#and as noted in the screenshot that's the day the video says it was uploaded in my timezone
scarletfasinera · 4 months
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dnpbeats · 4 months
(Almost Solid) Proof That Dan Ran PhilsLion
I'm convinced that Dan was the person who ran the PhilsLion twit and I have receipts.  For anyone who doesn't know, PhilsLion is a twitter account that tweeted from the POV of Lion. It's commonly thought that this account was run by Phil. Besides the fact that he would interact with the account, there are multiple tweets that seem to be about him and dan. Unfortunately there's good reason to believe it wasn't Phil running it. HOWEVER there are many reasons that lead me to believe it was Dan who was tweeting from it, some of which is evidence based and some of which makes logical sense.
DISCLAIMER: All tweets I've included that are ostensibly about dan and phil's relationship are in reference to things that are confirmed by d&p themselves (e.g. the fact that d&p were romantically involved when they first met). I will not discuss anything that is not supposed to be public knowledge.
First let's look at when the Twitter was created. (Note: I am in UTC-8 so all screenshots will be in that time zone. I will say what time it would've been in UTC+0 (d&p's time zone) for clarity.)
Dan’s twitter account was created in May 2009. The first tweet from him (assuming he did not delete any older ones) was May 15 at 1:18pm. Presumably this is the day he got twitter.
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On May 16 2009 at 3:19am Phil tweeted that he uploaded “I was kidnapped.” 
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In this video he mentions his own personal twitter account, and there is an annotation of Lion saying “i want a twitter” (20sec into the video)
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About 3 hours after the video was posted (6:26am UTC+0), we get the first tweet from PhilsLion (presumably this was right after the account was created)
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May 16th 2009 was a Saturday. We know from Dan’s video “THE POWER NAP” that he worked at ASDA on Saturdays and Sundays from 5am-10am. So he would’ve been awake shortly after Phil posted the video. Also note that Dan presumably had an iPhone at the time (he tweeted something about iPhones in June 2009 and had no previous tweets before that about getting a new phone). He specifically tweeted in Sep 2009 about tweeting from his iPhone. Based on the fact that Dan literally showed up to work drunk and took a nap, I don’t think he is above going on twitter at work.
While this is not proof that Dan created the account, we can see that it’s definitely possible for him to have created the account. We know he would’ve been awake at the time the account was created, and it was approx. a day after he created his own twitter account, so making a twitter account would've been fresh in his mind.
We do have proof that Phil did not create the account. First, he edited the description of “I was kidnapped.” to say that someone [else] created PhilsLion:
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He also tweeted May 16th (10:35am UTC+0 if that matters to anyone) basically saying the same thing as the video desc, implying that someone else made the account:
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Finally in “AmazingJason” (posted May 26th) he mentions, again, “someone [else]” creating the Twitter account (about 20seconds in, the timestamp is linked). He encourages everyone to follow it and links it in the description of the video:
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So unless Phil was really pushing that someone else created it even though he himself made it, it wasn’t him.
If you want to skip to Proof™ scroll down to the next photo of Phil. Before that, I’d like to debunk the 11:11/different time zone thing–I think this is the biggest reason people have claimed that the account was not run by Phil or Dan but rather some other random fan. On May 30th at 4:12pm UTC+0 and June 3rd at 4:19am UTC+0, PhilsLion tweeted about making wishes at 11:11. In order for these tweets to be made at ~11:11 local time, they would need to have been made in either UTC-5 or UTC+7. UTC-5 is US Eastern Time. UTC+7 is a time zone mainly consisting of Southeast Asia. This includes parts of Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam. I have an explanation for this, which is certainly the biggest reach of this whole thing, but it is a plausible explanation :p
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It’s very possible that it was Dan who tweeted this if he was on vacation with his family at the time. We know Dan and his family have vacationed in Asia many times (at the very least they went to Thailand in 2006, India in 2010 and 2013, and Sri Lanka in 2016). So while there’s no proof (that I know of) that Dan was on vacation at this time, it’s certainly possible that he was. The location of the tweets would fit with where we know his family likes to go on holiday. Additionally, the second tweet talks about water skiing, which tends to be a fun vacation thing rather than something people do regularly (note this tweet would be at 11:19am in UTC+7)
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There’s further proof that PhilsLion was not always in UTC+7. On Christmas 2009, PhilsLion tweeted “goodmorning” at 6:21am UTC+0. This would be 1:21pm in UTC+7. It makes a lot more sense for this to have been tweeted in England.
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Then fast forward to January 8th 2011. PhilsLion tweets “I was up all night” at 8:05am UTC+0. This would be 3pm in UTC+7. So again, it seems that PhilsLion was not in UTC+7 at this time.
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Okay, now onto much more solid evidence. First, the handwriting of PhilsLion. This is the most tangible piece of proof. On June 25th 2009 Phil posted “AmazingAlex,” where Lion can be seen behind him in one of Phil’s shoes:
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Lion tweeted a photo the next day, saying “I’m on a boat :)” in reference to being in Phil’s shoe
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Note that the drawing/writing does not appear in the video and therefore was done by whoever runs PhilsLion. Here is some of Dan’s writing (found in TABINOF) for comparison:
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This is from the “how to draw cat whiskers” page. Notice how the As all have the crossbar quite high up, just like in the twitter picture. Additionally, the top loops in the Bs are all very skinny compared to the bottom loop. Here’s another one of Dan’s capital Bs from the blindfolded portrait page, which is similar to Lion's writing:
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I’m not a handwriting analysis expert, and yes it’s different drawing on MSPaint vs. a piece of paper, but the handwriting certainly has similarities.
And now, the more circumstantial evidence, but things that seem (imo) to be too big of a coincidence to not have been written by Dan (FYI these are going to be added in order of how much of a reach they are, not chronological order, lol). First we have “I month you”:
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This tweet is proposing an alternate word for “love” and ends with “I month you” (i.e. is replacing the word love with month), and was tweeted on November 19th 2009. AKA exactly a month after dan and phil met IRL for the first time.
Another one that seems very related to Dan and what we know of his situation is this tweet about “Lion’s” dad:
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In Dan’s own words in BIG: “I didn’t think I could ask my family for help or share my feelings about this, mainly due to my dad. Funny guy, kind of a woke hippie who did and said a lot of things I did respect but at the same time used to walk around the house saying how he hoped someone he had a problem with at work would 'die of bum cancer.' Yep, so picked the one area to be a bigot that would further traumatize your child. Nice! This experience coming from a childhood hearing the word gay meaninglessly thrown around as an insult at home[.]” 
Note that Dan was still living at home at the time, so if this tweet was made by him, it wouldn't have meant literally “getting away.” Also, Dan was at home when this was tweeted but it was 3 days before he was going to see Phil.
Next there’s this tweet:
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The “admirers” thing could be referring to anything really, but was tweeted during the time that Dan (and Phil) were in the Clipstar video contest. Also, Dan posted this dailybooth two days before this tweet, and most of the comments are just gassing him up, so lol (the pic doesn’t load but based on the comments I think it was a screenshot from his clipstar vid).
This tweet from Christmas Eve 2009. Dan and Phil were together and filming the interactive Christmas adventure:
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Proof they were together if anyone needs it:
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This tweet (tweeted November 26 5:45am UTC+0)
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Many things to note here. The song linked is called “When I See You Again.” It’s by Dave Bullas (one of the founders of SiTC), whom d&p were/are friends with. (They had other friends who were friends with him as well. PJ has the top comment on the video.) The lyrics of the song are not really happy as they insinuate a breakup. But it’s interesting to think about them in the context of wanting to see someone who you are not able to. This tweet was 3/4 days after the “I wonder how biology…” tweet and 3 days before Dan went to see Phil.
Also, Dan just LOVES recommending music to people. He does it a lot.
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(^ Proof Dan was seeing Phil on the 29th if anyone needs it)
Now a tweet exchange which doesn't technically prove anything, but I thought was curious. Phil tweeted December 29 2010 about getting a new camera:
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Lion tweeted in reference to this 20 minutes later:
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I find this interesting because Phil made no comment anywhere about manuals or ignoring them. So it could just be PhilsLion making schput, but a lot of the other Lion tweets are in direct reference to something Phil said/did. It would make sense if Dan ran the twitter acc and he was talking about something that he witnessed Phil do that we don’t know about. Also note “my new camera is here” vs. “phil picked up his new camera” (Lion giving more specific detail than Phil in terms of the manner in which he obtained the camera).
Some Tweets (1, 2, 3) which aren’t proof of anything but just sound like things Dan would say:
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For context, this is about floods that happened in Queensland. Again, I have no way to prove Dan said this. But if you’ve ever read, like, anything Dan has said in a print interview ever or watched any of his liveshows, you know that he often tries to say stuff with superfluous/pretentious language and then ends up not making a whole lot of sense. Things that he’s said have been misconstrued so many times, or just outright don’t make sense to anyone but him. So this series of tweets checks out, if it is Dan who ran the account.
This Twitter exchange which doesn’t actually prove anything but is very sweet if it is dan who tweeted it:
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The photo is a screenshot from “AmazingJason”:
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Note that two weeks later (October 23) in “Life without the internet!?” Phil says the internet led to him “meeting the best friend of [his] life.” The comments all assume he is referencing Dan, but in the video he holds up Lion, so presumably that’s actually who he’s talking about. That is, unless Lion represents Dan :p
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Lastly, this tweet which is a Fall Out Boy lyric, but again would be cute if it was Dan:
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There's a few more tweets that are interesting to think about being from Dan but don't actually prove anything so I won't put them here lol.
So, at the end of the day, could it be some random fan* who made the twitter account? Yes. But in my opinion there isn’t really anything proving it’s not Dan. On top of that, there are enough things that fit with what we know factually about d&p now, but were not well known at the time, that make it seem much more likely that Dan ran this account vs. a random person.
*technically when the account was started, Dan himself was a random fan. So there’s that too ;)
P.S. best practice is to not interact with old tweets, so pls don't go on a retweet spree
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AITA for exposing a woman's lies to my sister and encouraging her to call CPS?
I (27F) am a resident doctor. I'm not getting into where or for what. My sister(25 f) messaged me last week saying she was stressed and asked me to watch her kids. I love my nieces (4F, 2.5F) and was going to agree, when my sister told me that I would also be watching her friend's kid (3M).
I have been around this kid before at events my sister has had that her friend had been at. This kid is a terror and won't listen to anyone. I am all for gentle parenting, which my sister does, but this kid has zero parenting. He doesn't know how to listen. Has drawn on walls and then peeled the wallpaper off. Screams constantly. Anytime I've been around this, he never listens to his mom or my sister. I have no doubt he wouldn't listen to me.
I asked why this kid would be around. Apparently, her friend is having health issues and asked her to watch her son so she could have a weekend away with her husband and newborn as she "isnt sure how much time she had left". My sister agreed. On the day they were supposed to return, this woman texted my sister and asked if she would mind watching a few more days. She guilt tripped my sister bringing up her "dying" and how stressful everything is.
That was over a week and a half ago. I asked my sister what this lady has. My sister sent me screenshots and then sent me one of those donation pages (like GoFundMe but not that). This woman lists what is "wrong with her". As a resident, the diagnosis she has listed is NOT life threatening. In fact, the woman had uploaded a video with the campaign and she showed medical papers. The medical papers SHOW it is NOT life threatening. While there is a medical issue, it is not one that typically causes pain or causes death. It is easily treated. But in the video she uses a lot of medical jargon that sounds worse then it is and that is used not in context.
I told my sister she was being lied to and gave my medical opinion on the diagnosis. My sister cried and thanked me saying she was worried her friend would die. I told her she needed to call CPS as this isn't her kid and the kid has been abandoned. My sister was agreeable but stated she would contact the mom again as there were other things she couldn't tell me that my sister didn't feel comfortable sharing.
I got a text from an unknown number telling me to "leave people alone and worry about your own kids- oh wait you don't have any". I can only assume it is her? My sister says there is more to the story I dont know, which makes me wonder if I am the asshole. The kid is more behaved apparently then ever, but I feel the kid has been abandoned. Note: I don't know her friend's full name or anything else about the situation so I dont have enough information for myself to call, but my sister does.
What are these acronyms?
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hjnxx · 2 months
› › mascara — the debut single.
HIJINXX’s percussion driven first digital single, the song encourages the listener to avoid unhealthy relationships and know their own worth, letting them showcase their confidence and true talents. dropping officially on streaming platforms june 14th, 2021, MASCARA centers around an electronic hip-hop and dance-pop trap beat that creates a dynamic, upbeat pop song.
a formidable hit that made waves for all the wrong reasons domestically, MASCARA had the opposite effect internationally. nevertheless, HIJINXX would get the chance to perform the song on mnet’s m countdown, sparking the discourse surrounding their name. the official music video for MASCARA received 2.6 million views within the first week, highlighting how HIJINXX are quickly making their own statement around the world no matter what.
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› WRITING CREDITS : hongjoong, eden, ahyeon
› CHART PLACEMENTS : #87 on bbHOT100
› MUSIC VIDEO : 1M views in 2 days, 2.6M for the first week
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wooo hijinxx first single! debut into the industry with fire and passion, this is what we like to see!
except comma,
the public reception to the single being mostly in english was genuine surprise. it’s not unheard of having english lyrics in k-pop songs, but the entire song? as a debut single? for a new group trying to find their own footing? yeah korean netizens were not having it at all. on a forum asking what people thought about the song, the top liked negative comment read: they should all move to america since they want to sing songs with no korean lyrics. they shouldn’t even call themselves a ‘korean pop’ group.
many were quick to come to the girls’ defenses though, saying that the song was meant to reach a wider audience since the survival show didn’t do as well as hoped. ratings for the show had tanked following the accusations of rigging and favoritism, so it wasn’t a long shot for the group to debut with such a song to appeal to a wider audience.
now on to the girls! yuina became a quick fan favorite with her expressions and stage presence, surprising viewers with her strong dance skills. it was then revealed that she spent many hours practicing the choreography over and over, sometimes well into the morning, even falling asleep in the practice rooms out of sheer exhaustion. hearing this, coupled with some tidbits of her life that she had revealed on the survival show, warmed her up to the public very quickly. her short rap in the song would also gain a bit of praise, especially for her lack of vocal wavering despite giving one hundred percent during performance.
despite this, kq would receive a lot of criticism for debuting the girls with ‘simple choreo’, the general consensus being that ( save for yuina who was really busting her ass on stage every time ) the other three girls would ‘walk instead of dance’ into each position.
micha received a ton of attention, some good, most of it bad. the main sore spot was that, as the main vocalist, she was given the most lines, but netizens would go on to complain that the company was favoring her through an unfair line distribution. hate comments would be left underneath the videos uploaded for the performances. she’s lucky she’s pretty, one commenter would write, otherwise i would really hate to hear the sound of her voice. when she dances she looks like she’s being electrocuted and it’s not like she tries to be likable.
eunji would go semi-viral for blankly staring at the screen during group introductions, the nerves getting to her so bad she would default to a semi panicked look. screenshots of the moments would go viral to be used as a reaction meme despite most not knowing where the pictures originated from.
mascara would be promoted for a month and a half, long enough for public performances / more busking, few idol interactions, and dance challenges—especially with their senior group, ateez. the ‘mascara challenge’ with yuina, wooyoung, and san would especially go viral due to atinys flooding the comments with love and poking fun at the notable height difference between san and yuina.
mascara did not gain any wins, but it would go on to chart and peak at number 87 on the billboard hot 100, marking their first entry on to a chart.
soon after the music video for mascara dropped, hijinxx would release a four episode behind the scenes series of filming, practices, and more for each member titled to their respective suit. ( ex : micha’s episode would be titled ‘HIJINXX - ‘MASCARA’ BTS : DIAMOND SUIT’ )
even though there wasn’t much to say about ahyeon’s performance, she would gain more traction for her persona off stage. atinys and aces would bond over hongjoong and ahyeon’s friendship, the bits and pieces of the two featured in her mascara bts episode showcasing just how close they were. considering she’s the one who actively pursued their friendship, their moments were received fondly as the two truly seemed comfortable together. the recording process especially showcased this, featuring a now infamous moment of the two poking fun at each other in the studio. one atiny would post on twitter, ‘new drinking game : take a shot each time ahyeon says ‘joong-ah!’ every time he acts like a little shit LMAOOO 😭 i love them together <3’, the tweet amassing enough attention for even the ateez members themselves to pick up on the teasing.
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Percy Hynes White Allegations Debunked
Important note: A majoity of the information is coming from a twitter account FreddysRevenges. I will also be showing you a statement from Percy, as well as a statement from one of his supposed victims, Jane (Her twitter is Relation4y).
I was originally going to link the twitter thread so you could see all the screenshots (there are 41 tweets in total), but then with the changes made to twitter, I was going to screenshot most of it and put it in reblogs. However, the whole thread was uploaded on thread reader so now I will link it and you can view everything. And I encourage to look there as well because I'll be summarizing but not including everything because or else it would be really, really long.
So to start, if you haven't heard of him, Percy Hynes White is a 22 year old Canadian actor. He's been in some movies/shows before but got really popular after being in season 1 of the show Wednesday that premiered last November. In January of this year, he was accused of sexual assault (which has gone back and forth from being assault or rape), being a racist as well as a nazi.
On that note:
This all started back on the 18th of January of this year. A girl named Aries retweeted "proof" of Percy sleeping with an underage girl. Aries added that the girl had lied about her age to the public, saying she was sixteen, but that he'd known how old she truly was. Additionally, Aries said that the underage girl and Percy had been talking since the girl was 13 and she could have sworn that the girl had told her (Aries) that they'd been messing around when she was 13 but couldn't exactly recall.
The underage girl she was referring to is named Jane. Jane is a former friend of Aries, with Jane having ended the friendship in 2020. Prior to that, Jane had been shown on Aries' Instagram page. There are pictures and videos of her doing drugs with her and Aries' other friends. Jane was the only minor of the group. The other girls, all 10 of them, were 18+ with three of them being over 21 years of age.
That same day, on the 18th, Aries lied about the age difference between Jane and Percy. She said that he was four years older than her and would have supposedly been 18 when he and Jane slept together. However, that is not true. Percy's birthday is in October of 2001. Jane was born in March of 2004. That can be proven based on a screenshot of her Instagram bio which previously had her age in it (19), as well as a birthday selfie in which she says I'm 19 now. Hence, the age difference is 2.4 years and not four as previously claimed.
The post that Aries retweeted, the one showing the "proof" was from her friend Kayla who posted the misleading private instagram messages between her and Jane. Those messages made it seem like he'd had sex with her even though he knew she was underage, even though it left out the fact that he was also underage at the time. With both of them being Canadian, the age is consent is 16 and having sex with a 14 or 15 year old is not a criminal offense if the partner is less than 5 years and there is no relationship of trust, authority or dependency or any other exploitation of the young person according to The Official Website of the Government of Canada. 
Aries then doubles down on it. She said that the reason no one had any other proof was because they thought it was normal. She said that Jane, though she did not identify her by name in that particular tweet, "was severely groomed and severely thinks he loved her or something."
But people were able to gather who she was talking about because in another tweet she only censored one letter of Jane's name (J*ne) and based on Instagram story highlights where Jane was tagged. Aries nor Kayla follow Jane and Jane does not follow either of them. Aries had since referred to her as one of her ex friends and says that they do not talk anymore.
Meanwhile, it was shown that Percy and Jane are still on good terms. They follow each other and one of Percy's ex, Katie Douglas, still follows him and follows Jane as well. They've both shown support for Jane's art
All of the information provided by Kayla and Aries was not only a lie, but her (Jane's) history with Percy was used without her consent. She (Jane) tweeted on April 18th that she was not a victim and telling people to stop messaging her on inatsgram. On the 19th, she retweeted the post from the FreddysRevenges account about how Aries lied about the age difference.
On twitter, there were some people were wanting Jane to confirm Aries' story. Aries said she couldn't force people to talk about it and had to respect their privacy. In another tweet, she said they don't talk anymore and she has no way of getting into contact with her. She also claimed that Jane has seen her tweets and made her own choice, implying that Jane had no problem with what was being said.
The user she was responding to then questioned why she would use her without her consent and without verifying anything. Aries said she was responding to a friend, when she retweeted the initial post, and didn't think it would get that much attention.
In multiple tweets, Aries referred to Percy as a pedophile. There are at least seven screenshots that show her saying it. She goes on to say that he likes girls 14-17 years old, again without mentioning how old he was at the time. She also said that he is a "known assaulter and groomer and pedophile in Toronto n me and my bud were victims."
Then we have the nude pictures. Aries was sent two nude pictures of Percy (he was not showing his genitals) by an anonymous account. Those pictures were supposedly sent by him to a group chat he was in with minors. The anonymous account was not in the group chat, but a friend of theirs was and they saved the photos on an old phone. However, there is no proof that the chat was real or that Percy sent those himself. since Aries' tweet, these pictures have gone viral. The anonymous account said that he'd sent those around 2 years ago, which would be around January of 2021. But there are pictures of his hair to debunk this. In early to mid 2020, he dyed his hair blonde. In mid to late 2020, he dyed it back to the original color with it just touching his shoulders from late 2020 to early 2021. His hair in the nude pictures showed his hair shorter, looking like it is slightly past his ears.
There was an article posted when Percy's nudes were leaked. It dates back to June 26 of 2019. That was 3 and a half years before they were posted by Aries. The timing of the article would mean he was 17 at the time and therefore, a minor.
Aries then denied ever posting his nudes. She insinuated that because he was not showing his genitals, then that meant it didn't count as a nude picture. But the word nude is defined as wearing no clothes which he most definitely isn't in the picture. What Aries did, because the pictures were originally from when he was a minor, counts as distribution of child pornography. She denied what she did was child pornography, but in doing so, she admitted in a tweet that those were nude pictures.
What Aries did, sharing the pictures for all to see, with him being naked and without his consent, counts as revenge porn. One of her tweets reads: "my god I am so happy these pics r on the internet. look at him. this who the haters defending. I'm crying laughing thru the pain rn" counts as cause them distress or embarrassment in the definition of revenge porn. It is a criminal offense in the eye of the Canadian law.
There were four girls who came forward--Aries, Desiree, Karis and Kayla via sexual assault, enabling rape and verbal abuse. All but Kayla claim to be a victim of his. No one else came forward. In a tweet, Aries said no one had any proof that he did anything. There are multiples times she's said this. In another one, she said she didn't have any proof, just what she's posting on twitter. Then 10 minutes later, she contradicted herself, saying "cus we got proof" and will let the court legally prove her story. But then 13 minutes after that tweet, she contradicted herself again and said she had no proof.
Someone asked Aries if anyone tried going to the police. Aries said in a tweet on the 18th of January that one person tried back in high school but the police did nothing about it. But Aries is the only one having accused Percy of sexually assaulting her so if she didn't go to the police then no one did. 23 days later, Aries contradicted herself by saying "we did try going to authorities." Once the accusations went viral, Aries said she was going to proceed with legal action. But then she says she hasn't gone to the authorities because she is waiting for Percy to make the first move and it's unclear what move she expects him to make. So if Percy doesn't make the first move and makes a case in a legal setting himself then she won't do it. If she has been talking to lawyers but never presses charges, Percy can't be arrested or be dealt any legal repercussions because the accusations never came into a courtroom.
On at least 9 different tweets, Aries alluded to Percy raping her. But once articles started coming out, she changed her words. She said that he never raped her, that he "assaulted me and touched me, grabbed me, spoke to me and made inappropriate innuendos." She also said that she'd made the twitter thread to shed a light on what he did to others. In another tweet on the 22nd of January, four days after she accused him, Aries said that people may have been misreading her tweets, saying that she did it for her own assault (assault, not rape) and for other people.
But even after that, in February she again referred to him as a rapist (remember, she is the only one who accused him of assault/rape. The other accusers did not).
Aries claimed that she was sexually assaulted by Percy at a party at his house in Toronto at the end of summer/fall, possibly early winter of 2017. But that can't be true because from June 17th of 2017 to December 4th of 2017, Percy was in the U.S to film for the series The Gifted. There is an article that mentioned the location where it was being filmed (Atlanta Georgia). There are also pictures and videos of him attending promo events like the San Diego Comic Con in June of 2017, as well as pictures posted by his co-stars (like Jamie J. Chung) showing him hanging out with them.
What's interesting is that initially, Aries watched Wednesday without a problem. The first episode came out on November 23rd of 2022. Her initial tweets made no mention of Percy or the alleged assault. It wasn't until sixteen days later on December 9th, where she said that seeing Percy (in a show about her favorite character) made her want to die. The next day on December 10th, she re-tweeted a post from Pop Cave and said that she needed him gone from this world.
Her initial tweets contradict what she said on January 18th, in a tweet where she said she'd been trying to tell fans about Percy ever since Wednesday came out. There are (at least) five screenshots of her posts/retweets regarding the show with a couple of them now deleted at the time the threadreader post was made.
On February 10th, she said she only watched the season one time and that's it. That same day, she said she didn't know Percy was in the show until she saw him in the first episode. She added that she called her friend Kayla and they reacted together to him being in the show to which Aries said they were "both sick to our stomachs, shocked and queasy."
In spite of that, they both watched the show. Kayla said that Aries "went into a full blown breakdown." Aries said she wasn't okay with seeing his face. But even with that reaction, she watched the whole season. Percy appeared in all 8 episodes and according to Screen Time Data, had a total of 1 hour and 1 minute of screentime.
Now back to Jane. Remember that Aries had said, though at the time she didn't mention Jane by name, that the person (Jane) was 13-17 and severely groomed by him. That was on January 18th. As I mentioned, Jane's birthday is in March of 2004, so the alleged timeline is from 2017-2021. Kristina, one of Aries' friends, confirmed seeing Jane and Percy together in 2020-2021 when Jane was sixteen. At some point, all three girls were friends. There are dates form late 2020, 2021 and early 2022 of them being on good terms.
And if you remember that in 2017, Aries said she was assaulted by Percy and yet, for 2 years she didn't say or do anything when Jane was hanging out with Percy. she didn't try to stop it or get parents/police involved. It was after the were no longer friends that she actually said something.
The big thing to note is that Aries doesn't even know Percy personally. In a series of tweets from January 19th to February 15th, she said that she doesn't keep up with him, never dated him, didn't go to school with him and never even texted him. The only time they've interacted was at that party in 2017 (which we know is false since he wasn't in Toronto at the time). Even so, she has tweeted about how he supposedly hates acting. The tweet made it seem like she knew that for certain, but in another tweet on the 15th of February, she said that people were talking about it in Toronto and that is how she heard about it.
It goes to show that Aries is relying on second hand information and can't 100% verify what she's saying. Those accusations of him being a racist and a white supremist/nazi supporting are also proven false. The video of him saying a slur was from a movie he was in where he played a racist character in the TV show Them. The white supremist/nazi ideology account that he was supposedly following was an art page ran by an all black artist movement that was made to critique American media.
Aries had said she made the thread to talk mostly about other people's experiences, not just her own. But she's deliberately lied about important details, has not done her own research and accepted unconfirmed evidence. That led to her distributing child pornography of Percy. She's even shown interest in using rumors of Percy's relationship with his ex girlfriend Molly so she can make more posts against him.
Back in may of 2021, a twitter user (braidsbyemily) who is also a local of Toronto, made a post calling out Brycen Davidson. She called him out for physically abusing multiple women. On January 20th, 2 days after she came out with the allegations against Percy, Aries addressed the tweet and that is the only time she does. She said that Brycen was someone who Percy was very close with (I'm not certain how close they actually were/are). She also retweeted from another user, agreeing with the user saying that they must have been trying to talk about it since than (2021) and people weren't ready to listen. But what she doesn't mention is that Bryce was also good friends with 3 of the girls who came forward about Percy (Kayla, Desiree, Karis). Desiree and Kayla have been admitted to defending and protecting Brycen at one point. Aries claimed that she had nothing to do with it when another twitter user pointed it out. But that contradicts when she said/implied when she agreed that they have been trying to talk about it and people weren't listening.
In tweets from January, Aries made fun of a woman (Angie) who said it (the claims) was obviously all a lie and said she stood with Percy. Aries responded to that by saying look at this dick riding for a man that didn't even hit on her when meeting her she also added 3 laughing emojis. When she says that didn't even hit on her when meeting her, she is referring to her own alleged meeting with Percy (when he'd supposedly made inappropriate innuendos). For her to supposedly be a victim, her response doesn't make sense. Remember that he'd not only done that, but Aries also claimed that he groped her, crept up behind her and touched her back/hips, etc. You have to ask why she would make fun of Angie for not being hit on by Aries' assaulter? Aries then apologized for how it sounded, saying that she was just trying to point out that Angie just never saw that side of him.
But it didn't end there. Aries went on to attack Angie in her DM's. She threatened Angie's safety multiple times, says that Angie doesn't know what she (Aries) is capable of and told Angie not to comment on her posts anymore or she will find her address. She also explicitly told Angie: I will actually end u. Angie posted the screenshots of the messages that Aries sent her, adding that those are going to be sent to the cops and encouraging people to send her other tweets made by Aries if they have death threats in them. That same day (the 19th of January), Aries (perhaps inadvertently), confirmed that the screenshots are real. She claimed that Angie harassed her private socials and tried tagging Aries' family/friends in the comments, however she couldn't have spammed her because she hadn't even accepted Aries' message request.
Aries used the popularity of Wednesday to push her cancelation of Percy. Again, she tried to insist that she's been trying to tell people about him since the show aired but no one listened to her until now--which we know isn't true. Aries then targeted fan accounts of Wednesday and even harassed one account for "stanning" Percy (stanning means to be an avid fan). When Aries replied to a post of the account to tell them why they shouldn't be stanning him, the reply was hidden because the account owner thought it was spam. Aries then called them out on this, questioning why they were still using a picture of Percy for the profile picture. Eventually, the account rebranded and there was no mention of Percy on it at all.
People started to call out Jenna Ortega (lead actress of Wednesday who is also friends with Percy) for not saying anything about the accusations and still showing to be friends with him. At first, Aries said Jenna didn't need to say anything because it wasn't her responsibility. However, it is shown that a month and half later Aries liked tweets that condemned Jenna for still being friends with Percy.
Back in January, just a day after the accusations, someone named Jo made a video on tiktok, claiming that they'd (that's their pronouns) gone to school with him and he'd "used every girl he could to his advantage." The day after that, Aries claimed that she knows Jo. When people questioned Jo, asking for proof, they said that they didn't like Percy and didn't hang around him so that's why there are no pictures of them together. However, Jo is shown to have liked 5 of Percy's instagram posts from January 29th of 2019 to September 6th of 2021. He has not liked their posts nor does he follow them.
A girl named Daisey made a tweet in support of Aries on the 19th of January where she says that "all of toronto has known about percy and his friends for years." She was then questioned about her own experiences with Percy, to which Daisey said that there was a list of sexual predators in Toronto being spread around in 2020 and it had his name in it. That list has not been proven. Additionally, despite supposedly knowing that he was a sexual predator, Daisey liked an instagram post by Percy on April 3rd, 2021. She also has a spam account where she made 2 posts referencing Percy. One of those posts was on January 16th (2023) where she expressed her negative opinion of him. The second post came a day after the accusations where she is celebrating him being "canceled" and showed a DM of someone praising her for "influence" of getting Percy canceled. There was also a link to a fake article that body-shamed Percy and called him "an alleged rapist" even though no one had said he'd raped them. (Remember, Aries said he'd sexually assaulted her).
And so with that, Aries used these stories from other people to add more credibility to her claims. But 6/7 of them never even interacted with him. Not to mention, a lot of these people are those that she knows or claims to know.
If you'll recall, one of the people who spoke out against him was Desiree. She said that Percy let her get raped in his basement by a man, Raphael Irwin. She shared a screenshot of a text with Percy where she explained Raphael's behavior on that night. In the text, Desiree mentioned that there were "more than 10 people there" which implies that he wasn't there physically to know how Raphael was acting which is why she later messaged him about it. This can be also proven (him not being physically present) because in the tweet, she said that he called her afterwards (and supposedly was more worried about the police than her).
Besides Raphael, Desiree says that Percy said nothing while she was being abused by Brycen Davidson, who was also a close friend of his at the time. What she didn't mention was that she was a closer friend of Brycen's and left out that Brycen was friends with 3 out of the 4 girls that came out with accusations against Percy (Desiree, Karis, Kayla, who later clarified that she wasn't a victim and a girl named Emily who is a close friend of Aries and one of the last girls to come out and say something against Percy). So to clarify, Brycen was a friend to all of them and not just Percy.
Keeping that in mind, and the fact that her tweets show her being angry that people aren't believing her/questioning the legitimacy of it, Desiree was called out by 2 of her former close friends for enabling and defending Brycen and accused victims of lying even after seeing him abuse them. One of the girls even said that she's walked past Desiree "100 times" since than and Desiree had said nothing to her about it.
Now let's talk about Kayla. She is a longtime friend of Aries, and initially (on the 18th of January), Aries called her a victim. But when a post from Pop Culture News referenced her being a victim, Kayla corrected that and said she wasn't, that he only verbally attacked her when she called him out. She, like Aries, referenced Percy being a rapist, even though no one came forward with a rape accusation. The freddyrevenges account actually asked kayla who he raped if none of the victims who came forward were raped, Kayla responded and said she wasn't going to "out other people and their names." This is contradicted by her earlier actions when she shared that misleading DM to "prove" that he'd been sleeping with an underage girl (Jane). Both Kayla and Aries used Jane without her consent in order to push this lie.
One of the other girls who came forward, Karis, was not a victim of Percy. She referred to him as her abuser but hasn't elaborated on that. What we do know is that he dated her best friend, Lena, and apologized to Karis for for making her think they were together/playing with her feelings. Speaking of the apology, Aries and Kayla had used that apology as a means of evidence to show everyone that he was admitting for "the things he has done." In reality, Karis had messaged him to explain how he'd hurt her by leading her on, which he then apologized for doing.
Additionally, Kayla had posted (and what was retweeted by Aries) screenshots of texts between Karis and Percy that were meant to show him insulting her (Karis) and sending his fans after her. It's unclear why, but for whatever reason, Percy was cutting Karis off as a friend. She wanted an explanation, he didn't give her one so she called him a skeletor (referencing his skinny body) and told him to eat a burger. What neither Aries or Kayla showed was the story Karis posted. Karis had posted another screenshot of texts. At the time, Percy had been in Atlanta and asked her to visit him. Karis asked him "What would Lena think?" Lena was either his gf or ex gf at that time. He clarified that he meant as just friends. Karis then shared the screenshot, saying, @ me pussy boi as a way to expose him.
In response to that, Percy sarcastically posted to his own instagram story said: omg guys I've been #exposed!! Nearly a MONTH ago I invited [karis*} to Atlanta!! What a horrible thing to offer to a friend guess that means I'm officially #canceled R.I.P "skeletor" AKA pussy boi
** I didn't wanna put her username there but that's what was there
She'd said to @ her and that's what he did. He also only mockingly repeated the bodyshaming insults she'd said to him. You could argue that he probably shouldn't have made the story and just ignored her story, but even so, he didn't just do it out of the blue unprompted.
Lena, one of Percy's ex girlfriend's, was a mutual friend to both him and Karis and even Kayla. They all followed each other on instagram until the accusations came out. Lena then unfollowed Kayla and Karis (who was her best friend at one time) but still follows Percy.
Now a lot of people took Percy's initial silence as him being guilty. But that's the advice lawyers will give you. Karapance Law of Toronto said that by speaking out to defend yourself, your word risks being taken as victim blaming and suggests to take a social media hiatus (which Percy did). He came out with a statement and so did Jane.
Here is Percy's:
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And here is Jane's
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Now I want to talk about some of my own thoughts that I had while looking at that thread.
Right off the bat, the behavior of the girls, especially Aries, is very telling. They're being combative with practically anyone who doesn't just immediately accept their word. If you're telling the truth, we should be able to ask questions. Even if you boiled it down to "well, they're frustrated because people aren't listening!" Their words just don't sound right--like the dick riding comment.
A lot of people seem to think that by Percy being silent about the matter and disabling comments on his instagram, that's an automatic sign to tell that he'd guilty. It's interesting because on the gossip reddit page, Fauxmoi, someone else pointed out that's the kind of legal advice they'd be given in a situation like this but the reddit user said he should have just ignored it. One of those well, if it was me kind of comments.
What's unfortunate is that some of these people who believed the girls will not change their minds even if they see the evidence. There are people who commented under Jane's statement who didn't believe her. They think that she was paid by Percy to say that.
This should be a warning about the dangers of blindly believing any accusation you hear. It's about saying that they're all lies because they're not, but this shouldn't have happened. Percy, Jane, and their families have been through a lot and probably are still going through a lot because of this ordeal. A lot of people haven't seen this thread and the news outlets haven't talked about him much (beyond the initial accusations and his statement). I can't imagine how this must have been on him mentally
I hope those girls receive some kind of consequence for what they've done
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lavender-rosa · 1 year
Kny Characters + Internet
Ok now THIS is the last one for now I promise
(modern au obv)
Tanjirou: He likes watching videos of people doing impressive skateboard tricks, video game speedruns, heartwarming videos named smt like "WATCH THIS TO HAVE YOUR FAITH IN HUMANITY RESTORED", unlikely animal friends, cats being silly, puppies running around, comedy sketches with high production value and whatever else 15 year old boys watch on Youtube (Minecraft??? Pokemon??? Among us??? Lego??? I don't actually know)
Nezuko: Has an (extremely popular) etsy shop where she sells her homemade jewelry, and uses bandcamp to follow her friends who upload their music on there (namely Makomo). She also sort of uses whatsapp like social media bc she’s just in so many groupchats, and is constantly updating her status bc she can never settle on which string of emojis it should be. Her Youtube history consists of DIY's, fashion, baking, travel vlogs that kind of thing.
Zenitsu: He is very precious about his phone, because it is where he will someday write the next great contemporary novel. At the present, it is mostly scattered across various notes in his notes app, and mostly in code so that Kaigaku or gramps won't understand even if they do read it. Kaigaku hacks into his phone a lot, a fact which he has resigned himself to, which is why all of his text conversations are incredibly boring, except for his messages with Nezuko, which are communicated almost entirely in an emoji secret language only they understand. His camera roll is exclusively screenshots of pdfs and pictures of other people's cats he's saved, as well as some of Jigoro's old man memes he sends in the whatsapp family groupchat (which is just Jigoro, him and Kaigaku who has it on mute and never opens it) which autodownload into his phone (he doesn't know how to change that setting). He sleeps with his phone under his pillow, and always has it in his pocket during the day, but somehow Kaigaku still manages to steal it at least once a month, and until he has to leave for college, he is just gonna have to live like that.
Inosuke: He has a phone, but he doesn't use it much because it is a hassle. His friends and family know only to text him when it's urgent, with the exception of Nezuko who texts him constantly and Tanjirou, who will call him whenever he feels like it. He had Nezuko change his settings so that everything he dictates comes out in all caps. He's sick of people informing him of this fact as if it is a glitch and not something he is doing on purpose. He does have a Twitter but he doesn't actually follow anyone just tweets whenever he feels like it (whenever he has a thought he feels needs documenting). He has amassed many followers due to his dril+cher tweetstyle, a fact which pisses off Zenitsu (someone who actually attempts to gain a following on Twitter) to no end.
Genya: Watches NPR Tiny Desks, KEXP live, lofi hip hop anime beats to study/relax to and best of Vine compilations. Anything on Youtube that isn't music or shortform comedy simply does not interest him.
Kanao: Loves the artful simplicity of those animated TED-Ed videos. They have led her down a lot of interesting research rabbitholes. She promises Nezuko she would stop sending them to Tanjirou though after he spent the entire month telling her about nothing but eel mating habits and lesser known facts about Genghis Khan.
Rest of characters under read more
Rengoku: He isn't technology illiterate per say, but he is way too cool to be addicted to his phone. He does use the popular social media apps on a semi-regular basis, just because he genuinely enjoys seeing what people are up to, but he is extremely healthy about it. His camera roll is filled with pictures of his friends, family and every animal he's ever seen and been lucky enough to snap a photo of. He also has one of those ecofriendly phone cases. He uses his phone to spontaneously call people when he is thinking about them, which all of his friends have just gotten used to despite the fact that his generation doesn't simply do that. From anyone else it would be annoying but from him it's adorably charming.
Giyuu: Exclusively uses Youtube to watch cute cat videos, otherwise he's terrified he will click on something that might potentially radicalize him, since he read somewhere that the algorithm was designed to do that, or worse, direct him to one of those content farm generated animations of Elsa getting a C section, which is apparently also a concern. Frankly, the internet scares him, and he tries to avoid it as much as possible.
Sanemi: Like Giyuu, he is also terrified that social media would be sure to bring out the worst in him, so he limits his social media use to Spotify, JSTOR and online chess, where a 12 year old boy from Turks and Caicos Islands always manages to beat him which pisses him off to no end. These are not actual social media platforms, his friends are sure to point out, but it’s the most social he’s willing to get, so it counts.
Shinobu: Her Youtube library is extremely eclectic. She can't stop clicking videos titled like "The most Destructive Pandemics and Epidemics in Human History" just to watch the entire thing and be like "why did I watch this? I knew all of that already" but ya know. She just had to make sure. Her personal favourite side of Youtube is the videos of chemical reactions, especially the ones that end in an explosion. The only apps she is actually addicted to is Sudoku and online chess, where she is secretely catfishing Sanemi by pretending to be a 12 year old boy from Turks and Caicos Islands who trounces him every time. Meanwhile whenever she plays against him in real life, she makes sure she always loses to him and to never employ any remotely similar strategies as her catfishsona. Sanemi never catches on.
Uzui: He loves his phone for one reason only: Spotify. The annual release of Spotify wrapped is like a holiday to him. He does not shut up about it for a whole month, which is as annoying as you would think it is. He uses Instagram sparingly but he does have a decent following there. His voice memos are littered with half-baked ideas for new songs that he wakes up in the middle of the night to record before the idea is lost forever. His camera roll is mostly selfies, selfies of him with his wives, his friends and videos of him skateboarding. He also has an ecofriendly phone case (it was a birthday gift from Kyojuro).
Iguro: He loves his phone because pretending to text gives him an excuse to avoid talking to people in public spaces or at parties. Whenever asked, will claim that he doesn’t use social media and never has. This is a lie. He’s had a Tumblr account since he was 13, and not a day goes by that he doesn’t scroll through his dashboard. He has an entire folder in his camera roll that is just videos of Sanemi and Giyuu getting into fights. He rewatches a couple before bed every night, it relaxes him.
Mitsuri: Her Youtube history is filled with baking videos, recipes, speedpaints and cute cats being cute. She has a lot of games in her phone, half of which are from her siblings. She's very lucky she knows how to jailbreak her phone, because they make a lot of in-game purchases without her permission. She also loves elaborate make-up tutorials that she would never even bother to attempt replicate (but she likes to think that maybe one day if she gets invited to the Met Gala she now has looks to choose from)
Muichirou: Occasionally enjoys listening to long ass video essays about obscure topics, but mostly he just listens to podcasts. He is also partial to this one video of a chainsaw revving on a 10 hour loop, and he plays it at just the right volume that his friends will be like "What's that awful noise?" To which he innocently responds "I don't hear anything" and they are like "Oh no, you must be able to hear it, it's so annoying..." to which Muichirou responds "Are you sure? It all sounds normal to me". He tries this on Yuichirou once, this leads them to get into a very violent brawl in which Muichirou's nose is nearly broken, so he decides to limit this particular gambit to the company of his friends only.
Gyomei: Only uses Youtube to listen to meditation playlists and isn't even aware that there are other types of videos on this platform. Ignorance is truly bliss.
Yushiro: He has a Wikipedia account and he is constantly updating articles when he’s bored. his favorite pasttime is adding [citation needed] because after all the research he’s contributed to the database, he’s earned the right to be a bitch. He goes on Reddit sometimes, but he doesn’t have an account. He’s scared of social media, and refuses to touch any of it with a ten foot pole.
Muzan: He is torn between hating Apple products and knowing that having the latest iPhone model is a necessary status symbol. Which is why he has both an iPhone AND a Blackberry. He has a huge gold iPhone with no case (and yet not a single scratch on it!) and one of those oldass Blackberries with the tiny little keyboard. It is sort of unclear what he needs both of these phones of, considering he is not a drug dealer, but he insists that both of his phones are as necessary to him as his two laptops (one for work and one for Reddit, naturally). Has a Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter that he rarely uses (because that platform’s really for sjws everyone knows that), and a Reddit account that he is obsessed with. He and Kagaya have actually got into death-threat-escalating level fights over politics on certain threads before, but unbeknownst to them, are actually very fond of each other on the Rick and Morty thread because they have all the same opinions. Neither of them seem to notice that their fandom friend has the same username as their sworn enemy who they once yelled at for two days straight. 
Kaigaku: Is a Soundcloud rapper. Sometimes, when company is around Zenitsu puts on Kaigaku's Soundcloud album as a test of endurance to see who breaks and has to turn it off first.
Daki: She has so many notifications blowing up her phone at any given time that she has just elected to ignore them throughout the day and then check on the people she actually cares about responding to before bed every night. She sees opening her phone as kind of a chore, and always has it on do not disturb mode, except for when she is being deliberately petty, at which point she'll turn it on as loud as possible because it makes her laugh when the people around her snap "Can you put that thing on silent ?" in unison. Her camera roll has soooooooo many selfies, but seeing as posting pictures of her face makes her money, can you blame her? She has a huge following on Instagram, but she wisely never checks her notifications or DM's because it's scary in there. Exclusively watches the goriest of true crime stories and callout videos, the messier and the more contrived, the better.
Gyokko: He follows 0 people on twitter but has approximately 43.7k followers. Most of them are convinced that his anonymous account actually belongs to some aging starlet because of the all-caps, eccentric nature of his syntax. He yells his tweets into his phone whenever he’s bored in his room, but when he says shit like “I DESERVE  AN EGOT” half his followers start trying to deduce which awards he already does have. they’re convinced he at least has a Tony.
Douma: To boost his platform he decides to go on a reality TV show. He pretends to be a vapid airhead, but is actually very subtly manipulating not only the other contestants, but also the crew. He walks out from this whole experience with double the Instagram followers (he already had a sizable amount to begin with) and a huge bag. He also runs a pyramid scheme because of course he does.
Kokushibou: He had a crappy old flip-phone given to him by his father for the longest time. By the time he gets a smartphone he has absolutely no desire to use social media, having seen the disastrous effects on other people's brains. He has one of those bulky phone cases that doubles as a swiss army knife and a wallet. All the apps in his phone are organized in groups. That said his notes app is a MESS. He's in a groupchat with Muzan and Nakime which mostly consists of articles he forwards him that he reads and respond thoroughly to or one of them texting "lunch?" and the other one sending a thumbs up emoji.
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pochqmqri · 1 year
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When I saw this video drop in my recommended, I knew it was going to disappoint me as someone who has done personal nuzlocke runs before, used to be an active member of the forums, and even still is friends with people from there. And I was right. Look under the read more for my gripes.
To start off, he makes a rather big mistake by stating that the original Ruby Hard Mode run ended in a win, when it definitely did not, and was the basis for the Ruby character going to Kanto to start the FireRed Hard Mode run. That one isn’t one I think is too bad compared to the others, but it’s still something you could easily research on your own. 
He’s also a little wrong about ShiroInu being the earliest person to post a nuzlocke comic on the forums, but I can also forgive him for that. In general, he spends only a small portion of the video on the Nuzlocke Forums before branching out to videos, and I feel that was a misstep. For one, he completely glossed over screenshot runs, which were just as important as comics and written logs in the formation of Nuzlocking’s early years. A lot of people at the time couldn’t afford recording set ups for let’s plays, and screenshotting on VBA was as easy as pie, making Nuzlockes accessible to most people especially those that didn’t want to draw.
I also think it’s a bit peculiar that Kynim wasn’t mentioned at all, when he discussed Nuzlocke comics. Myths of Unova is probably the most popular Nuzlocke comic outside of the original, especially so for one with actual effort put into the art and narrative. We can go on all day and week about other popular comics too like Petty Nuzlocke Challenge, It’s A Hard Life, FireRed Kick-Ass Mode, Double Nuzlocke Series, etc. That not much time is dedicated to the narrative aspect of Nuzlocking in favor of the more technical and challenge-oriented ones is such a shame especially since a lot of history was made on the now-defunct Smackjeeves website. Like, in the video, fucking Emerald Kaizo got its own section while the forums, comics, etc. don’t even get that much respect. Towards the end of that video it was basically summarizing specific Nuzlocke runs from popular YouTubers/streamers, rather than an overall look. 
Moving onto recorded Nuzlockes, it’s really baffling that Marriland wasn’t given an explicit shout out. While he wasn’t one of the first to do a recorded Nuzlocke on YouTube (October 27, 2012), he was one of the first people to upload Let’s Play content on YouTube period, and he was also one of the important figures in Nuzlocking since he invented the Wedlocke challenge. Granted, the Wedlocke was mentioned briefly in a list of variants and his videos were shown in a screenshot of Google, but that’s not enough respect I feel.
Also, I think it’s funny that PokemonChallenges is attributed as the founder of the Hardcore Nuzlocke, that is, a Nuzlocke with the added rules of “no item use in battle” and “no overlevelling against important trainers’ strongest Pokemon.” The video claims Jan invented that in 2016 for his streams, when in fact, people have been using those extra rules well before he did. I also want to note that I don’t really blame Wolfey for this misinformation, since he said in the video that the research was primarily done by pChal and some guy named Drew, which, yeah, makes sense with how biased it is. 
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No disrespect to Jaiden, even if I don’t find her content entertaining, but I feel she got a lot of undeserved credit in this video too. Like, obviously the thumbnail having her in the “Then” portion is just clickbait, but to go on in the video and say that “the way that [original Nuzlocke comic creator] and Jaiden share their nuzlockes might be what caused Nuzlocking to take off” is plain wrong in the case of the latter. Like, yes, Jaiden’s 87mil+ video definitely brought it out of the general Pokemon fandom, so that people like Alpharad and Ludwig started doing them, but Nuzlocking took off well before she made the video. In fact, Griffin McElroy made a rather popular Nuzlocke video back in 2016 on Polygon’s YouTube channel.
The video also misattributes certain tricks and strategies to that Drew guy’s Renegade Platinum run, saying that it would “define the meta.” Stuff like the repel trick to manipulate encounters, which is not true at all, since the repel trick has been documented on Bulbapedia since 2010, well before that ROM hack.
Overall, I don’t want to gatekeep the Nuzlocke from anyone, but it’s just sad how it has primarily evolved to just adding on challenge after challenge and treating your Pokemon as pawns (i.e. sending them out to die), as well as optimizing the gameplay to reduce the amount of failure such as by hacking in rare candies to save time grinding (when that basically cheeses the periods between important fights and removes the possibility of something bad happening during grinding), and manipulating encounters (esp. in newer games without grass) to your biggest benefit. If you want to play it that way, that’s fine. The storytelling part of Nuzlocking was such a huge boon in how the challenge got popularized, also the concepts of using Pokemon and strategies you’d have never thought to have try before, so it’s disappointing that it gets overlooked especially in a retrospective like this.
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theundeadelf · 1 year
Throwing my thoughts regarding the Good Omens leak (tm) into the void 👀👀👀
(Note, I'm not including the actual leak below the cut but I AM discussing the contents, so do not read if you don't want to be spoiled.)
I DO think the kiss is "real" or at the very least between Aziraphale and Crowley (as opposed to a shapeshifting scenario). Admittedly, this doesn't totally rule out that one or both of them is imagining the whole thing but I'm trying to stay positive here! This is based on details in the leak itself and the context of how the leak happened, but I'm also a clown who has lived through Supernatural and the Magicians, so what do I know really! Anyway can't believe my life for the past few days has been a blurry Amazon screenshot and my last few remaining braincells 😂
Okay, so in the leak Crowley is grabbing Aziraphale by the lapels. We've seen this before in the wall scene, so we KNOW that this is something Crowley does - Amazon has also singled it out to the point you can watch it as a separate clip on YouTube (at least in the UK you can!) Incidentally they've also uploaded a video that calls Aziraphale and Crowley "Couple Goals" within the last year. Make of that what you will lol
There is also the fact that I think a lot of people have missed given that the leak was buried so quickly (RIP I saw the original video before Amazon even deleted it) - it was taken from a Pride video with the tagline of "iconic [queer] kisses." Good Omens was also credited by name at the end of the video! If the kiss is a fakeout or something similar would they have really greenlighted something like this??? Yes, it's entirely possible that some poor intern just added every clip of two men or two women kissing that Amazon has the rights to, and I'm not saying that they would be aware of any context either..... but it had to be approved by someone, somewhere, surely?
I'm going to point out that even if it is a "fake" kiss, if Aziraphale and Crowley are imagining it then that has certain implications too ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
I also think it's very significant that we're returning to the 1940s in the show, given that it's apparently been stated on record that this was when Aziraphale realised he loved Crowley...
And finally...... It's very sad that we even HAVE to discuss this, that even with the kiss right before our eyeballs we're still finding ways to convince ourselves that it's not real or it won't happen or that the context will spoil it. I'm actively trying to NOT do this but I'm still doubting a little, it's ridiculous 😔
Anyways going to come back to this post on July 28 😤🤡
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voiddemon · 1 year
can i ask what is kinyarn 😭
I think it's about time I explained Kin-Yarn to the new generation instead of jokingly brushing it off and making people do their own research.
Please note I will be spelling Kin-Yarn with the hyphen, as god (me) intended. Kinyarn is still hella valid and the more commonly used name. I also wont be going into my interpretations too much since it's complicated and long i do not actually ship it i promise.
Kin-Yarn is the greatest Kirby ship of all time. It's the ship between Yin-Yarn from Kirby's Epic Yarn, and Kine the fish from hell. There isn't anything canon for it, these characters have never and will never interact in HAL's eyes. However we, the fans, know better.
After reading my thesis I'd strongly recommend checking out all of the content the long dead kin-yarn fandom has to offer. Most of it is like, really old, since those around for Kin-Yarn's inception have either left tumblr, moved onto new and cooler fandoms, or don't think it's that funny anymore. (It isn't because it's a fandom in-joke from two years ago.) Thankfully there are many great relics of the past, of the days when new Kin-Yarn content showed up every like five posts on your dash. AO3 has most of the Kin-Yarn fanfiction that's been written, but some of it is hidden away within blog archives and dusty links to google docs. Kin-Yarn videos also exist, including some (two) AMVs and the classic Kin-Yarn ASMR made by yours truly. The Kin-yarn/Kinyarn tag on tumblr.com also has a lot of posts so just go through that.
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Kin-Yarn was made at some point in October 2020. Out there on the internet there is a site called FanficMaker. It's a pretty basic website. I don't know exactly how the creators found the material to make this, but there is a okay-ish sized pool of sets.
These sets are fairly generic stories, with the program plugging in the names of characters you input into specific slots. There's a surprising amount of variation between these sets, but after you play with the site too long you start seeing the same ones over and over.
So Voiddemon a few years ago found this website, and decided to make some fanfiction and upload it to tumblr.com. On one occasion, the website generated the sentence "It was Yin-Yarns gay wedding party..." It didn't say who he was marrying, but I found it funny and uploaded it to tumblr.com. On a separate day, in a separate prompt, I put Kine in and it gave me a similar result. "Meanwhile, Susies mind was wondered back to the past. It was Kines gay wedding party..." I also found this funny because. Kine. And uploaded it to tumblr.com.
Here are the two screenshots together <3
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I will now introduce Ninikins (Who has since changed their username and moved on from the Kirby fandom), who suggested that the two of them were getting married to each other. Everyone in my circle online at the time found the idea hilarious because.
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From here everyone went crazy and just started. Kin-yarning all over the place.
II. Fan Interpretations
Memetaknight, creator of the greatest Kin-yarn fanfiction of all time Yiracle (It's my favorite :shrug:) created a Kin-Yarn Essay. Today it is a great time capsule that brings us into the culture around Kin-yarn in the past. It's just over two years old now so happy birthday Kin-Yarn essay. It delves into the two primary interpretations around the ship. I'll just quote the most important bits of it since I'm lazy you can go check my sources ok.
"A common Kin-Yarn characterization is to ship either both brothers with Kine (as a V shape relationship), or just one of the brothers with Kine... This interpretation has many specific tropes... but it has one extremely interesting idea that is unique to it. In the spirit of Kirby’s Epic Yarn’s final battle... it has been theorized that something similar could apply to Kin-Yarn, in which the brothers would catfish Kine .. Kine, either on purpose or on accident."
"The other interpretation sees the yarn body previously mentioned as a third entity... which is referred as Yin-Yarn separate from the needle brothers. This characterization idea arises from the fact Yin-Yarn is referred as a singular character"
There is a third interpretation that stems from the two of these, which is that both the Yarn Body or puppet is in love with Kine and so is at least one of the knitting needles.
Often in Kin-Yarn works, it is unclear which one of these the creator interprets the ship as, since artwork and fics include all three characters (The puppet and the two needles) with no clear distinction between them. A distinction being drawn is more commonly in artwork, due to the nature of the medium.
III. Love and Marriage
For the most part, Kin-Yarn is portrayed as a perfect relationship. With Kine and Yin-Yarn being madly in love. The nature of one being a hero and another being a villain is not often explored, but when it is explored the most common interpretation is Kine accepts Yin-Yarn despite his past wrongdoings. Oftentimes Yin-Yarn will reform and become good for Kine.
they also have sex
III A. Who are Prince Fluff's Parents?
Prince Fluff (Also from Kirby's Epic Yarn) has no stated or seen parents within the series. Originally KEY was called "Keito no Fluff", and featured Prince Fluff himself as the protagonist. He was supposed to be searching for his mother, but this was removed from KEY so he has. No parents.
A semi-common headcanon within the Kirby fandom is that Prince Fluff was created by Yin-Yarn, which is what originally spawned this interpretation. A few perceptive Kin-Yarnians noticed that Kine and Prince Fluff have the same exact color scheme. Like it's kind of uncanny actually Kine is just a little desaturated.
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This caused the creation of the Yamily Tree, an. absurdly large family tree but it's kinda bloated and not that funny anymore. Here's the condensed version
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Usually Prince Fluff is not actually biologically related to Kine. Since that has horrifying implications. Instead it implies that after Kine and Yin-Yarn are married, they adopt Prince Fluff (Which he usually isn't happy with).
Ok so Kine Kirby is married to Mine canonically. However we haven't seen her in a very long time, and in Kirby Clash Kine is sleeping on a bench. Leading to the idea that he and Mine got a divorce. This is accepted by everyone who ships Kin-Yarn because Kine cheating on his wife isn't a laughing matter, but Kine leaving his wife for Yin-Yarn is. (Usually the interpretation is Mine leaving Kine)
Even though Kin-Yarn is interpreted as perfect most times, other interpretations are that after they get married the relationship becomes volatile. At the core the two still love each other, but due to one reason or another they've grown apart. This is best shown in the Kin-Yarn Fanfiction named after the ships national anthem, "The One That Got Away" on AO3 by HeavyLobster77.
This is very popular both for the drama and because it's very funny.
IV. Historical Kin-Yarn Events & Holidays
-The Great Kin-Yarn Porn Scare of 1969 Someone uploaded an explicit Kin-Yarn fic on AO3 tagged as explicit with very SUS tags. It wasn't real though and the fic is just among us.
-Kin-Yarn Discord There's a Kin-Yarn discord out there that's dead as hellll and I'm. Not sharing a link good luck finding it
-Kin-Yarn WORLD TOUR I blazed a Kin-Yarn post when tumblr Blaze first came out. Spending real money to force people to look upon Kin-Yarn was a powerful move.
-Feared Anon creating the best AUs of all time Kinederella (Technically theres no real au just funny images)
-Kin-Yarn Blog Wars ok i cannot find many of the blogs but for a bit everyone made blogs dedicated to loving or hating kin-yarn. Also KinYarn-Archives was created at some point around this time I think.
-Kin-Yarn BANNED from the Shipping Wiki Tumblr user Kaissauce tried to create a page on the shipping Wikipedia, but it was deleted by the mods lmao. Here's what the page originally looked like.
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-Urban Dictionary somehow it got on fucking urban dictionary. this was my doing but it should never have been allowed to happen.
-Kin-Yarn: The Movie Released on July 29th 2021
no comment needed we've all seen it
-Kin-Yarn Day Kin-Yarn day is a national holiday beloved and celebrated by all, on February 14th. No other holiday is celebrated that day <3
V. Conclusion
idk how to end this thing. love wins and it shouldn't. do your own research
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lastweeksshirttonight · 11 months
Hey uh remember when I did retrospectives of Last Week Tonight episodes? Let's bring it back to 140.
Last Lee Tonight (wherein I'm definitely showing United Passions at my next bad movie night) Season One, Episode Six
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(original air date: 6/8/2014) Major topics covered: FIFA, Bashar al-Assad's incredible iTunes library
"And speaking of Germans losing things, it was the 70th anniversary of D-Day this week."
It's really nice to throw this show back on again, on a note unrelated to the purpose of this project. I don't talk much about myself but it's been a rough few months with work scheduling, my chronic illnesses, and my mental health. For every "I'm taking a very spontaneous and ill-thought-out trip to New York to see John Oliver WOOO!" moment, there's been at least five "why can't I catch a break"s. When I'm not being beaten down by the collective forces of capitalism, I genuinely haven't been watching much John at all, mainly in an effort to play the large backlog of video games and read the large pile of books lying around my house. I've been moderately successful there (hey y'all should give Cassette Beasts a go, it's delightful), but there's nothing like going back home, so to speak. (I hesitate to call LWT a comfort show for me, given that it's basically A Record of the Decline of the United States in Real Time, but it kinda serves that function to some degree. I am a psychopath.)
Where we last left off in... May, Jesus Christ, I'm so bad at scheduling and writing and content creation - when we last left off in May at Episode 5, things were finally starting to coalesce into the modern LWT experience. We had our first viral segment on Net Neutrality, the first time a segment was uploaded in full to the LWT YouTube, and an opening news roundup that was starting to feel more thoughtful and themed. This episode continues that theme and gives us our second big viral topic.
There is a variant on the desk-slapping here, where John doesn't do it to open the show, but does a milder version of it to get the audience to shut up so he can move on with doing the show. One of my favorite things about him is his constant desire to barrel through clapping or any audience praise of anything he's done at a given moment in time and this opener is a pretty good example of that.
We open on John calling the week disappointing because California Chrome, a horse competing for the Triple Crown, did not win the Triple Crown. You can tell this is an early episode of LWT because there is no prerequisite horse-fucking/bestiality joke, just John angrily saying "fuck that horse" about Tonalist, the horse that defeated California Chrome. All of these horses sound like indie bands from my college years. I feel like Tonalist opened when I saw MGMT live.
We then move into German Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. This gives John an opportunity to plumb one of his favorite comedic depths, making fun of the musicality, smoothness, and romanticism of the German language. A German man used his lifeline to call Chancellor Merkle, who, thankfully, did not answer, as she was busy running Germany.
This transitions into China hiding the events of Tiananmen Square from their populace, including by censoring the Internet.
Attempts by protestors to use different trending words - and to put facts about Tiananmen Square in a sex tape - to get around that were also clamped down on, leading to this absolutely glorious screenshot of John's hypothetical romance novel:
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I feel like someone on Reddit probably wrote When Spring Turns to Summer recently.
We also learn that Friends is incredibly popular with Chinese youth. I'm not really shocked by this, Friends has a weird international reach. I know multiple Korean idols who learned English partially through watching Friends. The fact that there's a Chinese replica of Central Perk? That's wild. The show edits a Friends clip to include historical facts about the massacre, and then we move to our central story.
I'm a big fan of whenever John talks about FIFA and football in general. Recently in one of her "posts relevant to my interests", @tellthemeerkatsitsfine noted that there's a strain with John and his contemporaries with them being nerds who really wanted to be jocks, and I think that dichotomy really helps John come off credibly when he talks about the deep-rooted corruption in this particular organization. The sport is something that is literally rooted into him, hardwired as something he deeply cares about... but there's the rest of it to consider.
In my opinion, someone who deeply loves something can really be the best at describing everything wrong with it. You don't really find the grime if you're only on the surface of something. I know that critical observation of a fandom while in said fandom is in short supply these days, but I wish it was more common.
Anyways. I think FIFA's corruption and grotesqueries are pretty known in 2023, but at the time, knowledge of their fuckery wasn't as widespread. Socially, we've definitely spoken a lot more about the cost-benefit analysis of the Olympics and taxpayer-funded stadiums, which is comparative to John's opening about the issues with FIFA and claims that World Cups bring money to the areas hosting them. (Not true!) Other items I'd completely forgotten about, like FIFA Court and their boardroom looking like something out of Dr. Strangelove.
The "And Now This" is "Chris Matthews Reminds Everyone Who He Used to Work For". (Answer: Tip O'Neill.) My abiding memory of Chris Matthews is Zell Miller accusing him of beating a woman and challenging him to a duel at the 2004 Republican National Convention.
SNL had a pretty great sketch of this where Will Forte played Miller that I can't find right now. PISTOLS AT DAAAAAAAAWN MATTHEWS!!!!
The final segment is on Bashar al-Assad's campaign of terror against Syria, rigged electioneering, and chemical warfare. More importantly, al-Assad's life history and iTunes library are discussed.
This was also the subject of the classic Bugle episode 187, which has a chance to go far more in depth about his favorite music, like "Sexy and I Know It". (Andy Zaltzman describing Lil Wayne and Busta Rhymes as a doubles tennis group is one of my favorite Bugle moments of all time incidentally.)
Right Said Fred coming out to perform an anti-Assad version of "I'm Too Sexy" gives us the first time John has had a celebrity come out basically to troll one single person, and thus almost the cornerstones of modern LWT have been established. Eagerly awaiting the first bestiality joke. Also, really love the changed lyrics, they put a hell of a lot of effort into this one. I wanna see Right Said Fred live now.
Random notes:
Lee will continue sexualizing one (1) older man damn it: light blue and dark blue checked shirt, black tie, and black jacket? I know I've said red is John's color but light blue is a very close second, 10/10
I feel like I made up for not doing these for two months by writing about five year's worth of unnecessary analysis of this damn episode. Hopefully you enjoyed it!
It was amazing seeing an ESPN ad for something not handegg-related. -groan-
LWT YouTube is still a bit confused, as we did get the two major topics as their own videos... and then 1 minute of the FIFA section as its own minisode. I really would love to know the logic behind why there specific jokes were isolated like this in the beginning of the show's airing.
My sausage, if anyone cares, is the Korean idol industry. It's an absolute cataclysmic nightmare and yet there's a lot there personally that changed me and a lot that I love out of it. It's complicated. Fuck SM Entertainment.
A reminder that John's LMFAO fandom has endured for a decade longer than the band itself lasted:
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Hello everyone and
Dear Diary
Here is my newest mod dairy entry! And here is my last one in case you missed it. As a warm welcome to this entry, here is a shot of tank!Connor that crashed my game:
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I did this by going into the model swapper > Show All dropdown to [Not yet identified] > find the tank > copy it onto Connor model 2 > apply > save mod > copy the .IDX into the DBH folder. I talk more in-depth about the process in my first entry.
It's 19/01/2023 and I'm chilling out, but my brain hurt for like 2 days after trying to figure out hexadecimal bull-crappery. I looked more into the two types of Connor outfits I wanted to make, one being SWAT Connor and the other being bougie Connor. SWAT Connor is more looking into code and bougie is more creative and editing textures. I want to focus on the SWAT mod for a little bit.
For SWAT Connor, I needed to locate Captain Allen's model data.
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Good ol' Captain Allen. N̸͐͂̅ő̵́̄͝w̸̑ g̵̉̐i̷͈͈̓̆̒͑v̶͋ë̶́̆ ̷͋m̶͚͋ë̸͑͠ ̵̹̲̼̠͊y̵̓o̴̧͉͙͎̲̱͊͜ǔ̶͖͖̳͈r̵̊̾ u̵̺̇n̴̦̆̕if̶̊ǒ̷̀r̵̈́̊m̴̋̈.̷̈̓͘
I also want the PC200 uniform as shown below, but that's not a priority compared to the glorious SWAT swap I desperately want to do.
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I went into HxD and locate in the .DAT file Captain Allen's string. Here is a screenshot:
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I mean, like, I got THIS far but I have no idea where to go from here. I found him at least. Then I thought that if I download his container from the texture tool, then I can maybe open up his specific data in HxD???? Anyway, so I opened up .data_container and .catalogue. Then I gave up and watched this which didn't help with what I wanted to achieve lol, but it gave me better insight into what I was messing with. I think I have to find which part of the data_containers/catalogues affect the uniform and somehow implement it into the Connor model? Like, which parts of the code do I copy and paste? Idk how coding works
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You will not BELIEVE what I was told! To see all the QD files, I had to download a thing. Thanks so much @jamdbh! Here is the tutorial link and the link to the website. In response to my last mod diary entry: I'm SO glad I'm not going to work this shit out by myself sdkldsjdf.
Crying tears of joy over the loaded thumbnails:
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Jamie explained a few things to me, including:
SWAT outfit Connor is not stable and not widely available.
Something something backpack and skeletons.
"Just when anyone gets a backpack that conforms to their skeleton or if there's some other model loaded on top of the first one like for Markus's stratford speech, he morphs into his android form" - Jamie
It's possible for certain scenes (Capitol Park and Spare Parts), but nothing else.
At this point I'm like wtf is a skeleton, so I glanced over this article.
However, I found videos of the SWAT uniform on Hank and Connor in Partners, so there must be something I can do to make it happen??? I don't know. Something something dragonbane0 (the dbh mod king himself)?
After hanging out for a while, someone approached me saying that they have their personal notes on how to achieve the SWAT Connor model. I promised not to share these notes around, so unfortunately I can't link/upload it. However, I will leave you with this:
Join modding communities and Discord servers!
Learn what you can from people with experience!
Read tutorials and learn any terminology you don't understand!
Be kind and try your best!
Don't expect to get everything right in the first go.
And don't panic if you screw up!
That last one is @ me because I can't edit QD files still, even after loading up stuff. I think I have to start that process again since I stupidly moved my detroit folder lmaoooooooo
Next time, hopefully, I will have SWAT Connor for you to stare at and maybe other texture-orientated notes. Hope this helps!
~ Trinity
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thegoldfiles · 1 year
Luckily people started to realize what Mob has done on Twitter meaning there may be more videos explaining the situation but this was Mob’s response to the situation 💀 Mob buddy they did better research then your crappy response
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There was also this reply too from the same thread:
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This response also fully proves that Mobox is a proshipper, as she referred to Zombify as an "anti" which is a term proshippers use against people who aren't proshippers themselves
Nothing here is false, nothing here is fake. There are screenshots of everything, along with her signature being on just about every disgusting drawing she's done. Nothing here is misinformation or defamation either. Also her "having a trans phase at age 15" is a lie, 'cause Mob actually said this around her the time of her first "apology", saying that she'd prefer people to call her he/him (although Mobox later admitted to be faking being trans due to misogyny in the interview a few days ago, which the notes covering this are here):
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Anyway, this wasn't when she was 15, this was when she was 21. Wanted to clear that up 'cause Mob was lying to save face
Aside from that, here's a separate response from her Facebook:
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English translation: "I'll take a vacation from social networks because AY, It's really boring to be listening to pure bragging, I made the change gentlemen, But BRUH, Every day it seems that they don't want to understand, So good, I get distracted by my own things, I feel like I don't I deserve this kind of treatment, not because I am a superb person, but because my therapist has recommended me to go out more and enjoy myself 😉 I'm just going to upload a little drawing and there to see when I upload more things"
Which, again, this response is also incredibly lousy like the one from this post here. She hasn't changed, and she probably never will. Though at least more people are finding out about it all thanks to Zombify's thread
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dolphyn · 8 months
I’ve spent a good amount of time trying to get as complete a picture of this whole YandereDev situation as I can, and I thought I would share relevant links, videos, and screenshots here, all of which I think are worth looking into so you can be as informed as possible and piece together your own opinion. Because a lot of people I know are starting and stopping with this Reddit post made by the victim on September 22, 2023.
I would advise everyone to watch this stream where the victim went on to speak out about her situation and field questions. The stream was hosted by CameronF305 (Yandere Simulator’s lead musician and a close friend of YandereDev for years) and was uploaded on September 25, 2023.
It is like 3 hours long, but I urge people searching for the truth to watch the whole thing when you have time. But some highlights from the stream:
She confirms she is the one that initiated the DMCA strike against AllyMcC’s initial upload, and that if it ever got reuploaded, she would issue another strike.
She confirms that all the voice recordings and Snapchat logs from AllyMcC’s video are real, including the section where YandereDev begs her not to go forward with the video and the section where he tells her to lie and claim that the voice was made by an AI. So there should really be no doubt of the legitimacy of either the voice recordings or the Snapchat logs anymore. She does, however, attest that they are taken out of context and throughout the stream she provides the context for certain statements made by YandereDev.
She also attests that she made the decision to back out of the video before YandereDev begged her not to, but she continued to record their conversations and provided them to Ally in case she ever felt she DID need to come forward in the future, stating that it was possible she would feel that way, especially if other victims came to light eventually.
Obviously, she says a whole lot more, but these are the three most important points I’m going to be referring to going forward. Please watch the full stream and form your own opinions.
Also on September 25, YandereDev posted his apology on his Wordpress blog:
In his apology, he linked to the above Reddit statement made by the victim.
AllyMcC originally uploaded her video on September 24 and it received a copyright strike in the victim’s name. But a few days later, the strike was lifted and it can now be viewed again:
I urge those of you who haven’t watched it to watch it in its entirety so you can form an opinion of YandereDev’s words— which both the victim and YandereDev himself confirmed to be real— for yourself, even taken out of context.
It should be noted that according to the pinned comment, Ally received permission from the victim to reupload it and provided a link to a Discord conversation and a link to a TikTok attesting that the victim admitted truly did retract the original video out of fear. As the video still remains up weeks later, and the victim had claimed she would strike down any reuploads going forward, I believe this is true. Ally herself has no reason to fake a Discord screenshot as she has admitted herself that the Discord conversations between herself and the victim linked to in the Reddit comment were completely real.
On September 26th, CameronF305 announced that he had decided to leave the Yandere Simulator team:
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It should be noted that Cameron has admitted to being YandereDev’s unofficial PR person for years and has addressed and stood by YandereDev during his many controversies and reached out to many anti-YandereDev YouTubers to hold discussions, and from what I can tell, everyone he talked to attests that he’s a respectful and civil person, if admittedly biased towards YandereDev. Ally confirmed that the person connected to YandereDev she spoke to that she alluded to in her video was in fact Cameron:
This is another 4+ hour stream but it is worth watching as well, I think, as the streamers— though admittedly biased against YandereDev going into it— try to come at the allegations with a nuanced view. Ally herself shows up in the chat to answer a few questions.
One of the people featured in that stream, Callimara, made her own video on the situation on October 6, 2023:
This is relevant because the victim herself left a comment on it:
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Here, she admits that Cameron was the one who copyright striked the video on her behalf, but they apparently both had changes of heart soon afterwards. The “Adam” she is referring to, I believe according to what’s said in this video, is Adam McIntyre, who recently alleged Colleen Ballinger of grooming him (which is a whole other situation that can’t be covered here).
Related to Cameron’s recent change of heart, he had made a video a few years ago debunking the sisefs allegations, found here:
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For those who don’t know, Sisefs is a Tumblr user who also alleged that YandereDev was sexually inappropriate with her when she was 14 years old. Her original allegation can be found here. This is the 14 year old that YandereDev refers to in AllyMcC’s video, where he claims that she was actually just a guy trolling and making false accusations.
On August 30, 2023, a YouTuber called FunIsInfinite uploaded a video that dives deeply into the sisefs allegations, and these are the findings that caused Cameron to update his video and refer to his own investigation as outdated:
Say what you will about the guy’s editing style and the jokes he makes, but the evidence he managed to dig up is certainly worth considering. If you have trouble following it, I suggest turning on the closed captions and pausing often to read the screenshots being displayed.
Of particular note are the comments Cameron made on the video:
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So, I know this was a lot… but as you can clearly see, things go much further than that Reddit post that YandereDev linked to. I highly encourage everyone who wants a complete and nuanced view of the situation to do your research and don’t simply take a single person’s word for anything. It’s all connected, and the pieces fall quite clearly into place when you look at the whole thing.
For the record, I don’t believe anyone in this situation is 100% blameless/perfect. I think r/Osana was wrong to delete the victim’s Reddit posts. I believe AllyMcC went about the video situation the wrong way and could have handled the victim’s feelings much better. And I believe that the victim herself should never have approached YandereDev in the first place, though I would never say that any of this is her fault. After all, none of this diminishes what YandereDev did, and as he is the one with the biggest platform of any of these people, and with an extremely significant amount of his audience under the age of 18, his actions are the ones that certainly deserve the most scrutiny and condemnation. His own actions are his downfall. This is nobody’s fault but his own. And I firmly believe that he deserves to lose that platform and that he deserves to lose his loyal audience of minors. And that he should seek professional help and seriously work on himself before attempting to reach a wide audience ever again.
And with this whole wealth of evidence now before you and at your disposal to sift through at your leisure, I leave you with this particular Snapchat conversation between YandereDev and the victim, which might I remind you, both the victim and YandereDev confirm is real:
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I think this really says everything in the end.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Two men were discussing “girlhood” in a campaign by a cosmetics company.
Ulta Beauty, one of the largest cosmetics retailers in the United States, is facing backlash from women on social media after featuring an interview with a controversial trans-identified male who rose to fame after documenting his “days of girlhood.”
The interview, hosted by “gender fluid” hairstylist David Lopez, was clipped and shared on the outlet’s official Twitter on October 13 to promote the full-length video posted to their YouTube. Titled “The Beauty of Girlhood,” the interview focused on Mulvaney’s transgender identity and rise to stardom through TikTok.
While the clip uploaded to Twitter was only 15 seconds long, it has generated hundreds of furious replies and mockery as Mulvaney — a biological male — was heard outlining his desire to be a “mother.”
“I know I can find love, I know I can still be a performer, I know I can have a family. I want to be a mom one day — and I absolutely can! The narrative still has a long way to go.”
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In the full-length interview on YouTube, Mulvaney also lashed out at women who took issue with his stereotypical representation of femininity.
“I think in womanhood I get shamed a lot for liking pink and liking glitter, and I’m like — Why does that bother you so much? They think I’m lowering their standard of being a woman.” Mulvaney said, to which David Lopez replied, “Misogyny. Patriarchy.”
While the clip has only been up for two days, it has gathered over 200 primarily furious replies and another 200 quote-retweets, most of which were wracked up over the course of the day. Ulta has since scrambled to ‘hide’ many of the negative responses from women who pointed out that Mulvaney’s comments were offensive to mothers and “insulting” to females.
Prior to locking the comment section, Ulta attempted to reply to some outraged comments and placate users, writing: “We want our channel to be welcoming to people from all walks of life — even people you may not agree with.”
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“It’s not welcoming to girls who would like some RESPECT. You are MOCKING us!” @babybeginner said in response to Ulta’s comment.
To another user stating that it was “creepy” to have two adults discussing “girlhood,” Ulta wrote: “We believe that beauty has no boundaries, and we want to create an environment where all expressions of beauty are welcome.”
Beneath the podcast clip, some women posted screenshots of them unsubscribing from Ulta’s promotional newsletters, with many saying they were even going to boycott the store entirely or close down their rewards accounts. 
Mulvaney rapidly rose to fame for his short videos documenting his “days of girlhood,” the total of which have accumulated millions of views in the past few months alone. 
In the TikToks, Mulvaney is often seen acting in excessively “feminine” ways which have often been perceived as representing harmful, sexist stereotypes. While “being a girl,” Mulvaney often attributes his womanhood to what he is wearing, his makeup, eating habits, and dramatic emotions which lead to crying and binge shopping.
Many have noted Mulvaney has been afforded multiple privileges as a result of his transgender status, including having been offered a Tampax feminine hygiene partnership after approximately two weeks of beginning to identify as a “girl.” He also recently represented women at the Forbes Power Women’s Summit in September on his 188th day of “girlhood.”
Mulvaney has drawn ire from feminists on Twitter for multiple targeted incidents including a young female comedian, whom Mulvaney recently put on blast for TikToks she made satirizing his “girlhood.”
The comedian, known on social media as Jess, has faced massive backlash as a result of Mulvaney’s call-out video, and has reported being abused on social media from fans eager to defend him. Her family’s personal information was also allegedly leaked by Mulvaney’s supporters.
During his “day 74 of girlhood” video, Mulvaney advocated for the normalization of his scrotal “bulge” after complaining that people at a supermarket were disturbed by the outfit he had been wearing. The leather shorts he was donning clearly showed the outline of his genitals.
“I forgot that my crotch doesn’t look like other women’s crotches because mine doesn’t look like a little barbie pocket,” Mulvaney says, “… I just normalize it, and we all just normalize women having bulges sometimes, because we’re coming up on bikini season, baby, and you might see a bulge or two.”
On Instagram, Mulvaney participated in an informational slideshow claiming that trans-identified males could “teach” biological women about “femininity.”
Mulvaney recently stated that he felt it should be “illegal” for people to refer to him using masculine pronouns or call him a “man.”
By Jennifer Seiland Jennifer is a founding member of the Reduxx team, writing with a focus on crimes against women and sex-based rights rights advocacy. She is located in the American south where she is a passionate animal welfare advocate and avid coffee drinker.
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ephrom · 2 years
CarmenRider And The Art Of Hypothetics
"Come on Ephrom, another post about CarmenRider! Why do you keep making these?"
For views and money of course, and no other reason.
What? I figured since CarmenRider is such a big fan of Just A Robot, I might as well take a joke from one of his videos to explain why I keep making these posts. For those curious, it was a joke I took from this video:
But seriously, I decided to write another post on this situation because there have been some updates that I feel are worth talking about. If you want to know the origin of the situation, I would recommend reading this post before continuing forward:
If must have been a good post, because Septy shared it on Twitter.
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First off, the conversation I had in the comments of the CarmenRider's video continued. Specifically, JustTubeStuff decided to reply to one of my comments and wrote the following
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I want to make it very clear that I do believe that Septy crossed a line, but I do not think Septy threatened to dox CarmenRider. All Septy said was that they hypothetically could have--and would have had they been the terrible person Carmen makes them out to be--and the comment flew totally over Carmen's head. Mind you, I don't even blame her considering she never saw the comment, she just saw Redd Gier telling her that Septy threatened to dox her. Again, no screenshot of what Septy said even exists because it was deleted so fast. (As somebody with both anger issues and an anxiety issue, I recognize that as a sign that somebody said something they want to take back or think could easily be taken the wrong way. You can say many things about Septy, but they are not one to double down on bad actions nor badly predict how their words will be heard.)
Still, I would say this is part of the pattern of Carmen mindlessly believing anything about the people she doesn't like, something she has done for so long I even mentioned it in my first post on the subject of her:
This post, I should note, was also shared by Septy on Twitter, so take that endorsement as you will:
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Meanwhile, Septy uploaded a call with CallMeNil on their channel where the two talked about the situation:
In the video, Septy confirms basically what I assumed since the beginning. In a moment of anger, Septy said they could do something they had no intent of doing and quickly took it bad. Anybody who read my post the day before already figured this out--fuck, I'd argue that anybody who put so much as ten seconds of thought into this situation could have guessed that--but there's something else I want to point. If Carmen and her fans want to play of game of pointing to a hypothetical and using that as evidence that the person wants to do the thing they mentioned--or even that's an issue that Septy even considered this in the first (quite literally accusing them of a thought crime)--then I wish to remind everybody Carmen began her year with this hypothetical:
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For those unaware, this is something Carmen said in a conversation with Mushroom Girl after the two had a back and fourth over the YouTuber Sensitive Society. If you want to know more about that, Neko Koda made a video on this topic, which can be viewed here:
Mushroom Girl--who was fourteen at the time--asked Carmen why she liked Lolicon, and Carmen said this.
Carmen tells the full story in this video:
I should also note, as Bummer Patrol pointed out on Twitter, this is an utterly nonsensical excuse:
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I should also note, I do not believe that Carmen is a pedophile because of this comment. But somebody could easily come to that conclusion, as many people have. Is Carmen merely thinking about turning a fourteen year old into a "human fleshlight" (which she was somehow going to do over the internet--I should note) an issue on its own? I mean, one could easily make that case, but I would assume that it would more be a case of hyperbolic language as opposed to actual attraction.
I mean, we know some people came to that conclusion because that screenshot was used in a document which specifically called CarmenRider a pedophile because of that and many other comments:
So is Carmen a pedophile? I don't believe so, but I honestly think it's worth mentioning just how hypocritical Carmen has to be in order to believe that at this point.
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audiovisiontime · 2 months
Design Blog Week 4
Reflection: For the last 2.2 assignment I made, most of my reflection will be on the production and feedback of it. The concept after last week's 2.1 was to make a purely sound design focused piece as the previous feedback I received was two sided, one side saying they wanted ore music and the other saying they wanted more layering and sound design. The video itself worked as an idea for just having only sound design however it wasn't executed well enough. Due to the movement of the video the sound design needed to perfectly match the affordances of the video, and the design that I created just didn't match it. If there were any music or ambiance to take the edge off then it might have been more acceptable to have only the largest movements be emphasized like they were. I was too focused on only having sound design be the focus of the piece that when I stopped and tried to have a low bass note accompany it which didn't work, I assumed that all music/backing would not work which just simply wasn't true. I was told to add one of my previous synth works over it as a test and low and behold the loose and not even designed for it piece made the video feel a lot less hollow, and changed the tone of the piece to be more ominous like I wanted initially. Research: For the technical research I looked into how to properly layer sounds as it alongside only having sound design was the focus of this weeks project. This list was useful in having a few baseline tips that I thought about and implemented when making this weeks Sound Design. Even though it wasn't my best work as I focused to hard on only having sound design, which meant that the design I did do needed to be more precise which I couldn't do with the sounds I had, it still was satisfying making something with properly layered sounds.
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Academic research wise I wasn't able to find anything relevant to what I was doing this week as it was extremely busy and filled with days where I wasn't able to do research like I wanted to. My professional practice research was focused on finding and cataloguing a lot of rock, rock-like and slate based sounds. Obviously for use now, however I was also taking notice from what Mark said last week about having a library of sound effects that I can go to and use when I need them. Though it is a small library of only rocks and what I have made myself, I will continue to build it so I can have an arsenal to use in future projects and save myself a lot of time. Progress: After finishing the 2.2 video early this week, I began to focus on reaching out to possible other students to work on their projects for Sound Design predominantly as I am not that confident in my ability to create any other music apart from synth pads based stuff. I reached out to Son Tran and Ivy Malena for sound design of their animations but one already was working with someone and the other said my style did not fit what they wanted. As I was about to upload that I hadn't been able to find a collaborator for the next project, I have come back to this post with an edit to say that I have been approached rather last minute by Lempicka asking if I was able to collaborate with them.
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The screenshot shows my initial response as they talked about the only video in my folio that didn't utilize songs that I created, however they have since replied and said asked if I was able to make music like I did for the my sunset project I made last year, which I am absolutely able to do again. We have not come to anything concrete yet and this will change if anything becomes set in stone but it seems that I may be doing the sound design and score for this animation project which I am very excited to do.
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