#and I still have 11 episodes to watch rn
crystallizabethine · 5 months
I have discovered that Netflix only has 20 of the 65 episodes of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, and possibly doesn't have them in order. . . darn.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#feelin weird. feelin real weird. in a bad way? no i guess not but more like im a haha wtf is happening here?#like i should maybe track my mood just so i can be like wtf is this? more bc i think its interesting#bc like i mean im spending ~11hrs in the lab and the stress has been real high and ive not been sleeping well#but like currently? i feel like i wanna run a mile. like i wanna run around in circles and scream and laugh until i cry#too much energy. too much energy. but y? where is it coming from? its weird#its like the edge of a headache. the cusp of turning. it doesn't quite feel bad yet but like i woke up at 4#and was insane until 6 when i had to get up and then i was in the lab all day until 6.30#and immediately i went for a run like empty stomach. i need to run now. and i still feel like that. like i need to run and run and run#but like y am i not exhausted? im not even tired? im vibrating#i watched the new successi0n episode twice and im losing my mind abt it#so its weird and i dont understand. but its not bad. it feels out of control like it feels fucked up but im not being like irradic#like if i was standing beside someone i dont think theyd notice. except maybe my sister bc i think if i talked id be noticeable#energetic. idk maybe im just exhausted and brain is pumping me with stress hormones so i csnt stop but i also csnt feel it#but i suspect its something to do with estrogen and progesterone levels changing which isnt great bc ive got a cycle that borders being#concerningly short but like idk rn its fun. im sure itll break and ill split apart but rn everything feels hilarious#its also weird bc im always like: y do i have so much energy after i dont sleep? is not sleeping thr answer. and today i was like hm#maybe i cant sleep bc i have too much energy. hm. idk its not bad. it doesn't feel bad#it just feels interesting and notable so im noting it. weird stuff. hopefully it pulls me thru tomorrow#bc my back fucking hurts lmao and its monday so ppl r back in the lab as i stand around for 11 hours#unrelated
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jewishcissiekj · 11 months
Started Mando season 1 today. Finishing it rn.
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agneswarda · 2 months
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golden girls is so amazing i even made a powerpoint
(I copy-pasted the main text under the cut. unfortunately, I can't find the time for a proper alt text. life is stressful rn)
-Picture it: Miami, late 80s/early 90s. four 60+ women
-living together.
-Sure, they talk a lot about (straight) sex
-but what we see on screen is their dynamic. Their deep friendship. Their love also they often act quite gay with eachother. amazing
-Did i mention they are old. They are old and deal with getting sick and aging. A lot.
-But their life isn‘t over. They might not be related. But they are family, and they are here for each other
-These four women are the Golden Girls.
-You are in for a treat. A 7 seasons 25 episodes long treat
Introducing the girls: Dorothy Zbornak
-not to be a lesbian but omg
-Tall soft butch
-her voice *swoons*
-would make numbers on tumblr
-> her idea of a good time is being Alone wiht a book in her room
-> Huge dorky nerd
- Being vulnerable is not her strength but when she is It‘s amazing. Soft. makes me cry
Introducing the girls: Blanche Devereaux
-Did i mention slutty
-And proud of it
-All these things are her strenghts as well as her weaknesses
 -She is actually quite complex
Introducing the girls: Rose Nylund
-Everyone says she‘s Dumb
-I think she might just Be neurodivergent?!??!!!! With her special interest
-Being St. Olaf
-The place she comes from
-Has amazing st olaf stories for everything
-Can also be a judgy bitch sometimes
Introducing the girls: Sophia Petrillo
-„You're a funny little gnome, and we feed you too much.”
-This quote describes her perfectly
-It’s Dorothy who says it to her
-Who is incidentally her daughter
-Trickster energy
-Don‘t know if she is gay. But she commits crimes
-It‘s her way of dealing with old age
-And all the limitations it brings
-The show would just be half as funny without her
But op. Is it really this good. It‘s so old
I will admit: not everything aged well. Be also prepared for:
-it‘s v white. If they have characters of color, they sometimes work well. And sometimes it‘s embarassing to watch bc harmful stereotypes (not often but yeah. It happens.)
-Bodyshaming: the girls tease each other about their height, weight etc. and sometimes it can really become a lot/too much.
-Rose is so often the butt of the joke for not understanding situations. I think a lot of neurodivergent folks can relate. And it can hurt to hear the same old mean comments again and again
-This is a series which was never afraid of complicated topics
-First and foremost: the queer advocacy and topics were and still are amazing. The found family of it all alone.
-Also: death,being sick, being disabled. Getting old. Not performing the gender The way one would like to (anymore) (so. yes. Dysphoria. In a way). The financial aspect of it all. These are important topics which are treated with humor (of course) but also with respect
-it‘s a kind show which has its heart in the right place
-And i mean
-4 old women who are „just“ friends living together, supporting eachother?
-That shit is still revolutionary in the year of our lord 2024
So give it a chance!!!!11!!!!!111
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brucebocchi · 2 months
Winter 2024 anime roundup, Pt. 1: Ongoing/returning shows and the trash heap
hey y'all, this is also up on my ko-fi! it's free to read both here and there, but i'm struggling financially rn so i could appreciate if you'd throw a few bucks my way if you liked it!
I wasn't expecting to watch nearly this much anime in just the past three months, but life completely failed at getting in the way. So here's everything I either watched or tried​ to watch for the Winter 2024 season, and a short review for each.
I'm not going to bother with trying to rank them, so instead they're sorted by category, as follows:
Continuing series from Fall 2023
Returning series
What I dropped
Mixed reactions
On hold
New series that are actually good
With this first entry, I'll be covering the first three, with the back half arriving in another couple of days. As with the 2023 rankings, the OP for each show is linked in the corresponding title.
Here we go.
Ongoing shows:
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The Apothecary Diaries
Looking back at my 2023 rankings, I think my placement of The Apothecary Diaries’ first cour at #11 may have belied how much I love this show and believe it to truly be one of last year’s greats. If anything, it was hampered by its status as an ongoing show making it incomplete by nature, and I worried myself over the possibility of recency bias taking over my top ten (Frieren is in the same boat, so its top overall ranking should really highlight how damn good it is). Make no mistake, though: The Apothecary Diaries fucking rocks, and it continues to fucking rock. 
It’s largely more of the same, and that’s what you would want from another cour of this show. At the same time, though, more and more is uncovered about Maomao’s background and Jinshi’s status as the proverbial camera continues to pull back and the mysteries adorning the edges of the frame become clearer. I got a sense at the end of the Fall 2023 cour that the show was moving on from its episodic nature into something more serial and plot-driven, and I was mostly right: While several episodes of the Winter cour still revolve around various mysteries of the week, they all start to converge before you even realize it. It’s the same flywheel-effect approach to plot development that Kaguya-sama did so well: While so many of the events seem like one-off curiosities in the moment, these almost-imperceptible movements eventually barrel forward into an unexpected but perfectly logical momentum. The show teases out several plot threads that may not seem relevant at first, and it trusts you to be patient enough to see them play out.
I’m not at all exaggerating when I say that, along with the next entry on this list, The Apothecary Diaries is one of the best anime of the past five years. I had a feeling that this could end up being the case as 2023 came to a close, but I’m sure of it now. Watch this show.
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Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End
Last year’s best anime continues apace into 2024 as we get an honest-to-goodness story arc: Frieren, who has been around too long to bother taking any magical governing bodies seriously, needs a certified mage in her party order to continue on the journey north. She decides to take the necessary exam to be certified as a First-Class Mage, a rarefied status in this world, and has Fern tag along to do the same in order to double their chances. 
And it’s still incredible! Great action, brilliant animation, wonderful character moments, and a beautiful score. It is still the top-rated anime ever on MyAnimeList, and by a significant margin. I’m not sure I agree, necessarily, but I can say with all sincerity that this has been a perfect season of television and my Fridays now feel empty without it. 
That’s all I’ve got on this one. What else do you want from me? I’ve already written nearly 2000 words about this show alone since it premiered. You’re asking me for more? I’ll kill you.
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Shangri-La Frontier
If the low placement on my 2023 list was any indication, I was pretty fed up with Shangri-La Frontier by the end of its first cour, and the first couple episodes of 2024 being little more than plot set-up had me teetering on the edge of dropping it entirely. But I’ll be damned if it didn’t reel me back in once shit actually started happening and the plot really began to move forward.
Well, for a bit, at least. The height of the series so far has been the Wethermon arc, in which Sunraku teams up with his fellow shit-gamers, Pencilgon and Katzo, as they vie to be the first to take down a notoriously difficult unique boss. As the fight plays out, we get to see the feeling-out process of a tough action-RPG boss, rife with attack pattern memorization, skill timing, and buff stacking as the margin for error grows ever thinner. As always, the animation is on point, the soundtrack rules, and the action sequences are exhilarating.
But my major gripe with the series remains: There’s hardly any actual story here, even after 25 episodes. There are broad gestures towards a larger plot (“the truth of this world,” as the NPCs call it), but they are too vague to even resemble anything enticing. Everything in between the major fights is just set dressing, and there’s a lot of in between. There’s decent stuff in there, to be fair; the adorable rabbit NPCs are always a delight, and I love the commitment to depicting our top-level gamers as smug, preening shitheels. These are long walks for short drinks of water, though, and much of the main cast isn’t likable enough to make the downtime tolerable, to the point where watching the many set-up episodes feels like more of a grind than the actual grinding in the show. Even in the best fight sequences I still had moments where I found myself yelling “STOP TALKING ALREADY” at the screen. Internal monologues are a constant in battle shonen, I know, but if there’s any demographic whose internal monologues I want to hear the least, it’s gamers.
I kept watching this show despite myself, and six months later I’m still not sure how much I actually enjoy it. I haven’t seen any of the lousy VRMMO anime that people favorably compare it to, so at least it isn’t Sword Art Online. Yay, I guess? Yet here I am, still plugging away at a show I can’t strongly recommend to a lot of people. Shangri-La Frontier has turned me into a Steam reviewer.
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Undead Unluck
The stakes continue to rise exponentially in one of last year’s more underrated shonen hits (or it would’ve been a hit if Disney gave a fuck about marketing the anime on its own platforms). The Union neutralizes a threat, gains a new Roundtable member, and then shit hits the fan.
The scope of this series goes into absolutely buckwild directions, and all I will say is that “Kimi no Todoke predicting the future” was not a piece of worldbuilding I would have ever expected. But at the same time, it never loses focus on the human element, which only gets more poignant as it goes on. There’s a really beautiful message in the last arc about how people can live on through the memories of others, well past their bodies dying, which hits nice and hard considering this season aired at the same time as Frieren.
This is a show that I tended to watch sporadically (because I just plain forget to open Hulu just to watch one show every week), and I would say that it was the ideal way to watch it, except the pacing issues from the first cour only got worse during a monumentally consequential sequence in the middle of the second. There was an episode that had, I shit you not, 90 seconds of new content in the first seven minutes of runtime, and at the exact point in the series where you’re salivating for something, anything new. In a season where so much goes on in just 24 episodes, I’m baffled that they felt the need to pad the runtime so much.
That’s the worst of it, though, and the momentum fortunately builds up from there and barrels downhill until the end. The story becomes incredibly meta, which was a very ballsy move for a Shonen Jump series that was still relatively early into its run. The gamble pays off, though, and the debut season ends on several incredibly strong episodes, and now I want more. I’ll be hopping on the manga soon.
It also struck me towards the end of the season just how goddamn cute everyone looks. For all of the spraying blood and grim marching towards Armageddon, it says a lot that I still wanna pinch everyone’s fat little cheeks.
Returning shows:
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The Dangers in My Heart, season 2
The first season was absent in my 2023 rankings but I decided to pick it up while the second was still airing, and I’m so glad I did: The Dangers in My Heart is an almost-too-precious middle school romance that is endlessly endearing and bluntly honest (if a little exploitative) about what middle schoolers are actually like, warts and all. Insecurities are amplified, they struggle to figure out their identities, and mental and physical development run on different schedules from one kid to the next. And amidst all this raging hormonal nonsense, we have ourselves a lovely little romance story.
Kyotaro has (mostly) kicked his chuuni tendencies and realized that he’s madly in love with the beautiful, cheery Anna. He’s as aware as anyone of what a mismatched couple they’d be, though, and continues to self-sabotage any progress in the name of maintaining her good social standing. To pile onto his loner’s perspective of middle school politics, Kyotaro also gets a front-row seat to Anna’s part-time work as a model-slash-actress and he wonders if an underdeveloped shrimp like him should be seen anywhere near someone so obviously more mature. At the same time, though, he’s a growing boy, and we see lovely moments of progress as Kyotaro takes initiative both for her sake and to achieve what he wants. To both ameliorate and complicate these situations, Anna reciprocates his feelings towards her, and we creep ever closer towards what we want to see, in increasingly awkward and precious fashion.
So much of this anime is just gorgeous. Even setting aside the visuals and music (which are on point at all times), there are really lovely themes in here about insecurity, teenage perceptions of maturity, and self acceptance. On top of all of that, though, this is just a delightful slice-of-life romance story. You can probably guess where we’ve ended up by the end of the second season, but it’s the getting there that makes it all worth it. The manga is still running (and I plan to pick it up), so there’s clearly plenty more of the story to tell, but if this is where the anime ends, it ended perfectly.
Holy shit, though, did the first season really air at the same time as Skip and Loafer and Insomniacs After School? Dentists must have made a mint that season because every single one of these shows is so unrelentingly sweet that my teeth start to itch. Not that I’m complaining.
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Mashle: Magic and Muscles, season 2
I honestly think I might’ve been too hard on Mashle in my 2023 rankings. I gave up on it a few episodes in when it’d initially aired, but I eventually came back to finish out the season and ended up having a pretty good time. I’ll cop to having forgotten that latter part when I mapped out those rankings, but that enjoyment quickly came back to me when I picked up season 2... even if the season begins with a ton of table setting.
Plenty of battle shonen take time to find their voice, both in manga and anime, and Mashle really seemed to hit its stride fairly quickly into the second season. Mash Burnedead’s lack of magical quality is no longer a secret, and now magical society has to find a way to deal with it, so the series’ initial stakes are raised and Mash HAS to become a top-level sorcerer lest he lose his life. Also, the bad guys are back. Unfortunately, just as I started to genuinely appreciate the ensemble cast, most of Mash’s friends took a backseat to the larger plot (Lemon is nowhere to be seen almost all season) as the villains raise the stakes with increasingly JoJo-esque magic abilities. There’s still plenty to like, though, and some of the new characters help. Props for having an openly nonbinary character play a major role.
The music is a real highlight here; a surprising amount of hip-hop paints the backdrops during dialogue, and any show with an OP by Creepy Nuts will immediately grab my attention. "Bling-Bang-Bang-Born" actually turned into a bona fide hit single, much like Oshi no Ko's "Idol" and Jujutsu Kaisen's "SPECIALZ," and I'd say it's well earned (seriously, it fucks, please click the link above). The animation has also started to really pick up where it felt like it kept falling short in the first season as well, and I found myself looking forward to action sequences more as the season went on.
And hey, it might’ve taken 21 episodes to get there, but I finally laughed at a cream puff gag!
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Urusei Yatsura (2022), season 2
I really don’t have much to say other than it’s more Urusei Yatsura, and that’s just swell. We continue the modern adaptation of the classic gag manga as the OG anime babe and her piece-of-shit “darling” get caught up in yet more bizarre hijinks. Despite the 48-episode run being touted as an “Urusei Yatsura all-stars” cherry-pick from Rumiko Takahashi’s 34-volume opus, not all of the segments hit on the same level, but the stories that last entire or even multiple episodes have been killer. Lum and Ataru, despite their myriad flaws, genuinely do care for one another, and this series is at its best when those feelings get to shine through. Takahashi remains a legend for her expert balancing of comedy and heart, and while this particular adaptation doesn’t have the built-in benefit of 300+ chapters of familiarity, those moments still feel earned.
It’s Urusei Yatsura. It’s a classic for a reason. Watch it.
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Gushing Over Magical Girls (dropped after one episode)
For the TL;DR version, consult the image above.
All I’d heard about this show going in was that the manga it’s based on was good and that there would be boobs. I wish I’d known more than that before watching, though, because if I’d known that said boobs would belong to middle schoolers, I wouldn’t have bothered with even the one episode I did end up watching.
I was drawn in by the initial premise, too: The protagonist, the conspicuously-named Utena (who looks enough like Bernadetta from Fire Emblem that I was immediately endeared to her), is an enormous fan of the magical girls who keep her city safe, so when an adorable maho shoujo mascot approaches her with an offer, she immediately takes him up on it. As her sinister-looking (and unnecessarily revealing) costume suggests, though, Utena doesn’t get to live out her magical girl dreams; she actually got roped into—and blackmailed into keeping—a role as a villainess. The magical girl team she idolizes quickly finds her, and to stave off their assault, Utena is forced to summon a monster to bind them. As they continue to struggle and squeal, Utena goes further with it by ripping their clothes and spanking their bare bottoms red, because it turns out that she’s actually into this stuff, sexually. The title, it turns out, is a double entendre.
Credit where it’s due for a clever concept: On paper, this is really goddamn funny! My issue is with the execution: I don’t really care to see someone’s sexual awakening if it involves repeated violations of consent, and much less so if I have to see nudity of ostensible middle schoolers (Japanese middle schools are the equivalent of seventh through ninth grade, meaning these girls are 15 at most). After 100 Girlfriends, I thought I could handle whatever trashy bullshit any anime could throw my way, but the longer I chewed on Gushing’s premiere, the worse it sat with me. I have no intentions of playing morality police here, but I can’t bring myself to watch any more of this than I already have. 
Early teenage sexuality is a very difficult subject matter to handle delicately, especially in a comedy milieu, and I can levy plenty of criticisms on that matter towards series I otherwise enjoyed, like Call of the Night and the aforementioned Dangers in My Heart. And although there appear to be some coming-of-age elements here, Gushing doesn’t seem interested in handling it without being exploitative. Maybe it gets better, but I don’t plan to find out for myself. 
I just feel like it’s a shame that in a season with some actual halfway decent LGBT representation, the breakout yuri hit is about middle schoolers performing dubiously-consensual BDSM on each other. And maybe that speaks to something for some sapphic viewers, and I have no intention of speaking over them, but I do know that this isn’t for me. I would’ve gone fucking feral over this show when I was like 13, but I haven’t been a 13-year-old boy for a long, long time. 
I may not have a leg to stand on here as someone who watches Mushoku Tensei (and frankly, that one’s on strike two with me), but I have to put my foot down somewhere. For me, that “somewhere” is borderline pornography involving 13-15 year olds. I try to meet media where it is, even the squicky stuff, but I cannot put myself at the level Gushing Over Magical Girls sets for itself. 
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Sasaki and Peeps (dropped after eight episodes)
This show is frustrating to even process postmortem. After a mildly intriguing hour-long premiere that introduced a whole lot of concurrent concepts, Sasaki and Peeps somehow managed to not only continue heaping new ideas onto the pile, but also fumble every single one of them in a way that wasn’t even entertaining to watch.
Sasaki, a lonely 40-something salaryman of modest means, decides that instead of living vicariously through adorable animal photos on social media, he should pull the trigger and get a pet of his own. He settles on a reasonably-priced and suitably adorable fat little Java sparrow, who as it turns out speaks human language and is actually named Piercarlo the Starsage (Sasaki settles on calling him Pii-chan, or Peeps in English). The bird was reincarnated from another world, where he is able to take Sasaki at will, and the man realizes he can use the other world’s relative dearth of technology to his advantage and sets up an interdimensional trade full time so he can make coin on his own watch and help Peeps try the delicious beef he heard is the best food in Sasaki’s world. To the latter end, he also invests in a restaurant. Peeps also helps teach him magic, which Sasaki is forced to use in a pinch in the real world. He is quickly found out and gets roped into a secret government bureau of psychics, because the agent who caught him using ice magic decides he’d be a perfect complement to her water powers (think Kanne and Lawine from Frieren, but stupider). Sasaki now has to balance these multiple lives, which hardly ever interact with one another, as the stakes rise in Peeps’ world in the form of palace intrigue and in Sasaki’s world in the form of a growing threat of evil psychics or something. Also, there’s magical girls, because why the fuck not at this point.
If you actually managed to process all that and went “wow, that’s a lot, I wonder how they can tie all that together,” it brings me no pleasure to report that Sasaki and Peeps completely fails at that task. This is a work of fiction with entirely too many ideas, to the point where it feels like it has no ideas. There’s a saying in football that a team with two quarterbacks is a team with no quarterback, and Sasaki and Peeps has, like, six on its depth chart. You ever hear a band that managed to cram multiple genres in the same song and you get whiplash every time it switches up? Those are bands with a lot of influences, but no identity or vision to call their own, and that is Sasaki and Peeps to me: It is the Twenty One Pilots of anime. A lot of shit got thrown at the wall, and none of it stuck: This show, conceptually, is shit-stained drywall with a pile of turds adorning the moulding. 
For a show about a 40-year-old man, it gave me serious pause that there was not a single named adult woman in any of the episodes I watched, and I grew even more frustrated waiting for one to show up. Sasaki’s partner, Hoshizaki, seems to be a driven, professional young woman, but it turns out she’s a 16 year old high school student, for some reason. The daughter of the viscount doing business with Sasaki is a young girl who likes to tag along with him, and Sasaki’s neighbor is a latchkey high school girl who may or may not have a yandere-ish fixation on him. The magical girl we meet is also definitely a kid. The female psychics they face off against don’t appear to be older than teenagers, though the one who appears to grow fond of him turns out to be several hundred years old, which especially gave me pause because we all know that unfortunate trope and the type of person who hides behind it. Before progressing any further, I found out that the light novel series upon which this show is based was written by someone with the pen name “Buncololi,” which told me the rest of what I needed to know.
That part made me increasingly uncomfortable, and I became less and less convinced that this show was capable of sticking the landing as it continued to pile on new, contrived ideas. This was a waste of an excellent voice cast, but more than that, a waste of time.
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Tales of Wedding Rings (dropped after nine episodes)
I can’t believe how much goddamn isekai I ended up watching this season. That Tales of Wedding Rings wasn’t the worst one (see above) was a minor miracle, because boy howdy was this one a dud.
Satou is just a normal high school boy, blah blah blah, his childhood friend he’s in love with is actually a princess from another world and she has to go back to fulfill a political marriage, he follows her into the portal to pull a Benjamin Braddock. But then, gasp, the palace is under attack, so the princess (her native name is Krystal, but growing up in Japan she was known as Hime, which means… princess) instead decides to marry Satou, bestowing upon him her kingdom’s ring, which gives him powers that he uses to fight back the demons. It turns out that her ring enables him to use one elemental affinity out of five, so of course now Satou has to collect the rings held by the other four kingdoms in order to become the Ring King and save the world, and to do so he has to also marry each corresponding princess.
This is basically Tolkien’s Rings of Power but as a harem isekai with bonus nudity. What I saw of the season was basically a MacGuffin hunt that had waifus of various fantasy races attached. Fine character designs for each, to be fair, but it wasn’t enough to keep me interested.  It’s funny on paper that (to paraphrase Geoff Thew) our protagonist’s power level scales with the size of his harem, but Tales didn’t do enough to make me actually care what was happening. And I wanted to! There were elf titties and I didn’t care. That’s criminal.
What makes Tales especially difficult to watch is that this show is fuck ugly. The color palette is muddy and unappealing, everyone looks uncannily shiny, and there’s a smudgy Vaseline filter over everything. The action sequences are uninspiring, the animation is lousy, and every character looks terribly off-model unless they’re naked. Watch the OP I linked if you don't believe me; that's the best of it. The aural element isn’t much better; ecchi scenes are punctuated by a Cinemax-caliber smooth jazz score that I pray was chosen ironically, and most of the show’s humor consists of “an old guy is screeching.” And if you’re wasting Shigeru Chiba’s talents on that one lousy joke, you’ve fucked up catastrophically.
What completely pushed me out of wanting to see any more of this show, though, was how hard it doubled down on the worst elements of harem anime by having Protag-kun be a wishy-washy little ninny even though he’s openly declared his love for and is literally married to Hime/Krystal. And I wanted to care about her; the narrative made me want to care about her, and her jealousy of the other princesses is warranted, but alas, the harem demands bodies. To his credit, Satou recognizes her mixed emotions and makes extra time for her to make it clear that she’s forever number one in his heart, but every single time their shared romance and emotions actually push them towards consummating their (all caps for emphasis) MARRIAGE, the show goes Rent-a-Girlfriend on us and finds a cheap excuse to ruin the moment. No thanks, I’m out. Nothing else about this show is good enough to make me wade through that shit.
Honestly, the only thing that had me coming back after my Persona 3-induced hiatus was that I wanted to see the dragon girl, and that alone was almost worth it, but there really isn’t much of a draw otherwise. There were better isekai, better romances, better fantasy settings, and even better uncensored harem shenanigans this season. I might pick this back up as the second season approaches, but I’m not in any hurry.
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spicyvampire · 3 months
Okay so after the whole Sakuna/Wansarut and Phaya/Tharn "characters description" fighter (protector)/healer+protector(mediator) post, now imma talk about about our resident Snake (PhD), Doctor Chalothorn being a fighter and well how do you convince a fighter to not fight?
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I've already made a whole gifset about this but I needed to put the stuff into words cuz u just can't say everything in a gifset so this post is gonna be about a few things, first of all, the way Charlothorn's goals shifted in the last 2 episodes, from wanting to kill Phaya so he can have Tharn, to wanting to save Tharn and Phaya's end not really mattering anymore, and second of all Tharn's role in this shift and where have we saw something similar to this shift before aka Wansarut and Sakuna and how Wansarut even did that
Same disclaimer as the last one applies : pulling this out of my ass from watching the show, these are raw out-of-order thoughts, ill try my best to separate but like the last post because I'm going to have to go back and forth between Wansarut (love of my life, talking about Wansarut has to be my favorite activity rn), Sakuna, Tharn (smooching him smooching him), Phaya and Chalothorn this might get hard to follow but hey that's what it's like inside my brain so welcome to the mess
Putting it under keep reading
So like I said in the last post, Chalothorn is a fighter, like you can't get more fighter than this, the man is literally the prince/ruler of Nagas and he is right in the middle of the battle field anytime there is a fight to be had, and like I said in Sakuna's part of the post he is a level that can probably can only be rivaled by Sakuna's brother, you can't be a higher level of Naga fighter from what I understand, so like how do you fight this man if you are Wansarut and Sakuna? (ep. 8)
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Keep in mind that : the answer is that they never were supposed to fight Chalothorn
SCENARIO 1 : Chalothorn wins
This is what we've seen in the show, Sakuna/Wansarut/Phaya/Tharn would never win against him in a fight because they just aren't strong enough to began with, Sakuna and his Garuda were not Chalothorn's level when he was alive, Wansarut is a healer/protector not a fighter, Phaya can only do ✨Sparkles✨ of Garuda powers as of rn and while Tharn can do some powerful protecting he is of the gang the person who is the less in contact with his past and magical self (other than for protecting Phaya magic, we have not even seen his Naga in this lifetime) and also his past self wasn't even a fighter, so it makes sense that Chalothorn just keep killing them and every single one of their reincarnations, he kills them so much that it was destroying his own soul (ep. 8) because surprise he is getting affected by the little cyclic karma thingy they got going on too, this isn't just about Wansarut/Sakuna and PhayaTharn, Chalothorn is trapped in this shit too
Clearly fighting is not the answer, because even if you win, which Chalothorn has been doing a lot of, you still lose, Chalothorn is losing control of his Naga form, not only does it destroy his soul (ep. 8) but he might just not be able to turn into his human form anymore aka would be forced to be a Naga forever (ep. 9)
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Another lost of this is that he keeps losing Wansarut and having to wait for the cycle to start again so he would get another chance, like the level of psychological damage getting done to him because he kills the one he loves and he is always left behind alone to wait is enough to drive anybody insane (ep. 11)
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And I think that's one of the reasons why it took him so long to understand that he should let Wansarut/Tharn go, because when you do something so despicable and keep doing it over and over again you have to justifies your bad actions to yourself so you don't break and the more you justifies them the harder it becomes to see clearly through them, so you just keep doing it, like Chalothorn probably hates himself more than he even hates Phaya or love Tharn at this point because he keeps killing reincarnations of Wansarut, like this is his reaction to killing Wansarut the first time, falling to his knees screaming and everything (ep. 8), the cognitive dissonance in that man's brain must be insane
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SCENARIO 2 : Phaya wins
Now let's imagine for a second there that they did win, Phaya succeeded in killing Charlothorn, and then what? Isn't Charlothorn just gonna reincarnate and come back for them again? Like yes it might take some times but it will happen, and then Phaya and Tharn would be the one destroying their souls and making their karma worst, that's just not a solution
Also we saw with Narong's case part of the show that "victim turned attacker" is not the answer (anyways that's what the show says), when Tharn and Phaya are talking to the abbot at the end of episode 5 the abbot keep repeating that over and over again killing is not the answer
When Phaya Says "Those victims are left with no choice but to fight back in order to survive. They have to kill." The abbot answers "The basic code of moral conducts for human beings like us is the 5 precepts. One should be abstained from killing other living beings. These precepts can bring peace and happiness to your family and the society. Undertaking the 5 precepts will benefit not only yourself but also the people around you." Basically straight up telling them that [not killing] is the only answer that will bring peace to everyone
Also so many parallels can be made between Narong and Chalothorn (which is probably why it was easy for Chalothorn to possess Narong to attack Phaya but let's not get into that), because like isn't this Chalothorn? (ep. 5)
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His mind is so clouded by anger and wanting to kill Phaya and getting Tharn that he is obsessed with it, he literally do not see anything else, specially if Phaya is in the room and/or mentioned, like I said a bit higher in this post, he hates Phaya, but he probably hates himself too, and so much hate and anger just blinds people
Also sidenote that I'm not really gonna dive into : How do you think Tharn would feel about Phaya killing Chalothorn, knowing what u know about him? like Tharn loves Chalothorn as a friend, and that's even if Chalothorn is responsible for all the bad things in his life (ep. 12)
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Tharn may be looking at Chalothorn saying this but he said "Please stop killing each other." he could not be more clearly talking to both of them, he doesn't want Chalothorn to kill Phaya but he also doesn't want Phaya to kill Chalothorn
SCENARIO 3 : Tharn Wins
Now lemme say this, you can literally never convince a fighter by fighting him, like if you've ever had a fight/argument with someone you know that you cannot reach a compromise in the heat of the fight when everyone is angry and losing the control of their emotions, it just doesn't work, but what does work in the context of the show?
Wansarut and Sakuna
And now I'm back to Wansarut (<3<3<3<3<3<3) and Sakuna because well Wansarut did change a fighter's mind before already, this is part of Wansarut's power that's why I also describe Wansarut as a mediator, and what did Wansarut do exactly?
Well Wansarut healed Sakuna, even if he is from the enemy side, and took care of him and acted in a way that was protective of him, even if again Sakuna is an enemy of Wansarut's people (literally brother of the Garuda king) because that Wansarut's character, Wansarut is a healer/a protect/a mediator that's how Wansarut fights (ep. 8)
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Then Wansarut tough Sakuna about Naga culture (Naga offering and breathing fire to pay respect to Buddha, on the 15th nigh of the 11th waxing moon)
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And while being in love with each other did facilitate this change of view in Sakuna (which would later turn him a bit into a protector of Wansarut), you really do not need to be for this to work, like the best way to change people views on some things truly is just to expose them to the thing from the POV of the people living it, when nobody is in any immediate danger
And that is exactly how Tharn succeeded in convincing Chalothorn that the love between Phaya and him is good, by being there for Chalothorn and taking care of him, and being patient, until Chalothorn was ready to let him go on his own, not in the heat of of fight when everyone is angry and putting the blame on each other, which was again so healer/ protector/mediator of him like I talked about in my other post
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Tharn and Chalothorn : the final
So with Wansarut and Sakuna we saw how Tharn could change Chalothorn's mind and what really does work, now imma dive into the last 2 episodes of this show aka the shift in Chalothorn
So in episode 6, Chalothorn says this
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And at that time I think those words were true cuz that's literally what he has been doing isn't it? Like everytime he lost, both Wansarut and Sakuna's reincarnations died, so he was "okay" with killing Wansarut, as long as it meant that Sakuna was also dead and they weren't together (crazy way to fight cognitive dissonance if you ask me) but then something changed around episode 11 because Chalothorn started saving Tharn even if Phaya was still alive? (Ep. 11) (ep.12)
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The importance of Chalothorn saving Tharn those 2 times, is that 1) now Tharn knows what the fuck is going on and 2) (like I said in the other post) Tharn end up understanding that Chalothorn can be talked too and reasoned with (the abbot would call it enlightenment), because in that 2nd saving he told Chalothorn to not kill Montee, and Chalothorn listened
Sidenote : Wansarut also did tell Chalothorn to not kill Sakuna and Chalothorn did listen that time too, like Wansarut has a BIG influence on this man (wish we saw their relationship before the mess), the only reason why the fight did continue was because Sakuna did not let Wansarut go
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Why did he listen then? because he loves Wansarut, it really is as simple as that, and that's why he also listened to Tharn with Montee, because our chronically involuntary celibate man is head over dick for Tharn (valid and relatable)
So remember when I was talking about cognitive dissonance and stuff, well by ep 12, Chalothorn cannot justifies killing Tharn anymore, he is tired, he is turning into a Naga, and he cannot stand seeing another reincarnation of Wansarut die again, but most importantly he cannot stand to see Tharn die by his own hands
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It's easy to concentrate on Phaya's distress in this scene but Chalothorn is in as much distress as Phaya, you can hear Chalothorn's voice break when Tharn is dying in both Phaya and his arms after asking them to stop killing each other, they are both screaming Tharn's name, and this time Chalothorn just listen because this is too much, his hatred for Phaya is just not important anymore, killing Phaya is just not as important anymore because anyways Tharn did choose him didn't he? isn't that what he wanted? even if Tharn clearly is in love with Phaya, Tharn did choose to come with him, so in a way none of this shit even fucking matters anymore
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So for the 3rd time, he saves Tharn, this time by literally giving Tharn his soul so he would live (wish we saw him breaking down over Tharn dying in his arms in the Naga caves until he ended up giving Tharn his soul tbh), Chalothorn chooses to save a life instead of ending one and thus ending the curse on his part
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plantboiart · 1 month
Assigning. Greek gods to jrwi pcs. Because special interests go brr
(Clarification for nobody: gods that i think just like. Fit them. Their vibes. Some of these are more obvious than others in their reasonings. Some barely have any reasonings. I’m just in a fun mood.)
Gillion: poseidon would be the easy choice. But. No. Selene. The goddess of the moon. Because moon mom :)
Jay: there’s a lot of good contenders i think. But to me its definitely either artemis or apollo. Both are archers, artemis obviously has the whole huntress thing which fits with her being a ranger, while apollo has the sun thing (lets not get into that convo rn) and prophesies which obviously works with every riptide pc, honestly not sure which one i would go with
Chip: hermes!! God of travelers and thieves and all that fun stuff so perfect for our pirate boy. Also a trickster, and his job as a psycophomp works with the like. Chips connection to the hole in the sea and all that fun mystery stuff
William: the wispy boy himself… now you might be tempted to say hades or thanatos because. You know. Death. But no. Dionysus. Especially in season two. I mean hes the god of madness! The greyscale arc!! Also he’s got his whole weird rebirth thing going on with his mom dying and zeus having to carry the pregnancy to term and all that stuff (id recommend watching overly sarcastic production’s video on dionysus its very interesting)
Dakota: now running into the problem of almost none of the greek gods and goddesses being explicitly heroic. However i have found a fitting answer: Prometheus. Stealing fire for humanity and just the overall care for people? Pretty fitting i think
Vyncent: Athena is a pretty good fit i would say! Clearly capable in battle, he is actually pretty smart once you get past the whole ‘from another world and therefore has no idea how things work’ thing, and just. Idk. Vibes!
Thanatos: well. Uh. Thanatos..? But also i feel like either Zeus or Kronos could fit since they both did the whole overthrowing gods thing! Idk really
Peter: PSYCHE. So immediately psyche. A human who became a goddess, was brought back from the dead by her lover, the goddess of the human soul?? She’s perfect for peter
Rumi: working off of peter! Eros! God of love brought psyche back from the dead just wow now i kinda wanna write a fic thats just the myth of psyche and eros but its peter and rumi instead
Rolan: kinda feel like hades is a good fit. Generally just a chill guy who also just so happens to be the god of the underworld and so people just kinda. Assume hes a bad guy. Rolan is just a chill lawyer who also just so happens to be a bug monster
Kian: now sure i could go apollo because music and blah blah blah or i could go persephone to satiate my shipper brain but. Aphrodite. Goddess of beauty, love, and sexuality? Being a rockstar is just the front he puts on, but beyond that his entire thing is just love. And since eros already went to Rumi Kian gets his mom (sometimes) instead ((also im biased because kian is my fave and i worship aphrodite lol))
Rand: Rand could definitely also have Dionysus but Will already got that so instead! Demeter. Both because Rand obviously has the whole plant thing (yes its a weed plant but its still a plant) and also losing those he loves and then holing up inside and refusing to do anything until he gets them back… rand absolutely would let the entire world starve because he was upset if he had the power to do so
Now for the suckening please keep in mind that im not actually caught up on the series, im still in the like first hour of episode 11 because i am bad at listening to things. But.
Emizel: Ares! Good fighter? Check. Very aggressive? Check. Uh. Honestly idk too much about Ares. But well i still think it fits
Shilo: Persephone. Sweet pretty spring goddess? Yes. Also the queen of the underworld and definitely terrifying if you anger her? Also yes. Fits shilo’s whole ‘oh im just a small innocent boy whos never done anything wrong anyways let me shh this person so they cant scream while theyre being diseccted’
Arthur: …i somehow genuinely cant think of anything. Uh. If anyone has suggestions please tell me? My brain just stopped working
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AITA for asking my brother to turn down the volume? And WIBTA for assuming his internet history and trying to get him to stop visiting certain sites?
So it's like this- my (24ftnb (closeted)) hearing is incredibly oversensitive. Like, I can hear someone chewing with their mouth open from 100 paces. However, I'm usually good about not reacting to noises that frustrate me. Not always- sometimes I have to text a meme I made to one of my brothers (22m, 20m, 12m) that's an edit of the "I (do this thing), but I don't want to" meme. The one with the guy who looks up in the second panel with red eyes. "I hear everything, but I don't want to," y'know?
In the past, the predecessor to this meme was simply crawling out of bed to stand in my brothers' doorframe to tell 22m (younger at the time, obviously) to stop singing loudly at 2 am. (It never worked until our parents got involved, and even then sometimes not for the entire night.) Times have changed, I no longer sleep across the hall from all three, but we're all still stuck in the same house, and it's now 20m who's keeping me awake.
Most of the time, he's watching a show he enjoys or playing a video game in the basement. And humming along. Which sounds perfectly fine, and I'm glad he can find some time to indulge in his interests. Whenever I ask him to maybe indulge at a volume that doesn't carry through the vents and directly to my room, though, he gets angry and tells me it's an "anon problem, not a [him] problem." Which. Whatever. I'll deal with itchy earplugs if I need to when at home. They're usually enough to silence the little things, though louder stuff always manages to get through.
Now, though, we're visiting family, and the four of us are sharing a hotel room while our parents take a second. (Yes, yes, I know, three 20-somethings still living with our parents. Our parents put the "rent" into "parent" for each of us once we hit 18, so it's not like we're "freeloading." The economy's in shambles, so this is the best we've got rn.)
And 20m started watching episodes of a show he likes on the room's TV almost immediately after dinnertime, continuing until about 11:30 PM, when I eventually suggested that he watch one more before turning it off or switching to his phone. Something that wouldn't get loud enough to half-wake 12m for the fourth time in a row. I was careful not to mention my own annoyance at being unable to sleep.
Apparently the appropriate response was "I don't want to hear that from you."
Now, this is where that other question I asked comes in, and why I felt the need to specify that I'm closeted ftnb. See, 20m has previously talked about sigma males being better than alpha males, has told me to "use your ethos!" and acted like I was an idiot for not catching on that he meant "use your brain," and repeatedly interrupts conversations where our mother, 12m, and/or I are speaking to completely veer it off-course to whatever he wants to talk about. Additionally, he is incredibly controlling of 12m and has been for nearly all of 12m's lifetime. At the same time, whenever I try to point this out to someone, I am not believed and am considered to be overreacting, thin-skinned, or oversensitive. If 20m is around to see me do so, he snaps at me for "butting in."
Honestly, it feels like he might be browsing incel subreddits or something, but I don't know any specifics beyond how his mentality's changed over the years. All I know is that it feels like he is so much less likely these days to treat my suggestions as equal to his own when I'm not being a yes-man. Yes-person?
Now, I'll straight-up admit that I am not an objective observer. It's very possible that I'm in the wrong about all this, as far as I can tell, but these are the facts as I see them, and nobody's told me otherwise while also elaborating on what the truth would be in such a case.
So…AITA for asking my brother to turn down the volume? And WIBTA for both assuming he's browsing sites that are eroding his ability to interact with other people, and for planning to find a way to get him to stop?
What are these acronyms?
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pinkarsonist0 · 5 months
I'm watching the Craig of The Creek movie rn, and oh my God, MY SCOUT BABIES IT'S THEM.
Spoilers for Craig Before The Creek below:
Based on how Boris held her hand and the way Jason smiled at her comment towards getting the friend group name correct, that could be to imply they were rather close to her. Especially Boris. I doubt they're related by blood or law. However, I do think they had a big sister bond with her when they became scouts. According to Google, you can be a scout as young as kindergarten to 5th grade, and the oldest you can be a scout is 18.
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My headcanon is that she is the reason why the scouts started going to the creek, and she would show them around it and guide them, I get a very strong older sister vibe from her. Much like Mari from Omori, let's hope she didn't play the piano...
I don't know how many years the movie takes place before the movie (at least not yet). However, I stirred up some guesses. Jason seems to be 10-11 in the show like Craig, so based on how young the scouts look, my guess will have to be that they are 6-7 years old (possibly 8 years old for Boris). So, 3-4 years before the show.
Imo, Jason seems to be happier in that scene, and in my opinion, Jason in the show isn't a very happy child if we exclude certain scenes. So, assuming the theory that Jason's mother is dead is true, we can assume the movie takes place before the tragedy.
In conclusion, this is what I stirred up for Jason (after the movie and before the show): I still have my headcanon that Jason's mother cheated on Jason's father, rooting their divorce. Jason's clearly upset by this as he begins seeing his mother a less, and his father is growing distant. However, he still had the girl we see in the movie for guidance and comfort. I do think that Jason was still pretty lonely in his childhood, so when his parents weren't around, he had her to act as an older sister for him.
But then, tragedy strikes, and Jason's mother is dead. Life begins to suck more for Jason, he now lives with just his dad and now he's straight up ignoring him and only remembers he exists in order to brag about Jason's achievements as a Forest Scout and to top it off he drags in Jason's step mother. And she clearly doesn't like him as much.
But at least he still has-
Oh, she's leaving too.
Jason's sister figure ages out of being a scout and leaves, leaving him to handle his new home situation.
I still think that Boris and the girl were the closest to each other and meant the most to each other. I think she loved them like little brothers and she loved showing around the new Forest Scouts and showing them the ropes. But Jason, Boris, and Tony stuck out to her THE MOST. She acted as an older sister to the younger scouts and maybe even stood up for them when the fellow older scouts were teasing them. She loved the scouts like little brothers, but time caught up with her, and she could no longer be a scout.
I love overanalyzing so much, you have no idea. I missed my scouts so much but now that they're back I can do SO MUCH WITH THEM NOW AHH
Also, do not think I didn't see the girl and (present) Tony having similar hats. Imma just go crazy with that and make the headcanon that she gave Tony that hat when she left. (I know her hat is a little different, but let me have fun).
And another thing, maybe she's the camp counselor we see in Camper On The Run. They have a lot of physical similarities, I need to see the episode again after watching the movie.
Edit:Just got done watching the movie, and the credits confirm that girl is the woman we see looking for Roxy in Camper On The Run and that she was indeed a fellow scout. Shannon is credited as Shannon the Scout rather than just Shannon. So, this could be a lead for my theory/headcanon being true. Someone on the COTC subreddit said that in the movie, Kelsey says she is in the second grade, and she is 9 in the show, so that would mean that the movie takes place 2 years before the show.
Now, let's get back to Shannon with this new information. The youngest to become a camp counselor is 16 and when I googled the age you can no longer be a scout I got multiple answers, but the most common one is 18. So we are safe to assume that Shannon left at 17-18 aka the estimate for when a Junior Forest Scout can no longer be a scout. I assume Shannon is 15-16 at the time of the movie and left at 17-18. So we can assume Shannon is probably 18-20 at the time of Camper On The Run.
Since she went to the creek, I wonder if she got to see Boris, Tony, and Jason again briefly. I NEED SOMEONE TO WRITE A FIC WITH ALL THEM PLEASE.
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5-pp-man · 2 months
You know, watching episode 11 of bucchigiri, it was very difficult to see Zabu being beaten like that, poor thing. I wonder how they are going to end this story with just one episode, there are a lot of meaningless things I think I only see three alternatives. 1. an open ending with Matakara and Arajin making peace but going their separate ways (matakara) and maybe a 2nd season with arajin trying to get him to be a honki again. 2. Matakara and Arajin don't make peace and are murdered like Senya and Ichiya and they turn into geniuses and try to fight again like Senya and Ichiya. 3. For me, I most wanted Matakara's brother not to die and return and save Matakara from ruin. What worries me in the end is how they are going to make an acceptable and good ending for Matakara because he did a lot of bad things. What worries me are the consequences. sorry for the text.
Hey anon, thanks for the message! (excuse me for the slow reply)
Zabu getting the piss beaten out of him was definitely one of the most painful (and brutal, I'd argue) fights to watch (so far. 1 ep to go...). Though I don't really agree with the idea that this show had a lot of meaningless things (besides ep 7...), but I see where you're coming from.
I've been thinking a lot about the possible endings too, and after mulling it over a lot, here's my guess; They have a big fight reminiscent of the one Ichiya and Senya had in the past. Senya mentioned in one of the first eps how he never actually became a Honki person, but came the closest out of anyone. I think that fight might've been the final thing those two needed to really become Honki. This, however, didn't happen because of multiple reasons;
The most important bit is that Senya didn't go all out, which is what ended up pissing Ichiya off and making him hold a grudge against Senya. I think this grudge is what made Ichiya become a majin, and Senya's wish to reconcile is what made him a majin in turn (they didn't quite explain this in the show but this makes the most sense to me). Why Senya didn't go all out could have a multitude of reasons, which I'm not getting into rn because this post is already very long.
But back to the final fight. Matakara has Ichiya and Arajin has Senya, and it's been heavily implied that they're gonna get their bodies taken over, either willingly (Arajin, now determined to save Matakara) or through manipulation (Matakara, consumed by the darkness he was trying desperately to flee from). If this show continues with following the Disney version of the Aladdin tale, there must be some sort of wish-fulfilment freedom at the end for the genie(s). This fight will finally be the all out no-holds-barred brawl that Ichiya wanted, and Senya will be able to face him again so he can find out why Ichiya was so mad at him. It's also a chance for Arajin and Matakara to finally throw their frustrations out into the open, and hopefully finally see and hear each other for real. But I also think that the fight will turn them into Honki people. This would not only fulfil the promise between Ichiya and Senya, but also the one between Arajin and Matakara.
Other than that, I have no clue how they're gonna wrap up the rest, or what kind of consequences there will be at the end... or if there will even be consequences. If you've seen SK8 (anime by the same director) you might remember how a certain character was about to be in deep shit, but the power of friendship stopped him right before the damage would be irreversible. I think it'll be the same here.
Sorry if it's not exactly what you discussed, but this is the only ending I could imagine, honestly. And as for Matakara's brother, I've had this hunch that he didn't actually die, since permadeath is such a rare occurrence in these types of animes, and fakeouts are a plenty. But even if he is still alive, the show has made itself clear; it's up to Arajin to save Matakara now.
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Doctor Who Thoughts! (Ep 1 and 2)
Since the spoiler situation is so risky this year, I'll keep my usual episode notes below a read more for now. Took these non-chronologically while watching and rewatching (becuase even though I'm ridiculously busy rn with thesis and work stuff, of course I'm doing that), so it's less of a reaction and more of a moment-to-moment breakdown.
Ep 1: Space Babies
"I was adopted and the planet that took me in... they were kinda posh. They'd use titles like the Doctor, or the Bishop, or the Rani, or the conquistador. Say Doctor for a thousand years and it becomes my name." So we're right in with the recap. Good. Also still leaning on the Timeless Child thing, which I have mixed feelings about. I love it not being ignored... but I would still rather it not become THE origin for the Doctor. At least not without acknowledging some of the ambiguity on how exactly the Timeless Child is linked to the Doctor. (Personal favourite explanation: they're just the Other. They're not a previous 'incarnation' of the Doctor, but a previous 'REincarnation', something which we know existed on Gallifrey even prior to regeneration, and opens up its own questions about Gallifrey.)
A little odd emphasis on the titles, given it's such a renegade thing. Makes me think of entry-level fans who assume all Time Lords use such titles.
Love the Rani name drop though, of course. A bit odd to get one now, considering there was JUST almost one in The Giggle. Russell what are you up to...?
"You're the Doctor, but you're… the police?" "Police box, no! No, no, no, no, that's a disguise." "Oh." Ruby takes a deep breath realising she didn't just join a cop.
You CAN'T just spring This is Gallifrey on me like that Murray Gold. Not this early.
"I am the last of the Time Lords"... ugh again. Thanks Chibbs.
Also still a bit interesting that all Time Lords are assumed to be gone, given there's nothing as catostrophic as the Time War that caused it, just the Master raging out. There's still plenty of room for surviving renegades and such. (cough!Rassiloncough!) Pretty sure the Division agents in Flux were Time Lords too, though who knows if they're from the 'present' era. More on this in Ep 2.
"And I am so, so glad to be alive." Wow, you can tell 14 went through his break. Quite a turn around from 12 hesitating to regenerate and 13's hidden struggles.
The Doctor healing the butterfly... on one hand, it's not unprecedented with stuff like 10 and the TARDIS crystal, 11 healing River's hand or 12 and Davros, but compared to those cases it's a little odd seeing it done so easily for something with no tech or inate regenerative ability.
I find it interesting that Lizard!Ruby looks almost Silurian, but clearly isn't given her hair and antennae.
The TARDIS trip gags of this and 'mavity' are a fun stylistic switch for the show, but I do hope we don't get too many of them.
"Is that a matter transporter like in Star Trek?" "We've got to visit them one day." Assimilation^2 canon?! /s (but seriously, love stuff acknowledging the 'everything is canon' nature of the DW uni-/multiverse).
So much emphasis on the coincidence with Ruby. RTD loves that trope doesn't he?
"Baby farms boost the population. Sometimes a world goes sterile or... I don't know, goes mad and bans kissing." Or in the case of Gallifrey... maybe both, depending on how you follow Platt or Parkin's lore for the looms.
Don't think I didn't spot that Mavity easter egg on the overlay.
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The phone call is a nice moment... even if entirely RTD ripping himself off.
So... the space babies! It's charming, it's campy, it's fun... it doesn't really work... I'm still glad for it, because what is Doctor Who if not being exceedingly ambitious with a dumb idea (if anything I'm glad that even with Disney money, DW's production value shines through!), but the babies expressions always match so poorly to the dialogue that it's pretty distracting. I hope kids will like it though.
I kinda wish these were just child actors, instead of cgi, babies, and voice acting. It would have made a lot more sense in the story, and probably been cuter tbh. (Side note: didn't Disney ask RTD to propose a more ambitious first episode? I wonder if that had some part in this.)
"I made this for you. It's a little flower." Some of Eric's expressions with the dialogue do make me crack up a bit though.
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Also glad to see more "[blank] in space" formula episodes, since that was one thing the RTD era always really shined with.
The waiting for Mummy and Daddy thing is very charming too. As is the Doctor and Ruby taking time to give them all hugs.
The multi-pronged satellite design weirdly evokes the Division's timeship design. Definitely just a funny coincidence though. It's cool seeing less 'one-way-up' station designs though.
"Did we grow up wrong?" 😥 (Also with looms on mind, this weirdly feels like a reverse 'childe' situation.)
"Oh 'Nanomatrix electroform'." With the revelation that 'Nan-E' is a person, I like to think this is the Doctor just bullshitting his way through.
The snow and the memory changing is... interesting. More later.
"Oh, I thought my birth was crazy!" Let's not get into it Snail.
The shutting down of the baby station, yet it being illegal to actually stop birthing them even though the station has a limited lifespan feels VERY topical to me, in a weird way. It evokes the post-Roe abortion bans in America, and how pro-life people only care about the fetus, regardless of viability or post-birth care.
"That's the fate of every refugee in the universe. You physically have to turn up on someone else's shore." Again politics, quite explicitly with the use of 'shore' rather than orbit or a similar term that makes sense in an interplanetary context.
"Children will return to the upper levels, or have no /expletive/ dinner. Let Nan-E say fuck!
I love all the actual info in the screen art. If I was an active wiki editor I'd love to take the time to break down all the system info.
At first I thought the bogeyman would be a more 'fantasy' creature a la the Goblins, between it's storybook nature and scaring the Doctor, so it being an artificial creature designed to be scary down to its sounds was a cool twist. Also being made out of bogies?
The fact the story also firmly decides that it's worth saving too? That it's "one of the children"? Muah! 👌 No notes.
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The way the airlock works with the 'oxygen field' is a little counter-intuitive and confusing, but I'll allow it. I take it as a safeguard force field gradually powering down, hence the slow depressurisation.
"A great pile of sh-" Let the Doctor say shit"
I buy the methane working to get them to Mondo Caroon a bit less. Hopefully planetary orbit is close enough for refugee status.
Again, Eric's face cracks me up.
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TARDIS key! I like this tradition.
A bit cruel to not take Ruby to Ruby Road after bringing up the mystery during the episode, even if it makes sense. Clearly also a bit of a callback to Father's Day.
The emphasis on Ruby's adoptive mum vs bio mum is good.
This arc with Ruby feels weirdly like RTD giving his own take on a Series 6/7 story arc, even down to the ambiguous TARDIS bioscan like with Amy.
When the Doctor mentioned Time Lords and titles again, I was bracing myself to see something related in the scan, so didn't even realise it was snowing until the wide shot. But it said her species was human, so nevermind...
"My name was..." Such a tease! I doubt he's actually giving his birthname, even though it's not unprecedented for the Doctor to tell people. Probably either just explaining the title or something.
Ep 2: The Devils Chord
Maestro emerging from anything playing music is so Wordlord-core.
"Henry get away from him." "Them." Woo!
I could have sworn 'Timothy Drake' would be a real person (at first I assumed he was somehow linked to the Beatles), but a quick google doesn't seem to find anything? All I found was a modern-day composer, who seems to have done an album based on Voyager data. Weird choice to go with just a random person sharing the name of a DC character.
Henry Arbinger is neat. If he's actually a seperate character, I guess he's technically the Toymaker's grandson? He does seem to pre-exist Maesto's imprisonment.
Maestro is so good throughout the whole episode.
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The fourth wall breaking with the theme! Transition into the main theme could have been smoother though. I kinda wish they just kept a full piano version all the way through, like Capaldi's guitar.
Speaking of the theme, it somehow appearing in universe on the jukebox?! Really funnily lines up with a later joke in retrospect.
"My mum she had a girlfriend: Claire." Between this, the "heartbroken lesbian song" later and Maestro, this episode really starts to showcase the queerness of this era.
Ruby's first plaid dress is so Clara-ish. As for 15… while I don't mind the Doctor being a bit more casual, seeing him wandering the TARDIS in jeans and trainers is kinda meh. The period costumes are great though. Always happy to see those.
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Speaking of 15 and Ruby. They continue to be a delight.
Not gonna lie, as someone who's never really listened to the Beatles but knows their songs only vaguely, it took me a moment to realise there was something wrong with their 'dog' song.
Wasn't expecting the Cilla Black cameo!
Very weird doing a historical with living people. Particularly Paul McCartney, given he has a fairly prominent role, along with John Lennon.
Probably a bunch of easter eggs I'm missing because I don't know the Beatles. I only just discovered while writing that the "Mr Epstein" the Doctor mentioned was their manager.
Weird that we've had two mentions of the First Doctor and Susan in 1963 in two episodes. With it being Feb 11th here… cue more fan debate about when exactly they arrived in London, especially if you account for the "bad smog" in December 1962 line.
"You've got children?" "I did have. I will have." Now he could just be referring to the First Doctor's future, but I can't help but imagine this as a Miranda Dawkins reference! In fairness, he does say that "Time Lords get a bit complicated" which doesn't really match that interpretation. Could also connect it to the future!Other + Other'sGranddaughter!Susan interpretation of things I suppose.
"Where is she?" "I don't know. The Time Lords were murdered. The genocide rolled across time and space, like a great big cellular explosion. Maybe it killed her too." Uhhhhhhhhhh, WTF does that mean? It doesn't sound like the Master's actions, unless he went on a killing spree beyond Gallifrey? My best guess is it's referring to the Time War (in general, rather than just its ending - which tbf does at least match our current knowledge about Susan's fate). If it does refer to it, it kinda seems to ignore both the Moffat and Chibnall arcs with Gallifrey, both its return and its destruction again, by referring to the Time Lords as being 'murdered' in that genocide. Sounds more like The Ancestor Cell than anything tbh. The wiki connects it to the Death particle, but I doubt that.
Maestro giving the Giggle, already connected to music, and the Doctor immediately grabbing Ruby's hand and running running?!
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The Doctor removing the sound with the sonic sure is... another sonic power. I've never been one to complain about the sonic use, but between this, plugging in the sonic last episode and the holograms and force field in the anniversary specials, this is getting a bit much. I'll allow it in this case though, as I assume it's working through the TARDIS translation circuit.
The sound design is great this episode.
Also again, the fourth wall breaks rule.
"That thing must be part of the pantheon" Wait... it's obviously linked to the Toymaker but... the pantheon as in the Pantheon of Discord? Like the Trickster's part of?
"One trick once: that's all you get with gods."
June 2024. Woah, so it's been a big time skip! 6 months from Ruby's perspective, and she has been travelling at least some of that time. The Doctor might know what's up with Ruby by this point?
Kinda crazy how much emphasis we've gotten ever since Flux on time's malleability, with the time tracks shifting so easily. Really supports my idea that the Ravagers' attempt to undo the Anchoring of the Thread has had an ongoing effect.
The ash turning to confetti when Maestro appears!
"Lord Temporal" ooh, how Obverse Books of you Maestro!
"Child of the Toymaker" Huh. That works surprisingly well with the version of the Toymaker's origin that has a sister (Hecuba from "The Queen of Time"). Interesting, considering The Giggle seemed to lean more in the Crystal Guardian direction.
"The Music of the Spheres" I know it's an actual term, but you can't say that without me thinking of the Prom minisode.
"You might be bright, and hot, and... *dun du-dun* timey-wimey." Heck yeah. Only contention is it could have been slightly more perfect if Maestro played the four-beat baseline, since 'heartbeat of a Time Lord' and all that. I guess that's kinda synonymous with the Master though, which might have been misleading.
Though they do then play four beats when attacking the TARDIS (also awesome), so I guess they could have gone with it in the first place.
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"The only thing I can do is take us back to 1963!" Fast return switch time?
Him kissing the TARDIS better!
Weird emphasis on the TARDIS groan once they exit. Seemed disconnected from Maestro, but didn't come back again.
"I thought that was non-digetic" Perfect! So should we take this to mean that the Doctor can hear the show's soundtrack?!
The music while Ruby is dragged away. At first I thought it was "The Sun's Gone Wibbly", but listening closely it sounds closer to the music from the climax of Waters of Mars, itself very similar.
"Playing lovesick songs for heartbroken lesbians." I mentioned the queerness of the episode already, but can I also point out I think this is the first time we've actually used LGBT terminology in the show? We've certainly used the descriptors before and plenty of people have explicitly had partners of the same gender etc., but for example, Bill never called herself a lesbian, nor did Clara ever identify as bi. Only exception is 'gay', and even then it's mostly only been jokes (eg. the thin fat gay Anglican marines, Rose calling Nine gay as an insult etc.).
"How can a song have so much power, and power like him? The Oldest One. The night of her birth, he can't have been there. What for?!" Oooh, so the One Who Waits is connected to Ruby. Interesting... also another connection to the Guardians and/or 'pantheon'. Is the One Who Waits one of either of those? If a Guardian, then the only candidate is the Red Guardian (who was technically there that night being the Doctor), but that would be ridiculous to be the answer. If connected to the latter, then... the Trickster? Or more likely someone completely new, of course.
Ngl, at first a little part of me thought the 'reverse devil's chord' would end up being part of the theme song.
The Beatles were surprisingly underused through the episode, but them finding the chord is a decent use of them, even if it could be seen from miles away.
The wink launching into a song and dance number, less so! I was wondering when the musical scenes from the trailer were coming...
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Shout out also to the Murray Gold cameo on the piano, somehow playing himself according to the credits, despite this being in the 60s.
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I'm not familar with them so not 100%, but I think the two dancing with the Doctor and Ruby here are cameos from Strictly Come Dancing too? Specifically Shirley Ballas and Johannes Radebe.
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Speaking of "the twist in the end" pretty cool that "Harbinger" survives. It's unlikely, but I'd love to see Maestro return, maybe for a full-on musical episode?
The piano dancing was cute. Very 'Big'!
Overall thoughts in a few words?
Space Babies was kind of meh, even if I appreciate the campiness of it and the ending is pretty good. Pretty standard decent, if not great, episode.
The Devil's Chord however might actually be one of my favourites? Maybe even my favourite RTD episode, though I'd have to think through them all. And that's without being a Beatles fan and probably missing all sorts of flourishes.
Looking forward very much to next episode too, with Moffat back! I saw the episode was about the Doctor stepping on a landmine, but I thought that was a joke before the Next Time teaser. 😅 Apparently it's Ncuti's favourite episode of the season, which is a good sign!
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keef-a-corn · 1 year
Dat’s right! It’s everyone’s favourite ‘Keef watches TFP and all you get are the notes!’
Maybe I should make a cover for this series.
ANYWHO! I’m watching season 1, Episode 10: Deus Ex Machina.
I write down timestamps, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (and Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly off.
00:00 - I know that’s my favourite book ‘World History’.
00:04 - please tell me that everyone else saw her just break the fourth wall.
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00:11 - Bulkhead’s an asshole if Miko can hear the car from inside the building.
00:14 - Read.. 150 pages? Okay, I’m gonna be honest, I’ve never been to detention (I haven’t even gotten a slip [3 slips means detention]) so I could be wrong but.. isn’t detention formed by a variety of students? Not everyone’s going to be reading the same thing so how can a teacher assign such vague homework?
00:41 - In Bulkhead’s rear view you can actually see the teacher.
01:39 - I may have yelled ‘what the fuck?’ When I saw that cactus. Why did they get a real cactus?
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01:43 - Bulkhead’s hovering above the road.
02:15 - Bots not understanding human expressions. So beautiful.
02:25 - Jack sounding exactly like an older brother, then Bulkhead ignoring him is hilarious.
02:37 - this has the same energy as ‘you’re going to end up at McDonald’s if you don’t do your work. We going to McDonalds if I don’t do my work? :D’
02:51 - you already KNOW Greek viewers went crazy.
03:16 - ‘those’ being a car… although still sounds kinda racist. Transformist? Modist? That sounds like modest.
03:17 - mmm I like when they have very.. civil reactions to comments.
03:24 - pssst guys… it’s a height difference
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03:27 - I get that this part is supposed to show that Starscream considers Knockout inferior, but like… he knows that decepticons also need to have ground support that aren’t just vehicons, right?
03:30 - honestly, go off, K.O. Ya look good.
03:44 - that must be such a weird sight.
04:11 - Miko’s an idiot. I will explain further. She’s been rejected from every other mission, regardless of what it was and when Bulkhead notices a connection between Miko’s school work and a harmless mission, let’s her join. Why would Miko assume that it’s anything other than school related??
04:25 - Bulk didn’t need to justify how he knew that.
04:52 - randomly including democracy, alright
05:04 - he’s got looks, brains and fighting ability. Can you tell who’s one of my top Decepticons?
05:07 - he means boyfriend. (I’m like fairly certain that in some canon they are in a relationship)
05:09 - Where’s Starscream lookin?
05:43 - they’re ex boyfriends
06:26 - Bulkhead angst potential.
06:37 - what’s he supposed to be pointing at rn?
06:47 - I dunno why but that just reminded me that Bayverse Bumblebee was in WW2.
06:52 - that’s really smart
07:11 - why are there so many dangerous weapons??
07:20 - Arcee decided to use a double negative than say ‘Miko’s right’ + Bee looks lifeless. Like I got jumpscared by him.
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07:30 - no it doesn’t. I checked.
07:32 - I think Bee was just zoned out because he’s eyes/Optics are now full+ Bulkhead’s lean is beautiful.
07:34 - Optimus’s boobs are too big. He can’t see the screen.
07:48 - I get the joke being ‘oh he’s a machine’ but honestly- I agree with Ratchet.
07:52 - I’m gonna be honest… I cried looking at Bee from Optimus’s perspective. He looks like a puppy!
07:54 - *cri* he’s so cute.
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07:58 - confiscate as in remove dangerous weapon.
08:18 - Here we witness an idiot forgetting that they turn into cars.
08:29 - Miko using her brain. Woo!
08:39 - Optimus saying ‘Bulkhead’. I need a compilation of Optimus saying each Autobot’s name. (Specifically Bumblebee tho)
08:47 - ‘aw fuckin Soundwave’ ~ my genuine reaction when it showed that Soundwave was back at his hijinks
08:48 - draw the gang like this.
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08:57 - that’s… what the frag… that’s so messed up.
09:21 - it might just be me, but wouldn’t it make more sense for either Bee or Arcee to be parked up front and Optimus at the back? Considering that people there have cars like Bee and Arcee’s a motorbike so it would look fairly normal. Then Optimus as the back to look like he’s museum property. I could be wrong tho.
09:46 - …Fnaf SB was def inspired by this so. I will not hear otherwise.
10:06 - Just seeing Optimus like that reminds me… why don’t the other have holoforms like Arcee? Their windows don’t have a heavy enough tint that an absence of driver does goes unnoticed.
10:55 - Knockout flirting with Optimus is such a silly idea.
11:08 - that was smooooooooth.
11:24 - Optimus lookin around, then looking down to see Knockout is actually really funny. I bet that happens all the time at the base.
11:30 - the way Optimus’s foot/pede bends implies that he can go on the tip of his toes and that fills me with immense joy.
11:37 - that’s a horrifying sight.
11:59 - Woo! Bee!
12:05 - NO! BEE!
12:10 - Okay but like Arcee could’ve dodged that initial missile(?) with a smaller turn, means she wouldn’t have crashed into Bee. + Whump potential anyone? + Bee does a backflip. Get on his level goddamn.
12:13 - Knockout really took down Optimus and just stood on him. Power move.
12:31 - if they’ve only NOW gotten it down, then there’s something wrong with them.
12:38 - Knockout reacted before Optimus started to move, but I now understand why Knockout stood on Optimus.
12:43 - that could’ve looked so cool.
12:44 - but Optimus said no
13:10 - Damn, Miko..
13:12 - She was complying yet the officer decided to be really rough.
13:18 - I now point out the foreshadowing when Bulkhead talked about Miko getting arrested.
13:25 - Soundwave got them feminine legs. Go off, king.
13:30 - that was a forced ‘gulp’ and I love it.
13:37 - Harry Potter, or whatever.
13:42 - Optimus, how long have you been lying on the floor, Primus.
13:53 - Shoutout to bots that can do backflips. Gotta be one of my favourite genders.
14:07 - And do what?.
14:08 - Mmmm Y E S. (Optimus said Bulkhead and Miko)
14:36 - a good liar doesn’t hesitate like that, Miko.
15:06 - Ratchet in the corner.
15:38 - Does anyone else now get annoyed at Bulkhead? Like dude! Ratchet needed that! Couldn’t you have punched a wall or something??
16:06 - EXACTLY!
16:08 - shut up, Jack.
16:23 - bots feeling strong emotions are more heavily animated.
16:49 - that’s how I act and I’m feeling called out Ò-Ó
17:17 - did anyone else feel deeply disturbed watching that?
17:45 - Bulkhead lookin like a penguin.
17:52 - When you compare that walk to other bots (such as Bee or Arcee) you can especially tell the Bulkhead is not made for swift movements. He’s shaky on his pedes/feet when he went from uneven to stable ground and from the slide into a run.
18:00 - most realistic r action right there.
18:04 - Knockout’s significantly faster than Breakdown he’s just decided that instead of using his quick strides to run forward, he’s going side to side.
18:12 - LMAO
18:37 - Take that out of context. I dare you.
18:57 - okay, this looks awesome af.
19:16 - take THAT out of context-
19:27 - OOOOH I get it! Because traditionally it’s ‘fight or flight’ but because their both cars he said ‘drive’
19:50 - Awww look at them. That’s sad. They also kinda look like video game characters, especially because their eyes aren’t glowing the way they usually do. (Sorry I couldn’t get a clearer photo)
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19:59 - this is what I sound like when I’m talking about Polar Bears.
21:03 - I would like to acknowledge that TFP is bad with letting characters take a moment to recover. The more this happens, the more you’ll hear about it.
And that was Deus Ex Machina.
Honestly I’m not a big fan of this episode. It’s okay, but definitely doesn’t stand out as much as it could’ve. I thought the plots were very weak and there were very few iconic moments. Considering that this was the first appearance of Knockout and Breakdown, it’s an underwhelming reveal.
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jasmin-cg15 · 1 year
ok, so Im gonna say some nice things that I like about this episode and a possibility about the end so this is your last warning to not get spoiled...
still here alright
first of
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it's adorable that Alan gets to play with his stickmen kids it's wholesome
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Also, I feel so sorry for Chosen cause he came to Alan"s PC to get the most powerful stick he knows cause he is being chased rn and second doesn't even remember his epic powers.
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Aww poor Alan, has to watch his kid burn smth and leave with his other adoptive kids.
Now for the end.
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So we all know that the video where Victim's first made was in the preview. so maybe the preview was giving us a hint that Victim is back.
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And I know some of yall are like "But Victim is dead and the chairman guy is Grey it might be some other random hollow stick".
Here's the thing here
This might possibly be so that we won't get confused with which is chosen and which is Victim
We've taken a glimpse of the city and none of the people there are hollow heads
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The only stickmen that are hollow heads are the ones that Alan mad
Chosen one
Dark lord
3. Victim could have ended up in a place where all things get deleted and escaped (I know its a stretch but that's what I can think of right now)
Well if it is possibly Victim then how did he know Chosen has powers. we have never even seen them interact at all in Alan's channel well here are my two possibilities
Victim could have seen the battle between chosen and dark and taken an interest in chosen
2. he might have seen it on TV just like how King saw the color gang with the Minecraft icon
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I talked to my sister about how the 2nd possibility works by watching AVM 30 until I stumble into THIS
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So this might be possible that Victim could have been spying on Alan's PC and saw Chosen's battle with one of TDL's viruses
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Anyway, that ends my lovely explanation I will be on my bed soon and scare my sister about my stick possibilities and theories :-)
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spiderh0rse · 2 months
freeman's mind notes part 11, e51-55
rock dust = health hazard. No naps here
finds the idea of breathing ether good
wonders if he can delete his employee status at Black Mesa
thinks in 205X Walmart will have turret guns in the parking lots. To deter shoplifters
perpetually bothered by the incompetence of others
chess does NOT prepare you for being surrounded
compares himself to a knight in a chess metaphor
hes STILL hungry
the plantweb around the snark balls is gross
thinks he's probably safe from alien viruses because they're just that unfamiliar with human bodies
thinks the snarks are imprinting on him
would not make a good babysitter
his first impulse to seeing kids run around is to throw nonlethal things at them
he was firing a BIT faster than reenactors with muskets. They fire once a minute. Twice if they're really fast. It's pretty impressive ngl
finds alien grunts' armour impractical and stripper-like
wants to use the snarks for animal fights
slime mold IS valuable excuse you
threatening the aliens with not giving them fungus
still scared they'll teleport inside him
isn't happy he's functioning with the force of an entire army. It sounds cool but he has to do EVERYTHING or DIE
STILL searching for a map
ponders eating the aliens and his only concern is how to cook them
thinks the military should give out a psa for gun owners to shoot aliens in black mesa
underwater mumbling my beloved
snarks? no. Popcorn bugs
has apparently forgotten the mechanics of the turrets
the illusion of free choice (westward tunnel - westward tunnel)
wouldn't be surprised to find he's been walking the longest possible route around the facility
pretty sure the icthyosaurs have been on earth longer than the rescas
he's that "hold it buddy! you lost your chance!" meme rn
yells WORMS
he doesn't drink THAT much that's what the pills are for
very tired of his explosives not doing all they should
fun fact actually being underwater when an explosion goes off is worse than being on top of the water even if it's closer. That'll collapse your organs with the shockwave
will take any opportunity to use his rocket launcher
"a lesser man might keep moving blindly, but I am a man of vision and I have seen more rockets . . . Now I can keep moving blindly."
thinks the guard job must be boring without him to spice things up
stutters out a tune similar to march of the gladiators
thinks an elevator is a trap. Walks in after considering this
robots won't take over the world but he thinks others wish they would. Also their battery life is bad
starts the episode by singing poorly
the elevator WAS a trap this is a radioactive roach motel
admits he's scared. the radiation freaks him out so badly
funny noises :3
through the power of hypnotic suggestion and a tank
okay I will be frank he has just gotten gradually more unhinged over time but it really did ramp up after the ambush
mimics Xen turret noise
THIS is why he's such a good theoretical physicist. He solves problems that shouldn't exist
not familiar with media involving aliens invading that are just kind of stupid. Show him Invader Zim right now
watched a documentary of Chernobyl. Remembers it decently. Annoyed the headcrabs are distracting him from it
we should drop stray dogs and badgers into a warzone.
thinks humans are better at invasions than xenians. We do have practice
thinking about not having a tank depresses him
new intro! room adjacent to the rocket launch room. wikipedia room.
engineering are pretty extremist folks
NINJAS. Occam's shuriken. When the answer is elusive the answer is ninjas
ninjas understanding quantum mechanics was a controversial part of freeman's dissertation
"you can never prove the absence of ninjas, only their direct presence" i say this so often
the ninjas from yesterday were hazy in his memory
can't even be sure if the ninjas he's shot are actually dead
confused at why the lights are still on when the ninjas have night vision goggles
he's sure ninjas will be his death. wouldn't be surprised.
wants to nuke the place as soon as he's out
door opens. He goes to explode whoevers behind it immediately
doesnt want to do shit for others rn
gluon gun,, hey would Gordon call the gauss gun it's proper name or "Tau cannon"? He's subversive. He'd like the syllable of "gauss"
blood on his suit and it isn't coming off :(
abandons some scientist to his own shenanigans
checks to see if anything followed him down the elevator
Loves the gluon gun
blue energy is superior to green energy and beams
considers Black Mesa a redundant bit of nonsense so that no one person knows all of what's going on
listens to the VOX
deduces a guard killed another human. Keep up that everyone wants you dead thing
thinks some people thrive in chaos a bit too much. Sir you're like that too.
"I needed a reason?"
drops the gluon gun due to weight/ammo consumption concerns
the constant metal groaning noises bother him so much
groans at the vortigaunt almost teleporting inside him
hates the references to dimensions. Wants accurate terminology.
I do not know who Buckaroo Banzai is
the concrete dust REMAINS a breathing hazard
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aemiron-main · 2 years
OH STUFF IS REALLY WONKED UP IN REGARDS TO TIME IN THE HALLOWEEN EP OH MY GOD. there’s the post i made about how the scene with mike is 11 minutes ahead in the footage joyce watches (the footage will records is at 8:04 when we see it during trick or treating vs the footage that joyce watches shows the same footage but timestamped with 8:15 instead) but it doesnt end there.  remember the scene earlier in the halloween ep with bob showing jonathan how to use the camera? and he says “T to zoom in”?? During that scene at the time, the timestamp was 5:43 pm. but when joyce watches that scene later, it’s timestamped with 6:11 pm. So not only is that a TOTALLY different time than 5:43, just like how the mike recording has a different time, but it’s also a different time gap between the two timestamps compared to the gap between the mike scene timestamps (which is 11 minutes). The timestamp gap between the bob scenes is 28 minutes.
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what the fresh fuck is going on with time. i’d dismiss it as a continuity error if a.) this wasn’t stranger things and b.) if they didn’t take the time to specifically show us the timestamps of these scenes initally vs the timestamps AFTER, when joyce watches the recording. they didn’t have to show us that. the scene of bob teaching jonathan to zoom in seemingly serves no purpose. unless it’s tied to some sort of time fuckery. but wait. it gets even fucking WEIRDER. because when joyce is watching the footage, we get the front view of it from her pov, right? and it says OCT 31 84 6:11 PM
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but when we see it from a side view, it’s hard to see in this screenshot but much easier to see when you’re watching the show in motion, the EXACT same clip swaps to saying “OCT 30 84 6:11 PM”
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BUT IT GETS EVEN EVEN FUCKING WEIRDER- because then, the footage in the same shot, goes from bob to the party’s trick or treating night, and it’s a scene from right before they go up to the door and get called exterminators. but this also CLEARLY says oct 30, i know it’s hard to see in that screenshot, but if you watch the footage in motion, it’s absolutely a 0 and not a 1.
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THIS is what a 1 or a 31 looks like from this side view- it’s very clearly a 31, unlike the other shots which show 30, so it’s NOT just the perspective warping it, because we DO see a 31 from that angle too. again, it’s a lot clearer watching the show in motion. 
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And we also see another discrepancy! This is the footage that will filmed when getting called exterminators, and the date is OCT 31 84 at 7:22 pm 
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But then when joyce watches, it’s still OCT 31 84, but it’s 7:45 instead- a 23 minute difference. 
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 And the closer we get to will going to the upside-down on halloween, the shorter the differences in time between the that was filmed vs the footage joyce watches become. The oct 30th vs oct 31st fuckery aside because thats a whole other can of worms, the bob scenes, which happen the earliest out of all the scenes i’ve mentioned here, happen at 5:43 when jonathan is filming vs at 6:11 when joyce rewatches, which is a  28 minute time difference. The next scene that happens (not the order that joyce watches them in, but rather, the order that they happened in chronologically during the halloween episode) is the trick or treat exterminator scene, which has a 23 minute difference. And then there’s the mike recording scene, which has an 11 minute difference.  what the FUCK is going on here. and i’m only BARELY scraping the surface of a BUNCH of time references i’ve noticed in s2, all of which i’m compiling rn 
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lurkingteapot · 5 months
Last Twilight ภาพนายไม่เคยลืม Ep 8
And we're back to belated but 'regular' liveblogging of episodes.
Songkhla!!! have we EVER been to southern Thailand other than Phuket in one of these shows??
doc, no shade but you sound like he's dying
love that Night comforts Mawk here, goddd
Day can be CUTTING and I love that they let him
is Night gonna put in a word for them? he looks like he might
oh ffs Day
I sense we're gonna learn what their deal is sooner rather than later
I'm the furthest thing from a colour theory person, but the red and blue colour coding is really noticeable rn
oof this is an OPPRESSIVE car ride
who's gonna check on Night?
oooh are we gonna take a minibus?
I whether Night's going to come along anyway, or whether this'll be the end of Mawk's job
NIGHT <3 (also he's Phii Night in Mawk's phone and I love that)
Jimmy's FACE, man, his acting really has improved
tuktuk??? tourism board really doing its part here
ah, songtaew (if that's what they're called in the South)
sound mixing blunder, uuurgh, classic gmmtv
I wonder who that cameo was
"green sea", huh?
CLASSIC beach scene, god I love them
oh, that's a cute kiss. a good one. believable.
nooo they forgot the book in Night's car?!
I think that was a song/meme reference just now, hold on.
YEP it was, it totally was (this bit specifically: 1:04-1:11. The whole Ii-Gii (E-Kie in the subtitles on the vid) thing was a huge meme in early 2023.
อีกี้นี้มันเป็นสก้อย ไปกับผู้บ่อย ผู้พาไป skrt อีกี้ชอบไป skrt แต่เปลี่ยนผู้บ่อย สงสัยไม่เวิร์ค
Honestly I respect the memery SO much)
oh boys, this was not smart
the book's gonna be in Night's car, right?
… Day, you absolute TROLL
I don't think Mawk would actually leave him there, but this was still cruel
annnd he turned it into the ILU gesture, god these two
everthing's always shot so close and I bet that's a deliberate choice, but I like it
so snazzy and then? TRAINERS. please.
I wonder how many changes they had to go through to make sure no pit stains or other types of sweat stains showed
I LOVE these outfits
HANDS!! again!!
promises made in ep 8 tend to be dangerous; the overall structure makes me think something's gonna go WRONG wrong towards the end of the episode
BUS STOP SCENE MUSIC (no I'm never calling it anything else ever again)
BIG PILE OF BOOKS what a great wediding gift idea!
they look so nice!! not sure about P'Bplaa's gloves, but other than that …
P'Aof coming in with the big statements about disability again, I'm very here for it
I think I've seen Mrs Pen before? not sure where/what show or when, but her face seems familiar
oh I love this. this wedding seems real, y'know? we get super flashy ones in shows so often, but this seems like something I might attend or have attended at some point
Niiice this looks like good ballroom stance? not that I know much about that sort of thing but … yeah
ooh topical bgm
Mawk looks SO fond, idk when Jimmy learned to do that but it's really impressive, he's come SUCH a long way in just two years!
more hands, P'Aof knows what we want, huh
I was thinking it might be something like this when he didn't tell us what town he was from, but WOW man man MAN
wait is this why his mum did not want him to go
I do not like these time skips they've been doing for the product placements. like. I do like the extra scenes we get, but I'd like it BETTER if they actually integrated them with the story and didn't follow directly after impactful emotional would-be cliffhangers.
Mawk when he watches Day … just. OOF. and wow.
kiss! :D
oh they're GONNA get in trouble eventually
A friend on discord said "they just keep choosing less and less safe means of transport" and I concur but man, this was a fun ride.
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