#and im not gonna lie this was also me looking through your blog for the first time and immediately searching yuor don tag <3 love and light
goldiipond · 1 year
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Found your inner monologue while looking for mangacaps
this is so true i am always saying this when looking at both mangacaps and fanart. dose any body care about him. about don. my best friend don. don
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1-800-kami · 9 months
R U MINE? feat gojo satoru (II)
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gojo satoru has got to be the picture definition of a stereotypical college frat boy. he’s cocky, loaded with his daddy’s money, and dangerously handsome. it seems like common sense to stay away from him since you’ll never get more than a one-night stand out of it. 
that’s why you choose to turn a blind eye once you’ve come to the horrific realization: you’re in love with him. and you’re just itching to ask…
“are you mine tomorrow? or just mine tonight?”
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IMPORTANT: this is part TWO (and the final part) of the r u mine? mini series. make sure to read part one of this fic before proceeding! :)
content: 5.4k words, afab!reader, rich college frat boy gojo, SMUT (fingering & unprotected sex.. wrap it before u tap it kids!) ANGST, (i listened to deftones while writing the breakup era LMAOO i was in my feels 😔) gojo "everything reminds me of her" satoru is really going thru it, idk how to feel about the ending tbh, cheating implications, kinda proofread ig, more emo gojo (u luv to see it)
author's note: guys. where do i even start?? first of all, thank u for all the support on the first part of this mini series!! we also hit 100 followers on this blog so tysm for supporting me n my writing <3 here's the long awaited part two (n also the finale) as i promised that i would get it out over the weekend! just a quick announcement that i may be a little bit more inactive from here on out.. mainly because classes r starting again nd im starting to get busier. i do have more fic plans though, (and a geto smut in my drafts? 👀) so i'll make time to write when i can! happy reading and thank u for all the support on this silly little series :)
tags: @soley613 @feariteriu @bear-likes-mushrooms @96jnie @keilaq1 @whydohumansss @luftyluft @fatbootymuncher (bold = i'm unable to tag u)
reblog and interact for a kiss ;)
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everything’s been hazy.
you don’t really remember how you got home– you either waved down a cab or walked until you somehow found your house. either way, the alcohol is worsening the pounding in your ears. the straps of your dress are clinging terribly against your skin–you want to take it off, you want to wear something more comfortable, you want to just go to sleep, preferably forever… but you can’t bring yourself to.
you can’t even bring yourself to move.
so the rumors really were true? but why did gojo pursue so far just for you? why did gojo say those words to you when you spent the night together? why did gojo try so hard to convince you that night that he wanted to have sex with you because he loved you–and not solely because he wanted to have sex?
why did gojo lie to you?
another series of pings sound throughout the room, and you finally move to silence your phone. the noise is all so overwhelming. why the hell is your phone blowing up?
you check your notifications–mostly dms from people you don’t know, either asking if you and satoru were dating, or questioning you about what the hell happened at the party. you know that you’re gonna be the subject of gossip once you’re back at campus, and you hate it.
you were surprised at the numbers once you scrolled down your notification list a little further. ten missed calls from satoru, accompanied by a series of fifteen panicked messages. you open it, and you stare sadly at his contact photo and name, remembering the fond memory behind it. once you two actually started dating, you were merciful enough to add a heart next to his name, and even updated it to “toru”. he was elated at that.
you think you can barely even call him gojo now.
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the most recent message was barely sent a minute ago. like it was on cue, you see the bright headlights pull up outside of your door. you wanted to sink into your couch and never resurface ever again.
you hear suguru’s car door open and close, and then frantic knocking outside. you walk to the door while sniffling, looking through the peephole just to confirm your suspicions. it was satoru.
“i can hear you crying through the door, y/n. i know you’re there.” he takes a deep inhale, and the tears start rolling down your cheeks again once you hear the complete and utter vulnerability in his voice. you just don’t know what to believe anymore. “shit, i’m crying too. well, i’m gonna explain myself even if you don’t care enough to listen to me. uhm, believe it or not, what happened at the party wasn’t my doing… at all. when you went to use the bathroom, this girl went up to me and started flirting with me, like she was waiting for you to leave or somethin’. i was g’na tell her to go fuck off but she pushed herself on my lap and before i could do anything about it you walked in and it was just all horrible timing and- god. i know it sounds unbelievable, right? you must think i’m terrible right now.”
“you don’t have to believe me. if i were in your shoes i wouldn’t know what to think either. i’m just… explaining what happened.”
there’s a long period of silence between you and satoru, aside from the occasional sniffling on both ends. you don’t know what to say. you want to believe him. you want to do nothing more than to open the door and let him hold you in his arms again, but you just don’t know what to think anymore. you poured your entire heart out to a man who you knew you shouldn’t be messing with, and now you don’t know who or what to believe. you feel like a fool, and you’re just tired. so damn tired. the silence feels asphyxiating, like it's tearing your relationship with satoru further and further apart the longer it draws on.
satoru is the first one to break the silence. “i’m guessing from the silent treatment that you don’t believe me. it’s okay, y/n. i’ll wait an eternity for you to forgive me because i’ll always choose you- fuck… over anything, and i hope you know that.”
your mind is a mess, and satoru’s words make it even messier.
i’ll wait an eternity for you
i’ll always choose you over anything
you put your head in your hands and sob. it hurts.
a minute passes–gojo hears you get up from where you’re sitting behind the door, and his heart fills with hope.
“i just… i just don’t know how to believe you, gojo.”
his heart breaks when he hears the door–presumably to your bedroom–open and close, leaving him alone with his shattered heart. his heart breaks when he takes in your voice, noticing how weak and exhausted you sounded. he wonders how much you’ve cried just from this past hour alone. his heart breaks once he realizes that he’s alone with his thoughts again, alone with the voice in his head that was berating him for not being able to prevent all of this if he hadn’t frozen up and just pushed her away the second that girl started flirting with him. finally, his heart breaks once it registers that you called him gojo–the last name that he shares with his corrupt and money-crazy family… the family he tries so hard to get away from. it was also the name you called him during the days that you barely trusted him.
now, he’s back to square one, and he has none of your trust again. this time, satoru swears that he’ll do anything in his power to get it back once more.
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you didn’t come to school today.
there’s been nothing but radio silence on your end. gojo has sent you countless messages over the weekend asking how you’ve been, with the occasional desperate voicemail where he tells you that he loves and misses you. you’ve turned off your read receipts, so gojo doesn’t even know if you’ve seen his texts or listened to his voicemails. he’s concerned for you, even though he knows that he’s the reason behind all of this. he was hoping to talk things out with you today.. but you weren’t even here.
one thing gojo knew about you is that you cared deeply about your academics, and you wouldn’t miss attendance even if you were sick. it pains him to know that he was the reason that you weren’t here today. you were avoiding him, and he felt helpless.
he’s talked to geto—and the best advice that his best friend could offer was to “find proof that you didn’t cheat on her.” he’s right, though. the last thing you had said to gojo was that you don’t know how to believe if he’s telling the truth or not. gojo has absolutely no idea how to prove his fidelity to you, since words clearly weren’t enough. it frustrates him to no end.
gojo now knows that he feels absolutely lost. all when he’s not with you.
it feels nerve-wracking to walk the halls. 
he remembers telling you the night that you slept together that he’d learned over time to drown out the rumors about him. he learned not to care about what other people thought about him, and he eventually became unaffected by the school’s gossip. 
however, this time was different.
this time, he finds it difficult to drown out the rumors when he hears your name in them. he flinches every time someone whispers your name and his as he walks the halls, feeling that all eyes are on him. “i heard y/n and gojo broke up…” “they were dating?!” “yeah.. i didn’t believe it at first, either! apparently he…”
he doesn’t want to hear it, so he walks a little faster. it hasn’t felt this suffocating to be on campus in a while.
maybe that’s partially why you didn’t show up. rumors are hard to ignore if you don’t know how to shun them out. 
gojo lets out a sigh. he decides that he’s going to ditch the rest of class. you weren’t here, he couldn’t talk to you, and he felt he was gonna go mad if he heard your name spoken by someone again, so he turns to leave, but flinches as he feels a hand lightly tap his shoulder.
he turns around, with a girl that he’s never seen before standing in front of him… not that he pays attention to them in the first place, though. he raises his eyebrow in question, and the girl looks so nervous she might pass out. “i have to tell you something-“
“if it’s a love confession or whatever, i don’t want to hear it-“
“-no!” she flushes a deep shade of red, and he fights the urge to roll his eyes. she coughs awkwardly at his expression. “um, no.. it’s not that. please, just give me two minutes in the library. i have something to tell you.”
he decides to entertain this girl for a bit. he’d be lying if he said that he wasn’t curious about what she had to talk to him for. gojo sighs and says, “two minutes. that’s all you’re getting.”
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“this is about the party last friday, no?” he says while taking a seat near one of the tables. he feels sick just being here. he’d never gone to the library before meeting you–as he had no reason to go here at all. then, he started accompanying you everywhere as he tried to win your heart. “study dates” were frequent here, and he even remembers forcefully changing his contact name and number on your phone during one of your dates.
gosh, everything literally reminds him of you. he can barely live like this.
she takes a seat across from him, and she shamefully nods at his words. “i went to the party on friday, and i just want to say i’m sorry-”
gojo gets up to leave. he can’t do this. he doesn’t need anyone’s pity. pity can’t change the fact that you still won’t talk to him. she panics as gojo is about to walk away. “wait!”
the librarian tells her to quiet down, and she mutters an apology. still, she persists. “please, just wait for two minutes… i need two minutes to explain myself. you promised you’d give me that.”
she stares at gojo, who hasn’t left yet, and takes that as her opportunity to speak. “i was a friend of… her,” he doesn’t need an explanation to know who she was talking about. “the reason why she came up to you was because of a dare i told her to do. she’s had a crush on you for a while now, so of course she was willing to flirt with you.”
“um, that was the dare, by the way. my friend told me to record it, because we were all drunk, and we thought it would be funny. just another memory to laugh at in the future, right? we didn’t know you were dating the girl you were with at the party. sorry but, we assumed she was just a fling… or something… we didn’t know she was your girlfriend.”
“yeah, i was dating the girl at the party.” gojo scoffs, and he feels his anger bubbling up again. “then your friend had to do that stupid dare, and she won’t fuckin’ talk to me now.”
“i’m sorry-”
“i don’t need your apologies. is that why you came up to me? to apologize so you don’t feel guilty about what happened anymore?” gojo sneers. he was right, though. guilt is ridden all over her face, and she can’t even meet his eyes. he’s about to leave, thinking that this entire conversation was useless, but gojo thinks back on what she said earlier.
“...my friend told me to record it…”
he turns back to look at her, which surprises her, to say the least. “hey, you said you recorded the dare, right?”
“uhm, yes.”
“so you still have the video?”
“it should be in my camera roll somewhere-”
“if you came here to apologize to me, then you should send me that video.” she looked a little horrified at his words, and gojo could almost laugh. “what? i’m not gonna do anything bad with it, god.”
she thinks about what gojo’s intentions could be with that video, and her eyes light up in recognition as she connects the dots from what he said beforehand. i was dating the girl at the party… then your friend had to do that stupid dare… and she won’t fuckin’ talk to me now.
she nods in understanding. this is the least she could do for him. she pulls out her phone, looking for the video, and says, “i hope you two make up soon, gojo-san.”
gojo satoru walks- no, runs out of that library with determination. determination as he finally has the video evidence of what happened at the party–his saving grace so he could finally get you to forgive him.
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you miss him.
you miss him like hell, actually, and you blink at the messages he just sent you in complete disbelief.
you didn’t show up to class today because you were afraid. you were afraid to see satoru again, yes, but you were also afraid of what everyone else would say about you. the party was one thing, but the after-effects and the rumors were something completely different. you didn’t have the mental capacity to deal with that, unlike satoru, so you stayed home. all because you were afraid of what would happen on campus.
you just wish things would go back to how they were before… all of this happened. you didn’t want to admit it, but you’ve read all of satoru’s messages, and you’ve listened to all of his voicemails. you’ve cried to them. and it hurts because you’re still torn apart in the midst of your own feelings. and now, satoru wants to talk to you, because he’s been wanting to do nothing but fix everything between the two of you.
the doorbell rings, and you almost jump out of your skin. 
you didn’t even know if you would open the door or not. despite that, you felt your body moving on its own, like you were relying on your own instincts. you washed your face to get rid of the dried tears on your cheeks, brushed the tangles out of your hair, and dressed into something more presentable. the next thing you know, you’re leaning against the wall next to the front entrance. your shadow is visible underneath the door, so satoru knows that you’re here.
“hi, y/n..” he sounded so nervous that you almost laughed, but you felt equally as terrified as him. “i have something to show you… uh, on my phone. if you don’t want to see me, it’s fine, i’ll just send it to you, but i’d really prefer if you open the door and we’ll talk about this inside-”
your hand is already reaching the door knob before you can even think about it. it’s such an impulse decision that you look at him in surprise once you open the door. it’s the first time you’ve seen him ever since you were at the party. it’s only been three days, but you can’t help but notice how his eyebags are more prominent, his eyes are a little redder, and he looks nothing short of exhausted.
“hey,” he manages to breathe out, his eyes meeting yours. “can i come in? please?”
you nod, too stunned to say anything, and he exhales in relief as he walks in. the two of you sit on the couch, and gojo notices how you’re keeping your distance from him. it breaks his heart a little.
he looks for the video on his phone and gets ready to show it to you. this is it. his last ditch effort for your forgiveness. he’s really fuckin’ hoping that this works. “i got this video from a girl who came to the party. it’s a recording of, um, what happened.”
he hands the phone over to you, and you take it skeptically, still choosing to keep silent. you press play, and you watch the recording. a shaky hand holds the camera, and the person behind it says, “holy shit, she’s actually doing it!” they're presumably talking to their friend, and the camera focuses on a girl walking over to gojo. your heart is pounding, eyes widening in recognition as you stare at her... the one who caused all of this in the first place.
the all too familiar girl comes up to him, saying something out of earshot. when gojo looks at her, completely uninterested, she pulls that move. the scene you saw at the party before you ran out. tears fill your eyes again, and you almost want to stop the video, but your interest is piqued at the next part.
..this… this part was something that you didn’t see. gojo angrily reacts at the girl’s move, with her falling on the floor as she looks at him, stunned at how furious he looks. the person behind the camera gasps, continuing to record out of shock as a crowd of people turn to stare at the two. geto eventually comes into the frame and takes gojo away from all the chaos. the video ends there, and you grip gojo’s phone shakily.
holy shit.
tears roll down your face, but this time, they’re tears of relief. you waste no time in hugging satoru, crying your heart out as you bury your face in his neck. you’re happy. you’re so fucking happy, and so relieved knowing that he didn’t lie to you. of course he didn’t.
“m’sorry-” you sniffle into his shoulder. gojo is so shocked at what was happening that it takes him a second to hug you back, but when he does, he starts crying. “m’so fucking sorry i didn’t believe you-”
“shh, it’s okay, it’s okay…” he says, and you only hug him tighter. “m’so tired, you know that? these past three days fucking sucked. i’m just so glad you’re in my arms again, fuck-”
“-i love you, i love you, i love you so fucking much, toru.” you repeat, laughing as you kiss him all over his face. it’s been a while since you said that to someone. you wipe his never-ending tears away, still in disbelief, and whisper, “you’re real. right? you’re actually here with me right now ‘nd i’m not dreaming, right?
“i’m very much real, baby.” he says, putting his forehead against yours as you take in his features again. “god, i missed that pretty face so much.”
he finally closes the gap between you two, pulling you into a much needed kiss. it’s a kiss filled with so many emotions–desperation, happiness, relief. satoru thinks his heart is finally whole again. he’s missed you. he’s missed you so fucking much, and you’ve missed him too. 
you’re like an anchor to satoru. the light of his life that keeps him grounded. and god, he’s been apart from you for too long. 
you reposition yourself as you’re deepening the kiss. you’re on his lap now, and you wrap your arms around his neck, tugging on his hair in desperation. “oh yeah? ‘y gonna do anything about it?"
“of course i am,” he says, hands roaming underneath your shirt as he caresses your bare waist. fuck. he needs you. right now. especially after thinking that he was about to lose you forever–for something that he didn’t even do. “i’m gonna show you just how much i missed you, baby.”
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gojo can’t let you go.
you’re in your bedroom, and both of you waste no time undressing each other. he takes you in–all of you, in awe of every crevice of your body as he trails his hands further down your waist.
god, you’re so beautiful. “i can’t believe i almost lost you.”
his words are shaky, like he’s still uncertain that you’re real and you’re in his arms again. he can’t seem to break himself away from you, almost like you’ll disappear if he lets you go. “but i’m here now, toru.”
“i’m here to stay, and i’ll never let you go again… ‘m yours,” you whisper, and your words set a fire in him, fueling his body with nothing but desperation. desperation to have you right here, and right now. 
he wastes no time in plunging two of his fingers in your cunt, and he groans at just how wet you are. “satoru-”
“fuck, you’re so wet… and it’s all for me,” he mutters, spreading your legs effortlessly when you try to close them, thighs shaking in pure pleasure. he adds another finger, and you already feel stretched to the brim, and you haven’t even taken him in yet. the thought of his cock inside of you makes you even wetter than you already are, and you look up at satoru with eyes full of lust and desire. “missed you so much, baby. missed you and your pretty little cunny,”
his fingers are long, and you whine at how full you feel right now. you’re so loud, and you don’t even care. right now, it’s just you and satoru finally feeling each other again. it’s only been three days, but it feels like you’ve been apart for years.
everything about this was filthy. from your erotic moans and the way your cunt squelched against his fingers… not to mention the vice grip you had on them- fuck, satoru thinks he can cum untouched just from watching you like this.
“haa-” you whimper when his fingers curl and hit that spot in your cunt that you can barely seem to reach on your own. it’s exhilarating, and only fuels the growing heat in your stomach. “toru- don’t stop- please, i’m close-”
“really?” he taunts, and it feels so fucking good–your head is numb, and the only thoughts filling your head are thoughts of satoru. the pleasure is too much, and you try to get away from him, but he keeps you in place, curling his fingers faster as punishment. “don’t run away from me, baby… be a good girl and just take it, yeah?”
“toru- fuck- i’m gonna cum, please-” you’re on the brink of release, but suddenly, he stops, ruining your orgasm. “no- wait-”
he pulls his fingers out, and you whine at the loss of stimulation. you were so close–why did he take that away from you? you try and swat at his hands, but he just takes his fingers and puts them in his mouth, locking his eyes with yours with a sly smile. “you taste so sweet, i can’t help it,”
“aww, is my baby mad ‘cause she didn’t get to cum?” he coos sarcastically, caging you in between his arms as he tilts your face up with his finger. “too bad… the only thing you’re cumming on tonight is on my cock.”
and with that, he eases his painfully hard member into your walls. your insides hugged him perfectly–it was like you were made just for him. you gasp once he’s fully sheathed himself inside of you. his fingers were already a lot to take in, but his cock was something completely different. he moans your name, barely keeping his cool. “fuck- you’re squeezing me so tight,”
“missed everything about you, baby. i need to hold you, please,” he pleads desperately, clasping your small hands against his. the size difference alone between the two of you almost makes him cum, but he holds himself back, choosing to bask in this intimate moment. he’s missed every part about this. “you ready f’me?-”
“-just fuck me, satoru, please-” he doesn’t need another confirmation from you.
he can’t bring himself to hold back. next thing you know, he’s fucking you into the mattress, and you feel the headboard shake at how fast satoru is going. fuck–you feel every part of him, every part of his cock as it slams against your tight hole. he’s so big, you feel yourself gasping for breath, and you moan out loud as you notice the prominent bulge forming in your stomach. it’s him, it’s all him, and it’s driving you mad.
satoru follows your eyes in the midst of all of this, and he watches everything in fascination. he decides to be a little mean, and presses his free hand against your stomach–it feels so good, you could almost scream at the pleasure. “you feel that, baby? that’s all me inside of you, hmm?”
“please-” the onset of pleasure feels so overwhelming, and tears fill your eyes. you feel an oncoming orgasm coming, and you know your release will hit you like a tidal wave. your heart is pounding, but satoru only grips your hand tighter and fucks you even harder. “oh, fuck!”
“m close, baby. are you g’na cum too?” he manages to say between pants, and you somehow nod, mind hazy and your release only coming closer. you feel your eyes rolling to the back of your head. “cum inside of me, toru- please- i need to feel you-”
gojo groans at your words, and you both cum together. you ride out your high, screaming as you spasm around his cock, the pleasure overfilling your senses until you’re trembling from it. he fills you up, staying inside of you as the two of you catch your breath. everything’s hazy, and you’re barely aware of your surroundings… it takes you a few minutes to recover. 
“angel, are you with me?”
“yeah, fuck, just… give me a second.” you say, and gojo thinks that he would gladly give you all the time in the world if you needed it. he pulls out of you with a hiss, and his warm seed drips out of your cunny. it makes his cock twitch, but he knows that you’re probably not considering a round two right now.
when you come to your senses, you notice satoru–who put his clothes back on already, wiping your legs down with a rag. his touch is so soft, like he’s afraid to break you, unlike how he handled you just a moment ago. you look down and notice the bruises starting to form on your legs and waist. satoru looks guilty as he stares. “i didn’t go too rough with you, did i?”
“not at all,” you reassure him, and you see him soften up a little. “it felt really good, actually… thank you, toru.”
“s nothing. you know my girl only gets the best,” he teases, and you laugh. “i’m gonna go get you some new clothes and some water… i’ll be back, okay?”
you nod, closing your eyes again as satoru leaves the room. he’s back in two minutes, and he’s gently changing you into new clothes that he found in your drawer. you’re so tired that you can hardly move, so you let satoru do all the work. he caresses all of your bruises, apologizing again even if you already said that it was okay. he’s so gentle, a swift juxtaposition to what just happened beforehand, and so soft with you. once you’re clothed again, he brings a glass of water against your lips, and you greedily gulp it down as he keeps a hand on your back. he places it on the nightstand once you’re finished, and you grab his wrist after, tugging him back to the bed. “lay with me for a bit, toru.”
satoru doesn’t hesitate, laying down next to you on the bed and placing your head against his chest. your breathing is back to normal, and you feel his heart thumping against your ear. you wrap your arms around him, and satoru thinks that this moment is so domestic that he can’t help but daydream. he looks at your face, memorizing every feature about you with a lovesick look in his eyes. you’re so beautiful, so perfect, and he’s just so fucking glad that he didn’t lose you. 
satoru thinks he could wake up to this everyday.
“you’re starin.” you say with an amused look on your face. gojo doesn’t even try to play it off. “what’s on your mind?”
“nothing. i just… love you so much, y/n.” he says, pulling you closer and kissing your forehead. satoru would trade anything if it meant that this moment wouldn’t end. “m so glad you chose me.”
“i think it’s the other way around,” you tease. “you chose me. ever since you saw me at the party, you’ve done nothing but try to win my heart.”
“how could i not? there was just something different about you compared to everyone else.” he reminisces about that night at the party, and how far he’s come with his relationship with you. he remembers that night like it just happened yesterday.
you sigh, almost like you were thinking about that night too. you pull him into a kiss, finally finding the courage within you to say a proper “i love you.” to the man who meant the world to you.
“i love you too, angel.” he says, and you snuggle into him tighter. “you know i’ll always choose you…”
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“..from this life and into the next. i’m so glad you gave me a chance, y/n. i’ll forever be grateful to now be called your husband. i’m the luckiest man ever knowing that you let me into your life, and i’m the one who gets to read these vows to marry you. i cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. i love you so much, y/n gojo.” he’s crying. gojo satoru is crying, and he’s hardly ever cried before. though, that changed after he met you.
the last time he cried was during pre-k, and now he’s done it time and time again… all because of you. he cried once during your first argument with him, another during the night he thought he’d lost you forever, and then another when he finally had you in his arms again once he proved his innocence… and now, during his wedding, when he finally gets to call you his wife.
and when you share your kiss at the end of the ceremony to symbolize your togetherness, you hear all your friends cheering. mainly shoko, utahime, and geto. if you showed this very scene to shoko during your university years, she’d call you crazy, saying this would never happen. gojo satoru was once a man who’d never willingly committed in a relationship before, but you came into his life and you changed everything about him. it was like magic.
you pull away from the kiss, wiping his tears away and whispering against his lips, drowning out the crowd, “thank you.”
for memorizing all my favorite foods so you could buy them for me. for walking me to class every day. for making me fall in love with you that one day at the park. for waiting for me to slowly love you even when i was scared to love. for waiting for me even if i didn’t trust you. for loving me. for proving those rumors wrong. for proving that satoru gojo is actually capable of falling in love and pouring his heart out to the one he loves the most.
for everything that you have done to love me.
it was like gojo could hear all of your unspoken words. he smiles, letting one more tear roll down his cheek, and says, “it’s all worth it if it’s for you.”
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thanks for reading <3 -kami.
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sabertoothwalrus · 17 days
OK PREFACING WITH IM SORRY IF I ALREADY SENT THIS EXACT ASK BUT MY WIFI KILLED ITSSLF AS I SENT IT SO IDK IF IT ACTUALLY WENT THROUGH. but in case it didn’t . i know youve gotten this countless times in the past because i blog stalked just in case youve mentioned something similar before but i need to know if you have any specific inspirations when you draw exaggerated expressions specifically like these two images of marcille. ive actually cried laughing over this comic and being able to communicate this type of visceral emotion is such an insane skill and ive followed your art for probably close to a decade through various fandoms so watching you develop this style has been fucking awesome and epic. like i cannot articulate how funny these are to me i just need you to understand i look at this comic to inspire me to draw now. the closest comparison i can draw to the feelings they evoke are like those mspaint reaction images and also mspaint tails i included for reference even though you probably know exactly what im talking about anyways but its actually so much harder to do that intentionally when you study art. also i lied you literally don’t even need to answer this i just had to let you know how obsessed i am over your silly comics and now ive written out a whole ass discussion post about it. im sorry if this is weird at all i think my daily prescribed amphetamines r wearing off and i know this is such a dumb specific thing to fixate on and im so sorry if its not something you want to hear about your art. ive just always seen that as an artist this type of expressive stupid silly style is something that comes after a significant amount of time and practice and study and style development despite being “simple” in theory. its just so cool to have worked with your own style so much that youre able to go “off model” from it and still maintain consistency with the rest of the piece. i said it already and im sorry this is actually rendundant now but the ability to communicate such raw emotion somehow decreases from at its height when someone is a beginner artist learning how to proportion and keep a steady line and what looks “normal” but somehow it all comes full circle because taking all that experience and using it to almost return to where you started but in a fully informed and intentional way so you can make choices to draw characters like this when the situation calls for it is just dhcidogakgoshfhw. i think i need to cut myself off or im going to talk in circles im sorry tumblr user sabertoothwalrus i just am fascinated by your style and progress and the years you’ve dedicated to art can be seen in so many places but this is just one that stands out to me specifically.
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MMMMM what a fun question!!!
I'm not gonna lie, I think it's just Letting A Drawing Be Bad. I definitely think the people that struggle with this the most are people who have genuinely very pretty art styles, to the point of being kind of perfectionist about it. and to Draw Funny often means Drawing Fast and Weird. Pretty is kind of the antithesis of funny (unless being pretty is the punchline). do drawings that make yourself laugh. tracing/lining funny sketches almost always makes them less funny.
one of my favorite types of humor is when it skews more deadpan, actually. This is one of the reasons I love Adventure Time. minimal expressions and flat line delivery + absurd context is a really good combo. the key to comedy has more to do with contrast! if your drawings are allllll crazy ren & stimpy all the time, they're not funny anymore cause it's just "normal". if it's all subdued UNTIL it's extreme, and vice versa, then it's funny. The reason this comic is so funny is because of the complete lack of any expression. I feel like the one you sent of Marcille shouting "WHAT" is funnier when you know how much she tries to be dainty and feminine and delicate, how much she values her appearance, and how averse she is to "gross" or "weird" things.
something I find really annoying (and this is with comics/animation in general, not the expressions themselves) is when the joke goes on for too long. Like you'll have the joke, then the punchline, and THEN the characters reacting to the punchline??? Like the author didn't trust that their audience would find the joke funny, so they basically drew in a laugh track. But, this is distinct from a character's reaction being the punchline (like how the examples you gave from my Marcille comic are). MY POINT IS sometimes expressions aren't as funny on their own as you think, and context can affect how you feel about it!
as far as inspirations go!
my own face! even if I don't have a mirror, I like making the expressions myself so I can "feel" where the points of tension on my face are, and it gives me a sense of what to exaggerate.
my brother's art, believe it or not! we've been trying to make each other laugh with our drawings since we were kids, and he's really good at it.
ATLA has some great expressions
OK KO has been a reallyyyy good source for me lately. That show is so tailored to my sense of humor and the expressions and line deliveries feel exactly like the kinds of things I'd come up with. The tone, timing, and art style are all really close to the tv show pitch I'm working on, so when I feel like I've "strayed" too much from it (like after drawing a bunch of dungeon meshi, and my art feels tighter and... idk "manga-ier"?) I like to go and watch a couple episodes of OK KO to loosen back up
A lot of things like OG Spongebob, Calvin & Hobbes, the Simpsons, Chowder, etc etc
memes in general. if it makes you laugh, keep it in mind
and lastly, I wouldn't say I ever try to mimic funny expressions I see. Like if I watch a show for inspo, I'm not pausing it to copy specific drawings, I'm just trying to notice patterns and pay attention to what about it I find funny.
talking about being funny is really bizarre and I dunno if it makes it lose some of the magic. Ultimately it's something you can't think about too much, and just gotta go with your gut.
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kaisworlds · 11 months
feel free to brush this off if its not your thing but i have a hobie thirst that i wanna get off my chest.
just. im obsessed with the idea of calling him "doll."
i feel like something about it just fits him so well. him taking the time every day to dress up in his countless bracelets and necklaces and rings and spending who knows how long in front of a mirror every day to get his eyeliner and lipstick just right.
how pretty and perfectly imperfect he looks before he gets ruined and his makeup streams down his face when he cries from being edged or overstimulated and his lipstick smears all across his face and those gorgeous painted lips know nothing but whining and begging for more.
how pretty he still looks after being brought to the edge and back down over and over and over because he's ruined and you know it's your doing and he's only this desperate for you.
and calling him "doll" because he was made to please you and be your pretty little toy. because he makes himself extra beautiful with accessories and makeup for you. because no matter what he does or how debauched he is, he'll always be the prettiest thing you've ever laid your eyes on, and he'd never want it any other way.
this got really long wow. um. yeah. just. calling hobie doll<3 it'll forever be my favorite pet name to thirst over him with<33
also not gonna lie i was debating between a few blogs to send this thirst to but i decided on this one bc yes??? and also im pretty sure you're the one that had a post about hobie with makeup that i really liked so. ty for your service<3
anon i love you and your big brain so much
hobie brown x top dom male reader
top dom male reader, sub bottom hobie brown, breeding kink, praise and degrading
ruining everything hobie worked hard on but its fine because he wanted it to happen like this. why do you think he keeps buying the non water proof eyeliner?
he bites onto the pillow underneath him tears streaming down his face as he struggles to get out a coherent sentence out, arching his back in a way that makes you wonder how flexible spiderman really is
flipping him over onto his back gripping his face taking in his body "oh doll you look so fucking pretty" you say your words barely making it into his brain his eyes rolled behind his head another orgasm racking through him, his back arches up off of the bed, ankles digging into your lower back
just as youre about to reach your high and pull out hobie tightens his ankles "i-inside please dear god please" saying words that dont make sense but you get what he wants finishing inside of him for the first time since you got together
clean liquidy cum slides out of hobies tip as he breaths heavily "you did so good for me doll you look like a fucking mess" you kiss his stained cheeks
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prentissluvr · 14 days
i dont have all of my sam thots and dean thoughts just yet but I had to send in this bc I completely forgot about meg! sam
and its a damn shame that we didn't see more of that bc it solidified my stance on being a sam girlie
we got at least 3 episodes of demon dean (i have not seen him yet i've only heard about it) but we got like less than half an hour with meg! sam and honestly we deserved more with him
meg! sam made me feel lots of things LOLL
(i wanted to be jo SO BAD in that episode LMAO)
now i need your thots on him please :p
KJDFSJL NO BECAUSE... NOOO I CANT thinking about the amount of meg!sam edits i've seen in the past few days. thinking about the one saved in my camera roll. thinking about throwing up pissing my pants projectile vomiting and passing the fuck out. i reiterate tho, i'm normal!! i'm so so so normal and i don't feel things about it!!!!!!!
i'm honestly still like borderline unsure about how nsfw i want to get on this blog, but uhhh i'm just gonna start typing and see where my dirty fucking mind takes me!
cw : highly suggestive!! no smut, but still absolutely no minors!! MDNI!! contains condescending/mean/possessed sam, but also sweet sam too <33. use of gendered terms, but it is gender inclusive to fem, masc, and gn as much as i could make it! horrible writing it's genuinely just me going feral :))
sooo basically for me the worst (best) part of meg!sam was his voice! it's so bad (never have i ever heard anything hotter in my life). IDK I DONT EVEN THINK I CAN FORM A COHERENT THOUGHT OVER THIS NOT GONNA LIE. uhm uhhh ummmm uhhhh uhmmmm.
so basically so basically, essentially, wwowowowowowowowifjhshf alright lets focus on one thing at a time.
we'll start with that goddamn voice of his. the way it goes from teasing, condescending to deeper, more gravelly and matter-of-fact and then back to condescending LIKE WHOO IM GONNA NEED TO TAKE A LAP. idk just thinking about his large hand on the back of your head, maybe tangled in your hair if the way you wear it allows for that, and his veiny forearm visible through your peripheral vision as he says "open up.. that's a girl" like he did to jo😭😭😭 (or he's says "thaaat's it" to keep things gender neutral, dragging out the "that's" for an extra second, that extra gravel in his condescending tone).
and while this is in possessed!sam context, he'd definitely say things like that normally, i do personally envision him to be less condescending and more sincere. either way, hot as fuck if you ask me. also this isn't meg!sam, but in season seven he says "good girl" and i do listen to that clip several times a day, i am so serious when i say that and i have no shame about it!! i have daddy issues so i do not care!!! so yeah he also says good girl/boy/whatever variation you enjoy best <3 uhmmm yeah but the main point is his hot as fuck voice, right next to your ear with his breath tickling you sensitive skin. especially with that whisper. oh god the whisper😭 and along with "that's a girl," there's atta girl and he'd use that one too so i'll go die in a hole :))) but yeah he genuinely thinks you're so good for him so expect that praise, whether you want it sweet or mean.
then we also have his facial expressions!! the smirk he uses to rile you up or that he flashes you, all mean and haughty because he knows he's getting to you. the fake pity too!! lord help me, once again the utterly fake pity just falls under that condescending persona that was so hot about meg!sam. i'm just gonna use photo evidence and you can imagine him looking at you like that!! enjoy!
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last thing i have to say about meg!sam is manhandling!! ahahaahahahaahahah i'm normal and okay!! (this is a cry for help i need him so bad). um yeah while i hate the context of the manhandling of jo in the episode because it's crossing so many boundaries, i will still enjoy the fact that he is hot. so yeah! have fun thinking about sam whirling you around and pinning you between his chest and nearest surface, hand on your forehead to tilt your chin up and give him full access to the skin of your neck. his other hand is pinning your wrist to whatever surface is behind you, and your own free hand is tangled in his hair and he lays wet, desperate kisses all over your neck and collarbone. that's all hahahahaha :)))) feeling so sane right now!!
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sleepingdeath-light · 3 months
smoked cheese cookie smut hcs ; 18+
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requested by ; anonymous (17/12/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; smoked cheese cookie
outline ; “Can u do smoked cheese cookie smut hc?? I really like them. :)) (im 18 btw)”
warning(s) ; sexually explicit content, dominant leaning!smoked cheese cookie, sadist!smoked cheese cookie, collaring, pet play, free use kink, dollification, objectification, dumbification, degradation, humiliation, body writing, marking kink, edging, overstimulation, impact play, bondage, masochist!reader, submissive leaning!reader
note ; i’m not gonna lie smoked cheese cookie was a really difficult character for me to get into the head of, especially since i’ve never written for him before, so this may very well be somewhat ooc. this was also 90% written from my initial thoughts as i was going back through the story snippets in game where he appears, so apologies if this reads as a bit jumbled here and there lol ^^
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
the first thing we need to establish is that while smoked cheese cookie has an extremely strong dominant lean, he is still a switch and can be convinced to take on a more submissive role in the bedroom every now and again — granted, it’s very very rare that he’s in the mood to sub, so unless you’re extremely patient or know exactly how to get him into sub space it’s unlikely that you’ll get much of a chance to dominate him outside of special occasions
those special occasions usually consisting of the times where he’s absolutely exhausted, defeated, and drained after a long day or a failed plan and he wants nothing more than to be held and pampered and spoiled until the whole ordeal is wiped from his memory — so anything involving body worship, praise kink, long and sensual foreplay, and lots of orgasms is the ideal way to get smoked cheese cookie to sub for you
(and if you start whispering praises about his power and intelligence and strengths as a future leader in his ear whilst making love to him, then you may just be able to send him straight into sub space — depending on how relaxed and vulnerable he’s feeling at the time, of course…)
on the other hand, as a dominant he adopts a much more strict and controlling demeanour, even becoming outright mean and sadistic at times, which means that a lot of the kinks he prefers to indulge in are the ones that emphasise the power imbalance between the two of you and, consequently, his ownership of you as your lover and your dominant
he’s a big fan of objectifying you and will go about it in whatever way you prefer (as cruel as he can be, and for as much as he likes flaunting his status, you’re still his equal at the end of the day and he wants to ensure you enjoy these things just as much as he does) — but the main two methods he defaults to are dollification or dehumanisation: either treating you as a dumb little dolly to be moved and dressed and posed and used however he wants (bonus points if you really perfect the glassy-eyed, thoughtless look), or as a glorified cocksleeve that’s only real purpose is to be a set of holes for him to use and a body for him to own (bonus points here if you get into the habit of presenting yourself to him whenever you’re alone — e.g. falling to your knees and opening your mouth when he spreads his legs for you). he also tends to combine each of these with very degrading and humiliating language, for example blatantly pointing out how much you enjoy being used when he’s deep inside of you, or commenting on how easy you were to train when you drop to your knees on instinct the second he motions for you to do so
(though both of these kinks are only really appealing to him in a sexual context as outside of the bedroom he does generally appreciate having a partner to covet and converse with as opposed to a living toy)
these ideas also go quite well with his love of the ‘free use’ kink as, with your express approval of course, with his busy schedule it’s nice to just be able to snap his fingers or drag you somewhere private to get you both off without having to skip out on his duties too much (he has an image to maintain after all)
pet play is also something he comes to be quite fond of as, again, the idea of owning you and treating you as his possession is something that’s extremely appealing to him — and if you’re up for it then he goes all out: buying you a collar and some matching jewellery to wear when you’re out and about in the golden city, insisting on you kneeling by his side whenever he’s working on some documents at home, having you eat and drink out of a personalised set of bowls, purchasing the best gear that money can buy (what kind of master would he be if he didn’t spoil his pet?), refusing to acknowledge your speech when you’re in pet mode and mocking you for making such a racket (e.g. telling you to stop ‘barking’ if you prefer being treated like a dog), and even getting a comfortable pet bed for you to rest in and a cage large enough to hold you for when you misbehave
being as greedy and possessive as he is, smoked cheese cookie also has a strong thing for marking you as his — sometimes that means covering your throat and thighs and chest with hickeys, and other times that means writing his name and statements affirming his ownership of you all over your body in a neat, but thick, cursive that take several hot showers to fully wash off
when it comes to punishing any bad or bratty behaviour you show, in public or in private, he tends to use a mixture of three different elements: impact play (usually using a flat instrument to swat at your ass and/or thighs until either he’s reached a number of hits he deems suitable for your ‘crime’ or you call the safe word), bondage (using a stretcher bar to keep your legs spread nice and wide so he can have full access to your body, while also using standard bondage rope to tie your wrists together and keep them extended above your head so you can’t reach down and get yourself off), and edging (using his hands and his cock to slowly work you towards the edge of climax before backing off just at the last moment over and over again, paying no mind to your tears or pleas as he continues to degrade and humiliate you for your desperation — recalling how desperate you were for his attention before and how pathetic and needy you’re acting now that he’s finally touching you)
and then once you’ve paid your penance, in his eyes at least, that’s when a different flavour of his sadism comes out as he proceeds to roughly overstimulate you until you physically can’t take anymore: until your throat is so raw that even breathing hurts, until your eyes are so full of tears that you can’t stop yourself from crying, until your voice is so hoarse that even your loudest screams sound like little more than timid half-coughed whimpers, until your whole body is limp and trembling, until the bed beneath you is soaked with sweat and your cum, until you’re so thoughtless and dumb that all you can do is climax over and over again
that’s when he’ll finally let up and get started on aftercare — he may be greedy (greedy for power, greedy for attention, greedy for your pleasure) but he’s no monster and makes sure that you have everything you need to recover from even the roughest of nights in his bed
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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This is just my own version of an ask @gaybitchfx got that was so phenomenal and just I loved it and I got permission to do this dw also please check our their blog they are so talented and amazing.
Mikey never admitted it but he actually quite enjoyed going with (name) to the store, the Omega was always so fucused as he looked at deals despite the Kanto leader having more than enough money to get it full priced but (name) insisted they get the deals so he didn't argue.
"'jiro... Could you get some four large carrots and chicken bouillon cubes?" (Name) asked the blond alpha who kissed his temple before walking off to retrieve the items and leaving (name) who checked his phone to see what else they needed before realizing one of the items are in fact in the Ilse and walked to grab it though it was just out of reach.
"Damn it...." (Name) grumbled as he struggled to grab the item only for a hand to grab it "here ya go" the stranger said, obviously an alpha who smiled down at him "oh thank you!" (Name) said sweetly and bowed slightly to the man who just chuckled "no worries, not everyday one gets to help a pretty Omega like you"
The alpha then glanced around to realize he was with no one or so he thought "can I take you out sometime?"
"I-Im sorry but---" "he's currently mated" Mikey's voice cut through like a knife as the Alpha looked behind (name) to see Mikey staring coldly and looked at the Alpha as if he were dirt beneath his feet.
It would take a complete idiot not to regonize the Alpha that was Mikey Sano and this man seemed to be a grade A idiot as he sized Mikey up and assumed that because he was only 5'3" that he could easily be taken down but oh boy was he wrong.
It took two seconds.
Mikey didn't even kick him.
He just punched him in the throat before leading (name) back to the cart with his hand around his waist "you good baby?"
"Yeah... I hate how they just think because I'm an Omega that I'm just fair game..."
"I know baby, the boullion cubes were on sale" Mikey said to cheer (name) up a bit as they finished up their shopping before heading out and talking about a show they were watching.
"HEY!" a voice shouted behind them and there was the Alpha from before looking visibly enraged "give me a proper fight asshole!"
"Oh god...." (Name) mumbled but didn't bother stepping in, knowing it would be finished in a second as he began loading the SUV Mikey got for (name) as he learned quickly that you can't put groceries on a motorcycle easily and he refused to get those side cars.
"You think your tough---ACK" Mikey wasted zero time high kicking the others arm when he went to strike him, a sickening crunch could be heard as his arm went into a direction it shouldn't have, the other dropping to the ground as Mikey beat his ass, thankfully this parking lot had no cameras and it was a slow Sunday.
When Mikey finished he walked back to (name) like it was nothing as the two got into the car, Mikey putting his hand on (name)s thigh as he drove off.
"Not gonna lie, that was hot"
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cowboydisaster · 10 months
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Hello!! Firstly, I'm sorry for being MIA for a while. If anyone at all has stuck around, I thank you. And if you didn't, I understand. I'm gonna try to address all the most asked questions in my inbox here because it'll take me a while to go through them individually-- there was a lot so if i didn't get to yours I apologize!!
1. are you going to update The Fire In Your Eyes?
I'm not gonna lie to you guys, I honestly don't know. Obviously I want to finish it. I put so much time and effort and thought into every update and hyperfixated on it for a long time, so to see it sitting untocuhed kills me. I still have plans for the ending and where I want it to go, but I'm struggling to write it down. I hope to keep updating it, but I don't want to be a writer who promises updates and then orphans a fic, so I'm not promising anything.
2. are you going to keep writing/posting?
Yes! If you follow my ao3, you'll see i still post. For the past year, I've been solely focused on rdr2, but in the past few months away from tumblr, I've branched out by trying some new games and watching some new shows. I fell into the cod Fandom, which I'll talk more about in the next paragraph. In short, even while away from tumblr, I never stopped writing, and i don't plan to, I just haven't written for rdr2 in a while.
3. are you abandoning your blog?
no! I am, however, updating it to my current interests. It's going to be a multifandom blog. I'm gonna change up the vibe a little bit, revamp it, and add my new characters. I'm writing for Simon Riley now, so expect to see him a lot on my blog. I also might write for Price cause the daddy issues are daddy issuing.
4. how are you?
Im good i think!! For the first time in a while. So much has happened since I left. I moved, my dad abandoned me, I started back at uni and started working a lot more. So I'm busy and dealing with a lot, but I feel okay!
to wrap that all up:
if you're still here, I really really appreciate you. Im still going to write for the rdr2 fandom, I'm gonna add writing to the cod Fandom. If you have any cod requests, PLEASE send them in because I have hundreds of requests for Arthur Morgan and zero for the 141 boys, so I'm starting from scratch there. Also, as a heads up, im going to be changing my blog a good bit with a new layout and fixing up my masterlist and everything, so look out for that! also, keep an eye out because im going to be posting a two simon riley fics on here either tonight or tomorrow!
I love you all. I'm so excited to be back, and I'm excited for this new chapter of my blog. 🩷🩷
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killinggamebusters · 4 months
Alright the humors worn out and now I'm gonna roast this anon entire manifesto before blocking them, TW under cut for lots of nastiness and mentions of torture and death threats and abuse, I shouldn't even give them this honor but honestly I want to be able to roast them forever and have something to point back too and also with my memory I'd start to question if this even happened and that's no fun!
"If you fully admitted that you ship abuse as a coping mechanism and DIDN'T glorify Ouma, didn't reblog shit about how "actually he and Gonta were totally good friends, even though Kokichi constantly abused him, drove him to despair and savored every moment of his execution". Kokichi is a subhuman monster and the only person in all fiction that ACTUALLY DESERVES to suffer through Gold Experience Requiem's infinite death loop. You are a disgusting piece of human garbage that fully deserves to die"
Incredibly funny of you to fucking put a jojo reference in you saying about how awful kokichi is, Dio is worse, I am shipping you with the anon who won't stop calling Kaito a rapist on one of my other blogs. Anyways he's a kiddo in a killing game with a murder total of like 2, he did bad things but, like, saying he's the worst character in all of fiction when making a jojo reference is fucking wild, Dio is right there!! Literally kicking dogs!!!!! Kokichi doesn't kick dogs and is thus an inherently better person
"Have you ever heard of a torture called scaphism? Here's the lovely description: "The king decreed that Mithridates should be put to death in boats; which execution is after the following manner: Taking two boats framed exactly to fit and answer each other, they lie down in one of them the malefactor that suffers, upon his back; then, covering it with the other, and so setting them together that the head, hands, and feet of him are left outside, and the rest of his body lies shut up within, they"
Wow you are so bad at actually explaining things within an ask, you could have summed this up in like 15 words, "its where they shut everything but your hands head and feet in a boat" get to the fucking POINT
"hey find his flesh devoured, and swarms of such noisome creatures preying upon and, as it were, growing to his inwards. In this way Mithridates, after suffering for seventeen days, at last expired." This is what you deserve. "Shou Tucker is totes a good father to Nina that loves her so so much and he TOTALLY HAD to turn her into a chimera because he had no other option" that's what you sound like. Kokichi is a worse person than fucking Junko, because at least Junko forced her classmates and"
God you took so many words to say "you should be eaten and suffer for 17 days" who caressss about the history oh my god im bored to TEARS. Also at least Kokichi's plan worked, Shou Tucker is the shittiest alchemist in the series. I'm also not even sure if this method would work, i would simple manage to get loose, i am built different mithridates.
What did this dude even do im curious now, PFF LOOKING IT UP YOU DIDN'T EVEN GET THE DETAILS RIGHT BITCH WHERE'S MY HONEY AND MILK, ITS NOT EVEN A REAL BOAT IT'S HOLLOW LOGS, there's no even real proof this torture even existed god you're bad at this you might as well shut me in an iron maiden , also the guy killed a guy i guess, I don't actually care, but anyway you wouldn't even do it right I'd be fine
"sister into a killing game BECAUSE SHE GENUINELY LOVED THEM and killing them and making them suffer was a way to bring herself as much despair as possible. Kokichi, however, is just a sadist that enjoys everyone's suffering and doesn't even feel despair when others die. Everything he does is for his own amusement, not for ANY altruistic motive. He PURPOSELY drove Gonta to despair just to see him suffer. He made him kill Miu just so he would see Gonta's despair when he's exposed and executed for"
Did she end the world because she loved them? did she have her sister murder an entire middle school out of love? Did she pluck a guys eye out of love and make him eat it out of love? Did she have the entire student council massacred out of love? Junko deserves better don't drag her into this, she wants to be seen as evil and despairing stop woobifying her it's hurting her. Kokichi's motive was survival, and even if you disagree with that, he says multiple times and in his final words how he was lying to himself to survive. However, even if that WASNT TRUE or it was ALL A LIE his death count is once again two whole people, Maki got two people killed out of sadism as well but I don't see you yelling about her. Even if he was the most evil person ever, he again, only got TWO PEOPLE KILLED, that's NOTHING. Even if he was a sadist who only wanted to torment and hurt people, he ain't the mastermind, and he didn't get to actually do a lot of tormenting. Everything you are saying about Kokichi, is just Junko, and you seem to love her. Hypocrite.
"for killing her. He ENJOYED EVERY SINGLE MOMENT of Gonta's suffering and anguish. Kokichi's crying for Gonta was so obviously fake it is sickening. And don't mention the DRS. They flattened Genocide Jack and Tenko's characters into "bYaKuYa!!!111" and "fUk MaLeS!!!!111" and portrayed Junko, Monaca and Kokichi as almost normal people and not the monsters they actually are in canon. So don't even talk to me like this somehow proves that Kokichi would be friends with Gonta outside the killing game."
Buddy who even brought up Danganronpa S? Wasn't me, they don't even have many interactions in DRS, everything I'm talking about here is straight from the base game don't worry. Also Monaca is like 10. You have got to get better at formatting this it's so hard to follow. Even if Kokichi enjoyed all that suffering, Mikan is right there, having her kills actually be about despair, and yet you only focus on Kokichi like this is a unique sin, curious.
"You deserve to rot in the garbage, eaten by maggots. You don't deserve to be treated as a human being, to have human rights. You are a piece of garbage. You deserve to have your bones shattered and left to rot in a garbage container.You are an abuse apologist and a victim blamer.Kokichi just used Gonta as a tool because Gonta's nonexistent social skills, his low self esteem and desire to do ANYTHING to be useful, to finally be able to help his friends made him a perfect target for Kokichi."
I am at MOST an abuse apologist by your logic as I have never once said Gonta deserved to die, just that Gonta made his choice and even afterwards of getting caught he didn't regret it. It's not abuse though, it never was abuse, abuse is a PATTERN of behavior, one incident, two if you count the meet and greet, is not enough to set that pattern in stone. Especially when Gonta already got his revenge for the meet and greet.
While Gonta was the perfect target, it's not abuse, that's not what abuse is. Kokichi flashed Gonta with the light and told him his plan, while he definitely was manipulative, that's not abuse. You're just spouting buzzwords at this point. Also incredibly funny to call ME the abuse apologists when YOU'RE sending me graphic death threats, like buddy, I don't know how to tell you that you're the aggressor here
Kokichi never cared about Gonta.You deserve to die a slow, agonizing death by getting your guts pulled out. Everyone would be happy if you died. Everyone. Your father, your mother, your siblings, you are just a burden for them. They would be really happy if you died.
HA that's so fucking weak, you don't know me or my situation, you don't know my friends. Sorry you have friends who would disown you for shipping something they don't like, my friends enable and care about me. While my parents are incredibly patient and kind with me. Getting my guts pulled out is kinda erotic though can you do it tenderly for me? I mean not like I'd ask you, I know exactly which friend I'd go to if I wanted someone to hold my guts tenderly.
Gonta himself said that he doesn't trust Kokichi anymore after Chapter 2's events. Most likely, he doesn't even consider Kokichi his friend. I don't know where you the idea that they were "FRIENDS UWU" in any way. They weren't. Kokichi's tears for Gonta were clearly COMPLETELY FAKE, only meant to give his evil rant more impact to maake others believe that maybe he did care about Gonta after all only to make his reveal more painful. It very clearly ISN'T genuine in any way.
Boy howdy I love how things are up to interpretation in this series and how people can have rational discussions about how they perceive the same event. Just kidding, you're unhinged! Anyways you can not trust someone but also still care about them Gonta did not want Kokichi to die, Gonta cares about all of his classmates, Gonta cares. To assume otherwise goes against everything Gonta stands for. He's not a toddler, he can have nuance about people. He's a smarter lad then you give him credit for.
Gonta was groomed and manipulated into becoming a murder weapon. He's not to blame for Miu's death AT ALL. Gonta was manipulated. Manipulation isn't just forcing someone to do it with a threat. Kokichi wrongfully convinced him that it was for the better, taking advantage of Gonta's low self-esteem and desperation to help others. You've never been manipulated or abused in your life if you're saying Gonta could've just declined. It's not easy to just decline your abuser. Abusers can pressure you
Not what grooming means in the slightest but thanks for trying. You're just repeating yourself at this point, pathetic. Everyone was desperate that trial, what happened is a tragedy, but to deny Gonta any blame is to deny Gonta any agency he is not a helpless toddler. He is AWARE Kokichi is a liar, he is AWARE of what Kokichi does, and even if he is manipulated, he categorically does not regret as alter ego gonta, he's so sad it happened, but he still thinks its for the best they don't know the truth. Gonta agreed with Kokichi that there is no happy ending with the knowledge of the outside world.
And as for when Gonta says "Don't blame Kokichi anymore", you'd be a complete moron to trust GONTA in this situation. Gonta is THE LEAST VALID PERSON to trust in this case. Have you ever heard of Stockholm Syndrome? Many real-life cases of abuse have similar patterns of victims. While Stockholm syndrome is commonly associated with a hostage or kidnapping situation, it can apply to abusive relationships, when the abuse victim begins to express love for their abuser.
Stockholm Syndrome isn't fucking real, it's a fun trope, but it was not, and never was real. Please do research. It's basically the modern day hysterical woman, oh my god. Even if it was true, that's not how it is even theorized to work, the plan took place over like, less then an hour, that's not enough time for ANYTHING to set in. For what you're theorizing to even have a chance to be true they would have to be locked together in this scheme for DAYS. Please google fawn response as well, you'd have better luck making a point with that.
Gonta says to not blame Kokichi because Gonta knows he made his own choice, and would make it again, and most importantly, he wants everyone to GET ALONG. He doesn't want Kokichi to be hated, he wants everyone happy. This isn't him being "omg kokichi is so special rawrxD" its "im going to die, and all i ever wanted was everyone here happy, so please, don't hate each other"
And then I guess the spam filter or whatever stopped them from sending anymore because that's a weird place to end it. Anyways this was very cathartic for me and I may do a research paper on this in the future.
TLDR; we should like, have kids and see what they think of gonta and ouma that'd be fascinating
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Hello !,hello!,ive stumbled on your blog and gotta say absolutely love your writing and analysis!! And im curious to ask what character or characters homeland or family would you wanna see in another event?
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I’m up for any new homeland lore or meeting any new family member (maybe in parent-teacher conference event to meet a lot of them at once???), really 👀 I don’t discriminate! If I had to pick some of my most anticipated locations and family members, then...
Rose Queendom! It seems like a whimsical, flower-filled place, and I like that kind of an aesthetic. It might be fun to also drop by the Clover Family Bakery. I think it’d be cozy and cute! As for family, I’d want to see Mama Spade and Chenya’s grandpa. They would make for some wholesome character moments! ... NOT GONNA LIE, I KIND OF ALSO WANT TO SEE MAMA ROSEHEARTS TOO 😅 JUST TO SEE IF THE HEART AHOGE LOOK WEIRD ON HER....................... It might be interesting to meet a character that doesn’t have a healthy dynamic with a main cast boy; it would really shake up the formula and give us some nuanced interactions.
Sunset Savanna! This would be a good excuse to bring Cheka back in, as well as introduce other characters twisted from those in The Lion King. Maybe we can even see Farena/Falena along with some tasty family drama between him and L*ona or him embarrassing L*ona, that works too 🤡 I’d also love to see Granny Bucchi. She sounds like such a tough and hardworking person to Ruggie and the neighborhood kids. OH, AND WE CAN’T FORGET ABOUT ROOK???????? IF YOU CAN’T SHOW US YOUR BICEPS THEN AT LEAST INTRODUCE US TO YOUR (totally not suspicious at all, I’m sure) MOM AND DAD AND 5 SIBLINGS.
Coral Sea! It would be such a different environment than what most of the TWST cast is used to, which I think opens up a lot of possibilities for unique and fun situations. I feel like a lot of fandom depictions of the Coral Sea make it out to be a romantic and shining utopia like Atlantica, but I’ve always seen it more as a place that’s more… rough around the edges? Like, with pirate ships and unseen danger lurking about in its depths. I’d want to see if the Coral Sea as a whole is more like Atlantica or more like the underwater caverns where Ursula lives. ALSO GIVE US MERFORM BOYS, TWST-- I’d also be interested in meeting both the Leech and the Ashengrotto parents! I wonder if Leech Mama and Leech Papa are as intimidating as a lot of fan art makes them out to be? I’m very curious about Azul’s parents (mom and stepdad) as well, because the fan interpretations and theories on them are more... mixed, I feel???? I’ve seen some people say that his parents aren’t loving because Azul made no mention of them helping him when he was going through his episode 3 flashback and detailing his bullying, and then others say his mom did care because she fed him well, but was maybe too preoccupied with her restaurant to realize something was happening to her son. I have an Azul stan friend that suggested that Azul might have lied about his happy family and childhood so as to preserve his own image, which he clearly values 🤔 dnbsvsuekxks Anyway, since the Octatrio can’t be trusted 💕 I think we need to witness their hometown and their families with our own eyes~
Briar Valley! There’s a lot that has yet to be explored about its history, culture, and politics. I want to delve more into that, as well as the human-fairy tensions that seem to exist here. Catch me ignoring Malleus’s grandma and rushing to the Zigvolt residence to hit up Sebek’s parents 🥺 I WANT TO HEAR ALL ABOUT BABYBEK... AND TO WITNESS A LOVE SO PURE THAT IT TRANSCENDS SOCIETAL PRESSURE WITH MY OWN EYES.
Jubilee Port! This is actually Sam’s hometown, and it doesn’t get much mention! Since we don’t know much about it and we don’t have many characters from it, it has a strong air of mystery (even moreso than the Briar Valley). Sam has such a chipper attitude, and I wonder if he got some of it from where he was raised (since the name of his hometown also sounds so cheery)?
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hoodiehydra · 2 years
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I posted 148 times in 2022
That's 148 more posts than 2021!
34 posts created (23%)
114 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 91 of my posts in 2022
Only 39% of my posts had no tags
#hydrawriter - 11 posts
#fnf agoti - 9 posts
#fnf tabi - 8 posts
#fnf - 6 posts
#fnf aldryx - 5 posts
#digital drawing - 5 posts
#fnf selever - 4 posts
#fnf ruv - 3 posts
#fnf void - 3 posts
#random thoughts at 1am - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 113 characters
#im not gonna lie i would think its either where agoti was trapped or the nothing world where selever was stuck in
My Top Posts in 2022:
It’s 1am rn and I was just thinking about Selever / Rasazy’s and Aldryx / Agoti’s sibling dynamics and how much both my and my little sister can actually relate to them.
I have somehow taken on both Selever’s and Aldryx’s sibling personalities and my sister is basically Rasazy (but she does act like Agoti sometimes).
Why do I love this so much wtf
7 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
Hi 🦊anon. Can you write a Selever x reader? For fluff? Thx
I HAVE BEEN SUMMONED FROM THE PITS OF HELL- ok I know hell is a “bad” word but it’s a place.
I suggest you don’t read this one if you can’t handle strong language. Because as fine as our lovely demon boy is here, he does curse a lot, or at least that’s what I headcannon him to be.
Also why is he so fucking tall bro- like 7 FEET? WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN EATING SIR
That was very off topic.
Selever x reader
Fluff/ Romance
Warnings: inappropriate language and (maybe) subtle dirty jokes (… I will figure it out along the way) also maybe incorrect quotes
You’re sprawled out on the couch, lying on Selever. How did we even get here in the first place?
Let me rewind.
Chaotic boyfriend and his chaotic significant other = absolute chaos.
So now the both of you are watching a horror movie, in the evening, and the show was pretty crappy, actually. Cliche story, cliche characters and this would be your average dose of horror. Boring.
Well, someone had to do something about this situation, because neither of you were having it.
“Well, as top in this relationship-” Selever started.
“I can’t believe you’re playing rank with me right now.” You interrupted.
“*Ahem* As I was saying, as TOP in this relationship, I say we go for a drive.”
It was an interesting proposal, since he would usually be more up for round of rap battling instead of this.
You didn’t hesitate, despite this not being his usual behaviour.
You both climbed into the car and drove off, to who knows where. The both of you were jamming to the radio, then putting on your personal playlists when the music got boring and didn’t fit the car’s vibes.
Selever was grinning like an idiot, well, he is one, while you were singing your heart out the entire time.
Quality bonding time.
You couldn’t be happier, just being with him and driving aimlessly through the city’s night lights. It was a beautiful moment. However, as beautiful as this moment was, you couldn’t help but question why he was being this romantic.
“Hey Sel?”
“Why are you being romantic all of a sudden? I mean, I really like it, but uh- what’s gotten into you?”
“Can’t a demon guy spend some time with the person he loves?”
While saying that, he shot you a smile. Not his usual cocky smile, but a loving one. It sent heat rushing through your cheeks as you stared at him, since he rarely smiled like that towards you.
“Easy there shithead, you look like you’re gonna fucking blow up.” Way to ruin the moment.
You breathed in and cooled down while staring out the window.
See the full post
8 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
Hello! 🦊anon. Can you write a fnf (Friday night funkin) agoti xreader? For fluff please?thx.
Perfect! I’ve recently been thinking of a good prompt for this and I HAVE FOUND IT! Hooray!
Also, greetings, fox anon. Nice to see ya again.
One “Exhausted but excited”, coming up!
Prompt: Work’s tiring for the both of you, but your digidevil boyfriend is here to make it better!
Warnings: none in general, a bit of a sharp tongue here and there (PUN NOT INTENDED) but overall PG :D
Romantic fluff, enjoy!
“Mph…” you said nothing, groaning as you stepped into the door of you and AGOTI’s shared apartment. The sweet feeling of home soon warmed yourself up as you finally relaxed into the familiar walls of your home. (Side note: my class is insane asf and we call our class walls “Wallace”. The wall is now a he and is our class mascot. 70% of the boys simp for Wallace and we worship him as our god. ALL HAIL WALLACE- more Wallace updates to come)
The feeling was soothing, and all the immense stress and tension from work today soon faded away as your digidevil of a boyfriend soon came into view. You smiled softly, energy drastically drained as you slumped onto the couch, where he joined you and pulled you into his lap.
“Babe, you good?” He gently asked.
“Been worse.” A blunt mumble flew out of your mouth.
He sighed and massaged your scalp, you relaxed in his touch and sighed in satisfaction.
“Hm…” You groaned, as he stopped petting you and took the remote. You frowned mildly, but was too tired to complain and you silently waited. He soon went back to you, massaging your scalp again and F/M (favourite movie. What’s your favourite movie? Mine is either HTTYD or Venom. VENOM IS NOT BECAUSE OF AGOTI I SWEAR) was playing in the background. It was really relaxing, just a soft, quiet moment, just the two of you.
“C’mon, I bought pizza for dinner. You’re not cooking, and I can’t cook for shit unless you want the house to burn down.” He joked.
… nice way to ruin the moment.
You complained, but was dragged from the couch. At least it was pizza, it was worth getting up for. You both chewed on your pizzas in silence, occasionally sending each other memes from the internet, so dinner wouldn’t be too boring.
“How was your day?” AGOTI broke the silence.
“Tiring. Managing a retail shop may be a small job, but it can still be exhausting.” You replied.
“Yeah, but you’re great at your job! I have no idea how you handle it.” AGOTI cheered you on.
He was always very supportive, always behind you and comforting you when things got tough. 2 years of being together and you couldn’t imagine your life without him.
“I guess I am. Work is just getting more busy and I can’t handle it sometimes.” You thought out loud.
“And I’m here for you. You know that.” He smiled warmly.
Soft moments with AGOTI weren’t rare, but it’s not common either. It’s a really special thing.
You smiled warmly at his words, finally feeling happy with yourself. You stood up and hugged him, whispering thanks. He reciprocated the hug, warmth engulfing the both of you.
Yeah, life wasn’t always the smoothest, but needless to say, an exhausted you and a relaxing evening only made you more excited for your future with your boyfriend.
This was requested a while ago, sorry!
Got this idea a few days ago and this is the end product. I’m not very proud of it. The ending was abrupt and the “excited” part wasn’t mentioned much. No idea if snek will see this but- meh.
11 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
Hi🐷anon Can u pls write a Kiawe from Pokémon sun and moon xreader?
Hello 🐷 anon! Yeah, no problem, I can do that. Romance, basically. Right?
Let's start with the story.
PROMPT: Just you and Kiawe being fluffy :>
"I'm so fluffing bored!" you complained, sprawled out on your bed. Who were you talking to? No one, if we were going to be honest. It was just an average day, just going to the school, hanging out with your friends and then going back home. Boringggggggg.
No, see. Here's the thing about today. NO ONE. AND I MEAN, NO ONE. was free today. AND IT'S ONLY 3 PM!
By now, you would have rang Lillie to maybe play with Snowy or y/s/p (your starter pokémon) or maybe join Mallow in cooking some new dish. At some point, Hau or Gladion battling with you wouldn’t sound like a bad idea to pass the time. Maybe even Lana, or Ash could have asked you to hang out and hell, you would have said yes in a heartbeat.
Honestly, why wouldn't you say yes.
And you were so bored, super bored. Honestly, at this point you would have screamed into a pillow to pass the time. ACTUALLY, YOU COULD DO THAT YEAH WHERES THE PILLOW-
Knock knock
And who could that be? You checked your phone. You had no arrangements or plans, and it was currently 3:30. Who could it be to save you from your boredom?
You were gingerly walking down the stairs of your home, afraid of what? I have no idea. This place was safe. Safe. Totally safe.
You quietly opened the door, the door creaking just a little. Yeah, you were expecting maybe Sophocles to take you to who knows where, just for science reasons.
Not this.
Your face was just pure shock, or surprise. You didn’t expect it at least, no. You would have never thought this would have happened. Throat dry, you asked, “What are you doing here, Kiawe?”
The tanner boy had his usual smile on his face along with a hint of pink dusted on his cheeks. You could have died right then and there. So, not only were you in your home clothing, looking like a basic, boring person, but your crush was the one who witnessed it. Not to mention, he was looking really cute.
“I was wondering if you would like to have a pokémon battle with me? Y’know, for training.” Kiawe replied, hope lacing his tone.
You, of course, instantly agreed. Two reasons: boredom, and because who would give up their chance to spend time with their crush?
After you agreed, Kiawe dragged you out of your house, not giving you any time to change. As much as you wanted to look a little nicer at least, the boy was already pulling you out the door by the hand and brought you to a nearby battlefield.
After reaching the field, neither of you wasted any time and brought out your pokémon. The battle didn’t last long, but it was very intense, and entertaining. It eventually resulted in a draw, and while you shook hands, you could only mumble a small “Thank you for the battle”. It’s not that you were disappointed that you didn’t win, well, maybe a little, but- yeah you were just disappointed that you didn’t win. You were also feeling a bit embarrassed that you had lost to him.
Kiawe noticed the change in tone, and asked, “Hey, Y/N, why are you always mumbling around me? Do you not like me?”
Those words shocked you. How could he say that? Who wouldn’t like him?
You shook your head immediately, saying, “No! How could you even think that? Who wouldn’t like you?” At this point, you were so taken aback by his words, that you couldn’t stop yourself before you went too far.
“Kiawe, you don’t understand. I really like you, more than a friend, and I was just feeling nervous around you, and-” you stopped yourself. You had said way too much by now, you didn’t want to mess anything up even more. You shook your head, and quickly added on, “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what happened to me, let’s forget this ever happened.”
Kiawe was… surprised. He looked in confusion, and asked, “Why would I want to forget this? It’s not all the time where your crush would confess to you like that.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. In that moment, you hugged him. You could have cried, screamed in happiness, but you held it in. You were very happy that day, and spent the rest of the day with your crush, who you now knew liked you back.
Whoa! First request: done.
I’m actually pretty proud of this, even though he’s not someone I simp for, but yeah.
See the full post
16 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
For the ask game:
💔 An angsty headcanon for Selever
👗 A headcanon about Aldryx's clothes
For Selever, I think he would be in a sort of depression stage when he was in the nothing world, but it’s not that heavy. Since he is trapped in a space of literal nothingness, he has no one else to talk to besides his sister, and he lacks friends and social interaction, which will probably make him more gloomy over time.
Aldryx would have a lot of choices and a huge variety in his clothes. I think he would wear dresses sometimes because he can (also because I saw fanart of him wearing dresses when he was younger and HE WOULD WEAR THAT) also he would wear tank tops and those that show more skin at home, and wear jeans and leather jackets outside.
32 notes - Posted December 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rei-does-stuff · 9 months
Ep one!!!
-Sunny making sure Misty is okay EEE!!
-The way Hitch looks at pipp oooooo!!!!
-AWW HITCH DOING THE DEEP AND MANLY VOICE, I love how much of a dork he isss
-oh noo shes anxious :((
-“smooth sailing!” *immediate storm* Its the little things in this show i love <3
-THE INTRO!!! Oh how I’ve missed you!!!
-Little SunIzzy moment (they’re standing together)
-Convinced Sunny only suggested that bc she’s been BURSTING to share that story
-She loved sellin shit even as a kid <3
-ARGYLE!!!! MY MAN!!!!!!!!!!
-Aw they couldn’t get his actual voice actor it seems (not even the one from tyt :()
-jkjk maybe her dad put it on her, or she snuck into the makeup cabinet <33
-Aww siblings bickering <3
-Epic <3
-That wasn’t flying! That was falling with style!!! /ref
-OH so sprout’s talent IS kindness! Glad to know that! Like a knight in shining armor!!
-That water animation,,, I did say it was SLOWLY getting better in the animation department…Slowly—
-Misty has social anxiety, we are the sameee
-She talks to herself! Just like me!!!
-IM JUST SAYING…T4T Zipitch it could work
-HA people pleaser sunny <3
-The red doesn’t work for me either
-I like the green!!
-Sunny being concerned :(((
-OPALINE!!! I love herr
-YUP that will be a tad awkward but shell get through it!!
-Pipp my dramatic queen
-Aww Haven being encouraging
-It does look weird, them using utensils
-Oh so we know opaline was never gonna give misty her cutie mark, nice nice
-trottie-talkies THAT IS SO CUTE
-See I love how they tell her its okay!! In g4 I’m sure they wouldn’t done an ep telling her to just go out there and be confident but here they can be like “yeah! Its okay to be nervous! We can do something else!”
EP 2
-Those pancakes look sooo good
-Sunny trying to comfort the situation!!
-Sunny and Zipp act like a bickering married couple sometimes
-Aww yk Haven and Alphabittle are a cute couple ngl
-They all have the same hairstyle, reminds me of g3
-I wonder if the shit theyre saying actually means something if you slow it down, probs not but yk
-I have a feeling that Misty’s trauma with Opaline cause her to forget all this, maybe push it back deep in her head as a way to cope?
-Breezies using phones THE HORROR!!
-Ipad kids breezie edition
-Ur so funny sunny :)
EP 3!!!
-AWW misty and sparky siblings arcc
-Aww misty being selfless!!
-After sparky!!
-it looks a lot more…Grassy compared to g4!
-No dragons…Ooooo
-Ooo so we might get an episode abt hitch having to let sparky go!
-Look at pipp being smart!!
-Im wondering how misty met opaline tho!! We knew she “rescued” misty but how??? I NEED ANSWERS!!
-I guess this also makes misty pipp and zipp’s step sisters! Sorry shippers!
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Hi sorry for the long ask. i think i might have depression or something. I just feel like im always looking at people through some kind of mask, idk. Like i dont fit in anywhere. And sure at work that might just be normal for me bc ive always been a bit different than everyone else but i also feel like i have to pretend to be someone im not even with my best friend. Im just very low on energy all the time. I used to like art i think? I dont even remember if i actually liked it or just pretend i like it. Right now i feel like ive just been saying i like art because it's always been like that but do i really still like it? I sometimes dont draw for months. I feel like im not good enough at work, im a graphic designer but im not creative at all and im being compared to my coworker by my boss and it sucks. I just started my job 2 months ago but i already want to quit but i dont know what else i want to do. The only thing im maybe a bit decent and interested in is design and art even though i dont know if i even like it or if i just pretended to like it for too long that i dont know the difference anymore. On top of this my dad is sick and its incurable and he's literally gonna die soon and he's too young to die.
I just feel like something is wrong with me, at this point im hoping something is wrong with me so it can be fixed. I dont want this to just be my personality. But i dont really want to seek professional help because i dont want my mom to worry. There's so much going on for her already, im the person she depends on the most right now and i dont want to make this more difficult. And of course i also feel like its not bad enough to really count as any mental illness or something. I mean it's not that bad, it might just the the winter season that's making me sadder than usual. And the entire situation im in. And also the fact that i just dont know what i want regarding my job. So its not that weird that im low on energy and i dont want to draw something for my friend that he asked for even though i have 4 days in the week i dont have to work. But i dont draw on those days, i only watch series all day. In the morning i lie down on the couch and in the evening i get up to go back to bed and that was my entire day yesterday and Wednesday. Just no motivation to do anything fun other than this.
You dont have to diagnose me or anything but any personal thoughts on this?
Btw i started following your blog because somewhere last year when i could feel myself just needing some encouragement and positivity. The posts really did cheer me up a little for a while.
While I won't try to diagnose you, it does sound like you are genuinely struggling - and even if this does not qualify as mental illness, that should not prevent you from seeking help and answers. Because the earlier you reach out for support, the better are your odds of avoiding a severe mental health episode. And it's better to worry your mom a bit to get better than to bottle all of this up until it reaches the point of no return. Because you're right that something is going on here. And even if you aren't mentally ill, losing a parent is by itself a major life crisis and a very good reason to seek out therapy and support
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mayyyyyyy77 · 1 year
Lecture Series 2023
On April 19, 2023, the Business Administration Department of Central Mindanao University conducted its semestral lecture series at the University Convention Center-CMU. As someone whos currently taking the subject Entrepreneurial Mind, we are required to join the lecture. So for this blog, expect my takeaways from that program.
The announcement for this program is kind of late, so yeah, we don't have that much time to prepare for it. We actually don't have that much idea what will happen on the program, and we are all super drowsy because of the early call time🥹.
We arrived at the UCC at 7 a.m. because we were told to, but what a bummer that the program starts at about 8 a.m🫠. Anyway, the first speaker is Dr. Gameleila A. Dumancas, and her topic is mainly about the importance of protecting our intellectual property and why we should register our innovations and businesses. She also included jokes and hugot on her discusion which is kinda helpful because again most of us are supper dowsy that time because of lack of sleep and we havent even eat breakfast yet. It's actually kind of hard to focus at that time, so at that program, Im literally fighting myself to not sleep and just be a responsible student huhu.
The second speaker, Prof. Sheila Poonon, arrives, and her topic is incubating innovation. She discusses the opportunities that we may have in doing start-ups, which are mostly related to the first speaker's topic.
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And now for the last speaker, Ms. Keren Happuch Lacadin. Her topic is the start-up ecosystem, and by this time, not gonna lie, we just really want this to end, just look at my classmate at my back😭😭, but anyways what makes it interesting is that she didn't discuss that much about what the start up ecosystem really means but rather told us about her experiences in this.
For this lecture series, what I have learned most is to be patient and resilient. I will never forget when Ms. Lacadin told us about her experiences building her name in the startup ecosystem. She'd gone through ups and downs, mostly downs in the beginning. but that is really different from what she is right now; she uses those downs, turns them into lessons, and applies them as a guide to her current goals. This experience of hers gave me hope in what Im doing: to just be resilient because your time will come. Sometimes time will not follow you the way you want it to, but you do have a time, and that time will come when you're ready and if you already deserve it.
So overall, that lecture series gives us lessons not just about the subject but also about life.
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weabooweedwitch · 1 year
Oh man, I’m so sorry to hear about all the stress you’re going through right now when all you want to do is visit your friend and relax a little. 😭
Anyway, about the missing money part: I looked around the internet and from what I’ve gathered, it takes a couple of business days for the money to show up/become available on your account again. This recent post sounds similar to your case for example. (not sure if it makes a difference whether it’s a debit card or a cc)
This isn’t probably of much help because I can imagine how nerve wrecking it must be to see so much money gone, with neither party (your bank and RMP) claiming to have your money, but uh, yeah, the money should hopefully show up in your account soon. Although with the weekend drawing close it might take until next week………. 😬
Im just crying and crying because I'm so freaked out that I was checking my bus into Canada and misinterpreted the drop off, canceled the trip nonrefundable like 30 bucks, plus 20 dollar cancelation fee, scheduled the new one for like 25, but now that drop off location is the same driving distance but a significantly farther walk if I have to, which I might if I can't afford a cab or catch a bus
Im. I'm literally going to have to get my current very small paycheck advanced and also borrow money from people until that rushmypassport refund shit goes through but I feel like I'm going to vomit in the meantime. Time to grovel like a fucking loser! Time to snivel and whine and borrow again without providing shit in return except an eventual refund like the pathetic parasitic vermin i am! Now I'm fucking up things that were fine before! Maybe if I'm lucky ill spend so much money on these fucking bus bookings I can't afford to check my luggage or even get to my motel once I'm in Canada and lose my booking altogether! Lolol!!!
Sigh. Deep breaths. I am currently looking at an app where I can get my paycheck advanced through my work (I know it works, they mentioned it by name at my work itself) and seeing how much of that is currently available to me
Otherwise um. Gonna go over to my writing blog where I have a lot more followers and just drop my Kofi link or something I. I just. I just really cannotnstress enough that I was in an extremely dark place before getting to look forward tonthis visit and if it falls through i just. The feelings of. Hopelessness and uselessness and emptiness inside of me right now is just its almost way too much like I feel like i could collapse. I can't even describe it i just want to go lie down on some train tracks 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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away-ward · 4 months
oh my! Your blogs are lively these day, we love to see them! Happy valentines day KO, hopefully you have a good week 🥰
You reply to latest anon "Let me know what it would take to make WinterMichael work (joking)." HAHAHAHAHAHA IM SO SORRY WHATTTTTT im not gonna lie, i just bust out laughing when i read that. They never even come across my mind, now, but i'm very 🤨🫣 what have you done to me KO!! Damon Rika would end us!!
i love the damon-will-emory discussions that had been going on here too, so fun to see how people interpret characters and stories so similar yet so different than others! I can't lie, not until this week did i only notice about will being deceitful and cunning, maybe because it was never highlighted as much in other DN discussion & platforms? I only ever heard him being sunshine and suffering, but now that i took a step back and look at his personality... hmmm 🤔🫢 maybe these anon readers are onto something! Thank you all for this enlightening, maybe i should read this series more critically, how could i miss this!!
KO, question for you, list any 3 aspects of DN that you like a lot, doesn't matter if it's about the style, plot, characters, writing, feeling, etc. I don't think you've talked about this before right? Or maybe you did, but i never saw it, because i'm new ✌️😗
Hello new friend!
The frequency of asks definitely goes through phases. It’ll be silent for weeks and then a flood, but I don’t mind.
Damon Rika would end us!!
I’m still convinced that this is the reason PD made them siblings. They’re too easy to ship otherwise. But I also feel that they want to ship them, too, so they sort of shot themselves in the foot with that.
i love the damon-will-emory discussions that had been going on here too, so fun to see how people interpret characters and stories so similar yet so different than others!
It’s a lot of fun to see how other people interpret the series! It can be frustrating too, at times, but it’s mostly so much fun because it’s not really that serious. And a lot of readers have really good thoughts and insights that I would never have thought of. As long as it stays fun and respectful, I’ve loved getting asks of people just going off with their thoughts and interpretations.
Not until this week did I only notice about will being deceitful and cunning,
Seeing Will this way gives him so many layers, I highly recommend! I don’t want to toot my own horn, but if you haven’t read my 7k word Will analysis, you might find that interesting.
KO, question for you, list any 3 aspects of DN that you like a lot
Ooooo, okay! DN actually ticked a lot of boxes for me. I’ve touched on it before but no harm in going over it again.
I think the main thing I enjoy in any piece of entertainment is layers.
I really enjoyed the dual timeline aspect.
This is one of my favorite tools of storytelling. I love when the story starts in the middle and then takes us back and forth to tell the story. We get to watch everything unfold in layers instead of a straight shot. Don’t tell it to me straight, make me piece it together.
Friendship groups
I love strong friendship groups/dynamics. There’s been a rise in the core “3-4 Boys Rule the school” trope, and those don’t always hit with me, so it’s not that.
How relationships between people in the group grow and develop at different rates, and how different types of people show love in different ways, and how people band together to cover another’s area of weakness.
There’s a few quotes from Devil’s Night that I feel really hit on why this is interesting to me, but I ran across one the other day from Fire Night. Talking about Damon (who else, really?) Kai says,
“God, I hated him. I mean, I definitely jump off a bridge for him, but…”
It just drives me crazy wondering why? And I love that.
I’m debating on what a third thing was. I think the other two things hooked me enough to keep me reading, but…
The writing wasn’t terrible all the time. I loved Thunder Bay as a concept, and I think I was really hoping that the books would lean more into a crime/heist plot than they did. I remember in Conclave when Rika was like “but we’re not criminals” I was really disappointed.
They are criminals, and I wanted them to own it and do something with it. In my head, that’s were I would have taken the story. I don’t really care how they ended up in jail. They played with the law, they faced the consequences. The lesson they should have learned was be better criminals. Instead, we focused on how traumatizing that was for them, which… okay I guess.
I mean, overall the story caught me. If it wasn’t for Willemmy high school, I probably wouldn’t still be around. But I loved them so much that I sort of built up what I did enjoy and wish had taken place over the pieces that I didn’t really care for. A lot of what I talk about is just headcanon, but that’s okay. That’s what I use fandom for.
Thanks for the question, that was fun. Feel free to let me know what you enjoyed/why you're still here! It seems everyone loves to hate on the things that didn't work for them, which can be fun too. But there has to be a reason this series is occupying a space in our heads, right?
Looking forward to it
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