC Asks-
Quick reference:  Meri is the Hero of Kvatch.  Arrais a Breton mage in Skyrim.  Dreyns is a Dunmer assassin.  Vitiais the Dragonborn.  Sannit is an old, former Ashlander. Veabris is an Ayleid who’saround back before the First Era.  Jaka is the Nerevarine.  Estor isNot a Thalmor ™.  Stigr is a proud Nord boi.  La’Mihr is a smart kitty.  One-Who-Knowsis yearning for the suburban Skyrim dream.  
 1. “Your first OCever?”  
That would be proto Meri. She was really the first that grew into an actual character.  She was also supposed to star in an Oblivionrewrite/webcomic/fanfic thing I drew like one page of years ago.
2. “Do you have a personal favouriteamong your OCs?”
I like different ones for different reasons!  Arra’s dialogue and one-liners, Dreyns’swhole ark of getting old, Vitia’s philosophy, etc.  etc.
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
Nope.  And I’d neverconsider them mine.  I handcraft them andbake them one-of-a-kind each time.  Butmore seriously, the most I could take is an idea for a character, because Ialways like to twist things on their head and really make it my own.  I don’t enjoy writing NPCs for thisreason.  I can’t get in their head and myheadcanons get a bit much, so I’d rather just write for those I know.
4. “A character you rarely talk about?”
Tactus Gavros Sigilis!  An inspector/investigator for the Empirein Skyrim.
5. “If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?”
I think that’s not really up to me.  I can’t decide who fans will latch onto.  I know who’s the most well-liked at thistime, but that’s no indicator of who would be well-loved by a much wideraudience.  I’ll leave this one to my fans!
6. “Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?”
I do my best to give everyone unique looks andclothing/color schemes, but!  There’sthree that got based on each other and aren’t the same but even I’m confusednow.  I’ll make a separate post to breakit down.
7. “Are your OCs part of any story or stories?”
None of them exist outside of the Elder Scrolls universe,and I have yet to write fanfiction.  
8. “Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!”
Currently Arra, Sannit, and Veabris.  Though I think I’m game to RPing any of them,I already have a few more that I want to add to my RPing blog!  (btw, if you like the idea of RPing with me,all you have to do is ask.)
9. “Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?”
No.  Not give, nevergive.  But that doesn’t mean they can’tappear in your writing/meta/art, just that it’s a crossover, you don’t own themjust like I don’t own yours when I allude to them in RPs.  (Did I ever post that here?)
10. “Introduce an OC with a complicated design?”
All the ones I don’t draw, lol
Okay, more seriously…no, that’s pretty much why.
11. “Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a ‘sunshine’?”
100% Arra
12. “Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot”
Can I say all of them? My favorites are the ones who are woven into the lore and pre-existingcharacters, and ones that feel like real people and not just “ArgonainDragonborn #76”.  I like the ones whotake it as seriously as me, and as I see people do, I feel more confident totalk about and expand them.
13. “Do you have any troublemaker OCs?”
Actually, not really.  Dreyns, Jaka and Stigr can all be at times, though.
14. “Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory”
I want to legit change that to one without tragedy in theirbackstory because they’re all tragic…
15. “Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?”
Sometimes!  But I trynot to go overboard because I’m not sure if people like it.  
16. “Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?”
My Daedric biologist, I would imagine.
17. “Any OC OTPs?”
I’m not much of a shipper, honestly.  And I really can’t think of any at themoment.  
18. “Any OC crackships?”
Read 17.
19. “Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)”
I’ll pass on this one only because my answer would start gettingtoo personal for this ask.
20. “Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details(headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?”
Veabris has a beautiful singing voice that would sound agood deal like Annie Lennox.  Actually,just listen to “Into the West” and you’re good to good.  But you’ll never hear it because Vea is superself-conscious and private about singing.
21. “Your most artistic OC?”
You know, I think I overlook making them artistic justbecause I am.  It would be too obvious.  But let’s say Stigr and La’Mihr are.
22. “Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?”
In world or OOC? That’s a really important distinction! But Veabris’s intentions are usually misinterpreted.  
23. “Introduce an OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what thecharacter would be like?”
Most of them!  I workon them for a while until I feel they’re ready to be revealed.  24. “If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?”
Don’t do this to me!!!!  Ahhhh I don’t know I love them all! But Jaka would probably be the most fun to hang out with?  Then again, a day out with Sannit would begreat.
25. “The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, sharedlike/dislike for something etc?)”
26. “Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about themagainst your will?”
Arra and yes, I’m still bitter about it.  I won’t get into it because I’d rather notmake posts like that, but if anyone would like to know feel free to message me.
27. “Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?”
Nah, they come about and the songs fit them after.
28. “Your most dangerous OC?”
Okay!  So we haveMankar Camoran’s kid, Molag Bal’s Undying Champion, a lesser Daedric Prince anda double-memoried Godkiller.  Have funwith that battle royal!
29. “Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at nightwithout telling anyone they’re going?”
Tactus Gavros Sigilis, it’s his literal job.  Wait it’s Estor’s too.  …And kinda Veabris’s.  Well!
30. “Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animalcollection?”
It’s Dreyns.  It’s soDreyns.
31. “Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like(what they reblog, layout, anything really)”
Sannit treats it like a regular website blog and only postsstories from his life or answers to asks. No reblogs and he doesn’t follow anyone.
Meri posts advanced DYI stuff and martial technique.
32. “Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonistand why?”
I don’t play horror games but I’m thinking Estor in creepy,culty fan theory version of Rorikstead. (Should I write this?)
33. “Your shyest OC?”
She’s so shy she won’t let me talk about her.
34. “Do you have any twin characters?”
Not yet!
35. “Any sibling characters?”
Yes but I won’t say just now.  Spoilers!
36. “Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else(siblings, lovers, friends etc)?”
Not currently, but I’m not against doing it.
37. “Introduce an OC who is not quite human”
The Argonian, One-Who-Knows! He’s saving up money to buy a new fancy hat right now.  Rock on, scaly bro!
38. “Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?”
I feel like it would be Vitia for some reason.
39. “Introduce any character you want!”
40. “Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!”
Writing “Arra’s Story” (An RP post).  The power and emotion of it and the approvingly,emotionally shocked reactions of my fellow players made me realize I couldactually write good.
41. “Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or twohere (remember sources & permissions!)”
Here and here  😊
42. “Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?”
Daedric biologist person would be!
43. “Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend tofavour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess!”
We already found out I like investigators, is that my type?
44. “Something you like about your OCs in general”
I like how they all have gotten their own personality andidentity.  It’s taken a lot of work, but Idon’t feel like personalities repeat anymore.
45. “A character you no longer use?”
I have a few in limbo. I’m not sure if they’re coming back or they’re
46. “Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?”
No.  Only because Ihaven’t told them about all the bad things I’ve done to them in the first place.
47. “Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?”
Not yet, there’s still time.
48. “OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure?”
I think they call this a “hot take”, but in my opinion everyperson has flaws and depicting them otherwise is bad character writing.  Like sure, they can be nice and all, but theystill topple the board over when they’re losing Risk (or Axis & Allies).  Showing only one side of a character seriously,(not if it’s just for laughs) is boring to me. Where’s the growth?  They don’teven need to have “flaws” per se.  Whatif the “One True Hero to Save the World” is balled up on the floor crying tothemselves because they don’t think they’re strong enough?  Hot take over and it’s probably little kidDreyns.  (Which breaks hearts because hegrows up into something not pure.)
49. “Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes”
Arra would love meme songs like “SEAGULLS! (Stop ItNow)“He-man singing “What’s up?”, and “mmm whatcha say”.  And Jaka would love reaction gifs and objectlabeling memes.
50. “Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want”
I wanna talk about how long it took to fill this out and howmany characters I resurrected from the darkest depths of my mind to completeit.  You’re welcome.  ♥
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noxian-rose · 6 years
SHIPPING INFO!   answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.  repost, don’t reblog.
My main ship for LeBlanc was undoubtedly Swain / LeBlanc  for the past five yrs or so but honestly now with all the new lore changes and even the way that their relationship functions , I’m more open to say that I don’t really have a true OTP anymore for her lol . 
TL ;DR : lol what’s an ❛ otp ❜ amirite but let’s be real the pre cataclysm ship holds a very , very special spot in my heart .
Oof , I’m a huge , huge sucker for angst , hateships , and rivalries but also fluff and platonic things when I’m feeling the mood for it  . To be honest I’m open to anything and everything under the sun .
See with LeBlanc being practically three thousand years old I can’t really say that she’s picky on age gap , especially when she’s almost always together with individuals who are twenty or so in their mortal years . I guess for this I’ll just have to go with the standard age of consent and say that anything below 18 is a huge no no .
Since I started this blog I’ve become a bit more selective with shipping if only because some people can’t handle the toxicity that LeBlanc presents in relationships , as most of the ships I have with her are unhealthy ,  toxic , and based off manipulation or rivalry if not borderline stockholm syndrome . TL ; DR if it works and there’s good development behind it you can get me hooked on anything with her . 
When the clothes start coming off anyone’s body tbh , as I’ve written plenty of things with LeBlanc being very touchy feely and seductive ; it’s in her nature . For things to be NSFW , it would have to go far more than just that . 
I unsurprisingly have shipped her with the known members of the Black Rose and plenty if not most of the Noxians ( yes , yes even Sion ) but I’ve also gone as far as pairing LeBlanc up with Kayle , Caitlyn , Diana , Ahri , and even Lux . I’ve also had a few OCs come along and ship with her too . 
Eh .  .  . yes and no ? If there’s a clear chemistry and a way to ❛ make things work  so to speak , then there’s little reason to ask directly but if it’s anything otherwise then please speak to me in DMs. 
It unsurprisingly doesn’t come through as often as you might think , unless it’s with someone like an Vladimir or an Elise ( surprise , surprise black rose members are almost insta-ships lmao ) ; probably because of LeBlanc’s personality overall if not the difficulties in getting the relationship started . Tbh I don’t mind it not coming up a lot , it only makes sense for LeBlanc to use seduction as a tool when it’s necessary / effective in a situation . 
I’d say I ship more-or-less , I’m not entirely focused on shipping on this blog and it’s never been one of my priorities when it came to the portrayal of LeBlanc as a whole . Of course she’s a woman I’ve seen to go about to kiss and charm people her way but there’s very , very few ships I would even consider as ❛ realistic ❜  in terms of how she genuinely responds to them . Relationships are not her goal / priority in life and she will almost always put her ambition before anyone. 
As I’ve always been since I made this blog , this spreads over to a lot of my other blogs as well unless the muse doesn’t fit the slot .
I’ve seen a lot of adorable ships in my time , and it’s hard for me to nitpick at specifics but I suppose Xayah / Rakan , Twisted Fate / Graves , Ahri / Yasuo , and MF / Nami to name a few .
When it comes to LeBlanc I can’t stand Vayne / LeBlanc . It’s more of a  chemistry issue than any personal feelings towards it , this and  I just don’t see Emilia going for someone like Shauna --- atleast for my portrayal . The way I understand anything between them usually lands in the lines of   a. ) blackmail   b .) mutual agreement  c .) complete manipulation ; romance / hateship / rivalry  is just not in the vocabulary of these two individuals in the same room together .
Ask memes and honestly just swooping into my DMs , I’m always open to talk to anyone interested in shipping ; and I almost certainly love hearing people’s different views on how a relationship can work out . This is especially true for relationships that are not as readily obvious . 
Tagged by: i was tagged by a few people before but that was a while ago and i don’t think i can find them on my activity page at this point . Tagging: anyone who wants to do this tbh . 
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11 Questions
Tagged by the bitter yet fantastic @bitter-stella ! 💜 💚 💙 💛
1. If you could only pick one OC to play in every game, who would it be and why? I.e. You can only play as your Shepard for example, but that Shepard would be your protagonist in every future BioWare game/game that allows you to customize the protagonist.
-oh gosh! Ummm...I'd probably pick the first male OC I made in The Sims (the ORIGINAL, yeah, in 2000). He was a badass.
2. What is one movie that you have watched recently that completely blew your expectations out of the water?
-Thor:Ragnarok. I LOVED it and I wasn't really hoping for much going in. I've seen it multiple times already.
3. Name an aspect of your personality that you think is your best.
-definitely my empathy. I'm currently in grad school to become an art therapist but I have always been able to feel others' pain/happiness and it drives me. I find such great joy in the recognition in the faces of others when they realize they aren't just talking AT me.
4. What is one luxury you don’t think you could live without?
-I mean, what is a "luxury" nowadays? I would say air conditioning but clean water is a luxury to some.
5. Without giving their name or a lot of specifics, describe your favourite romance in a BioWare game and explain why - focus more on how the romance made you feel and what resonated with you.
- I'm pretty sure everyone already knows my answer to this... But I love them together because there is shady/risky behavior that is adrenalin pumping but also such a softness and vulnerability. The potential possibilities and directions life could take them together are endless. The attraction was instantaneous and I found myself smiling in every single one of their shared scenes. I really identify with one of them and the other is pretty much my ideal significant other... It struck me hard when I saw their interactions. Ugh ❤
6. Picture a paradise in your mind’s eye. What do you see? I.e. What does paradise look like to you?
- I've already found my true paradise. I never felt more happy/calm/and at home than when I was in Wicklow, Ireland. The rolling hills, forests to get lost in, warm sweaters, cool air, the smell of wildflowers and grass after the rain... I could go on forever ❤❤❤
7. What did you want to be when you were a child? A teenager? An adult? How much has it changed, if at all?
- I wanted to be a teacher when I was younger, early teens I wanted to be a professional dancer (still kind wish it could happen), in high school I realized how strong my drive to help others was and went into psychology, I'm currently in grad school to be an art therapist. Helping others and the arts have always been a priority even if the execution has changed
8. What was your very first fandom? Very first pairing/OTP?
Gah! That's hard to pinpoint. I'd honestly say that the first thing I wasn't just a passive fan of was Harry Potter and I always shipped Harry/Draco...hahaha, young angsty me loved the idea of enemies to lovers lol
9. What’s the last song you listened to? 
- I don't know why by Imagine Dragons
10. Regardless of whether you write or draw, how would you describe your style? How do you perceive it?
- My style to constantly evolving and changing. I don't know if I'll ever settle into something that is recognizable as "me"
11. Why are you here? (I.e. On tumblr or in the fandom) What was the allure?
-I actually hardcore avoided tumblr for a year or so but the supernatural fandom drug me in after gishwhes... Now I'm all over the place in a ton of fandoms
My 11 Questions:
1. Who is your ALL TIME otp?
2. What were some of your driving ambitions as a child/teen?
3. What has brought you the most happiness in your life?
4. What's something many don't know about you that you wouldn't mind sharing?
5. If you could live in any time period in history, what would you choose?
6. Who is one of your current role models?
7. What is your favorite article of clothing?
8. How many times have you read/watched or favorite book/movie?
9. Where is your favorite place to be?
10. Tea or coffee? How do you take it?
11. What's the best "fun fact" about yourself that you can think of?
Tagging: @tehbombdotcom @carry-on-my-wayward-butt @kinklock @maxcatt666 @carryonmywaywardcannibal-blog @ineffableboyfriends @winklebone
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eloarei · 7 years
As copy-pasted from that one BNHA ask meme: ALL my answers, since @oldseablues suggested I do that.  Under a cut because it’s long.
BNHA Ask Meme™ Reblog this if you want your followers to send you one of these:
~ B A S I C S ~
1: What part of the anime/manga piqued your interest? Like, what did I see that made me want to watch it? TBH I don't know! I guess it was All Might lol. I just saw that a bunch of people on my dashboard were talking about it and about him and I was like "Okay, I'll watch it." (A few people IRL had reccommended it to me before but I was like 'eh'.)
2: Did you think Midoriya would be a good protagonist in the first few chapters/episodes? Answered before. I think the gist of it was that I thought he was gonna be fine, I just didn't know if the story was gonna be any good.
3: How do you think Midoriya’s conflict with Bakugou will end? Honestly I think it'll turn out fine. I mean, I think that they'll repair their friendship (if you can even call it that). I think Izuku has to stop focusing on Bakugou and Bakugo has to start respecting Izuku. I think it'll happen just fine as they grow into themselves. I would be surprised if they didn't repair their relationship, just based on common shounen tropes.
4: What was your first reaction to Bakugou’s treatment towards Midoriya? First reaction? Hmm, let me see if I can remember. I guess I didn't think about it much because I wasn't sure he was going to be an important character. But when I realized he was... I guess I was just surprised that Izuku put up with it all that time. Of course it could be because of his lack of confidence, but I guess I see it more as him having faith in Kacchan actually being worth maintaining a friendship with, despite the bullying? He's too sweet for his own good ^^;;
5: What do you think of All-Might as a hero? Pfft, well he's great, obviously! Isn't that like... the one thing you're supposed to know when you start the series? "The sky is blue. All Might is great." He's a good guy. He does what he can and he does it well.
6: Do you think that Midoriya deserved to get OFA? Of course. He's clever and determined and passionate and kind. Who else would have been that appropriate?
7: Aside from Midoriya, which character in the series do you think has had the most character development? I'm gonna SKIP this one, since I'm still only a lowly Season 2 graduate. I haven't seen enough change in any of the characters to say.
8: Favorite unpopular character? Honestly? Mineta. I know everyone hates him, but I like him for the same reasons. Yes, he's dumb and sleazy, but I think he acts as a sort of balance, and it's good to have a character that occupies peoples' soft-hatred but isn't a villain. Not every 'good guy' is unproblematic, and I think he has the greatest capacity for growth because he's starting so low on the likeability chart. XD
9: Favorite overall character? I mean, that's an easy tie between Izuku and All Might. Obviously. If I had to pick someone else though... Tsuyu. She's precious. Or Ochaco. She's also precious. Or Iida, who is (surprise) also damn precious.
10: Do you have any OC’s? Describe them! If you don’t, create one on the spot. Create one? Yeesh. Uh. Okay, I'll port some original OCs over. Addisson: chivalrous lesbian hero, dresses like a knight. She conjures 'light-weapony' (or other items; made of light/air/whatever, they function as intended until she lets go of them. Only for melee weapons though, not projectiles unfortunately.)
~ S H I P S ~
Pink: What are your main/favorite ships? As surprises nobody: Dekumight, for sure. But side ships? Erasermic, and anything involving Ochaco. (Roughly in order: Ocha/Iida, Ocha/Bakugo, Ocha/anyone else. Oh! Never seen it before, but how about Ochaco/Gunhead?!)
Blue: Do you have any NOTPs? By principal, no. I don't do NOTPs. But if you're asking which ships I just don't really like or don't really get, the winner would have to be TodoDeku. It's very popular? but it just doesn't pique my interest at all.
Yellow: Favorite fanfiction about your OTP? Ooh man, it's only on chapter 2 ATM but @thenightisdarkandfullofbooty’s "Fettered" is really really great so far! Other than that, I don't generally recc explicit fics, but Motte-Gwappo and Jabor pretty well cornered the market with good E-rated oneshots.
Green: Any preferred rarepairs? Ahah yeah, I main a rarepair. And from what I understand, pretty much everything that doesn't include Todoroki or Bakugou is a rarepair, so... uh huh.
Purple: Do you have any works centered around your OTP? HELL YEAH. Anyone who's reading this probably knows. I've got 11 posted Dekumight fics so far, and *counts* 4? WIPs? and... uh... roughly 30+ more ideas? *sweats*
Orange: Fluff or Angst? Good lord I love both, but if you're gonna angst me, PLEASE give me a happy ending.
Red: What do you like the most about your favorite ship? Aaaaaaahhh gosh. Everything. *sighs dreamily* Did you see me the other day, comparing them to freaking Christian worship music? Gawd. They have SUCH a great dynamic, and it's one that has a lot of potential for shifting in various ways too. I guess what I really love most about them is how genuinely devoted to each other they are. Shipped or not, they really love each other! It's so wonderful. =]
Turqoise: What do you hate about your favorite ship? Alright now this is silly question. Why have an OTP if you don't just adore every fiber of their being? In the case of Dekumight, despite what I think a lot of other people would think, I don't even hate the things that make it a controversial pairing. I don't hate that Izuku is underage, and that there's a fairly massive age gap between them, and that there's a 'power imbalance' between them, because that all adds to their dynamic. It makes them very interesting. I don't wish that Izuku was older. I mean, I've written that fic, and I think they're still interesting together, but honestly, the fact that they at least met when Izuku was young is pretty important to their dynamic and-- *goes on forever and ever* ADDENDUM: One thing I do hate is that the majority of the fandom can't (or isn't interested in even trying to) see how goshdarn much sense the ship makes.
Lavender: Does your ship get a lot of hate? If so, why? Hahahaha yes. I don't pay a lot of attention to the fandom at large, but I'm fairly certain it's the most hated ship in the fandom? And it's the only ship I've ever gotten hate over! (Wonderful. Wish I'd get more. It'd be a good outlet for my blabbering haha) I understand /why/ it gets hate though. It's underage. It's frequently read as a father-son relationship. Oh, and it interferes with other popular ships, of course.
Grey: Realistically speaking, will your ship ever become canon? I guess there's a remote chance. Like, top of Mt. Everest remote. haha wouldn't that just fuck with people. Naw, look, I'm fully accepting of the fact that there are at least 5 other drastically-more-likely options, which are, in approximate order of likeliness: 1. Izuku/Ochaco, 2. Izuku/nobody, 3.Izuku/another girl, 4.Izuku/Bakugou, 5.Izuku/another guy. I give Dekumight a .01% chance haha and I think that's a liberal estimate. XD; BUT! I would be more than happy for there to be at least a throwaway line somewhere about Izuku having (or having had) a crush on All Might at some point, and I give that a very generous 5% chance of happening haha.
~ T H E O R I E S ~
Pop: Do you think the “Dabi and Shouto are brothers” theory is true? Don't know who the hell Dabi is.
Indie: Opinions on the Traitor Kaminari theory? Never heard it. Sounds implausible.
Punk: Opinions on the Traitor Kirishima theory? Never heard it. Don't like it.
Rock: What do you think of the “The doctor from Midoriya’s childhood is affiliated with the League Of Villains” theory? (in reference to this post) I mean... sure?? I didn't read the post, but I have no strong opinions on theories.
Jazz: What do you think will happen now that Eri has been saved? Honestly, I only know Eri through fanfic, so I'm gonna say, "No clue, my dude."
~ S T U D E N T S ~
11: Dekusquad or Bakusquad? Porque no los dos? But Dekusquad.
12: Most underrated student? Hagakure. That's the invisible girl, right? That's quite a power!
13: Dadmight or Dadzawa? Porque no los dos? But my ship dictates I vote Dadzawa. Honestly though, they could both BE dads; there's no one way to be a dad. All Might makes me think a little more of an uncle. Aizawa strikes me as more dad-like from my own experience, but they're both supportive in their different ways. I know, let's be contrarian and say "DadMic" =P HE'S the one that reminds me of several of my allo-dads.
14: Whose quirk do you think is the most unique? I think I said Tokoyami when I answered this before. I can't think of a better answer right now, so let's just go with that again.
15: Aside from Midoriya, who do you think has the most potential to be #1 Hero? I guess Todoroki.
16: Should Mineta be replaced by Shinsou in the hero class? Porque no los dos? If you get rid of Mineta, there's gotta be someone else for everyone to hate. Just shove another desk in there and have them both. Make them share, I dunno.
17: Favorite student(s) outside of Class 1-A? Hatsume Mei!
18: Any HCs for the entirety of Class 1-A? Headcanons for the whole class? Is that a thing? I guess I HC that they all genuinely love Izuku and are encouraged by his attitude. =]
19: Do you remember their seating arrangement by heart? lol heck no. I think I have an idea of where a few of the characters sit? But honestly, I blasted through the series once and haven't looked back on it yet, so I haven't had time for memorization.
20: Which of the students do you think has the most potential to become a villain? Gosh. Any of them could. I mean, being a villain instead of a hero is so based on circumstance. If things go wrong, any of them could go that way.
~  V I L L A I N S ~
Techno: Favorite villain? Stain. Not interested in any of the others just yet.
Classical: Eight Precepts of Death or League of Villains? what.
Metal: Which villain’s quirk would you want for yourself? I don't?
Soul: Shigaraki or Chisaki? Who?
Alternative: Most obnoxious villain? Shigaraki.
~  M I S C ~
Apple: Favorite popular HC? I haven't the slightest clue what's popular, but I'll reiterate my own personal headcanon: Izuku has or has had a huge pre-teen crush on All Might.
Strawberry: Who is your favorite pro-hero? Uh... Hmm.... Predictable answer: All Might. Less predictable answer: Best Jeanist, because his fucking outfit drives me nuts and I hate it so much I like it.
Banana: Which of the pro-heroes’ quirks fascinates you the most? Eh. I dunno. I guess I'm not really 'fascinated' by anyone's abilities. ^^; I just like them as whole characters.
Cherry: Should Endeavor die like right now Nah. He's important, even if we hate him. In fact, that might be part of why he's important. You can't love every 'protagonist'.
Pear: What was your reaction to Todoroki’s backstory? I... didn't have a strong reaction. I'm not a huge fan of Todoroki to begin with. I mean, I felt bad for him, of course, but I guess I wasn't surprised or anything, so it was like, "oh. huh. poor kid." I'm more interested in what happens next.
Kiwi: Should the BNHA girls get more spotlight/recognition? Of course! They're all great.
Pineapple: What do you like the most about BNHA, as a whole? Well, I guess what I like is the characters! That pretty usual, for any story I get involved in. But of course I love superheroes, so there's that! But I do also like the feeling of the whole story, how it's inspirational but also with a looming bleakness, you know?
Watermelon: Dub or Sub? Sub sub sub all the way. Gotta watch it in its original form, whatever that is. I LOVE their original Japanese voices. I accidentally heard a tiny snippet of it in English and I regret it haha.
Coconut: How do you think Hokiroshi is doing, in terms of the plot? Well I'm not caught up so it's a bit hard for me to say, but I think it's going well so far. I'm still interested.
Blueberry: What makes BNHA unique from all the other shonen animes/mangas out there? I'm not sure. I think it's in the small details. I mean, I'm not sure it really IS unique from other anime, any more than they're all unique from each other. TBH I feel like it actually take quite a few elements from other popular series and puts them together in an effective way.
...and that's the end!
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9lunarseas6 · 7 years
Ship Tag Meme
I was tagged by my sweet friend @gothic-princess-witch and I’m going to tag no one because I had a horrible day and I’m too exhausted to bother.
(Read more under the cut.)
First ship you ever read fic for:
Uuuh I think it was KaitoXMiku. Back in my middle school days, that was my very first hardcore OTP. I vaguely remember some school!aus, fantasy!aus, and household!aus.
First ship you ever wrote fic for:
Again: KaitoXMiku. God, it was such a bad fic, too. It was based off the song Cantarella. I’m so embarrassed when I go back and remember it. Eeewwww... :S
Ship you write the most now:
I think it’s an even tie between FinanXEli and KeiroXAttia. Finan is my Lavellan inquisitor, and Eli is the Trevelyan inquisitor of @lonely-source / @ladyofthefreemarches. Keiro and Attia are characters from my favorite novel. I have plenty of more popular ships, but I mainly focus my time on writing content for my rarepairs. If you want something done, you gotta do it yourself.
Ship you read the most now:
HawkeXFenris. I chug Hawris like my life depends on it. I would say SaitamaXGenos is a veeery close second.
Newest ship:
I think FinanXEli. I’m trying to scrape my memory for a newer ship, but I can’t think of any. I don’t update my ship list very often.
Rare ship you want to read more of:
A N Y T H I N G that has to do with Incarceron that isn’t Jaud!a. I want more KeiroXAttia, I want more KeiroXFinn, I want more FinnXClaudia. I want it all. Mine mine mine.
Your taboo ship:
I would guess ShiroXAllura. It’s not taboo in my eyes. Not at all. But sooo many other people seem to think it’s wrong, so I guess that’s enough for me to label it a “taboo” ship. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
They never met in canon ship:
IncarceronXQueen Sia. What’s better than one power-hungry villain? Two. Two power-hungry villains who can become a power couple and go on dates ruining lives together. Plus, consider this: a queen and her dragon trope.
Your unexpected ship:
IsabelaXMerrill. I didn’t even think of this ship until AFTER my first playthrough, but damn it. I’m in deep now. Give me the cute fantasy girlfriends.
The ship you always forget to give love to:
Speedal AKA SonicXMumen. I ship them too, but literally no one knows that because I just never talk about it or remember to blog content. But they’re cute. I like the “I think you’re so good and I’m nothing like you” theme in it.
Ship your OC with a canon character:
Does EvelynXAlistair count???? Evelyn is my Cousland Warden OC, and Alistair is a canon character, but I feel like that might be cheating a bit, since.... ya know... Alistair is actually romanceable in canon. Beyond that, I can’t think of anything. I’m usually not a huge fan of OCXCanon. My inquisitor doesn’t even hecking romance a canon character.
A ship you’re embarrassed to ship:
Uuuuggghhh.......... throwback (AGAIN) to middle school. I STILL ship KaitoXMiku. I’m done with Vocaloid and left those days behind me, I swear! But every now and then I still get hit with the Kaimiku feels.
Your most romantic ship:
KeiroXAttia. I looove the way they develop in canon from “God I can’t fucking stand you” to “Holy shit I won’t admit it to your face but you almost died there and it nearly stopped my heart.” This is a prime example of how the enemies-to-lovers trope paired with slow-burn can actually be handled well. No matter if you see it as romantic or platonic, what they have in canon is brutal, honest, ugly, beautiful, and above all else: real. That is a HUGE deal considering the entire plot of Incarceron. I constantly think about how wonderfully that can further develop into actual true love. They weren’t forced to care about each other through arrangements or survival. They had many opportunities to abandon each other without consequence. But they still end up caring anyways. What happens between them is gradual and realistic, and I think that is more romantic than anything else I can imagine.
Your sexiest ship:
Uuuh... *wheeze* I think HawkeXFenris? I can’t say Saigenos bc I headcanon Sai as a MAJOR demisexual. What happens between him and Genos is very slow and very mild. So Hawke and Fenris take the cake. I love the concept of Hawke treating Fenris like a privilege rather than a right. He makes Fenris feel valued and desirable and worthy of respect, and this is such a big deal for Fen’s recovery. After years of consent, worship, and care, Fenris even breaks out of his shell and becomes something of a sultry tease. It’s healthy for his confidence. I also love the idea of purple!Hawke easing Fenris into bedtime with silly tickles and stupidly hilarious jokes. It makes the whole experience seem so much more communicative, equal, and affectionate. That’s also important for Fenris to heal.
Your most tragic ship:
AAAAAH I  can’t think of ANYTHING. I am THE queen of fluff so I always aim for the “happily ever after” ships! God damn it. I guess SaitamaXGenos? Almost-unrequited and angsty pining Genos is what I live for, and it’s my headcanon that Saitama is demisexual and has to struggle with coming to terms with that. There’s a lot of strong insecurity flip-flopped between the both of them, and that can get really damn emotional at times.
A ship you want more content for:
KeiroXAttia! KeiroXFinn! FinnXClaudia! SonicXMumen! IsabelaXMerrill! Give it all to meeeeeeeeeeeee.
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feckyeswriting · 7 years
Ask meme: Z X V U S R L I D (prove it) C
Send me asks about my fics / writing~!
Z - Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
Oh man, I feel like people are SO AFRAID of major character death. We’re in this bubble of fic (or maybe it’s just gotten bigger since we’ve escaped FF.net’s awful publishing system and I was never part of Livejournal) where there’s a lack of purely plot-driven fic. Or, not even “purely plot driven” but even just ship-fic that has a plot beyond THEY FALL IN LOVE IN XYZ SCENARIO. So there’s just not a lot that I find where there’s even a chance FOR anyone to die, if that makes sense?
But I would love to write it. I have a plan for one fic where that may happen. It’s tough though. You need the right buildup otherwise it’s just bleh. My only fic so far with that warning is “Catch and Release” and it wasn’t even Kylo or Rey who died, so I don’t consider myself having truly executed a major character death fic that could wreck hearts.
X - A character you enjoy making suffer.
I would like to say all of them because it’s TRUE. I love making everyone suffer, even if it’s just through an awkward encounter at the mall. So far I’ve whumped the most on Rey just because I could? And it kinda fits with her backstory and putting her into situations with the FO. 
V - A secondary (or underrated) character you want to see more of in fic?
*slams fists on keyboard* …I don’t actually have anyone that I can think of rn where I feel adamant about this?
In Divergent fic there’s a lot of putting the secondary characters into really rigid roles. Will is The Boyfriend to Christina who just treats Tris like a dress-up doll. Tori gives advice and isn’t as badass as VRoth tried to make her (and failed a bit) in Insurgent. Lauren is either a New Bestie for Tris or her romantic rival. 
So I guess just… I want people to break them out of those boxes? Use other characters in those roles (make OCs that aren’t just stand-ins for yourself to romance the character of interest) and give the real secondary characters a purpose that helps the plot in another way.
U - A pairing you might like to write for, but haven’t tried yet.
I need to fill a Reysma prompt for TA hahaha. That should be fun. I also kind of want to go back to The Hollows (an awesome book series which I need to read the last two books and haven’t because dammit I hate the end OTP) and write some Ral because dammit they should have had a chance. 
S - Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
BEDSHARING. Who can resist? I can’t. It’s universal.
I also can’t resist “retelling the beginning of Divergent” because I just want it to be done for MY SHIPPPPP.
R - Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
Hmm. I think in my personal writing I’ve been fairly influenced by Kim Harrison and Jim Butcher. I madly respect @tamorapierce for her fantastically built worlds. I’ve kind of lost respect for some of the fanfic authors that I used to talk about so that list is currently empty. There are some like… “classic” fic authors in the A:TLA fandom that I respect and love, but I don’t know their names anymore bc they don’t write. I also had drawn inspiration from the author of “Dark Times” in the SW fandom (treenasthal or something similar) but they update even less frequently than I do so I haven’t re-read anything of theirs in about 2 years now. 
L - What’s the weirdest AU you’ve ever come up with?
That I’ve come up with personally? Oh god. “Sunburn” was hilarious but I had gotten the inspiration from TA. “Sharpest Lives” is my crackiest AU, so that certainly could count. Within my Divergent fics, I guess the whole Colorfest idea is pretty weird and probably the farthest stretch for being a viable event in the canon universe. I tend to not write totally weird AUs.
OH I KNOW ACTUALLY. I haven’t written an actual fic for it, but I had answered an ask from @lucidlucy with a tentacle porn style AU that I turned into “the hunt for the wild space whale” Kylux/reylux concept. I would love to actually write it but ugh. Where is the TIME?
I - Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
There are certain interests that I have when reading lmao. Some are not for polite company so I’ll keep those to myself ;DI do SO adore a well done “good guy is on the bad side” fic. Dark!Rey fics are my fave. Or just any sort of “darkest timeline” sort of feel like how I’m doing Ash and Torment. There’s something about that kind of fic that’s really interesting to me? Probably because we all KNOW what it’s supposed to be like and just want to see how things will ever get closer to that sort of feel.
D - Is there a song or playlist associated with Prove It?
Copied from the other ask
There is! I’m not fancy enough to bother with 8 tracks or actually make the playlist flow, but I have a Google Play playlist with songs that I put on when I’m writing almost anything Eris. Usually shuffled. Here’s the link and I can make a fancy post about the songs for the 98% of the world who doesn’t pay for monthly GPlay service when I’m back home with a mouse :3
C - What character do you identify with most?
I know this is going to sound SO DUMB but I love Eric. My Eric, that is. Taking his aggressive side and toning it down to a realistic character (instead of a caricature of a villain). Because I’m just… I’m that irked? And annoyed? All the time. And if I had earned the role of Leader in a post-apocalyptic era, I too would make my nemesis’ twerp kids fight to blackout like he did with me in our training days. I’m just not a people person unless I KNOW those people and ugh. Yeah. 
I’m not industrious enough to be Rey. I like the concept of people but I don’t know if I could be selfless like canon!Tris to die for a whole city. 
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