#and I'm always going with the SAME character/npcs so !! if anyone feels like it !!
workingwhileidream · 5 months
Okay Burrow's End had me thinking some thoughts... So here are my favorite Dimension 20 moments that rotate like a rotisserie chicken in my brain (in no particular order other than the order I thought if them).
- Riz goes into the butthole of the Corn Ooze Monster (Fantasy High). The first absolutely insane shenanigans move anyone makes on D20, setting the tone the show will have forever.
- Raphaniel kills Queen Pamelia (Ravening War). I think I saw Brennan's soul leave his body briefly when he got that How Do You Want To Do This from Matt. Time was an absolute flat circle that day.
- Hank convinces Brennan to let him role savvy instead of sneak (Mentopolis). Hank is one of the most famous content creators, having him on the show was phenomenal to begin with. Then right out of the gate, he pulls this move in his first episode. And it just works. Hilarious, instantly iconic.
- Jet Dies (A Crown of Candy). When Lapin dies, it is shocking but I wasn't attached to him as a character. Lapin was a bit antagonistic and his death happens early in the season. On the other hand, Jet is instantly likeable. Emily and Siobhan are amazing as siblings, their performances this campaign are some of my favorites. I have siblings and I am very close to them, so this hit me like a ton of bricks.
- The entire epilogue of Burrow's End. "Are you pitching and Air Bud ending?" is one of the instant hall of fame quotes from this show. I started crying I was laughing so hard.
- Ylfa's bottleneck and the TPK (Neverafter). There are so many close calls for total party kills in Dimension 20 history, but this is where it finally happens and it's only 3 episodes in. I was on edge, expecting another TPK at any turn, for the rest of the campaign.
- 3 nat one initiative rolls for the battle that literally opens the season (A Starstruck Odyssey). The beginning of a new season is always full of excitement. This season was extra special, having everyone back in the dome after the pandemic and the season being based off Brennan's Mom's comics. The zoom energy is still in the air and I still think about this season opener a lot.
- Mother Timothy Goose breaks Snow White's concentration with a cantrip (Neverafter). Only Ally Beardsley could and we all damn well know it. Still didn't stop me from being so far in disbelief that all I could do is laugh.
- Hob's "You will never know another lonely day" speech to Rue (A Court of Fey and Flowers). I will still cry about this if I think about it for too long. Rue and Hob's romance is the heart of this season to me. I won't be over it ever.
- Gertrude convinces Nyruth to give the Questing Queens very powerful boons after the Queens tried to rob them only a few hours earlier (Dungeons and Drag Queens). The fact that this season exists drives a level of serotonin into my brain that is unimaginable. This is the definition of a big swing and when Bob rolls well, Brennan has no other choice than to honor it. This is one of the moments I have made a meme of. I cannot wait for season 2.
- Wuuvy shows up to the duel and she did not come to play (A Court of Fey and Flowers). Aabria has talked about how Wuuvy is one of her favorite NPCs and I feel the same. Wuuvy and Rue's relationship has such a great arc and this moment is so pivotal.
- Fabian's no good very bad day (Fantasy High Sophomore Year). An iconic moment in D20 history that was truly wild to watch live. For everything to go so fantastically bad for Fabian and Lou was unprecedented. There is a reason why people still talk about this moment to this day.
- Amathar survives being pushed off the castle (A Crown of Candy). Brennan tried to kill Lou so many times in this campaign. I really thought Brennan had gotten him with this one, my stomach sunk. But Lou pulls it out and Amathar lives once again.
- Pib plays "Smoke on the Water" (Neverafter). "I stepped out to play 'Smoke on the Water' " is also a hall of fame quote to me. This list could be all Pib moments if I'm being honest, he's my favorite Zac character. And the fact that Zac doesn't roll well makes this moment funnier to me.
- Buddy Bear gets planted with the All Blossom (Dungeons and Drag Queens). Jujubee and Brennan owe me a therapy session for this one. I sobbed. My cat is my baby and I will be ruined the day she leaves me, so I get it. I really do.
- "Eat your dice, Brennan" (Fantasy High Sophomore Year). A great bit made physically possible by Siobhan. I hope Siobhan gives him gummy dice or something like that so that Brennan can continue to eat his dice for Junior Year.
- Orange Top Hat Fairy (Neverafter). It's a horror season and the cast is doing bits about how hot a mini is the entire finale and the Adventuring Party that followed. I felt the stress and off the walls energy through the screen. The Smooth Criminal pin was the first piece of Dimension 20 merch I bought.
- Viola's epic takedown of Phoebe (Burrow's End). Watching Rashawn absolutely crush it her first time in the dome was amazing. I loved Viola from the jump, her arc was so satisfying and fun to watch. Also the idea of a tiny stoat kicking a gun just the right way to get it to fire is hilarious. No notes other than please have Rashawn come back on every season she possibly can.
- Evan Kelmp warns the Rosemont student not to duel him (Misfits and Magic). Brennan's deadpan warning matched with the reactions of the other players and Aabria really make this scene. An underrated Brennan moment for sure.
- Stacey Fakename turns out to be real (Mentopolis). This was such a good reoccurring bit, so to have Stacey be real at the end of the story was too funny. In a season of bits, tropes, and puns - this one has the most payoff to me and is definitely my favorite.
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AITA for not telling my friend I don't want to play DND with her?
I (17M) am a player in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign (NOTE: it is not actually DND, I am just saying it for simplicity's sake. If anything sounds off, that's why. Either way, it's TTRPG, and both games have the same system, although they aren't anywhere near similar to DND gameplay-wise. It's very roleplay focused.) with a few of my friends (all 17-20F: Viola, Korrina, Valerie, and Olympia). Viola is our DM, and I have so much fun every time we play, with no intents on quitting because of this.
Olympia just like... fucking sucks though, to be honest? Like, I just hate playing with this chick. She's always asking for extra bonuses on rolls because she's just such a good player (no one else does it, Viola allows it though), she actively started PVP with me, she physically disabled my character in said PVP and I had to do chaos control (I did not want to have my character be disabled, if I did I would have a disabled character, but I failed a roll against her in this fight so I had to have my character go on a side-quest to fix it: I would be more fine with it if it was Viola, but another player? Really?), and she's just not really funny when she talks about the campaign outside of the sessions (I know, it's a little personal). She gets really upset when we mention this one thing we all like to the point of taking inspiration from it for characters and NPCs because she doesn't get it but she refuses to try the thing so we just have to not talk about it with her, and overall she just... isn't enjoyable to be around.
I know I'm gonna have people in the comments say "just tell her that you don't like her now! You sound awful, you should quit," etc etc, but hear me out. I am a player. Since the DM is Viola, and Olympia and Viola are having fun, I don't feel like I should say anything. It's the DM's story, and as a mere character in the story I can't have any say in the format, especially since I was the one that invited Olympia to the group (I made a casual offer to my whole friend group over a school group chat and both Olympia and Korrina responded, so I had to include both of them), and we've been playing this campaign since August.
One of our players had to cancel on us a week ago as of writing this, and so I decided to run a oneshot based off of a campaign I've been wanting to do (first time DMer, I wanted to try it out). The players were Viola, Korrina, and Olympia, and it was actually really fun! I wanted to wait for Viola's campaign to end before I actually started playing my campaign, but that wasn't going to happen in a while, so I had decided to run it then.
I don't want Olympia anywhere near my actual campaign, though. I'm planning on letting my friend (Drasna, 18F) join, as well as anyone else who shows interest, along with Viola, Korrina, and Valerie. But as you may know, Olympia is insufferable to me, and as DM I feel like I have the right to deny her from playing with me.
She still played in the oneshot though, and was... very excited for it. I am aware I am the only one with beef here. Olympia keeps on PMing me about her character, asking about the world, and she's really interested in the world and the format of it. Her character's nice even if a little similar to one of the main plot NPCs I have, but as I've mentioned, I really want to cut her out when the campaign gets rolling. The only reason I couldn't for the oneshot is because we are actively in the middle of a campaign and everyone would think I'm being weird and things would be tense for the rest of the campaign. I can't just tell Olympia to her face "hey, I hate playing with you actually. Go home, fuck off."
I feel like I treated Olympia fairly when we played (she didn't do anything drastic, at least), but I don't know how my negative feelings on her are going to impact the campaign. I don't want to have an inbalance in the characters and how they're treated.
AITA for leading her on to make sure things don't get awkward during Viola's campaign, even though I have no intent of changing my mind on not having her as a player?
What are these acronyms?
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Long Rant Post Warning ⚠️
(kinda, not really)
idk if anyone else has said this but red dead redemption 2 is the ultimate 'cosy game' and anyone who says otherwise is a liar.
it is SO cosy. think ab it.
when you think about cosy games what do you think of? Animal Crossing? Stardew Valley? they all have similar characteristics.
they're slice of life games, you can camp, meet and converse with npcs, go fishing and foraging, dress and care for yourself/character, immerse yourself in a cosy stress free world.
Babe, thats Red Dead Redemption 2!! (minus the rest of the game shush)
But rdr2 is a BETTER cosy game than the rest of these schmucks and heres why:
think ab the games we've mentioned: Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, The Sims, Harvest Moon, etc.. They're great but they're rarely immersive and can very easily become overplayed. like im a sims girly always have been always will but its repetitive. same goes for most other games. Going on Animal Crossing everyday to say 'Hi' to Deli (best islander) and run around trying to get bells for 20 minutes can become tiresome. not cosy.
But i could spend ETERNITY camped out on lake Owanjila, watching the beavers with my horse, Amadeus, fishing for the legendary small mouth, and re-reading Arthurs journal by the fire. Like that is ULTIMATE cosy gaming.
and it never gets boring and i never have to feel ashamed of my playstyle or ability. unlike other so-called cosy games where i just feel sh*tty because i can't get my island to be as nice as everyone elses or i don't have the prettiest custom content.
its easy to spend hours, days, in Red Dead without even playing "properly". I've been playing since the game released and I'm still discovering new and unique spots on the map, still enjoying all the little mundane chores I have Arthur do and hearing new conversations at the campfire.
Point is that tbh i forgot my point but also Red Dead Redemption 2 should be considered a cosy game and i would choose it over any other.
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angels-heap · 4 months
I don't think freemance shippers are pedos or whatever but it's still hm kinda weird that valve aged alyx up to make her a love interest. It could've been any other character but no they went with the one gordon knew as a literal BABY. It's a little sus is all I'm saying.
OKAY SO this is obviously bait, but I'm going to answer it anyway because the premise of this ask is so fucking funny.
Imagine being this guy and genuinely believing that the development for Alyx's character went like this: Valve decides to make sequel to HL1 -> Gordon needs a love interest -> Let's go with Alyx Vance, a character who definitely existed as a concept in HL1! -> Oh shit! Alyx, the character who definitely already existed in our minds, is only 4 years old :( -> Ugh, fine, I guess we gotta set the game 20 years in the future so it's not weird for her to flirt with our 27-year-old protagonist.
And not: Valve decides to make a more character-based sequel -> bases several characters on HL1 NPCs, gives them names and backstories, and retcons that they player character has always known them -> decides that Gordon needs a companion -> invents the coolest and hottest female companion ever -> makes her another retconned character's daughter to make the player feel more attached to her and explain why there's a hot 24-year-old woman in this universe where everyone else is 40+.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: If normal people thought it was even remotely weird for a character to be canonically attracted to another same-age character who just happens to have been in stasis for two decades, the backlash would've started in mainstream spaces way before 2020. The game was out for 16 years before anyone decided to make a big deal out of this. The problem is you!
Go touch grass and maybe play the games sometime.
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miscreantahead · 4 months
Ask game for Rqg
❤Favorite character
Zolf Smith!!! BIG honorable mentions to Sasha and Hamid though.
👿Least favorite character
Barrett for sure, dishonorable mention to Shoin.
💐Comfort character
Hmmm I'm still not totally clear as to what a comfort character is vs. like a favorite character, but I must have some idea because I'm inclined to pick Hamid for this one. Idfk he's just a little guy, he's been here the whole time, growing and changing, he's problematic but trying his very best, and he's too cute. He screams comfort.
While I'm at it with the over-answering, Oscar Wilde. I like that even when he's being a pain in the ass on purpose he's quite clearly just a good guy if you read even slightly between the lines. Trusted him with my life ever since the anti-bertie article, and he only got better and better. I want him to have nice things forever and let's face it he got the nicest thing (Zolf) so I'm tearing up right now just thinking about it.
I think answering this question actually kind of helped me figure out what the difference between a favorite and a comfort character is, and why I didn't feel right picking Zolf here. Zolf stresses me out but it's fun.
😍Character you have the biggest crush on:
Z o l f, the crush is massive and a problem on a daily basis. Idk man I'm in love with him, it ouches.
🤝Character you relate to the most
Harrison Campbell. I just wanna write books and please keep Bertrand Macguffingham far, far away from me.
🔥Character you think is overrated
Going to go with Apophis. I don't absolutely despise him but I'm not a fan and he gets so much lore, screen time, and badass moments, which is fine, I won't say they're not cool but I might be shouting "booo" while it's happening at the same time.
🧨Character you love to hate
Oh Bertie easily he's hilariously the fucking worst but I'm so glad he exists.
🙈Character you always forget exists
This is a character flaw of mine but I constantly forget about Ed. Even though I adore Ed there were multiple times when people mentioned an Ed or Edward and I was like who the fuck are we talking about for a second before I was like RIGHT THE HIMBO PALADIN AGAIN.
🐰Favorite non-human character
Considering most of them are non-human I'm going to cheat and instead pick my favorite human character which is Sasha. I still miss her since rome, love how she was acrobatics-sexual, love her relationship with gargoyles and general awkwardness. She changed so much over time but was great from start to finish, and I can't stress how happy I am that she got to live a full and at least somewhat peaceful life.
❤️‍🩹Character who deserved better
Sumutnyerl's abrupt death so far from home in such miserable circumstances and the way the timing made it impossible for anyone around to have time to mourn mildly devastated me (thank you Skraak). Not to mention the way Tesla took advantage of their relationship and the guilt she must've felt and how that didn't get explored beyond one night she was miserable and resetless and the next day she was dead. Super brutal when life and death for the NPC's is controlled by cold chaotic dice rolls (and whether or not a player character is in love with you 😉).
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dainesanddaffodils · 2 months
(I realize, half-way through Heavensward, that I still have this in drafts so I'm going to post it now)
Finishing A Realm Reborn, I've decided to make a post about my warrior of light's relationships with the scions/major NPCs, which I'll then recreate at the end of each expansion as a fun way to track how she and these characters grow and change.
Without further ado - Cimorene Geneq's POST-ARR Relationship Vibes
Minfilia - her boss! a very nice boss, don't get her wrong, but her boss nonetheless. Would love to get to know her better but there's never a good time plus she feels like Minfilia is probably the type to be like 'you have to be at least a level 5 friend to unlock my tragic backstory' and Cimorene is like level 3 at best. still likes her though.
Alphinaud - the younger cousin that's closest to you in age that everyone groups you with at the family functions. She would kill anyone who looked sideways at him - and got very very worried about him when the Bloody Banquet went down - but also oooof did she want some space from him sometimes.
Y'shtola - at first incredibly intimidated by her, but that's faded and now she's probably the only scion she would call a Friend. still in like the work-friend sense but like, she would get a drink with her and listen to her talk shit any day of the week.
Thancred - an instant infatuation that faded just as quickly once she realized his charm was mostly surface level lmao Is a little unsure how to interact with him post-lahabrea nonsense as, more than anything, it drove home that she really didn't know him that well beforehand and, like with Minifillia, she feels like there's a barrier keeping her from knowing him better.
Tataru - I, Tangy the player, had a Boring Office Job for a while where the highlight was the very sweet receptionist who also knew all the fun gossip. This is what Tataru is for Cimorene. absolute joy to talk to, want nothing but good things for her.
Yda - a little too high energy to be a work-friend like Y'shtola or even Tataru, but similarly wants nothing but good things for her. will take her side when Papalymo gets on her for anything - in part just because it's kinda funny to watch his reaction when she does.
Papalymo: I, Tangy the player, adore him and therefor so does Cimorene. he and Yda were her first scion allies and she will always have a soft spot in her heart for that.
Urianger - he gives her the heebie-jeebies. he has nothing else to give.
Moenbryda - too good for this world. Cimorene is sad about her death but is also sad about the fact that everyone else is obviously SADDER about it. It's not the first time she feels somewhat isolated from the other Scions, but it does kinda push her to want to change that. (Then the Bloody Banquet happens lmao)
(outside the Scions)
Kan-E - similar feels-like-my-boss energy as Minfillia, except Kan-E isn't even Cimorene's boss. Respectful professional distance and happy to keep it that way.
Merlwyb - Cimorene loves the sea so she chose to join the Maelstrom for that alone. That being said, she does like and respect Merlwyb a lot and doesn't think she'll ever regret her choice.
Raubahn - Didn't know what to think of him early on, and already didn't like Ul-Dah BEFORE shit went down there. Regrets not getting to know him better earlier now that she knows he's a Real One (tm). Cares about him a lot by the end of... you know. Everything.
Nanamo - Man, Tangy the player doesn't know how to describe the relationship between you and someone you, once again, had a respectful but mostly distant relationship who then winds up getting poisoned in front of you, completely altering the trajectory of your life. And neither does Cimorene.
Haurchefant - Love At First Sight, genuinely. I've talked about this so much before but I cannot stress enough how much it took me, Tangy the player, by surprise. she knows he feels the same because as we all know he is Not Subtle about it, but she'd also still really like to have a moment of privacy where they can actually say - or do - something about it.
Aymeric - right now she considers him the Ishgard equivalent of the other city state leaders and, in spite his best efforts she knows, she remains somewhat intimidated by him. he's kind but just. Very Formal. in that very Ishgard way that she doesn't know how to respond to (which is in part why she is so taken with Haurchefant)
that's really the main ARR players that Cimorene has any real strong feelings towards so that's where I'll leave it.
We'll see what happens through Heavensward and I'll post again lol
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onedismay · 2 months
Mass Effect Tag Game
Stole this thing from @messydiabolical. :)c Anyone is welcome to steal it from me as well!
I am a fan since: Forgot what year it was but I remember ME2 had already been out for a while before I bought ME1. But I caught up quickly and got to experience the release of the Arrival DLC in real time. :D
Favourite game of the series?: It's hard to pick between 1 and 2, but I'll say 2 because the concept of loyalty missions is MY JAM. Also ME2 is my favorite graphics-wise, it's got that high contrast I love so much. (hate the simplified skill trees though)
MShep or FShep?: Most of my Sheps are fSheps because the character creator for mSheps isn't versatile enough for me. :( Where's the long hair! Let me look impractical!
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: I might slightly prefer Earthborn. I enjoy playing characters who've had a rough start in life and made some bad decisions, but grew up to become decent people anyway.
Biotics or Tech: Can't pick, I like variety!
Paragon or Renegade: peace for everybody in the galaxy :') But I reeeaally love the Renegade eyes so I do have some mean Sheps as well.
Favourite Class: I used to main the Infiltrator class but in my most recent run I really enjoyed the Adept. Hard to pick a favorite but I do know my favorite class is NOT the Sentinel, it always feels clunky to me somehow.
Favourite Companion: Tali or Javik. Kaidan and Thane are nearby too. Tali's character development feels very natural and wonderful to me on every playthrough and I always love to see it. Javik is a fave because he's haunted and completely alone and that combo always hooks me like, I MUST see to it that this sad man has at least one nice thing in his life.
Least favourite Companion: It's the writers' fault but Liara. It gets really old when the same companion treats you like her love interest in all 3 games no matter what. I haaaate forced hugs in roleplaying games, don't put me through that, it'll ruin the character for me.
My squad selection: In my most recent playthrough it was unsurprisingly Javik and Tali. But I also ran with Vega quite often in the early game and I kinda missed him in the end game, haha.
Favourite In-game romance: Kaidan, especially with mShep because I really enjoy a slow burn of several years. 🔥
Other pairings I like: I am motioning at my blog and presenting to you Tazzik and the Shadow Broker...... no i don't have anything else to offer at this time
Favourite NPC: I like all these shady-ass salarians like Anoleis and Jaroth and Maelon and Linron (yes) (no i'm not defending her, i just find mean characters interesting sometimes) and Chorban and probably others. Valern isn't all that shady but still a fave. Charn! And Balak, I always look forward to finding out how my Shepard reacts to him. Zaal'Koris vas Qwib-Qwib I always loved you and I knew you were the best admiral before ME3 ever happened
Favourite Antagonist: the Shadow Broker, I was so into the mystery in ME1 and man I was not disappointed when we got the reveal. I would have loved to learn more about his early life.
Favourite Mission: ME2's Suicide Mission because I lovvve how it's a culmination of all your previous actions. It felt really scary and chaotic on my first playthrough and like anything could happen. Now I know all the mechanics so nothing surprises me, but I still look forward to seeing every little detail play out.
Favourite Loyalty Mission: Tali. Also Mordin. And Samara, ugghhh I love Omega and I love playing bait uwu
Favourite DLC: Hmmm I love about half of LotSB very much but I might like Bring Down the Sky more as a whole? The mood is great, it's not super long, and nothing about it annoys me. :D I've only played the Leviathan DLC once so far so I'm not confident enough to call it a fave yet but I liked it a lot, too.
Control, Synthesis or Destroy: I just wanted an ending where we finally talk the Reapers down and they go "yeah u right actually, let's not fight anymore. :( handshake?". All this star child borderline magic stuff is kinda goofy to me. I've picked Destroy almost every time tho.
Favourite Weapon: Recently enjoyed the Blood Pack Executioner... Historically I've probably used the Widow the most. Also I LOVE the way the Revenant looks but I can't stand using it myself lmao. My hand hurts just thinking about it.
Favourite Place: nnnoooo there's so many good places. I adore the Shadow Broker's ship, first of all. Such a cool concept. Noveria for the snow and miserable people. Feels like home. I loved visiting the Migrant Fleet! But my absolute favorite place is probably Omega because it's so rough yet there's still a weird sense of community.
A quote I like: The first that came to mind is "I have a home." Idk, I don't really remember quotes unless they're repeated over and over and by that point I start hating them.
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
[Not a request and kinda long] I have a small headcanon myself for the self aware Hisui -
Mostly that if reader were to enter the game before Ingo knew they entered, they'd enter more as a spectre that follows the main character around, not really able to interact with anyone but the main character. Still giving advice and telling them where to go, basically a floating talking arcphone. But the main character has gained some sort of self awareness with this, which is why they appreciate the spectre helping.
I'm mostly going with the spectre idea, as the readers body probably wouldn't follow them into the game if the code wasn't messed with properly, so they don't technically have a sprite/body in game either until way later when they mess with the code themselves.
And like, just imagine, the self aware characters notice the main character subconsciously nodding, shaking their head and looking over their shoulder as if looking for someone or some sort of confirmation from someone. So they start following their movements more closely, thinking something is wrong while also confirming that they too, are self aware or at least act out of script.
Until maybe a confrontation with a noble goes wrong, and spectre! Reader uses the code they messed with to quickly get a sprite just so they can join the fray and help the main character directly. The sprite maybe starts as a standard npc and changes to look more and more like the reader the longer the fight goes on. And Ingo/Volo/Laventon/whoever else start noticing that the standard NPC that just jumped in is changing to look more and more like the person beyond the screen.
This actually reminds me of a comic I saw! It was where the player was sort of like a guide/spirit for the protagonist.
The hero i think asks what steel is weak against or something?? And the player goes “Lol one sec, lemme check Bulbapedia.” As they pull out their phone. I’m also just,,, imagining like,, The hero tells you they can see you and they are aware of you and you just immediately are like:
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But I really love this idea! You are concerned with waking up as essentially a ghost, but find the player can actually see you and hear you, and even talk to you! You go through a minor crisis when the game continues without you directly controlling the player. It’s almost as if you entered a weird second dimension, with how people seem alive and yet... not. They still act like they are NPCs, but at the same time, it’s as if they are alive like in your world, sometimes. The hero is the best/weirdest example. At first, they just go on their way, as if you were already playing. You follow them, curious. It’s not like you have anything better to do, being a ghost made of bits of code. But then they see you. They ask you for help. You are almost shocked. They seemed confused when you look surprised. You had done everything to help them before now! Was it something they said? They hadn’t upset you, have they?? You assure them that no! They are fine! You just,,, didn’t think they could see you or hear you. They tell you it was recent, but they have also always been able to feel your presence. They appreciate how you care for them and their pokemon, and how you strategize in battle. They are never scared, and never feel alone because of you. So seeing you as a specter, they are actually excited! They were confused when no one else could see you, but they supposed if they couldn’t sense you before, then they wouldn’t see you either. After that, you pick and mess with the code, unaware your very presence if messing with the world around you. The NPCs become more lively, and they starting noticing things. Like how the hero will look over to the side or over their shoulder, and nod or talk to something not there. Laventon wonders if it’s a ghost type they have around them, but when asked, they simply say no, its not a pokemon, but a friend. He isn’t sure what to think of that. When the rival challenges the hero to a battle, they are confused when the hero looks over their shoulder, before making a move. It’s odd, as if waiting for orders or directions. Ingo especially notices the odd behavior. The hero comes and sees him often, and challenges people to a battle. When the hero battles him, or anyone else. its as if they are waiting for directions. Sometimes when the shopkeepers see the hero, its as if the hero looks over, before buying anything. Some even swear the hero asked someone what to buy, before making a decision. It’s... Concerning. If the hero wasn’t a huge force to be reckoned with, and did an amazing job for the community, they would have been worried. However, it gets weirder when a random person just randomly shows up with the hero one day. The hero argues for their behalf, and Cyllene reluctantly gives them a spot on the team. The hero was their strongest fighter and highest rank. She trusts them, and will allow you to stay. The hero even offers their home, and that you will be staying with them. It’s suspicious... but after the hero says you saved their life against a noble, they decide to let you stay. They can’t help but feel like your name is familiar though. Then it gets weird, when your features seem to change, and a few characters begin to feel as if they recognize you. Ingo, Laventon, Cyllene, and a few others can’t help but feel like you are someone important. It isn’t until your form is nearly identical to how you normally look that they recognize you, the person behind the screen. You and the hero are shocked they recognize you, the hero especially since they seemed to be the only one you controlled. Ingo admits he has known about you for awhile. He just... couldn’t do anything. the code wouldn’t let him, not until after you suddenly disappeared. Laventon admits this as well. He says he had grown worried, but was relieved you were okay. Cyllene’s worry washes away when she recognizes you. You are practically the same rank as the hero, as she sees it, and immediately raises your rank to 10. She reluctantly admits she had grown worried for you as well, and that something might have happened. Overall, it’s a surprise to you that they even knew you existed. You kinda worry about the fact they all seemed painfully aware they were in a game, or at least there was another plain of reality above theirs... Though you can’t help but feel a chill down your spine, and feel like someone is watching you when you leave the house in the village. The hero agrees, and decides to follow you to protect you. Unknown to you, Volo begins following you both in earnest. The person behind the screen, the true god, was in the game, and seemed to be able to control the fabric of reality. He really wanted to meet you, and talk with you. If only the hero would leave you alone for a few minutes....
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negative-citadel · 1 month
For the dbh ask game: 3, 14, 17, 18 💙
I'm apologizing ahead of time because I ramble like hell. LOL Thank you for the ask!
3. Which character do you relate the most to?
Aaaaah, almost really hard to answer. I relate to most of the characters in the game to some degree. Grew up in a broken home like Alice, taken in & cared for people like Kara. I can go on and on but if there's a character I really, really relate to - It's probably Luther, the protector, guardian, however you want to refer to him. He really deserves more lines but I can firmly say I can relate to giving everything in my power to see those around me be safe. I won't type an essay about it because my response is long enough but I can really relate to Luther in many ways.
In a way, I've also really related to Hank lately but I don't want to trauma dump on here or make anyone worried.
14. How do you feel about Kara’s role in the game compared to her role in the Kara short?
Admitly - I'm torn. I actually love both. When I first saw the Kara Short (as a bonus in Beyond: Two Souls), I thought it was AMAZING. I remember my brother and I saying "I wish they'd turn that into a full game". Lmao, and obviously they did. However, I feel in-game Kara is faaaaaaaar different than the Kara in the short. The short is, well, short, and says what it needs to convey and shows Kara moreso as an android that just wants to live life free, whereas in the game, Kara does have those wants, but her main goal is to protect Alice. I love them both and her story in the game is very much packed with the angst I know & love... It's hard to choose which I like more but the Kara short is probably better written (let's face it, it's harder to have plot holes in a 7 minute video rather than a long video game with branching paths).
17. Favorite moments of each playable character?
Oh I have sooo many but I'll try to narrow it down to 2 for each character.
Markus: I love his introduction with Carl. I know the subtext is bad but the moment Markus does his painting, always swells my heart (I think it's partially the amazing soundtrack that gives me emotions). All of the different arts he makes are just...sooo good.
However, I also ADORE crossroads & I love Markus making his way down to blow up the ship while rescuing any androids can. Oh the music, the action, I love it lol.
Kara: There's so many moments I love with Kara. The river endings always have me sobbing my eyes out lol (even if both Alice & Kara make it). I do love the humanity in when you enter the checkpoint and the soldier hands Alice back one of her gloves. I always found it really heartwarming.
Also, Kara talking with Rose. The two just feel like really close friends and Rose cares for Alice on the same level Kara does, I feel. At the final checkpoint at the border, I love Kara finally being able to cry & getting one last hug from Rose before you hopefully make good choices. LOL
Connor: Oh man, hard to choose but I will ALWAYS laugh at Connor breaking into Hank's house via the window...then "Sumo, attack! ...good dog." It gets me every time. Connor convincing Hank to go to the Eden Club in the most sly and manipulative way - I love Russian Roulette as a chapter so much. The depressing subtext is just, *chef kiss*. I love angst & I also love humor.
Then, the chase in the nest. Watching Connor just gun it and run, doing stunts that are impossible for a human being. The music, the action, watching our RK800 dash at probably 15 or 25 mph. Idk, I love it. I'm a sucker for it everytime. I also feel obliged to mention the "I like dogs" & the interrogation sequence. I'm a sucker for interrogation scenes in movies, games, etc. (I also love his little chat sessions with Amanda).
18. Which NPC gave you the most feels?
It's hard to just pick one! Rose gives me mega feels when she brings up how hard it's been since her husband passed. Alice for - obvious reasons. Hank's self destruction, past, addiction, I've seen it irl, I've been it irl. I feel so sorry for him. North - just thinking about her history. It is sooooooooo hard not to feel bad for all the NPCs. I really can't pick one. D:
Thank you for the ask! :D
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Mass Effect Tag Game
I stole this from @onedismay and anyone can now proceed to steal it from me
I am a fan since: The release of Legendary Edition, which came out on my birthday. And--1500+ hours of playtime later--It's the gift that keeps on giving lol
Favourite game of the series?: Mass Effect 2 is definitely my favourite because there just feels like there's so much more at stake and all the new characters introduced are great
MShep or FShep?: Most of my Sheps are women but I do have a few men even though I technically haven't played all of them yet
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: I know a lot of people probably consider this the boring option, but I do prefer Earthborn because, for whatever reason, I have a thing about my OCs never knowing their parents
Biotics or Tech: 100% tech, I don't fuck with biotics
Paragon or Renegade: My main Shep is renegade with a touch of paragon
Favourite Class: Infiltrator is my go-to class, but I'll admit that I don't have a lot of experience with any of the other classes
Favourite Companion: Uhm all the techies are essentially my faves lol so Garrus, Tali, EDI, Legion, Kasumi, and Mordin. I also adore Joker, who I feel like gets accidentally excluded a lot because he's not someone who can tag along on missions. Then I have a bit of a soft spot for Vega. Oh, and Aria is pretty much the only asari character I enjoy lol
Least favourite Companion: I might get hate for this, but Liara. I hate how forced she is on you in the first game, and the fact that that does change for the rest of the series makes me so uncomfortable. I literally don't even both talking to her. Ever. I forget she's there half the time. If it weren't for the couple missions in ME3 where you're forced to take her, she would never leave the ship
My squad selection: Garrus is almost always there. I've forced myself to broaden my selection in recent playthroughs and utilise (almost) everyone, but Garrus is still definitely a top pick. Tali is up there, as well. Frankly, this answer is essentially the same as my fave companion(s) plus Wrex
Favourite In-game romance: Garrus. The only romance I honestly give a shit about
Other pairings I like: Joker and EDI, 100%. I'm also into the Jack/Miranda pairing, and I enjoy the thought of Ash and James ending up together
Favourite NPC: This is probably the proper place to mention Joker and Aria, but I'm not going back to edit my other answer including them lol
Favourite Antagonist: I'm not sure I really have one. Saren had potential and it would've been neat if he had stuck around for at least another game, but obviously that didn't happen. The Illusive Man was kinda lame and just overall a nuance soooo idk Udina? lmao
Favourite Mission: I'm not entirely sure... I don't think I necessarily have a favourite because they're all mandatory, for the most part. Even if they're not mandatory story-wise, they are to level up so it's ike...idk none of them really stick out to me and I dread something about each of them, to be honest lol
Favourite Loyalty Mission: Obligatory Garrus answer, but then I also enjoy Tali's mission, uhm... Kasumi's is fun, Mordin's is good, aaaand that's probably it
Favourite DLC: Citadel, hands down. Just the absolutely campiness and insanity of it. I mean, it was a good way to lighten the mood of what the rest of ME3 is, so the ridiculousness of it was honestly much appreciated. A close second would probably be between Omega and Leviathan
Control, Synthesis or Destroy: I prefer Synthesis. I don't give a shit what people say about it, I'm not going through all that bullshit of ending a 300-year long war between the Quarians and Geth just to fucking destroy the Geth in the end. It's pointless. Plus, I could never do that to EDI
Favourite Weapon: While I usually am the Infiltrator class, I always choose assault rifles as my specialisation (or just use them in general when I can), so in ME2 my go-to is the Mattock while in ME3 it's the Valkyrie or Chakram Launcher. As for sniper rifles, in ME2 it's the Viper and in ME3 it's the Valiant
Favourite Place: I enjoy Omega and Illium the most. I wish we could've explored them more because I feel like there was so much lost potential there.
A quote I like: "I won't let fear compromise who I am." ~Shepard. I would honestly get that tattooed on my body lol Garrus has a lot of good/funny quotes, too, especially in ME3 but that Shepard one is always the first to come to mind
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sol-consort · 3 months
Man FUCK that bitch ass fucking assassin motherfucker I hope he rots. Sorry he pissed me off to no end.
Also yeah FemShep’s VA is considered the better VA of the Shepards which makes sense MaleShep is voiced by Mark Meer who hadn’t done much voice work before, his biggest role being Cyric in Baldur’s Gate II, and FemShep was voiced by Jennifer Hale who had been at it for almost 20 years at the time. It wasn’t just Jennifer Hale either, Anderson being Keith David and Joker being Seth Green who had both been doing it over 20 years. I liked MaleShep’s voice though and never had a problem with it because it’s very main heroy and recognizable like I’d instantly know that it was Shepard if I heard it.
I knew that the series wouldn’t be exactly up with the times because it was 2007-2012 but Jesus I had no idea that FemShep gets harassed so much.
I didn’t get a reconcile scene on the Citadel since I didn’t romance anyone in ME1 I went into the series with Tali on my mind as my definitive romance.
I don’t think Thane praying for you instead himself is unique to his romance? Or at least I remember something similar happening maybe it was his son.
You can’t hit on EDI as MaleShep I’m pretty sure don’t remember that being an option however you can still hit on Joker as MaleShep I remember seeing that option and going “why would I say that?” Also I’m surprised you never mentioned the Joker segment of Mass Effect 2 where you sneak around the ship as Joker that section surprised the shit out of me.
Oh yeah a fun little fact, remember the show Once Upon a Time I’ve mentioned a couple times when talking about fairy tales? The actor who plays Kaiden was in that show and played the show’s version of Jiminy Cricket from Pinocchio. I don’t remember what happened to Cricket in the show though. He may have just stopped being relevant so they never brought him up again since the show just fucking loved doing that.
Is the hot assassin guy supposed to be unlikeable? I liked him so far, like ngl, plus he's pretty cool. Evil living weapons of destructions, my beloveds.
And yeah, i really like femshep, but it is pretty cool of them to give maleshep VA a chance for such a big character. Sure, it could've been better, but he probably did the best he could with the skills he had at the time, and it did appeal to some people!
And man I'm just lucky I actually enjoy these things ingames, like I am down to being a whore and flirting with everyone so it doesn't bother me when the npcs forcefully flirt with you bc you picked a woman. What bothers me is that the fact it's only bc you picked a woman, and just because I wanted it doesn't mean other people do and it might make them very uncomfortable. There are several mods to remove the sexual harassments femshep gets, I wish there was one to remove it for EDI tho.
We should all have a choice, is what I'm saying. It feels like femshep was made to appeal to straight guys who might play her as an outsider observer. Same with some lesbian characters, too, ngl- not all of them, but the game has its moments where it makes me realise oh this was put here for a straight dude to gawk at. Meanwhile, maleshep feels the proper self insert badass at times. Really hate that.
That's why I like picking NB options whenever they're present, you're free from expectations and the devs aren't sure what to make of you so they don't try to appeal to a certian demographic and just write your character as a character.
You did Tali romance? Hell yeah she is an amazing character and her relationship with Shepard feels phenomenal. Like a scientist princess and her knight in shining armour, amazing. Plus she is all adorable when she talks about engines and how we get to help her so many times.
Apparently her and Garrus end up together if you don't romance her, but I haven't seen it yet. She always felt close to Shepard, especially in the second game where she is the first friendly face you see.
I haven't met her yet in ME3, still doing side errands. I am very very broke and everything is very very expensive and I miss sugar daddy illusive man pls take me back, the alliance became more stingy than I remember or inflation is hitting hard.
Fuck I hat like 999999 something credits in the first game, why couldn't it tranfer over??
And Thane!! My heart! He even prays for you when he's not romanced??? That's it, he is legit the most precious character and no one else comapres. I would die for Thane, I would kill everyone on the Normady for Thane.
But I know Thane would forgive me If I picked Grunt over him bc my son which just makes Thane the most amazing man ever, DRELL ARE SUPERIOR I TELL YOU.
Also so far Drell worship Hanar (kinda) and Hanar worship protheons (kinda) and Javik likes humans(he is all current protheon population)
So by association! Drell and Humans are conncted, and no, I will not give up my tank of copium. Go buy your own. Idk what overdosing is, I have insomnia I forgot.
And aww we can't hit on EDI :( i would've treated her better than Joker.
Yeah I had the same reaction to the flirting with Joker line but just went for it because what's the worst that can happen? He says no and we laught it off.
Imagine if the worst was him retiring from being your pilot and you get soma rando driving the Normady around who now runs at half the speed and takes twice as much gas plus occasionally breaks down and you have to pay 100k credits for repairs.
Oh also then there is this one thing I am sure is exclusive to femshep.
You can sleep with Javik. The protheon. Yes.
But it's not a full romance :"(
He has four eyes I wonder if he has four-
I heard about once upon a time, the show. But never watched it.
I did however watch a random person talk about it in a video essay because I prefer that over watching shows.
This one.
It was fun, I'm not big on fairytales but I enjoyed hearing about it.
The Joker sneak section in ME2 didn't resonate with me much for some reason. It was nice but I didn't feel the pressure at all and with EDI constantly talking it got annoying and I just wanted it to be over.
His jokes were nice but the moment of trusting EDI didn't hit the same way it should've. It didn't feel endearing or earnest.
The sudden flip in their relationship afterwards was too jarring.
I prefer ME3 EDI and Joker dynamic over ME2. However I hate how EDI is becoming a "born sexy yesterday" character by the game when her core as a character is so profound and genuine. She wants to know her purpose, what it means to be alive and all the other characters mention about her is her body which is bleh.
Even some of her dialogues with Joker is just overplayed sex jokes. It's all of her amazing writing vanishes the moment it's not just her and Shepard in a conversation.
Kaidan's voice actor is great! He even stood out to me in the first game. You notice how much more convicnising and immersive his delivery was over the other characters, almost outshined ME1 femshep even.
It's like the dialogue and the way he delievers it fit perfectly. If I just read it, then I get a completely different impression.
The game doesn't have bad voice actors it just has very bad delivery from some characters. It's when someone keeps a constant tone and doesn't portray any emotions or adds any personalisation into the dialogue. It feels tone deaf a lot when what the character is speaking about is something intimiate, yet it sounds the same as asking about the weather.
Still, it is nostalgic in a way, this was extremely common in older games.
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theinnerunderrain · 2 years
Are there any writers you like/admire?
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Yes! I'm so glad you asked, so here are some writers I greatly appreciate and admire (I didn't proofread this bc I was ranting a lot):
@ddarker-dreams @shumidehiro @bye-bye-sunbird @yandere-daydreams
To be honest, @ddarker-dreams has been such a huge inspiration for me and I've been reading her writings for a while now. I believe I've been reading her writings since 2021 or maybe even 2020 (?) since I remember reading her earlier works for Diluc and Childe. I honestly can't express how much I love her writing, it's just so well written and the way the characters are composed is so - beautifully done. Their personality isn't that drastically different from their game counterparts, and I love how she still incorporates elements of their true character into her writing so it feels like you're actually reading into the character, since I find that many people tend to write a totally different character even though they're writing for a certain person. The writings are just so descriptive and it feels like you're actually diving deep into the character's heart, as if you're truly involved within their world, as if you can vividly see their perspective through her writings. Her writings are just so - beautiful. I've reread certain of her works for a hundredth time already, since they're just so fun to read and I don't think I could ever get bored of them or whatsoever. I really love the way she writes Kazuha and Albedo, the way Kazuha is just so soft makes my chest a bit warm whenever I read any of her works surrounding him. Same goes to Albedo, although he isn't as romantic as Kazuha, it's still great to see his interactions and soft spots for the reader.
Now I could go on and on about how much I adore @ddarker-dreams but I'm going to end up repeating the same thing and accidentally turn it into an essay. But she's a really wonderful writer! Anyone should go check her blog out (even though you should have already or if not, what have you been doing with your life?).
As for @shumidehiro @bye-bye-sunbird @yandere-daydreams, they are very wonderful writers and I would highly recommend for you to check them out if you haven't. Personally I really love the way @shumidehiro writes Capitano and Pantalone, I would even say that her writings are what really got me into them. I honestly never thought I would be captivated by NPCs with screen time less than 45 seconds, but her writings made me fall in love with them. And I mean by as in I'm obsessed with them kinda thing, it's amazing how she's able to get the audience to like two characters that haven't even officially appeared in the game. It's honestly amazing how she builds their characters and makes them unique and charming to read, despite us not having much information on either of them besides the speculated lore from the artifacts. Again, her writings are beautiful and deserve more recognition, and she's a very lovely person too!
@bye-bye-sunbird @yandere-daydreams, they are another pair of phenomenal writers that I greatly love and admire. I don't know if it's obvious but Albedo is one of my favorite characters, or even arguably is my favorite character of all time. But back to the point, the way these lovely writers portrayed him is so - bewitching (?) I was never a personal fan of when writers portrayed Albedo as being a completely emotionless and cold being, when he's more capable of that. Albedo is even implied to be a kind individual within Mondstadt, and we all saw that during the quest where he didn't hesitate to jump after Bennett after the avalanche. Another note, @bye-bye-sunbird's Capitano Agenda is one of my favorite series. Thanks to farafella's writings acting as an introduction to my love for Capitano (!) The way Capitano is portrayed in the Capitano Agenda got me blushing and gushing on a daily basis, and I'm always giggling whenever I read them, it's beautifully composed and makes your heart beat faster so I would highly recommend to anyone who is interested in Capitano x reader writings!
@teabutmakeitazure is another writer that I greatly appreciate and love, and I feel like she should be more appreciated and loved for her Childe writing contributions. The way she portrayed Childe makes me want to completely punch him in the face, but I still somehow like him enough to keep reading about him. It's almost like a love and hate relationships (?) And her writing makes you feel like you're actually interacting with him in a sort of way. Tainted is probably one of my favorite writings from her, the way Pantalone is portrayed in this is very unsettling. But you also want to punch him much similar to Childe, but something about him just seems more -smug (?) Then Childe? But you should really check her out for yourself and especially her series involving Childe.
Now, I could literally go on and on about each writer but I had to put a limit on myself so I don't end up writing the same thing over and over again. Because I'll keep saying that their writings are beautiful because I really am obsessed, it would turn into a 2k word essay on how I dearly love them. They are all wonderful writers and I would highly recommend them (!) Especially for Genshin fanfictions since that is my preference but I know that some of them do write for other fandoms as well!
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illdothehotvoice · 5 months
Mimi Blorbo Poll Round 2
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Mimi Propaganda under the cut:
Hey why do both these images look the same lmfao
He's such an asshole I love him so much. People act like Phoenix is always this sweet guy and he is he is but like we've all seen his internal dialogue. Anyways there's this REALLY good scene in Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney where Phoenix is forced to actually face the fact that he doesn't talk about what's bothering him with anyone ever and has to face the fact that it actually hurts everyone around him more than if he would just. communicate that he's not okay. And I really like that it was really nice to see that part of his character acknowledged. Go play that game.
This man had me sobbing every fucking day like two summers ago. My discord status was like literally "___ Days of not crying over the silly train men" for months. He makes me feel too many emotions for being a silly pokemon NPC. Thanks for getting me to finally play Gen 5 games Ingo I'll finish the Elite 4 eventually. <---- [Has been on Victory Road for like 2 years not cause I'm bad I just got busy]
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queen-scribbles · 7 months
For the OC asks, here's a couple!
Who was your first OC you developed? What was that process like? What did you start with?
Do you have a favorite OC? What do you like most about them?
What's most important to you when exploring a new OC, or when creating a new story or situation for them?
Do you give them, like, specific meta or in-universe meanings to background things, like birthdays, favorite flowers/foods/scents, etc? What do those generally mean to your OCs?
(I need to read up on your OCs, hence these types of asks!)
Hey, thanks for the ask! And for your patience while I try to give these very good questions equally good answers
1. My first OC I developed is fuzzy. It's either Kenna Tasman(canon Revan) or Rahna Tabris (canon Warden), bc I was a latecomer to the world of RPGs and it,uh, took me a few times through KotOR before I realized you could a) talk to your companions without the game prompting and b)romance Carth, so Kenna's game and subsequent fic happened at about the same time as Rahna's. xD Started with thinking about what traits I wanted to give them and how I wanted them to interact with the world/characters around them. They're both snarky, Kenna has a terrible sense of humor, flirts via playful insults, and is such a goody two shoes it was SERIOUS cognitive dissonance to picture her as a Lord of the Sith. Rahna is outspoken, impulsive, and determined to be kind, be good despite the harsh circumstances of her growing up. They sort of developed and picked up additional tics and foibles as I played them through their respective games and started writing them. (Iirc, neither of them can cook, and they're both very quick to form friendships)
2. Obligatory caveat I love all my children and hate picking a fave, there's several in tight competition for the title etc etc, but I think I gotta go with Trinne(Amell). Largely bc she's always the first to pop in my head when people ask me this question, even if AJ or Tragen or Vica or Tavi is only milliseconds behind. I've had her for a very long time(12-13 years) and she's gotten a lot of character/personality development. I think one of the things I love the most about her is she has obvious flaws to go with her virtues. She's compassionate and smart and wants to help and not afraid to speak up for other people, but she's also stubborn and reckless and has a temper and makes snap judgments she has to undo later. Once she's your friend she's ride or die for life, she's creative, she's impulsive, she's too zeroed in on the little picture to consider larger consequences.
basically she's the most well-rounded of my characters, and also she's how I met one of my best friends, so that definitely biases me in her favor xD
3. How they interact with other characters in the world. Companions/NPCs in the case of game characters, established cast in the case of my original writing. I love character interaction(there's a reason banter and combat are my favorite things to write), so working that out is a big focus when I'm fleshing out now OCs, and then for new situations, it's how how are they going to feel and react? How are they going to interact with the people around them in reaction to the new situation? I feel like thinking of it that way really helps me focus on/flesh out their virtues/flaws/quirks.
4. Sometimes. I'll frequently make the day I created them(or in-universe equivalent) their birthday. Favorite foods etc are frequently ones I love(Tragen loves sopapillas, AJ and Kasey are coffee fiends, pretty much any of them in a modern universe/AU would love pineapple on pizza bc I do). Same with quirks; AJ and Jaaide are fans of mismatched socks bc I do that all the time. Hobbies/talents are either ones I do/have do or wish I did(a whole bunch love to read, anyone artistic/good at singing is me wishful-thinking a talent I don't have onto one of my children xD). Sometimes though it'll just strike me that due to X about their circumstances, Z hobby or talent is a perfect fit(Vesper loves to explore so of course she learned how to draw all the flowers/plants she found).
Thank you so much for your interest in my OCs! My OC page still needs a lot of fleshing out, but there are links to the tags for all my "big ones" if you want to read up on them.🥰
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panigamermauser · 7 months
I have been pondering why I did not touch bg3 in more than a week now, despite it being the best game I played in at least a decade, and just a week ago I was looking to replay it several more times.
Finally realized that it is because the game upset me one time too many. Not as in 'the story bit that was written to be sad did its job', but 'the writing/development decisions make me sad'.
Ugh, I hate my brain. Why do bad things always wear me down even when good ones outweight it 99 to 1? At this point I'm not even sure if I even can get back into playing it again. It is a very much 'me' problem, not game problem. Why cannot I be normal? 😭
Venting/ranting under the cut, if anyone cares.
So, it is again about Tav being non-character. I know, I know. I keep harping on it. But this is like a pebble stuck in a boot. It just keeps getting worse with time😔
That story from Astarion writer about how they added more content for Durge just because they could pretty much broke me. Especially the part how they wished there was more time to add same level of care for Durge from other companions.
Why Durge - who already has a metric fuckton more content, major impact on the main plot and exists in game world no matter who you play as - deserves extra care and even more content?
It did not even cross their mind to wish there was more time to add unique interactions only Tav players would see. To make Tav a real character that exist in the world no matter what. But no, let put a cherry on top of massive cake Durge already got instead.
It turned my jealousy of Durge being 'Tav with lots more content' into resentment. It is unfair, and I do not even want to play Durge now, out of spite. And it was supposed to be my next playtrough too!
And I know, in real world there is budget and time, and neither is unlimited. So choices have to be made. But if they could not spare any to make Tav part of the world, they could have let them to be the only one customizable character. It could have been their special unique thing with zero extra effort on team's part.
Default Durge is a white dragonborn monk. Should have stayed this way as a preset character. This way Tav's unique thing would be customizability, and Durge's extra content would have felt as premade story of this one premade character, just like playable companions feel.
But no, they had to go and make Durge customizable too, which instantly made Tav infinitely worse by comparison. Of course, it is too late to change it now. So Tav is stuck as an afterthought. An unloved child of development team, if you will. And unfortunately for me, this is my main char. So I'm salty and jealous and mad and resentful about Durge.
There's not a single thing you miss if you do not play as Tav. No extra story, no extra NPCs, no extra written notes, no extra dialogue. Nothing. In contrast, I learned whole Durge's backstory while playing Tav, just from reading books and notes.
The saddest thing is that it makes me like Astarion less too.
Because due to writers whims out of two customizable characters Astarion cares about Durge, but not about Tav. Even though both character treat him equally. But for some reason (aka the writer's whim) Astarion cares for Durge a lot more. Gives them a special nickname too. And I'm salty about it.
Honestly, it feels like Tav is being punished for being 'normal' (whatever your headcanons are - the game treats Tav as someone well-adjusted and untraumatized).
Yeah, you go solve everyone problems and tragic pasts while no one ever wonders about your mental state, backstory and possible troubles even once. No one cares whether Tav is scared, stressed etc. If they are sad because they do not have a single person in the world to talk to outside of tadpole crew. But Durge is oh so special and needs whole group support, always.
With Durge it feels like everyone supports each other. With Tav it feels horribly one-sided. Tav will risk their life for companions. But they won't even ask how their day is going.
I really wish I played Durge first. This way I would not get invested in my main (who is Tav, because Durge was not a thing during early access). Alas, it was Tav, and I cannot rewrite the past and not play EA.
Add to this the problems with Act 3 pacing and the ending being unsatisfactory(I wrote some long-ass posts about it before)
Add to this poly relationships being an afterthought(despite it being a point in advertising the game!) and Halsin never treated as an equal partner by the game. You never see all three interacting as a policule either. No epilogue of planning the future as policule too.
Add to it me being done with fantasy/sci-fi stories of 'you can save the world, but not the ill person you care about'. Like, is it realy that unrealistic compared to stopping an alien invasion all by yourself? Especially when the possibility of cure is heavily teased by those games themselves.
Asd to it the recent numerical confirmation of how Wyll has so much less content than everyone else... (I'm sure it is because he got rewritten. Does not make it hurt any less, tho)
Death by a thousand papercuts right here
Again, compared to wastness and overall quality of the game those are such small and insignificant things. And I'm sure there won't be another game this good for many more years. And I totally planned to play BG3 till something just as good comes along.
But my brain has stopped me in my tracks before the second run is finished. And I hate it so much. Because when I'm done with something - I am really done and cannot go back, no matter how much I want to. And I do not want to be done with BG3 just yet. But also cannot bring myself to start the game anymore 💔 As I said - It's a 'me' problem. But it still hurts as all get out and I wish I was not the way I am.
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quohotos · 10 months
I'm assuming you've played some ttrpgs based on your posts so what are some of the characters you've played?
It is true, I have played a lot of TTRPGs, however most often I was the forever DM, so a lot of times the characters I was playing were NPCs or villains.
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Here's a set of some villains from from one of my first campaigns. They are a species called "Nocturns" and are based on bats. These ones have all had their wings amputated which sure as heck made it easier to draw them. I don't post a lot of these guys because, again, they're part of unpublished works that will get a big art drop if I ever manage to find a publishing solution.
In order from top to bottom:
Commander Symeraks is a flamboyant diva who writes and directs plays when he's not busy leading armies. He's incredibly skilled and incredibly dangerous, but easily distracted. Commander Glyph is cunning, ruthless, pragmatic, and not actually that skilled. He's a mediocre commander, but he attaches himself to Symeraks and keeps him out of trouble as his handler. He hopes that he can ride Symeraks' coat tails into a higer ranking position. Don't ship them, Symeraks is gay for someone else and Glyph would rather die than kiss anyone. Lomedia is a burning spirit of chaos who everyone hates, including herself. She's been demoted a million times but always finds some way to cling on and make everyone's lives a little bit worse. She's constantly betraying, backstabbing, and lying and yet somehow the rest of them always give her another chance.
Those are some memorable villains from one of my campaigns, but here are some more memorable characters I've played, in order of most favorite to least favorite.
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Bradly Arbor is a 19 year old who's just out of highschool. He was captain of the football team, but also got all the lead roles in the play by virtue of being one of the few guys who enrolled in the school plays (he was not a good actor). He did that all to get closer to a girl who he was infatuated with... unfortunately she came out as a lesbian and his heart was crushed. Rather than go to college he got a deadend job at a little emporium that reopened in town and accidentally got embroiled in the supernatrual.
It was a monster of the week game, and his class was "Professional", interpreted very sarcastically and very loosely. That sword he carries is The Phoenix King (a perk of the job). It can speak and has deep lore implication that he's just too much of a dumb himbo to really grasp or care about. What's important is that it lights ablaze when he says "Hey, do the thing where you're on fire".
Other notable parts of his character design are his Marry Poppins briefcase (another perk of the job), and his cracked iphone 5 (not a perk of the job). He's dumb as rocks, but his heart is in the right place, specifically in his rib-cage
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Morgan is a Dragonborn barbarian that I made for a friend's campaign set in a homebrew setting. I was feeling lazy with character designs that day so I adapted the character of Morgan from my unreleased serial to the 5e setting, thus she has hair instead of a frill.
Same backstory though, an exhiled princess who refuses to work out her feelings and instead cuts people's heads off while moralistically spouting about a religion that basically no one but her believes in. She has some cool homebrew heart-eating mechanics that my DM gave me because no one wanted to play a healer in that game, so this interpretation of Morgan also gets up to some Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom shenanigans.
Of notable importance, I was basically done with the drawing and then asked my DM "Hey, where do you stand on the lizard boob debate?" after a hilarious conversation in which they lost all respect for me, my DM decided that, yes, lizards have boobs in his setting, so I haphazardly added some cloth to her chest to be compliant with his lore.
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Lastly is Rythian, an elf Monk that I threw together for an ill-fated game that only lasted like one session. He's an elf monk, named after a yogscast member because I really struggle with originality sometimes. His body was horribly burned in an incident so he wears these cool wraps to cover it up... why he doesn't wear just regular clothes is beyond me. He's special like that I guess.
It's been a while so I don't remember much more of his lore, but I do remember how much I miss adobe illustrator draw... fuck that was a good app. Why the fuck did they have to shut it down? Is there anything else like it?
Some of my coolest characters for ttrpgs were from games that I played with a close group of friends who never want to speak to me ever again... so out of respect for them I'll omit all the cool art I made for those games.
Thank you for the ask!
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