#and go ‘oh so she’s the motherly nurturing one i get it’
mabaris · 2 years
everyone who portrays bethany as a healer owes me $50 USD or a 3 page essay justifying that decision, because as it stands in the actual canon, she’s really not
(even if you do the DLC in act 3 and autolevel her to the level cap, she still doesn’t pick up a single healing spell—iirc her skill trees are elemental/spirit/force. she also tanks up and has a surprising amount of health for a mage. she’s a fighter)
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Big Sis | Yandere Junko and Mukuro
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A Concept To Maybe Continue...
You knew something was different about your older sisters. According to others, sisters their  age fought all the same…just not with high-grade weapons. Your sisters were Junko Enoshima and Mukuro Ikusaba–The ever hated Despair Twins. 
It was terrifying or it would be if you weren’t desensitized to the overwhelmingly radical personalities. Oddly enough you're usually not on the receiving end of their despairful escapades. Instead forced to be smothered by your sisters' obsessive and possessive tendencies. That made you an unwilling bystander to their crimes. 
Mukuro was the better one, more inclined to be a nurturing older sister. Scratch that, she essentially instated herself as your motherly figure. Using the skills she was naturally inclined to as the ultimate super soldier to take over most of your needs. From infancy to junior high she’s intent on carrying you around and spoon-feeding you the meals that she cooked. You’d like to say she didn’t do the weird blushing thing that she did with Junko’s violent affection but that’d make her too normal. She had her moments but more often than not she was infamous for getting overly excited about all the small things. 
First school uniform?
“Baby, you look perfect!”
“Muki-chan you’re nose is running.”
“Oh is it?”
Eating your favorite food?
“You’re such a messy eater, (Y/n)! Here I’ll get that for you.”
“Are you-? You’re not throwing that in the trash are you?”
“Oh (Y/n) what are you doing talking? Eat your food.”
Simply existing within her vicinity?
“Hah~Look at them sleep so soundly! My (Y/n)~!”
You really didn’t like waking up to her drool on your face, or at least that’s what you hope it is.
But if you compared that to Junko’s behavior it was more of a minor inconvenience to know your sister’s watching stalking you diligently. Junko had the most prevalent despair-filled behavior but not in the way many would think. 
“Oi oi don’t go runnin’ from your big sis! It be pretty despairing if those friends you’re running to all died horribly in front of you?”
Always keeping you within arms reach, in her lap, or her actively making you aware of whatever despair she was deciding to inflict. Unlike her treatment of Mukuro which was truly ever to encourage her obsession with despair she seemed to satisfy in simply you. Having you, living with you, keeping you, killing for you, causing despair in your name It was an anomalous relationship with an abnormal girl; a love for you that was measured by her burning love(?) for you. But her affection wasn’t shown in any typical fashion as any would guess. Locking your friends in a room and enticing them to plan murders. Or that one time when she dressed you up as a baby to ‘relive the grand ol’ days’. Playful pushes, pinching at your cheeks, writing her name somewhere on your body, and including you in her violent rampages. The sight of Mukuro’s blushing face was a familiar one for you.
“Upupupu did you think you could runoff with that scumbag without sharing the fun times!?”
“Little (Y/n)! Did they hurt you? What am I saying, of course they did! I’ll brutalize them soon!”
Leading up to the biggest, most Awful, most Tragic event in human history your sisters were occupied with. Putting their plan in action they let you slip away with nothing but a tracker on. A tracker you were able to locate and stick to some unsuspecting pigeon.
With your newfound freedom you enjoyed yourself to the fullest completely unaware of the impending doom that would have been birthed from the walls of Hope’s Peak. By the time the world had truly began to be consumed by despair you were far from the school and fending off the Monokuma–masked assailants. For whatever reason the broadcasts didn’t affect you like it did others and that alone made you a person of interest to the graduated Ultimates. After hours of interrogation and questioning you were deemed not a threat but an asset in bringing down the host of the killing game. 
“Upupupu you plebs out there still rooting for hope are cheering aren’t yuh!? Well for the glorious agents of despair I’ve got a job for ya–” 
Now revealed: Junko Enoshima appeared in a prerecorded message beckoning the 77th class to snap and snicker at her voice.
“If you’re looking for the next instigator of despair it’ll be the living one! Baby (Y/n)!!!” Tongue out with those despair-filled eyes, as the video cuts to a picture of all three of you–zooming in on your unsuspecting chubby face. All though it was an old photo it resembled you enough and that was all it took to start the latest wave of despair.
Under Munukata’s leadership you just barely escaped his sword. By his divination you were still an ultimate, an ultimate targeted by the wicked Ultimate Despair. So naturally you should stay by his side even as the 77th class began to converge on your location, eager to plummet the world into deeper despair. Forget the way he so willingly strikes down any who attempt to befriend you or the way he demands you listen to his odd rules ‘to keep you safe.’ Forget all about how even after their reformation they still seem keen on meeting you and bringing you with them. And be sure to ignore how  even more nameless victims of despair attempt to weasel their way to you. 
Even in her death they seemed to birth an obsession around you.
“Awww didn’t think a silly thing would stop me baby bird! I’ve always wanted to give you the despairful birth you deserve. Corrupting all hope to fall into disgustingly delicious despair! Love can be cruel can’t it!?”
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous: Not sure if you’d be interested in this but could you write one for Alcina where she really wants to breastfeed reader but reader is oblivious ? Hope you’re doing alright btw!
Sure, I love it! I actually got another request for a lactation fic where Alcina just really wants to give lots of affection and take care of Y/N, so I just kind of merged the ideas lol. I love doting mama Alci T^T Let’s get into it!
Alcina is… Clingy around you. Hell, she’ll admit it. But, sometimes she can also get a little… Impulsive? Her usually sophisticated nature is thrown out the window if she sees an open opportunity to hold you or cuddle.
In fact, sometimes she is in… Desperate need of snuggles. Her newest tactic for gaining some quick and much-needed affection is to just sneak up behind you and scoop you right into her arms. Before you can even notice her approaching, Alcina has you gently cradled to her front.
You laugh in surprise at her actions and Alcina revels in the sound, holding you close. You make her so happy.
However, Alcina’s noticed that she is developing some rather… Feral maternal urges when it comes to you.
Oh, yes. She’s definitely a mama bear to the girls, but, what you don’t realize, is that she has developed the same basic instinct to nurture you as well. She wants you to think of her as your… Mama.
In Alcina’s mind, you have been her baby for a very long time. In fact, she can scarcely remember when she didn’t feel this way about you. She holds you and reassures you when you have nightmares, takes care of you when you don’t feel good, cooks your favorite meals for you, and sings you to sleep. You are so precious to her and she just… Really needs to take on the role of your mama. She wants you to trust her enough to relinquish control and let her care for you completely.
In addition to these maternal desires… There’s another wrinkle in the situation. Alcina can… Produce breast milk. She’s not sure why, but it started shortly after she got the cadou. She was terrified at first, but also… Amazed that she could do it. To be honest, it felt… Natural to her. She had always been a doting person and… This suited her.
Maybe her lactation has something to do with her rapid regeneration? Mother Miranda could probably tell her the scientific reasoning behind this, but Alcina is embarrassed at the thought of asking the priestess about it.
Alcina has been able to hide her ability to lactate from you by padding her bras. However… It’s difficult if you’re sad or cry in front of her. It could be from something like a bad dream or a nasty encounter in the village, but as Alcina holds you and listens to you weep, she begins to produce copious amounts of milk. It tears her up inside to know that you are hurting and she just wants to feed her baby and make everything better. She’s had a few close calls where she almost leaked through her dress right in front of you, but she was able to gently direct your attention elsewhere while she adjusted herself and got fresh padding for her bra.
Alcina has been so afraid to bring up her feelings with you. What if you think something’s… Wrong with her for wanting this? She’s pretty sure she would completely fall apart if you reacted badly to her desires. She loves you so much and feels like she is at a breaking point. She can’t keep passing her motherly actions off as her just being playful or funny anymore. Her brain is pretty much in tunnel vision right now. If she doesn’t tell you about her feelings soon, she’s probably going to snap and begin acting on pure instinct. She’ll start tending to your needs immediately as if you were a little baby, but she… Definitely doesn’t want to startle you like that. She needs to give you a heads up… And to test the waters.
Finally, Alcina realizes that she has the perfect opportunity to speak with you about this. She just has to work up her nerve.
She is sitting and enjoying a quiet moment with you in her bedroom. You are lying on her lap as she reads to you in her armchair by the fire.
You happily cling to her, enjoying the warmth of her body and her soothing voice.
After finishing a rather short chapter in the book, Alcina closes it, making you look up at her in surprise.
“Aw, we just started, Alci! Can’t you read more?” You complain.
Alcina giggles at the outrage on your little face. “I will, draga. I promise,” She reassures. “I just… Need to talk to you first,” She says, nervously clearing her throat.
You quirk an eyebrow. “What is it, babe?”
Alcina can’t bear to look you in the eyes right now. She’s too embarrassed. So… She softly smooshes your face right into her ample bosom and carefully holds your head in place.
… You’re certainly not complaining about this development.
Alcina sighs. “Draga, I… Need to ask you something,” She begins.
“Go for it, babe,” You say, your words muffled from your position in her cleavage.
Alcina can’t help but giggle at this before collecting her thoughts. “Um, draga… Would you like it if… We took our relationship to another level? Something more… Intimate?” She asks.
You immediately pull back a bit and peak up at her from between her breasts. “Damn it! I wanted to be the one to propose to you, babe!” You groan.
Alcina’s cheeks flush darkly. While that wasn’t what she meant, she’s definitely wanted to get married to you for a long time. She is tickled that you were planning on asking her… But… Priorities! You two can discuss this later.
“No, no, draga. That’s not what I meant,” She clarifies with a laugh and gently guides your face closer to her chest again. She takes a deep breath before running her fingers through your hair to calm herself. Well, it’s now or never… “Draga. I love you so much and… I want to take care of you. Nurture you,” She begins, biting her lip. “I think of you as my own… Baby,” She finally reveals.
You furrow your brow. What exactly is she talking about? The way Alcina said ‘Baby’ didn’t sound like a simple pet name… It sounded more… Meaningful, in a way.
Alcina realizes your confusion and sighs self-consciously before continuing. “I… Also think of myself as… Your mama, Y/N,” She admits.
Your cheeks immediately burn at this. You’re suddenly very glad you are pressed up against her and can’t see her face. Could she mean that she wants to be like… Your actual mother?
“It… Wouldn’t be all the time, baby. I still love you the way I always have,” Alcina promises as you process her words. “But, I just… Need to take care of you, draga,” She explains. “I want to hold you and rock you to sleep. I want to feed you and help you do things. I want you to… Call me mama,” She finishes.
Hey, wait a second. She’s actually feeling rather relieved after telling you of her wish. She doesn’t feel embarrassed or exposed like she thought she might. Maybe she made this a bigger thing in her head than it actually was…
She is finally able to pull you back carefully and look at your sweet face.
Your cheeks are definitely red, but… She is delighted to see a spark of hope in your eyes at her words.
Alcina is the most precious thing in your life. She has already been taking excellent care of you. Ever since you two started dating, really. You just… Never put together how motherly her actions were before. But now… It all makes sense. This feels right. “You… Want to be my mama?” You ask quietly, voice barely above a whisper.
Alcina coos at how cute you are and brings a hand to caress your cheek. “I would love that, draga. I want to be your mama more than anything,” She tells you earnestly.
You sit for a moment and think. How can you be so lucky? To find someone like Alcina who only wants the best for you and will give all of herself just to meet your needs.
Your eyes find hers again and you smile softly at her. “I love you, mama,” You tell her and bashfully hide your face in her front.
Alcina gasps. Tears begin to sting her eyes at what you just said. You called her… Mama. She is overjoyed. She looks down at you, completely in love. “Oh, mama loves you so much, my darling,” She gushes, holding you tighter and kissing your head. She gently positions you better and begins softly rocking you in her arms.
You feel your mind begin to grow warm and fuzzy at her actions. It’s as if… Alcina is lulling you into a different headspace. Something… Littler. Younger. You find it hard to talk now, but… You like this feeling. Alcina will take care of you. Everything will be okay.
The two of you bask in each other’s presence, and at the newfound bond that has just formed between you.
You look up at her and smile adoringly.
Alcina beams at you and leans down to nuzzle her nose against yours.
The gentle crackling sounds of the fireplace provide the perfect ambience as mother and baby bond.
You are both so excited to see what this new chapter of your relationship has in store.
But, of course, Alcina still has one more important secret to share with you. She… Really hopes you will be open to the idea of her nursing you.
Only time will tell, it seems…
Note: Alright, sorry I’ve got to break this into another part! I hope you enjoyed this ☺️
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rarilight · 1 year
MLP Drabble - Twilight's Great and Powerful Stepmom
ft: Twilight, Trixie, ???, ??? prompt by anonymous
If Twilight Sparkle had one worst nightmare come true in a way where she hadn’t even realized it would be her worst nightmare, it would not be Trixie Lulamoon marrying Princess Celestia. 
You see, that would be her second worst nightmare ever. 
Her absolute worst nightmare ever was a singular consequence of such a bizarre, unsettling event. 
“Well, well, well,” sneered Princess Trixie, lying on top of Twilight’s office desk in a way that looked ridiculous rather than threatening. “When are you coming to visit us in Canterlot, Twi-light?”
“Never,” Twilight said, burning holes into her book. “Go away.”
Trixie gasped, placing a hoof on her chest, appalled. “Well, isn’t that a rude thing to say to the NURTURING and MOTHERLY Trixie!”
“For the last time,” Twilight snapped, looking up at the bane of her existence, “you are not my STEP-MOTHER because Celestia is not my mother!”
Trixie fluttered her eyelashes. “Not biologically maybe, but I know she is in your little pathetic heart.”
“Oh my stars,” whispered Twilight under her breath, forcing herself to look back at her book. “Please. Please go away.”
“Mother Trixie will only go if you give her a kiss on the cheek and tell her you love her very much.” She moved her cheek towards Twilight. “Kiss my cheek! Kiss it!”
Twilight spun around. “STARLIGHT,” she bellowed. 
Starlight arrived moments later, eating a chocolate bar she’d confiscated from one of the students. “Yes?”
“Starlight,” Twilight said, every word measured, “do something about your wife before I kill her. If she’s still your wife. I don’t even know anymore.”
“She’s still my wife. Princess Celestia is open like that, I guess? And I’m pretty sure Trixie did this for tax evasion reasons,” Starlight replied, walking over to the desk. “So, what’s wrong?”
Trixie spoke before Twilight could: “My daughter is DISRESPECTING me! That’s what’s wrong!”
Starlight turned to Twilight, tilting her head. “Mmm. That’s not good, Twilight. Do you still need to process your feelings over Trixie marrying your chosen mother?”
“Starlight!” Twilight exclaimed. 
Starlight ignored her. “Wait, does this mean I’m also technically your step-mother?”
“ENOUGH!” Twilight yelled, getting up. “Just because you married Princess Celestia doesn’t mean either of you are my moms!”
Trixie sneered. “So you do admit that Princess Celestia is your mom?”
“Aw gee, Princess Twilight,” said Scootaloo before Twilight could kill Trixie, the little filly standing under the office doors. “How come Princess Celestia lets you have four moms?”
(If you like my work and would like to support me, please consider tipping me on Ko-Fi)
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austinsgirl · 1 year
babysitting | austin butler one shot
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pairing: austin x fem!reader
rating: g, fluff
word count: 623
summary: you & austin are babysitting for your friend ashley tisdale. while you’re babysitting, you have a little surprise for austin.
warnings: talk of pregnancy
cross posted on wattpad
You & your husband, Austin, are over at your friend, Ashley Tisdale's house, to spend the weekend there watching over baby Jupiter as Ashley & her husband, Chris, go away on a little anniversary trip.
"Bye, baby girl! Momma loves you!" Ashley says to Jupiter as you hold her. "Thank you guys again. We really appreciate it."
"It's no problem! Anytime." you say to her.
"I gave you the rundown right? Of everything?"
"Yes, & you left instructions for things. We'll be good."
"Okay. I guess we'll see you Sunday night when we get back."
"Alright, you two have fun."
"Thank you!"
And with that, Ashley & Chris headed it for their romantic weekend getaway.
"What's that smell?" Austin asks.
"Um, seems like miss Jupiter went number two. Wanna change her?"
"Not especially."
"Have you ever changed a diaper?"
"Uhhh, I don't think so."
"Well, it's time for you to learn! I mean, you'll have to learn eventually anyways."
"Very true." he smiles at me, knowing of our future plans to have our own family someday. "You've done it before?"
"Yeah, plenty of times. I used to babysit a lot as a teen."
"Alright, so how is this done?"
"Okay, so. You start by laying her down somewhere. Usually on a changing table, sometimes I'll do it on the floor or on a couch. Some parents, like Ashley & Chris, have a little set up in the kitchen on a part of their counter for easy access. So, we'll lay her down here, and then take off her bottoms. If she was in a onesie, then we'd have to take the whole thing off."
"That sounds like a pain in the ass."
"Yeah, it can be." you giggle. "So, once her bottoms are off, we undo the little tabs on the sides of the diaper, then pull the front down."
"Okay, then what?" Austin asks, waving his hand, trying to get rid of the smell.
"Lift up the legs, wipe her down, put the wipe in the diaper, wrap that up, and toss it. Then you'll open up a clean one, lift her legs back up, put the clean one underneath, then bring the front of it up and secure tabs."
"And that's it?"
"Yep, that's it! Then of course, you put her bottoms back on."
You picked Jupiter up and gave her kisses on the cheek. Austin smiles at the sight.
"You know, you're gonna be a great mom someday." he says to you.
"You really think so?"
"Yeah. The way you are with babies, and just kids in general, you're already so nurturing & motherly."
"Thank you, baby. I can't wait to have our own someday."
"I can't wait either. Why don't we try and make one later?"
"As much as that sounds like fun, um, baby I have something to tell you."
"What if I told you I'm already pregnant?"
"W-Wait, are you?!"
You giggle at his excitement, "Yeah, I am."
"Oh my god, baby! This is great! I'm so excited. How far along are you?"
"Just a few weeks. Just been waiting for the right time to tell you."
"I cant believe we're going to start our own little family." he says, looking into your eyes, very lovingly.
"I can't believe it either."
Austin goes in for a kiss, so you get on your tippy toes to reach.
"I love you so much, y/n."
"I love you too, more than anything."
You both went into the living room & played with Jupiter until it was her nap time.
Of course, you had a to snap a picture of Austin playing with her & send it to Ashley, with a text that read, "Jup loves her Uncle Austin ❤️"
Ashley texted back with, "Awww 🥹 my heart ❤️"
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[super long] Analysis on Jake & Neytiri on the Avatar: The Way of the Water
[ parenting, family dynamic, conflicts & flaws, and neytiri and jake ]
What we know of this married couple out of the minimal screentime we have of them is that they have been together for 15 years (considering that Neteyam was conceived a few months after their fight with the sky people in the first movie).
We get to see the domesticated life of this two characters from the birth of Neteyam, the physical and spiritual embodiment of their love, to growing a family together. Technically Kiri and Neteyam are supposedly twins and Kiri is the adopted daughter of Jake and Neytiri, born of Grace's avatar.
In the beginning of the movie, Neytiri and Jake let down their guards and is very nurturing and close with their kids. Excluding Spider since Neytiri is tolerant of him but does not stand as a parental figure towards him. (I'll dive into that in a different post)
We get to see the brotherly dynamic of Lo'ak and Neteyam, Kiri and Lo'ak being the typical siblings who constantly fight but is very much similar, Kiri always with Tuk, Lo'ak teasing Tuk, and more. This family is very close with one another even in time of war.
However, Neytiri and Jake, just like every parent, aren't perfect. One year after the sky people comes back, Jake has activated his military instincts and projected it into his sons. He was very heads on towards both of his sons, Neteyam pressured with the responsibility and Lo'ak burdened with the feeling of disappointment. You can tell that the couple expects a lot from their sons in this time of war.
I know Neteyam was heavily burdened with the responsibility, but watching the film, I've noticed that Jake has never put Neteyam on the fighting line as a warrior. Even if Neteyam is persistent with fighting alongside with them as a warrior, Jake has always pushes him on the side and the only responsibility he hands Neteyam is be a dutiful big brother. That's what Jake asks of Neteyam, not a warrior but a brother to his siblings.
In saving his mother in the forest, after escaping Quaritch, he hugged his sons in relief. Man, every time they were in danger Jake does not shy away from comforting and hugging his sons. You can clearly tell that his love language for his family is physical touch.
On the other hand, Neytiri and Kiri can be seen as the typical mother-daughter relationship where it looks like they argue a lot. Even though Kiri has an attitude and is moody, Neytiri puts up with her daughter. When Kiri was unconscious, she cried in relief when she woke up.
Plus, it seems that they're very communicative family.
• Kiri knowing about Grace. Even though it's hard not to know Grace, they still openly talk about her situation. Kiri never felt 'adopted' or 'excluded' from the family. Kiri's adoption wasn't the biggest or even slightest concern of Kiri. Just by treating her normally, scolding her (Jake scolding her when checking Neteyam; Neytiri's time-to-time motherly aggressiveness towards her), not shying away — basically shows that being adopted isn't an issue to them. Even Lo'ak openly jokes about her biological mom.
• Lo'ak immediately goes to his parents in dangerous times. Even though Lo'ak IS reckless, when he senses danger, his first instinct is to go tell Jake. Unlike other clichès where the teens don't confer with the adults. Even if Lo'ak probably knows he'll get in trouble, his mindset is always 'Oh fuck I can't tell this to dad cus I'm in trouble!', his mindset was 'Oh i'm in trouble! I have to tell Dad!'
Is Jake a bad father?
Easily no. We shouldn't unallow parents to be flawed. Was Jake hard on his sons? Oh definitely so. Jake is not a demanding father, we hear him ask for his children not to get in trouble or cause trouble and the first one was that they keep their distance. Neteyam was a warrior and so was Lo'ak but he never asked his sons to put their lives on the line— instead he asks them to be distant from it!
The first time they disobeyed, it put both of his sons in danger and the other one wounded. The second time they disobeyed, his nightmare finally came true!
The best thing Jake & Neytiri can do for their children was to prepare them and keep them from harm's way. (1) In a hostage situation, the kids knew exactly what to do. (2) When in serious trouble, contact parents and be honest. In both times Lo'ak contacted his dad when encountering the RDA, we didn't see him get in trouble from Jake. Instead, we see Jake reassuring Lo'ak on what to do even though it was upsetting for him.
But in both times of disobedience or rebel, he always put himself [Lo'ak] and Tuk right under the RDA's hands!
Yes, Lo'ak is a child and we all feel bad for him. But we shouldn't turn away from the stress and trouble that he seriously caused. Lo'ak didn't get in trouble whenever he was caught by the RDA, Jake comforted him in the first hostage escape and the second was he asked Lo'ak to stay put with his brother.
But it was also unfair of Jake towards his treatment to Lo'ak. It could be why his relationship with his other son is slightly strained is because out of all the moments of recklessness or similarities as him, Lo'ak acted up in a time of war. I don't think Jake would find it an issue if it was just a normal setting because Lo'ak is clearly a teen.
On to the next
In the bits where Neytiri and Jake were laughing when they were alone in the cottage, even with the minimal screentime, their relationship and interactions were quite wholesome and realistic.
The both have grown since the first movie, parenthood did not soften those two up! They were a power couple for saving their children and taking the RDA together. The two combined is a very strong fusion!
The way those two co-parent their children in handling them together (with Kiri, Lo'ak, Neteyam, and Tuk) — you can easily attach yourself to their fortress.
Those two were always together, in Tulkun sightseeing, saving their kids, family meeting, alone moments, DATE NIGHT, mourning, and strategizing. It was a strong and healthy relationship between them.
I find it funny how Neytiri refers to Jake as 'my husband' and Jake as 'my mate' in their first encounter with Ronal and Tonowari. Neytiri lifts Jake's pride for him.
However, one of the overlooked pain for Neytiri was the constant pointing that majority of her family was often harassed as demons. She can't take away Kiri's upsetness over being treated like a freak or Neteyam's embarassment of being an alien, an outcast. She grew up from the Ometicaya clan who are accepting of their alien Olo'eytican and has no issue of their half-breeds children — then sudden refuge and her beloved children suddenly becomes mistreated.
Okay last one is their iconic 'strong heart'. This one's definitely for Jake and Neytiri. This couple has went through so much even with little screentime. The anguish that they both share is so tragic as lovers and as parents. They really did what they can
But they cannot be everywhere at once. Jake and Neytiri are a team. Even if Avatar 2 was mainly about introducing their kids, their relationship stood out. In the context of the first film, you'd sense this happiness for them after all they went through.
15 years of happiness and peace was a good run. I truly hope this family finds that again.
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
Miss Yuu spends summer in Briar Valley
This had been sitting in my drafts for ages. I was initially going to add more, but I lost steam towards the end and forgot 😅. But fuck it, here, take what I have now.
A Miss Yuu/Mc who complains to Malleus on one of their night walks that she has nowhere to go over the summer. That's it's likely Crowley will have her work as groundskeeper for a room and food. It was honest venting, she didn't expect Malleus to solve her dilemma. But lo and behold a couple weeks before school let out, Malleus offered a room at Briar Valleys castle. His grandmother had given permission, and Mc needed only to respond. Mc of course packed up all her and Grims belongs and joined the Diasmonia gang home.
Her room was spacious with a luxurious bathroom and a tower view. It was so relaxing and nice to be the one pampered and served for once. Malleus ensured she was treated like a princess. But after a couple weeks...Mc noted there wasn't much else to do. Malleus had said he grew up rather isolated in the castle, she didn't think she would get a taste of that. Silver and Sebek we're often training with Lilia. Or Sebek would be home with his parents. Malleus grandmother had kept him occupied with state affairs. Mc had found herself video chatting with the rest of the first year gang more and more. She tried to play it off when asked if anything exciting was going on over there. But no one was convinced she was having any fun.
Lilia, of course, had picked up on this. Telling Mc if she was feeling antsy, she was welcome to come with him and Silver to their cottage for a few days after they finished training at the end of the week. Malleus wasn’t too keen on Mc leaving so soon after arriving, but he supposed he had neglected his child of man. Hopefully by the time she had returned, he would have caught up on everything and they could enjoy themselves. So at the end of the week, Mc joined Silver and Lilia at their house. Lilia had prepared their rather cozy guest room, and Mc enjoyed the next couple days playing games with Lilia into the wee hours and going with Silver into the woods.
Mc had not heard from Sebek until halfway through the week. Lilia had errands to do, and sent Silver, Mc, and Grim into town with the grocery list. As they walked around town, Grim noticed something interesting. 
“Zigvolt Dental Clinic...isn’t that Sebeks dads buisness?”
“That it is.” Silver replied. “Come to think of it, I think Sebek mentioned something about having to help his mom at the front desk...”  All Grim and Mc heard was ‘lets go bother Sebek.’ 
So they walk into the clinic, and sure enough there was their friend behind the desk organizing files. The silent horror that crossed their Sebeks face as his mother greeted them “Hello! Do you...Silver! Sweetie, what are you doing here?”
“Hello Mrs.Zigvolt, we were only stopping by to say hi.” 
“Aw how sweet. Sebek, your friends are here! Oh i’m so sorry, honey, I didnt get your name.”
“It’s Yuu. Nice to meet you ma’am. This is Grim.” 
“So You’re Yuu and Grim! Sebek, you never told me they were in the valley. If I had known we could have invited them to dinner or something.”
"Mother,please. Yuu has been staying in the castle, I doubt she would have had time to-"
Mrs. Zigvolt interrupted her son with a thought. "Oh! If you three aren't busy, you should join us for lunch so we can catch up. We were about to head out. Sebek, be a dear and get my purse." Then she added. "Besides Silver, knowing your father it's safer to send you off on a full stomach."
"You're right as always , ma'am." Silver didn't argue, and neither do Mc or Grim.
Sebeks mother made Mc feel very welcome to the valley. Even inviting her to dinner with the rest of the family like she had originally wanted. She was so loving and nurturing that Yuu wanted to be swallowed up by all the motherly affection she had gone so long without. She was a bit sad when the mini trip to the cottage was over. But Mrs.Zigvolt promised to treat her to a girls day with her and Sebeks sister next time she went to visit her son.  
They went back to the castle, and Malleus had welcomed her back with open arms. He had finally gotten some free time and was able hang out more. Malleus had shown her the rose garden, the library, every gargoyle in the castle. It was nice to finally spend more time with him. 
What Mc didn’t know was that someone else had some free time as well. One day she returned to her room to find a beautiful dress laid out for her, along with an invitation to tea tomorrow. It was from the Briar Queen, Malleus’ grandmother. 
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fivekrystalpetals · 1 year
[this is mostly a repost of this chain of reblogs bc I had a few more things to add after rt.93+, wanted to have all of it in one place easy to read instead of adding one more rb to that chain, nobody talks about Lottie in general :( etc. etc.]
1] Lottie's real character
—is not the whole 'bloodlusty-sadistic-femme-fatale' persona she puts up but something close to this—
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—the moment she sees a strange ragged child, a newcomer to her house on top of that, her first instinct is to go: "oh no, you are so dirty... come over here I will clean you all up."
then she goes on to console Lily for everything that happened in her life and explains why none of it was her fault—
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Everyone here's gone through similar trials... but at the same time, it warps 'something' in people around you.
I am so curious about Lottie's past (on one hand, I am sad I won't ever have an answer; on the other I am happy bc I can make up whatever backstory I want for her!) because she says this as a matter-of-fact, like she (and everyone there) has experienced her share of trauma and abuse so can easily relate to Lily (also, please look at Lily's cute little adoring this-lady-is-so-cool face and her round, neatly combed mop of hair lol)
Lottie is a caring, motherly, nurturing person from her heart. This isn't even big-sisterly; she just straight up adopts a child that appeared at her doorsteps. At first, I thought her sweet character got warped after her traumatic experiences from the Tragedy of Sablier, but actually no. She still is the same, she simply suppresses it for the sake of her persona.
Because, here in Retrace 34, her first instinct on seeing Vincent beat up Echo was to confront him about it:
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and she gets angry too when Vincent very coolly replies that he was taking out his pent up frustration on Echo.
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However, then, she slowly relents, probably making up her mind not to interfere any more in his personal business because it was doubtless more important to keep Vincent on their side than making an enemy out of him.
annnd yet, she still voluntarily offers to accompany Zwei on her assigned mission to Sablier. because she is worried about her running off somewhere by herself. Practically a mom, I am telling you
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and yeah, something else to add on here: the reason I say her Sadistic Sexy Girl persona is fake,, because she doesn't seem to enjoy the attention men 'give' her at all. two times iirc: when Vincent and Break grope at her without her proper consent, she appears highly uncomfortable. (or, it could only be dubcon at the best ig (also see: Lacie who was requested for her 'permission' in Glen's 'experiment' by the Glen himself. It is mentioned time and again that Baskervilles' can't go against the Glen's wishes,, implying her 'permission' was merely a formality))
See this, her first instinct is to irritably slap away Vincent's hand when he so much as touches her hair (Retrace 34):
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But Vincent ignores her and continues to grope at her body.... with her finally giving in. Or rather, she was shown to be very shocked and annoyed all of those three panels before she abruptly switches to her 'sadist' persona.
With Break, I don't know how she would have reacted if he pressed on but since he pulled away, she went from being annoyed and uncomfortable to ending up more confused about what was going on (Retrace 41)
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on the whole, I feel like on returning from the Abyss after a hundred years and finding that the Baskervilles had been replaced in the society and condemned to being barbarians and mass murderers, the survivors had to obviously collect more information about what really had happened. They had to find their master Glen as well. Hence, she assumed this persona to achieve her objectives—using her face and body to lure in possible informants. Also, when she needs to interrogate 'weaker' men, she simply uses it to scare them and get what she wants (sorry Oz, don't mean to dunk on you but you are the example here lmao). Like how Break clowns around so that people don't take him seriously. but.... that's not what she is, nowhere near what she is, and that's why she is so uncomfortable when men voluntarily make advances at her.
2] Lottie's smart observations
—because, many a time, it's because of her observations I started to think in an entirely new track.
in fact, the first time I started to pay closer attention to Jack's words is because of this panel (Retrace 27)—
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Till then, I simply took it for granted that Jack Vessalius was a celebrated war hero, that Glen Baskerville was the one that caused the massacre which Jack put a stop to by killing his friend etc. etc.
But when Lottie pointed this out, I started to wonder if there was indeed something more to the whole Tragedy than that meets the eye. Well, honestly, calling a war hero a hero is in itself not all right but now when I realize what Jack was actually up to, it doesn't surprise me that he had no proper answer to Lottie's accusation here. He simply scares her off saying the Baskervilles won't be any match to B-Rabbit, to which, at the time I was reading this chapter, I went— okaaay? and what's that to do anything with anything?
He doesn't answer anything with regards to Glen because, apparently, he was trying to protect his dear friend's honor (bullshit); he says this to Glen's loyal followers as if they are gonna desert Glen or something. They stayed and still searched for him even after he gave the orders to kill everyone in Sablier so Jack, what's your point?
Next is here (Retrace 46)—
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the first time I read this statement, do you know my mind directly went: oh, does this mean Vincent is the Head Hunter? Because if the Baskervilles don't know who the Head Hunter is but she is helping them out (in other words, in league with them), won't this narrow it down to Vincent? plus, he did kill Phillipe's dad (within the excuse of not wanting him to be dragged into the Abyss) with the chain which had connections to the Head Hunter case they were investigating.
But then, Vincent went on to say the Head Hunter attacked Gil too (which he couldn't have possibly done), and that he would be the one to slay her, and.... I entirely dropped that line of thought. Afterward, we went through the whole seesaw of whether or not Elliot is the Head Hunter to finally getting revealed Vincent was the true Head Hunter after all and I was like: ah, my first hunch was right after all... (ノへ ̄、)
In the same chapter, here too:
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Vincent (who is one of the smartest characters in the story) commends her on picking up things super fast. So does Break when she directly questions him about his words from the other day (Retrace 52):
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Next, this one might be a bit of a weak argument but I think, of all people, it was only Charlotte who never fell for Jack's charms. In her past memories, it is shown that she didn't trust him at all. He enraged her, in fact. Yes, this whole scene is played off for gags but.... tl;dr, is that she questions him every time he enters their mansion without any particular permission or intention (Retrace 27)
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and see here too:
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She is shocked when she comes to know that Glen had let in Jack, an outsider, on to their secrets. Well, we have Jack here denying that he was at all interested in Glen's affairs but we later on realize that was not the case. That Jack was very much interested in Glen's affairs. So, Lottie's instincts ring true every time,,
(I was wondering why Lottie didn't know Jack at all since that guy has been loitering around the Baskerville Mansion since forever but that too was explained. she became a Baskerville after Lacie was cast into the Abyss, Oswald became Glen and Jack fell into his depression.)
but here, here (Retrace 87) can we talk about how smart Lottie is in this scene? (I love you, Break! but this post is about Lottie so I am gonna leave you out; I have made a separate post for you and your badass ways so there, there,)
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Had it not been for Shirley, Break might have lost here, died even,, because what she says is right. He is fighting but he has not at all healed from his previous injuries (which, thanks to Vincent, got aggravated, seriously what's the sewer rat's problem?!),, so he is fighting for and with his life. Using his chain only adds to burden that his body can't take. lol, and so what a simple logic she uses-- just stay away from him by a certain distance, out of Mad Hatter's range and don't throw your chains against it either. He would self-destruct by himself ;-; Break looks so annoyed here, he must have realized that her logic would work.
3] Lottie is NOT a blind, stupid Glen fangirl/follower
As I mentioned in the 2 section, she is the only one that questions the intentions of Glen-sama's 'one and only friend' Jack who loiters about the Baskerville grounds for a lot of no reason;
similarly, she is the one who first hesitates at Oswald/Glen's actions after his taking over Leo's body and on a regret-fuelled warpath of probably more disastrous outcomes from changing the past than the Tragedy of Sablier.
Look at her, she is horrified at the way Glen killed that man, even skewering a sword through his mouth in his last moments (Retrace 81):
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Yes, it is true that Pandora can not be easily cleansed of their brainwashing by Jack and misunderstanding of the Tragedy of Sablier but.... this was too ruthless and too cruel a murder of an innocent person. I think this is the first time she starts to question if Glen was really doing the right thing. (Even, I wonder if she gets flashbacks to the Tragedy of Sablier like Vincent bc she looks visibly shaken here)
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Also, back in Retrace 79, she is right by Glen's side and even comically annoyed at Gil and Oz's escape and at Rufus for hiding while Raven attacked the place, so it didn't seem like she was questioning Glen at the time. Maybe, her first instance of hesitation was at Glen's immediate decision to get Gil killed, Gil who is one of them and was once Glen's valet. I don't know but she did seem to me to be a lot shaken there as well.
And not only now, back then, too. A 100 years ago. Yes, in front of Glen, it was Fang who openly questioned Glen's decision to kill all humans in and around Sablier but Lottie too was equally shocked to hear it (Retrace 27)
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(Well, back then, it is true Oswald had no choice but to go ahead with killing all humans to save them from breaking away from the 100-years cycle or getting turned into chains (although I am writing a post on how a lot of the tragedy could have been avoided had he not been so passive; when I finish, I will link it here) but not in the present.)
Back to Lottie--
In the previous chapter (Retrace 26), she tells Oz that Glen's orders are absolute and the Baskervilles are 'built' to obey them. Her mannerisms show us (and Oz) that she has no remorse in killing all those people and is, in fact, super gleeful about the massacre and the role she played in it ("Aah, it feels like only yesterday", she says, as if she is nostalgic and thirsty for more bloodshed.)
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However, this.... is all a huge lie.
Maybe, she thinks it will be easier to get an answer out of a hostage if she behaves cruel and threatening. Maybe, she is trying to hide her own regrets and guilt by putting up the mask of a psychopathic killer. Maybe, she feels there is no point in trying to justify their actions from a 100-years ago (something the Baskervilles themselves don't understand properly) to the citizens in the present, because, no matter what, they won't understand their stance and look upon them as barbarians and murderers, so it'd be as well to accept it.
Whatever be the case, the truth is: (Retrace 98)
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What is this...? What exactly have we gotten ourselves into....?!
Lottie scolds Fang for even harboring a thought like one of their family has turned traitor, ultimately breaks down and cries in his arms. Plus, the Baskervilles themselves were scared of Jack and his chain-killing-chain (they didn't know it was Jack at the time) but they knew that someone, a human contractor or maybe one among themselves, had turned on them. Fang was so relieved to see Lottie alive. He feared she too might have fallen at the hands of the traitor, who had killed off many of the almost immortal Baskervilles assigned to be the messengers to and from Glen. I suppose had those messengers managed to reach Lottie and co., they would have known the real reason behind Glen's orders to kill the humans (if you see Retrace 74-pg. 29 (not adding that panel too) Glen does explain his decision to a red-hooded Baskerville, who I presume was killed by Jack on their way to the others)
Having said all this, I can't not add this panel bc this too is canon *face palm*
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4] Lottie's views on living and death
This is a bit difficult to explain but there's a lot of stuff about this in spite of her few appearances (gotta read between the lines), so let's start with this panel:
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while reading this for the first time, I thought she is talking about the Tragedy of Sablier. I am not so sure now. Because, although they killed lots of people, it was not for their own gain at all. It was to save those people from a fate worse than death. But, in this chapter (Retrace 25), Lottie doesn't yet know why Glen had asked them to commit the massacre so.... she must have bought the common (Jack-fed) tale that Glen wanted the Intention of the Abyss for his own gain. In a way, she is still trying to convince herself that their crimes on that fateful day were justified.
It's impossible to keep on living without hurting anybody, okay?
What I mean is this should be her own idea of life—that living is cut-throat and unfair. If we simply do nothing, then others will trample all over us and use us to achieve their own goals. Even if we try to live a life without hurting others, the same need not always be reciprocated. (which is exactly what went down between Jack and Glen jkjkgsjk but Lottie doesn't know lol)
I feel like the whole conversation hints more at her past than her days with the Baskervilles, because, even prior to that, the topic she was discussing with Oz... had nothing to do with the Baskervilles or the Tragedy. She was merely curious why Oz surrendered so fast when Ada was with him and why he wasn't fighting back right now. Thinking about it, Oz underwent a tremendous character development from a This-is-Fine, If-I-do-Nothing-I-will-be-Fine attitude to actively fighting back for his friends and family. Retrace 82, when he finally wrestles the control out of Jack's hands in spite of his constant taunting that nothing could belong to someone like Oz. In a way, he did take Lottie's advice and act upon it.
Lottie has the right hunch about most things. Remember this scene (Retrace 75):
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I wonder what her life before joining the Baskervilles was like because she sure has tons of worldly experience and can easily see through people. Just like that, she offers words and advice that people (here, Oz) needed to hear.
I believe this is also the reason why her reaction to Break was quite... different compared to little Lily's outburst whenever she spotted him that they gotta kill him and get revenge for Fang.
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For one, yes, she knows Fang passed with a smile on his face and was freed from his burden. She was relieved for him. But I also think she doesn't want revenge on Break because of this very principle of life. Fang died protecting Lily. It was a fair fight, a fight for life where if one even slightly falters, they are gonna get killed. It was not like Break had an advantage there; it was not like Fang was gonna go easy on Break had he given in or something,, (compared to Glen's killing of those Pandora men, where he had an overwhelming powerful chain, ig those men were mostly unarmed too idk)
And of all people, it was Lottie who finally ended that cycle of vengeance that started with Reim and Lily. Remember how it went?
Lily kills two of Reim's companions -> Reim seeks revenge and shoots Lily in the head -> Lily didn't die instead she attacks Reim -> Break arrives at the spot (coz of Vincent), jumps to conclusion that Reim is dead and seeks revenge -> in the fight that ensues Fang dies and Break gets grievously injured -> Lily wants revenge for Fang (in the meantime, Vincent reopens Break's half-healed wound from then) -> in the fight between Break and the Baskervilles, he gets even more exhausted bc of his chain (the reason he went all out was for Sharon getting slightly hit in the head btw) -> finally, Break dies but Lily isn't satisfied, she wants to cut up his body -> Reim offers her to shoot him instead bc he was the one that started it in the first place
Had Lily killed Reim here, this cycle could have gone on forever (maybe, Sharon might seek revenge next lol)
side note: from this, I realize that Break acts a lot more out of emotion than Lottie; Fang was equally important to Lottie like Reim or Sharon were to Break. Yet, she decided to put an end to the cycle of vengeance and accept Reim's offered hand of friendship. Supposing if Reim and Fang were the ones that died back then and Break lived in the end, would he have agreed to ally with the Baskervilles? I doubt...? (Another thought with no real proof is that she'd already been thinking of working with the protagonists ever since Break asked of her (remember, she was the one curious about his words) but that's a topic for another post ghjshgjs I promise it won't be shippy lol)
Back to the topic, I am genuinely surprised that she didn't hold the slightest grudge against Break. I understand allying with the protagonists for they are pursuing the same goal but she really didn't have to stop and say such a sweet prayer for his soul, a man who killed her friend after all:
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May your soul return to this Earth.... once it has completed its hundred years cycle.
She is promising him to see Oz and the others through to the end in his place! Something he was regretting at the very brink of death, that he didn't have it in him anymore to continue on the path with them,, so whether he can or not hear her, this sure was a reassurance he needed to hear. (As I said before, she just..... knows what to say, she can easily see through people but I don't think it is appreciated enough ;_;)
And here comes in her views of death and the Hundred Years cycle (reincarnation) of the soul, something she takes very seriously (she should, considering they are the servants of the Abyss) and I believe she is of the view that demise needs to be respected, no matter friend or enemy. Now, do you see why she was so horrified at Glen stabbing a sword through the man's throat while he lay there dying? A close example I can give is that of Chuuya from BSD rebuking Dazai for shooting bullets at a corpse. They might have killed lots but they still know to respect the dead/dying.
This went so long--and I will go on and on about Lottie lol (I even reached the 30 image limit ig idk) so I will end here with Charlotte reconciling with her master and assuring him that she will support Leo in his place. This is the first time she has visible tears in her eyes:
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ashlingiswriting · 9 months
do i know you? chapter five
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[ 3.5k words ] [ prev chapters: one, two, three, four ] [ masterlist ] "when are you gonna fucking learn?" richie jerimovich x reader, past mikey berzatto x reader, slow burn
you smash your alarm and kick off the sheets muttering fuck you fuck you fuck you in one long vicious chant, heart racing. this is your new wake up routine, it seems. you fight the urge to get up and do something, anything, to save him. anything, no matter how stupid. you get so sick of your own anxiety that you finally turn on a lamp and write him a note, just three sentences, the least number of words you could possibly use to say what you need to say. 
you won’t give it to him, of course. you just had to get it out of your system.
if only richie would die in your dreams, then you could wake and have them contradicted by reality. but in your dreams he is always alive and holding a gun in readiness for tomorrow. no reality can disprove tomorrow. 
though of course, he’s fine. that much is evident as soon as you see him. 
he saunters in complaining about the new host of a local sports station, ted, nasally little bitch, and when you say you never listen to the radio, he calls you a real mcdonald’s number two, you know that?
no, richie, i don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
and you’re off. no slumping on the concrete, no vacant eyes, no philosophy. 
today’s a bit of show and tell, little lectures exchanged. you start with napoleon and josephine, because any history that’s not about chicago or world war two is news to him. you’ve stocked up on anecdotes with some library books, so you’re going full blast, and richie ends up thoroughly enjoying the batshit french lovers.
still not as good as the boston molasses flood, though, he says.
that’s his favorite of all the stories you’ve told him. twenty-one casualties and he’s charmed, the macabre little bastard.
when it’s his turn, richie shows you a whole album of eva on his phone, the full range of her five years on earth. from the photos and stories, you find out that eva is blonde like her mother, stubborn like her father, and where she got her brown eyes, nobody knows. the great obsession of her life is a cartoon about a family of australian dogs, although if the ipad is denied to her, then dancing, drawing, and doll death rituals are acceptable. 
on a delusional note, you’d like to think that he put the album together specifically to show you. on a slightly less delusional note, he might be showing her to you because you expressed a willingness to kill for her. 
as he flips back in time, eva gets smaller and smaller. there she is sitting in a huge pot. there she is in a tiny lacy hood. there she is lying on his chest with her head tucked just under his chin. 
god, i love babies, you say.
really? his eyes rest on you, half-amused, half-doubtful. 
you raise your chin, tilt challenge. why, do i not exude a nurturing, motherly aura?
nah, you exude—he lingers over the word exude so you know he thinks it’s unnecessarily frilly—the smell of newports and disapproval.
you gesture as if to say, duh. that’s motherhood.
richie half-laughs, half-scoffs. guess it depends on whose mother, he says.
you look at him, venture a question with one quick glance that he chooses not to answer. 
so you really like babies, huh, he says instead, and there’s something so comfortable in it that you reply, yeah, i almost became obstetrician about it. 
there’s a split second of silence before he says, but then? 
goddammit, you’re getting sloppy. that’s as much as admitting to med school.
decided it was too much work, you say. why suffer my way through the mcat and med school and residency when i could just not?
he sucks air through his teeth in agreement. my thought process exactly. otherwise i would’ve become a doctor too.
uh huh. and what kind of doctor were you gonna be?
oh, same as you, he says airily. pussy doctor, doctor of the pussy. turns out no training needed, i’m a natural.
so yeah, richie’s fine. 
it doesn’t stop you from dreaming, but at least now you know.
another night, you wake up before the dream gets bad, so the dread doesn’t have too strong a hold on you. that’s a much-needed relief. if you’d woken up at your worst, richie’s miserable little face would be setting you off like crazy. 
as it is, you come to stand next to him and say, what’s up? a touch friendlier than usual. this time of winter, the cold bites you anyplace it can: forehead, nose, the place where your glove isn’t properly tucked into your coat. you ignore it. 
tonight fucking sucked, richie says, putting his chest in the last word. we got killed today, absolutely fucking shattered. syd’s digital system broke carmy’s tiny little brain, he went off like a block of fuckin c4, and now we’re down a baker and a sous. 
oof. they both quit?
yup, he says bitterly. 
you expect a string of blame to follow, some insults for syd and marcus, or maybe even a rant against carmy for driving them away. but instead, there’s just silence. not all silences are bad, but this one is. for all his rivers of whinging about millennials and change and syd in particular, you can’t help but get the feeling that he’ll miss them both.
marcus was a good guy, he says eventually. and syd, syd’s not really replaceable.
that one stings, but it shouldn’t. you determinedly ignore it. 
you want to offer comfort, but you’ve got nothing to hand. maybe pride would work? it’s hardly encouraging his better self, but you’ve got no other ideas.
you would never quit, you say.
he exhales smoke slowly. as he does, his eyes don’t move, but they change, and you wish you hadn’t said anything.
nope, he finally says, real quiet, bitter and sad. i never fucking do.
when he’s on his last cigarette, he just chucks the empty package at the trash. it misses, bouncing off the rim and landing on the sidewalk. fuckin a. 
after a second, he stoops, picks it up, and throws the trash away. 
you reach into your jacket and produce a full box of sapphires. glance at him like, two can play at that game, right? he takes one and offers you back the rest. 
don’t insult me, you say, but you say it real nice. 
he nods, lights up, and lapses into silence.
you can feel yourself leveling out with every passing minute he stands by your side. it’s peaceful. it’s deadly cold. he and carmy might be a little fucked tomorrow, but tonight you’re with him. things aren’t good, but they’re good. 
i just don’t know what we’re gonna do, he says.
you shrug. it’s not dismissive, it’s practical. if he doesn’t know what to do, and more importantly, if carmy doesn’t know, then there’s no way you’ll be able to think of any useful suggestions. 
for now? you say. go to bed. 
his sideways look is a question that you know how to interpret.
don’t wallow in it, you say. clarification. you’re not telling him to fuck off, you’re telling him to take it easy. 
he nods. i’m gonna be late tomorrow.
how come, anything fun?
fun, yeah, fun. he scoffs. we’ve got a bachelor party, favor for cicero. bunch of fucking animals, those guys. 
well, don’t be scared, just stick with carmy. he’ll protect you.
and there it is. such a small smile, but you still got one out of him. night.
once you’re inside, you glance back at him through the glass of the apartment doors, and only then do you notice that he’s limping a little as he walks away. it’s probably nothing, it’s probably a funny story, he wouldn’t— 
shut the fuck up, you mutter, thoroughly sick of yourself, and go upstairs.
the next night, the dreams get bad and he doesn’t show up. 
the thing that kills you isn’t the cold or the fear or the feverish overanalyzing. no, as the hours pass, you realize: if anything’s happened to him, you’ll have to live with this for the rest of your life. you had so many chances, but in the end you still did nothing. you had so many chances.
when are you gonna fucking learn?
you wake up on a memory, the way richie rubbed his forehead wearily and said, it was a nice poem. heartsick and sluggish, you turn off your alarm. 
your apartment looks different with sunlight streaming in through your thin curtains, like you accidentally wound up in somebody else’s place. with gold light staining the fake wood table and the weak hanging watercolor, all the default decor, this place looks like a home.
it’s fucking weird. 
then you remember you set an daytime alarm for a reason. 
half an hour later, you’re picked up by a car and dropped at your destination, a tree-wrapped house that looks like it belongs in the suburbs. as you knock on the door, you replace your scowl with a look of neutral attentiveness, completing your transformation into a professional woman: white button down, navy slacks, caffeinated straight to hell. if you’re going to get fired, you can at least do it in dignity.
to your surprise, the door is opened not by a maid, but by alessandra herself. she glances out at the idle street over your shoulder before she says, come in. under any other circumstances, you’d be sweating a little. she’s got the natural grace of a gazelle and the faultless skin of a cover girl. you wouldn’t expect anything less of jack’s wife.
she leads you through the foyer into a sitting room, where linda is waiting, ensconced in a gigantic armchair. it would be a funny sight—with her short height, bouffant blonde hair, and blue eyes, linda makes you want to say, you see this tweety bird looking motherfucker—but richie’s not around to hear you and this is your boss’s wife. you keep it proper with a simple hello.
julie, thank you for coming, linda says, as though the invitation was one you could’ve turned down. can we get you something to drink?
you perch across from her on the sofa. no thank you. 
are you hungry? she says, but she doesn’t wait for a reply, adding to alessandra: the pastries. and a half dozen of the mini quiches. thank you. with that, alessandra is gone.
do you know why you’re here? linda says. 
so—okay. maybe you have been obsessively texting every single contact that you have within the caruso organization, every single night, trying to get any news you can about your carbon monoxide patients. maybe it’s not completely professional behavior. but they’ve all been ignoring you, and that’s hardly professional either, is it?
i assume the number of survivors has gone down from nineteen, you say. or maybe they all have crippling brain damage? you can punish me however you want, but i don’t know how i could’ve done a better job and none of this would’ve happened if jack just let me do a hospital dump. you try and fail to not look resentful. i guess he considers it a virtue to be tightfisted with merchandise. 
linda eyes you like you’re somebody else’s misbehaving child. they’re not our merchandise, julie, they’re our customers. we provide services to people as well as goods. do you really want to know the details?
and there it is. you’ve never wanted to know the details. you’ve only ever wanted that one midnight hour of crisis in which the rest of the world falls away and your mind turns into a perfect beam of concentrated light. 
to be fair, you’ve also wanted a place to live, and for them to not kill you and drop you in the fucking river. you’re not in a position to request much more. 
no, you say. i just want to know if my patients are doing okay.
linda evades you with ease. you did very well, julie. that’s not what this is about. 
she knocks twice on a little doily-covered side table. alessandra glides in through the doorway and sets the tray of food down on the coffee table in front of you. the sitting room smells richly of eggs and butter, but you’re not at all hungry. you should be fast asleep right now.
to your surprise, alessandra sits in the other armchair. no more babies, she says, serenely, in italian. you weren’t expecting her to say anything at all, so you barely catch it. 
we would like you to administer an iud, says linda. and whatever fertility treatments you think might look convincing.
for fuck’s sake.
just so we’re on the same page, an iud would prevent any pregnancy, you say. a fertility treatment wouldn’t be able to overcome it. they’d be working at cross purposes, but essentially, the iud would win.
yes, says linda calmly. 
you’d really rather be fired than get caught up in some intra-family intrigue that you have no business touching. you ought to be getting extra hazard pay for the psychological warfare of it all.
and this fertility treatment should be convincing to who? you say, after a second.
an eastern method would be best, says linda. maybe herbal. 
okay, so that’s either old caruso or little caruso you’re trying to fool, or both. jack would never believe in an herbal treatment, he’d definitely demand pills. 
uh-huh, you say, looking over at alessandra. she looks perfectly serene. it’s unnerving. permission to speak frankly? it’s annoying, how the old jargon still pops up in you at odd stressful moments.
of course, linda says.
there really is no polite way to ask the question, but if there was, it might sound like this. 
activity has been lower than ever, even before little caruso went to the hospital. i don’t know why beth wasn’t available to help with the carbon monoxide thing, but that’s a bad sign, and i haven’t seen or heard from her since. the only sedatives they could scrounge up for me was some stuff meant for horses. the only good news we’ve had all year is that jack is out, and i haven’t heard shit from him, so he could be back in for all i know.
and now you’re pulling me into lies inside the family? you’re deceiving either your husband or your son, i don’t know which is worse. so when i ask you how bad it is, i would very much appreciate a truthful fucking response! 
just how bad are things right now? you say. it takes a huge effort to refrain from cursing, but you layer in all your meaning in that one simple question. 
linda’s blue eyes glint as she weighs her response, and then she says, things are going well, thank you for asking. there’s nothing else we need your help with. we’ll procure the iud and schedule an appropriate time for the procedure. are you able to procure the fertility treatment?
you hesitate, and her eyes bore into you like remorseless twin drills.
 yes, you say, defeated. it’s gonna be looseleaf tea, the cheapest you can find. 
do you have any more questions or concerns?
the fucking temerity of this woman. yes, actually. yes, at this point, you have become one gigantic, stress-filled ball of questions and concerns.
no, you say. 
thank you for coming. the car is waiting outside. 
in the car, you watch chicago passing by you, more brightly colorful and bustling than you’re used to, a different city. 
the dread is slowing to a numb simmer, as dread tends to do over time. of course linda would claim that everything is fine, what did you expect her to say? oh, you’re right, julie. the business has been going downhill for months. and now you, my people, my family, and my would-be grandchild—we’re all well and truly fucked.
michael’s heartbeat is finally wearing itself out, depleting the last of its weapons grade chemical thunder. he’s pretending to be asleep, but there’s no lying to you like this. the body always tells. you’ve got one ear plastered to his sweat-damp chest, an unconventional but effective way to measure pulse. 
you’re pretending to be asleep too, curled up and using him as a pillow, eternally seeking his warmth. he’s got his hands behind his head and his head half a mile down the street. 
at last, his heartbeat has leveled out. that’s your job done. at times like these, you don’t feel like a woman. maybe you’re a weighted blanket, maybe you’re a pill. 
he lifts your head gently in one hand, then crawls out from under you. 
the bathroom door hinges creak. you hear a thin stream, a flush, and running water. his apartment is bigger than yours and only a couple floors up, but you’re not surprised that he chooses to use your bathroom over his. you get the sense that he avoids his own apartment as much as humanly possible, except to sleep. 
it’s stupid hot in your apartment, because your landlord considerately roasts all her tenants alive rather than let them freeze to death. still, you move over so you can soak up the warmth he left behind in the mattress, and you place your head where his left an indent on the pillow. 
you can hear his footsteps as he pads back towards the bed. probably left his phone behind, you think, and then the mattress dips under his weight, gravity trying to bring you together.
he’s warm against you, but no longer sweat-sticky. he must’ve toweled off in there. you’d like to turn over and worm your way into his arms, but that seems greedy, tacky, wrong. you can’t track if you’re still supposed to be asleep.
c’mere, he says. 
you’re barely touching him, but it still seems like you can feel his voice, throaty and a little rough, like it’s coming from inside your own chest. 
you turn over on your side, facing him, and lay your head down again just below his collarbone. this time, his hand descends on your hair and strokes in a slow rhythm, like how you would pet a beloved dog while thinking about the events of the day. this time, you don’t bother to close your eyes. 
the watery light coming in through your curtains turns everything blue. his stomach, the sheets, the far wall. there’s a small, uneven tattoo of a black rose above his hip. he’s never explained it to you before, but to be fair, you can’t remember if you’ve ever asked about it either.
you’d like to ask him what’s wrong. people aren’t kind without reason. but you’re greedy still, and you take what you’re given without question. 
it’s not so much the hand on your hair as it is the tenderness, it’s not so much the tenderness as it is the fact that he stayed. 
you’ve always believed he loves the woman he’s with when he’s inside her. that’s easy. endearments fall from his mouth like rain and you soak them up as silently desperate as the desert and just as willing to blossom, presumably just like all the rest. he says them like he means it. baby like he’ll care for you, honey like he’ll lick every drop off his lips and consider himself lucky. 
but he’s saying nothing now, he’s not fucking you now, he’s reached the end of his high, and still his hand moves tenderly over your hair. nobody caresses a pill or a blanket. you have proof. 
proof of what, you won’t think too hard about. his fingers brush the skin at your temple with every stroke.
you falls asleep before he does.
it’s evening. you’re sitting in bed, still thrumming with caffeine and stress from linda, picking away at your last good memory with michael like it’s a scab, when you happen to look out the window and there he is. out of place in the light of dusk, with his hands shoved deep in his pockets. the last thing you expected and the first thing you wanted to see. 
you’re out the door in a second. then, when you’re jabbing repeatedly at the elevator button, you realize you don’t have any shoes on. the deterrent isn’t the cold, it’s the knowledge that richie will roast you mercilessly, so you turn around and dart back inside your apartment and shove on your shoes. 
the deja vu is so overwhelming, it prevents you from feeling any relief. this sudden righting of the world, this crash of of course everything’s fine, it was all in your head, you’ve played this tune before, and the thing is: it never lasts. you can't keep going up and down forever, it’s making you sick of yourself. 
you grab your coat, your keys, and the note.
[ chapter six ] [ masterlist ]
note: this was meant to be combined with chapter six, but i had to split them because the final richie and reader scene got so long it turned into its own chapter. so i released both chapters on the same day <3
@garbinge, @narcolini, @drabbles-mc, @beingalive1, @eternallyvenus, @cerial-junkie, @jackierose902109 — if anyone else wants to be tagged, let me know.
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fourtyfourcatss · 4 months
[████████ 100%] — @astralmysteria !
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𖤣.𖥧.𖡼.⚘ RECORD #01
[a/n] hey mysteria! i’m sorry this took so long, i was really busy for a long time, but here it is! i hope you enjoy.
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Upright this represents femininity, beauty, nature, and nurturing. Reversed it represents creative block and dependence on others.
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𑁍 From your described personality traits, I was very torn between TEMPERANCE and EMPRESS, for your arcana. But, after some long and hard musing, I must give you empress.
𑁍 The empress is a card that is assigned to many characters in the series, one of which is Haru, which you and her embody a lot of the traits it pertains, whether upright or reversed.
𑁍 Perfectionism and people pleasing (dependence on external) tends to lend aid to a creative block, and not only that, you told me that you were trying to get back into writing.
𑁍 You’re motherly, kind, empathetic, and I can tell by your personality you may either come off strong at times. Many of your traits indeed feel like what an empress would have, and you take pride in the things you do have and nurture and take care of it.
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…loading match…
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𑁍 Oh this match was perfect.
𑁍 First of all, your love languages. Yusuke is someone who is in need of gifts, in need of being spoiled. When you appear in his life to stay— he is very pleasantly surprised. Not only is he a man of gratitude and returning acts of affection so you would not feel unloved or perhaps even taken advantage of for your kindness, he is filled with anticipation for every gift, and surprisingly, wait a long time to use them if if can be used. He probably has a section in his place dedicated specifically to you, and treats you like a queen has graced the mortal realm. You seem hard to impress— so he will do his upmost in order to win your heart!
𑁍 He’s attracted to your kindness, but specifically, it had to be paired with all your other traits to make it right.
𑁍 so, so many nicknames. this man is going to shower you in the most sweetest of them. maybe it is a simple but tender “mys” uttered in his breath, or perhaps a “love?” — he tends to stick to the more formal sounding ones because of how he is, and yet, there will be times where he drops some funny ones jokingly, and that beckons not embarrassment or humiliation but rather good-hearted fun.
𑁍 You are a muse for him; with the vibes of your being and your singing. Yes, you are a beautiful woman, but he is more focused on how your characteristics enhances your attractiveness. He finds you talking whether it be to him or yourself very endearing, and he’s definitely going to draw whilst you sing. The way you inspire feelings out of him is a gratifying experience, its a passion. The two of you would be able to encourage and help each other out of creative blocks— but also, yusuke also has problems with taking care of himself. the two of you have problems taking care of yourselves, but now you have each other to take care of the other so extremely well. the rest of the cast is very soft and happy at this, hoping that this translates into treating yourselves better.
𑁍 yusuke is not loud, or inconsiderate in terms of jokes. he is a sweet lover, and he is perfect for you. the two of you would be super cute, i think. soft, with romantic tension in the air. i think you would exchange some sassy remarks, but it is a very healing process to be around each other.
as for runner ups: ryuji was one, and akihiko from P3 kept popping up in my mind. i think akihiko may be your one true love actually.
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The Queen of the Fairies, Titania is a character from Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. She is the wife of Oberon. Because of her grand power and charisma, people consider her the Queen of the Fairies. While she is rather delicate and graceful in appearance, her power and knowledge over magic easily match those of Oberon, the king of Fairies.
The description above fits you well, and Titania has manifested as a result! The reason why I chose her for you is because of the character studies I read for her over the ages, excluding the sections regarding extra-martial affairs she may have participated in. The compassion she holds for the changeling she wants to adopt is one of motherly. She is principled, standing up to her husband.
Not only that, I think her movesets fits you.
you are on a battlefield. your blood is singing through your veins, and you have just stepped out like a lamb to the slaughter.
how one awakens is a hard question, because it involves getting pushed to the brink by someone who is somewhat close to you in any manner, hostile or not. in your case, it would be a betrayal of a friend. you had introduced them to almost everyone you had known because you trusted her— and in a fit of rage, they had cursed out everyone they knew, you, and all you adored.
unable to take this slander towards your loved ones and aggrieved in your heart, you opened your resolve, and a mask appeared on your face.
“I am thou, and thou art I,—”
“I am Titania. I will become your mask. Now, let us enjoy a midsummer night's dream.”
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𖤣. for weapon— you would have a RAPIER [The Sword of Sinai] or a BOW [SOURCE YUMI]
𖥧. for a gun— you would have a RAY GUN [SIRIUS]
𖡼. for outfits— school uniform would be like makoto’s with the jacket, and regular outfits would be like yukari and rise’s.
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kmclaude · 1 year
I was just thinking (bc I’m deranged and it’s late at night and I’m trying not to have a panic attack lol), how different would Tiefer’s life be if Annemarie was a cis man??
oooo good question. I'm not sure how different things would be necessarily...but definitely a different flavor?
(I did write that...oh I'll hafta find it...that little bit with genderbent anne --anthony--and jehan but all else the same: https://kmclaude.tumblr.com/post/186689928910/peeks-okay-but-imagine-some-kind-of-au-where)
for starters -- Tiefer would definitely have experienced more physical violence, to be honest. More of that and less sexual violence, or at least less...frequent? i see Anthony as being a lot like émile: straight but, like, a hole's a hole. so Tiefer would be safe, relatively so (and even then, mostly mouth stuff.) oh, also probably a good bit of gay bashing and "you're obviously uncomfortable by me having my half naked side piece hanging around, what if you fucked one of them lol" rape by proxy. there'd also be a lot more just...neglect, I guess, emotionally. a whole lotta man up stuff. not saying that "oh annemarie is a lady so she's super more nurturing but genderbent wouldn't be" because lol lmao annemarie as nurturing or motherly lmaoooooo -- but at the same time, social pressure-wise, there'd be that "well you need to know these things because one day you'll be a wife" that anthony wouldn't have. by that same token...I don't know if Anthony would be as close to Carina so may not be as outwardly emotionally breaking down over it (or at least, it'd come out in different ways) but would big resent having to become a parent -- and it getting physically violent faster. probably be a miracle Tiefer'd survive childhood.
would he go into being a priest? i dunno. probably still. i don't think he'd have as big of a complex about women in this case -- if Anthony made him have sex with a girl he was seeing (or paying), as traumatic as it may be it's not like it's necessarily all her fault, she's being told to do it (and even if she wants to, well, it's easier to think she was forced). he'd DEFINITELY be wary of a lot of Very Masculine Spaces but also decently good at butching up and passing as a guy's guy (not that he can't canonically just that there'd be more aggressive be a real man BS going on, you know?)
if Tiefer is canonically a lot like a street cat, then Tiefer but his sister is now his cis brother is a bit more like...a raccoon? A street cat is still a cat, it's something of a domestic creature; a raccoon is a little more wild.
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chloeafrazier · 11 months
Why I Wish That Caroline Could Have Been More Motherly To Laura.
Hey Everyone how are you all doing Today ? Tonight I will Talking about Little House On  The Prairie Again But Time I am Going to be Giving some Of the
 definition of some of the words or even the Title of the Blog Post for it to Make More sense so Here is  the definition of the Word Motherly to be Motherly
 Means Someone who Is Loving and nurturing and kind and caring and again i am not trying to  Insinuate That Caroline did not Love Laura or that she did not
 care about Laura but i feel That Caroline Gave More Time and Consideration To the way Mary felt it was often times that when Mary was Worried or Upset
 or when Mary Cried Caroline was Very Loving and Comforting to Mary Like in season season 2 Ep 13 Entitled The Pride Of Walnut Grove Mary was taking a
 state Mathematics Test and she was Up  Worrying and Caroline was Like Oh Mary Honey Go to sleep Now and close eyes and get some now dear its alright
 but then in Season 2 Ep 18 Entitled For My Lady Caroline Told the Girls to Get ready for Bed and she was Mad at Laura and she said Laura eat your Dinner
 and Go to Bed right Now Young Lady but then in the same scene  when Mary was Going to bed Caroline Tone of Voice was way differently she went Over to
 Mary and Kissed on her Forehead and said don t study too Late Good Night  Dear and im like okay Really your Gonna get mad at Laura and tell her to go to
 bed but then Mary its Good Night dear Like come on Caroline i Just Never Understood why Caroline Treated Mary and Laura so differently i mean i know
 she treated them differently because they were different People and all but all in all they were both her Daughters and she was Not Just Mary Mother i mean
 she had More then Child and at Least when the Girls were Little she acted as if Mary was the Only that Needed her or that Mary was the Only one she had
 Time for or that Mary was the Only Daughter that she wanted to slow down and talk to and get to know she did not have Much to with Laura untill she was
 15 and 6 years old and that was after Mary Moved out of the House and all and i am not saying That Caroline did Love Laura but when Laura was Little
 Caroline did not show it very Much and that Just Makes me Mad and Upset at the writers of the show because i did not Like that they did that to Caroline like
 at all because it made me sorry For Laura like a lot well Have a Great Night Thanks  For Reading have a Great Night ,  
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xxyourlittleangelz · 2 years
Feeling nurturing, do you think you could do some slashers (myers, voorhees, vincent sinclair, thomas, bubba, brahms) with a fem s/o that's mothering with big biddies in a cute moment? 👉🏻👈🏻
If not, you will still accept my love and support 💗💓🔫
💜✨Oh my anon..💜✨
💜✨didn’t expect my Saturday to go this way but I’ll try my best~!💜✨
💜✨Slashers with a motherly s/o~! (Bonus she has a big chest😮‍💨)💜✨
✨💜Minors please don’t read!~!!!!!!✨💜
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🖤Micheal:💜✨Mikey acts like he’s annoyed by how motherly you are but secretly LOVES it💜✨
💜✨Fussing over him? Loves it💜✨
✨💜Home cooked meals? LOVES it✨💜
✨💜patch him up? Love it~!✨💜
✨💜of course he wouldn’t admit this to you~💜✨
💜✨and of course I hope you’re comfortable with being his personal pillow~✨💜
💜✨micheal has zero shame in looking okay~💜✨
✨💜there so..pillowy?~💜✨
💜✨(is that a word? I don’t know..)💜✨
💜✨oh you’re bending down to get something? BAM! Micheals staring~💜✨
💜✨as I said mikey will 100% use you as a pillow I’m sorry y/n but that’s how it is~💜✨
💜✨You don’t ever have to worry about him finding you attractive.. this man will have his hands on you at any given chance~✨💜
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🏕Jason:💜✨Aww y/n! You’re so precious!💜✨
💜✨he was very close to his mother (fight me but I think it’s true okay)💜✨
💜✨so being with someone who has a motherly aura about them really melts his heart~!💜✨
💜✨as I said Jay LOVES when you sleep on top of him~!💜✨
💜✨personal plushie okay~💜✨
💜✨Jay tries not to stare! He’s a good boy! BUT💜✨
💜✨he has peeked every now then~💜✨
💜✨he would NEVER tell you this but…he likes laying on you’re chest~💜✨
✨💜(is Jay a boob guy?)💜✨
💜✨if you ever point it out Jay WILL blush like a mad man y/n~💜✨
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🥺Thomas:💜✨obviously this man LIVES for you’re attention okay~!💜✨
💜✨he adores how you fuss over a little cut on his arm~💜✨
💜✨he will only drink you’re sweet tea~💜✨
💜✨loves,LOVES you’re kisses~💜✨
💜✨also might I add..he loves how you stand up for him to anyone~!💜✨
💜✨now thomas tries to be respectful but..for the love of holy cow please! Don’t bend over~✨💜
💜✨it’s his number weakness y/n~💜✨
💜✨low cut top? That’s it upstairs~!💜✨
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🐻Bubba:✨💜he adores you~!💜✨
💜✨Thinks you’re angel from above honestly~💜✨
✨💜he wishes he could just hold you forever~!💜✨
✨💜the way you fuss over him and care for is really all he could over ask for~!✨💜
✨💜you’re gentle with him and absolutely loves it~!✨💜
✨💜bubba really doesn’t notice you’re chest (at first)✨💜
💜✨but one night when he laid his head on you..yeah his addicted now~💜✨
💜✨he won’t stare (he’s a pure boy okay) but he will death glare anyone who does~!💜✨
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🕯Vincent:✨💜You’re his muse~💜✨
💜✨Having a motherly personality definitely is a plus for him~!💜✨
💜✨oh he adores you!✨💜
💜✨feels a little bad you’re stuck at Ambrose💜✨
✨💜some soft reassurance is needed in moments like that~💜✨
✨💜I can’t not stress this enough…✨💜
✨💜He thinks you’re divine~!✨💜
✨💜more than likely didn’t pay too much attention to you're chest (until bo pointed it out.. Rude bo)💜✨
💜✨He feels a little guilty but since then he has peeked a little when you're wearing low cut tops, if you bend down to get something~ etc~💜✨
💜✨There like little pillowy clouds~!💜✨
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🍪Brahms:💜✨ah everyone's favorite wall boy💜✨
💜✨Mommy issues over here~ (fight me)💜✨
💜✨One would think he couldn't be a bigger baby right~? WRONG💜✨
💜✨You having a motherly personality only fuels his babyness~💜✨
💜✨Now you're chest? Heck yeah he looks~💜✨
💜✨Kinda like Michael he doesn't really have shame in looking/commenting on it~💜✨
💜✨Loves planting his face in between them (Y/n I'm so sorry~)💜✨
💜✨Low cut tops are a must for now on~💜✨
💜✨10/10 will lay on them~💜✨
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Bela Dimitrescu lactation fic
Okay, so I’ve gotten a few requests to do one for Bela and I love her T^T Let’s get into it!
Bela had always been so… Motherly towards you. It’s just in her nature.
Much like Alcina, Bela has an insatiable need to nurture which is part of the reason you make her so happy.
She reminds you of important deadlines, makes sure you eat and drink, and is pretty much the only person who can calm you down when you’re upset.
You have developed a bit of separation anxiety when it comes to her. You can’t fully relax unless she’s with you.
Bela really wants to take care of you on a more intimate level. She already thinks of you as her baby, but she also wants you to think of her as your mama. In her head, she’s been calling herself your mama for a couple of months, but hasn’t dared to say it out loud.
One evening as you cuddle with her, she kind of lets it slip by accident.
You were in the middle of telling her about something you’d accomplished that day when it happens.
“Wow, baby. Mama’s so proud of you!” She giggles… And then realizes what she just said. She doesn’t say anything for a moment, hoping you won’t comment on it. When she manages to look over at you to gauge your reaction, you have a huge blush on your face.
“Hehe…” You laugh nervously. Why did you enjoy it so much when she called herself your mama? It makes you feel so safe and loved.
“I’m s-sorry, Y/N. I, um, don’t know where that came from.” She lies.
“I… Didn’t mind. It was nice.” You say quietly.
Bela’s eyes snap to yours. “Y-you really liked it?!” She asks in disbelief.
Your face gets redder but you nod your head. You were always honest with her.
“Oh, Y/N…” She coos and lies your head on her chest. “I’ve been wanting to ask you about this for a while… I just didn’t know how to bring it up.” She says and runs her fingers through your hair.
“Hmm? What do you mean?” You ask her as you close your eyes in pleasure from the head massage.
Bela sighs. “It’s just… I would like for you to think of me as your mama. But only if you’re comfortable with it!” She clarifies.
Your head shoots up. “R-really?” You ask in astonishment. You would love nothing more. Maybe that’s why you were so clingy with her?
Bela giggles at the hopeful look on your face. “Yes, baby.” She says.
You happily bounce up and down. “Yeah! I want you to be my mama!” You say.
Bela feels her eyes well up with tears. She loves you so much and you trust her. She’s honored. “Well… There is one thing I’ve always wanted to do for you…” She looks away, feeling a little shy again.
You tilt your head at her in confusion. “What is it?” You ask.
Bela takes a deep breath and looks at you. “You know how you always need mama to remind you to eat and drink?” She asks with a knowing grin.
You flush, but nod.
“Well… There’s a way I can do that a lot easier, now. I think you might like it.” She says.
“Yeah?” You ask.
“Yes, but you have to trust mama, okay? She knows what she’s doing. Deal?” She asks you and cups your face.
The more Bela refers to herself as your mama, the harder it is for you to remain in an adult head space. You find that it’s much easier to nod right now instead of answering with words.
Bela smiles as she sees the shift in your demeanor. “Oh, there you are, baby. Hello.” She says, speaking softer to you in your little space. It’s like meeting another side of you. She kisses your cheek, enjoying how absolutely precious you are like this.
Bela begins to unzip her dress and take her bra off. She had been preparing for this for weeks by taking supplements. Her body had begun producing milk a few days ago. Her breasts were aching, so ready to feed you. Thank goodness you two talked about her taking on the role of your mama finally. She hoped you would be open to this as well.
You’re very confused about why she is getting undressed, but your mama said to trust her, so that’s what you’re going to do.
“There we are.” Bela says and tosses her bra away. She props herself up with a few pillows. “Come here to mama, baby.” She says and holds her arms out to you.
You laugh and happily crawl towards her.
“Good job, lovey.” She smiles and kisses you on the cheek. She positions you so that your head is lying next to her chest. “Alright, open your mouth, baby.” Bela instructs.
You furrow your brows but do as she says.
Bela giggles at how unsure you are before she lifts her right breast and places her nipple in your mouth.
Your eyes grow wide in surprise.
Bela gently runs her fingers across your cheek. “You’re okay, baby. Mama’s got you.” She soothes. “Can you drink for me?” She asks.
You hesitate for a second before you begin to suckle. To your shock, sweet beads of milk hit your tongue. It tastes so good! You start to suckle faster in hunger and are rewarded with a stronger flow of milk.
Bela gasps in relief at the feeling of you eating. The warmth of your mouth on her nipple is heavenly. “Great job, lovey. Mama’s so proud of you.” She praises and smiles down at you. She gently rocks you in her arms and you have never felt so at peace. Bela calms you like no one else can. She’s your life. In fact, right now, she’s the only thing that exists.
Bela’s love for you has grown impossibly larger. You’re her precious little one and she will do anything for you.
Bela begins telling you stories and the sound of her beautiful voice is gently lulling you to sleep. You also enjoy the feeling of her chest rumbling as she talks. Everything about her is washing all of your worries away.
“Are you getting sleepy, baby?” She asks you.
You give her a tired smile around her nipple and nod your head.
“That’s my good baby. Go on right to sleep, little one. Mama will be right here when you wake up. I love you, Y/N. So much.” She tells you and kisses your head.
Your suckling slows down as you fall asleep, but it doesn’t completely stop. It’s comforting to have something to latch onto in your sleep.
Bela lets out a contented sigh, eager to see what new experiences await her now that this next chapter of your relationship has begun.
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errorpeachy · 3 years
hello :) i hope you are having a fantastic day ^^. I'm currently re-watching soul eater and am in soul eater blog mode fgujergiub- would it be possible for me to request crona, death the kid, patty, and maka with a very apologetic, nurturing, and motherly fem! s/o? like she always cooks for them, and whenever something isn't even their fault they blame it on themselves and apologize like crazy? she also overworks herself a lot? thank you :) have a fantastic day :D - nonnie :)
🍑💭: That’s completely okay! I’m like this too so this was really fun to write!
Pairing: crona, dtk, patty, maka (separate) x fem! reader
genre: headcanons
cw: fem/fem presenting reader
˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥ 𝕞𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕪
❥ Have they died and gone to heaven?
❥ No but seriously they are so thankful for your existence
❥ You’re like a saving grace after all the things they went through with Medusa, they love you so much omg
❥ You must always cook for three because if you don’t, Ragnarok tries to eat Crona’s food (menace to society)
❥ They’re always quick to express their love for your food, often saying “This is really good… thank you for cooking.”
❥ Any time you do anything for them, they make sure to thank you, it’s very sweet and it shows that they appreciate everything
❥ In terms of being apologetic, they get it. They’re like that too
❥ However, just because they’re the same way doesn’t mean they let you get away with it
❥ “It’s okay, you didn’t even do anything wrong. There’s no need for apologizing.”
❥ They’re very reassuring, and it’s like a breath of fresh air from your constant worrying
❥ While they appreciate you doing things for them, they’ll take over if they notice you’ve overworked yourself
❥ Their words are firm, and they tell you “Go rest, Y/N. I’ve got it, I promise. I don’t want you to make yourself more tired…”
❥ You both compliment eachother so well :’)
❥ (can you tell they’re my favorite character)
𝕕𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕜𝕚𝕕
❥ Oh he adores you
❥ Although there’s never really much to clean, considering he keeps the mansion spotless, he appreciates it when you try to keep it tidy
❥ Falls in love all over again if you fix things up to make them symmetrical again before he notices and freaks out
❥ You help him with his OCD in little ways and he adores you for it, you don’t see him as weird and that makes him so happy
❥ Loves your cooking. The sisters love it too and will force him to invite you to spend the night just to eat your food and steal you away for girl talk
❥ While he can be straight faced most times, he’s very dramatic whenever you tell him he isn’t asymmetrical garbage when he’s having a meltdown
❥ “Really? Y/N- you’re the best girlfriend ever, seriously!-“ followed up by dramatic sobbing
❥ He’s pretty blunt when it comes to you being apologetic. You don’t do anything too bad most times, so there’s no need for a repeated apology
❥ “Hush, you’ve done nothing too bad. A quick sorry was enough, there’s no need for repetition.”
❥ While you do take care of him in some aspects, he’s quick to do the same with you
❥ Again, he’s very blunt. If he doesn’t want you to do something, he’ll be straight up
❥ “Y/N, you look exhausted. I’ve noticed you’ve been working hard lately, so go lie down and take a nap. No arguing.”
❥ All in all, he’s firm but caring in the way he treats you <3
❥ Oh this ball of sunshine just loves you
❥ She’s very childish (and clinically insane) so you’re a really big help for her
❥ She draws you pictures. You hang all of them up on your wall. Couple goals
❥ Liz is an overprotective sister, so she was pretty threatening until she realized you were basically harmless
❥ Patty likes your cooking. She always wants you to teach her how to cook, but any time she tries to help, something ends up going wrong
❥ You both just laugh it off and order pizza when that happens
❥ Very often, she’ll ask you random questions, and you always do your best to answer them
❥ “Hey Y/N, why are giraffe’s necks so long?” “It’s because they evolved to have longer necks to reach tall trees for food, dear.” “Ohhh! Haha, you’re so smart!”
❥ She’s always confused when you start getting overly apologetic
❥ “What are you apologizing for silly? You didn’t do anything!”
❥ She’s not one to notice if you’re tired, but if Kid points it out or you mention something about it she’s quick to jump to caring for you
❥ “Hey hey! Why don’t you go rest? We can cuddle! Doesn’t that sound great?”
❥ She’s so cute :’)))
❥ Same lol
❥ She is also a mom friend, just more aggressive
❥ You guys do a lot of things together, like cleaning and cooking
❥ The two of you cook together pretty often! Maka really likes it, she finds it fun and it’s a nice way to spend time with her loving girlfriend
❥ You often buy her new books to read and she is so thankful for it
❥ She doesn’t like it when you get apologetic. She’ll frown at you and listen to your rambling before cutting you off
❥ “Hey, it’s alright. Don’t apologize, ‘Kay? You didn’t do anything.”
❥ She overworks herself too, so she’s aware she’s being hypocritical when she calls you out and scolds you for not resting
❥ But she loves you and just wants you to take care of yourself :(
❥ “What do you mean you haven’t been sleeping right? Have you been staying up trying to work?” “Well, yes, but-“ “no buts! You’re taking a nap with me right now!”
❥ She gets free cuddles out of it so it’s a win win!
❥ She likes the fact you’re much more passive, it helps calm her down
❥ The two of you r just so similar, it leads to great bonding experiences <333
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mara-xx217 · 2 years
I would like to request a killers reaction to an S/O who is very motherly and housewife-like. Like, always has a smile and a soft voice, babies the younger characters like Susie and always gives them cookies and brownies and colorful bandaids when they get hurt. I’d specifically like to request Evan but anyone else you feel like writing for is good! I’m not picky!
Just about everyone here needs a mommy figure in their life, if not for... other reasons as well 👀 I'll try to keep it wholesome though lol
Evan Macmillan/The Trapper
Literally his dream S/O
Soft, quiet, subservient, a natural mother and caretaker?! Sign him the fuck up!
Will literally steal you away from everyone, not willing to share you with anyone for any reason
Expect to see various injuries related to his bear traps. Survivors will begin to notice that Evan's hands and arms are bandaged up, and his stiff, awkward gait is just a little smoother, though it could just be their imagination
It's a little prickly with just how doting you can be with him. It'll take him some time to adjust, but you're as patient as you are loving, so he has all the time in the world
Max Thompson Jr./The Hillbilly
Max doesn't trust you. At first...
You are waay too good to be true. You want to take care of him?! HA! His own Ma didn't want him! Why would a stranger want too?!
Eventually, he notices that you aren't going anywhere, and no matter how much or for how long he gives you the cold shoulder, you're still here and you still want to care for him
Cue baby mode Max
Expect a lot of crying. He is extremely sensitive to how others perceive him, and with you showing him nothing but love and understanding and adoration? Oh, all those years of cruelty and abuse just come tumbling out in a torrent of emotions that surprises himself
You don't mind, though. Max is a good boy, and he has suffered unjustly from the one's that should have loved and treasured him the most. You can't do much, but you'll do everything in your power to make up for all those lonely years and prove to him that he is deserving of everything you give him.
Anna/The Huntress
Can you say "mom squad"? Because you're the mom squad of the Entity's realm
It's no secret that Anna is desperate to be a mother figure, but underneath the careful visage that she had crafted for herself, she was still a little girl that missed her mama more than anything
You somehow caught a glimpse of the child still inside of her, and when you started to dote on her as she had done to you? She simply melts
Anna didn't even realize that she needed this. Such sweet, tender touches... Gentle singing and humming... Just like Mama...
It brings tears to her eyes. For so long, she's had to survive all on her own and be the big, scary monster that sheds no tears and feels no fear, but with you? She can just be Anna, quiet and soft and gentle and loving...
She'll coddle you as much as you coddle her. This is a partnership, and she intends to nurture it so it grows to its full potential. Anna might not have much, but she'll give you everything that her little world has to offer
The Legion/F.J.S.J.
Adopt 👏 These 👏 Kids 👏
Frank and Julie will pretend that they aren't interested in all your "babying" and "coddling" and "Ew! STOP THAT I'M NOT FIVE!" Buuut they always seem to lean in whenever you fuss over them or give them hugs or kisses or wipe the grime from their faces
Joey doesn't make a massive deal over your motherly behavior. He doesn't try to play tough, but he doesn't completely show his appreciation explicitly, either. Not that he doesn't appreciate you, quite the opposite, he's just naturally ambivalent to attention others place on him
Susie, on the other hand? She can't get enough of the attention you shower onto her. Susie will be glued to your side, soaking in all the attention you give her, that large, kiddish grin of hers omnipresent on her face whenever you are near
They all desperately need the stability that you provide them. Frank has never had any parental figure in his life, Julie and Joey's were mostly present, but largely distance, and Susie was a mama's girl. It certainly was a lot of work caring for the Legion but seeing them so happy and taken care of is payment enough for you.
You were a strange appetizer. You kept cooing and gushing over him, making him tilt his head to the side in confusion. Most food that he hunts screams and smells tasty, but you are quiet and smell... good, but in a different way. Odd...
Quickly realized that 1) You are better alive, 2) You won't hurt him and 3) Pets feel amazing
Demo is like a massive, hairless cat. He can and will lay on top of you, attracted to your warmth and scent. He likes it when you rub your palms along the underside of his chin and the petal like slivers of his mouth
You're his now. You're not allowed to leave. Ever. Not that you'll complain too much
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