#and I didn't want to draw them either
goldenchocobo · 4 months
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Aqua decided the pigeons deserve a little treat today.
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mangosaurus · 5 months
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sketch request for @unnecessary-dinosaurs! she asked for brooklynn teaching darius how to skateboard 🛹 aftermath down below 👇
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fox-guardian · 8 months
Asking about the stoker swap au, are we likely to see the whole America Thing? If not, will Trevor&Julia and/or Gerry be showing up at some point? Or is it going to be more like canon only this time Danny's there?
i haven't gotten that far in my planning but it'll probably go down smth like this
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[ID: Several images making up a digital comic of Jon and Danny drawn on a brown background. Jon is a short, thin Arab man with dark curly hair pulled into a loose bun, with a mustache and beard. He is wearing half-moon glasses, black stud earrings, a t-shirt, shorts, socks and sneakers, and a sweater hanging off one shoulder. His right hand and the front of his neck are bandaged. Danny is a tall, beefy Latino man with short hair and a cut in his brow and he is wearing small hoop earrings, a button-down with the sleeves rolled up, a sweater-vest, trousers and dress shoes. Both Jon and Danny are riddled with circular scars. Jon is colored purple, and Danny is yellow.
Jon is walking while looking through papers as Danny leans in behind him, grinning.
Danny: (all caps) Heeeey Jon~! Jon: Hello, Danny Danny: Heard you're going to the U.S. Jon: That is correct Danny: And I'M coming with you~ Jon: You CANNOT come with me, Danny. It could be very dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt. (smaller text) or for your brother to kill me (normal text) And besides, the plane tickets and lodging have been booked already Danny, holding up a finger: Firstly, going with a buddy is much safer, and I don't want YOU to get hurt (smaller text) you've been kidnapped twice already Jon, glaring: mmgh Danny: (normal text) And secondly.... (Danny grins) hee hee Jon, anxious: Wh- Danny what have you done? Danny, close up and drawn with more detail and a shadow over his eyes: HEE HEE Jon, offscreen, fearful: DANNY
They are now drawn in less detail and merely headshots.
Danny, holding a hand to his chin, smug: I got my own tickets. And lodging. With you. Sasha helped me find the plane you'd be on and which hotel, so we can stay together for the WHOLE TRIP Jon, one tear falling from his eye, accepting death: (small text) even if I get back in one piece Tim is still going to murder me
end ID]
so yeah it'll be Roughly just the same as canon only danny is also there. i want there to be Some difference but idk what it'd be. maybe danny will get jon to burn the whole book of the trapped dead to free everyone in there and then that'll be a whole thing but idk
(also i KNOW that's not how jon's lil world tour happened in canon but idc funny sillies etc)
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cerise-on-top · 2 months
Hiya! May I ask for a fluff alphabet for Price, if you haven't done that already. Since I saw in a recent post you only do 8-9 letters at a time now (which is okay!), may I specifically ask for: A, B, C, F, G, H, N, & Q? Thank you! 💗
Hey there! Sure you can! I've been in the mood to write something for Price anyway, so this came at a good time ^^
Fluff Alphabet for Price
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
On the one hand, he really loves going out to do something with you. Something along the lines of the occasional short hike, taking care of your shared garden or even just taking a stroll through the city, taking in all the sights and finding new ones you weren’t previously aware of. Those are things he likes to do when he’s been home for a while now. However, if he’s gotten home not too long ago then he’d much rather just stay in and sleep a little bit. Will want to cuddle you or just have you be his background noise. Don’t be mad at him if he dozes off while you’re watching a movie together, he’s just extremely tired and needs that rest.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He admires how resilient you are. Price knows that life isn’t easy, that it always makes an effort to throw one impossible thing after another at you, but you never seem to give up. No matter how rough life gets, no matter how often it knocks you down, you always get up, dust yourself off and continue to smile. Even if it really took its toll on you, you strive to make your life better. Although it may get you down when you’ve had the worst day of your life, you still won’t stay down forever. You do what you can, and that’s what Price loves about you.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
When you’re sad he’ll give you a hug, provided you’re okay with it. He’s a very good hugger, his hugs are very comforting and warm. Afterwards he’ll put on your favorite movie or series and watch it with you. If enough time has passed and you still feel down, then he’ll cook something you really like. Although he knows he can’t make the sadness go away forever, he’ll try to temporarily cheer you up. If you need to talk, if you need some advice, he’s also your man. If you have a panic attack then he’ll try to calm you down by taking you to a location with few people. Price can talk for a while if he needs to, so he’ll ask you to focus on his voice. Might also give you a rather simple task to take your mind off of things, such as counting backwards from 100.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
If it’s you, then he would forgive pretty easily, as long as it’s not something too big. If you accidentally knock down a mug he likes, then he might sigh and be annoyed, but he’ll forgive you. If you cheat on him, then he won’t. He’s usually calm and collected, even while fighting. Sure, he could be aggressive towards you and snap at you, but he loves you, so he tries not to. It’s sort of obvious when he is annoyed, his sentences become much shorter and he’ll actively try to get away from you. Won’t yell at you, won’t do any erratic movements either, but if he’s too angry then he’ll simply walk away from you until he’s calmed down.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Yes, he is aware and he is very grateful. How could he not be? You have the patience of a saint when it comes to him. He knows it’s rough to be with someone who is part of the military, he’s away more often than not, but you still decided to stay with him. You cook for him when he’s tired, you draw him a bath when he’s sore, you reassure him when he feels like you deserve better than him. You’re so much more than what he deserves, he doesn’t feel like he could ever repay you for everything you’re doing for him. He tries, though, but it’s never enough. Price could give you the universe and it wouldn’t suffice.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Aside from the obvious, such as military intel, he doesn’t really hide anything from you. Price doesn’t see the point in keeping secrets from you. You’re together, aren’t you? You deserve to know just about anything about him. He might not tell you everything from the get go, but once you’re close enough you can ask him about anything. You wanna know about his time as a private? Sure. How he came to be a captain? Yeah, he can talk about it. Just ask and he’ll likely tell you. But in the same vein he hopes that you trust him enough to tell him just about anything as well.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
He doesn’t really use very many nicknames. Just the classic ones, such as “love”, “sweetheart” and “dear”. Sometimes he feels the urge to call you “sunshine”, but he usually represses that since that’s what he’s called his soldiers before. As much as it would fit you, he tries not to bring work home. He likes to call you by your name too, though. But aside from that there’s nothing he really calls you.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He can keep calm in just about any situation, so he won’t lash out on you. He has an air of authority to him, so it’s not too often that someone is being a dick to him. And that extends to you as well. Price is a well respected man, so not very many people will come up to you and demand something from you. You, too, will be respected by most people, he’ll make sure of that. Regardless of whether you’re shy and timid or loud and boisterous, no one will bad mouth you. Price can fight, he will protect you. He will also fight for your honor if he needs to. He may have self restraint most of the time, but no one should ever talk badly about his partner.
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bonkquartz · 2 months
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GUESS WHO FINALLY COLOURED IN A MUMBO JUMBO DRAWING...and i bet it's better than that joel drawing i did...grrrr!!!!(only joshingly mad)
he's fish(+something else),,, because of the ,,episode where he keeps going underwater mining
radical zoom-ins under the cut
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his other eye was giving me emotional distress, so i just made it all glowy and mysterious (as i do with everything i am distressed about)
god i need to stop rambling in the tags
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lettucesilver · 7 months
Repostober 22/31
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sweater buddies !!
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ghost-qwq · 3 months
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Ah... this is what I use my time to make
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aqqleshiqqing-archive · 10 months
um hello again hk community <3
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thank you to the number one superfan bestie @lovinglin for enabling me so bad she made hollow x ivie content faster than I did <3 please follow her <3
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krysmcscience · 2 months
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Saw this prompt for incorrect OC quotes and couldn't resist with a bunch of my Breach goobers. Some of them would absolutely say these things word for word in canon if I gave them half the chance to, though. XD
They're in order of when they showed up in person - Qīng, Ghost, Red, Marisol, Shio, Cam, Daruk, Tawoos, and Alondra - as well as some important honorable mentions who have only been mentioned or gotten dialogue - Star, Blake, and Creation.
Star's design is a slight spoiler, I suppose, but it doesn't reveal if they're human or impostor, so it's all good. Creation's "design" also isn't a spoiler at all, because They can look however They want, LOL. As for Shio...some of you who have seen the body horror I've done of them may be wondering why they look so normal here, but I promise there are Reasons. :3c
In other news, will I be making a liar out of Shio in an upcoming Breach canon divergence? ..........Maybe~ >:3c
#original characters#breach#among us#(technically lol)#look i even revealed what their colors would be - as if it wasn't already patently obvious#aside from creation but - uh - ignore them (trust me it's better this way)#meanwhile qīng's color isn't even available which is a Damn Shame#there needs to be a sky blue already ffs#cyan ain't cutting it#if it were an actual lobby qīng would waffle so hard between blue and cyan and would miss his chance to pick either XD#the closest quote to canon is cam's because she REALLY wants a different job and she'll take yours in a fucking HEARTBEAT#meanwhile the closest quote to BECOMING canon is creation's and it is taking all of my willpower to resist their insistence that i allow it#the most incorrect quote of all is definitely blake's - he is so mad at me for drawing this and calling out how he feels about his old job#the biggest lie here is red's - he absolutely thinks about breaking rules and does it a lot more than he'd like to admit#someone give poor tawoos a fucking break - they didn't ask for this#i promise that marisol is more than The Bitchy Sunflower Girl - just give her some time - i promise#alondra has other aspects too but she would be weirdly offended if you tried to assure her that she's more than just Squeaky Mouse Girl#if daruk ever had to go to anger management he would accidentally incite a rage riot just like dan did in that episode of dan vs#ghost i'm sorry but your fashion sense is incomprehensible and i don't even know how i come up with half the stuff i put you in#did blake steal the jacket off of crinklytinfoil's pink/chase from the skeld? absolutely not - he borrowed it cuz those two would be BUDS#these tags are ridiculous#ok im done now
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amoneki-ramblings · 5 months
003 for the ask: which Kaneki is your favorite to ship with Amon?
Oooh that's an interesting ask (I was gonna answer this earlier but I kinda forgot, oop-) let's go !!
Does this one count?? I feel like this could just be categorized under Shironeki; I'm not really sure if this counts as A Kaneki it's just A State he's in sometimes, but I also can't deny how horribly ill any scenario with Amon and Centipede Kakuja Kaneki makes me. Maybe it's because any situation involving this would probably be a given for angst and/or hurt/comfort but like hear me out (about to spew the most Incomprehensible nonsense at you). Something something bringing back someone from the Brink. Something something trusting someone to have not lost himself completely even after he stares you straight in the eye like he doesn't recognize you at all. There's this one detail in the scene at Kanou's lab where you don't see Kaneki's 'human' eye for (i think) the entire time he's on his rampage except for when he tries to remember Amon and when he tries to remember "this world is wrong" and I just think that's a little fucked up (also the way Amon says "yeah" and almost-smiles because he trusted and knew all along when Kaneki admits he doesn't actually want to kill and eat, guh. and-) and Wow I really need to stop before I end up with another hundred word analysis about that scene okay moving on
Shironeki !! - Peak Amoneki era right there. Ironically I don't have a lot to say, they're just Good (also probably because I dumped a lot of my thoughts on them already with one of the previous asks). They're The Classics yknow ?? You can do whatever you want and it's great, guy who's chasing after another guy who's always just out of his reach, guys who are kindred spirits, guys with the Best Dynamic Ever it's hard to go wrong, really
Haise :)) - While they're different I still want to fit Haise on here because God. They should've interacted. I could've been so insane about them if Amon stayed in the CCG In my heart he's tied on this scale with Shironeki but alas canon couldn't even let Haise see Amon. Haise trying to learn about Amon (with the bonus Live Kaneki Reactions) was very interesting though, I think he would've absolutely Loved him if he got to know him as a colleague. I have that whole au just for that. I just think the blend of silliness and them getting to know each other with the pain of. Haise. And the conflict of trying to separate him from Eyepatch/Kaneki just makes it very well-rounded. Wait what do you mean they never Actually interacted and I just made all that up? What do you mean I had to make an au for all that?? (also sidenote but Amonhaise and Amoneki at the same time is also a really funny dynamic imo )
Kuroneki - It's hard to imagine how their dynamic would be before. Everything, though I suppose them seeing each other after their first encounter but pre-torture could be very interesting. Amon sees the ghoul who basically leapt into the air to tear a chunk out of his shoulder and he's just Some Guy. Internally Kuroneki is like "oh God it's the investigator he's going to kill me I'm the reason his partner died this is it" and Amon's just confused like "this is the really the same guy??? but he's??" That actually reminds me I read a really good tumblr drabble once of Kuro-amoneki that's genuinely pretty great I recommend it :)
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ask-the-sexyman-squad · 3 months
you feel better now sam?
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She...doesn't feel better, really. She stopped the heavy crying, sure, but she hasn't fully calmed down. It might take her some time...no one can blame her: personal jabs at her regarding her familial issues just...triggered something horrible in her, and she still feels very hurt. Now she's just tired...she needs the rest.
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"...she's been crying for two hours, Alastor: we can't even calm her down."
"Alastor? Hon?"
...the smile on his face dropped the moment Sam closed her eyes, and he wiped her tears.
He had to stay strong for his little girl...his little girl. He never would've thought he would use those three words when speaking about her. Yet he simply did so, and it made him all the more soft. She was sweet, quiet, and had bursts of energy: he admired that. She was a good dancer, a singer, and loved anything about the Roaring Twenties: but she clung to him and trusted him, and that's what drew him to her.
This was his adoptive daughter now...his and DT's. He had to show her love, and not break promises. She didn't have to worry about him and DT drinking...which was good.
He was swarmed in his thoughts, he was tuning them out unintentionally. He was focused on getting Sam to calm down, but the more she cried, the more his heart shattered.
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"...I failed her."
The tears said it all: literal. Tears. He cared for her more than he let on, and it was making him sentimental...in the best ways, however.
"You didn't fail her, hon."
"I did. I should've been there when that wretched anon shattered her with their commentary. I should've been there to comfort her sooner...but I wasn't."
"That doesn't mean you failed her. You found out when you could, and what matters is that she's safe in your arms. That she calms down."
"...but what if she doesn't...?"
"...you're going to hate this idea."
"How so...?"
"If she doesn't calm down in the next twenty minutes, we...we take her to Black Hat."
"...Black Hat."
There's fear and nervousness in his voice now. They tried to ease their husband by gently placing their hand on his leg.
"If she doesn't calm down. If she does, then disregard. I mean...everyone has already tried getting her to calm down, or talk...Mordecai hugged her for Christ's sake, and that didn't work! Ghirahim tried calming her by taking her hair down, but also nothing! Another person she confides in is Black Hat. He'll surely be able to calm her."
"...if you say so, my love."
"We'll get her through this...trust me."
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moe-broey · 10 months
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LIKE........ @ the prev post about armor flexibility.... Is That Why They Look Like That??????? 👁️👁️
Something else fascinating I found actually when I was comparing the Askr trio (knowing Alfonse and Sharena largely match, just a few differences here and there), wanting to get a better look at Anna...
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SHE HAS BIG ASS BOOTS?!????? I. COMPLETELY FORGOR ....... it gives her a real sturdy look though. Hm.... (Thinking about what this means for characterization/how I'd draw her, esp w my initial impressions kind of. Being the opposite of this LMFAOOO oops 😥)
#feh#art ref#also something funny is actually looking directly at the official art for alfonse and sharena#and seeing that they do differ in little ways like that (didn't include the full boots cause i wanted to focus on the shoes)#i just. made simplified designs of them. made them twinnies. and never looked back LMFAOOOOO#and really it does go back to that OLD old gravity falls art i did where i completely redesigned their outfits#bc i think i was still somewhat new at drawing them and bc it was a whole comic i. couldn't draw the armor. That Much.#and in that design i gave them over the knee stockings. and that just stuck. in no way do either of them have that#in canon SHKSHDKSJSK (MAYBE w how alfonse's clothes are layered. that little bunched up cloth at the knees.#but even then that's still white fabric. whereas i like giving them both red socks. extrapolating from#sharena's boot/thigh window design i really couldn't make heads or tails of back in the day LMFAOOO)#also i will say. it is an extremely funny experience to have fe as a special interest. and to have history be one of my worst subjects.#i know jack shit and fuck all. on a surface level typically i would have little interest in this sort of thing. i love these guys though!!!!#and bc i love these guys and bc i'm an artist. i am studying the most oddly specific shit you wouldn't fucking believe#from clothing (a keen interest of mine actually) to infrastructure (i hate this.) to weapons (v superficial i just think its neat!)#to. horses. even. (i respect horses as beautiful and large creatures but i'm convinced they sense fear and i don't want#to fuck everything up bc this beast is like three times my size and i am. a little nervous. cool beast though!)#what being on the autism spectrum does to a motherfucker.#fe alfonse#sharena#fe anna
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karmaphone · 5 months
I can see some of y'all are deep in the colonial romance fantasies re silna 😒😒😒
#terrorposting#the thing about goodsir/silna is that it's good because it didn't happen#she doesn't love him like that. he's the man who (symbolically) killed her father he's her jailer he's the information leech worming#it's way into her vocabulary#he loves her like that of course. how could he not with the tales of native romances he's been spoon-fed. and she knows that he doesn't see#her as a Whole Unique Person. she's the arctic to him. she's the unyielding ice and wind that cuts at your skin and the beast haunting them#they're not made for each other it's not 'anything could've happened' - it's good because it didn't#there was clearly a draw and a connection there - but this show is EXCELLENT at illustrating how fuzzy the borderline between chemistry and#what people are truly capable of at their worst#can be#it's 'for all the love that could have been if we were both different. if the world was different. if we weren't here (but if we weren't#here we never could be)'#it's you are clearly bad for me but I cannot tear myself away#it's you bring me comfort but I wish you weren't here (I wish we both weren't here)#it's we're going through this awful thing together. despite it all despite what either of us wants we're in this together#it's not some fuckign. uwu THIS white man will treat her good. how can you say that after a single second of considering the sexualization#of native women#they're fascinating because of the situation not because it's some 'better' romance#some of y'all suck the nuance right outta things like a juice box I swear to GOD
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sysig · 1 year
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Employee(s) 416 (Patreon)
#My art#The Stanley Parable#TSP#I wanted to make colour references for them! They came to mind prepackaged with a colour palette lol#Working within the Stanley Parable palette might've had something to do with that haha limitations breed creativity!#They both turned out so cute <3 That doesn't help me pick between them at all! Haha#Oh and the Sinister figure (Sigure?) turned out cute as well haha ♪ I love that Stan has cute little blushy cheeks ah too cute#It feels mean to pick one to compliment first to ignore the other til later but I have to start with one of them! Lol#416v1's hair turned out so cute and ah it was fun to do! The yellow highlights in complement to her shirt ah! Gotta do that more often#And then adding little Lines™ to her stockings heck yeah - they weren't part of her initial design but I love them#They'd be such a simple stitch for a cute pop of colour I simply had to#And the fact that the ends of her hair and her skirt have kinda similar shapes haha they're fun shapes! Very enjoyable :D#Okay now to 416v2 haha - he's also super cute!! Leaving some of his lines to implication and pseudo-lineless has a fun effect hehe#I also don't draw Stanley with them very often and I didn't in 416v2's original design either but his collar buttons! Cute ♪#Stanley has them it felt appropriate to add some to v2 hehe#I couldn't quite swing the effect I was going for but his legs are kinda meant to transition into his ''main body'' like his skintone#The lines weren't working with me tho :P So this instead! I think it still looks neat :)#Minimal shines for him since he is a shadow but still had to use the colour shines again >:3c Too fun! Haha#They're fun ♪ I'm glad my favourite extant employees all have references now haha
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ravenwolfie97 · 10 days
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oh baby we're so back
#so i had. a somewhat cracked idea#so i had made some genshin ocs for fun a few months ago#and ended up getting way too attached to one of them in particular#and i kept thinking like man drawing them is one thing but i would love to see that oc as like an actual character in action#without manipulating the actual game of course. cuz that can get you banned and i don't want that ;3;#but then i was like wait. i could just mock it up in blender#because i've used blender before. i had to use it for a couple years in high school for art and animation stuff#and then promptly never really used it again except once in college for fun and it didn't stick#but now i'm like. super pumped about this#i want my vision to come true and by god i will do it#at first i was gonna use the genshin models for base part and started by looking up how people import them#but then i was like. oh yeah i could just draw it and then plop that into blender and just trace that essentially#which i forgot was a thing a lot of people do kjlkjlkl#but like i still want it to be accurate? or close at least#so like idk this isn't something i'm gonna be finishing in an afternoon this will be like. many months of work#but i'm actually rly excited about it man#this isn't getting into the animation aspect yet cuz that. will truly be tricky. cuz idk if you can import that data or not#from genshin i mean. like just slapping those animations onto the character at first#i think that either isn't possible or is more complicated than i would imagine#like. how many bones Do they have. makes ya think#but anyway i can't animate if i don't have a model so i'll cross that bridge first lol
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12neonlit-stage · 1 year
Why do you promote self-harm scars in your fan art?
I don't, never did
but I have a feeling you're talking about one of my drawing where I drew a character with them having them in their bio, right? Just know that it was just something I drew back in 2019, when I was 13 and didn't know it was insensitive to do so
If you'd like me to delete the drawing, feel free to say so, I just preferred to keep it to stay transparent and not hide the bad sides of my younger self
It might seem odd but I like to keep them up, it shows how i've grown, shows what I learned; and I don't want to forget that either, so that I don't go back if that makes sense
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