#also i started watching a show that brings me great shame
shyshitter · 1 year
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im actually giving her head right now
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WIBTA if I didn’t let my friend bring their partner to social events?
We are all in our 30s and all trans/NB/queer. My friend (B) and I have known each other nearly 20 years, and over those years they’ve had a rough dating history. They’ve had several emotionally and mentally abusive or neglectful partners, further details about that I won’t give here. I’ve met most of them and they’ve always disliked me for various reasons (usually they were just jealous of the place I held in their life).
Recently though, B seems to have found someone who makes them happy (we’ll call them T) and T treats them better than their previous partners. Which is great! I’m happy for B. But I find T insufferable.
Granted, I don’t have to see T very often, but when I do its always uncomfortable.
The first time I met T they trauma dumped immediately. In the first half hour I knew all about their horrible family but couldn’t tell you any hobby or interest they had. We were in a very public place and I didn’t feel it was the most appropriate topic to get to know someone, but I tried to relate with my own stories all the same. However, T always had to “one up” every story I told. it felt like a “whose childhood was worse” competition.
The second time we all hung out T ignored me completely, really only hanging around and talking to B. Since it was B’s birthday I didn’t really mind at all. Plus, we were at a beercade so everyone was kinda off doing their own thing. But even when we all sat down they just kinda threw looks my way but didnt say a word to me.
But most recently I had hosted a halloween party (it was only 8 folks so tiny party) where B and T both showed up. When T asked me how work was going I started with what I felt was a normal “Ah yeah, it sucks but—” and before I could say anything else they spoke over me to say
“Yeah you’ve mentioned you hate your job every time I’ve seen you so thats sort of my only impression of you :/ ”
(a possibly important side note: B and T are both doing things that they enjoy but have to hustle a bit to make ends meet whereas I have a full time retail job through which i have insurance so leaving isnt as easy for me since I have more tied up in my job than just a paycheck)
This really pissed me off, as not only is being interrupted a huge pet peeve, but there are aspects of my job I enjoy. I just never got to talk about them because the conversation would either divert or we would just stop talking altogether. Also the way they came across felt pretty judgmental.
T then proceeded to spend the rest of the evening talking about everything from the movie to the snacks with therapy speak and trauma processing. (ex: I think I’m locked into this movie because it might’ve been a safe haven for me during my childhood and I just dont remember watching it but I can feel its importance to me) And only ever to B, never engaging with anyone else.
(another note: they are not the only one at the party with anxiety. two of my other friends have severe social anxiety and while maybe a little awkward were still able to hold casual conversations. no one was a stranger to anyone at the party)
This also meant that I didn’t get to spend any time with B during the party either, which was a shame cause I see them so rarely.
I understand that trauma processing is important and its great if you have someone in your life that can help you. It does not need to happen every where all the time. And I’m worried that B might be getting taken advantage of like they have in the past (in the sense that they have to do all the emotional legwork in the relationship and get very little of that effort back).
I’m tired of catering to this attitude and I don’t enjoy being around them, so I no longer want to involve them in group events I host.
would that make me an asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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zoe-oneesama · 1 year
ONE MORE EPISODE LEFT TO WRITE! CONGRATULATIONS!! 🎉🎊 Based on everything we’ve seen up to this point in-show, what are your thoughts on Nathalie, her Catalyst akuma and Mayura villain persona, and the Heroes’ Day Season 2 two-parter after your fresh rewatch of the episodes?
I'll be watching both parts at once, but since I'll probably have to rewatch part 2: "Mayura" when I finish my own part 1, I'll mostly focus on Part 1: "Catalyst", with some bleed in from Part 2. I'll be taking a linear critique of the episode in a stream of consciousness way.
To start, "Heroes' Day" is not a real French holiday, yet Marinette's parents say it's come again "just like every year", implying that this has been going on for multiple years? Implying that a Hero Day based off your local superheroes have been happening for YEARS while Marinette and Adrien are in the same class, in the same school year....make it make sense.
Of course, this could be a totally in universe regular holiday that USED to be about just doing good deeds for a day that they adopted to theme around their superheroes, what do I know.
About those good deeds...Marinette deserves slack here. She does good deeds for her friends all the freaking time, but the first part of the two episodes puts a lot of pressure for her to not only do a Good Deed but a Good Enough Good Deed, which to me defeats the purpose of a good deed. You're supposed to do good deeds for the sake of being kind and improving the world, not for...recognition. Or maybe they're being graded...
This feels like a dropped plot line, which is a shame because this was actually a decent lesson for Marinette for once about taking on too much and pressuring herself. Except for Chloe, Marinette is the only person demanding Marinette do a Good Enough Deed, to the point of making a promise she couldn't keep. (Though it's dumb she feels pressured thanks to CHLOE of all people, when all the richest girl in Paris is offering is her own autographs). Yet they only go part way and nearly completely drop this plot line in the second half.
You know, instead of that scene of Adrien meeting Marinette on the steps and assuming he's not invited, they could've used that time for Marinette to admit to Adrien that she panicked and is struggling to keep to her word. Marinette could've actually confided in Adrien, showing their friendship by allowing her to be vulnerable with him about how she was feeling inadequate compared to everyone else and how these feelings spurred her into trouble. This also would've been a great lead in for the end of the two parter:
In Part 2, the picnic/taste testing that Marinette promised but had no time for? It still happens. How? According to Adrien at the end of his speech, the class "jumped at the chance to help". Would've been nice to see any of that, or see any REAL conclusion to Marinette's issue in these episodes, which was putting too much pressure on herself and not telling the truth when it became overwhelming. Even her mom tells her that bravely admitting when you've messed up is heroic, but...Marinette never tells anyone.
On screen anyway.
By having Marinette tell Adrien, Adrien could've rounded up the class to make the picnic happen. And Marinette should've been distraught - this was supposed to be HER good deed yet THEY did all the work! She failed! And then the class disagrees. She does good deeds all the time! Checking in on Ivan after he was an akuma! Breaking Juleka's picture curse! Bringing Marc and Nathaniel together! A single day can't compare to the number of things she's done for everyone here! And now it's their turn to do something for her!
And then she's brought to tears and kisses his cheek in thanks blah blah blah you've seen canon. Instead it's treated as a "oh yeah, we did that thing with Marinette in the first part, uhhh, that's resolved now, okay?" What a waste.
Actually I'm sure this is a completely dropped plot line because Adrien says "Like Rose said earlier" when she didn't say anything.
Where were we? Oh right, Lila's first sighting in a whole season.
Alya here says Marinette is jealous of Lila for trying to hit on Adrien (or in the French, "seduce"~ lol). I'd just like Alya to remember that for later when she actually believes Lila when she says she doesn't have feelings for Adrien, but we all know continuity doesn't live here.
Speaking of, I'm not surprised how many salt fics paint Lila's (first) mom as an idiot. Right after Lila tells her mom that Principal Damocles is also stuck as an akuma thanks to Ladybug's "incompetence", a giant floating balloon of Ladybug floats past her bedroom window.
Woman, how you gonna believe that Paris' heroes are incompetent on the word of your daughter while Paris throws a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in her honor? (I also assume this woman doesn't talk to anyone other than Lila despite apparently being out of the house so often that they don't even share breakfast together. Sure ZAG.) But at least I get to enjoy Gabriel deliberately poking the bear by bringing up Volpina when she was completely and utterly irrelevant. That did in fact make me laugh.
Oh, this is something that I only just put together, but Alya says her good deed was going to the Mayor and getting him to sign off on making the school accessible for disabled students, and we see in this episode on-wards that the school has a ramp. I HAD noticed the ramp in Season 3, but I had completely forgotten that Alya talked about it here at the end of Season 2. So, wow! Good continuity detail, Zag! You get one gold star. ⭐
(though that ramp is hella steep)
I was about to also praise the continuity of Gabriel bringing up financing a Ladybug movie, since that seemed to be setting up "Animaestro"...but then he says it's playing that day (on EVERY tv channel?!). But..."Animaestro" was the movie's premiere...So I guess there's another in universe Ladybug movie ( funded by a fashion director?) that we'll never see. U_U
Damn, I was gonna point out the nepotism of hiring your primary sponsor's son to voice act the male lead, but I guess I can't anymore, bummer 😗
I do make a mental note of the things Lila is calling Ladybug as she's cycling through news coverage. "Liar. Traitor. Coward." Just...interesting. Where did Ladybug lie? Where did Ladybug betray Lila? Where did she run and hide? Interesting, interesting, interesting.
And betrayals only happen when there's trust between you, in order for Ladybug to "betray" Lila she would've had to have Lila's trust or loyalty to begin with.
Even here she didn't accept the akuma as willingly as she did in "Chameleon", but she still greeted Hawkmoth like an old friend, and is DELIGHTED to ruin everyone's Heroes' Day and traumatize them with her illusion for a chance to help Hawkmoth succeed, just to get back at Ladybug. Yikes.
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Lmao, not the unfinished png photoshop background on the flute. Great quality check, guys.
I do think this is the first time I actually thought Hawkmoth did something smart. After putting all his eggs in the Audrey/Style Queen basket and then handing the basket to Chloe/Queen Wasp, I wasn't too impressed with him, but this plan was actually good. (I mean it should've PARTIALLY fallen apart once people saw both the Unakumatized Ladybug AND Chat Noir now that we know people can reject their akumas, but sure. We didn't know it at THIS point, so it seems smart.)
But all this energy could've just been channeled into making the ultimate doctor akuma. I mean, you literally made a Miraculous Holder Power Booster with Catalyst, so I'm just saying what we've all been saying~
"I know, it wouldn't be very heroic to use my powers on my personal business" - GIRL at this point YOU'VE EARNED IT, SCREW what Tikki says!
This does make it the second time someone's told Marinette to just come clean to her friends. Why did they drop this plot line after pushing it so hard?!?!?!
"You don't have enough cake for me, do you?" Sir, did you pull a muscle with that leap?! I guess the intention of this scene was that Marinette was ABOUT to come clean to her friends but Adrien's excitement put the pressure for her to pull off the picnic back on. Again, there is no solid conclusion for this part of the story, Marinette just festers on it until there's akuma stuff to deal with. Wait, maybe the mass akuma outbreak is how she really got out of it... "Sorry guys I TOTALLY had this whole thing planned, but, you know. Akumas. Lots of them. Couldn't do it."
How satisfying. 🙃
"Heroes' Day is now...meaningless!" This is like in Christmas movies when people say Christmas is RUINED because a tree caught fire or Santa didn't come. Did the Whos in Whoville teach you nothing, that's the not the true meaning of Christmas and Superheroes are not the true meaning of Heroes Day when you set it up as a reoccurring holiday where people go the extra mile to be kind to one another!
Sorry, this is nit picky, like really nit picky, but don't create a fictional holiday that's about joy and kindness and then "ruin" it by something only tangentially related. I know it's totally just to get the plot going forward, but I'm too old and have seen this too many times (mostly in Christmas media) and it starts to grate on you. Just make the holiday a new one in tribute TO the heroes, then it can be ruined by the heroes turning bad, otherwise you're killing your message about the Everyday Heroes doing Good Deeds to Keep the World a Kind and Happy Place by putting all the weight on the SUPERNATURAL EXTRAORDINARY FIGURES THAT NORMAL HUMANS COULD NEVER COMPARE TO!
*huff huff*
So...Sabrina should know what's up with Lila at least a little, right? Since Ladybug firmly believes Volpina was involved, right? Well, based off some spoilers, MAYBE (strong maybe, this is speculation entirely), Sabrina might finally be using this knowledge. You know, 3 Seasons later. Maybe. They've been doing pretty decent at pulling stuff from earlier seasons, even if it DOES feel too little too late, so it's possible that Sabrina will FINALLY remember this moment with Ladybug.
"You're Rena Rouge and you didn't tell me?!" You didn't tell her you were Carapace either, but I see this is where it freaking starts with you young man. I remember this being a funny moment but hindsight has ruined it, so, thanks for that "Rocketear". 🙃
See, THESE are the Adrien/Chloe moments that I wanted: annoying sibling energy 100%. But alas, this is ALSO ruined. Chloe is calling it her Miraculous, give me MY Miraculous, putting down Chat Noir as Ladybug's "underling". This was never going to work.
Wow, Nora totally nailed it: "If he's talking to Ladybug, then Ladybug and Mr. Whiskers are still on the good side!" I thought she was supposed to be the dumb one?
Anyway, that's part 1 (or at least most of what I have to say about it). As a stand alone, this feels like a huge lead up, which I think gets mostly paid off on the akuma side of things...and definitely not on the Marinette side of things. Wah wah.
I don't have many feelings on Nathalie, Catalyst, or Mayura since they're barely in the first part (or not in it lol) and when she is in it she feels very OOC - smiling a lot, shy glances to the side, all in to go full Team Rocket with Hawkmoth. Up until now she's been so peripheral that seeing her main stage (though again, just barely) is so jarring.
Well, we'll see her "shine" in the next part I guess.
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sapphia · 1 year
so recently, scar has gotten good at minecraft. like, really good. if you watch his old stuff, it doesn't take much to see that scar's strengths generally used to lie outside of the actual, run-around-without-dying-especially-on-a-pvp-server level of play. and that's fine, it wasn't his jig, and the people he's playing with really are very good and very experienced at this sort of play. so it never needed to be something that scar was good at because his fanbase mostly watched him for other reasons, so that just wasn't something he needed to be able to do.
but for a while now, especially noticeable over the life series, he's been rapidly improving at the sorts of particular skills that the life smp server values (and also certain skillsets involved in MCC, too). The water bucket clutches spring to mind, as well as the hot-guy stuff that make him such a lethal force with a bow. (It's honestly a shame that life smp doesn't have elytra -- he regularly one-shots people from the air on hermitcraft, and it's a fantastic bit.)
And it's just so good to see because like... he didn't have to go and do that! he went and practiced those skills, and got good at them, and then came and showed them off. and it was awesome, but also he made it so creative and entertaining, and he really didn't have to do any of it at all if he hadn't wanted to. people don't play on life smp because they're good at the technical elements of the game. more than anyone else, scar's particular shenanigans and the energy he brings to the server are what make him a great fit for the series. there are plenty of players on life smp who aren't great PVPers but who get by on politicking, or scheming, or storytelling, or just generally being a good time to be around, and each of them makes the smp tick and are valuable in their own way.
not to mention that life smp is made up of such a wonderful group of human beings that they'll do whatever it takes for you to fit in. to make your thing, and your particular energy and abilities, a part of of the series. to make it that you aren't hampered by your abilities and handicaps, whatever they may be. when skizz dies early on to some early misfortune in limited life, people are pretty clearly aware that he's one of the weaker players and it might impede his ability to have a full series. but don't worry, because half the server are tripping over themselves to give him their time and lives and totems and to swear undying oaths of fealty to protect him at all costs. grian, martyn, tango, literally every one of the ties - not to mention everyone who stood around and watched as skizz killed tango - all are working together and giving up things, valuable things, to make sure this one player gets to keep time on the server, and therefore time on the series, just because that's who they are. that's what the server is. friends, playing together.
i'm sure that's also why grain stuck with scar in the first series: to make it fair. they want everyone to have a good time. To be able to do their own thing, whatever that thing is you bring to the server, be it your insane PVP skills or trying to scam players by selling them magic crystals.
which is a long way of saying: scar was under no obligation whatsoever to get good at these player-skill-based elements of minecraft. but it's wonderful that he did! he really said, "look, i know you all think i'm a walking disaster, but i need you to know, it's not because i'm bad at the game. it's because i'm me." and then he went and got crazy good at archery (well, okay, crazy good at one very specific archery move, but also pretty damn good at shooting things overall! and at flying!) and he started parkouring around a bunch and now he's mastered waterbucket clutches (and what a fucking display he got to show off in double life, too) and just all around Got Good at the things that he wasn't previously that good at.
and the best thing was that he's still such an irreverent force of chaos that it hasn't even mattered. he's still just as lethal to himself through his own terrible decisions and random lack of awareness or foresight. or even just his own desire to fun, no matter what. the man really went into a hardcore server and said alright, i'm gonna build my base up high enough to definitely kill me, and also make it out of trap doors, and oh grians here, oops i'm sure that won't go wrong. and then he went and died to his elytra failing. that's just the most scar thing I've ever seen. you can't even fault him because grain also died on that server. only joel properly made 100 hours and there's no surprises there, joel is insanely good. so its no mark against scar that he died. but how he plays it, it's just so him.
and you wouldn't have it any other way because this is why we watch him. he's entertaining because he's totally unpredictable and also predictable and good and bad and competent and incompetent all at the same time. he will waterbucket-clutch INTO an impossible situation to save a bunch of useless pandas that were almost definitely going to die and he'll get away with it. and then also he will die by setting off a trap he's trying to very obviously lure others into. yes also he fell into a pit of zombies, what of it? it's just scar and his wacky hijinks. will he die? lets find out!
scar really said the only thing holding me back is me, and then proved it.
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ninadove · 8 months
fav french media? (films, books, shows, games etc)
I’m sure I’ll forget a lot of things and smack my own forehead in shame afterwards, but this is what comes to mind right away:
Anything ever written by Victor Hugo is a masterpiece. This dude was a terrible human being, but he sure knew how to write, and he contributed to major changes in the social conscience of his contemporaries on many important topics (including but not limited to the death penalty and child labour). To give you a taste, here is my favourite poem ever, which he wrote, because of course he did.
My favourite piece of literature across all categories, though, is and forever will be Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand — the story of a man who convinced himself his unusually long nose makes him monstruous. The concept sounds so silly, I know, but this play is a masterpiece and a wonderful love letter to the French language.
Which brings me to my favourite comic series: De Cape et de Crocs by Alain Ayroles and Jean-Luc Masbou! Basically a twelve-volume-long fix-it fic, disguised as a tribute to French literature. Also, a beautiful bromance.
Visual arts:
Basically everyone in France can quote at least one line from Kaamelott, a comedic (?) series derived from the Arthurian legend. It is so well researched and hilarious — until it isn’t.
I’m sure there’s like, a very obvious movie choice that will come back to me in a minute, but I was raised on Disney and Scooby-Doo, so these are clogging my brain at the moment. Just give it time.
When I was very young, I would watch TV at my grandparents’ and enjoy Les Hydronautes, an animated series about an extraterrestrial explorer documenting the Earth’s marine wildlife in an effort to learn how to better protect her own planet (Aka There Are Many Benefits To Being A Marine Biologist: The Series), as well as C’est pas sorcier, a series of very fun documentaries on a plethora of subjects, from lavender farming to volcanic eruptions.
Obviously, Miraculous gets a place on the list too! 🐞🐈‍⬛
EDIT BECAUSE I FORGOT: Fantomette the animated series! This show is single-handedly responsible for my taste for smart women with amazing hair who ride motorbikes and kick ass. It even had Egytpology as a key part of the plot.
For me Formidable by Charles Aznavour is a classic, a very cute song, and a great place to start if you want to learn French!
A few other favourites include Fanny Ardant et moi by Vincent Delerm, Le Dîner by Bénabar (extremely funny to listen to while thinking about the Diamonds’ Dance) and J’ai cherché by Amir (This one is… Borderline when it comes to grammar, but cute enough that I grin and bear it. Also, it got us an honourable ranking at the Eurovision a while back, which is rare enough to be celebrated).
ALSO. I complain too much about bad translations and poor writing (see previous bullet point) not to show you kids how it’s done with Je vole from Aladdin (a genius play on words which delves into the two significations of the verb “voler”: to fly or to steal).
Video games:
Long ago, before I discovered the wonderful world of Nintendo, I would wait patiently every month for the new issue of Toboclic. This game had everything: cute animal mascots, stories, mini-games, arts-and-crafts suggestions, catchy songs, interactive documentaries… I’m sure my parents still have the CDs somewhere, but they probably don’t run anymore, which is a shame. I miss my friends.
Thank you so much for the ask, this was so fun to write!
@dragongutsixofficial please do this too so we can compare notes! 👀💖
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thetarttfuldickhead · 10 months
I know that Jamie/Colin isn't the focus of this blog, but I really liked your "Locker Room Conversations" ficlet, and I was wondering if you had any headcanons/thoughts on how, in an alternate universe, a Jamie/Colin might shake out.
Well, to be honest I’ve never really thought about it too much since I don’t particularly ship Jamie/Colin, but let’s see what I can scrounge up for you, ey?
The one actual headcanon I do have:
Colin had a bit of a crush on Jamie back when Jamie first joined the team, and Jamie knew about it but never said anything. I entertain this notion at least half-seriously because I find it’s very entertaining to think about Jamie knowing and not really reflecting much on it, other than to go “uh yeah of course he has a crush on me who can blame him i mean have you seen me?”
Pre-canon angst
If you want something early and angsty and potentially canon-compliant, you could have the two of them hooking up before Jamie and Keeley get together (we have no idea when that was, but I think it was after Jamie joined Richmond purely for logistical reasons – hassle keeping a London girlfriend when you live in Manchester),. For Jamie it’s mostly about getting off and feeling a bit better about himself (both from making Colin feel good sexually and from Colin being a bit of a fanboy, giving his ego a boost) because Jamie’s not in a great place at this time. For Colin, there’s also feelings, so yes. Angst. Could end on that unhappy note, or you could go full AU and have Jamie slowly realizing that actually, he cares for Colin. (SHOCKER!) Obviously you’d need a turning point of Colin taking a stand and breaking things off with Jamie because he doesn’t want to be used like this anymore. He is a strong and capable man who deserves better! Cue Jamie having to prove his genuine affection and woe Colin back. Very classic rom-com vibe, and thus not my style at all, but I’m trying to give offer you a variety of flavour here.
Season 2 Enemies to lovers
In an another world, I think there’s a lot of potential for something set early during season 2, when Jamie first returns to Richmond. As mentioned in my recent post, I’m very intrigued by Colin’s reaction to this and how they go from him being very angry with Jamie to loving him so much, man. Besides, enemies to lovers is my one true ship trope, so I might even read this if I ever came across it.
Vanilla version: Colin is working hard to convince himself that he’s a strong and capable man, and he doesn’t need Jamie Tartt reminding him – simply by being around – of the person he used to be only a year before. Jamie is hellbent on repairing their friendship, though, and while initially Colin finds some measure of petty satisfaction at seeing Jamie’s bumbling attempts at making amends, he’s little by little and in spite of himself won over. I can see Jamie persistently taking him out on friend dates and Colin first agreeing only because he kind of enjoys torturing Jamie a little by being an ass, but Jamie is undettered and then they start having a really good time together and in therapy Colin comes to realize that part of his anger with Jamie is really anger with his own past behaviour – and maybe some shame over having had a crush on someone who was such an asshole. Over time, soft and mushy feelings develop. There are lots of hand-holding and cuddling and watching reality shows and bitching about the contestants together. They go on really stupid fucking adventures and love clubbing and once they come out to the team they are really kind of insufferable because their joint himbo energy is a threat to all of mankind, but they are so fucking adorable it’s hard to be mad (except for when they bring their bitchiest selves and team up to bring it down on everyone else, epic sassy style).
Dark/angsty/kinky version: Jamie is doing his best to make things right with the team, but Colin’s still not having it and in the end Jamie (remembering the crush Colin once had on him) offers sex as a way to make amends/prove how sincere he is. Colin can’t resist taking him up on the offer because even if he’s long over his crush the idea of Jamie kneeling in front of him, of Colin’s fist twisting in Jamie’s hair as he fucks his mouth, of Colin using Jamie however he sees fit and Jamie letting him… That does things for Colin, particularly when he’s in this vengeful state, yeah? Can end on a dark note, if that’s your jam, or end with some sweet comfort, aftercare and reconciliation.
Cracky post-canon poly shenanigans
Keeley is dating both Roy and Jamie, and while Jamie and Roy are not dating each other there’s this tension between them and yeah, maybe they wanna give this whole also sleeping with each other thing a go, except neither of them has ever done anything with another man before and so they’re a bit unsure about how to proceed and things keep Not Happening. (In this universe, Keeleys staunchly refuses to guide them, no matter how hot she’d find it, because she’s very much and rightly on the let Roy and Jamie sort Roy and Jamie out track.)
Jamie, glorious solution oriented himbo that he is, goes to Colin for some pointers on how to be gay, mate and after Colin stops staring inredulously at him he shrugs and gives him some general hints, the more gay love the better right, only Jamie soon comes back for a more hands-on tuition session because no, i tried, mate, but i just couldn’t figure it out, could you maybe show me instead? and Colin is a good friend (who once had a crush on Jamie), so yeah, that happens.
Keeps happening too, because everything Colin is teaching Jamie is working great and Roy and Jamie are very much getting it on and having a grand old time – but to no reader’s great surprise, there’s also some feelings starting to grow between Sassy Himbo No. 1 and Sassy Himbo No. 2. and in the end Jamie is not only dating Keeley and Roy but Colin too!
Colin only dates Jamie, though – the very idea of being involved with Keeley, a woman, or Roy, a Roy, is slightly nauseating and somewhat scary to him. There are no joint dates, no dinners for all four of them. Isaac is a little perplexed and initially concerned over the whole set-up but he sees how happy it makes his best friend so he rolls with it, even if he does end up having a talk with Roy about how he needs to make an effort to not look angry when Jamie and Colin go off together after training. I’m not angry, that’s just my face, Roy protests. Yeah, Isaac agrees, I know, bruv, but it’s freaking Colin out a little so maybe make an effort to not look like yourself, yeah? So the next time, Roy tries for a smile and Colin has trouble sleeping that night.
(For an extra helping of crack if Jamie/everyone is your thing: When the rest of the team learns of this, a few of the lads complain that it’s not fair that Keeley and Roy and Colin all get to have Jamie as their boyfriend when they don’t, but Jamie quickly assures them that he can be their boyfriend too! [Right… ? with sideway glances at Roy and Colin who just nod.] There’s plenty of Jamie to go around! Except he’s kind of busy with the partners he’s already got so maybe they need a scheduele and it’ll mostly be odd dates, but yeah, everyone who wants to can sign up for the Jamie Tartt Boyfriend Experience and in the end one fourth of the team is dating Jamie in some shape or form.)
That’s what I got for now. I hope at least one of them tickled your fancy, even if I strayed into OT3+ territory there for a bit...
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visionsofmagic · 1 year
Sub heimdall??
submission | heimdall x reader
masterlist | warnings&tags: fluff, nsfw, minors dni!, touching, praising, kissing, cum, licking, biting, sub!heimdall, dom!reader, masturbation, oral > reader!receiving, watching, nude, nicknames/petnames, no use of y/n, no use of pronouns, no proofread. | wc: more than 1k but don't know totally | requested by anon: thanks for requesting! hope you and all other readers will like this one because I had real fun while writing this because I read so many fics starting with sub!character, idol!character, etc. if you have another one plase let me know and I will gladly write more (including other fandoms and characters as well) enjoy! love u and *kisses*
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sub!heimdall who enjoys being called pretty boy by you. he likes to be yours in general but when you call him with nicknames because he knows only he is your pretty boy. also, he finds it cute when you use nicknames but with "good boy" one, he loses his mind, especially in certain events such as doing something you want him to do, bringing you love and gifts, and in bed, getting praises from you in which you use "my good boy." and when you moan between these words, he keeps going deep and hard, giving you pleasure at highest.
sub!heimdall who feeling so shy when you watch him masturbate in your shared bed. his eyes finds yours in pure shy, trying to avoid eye contact mostly in order to hide his delicate side but he most likely to make you want to watch him like this; naked, covered in redness, glowing purple eyes, a hand on his hardened cock touching his obdomen, other hand on bed to find a source of stability because he is weak at that moment - a weak moment he chooses to have.
at these moments, your eyes travel on everyone - every part of his body shamelessly contrary to heimdall's shyness. you even put a smile or a smirk on your face, not touching yourself firstly, just watching his hand move around his cock, then up and down, eyes glowing so purple that they can light all the room in total darkness. you let him giving himself pleasure with the way he is comfortable with.
you stare at him with sharp eyes from start to finish, sometimes choosing touch yourself when heimdall reaches his climax. then, with the help of his mind and intention reading ability, he sees how you want to lick his semen covered fingers, then kiss him and he only nods with a great redness on his cheeks that becomes more visible each second. you just smile in happiness and lust, reaching for his fingers, licking them while showing your tongue to him, eyes directed on his, challenging him to look right into yours. then you kiss him passionately and heimdall moans - he literally moans because of both tasting you and himself at the same time and being dominanted by you.
sub!heimdall who can kneel on his knees at every moment. he can kneel between your thighs as long as possible 'till your juicy flows into his mouth, tasting you so much that it blows his mind because you taste so good on his hot tongue and perfect face. he even watchs how you throw your head back, moaning his name, mouth agape, tears running from your watery eyes and pinkness on the lips due to biting and licking. he is patient - always, so he waits for you to come to your senses and praise him like he deserves as you believe because he does good job giving you the pleasure no one can. he reads your mind during every intimate moments but he prefers hearing you aloud. and you give him that by saying lots of things, expressing how a good and pretty boy he is for you, how he is so good and you want him, you want him everywhere. he spends no time to get into the bed as you wish.
sub!heimdall who literally cries and begs for cum while fucking. he needs your approval, he knows it and he doesn't hesitate to cry - the lord of the asgard cries for cumming, yes, and he has no shame for it. the way he looks at you, the way his pretty mouth opens for more moans and growls mixed with begging, the way how you have him like this - it all combines together and make you nod, giving him permission to cum - you let him cum on wherever he wants as a thanks to him.
sub!heimdall who takes care of you in every situation. heimdall loves to be beside you even though you are doing totally different thing rather than spending time with him such as picking up vegetables for the dinner, developing fighting skills and reading a book. he tries to create more and more free time to be beside you, listening your teases about him being like a cute little thing follows every step of yours and he smiles, nodding. he doesn't mind.
sub!heimdall who let you tie him down with a rope around his wrists, putting them on head of the bed, sitting on his cock and watching you bounce, going up and down on him. his comprehension skills doesn't work at that times, losing the track of time, day and place. only worshipping you, he being a good boy 'till you cum for asking same from you. however, he also wants you to cum more than one time as he waits for his turn in patient - he is patient only for you though. he can't stand people but you - oh you are the only one for him. you are the person who can make him surrender gladly, letting you destroy him because in the destruction, he finds himself and the love he has for you.
"heimdall, oh yes!" you moaned, eyes close shut, mouth open, taking all what heimdall gives you as his glowing eyes travels on your tears and sweats covered face like he definitely knows what he is doing between your legs - oh he definitely knows it, you thought, letting him lick you deeper while your right hand position on his golden hair, pulling it with a pure instinct just to have a feeling of being stable.
he growls because of the action, sending vibration into your core, making you praise him more, "oh, what a good boy you are for me." your voice reflect how turned you on and how he makes you so high like you drink hundred potion who makes people lose their mind. "hei - yes, yes!" you say when he adds his fingers, going in and out of your pussy faster than his tongue but has same affect. "you are the most precious thing alive - for me -" you look at him with half open eyes, "only for me." you add and when he approves with a little nod, you smile. you always find it amusing how it is easy to be bossy around heimdall - someone who is feared by all realms.
"isn't it ironic?" you ask, "you make everyone kneel but look at you now, kneeling down on your knees only for me." you say while caressing his cheek as he puts kisses on your inner thighs, listening you carefully. he always be good for you in every situation - way.
smiling wider, you let him taking his time on kissing you 'till he goes back for licking, kissing and tasting your pussy after saying, "I will do anything for you."
"I know." you close your eyes again at the return of lust feeling. "you are such a good boy. my good boy."
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
Hi K! Congrats again on 2K🎉🎉🤍 for the celebration, can I request 🍂 Prompt based fics with the prompt #17 “Are you afraid of me?” from the general section of the fluff, angst, general dialogue prompt list + Tommy Shelby?
Hi Reb! Thanks so much for sending this prompt in and for all of the love you continuously show me! ❤️ Things got a little dark in this one.
Want to help me celebrate hitting 2K followers?? Check out this post for the details - ends Oct. 8th!
Where You’re Not Supposed to Be
Tommy Shelby
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Warnings: slightly suggestive situation
After getting into a party she had no grounds to be at, (Y/N) slips into a restroom for a moment of reprieve. She does not know that the man who’d been watching her all night followed her in there.
After finishing with her business, (Y/N) exited the stall and moved over to the mirrors to make sure her appearance was still on par with what the party called for. She wasn’t on the guest list of this rather prestigious event, but managed to get herself in after batting her eyelashes at the man working security. Getting into parties she wasn’t invited to had become somewhat of a past time for; a way for her to live a life that she was so far away from actually achieving.
She touched up her lipstick before putting the cap on the tube and stuffing it into her purse. When she looked up again, she saw a man standing behind her. His sudden appearance made her gasp and bring her hand up to her chest as a physical show of her shock.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” he stated, his voice low as his eyes locked onto hers through the reflection.
“Mr. Shelby, you’ve startled me,” she said once she regained her breath. Of course she knew who the man standing behind her was. Everyone in London knew about Tommy Shelby in one way or the other. She knew that sneaking into one of the Shelby family run parties would be a great risk, but so far, it’d come with great reward.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” he repeated himself, his voice making her blood run cold as her faint smile dropped altogether.
“I…I don’t know what you mean,” (Y/N) stated as she slowly turned to face him, trying her best to play it cool.
“I mean that I know every single person who’s been put onto the guest list of this event,” he started off, taking a step towards her. In response, (Y/N) took a step back, and her backside immediately collided with the counter she was standing in front of. “You’re not on that list, so you’re not supposed to be here,” he added, his voice dropping even lower due to his proximity.
(Y/N) swallowed and try to keep her cool, although she was having a hard time thinking straight with a man of this much power, who was also very attractive, standing so close to her. She looked over his face before gathering her thoughts and speaking with as much confidence as she could muster, “it’s a shame I’m not on that list,” she told him, her eyes locked onto his.
Tommy chuckled slightly upon hearing her response and took another step closer to her. Now there was only about a step separating them. He did the same thing as her as he calculated his response; looking over her face as he admired it up close for the first time that night. “Are you afraid of me?” he then asked her, his eyebrows raising as his lips parted slightly.
“Am I supposed to be?” she responded with a question of her own, holding his gaze even though she felt like she wanted to shrink into herself at the moment.
A grin formed on his face when he heard what she had to say, and he took that last step that remained in between them, just about pressing his front up against hers. “That’s a good answer, sweetheart,” he commented in a husky whisper as he looked over her features.
The breath got caught in (Y/N)’s throat as Tommy reached out and rested his hand on her cheek. His thumb brushed over her lips as he effectively held her body in place with just the touch of his hand.
“You don’t seem so bothered about your party being crashed now, Mr. Shelby,” she commented, her lips brushing against the pad of his thumb as she spoke. She had no idea how she still had this confidence, but it was coursing through her at the moment. Something about having him so close to her was making her feel powerful as well. “Maybe you should be worried about your party-goers wondering where you’ve gone off to,” she continued, her hands moving to slip into his suit jacket so that she could rest them against his abdomen.
Within seconds, Tommy’s hands came down to grab hers so that he could return them to their initial home against the sink’s counter. (Y/N) gasped at the force in which he used to make this move, and her eyes widened as his one hand came upwards once more so that he could grip the back of her neck. This action brought them even closer, making their noses bump against each other as she felt his hair brush against her forehead.
“You should worry about the consequences of going into where you’re not supposed to be,” he told her, his steely voice outwardly making her shiver this time.
“I’m not afraid of you, Mr. Shelby,” she still tried to hold her ground despite it being obvious that she was very quickly losing her possible upper hand.
“Shame…” he tutted with a slight shake of his head as a grin flashed across his lips. He then leaned in even more so that his lips were just barely brushing against hers. “You really should be,” he uttered his final sentence before his lips crashed against hers.
Tagged: @mgcllovdrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @golden-hoax @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @easilyobessedbutflighty @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @lovemissyhoneybee
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zappedbyzabka · 4 months
i don’t know why but that last picture you posted makes me think of ex!pageant johnny who did beauty pageants when he was a kid/teenager (maybe because of his mom? or because of sid?) and now is super disillusioned with them and kind of doesn’t want to talk about them UNTIL he has to because (maybe) sam? gets into the idea of winning the valley pageant (probably to maybe make a statement about it and johnny kind of is into that idea too) and he starts training her for it and anyway this is my long way of saying i think daniel should witness johnny doing pageant training and lose his mind
- landslided
So, I don’t know if any of you have seen Insatiable but that is what popped up in my mind
It’s about a girl (Debby Ryan) who used to be a big girl and lost weight after surgery (I think) and becomes “hot”. Her lawyer was an ex pageant coach who shows her how to do everything.
(Spoiler) he was lifelong rivals with this one dude for in the show before it was revealed the rival had secretly been in love with him the whole time and they make out in a bathroom BUT I do not care for an AU of this because I much prefer Johnny being an ex pageant queen beauty who helps his non-blood daughter and they bond (instead of everything Patty does to her coach YIKES.)
Johnny shows her everything he can remember—including the tips he got from the beauty queens around him despite not having the opportunity to use most of said tips.
Dark lipstick makes your teeth look whiter. Double sided tape and safety pins are your best friend. Don’t forget your rollers. The higher the heel the longer the leg but the harder it is to have the perfect walk.
One foot in front of the other, good posture, delicate hands, big smile for the judges.
It’s all a performance that you have to be great at or you have no chance at winning.
He usually wore suits as what was expected of him, sometimes themed outfits depending. He would have liked to get to wear all the pretty dresses the girls wore to see if he’d win that competition too. He is, after all, extremely competitive.
He put on some high heels to be silly once when he was cozying up to the judges before the pageant began and got told it was a shame he wasn’t a girl because otherwise he would have been snatched up by a big agency with those perfect visuals.
It pissed him off that he couldn’t do everything.
The creeps that ran the pageants and the annoyance of guys at school teasing him for his forced girly hobby had him bitter and over all of it. The sashes and dainty trophies fit beautifully next to his All-Valley trophy, but had to go. (he couldn’t bring himself to throw them away. It’d be like throwing away his accomplishments. They’re somewhere buried in a box.)
But when Sam brought it up, Johnny jumped to offer his help—cutting off Daniel’s pondering over where they’d find a coach.
Sure, Johnny had to explain to about 4 adults and 12 or so kids that he was in beauty pageants but it only dampened his excitement a little.
Daniel was…really interested in watching him demonstrate for Sam. Really interested—enamored.
He can’t believe Johnny knows nothing about makeup! No wonder his hair was always styled.
Poor Sam had to learn to strut in a room filled with tension between her dad and coach so thick you could cook it in the microwave
Johnny was all “Impress Daniel. Impress Daniel. Impress Daniel” in his mind and Sam rolled her eyes so many times they hurt.
Watching Sam thrive and use her beauty to her advantage was a gift for Johnny. He knows she’s had trouble with people not taking her seriously for it and it genuinely made his heart ache with understanding -he’s also had issues his looks. ‘Pretty boy’ always seemed to be a way of pushing him down.
They don’t let her karate skills go to waste. There are so many things she could do as a talent that it was hard to pick, but they settled for the ice chopping that she knew would make her father happy as a surprise. (idk if they would actually allow that, but that would never stop Johnny or her lol.)
cough cough catch Daniel smitten with the man that helped his daughter and kissing him in the dressing rooms after she wins. Anyone that makes his little girl that proud of herself is a goodie in his book. And MAYBE Johnny had been feeding Sam advice on how to get the angry blond girl so very similar to him and Sam’s ALSO kissed silly in a dressing room until Tory’s face is stained with all her makeup.
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stinkyhyena9000 · 6 months
FInally just got to watch Sing 2 for the first time in a month or so (I'm a very busy gal) and ohmygod I just remembered why I love Sing 2 so much: the ending.
The entire performance of Out of This World is great, but I'll only be going over Clay's part and thereafter.
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Seeing Clay down breakdown, and hearing his voice softly apologize about not being ready. It really shows how vulnerable he is, and how even if we put on a brave face and think we're ready, loss and mental struggle is not just something done quick and easy. Furthermore, it really means a lot to see him here, finally putting of his whole facade and finally letting loose a second time.
Speaking of which, I actually wanna look back in earlier parts of the movie (still within the time frame of the performance). During the time where everyone gets ready and the scene where Meena and Alfonso singing, we get to see glimpses of Clay sighing and staring deeply at his guitar case, like he knows what's inside it is going to hit him emotionally, and hit him hard.
Back to the show, when we see Ash first exit, we can see her alone, sing the songs Clay have sung before. Clay sees this, and he sees himself within her. (See me later for how they're so father-daughter). He sees this, and realizes that he can do this too, and he's not alone either.
I also want to note that Ash's quills actually do sort of resemble a white mane here. (2nd pic from later in the song)
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We can even see Ruby's ghost come in behind Clay, kinda sort of saying "get in there, she needs you." I like to think it's also a little call back when Ash asked Clay if Ruby would've wanted him to give up on music.
The theatre is flooding with lonely silence as she sings, even though it's full of people, similar to how people going through depression may feel lonely when surrounded with love. The crowd eventually chimes it, but it still feels close to that same way still.
And then BOOM, we get chills when we get hit with that first guitar. As soon as we start to hear him, the room fills with life as well. We hear applause from the crowd. We hear percussion. It's just great.
Now before I continue, I just want to mention. This scene is probably one of the best animated scenes throughout all of Sing 2. They did just such fantastic work on his facial animations. I can say that for every Clay scene in Sing 2, but especially here. And they didn't just do a fantastic job with facial animations, but all animation here.
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GUESS WHAT BABY. IM BRINGING IN LYRICS TOO!! (of course I am). So, this part also goes with the following lyrics
I believe in the Kingdom Come Then all the colours will bleed into one Bleed into one But yes, I'm still runnin'
I like to believe the lyric about running can be interpreted two ways. Firstly, it can be interpreted as a call back to him running from his emotions, in constant denial over his loss of Ruby. Another way of seeing it is him running towards, trekking on through all the hardships he has faced.
Back to the actual movie, I just want to mention: bro is getting groovy with it. You can se by the way he moves his body that he is really getting into the music, especially after 15 years
Later on in the song, we actually see Ash and Clay look at each other, kind of like thanking each other. Clay, thanking Ash for getting him out of that rut, and helping him to continue onward. Ash, thanking Clay for coming to the show, and being her idol for who knows how many years.
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Oh yeah, lyric time again! Here they are
You broke the bonds And you loosed the chains Carried the cross of my shame Of my shame You know I believe it
Ash is the one who broke Clay's bonds of that rut he was in, and she buried the cross of his shame by never making him ever feel bad about what he was going through, but being understanding with him.
Anyways, back to the main summary. God I love the song. I love how you can see the pure unadulterated hope and joy enter Clay's face as he sings his song. I love how you can see the moment he's officially caught his second-wind.
I mean, look at this face and tell me it doesn't make you feel all warm and inside. It doesn't give you hope for a better tomorrow.
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Unfortunately, I can't include any more images at the moment, but I can still go on.
Anyways, now we're moving onto the next famous bus scene. You know the one that plays that one song. We all love it.
It's just so great seeing all the cast members finally interact with each other again after being separate for a lot of the movie doing their own stuff. It's just a great reminder on how they really are just one big family. Even better is seeing how quickly Porsha, Nooshy, and Clay were integrated into it. Sure, the other two had some time to warm up but Clay? Clay just got here, and yet he's still already seen part of the family, and I'm really glad to see it.
The camera angles and lighting here and before are also just plain phenomenal. They really do a fantastic job with the camera and the different views of the different characters, and the warm lighting just does a fantastic job.
Super random but Clay also does a nice sigh here, and it really just speaks words. You can tell that that sigh was long overdue, and how he's just so ready to keep going and not be so caught up in not letting go. He's finally allowing himself to relax. Around the same time, we also see Ash cuddle up to Clay, and I just love the idea of Ash seeing Clay as a father figure. It's so good and true.
Oh and do NOT get me started on that song. I could really ramble on about it all day, but I'll try to keep it short. (Mostly) each character was saved by music, and that really makes the music fit. It's also worth noting that FUNFACT. Bono and U2 kinda made that song for funsies too.
(Quick summary of what happened: Bono teased wanting to make a song because the story of Clay spoke to him so deeply. Jennings wasn't actually expecting it to happen, but then Bono literally gave him a demo at the end of his first recording session)
And now we get to The Majestic. It is just plain gorgeous, and it really shows off of Sing 2 could've been just jaw-dropping gorgeous the entire way through given they were able to utilize their setting a lot more. LOOK AT THAT CITYSCAPE!! THOSE PRETTY LIGHTS!!
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And then we also see just a lot of nice and comforting smiles. I mean come on, look at the guy!! It's so awesome seeing Buster Moon so unbelievably proud of what he's accomplished.
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And then of course we cannot forget the final part. I'm sure everyone knows this by now, but it's so amazing and invigorating seeing Sing 2 end the same way Sing 1 started, like Buster is finally a kid again. It's just an awesome throw-back. I really don't see how Sing 3 can top this.
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mikuni14 · 9 months
Laws of Attraction Ep 4
So. Where to start. I don't know. All I want to say is wtf, how can this show do this to me in broad daylight. They have no shame 😦
LoA took my favorite tropes, motifs, what appeals to me and packed it in the prettiest decorative box, tied it with a cute little ribbon, put a kawaii Hello Kitty sticker on and gave it to me with Charn's a beautiful, if a little unhinged and full of sharp teeth smile.
LoA has everything I like. First of all, it has mature characters. Who sometimes behave stupidly, exaggeratedly, emotionally, but they are still adults. Charn and Tinn are adults with each other, in their relationship. What absolutely delights me is that they know who they are, who they are FOR THEMSELVES, they are FULLY aware of how they affect each other and what it is that they feel about each other. There is no insecurity, self-discovery, discovering their sexuality, bumbling around, figuring out their feelings, running away, physical contact sending into panic, being completely clueless about themselves and the other person. Don't get me wrong, I have NOTHING against it, after all, I really like Hidden Aagenda right now, which is a bit like that, but my absolute beloved thing is when the characters are just... aware of themselves and their surroundings 🥰 Charn and Tinn have felt attracted to each other since they first met, and they both know it. Charn knows perfectly well why Tinn stares at him, recognizes his stares, and also he knows why Tinn does NOT look at him when he is getting dressed. Tinn knows perfectly well what Charn's smiles, his looks, his heavy flirting mean. What I also like is that they consciously play their game, flirt together, but neither of them crosses the line. And that they are absolutely relaxed with each other. When Tinn is buttoning up Charn's shirt when he is hugging him and being possessive, Charn just lets him, his body language shows that he trusts him, that he enjoys it, and that he is open to him. Just like when Charn brings all his heavy artillery against Tinn, when he invades his personal space, touches him, holds his hand, cuddles up to him, Tinn doesn't freak out, just lets him, he's also totally open to him. Whenever Charn proposes sex, Tinn reacts completely normally, like it IS normal, not something creepy, dirty or whatever. It's great to watch two actors play their characters with their bodies so well, but they were just as relaxed with each other in To Sir, With Love 💖
The two are fascinated by each other, Tinn would have asked Charn out if he hadn't turned out to be the Senator's attorney, and even now, the only thing standing in their way is, um, Charn's morality :) But what's wonderful is that they both know it. Gods, I love this series.
What else. It's how the show takes classic themes and tropes that otherwise would be cringe or even creepy and does fantastic things with them. The show IS romantic, it has romantic scenes that, instead of embarrassing me, just fry my brain. Tinn is possessive in one of the best scenes in Thai BL EVER, but he's not creepy about it like many other jealous guys. And then he doesn't deny he did it, or gets defensive, he just owns it. The scene from the trailer with the flower, the scene of preparing a meal, cooling it down for Charn. Thee who keeps his eyes on Tanthai, even at night. All this is unbelievably romantic, but in such a wonderful way, without causing the secondhand embarassment. A lot of times when I see couples being sweet with each other, I turn my head away because I feel so embarrassed. In LoA, as in Khun Chai, I always feel like a child at Christmas and I want MORE.
The series also makes great use of dramatic shots. So cool!
I love Charn, I love how unapologetic he is. He does what he wants, says what he wants, knows what he wants, has his own lifestyle, clothes, behavior, is an absolute princess, does not compromise with anyone, does not adapt to others. And I love that Tinn sees it all and is like ok, fine, whatever. And he criticizes him ONLY FOR what his conscience disagrees with. Tinn accepts Charn as he is, and what he disagrees with, he is open about. I love Tinn for who he is. That he is a good parent, that he absolutely stands by the child, that he can behave in any situation, that even if he screwed something up, he can apologize and fix what he broke. That he's so incredibly manly, but without the toxic masculinity. (I love Charn for his looks straight at the camera which never fails to creep me out 💀) Both are different from each other, but they are just different type of adults. A little damaged, doing their best and sometimes failing adults. And I love it, I love them.
And what is it? WHAT IS THIS? New favorite dynamic?? Tinn and Thee??? I have Thoughts and Feelings™ about them. So many thoughts and feelings! 😳👀 I feel sorry for Thee. Eventually, he'll have to do something because the situation won't last long. Thee lives in limbo, thinking everything will be fine as long as he can be by Tanthai's side. But Tinn is right about Tanthai, even if Thee doesn't accept it yet (Tanthai's face when he talks about the guy who is being arrested! also are Tanthai and Thee childhood friends? how long has Thee been in love??)
I adore this show, I love Charn, Tinn and Thee, I really like the side characters, except for the senator and his son (Tanthai lost a lot with me when he acted like a coward first running away from Tinn and then beating him up when he was tied up and couldn't fight back). I even like Beer lol
LoA and Jun & Jun just make perfect use of my favorite yaoi tropes. No wonder I'm obsessed 💖
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adultswim2021 · 4 months
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Xavier: Renegade Angel #19: “Damnesia You” | April 10, 2009 - 12:15AM | S02E09
This was just so great, man. I loved this so much. I don’t even want to review this all that much. Fuck it! I won’t! There have been a bunch of special episodes lately. The Racist one! The one-long-sketch one! This one! This one starts off like Damnesia Vu, with Xavier in the room with all them colored doors. He’s in some kind of mind-palace, if you’ll recall. In this one the doors lead to different viewer-submitted home-made versions of Xavier: Renegade Angel. Some of them are animated (both traditionally and not), and some of them are live-action, and some of them are a mix of both. 
A lot of the people and voices and styles seem vaguely familiar, at least to me. David Dineen-Porter is a guy I’ve seen perform comedy, and he is way brilliant. I read something on Reddit saying one of the guy’s is shmorky. I don’t actually know who shmorky is except for the fact that people say his name while grimacing and lowering their head in prayer. I googled it: it turns out he was involved in a “no bueno” situation. AHHH!!!
The episode takes the fan submissions and lets them play, sometimes. Sometimes the editors remix the entities a bit, which is nice of them.
Rather than talk about the content of the episode I am just gonna say this: I got high as fuck before watching it because it’s snowing outside, and that’s a good reason to use marijuana at 3PM. It probably helped me watch this three times, which I did. I watched it twice on the Adult Swim app, but the second time I pressed play was a mistake, and I just let it roll. “Roll that beautiful bean footage” I should have said.
The third time I watched it on DVD because I couldn’t identify the screengrab from shmorky’s cartoon, which I wanted to identify out of morbid curiosity, and the Adult Swim Roku app sucks for if you want to pause the episode. It sucks if you want to watch the last ten seconds of the episode without the screen dimming and being covered up by a big thumbnail of the next show in the autoplay, even if the credits are rolling over the final moments of the story. It fucking blows. 
I broke out the DVD just so I could pause it properly and read the names of the entries. I made a list of all of them here, because I don’t think there’s a list of them online anywhere, and that seems valuable, maybe.
The only other guy I actually remember here is David Dineen-Porter, who I’ve seen perform comedy and thought was brilliant. His IMDB shows that he wrote on the James Corden show. I hope he made an obscene amount of money and is currently buying lots of guns with it (I mean this nicely). 
Also, I found a link to every entry on it’s own. 
Grant “Manfred” Duffrin - Xavier Lends a Helping Hand Eric “Emotikkkon” Binmoeller - Meerkats David Dineen-[“] Porter: Self the Eye the Sees The Cream Within Shelby A. Hohl - As Above So Below Andrew De“hole”Young - Prism Jay Z. Yum David “He” Health - Gazzavier Renegade Angel Goes Up A Mountain Chiyoung “2:29” Lee DDS - Catch They Neighbor Robert “t S”mith - Omnippletence/The Phone Call Colyn “Bynumb” Emery - Art What Art Thou Dave “Da Grave Slave” Kelly - Xavier Looks Behind His Eye Amy “Peanut butter” Warner - Dog Eats Ketchup (couldn't find) John “Bobby ‘the ‘der’ Sanch’ Sanchez” Santos - Sueo Mojado Jason Dorris - Portly “n’ Jelly” Porthole Bo “Bikey” Thrice - Superhole Shuffle
Also: Those CLOSING CREDITS! A friend of mine told me to look out for them, and I said "okay".
the cinco brothers are electric. they should bring them back and let them tell more stories about their lives.
The Sinko Brothers are in jail for nasty crimes and I hope they stay there. This thought is crude. Shame on you
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kittys-fandoms · 10 months
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I found Hailey's on It to be quite enjoyable, and I even gave it a chance before the show started to become more focused on the story. Overall, I liked the show and its premise, and I think others might enjoy it as well. Despite the fact that I didn't initially expect it to be my cup of tea, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the show, and I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys light-hearted comedies.
As an avid fan of The Owl House, I cannot deny that I was initially somewhat disappointed when the show's conclusion was announced. However, I did not let my feelings of bitterness and resentment cloud my judgment and prevent me from giving Hailey's on It, despite my initial reservations, a fair chance. I am pleased to say that I found the new show to be both refreshing and enjoyable, and I am excited about its new and unique concepts.
Unfortunately, it appears that many people have not yet given the show a proper chance, which is a shame, as it truly is a hidden gem.
I would like to take this opportunity to recommend Hailey's on It, that is available to stream on Disney+ right now. If you are a fan of shows that are able to maintain a balance between humor and heart, then this is definitely the series for you. I can speak from personal experience when I say that Hailey's on It is a truly enjoyable show that is worth your time and attention. So, so yourself a favor and check it out!
Also failing to watch and support current cartoons can have a negative impact on the animation industry as a whole. If we continue to ignore these shows, we are not only depriving ourselves of quality entertainment, but we also run the risk of missing out on future series that could be just as great as the ones we loved as children. By supporting modern-day cartoons, we are ensuring that new ones will continue to be created, enabling the industry to thrive and for talented animators and writers to bring their stories to life.
I must emphasize the importance of supporting modern-day cartoons. It's easy to get caught up in the nostalgia of the cartoons we grew up with, but failing to give current shows a chance is not only bad for the industry, but it also deprives viewers of quality entertainment.
By supporting modern-day cartoons, we are not only ensuring the survival of the animation industry, but we are also giving talented animators, writers, and voice actors the opportunity to tell their stories. These stories can often be incredibly powerful and moving, and they can provide a sense of comfort, inspiration, or simply a much-needed escape from reality.
The unique and diverse storytelling present in modern-day cartoons is something we shouldn't take for granted. With the rise of representation in media, more and more stories are being told from a variety of different perspectives, which can help to promote empathy and understanding among our viewers.
It's crucial that we give modern-day cartoons a chance and show them our support. By doing so, we can ensure the continuation of quality entertainment, and we can also help to foster creativity and representation in the industry, which are both vital for the long-term success of animation.
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ungrateful-cyborg · 5 months
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
Basic rules: choose 10 fandoms that you are part of/support, and choose a favorite character from each of those. Then, tag ten folks!
Tagged by: @miqojak! Ty! It didn't even take me half a year to get around it this time XD
In no particular order, except for the first one ever since I'm 16. Also finding 10 fandoms is kinda hard because I'm def not that active, or even a passive participant, in so many fandoms so you'll get a glimpse of my younger self instead :'D
And long post ahead so thank you in advance if you've taken the time to go through this list!
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Kanon, from Saint Seiya
Look, this is the blorbo and if you see similarities between his backstory and Kazan's, no you don't. Mentioning either him or the manga is enough to get my friends to sigh and groan as they await the inevitable gushing/rant that'll follow (which reminds me that I haven't, actually, gushed about him or ranted about the manga in quite a while now). Which is to say, I love lonely sad villains/antiheroes and if you've ever seen me mentioning the forbidden blorbo, now you know who I'm talking about.
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Emet-Selch, from FFXIV
At this point I feel like I should mention that I do not stand in favor of manipulating or killing people as a form of therapy :'D
A bit more seriously though, I think he's the first character I felt so viscerally about in the game? Like I never agreed with his views but going through ShB I really hoped we'd managed to bring him to our side. My tragedy-loving ass won't complain about how ShB ended for him, mind you, but still.
Honorable mention for Thancred too, whom I feel more and more attached to as times passes, and also Y'shtola but in her case it's perhaps more the fact that she's, in terms of behavior, very much My Type.
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Madi, from Black Sails
There are many great characters in that TV show and if you haven't seen it, I can only recommend it to you. But really, Madi is my favourite of the lot and definitely the inspiration for Inge if I had to pick one.
Between her cleverness, her dignity, her integrity, her charisma, her dedication to her people and her cause and her curiosity about others, what's not to love about her?
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Varric Tethras, from Dragon Age 2 / DA:I
I was hesitating between Isabela and Cullen, but then I remembered the Best Companion Ever and how could I not put Hawke's most loyal friend on the list? I love him, love his loyalty, how he stays compassionate despite all he goes through, his sense of humor, his honesty... Only wish we could have romanced him in DA:I, but on the other end I like his story with Bianca so I'm not too sad about not being able to.
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Byakuya Kuchiki, from Bleach
In the spirit of this dash game I'll respect the rules and make a choice, but if I'd filled this list any other day, I might have put Grimmjow there instead :'D
Anyway. I love a stubborn man with a stick up his ass and too many (conflicting) principles despite a rebellious heart who needs to be almost killed to start thinking that perhaps, just perhaps, he could have handle a Situation better.
And I love this character development past that point.
He wasn't an inspiration for Wolfe, but they're very much alike in several aspect. Byakuya is, however, a lot better at keeping a straight face.
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Lois Habiba, from Torchwood S3
I haven't watched Torchwood in a long time but I remember her. In fact I remember Lois better than I remember some of the main cast.
She was just a normal young woman who had managed to get a really good job and risked everything to do the right thing and idk. She was just a really solid character that deserved better recognition.
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Dean Winchester. Do I need to say from where?
Look, I loved all five seasons of Supernatural. A shame they didn't add more later!
And with Dean it's a bit personal so I'm not gonna go deep in details about it, but let's just say that there's quite a bit of me that I recognized in him and I just want to give that man a hug.
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Donna Noble, from Doctor Who
I'm not up to date with the new seasons/episodes so no spoilers please!
But hm, yeah. I think what I loved the most about how Russel T. Davies was directing the show was how real his everyday people turned companion felt, and while I preferred Rose when I was younger, the older I get, the more appreciation I have for Donna.
She's just so full of life and character, so brave and so unapologetic about being herself despite her self-esteem issues, but I think what I love above all else about her is how she always acted as an equal to the Doctor.
I'm gonna repeat myself but really, the older I get, the more I love her. And I really need to catch up :'D
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Cain Hargreaves, from the Cain saga
Honestly I don't expect anyone to remember this manga XD It's an old one I read when I was a teenager and one of the few I kept despite not having re-read it in 10+ years. I don't remember that much from it but I do remember the ending quite well.
Anyways. Cain's a young earl with a tragic past, a strong sense of justice, more money than common sense, a love for poisons and a fear of commitment. Truly, what could go wrong with such a character?
"Have I ever failed a promise to you? - Yes, all the time." after his sister made him swear he'd come back to her alive is just perfect.
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Spike, from BtVS
He's devoted, he's cruel, he's romantic, he's brave, he's pathetic, he's capable of taking responsibility for his actions... I love a multifaceted character and I've had a soft spot for Spike ever since I've watched the series for the first time.
I rewatched it not too long ago and it didn't age that well imo, or maybe I'm just more critical than I used to be, but I still think Spike is an awesome character and I love that it was in spite of Whedon's intentions for him.
And I believe that brings me at 10 characters for 10 fandoms! It strangely feels more like undressing in front of strangers than actually undressing in front of strangers :'D So obviously I'm gonna tag a few people to do it too:
@under-the-blood-moonlight @merlwybs-wife @voidtekarc @alannah-corvaine @ashenbun @zhauric @biff-adventurer @tea-and-conspiracy and @confusedtia! And frankly anyone else who wants to!
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daisyandbilly · 1 year
Let’s talk about episodes 4, 5, and 6 of Daisy Jones & the Six! This is kind of late because I have written and re-written this review 8 times.
(Spoilers galore — do not continue reading if you don’t want to be spoiled)
Let’s start with the good! Immersion. Episode 4’s house party was what I’ve been waiting for in terms of set and scenery. The smoky rooms, the people, the noise, the outfits, the wood paneling of the house. I think the house party will forever be a favorite part of this series for me. It was a happy addition. Although it didn’t exist in the book, Camila bringing Daisy into the fold and getting Billy to put aside his ego for the sake of his art and the band was great. She saw the potential of them and orchestrated a thing of beauty. Lots of mess but also beauty! Seeing the band interact outside of a strict music setting was a joy. Can we get more of that?! Daisy holding Julia: chills. Another full circle moment, they’ve always been somewhat connected.
I still don’t like that Daisy didn’t actually have a career until she met the Six but their first performance was great. Billy’s annoyance, Daisy’s false bravado, her crashing the stage after the first song, The Six’s excitement. All so good. Camila clocking Billy for his rudeness during the interview. So good!
I have zero notes for Simone thus far, she has been a delight to watch and I can’t wait to experience her New York disco days.
I loved everything about Karen and Graham’s little surfing side quest, down to the car his… girlfriend(?) was driving — i want it! When she pulled him inside of the house my eyes popped out of my head lmao. Karen jokingly using her jealousy to shame the poor girl for her love of Barry Manilow threw me off a liiiitle. It wasn’t a huge issue at all, it’s just that in my head she would’ve been too cool to say that, girls girl and #girlboss and all.
These episodes were some of my favorite so far. The tension and initial anger and the music were great. I love understanding the context of songs and this was so special. More Fun to Miss and Regret Me truly hit even deeper if that was possible. Watching Billy and Daisy go back and forth when writing the album felt very frustratingly satisfying. It’s such an important chunk of the book and I wouldn’t have minded it playing out a bit longer but I’m unsure if that’s because I still feel thrown off by the pacing of the show. We only have four episodes left.
Now let’s get to the elephant in the post. Unfortunately I have been spoiled left and right while running this blog. I knew about the kiss (and a few other changes that I won’t spoil, don’t worry.) And as much of a fangirl moment that I had during it (I still gasped and leapt from my chair), when it was over… I was left scratching my head. The excruciating what-if aspect that looms over the book has been replaced with a handful of cliches. There is no guessing or later revelation, it’s all been laid out.
I hate that I agree with the critics again, I swear I never thought that would happen, but once Billy initiates the kiss a lot of the plot has been stripped of its nuance. This is now a show about a very real love triangle. I know things must change for adaptations and they really wanted to lean into the Fleetwood Mac aspect of the band’s relationships but something about the dynamic between these characters is off especially this version of Camila and Billy as we continue with the season. We’re supposed to feel love and instead it’s translating as obligation.
Book Billy’s faithfulness to Camila after he got sober is what he held onto with a vice grip. And although he loved her and emphasized that he chose her above all else, the weight of temptation everyday constantly crushed and guided most of his decisions when he was with Daisy. They were magic onstage because it was where they could be together and burn all that pent up energy. Daisy replaced his addiction and because of that she was the temptation he never fully lost himself in because of what happened the first time. Watching them together on stage was meant to be akin to the dynamic of The Civil Wars. Profound longing mixed with unbridled inhibition and the sadness of the reality of their situation.
Here he’s already given into the temptation that he was supposed to ultimately struggle with when he made a decision at that bar in Chicago. And once Daisy vocalizes her anger/hurt at him bringing Camila to the Aurora cover shoot, the triangle has been solidified. This feels like an affair, just one that didn’t have enough gas to take off. I understand the idea of and see the tweets about conflicting point of views and unreliable accounts (due to who is interviewing them) and while I agree (I do!), that just doesn’t hold up here. Daisy’s shame that Billy rejects her after she kisses him is meant to get her on the path to running away to Thailand, marrying Niccolò and falling deeper into addiction. The idea of her leaving because of the same Rolling Stone article that she exposed Billy for is ??????? And seeing Camila here being relegated to a wife standing by her man cheating a second time as long as he doesn’t love Daisy is so… weird. Not even a little fling with Eddie could even the score but honestly good for her! (this is meant to replace that “lunch” with Greg/Gary Egan that happens in the book). I hope they don’t turn Camila into a placeholder; just another obstacle for Daisy and Billy to endure especially now that they’ve chosen to shorten the age gap between the interviews because that would be depressing.
Do I still love these characters? Absolutely. The show is doing a wonderful job of capturing a lot of emotions and I can not emphasize enough how much I love this cast. I know these are deeply flawed characters and they eventually experience the consequences of their actions and selfishness but we’re still supposed to be rooting for them. I do think they’ve forgotten to slip a few redeeming qualities for Billy in tho 👀.
Rating ⭐️ — 4 out of 5
24 hours later and Im still going back and forth with this rating lol
Also why Greece? Nothing wrong with that change, just curious
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juneviews · 1 year
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axelle judges bl shows >  My School President
summary: Tinn has been crushing on Gun for over two years, and decides that senior year is the year he needs to make a move. For that, he becomes the school’s student body president in an effort to help Gun’s music club avoid cancellation.
where to watch: youtube
grade: 8,5/10
- this show manages to take a very basic story that honestly shouldn’t have lasted more than one episode, and develop it in an endearing, quirky and very interesting direction through its writing. the writing of the show gives so much care to the characters and their feelings, and treats them in honestly such a rare way with making tinngun experience a lot of obstacles with maturity but never break up, as well as giving all the side characters a lot more love than usual. this really took the show from what could’ve been extremely forgettable & seen 50 times before plot, to truly one of the best bls in a while!
- similarly, there’s so much care put into the show: the original soundtrack is really great and the fact that the opening credits changed every 3 episodes to indicate changes in the story & characters was SUCH a good idea! you can tell the creators of the show really put so much effort & thought into it & imo it more than paid off!
- the characters are amazing. I gotta talk about my boi tinn bc he has everything of the “perfect & boring bl love interest” which is a trope I’ve criticized where the love interest is handsome, smart, talented, rich, has everything going on for himself except for a personality, which makes half of a ship so fucking boring in bl shows, but here my boi tinn is my literal fucking fave bc we get to see so much of his point of view. we see him freak out about his crush, be shy, be awkward, etc. but we also see that his family life & the pressure put on him is real, which adds layer to his character. as for gun, he’s equally as amazing, and so much of the show allows him to explore his feelings which makes him such a relatable character. sound is also another fave of mine, he has a great character development just like win, tiw is literally an iconic friend & deffo the mvp of this show, yo got a good storyline about insecurity, and por & phat were adorable and completed the team well. I literally fell in love with this group of friends so much & they absolutely carried the show!
- the acting & chemistry, man. so as you might know already, I’m a hater LMAO. I don’t like new pairings easily at all, especially when it contains both new actors I’ve never seen before. but when I say fourth & gemini stunned me, I really mean it. first of all they have an insanely natural chemistry that really puts a lot of more experienced pairings to shame lol, and it’s the same for satang & winny who play winsound and literally stole the show for me! I swear I started by rolling my eyes at the possibility of winsound & then I got converted real quick LMAO. but apart from that, the acting is just so fucking GOOD. fourth shined the most for me, he brings a vulnerability to his character that is very impressive for his age, but gemini also did an amazing job showing the complexities of tinn. satang also impressed me greatly, this boy has amazing heart eyes & also displays a lot of vulnerability, I hope to see more of him! but honestly everyone did a great job & really sold their characters to me <3
- I feel like what makes this show special is that it doesn’t stay surface level at all. when the guys lose hot wave, another show would show them being disappointed & depressed for one episode and move on, but msp went further by having them internalize their feelings & then ultimately fight once they can’t contain it anymore. them blaming each other then crying & apologizing is honestly one of my favorite scenes of the show?? it was such a real scene that was FELT, and also a great display of friendship there. another good example is the fear of coming out & the wish to hide their relationship, as well as the homophobia experienced by tinngun in the last episode. another show would’ve likely completely skipped through that & showed tinngun accepted by all without batting an eye, but instead by showing tinn’s mother’s uneasiness around her son dating a guy, and that asshole teacher being a complete homophobic dick who thinks he’s in the right, or even those teachers who shook their heads at tinngun being cute at prom, it all felt more realistic & added layers to the show and their relationship where it’s not all sunshine & rainbows, yet they still stay strong & support each other. all of these moments really add a lot of depth & importance to the show, and also strengthen the characters & their relationships a whole lot.
- the pace is also perfect to make it a super entertaining show & I never felt bored for even one minute!
- as quirky & fun & entertaining as this show was, it is still pretty basic in most of its storylines: gun’s mom being sick, the guys losing hot wave, tinngun’s relationship leaking online... and like honestly that doesn’t take any of my enjoyment of the show away so who cares, but it does keep me from grading this show any higher. yes I literally have nothing else to put in the cons LMAO
would I rewatch it: absolutely! it joined my comfort shows list <3
I expected this show to give me sorta love sick vibes (one of my fave comfort shows), but I didn’t expect it to be a more updated version of a just as healthy couple as phunnoh, giving me a just as vibrant & enjoyable high school slice of life that I love so much. I literally fell in love with this show, man. it was entertaining, and endearing, and honestly it became an instant favorite. I couldn’t recommend it more!
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