#also why the hell does vandalize only play in the normal ending?
latin-dr-robotnik · 1 year
also amusingly enough Eggman gets exactly what he wants I think
he's after all left alone to tap into Starfall islands
Oh, I haven't had enough time to process that scene among all the dissapointment I felt. So, does it happen inside that big temple in Ouranos?
I think this might be a sort of unpopular opinion from what I've chatted with my friends but I think they showed too much in that post-credits scene lol, they should've left Sage "dead" for a bit longer, and maybe just show desperately typing on his keyboard for 5 seconds, then having him say something like "There's gotta be a way!" and cut to black. They already planned for Sage's return in the next game so it's not like Shadow in SA2 that was meant to be dead until fan reception changed that lol.
Anyway, I wonder what's his aim with this tech. Will he resort to his original conquest plan from the Frontiers intro? Is he gonna endanger the entire world just for a shot to get Sage back? Are they gonna reuse The End but this time make sure to give her enough backstory? Ugh. I hate the fact there's so many loose ends in this game, way too many for a cliffhanger.
So... in the end Vandalize was a song about Eggman losing Sage? Dear Father is Sage thanking her daddy for everything, then Eggman is blasting Vandalize alone in his Starfall lab. I need to see that lmao!
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emy-loves-you · 3 years
Accessories and Crushes
This is Day 1 of the TSUS Challenge: Dukexiety!
Summary: Remus buys some jewelry to make himself look good and impress his crush, Virgil. But why does he look so upset by that?
Pairings: Dukexiety, background Roceit
Word Count: 3769
Warnings: Bullying, stealing, miscommunication, implied violence, blood
"C'mon boys! You need to leave now or you'll be late!"
"Coming Mom!" Both boys called out, Roman from the bathroom and Remus from his bedroom. The green-clad twin had finished putting on his makeup and was now frowning at his reflection. Something was missing. There was some part of his style that was incomplete. It had been missing for a while now, and because of it Remus looked incomplete. Bland. Boring. And he couldn't tell what was missing. He'd tried switching out his makeup palette (Roman had so many leftover, since he liked to do his own makeup in theater. He wouldn't miss this one), he tried different outfit styles, he even tried things that he never imagined wearing like skirts and high heels, but nothing felt right. Maybe I need new accessories?
There was a knock on his door and Roman poked his head in, a lopsided grin on his face. "C'mon, we gotta go before mom kills us."
Remus scoffed, grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. "Psh, I've been ready. I was waiting for you, prettyboy. How many hours did you spend in the bathroom this time?"
Roman made a sound that their mutual friend (and Roman's crush) Janus dubbed an 'offended Princey noise' as they walked out of their house. "First of all, low blow. You can't just use that nickname-"
Remus snorted. "Of course I can. Just not in front of Janny.” Janus had made up the nickname years ago, and Remus constantly teased Roman with it. (Honestly, Remus was halfway tempted to lock the two of them in a closet and leave them there until they either made out or beat each other up)
Roman continued as they approached the school. “Secondly, I’ll have you know that every moment I spend in that bathroom is absolutely vital to my daily routine.”
Remus smirked. “Yeah? Even the 20 minutes you spend just belting out romantic Disney songs to your reflection?”
Roman blushed but didn’t back down. “Yes.”
“Hmm, a blushing Roman. The perfect way to start my morning.” Janus suddenly slinked up behind them, throwing his arm up over Roman’s shoulder.
Roman groaned, blushing harder. “I can never tell when you’re being sarcastic and when you’re being genuine.”
Janus chuckled softly. “If you knew, it wouldn’t be nearly as fun to do.”
The bell rang and Remus groaned. “Gotta go. Catch ya later.” He quickly made his way to his first class, silently glad to be rid of the two hopeless lovebirds. He got to his class with 5 minutes to spare and was going to play on his phone and ignore everyone like he usually did when he saw a flash of green out of the corner of his eye.
On one of the student’s desk was an ornate wooden box, filled to the brim with hand-crafted jewelry. The student in question, Jacob Smith, was currently counting a large stack of cash as he waited for the bell to ring. Remus got up to look at the jewelry and he smirked. “Hey, Prince. I’m selling my sister’s hand-made jewelry. Like anything you see?”
Remus glanced down at the jewelry. There were dozens of accessories in a ton of different colors, but there were a few that caught Remus’ eye. There was a matching set of 2 bracelets, a ring, a chain necklace, a choker, and a pair of earrings. They were all a metallic dark green with black and dark purple accents. Remus looked at the prices Jacob had given the jewelry and winced. They were all super expensive, but they were also high quality and hand-crafted, so Remus wasn’t going to complain.
Jacob smirked as Remus paid for the jewelry, about to say something when the bell ringed. Remus sighed and put the jewelry away, grabbing his notebook to take notes. Even though Remus was the school’s resident ‘bad boy,’ he still liked to keep his grades up. Remus hated that he was always stereotyped as lazy and dumb. Yes, he regularly punched homophobes and transphobes. Yes, he tended to struggle in English because metaphors were bullshit. But that wasn’t his fault! There were only a handful of people that Remus wouldn’t immediately punch their teeth in for calling him dumb, and only three of them went to this school. Of course, there was Roman and Janus, but there was another person who was allowed to insult Remus, even if he never did.
Eventually, lunchtime rolled around, and Remus ignored his usual routine of vandalizing homophobic lockers to instead go put on his jewelry in the bathroom. He spent the whole 15 minutes making sure that the jewelry looked perfect and his make up was flawless. He had someone to impress, after all.
A few more hours passed and Remus was finally in his last class of the day, impatiently waiting to see his crush walk through the door. Virgil Storm, resident emo and snarky introvert. He and Remus were forced to work on an English paper together last year, and now he liked to sit next to Remus during class. Remus knew this was only so they could work together on creative writing assignments, but a part of Remus dreamed that Virgil sat next to Remus because liked Remus, not just tolerated him.
When Virgil finally walked through the door, seconds before the bell was supposed to ring, Remus barely resisted the urge to grin and wave frantically like an overexcited puppy. Instead, he gave his meat flirtatious smirk, angling his body to show off as much of his new jewelry as possible. Instead of smiling (or blushing like Remus fantasized), Virgil froze in place. He gave Remus a look that made his heart sink. He looked… betrayed? That didn’t make sense. But before Remus could get up and ask what was wrong, the bell rang and Virgil took a seat in the front of the classroom, away from Remus.
Now, most people would be able to see that Virgil was upset before he even walked into the room. They would realize that Virgil isn’t having a good day, and would give him some space until he was ready to talk to them.
Remus is not most people.
He spent the entire class staring at Virgil, several pencils snapping as he pretended to take notes. Virgil slouched forward, ignoring Remus’s gaze burning holes in his hoodie. When the class ended, Virgil practically ran out the door. Remus growled and stuffed his things into his bag, shooting a quick text to Roman.
Re- (2:21 PM) Staying after, go on without me
He turned off his phone, not waiting for a response as he stalked out the door. He knew that Virgil didn’t take the bus, and Remus had a feeling that the emo hadn’t left the school yet. He probably didn’t go to his locker, and he hated all of the teachers, which left-
Remus slammed the bathroom door open, Virgil jumping from the sudden sound. He was hovering over the sink, his face red and puffy from crying. His shock quickly morphed into anger as he glared at Remus. “What do you want? Here to rub it all in my face?”
Remus growled, ready to rip his own hair out. Or Virgil’s. He hadn’t decided yet. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Virgil barked out a laugh, and Remus ignored how beautiful Virgil looked, even when angry. “Wrong with me? What’s wrong with you?! I thought you were my friend!”
A part of Remus’ heart broke at his crush calling him just a ‘friend,’ but the rest of his heart shattered as he processed what the emo said. “Of fucking course I’m your friend!”
Virgil glared at Remus, pointing at him accusingly. “Then why the hell are you wearing those?!”
Remus looked down at his jewelry, which he had bought and put on just to impress Virgil. They had to be what he was talking about, since it was the only significant change to Remus’s normal outfit. He actually liked this jewelry a whole lot. And now his asshole crush was getting pissy about it. “What’s wrong with me wearing jewelry, huh? You got a fucking problem with it?”
Virgil growled, slamming his fist onto the countertop. “That’s not what I’m talking about and you know it, dumbass! I’m not stupid, I know where you got those!”
Remus huffed. “You got something against Jacob? I know the guy’s an asshole, but are you seriously gonna hate me for buying his little sister’s jewelry?”
Virgil froze, his hands gripping the bathroom counter like a death grip. “Little sister? So you didn’t know?”
Remus was confused, but he was still more irritated than anything. “Didn’t know what? What the fuck are you talking about?!”
Virgil stayed quiet for a moment before he started screaming. “THAT SON OF A BITCH!” He slammed his fists back on the counter, fresh tears rolling down his face.
Remus rushed forward, pinning Virgil’s wrists down so he couldn’t hurt himself. No matter how pissed he was, Remus couldn’t see his crush get hurt. “What the fuck is going on, Virgil?”
Virgil froze again, looking away. “It’s none of your business. Just leave me alone.”
Remus growled, adding pressure to Virgil’s wrists, ignoring the way he winced. “Not this time, emo. You can’t just accuse me and say we aren’t friends, then tell me to fuck off when I don’t even know what you’re talking about!” He stepped closer, not giving him any room to squirm away. “So we’re not going anywhere until you’ve told me what’s going on.” Virgil looked away, and Remus growled. “You said that we’re friends, right? Then fucking treat me like one.”
There were a few moments of silence between them before Virgil sighed looking away, mumbling. “My name’s on ‘em.”
Remus’s grip loosened, confused. “Huh?”
Virgil groaned, pulling himself out of Remus’ hold and grabbing him by the wrist, removing his bracelet with practiced ease. He showed Remus the inside of the bracelet, where V.S. was stitched into the fabric. “Jacob’s little sister’s name is Sally. That’s my name. I sewed and etched it into every product.”
Remus stared for a minute until it hit him. “Did you make these?”
Virgil blushed and nodded. “Yeah, I sell them online. They take forever to make but it’s fun and I make a good amount of money off of it.” He huffed. “I shouldn’t of brought them to school. Yesterday Jacob had found me and was be-” he coughed “was talking to me, and he found them in my backpack. Said he would sell them for me, and in exchange I wouldn’t leave with a broken nose. All of the popular kids knew that I made them, because they bought a ton and flashed it off in front of me in the hallways.” He sniffled and wiped his tears away with his hoodie sleeve. “I… I thought you knew too. I thought you were like them.”
Remus stared for a few minutes before getting out his wallet. “How much do you normally charge for these?”
Virgil sputtered. “W-what? You don’t-”
Remus growled. “I know I don’t have to. Now. How. Much. Do. You. Charge?”
Virgil rambled off the price and Remus frowned. That wasn’t even half of what Jacob had charged for them. Still, he paid the price that Virgil listed before opening a backpack and grabbing a notebook and pen. “Do you know everything that he took? And how much you usually charge for them?” Virgil nodded softly, still a little mystified. “Can you write them down? Or if you have a picture it would be helpful.”
Virgil carefully wrote them all down, giving descriptions of each piece of jewelry and their worth. Remus nearly growled when he read the list. Virgil was missing almost $200 worth of jewelry, and based on Jacob’s prices, the asshole was going to make at least a $500 profit from all of this.
Remus took back his notebook and put it away, giving his crush one last look. “I promise I didn’t know about any of this, but now I’m going to fix it. Here,” he grabbed Virgil’s wrist and scribbled something on the back of his hand “here’s my number. If those assholes try something like this again, give me a call and I’ll go punch their teeth in.”
Virgil looked away. “You don’t have to…”
Remus chuckled. “Punch their teeth in? It’s kind of my signature move by this point. It would be a shame if I didn’t.”
The emo blushed, finding his shoelaces to be more interesting than looking Remus in the eye. “You don’t have to be so nice to me.”
Remus shook his head. “You earned my niceness, fair and square. You’re my friend, Emo. Do you know how many people get to call me that and mean it?” He snorted. “Do you know how many people get to call me a dumbass without immediately getting their bones broken? It’s a very short list.” He sauntered out of the bathroom, stopping as he reached the door. “You mean a lot to me V. And I’m gonna make these assholes pay.” He didn’t look to see Virgil’s reaction as he walked away, one goal in mind: make Jacob Smith’s life a living hell.
Virgil went to class the next day, still in a slight state of shock. He felt numb all over, like he’d been drenched in ice water and was still dealing with the aftershocks. A lot had happened in the past 2 days, and he wanted nothing more than to lay down for a nap and not wake up until it all blew over.
Yesterday was awful. Usually Jacob just beat him up and went along his merry way, but instead he decided to ruin one of the few things that made Virgil happy. Jewelry making had been his passion for years, and seeing dozens of bullies showing him their new jewelry with a vindictive smirk, and knowing they were his but he wasn’t making a single penny, hurt him more than any punch or kick ever could.
But what hurt was seeing his only friend (and crush) sitting in the back of the room, showing off the jewelry that Virgil had specifically made with him in mind. Remus had been smirking, just like the bullies had as they flaunted off their jewelry, and Virgil had felt his heart break into a million pieces.
But that was yesterday. Today was a new day, and Virgil was wanting to crawl into a whole and never come out. Everyone would still be buying and showing off Virgil’s jewelry, some knowing where it came from, others having no idea. Jacob would probably come to beat Virgil up when he ran out of jewelry to sell, demanding more products that Virgil refused to make. He wasn’t going to spend all of his time on these products just to put money in Jacob’s pockets. And to top it all off, his friendship with Remus was probably ruined. Judging by how he acted yesterday, Remus would probably get upset if Virgil tried to distance himself again. But he was dreading the day where Remus would realize that Virgil wasn’t worth a decent English grade and tell him to fuck off.
Virgil was late to school today, so he didn’t actually realize that something was amiss until around lunch. No one had come up to Virgil to show off their jewelry, and a lot of students were staring at the emo as he walked by. When he took a closer look, he realized that the kids who had shown off their jewelry to him yesterday weren’t wearing them anymore, and some of them were sporting some nasty bruises. The ones who were wearing them were constantly staring at Virgil and… smiling? That was weird. But as Virgil sat down to eat his food another, more important question arose.
Where’s Jacob? And Remus?
His questions were answered in English class, where he overheard two students chatting as Virgil stepped in. Apparently Jacob and Remus had gotten into a fight and were now suspended. Virgil sat back in his normal spot, ignoring how the room went quiet as the ice water feeling returned with a vengeance. Remus got into a fight? Over him? That didn’t make any sense. Just the fact that Remus apologized and paid Virgil his debt for the jewelry was more than Virgil deserved. But the fact that Remus got into a fight with Jacob, because Jacob stole from Virgil, made something in his chest stutter. It made his heart race and his breath stop for a minute. Keep it cool Virgil, it’s not like someone as cool as Remus would ACTUALLY like you. His fight probably had nothing to do with me.
“Um, Virgil?” Virgil looked up at the random student next to him. Bethany, his brain half-heartedly supplied, still in a half state of shock. She was fiddling with the bracelets on her wrist, and it took Virgil a moment to realize they were his bracelets. “I-uh… I wanted to say sorry for what happened. Jacob told us he had brought those bracelets from home. We had no idea they were yours.” She pulled out her wallet. “Can I repay you for it? Or maybe buy more to make up for it?”
Virgil shook his head. “You don’t owe me anything. You already had to pay a stupidly high amount to Jacob, you shouldn’t have to waste more on me. I’ll be behind for a while on money, but I’ll get back up there eventually.” He blushed. “But if you want to buy more…” He scribbled down a url on his notebook paper and handed it to Bethany. “I have a website where you can customize your jewelry. It’ll take around a month or two depending on what it is, but I’ll have it done and shipped to your address as soon as it’s done.”
She took the paper and smiled gratefully. “Thank you so much! See you later Virgil!” She went back to her gaggle of friends, showing them the website url as they took pictures and typed it into their phones. Virgil smiled softly, glad to have at least a few potential customers after this.
When class was over, Virgil quickly grabbed his stuff from his locker and walked out the door. He was making his usual journey across the football field and towards the neighborhood when a familiar figure waved in the distance. Remus was underneath one of the bleachers, a familiar box in one hand and his backpack on the ground. Virgil ran over and hissed. “What are you doing here? You’re suspended right now! If they catch you on school grounds you’ll be expelled!”
Remus chuckled. “As if that would stop me from visiting my favorite emo.” Virgil flushed and looked at the wooden box. Remus suddenly perked up as he held out the box. “I got you your stuff back!” He sounded like an overexcited puppy and Virgil bit back a giggle, instead taking the box. He frowned when his hand came back wet.
“Uh, Remus?” He looked at his hand and cringed.
Remus tilted his head to the side, still resembling a puppy as he excitedly spoke. “Yeah?”
Virgil showed Remus the box. “This box is wet.”
“...With blood.”
“...Is it your blood?”
“I don’t think so!”
Virgil nodded, wiping his hand on his black skinny jeans. “Okay… thank you. It-” he looked away, blushing. “It means a lot to me.” He opened the box, looking at the contents. Around a third of the original jewelry was in the box, most of it he vaguely remembered the bullies wearing yesterday.
Remus smiled brightly, bouncing slightly as he grabbed his backpack. “That’s not even the best part! Look what I found while beating that asshole up!” Virgil hesitated before opening the bag, the not-so-nice part of him imagining Jacob himself shoved into the bag. Instead, the bag was filled to the brim with cash. Virgil stared at the money in shock while Remus explained. “That’s everything that he earned for selling your jewelry. He charged for a lot more than you did, but now you’ve made all of your money back and then some!”
Virgil tried to count the money at a glance, but his head started to spin after a minute. “Remus. How much money is in here?”
He giggled. “Almost $600. Jacob got a lot of money selling your stuff. He also had an extra 50 bucks that I added to the pot as compensation.”
Virgil nearly dropped the backpack in shock. He’d never had that much money before. This is it. I can actually start a business with this money. I can throw it into my bank account and actually have a chance at making jewelry after high school. At least as a side-job. He looked up at his crush, who was still bouncing slightly as he waited for praise. He did this for me. Remus gave me this chance. He did this because he cares. No one’s ever cared about me this much before.
Virgil didn’t realize what he was going to say until it was already out of his mouth. “Do you like coffee? With me?” He realized how jumbled his words were and he blushed. “I mean, would you like to go get some coffee with me? I know a good caffe a few blocks away. I know we aren’t too close, but maybe we could get to know each other better?”
Remus froze for a few seconds before he chuckled. “I don’t actually like coffee.” Virgil almost felt his heart drop, but his crush smirked at him. “But I know I’ll enjoy anything with you.” Virgil squeaked with a blush, and Remus chuckled. “Let’s go! We’ll get you some coffee, and we can talk about the inspiration behind your jewelry. Especially these.” He held out his wrist, showing off the dark green bracelet, a small purple heart sewn on the inside. Virgil blushed again. They both knew what inspired it. They both knew that Remus had inspired it. Or rather, Virgil’s feelings towards Remus. And Remus seemed okay with it, judging by his flirtatious chuckle and teasing grin.
Virgil eventually grabbed the resident bad boy’s hand, dragging him out from under the bleachers and towards the nearest cafe. He never thought he’d have a chance, but Remus gave it to him. And there was no way in hell that Virgil wasn’t going to take it.
Taglist: @bisexualdisaster106 @self-taught-mess @arodynamic-enby @sanderssides-angst @whatishappeningrightnow @idont-freaking-know @cute-and-angsty-princess @artsy-enby09 @girl-who-reads @drarrymalecsolangelo @count-woe-laf
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gayoperatorgunclub · 4 years
For the ultimate ship meme, Lion and Doc? I'm sorry, I'm LionDoc trash-
it’s all good!! whenever someone sends in an ask, i get an excuse to talk/write about one of my interests! really, it makes me so happy to be able to create content that people hopefully enjoy!! 💝💝💝
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - until the end of time, babey
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - it was love at first sight but then they started talking i do think it was some form of ~interest~ in one another at first sight, but then all that drama and lack of communication happened so they didn’t really allow themselves to even dream about the possibility of a relationship. HOWEVER! once lion joined rainbow and they talked their shit out like people who know how to cope, there was a period of a few months that is now referred to as The Four Months of Pining™, during which glaz did a lot of paintings where the subject (who usually bears an uncanny resemblance to doc or lion) is staring at something (or someone) longingly. he calls it his french period. when they finally get together, a LOT of money changes hands. and goes straight into sledge’s pocket (he was the only one who bet that it would take them this long). diana gets a brand new collar (handmade), bed (handmade), dish (handmade), and many new toys (some handmade, some store-bought. sledge’s craftsmanship can only get him so far) 
How was their first kiss? - you know how the french are supposed to be super suave and confident??? and how gay people are trying their hardest but they’re just Not Good at things????? (i know these are stereotypes but stay with me). well, with their 5/8 french blood (i hc one of doc’s parents is fully algerian while the other is half french, half algerian), and their 4/4 gay blood, they have an 81.25% chance of success in matters of the heart. sadly, that 18.75% chance of failure came into play during this situation. picture it. doc and lion. romantic, home-cooked dinner. le festin is playing in the background. they’re holding hands over the table. suddenly, doc’s cat goes into labour. all hell breaks loose. lion is getting flashbacks to his son’s birth, so now he’s hyperventilating. doc carries him to the couch and turns on the fan so he can cool off and catch his breath, before carefully moving his cat, Rayie (arabic for gorgeous, pronounced rye-ah) to the living room in his handmade Birthing Box, then grabs a pile of blankets and a heat lamp and situates himself on the ground nearby so he can help her if she needs it. once the kittens are born (they’re twins!! Sadiqi is the boy, and Amirti is the girl!!!) doc makes sure they’re nice and warm and that Rayie is recovering, and gives her pets while she cleans her babies. once the happy family is all settled in for the night, doc walks over to the couch and just. lays down on top of lion. once he’s gotten over the adrenaline of the birth, he takes lion’s face in his hands and says “promise me you’ll be more calm if we ever decide to have kids” and gives him a BIG smooch while lion’s just short-circuiting like “does he know i have a son???? did i forget to mention my son?????? also what about these kittens??? are they not sufficiently childish to count as children????? DOES HE WANT KIDS????? does he want to marry me??????? wait why is he getting so clo-”
Who proposed? - lion. it was the day of their two year anniversary (yes i AM saying they got together the august after outbreak don’t @ me) and they were on vacation at doc’s family’s Secret Beach House. they were vibing on the balcony, watching the sunset, when lion suddenly clears his throat. doc turns to look at him and finds his boyfriend down on one knee, looking like he might flee to Bermuda. he’s reaching for something in his pocket. doc starts laughing. lion, completely misunderstanding his reaction, flushes and stammers out an apology. doc sees this, and immediately stops, though he’s still smiling gleefully as he catches lion by the biceps, then reaches into his own pocket and pulls the ring he was going to give olivier. they exchange rings, giggling like little kids, and spend the rest of the night making out on whatever surfaces are available. 
Who is the best man/men? - for lion? montagne. (his son is the ring bearer and doc’s niece is the flower girl). for doc? rook. he’s so happy he gets to participate in his dad’s wedding
Who is the bride’s maid(s)? - for lion: finka. for doc: twitch
Who did the most planning? - both of them!! do you know how hard they worked to ensure the ceremony was valid in the eyes of both of their religions
Who stressed the most? - s e e  a b o v e
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - lion’s parents. they tried to call him during the reception but doc’s grandma grabbed his phone and started cussing them out, talking about dishonor and how they tried to disown him so they’re not his parents anymore, and besides, his new family absolutely adores him, so really, it’s their loss. once she hangs up, she pulls lion into a hug and he calls her his favorite, if only, grand-mère
Who is on top? - who’s topping? lion. but sometimes doc gets bitchy so he gets to set the pace if you know what i mean
Who is the one to instigate things? - they are both lowkey horny 24/7 so 👀👀👀
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now (only because they do get to see each other fairly often. if one goes on a long mission without the other, once they get back they will bump it up to a 10 real quick)
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - idk long enough ig. maybe longer if someone feels they’ve been left ~unsatisfied~ they might go a few more rounds ;))
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - ok it depends on what they’re doing but usually it’s one or two each, but on ~special~ occasions it’s either doc getting edged and denied for hours, OR doc getting forced to come over and over again until he’s begging for something, whether it be more or a goddamn break even he isn’t really sure. either way he’s crying and lion is consistently asking if he needs to safeword and otherwise checking in because they may like it rough but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - unless someone’s hormones and organs get fucked, zero
How many children will they adopt? - probably none?? idk they’ve already got lion’s son and they’re both busy enough with work so
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - NEITHER!!!!! DISGUSTANG!!!!!!!!!
Who is the stricter parent? - god i wanna say both. like lion and his attachment to rules??? but doc and his Mom Friend energy????? but ig lion BUT HE’S NOT STRICT TO THE POINT HE’S A BUZZKILL OR ANYTHING HE’S JUST RESPONSIBLE (he will NOT allow his husband and son to go vandalize the property of some islamaphobic brits, as much as he agrees with the sentiment) 
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - doc will only allow vandalism if it’s in the name of righteousness. meaning, he’ll allow their son to spray paint the walls of a goddamn walmart with shit like “eat the rich” and a portrait of robespierre and a guillotine, but it is a HARD NO on defacing places like the library or community center (unless he has a good reason to do so). lion spends his time praying and making sure his son knows which acts of civil disobedience are acceptable and which are distorting their goal 
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - doc. he (privately) dreams of retiring (eventually) and living out his lifelong dreams of being a househusband. so
Who is the more loved parent? - SHUT THE FUCK UP RIGHT NOW GET OUT OF MY HOUSE IM GONNA BEAT YOUR ASS. but ig lion??? BUT ONLY BECAUSE THEIR SON HAS KNOWN HIM LONGER. doc is half Dad and half Cool Uncle Who Gives Me Spray Paint And Tells Me To Make Myself Heard (to clarify, i know doc is a pacifist, but im kinda projecting my own sentiment of “we’ve tried to be peaceful but you wouldn’t give us the time of day. now that we’ve “acted out” we’ve gotten your attention, and rest assured, things are going to change.” he won’t hurt anybody, he’s just tired of having to be everyone’s “muslim friend” and educating people on things they could google themselves)
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - it used to be lion out of necessity, but when people started asking about his “wife” he was really torn between telling them that he and his son’s mother separated, but now he has a partner and his son seems very happy about it. when doc finally attends a meeting with lion, people really struggle to hide their shock. a few clunky but well-meaning “we support you”’s and “we’re sorry for everything that’s been going on”’s later, doc has used his charm to make friends with literally everyone. from then on, he is on pta duty on behalf of lion and his ex
Who cried the most at graduation? - lion! his parents purposefully didn’t show at his, so it’s a big deal for him to show his son just how proud he is. doc tears up a little too, but manages to mostly keep it together so he can support lion, who spends most of the day heave-crying about how proud he is into his husband’s shoulder. gustave just pats him on the back and tells him that they’ll run out of donuts if they don’t get to the concession stand soon
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - doc. civil disobedience, baby!! he has never been caught. lion fears the law after his youth, so he tries to avoid any visits to law enforcement. he also can’t stand to see his son behind bars
Who does the most cooking? - doc. househusband, remember?
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - doc, but only because he can be a bit of a spice supremacist. he has to get his ingredients from these very specific farms and markets or else his great grandmother will begin manifesting in their house to curse them
Who does the grocery shopping? - doc, bc he does NOT trust lion to not just sweep all of the microwave ramen and kraft mac n cheese into the cart then sprint to self-checkout
How often do they bake desserts? - whenever possible. doc and maestro live by the philosophy “don’t do anything halfway” if they’re going to go through the trouble of making a meal, it will have multiple courses. 
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - doc is more of a salad eater but only for ease of consumption with halal laws. he adores filet mignon
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - lion! maestro enlists himself as assistant head chef after walking into the base’s kitchen one day to find lion covered in flour and lying facedown on the floor, crying
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - also lion! though he’s memorized doc’s order at all of their favorite restaurants, so he usually just gets take out and puts on a big show of being a “tired housewife who works in the kitchen all day just for this one meal” and setting up the table so it’s all nice and romantic
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - lion. he tried crème brûlée once. never again 
Who cleans the room? - lion. organization is everything to this man. doc helps with laundry and such, but for the most part he leaves organization to lion and his systems (think leslie knope levels of planning and organization)
Who is really against chores? - neither! they both understand that teamwork makes the dream work, baby!!
Who cleans up after the pets? - doc, since lion’s already asked him which color hanger should represent “clothes i can tear off my husband before we fuck” and he needs a Moment
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - neither. they don’t own a broom
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - lion because of the deep-seated catholic urge to appear perfect in front of others, and doc because people will gossip, olivier!
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - lion. he immediately called doc into the room and asked “is this your stash of drug money?” doc, who had been asleep because it was 3 in the morning on a saturday, just stares at him
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - it is so bold to assume they don’t shower together to “cut costs”
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - lion is known in their neighborhood as the man who walks cats. there is a facebook page where people post pictures of him walking his cats. vigil is an admin
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - LITERALLY EVERY HOLIDAY GETS DECORATIONS. lion makes his own for the muslim holidays since there really aren’t many “of good quality” in stores. when they first started dating, doc came home to find his house covered in ramadan decorations, and lion standing precariously on a ladder, trying to string up fairy lights while learning how to pronounce important arabic words. needless to say, doc cries
What are their goals for the relationship? - mutual joy and contentment!!!! 
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - doc. he’s sleepy
Who plays the most pranks? - lion, but they’re stupid ones like replacing certain pictures with danny devito. doc gets back at him by replacing pictures of jesus with ewan mcgregor, and putting yoda into his nativity scene. lion doesn’t notice
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thatcrappypuppy · 5 years
Fic request from Grootiez!
This is a lot different than what I normally do, but I think @grootiez could use some cheering up. Hope you like this and thank you for the request! I can’t put the request up here because it would spoil the story.
It’s a long request so I thought I’d at least write some angsty-teen Groot going to school first chapter. Couldn’t say for sure how long it would take me to continue or finish it!
Takes place after Endgame, so there are definitely spoilers.
Earth wasn’t Peter’s idea but Missouri was. School wasn’t his idea, either. That was Rocket’s, since he thought he Groot could use some socialization. Come to think of it, Peter didn’t really like any of this. Not even the Missouri part.
And since when had Rocket warmed up so much to humans? Being cooped up on Earth should’ve been more torturous to Rocket than it was to Peter, but he couldn’t ignore how much his friend had changed.
To most of the Guardians, they’d only been gone an instant, and in that instant, everything changed.
“See, Rabbit? I told you it wasn’t far.” Speaking of changes, Thor’s voice brought Peter back to reality. “Groot could easily walk here on his own.”
The entire Guardians of the Galaxy, minus Gamora and plus Thor, who Peter was reluctant to include into the family, was walking Groot to high school.
“You don’t decide what’s best for Groot,” Rocket snapped.
“I should get some say,” Thor muttered, then added, while pointedly looking at Peter, “as the team leader.”
“You’re not the leader,” Peter interjected, “and we’re not just a team.”
“Yeah, we’re a family,” Drax insisted, nodding with confidence. He and Mantis beamed at each other.
“No!” All eyes turned to Peter, who had just blurted the word without thinking. “I mean - yes, we are. But, more importantly, we’re heroes. You can’t just have anyone step in and become leader. It’s gotta be somebody who’s responsible.” When Thor looked like he was going to argue more, Peter continued, talking over him, “And! Someone who’s been responsible for the Guardians for years. Which is why I’m-“
“I’m the leader,” Rocket interrupted.
“What?” Peter shook his head, “No…”
“In case you’ve forgotten, Nebula and I have been the only Guardians of the Galaxy for five years! And she sure as hell wasn’t diplomatic enough to be leader!”
The Guardians turned to see if Nebula would argue, but she was making threatening faces at a nearby group of gawking teens as they made their way to school, only stopping when she felt their eyes on her.
“It’s true,” was all she said.
“AND,” Rocket continued before Peter could say anything, “at the very least, I am the leader of Groot!” He pointed at the teen in question with his thumb.
Peter couldn’t argue with that.
Groot, meanwhile, scowled. He didn’t feel like himself in their new home in this new neighbourhood. And he didn’t like toting around a backpack full of heavy textbooks and school supplies.
“I am Groot?” he asked rhetorically if anyone was going to ask him what he wanted.
“No, we’re not. We - or, more accurately - I am not gonna ask. I’m gonna tell you what’s best for you.”
“I am Groot?”
“You can’t bring yer holotab because you’d just play with it all day. Besides, they don’t publish Terran textbooks for you to download there. And none of the other kids will have that kinda tech.”
“Yeah wouldn’t want him to stand out,” Peter said sarcastically.
“Shut it, Star-Munch.”
“And, hey! Did it occur to you that if Earth’s textbooks aren’t published on the intergalactic web that they may not be accurate? Or useful?” Peter walked backwards as he spoke.
“I am Groot?” Groot agreed, asking the age-old question of “why do I have to learn this bullshit?”
“Watch yer frickin’ language!” Rocket barked. Then, he turned to Peter. “Don’t you think I know that Earth’s the most backwards, barbaric planet since Hala?”
“Woah! You’re saying we’re worse than the Kree planet?” Peter asked, his face scrunched in disapproval.
“I think the Kree are worse,” Drax stated.
“All I’m saying is this planet sucks and school sucks - ya probably already know more than most of those idiots-”
“I am Groot?!” rather than wait for Rocket’s explanation, Groot burst out his frustrated question.
“If you’d let me finish!” Rocket waited a moment to see if anyone would interrupt him. “You’re there to make friends. Learn what it’s like to be around people your own age ‘n all that crap.”
“I did wish for real friends my own age when I was a teen,” Mantis chimed in.
“There ya have it. We’re sending you to school so that you don’t end up like Mantis.”
Mantis squeaked, but couldn’t quite place whether Rocket was insulting her or if he was just stating that he didn’t want Groot to be lonely like she was. Ever the optimist, she went with the latter, and, in any case, was quickly distracted by a long building in front of them.
“This is it,” Peter confirmed.
The chain-link fence beside the sidewalk they had been following finally ended at a set of yellow, metal bars that served as the gates to a massive parking lot. The school itself was white at the base and red at the top and looked more like the back of a strip mall or a warehouse. The Guardians looked left and right, but the only indication they had that this was, indeed, a high school and not a prison yard or sketchy back alley was a small, tilted sign that said “DRUG-FREE SCHOOL ZONE.”
“Haha, yeah right, right?” Peter stood by the sign and pointed at it, grinning. Most the Guardians ignored him, except for Rocket, who looked pissed.
“Alright, you guys stay here. Office said to sign him in at building one…” Rocket stepped forward and Groot obediently, albeit reluctantly, followed.
The buildings were plain, undecorated, unless you counted the large white numbers indicating which building was which painted on the second story, too high to be vandalized. Groot observed that the first floor walls were not so fortunate, as the inconsistent paint jobs suggested their habitual desecration - that and the fact that it seemed the school’s janitorial staff wasn’t even bothering with the latest obscenities painted on the walls.
The students who attended this school clearly didn’t like or respect it. Groot supposed he could be thankful that he already had something in common with the people who would become his peers.
Sadly, it seemed the only thing the students hated more than school was Groot.
He was blamed for half the universe disappearing for five years. “It was one of you aliens that did it!” Which was why he was blamed for their families falling apart. “Mom didn’t think dad was ever coming back. Do you have any idea what an asshole her new boyfriend is?!” Not to mention, he was also blamed for ruining their lives. “If you aliens hadn’t’ve started your alien war, my friends and I would have graduated together, like we promised! Why does Earth have to pay for your problems? You should just go back to space and stop being our problem!”
Groot tried to reason with them. They were all enthusiastic about being all-inclusive of race, gender, and sexuality. He’s point out that he was one of billions of billions of aliens out there, and it wasn’t his fault that Thanos did what he did. He’d point out that it was, indeed, racist to define all aliens by the actions of just one man, Thanos, and that it was also racist and stupid to think that Groot was just like any other alien.
Thor once had the good intention to walk Groot to school, since Rocket always insisted that somebody walk with him. He walked with Groot all the way up to the school doors. For once, nobody made any comments at Groot.
“There, that’s better, isn’t it?” Thor amicably patted Groot on the shoulders as he said goodbye to make a show of their friendship, but that only silenced the other students while Thor was still there. As soon as he was out of the parking lot, they were back at their usual jibes and glares.
There were a few students that tried to talk to him, to tell him how immature the bullies were acting and not to take those assholes seriously. But, after a while, just like the rest, no matter what Groot tried to say, to bullies or otherwise, he would eventually be met with frustration on their part.
“Who the fuck cares?! We know you’re Groot!”
School had just become a routine of sitting at the back of class because, even though it was easier for students to throw garbage or spit at him, it was also easier for him to see it coming and stop or dodge it, hiding in the bathrooms during the shorter break of the day, and sneaking food into the library because it seemed the librarian understood that Groot couldn’t eat peacefully in the cafeteria.
He was hurt. The Guardians weren’t the most popular group in the galaxy, and he certainly wasn’t anyone’s favourite, not like the Hulk or Thor of the Avengers, but he wasn’t used to being universally hated.
He was confused. Rocket insisted that this was best. How was this learning to get along with people his age? He was quickly learning to hate people his age. Or perhaps all people in general, since the teachers equally ignored him, despite being informed about the language barrier.
“The school can’t afford for every teacher to have a universal translator, are you kidding?” Rocket told him noncommittally as he worked away. He was busy getting a freelance repair business off the ground since, aside from Mantis and Drax, most the Guardians would be able to help with that and they’d be able to make extra money. “You’ll figure it out - you always do everywhere else.”
But everywhere else had a universal translator at best, or they were used to meeting people they didn’t understand. Groot would point this out, but Rocket would just tell him to deal with it since he was too busy to do so.
Groot couldn’t even skip school the way he’d seen other kids do, since he was walked to and from school, and any missed classes promoted the school to call Rocket, who would take away gaming privaleges for the day when he found out.
So Groot was trapped. Trapped in the back of the class, the bathrooms, and the library. Trapped on a planet that couldn’t understand his language - refused to, in fact. Trapped alone with a family that equally refused to understand his problems. Well, Peter seemed to get it - he had hated school, too, but he couldn’t convince Rocket to leave this damn delusional planet.
Groot was known for being outspoken in his grumpiness, he was known for being loud with his complaints, and he was known for being upfront with his negative attitude. But, now, trapped, he knew that it didn’t help him to argue, yell, scream, or cry. So he became silent. And since Rocket didn’t seem to have time to realize that Groot wasn’t talking to him, Groot realized that his family wouldn’t care if he was gone.
His only company became his games and some books in the library. There was a whole section of “Teen/Young Adult Drama” devoted to conflicts like the one he found himself in.
He read about teens who were at a disadvantage because they were different, and were bullied for it.
He read stories about friends turning to enemies over a mutual love interest and the triumph of overpowering the enemy with wit and intellect. But Groot couldn’t prove his wit or intellect because no one would listen.
Mysteries about why a quiet kid at school had used narcotics to kill himself - the journal he’d left behind for his friend had to discover and decipher. But Groot didn’t have even a single friend who would care if he was gone.
His life had become a routine of being trapped. And he desperately wanted to escape.
One day, he was pushed over that edge, when he got in trouble for leaving the school premises. He knew Rocket would find out but he didn’t care.
“I don’t want you skipping school and I DEFINITELY don’t want you leaving the property! What were you even doin’?!”
“I am Groot!”
“What do you mean what do I care? Of course I care!”
Groot yelled one last time, a voice-cracking scream that everyone in the house could hear before slamming the door to his room shut.
“Groot! That’s not true! And don’t you slam that door!” Rocket stomped towards his son’s room, but Peter stopped him.
“Rocket, wait. Don’t you see what this is doin’ to him?”
To Peter’s surprise, Rocket did wait. And he sighed, his ears drifting down shamefully. So, he continued.
“You know first-hand how mean and judgemental people can be. It’s not just teens, either. And Groot can’t even stick up for himself! We’re lucky he’s not getting into fights or anything because he could probably kill them.”
“I know…”
“Groot’s actually a really good kid.”
“I know.”
“Then why are you putting him through this?” Peter asked. “Why are any of us doing any of this? He doesn’t need the education and he’s not learning how to get along with people.”
“I know!” Rocket turned to look at Peter and his eyes were wide, wildly so. “But it’s safe.”
Peter then realized that Rocket’s tough guy act and his obsessive need to tinker with technology was still, first and foremost, a front to hide his fears. Of all the things in the galaxy that had changed, this remained true.
While Earth was boring at best and brutal at worst, few creatures inhabited it that could harm Groot. And, secretly, Groot was gentle. He knew when he could overpower someone and was careful not to unless they really forced him to. He was part of a team that protected people, even if the people they protected were assholes like the ones he went to school with. This meant that he would never give the world leaders of Earth any reason to wage war against him, but it also meant that he would pretty much never defend himself if it meant hurting a human being.
Peter had more to say.
“Right now, Groot is dealing with one of life’s hardest challenges. You don’t know because you never went to school. And when he says you don’t care about what he’s going through, I think he really believes it. It’s gotta stop. You’ve gotta let him live a good life, even if it’s not particularly safe.”
“You’re right…” Rocket looked to the floor. “I shouldn’t’a… I should go talk to him.”
Rocket knocked on Groot’s door, trying to show that he wasn’t still mad and that he was willing to respect Groot’s privacy - a major improvement from just a minute ago, but found the door wasn’t even fully closed.
“Groot?” Rocket pushed the door the rest of the way open. Vines, let loose and unkept, as usual, littered the floor and even crept up the walls and out the open window, but there was no Groot in sight.
To be continued???
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Side Character In My Own Life
People always say that we think of ourselves as the main character of our lives' story. But I don't want to be the main character. All I want to do is be the side character in the back round that occasionally helps or gets a bit of screen time then I go back into the back round. For as long as I can remember I never really had dreams or ambitions. All I wanted was to work a normal decent paying job and get what normal people have with a wife and a family. If you want to call that a dream then go for it but to me it is the bare minimum. I know a lot of people don't have and maybe will never have that. However, I figured I would eventually find that “happiness” I know it isn't normal to feel and think how I do. I absolutely love being alone and spending time by myself if it is watching videos or playing video games I know I’m depressed and oh boy it's not fun. But when I go out with people, I’m always trying to be the “class clown” funny guy. I guess the thing people say about the most depressed people try to make others happy because they know what is like to truly be sad and depressed. I’m selfish, though, because I do some what enjoy the attention. Though when people then try to give it to me, I don't know, it just makes me feel wrong and I dislike it. Then I’ll go and distance myself, because I have abandonment issues, but we will get there. Many people have tried to be my friend and get me to go out with them, but I just refuse. when I was younger i just made excuses but now that I’m older i just tell them the truth, that I don’t want to go out, because I found that totally honesty is the best thing, at least to me. I know I take it to far though and just end up being an asshole. I don’t pretend to try and care about stuff and people when i really don’t, I just tell them that i don’t care and that I’m sorry but they should really talk to someone else. But when I see someone who is truly sad and struggling I cant help myself but try and cheer them up and help them. Usually, I end up pissing them off or scarring them with my brutal honesty and my solutions to their problems, mostly because they don’t like them. Anyways that’s just a little about my character. My actual story is kinda sad, but I don’t see it that way. My family always says I handle things well and make them laugh. I think that’s because all I know to do is joke around and try to make people smile. I have always had a pretty small tight circle. When I was little, I didn’t have a lot of friends but enough to be considered alright. I basically played any sport I was allowed to. So that made things easier to make friends. You know. Similar things to bond over and what not. But I lost many friends throughout life just like most people. Even some of my closest friends. Either from moving away or me messing things up. This is just one part of why I don’t get close, though. Another is because of my father. He passed away when I was eight on thanksgiving morning. I was staying at one of my friends houses that I would eventually loose. Due to me loosing a parent while i was at a friends house for almost a year i refused to spend the night not at home because i was scarred id loose my mother as well. I’m not gonna pretend to remember everything about that day because I don’t. But from what i do remember without peoples help hurt for awhile, hell maybe it still does but I’m just so numb i cant tell. Anyways, after loosing more friends and becoming more and more colder. Plus getting bullied, nothing to serious just normal kids stuff, added to that. Eventually, I made “the friend group” the one that you start spending everyday together along with causing trouble and of coarse getting into it. We were honestly so much alike it was basically like we were the same people. The 3 of us were together for a couple of years, and it was a swell time. I knew that some stuff we got into was just not right and we shouldn’t be doing it. I won't get to into it but fighting, drugs, and crime. I don’t know what else you expect from a teenager raised in the south suburbs of Chicago. But I expected better of myself. Even so, with being burned so many times it felt nice to have a new family that was consistent. Eventually, it expanded as most families do. As boys will, we had some fall outs over girls but in the end we got back together and fixed our issues. The core remained the same for quite awhile. But good things must come to an end. One of the main 3 of us started to break off and we just kind of let it happen. Not long after that I found a girlfriend who was my dream girl. Smart, funny, irresistibly adorable. She had dreams and ambitions. Everything I never had. Much to the dismay of my friends she started setting me straight. No more fighting was rule number one. To be honest I didn’t have that many issues with it because I never really liked it that much anyway. Plus I’m rather short so now that we have grown I know I wouldn’t be as good as I was when I was younger and more or less the same size. Next was crime, I stopped stealing and vandalizing stuff. Also didn’t have a problem with that because again I knew it was wrong but just kind of went along with it. Finally was drugs. I have basically tried everything from cigarettes to cocaine and heroin by the time I was 15. Which was when I met her. Usually, I just stayed to the calmer stuff, though, so I figured it wasn’t that big of deal but to her it was. So for the special someone I thought id never find I figure it was worth a shot to stop everything. To rewind a little bit, before her time, I started to connect really well with my grandpa on my dads side. When my dad was around, we were really close. A distanced between us grew a little after he passed. But because he and my grandmother were getting older and couldn’t do what they use to I was there to help and be there for them. We began to get really close. He had an accident one day and broke his hip, because my grandma was bed ridden and all other immediate family had moved away my mother the saint she is stepped up and offer to help them for awhile. During this time my sister and I which didn’t get along at all lived by ourselves for like 7 months. To her if I was alive and she had an idea of where I was things were ok so I basically lived in the “trap house” of my friend group. After I got my new girlfriend though I didn’t feel right being over there. Most because of the drugs and a girl that was there who was a real problem but that’s a story for another day. Now going back to the present. My girl and I were happy. I had gotten my act cleaned up, and she was the ray of hope and sunshine. After 6 months of being together, we were on the way to visit my grandparent with my mom. My girl had basically already become part of my family. I never have brought a girl around them till now and they all loved her. So we got there to visit and as I usually did I went running ahead to wake my grandpa up and make sure he was decent. When I got upstairs to his room, I found him laying on his bed dead and my grandma barely clinging to life. A week later my grandma passed away when we decided to take her off life support. In the coming weeks she was there for me the entire time even though her mother who absolutely hated me for my past refused to let her see me at times. I was a complete mess and didn’t want to step foot in my grandparents house again. So cleaning it out to be sold was real interesting. As time passed I just distanced myself from basically everyone except my girl. I don’t know, the fact that she was there when I found them and the fact that she could leave whenever she wanted but chose not to was something that stuck with me. For the first time when stuff got real hard and uncomfortable, she stayed so I formed a special bond to her. I started working a couple of months later and making decent money for a kid as a server. Saving for the future and everything. Cause to me I wasn’t just saving for me anymore I was saving for our future. Although I was still a kid and would spend a little to much once in awhile nothing to ridiculous just a big gift or dinner. I just wanted to make her happy, so she wouldn’t leave too. But because of everything that has happened in my life, including some stuff I left out of this, I become such a numb person that I never talked about my feelings or stuff that truly mattered to me, and she hated it. Its not like I was an open book before but I at least told her some stuff. Now I didn’t tell her anything. I tried to do everything normal couples would do of talking bout our days and so on but I never talked about me on the inside. The only time we would ever fight, and I mean ever, was when she would beg and plead with me to open up to her after all we had been together for 2 years. But I wouldn’t. I would give her the smallest thing just to get her off my back. I graduated and knew I had to find a job for the long term that paid really well, so I could work towards our future. Then I did, a great warehouse job moving heavy boxes all night long. I loved it, doing hard manually labor and not really having to deal with people and those I did deal with were quite pleasant. I found it, the job I wanted, being the background character and just working hard. I always knew I didn’t want to go to college. Id just find a good job and be fine for life. But for her that wasn’t good enough her dream of being a vet and going to college was what she wanted to do since she was little so of coarse I encouraged her to go somewhere nice and get a good education. Not because of me but with my support she went and got accepted to a nice vetting school. Of coarse I was proud of her but I couldn’t help but be worried about the future so I began to distance myself knowing thing may not work out and to avoid the heart ache of someone leaving again I wasn’t being the best I could be. While at work one night a very heavy box fell off the top of a semi and landed on my head. Now I played a lot of sports, including football like I said so I thought nothing of it and just went back to work even though others were completely terrified for me I thought I was fine and didn’t want to ruin our safety streak. A week later I started suffering from really bad headaches and began throwing up uncontrollably. Thinking about it I just figured I had the flu, but it wasn’t. After not being able to work without throwing up and wanting to die from my headaches we started going to doctor after doctor and getting a procedure or two done we still had no clue what was wrong with me. During this time I became the most I depressed I had ever been in life. I was bed ridden and could hardly if ever go outside without the fear of puking in public. So I isolated myself in my room. Because my mom the saint is a hoarder I never brought anyone to my house and I mean absolutely never, but being the kind girl she is my girlfriend began coming over and for the first time since before my dad died my family regularly had a guest. Of coarse it was kinda gross to her but she didn’t care she got to look after me and make me feel better. But then the time came for her to leave for college and for the first time since my grandpa passed I shed a couple tears. The things were doing alright for awhile but after finding out a couple of things about what was wrong with me things took a turn for the worse. I found out that I’m allergic to 29 out of 31 main environmentals not deathly allergic but bad enough to cause some of my problems. Which means going outside is actually bad for my health. So I stopped going outside almost all together. This took an even greater toll on my relationship even though she was 5 hours away. I became even more depressed because I could no longer go out and play basketball with an old friend of mine which was one of the things I got to do because I worked so much and could only see my girl on the weekends. I was completely alone the only person who my family accepted into our house had left and I couldn’t really go outside without becoming more sick so I was stuck in my room alone. So I spent my days playing Xbox with close friends I made thought the years. This was the only thing to make me happy and bring me up out of my down mood. Well, my girl didn’t like that I spent all my time out of bed playing video games cause she figured if I could do that then I should be able to do something more productive which she wasn’t entirely wrong but because I don’t open up I never really told her how bad my health actually was. When she was over, I always tried my best to keep in good spirits but I couldn’t hide everything. She caught me throwing up a lot it didn’t seem to bother her. So I can only assume she didn’t know how bad things really were. I was always tired and sad and throwing up. And we didn’t have all the answers yet. so as you probably guessed we ended up breaking up which destroyed me but we did have a couple talks in the psst about how i need to get my shit together but she had had enough and was ready to move on. I cant blame her it must have been really tough being with me. Hell I know it was. Her entire family hated me an wanted nothing to do with me no matter what I did. They were always on her back about me, and I don’t blame them either. I didn’t eat anything for 4 days, and I didn’t talk to anyone except the friend I played basketball with because he was the last true friend I had after cutting basically everyone out. Fast forwarding from that super depressing stuff. A coupe months later we found out what was actually wrong with me. On top of having real bad allergies, which I started getting treated for I also had brain damage from the box that fell on my head. The damage was on the frontal lobe where all of our emotions and responses are held. So they chalked how I was acting up to that. I also suffer from post concussive syndrome. Which I’m sure it didn’t help but it only made how I was already worse. Due to doctors recommendation I saw a therapist for a bit, but I know what is wrong with me and I’m extremely logical so she couldn’t help to much but she did help me get a little better physically. I know that may sound strange but she did. Because of her I moved out of my moms house even though I’m scarred that my sis and mom wouldn’t be able to take care of some stuff the mold and dust which I’m allergic to wasn’t good for my health. Thinking my ex might want to hear all the good news I decided to tell her but she couldn’t care less. The warm caring person who was there for me for so long was officially gone and never coming back. So using the inheritance, I got from my grandpa I’ve been living on my own for a year. Sometimes I still struggle with the fact that I’m entirely alone with having no one to talk to, but I still have my Xbox friends and I try going out once in awhile. Not trying to make new friends or anything but just getting out for my mental health. Now that my basketball friend has gone off to the military, I’m truly alone with no one to talk to. I know I could talk to my mother and family but like I said my sis earlier and i never got along, and for my mom. She may be a saint but this isn’t something for her to deal with. She has her own medical problems going on and for the past couple years I’ve been the rock of the family. The truthful one who would help if you asked but would hide his true thoughts about things. I don’t know why I decided to put my life story on here but if feels good to open up and let everything come pouring out. Hell I don’t know if anyone will even read this or how this site entirely works but it give me a place to put everything, and I kind of like it. Opening up and talking about myself. I don’t think I want to be the background character in my life anymore. Living for other people and not wanting to do anything with myself. I don’t know what I will do with my life or myself for that matter. I’m only 20 so I do have a ton of time ahead of me to decide. Thanks to my grandpa I learned what it was like to be a man and I also learned a lot about myself. If it wasn’t for him, I never would be able to move out and live on my own and start working on myself. I learn so much from the people in my life and tried to imitate them to be normal and live a decent life. But it if time for me to be myself, not forgetting the things I learned or picked up on from other people but building on them and adding my own on top of that. Cause no matter how hard I try I do not believe I could ever forget the people who made me who I am. All of the side character in my life helped shape me the main character.
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momentsinsong · 5 years
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Moments In Song No. 021 - Tromac Pineapple
“Moments In Song” asks people one simple question, “What are you listening to?” For every installment we ask someone to make a playlist of 10 songs they’re listening to, whether it be something new they stumbled upon, or a song they’ve always loved, and explain the story behind their choices. We aim to show that no matter where we come from, what we do, or what we look like, music has the ability to bring us together.
DMV producer/rapper/DJ Tromac Pineapple reaches every corner of Hip-Hop and brings it together in his playlist. We talk to him about digging through Bandcamp for music, what makes a good DJ, and his new project the Velour Vandal EP.
Listen to Tromac’s playlist on Apple Music and Spotify. 
Words and photos by Julian.
Julian: First thing I wanted to ask you is what the thought process was behind making your playlist? People always say it’s hard picking 10 songs to squeeze into it. 
Tromac: Well I wanted to spread across my taste as wide as possible. I actually had a hard time once I got to like 7 songs because I was like, “Damn, I can only put in three more of those joints, but I know 5 that I could pick.” I pretty much just wanted to touch on the different types of music I like. I still didn’t even get across all of it.
I noticed that a majority of the playlist was Hip-Hop, but different types of Hip-Hop. You have some boom bap stuff with “Free (Type Shit),” Dilla, and Anderson. Then you have more turn up stuff like WiFIGawd and Ghostie. That Ghostie song caught me off guard. It has a little house feel to it that I wasn’t expecting.
Yeah see I had to add that, because Ghostie is one of the most versatile artists I know. As versatile as this playlist is, he’s six times as versatile as that. As a fellow producer in this area, I have a whole lot of respect for him. And that’s my mans, so I’ll be listening to it anyway. Shit be cranking, no matter what genre he tackles. And then I also have the “Free (Type Shit)” joint because it’s just so smooth and it hits. The beats, the boom bap. That’s one of my favorite things in Hip-Hop. It’s just so powerful. That’s also why I got the J Dilla joint on there. That’s like my favorite Dilla beat of all time. Straight slap, the drums, the snares. The whole thing. It's just hard. Classic. Undeniable.
When did you first really start listening to music and developing your own taste, instead of just listening to what was on the radio?
Pretty much when I was in 9th or 10th grade. Back then my main taste was just mixtapes and shit. The first favorite rapper I ever had was Lil Wayne, and he’s still like top 5 to me to this day. I would just listen to endless mixtapes, because before I graduated High School I just loved to listen to underground shit. I literally didn’t listen to albums and would only listen to mixtapes. I would listen to the first three Droughts, Sorry 4 the Wait. That was my favorite mixtape of all times for like 18 years (laughs).
Were you on DatPiff and all those sites?
Oh bruh, I had a DatPiff account, LiveMixtapes, Sprinrilla, all of that. 
So how did listening to mostly mixtapes branch off into listening to other types of artists and other types of music?
Well basically every now and then I would look into what was new that week…
Still on the mixtape websites, or is this on something else?
Yeah still the mixtape sites but at this point I also got into Bandcamp, and that was some real underground type shit. When I got into Bandcamp I was also making my own music at this point and was posting it on there. I would hashtag that shit and then click on them to see who else was posting music from Laurel, MD, or PG County, or just Maryland in general. That’s how I found a bunch of other local artists, like my homies Fonlon and Kente from NASA8, Tek.Lun and other guys. They had the same hashtags because we were all from Laurel. And then from there I would look at other hashtags like #HipHopBeats, and I would discover artists like Madbliss. Searching through hashtags led to me finding a bunch of random bands on Bandcamp, and I feel like that really opened the door for me to be on the lookout for other genres of music.
You said earlier this is when you started making music?
Yeah I started making music in 10th grade. 
So is that writing rhymes? Making beats? Both?
Making beats. I mean I was freestyling with my friends all the time, and writing rhymes down in my notebook, but I wasn’t rapping on beats until 11th grade, which was around 2013. I didn’t rap on my own beats until 2014 because I knew my shit wasn’t good (laughs). But it eventually got to a point where I could hit my own stuff instead of YouTube “type beats.” I knew early on “type beats” wasn’t the wave. It is the wave for some people, but it wasn’t the wave for me. And I knew that early on because you can’t really build a solid body of work just taking random beats. Even if you get a bunch of random beats from different producers, it’s more that needs to go into a project than that.
When you first started making music, who were some of your influences when it came to producing? I would assume Dilla is one, or did that not come until later?
I knew about J Dilla because I would hear my parents listen to Erykah Badu and Common, so when my Dad found out that I was making beats he would be like, “Oh so you wanna be like Dougie Fresh and J Dilla?” and I was like, “Who the hell are these people?” All I knew was like Mike WiLL Made-It because that was what I was hearing. I wasn’t too keen on producers at that level. The producers I did know were like Flying Lotus, Tek.Lun, Kaytranada, Sam Gellaitry and that was all through Soundcloud. Some of my favorite producers would be the ones I randomly found on Soundcloud.
Can you talk more about how discovering these local artists’ music on the internet led to you linking up with them, and not just working with them but them becoming your homies.
Literally just through showing love and support through the music. I started coming out here to Baltimore for events and chilling with the homies as a way to immerse myself in the scene. Of course, you met people, you tell people you do music, and eventually the link forms itself. And if you’re good the link grows with a lot of people. When you’re genuine, genuine things happen for you. I’ve never been a “clout chaser” or anything like that. It’s always been, “This dude is really dope. He’s the homie of my homie.” 
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I agree with that 100%. I feel like every connection or relationship I’ve made with someone in the arts scene has been on some person to person type stuff. Not even like artist to artist, or creative to creative type stuff, but just like as a person. And I feel like you were saying it just grows from there. 
Definitely. People who are just creative in general. Photographers, painters, dancers, even like fucking bartenders. Athletes, anyone who’s mind moves faster than the normal individual. I remember when I was learning how to drive my driving instructor told me that people who are athletes and artists tend to get adapted to driving easier, because their brains work more than the average individual because they have a craft they need to constantly focus on. Whatever activity you’re involved in, your brain works harder to adapt to that.
So beats came first, and then the raps. Where does the DJing come into that?
So the DJing came in because I had probably performed 3 or 4 times rapping, but then I was really confident in my beats and I wanted to start performing my beats. By this time, 2015/2016, I would be seeing videos of dudes like eu-IV, j.robb, other producers I looked up to, random Boiler Room videos, and was thinking, “Why can’t I perform my shit?” So I started creating mixes in FL Studio, and learned to DJ through that. It was tedious as fuck, but I had time because I was kid and didn’t have shit to do (laughs). 
I feel like that shows in your sets now. The last one I saw from you, you had a transition from some house song to a Gucci Mane song that was crazy. Never would I have thought to put those two tracks together.
Literally when I DJ, I just play the music that I like. That Gucci Mane song just came back into my rotation like a week ago and I was just like, “Damn I don’t remember this shit being so hard. I gotta play this at a show!” A lot of it is on the fly. I don’t really plan too much outside of downloading the music. I always go off of the crowd and how I feel. Sometimes I’ll download 30 songs for a set and only end up playing like 13, and the rest of the set would’ve been made up of songs I’ve played at other shows.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a show, and have been practicing the week before, and had a playlist ready, and you go in and the crowd is totally different, the energy changes, so you have to play off the cuff. I feel like as much emphasis you put on practicing and preparing, you also need to have the skill of being able to be on your toes and change on the drop of a dime.
I feel like if you’re a good DJ, that should already be a thing. You should know. You pick up on things like that automatically. The shows are practice. You’re not gonna get the same experience at a show, practicing at home. That’s why I feel like if you’re just starting out you should take as many opportunities as you can, and get a feel of what your lane is. I used to take any show I could. I would DJ baby showers, college pools parties, everything. You gotta find your lane, figure out what type of crowds your best in, and switch it up every now and then.
What can you tell me about the new project you got coming up? What kind of sound and themes can people expect from it? 
So the new project is called the Velour Vandal EP, and it’s basically establishing myself as a rapper in the game. I’ve had rap projects before, I’ve had beat tapes, but this is my first official EP. I want people to hear this and think, “Ok, Tromac is actually trying to make it type shit.” It’s really just a lot of crank on this joint, but it’s not like I was in this joint like, “Fuck your bitch…”
You put some thought into it.
Yeah! There’s some lyrics that you gotta ask about. I’m trying to make something that’ll hit, stick, and has good content. All the people I’m working with on it are people I know care and are passionate about music. The intro is produced by me and Koleco, I’m recording all of the songs with Martin J. Ballou, I got Vlad on a song, I got Ghostie. Pretty much have all people I know are serious about music. I want this project to be something. 
Yeah it’s like your introduction as a whole artist.
Yeah. And the whole thing behind the title is for like the last year or so, I’ve become really fond of velvet and have been buying a lot of it. People would always tell me I’m a bear, because I’m big and shit, soft and cuddly, just a cozy ass nigga. I have a thing where I give myself a bunch of alisas, and Velour Vandal just happen to be one of them, and I was like, “Hmm. I can do something with that.”
Any last words about your playlist and what you want the people to get from it?
I want people to go into it with a blank slate. Almost pretend like you’ve never heard music before, be reintroduced to all the different genres and aspects of these songs, and cultivate a new taste from that. 
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acuppellarp · 6 years
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Welcome to A Cup-pella, Kieran! We’re excited to have you and Stevie Evans in the game! Please go through the checklist to make sure you’re ready to go and send in your account within the next 24 hours. 
Name + pronouns: Kieran, she/her Age: 23 Timezone:  MST Ships: Stevie/Chemistry Anti-Ships: Stevie/No Chemistry, Stevie/Any other Evans
Full Name: Stephanie “Stevie” Erin Evans Face Claim: Olivia Holt (Cloak and Dagger gifs only) Age/Birthday: 20, December 11, 1997 Occupation: Apprentice Tattoo Artist & Bike Messenger Personality:  sarcastic, loyal, rude, artistic, charismatic Hometown: Nashville, TN Bio:
As the second youngest child in a family of five, Stevie often felt forgotten by her family. Sure, their parents did their best to make sure that everyone got a little slice of time with Mom and Dad, but a pie split five ways isn’t exactly great. And as much her other siblings seemed okay with everything that was going on, Stevie never felt satisfied. She wanted a normal childhood—she wanted to be like the other girls who got to go to ballet practice or learn piano or do all of that normal childish things that kids often loved to complain about. She wanted to be a kid without worrying about her classmates mocking her for her hand-me-down clothes and second-hand backpack. She wanted to be more than just that poor kid in class.
Family was so important to all of her other siblings, to the point where they were okay with the situation their family was in—going to bed hungry, having the power shut off, their parent’s terse conversations every time the bills came due. Even if it meant the Evans clan was able to stick together, they were okay with shouldering the burden. Stevie saw how Sam struggled being the oldest of them, taking on responsibilities that no teenager ever should. All in the name of family.
By the time she hit high school, Stevie was bitter towards the school system and the world as a whole. She wasn’t as smart as Stacey and while she made it onto the varsity soccer team, she would never be able to compare to Sam. She wasn’t as talented as her older sister, not as smart as her younger sister, and nothing like her brothers. Out of the Evans siblings, Stevie was the only one who didn’t have a future ahead of her. At least, that’s how it looked to her.
So, when her junior year of high school rolled around and she was cut from the soccer team—replaced by a better prospect, a younger, faster, quicker forward—Stevie fell in with a different sort of crowd. They were the kids who hung out under the bleachers and mouthed off to teachers. But, beyond their seemingly skeevy reputations, there was a secret love that they all seemed to share: art. Specifically, graffiti art.
Stevie fell into the world of art head first, learning about tagging and trying her hand at laying down tags whenever she had a free moment. That was how she met her best friend, Brandon, one of the under-the-bleacher-kids who, like her, had an interest in art. He showed her different techniques, playing with spray paint, stencils, and whatever spare bit of wall he could find. The two became close friends and Stevie learned a lot from him. But, as fun as tagging was, she wanted to broaden her vision beyond just vandalizing people’s back walls.
Her senior year, what money she made at her crappy fast food job went to buying herself real art supplies—Copic Markers, paints, canvases, charcoal. Stevie had found something she was interested in and, to her surprise, it was something that she was actually good at. But, art schools cost money and even if she had the huge portfolio that they were looking for, she didn’t have a chance in hell of getting a scholarship.
Brandon on the other hand, he had a shot, a real shot. And when he got that letter, saying that he’d been accepted? They both celebrated his accomplishment, happy that at least one of them would be getting out there and following their dream. But, when Brandon pulled out a second letter, this time addressed to her? It was almost unreal. Stevie opened that letter and saw that she’d been accepted to the City College of New York’s art program under a full scholarship.
The rest of the year passed in a blur, with Stevie going off to college—something she never dreamed of happening. And when she first started her classes, she thought it was everything she had ever wanted. But, the reality of going to school day in and day out when she could be out and about exploring New York? It was a drag. Soon she was ditching class to bike around the city and mingle with the other New Yorkers, just taking it all in.
While this free spirited existence suited her, it did little for her grades and by the end of her freshman year, Stevie was faced with the consequences of her actions: her scholarship was taken away. Everything that she and Brandon had worked hard to secure, gone. Suddenly, Stevie was truly on her own and without her family to fall back on. There was no way she was going back to Nashville—she couldn’t burden her family by moving back in. And, she still had her wits and her trusty bike, which was better than nothing.
Stevie found a job as a bike messenger and fell in love with it. Being a bike courier was fast paced, exciting, and cut-throat in just the right ways. Plus, the courier community was like a little family of nomads, something she really enjoyed. Stevie thrived in her job and was able to get an apartment with a few randoms out in Bushwick—imagine her surprise when she realized that they knew her sisters!
After reaching out tentatively to Sam and Stacey, Stevie has been easing herself back into being a part of the Evans family. She’s not as interested as being a big happy family as her sisters are, but after being on her own, she’s realized how much being a part of something had on her. That desire to find a community of her own is what has Stevie embarking on the next step of her life: becoming an apprentice at a tattoo shop.
Though her parents would probably disapprove if they knew, Stevie loves the idea of creating art that will forever be a part of someone. It’s the permanency she loved of tagging mixed with the finer drawing she enjoyed as well. Plus, there’s a strong community amongst tattoo artists and that’s something that Stevie is attracted to as well. For now, she’s doing the gruntwork at a shop in Bushwick, running late night deliveries on her bike, and spending whatever free time she has drawing up designs at A-Cup with an iced Americano at her table.
Pets: None
Samantha Evans: Stevie never had the closest relationship with Sam. Her oldest sibling was always so preoccupied trying to be a third parent and Stevie found it stifiling. She didn’t like the way that Sam tried to take on responsibility for their family and tried to mother her.  Even after their time apart, Stevie is still reluctant to reach out to Sam because she doesn’t want her older sister to try and mother her again.
Stacey Evans: Though closest in age, Stevie and Stacey couldn’t be more different. While Stacey was talkative and academically talented, Stevie was the kid in school that teachers dreaded. The only thing in common they had was their last name and the Evans family athletiscim. Now that they’re both in the same city, Stevie does her best to keep her sister at arms length—close enough to say hello and appease their parents, but far enough to keep out of her personal life.
Rachel Berry: Out of her roommates, Rachel’s very vocal lifestyle is one that tends to bug Stevie the most. She doesn’t share Rachel’s interest in theater or show tunes; sure, she likes music, but she usually restricts herself to singing in the shower or listening through her headphones. She also isn’t quite sure how she feels about her roommate flirting with her older sister all the time.
Ava Sinclair: While Stevie is generally intrigued by Ava’s accent and her place in the gaming industry, Stevie keeps to herself when she’s at the apartment. She doesn’t really know how to read the quieter woman and as a result keeps her distance. That said, Stevie loves Ava’s cat, Reeses, and often can be found teasing the cat with a laser pointer or some other cat toy.
Dani Harper: As the most laidback of her roommates, Stevie feels most comfortable hanging out with Dani. She’s the most “normal” out of her roommates and Stevie enjoys chatting with her about possible tattoo ideas, often showing Dani designs that she’s drawn up.
Steve-o/@stevienotnicks/fastest girl on two wheels.
Five latest tweets:
@stevienotnicks: handcramps are the worst ohmygod @stevienotnicks: s2g if my asshole neighbor pulls out in front of me again im gonna key his mercedes @stevienotnicks: lowkey miss honey can GET IT jesus @stevienotnicks: feeling creative today. dm me design ideas pls @stevienotnicks: real talk. if cinderellas shoe fit perfectly then why tf did it fall off???
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magdaclaire · 7 years
Unsolved prompt: The boys in high school and Ryan is like “let’s go trick or treating!!!” But Shane is all “Ryan, we’re 16....” But eventually Shane gives in and they end up like cuddled in a graveyard eating candy
There's still a week left before Halloween why Ry tries to convince him, but Shane is going to stay steadfast this year. He's tried to stop his best friend from dragging him trick or treating ever since they entered high school, but they're juniors now, and Shane is very nearly seventeen; they shouldn't be trick or treating anymore. They should leave it to the little kiddies with their missing teeth smiles and cravings for adventure. He has to park the kid conversation that starts in his head, because he knows where it will lead (having kids with his best friend, as it always does - that's normal, right?).
"Come on, Shay! We won't be able to get away with it much longer," Ryan whines, pulling on Shane's hand. For some reason, they've always been the over affectionate pair of best friends, enough that there were already whispers of the two of them getting the senior superlative for Most Iconic Bromance next year. It probably would have gone to Zach and Justin, or to Andrew and Steven, but the first pair had started dating six months ago (and are still going strong). The second pair started dating each other and their friend Adam back in July. Shane had been at the party where the three of them had finally gotten together, but he still doesn't get it. He supposes it just went over his head - anyway. Subject at hand and all that.
"We're not getting away with it now, Ryan. Mrs. Plisetsky chewed us out for it last year, let alone what she'll do to us this year. She'll probably chase us off with her broom, old witch," Shane replies, and Ryan wheezes. He has crow's feet when he smiles and something in Shane swoons, but he's totally chill. Him? Have a crush on his own very best friend? Never.
"So we skip the Plisetsky's. Come on, Shay. Please?" Ryan asks, pulling out all the stops by sticking out his lower lip and squeezing Shane's hand a little. Shane scowls for a moment, not wanting to allow his own concession to pass his lips, but he knows it's going to. Ryan is unfortunately good at what he does, and what he does happens to be dragging Shane all over hell's half acre. They already go to "haunted" houses once a week to film videos for Ry's steadily growing youtube channel, and now Shane has to go Trick or Treating. He's nearly an adult.
"Fine," he begrudges, "but we're going to the movies the day after Halloween, fuck school." He throws that down like a gauntlet like he doesn't know that Ryan always wants to skip the day after, but never makes himself. Ryan gets so caught up in Halloween that he doesn't sleep, like, at all, and Shane knows his friend will be dead on his feet if they don't. Ryan whoops and brings their linked hands up to his face on the upswing, placing a kiss to the back of Shane's hand. Shane knows his face is turning red just as fast as Ryan's is, and the other boy goes scarlet like lightning.
"Uh," Ryan says stupidly, cutely, and Shane brings their hands to his own mouth, kissing the back of Ryan's hand while sustaining eye contact. As soon as Ry's hand and Shane's lips connect, Ryan's eyes dart to the floor, his cheeks growing impossibly redder. This isn't the first time something so strange has happened, and Shane knows they won't talk about it. He'll think about it for probably the next few months though, wondering if his best friend feels the same way.
"Hey, shithead, it's spooky time!" Ryan yells, banging on Shane's bedroom door with his fist. He's had a key to Shane's house since they were about twelve, just because Shane's mom got tired of him having to knock all the time. They only live a couple of blocks apart, so Ryan's always been able to just come and go as he pleased. Speaking of Shane's mom, Ryan knows his parents are out to some Halloween banquet for her work, and Shane's brother, of course, is off to university. The less people to hear Ryan yell about Shane being a shithead the better.
"I'll be out in a second, Ry!" Shane shouts through the door, and Ryan hears something fall and then a call of "I'm okay!" before it goes quiet again. He doesn't want to know, so he just sits on the floor, moving the tails of his jacket to make it easier. He's wearing an old-timey suit he found in a thrift store, nice shoes and the nice kind of false canines he found at a custom costume shop. Neither him nor Shane shared what they were dressing up as with each other, another one of Shane's conditions of going out for Halloween. Ryan was willing to agree with whatever, and now that makes him a little nervous. He likes to know what's going on.
"Okay, I'm about ready to go," Shane says as he exits his room, but Ryan is distracted enough by what he's wearing that it doesn't really register. He's dressed in a smart suit, nothing like Ryan's older suit, his hand wrapped around a long white cane, like something a blind person would use. Shane is wearing dark red glasses, and now Ryan knows why he's been letting his facial hair grow out a bit; the stubble really completes the Matt Murdock look, along with some scratches that are obviously fake, but they're still... really good. He looks good as hell and Ryan may hyperventilate if he doesn't stop staring.
Meanwhile, Shane is having a startlingly similar freak out, looking at the canines in Ryan's open mouth. Shane doesn't have a biting kink, but if he did - which he doesn't - he would maybe be into the idea of Ryan with those canines in like all the time, but he doesn't have a thing about biting, so he's not thinking about that. Him? Thinking about his best friend leaving marks on him? Never.
"Y-yeah. Let's go, Murdock," Ryan says, playing it off with a smile that looks real enough to pass over. Shane follows after him even though it's his house, totally not staring at the hard lines of Ryan's shoulders, his muscular arms through the suit. Ryan had started working out back in middle school, and he hasn't really stuck to it, but he hasn't given it up either - it's the not giving it up that shows. Shane accepts the fact that his best friend is unrealistically pretty, he's just also very glad that the only girl that has ever shown (reciprocated) interest in Ryan now has a girlfriend.
When they're actually onto the street outside Shane's house, they don't start walking. Instead, they climb into Shane's truck; there is a neighborhood about ten minutes from their own with much more candy and much less vandalism that Shane and Ryan would be blamed for but didn't do. Middle schoolers in their own neighborhood liked to get up to shit and then say that they heard high schoolers talking about it on the bus. Shane and Ryan, despite now having ridden the bus since Shane got his truck for his sixteenth birthday, somehow get blamed for things like that. Neither of them say anything when Shane grabs Ryan's hand over the gearshift. They never do.
"Game plan?" Shane asks, if only because Ryan always has one, without fail. Ryan is a plan kind of guy, has been since they were seven years old and splitting up so they could find where the squirrels were hiding on the playground. Shane has a lot of experience in following his best friend around - big surprise. It's not like he would follow Ryan to the ends of the earth or anything.
"We hit Rich Street One, with Mrs. Kaninsky with the full sized bars, bag that whole street, then get Rich Street Two - after that we find somewhere to buy candy and just hang out somewhere?" Ryan says, and the last part sounds like a question, which worries Shane a little. Instead of saying that, the brunette simply raises an eyebrow before just following Ryan's directions, taking the easy way out as he always would. If Ryan only wants to Trick or Treat for a little while this year, who is Shane to question that?
"Any idea where you wanna grab candy? What around here is twenty-four hour?" Shane asks, though he could admit that it was mostly to fill the space. He knows the details of their small town just as well as Ryan does, if not better now that he's a regular driver and Ryan isn't. Ryan has a license and Shane willingly lets him drive the truck, but he hasn't been able to get his own car yet. It's just as well, being as he has Shane to drive him anywhere he could think to go. It's not like Shane would ever tell him no.
"Convenience store on third or the Dollar Tree on Wickerman," Ryan replies dutifully, even though he also knows that Shane knows. Ryan squeezes his hand, but Shane keeps his eyes steadily on the road.
"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," Ryan says, sleepy and laid out on a blanket beneath a bed of stars. Halloween always makes him so tired and Shane just wants to hold him close, so he does, pulling Ryan to his chest and tucking the other's head against his neck. Ryan is a little sloppy about what he says after maybe eighteen hours of being awake, but as much as Shane tries to push away the sentiment of what his friend said, he can't make himself do it. He presses a kiss to the side of Ryan's head before he can talk himself out of it, and settles back down against the blanket.
"I think I'm in love with you," Shane whispers after Ryan falls asleep. Imagine, then, his surprise as Ryan sits immediately up. Shane gulps audibly into the night. Crickets respond from all over the graveyard on fifth street, and maybe if Shane thinks hard enough about where they are, this won't be happening. What if he fucked it all up?
"You think what?" Ry asks, looking an odd mix of accusatory and hopeful, maybe. Maybe Shane is projecting. He's already screwed the pooch, so he just comes out with it.
"I think I'm in love with you, Ryan Bergara. I think I have been for a very long time," he says, looking quite vulnerable beneath Ryan. His heart breaks a little as Ryan rolls off of him, but Shane watches as Ryan takes the false canines out of his mouth. He's delighted when Ryan's lips crash against his like the rolling of the tides, loud and there and wonderful. Ryan has to be the one to pull away, because Shane could very well do this for the rest of his life, maybe.
"I'm in love with you too, Shane Madej. You bet your ass I'm in love with you too," Ryan says, setting his forehead down against Shane's with a grin so pure that Shane's heart clenches. He pecks Ryan on the mouth again just because he can, which immediately turns into something a bit deeper than a peck. Shane can pull himself back this time, because Ryan's tongue in his mouth is a little much for the second time they've kissed in his whole life. He'd like to think he has a long time to make out with Ryan, so he doesn't have to do it right now.
"Does this mean we can't win the Bromance superlative?"
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evilkitten3 · 7 years
The Yuuei Dorm Laws
AN: Well, I did it for Fairy Tail… might as well do it for BNHA! Rules fic~ I wasn't going to post this at all, honestly – this is a joke thing I did for myself a while ago, but with all the angst I've been posting lately… might as well do something funny. I don't know if I can pull off a chatfic, so here's this instead. Anyhow, lemme know if you want me to continue this or whatever. Kitty out.
Title: The Yuuei Dorm Laws
Summary: The Heroics Department has moved into the Yuuei dorm rooms, and Principal Nedzu realizes that some rules should probably be put in place – for the teachers, the students, and anyone else who happens to get involved.
Warnings: General nonsense, reason being abandoned for the sake of humor, and Kacchan's potty mouth
Pairings: Everyone/everyone else (it's a list fic and I'm writing it – what the hell were you expecting?)
Aizawa Shouta – As a teacher, you should endeavor to act as a role model for your students. Showing up to class with a sleeping bag and a hangover, saying "today we're learning about spontaneous silence – anyone who talks in the next four hours fails," and falling asleep is not acting as a role model.
All For One – Stop persuading your guards to commit tiny acts of vandalism on school grounds. The government isn't going to let you go just because "the police force is corrupt".
Amajiki Tamaki – Asui is not going to eat you. Frogs do not eat people (or octopi or even clams, to the best of my knowledge). Please come out of the basement.
Aoyama Yuuga – Stop throwing glitter at people.
Ashido Mina – I don't care what Kaminari said. Do not cover his bed sheets – or anyone else's – in acid ever again.
Asui Tsuyu – If you see a student with compact eyes and antennae, you are not to beginning following them and whispering "frog food" at random intervals. Please apologize to the seven students that have locked themselves in the basement and convince them to come out.
Awase Yousetsu – "Killing two birds with one stone" is a figure of speech, not a challenge. Stop throwing rocks at Tokoyami.
Awata Kaoruko – Enough with the "fucking bubbles" meme. We get it.
Bakugou Katsuki – "Fuck the police" is not an excuse for setting off firecrackers in Iida's room, even if you do think he was policing you. This applies even if he is dressed as a police officer.
Bakugou Mitsuki – If your son asks you for a rather specific outfit, get context. If the words "dare", "evidence", or "Monoma Neito" are part of that context, please do not give your son that outfit. This applies even if "Monoma" is replaced with "that copy-cat bastard" or a similar insult.
Bakugou Masaru – You cannot adopt your son's friend group, no matter how happy you are that said group exists.
Bondo Kojirou – Cementoss is not trying to usurp you. That doesn't even make sense.
Bubaigawara Jin – Stop asking the students to help you become Deadpool. You are not, and should not ever be, Deadpool.
Chatora Yawara – You may not "forget" to apprehend a villain because the person she is attacking misgendered her. Arrest the villain and then scold the civilians.
Dabi – Todoroki does not need your help to be a deviant. He is doing just fine on his own. You are not "Super Fire Bros".
Desutegoro – Stop trying to schedule all your meetings on "February 51st".
Ectoplasm – Detentions cannot be assigned for an indefinite period of time, no matter how insulted you feel. Honenuki will not be in detention for "the rest of his goddamn life", and he was probably not trying to offend you anyway.
Eri – You were in a bad situation, and a negative reaction is understandable. That said, please stop threatening to castrate people with your horn. How do you even know that word; you're like five.
Fat Gum – The fact that Satou and Yaoyorozu also have food-related Quirks does not mean you need to mentor them. Two students are enough.
Fourth Kind – "Having a katana" and "having the right to threaten people with a katana" are not synonymous.
Fukidashi Manga – Your Quirk does not give you the ability to "see beyond the fourth wall". Stop trying to convince people that we are all trapped within a shounen series. That is ridiculous.
Gran Torino – "Kick 'em in the dick", while an effective battle strategy, is not appropriate advice to give to children.
Gunhead – Stop trying to set Uraraka up with Midoriya. You're probably right, but they have bigger things to worry about.
Hadou Nejire – Stop asking villains questions. You're supposed to be arresting them, not sharing good places to get shoes.
Hagakure Tooru – Bakugou's inability to hear what you're saying is not going to stop him from punching you for talking about him behind his back. He'll find out, you'll get punched, and no one will feel sorry for you. If you absolutely must insult him, either learn sign language or get a translator and do it to his face.
Hakamata Tsunagu – Not everyone is comfortable in denim. Deal with it.
Hatsume Mei – "It seemed like a good idea at the time" is not only a terrible excuse in general, but also a completely invalid one that does not explain the giant robotic velociraptor currently patrolling the school grounds.
Hikiishi Kenji – Killing people for misgendering you is illegal. Please find other ways to express your displeasure.
Honenuki Juuzou – Do not challenge Ectoplasm to a "who can scare the most children with only their face" contest. I don't care that you think it's a compliment; you're hurting his feelings.
Iguchi Shuuichi – Hoshigaki Kisame has not challenged you to a sword fight. Hoshigaki Kisame is not a real person; he is a fictional character, and you know this.
Iida Tensei – Your little brother has a lot of respect for you. Stop abusing that respect by suggesting he do ridiculous things. He will.
Iida Tenya – Please do not dress up as a police officer when inspecting your classmates' rooms. You are only asking for trouble. I don't care what your brother said.
Inui Ryou – Do not tell students to mark their territory. The janitor would like you to know that anything that gets urinated on is your responsibility.
Ishiyama Ken – If Bondo declares you his "eternal rival", you are to ignore him, not encourage his behavior. Insanity does not "build character".
Jirou Kyouka – Do not start playing the One Punch Man theme song whenever Midoriya is about to punch something. This holds true for All Might too, as well as anyone else who tends to punch things in an over-dramatic manner.
Kaibara Sen – Having a name similar to that of a fictional character does not make you that fictional character. Stop challenging people to Duel Monsters.
Kamakiri Togaru – Collecting insects is a perfectly reasonable hobby. Using them to terrifying other students is not. Please apologize to Kouda so we can take the anteater back to the zoo and you can come down from the tree.
Kamihara Shinya – Bakugou does not need to be followed 24/7. Surely the No. 5 hero has better things to do.
Kaminari Denki – This school does not need an electric fence. You are not permitted to skip class in order to act as one.
Kan Sekijirou – Please stop encouraging your students to try and one-up Eraserhead's class. This will not end well.
Kayama Nemuri – Do not put smoke bombs in the teachers' lounge ever again. I can and will start making you wear normal clothing if this behavior continues.
Kendou Itsuka – You are not Lady Flyswatter, Queen of the Bitch-Smack. So stop bitch-smacking your classmates.
Kirishima Eijirou – If someone asks you to pass the salt, they are asking you to hand them the white crystalline substance used for seasoning. They are not asking you to pick up and throw Bakugou at them. Please desist.
Kodai Yui – Stop trying to scare Bakugou and Todoroki. I cannot promise you will continue to emerge unscathed.
Komori Kinoko – You are not required to provide "magic mushrooms" to anyone who asks or doesn't ask. In fact, you are actively discouraged from doing so.
Kouda Kouji – You are not allowed to "do favors" for animals in the zoo. I don't care how badly that polar bear claims to need a cup of coffee, he can't have one.
Kurogiri – While I am personally unsure of the League of Villains' hierarchy, you seem to be the most mature. If there is anything to do to stop your cohorts from playing mildly annoying but otherwise harmless pranks, please do it.
Kuroiro Shihai – "It's because I'm black, isn't it" jokes are not appropriate coming from a fully Japanese person; even if you are technically black in color, you do not have African heritage. Stop before you offend someone.
Lock Rock – Tsunotori and Rin do not need you to adopt them, regardless of whatever Fat Gum told you. That said, if you have any pointers on avoiding xenophobia, I'm sure they'd be delighted to hear them.
Maijima Higari – Tell Hatsume to get rid of that raptor. Or at least make her do something useful with it.
Midoriya Inko – No, you cannot adopt your son's class. Yes, this applies even if they have all called you "Mom" at some point. You also cannot adopt the teachers or the villains. I don't know why I have to tell you this, but apparently it needs telling.
Midoriya Izuku – The fact that anyone with a sex drive seems to be attracted to you does not mean that you had a secret Quirk all along. Said Quirk is not "The Love Bug", and you will stop insisting otherwise.
Mineta Minoru – "Stuff a sock in it" is a figure of speech. You are not expected to eat socks, nor are you expected to carry around socks so you can try and force other people to do eat socks.
Mizushima Masaki – "Don't stop believin'" is not your official theme song. You're from Toyama Prefecture; I doubt you've ever even been to Michigan, much less south Detroit.
Monoma Neito – While Bakugou probably will do pretty much anything if you so much as hint that he's incapable of it, I feel like I should remind you that such a situation may not turn out in your favor, though one would hope you figured that out on your own when you (and everyone else in the vicinity) learned that not only does he see nothing wrong with clothing generally associated with women, he looks damn good in a tutu. And he knows it. Lording this over his head will only get him to dress in drag again. I have to ask you to avoid provoking him, if only because several students who thought they were aware of their orientation are suddenly reconsidering (which is, of course, absolutely fine, but probably shouldn't be happening at school).
Nishiya Shinji – You are not the Lorax. You do not speak for the trees.
No. 13 – You are not legally obligated to begin back-up requests with "Housten, we have a problem", and you will stop telling people otherwise.
Ojiro Mashirao – You chose the hero name "Tail Man". Now you're going to have to live with the consequences.
Overhaul – Todoroki Shouto has publically declared you to be the worst father of all time. Take a moment to think about that.
Rappa – Stop trying to fight Kirishima. I don't care how "badass" you think he is. He has homework to do. You can't fight any of the other students either.
Rin Hiryuu – If you are actually being bullied because of your ethnicity, please tell an authority figure (me, the principal). Stop trying to guilt-trip people into giving you food.
Ryuukyuu – Stop telling people that the Dragon Balls are real. They aren't, and you can't grant wishes.
Sakamata Kuugo – Do not try to convince students to "rebel against the tyranny of Sea World". You are not being as subtle as you think you are.
Sako Atsuhiro – If you absolutely must ask Shigaraki to give you "a hand", do not do so on school grounds. You can and will be arrested, no matter how funny the students seem to think you are.
Satou Rikidou – If a villain breaks into the school, alert the proper authorities. Do not bake them a cake in exchange for them leaving. Even if it works, you're just encouraging them to come back again later.
Selkie – "Captain" is not part of your hero name. You do not have the right to arrest people for not calling you that, especially if you are not on your boat at the time.
Sero Hanta – I understand that boys your age like to roughhouse. That is perfectly fine. I only ask that you not use your elbows, as you could do some serious damage.
Shigaraki Tomura – Please stop breaking into the school and taping up crudely drawn pictures of tap-dancing monkeys with socks mooning the viewers. While your creativity is certainly nothing to scoff at, this is inappropriate behavior. Also, you're a criminal, so you shouldn't be here unless someone arrested you. No, you cannot demand fuzzy pink handcuffs, even if Yaoyorozu is happy to oblige.
Shinsou Hitoshi – Stop kidnapping Aizawa's cats. I do not want our teachers sending death threats to students; it's bad for publicity.
Shiozaki Ibara – Smacking someone with a Bible is not an appropriate method of combat, no matter how much you think they "need Jesus".
Shishida Juurouta – Unless you can turn into a prince at will, you are not "the perfect candidate for a new Beauty and the Beast movie" and you will stop insisting otherwise.
Shiretoko Tomoko – I understand that the loss of your Quirk has upset you. However, breaking into All For One's prison cell to demand he give it back is not only very dangerous but also very illegal. I advise against it.
Shouda Nirengeki – I understand that Shinsou's actions in the Sports Festival made you feel uncomfortable. I do not understand why you think the appropriate "vengeance" is following him around and hitting him with a pool noodle.
Shouji Mezou – Mineta should not be trying to get people to eat socks. You should not be helping him.
Shuuzenji Chiyo – "The little shit had it coming" is not an excuse for refusing to heal a student, even if they did have it coming.
Sirius – Please refrain from lashing out at Harry Potter jokes. You knew exactly what you were getting into when you chose that name.
Sir Nighteye – Plus do not leave your All Might body pillow out in the open. Midoriya doesn't need any more ideas.
Snipe – Your active hours cannot only be "high noon".
Sousaki Shino – While on my campus, you follow my rules. Stop telling the children that anarchy is an option to alumni.
Takeyama Yuu – There is no law stating that you and Ashido have to watch "Monsters vs. Aliens" together. You should not be telling her otherwise.
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu – There is nothing you or I can do to stop people from adding a "Tetsu" or two to your name. Learn to live with it.
Todoroki Enji – I have no say in the sort of activities the students partake in after school hours. Thus, should your son wish to gather a bunch of his classmates and egg his own house while you're away, I'm afraid there is little I can do to stop him. What a shame.
Todoroki Fuyumi – While I understand that you are happy that your youngest brother has begun socially connecting with his classmates, I have to ask that you not treat this as though it is his sixth birthday. Please stop showing up carrying pink cupcakes with hearts and smiley faces.
Todoroki Shouto – As amusing as it is to watch you infuriate your father, I must ask you not to break any laws. If you do, I will be able to stop you, and that is not something either of us desires. Full steam ahead (but only legally)!
Toga Himiko – Whether or not your hips are honest is none of my concern. Yours hips, as well as the rest of you, are not allowed on school grounds. Please stop flirting with/trying to stab my students.
Tokage Setsuna – If you are responsible for the creation of Hatsume's velociraptor, then you are also responsible for any damages in causes.
Tokoyami Fumikage – If you stand around dramatically on the roof, people will laugh if/when you fall. They will be justified in doing so.
Toogata Mirio – I understand that you are sick of Tintin jokes. I expect you to understand that Recovery Girl is sick of fixing broken noses.
Tsuburaba Kousei – Stop stalking Todoroki. I don't care if you're only doing it to protect him from the press, stalking is still stalking.
Tsuchikawa Ryuuko – You are thirty-one years old. Do not flirt with teenagers.
Tsunotori Pony – If Monoma tells you how to say something, double check with someone in your class first.
Uraraka Ochako – Please do not try and convince your classmates to refer to All Might as "Dad-sensei". Please also refrain from convincing them to refer to Midoriya Inko as "Mom". Please also stop trying to hook them up.
Yagi Toshinori – Do not encourage your students' delusions of grandeur, whether it's Bakugou claiming to be invincible or Midoriya claiming to be some sort of sex god.
Yamada Hizashi – Stop encouraging Jirou to annoy people with music. Stop helping her annoy people with music.
Yanagi Reiko – I am going to assume that you are the reason several people think the third floor girls' bathroom is haunted. You are not Toire no Hanako-san. Stop it.
Yaoyorozu Momo – I am legally obligated to advise you that providing Todoroki Shouto and his cohorts with eggs is, while not illegal, frowned upon. That said, so long as you can prove that you don't know what they're using them for, there's really nothing anyone can do to stop you from "feeding eggs to your hungry friends". Also, if Shigaraki Tomura appears and informs you that he refuses to be arrested unless it's with fuzzy pink handcuffs, do not feel obligated to provide them.
AN: That's chapter one! I won't be able to post it 'till later, so I'll write something else in the meantime… For those of you who don't know, "Toire no Hanako-san" (or "Ms. Hanako of the Toilet) is a Japanese spirit who was murdered in a bathroom and now haunts them. There are a few interpretations of her, but I'm just referencing her here. Lastly, don't expect this to make any sense. It's solely for shits and giggles. PWP ("puns without plot"), if you will. Anyhow, let me know what you think, and I'll see you next time! Kitty out.
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lostinyourears · 7 years
Super Viernes Arena Mexico Report! 7/7/2017
This week featured Block B of the Universal Tournament, which is all I covered from this week’s show. This show had more singles matches than CMLL has in a normal week of broadcasted shows.
The undercard had some decent talent on it as well, Blue Panther continued to feud with Trump loving Sam Adonis and the continuation of the Vangellys/Pierroth feud which will have a hair vs hair match I think next week.  
Seeding Battle Royal featuring : Mistico, Ultimo Guerrero, Niebla Roja, Mephisto, Ephesto, Soberano Jr., Diamante Azul and Marco Corleone
Who’s who?
Mistico is in his signature white mask/pants with gold trim, Ultimo Guerrero is the maskless older Latino talent with long black hair, Niebla Roja has red boots, white pants and the back of his mask is red, Mephisto is in camo pants/mask with black hanging cloth coming off the back of his mask, Ephesto has a red devil’s mask with horns and has his name on his shirt, Soberano Jr is wearing his signature blue pants/man, Diamante Azul is the stouter guy in blue with a diamond on his forehead, and lastly we have Marco the maskless jacked white dude.
How’s the match?
These seeding battle royals are always just fine, but easily skippable and you aren’t really missing anything. There is a group powerbomb on Soberano Jr. and Marco Corleone gets teamed up on, those are really the 2 moments of note in the brief match. 
Ephesto(Mexican National Trios Champion) vs Diamante Azul(Occidente Heavyweight Champion)
Who’s who?
Diamante Azul is the dude in blue mask/attire and famously won the mask vs mask match in CMLL of importance back in March when he unmasked Rush’s father Pierroth(Not the real Pierroth who wrestled ages ago or his son, Pierroth Jr. I think this current Pierroth bought the name rights from the family though).He wasn’t suppose to be in this, but was a last minute addition when Atlantis was injured. His belt actually is inactive/retired, but apparently good enough to get into the tournament.
While in the devil mask we have Ephesto 1/3rd of the Mexican National Trios, but probably the 3rd most powerful member of his stable Los Hijos del Infierno(the sons of hell).
How’s the match?
It was pretty good for a first round match. Diamante Azul is a guy who I don’t love, but he can impress with strength and the odd dive. Still, his suicide dive is awful. I’m in the camp that if you can’t do a move well, don’t do it at all. His suicide dive always feels a foot too short and makes both him and the guy receiving it look off. Ephesto didn’t really impress, but he wasn’t really supposed to. He was obvious first round fodder in this tournament and he played that role excellently making Azul look strong going into the second round. 
Marco Corleone(CMLL World Heavyweight Champion) vs Ultimo Guerrero(NWA World Historic Middleweight Champion)
Who’s who? 
Marco Corleone is the taller/whiter guy in red briefs and kneepads. He worked briefly in the US as Mark Jindrak and recently won the CMLL Heavyweight title in a multi-man match to crown a new champion after it was vacated when the last champion was fired for vandalism... strangely the enough vandalising Marco’s opponent's car.
Ultimo Guerrero has long black hair and is wearing black/blue pants. He has been NWA WHM Champion for a long while now winning the belt off of La Sombra before CMLL 82nd anniversary back in September 2015. 
How’s the match?
Brief and mostly uneventful, we do get 2 top rope crossbodies from Marco. So that’s something to look for, but the second one costs him the match. I don’t really like that because it just logically doesn’t make much sense imo, though that might be a little nitpicky. 
Mephisto(CMLL World Welterweight & Mexican National Trios Champion) vs Mistico(CMLL World Trios Champion)
Who’s Who?
Mistico is in his signature white and gold trim attire and mask. His is one 3rd of Sky Team with Valiente & Volador Jr. who have been climbing the all time reign ranks of the CMLL World Trios belt, being the 2nd longest reign since
How’s the match?
Good, probably the best of all the first round matches and MOTN contender. Mistico really stole the show tonight and made a great case as to why he should be getting more singles competition, though perhaps CMLL wants to protect Sky Team as they seem to be climbing towards being the longest reigning CMLL Trio champs in the belts 24 year history. If this match isn’t MOTN, the other one would probably the second round match with Mistico.
Niebla Roja(CMLL World Light Heavyweight Champion) vs Soberano Jr.(Mexican National Welterweight Champion)
Who’s who?
The link should start you looking at Niebla Roja in gold/white attire his boots and the back of his mask. He is currently embroiled in a feud with Ultimo Guerrero, after Niebla left Ultimo’s rudo stable Los Guerreros. He was crowned CMLL Lightweight champ after the last champion La Mascara was fired for the same vandalism mentioned earlier. 
Soberano Jr. on the other hand is in the blue mask and pants and won his belt about 2 months ago off of
Rey Cometa. Soberano has been doing nothing but win. Having won both Copa de Junior and Gran Alternativa this year, 2 of CMLL’s yearly tournaments. Though one is a rookies tournament and the other is a tag tournament it’s still a really good sign CMLL see’s him as a raising stock within the company.
How’s the match?
Good, both these guys know what they are doing. Soberano Jr. continues to impress every chance he can. The biggest issue of this match is a common complaint for me with these CMLL tournament matches in that it’s shorter than I want it to be. This match could have stole the night with a few more minutes. 
Diamante Azul(Occidente Heavyweight Champion) vs Ultimo Guerrero(NWA World Historic Middleweight Champion)
Who’s Who?
Covered them earlier, but for the basics Diamante is in blue with a mask while Ultimo is maskless with long black hair in black and blue pants. Both have hair their belts for a long time though Diamante Azul’s is actually inactive/none promoted by CMLL at this point he was a stand in because Atlantis was injured and couldn’t take part.
How’s the match?
Good, these two guys mesh pretty perfectly character wise. Massive tecnico Diamante Azul vs dastardly rudo leader Ultimo Guerrero writes itself. Diamante makes up for his weak suicide dive from the earlier round by having a fantastic stage dive in this match up. 
Niebla Roja(CMLL World Light Heavyweight Champion) vs Mistico(CMLL World Trios Champion)
Who’s who?
This is probably the most any 2 people will look alike tonight. Niebla Roja though has red books and red parts on his mask. Mistico on the other hand has gold trim and boots. Mistico is a much longer running champions, with Roja recently getting his belt from some backstage drama at CMLL that saw 2 talents getting fired.  
How’s the match?
Good for the most part, Mistico continued to impress. I feel like he really wanted to show how good he was tonight so the next yearly event he’ll get even farther. Both men got some good offense in, my only real complaint : the ending was hit less perfectly than it needs to be. If Niebla is going to use the Canadian Destroyer as his finish it needs more impact than the one here did. It also came rather abruptly to Mistico mounting a comeback, though I suppose that’s the point. 
Niebla Roja(CMLL World Light Heavyweight Champion) vs Ultimo Guerrero(NWA World Historic Middleweight Champion)
Who’s who?
Niebla Roja is wearing red boots and a mask while Ultimo is maskless with long black hair. This is a continuation of the two’s feud over the last 2 months or so, when Niebla Roja left the rudo group Ultimo leads Los Guerreros Laguneros. Niebla wears a mask design that is very close to Ultimo’s old mask design which he isn’t really cool with now that they aren’t stablemates. Ultimo Guerrero has had his belt much much longer than Niebla about 2 years longer so he is definitely the favorite in this match up, he also has much more experience, being a veteran while Roja is relatively new in comparison.
How’s the match?
Good, though much more one sided than it needed to be or should have been. It’s hard to complain too much, because this isn’t the blowoff match obviously. The match was pretty much all Ultimo though with him schooling Roja throughout. 
It’s almost akin to Undertaker vs CM Punk at 2009(?) HiaC. I like Undertaker so seeing him beat some young punk up is fun, but when it’s one sided and the grizzled vet looks like he hardly broke a sweat it’s not as fun as say Taker vs CM Punk WM29 where they had a much better much more competitive bout. 
Still, this match does have it’s bright spots. Particularly a much better looking Canadian Destroyer out of Niebla Roja than the one he did to tend the last round over Mistico. Plus, after the match there was a promo and Ultimo vs Niebla are certain they are having a mask vs hair match. Because of that and the possibility that Roja will shave Ultimo’s head at a later date makes the one sided affair here seem like a chapter 3 downfall of Roja before being victorious later on. 
Final thoughts
I think it was a pretty decent block B, in fact I’d say it was better because no one who got into the second round felt like someone who dragged their matches down... no offense to shocker last week. He can be good, he just wasn’t in Block A, probably having the worst first and worst second round matches. 
I don’t really like Ultimo vs Volador Jr. in the finals. Ultimo has already won this tournament twice since it’s inception in 2009, the first and only person to win it more than once. So it just makes Volador Jr. seem like an obvious winner in the finals, which will mean Sky Team will have won twice in a row with Valiente winning last year. I think Mistico vs Volador Jr. would have been a much better choice, but you don’t always get what you want. 
I’d suggest both Mistico matches if nothing else, a great performance by him in both his rounds. I’m excited to see Roja vs Ultimo, but I wasn’t impressed by either guy as much as Mistico in this show. I’m really starting top hope Pierroth gets all his sons under the Ingobernables banner soon. He already has Rush and if you added Dragon Lee and Mistico, Mexico might start having a Los Ingobernables worthy of rivaling the Japanese brand. 
Highlights (2 or 3 have pretty bad green static) : 
Super Viernes Arena Mexico Highlights 7/7/2017
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Idk if you take requests but, 13 going on 30 fic where Len and Sara wake up and one (or both) is confused because, "where am I and who is this laying next to me??"
I have seen this movie so many times! I upped Sara’s initial age because I wasn’t comfortable working with a 13 yr old. Also, I wove it into canon, which means s1, which means Destiny fix-it because I’m not ending it on the horrible note it would require otherwise. Set vaguely in late s1.
I had a lot of fun writing it! Thank you for the prompt! Also, lots of thanks to Tavyn for the feedback!
On AO3.
It shouldn't be like this.
Sara’s never wished for anything harder in her life. She sits onthe floor, wrapping her arms around her knees, but it does no good.
She's still making bad choices, still competing with her sisterover the same guy, who isn't good enough for either of them.
It shouldn't be like this.
She bangs her head back against the shelves, ignoring it when somesort of glitter falls on her face. She closes her eyes and wishes she was pastall this, past the drama of being a teenager, an adult only by technicality.
Sara wakes from sleep, stretching, and freezes when she realizesshe's no longer in the dark closet.
She's in an unfamiliar bed, and she opens her eyes to gray metalthat reminds her of one of those old war ships people take field trips to, butshe can't feel any movement.
She didn't have enough to drink yesterday to black out. How didshe get here?
She starts to roll over, stilling again when she comes intocontact with a warm body.
She isn't alone in this bed. She pulls away instinctively, puttingthe wall to her back and struggling to remember her self-defense skills,because in what universe is blacking out and waking up with a stranger good?
It wakes the man, who takes one look at her and rolls over,putting his back to her and producing a huge gun that he aims around the room,lowering it when he doesn't see a threat.
“Sara?” he asks, and she blinks before studying him.
She's never met this man in her life, and she's sure she wouldremember him. He's older than she is, much older, but there's something abouthim that draws her in. Maybe it's the eyes. He's dressed in a t-shirt and sleeppants, and she looks down to see she is, as well.
“What's wrong?” he asks.
“Who are you?” she returns.
He watches her before putting away the gun. He turns to her, thoseeyes gazing into hers. It's like he can see right into her, and she shivers. Hecatches the movement, looking her over appraisingly.
“You don't look injured. What's the last thing you remember?”
Sara frowns. “Last night, there was another big party, and Laurelwent with Ollie, and I found somewhere to hide.”
His eyebrows draw together in concern or confusion, she isn'tsure, but she feels like she could relax around him if she knew what was goingon.
“Your sister still parties with Oliver?”
“Well, yeah,” Sara says. “I mean, they aren’t dating yet, buteveryone knows it’s coming. They’ve been like… almost together since highschool. I know it’s been a couple years, and I thought maybe I had a shot sinceI’m an adult now, but...”
“How old do you think you are?” he asks when she trails off, andit’s Sara’s first clue that she might be missing more than a night.
“Eighteen,” she says cautiously, watching as he frowns.
“Gideon,” he calls without taking his eyes off her.
“Yes, Mr. Snart?” The feminine voice sounds like it’s coming fromall around them, and Sara can feel the man–Mr. Snart, apparently–measuring herreaction.
“Do you have any idea why Sara thinks she’s eighteen?”
“No, Mr. Snart. I still show Miss Lance as twenty-eight by heroriginal timeline, or thirty including the two years she was marooned in the‘50s.”
What the hell? At this, Sara does finally let herself relax. Itdoesn’t matter how real this feels; there’s no way this is anything but adream, one that makes even less sense than some.
“You’re telling me I’m going on thirty?” she asks.
“Yes, Miss Lance.”
“You don’t remember anything after eighteen?” Snart asks, and Sarashakes her head.
“Nope. Can’t be all bad if I’m sleeping with you, though.” Shegrins, and he raises an eyebrow. Guess dream Sara doesn’t flirt with him thatway. Pity.
“Gideon,” he says, almost a plea this time.
“Miss Lance, you share a bed with Mr. Snart, on occasion, but youhave not, I believe, ‘slept’ with him in the colloquial use of the term.”
Even more of a pity. The man looks exceedingly uncomfortable whenSara looks at him more closely, but he’s also got something very protective inhis posture.
“If you could please come to the med bay, Miss Lance,” Gideonchimes, “it might help if I ran a full diagnostic scan.”
He stands, clearly waiting for Sara to join him. She pauses.
“What do I call you?” she asks before getting up and standing nextto him.
“Leonard,” he says.
The scan is completely normal. At least, the results of it are. Inthe meantime, Sara finds out Gideon’s like a disembodied robot, and she’s on aspaceship. She’s still waiting to wake up, but the longer it takes, the lessshe believes she’s asleep.
Gideon summons the captain after not finding anything wrong, andhe declares they'll stay in the timestream until the matter has resolved. Helooks both concerned and exasperated, as if she chose for this to happen but hestill cares about the consequences.
Sara likes Leonard better.
“So, Len,” Sara says when they’re alone again. “What’s good to doon this ship?”
They end up finding a quiet spot to play cards, becauseapparently, all there is to do on the ship is play cards, play with weapons, ortalk nerd stuff.
“So tell me about myself,” Sara says after a few hands, feeling asurge of triumph when Leonard smirks.
“What do you want to know?” he drawls, and damn, if this is realand her older self isn’t hitting that? Sara’s gonna need to give her older selfa stern talking to.
“Everything you know, I guess,” she answers.
He proceeds to do just that, and Sara’s shocked at how much she’stold him.
She’s more shocked at what her life seems to be, continued badchoices or impossible choices leading her down rabbit hole after rabbit hole.She’s been legally dead and actually dead, and based on what he tells her,she’s not surprised she chose to come aboard the Waverider.
They continue playing while they talk, or while he talks and shelistens, and finally, they’re both quiet. She looks up from her hand of cardsand looks at him, really looks at him, trying to see him through the filter ofher life as he’s told it.
She sees his scars, sees that his protective stance earlier wasjust as much for him as it was for her. She sees someone strong and capable whoclearly admires her abilities.
“Why aren’t we together?” she asks aloud, and he lifts his eyes tohers.
“It’s complicated,” he answers after several seconds.
Sara rolls her eyes. “You just told me my whole life story, andthe reason we’re not together is complicated?”
“It involves feelings,” he says, holding her stare for asecond longer before dropping his eyes back to his hand. “I don’t do feelings.”
She’s about to write him off as someone who just can’t commit,ready to forgive her future self for not making a move when he’s clearly justnot the type, when he continues.
“But if I did,” he says, “I’d tell you we’ve both had a lot goingon. We’re close, but the timing’s been all wrong.”
He plays his hand, and the subject drops.
Days pass, and while she gets to know the rest of the crew, Sarastill spends most of her time with Leonard. She refuses to sleep in her ownbed, and Leonard refuses to do anything more than literally sleep with her. Theclosest she’s gotten to an answer from him is some muttering about how she’snot herself.
And okay, she’s seen a mirror by now, has seen her own scars,which align with what he’s told her. According to her body, she is notstill eighteen. Also, she’s pretty sure dreams can’t last this long.
Leonard drags her in for some sparring one day, and they find outthat her muscle memory seems intact; she’s more than a challenge for him. Hebrings in Kendra, who seems the most sympathetic to her memory issues, and theyspar daily.
Sara also gets to play more cards, drink, and just spend time withthe crew in general and Leonard in specific, until Rip finally steps in.
“We can’t stay in the timestream any longer,” he says. “Sara,despite your lingering memory problems, you seem quite capable of holding yourown, and we have to get back to taking out Savage.”
The team takes turns filling her in on Vandal Savage, more thanthe bits and pieces she’s heard from Leonard, who’s mostly focused on historyas it relates to him and to her.
“We’ve been just sitting here screwing around while all this isgoing on?” she says when they finish.
Ray, with more sincerity than he needs, is the one to respond. “Weneeded you with us, Sara. You’re part of the team, and we’re not gonna leaveyou behind again.”
Her first–well, as far as she remembers–mission is a shit show. Shedoesn’t really get to do anything but listen to that psycho speak, and then shehas to watch Leonard flirt with the man’s daughter. And then Kendra’sex, who isn’t really her ex because of some reincarnation bullshit, comes back,except he’s not really himself but he has the potential to be, and they haveboth that guy and Savage on board, even though both of them want everyone onthe ship dead.
It’s not exactly a relaxing time, and everyone’s on edge.
“This whole thing is stupid,” she tells Leonard over a game ofcards. There’s been none of their usual banter, and he looks seriously at hernow.
“We’re leaving, me and Mick, soon as we can figure out how to getout of here. Come with us.”
“It’s not just stupid,” he says. “There’s something very wronghere. I can feel it.”
“I don’t know…” It isn’t that she doesn’t want to go with him, butshe ended up here for a reason, right? She’s hesitant to go back closer towhere she came from.
She doesn’t end up having to decide. Jax gets sent back in thejump ship, and then it’s too late to find another way off.
“...for me. And you. And me and you.”
She would’ve jumped at these words a few days ago, but he pulled afucking gun on her. That hasn’t happened to her before, and she’s not sureshe’d be less angry even if having a gun pointed at her was a normal thing.
“You want to steal a kiss from me, Leonard? You better be one hellof a thief.”
It’s too late again. She’s standing there, and he’s about to die,and she knows she’s only eighteen, sort of, but she’s pretty sure she’s inlove, or at least capable of it, and she presses her lips to his because it’sall she can do.
It shouldn’t be like this.
Between the fight and losing Leonard, Sara hurts everywhere,inside and out. Her chest physically aches, and tears spill down her cheeks,because he’s gone.
If only she could get a do-over. If only she could start again andmake sure that somehow, he survives.
Sara’s never wished for anything harder in her life. She swipes ata tear and closes her eyes.
Sara wakes up in a dark closet. She stands, flipping thelightswitch, and looking down at smooth arms that are missing all the scarsshe’s gotten to know. She sniffs, drying her face, holding on to the hope thatimmediately infuses her.
She can do this. She can save him.
It doesn’t take long to confirm that she really has lived thisbefore, or at least some version of her has, that the things Leonard told herare coming true and that it wasn’t some elaborate and ridiculously long dream.
While she starts out focused only on saving Leonard, after awhile, she remembers to live for herself, too. Of course, she can’t deviate toofar from the life she had before, or else she’ll never meet him. Still, shehandles some things better. Her relationship with Nyssa ends on a better note.She doesn’t hook up with Oliver after the island. She doesn't hurt her parentsas much.
Sara feels so much older than almost-30 before she finally meetshim, before she’s finally ready to board the Waverider. It’s hard, not tellinghim exactly what’s coming, but some of her memories have faded, a decade old bynow. She does things differently, but most things end up the same, and shethinks maybe the Oculus has something to do with it, forcing time to happen theway it’s supposed to.
When she and Leonard start sharing a bed, she makes sure it isn’tstrictly platonic, and she’s old enough to appreciate him even better than shewould have as a teen.
By the time they get to the Oculus, she’s told him her past,including her detour as a teenager, and they’re able to bring a little devicethat basically acts like a permanent lock bolt, keeping the button pressed downso they can make their escape.
They collapse in a sweaty heap later that night, limbs tangledtogether. They’re almost too close, but she can’t bring herself to let goknowing how today was supposed to end.
“I’m crazy for you,” she says, and he presses his lips to hers.
She can feel it in his kiss; he feels the same.
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