#and it's in the far off future because I first and foremost need to find decent references for that
seraph-sar · 4 months
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I am finally done with Braveheart!!!
I'm really happy with how this turned out, especially since it was a lot of fun to work on this thing, too. (Disregarding the times I was ready to rip my hair out because I realized I'd missed something or got something else wrong...)
The colours aren't quite accurate to the games, but I took some artistic liberties because I didn't want to make the hilt blue. So it's silver now.
Also, would anyone be interested in some kind of tutorial or something on how I made this? Been thinking about making one and was wondering if anyone even wants something like that.
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justanotherhh · 2 months
what does being aroace do for alastor's character?
thing about alastor being aroace is that there's so much juicy potential (cannibal joke) embedded in this concept that i don't know about going too far into, as it's still early days and who knows what the direction will be. but. some analysis. some predictions. some headcanons. mix and match with hedonistic abandon. and at the end a bunch of feelings
first and foremost and basically what all the subsequent points will be about in some way, is it's such a great flipping on its head of a tired idea that aspec-ness (in the vague way it's often discussed) is a way of depicting inhumanity -- characters who can't love are Other, characters who don't want sex are childlike, the way to become a Human Adult Person is to enter into these partnerships, to be fixed. in alastor, being aroace is very much the thing that brings him to humanity, grounds him in something beneath the constant mask he wears. to dig deeper...
just visually, i like how his mask literally slips when he's propositioned/involved in sexual comedy/when people discuss romance too much around him. he glitches, or becomes otherwise uncomfortable, or zones out. i like the crack hc that he avoids val at all costs, that val is actually vox' best weapon against alastor, just because his whole Essence is outside of alastor's ability or wish to process
2. the fact that he's caught off-guard by attachment. he's created an untouchable persona (emotionally and physically to an extent/with exceptions -- the distance of the radio to the listener is something i think about a lot), that with the aroace read comes off partly as protection, especially considering how hypersexual hell is, and how generally hyper-romantic earth would have been (hell is romantic with caveats... more in a sec), so when he realises he almost died to protect the hotel gang it sends him into a full-on meltdown
3. that being said, the way he interacts with women is full of charm and ease: mimzy and rosie first and foremost, then also charlie and niffty, and even to an extent vaggie and possibly carmilla, and maybe cherri in future. he's able to get closer to women, able to be respectful in a southern gentleman old-timey way. it reads as chivalry-with-a-demonic-twist. alastor may be unsettling and untrustworthy for other reasons, but not about crossing sexual or romantic boundaries, which makes him surprisingly safe to hang around. i wonder if this was the case whilst living (and if, ironically, it meant that women ended up crossing his boundaries)
4. i especially would be into this tying into his relationship with niffty, who feels like a woman scorned/wronged/hurt in some way in a 50s housewife-ish romantic way (i personally think her story will be incredibly messed up when it's finally shown), but is very happy hanging out with alastor. sidenote, i bet alastor is so proud of her for killing adam
5. the fact that "ace in the hole" is a comment directed at the idea of alastor-and-charlie is fun and spoken about in-depth, and i will wonder until we find out (if we do) how rosie figured it out, and what it says for their relationship that she hasn't told alastor. that they have limitations to their closeness, or that she knows he'll reject it, or that he needs time to get there. personally i think alastor is so detached from himself that he wouldn't know what to do with it at present, it'd be functionally useless until he's learnt to come into himself more -- aroaceness as the end of a journey of humanising a character, not the thing that needs to be gotten away from in order to be seen as human
6. romance! in hell! it's a little stickier there, with sex-with-no-strings seeming to be a more popular pastime, so i think that part was more of a concern whilst he was alive, but that being said, im interested in how this plays into the above relationships, how characters will react to this part once he starts being more openly on the side of/affectionate with the wider hotel gang, and in how this might come up in future, with regards to...
7. vox! voooox! oh i want vox to become. so creepy. currently we've got underlying creepiness to vox' pathetic obsession with alastor that's coded as having been partially romantic and sexual in nature at one point (if not still romantic and sexual...). there's something about it that speaks to the way that alastor is not aroace because of trauma, but there is trauma involved in being aroace
8. that is, constantly having ones boundaries overstepped, whilst not having the words to say how or why or assert them properly, being projected onto by vox and maybe others while he was alive and post-death, potentially when-alive having that framed as a form of inhumanity in and of itself (and how that ties to him being a serial killer, which im so into)
9. the idea of having been made to feel alien in his own skin due to amatonormativity and not knowing why he feels this way, and compensating by creating boundaries that are extreme, but they work as coping mechanisms, up until... perhaps they won't (hinted at in the finale of s1)
10. (i soooo want vox' creepiness to eventually lead to him actually beating alastor in some way, temporarily, and alastor having to face the mortifying ordeal of being saved by the hotel gang, knowing he's weak and needs to be taken care of by them, knowing that they know that vox won in some way, knowing that vox will take it as vindication and become more powerful from it, know all his walls weren't strong enough in the end -- like a part two to the finale, which ultimately the others didn't see (although vox did) and was already such a big deal for him. gimme some alastor angst!!!)
11. smthinsmthin when we have an aroace character whose whole Deal is being untouchable (emotionally and physically, barring Certain People) being pushed into a space where he has to allow himself to be cared for and through that engage with his own boundaries and which ones have become poisonous to him vs the ones which are actually Who He Is
12. i like to think that he and angel could have an unlikely friendship with a lot of shenanigans, because they both have narratives focused on (re)establishing a relationship with their own bodies, after being made to feel unable to inhabit them as who they are -- angel due to abuse, alastor due to being aroace/repulsed (angel learning to respect alastor's boundaries and being protective of them as an extension of his own journey)
13. alastor filtering through what parts of him are him and what parts are the walls/coping mechanisms -- it's been a lot of years, even before he died, of building them after all. who is the man beneath it all?
14. big fan of how this interacts with his past as a murderer too -- the metaphor is made into something much deeper when the character's aroaceness is a humanising factor in a story about people who have done/do bad things. this not to say he'll necessarily be redeemed (but who knows, vaggie has killed a lot of people and probably will be, or, she'll probably stay in hell with charlie, but the narrative will go "she's chill now." in fact it already pretty much has), but that it adds to all the grey areas of his character. he's not a pure, sad little soul who's always suffering, he's dealt in suffering himself, he enjoys the suffering of others, and he's in control all the time
15. it must have been incredibly humiliating not only to die so stupidly/randomly/without say, but to become a deer demon after that. again, prey, weak, lack of control. his whole Thing is control of the narrative, and his death was totally out of that control, and that in and of itself plays into aroaceness as the idea of "if you can't verbalise yourself, if you can't adequately create boundaries, then overcorrect. become the most inscrutable, untouchable, unsettling, disturbing version of yourself. make people not want to get close to you in the first place"
16. and yet despite all that, he can't help liking people, he can't help being charming and funny and smart and in some ways there's a mask in that too -- sharp wit to cut people down, when you're not... literally cutting people down, a cool, shallow friendliness that deliberately keeps a tension at the forefront, the smartness helping to control and shape and keep power. funnily enough, when he's ready to be aroace, oh the real power he'll have (whether he'll use it for good or bad, or a mix of both... who knows, but he'll be fully himself at last, and that's a happy ending)
17. on the flipside to angel, i think it would take charlie a hot second to deal with it -- she'd be supportive in word, but also she's a known boundary-crosser/someone who has her fixed ideas of how things ought to be and it takes a strong "no" to make her realise when she's got it all wrong. all this to say, she might get the ace part, but she could struggle with the aro, trying to twist it into a version of love so that she could humanise him on her terms, using the word "love", until someone steps up for alastor in some way (in my head, angel, but that's my angel and alastor unlikely friends agenda)
18. husk already knows in some way. also not with words, but he's like, yeah this guy. none of that. are y'all surprised????
19. i wonder if when alive he briefly thought he might be a homosexual, or if he knew from the start that he wasn't, especially considering that men are more disgusting to him overall than women
20. i wonder if mimzy knows or suspects, and also if she was in love with him during their lifetime
21. i like to think in life he's utilised the tactics of the song "the gentleman doesn't believe" and just gone "i hate kissing i mean and uh. dancing. and jazz. and uh... smoking. and walking. and everyting else!!!! (but mostly kissing)" as a way of getting out of someone suggesting a date
22. alastor as hot and charming and unfuckable and unromanceable and repulsed by the idea of it all, and who has the supremely aroace fantasy powers of a. "am not being perceived" and b. "am so terrifying you wish you couldn't perceive me" and whose relationships are dictated by his aroaceness, not despite it!
23. ultimately, this point is the main one for me, regardless of how the story actually gets there: aroaceness as the end of a journey of humanising a character, not the thing that needs to be gotten away from in order to become human
24. pal of mine @creepysora said: "they didnt let anyone walk so now he waltzes ready for murder" and yeah. jumped straight to complex character with big, wonderful flaws in a strange little universe, bypassing all the dull explanatory 1-0-1 that just isn't my cup of tea and into a way of writing aroaceness that can be complex and nuanced and based in character, story, theme, rather than education -- he's not implied, he's not one-note, he's not there to explain, he's not defined solely by his role in the story as the token so-and-so, he's not there to be fixed, he's not there to be dubbed as Other, he is
this character genuinely doesn't exist elsewhere, outside of the stories and ideas i see shared and share within my community. this kind of focus, it's... kind of heady to be honest. like you only ever tasted something sweet in crumbs, and then someone gives you a boatload of it all at once
and tbh. he deserves a little murder. as a treat. because fuck, being aroace is hard
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damn-stark · 8 months
Chapter 21 The Eldest v. the youngest
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Chapter 21 of Moonlight
Warning- Swearing, ANGST, SOME FLUFF, violence!, blood! Death! SPOILERS for future events of HOTD!!!!
Pairing- Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!fem-reader, Cregan Stark x Velaryon!fem-reader
Episode- After 1x09, events based off of Fire and Blood
(If you want to be tagged let me know)
Fear turned to anger. And anger to revenge.
Ever since Lucerys died all you’ve wanted to do was lay in bed and just let time pass, you don’t want to move eat, or speak. But you’ve been at war since Lucerys died, there’s been no time to rest or to grieve. You’ve faltered since your grandmother and Jacaerys died, but you haven’t had time to actually grieve now. So now, grieving is such a foreign concept. Now grief is just rage and a need for violence.
Which isn’t the best outcome when trying to gain allies.
“We’re going to have to ask for the Princess to leave her weapons with us,” a Riverrun guard demands. He demands you.
“Like hell, I am,” you sneer. Ser Tully will have to welcome me as a warrior—”
“Y/N,” Addam cuts you off and grabs your arm. “Just leave it,” he whispers sharply.
You snap your eyes at him and glare at him. “You want me to walk in there defenseless?” You ask without caring to whisper. “We aren’t inside the castle walls, is this how you treat your princess?” You throw out at the guards. “By making them stand past your bloody gate?”
“We’re here for aide,” Addam snaps back. “Not to declare war. Leave it or I will go in without you.”
You challenge his glare and clench your jaw. He’s right of course, you admit it, but what if you’re betrayed? Alys did so. After all, it was your husband—late husband who’s been burning their kingdom, what if they want revenge?
“Y/n,” Addam says through gritted teeth. “Trust me and leave it.”
He’s right, he is. Plus he's the only one you have right now. Your mother…well she probably hates you now, leaving after disagreeing doesn’t really look good for you. Cregan is far, your brothers are dead, so Addam is the only one you have at this very moment.
“Fine,” you huff out and take your bow off before you unhook your arrow pouch from behind you to hand it to the guard.
“Very well,” the other guard next to him says and bows his head. “Follow me.”
Addam and you share a passing look before you walk ahead first to follow the guards inside the white castle walls. You can't say you aren't impressed, because you do find this castle quite charming, the river, and the trees that are now dull due to the winter weather add to its charm. The castle walls are quite tall, and still very white, as if it were the first day built.
When you’re inside the main building, the tall windows light every inch of the corridor so it isn’t dull or bleak. You can see the delicate designs painted on the walls and grow quite impressed, you always thought Riverrun would be muddy and quaint due to where it is, but it’s not.
Once you reach the main hall though all those lighthearted feelings vanish when you see Ser Elmo Tully.
Riverrun isn’t the first house you visit, since Addam found you, he only gave you a day to rest, he said he’d give you a full moon's cycle but there was much to do, and wars to win, so he gave you a day. After that, you flew first and foremost to House Frey to pay a visit to Lady Sabitha Frey, the woman who wanted to take Harrenhal after Aemond left, and who wanted to capture you or kill you.
Her face went pale when she saw you walk in her main hall. And considering her actions and your counterattacks she didn’t argue against your plea, she feared what you’d do if she declined so she decided to join along with her father and his brothers of House Vypren. Which was the smartest choice.
You then went to Raventree, and the twelve-year-old Lord didn’t hesitate to accept and join your march. Now you’re here, at Riverrun. Addam and you still want to ask other Lords with smaller houses, but you advised him to gain the support of their Liege Lord first, which will convince them without the need to bargain so much. So you’re here now, striding inside the main hall alongside Addam
“Princess Y/N of House Velaryon! And Ser Addam of Hull of House Velaryon.”
The knight looks between Addam and you, but lastly drops his gaze on you and watches you hard before he bows his head. “Princess,” he greets. “I heard of the loss of your husband, my condolences.”
You scoff and shake your head. “Don’t. I know you’re relieved he’s dead—”
“Y/N,” Addam scolds you before he steps forward and bows his head. “I apologize for her…we’ve been flying for sometime now.”
You scoff. “Don’t apologize for me,” you counter and step past him to continue. “I know what Aemond did. Which is why I know you aren’t sorry he’s dead…nor do I want you to be. So don’t give me your condolences, I alone will grieve for him. And that’s okay.”
Ser Tully's gaze stays on you for a moment before he walks to a Tully High seat. “Very well then,” he says and sits down. “What do you want from me? It’s not every day we get a visit from not one but two Dragonriders.”
“We wish to speak to you, Ser Tully,” Addam interjects. “If it’s true you speak on behalf of Lord Grover?”
Ser Tully clasps his hands over his lap and nods. “Aye, I do.” He says. “My grandfather is ill and bedridden. I act as Lord Regent until he gets better and can sit here himself.”
You hum softly and share a knowing look with Addam before you take one last step forward to speak of your need right away. “Very well then, and forgive me for my bluntness. Today we’re here on behalf of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, to ask Riverrun for aid in our battle against Daeron and the traitors that dine with him at Tumbleton. They’ve gone too long unchecked and allowed to rule like savages. It’s time we take revenge on their treason against the crown and the Queen.” You direct proudly and without an ounce of falter.
You’ve gone on playing in the shadows, acting like someone you’re not to get what you want. Aemond is dead, so there’s no holding back, there’s no need to hide your intentions. From now you will face everyone with who you really are, a princess and warrior hidden too long in the dark.
“Unless you support the Usurper? Then I can’t promise our Dragonfire won’t turn here first.”
Ser Tully glances at Addam to see his reaction to your comment, thinking you’ve stepped out of line, but Addam simply lifts his chin and silently supports your threat. So Ser Tully sighs and leans forward in his seat. “I would be mad to support the Greens after what the Kinslayer has done to my lands,” Ser Tully says in a booming voice. “He left disaster and tragedy, trauma to innocents who had no fight in this war. I, and House Tully won’t stand for that. We will fight for what’s right like we should have done at the start of this war when the Queen asked for our alliances.”
You blink in surprise at his quick agreement and share a quick proud look with Addam.
“Besides,” Ser Tully chuckles. “Two dragons in one’s courtyard does wonders to resolve one’s doubts.”
You show off your smirk and feel a weight lift off your shoulders.
“We aren’t a big house,” Ser Tully adds. “But we will fight with what we do have.” He stands up and walks down to stand before Addam and you. “I will be honored to fight alongside you Ser Addam of Hull, and you, Princess.”
“And will Lord Grover object?” Addam makes sure to ask. “It is he who chose not to choose a side in the first place.”
Ser Tully scoffs. “I am Regent, aren’t I?”
Addam and you share a small smile before you offer Ser Tully a thankful nod.
“The Queen, Ser Addam, and I are grateful,” you share sweetly.
Ser Tully bows his head and then steps aside. “Now please, rest for the night here. It would be my honor. And it gives me time to prepare to join your march.”
Without the need to argue his invitation Addam and you gladly accept, and it is once you’re alone with your half-brother that you bring up the most notable thing that led to this quick arrangement.
“He was scared.”
Addam nods as he smiles. “Hell yeah, he was. Especially after you threatened to burn this place.”
You smirk and shrug nonchalantly. “We need his army, and there’s nothing that motivates someone more than the threat of dragonfire.”
“If I enter at opposite ends of the battlefield, that will catch them off guard from both sides,” you share your thoughts for this anticipating battle you’re already itching to start.
But you need to be patient, wait for the right opening, and you need to plan better than your enemies would.
It has been almost a month already though, how much more planning can you do?
Then again traveling across the Riverlands has been difficult, part of it is burnt thanks to Aemond, and when you did get lords to join, they needed time to gather their soldiers spread across their towns and lands.
You’re just…impatient and angry all the time though. Lately, you haven’t been able to find much patience or kindness for anyone. Albeit it’s good Addam is by your side, if it was just you alone you would have gone to meet Daeron and the traitors on the field already out of a burst of anger that hits you in waves, stronger and stronger each time. Threatening to take you under each time.
But you only don’t drown because you have a weight holding you up.
You’re thankful for that.
“But you’ll come across the town,” Lady Sabita Frey points.
You put your hands on the table and shrug her off. “It doesn’t matter, it’s not like the town is standing up anyway. Plus it’s invaded by Greens, everyone that lived there is gone because of them…it’s time to purify the town.”
“There are still workers,” she argues, making you lift your gaze to look at her standing to the side. “People who are stuck because they don’t have the money to go anywhere, or have the strength to fight back. We can’t just have them fall victim to our fury. We want to liberate Tumbleton not eliminate it off our maps.”
You clench your fists and slowly narrow your gaze on her. “You care for the innocent now?” You snap back. “What about when you invaded Harrenhal with me and my newborn children still in it? Did you care then? You wanted to imprison me and take them captive. You wanted them to be victims of your thirst for power.”
Lady Frey swallows thickly and stays quiet now. She tries to look for help amongst the other lords and ladies, but everyone around the strategy table is beginning to learn not to argue back.
“We will try not to lay fire on the town, just the castle,” Addam tries to remedy Lady Frey's worry. “But that’s where the traitors and enemy lords will be at night, we need to get rid of them, their resources, and their men. We will try to spare as much as we can but we can’t be lax my Lady.”
He’s always the one to fix things or find a better option that you have chosen to completely abandon.
“We will surround the enemy encampment that rests outside the town walls by all sides,” Ser Tully shares and waves place markers around the makeshift tent in front of the line that’s supposed to represent a wall. “We may not be a big army but we will work our way in and overpower them.”
“When everyone works their way in,” you interject menacingly. “You leave Daeron Targaryen for me. I will land in the field shortly after I enter the battle.”
“How will we know where he’ll be?” Ser Vypren cuts in. “For all we know he’s inside the town walls, or he can even blend in with the rest.”
You stand up straight up and share what you know—or what you think. “Prince Daeron will most likely have the bigger tent. And it’s doubtful he’ll mix with the likes of the Traitors, they only work together for convenience not want. He’ll be outside the walls with his men. I will find him and kill him myself.”
“Then we’ll send in a squadron of men,” Ser Tully says. “They’ll keep an eye out for you, make sure someone doesn’t try to be too ambitious, nor that Daeron gets the upper hand.”
You’ll like more than anything to be cocky and say you’ll win, but you know battle, and you’ve been taught better. “All right,” you agree hesitantly. “But Astraea will accompany me from above and below, so if there is a sign of danger they may go their own way to fend for themselves.”
“It would be an honor to die for you princess,” Lord Blackwood cuts with no hesitation, there’s only pride in his voice and look.
You can’t help but smile at him…he reminds you of Joffrey. Of Lucerys too. It’s such a sense of relief in a tent full of strangers.
“Thank you, Lord Blackwood,” you retort sweetly. “And it’s an honor fighting alongside you.”
Said boy offers you a small but tight smile as he bows his head.
“Now to discuss—” Ser Elmo Tully cuts off himself off as a guard walks in with a scroll in hand.
“Forgive my intrusion,” the guard says as he bows. “But I have a raven from the Queen for princess y/n.”
A raven from your mother? It’s been so long since you’ve heard any news from her or King's Landing. Since you’ve been moving all around the Riverlands, news from the capitol has yet to find you. You did write to your mother, but even then that was only twice.
You left after she said you couldn’t, what’s worse of all you came to Aemond’s side. Regardless if you weren’t on his side, you still came to him, the enemy. So if she didn’t hate you before she does now—Or at least that’s what you kept thinking.
Perhaps it’s not true. You’re all each other have. And she is taking care of your children. So maybe you’re just doubting her love for you.
“Thank you,” you direct at the guard as you take the scroll. You then proceed to walk to the far corner of the tent to read the scroll while the others continue to discuss war.
I write with urgency. I apologize for not writing sooner, the days have just overwhelmed me, and with you not at a stable location I can’t tolerate other people possibly finding my letters—
Her letters are neat but scribbled fast. Bringing truth to her first four words.
—I have so much to say to you, but no time, so it will have to wait for when we see each other again. As for now, you must know…Princess Helaena is dead—
You gasp and feel your eyes widen in shock.
Ever since you left Harrenhal the first time you hardly took time out of your day to visit her, even when you did find time, when you saw her she hardly saw you. She either didn’t speak or mumbled to herself, she didn’t have coherent conversations with you like before, so your visits became less and less. Even then though, she was still your aunt, she was sweet at that, besides Aemond, out of all her siblings she’s one that you did love. So hearing this…hurts.
—with her death, the Shepard took advantage of the people’s grief and turned the city against me and our dragons. He and his cult stormed into the dragon pit and killed all the dragons that rested within, up to Dreamfyre and down to the hatchlings—
Slowly your body stiffens at the words you keeping reading. At all you missed because you were away.
—Out of anger and fueled by revenge Joffrey snuck out on Syrax to try and save who he could in the pit, but Syrax was not his to mount. Your brother is dead y/n. And now with the city at an uproar, I have fled with Aegon and my grandkids. I don’t know exactly where you are or what it is you’re doing in my honor, but I don’t want to be apart from you, so when you are done come to Dun Fort, that’s where I’ll be. We will return to Dragonstone from there and plan from there.
Your mother, The Queen.’
Everything around you; burning light, that herbal incense scent, background voices, and the walls around you suddenly cease to exist. That wave that grew came crashing over you, it yanked at your feet and choked you by the throat. Whatever light that reflected inside the murky water disappears, leaving you in darkness.
A familiar and burning feeling begins to fill your head, consuming you entirely, and taking over any rational thought.
You tried to fight through it, and find some sense of clarity, but thoughts, memories and guilt filled your head.
How can a mob of civilians kill not one, but all of the dragons? You knew of the growing crowds, but what they did never crossed your mind. Now all the dragons, your soulmates, are gone from this earth leaving only a few, and taking with them your brother; Joffrey.
He was just a little boy, innocent, and angry because of this war and what it took from him. From your mother, from you. He’s gone before you could even know him because of this war…
And your mother? The Queen, the one on the Iron Throne is fleeing with Aegon, and your children at her side. All because you left her side, because of her fear of what Daeron and the traitors would do. They pushed her away.
But…if those traitors didn’t defect from your mother in the first place she would still be home, Joffrey wouldn’t be dead. It all falls to them.
It’s all their fault. It’s their fault!
No more holding back! No more planning!
You’ll show them what it really means to be a dragon warrior, what fire and blood really means. You’ll show the Greens what your Targaryen house words means. You’ll show them all.
“We march today,” you cut in and turn around to storm back to the table. “There’s no more wasting time. We march today. We kill them all tonight.”
“No,” you sneer and look up at Ser Tully. “We’ve planned for long enough, I’m done. We march today! Kill them all by the time the sun rises.”
“Y/N,” Addam interjects.
You snap your head towards him and shake your head with your eyes full of tears. “No. I’m done, I’m done losing people. I’m done being betrayed. It’s all going to end.”
“What’s wrong?” He asks and grabs your shoulder as he watches the tears roll down your cheeks, and your hands tremble. “Y/N?”
Besides drowning? Besides feeling a blinding rage consume every thought in your mind like a disease?
Nothing. There’s nothing but rage where there should be grief and sorrow for what you lost.
“Addam,” you mutter. “I will kill them all. Every. Single. One of them. She’s gone because of them! Because they betray the Queen!” You shake your head and face the Lord, Ladies, and knights gathered around the war table. “Daeron Targaryen's brother destroyed all of your lands and homes. He killed your friends and neighbors. Daeron Targaryen took Tumbleton, he sacked towns, killed innocent people.”
All those concerned and shocked looks that they gave you upon hearing your declaration is slowly dying down, and in its place hardened glares are taking shape. While that anger that consumes away your thoughts is only growing more fierce.
“Daeron Targaryens betray your Queen,” you continue to exclaim. “Those traitors betray your Queen and are acting like gods, how can we waste more time by sparing them?! Why should we let Daeron Targaryen live another day and let the Greens think they have the upper hand? We will fight today for revenge on your princes, on your family, friends and lands. We will fight today for glory and for the Queen!”
“For the Queen!”
“For the Queen!”
“For the Queen!” Everyone chants, only feeding into your thirst for revenge and pushing away that sorrow and grief. And filling you with dangerous pride and determination.
Albeit there is one person who reached through the murky waters that drowned you the moment you stepped out of that tent. He pulled you out and saved you from drowning; Addam.
“What’s wrong? What was on that Raven?” He asks as he finally manages to pull you away from the crowd.
You slowly let out a breath of air and blink as if you’re seeing for the first time. You don’t answer him though, you give him the Raven scroll and finally take note of how bad your hand is shaking.
Addam watches your hand and grabs it as he takes the scroll with his other hand.
You can’t say he made your rage disappear, but you aren’t drowning anymore thanks to him.
“We can’t tell them,” you interject while Addam reads the scroll. “They won’t want to fight if they know.”
Addam remains queit as he finshes reading. Once he’s done he lowers the scroll and faces you with preplixity in his eyes.
“You’re right,” he says. “We’ll tell them after.”
“It’s all my fault,” you mutter with anger. “I shouldn’t have left, I should have stayed and fixed everything from there. Now my brother is dead, and my mother, my children…they’re running for their lives because of me!” You point at your chest and feel tears escape from your eyes.
“I’ve always been like this,” you continue to say through your frustration. “I let my emotions lead me. Every single time…with Cregan, with Daemon, when I left my mother's side the first time!” You turn around and look around desperately as you try to find something to hit, something to use as an output. Yet there’s nothing nearby so you fall to your knees and sob.
“I’m selfish, and I’m a terrible daughter, I was a horrible wife and a terrible mother, I—”
“Y/N,” Addam cuts you off and falls on his knees beside you to grab your shoulder and turn you to face him. “Stop. None of it is your fault, and what you did is in the past, you can’t take it back. All you can do is learn from those mistakes and try your best to make up for them.” He grabs both of your shoulders and pulls you closer to him. “You need to have a strong mind now, do you understand? Strong mind to win this battle and help your mother and children. Strong mind.” He says before he taps your chest with his fist. “I will follow you in this war, say you’ll follow me and we will win together.”
Your bottom lip trembles and happy tears roll from your eyes. The water that was around your throat clears and it feels like you can breathe again, like you can see. And all you do see is him. Your brother.
“I will follow you to the ends of this world, Addam,” you assure him and tap his own chest. “I will.”
Said man’s lips tug to a smile and he cups the side of your head this time. “Good. Now let’s get ready for this battle.”
You smirk and nod. “Together,” you mutter.
“Together,” he assures you.
Astraea’s scales were purple, at night under a star-littered sky her scales gleamed like glittering diamonds. When the sky is polluted by clouds, leaving the night casted in utter darkness she blends with the shadows.
It's why now as you fly over the dragons resting outside of Tumbleton's walls they don’t spot her. It’s why the wandering guards posted on the back walls don’t catch sight of her. It’s why all anyone knows down in the castle is the burning rage of her furious flames before she makes herself known with a booming roar that shakes the houses below.
“Dragon!” You hear scattered shouts below. “Dragon!”
You smirk and lift your gaze to look past the walls in the distance.
“Ring the bells! Ring the bells! Awake the army!”
Astraea calls out, but before anyone can alert any army, Seasmoke announces himself by letting out a chilling roar before he rains fire down on those sleeping men in their war tents.
The people that were below you go quiet now at the sight of the two rageful dragons, at the sound of their flames cracking down on the ground. When they think that's all there is, blood-curdling screams fill the field along with the battle cries from your men, announcing that you didn’t come alone. And filling every person at the opposite sides of this battle with dread
“The Blacks are here! We’re under attack!”
“Dragons!” They shout desperately.
Everyone scrambles to act, their shouts are carried out, and more men from inside the castle get sent out to act, but it’s too late. You did what you wanted, you all caught them off guard and gained the upper hand.
So now? Now to get rid of the traitors and Daeron Targaryen. If it’s the last thing you do.
You won’t leave until at least Daeron is dead so you can show or deliver his head to his mother as payback for everything she did to torment your mother, for everything she did for the Greens, and for stealing your mother's crown.
However, before you can go find him now that Astraea rained down one more round of fire on the castle following everyone’s entrance, you instead slow down as you fly over the town.
You shouldn’t, you should keep going until you fly past the gate and find Daeron in the fiery field below, but the warning bells below continue to ring. They continue to warn the people below, the people that still live in the castle. The bells continue to ring and you get reminded of what you lost because of the Greens, because of this war. You get reminded of poor young Joffrey, you see Aemond again, you remember Alys betrayal, you remember Lucerys death, and see Jacaerys die in your arms once more just as clearly as when it happened. You remember what your mother said in her letter and imagine them: your mother, brother, and children full of fear after fleeing their home.
You see it all and nothing stops you from clenching your hands around your dragons back spines you need to hold onto. You slowly begin to glare daggers to the field below full of Green army, you feel that anger blind you and fill you with purpose.
“Dracarys,” you command Astraea, and without a second of a doubt all you see once more is the bright majestic dragon fire.
Her flames consume everything in her path below. People running to the battlefield, servants and helpers, stables, storages. Astraea circles around and rains fire down on houses left untouched in the burning’s before, long-standing markets, new markets. People try to run away but with a flap of her wings, her flames capture them too.
You should feel remorse watching everyone burn within seconds, you should regret pressing on, but all you feel is pride. You can’t say it takes away the pain, but it helps ease your agonizing heart.
It’s why you can’t bring yourself to stop until it looks like the town is made of dragon fire. The castle still stands, but even if the traitors live they won’t for a while longer. But you’ll handle them after Daeron.
Your uncle is first, so without wasting another minute you nudge Astraea’s back spines to the side. She swings around and flies past the town.
Addam is burning away the field and the soldiers running away and into battle, but since your people are now fighting below too he’s careful, leaving you a clearish view of the field.
Tessarion still hasn’t joined the battle, she's not flying over here alone, which means her rider is still somewhere below. As to where? You search and examine the busy field. Astraea flies low to the ground and slow.
You approach where you think he’ll be, and though the screens of smoke make things opaque you then spot the bigger tent that can only belong to a prince.
He can actually be fighting somewhere else, but you’ll start your search here.
Thus you nudge one of Astraea’s backspines to have her turn around. However, it’s as she’s about to turn that you spot him, your uncle walking out of the tent in his armor, and an eyepatch over the eye you took.
All you have to say about that is that Aemond pulled it off better.
Nevertheless, you still shoot Daeron a smirk before you stand up on your dragon's back as she’s still moving. You then turn around and begin to run down her with your weapons strapped to you. Daeron watches you do it without an ounce of fear and clenches his jaw.
Once you reach Astraea’s tail you jump off and gracefully land on the ground just a few feet away from Daeron.
“I’ve been looking for you uncle!” You throw out smugly and hear Astraea land a few feet away from you.
Daeron pulls his sword out of his sheath and rebuttals. “Here I am, niece. Ready to take what you took from me.”
You smirk. “I'll say your brother pulled off the one eye look a lot better. You…look like a poor imitation.”
“I don’t like to harm women,” Daeron says, making you look at him in disgust—“but,” he continues. “I’ll make an exception and kill you.”
You scoff. “Good.”
Before either of you can move, Seasmoke passes right in between Daeron and you and blasts fire down, creating a barrier between your uncle and you.
Not like it stops you, it only makes you more excited. And it fills Daeron with uneasiness as he sees your glare past the flames match the glare your dragon wears in the distance.
“Will your dragon join after you’re dead or what?” Daeron comments.
You pull your sword out and point back at her. “Astraea? No. She’s just waiting for me to be done with you. We still have a battle to win after this, so let's make this quick.”
Daeron lifts his chin with confidence. “Let’s,” he mutters.
You deepen your smirk, and before he knows it you run through the flames Seasmoke left behind, and charge at Daeron.
He matches your pace and when you meet in the middle you clash swords and challenge each other's strength by pressing back to try and knock each other down.
“For whatever it’s worth,” Daeron sneers as he pushes back. “I am sorry for your loss. I know how much you loved my brother.”
You groan with slight anger as a response before you catch him off guard and use your foot to kick him back.
Daeron stumbles back, and as he does you slide forward and swing down on his helm hard, causing it to crack where you struck it. You try to swing again, but Daeron parry’s.
“Can you do me a favor?” You ask with a teasing smile as you move back. “Greet him for me when you see each other in one of the seven hells.”
Daeron scoffs and tries to swing, but you duck and then spin around him to switch sides. Daeron quickly turns around and faces you.
You keep quiet this time and just let out a deep breath before you raise your sword and point it at him. Daeron lifts his chin and smirks at you out of smugness and slight pride for you. He saw you here now in your silver armor and red cloak flowing behind you, and he saw every bit of a Targaryen Warrior your ancestors were. It makes him motivated and excited.
He then lifts his sword to get ready to counter, and you charge at him again. Daeron mirrors your actions and runs at you too. Just as you meet halfway, you slide down past him and let go of your sword. You then twirl around on your heels, reach back to quickly pull your bow hanging around you, and then rapidly pull out an arrow, and lastly aim.
Daeron brings himself to a skidding spot, and the moment he turns he spots you on your knee with a bow and an arrow now pointing at him. Before he can even react though you draw and fire, managing to hit him right in the throat.
“I said I have places to be,” you break your silence.
Dareron begins to choke on his blood, but still tries to reach for the arrow to try and get it out. You watch him for a moment before you hang your bow around you again and walk to him.
Daeron backs away from you, but he’s not fast, so after you collect your sword off the ground you catch up to him.
“Any last words?” You ask in a cold tone. “No? Yeah, Lucerys never got the chance either.” You spit at Daeron’s feet before you clench your jaw and raise your sword. Daeron lifts his hands to try and stop you, but you don’t care, you swing harshly and manage to slide his head clean off his shoulders.
“Fuck the Greens,” you grumble and wipe the blood off your face.
Now, to help Addam. But first, you collect Daeron’s head off the ground and realize it’s heavier than you imagined.
“You’ll make a good gift for your mother. Or Aegon…” that bastard is probably still alive. You’ll have to kill him next then.
Regardless, you turn and see Astraea already walking to you, crushing dying soldiers with her huge feet. You proceed to meet her halfway and she lowers her neck so you can quickly mount her.
“<Let's go find Addam,>” you tell her as you tuck Daeron’s head in a satchel you tied around one of her back spines.
Astraea stomps ahead and when she can, she flaps her wings and ascends to the night sky. And now that you’re flying above the castle walls you see Tessarion disembarking from the cloud bank and diving towards Seasmoke. It seems that Addam hasn’t noticed you, he’s too busy looking for any trail of Tessarion, but he fails to notice her too, so you take this moment and nudge Astraea.
Who knows if any of your signals gets to your dragon, she’s so big that it’s doubtful she feels your gentle nudges, but you still try, and she does what you ask regardless.
She stays quiet and continues to blend with the night sky. Tessarion’s gaze is set on Seasmoke so she doesn’t catch Astraea until your dragon slams into her side and shoves her down towards the ground.
Tessarion bellows out in response, and Addam finally turns and catches you now in the sky. You on the other hand hold on for dear life since you don’t have a saddle anymore. Astraea tries to be careful but there’s only so much she can do.
Nevertheless, Tessarion tries to use the claws on her wings to hurt Astraea, but you’re she-dragon clamps her jaw down on Tessarion’s throat, and blows fire out on her face, basking her face in a raging ball of fire that burns the only thing not he heavily protected against flames, her eyes.
Tessarion shrieks out sharply as her eye continues to get burnt, making your ears hurt since you’re so close. She can’t even attempt to fight back, Astraea only lets go moments before she can hit the ground. Sadly though, Tessarion slams into the ground, with a loud crash that sends up a cloud of dirt.
Astraea doesn’t bother to counter, she swoops back to the sky, and it’s only now that you can see Addam mounted on his dragon. He flashes you a proud grin before he taps his chest with his fist, showing only a gesture that you both knew, an intimate gesture between a brother and a sister that you took as comfort.
You return the gesture and he offers you a nod. There’s so much to say, but there’s no time right now, you’ll have to say it after. You get comforted with this simple thing now and just have Astraea meet him and Seasmoke halfway. You proceed to look down and gasp as you catch a different dragon, the old Bronze fury, Vermithor, who is as big as both your dragons combined.
But not to worry, right? Astraea and Seasmoke have courage, that alone makes up for their lack in size.
Yet you still need to be careful. Silverwing still resides nearby, and Tessarion isn’t dead yet.
However, it doesn’t seem like Vermirthor has a rider on his back. He won’t be weaker, he’s old and experienced, so the best chance to survive this is by getting rid of Vermithor first. Addam seems to know that and has Seasmoke dive down towards Vermithor as he only makes it 20 feet above the ground.
You follow suit, and as Seasmoke gets Vermithor’s neck, Astraea bites his tail and they both slam him hard into the mud, creating a small crater.
You can’t help but smirk, but that soon is wiped off as Vermithor whips his tail to Astraea. You almost get hit by him but luckily Astraea lets go of him and jerks away. It makes you fumble, but you hang on and manage to stay on her back.
Next, your dragon doesn’t spare a second and she sinks her teeth into Vermithor's hind legs, causing the dragon to shriek and whip his tail again. This time he hits Astraea's neck so hard it cuts her deep.
“Astraea!” You cry out.
Your dragon lets go and backs away, you take this time to look at Addam and Seasmoke, and you see that they have managed to entangle themselves so much that Seasmoke can’t find a way out.
“Addam!” You yell out, and actually catch his attention. “You have to get off!”
Your half-brother shakes his head. “No. Not yet! Go. Find Tessarion and get rid of her too. We can reunite and get rid of Silverwing next!”
You part your lips to argue, but he’s right, the dragons outmatch your numbers regardless of your dragons might. So you listen and have Astraea swing around.
Luckily, she does because you catch Tessarion descending from the sky trying to catch you off guard.
Astraea roars out and flaps her wings to soar up at a quick speed, making Tessarion flap her own wings and shoot down towards her. Neither seems like they’ll stop before impact, so you try and make yourself small as you grip onto your dragon.
The moment they crash into each other though, the impact is so hard that one of your hands slips, making you dangle off your dragon's back.
“Fuck! Fuck!” You panic and don’t even look down to avoid knowing how far the drop is. You use all your upper body strength and pull yourself up to grab onto the other back spine. Once you have a good grip you fling yourself over to clench your thighs on the sides as both dragons continue to grip onto each other and twirl down to the ground.
You trust your dragon to keep you safe so you tuck your head down as your world spins, making your stomach churn and feel the need to throw up rise up your throat. You don’t even know how close you get to the ground until Tessarion slams Astraea so hard on the ground that you lose your grip and fall off her back. Which you’re to blame for not having a saddle.
But regardless you roll on the ground just like Tessarion makes Astraea roll away from you as they continue to tussle. You try to stop yourself, but before you can you come to a harsh stop as a sharp sword impales into your chest cavity.
You choke and freeze. While your heart feels like it pangs at that instant. For a good moment your mind spins leaving you to grasp nothing, but once it stops and everything is clear all you know is throbbing pain.
“Fuck!” You cry out.
You can’t take it out, you can’t take it out. Fuck. Fuck.
It even hurts to breathe, to keep your heart beating, which is surprising that it still does. Fuck.
Okay, you need to focus, get up. Get up.
You flip around and tremble as you push yourself to your knees.
Now find someone to help you.
However, all you see when you look up is Vermithor ripping Seasmoke's head off his body.
“Addam!” You bellow, and proceed to shriek out as that effort hurts your wound.
Not like you let it stop you, you recover and stand up to walk over to try and find him since you can’t see him from where you are.
You make it about 6 feet before your knees buckle from the pain and you fall to the mud with a cry.
Is this the end? Here?
No. It can’t. You still need to see your mother, you want to see…him too. One last time. You need to fight.
You throw your head up and catch Astraea ripping Tessarion’s wing off his body before she crashes back on the ground. She’s hurt too, but not as badly as you. She gets up and struggles to take flight since her wing seems to be wounded, but she still manages to flap her wings, and rises. You can’t say Tessarion does the same.
You then look ahead and see Vermithor try and fly away with Seasmokes head, but his own torn wings can’t hold his weight so he falls. Where’s Addam?
You slowly push yourself back up to your feet and drag yourself forward. You keep fighting off the exhaustion that makes you want to close your eyes. You fight off the pain and move forward. Fight.
But you can’t hold your weight, you fall to your knees. This time after your efforts you see Addam walking away from his dragon's body. He’s bleeding from his shoulder, his nose and eyes are bleeding too, and one of his legs is bent. Still he catches you in the distance and drags himself towards you.
“Addam!” You call out in a shaky voice, and push yourself up again to walk to him.
You don’t make it far, he doesn’t either. He stumbles and falls on his back. You fall on your knees and then fall on your back.
“Addam,” you croak and feel that darkness begin to cloud your eyesight as the pain becomes insufferable.
“Sister,” he groans.
You drag your hand out towards him, and he reaches out for you. You didn’t make it to each other's side, but you make it close enough to touch each other's fingers.
You started off hating him now you can’t fathom that truth that’s to come…his death.
At least though, you’ll die together. So you welcome the darkness, you let your eyes slowly flutter close.
However, through your clouded sight you make Astraea out above you. You feel her claws grab your body, and feel the air brush over you as she lifts you up into the sky with you in her grip.
She flies away, but you don’t see where because the darkness then takes you.
Maybe you’ll see your father now. Your grandmother, and your brothers in whatever bliss you fall into. You’ll know peace before paying for what you’ve done.
That’s all you want after all peace…
You know that voice. You haven’t heard it in a while.
You open your eyes and smile. “Father?” You call out.
A/N- you know what’s next?
Tagged- @namelesslosers @stargaryenx @chainsawsangel @lauftivy @winxschester @cloudroomblog @llarue @padsdarlg @sofietargaryen @gracielikegrapes @dreaming-of-the-reality @itzelpeyton @patdsinner33 @mrsdominickstark @elaena-aerrin @todoroki-slut @snh96 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @nifujiswhore @sweethoneyblossom1 @kaetastic
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angelltheninth · 1 year
Hi!! Can request nsfw alphabet with aki or first time together with aki, kishibe yoshida and angel pls. Love ur work💕
I'm gonna do the first time headcanons for this one. And thank you, I'm glad to hear you enjoy my writing:
Pairing: Aki Hayakawa, Kishibe, Angel Devil x Fem!Reader
Tags: nsfw, smut, first time, praise, clit stimulation, fingering, cuddles, virgin killers Aki, Kishibe and Angel Devil
A/N: Not doing Yoshida because honestly I know next to nothing about him.
Aki is the best person to have your first time with. Honestly he's almost as nervous as you are, the only thing is that he knows how to hide it and knows what he's doing. Although he's pretty confidant in his skills he still wants you to tell him if something feels off and he'll stop and try again.
He likes to tease you a lot, to fill you with his fingers first so you get used to the sensation of having something then your own fingers or toys inside you. All the while he can't stop talking about how good it'll feel for you once he's inside.
Since this is your first time he goes slow and gentle, but you can see the need bubbling up inside of him, he wants to fuck you until you can't walk, leave you sore, make your throat hurt. But he can wait, tonight is about your comfort first and foremost, you have time for everything else.
Kishibe doesn't really care that it's your first time. As long as you can satisfy him and make him come he couldn't care less about how many dicks you had or didn't have. He knows why he's doing this, he just wants a good time, and you caught his eye, have for a long time now.
Only gentle at first but once he's inside of you he thrusts with brute force. His goal is to make your pussy used to his cock as fast as possible because you're gonna be taking a lot of it in the future. Not stingy with telling you, no growling about how good you feel around his dick, how much he wants to claim that hot body of yours with his cum and kisses.
Very crude in the way he words things but you can tell that there is some emotion there. As rough as he is he never pushes too far and you can feel his hips fall into a slow roll whenever you gasp or groan, letting you adjust to the new feelings and sensations.
Angel Devil is baffled why you would make a big deal out of this. He's had plenty of one-night stands before so he doesn't really see the point of dancing around the issue. Whatever you want he'll do but he is also pretty clear in what he wants, just a good time with you. There is a part of him that likes you but for now he only sees your relationship as stress release.
He is almost feral in the way he licks and mouths at your pussy, like a man having food after for the first time after being stranded somewhere. You taste divine on his tongue, you'll be even better on his cock.
Likes cuddlefucking, especially when you're on top of him and since this is your first time he figured if nothing else he could let you set the pace, he'll do that for you at least. There's also the fact that it allows him to comfortably settle in a sleeping position afterwards, and there's something about having your weight on top of him, warming him up that he finds strangely soothing.
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littlebitsmile · 2 months
in flames [C.L.] | Chapter IV
Only one week left before off-season is finally over - don't know how you're feeling, but I'm ready to see what this years grid is bringing along (especially when the drama pre-season hit pretty hard). Let me know what you think of this chapter and if you want to be tagged in future chapters so you never miss out!
Have fun with this one, see you next week xx
story: in flames driver: Charles Leclerc [C.L.] trope: #haterstolovers summary: Always working three times as hard as everyone else, Emma does not intend to blow her chance of driving among the best of the best in her very first season in Formula 1. Concentrating on first and foremost getting ahead of her brother, she does not even notice that there are some people even in her own team who think she does not deserve this spot and would rather see her fail. And one driver in particular seems to have a need of always reminding her of that.
────ʚ C H A P T E R III ɞ────
My eyes are fixed on the screen in front of me. My hands are steady on the steering wheel, which almost feels like I'm sitting in a real car. The replica cockpit seat is a little more uncomfortable, but only because the actual sports seats are adapted to the driver's back and this one is just a makeshift one. I don't know what time it is or how long I've been driving virtual tracks in this simulator, but I'm starting to get hungry.
I usually love the days I get to spend at headquarters, but the last two weeks have been beyond strange. I don't seem to be on the same wavelength as my new team yet. Fernando has been the only buffer between us so far and hasn't provided a minute of silence.
I feel lost. Since my first days of training camp at Aston Martin, I've felt like I'm constantly having to cut myself back. It's like I've been transported back to my school days. Once or twice I've dreamed of that time - reliving exams I've completed years ago and either missed or failed.
I don't sleep well, but I'm still here every day at seven o'clock sharp in the morning to fit in a few extra training sessions in both the simulator and the gym before everyone else. Maybe I'm just not admitting to myself that it's easier if I arrive before anyone else is sitting at their desk that I need to talk to. The team seems committed, but I notice that everyone is looking at me a little skeptically. The same questions that have been floating around in the newspapers for weeks and months are open and unhindered on their faces, but I'm not actually being asked any questions.
Sometimes I miss the people from Formula 2. In every phone call with Enzo, in which he enquires about my well-being or simply wants to talk about his latest flirt, I notice how my tense shoulders slump and a laugh escapes me here and there. Then another couple of hours pass before I sneak off to the toilet on the third floor, the one that nobody ever uses because it's on the executive level, and gulp down my lunch while closing my eyes and listening to a podcast over and over again.
I tried to get along with everyone, I really did. But after they only exchanged the bare minimum of words with me in the first week, even though I was only trying to make conversation, my enthusiasm waned a little with each passing day. At some point in week two, I brought home-baked cake, which two days later stood hardened and not a bit poorer in the kitchen in the same place where I had initially placed it.
The first few tests in the simulator always ended the same way: Either with in a virtual pile of tires or so slowly that no further comment on my driving style came except an "Again." As soon as I wanted to sit down at a table in the kitchen, everyone suddenly had to get up or was at the end of their lunch break - the only one who regularly stayed seated or called me over was Fernando. But as he's already in meetings for this week's car launch, I have to endure the emotionless stares on my own.
I don't know why I can't find a rhythm. Neither in the car nor with the people around me. I wouldn't normally describe myself as shy. Especially next to Max, I'm often come across as a ray of sunshine – currently I'm feeling more like a never-ending rain cloud.
I take the last bend and step on the gas on the last straight. Then I look at my time. Faster than in the last few weeks but nowhere near Fernando's recent driving. I exhale. "The virtual setup still feels a bit strange in the right-hand bends," I say and look through the glass front to my left, behind which two colleagues are hiding who have been assigned to observation duty - probably involuntarily. All I get from both is a thumbs-up and a fake smile.
My hands find their way to the harness fasteners and free me. My legs move to stand next to the car as if of their own accord. I look towards the ceiling and blink away a few tears before making my way to my next stop. Physiotherapist here I come.
"I miss Enzo," I say after I unbuckle the training tower cables after the last repetition.
"I know, but Sarah's great. I promise," Leonardo replies as he massages my calves. Then again, massage would imply something pleasant - this is true hell. I let out a quick "ow" as he tries to massage a knot.
"I haven't met her yet, maybe I should change that. Do you happen to know when she's due to arrive?"
"Supposedly next week, but you can probably imagine that after her honeymoon she won't be too keen to be physically separated from her husband again." He bends my foot in every possible direction and at the same time tries to work my calf muscles from all sides down to the deepest layer.
"I hope she's more like you. There are already enough people here who don't like me."
Leonardo becomes quiet. I sense that he wants to say something but is holding back. I don't blame him. He has been working for Aston Martin for two years and always talks about how happy he was when he got the job offer. I don't blame him for sticking to his colleagues rather than me. But at least I can talk to him about how I'm feeling at the moment - and sometimes he even sheds some light on things.
The vibration of my cell phone snaps me out of my thoughts. I briefly consider just leaving it and answering it later, but suddenly messages come in every second and I can no longer hold back my curiosity. I stretch to my right and reach for my cell phone. Messages from Enzo.
Have you seen what Mr. Oh-so-perfect just posted?
Below screenshots of Charles Leclerc's Instagram Stories. I'm starting to laugh.
I thought he drives for Formula 1? Like, as a professional? Or is he scared now that Lewis will probably be the new number 1 and steal his spotlight? I quickly type back.
I think it's going to be good music. Have you watched his videos of him playing the piano? I think I fall in love with those hands every time.
Is it possible you can't get that guy from last week out of your head? When did you start stalking Mr. Annoying? Since when is Enzo that interested in the Ferrari driver? Have I missed something?
I'm not stalking. I'm observing. For you.
Thanks, but as long as he's not driving right in front of me on the track and pointing the red back end of his car in my face, I'm not really that interested in him.
Oh, come on! He's cute.
I always thought you had to have talent to be a musician. But nowadays it seems anyone can release new songs. Well, if he goes the way he's producing next season, I don't have much to worry about. I am thinking about that option for a second. A grid without Leclerc? That would be my dream.
You're impossible - you haven't even heard his songs.
No need, thanks :P
A smile creeps onto my lips.
"Is there a friend we don't know about?" Leonardo teases me. I reflexively lock the phone screen and throw my phone back into my bag.
"No, a good friend." I don't want to tell anyone that I'm still in contact with my previous race engineer. I'm still not sure who I can and can't trust here. "Leclerc has apparently released music."
Leonardo laughs. "He's probably trying to build up a second mainstay in case Lewis does become primary driver in 2025."
"You've heard about that too, haven't you? Awesome." I wonder how openly I can speak here, but then discard the idea because I've never been someone who doesn't completely overshare with anyone anyway. "I'm curious to see how his move to Ferrari will play out this season. And especially what it could mean for Fernando."
"Has he spoken to you about it?"
"With me? We've only known each other for what feels like two minutes, I hardly think he's going to reveal his plans to me. But to be honest, I would totally get it. I don't think Mercedes is as bad as everyone thinks."
A moment of silence. Leonardo takes a deep breath, and I almost don't notice that he starts to speak.
I continue bluntly: "On the other hand, where is Carlos going? I think it's a shame for him. So much work, so much ambition, he was the only one who could at least halfway hold a candle to my brother. But maybe Mercedes is going in a completely new direction? So many questions all buzzing around in my head and somehow I can't talk to anyone about it, so I'm sorry if I'm making you feel too tired."
"Why do you feel that way? That you can't talk to anyone, I mean."
"Difficult subject. But it's been on my mind for a while. Both the Lewis to Ferrari issue and the fact that I'm always being ignored here."
"Emma, can I ask you an honest question?" Leonardo stops massaging my thighs and I sit up. He's looked so tense since our session started - maybe I should suggest he books a massage with his physiotherapist.
"Are you planning to go to Mercedes?"
Silence. I know for a fact that my expression is slipping, and a furrow is forming between my eyebrows. My eyebrows rise as if of their own accord and a neutral "What?" slips past my lips.
"If Toto Wolff called you tomorrow and asked if you would consider driving for Mercedes next year - would you...would you at least think about it?" Now Leonardo looks me in the eye with a serious expression. I shake my head and laugh.
"As if they would ask me."
"Would you?" he asks again with emphasis.
"I guess that's what it comes down to. If my team doesn't want me here, and, no offense, that's the impression I'm getting right now, why wouldn't I move to a structure where they obviously want me?" I haven't thought about the question that much myself - simply because the announcement of Lewis Hamilton's move to Ferrari only became public a week ago and caused quite a stir. I can well imagine that there are some drivers who are keen on the Mercedes seat.
Leonardo thinks about his next words, I can see it on his face. "My question is whether this is simply a stepping stone for you."
My heart stops with this question. I shake my head vigorously. "Oh my God, no, never. I was... I was so happy when it was decided that I could be part of your team. I can learn so much from Fernando and I think it will be good for me to move outside my comfort zone. My previous team was with me for some time, so a breath of fresh air is never a bad thing. At least I think so. If I had hoped for a better deal...", I raise both my hands and bend my index and middle fingers to make quotation marks, "...I would only have had to wait another year. Red Bull kept ringing my doorbell, but I didn't want to be associated with Max all the time. That's why I'm here."
Leonardo exhales, visibly relieved. "Try to be patient with the others. Everyone's been a bit tense since Lewis' transfer was announced, especially with Fernando. Now, everyone is trying to assess you. Whether you take after your father or Max or..."
"...or whether I have my own quirks? I promise, I have them." Suddenly it all makes sense. If the team can't be sure if I'll even be here when they're building the car for next year, then it's only logical not to invest 100% of their energy in something that's already got one foot out the door.
I turn to him and hold out my wrists. He reaches behind him and then presses two tennis balls into my hand - coordination training. I exhale in annoyance.
"If you just be yourself during pre-season testing, everyone will realize that you're an asset to us. I promise." I smile. Then I think of the heat in Bahrain, the left and right turns and the feeling of sitting in our new car for the first time. The sizzling feeling in the air. The smiles, the people, the anticipation. That really weird feeling in my fingers, my breath patterns and my heartbeat, when the first few laps start to feel less overwhelming. This thought puts a smile on my face for the rest of the week that not even the lunch breaks in the women's toilet can wipe away.
────ʚ [Masterlist] [Chapter III] [Chapter V (in progress)] ɞ────
Tags: @cmleitora
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istadris · 2 months
Finally watched the Lion King 2019 remake because it was on TV and I wouldn't have to look for it, and now that I have seen it, I can finally judge it by myself instead of listening to everyone else's opinion.
It sucks.
I'm sure if you never watch the original movie before or after, it looks correct. After all, the CGi is amazing (Timon and Pumbaa were the highlight in term of animation honestly) and Hans Zimmer's score, despite the modifications, still feel amazing.
But on it's own it feels so...bland and unsubtle. For a movie trying to more realistic, so many dialogues and moments felt so heavy-handed. Sometimes I felt like watching the Lion Guard, when they have to spell out everything to the audience.
Except the Lion Guard's audience is TODDLERS, and even then it has many moments with surprising maturity and logic from such a show.
Meanwhile TLK 2019 has so many moments "As You Know" moments where the character explains something that everyone present should already know and not need reminding. Or characters seeing a thing and instead of showing their emotions, explicitly saying what's going on.
Most of the changed lines felt so...bland and generic. Something you would expect from any typical movie.
To give you an example : the aftermath of Mufasa's death.
In the original, when Scar finds Simba, he asks him "what have you done?" In a cold, judging voice. But when Simba starts to panic from the guilt, he takes a mask of false comfort and understanding. Of course Simba didn't mean it, no one could...yet the facts are here. The king is dead, and if Simba wasn't there, he would still be alive. He just states it, and let Simba draw the awful logical conclusion (that he caused his father's death) before he adds concerningly "what will your mother think?" Again, letting Simba draw by himself the conclusion. The audience is in Simba's place for a moment as they answer the same question ; what would their mother feel if they knew they caused their father's death ? It's such an awful thing to consider, it leaves Simba disoriented and ripe for Scar's manipulation and pretend help. The only solution is to run, far, and never face the consequences.
And in the 2019 movie...once Scar finds Simba, he doesn't give him time to think by himself. Beating him (and us the audience) over the head about how Mufasa had projects for him, that he gave so much to Simba, and this is how he thanks him ? He insists on how he killed the king, how Bad that is.
It feels so off tone. Simba doesn't care about what Mufasa has for projects for him, he is crying because his DAD died !!! He's not caring about the consequences of the king's death, he's a child who just faced the most horrible situation in his life !!!
And they keep doing it so many times ! Many scenes of Mufasa with Simba are originally here to show that while Mufasa is teaching his son about the responsibilities of the throne, he first and foremost cares about him as a FATHER. The 2019 movie keeps insisting again and again on Simba's role as a king or future king instead of a character! Why?? Why not show more of the king's duties then ?? The rare times 2019!Mufasa has king duties, it's glossed over or even shows him disrespectful of his subjects (Zazu's pouncing scene being an egregious example).
In comparison, the Lion Guard shows again and again *what* being a king entails for Simba and his family : duties, responsibilities, political meetings, protection, judgement, social work.
The Broadway musical added scenes of "slice of life" like the Hunt to show what the lions are up to when they're not talking about being king.
This is what infuriates me most about this movie. It's NOT the only adaptation of the Lion King. The Broadway musical also adapted faithfully the story. But the difference is :
They adapted to the medium. What fit a musical was kept, what didn't was changed. What was kept was tailored for a musical with dancing humans as the characters ; the most obvious example are the costumes.
What they changed, they did it with an understanding of the original material. The added songs fit the original African themes and make sense in context. They gave more importance to Simba's inner conflict with an arc about not finding his place and songs that completed this arc; they gave more room to Nala's own arc, emphasising her sisterhood with the lionesses, her bond with the land, and her conflict with Scar leading her to the heartbreaking Shadowland song, as her love for her land forces her to leave to find help.
The 2019 movie wants us to have the original movie in mind all the time. Yet when they try to be original, apart from a couple of scenes, it falls flat because it doesn't understand the point of the initial scene in the first place!!
It's genuinely infuriating! It could have had it's own identity by exploiting the "live action" aspect more ! But even the cinematography feels worse !
I knew I wasn't going to like this movie, but gosh, I feel all the more furious that we have a perfect example of a good adaptation right there !!
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 2 months
Going further with the Eren + Nagito comparison, what if Nagito has another "revelation" of sorts. Wondering to himself, was it ever truly hope that he yearned so much for? Or was it freedom? A sense of autonomy and control over his life. Not a life dictated by the whims of his luck cycle, by the diseases limiting his body, and of course by some bitch mind-raping him into a despair addiction.
And this extends to how he treats his luck cycle. Finally reaching the conclusion that no, it has never been a fair balance and it has always just been Ultimate Bad Luck. Deciding that the "good luck" is just a bullshit illusion to get his hopes up and then be crushed again. So he goes out of his way to spite the cycle. Passing over and deliberately sabotaging every single bit of "good luck" that comes his way from there on.
"Fuck off, I'm not falling for that shit anymore. Go ahead, toss me all the bad luck you want. See if I care."
It would probably feel weirdly uncomfortable for the rest of Class 77. Because like...yeah, he's finally shut up about hope and luck and all that. But it also feels kind of wrong. Like the world has turned upside down. And a number of them probably realize that they actually do miss that sense of irreverent optimism. Which in turn would likely make Nagito even more irritable and lash out at attempts to cheer him up.
"If I recall correctly, all the time you'd say stuff like 'I wish that moron would just shut the hell up about hope'. And yet...now you're upset that I've taken your advice? Make your damn mind up."
The idea of believing in hope "in a healthy way" sounds good on paper. But like...I think it would take a very long character arc to come around to that idea. As far as Nagito is concerned (and let's face it he's not exactly wrong here), hope or fate or whatever spited him from the moment he was born. It doesn't smile upon him the way it does people like Makoto.
"No. Fuck that. I'm never going back to that lie. Looking back now...I was a slave long before I ever had a chain around my neck. It doesn't matter that I'm gonna die a miserable death. Nothing's gonna change that. What matters is whether or not I die free."
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This would be quite the intriguing concept to explore indeed though as you mentioned it would be a long work-in-progress for Nagito to open himself up again to believing in hope from this point.
Here's hoping that things don't end as tragically for him as they did Eren--though I suppose some argue that Eren did die "free" to an extent. Though really did he ever truly escape? I mean he died a Titan and there was really no way at all for him to be able to remotely have a normal happy life with how deeply involved he was with, well, everything. To that effect, at least Nagito in way has a shot of finding some sort of contentment in life. Yeah, he'll never be truly "free" from his luck the same as Eren will never be free of being a titan, but Nagito has time. As ironic as that may sound for someone with terminal illness, if there is a constant about Nagito's luck is that it does first and foremost ensure his survival (whether it's painful or not). Along with the fact that they really aren't any obligations or responsibilities he's tied (not in the way Eren had), Nagito is at least free to spend his recovery period well...recovering and allowing for introspection to happen. And, because of that, I do think at some point he'll be able to see some sort of reason to genuinely smile again and be happy despite his luck.
I don't think he necessarily needs to be hopeful for the future--because that could feel like you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Instead I think Nagito will do better simply allowing himself to find enjoyment and be happy in the present. He won't fool himself by claiming that everything in the future will be okay, but he won't let his bad luck continue to control him by sapping away all his happiness and making him an empty husk. After all, the freedom of feeling and expressing all the emotions he has, the good and the bad, isn't that really what he's striving for? I can't imagine a bigger "fuck you" to that chain of bad luck he was born with than living and enjoying life despite it.
He won't make plans but he'll enjoy the moments as they come.
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laylajeffany · 3 months
(hi I know you don’t know who I am, but I love your fic “Chaos For The Fly”.) sorry for this long thingy.
Hello, I’ve been reading your fanfic “Chaos for the Fly” I’m sure you’ve heard of it, Yeah?
Ok, good.
Well, I’m just over a chapter into writing my very first, ever (soon to be) posted fanfiction, and I was wondering something.
Feel free to say no, I won’t be upset… much.
But, I would very much like to “borrow” several of your OCs from Chaos. I just feel as though they are cannon to me and any OC that I come up with, would just be a pale, poor imitation of your characters. I mean, granted, they would still be pale, poor imitations of your work. Regardless of if you let me use them or not.
Like I said, feel free to say no, they are your creations and you did the work. All I would be doing is copying your homework but changing it enough that the teacher (readers) can’t tell that I copied off of you.
For real though, I wouldn’t be copying them verbatim. I’ll be altering the story to fit mine, but for the most part I plan to use most of their beforehand lives in the same manor that you did. Obviously, some of it will be different, and the writing will be astronomically worse, compared to your writing.
I will also be changing most of everything that happened after the new semester begins. But they will still be the same characters, for the most part and was wondering if I could use them.
Again, say no if you want. I haven’t actually gotten to the point in the story that I wanted to write them in.
So, don’t think I’ve already written stuff with them in it, and that you don’t want me to scrap what I have. I haven’t written anything with them yet, except for concepts and ideas for the story as a whole.
Also, obviously I will give you credit, for the use of the characters. I’m not that heartless. I will link your fic several, several times throughout my fic. And I will state in several chapter notes that I got permission from you.
Anyway, thank you for the fantastic fanfiction. I blame you for the heartache that’ll come with writing fanfiction and actually posting it. And have a nice flight.
List of characters I would like to use: Dr. Josephine Zypher (of course), Her girlfriend Emiliana Girard (that was how it was spelled right?), the snakes Altair and possibly Gus Gus (can’t not have them), Dr. Kerrigan Gallor/bug man, and And Josephine’s Grandfather Dr. Hugh Zypher. I might also use Mr. Harlow, but I haven’t decided yet.
(PS. I’m only halfway done with Chaos, but I just had so many ideas that I wanted to start writing. So for the future, if someone says I’m copying your fic, it’s cause I probably wrote it before finishing chaos. I will state that much while posting my fic, but it may come up idk. Also, I’m trying to find the time in my days to write and read. But so far, I suck at time management.)
(PPS. I totally didn’t create a whole AO3 account, tumblr account, and Reddit account just because of your fic Chaos inspiring me to finally kick my butt into gear and actually start writing some stuff AND posting them. Instead of just writing crap and keeping it to myself for years and years. TYSM love your work. ❤️)
Wenclair for life!
I’m always content to encourage other writers and say that I am cool to share the toys in the sandbox. I’m glad that I have inspired you to write. First and foremost, I would hope that whoever is borrowing my original characters is not making any sort of profit from their writing, as I firmly do not believe in charging readers for fan works (ko-fi, a patreon or commissions for fic).
However, I’m not sure why you would want to borrow my OCs if you want to change them around? At that point, wouldn’t you just want to develop your own original characters if the ones I created aren’t going to serve your writing needs? I really don’t know why you’d want to use someone else’s OC and make it your own version of that original character when you could just make your own OC.
I also really don’t think you should just write a copy-change of someone else’s fic that you are planning to post? Like if you’re doing that to practice writing and keeping it in your own space, that’s one thing, but I think it’s pretty bold to copy-change and post someone else’s work with your own spin on what is already a fan work. I’m not sure I understand this. I ultimately don’t care. I won't read something featuring my OCs that I didn’t write, and don’t promote works that I don’t read so...whatever happens, I honestly probably won’t see it unless someone brings it to my attention.  I'm glad my fic has inspired you to write, and wish you well in that endeavor!
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birlwrites · 1 year
sorry for bothering you with the asks *again* but could you tell us something about how the power and influence might change under regulus' rule? also it's so funny to me how the dark network is still holding a grudge towards the weasleys, tho tbf i would too
you are not bothering me at all!
so, the first and foremost thing is: i don't know the details. i know very bare bones, but i find it pretty useless to try to outline details super far in advance because i always end up changing things as i write depending on what fits, and then i reach that far-off point and the story bears only the vaguest resemblance to what i thought it would be when i outlined that part
but i can say this: regulus is waging an ideological war, not leading a revolution. he's not in this to overhaul the ministry or anything like that. he has 2 very specific goals, and yes they're sizable, but he's not *in* this to gain absolute control over the country. he'd be so bored with just telling people what to do. he needs to solve a little puzzle to figure out how to make them do what he wants. if regulus had absolute control over wizarding britain he'd probably start a war with france just for something to do
so as things stand, i don't see any big changes to the general structure of magical society. behind the scenes, the most important thing is coalitions in the wizengamot that will support regulus's policy agenda, with great power comes great ability to ruin people you don't like, etc.
the war is also a PR game because you're looking to change the public opinion such that anyone in the future who tries to start another war over this same damn thing will be laughed out of the room. when you tell other people what to think, some of them will swallow it and some of them will fight back. so you have to lead them to your conclusion, letting them think they're reaching it of their own accord. that means that seizing control of the country is Not a great move because then people are on high alert looking for despot signals
(which is why evan, heather, and lily are so important - the former for their skillsets, the latter for, as regulus says somewhere, proof of concept.)
but mostly once regulus wins the war, everyone who supported him gets the bonus of him not trying to tear them into pieces
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thompsborn · 1 year
for the writing meme!!
““Look, just…” Harley shakes his head again, this time with his eyes averted towards the counter. He grabs the cup of coffee he made, then pushes it across the counter, towards Peter. “Here’s your coffee, okay?” He won’t look up. He won’t look at Peter. He won’t look. “It’s on the house.”
“I can—” Peter stops, because what? What can he do? Because he can’t tell the truth, that’s for sure, but he can’t keep lying like he has been, either. Weakly, he just says, “I can… I can pay for it.”
Harley just murmurs, “It’s fine,” before grabbing a rag and starting to wipe down the counters.
Peter hovers for a moment, feeling the need to say something else but having no idea what to say, before resigning himself and spinning on his heel, limping his way towards the door. Bitterly, he finds himself thinking, Strike three, you’re out!
As he walks, he feels Harley’s gaze settle on him again.
He doesn’t look back.”
omg okay i could do a whole DVD commentary for all of homeward bound and it would be a thousand pages long and i would love every second of it but i will focus on this scene as much as i can !!
i apologize now because this gets QUITE rambly
so, this snippet is part of a very important scene in a very important chapter. chapter thirteen is unlucky thirteen and it's a turning point for peter, who has been struggling, sure, but has been on a steadily uphill climb ever since the anniversary of may's death, which was his lowest point in the fic so far. he's been struggling, but he's been getting better. he's been struggling, but he's still been healing, too.
but he's been hiding a lot of himself - he's so terrified of spider-man ruining what he has after already losing everything he had before. so he hides it, but he's so tired, too. he's been through so much and he's never been a fan of lying, or been very good at it, either, and he's so bone deep exhausted and he trusts his friends so much - harry gwen and harley have quite literally saved him, they have pulled him out of his dark spiral of isolation and given him something to look forward to every day after he spent ten months completely alone. he loves them and he wants to be honest with them and he trusts them as much as he trusted ned and mj, maybe even more, and lying to them hurts but he feels in the deepest part of his heart that it's necessary.
so he lies. but he lies badly, because he doesn't want to lie at all.
the stakes are rising, as well - his investigation is turning more serious, now that he knows for a fact that this team up of mob bosses are looking to kill spidey, and that motivates him even more to keep his friends safe, to keep them away from spider-man.
there's something to say about the fact that peter has kind of separated himself from spider-man. "he's spider-man before he's peter parker" is a sentiment that i've written into the fic at least once, and that's because, to him, peter parker is lost - he was lost when he was erased from everyone's memories, and his priority became spider-man and only spider-man, and it's only when he started going to ESU in the hopes of having a future that may would be proud of that he starts to give peter parker the light of day again. harry gwen and harley have found peter parker and are pulling him out of the dust and the rubble and are trying to dust him off but to peter he's still spider-man first and foremost, because that's where he feels he's needed most and where he'll make the most impact and be the most helpful. he sees spider-man as his only good in the world - so long as he can prevent spidey from hurting his loved ones again.
that's a bit besides the point.
the stakes are rising, and his friends are closer to spider-man than he'd like them to be - more so gwen and harley than harry. gwen has been helping him with his investigation under the guise of it being about may's death and harley has been nonstop questioning why peter is hurt all the time, while harry, who still cares for peter, of course, has been refraining from pushing for answers ever since the anniversary of may's death, where he pushed for answers only to be told about peter being an orphan twice over and completely alone and harry realized (this is a little bit of insight into harry's head, something that will happen more later in the series) that pushing for answers he isn't ready to hear, answers that peter may not be ready to give, will only result in hurting both of them. of course, he then hears from gwen that her and peter had an argument over the investigation and peter not wanting gwen to be a part of it anymore, but gwen only tells harry it's about something she can't tell him about when he asks, and it pushes at his buttons, because he's never really had friends before (something that will be explained more in depth later in the series, as well) and he's trying his best to be a good one but he feels like he's being left in the dust despite being the first one to befriend peter in the first place - which is when he calls peter, tells him that he needs a break from the lies, and hangs up.
all of this is building up to the snippet you sent in, anon - the argument with gwen, the phone call from harry, the bad day that he's had after getting a bad grade and losing his wallet and rebreaking his ankle thanks to frederick following him, everything mixing together and creating a peter that's so TIRED and wants more than anything to be able to tell the truth without putting anyone in danger but knowing that the truth is inherently dangerous and...
and he goes to the late night latte.
harley is a comfort to peter and has been for quite a while. something about harley just makes peter feel closer to peace than he normally does, makes him feel safer than he normally does - when after having a bad day, it's just natural for him to want to go to harley.
but harley is upset, too - because peter lies. peter is always lying. harley can tell when he lies, can see through him every time, but he doesn't know the truth, either. he can only assume and the assumptions he makes, no matter how hopeful he is while making them, all spell bad things. harley wants to HELP peter, because there's something about peter that draws harley to him, something familiar and enticing and harley wants to be close to him, wants to know more about him, wants to know EVERYTHING about him.
(harley's perspective is properly explored in the sequel - the first chapter of which i already have like 1/4 of written)
this snippet shows harley battling between fighting harder and giving up. it's harley becoming resigned to the fact that peter isn't going to tell him the truth and not wanting to fight over it again. it's harley wanting time to think things over and debate what he wants to do about it next.
it's peter not knowing what to do - knowing he's fucking things up by lying but still believing that the truth would only be worse.
in a way, it's the calm before the storm.
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minniepetals · 1 year
Hello, Minnie! I hope you’re doing well. Disclaimer: This is NOT me trying to rush you in any capacity whatsoever! I just want to let you know how very much I look forward to your work.
I’m so incredibly excited for the next chapter of CMAR. I check the app daily to see if chapter 18 is posted, but I’m never disappointed. The longer it takes, the more excited I get. I’m normally a silent lurker when it comes to Tumblr, but I always find myself back on your page re-reading your works. You are an amazing author! I can never get enough of your stories. Have you ever thought of writing a book? Because I would buy that with NO hesitation! Keep up the good work, and best of luck with your education. It’s hard work for sure, but you can do it!
aww, you're so sweet oml thank you so much bub!! unfortunately at the moment i'm putting cmar on hold in order to open up commissions. there will be more information about it in an upcoming post probably in a few days. it'll probably take a month or two before i can put myself back into cmar again but i gotta put my financial needs first and foremost.
as for actually publishing, haha i've thought of it and maybe in the far future, i'll actually write and publish a book but for now, we're stuck here with our boys trying to figure out the next path of the chapter. i honestly feel so honored you're saying you would buy my book without hesitation because what the frick?? you're so sweet and it just means my hard work is slowly paying off im gonna cry 🥺💗
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rnisa · 2 years
Hi! Have a great day/night! I was wondering if I can get a Death Note match-up? It's my first time requesting something and I'm not the best at English so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes aaa (◞‸◟;)
About me, I'm about 5'2. I'm a girl, questioning and any pronouns would be fine to me but I mostly goes by she/her. I have dark brown eyes and long (very long I must say) black hair – I usually tend to braid them whenever I go outside. I'm an INTP-T. There are very few people that I actually find comfortable hanging around with. I feel uncomfortable when somebody is clinging to me too much, especially boys but I'm ok with my close friends. I talk a lot with the people that I'm close with, if not I tend to be very quiet. I'm not really into PDA, only if my partner wants to but I wouldn't go as far as kissing, I like holding hands tho. People whom not that close to me usually describe me as quiet, cold and kinda mysterious (That's how I really am with strangers😦) but with my friends, they said that I'm unbelievable lazy and that I'm such a clown. Except for my brother, I can never get close to boys, I'm very shy and nervous around them (don't get me wrong tho, I literally nervous around most of the people I've met but I just feel more nervous around boys than girls). I'm not very good with words so whenever I comfort somebody I just like- being kinda strict you know? But that's just how I show my caring side, if not, I just stay by their side and ask what they need to make sure they're okay🥲 If the person I comfort isn't that close to me, I'll just stay quiet and silently comfort them. I'm overthinking a lot and then get embarrassed of myself for whatever things I do, I'm pretty insecure, too. I know a very little about myself, sometimes I don't even know what I want to do or how I should feel, I can't even understand me.
Aaa It was too long! I'm sorry, whenever I feel like talking about something I talk a lot😭. Anyways, be lucky, stay safe and healthy! I love your writing❤
˖ ⁺ .︶꒷꒦︶︶꒷꒦︶︶꒷꒦˖ ⁺ .˖ Awwh, absolutely! And never apologize, your English is perfect! Anyone who can speak more than one is an amazingly dedicated and strong person. You're fantastic! I pair you wiiith...
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Near! I think the two of you have a lot in common. If you like to take things slow, that's exactly how it's going to go with Near! The two of you would be perfectly content hanging out with each other in pure silence. Neither you nor he is in any sort of rush, so you both somehow are content with the others' pace. It would take each of you plenty of time to warm up with the other, but it would greatly pay off.
By "comforting being strict", it only reinforces the idea that you're a very logical person, and I think Near would love and appreciate that a lot. Even if it means you giving him a stern talking to once in a long while.
It's not a problem if you have our own insecurities...Near has plenty. He finds your embarrassment cute, and he will never fail to gently tease you about it.
Overall, I can see you two going well together. You share similarities with Near, but you still maintain your own very separate personality.
The only thing I could see him wanting someday in the future (when you become comfortable) is the PDA. I'm not talking like...anything that nobody should have to see; I mean he just wants to hold your hand, play with your clothes (like tugging or biting on your sleeve, instead of his own), and be around you.
The relationship would be wholesome, calm, relaxing, and with no drama. Because you both are so grounded as logical people, there would rarely be any arguments. Unless it's something very serious and possibly dangerous, there will be few times when you disagree. You're more like best friends who just happen to be also dating, but first and foremost, best friends.
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vonkarma2 · 1 year
9 13 & 19?
9. What is one of your character's theme songs?
Very difficult to pick just one this is so much pressure. Does anyone have like only one song associated with them like a side character or something. Ok I couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t embarrassing so Im dodging the question. To make up for it here’s a playlist I made of ed ideas like if it was an anime these could be the ending song. Or an ending song if it was the same as like dorohedoro where they had a bunch of different ones 
13. Which OC do you make art/media with the most?
I think it’s actually Angel, like Rocio used to be the OC I drew by far the most but I actually think I draw Angel slightly more these days or at least like in terms of drawings that take more than 15 seconds. Probably bc there are more poses and outfits I can draw him in + expressions I can draw him with, whereas Rocio only does this 😐🧍and wears the same thing like every day of their life. But yeah he’s super fun to draw and I actually have written some things from his perspective as well which I also think is fun :) he has like a unique perspective like within the characters because of his personality and backstory. I feel like I haven’t shown like the negative sides or what he’s like enough so far though so I’m looking forward to doing that in the future 
19. Who is your most recent OC?
So I think like I’m not going to count people as an oc if they don’t meet the qualifiers of 
-Having a name -Having a solid defined storyline and/or personality -Having been drawn or written abt more than once By this metric I haven’t made any new ocs in a while 😔 I’ve done like character designs but none that have really stuck, probably because I like already have a lot of established ones that I’m focusing more on yk. Like there are a lot of storylines I already have, so I feel like a lot of dynamics + types of characters I find interesting are already covered, and I usually don’t really need to make new ones. Usually my motivation for trying to make new characters is like an aesthetic or tone I think would be interesting but that’s not really enough to base a whole character off of yk. I’d like to come up with more ocs bc I like designing characters but yeah I think I’d like to focus more on my older ones for now. Maybe I’ll try to come up with new like main ocs if/when I finish writing out their story. I feel like the side stories will be in minor character limbo forever bc I don’t really have a story with them and also bc I was picturing them as a comic or visual novel which I would never finish in a million years. Whereas I think I could eventually finish writing something yk.
But anyway time to actually answer the question <3. Actually now that I think abt it it’s probably Connor Armitage collab with @lycanthrology . Does he really count he like canonically exists (long story short he’s another character’s shitty absent father) but doesn’t ever appear or get directly mentioned or anything. Absolutely 0 relevance to the story at all. Also he might not count because Ive never drawn him + I don’t think anything had been written with him.
Before that it’d have to be Dominic Ortega from meat city which is also a collab with various people including @zipmode whose art you should check out <3 (the other people I’m not going to tag here because idk their usernames on this website). First and foremost he is a rabbit furry. But also he’s like an old man who used to be a lawyer but got incredibly tired of his life and so moved to meat city and became an evil wizard instead. Carnomancer specifically bc yk meat city. He likes creating monsters for fun and unleashing them among the populace also for fun, main goal is to escape boredom in life + find some kind of connection even (especially) if it’s negative. He used to have a sort of friend in thr form of James Bianco who was like. His Jesse Pinkman. But unfortunately he was accidentally killed horrifically, and Mr. Ortega’s (Im not on a first name basis with him it feels weird) attempt to resurrect him instead created a mindless zombie which eventually gained an entirely new intelligence. This person’s name is Rico theyre like their own character but the question didn’t ask to explain them as well so I’m not going to <3. But the two characters do interact I might give them like a goal they have to work together to accomplish that might be fun to write abt. But yeah he was created May 2022 so that’s when I have most recently made a new character.
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haloguyfttp · 2 months
More Penacony spoilers cause I need to vent, this time about a certain "choice" at the end.
So I did some googling and found out you can in fact leave near the end, the part right before Aventurine reveals Robin's corpse. BUT, for some reason, it only leads to a "fake"/bad ending akin to the Herta Space Station one where you can choose to stay on the station.
I fucking hate this because this is so poorly written. When you leave, the assumption is clearly that you're turning away from the "truth", whatever that may be. That's why it gives a bad ending where you "defeat the IPC's evil plans and celebrate!". But what baffles me is that this ending does not consider my actual reason for wanting to leave: I want to find the truth, and without Aventurine nor the IPC.
Black Swan has stated she's on your side regardless, and we still have the Express Crew. Stellaron Hunters are seemingly aligned with us, albeit in a twisted way. What I'm getting at is why is the immediate assumption that we fail. This is why I hate this segment so much. They want Aventurine to be important so badly, but I just straight up despise him and believe we don't need him nor the IPC.
All of this points to the same issue I have with how the Stellaron Hunters and specifically Kafka's story is going, and something I've recently been burned on thanks to a certain other extremely popular anime ending late last year with the same theme: Inevitability. They've done everything short of outright saying "Hey, your choices and thoughts don't matter. You must be strung along our game like a puppet, or else the story simply ends in failure."
This isn't a character being pessimistic. This is the writers' room saying "Follow our exact plotline because we said so." Which is fine, I mean ultimately yeah they have a certain story in mind. But don't fucking punish me when I choose a contrary option that you gave me, yet refuse to actually expand upon.
What's my ideal? Well make a 2nd plotline for resolving Penacony without Aventurine. I have no fucking clue what's gonna happen in the 2nd part of the story, nor what will happen after Penacony. But I highly doubt that Aventurine is so integral that we can't replace him or better yet, maybe the writers can give our MC a brain and figure it out ourselves.
And if he is that important, well guess who's gonna be far less excited about any future HSR Main Story updates because I fucking hate him.
PS: I completely forgot while ranting, but the whole point Kafka's made is that we are crucial to Elio's script, whatever that means. If Penacony ending in "failure" leads off script, why aren't they there to fix it? I didn't mind this in the Space Station bad end because that was clearly a joke. This one isn't a joke, it's effectively a threat that veering off course means nothing. Again this wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact they're explicitly punishing you for making a choice THAT THEY GAVE.
(Also if someone sees this with the idea of reblogging or replying or whatever telling me why I'm wrong and actually Penacony's story and bullshit cliffhanger is perfect, I do not care. This is a rant post first and foremost. I'll get over it eventually. I do not need contrary opinions here. I am shouting into the void because I'm pissed about a gacha game's story development.)
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  Through the Bible with Les Feldick LESSON 3 * PART 1 * BOOK 50 Once, By His Own Blood Hebrews 8:11 – 9:14   We left off in Hebrews chapter 8 verse 9. But to get a good understanding of where we left off let’s start with verse 7. I think Hebrews was written by the Apostle Paul. We know it is first and foremost directed to Jewish believers. And that’s why it’s called the epistle to the Hebrews. Consequently, there is not one word in this whole letter to the Hebrews that is what we would call the body of Christ or the Church language. You will find almost nothing that pertains directly to the body of Christ. In other words, you don’t see the term "The body of Christ." There is not that emphasis on salvation through faith alone in the death, burial and resurrection. And there is certainly no reference to pastors, bishops, deacons and elders in Hebrews because again, it’s not directed to the Gentile Church. This letter does not address the body of Christ as such, but all the things I trust we’ve been learning now over these last seven or eight chapters are fundamental truths on which the body of Christ rests. Even Romans chapter 3 when Paul says: Romans 3:21 "But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets:" So everything is a progressive revelation and Hebrews is one of those sections of Scripture that, even though it’s not directly addressed to the Gentile body of Christ, it shows us the fundamental truths that were so necessary for our Gospel to come about. We also find that in all of Hebrews there is this constant comparison of that which was good (was in the past), to that which is better (is now). In fact, back up to verse 6 - what’s the first two words? Hebrews 8:6a "But now…" In other words, that which was past is past but now, see? Hebrews 8:6b "…hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, (see, that constant comparison and ) by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, (Better than that which was before, the old covenant) which was established upon better promises." I really love this! Yes, the Law was good. Judaism was good as far as it went, but now, that has faded off and folded up like an old garment and now we’ve got things that are far better. Now verse 7. Hebrews 8:7 "For if (conditional) that first covenant (the Covenant of Law) had been faultless, (if it had been perfect) then (there) should be no place have been sought for a second." That stands to reason doesn’t it? Again, "If it ain’t broke - don’t fix it." It’s only when something is amiss that we dive into it and make corrections. So Paul says: "if the first had been perfect, there’d be no need to correct it." But it wasn’t. It was fleshly and weak. Hebrews 8:8 "For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold the days come, saith the Lord, when I will (future) make a new (better) covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:" Now that’s not addressed to the Church. The new covenant, even in Jeremiah (we’re going to look at it after a bit), was never addressed to the Gentile Church; it was addressed to Israel and we’ll look at that. Oh if only people could separate Israel and the Church, how the Scriptures would just open up to them. Hebrews 8:9 "Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord." Well, we went through that explicitly back in chapter 3 especially, when we rehearsed their unbelief at Kadesh-barnea. And what did the Lord say? "They entered not because of unbelief." And the warning is even for us then, don’t harden your hearts as they did - keep trusting. Now verse 10 for something totally fresh. Hebrews 8:10 "For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, (after all the years - 1500 at the time Paul writes this, So that after all those years) saith
the Lord; I will (future tense) put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will (future) be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:" Now they haven’t been that since way back in Old Testament history when the Shekinah Glory left the Temple. Remember when God was speaking to Daniel and said, "Thy people." Why? Because they were no longer God’s people, they had turned away in unbelief. But the day is coming when once again they will be the people of God, and we’re getting closer and closer to that day. Now let’s go back to Jeremiah 31, and see this New Covenant in its original setting. And then you’ll readily see that this has no direct - indirect, yes - but no direct bearing on the Gentile Church.This is a covenant that God has made with Israel not to be fulfilled of course, until Christ returns. Jeremiah 31:31 "Behold the days come, (a promise for the future) saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:" See how perfectly the Apostle Paul quoted this? Jeremiah 31:32 "Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant, they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD." When God gave the Law to Israel, and as we’re going to see when we get into chapter 9, He gave them the Tabernacle and the whole sacrificial system of worship. He gave them the priesthood; my they had everything going for them. God was present, remember, in that pillar of fire by night and the cloud by day. For forty years after they had rejected Canaan, He fed them in the wilderness. He provided the water, provided everything they needed. And yet, what did the Nation of Israel do with it? Rejected it. They spurned Him for the most part, see? And so, because of their unbelief, this covenant of Law became nothing but a broken covenant waiting for the day when this new one will take center stage. Alright, now verse 33. Jeremiah 31:33a "But (See there’s that flip-side again. Oh they just scorned the first covenant. But) this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD,…" In other words, after those days of unbelief and of breaking the original covenant, the Mosaic Law, After those days, saith the LORD:) Jeremiah 31:33b "…I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; (not on tables of stone but He’s going to literally implant it in the heart of every Israelite, and then what will happen?) and (I) will be their God and they shall be my people." Now I’m going to just read on because there’s some good stuff in here. Jeremiah 31:34a "And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour,…" Do you remember back when Moses gave the Law, what was the instruction to every Jew? Teach it, and teach it. Memorize it, memorize it. When you get up in the morning, think on the Law. When you go to bed at night, you think on the Law. And it was just constantly programmed into their thinking. But you see, when this becomes a reality, which will be, of course, when Christ returns and sets up that glorious Kingdom, then Israel won’t have to constantly be reminded because it will just be implanted in their very being. Looking at the verse again. Jeremiah 31:34 "And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more." What a promise! Now verse 35. Jeremiah 31:35 "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and the stars for a light by night, which divides the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name:" In other words, the God of Creation. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He’s speaking. And now look at the promise in light especially of the Middle East scenario today (2002).
Many people think that Israel should be driven into the sea. But what does the Scripture say? Jeremiah 31:36 "If those ordinances (the sun, moon, and stars) depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever." Alright now then, if the sun and moon would suddenly quit shining. If the stars would suddenly fall out of their position, then it’s possible Israel would cease to be a nation, but not until. Jeremiah 31:37a "Thus saith the LORD; If heaven above can me measured,…" And what’d we just hear again in the news this last week? They found another galaxy of some billion-trillion years out into space. Well that’s just a guess, but what does that tell you? How vast the universe is. Human science can’t measure it. But God says: Jeremiah 31:37b "…and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the LORD." So if all that could happen then Israel might cease to be a nation, so it’ll never happen. Now I know most of us who are Biblically oriented are real concerned about the situation in the Middle East. It almost looks as though the life of the Nation of Israel is slowly but surely being snuffed out and I was just reading in the Jerusalem Post again last night where a lot of the Jewish people actually think that. They think they’re about to lose their country. No, they are not. Now they’re going to be squeezed. They’re going to go through some terrible times and the Old Testament prophecies that it’s going to come to the place where they will stand totally isolated. All alone with no one to help them, but they’re not going disappear.And so we can take comfort in that, that the Word of God is steadfast and sure. And they are there. I trust they are there as a part of the end-time scenario now and it just tells us that the Lord’s coming is getting nearer. I made a big mistake back in 1993 - I thought that, by the end of the millennium, the Lord would return. Well, I didn’t set it in concrete, but I shouldn’t have even said that much because we can’t even speculate. Remember when I told you about the cartoon I’d seen about the end-time. The old boy sitting outside his cave door and above he had written ‘The End Is Near." But then he had second thoughts and he added "er." "The End is Nearer." And so that’s the way I leave it today - the end is nearer than it was yesterday and it’s certainly a lot nearer than it was when Israel first declared themselves an independent state in 1948. But we can see that - all the ramifications of the world, the turmoil, the perplexity, the wars. Somebody called me on the phone the other day, and again I have to respect what people tell me and I didn’t ask for a documentary of it, but he had heard someone give a lecture that right now today, there are 50 wars raging around the planet. Fifty. Well, I knew it was well over 40 the last I read in one of the news magazines. But just think about it, fifty wars are raging. Forty-eight of them involve the Muslim people. And so we find ourselves in a world that’s in turmoil. And it’s not just politics, it’s not just economics, it’s religious. If you’ll go back into history, you’ll find that most of the turmoil all the way back was usually, not always, but usually based on religious differences. But the Nation of Israel in spite of all the pressure; in spite of all the gloom will never again cease to be a nation. So lets look at verse 37 again. Jeremiah 31:37 "Thus saith the LORD; If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also search out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the LORD." But it’s not going to happen because this New Covenant is a covenant set from the eternal Sovereign God and He will never go back on His Word. Alright, back to Hebrews chapter 8 verse 11. Hebrews 8:11-12 "And they (coming back to Jeremiah
31:31) shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. 12. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more." Here again, you and I in the human realm cannot comprehend the Grace of God, even concerning Israel. My, God should have cast them out of His thinking centuries and centuries ago. They have no reason to still be in God’s favor. They’ve been a rebellious people, an ungodly people. In fact let me take you back to another verse, go all the way back to II Samuel chapter 7 and it just shows the mind of a merciful God. God has never changed. He has never even had a thought of casting away His People, Israel. Even as Paul says in Romans 11, "hath God cast away His People?" God forbid. Don’t even think such a thing. That even though they had rejected Him and crucified Him, yet God has not cast away His people, Israel. Alright and the promise begins way back here in II Samuel chapter 7 verse 14 where God is addressing King David and He tells David concerning the Nation of Israel: II Samuel 7:14 "I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men;" In other words, in another place, Isaiah speaks of people coming in with a language that the Jews couldn’t understand. They’d be overrun by their Gentile enemies. But that’s not going to stop God. He said, "I will chasten them with the rod of men and with the stripes of the children of men." Verse 15: II Samuel 7:15a "But (even though they are iniquitous and steeped in unbelief, yet God says) my mercy shall not depart away from him,…" Now go back to Exodus chapter 33 verse 19. And don’t forget these things. These are the very words of the Eternal God. And it’s nothing that men or nations or governments can ever change, it’s set in concrete, as I like to so often express it. Exodus 33:19 "And he (God) said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, (that is before Moses) and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; (Now here comes the promise.) and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy." If you’ll remember when we were teaching in Romans several years ago, I used the analogy, it’s just like someone who has stepped out in the bright sunlight and these things just come down upon him, but God retreated and He retreated into His Sovereignty. Even though men may have just exclaimed "No way!" But God retreats into His Sovereignty, He is Absolute, and in His Sovereignty what does He say? "I will show mercy to whom I will show mercy. And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious." Nobody can change that. He’s Sovereign. And though we as mortals can’t understand some of these things, we have to remember that in His Sovereignty God can do whatever He wants to do even though we as humans may sometimes think it’s ridiculous. But from His Sovereignty, never. Now, Hebrews 8 again, verse 12 - with what we’ve just been seeing from the Old Testament, for God says: Hebrews 8:12a "For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness,…" Even though they’ve been a wicked and an ungodly nation. You go back to the Old Testament and you wonder how God ever put up with it. And never forget the vast majority then, as now, even though they were ‘religious,’ they didn’t have saving faith. And I’m always going back to Elijah when he confronted the prophets of Baal. That’s probably the clearest explanation of the spiritual level of Israel. And here most of Israel had fallen down and worshipped Jezebel’s god, Baal. And you know the story, and when Elijah confronted them and the fire from Heaven lapped up all the water that Elijah had put on his sacrifices and God instructed him to kill the prophets of Baal, which he did. But then he got the message from ole Jezebel, "that tomorrow at this time he’ll be as dead as my priests of Baal are."
And poor old Elijah did what? He ran and he ran and I always like to make it graphic. He was more than a marathon runner. He was triple that. And he ran all the way to the Negev. That’s a good hundred miles. And then he gets down under a juniper tree and I would imagine he all pooped out. Scared to death. And what’s he say? "Lord, take my life, I’m the last one left in Israel. Take me and forget about the nation." And what was God’s answer, "Elijah, I have seven thousand that have not bowed their knee to Baal." And we think, well that’s a pretty good chunk of people - seven thousand. But out of an average population of 7 million, 7,000 is one tenth of one percent. Even in Israel, that’s all that were remaining true to Jehovah. Well, it’s never been much different. At the time of the flood it was less than that. There were just eight. And I feel there were four billion people on the earth at the time of the flood. Eight people. That’s all. And now another graphic illustration. When you get into Acts chapter 1, after the Lord has been ministering to Israel, up and down the dusty roads of the little nation and they come together in the upper room, how many were there? A hundred and twenty. Now I have to feel that that was most, if not all, of the TRUE believers in Israel concerning Christ. A hundred and twenty after three years of His miracles and His ministry. Then we wonder why people don’t listen to me or you? It’s always been that way. We can never expect much from the multitudes, at least I don’t. That’s why I’m tickled if people call and say we’re going to get twenty people together, will you come? Sure I’ll go! Because I’d rather have twenty true believers who are really concerned as to have a whole stadium full that want to be entertained. But you see, it’s always been that way. God has always had to settle for that tiny little remnant. Alright in the couple of minutes we have left let’s look at verses 12 and 13. Hebrews 8:12 "For (God says,) I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more." Now stop and think. Can you and I forget something that has happened in the past? Not very likely. Not if it’s made an imprint on us. We can try our best but you cannot forget it, it’s there. And as you go through life something will just trigger it and there it’s back. But what about God? He can. See, God can forget. And that’s the precious promise that when He forgives, He forgets. He doesn’t throw up our past. Our own memory will, but God won’t. And always remember that God doesn’t hold (I don’t care how black the past) that against us. He has forgotten it. Well, He did the same thing with Israel. And so then verse 13 in the few seconds that are left. Hebrews 8:13 "In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old, (like a garment that’s ready to be folded up and cast aside.) Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away." Well, what’s He still trying to impress upon these Jewish people? That the old system of Law and the old religion of Judaism is now worn out, it’s past, it’s done and they’re to look for something totally new.
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
If you're plate isn't too full, can I request a couple of fluffy hc's about Albedo with a photographer! s/o? Like, his s/o enjoys taking pictures of the environment and etc, and even take pictures of Albedo whenever he just does stuff, and Albedo enjoys sketching then whenever they just do a whole picture spree- they even exchange pictures too
Yes, my plate is too full and I'm confused why you guys don't see the request closed thingy in my description. But does it look like I care? No, I miss writing for Albedo and you're getting Albedo NOW-
Sepia Times
Albedo with a Photographer!S/O headcanons/scenarios... (event masterlist)
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Ever since Fontaine released their newest device called Kamera, you had been so adamant in getting ahold of one that you ended up going on a travel spree to the said nation. Not even waiting for the shipment to Mondstadt, you left a quickly written note of your whereabouts before you left.
Spontaneous as ever, Albedo thought to himself as his grip on the note tightens with worry.
Luckily, three days later, you hailed from the Hydro Archon's land with your newest prized possession in hand. Triumphant and giddy, both of your lives changed drastically from there.
Albedo first and foremost, almost dismantled your Kamera. Actually he may have already done so behind your back, he was just caught the last time. He was really curious of its machinations and wanted to reverse engineer it.
He only ever lived because he was fast enough to reassemble it and show you that it still works. If not, you were already charging at him to throw hands. You did not travel for three days just for the Kamera to be broken. Whether he found what he was looking for or not, he's not allowed to touch it until he gets his own when the supply reaches Mondstadt.
Knowing your excitement, Albedo takes a sudden day off to accompany you in your Kamera spree, his own canvas and easel under his arm to also channel his artistic energy.
In just a day you managed to take 20 pictures, about to run out of film in just a day. Everytime you snap a picture, you gravitate to where Albedo is stationed to show off what you got like a crow and its shiny rocks. He finds it very endearing, stating his honest honey-covered opinion that makes you overjoyed enough to energize you to snap another, better picture.
The Alchemist sees the appeal of the Kamera and how immediate the replication of the image is. But he still glorifies the art of painting. He may not be able to capture constantly moving subjects but he can capture any detail he wants emphasized unlike the limited rasterization of a photo like that.
He watches you from afar as you skip over to different places and objects, face blooming with wonder as you position your device to snap. He dons a smile when you pull out the photo and wait for the image to materialize, and produce a chuckle when you sprint over to him to show the product. It's like your routine you developed in just a day.
So at times when he needs it the most, he will steal borrow your Kamera to snap a quick picture of something fast moving that he needs to observe immediately or wish to sketch/paint in detail in the future. One of the photos he had hidden for himself had a picture of you in your natural photographer environment as you dash around to look for a scene to capture while you wait.
What's it for? Well he made it into a more intricate painting during his spare time, presenting it to you with the little image taped at the top right corner. It was so beautiful that when outsiders were to see it after they were granted to access his office/laboratory, they always ask for the price for it. Something he adamantly refuses with the coldest glare the Alchemist can make. The negotiations usually end there.
Whenever he was far and you couldn't follow, like Dragonspine for example (the Kamera was still in development so cold temperatures might risk both the device and the processing), you always send him a picture for his thoughts. Either by asking Sucrose, Timaeus or the Traveler if they were en route to his camp, of course.
As you send one to him daily, Albedo started to look forward to your little mail every time. They range from very beautiful sights he hasn't seen before, images of the people of Mond who looks to be greeting him, or of you and the things that would remind him of you.
He keeps a haphazardly strewn journal for it, and in his camp was a board of his favorite picks, and all images of you are tacked on it. The Traveler enjoys watching his cold teal eyes light up whenever he brings the daily image, watching the picture board grow as Albedo tacks the latest one in with obvious pride and joy.
When he comes back to Mond, he brings with him his most beautiful piece from Dragonspine. You'd know it's special because everything is painted in detail, even the most unimportant parts of it. It's his gift for your little photo exchange and you have it put up on wall somewhere in your house.
When he gets his own Kamera, it was his turn to drag you to his photography spree. A little one-sided competition happens between you two where you try to one up the quality of his pictures, sometimes successful and sometimes you don't really... understand what he's doing, as he captures the strangest images.
Albedo uses his solar isotoma when you want to use it for better angles. Very supportive, as you'd hear a snap from beneath as you position your own Kamera.
The whole of Mond muses at both of your antics; as you two would most likely do the finger frame thingy impulsively when seeing something worth the attention, the people around you would chuckle at how cute you two looked, focused on your own little world.
He always gifts you extra films or anything related to photography when he can. Since he barely has time to go out sometimes, he has many backup gifts in bulk to whip out if ever he wants to pamper you with his material affection. Albedo is hyperaware of your hyperfixation and will always bring films the moment you run out, like foresight.
You can barely understand Albedo, despite the closeness you two had, he was still an enigma in most occasions. This was one of them. He had been binging on photography lately and everytime you look through the photos he captured, it didn't really make sense. The most random pictures that you wouldn't even dare use a film on strewn here and there, sometimes the photo is even cut off, and you'd think it was a mistake until he started organizing them in a system only he knows.
When you finally gathered up the courage to ask what all of it was about for, you were given a smile as cryptic as his album.
But as he pulls your hand with an excitement you've only seen when his chemical solution produces the expected buff, you somehow deduced that today would be the day you'd find out what the heck he was up to.
"It took longer than I expected it to be," he says as he starts unlocking a room in the Knights of Favonius HQ that you've never been in before, "but the end result was worth it."
Your confusion only grows as you were met with a face full of hanging pictures, most of it you recognize. Leaning over some and looking up on the higher ones, the amount of string and the confusing way they were set up, amazes you still with the amount of effort he had been using on such a big project.
Your untrained eyes loosely guess around 1000 films used for this.
The glass double doors that makes it way to the balcony opens loudly behind you. "Come here," you turn to see Albedo's silhouette open his arms against the setting sun behind him. "You're supposed to look at it from this distance." His arms engulfs you gently when you moved over, sending a gentle squeeze before he turns you back around to see the hanging pictures.
You gasp.
The depth and the splash of colors from this distance, aided with the sun, turned the hanging collage into an expertly placed collage as it shows you the bigger picture: a mold of your face of the first sketch Albedo made when you first met each other. The angles and colors measured to the dot to capture and replicate your beauty.
You feel his lips kiss the back of your head as you stared in awe.
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Impromptu Albedo fluff yey
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